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The Prime Mishloach Manot: Sending Mishloach Manot through Amazon
By Rabbi Moshe Greene
We live in a time of wonders and modern conveniences Few of us can say that we are not using Amazon to get something or other for our home As we approach our ancient chag of Purim, I would like to pose the question, does one fulfill the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot with a food basket bought and sent by Amazon before Purim that arrives on Purim?
In order to understand this question we need to have a deeper understanding of the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot We find two basic approaches for the reasons for this mitzvah The first approach is the Terumas Hadeshen (Siman 111) He explains that the idea of Mishloach Manot is to ensure that every Jew is taken care of and provided with food for their Purim Seudah The alternate approach is the approach of the Manot Halevy (Esther 9), Rabbi Shlomo
Alkabetz, author of the Piyut of “Lecha Dodi” we say Friday night He explains that the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot is to enhance friendship and camaraderie between fellow Jews by giving two Manot/portions one to the other on Purim
This question is disputed by the Kaf Hachaim (O”C Siman 694:16) and the Aruch Hashulchan (O”C Siman 695:17) The Kaf Hachaim writes that if someone sends Mishloach Manot before Purim and it arrives on Purim then the sender is Yotze the mitzvah. However, according to the Aruch Hashulchan the person is not Yotze The sefer Berurei Halacha (1:32) explains that the dispute between the Aruch Hashulchan and the Kaf Hachaim is based on the dispute between the Manot Halevy and the Terumas Hadeshen The Berurei
Halacha says that the dispute between the Terumas Hadeshen and Manot Halevy affects if the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot is focused on the recipient or is it focused on the sender According to the Terumas Hadeshen, the primary concern is for the recipient to have food for the Seudah, therefore as long as he has the food by Purim the mitzvah is fulfilled
According to the Manot Halevy, the most important point is for joy and camaraderie to be created on Purim, therefore if it is sent before Purim the sender is not experiencing that joy on Purim
We try to be stringent for both opinions We want Purim to be a day where every Jew is taken care of for their Seudah and for everyone to have an opportunity to experience simcha through giving to their friend
A Freilichin Purim!
Tetzaveh Stats (Exodus 27:20 - 30:10)
• 20th of 54 sedras; 8th of 11 in Shmot
• Written on 179 2 lines in a Torah, rank: #33
• 10 Parshiot; 2 open, 8 closed
• 101 pasukim - ranks #35 (#8 in Shmot)
• 1412 words - ranks #35 (#8 in Shmot)
• 5430 letters - ranks #32 (#7 in Shmot)