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RabbiAsherKlei n

RabbiAsherKlei n

“What unique joy do you experience as an administrator at HAFTR on Purim?”

The miracle of Purim led Klal Yisrael to recommit their devotion to Hashem and His Torah - na ' ase v 'nishma Overcoming any challenge requires sincere dedication and persistence For the Jews living in the kingdom of Achashverosh, that manifested in their renewed faith in Hashem through acts of teshuva and tefillah After the nearly catastrophic decree was removed Klal Yisrael was reinvigorated as they reconnected b'achdut performing the mitzvot of Purim Ultimately, this resulted in genuine feelings of simcha, happiness, elevating the Jewish people to a level of contentment that was unique and everlasting Serving as an administrator in HAFTR, I have witnessed many students dedicate themselves to their goals, overcoming challenges with incredible persistence and motivation Purim is about fostering the spirit of joy in our lives and we are grateful for our students' passionate determination and commitment which has enabled them to reach their potential while enhancing the feeling of true simcha around us


“What has been your favorite student costume that you have seen over the years?”

When students dress up like their teachers and faculty members we are always impressed with their creativity and respectful humor Our students’ admiration for their teachers is on display as they emulate them and perhaps aspire to be in their shoes one day!

“What unique joy do you experience as an administrator at HAFTR on Purim?”

I always enjoy when my talmidim would come over to my house and bring mishloach manot on Purim. It is so special to sit down and sing with them and enjoy those great, genuine, out-of-school moments with them

“What has been your favorite student costume that you have seen over the years?”

I always love the costumes that are the two-person costumes like the horse costume with one student being the head and the other the tail

Limudei Kodesh Coordinator

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