HAFTR Happenings November 2020

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HUMANS OF HAFTR Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

‫ זצ״ל‬,

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MIDDAH OF THE MONTH PROGRAM As a tribute to the memory of Rav Dovid Feinstein




Early Childhood, Lower

School, and Middle School have joined together to launch and

EC Early Childhood News • P. 4

implement a Middah of the Month program. Each month, students will learn about a specific middah in their Judaic


Studies or Gemara classes and engage in a team building game putting this middah into action. This month, all the

Lower School News • P. 6

students are focusing on the middah of empathy which was epitomized by the actions of both of these rabbinic figures.


We are confident that this program will inspire a lot of emotional growth throughout our entire school community.

Middle School News • P. 8

HS High School News • P. 10

MESSAGE FROM HAFTR PTA It’s been a busy month for PTA. Our hot lunch and pizza program is running smoothly, and students' tummies are being filled with delicious food. The PTA sponsored the Lower School virtual Shabbat Project challah bake, which was amazing. Thanks to all who joined the meaningful and fun experience, and to Gabrielle Stricker for teaching us some amazing challah braiding techniques. Thank you to the Brodsky, Gitler, Jeter, Kern, Preston, Strauss, and Weinrib families for sponsoring. Thank you to Shari Marcus for running the super successful PreChanukah Boutiques. Our Thanksgiving Bake sale, led by Tamar Weinrib, was a new format and also a success. We enjoyed our school wide Rosh Chodesh Kislev treats - Chanukah Gelt for the students and sushi for the faculty and staff. We are looking forward to many upcoming activities including our virtual book fair, our first Mom’s Night Out cooking demo, and lots of Chanukah festivities! Thank you to everyone for your continued support!

Candice Feiler & Tamar Scharf, PTA Presidium

h a f t R e g is t e r.or g /m r a t om s n ig h t/


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In lieu of a dinner this year, HAFTR and the HAFTR PTA have joined forces to host a live, eight hour telethon in honor of our HAFTR Heroes - our staff, faculty, and administrators; and the incredible effort they have put forth in the last few months. We are looking forward to highlighting our divisions, featuring our students and their talents, showcasing our alumni, and spotlighting some special grandparents!

There will be raffles throughout the show, and Grand Prizes awarded as well!

Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals are live! As you get great deals, please consider donating prizes to the HAFTR Dinnerthon raffles. We are looking for gift cards, electronics, or other prizes to raffle. If you'd like to make a donation toward a prize, please contact Benny Gross.

More details will be forthcoming.

Help Support HAFTR! Sponsorship Opportunities Available For more information, please contact Benny Gross at 516.524.5366 or begross@haftr.org


Eas y Ac COV cess to ID F A orm ll s!

HAFTRÂ has launched a mobile app for the school with resources, easy to find links, notifications, and more.

You can download the app from the App Store or Google Play for free by searching for HAFTR.

Customize your experience by selecting which groups you want to receive notifications from.



The weather has begun to change, and the leaves are turning vibrant colors

On Tuesday, November 3, all Americans over the age of 18 years old

including red and orange, the colors our

were eligible to vote for President of the United States. The

Toddlers are learning about in class. The

students loved learning about the roles of the President, who the

colors, textures, and fragrances of Fall

candidates were, filling out their own ballots, and waiting to hear

have been coming alive in our

the results! We discussed that it is our job as American citizens to


vote for our president and that every vote counts! We talked about one choice not being better than another; that everyone is allowed

The children painted colorful trees and

to have their own opinion on which candidate would be a better

leaves. We explored all the beautiful

president. Just like in everyday situations, our friends might not

colors and shapes of the leaves. We also

agree with our own wants and choices, and that’s ok. At the end of

examined pine cones, tree bark, and

the day, we are all friends, even if we have different opinions.

even cracked open an acorn. During storytime we read several books about

Each class then held their own elections. Some classes voted on

the Fall: “When the Leaf Blew In” by

their favorite snack, and others voted on their favorite activity. Each

Steve Metzger, “Full of Fall” by April

child voted in private and understood their vote was to remain a

Pulley Sayre, and our favorite “Tap the

secret! We were so

Magic Tree” by Christie Mathson. Using

impressed that not one

our flannel board pieces we counted five

child spilled the beans

leaves on a maple tree, reinforcing

on what they voted for!

colors and simple arithmetic.

Some of the winners were veggie straws, chocolate

Morah Leah sings lots of Fall songs with

pudding, playground time,

our talmidim and talmidot.

and music!

One of the favorites is “Mr. Fall Has Come to Town.” The children pretend to be “Fall”ing down and whirl and twirl like Mr. Wind!

The entire Early Childhood Center has been very busy getting ready for the very special holiday of Thanksgiving. Without giving away too many surprises, days have been filled with painting, cutting, weaving, and beading. We think our projects are masterpieces! Our Pre-K classes have also been working on the concept of patterns just like the Native Americans used long ago. Ma’agal discussions have been centered on new and exciting words like tom-tom, tipi, turkey, Pilgrims, Native Americans, the Mayflower, corn, and more.

Learning about the holiday opened up some interesting


conversations about being thankful. What does it mean, and what are we thankful for? Family is definitely the most popular answer.

We read, “The Thankful Book” by Todd Parr a few times, which was a great reinforcement for the children. The children also personalized a booklet entitled “I am FULL OF THANKS on Thanksgiving!” with their own illustrations.

Speaking of feasts, the class feast on Tuesday was exciting and delicious! The children had turkey slices, corn, and noodles, and the classes baked their own corn bread and muffins. Not a crumb was left! Thank you PTA for sponsoring our feast.

TORAH COMES TO LIFE The HAFTR Early Childhood children walked into class a few weeks ago and couldn’t believe their eyes! In honor of Parshat Vayeira, in the middle of Morah Fran’s classroom, stood a four sided “tent”. They ‘dwelled’ in Avraham Avinu’s tent for many activities and even held their Ma'agal in the tent throughout the week. They davened, had meetings, learned the Parsha, listened to stories, played with toys, and had lunches and snacks in the tent! The classes walked around the HAFTR campus and scouted out the various tents, and counted how many sides each tent had open.

Although this year may feel a bit different, the students learned about welcoming guests into our homes. The Morot led interactive discussions on “How We Can Be a Good Host/Hostess” and “How We Can Be a Good Guest.” The yeladim created lists of ideas for each category and charted the results. We are sure that Avraham Avinu and Sarah Imanu would be very proud of their great answers! They would also be proud that the children internalized the lessons of the Parsha, inviting a guest of their own into their tent, HAFTR Early Childhood director, Morah Cyndy Goldberg! Morah Cyndy joined some of the Early Childhood classes on


Wednesday. They practiced their Hachnasat Orchim, welcomed her warmly, offered her the most comfortable seat in the classroom, and offered her a snack and a drink. Morah Cyndy was such a wonderful guest! She brought snacks to share, and read the children two books! The visits ended with the children telling Morah Cyndy, “We hope you come back, again!” The teachers did not pass up the opportunity to impress upon the children that Avraham’s mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim teaches us that each of us is one of Hashem’s bright “stars” and one of His strong grains of “sand.” This message carried through to a conversation that being Jewish also means being part of a group. We belong to our family, our class,

Click to see Morah Cyndy reading to the yeladim!

our shul, our neighborhood, and Klal Yisrael. Hachnasat Orchim teaches us one of the principle middot of HAFTR - to be a caring People. Hinay matov umanayim, shevet achim gam yachad!

LOWER SCHOOL Click the images to see the virtual gallery created for all those who could not attend.

On Tuesday night, October 27, fifth-grade artists celebrated at their long awaited Evening of the Arts program. Typically a culmination of the fourth grade year-long study of music and the visual arts, regrettably, the event was one of many cancelled last year.

We could not accept that the tireless efforts of our students to prepare for this event would go unfulfilled. Instead, we pivoted without pause, and turned the event into a COVID-friendly affair. This year’s program transformed Washington Avenue into a magical garden filled with lights, music, and art. Each student, with his or her special guests, arrived at scheduled intervals to walk through and experience the galleries. Student artwork, inspired by artists from the fourth grade curriculum, decorated the landscape.

“The staff and kids truly put in so much effort, and tonight could not have been more incredible. We are so lucky that in these trying times, we get to have events like this, that bring us so much joy. Thank you again for all your hard work and dedication. We are truly blessed to be part of the HAFTR family,” shared parent Chani Jeter.

The extraordinary arts staff, Mrs. Janet Goldman, Mrs. Jill Goldstein, and Mrs. Royce Maron, do an exceptional job inspiring HAFTR students and instilling in them a love for the arts.

The event was in part sponsored by Charles and Elaine Stieglitz in honor of their grandson Noah Stieglitz.

#BringShabbatHome was the theme of this year’s world-wide Shabbat Project, celebrated both in school and virtually from home, with schools and communities around the world. Throughout the week, teachers

built up to the excitement of

Shabbat Parshat Vayeira through lessons in a variety of curricular areas.

TZEDAKA Each month we collect tzedaka and donate to a

Kindergarten students designed beautiful napkin rings to adorn their Shabbat table. Fourth grade boys reviewed and practiced reciting Kiddush. Morah Bashi’s fifth grade girls learned about the mitzvah of hadlakat neirot and brought home laminated cards with the bracha and tefillot that follow. Rabbi Weiss’ fifth grade boys enjoyed hot cholent donated by the Abikzer family while singing the zemirot they have been learning. Every student received an apron they decorated during


The Shabbatt Projectt



Third grader # Ari Hiltzik brought a

tzedaka box

to school to an activity in school. The PTA sponsored a festive Shabbat style lunch on Thursday,

which of course included kugel.

collect for Leket Israel,

a charity and As a school community, families joined a virtual Thursday night Challah Bake led by

Gabrielle Stricker. PTA President Tamar Scharf recited the hafrashat challah bracha, and tefillot were said for a refuah shelaymah for many cholim. While the dough was rising, Robin Maron facilitated the projects that were sent home, including decorating a birkon holder and a birkon for every student. The Shabbat Project was sponsored by the PTA, Brodsky, Gitler, Jeter, Kern, Preston, Strauss, and Weinrib Families.

Click for pictures from the event

The cool temperature and overcast weather could not dampen the spirits of our second grade students as they received their first chumashim. Chagigat Chumash is a major milestone for HAFTR boys and girls, and despite guidelines limiting some activities, this was still a memorable event. Students and their parents walked down the aisle as their names were announced. They were met by their teachers and presented with their personalized sefer Bereishit. The students received special treats and projects while a photographer captured the beautiful moments.


In preparation for the event, students created Torah frames for their pictures. Upon returning home, each student decorated his/her Chumash cover, which will be used to protect their precious sefer. The excitement was palpable as the eager talmidim/talmidot opened their chumashim for the very first time to learn Torah, and joined Rabbi Feigenbaum for a presentation on how a Sefer Torah is made and written.


‫' טוב להודות לה‬

Despite these uncertain times, we have much to be thankful for. We are thankful for our amazing students who run into the building each day, happy to be in school and proud of their accomplishments. We are thankful to our wonderful parents

We would like to thank event sponsors Irene & Andy Goldberg, in honor of their granddaughters, Liv Kramer and Ava Luger receiving their Chumashim. Cindi and Zohar Siri, sponsored in loving memory of Avigail Siri, z”l, savta of Jessica Siri. She was a true eishet chayil and role model for all young women, and may we continue to strive to be as selfless and loving as she was.

who trust us to keep their children safe and continue to partner with us in everything HAFTR. We are thankful for the most professional staff who eagerly come to work each day ready to create an adventure for their students.

Kindergarten students expressed their appreciation by building a gratitude tree. Each student wrote what they are thankful for on a leaf that was placed on the class gratitude tree. Click here to read Watch a special video made for the event

about what our Kindergarten scientists have been learning about Thanksgiving during science with Live Stream

Morah Dale.

First grade students celebrated finishing their first writing unit just in time for Thanksgiving. Boys and girls partnered with their peers, sharing their small moment stories. They


feasted on turkey cookies they created, sang songs, and shared in a Thanksgiving read aloud, ‘Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving, by Dav Pilkey.

Happy Thanksgiving and Shabbat Shalom!


SIXTH GRADE STUDY SKILLS Sixth grade students received support and class-wide instruction in study skills, and a class devoted to

There’s electricity in the air at HAFTR Middle School as students build electrical circuits and light LEDS, lightbulbs, and buzzers. Our sixth graders are busy using the periodic table to spell out their favorite words, and our eighth graders are learning the ins and outs of physical

learning how to manage and navigate Google Classroom. Additional support is offered to students through executive functioning sessions with Mrs. Sarah Borodach, Coordinator of Student Services. Students are becoming true pros at using Google Classroom with ease!

computing with our brand new Sphero robots. So far they can program them to go bowling and move in predetermined patterns, and they can’t wait to learn more!

“GOTCHYA” BOARD We are pleased to say that our “Gotchya” Board, where students who exhibit positive behavior have their names displayed, was positively teeming this month! We held a raffle are proud of our raffle winners, Jacob Benaltaba, Shiri Cohen, Nathan Solomon, and Zach Wiener, who will be rewarded with a special treat. We are impressed by the good, kind, caring, and positive acts committed by each student on the board.

MIDDLE SCHOOL JUDAIC STUDIES Middle School students have been engaged in several new initiatives in the Jewish Studies department. We recently launched a school wide Tefilah Kriyah program. Students are being tested by their Ivrit and Chumash teachers on their kriyah fluency for each tefilah. This will empower students’ confidence when leading Tefilah. In addition, to compliment this initiative, every Rosh Chodesh all the students are learning about the spiritual significance and meaning of specific Tefilot. On Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, classes delved into the meaning of Modeh Ani and Ma Tovu. On Rosh Chodesh Kislev, they learned about the significance of Adon Olam and how to achieve the mindset that Hashem is our true master. We look forward to continuing both of these programs throughout the year.

MOVEMBER MOVIE PARTY In order to help raise money for Achiezer, the Middle School is holding their Movember Movie Party event. A container of popcorn kernels was placed in front of the office for students to analyze. The students then visit the new HAFTR Middle School Student Activities page and give tzedaka for the chance to submit their guesses of how many kernels are in the jar. The student who guesses correctly, or closest to the correct number will be able to watch an approved movie in a class of their choice.

There's still time - you can give as well!

SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING The Advisory program is in full swing at HAFTR Middle School! As part of this program, small groups of students in each grade are paired with a faculty adviser, and meet with this adviser throughout the school year, enjoying conversation and hands-on activities. Dr. Yali Werzberger, the program director, explained “school connectedness, where all students feel that they have a connection with other peers and adults in the building, is associated with numerous positive outcomes for students and schools. We are excited about the positive ripple effects this program has on school culture and student academic, social, and emotional development.”

The first advisory session had students establish and identify group norms which will drive future meetings and conversations. Students engaged in a team building activity with the faculty advisor asking a number of “Never Have I Ever” questions, with students standing up in response to the things they have experienced, and remaining seated for those that they have not. Engaging conversations about the ways in which we are alike and different followed, creating a sense of unity and interest in others among students.

During their second advisory session, students learned about the power and importance of gratitude, learning that people who are grateful are happier, have greater social support, and even do better academically. Students were each given a leaf, where they listed three things that they are grateful for. These leaves will be hung throughout the building reminding us how much we have to be grateful for!

HIGH SCHOOL VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE HAFTR High School welcomed eighth graders and their parents from neighborhoods around Long Island, Brooklyn, and Queens to participate in its first ever Virtual Open House on Sunday, November 15. The engaging and interactive program included live questions, raffles, and more!

The live Virtual Open House program began with engaging student and administrator presenters. HAFTR senior Ellinore Hazan passionately spoke


about her strong connection to the school and how the warm environment, teachers and college guidance counselors helped pave the way for her to activate her potential and her future successes. “Our teachers aren’t here solely to teach, but to create strong relationships with the students,” she shared.

Principal Ms. Naomi Lippman, Associate Principal Dr. Joshua Wyner, Dean of Limudei Kodesh Rabbi Yitzchok Riselsheimer, and Mashgiach Ruchani Rabbi Yisachar Blinder discussed the warm and inclusive school culture, close kesher (connection) of staff and students, and excellent academics of HAFTR High School.

Rabbi Riselsheimer noted that “the kesher our students have with our rebbeim and morot is created in and out of the classroom. We have designed our Limudei Kodesh curriculum to empower our talmidim and talmidot to be challenged, involved, and excited to learn in a meaningful way.” “Our academics and Torah learning are extraordinary, and our guidance and mentoring programs are breathtaking in scope and substance, but there is one more ingredient that makes us such a wonderful and successful yeshiva high school: our unique school culture. Our students are imbued with a love of Hashem, a love of learning, a love of Israel, and a desire to achieve their own unique potential as dedicated, religious Orthodox Jews,” Ms. Lippman stated.


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KISLEV TEFILAH CAMPAIGN This year, we have introduced a new position to further advance our goal of enhancing students’ spiritual connection to Hashem, spirited fulfillment of mitzvot, and simchat hachaim.

Blinder ,

Rabbi Yisachar

Rebbe of our Beit Midrash

learning program, has joined our Rabbinic leadership team as Mashgiach Ruchani. Rabbi Blinder has infused HAFTR High School with positive energy and thoughtful guidance, complementing the initiatives that our Rebbeim and Morot have introduced such as our weekly Kumzitz and Kugel program, with zemirot, divrei Torah, HAFTR kicked off this year’s season of Model Congress in a new

and spiritual inspiration.

fashion on October 22. Rather than hosting the competition in person, this tournament took place virtually. Students debated a national mask mandate, legalizing marijuana, abolishing a transgender military ban, veteran housing, and more. The tournament was attended by students from HAFTR, Chaminade, DRS, SKA, SAR, Flatbush, Lynbrook, and Ezra Academy. At the end of the tournament, junior AJ Solinsky received first place, and juniors Devorah Gottesman and Abby Rabinowitz tied for second.

Rabbi Blinder recently announced a tefilah initiative for the month of Kislev. “The Gemara tells us there are four things that require chizuk, and davening, tefilah, is one of them. It is so important to start our day with inspired tefilah,” he shared. Rabbi Blinder and the Judaic Studies leadership team came up with this idea to

Following the success in October, on Wednesday, November 18, HAFTR hosted its biggest weekday Model Congress tournament, with seven chambers, 60 students, and 80 participants including judges and presiding officers. The virtual format for the tournament gave students an opportunity to compete with many other schools. In fact, students from nine schools from New York and New Jersey

encourage small modifications that can affect our students’ entire day. “We are hoping to help our students understand that davening is integral to our day and infuse them with greater understanding and appreciation for tefilah,” he said.

participated, including: DRS, Ezra, Flatbush, HAFTR, Lynbrook, Maayanot, SAR, SKA, and TABC.

This month, our boys and girls are focusing on saying all the words of Shmoneh Esrei.

“The new Zoom Model Congress format has really expanded the HAFTR competitions,” said Coach Alex Libkind. “Before, we were limited to just competing with students within driving distance to HAFTR; now we can expand our program to students in New Jersey

Every day our Judaic Studies faculty sends out a video explaining one of the brachot, creating a combination of education and putting it into practice.

and hopefully beyond.” After tefilah, the students complete a The students tackled some of our nation’s toughest issues. They wrote bills prior to the tournament, researched their perspective on key issues, and then debated topics including federal minimum wage, abortion, sentencing minimums, Section 230 of FCC, an ecigarette ban, and veteran mental health. The tournament was full

form, being accountable only to themselves. They are entered into a daily raffle for free lunch, Thank You Hashem swag, and lots of other prizes. Anyone who logs a full week gets a free breakfast!

of spirited debate from both sides of the aisle, and we are proud to report that HAFTR students represented our school very admirably. Congratulations to the winners: 1st Place tie, juniors Devorah Gottesman and Lulu Morse and senior Jordana Mastour; 2nd Place, junior Jesse Muller; 3rd Place tie, sophomore Deborah Becker and junior AJ Solinsky; and 5th Place, junior Mikayla Corney.

The students are very excited about the initiative, and there has been an excellent response so far. Participation is increasing every day, and the positive energy in the building is palpable!

FRESHMAN TRANSITION ACTIVITIES “We have created a culture of warmth, kindness, caring, support, and achdut (unity) at HAFTR High School,” shared Principal Ms. Naomi Lippman. This culture is established even before our freshmen walk through our doors on their first day. Once they start ninth grade, our guidance team immediately takes them under their wings. The high school has conducted a series of activities and programs over the last few months to facilitate friendships amongst students and relationships with faculty.

Dr. Tara Klestzick, school psychologist, said, “Our main goal is for students to feel supported in their transition to high school. With the pandemic, and all the added stress this year, it is more important than ever that students build connections with mental health and guidance staff, so we can assist them as they face new and unfamiliar challenges. We also recognize that socialization opportunities are limited right now, and we are trying to give students a fun and needed break as well as space to talk and connect to each other in a meaningful way.”

Dr. Klestzick and school social worker Mr. Elie Hirt have been running freshman lunches where the mental health staff, guidance counselors, and Rabbi Blinder, our Mashgiach Ruchani, meet with small groups of students for a pizza lunch. The students get to know each other while playing a game of headbands. Mrs. Alyssa Schechter, director of Student Life, and Ms. Ilona Diamond, coordinator of Student Programs, led freshmen in a fun, hands-on activity in which they tie dyed masks. They sat in socially distant, small groups with students who are not in their classes, so they could get to know each other, and then played a team kahoot of HAFTR trivia.

The guidance team has been visiting ninth grade classes to run a program discussing time management, motivation, study skills, and stress management techniques. The students have been sharing their own methods that work for them, and making stress balls to help a little more!

Team members also meet with each ninth grade student

individually, to learn about how they are adjusting, and make sure they know the people in the building who are here to support them in their transition to high school.

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