EROWA RoboDoor 3
Fully monitored – for use on all machining centers
System solutions from one single source
Outside diameter
EROWA AG 056268 e/10.07
Any existing and new machines can be fitted or retrofitted with EROWA‘s Universal RoboDoor at favorable costs and with a minimum of fitting work.
Fitting boreholes, lateral
Lower edge, mounting plate Fitting boreholes, bottom
Outside diameter
ER- 0 5 3 1 0 0
O rd e r
t a b l e Width B (clear opening)
Height H (clear opening)
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 950 1000 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
x x
x x
Special dimensions on request Switzerland EROWA AG Knutwilerstrasse 3 CH-6233 Büron Tel. 041 935 11 11 Fax 041 935 12 13 e-mail:
Realized sized = shorter lead times
EROWA Group Business Network: a member of ORENDA Holding Ltd. Technical modifications reserved. Registered trademark of EROWA AG; Copyright © EROWA AG; for a number of products of EROWA AG, patents have been granted or are pending.
Outside diameter
inside diameter H
inside diameter B