Grade 9 Computer Studies Edwin Parr Composite High School Instructor: Mr. Byers Room: 212
Course Outline Welcome to Computers 9 In this course you will be introduced to a variety of productivity and multimedia software. Almost alll of the software we use in the course will be available for you to download for free... so that means you can do some of your work from home; and even better yet, you can show your friends and family what you’ve been working on! We’ll start off the year with some basic computer concepts, such as OS navigation and operation, keyboard short cuts and keyboarding. Later on we’ll take a look at Digital Imaging, Animation and 3D CAD. During this time you’ll learn some of the basic principals behind animation, graphic design and working in a 3D environment. After we’ve worked with creative content we’ll look at office productivity software, such as word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software. You’ll use this software to create a digital portfolio in combination with the creative software that we used earlier on in the semester. We will also spend time learning how to create web pages from scratch and with the use of online site creation resources such as Google Sites
Course Outline Key Concepts you will learn in this course:
Computer Operations (both hardware and software) Safe use of the internet and internet browsing How to access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies Development of an understanding of the role technology plays in regard to self, work and society The moral and ethical problems that we face with technology How to hone your skills as a consumer of mass media Use organizational processes and tools to manage inquiry Animation Digital Imaging software and peripherals Office Productivity Software Keyboarding Digital Story Telling Website Creation Introduction to 3D CAD
Course Expectations Once you have been assigned a project you will be expected to use all the time available to you to create your project in a diligent and professional manner. The product of your project must reflect community standards and ethics. All projects must be presentable to an audience of teachers, administrators, parents and peers. Your instructor will show you what software and equipment you will need to use, and how to use it. Your instructor will also demonstrate the principles that apply to your project(s). However, if you are unclear about any segment of your assignments then you must ask the Instructor for assistance. The same applies to using any of the equipment, whether it is software, computer equipment or peripherals. As in any course you will be expected to follow the school rules. Here are some rules you will need to follow in this class:
•Food and drink are not allowed in the classroom. •Online gaming is not allowed in the lab. •No Cell Phones or Hats are allowed in the lab. •Inappropriate language, racist comments or bullying will not be tolerated in the lab. •No online Chat rooms, I.M., or Forum are permitted. •Anyone caught tampering with software, hardware or peripherals will lose their computer privileges. •No checking your personal email. •Come on time, work hard, have fun!
Course Evaluations In this course you will be evaluated in 4 ways. First you will be evaluated on the accuracy of your work, marks from assignments and tests will make up most of this evaluation. Second, you will be evaluated on how you work. This means you will be grade on how well you demonstrate your understanding of concepts in class. In other words you will be graded on you hands on work. Third, you will be grading yourself. As the course progresses you will submit evaluations of your own work after each assignment is completed. You will also submit a daily evaluation as to how your work is progressing. Lastly, you will be evaluating your peers. Everyone in class will get a chance to evaluate their peers performance and work for different assignments throughout the year So how does all this work? Well, some evaluations are strictly there for your own personal growth and understanding. Just because an evaluation doesn’t have a grade attached to it, doesn’t mean that it’s not worth something. Of course there will be many instances where you will receive marks. Here is a break down of your marks: Daily Assignments: 20% Projects 40% Exams 20% Final Project 20%
Course Supplies Pen Binder Loose Leaf Blank paper or a sketch book (you can get them at the dollar store, drug stores, walmart etc... they cost about $3) Pencil Ruler Eraser You may want to bring a blank CD in later on in the year so you can burn your finished projects to disc, or you may bring in a flash drive as well. These are optional of course and will not be provided to you.
Please have your parent or guardian sign the course outline below Student Name: Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: