Hagi hagianti 755340 part c final

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HAGI HAGIANTI 755340 Manuel Muehlbauer


C.1.1. C U L T U R A L S Y M B O L I S M “A N Y A M A N” M A D U R A, E A S T J A V A, I N D O N E S I A As a response to the cultural diversity in the Global Village, cultural symbolism will be the first concept to contribute to the final detailed design. The cultural symbolism concept is inspired by one of Indonesian’s handycraft technique called “Anyaman” (woven) from Madura Island, East Java, to make daily products such as; tables, chairs, lamp’s frames, mats, baskets, wallets, hats, etc. The materials used usually rattan, bamboo, and coconut leaves because they are flexible, easily to be bent, lightweight, but strong, solid, and environmentally friendly1. This technique can create unlimited patterns on the surface where it is made on. Its flexibility can follow any forms that want to be made. This “anyaman” technique can also for a big form such as a chamber or even a house’s wall. This technique is often used as Indonesian’s traditional house, especially on the wall part, as an aesthetic feature but does not lose its rigidity and strength, and also it gives a natural breeze into the house, due to the hot weather in this tropical country.

1. https://ragamhandicraftrajapolah.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/asal-usul-anyaman/

Chamber’s wall with “Anyaman” technique http://bandung.bisnis.com/foto/view/20110201/21799/foto-penjual-bilik-bambu-ciparay-kab-bandung

Some examples of products with “Anyaman� technique http://nisarosyidatun.blogspot.com.au/2011/09/seni-kriya-adalah-cabang-seni-yang.html http://www.pulsk.com/250999/Anyaman-buat-tangkep-ikan-dari-kampung-Indonesia-di-NY-dijual-Rp-147-juta.html http://ilmuseni.com/seni-rupa/kerajinan-tangan/teknik-dasar-anyaman http://panduanwisata.id/2015/02/23/ragam-kerajinan-anyaman-bali/

“A N Y A M A N” ( W E A V I N G ) T E C H N I Q U E S

BRAID This technique is called “braid” because how it is made is similar with the making of braid on woman’s hairs. The basis of this technique is to weave the materials used by turns or crossed to each other from left and from right. This technique is usually used for the making of chamber’s wall part.

Chamber’s wall with braid weaving 4 hair weaving https://evelineseva.wordpress.com/2014/08/01/belajar-kearifanoman’s lokal-dari-kampung-sade-rambitan-1/ p://www.princesshairstyles.com/2011/11/basket-weave-hairstyle-design-by.html

3 AXIS This technique is quite similar with the “braid� technique, but this one is made from 3 directions. The result of this technique will be 3 thin axes and 3 tight axes. The 3 thin axes give gaps or holes while the 3 tight axes will give a stronger strength.

A basket applying 3 axis weaving 5 https://desaabang.wordpress.com/anyaman-bambu/

OCTAGONAL PATTERN Basically this technique is quite similar with the previous two, but this technique creates an octagonal hole patterns and the technique consists of 4 axes from 4 different directions. And all the 4 members support each other and create a strong structural system 2. This technique corresponds with “reciprocal structure” ( see next page ). The reciprocal structure is able to express this idea of “anyaman” technique in constructible manner.

2. http://ilmuseni.com/seni-rupa/kerajinan-tangan/teknik-dasar-anyaman

Half 6 Inch Octagonal Mesh Webbing http://www.rattanafrica.co.za/htm/webbings-octagonal-mesh-webbing.htm

Reciprocal structure https://wewanttolearn.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/20141110_091903.jpg


RECIPROCAL STRUCTURE One of the technique to construct a structure is a reciprocal structure. Reciprocal structure is a self-supporting structure made from three or more beams and it does not need any center support. The reciprocal structure creates pattern that corresponds with the “Anyaman” (woven) technique from Indonesian culture that harmonious with the cultural village in the Global Village. The reciprocal structure will express the idea of the “anyaman” cultural symbolism from Indonesia in a clear and constructible manner, and also give a nice aesthetic feature in both physical form and its intriguing shadow (figure below), to be used as a pattern later on for the detailed design. Beside as an aesthetic feature that is relevant with the cultural symbolism, the reciprocal structure also gives strength as it can survive from the lateral forces. In figure, each reciprocal structure’s frame member is based on forces of compression, bending moments and shear forces and also axial forces. The members distribute the vertical forces of their own weight through each member’s compression. These forces should be declined at the circumference supports 3.

“The principle of reciprocity is based on

the use of load bearing elements which, supporting one another along their span and never at the extremities, compose a spatial configuration without any clear structural hierarchy 4.

3. https://wewanttolearn.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/reciprocal-structures/ 4. http://www.albertopugnale.com/portfolio/structural-reciprocity/

Reciprocal Structure creates intriguing shadow https://wewanttolearn.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/rendered1.jpg

Manipulation of the L, H and r, there are changes in the geometry’s structure as follows: -increasing the length of the beams decreases the entire structure’s height; -increasing the height of the RF structures decreases the overall structure’s span; -increasing the radius of the circumscribed circle decreases the overall structure’s span5.

Legend: L = length of the beams on the slope H = vertical rise from the outer supports to the beam intersection points r = radius through beam intersection points

5. https://wewanttolearn.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/reciprocal-structures/

Reciprocal Structure’s systems https://wewanttolearn.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/reciprocal-structures/

C.1.2. A L E G I B L E D E S I G N E X P R E S S I O N The second design concept will be a legible design that is expressed in simple shape, limited number of materials used, and a clear function or purpose of design. The aim of this legible design expression is to achieve a design that is simple and humble in form, but does not lose its allurement and complexity in detailing and the visitor can understand the utility of the design right away.

SIMPLE SHAPE The simple shapes that will be used some common geometric shapes as the basic of the overall form, that are easily read or understood by people, for example, see diagram 1.

10Simple Shapes

Source: Google image search “simple shapes�

Diagram 1









Cylinder 11


Image source: Global Village’s board

This Sweat Lodge is occurred at the Global Village as the references of the simple shape symbolism, which is a circle. To begin with, The Sweat Lodge is a sacred ceremony of prayer, sanctification and curing that has an association with Native American traditions, but it has been practiced by some countries like African, Japan, even until here in Australia. In all these cultures, a Sotems sweat lodge ceremony is indicated with a mythological story. The personal intercourse of the myth offers a dynamic and deeply healing experience for each individual, as a whole. It is about regeneration - birth, death and rebirth - and from participating, each individual will grow and heal 6. The sweat lodge is in a form like a womb within the Earth. It is circular, and the participants sit within the circle. The circle (simple shape) is an effectual symbol that in circle, everyone is equal. Also, the circle is associated with the concept of the cycle of regeneration or the cycle of life - birth, death, rebirth. Perhaps if these concepts of circle are combined, it is interpreted that everyone is equal, and each of human with face the same phases; birth and rebirth. The idea of a womb within the Earth is like a place where human live inside this womb before they will face the birth and rebirth phase. 6. www.sotems.com.au


LIMITED NUMBER OF MATERIALS USED With reciprocal structure as detailing or infill, limited number of materials can be achieved. It is because reciprocal structure has repitition in the midst of complexity. The repetitive element in reciprocal structure can be achieved only using one type of material to create uniformity within the structure. Timber material has often been used for constructing the reciprocal structure because timber is easy to work with, due to its lightness that makes it easy to be installed and need less energy for the construction process.

Reciprocal Structure with timber material Source: Google




The basic form or geometry that will be made shows clarity of the design’s utility. For example, the Commercial Plaza, it can be seen that, the circle form clearly shows that it is useful as a shading. Although the detailing seems complex, but it is clearly state its purpose as a shading by its simplicity of the overall geometry as the basic form, that is creatively merged in such way with the complex detailing. For the conversation benches along Rail Track Walks below, it is clear how the form is useful for people to sit. This design is still readable, but still does not lose its appeal and uniqueness in design.

Conversation benches along Rail Track Walks https://www.dezeen.com/2014/09/22/high-line-parkphase-three-final-section-opens-new-york/

Commercial Plaza http://www.cgarchitect.com/2014/03/commercialinterior-rendering-for-plaza

C.1.3. F L E X I B L E T E C T O N I C

FLEXIBILITY OF WATER The second concept is inspired by the flexibility of water that follows the form of its container. The water concept is actually inspired by the characteristic of the air’s flexibility that is floating and spreading within the space and following the space’s form. The precedent below shows the water that is dynamic, changeable , and adaptable to its surrounding, which is the form of the container as the container’s form changes. This concept of the flexibility of the water that follows the changing of its container’s form inspires me to create a scheme that while there are changes in geometry, there will be changes in detailing within the geometry (see diagram 2).

Different containers http://www.gmglassindia.com/products/

Diagram 2 Legend: Frame: Geometric Shape - inspired by the simple shapes. Infill: Detailing - inspired by reciprocal structure pattern.

2 Dimensions



3 Dimensions




Another concept that contributes to flexibility is the flexibility of air movement that is moving upward. This concept is inspired by the Merri Creek River surrounds the site. It makes me think about the water cycle process (see diagram 3). In the process, there are some phases when the water evaporates from the liquid phase into gaseous phase. In this gaseous phase, it creates an air that is high in humidity, but it spread out in the air. This gaseous phase is an air that moves flexibly, and together collected into the clouds, experiencing condensation, thus it falls as rain. Through this air movement, I got an inspiration to create the movement of the upward air movement from the evaporation phase from the river that is collected in the clouds to condense to become rain. Although air movement is invisible, but the scheme of its movement can be very interesting and actually can be beautiful, like a dancing air.

Diagram 3 1. Evaporation 2. Condensation 3. Falls as rain 4. Collected in rivers & lakes 5. Returns to sea 6. Cycle starts again

Merri Creek Yarra River Image Source: Google

In this diagram, the diagram of evaporation and condensation approximately, in logical manner, will be like this in detail. The humid air as a result of the evaporation slowly rise in twisting or circular motion, that is very dynamic, to the upward becoming clouds and collected there to experience the condensation.

In an abstract way, the air circulation during evaporation and condensation will be like this. It shows flexibility and somehow it seems like moving in an abstract way. This will be an inspiration for the patterning within the form in the final detail design, to create a combination of patterning and geometry that seems like an air circulation, that gives a sense of moving and dancing in abstract manner, but lively, dynamic and beautiful.

C.2. P R O T O T Y P E S These are the initial prototypes that our group made. MATERIALS: Balsa wood, cutter, black cartoon. DESCRIPTION: In the following prototypes, we want to test some possible joints that we can make, to make the connection between beams for patterning on the final detailed design, which idea is a tree-like-structure with reciprocal structure. Thus, we want to test some various easy and practical wood joints with less money spent on screws and nails. The joints in the following prototypes are made by cut bits by bits along the balsa wood and connect them to the other members, without any glue. These connections are often used in furniture design industry because these connections are considered to be strong and stable. The final pieces are very unique, artistic, and vary like the following prototypes:

1. Reciprocal structure

2. Butt joint branching habit


3. Multi directional sectioning

4. Canopy lateral biscuit joint

5. Trunk structural core + seating


Next, we are trying to make a reciprocal structure pattern within the whole structure of tree-like-structure with the connections or joints method we have tried before. Some of the difficulties we faced are; The trunk section was a lot harder to make than we thought because in the actual design, it has a twisting motion. So we have to discover a way how to use these wood materials that are solid and rigid, but still can create the twisting motion. The following prototype that we make is more dense than the actual design. The connection between the structural core (trunk) and the canopy is not ideal. The connections are too rigid until it diminished the flexibility, which contradicts with the ideal purpose of the actual design regarding flexibility. The circular form of the canopy needs to be reconsidered as well, especially on the angles part of each element before fixing things together, also the connection between the structural core (trunk) and the canopy needs to be enhanced. Also, perhaps with this issue, we want to reconsider again to simplify the actual form because of the infeasibility in the construction process. Regarding the constructability of the design, maybe the practical and easiest method to build this form with this complex pattern is to first of all start by building the canopy making first, and making sure all the reciprocal structure’s joints are really reciprocal, then we can go onto building the structural core and while we connect the canopy to the structural core, we would need props to hold the canopy in place.



FURTHER RECIPROCITY TESTING We choose the recycled materials that are sourced from the recycling sites, due to the brief that requires us to use recycled materials. We finally found some timber members with regular sizes through some research of junk yards. The reciprocal structure in this prototypes allow a form that can be achieved through standard length elements’ repetition.

The prototypes on the left one has better prospect for the later construction, because the left one leaves more member’s length to be put another reciprocal structure. Also, the narrower the distance between members, the better shading it can give ( in this case for the construction of the canopy ).


Showing steepness to show how small the inner part is.


PROTOTYPES FOR FINAL DESIGN There are many types of connections or joints we can make but we have to consider the importance of time, cost and skill. One of the connection type is notching the members so the rectangular timber beams can sit together better. But, due to the lessened depth, notching can make the beams weaker at those points. Because of this, we want to ensure the connection points are strengthened with other method and by having lower pitches, less shear force will pass through the weaker points. Another options are to use more fixed or rigid type connection such as screws, nuts and bolts as they will not weaken the section of the members and they are more efficient. But for now, we will show some various prototypes that we have explored in making connections or joints, and we will choose the best possibilities that will be possibly used for the construction in the final detailed design.

NOTCHES Wood notching gives a flat form but it gives an angled notches. Wood notching also gives a form that is overlapping without any gaps between member. RIGIDITY Notching apparently does not provide enough structural stability and easily glides from each other. We need something that structurally stable and rigid due the form that will be a place where children will play on a daily basis and can possibly pull the beams of members apart, so we want to prevent that. Also, the form is located outside and subject to the wind forces, so rigidity is an important aspect to prevent the lateral forces. COST No cost for this connections. We can use anything we got from our homes. EQUIPMENT Power saw TIME 5 minutes preparation for each beam to be cut in bits. It can be done in 15 minutes also if the person has not really comfortable with using power saw. Approximately if we do not get used to the power saw, it will spend 36 hours to work if approximate members given there are 143 timber members. We also need time to gather the materials and cut them in the specified lengths and set the notching specifications. SKILL LEVEL REQUIRED High skill level is not required, but in using the power saw, we need to get used to use it.


WOOD NOTCHING If we were to do it notched and wanted it planar when curves are harder to achieve and we want it in this square configuration then we need four notches per member in the same positions.


ROPES RIGIDITY Good or enough rigidity. But make sure that the rope is tightened and tied properly because it tend to get loose. Also the polypropylene material seems have some good properties that can last a long time, because it is: stabilised against harmful UV radiation; unaffected by water; rot resistant; and lightweight. These properties are important since the it will be really exposed with the outside weather. COST Depends on the size that can range from 40-60cm. Using a 60cm rope for 352 connections = approx. 211m of rope. Bunnings 10mmx50m polypropylene rope for $25 = $125. EQUIPMENT Ropes. TIME Per knot: 3-5 minutes. SKILL LEVEL REQUIRED Everyone can do it. We can google how to do it. ARGUMENT Rope gives a good rigidity while still maintain the flexible connection. The ropes also give a sense of humility or “down to earth� aspect on the structure.




SCREWS RIGIDITY One screw means its very flexible and fundamental to rotation. Two screws makes it much more rigid. Overall very rigid with limited need for further bracing. COST Bunnings has 75mm galvanised batten screws in boxes of 100 for $15.80. 400 screws = $63.30. 700 screws = $110.60 EQUIPMENT screws, drill. TIME 30 seconds per screw given we are using soft wood like pine. ARGUMENT Very efficient, no need extra bracing. Materials able to function in outside conditions like wind and sun. But we just need to make sure the screws material to not be exposed directly to the air and water. So the screws perhaps needed to be covered by something.




DOWELS RIGIDITY Like screws, one dowel makes it very flexible and fundamental to rotation. Two dowels make it much more rigid. Overall very rigid with limited need for further bracing. Dowels are used to a size where they will not slip out and it can also be glued. COST For two 45mm depth pieces we would need 90mm dowels. Bunnings has 12.5mm diameter dowels at 3m long at $8.94. 1 dowel per connection would require 31.68m = approx. $98.34. EQUIPMENT Power saw, drill, hammer to push dowel through opening, hard wood dowel. TIME 30 seconds to cut dowel, 1 minute to drill hole, 2 minutes to hammer and ensure everything is in place. ARGUMENT The dowels provide smooth joints and also give an aesthetic purposes. But perhaps it can be quite expensive because need more labours to cut, drill and hammer so many pieces (let’s say 352 pieces).




RIGIDITY An extreme rigidity will be gotten if in one hole, the connection is fully tightened, and this works well in smaller members. Adding another holes, ( now become two holes ) and another two ties to tighten the connections make more rigidity and it is necessary to be done in larger members. The cable ties with the materiality that we have gotten is UV resistant, and rot resisting. These benefits give an extra strength. COST Bunnings has 20cm cable ties in packs of 100 at $8.14. 700 ties = $56.98 EQUIPMENT Drill for a hole and cable ties TIME Total approximately 2 minutes; 1 minute to drill hole, 1 minute to ensure tie is fully locked. ARGUMENT Cheap and easy as a connection. The only concern plastic is not sustainable, which contradicts with the purpose and brief in final design.



OVERLAP CABLE TIES RIGIDITY The two diagonally overlapped crossing cable ties gives an enough rigid structure, but there is still space for lateral movement. COST Same as drilled cable ties. EQUIPMENT Cable ties. TIME 1 minute per cable. ARGUMENT Easier and less time consuming in terms of construction process than drilled ties because no penetration of the beams is needed. But, the overlap cable tie is less rigid than the drilled tie because of the gap between the crossing cable tie for lateral movement.

OVERLAP CABLE TIES STEEL TIES RIGIDITY The difficulty to tighten the steel around the members creates lots of movement between members, that leads to the loss of rigidity. COST 10 pack 25cm for $4.36. 700 = $305.2 EQUIPMENT Steel ties. TIME 2 minutes per tie but it can be longer to ensure it has already been tigthened tightly. ARGUMENT Difficult to tighten and expensive for steel material. Although steel looks strong and promising. In conclusion, we learnt that to tie something, it is better to use a tie that has more flexibility, like plastic material, than the one that is too rigid like steel material.





RIGIDITY The rigidity is same as screws and dowels. COST Bunnings pack of 25x120x10mm hot dip galvanised cup head bolts and nuts @ $24.75 2 per connection 700 bolts = $693, 352 bolts = $346.5 EQUIPMENT Drill, nut and bolt, hammer, wrench. TIME T30 seconds to drill a hole, 1 minute to assemble nut and bolt, 30 seconds to tighten bolt. ARGUMENT Perhaps the strongest connection type.









Shadow Study

In this prototype, I want to exp overall texture or tactility in structure. It is a rustic weaving symbolism about weaving tec natural materials and natural rigid enough (see previous “ro a strong connections and stab tactile that shows fragility a The technique that I used is a re reciprocal stru

The difficulties with this weavin model making skill and the sho further development, it is better amount of time and make a pl to make such a neat pattern tha Perhaps doing sketches and t model can help to create a mo

Reciprocal Frame



press the representative of the the design for the reciprocal pattern inspired by the cultural chnique, that is made by the l connection like ropes that is opes� prototype), that creates ble but does not lose the rustic and sense of craftmenship. eciprocal structure (infill) inside ucture (frame).

Reciprocal weaving pattern as the infill

ng technique is the lack of my ort amount of time left. For the r to sit and focus with sufficient lan before making, about how at is well-planned before hand. trials before doing the actual ore structured weaving pattern.

Strong connection with ropes


C.3. F I N A L D E T A I L E D D E S I G N

B A J E E R A N G ...meaning “tree” in the Wurundjeri people’s language. Tree is as a way of connecting animals and humans habitat of the area. Animals also need protection and shelter as we, human, do. It creates sense of poetic in the relationship between human and animal in need of protection under one structure. The branching tree-like form integrates with the nature surrounding in CERES Merri Creek, as an appreciation to the environment, espiecially that the structure stands on the original lands of the Wurundjeri people - that we give our respect to. We would like to acknowledge that our project will be built on the traditional lands of the wurundjeri people. We pay respect to elders past, present and emerging.






CERES SITE ANALYSIS The location of the design will be in CERES or Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies, which is an award winning, not-for-profit, sustainability centre located on the Merri Creek in East Brunswick, Melbourne. CERES has two main locations; one is Central Habitat, one is Global Village. The Central Habitat is an open space where children usually play and explore things. The aim of the idea of Central Habitat is for children to be united with the animals or the wild surrounds the site. Because Central Habitat is an open space, where the sun can expose to it directly, the client wants to create a sunshade structure that gives a shade for the children, but does not lose the children’s interaction with the wild, which is the original purpose of the Central Habitat to be exist. The second location in CERES, is the Multicultural Village or known as Global Village, located on the boarder with Merri Creek, is houses four independent venues that are used for cultural education programs. There are many cultural references in this location; Indonesia, African, and India. Each of them has their own cultural symbolism. The client wants to have a shading in the sandpit area located in the Central Habitat near the playground area for children. Therefore, we want to design a shading structure that will be integrated with the surrounding through its form, but does not lose the site references that has already been analysed previously.




CLIENT CRITERIA LOCATION Sandpit, at Central Habitat

FUNCTION Sunshade and space for children to play

RECYCLED MATERIALS An economical and sustainable recycled material that gives sense of craftmenship, sense of rustic handmade feel that has an ephemeral quality that is feasible structurally.

UNCLIMBABLE AND SAFE A design that has an enough space for children to play, but is still unclimbable by children, and a design that parents and teachers still can always watch them, for the sake of the children safety.

RESPONSIVE TO THE SITE A design that responses well to the site, to develop and utilize the site maximally. Also, to create a structure that integrates with the references in the two locations; Central Habitat and Global Village.


DESIGN CONCEPT The tree gives shading system. The crucial essence behind the structure of every tree is that it has roots which anchor it into the ground, a trunk to add strength and support the canopy, and a canopy for shade. We intend to collaborate the load bearing structure from the ground which is connected with and in turn supports the shading system above to create structurally sound system that meets the client criteria. The initial sketch shows a tree like structure that branched out in different area to create spaces and utilized as a shading as well. This is where the children can play here. While the children play in this area, the parents or teachers still can watch them while sitting under the shading structure, to watch the children. There will be a given ratio and height in such way until the children cannot climb the structure. The structure will provide a facility where the children can be more interactive here. With the incorporate seating and hiding holes within trunks. The design will give a chance for the exploration between human/environment/animals relationship, where we want to still fulfill the purpose of the Central Habitat - a place where there will be a poetic connection between humans and the animals, that are together attracted into one structure - and the cultural narrative that inspired by the cultural symbolism in Global Village is not forgotten here.

PRECEDENT STUDY The following precedents that we have researched on as our inspirations for our design have so many similarities that we look at to, that we want to apply to our design. All the following precedents have various Geometry, Pattern, Structure, and aesthetic features, but these are four similarities that will be taken: Firstly, the following precedents show that they are in an open space area that is prone to the sun exposure. So they are designed in such way as a shading system to prevent the direct sunlight. The design is also beneficial for the people underneath to get a proper breeze from the air surround it. Secondly, the form shows a structure that has a canopy above as a shading system and a trunk that interconnected with the canopy and also as the canopy’s support. The form corresponds with the the initial design concept that aims to create a tree like structure that branched out in different area. Although all the canopies give shade, they are still designed in such way to allow the sunlight to come through to give soft natural light. Thirdly, they are designed parametrically. Each one of them show unique and complex design that can only be designed with parametric tools like Grasshopper and its plug in like Kangaroo, Karamba, Starfish, etc. Design with parametric tools create flexibility within the design, and create impossible but beautiful pattern. Fourthly, the materiality. The materials used in the following precedents are mostly in uniform way. A simple materials that are flexible, easy to be constructed but do not lose their aesthetic features are used to support the parametric design to be achieved maximally.

Precedents All the 16 images are compiled by different people in the group and sourced from Google.

THE DREAM HOUSE PROJECT GREGOR KRAGER TE TUHI CENTER FOR THE ARTS AUCKLAND NZ 2012 The project is done with the experimentation with materials, construction and collaboration. The idea of this project that is really intriguing as an inspiration for the final design, is that the installation creates an enourmous bird nest-like timber structure that the viewers can sit within. The entire construction is from the old recycled timber that suits with the client criteria about recycled materials. The bird-nest pattern is constructed with the timber material in complex manner, but it is done repetition. The complex, different, but with repetitious effect creates an architectural form that is really dynamic 6. And also, perhaps the bird-nest kind of structure can be a good idea for the final design that is also aimed to attract animals, for example, birds, to play within the structure as it is a nest where the birds live.

6. http://gregorkregar.com/portfoliao/the-dream-house-project/

The 50Dream House Project


“PARAMETRICISM” BY PHILIPPE BLOCK The design characteristics for this project are; overall form with reciprocal beams, and the simple materiality 7. The project gives an inspiration how the structure can give uniformity and simplicity with single materiality which is timber and single type of structure which is reciprocal structure. The reciprocal structure that is combined with the timber material, together create flexibility and feasibility in terms of construction, due to the lightness of timber material that is easy to work with, and the reciprocal structure that has unlimited possibility in terms of size, position, and simple connection, all together make the structure to be easy to work on, and very flexible and can follow the form as the form changes.

7. http://www.parametricism.co.uk/blog/tag/philippe-block/




GEOMETRY This geometry is generated using Karamba. Karamba is a parametric tool as one of the Grasshopper plug in that lets us to be able to analyze 3D beams within the loads that are changeable. It gives us opportunity to make different iterations of geometries and with Karamba, we will be able to calculate the structural integrity through the lines that represent beams, and this analysis with Karamba helps us to consider the best form finding by finding the best structure through the structural analysis the Karamba provides. The form itself is a combination of some legible design expression through the simple shapes, circle on the top that people can understand it is for a shading and this form represents a tree with many branches, and also the cylinder-like form that is based on the two circles that are merged together and manipulated using grasshopper as something that holds the top element - that represents the tree’s stem. The tree-like-form is important to be made as it gives a narration about the poetic relationship between human and animals - the children and the wild - that meets the previous criteria, brief, and design concept that have been discussed before. The combination of the two simple shapes that already generated and manipulated in such way with parametric tool, creates a design that can be read as a branching tree like form. This form also can ease the structure people to generate the reciprocal structure with flexibility. As we geometry people change the tree form, the reciprocal structure as an infill inside can follow the form as the form changes. We want to have a form that still has a deep connection and integration with the nature surrounds merri creek and show appreciation towards environment both through the materiality which is recycled timber that is very sustainable and also the tree-like form because we would like to acknowledge that our project will be built on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people.

Curve CP

Point XYZ

Smaller than

List Item


Sort List


Loft Triangulate

Point XYZ Height

Circle Radius

Mesh Surface

Mesh to Shell (karamba)

Find similar member

Shell Cross Section (karamba)

Point XYZ Height

Cull Pattern

Support (karamba)


Line SDL

Analyze (karamba)

Assemble Model (karamba) Model View (karamba)

Point Load

Shell View (karamba)

Gravity (karamba)



The basis of the form is three circles with different radius, that are placed on the top, centre, and bottom. The circle is the simple shape, and as discussed in C.1.2, as an expression of legible design that is easily interpreted by lay people, and also the circle has a very strong cultural symbolism as well that is relevant with the sweat lodge in Global Village, as a symbol of human equality, the regeneration of life, and earth womb that are associated with the Native Americans culture. After the three circles are generated with Grasshopper and the Karamba tool (refer to Grasshopper Scripts), the form creates another simple shapes; circle and cylinder. The circle and the cylinder are the two simple shapes that are legible; circle as the representation of a canopy that will give a sufficient shading underneath, and the cylinder represents the tree trunk that is interconnected with the canopy above and as the canopy’s support as well. Also, the cylinder is as a medium for transferring loads from the canopy to the ground.

Karamba turns line into beams. The lines in this form represents beams that will be analyzed structurally with Karamba. This is the initial form to generate more iterations later, as it is assumed as an ideal form that has feasibility to construct reciprocal structure within this form without any deflections.

SOLAR ANALYSIS It is significant in the design process to consider the impact to the design form. Beside giving a direct sunlight and its heat absorption, the sun also gives a shading underneath the form where the sun hits. So it is important to analyze how the shadings can have the impact to the design form. Shading plays important aspect also to affect the surrounding site, creating sense of tranquility and contemplation. The shading it creates also depend on the months and hours throughout the year. On the following pages, we want to analyze how different form iterations can have an impact on the shading and the sunlight that expose the form. Beside analyzing the solar impact, we want to analyze also from the many iterations, which form has the best criteria in terms of shading and its constructability and aesthetic. We analyze the solar impact on the form; from May to September, 9 AM to 6 PM.







Context buildings (Input Context)

Ladybug_download EPW Weather

Custom Prev Brep Wireframe

STEP 1.2 CREATING SUN PATH.... Ladybug_SunPath

Building to test (Input Design)

Custom Preview

GET DATA FOR OTHER LOCATIONS Ladybug_Import epw Path (set path to epw file)

Construct Point Ladybug_North

X coordinate

Y component

Vector XYZ

Ground to test (Define Ground to Test)

Custom Prev




Point (Input Standpoint)


Ladybug_Analysis Period






Ladybug_view Rose Ladybug_Sunlight Hours Analysis


Toggle = true


Ladybug_Sky Dome Data Surface (View Rose)

Panel (Total Sunlight Hours)

Ladybug_Radiation Rose Toggle = False




Input Top Circle, Center Circle, Bottom Circle Heat Absorption Shading


Circle 43.1.-10


Circle 43.15

Circle 43.10

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Feasible. Balance ratio between the trunk’s thickness and its placement and the canopy’s width.

CONSTRUCTABILITY More feasible than circle 43.10 due to the radius of the centre circle is bigger.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Feasible, but we have to figure out how the trunk still support the canopy’s big loads due to the trunk placement a bit on the corner.

AESTHETIC The gradient makes it looks like a peculiar tree like structure, in a good way.

Circle 43.5

AESTHETIC The trunk that is placed in the corner makes it looks like a unique tree.

Circle 43.0.-5

AESTHETIC The trunk that is placed in the corner makes it looks like a unique tree.

Circle 45.0

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Feasible. Balance ratio between the trunk’s thickness and its placement and the canopy’s width.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Feasible as circle 43.1.-10, due to the gradient that is quite steep, it would need more effort to construct.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Infeasible. Imbalance ratio between the trunk’s thickness and the canopy’s width. The radius of centre circle is too small.

AESTHETIC Looks like a tree like structure, although a bit stagnant.

AESTHETIC The gradient gives a sense of flexibility, liveliness, and twisting motion like a tree blown by wind.

AESTHETIC The trunk on the corner, and the slim like trunk form creates a nice peculiarity.


Ellipse 49.20.-5

Ellipse 50.60.20

Ellipse 60.20.-5

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Infeasible. The trunk cannot support the canopy’s big loads due to the trunk placement is too on the corner.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Infeasible. The trunk cannot support the canopy’s big loads due to the trunk placement is too on the corner.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Infeasible. The trunk cannot support the canopy’s big loads due to the trunk placement is too on the corner.

AESTHETIC The trunk that is placed in the corner makes it looks more like house’s canopy than like a tree structure.

AESTHETIC The canopy shows a mushroomy’s top element.

AESTHETIC The top element shows like a mushroomy’s top element with a sense of dynamic due to its gradient.

Ellipse 49.25.20

Ellipse 49.25.20.-5

SHADING Insufficient due to the trunk is too high.

SHADING Insufficient due to the trunk is too high.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Infeasible. The ellipse form makes the trunk cannot transfer the load evenly. The canopy part which does not have the support tend to fall.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Infeasible. Beside to steep, the ellipse form makes the trunk cannot transfer the load evenly. The canopy part which does not have the support tend to fall.

AESTHETIC Too stagnant and the excessive height reduces the integration between the canopy and the trunk.

AESTHETIC The lack of shadings makes the site lacks an aesthetic features as a result of the tranquil shading that gives contextual visualization.

Ellipse 25.49.20 SHADING Insufficient due to the small canopy and trunk is too high. CONSTRUCTABILITY Feasible. The canopy is not too wide to be supported by the trunk although the trunk is on the corner side. AESTHETIC The trunk that is placed in the corner makes it looks more like house’s canopy than like a tree structure.


Circle 92.7.8

Circle 76.1.10

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Infeasible. The radius of the bottom part is to small. Not strong enough to support the canopy.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Infeasible. The trunk is too thin, while the canopy holds a huge width thus, huge loads.

AESTHETIC Very lively. It looks like the form is like a blooming tree in the spring time.

AESTHETIC More like an ornament element than a rigid tree structure.

Circle 96.19.29

Circle 71.2.11

Circle 112.14.11 SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy. But there is a leak of heat aborption in the middle. CONSTRUCTABILITY Feasible. Need effort to create the size that is even so it creates the balance in bearing the loads. AESTHETIC More like a blooming flower than a tree structure.

Circle 76.2.15

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

SHADING Sufficient due to the wide canopy.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Infeasible. Due to the short trunk while the canopy is too wide.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Seems infeasible due to the canopy that bears so much loads while the trunk does not look strong to bear the loads.

CONSTRUCTABILITY Very infeasible due to the very small radius of the center circle.

AESTHETIC The thick trunk makes the form lacks of elegance.

AESTHETIC Very odd and unnatural shape.

AESTHETIC Quite odd with the thin trunk and the wide canopy.


Circle 43.5

Circle 43.0.-5

Circle 43.1.-10

The reasons for choosing these three geometry forms, are due to: 1. They provide enough shading for the children to have a shelter underneath from direct sunlight. 2. The feasibility of the construction due to the balance ratio between the canopy’s width and the thickness and height of the trunk. The circular structure is fairly simple in terms of shape and structure. Therefore, by creating a small angle towards the north, there will be a little difference in terms of providing more shading. Further research is needed to analyze structurally when a pattern is applied within these forms. Structural feasibility is important to ease the rest of the design process. Other than that, the height for these trunks are relatively safe that they are still unclimbable by the children to avoid them from falling down. 3. Aesthetically, these three forms meet the design concept and the brief because they are still can be read as a tree-like structure that beside provides shade, it is as a form to connect children and the wild as the design narrative.


Initial patterning with Grasshopper

We aim to generate reciprocal frame pattern that has differences in beams’ size, length and position, but in repetitive manner. We generate it using parametric tool Grasshopper, that able to generate the size of beams in flexible way without compromising the geometry form that we have formed previously, due to the reciprocal structure’s flexibility as it is a simple configuration of the similar element with simple connections, that leads to the pattern and size that are easily changed to meet our needs while still maintaining the intended form. In addition, the reciprocal structure also eases the design/construction process because all the members are interconnected and support each other. The geometry form influences how the pattern will be generated, so the pattern will follow the form of the geometry. Also, all the dimension of the members in this patterning process could be changed to suit the materiality.


Reciprocal structure within tree form


THINKING PROCESS In the precious C.1.1, I discussed about weaving pattern as cultural symbolism from Indonesia, which craft is made from natural materials like plants, rattan and very naturally made and does not lose the natural touch of human. Also,in C.1.3. I discussed about the upward air movement. Air is a natural element also. Now, I want to combine the two ideas into one scenario process on how the natural flexible air movement can form the weaving pattern that mimics a bird nest structure that is formed naturally. And finally, from the bird nest pattern, I will adopt the bird nest pattern into the reciprocal pattern within the initial tree-structure based on the design concept, as if the air movement create the reciprocal structure from bird’s nest naturally. This structure then will attract the birds that passing through, and also, of course, attracting children, which correspond with the main ideas about a structure that attract both children and animals (birds) and gain poetic relationship between them.

The upward air movement comes.

The twisting air motion gently wovens the dried natural grass becoming a bird’s nest form.

The dried natural grass is blown by the air

But, it does not stop there. The air has a better purpose. It twists the bird’s nest into another form.

Yes, the air wants to create a habitat for not just the birds, but for the child to take shelter underneath. The air use an ordinary dried grass to be formed and molded in such way until it becomes a special structure, that is used as a tool to create a meaningful bond between a curious child and the humble birds.


Manipulating R

The first impression that I had for this pattern is; it looks like a compilation of bull’s horns combined within one form of tree structure. A bull, which is a kind of wild animals, are contradict with the impression of animals in the site which is tame, soft and gentle, like birds.

This pattern loses the aesthetic features, the complexity, and the liveliness. It looks more like a radar for solar analysis rather than for a something that is attractive for a living being. Very dull and stagnant.

Overall, this differe is the most ideal p pattern correspond pattern of a bird attractive for a bird brings a childliken

The pattern gives grace, and also configuration, altho The pattern, which looks like a bird’s n twisting motion as r air movement tha creates a sense of fl through the motion an intriguing feelin curious. The structu children, saying, “ I will bring you to world’ and show yo never exper This pattern is too sharp, rough, and too bold. We aim to create a pattern that is more gentle and have a sense of softness, that are harmonious with the innocence of human-animal relationship.


This pattern is complex, it is beautiful with the diamond-ish shape, but once again, it gives too mature, rude or cruel, tacky kind of impression that are not correlated with the intended impression of the original design concept.

All of these creat innocence relations and birds that see own “fantasy wo structure, that the a who watch them,


Reciprocal Structure

ent but repetitive pattern pattern among all. The ds with the weaving nest that will be very d to land on it, and also, ness and playfulness.

What I like about this pattern is that it looks like a sunflower’s pattern. The pattern starts to look interesting and start to look quite suitable with the main design concept. Perhaps the pattern can be loosened a bit to achieve more flexibility and dynamic.

The overall pattern is very graceful and has feminine touch. Although, the diamond-ish shape within the pattern gives an impression of celebration, festival, carnaval, wedding - which are very interesting - but the impression it gives are too mature that it loses a point to create a sense of childlikeness for children.

This pattern is too neat and not complex. Also, this pattern seems lose the “air” feeling, due to its rigidity or stiffness. It seems just a compilation of ordinary squares. This pattern more looks like a compilation of reinforcement steel inside a concrete, than a bird nest.

Same, the pattern is too neat and lose complexity. The pattern is still too predictable and does not give an intriguing sense. It does not give sense of curiosity that will be likeable by children. Also, the sharp edges are too harsh, not aesthetically pleasing, not philosophically intriguing.

sense of gentleness, balance within the ough it looks complex. is a bit loosened, also nest in a state of gentle results from an upward at blows gently. This flexibility and dynamic n perception, that gives ng that makes children ure seems to inviting the “Come, come, come, ‘the other side of the ou things that you have rienced before”.

te a narrative of the ship between children em like they have their orld” under this one adults or even teachers cannot comprehend.





STREET ANALYSIS-DISPLACEMENT The ‘Displacement’ option colors the beams based on the distance they move under loading.


“The ‘Utilization’ and ‘Axial Stress’ options colour the beams based on how much stress the beams experience under loading. Utilization’ expresses the stress in terms of its percentage of the maximum stress capacity of the material (this is based on the material properties specified for the beam). Utilization numbers can be used to check whether the elements of the model fit within the margin of safety required by a design. A utilization number higher than 100% means that the element is likely to break under the specified load. In our visualization the utilization of each beam is represented by its color, with white beams experiencing the least stress, red beams experiencing a high compression stress (high negative utilization) and blue beams experiencing a high tensions stress (high positive utilization). Minimization of the maximum displacement of the model, or the maximum amount that any element of the structure moves under load. While all structures deflect under loading, there are typically design limits for how much the structure can move.” - The Village People -




The structure is quite firm and seems to has structural integrity. But then, because it looks so firm and strong, it seems like has lost the ephemeral quality, that is one of important aspect as well in the final design.

This almost-fall structure shows fragility but still in graceful way. Fragile in the outward, but still strong inward. The fragility quality corresponds well with an ephemeral quality.

This flower-blooming like structure gives an idea of biodiversity, creating a habitat with flowers or plants inside the structure to attract the animals more.


This star-like divine and to give a c to be brave dreams and biodiversity on than that, the that has reali quality, seems children to be by knowing th and be diligen thei To conclude, based on a


canopy that looks transcendent seems chance for children e to have unlimited imagination with the n the site. But other trees have that trunk, istic -down to earths to encourage the realistic in dreaming heir own capabilities nt enough to achieve ir dreams. those are dreams a solid foundation.

The structure seems to be like a spider-net structure. The perception of spider with its net is a bit contradicts with the figure of birds.

This structure reminds me of the Star of David that I saw near Global Village, in the religion part. The structure seems want to tell that diversity of cultures (3 cultures as we know in Global Village) cannot be separated with the religion aspect.

This structure gives an impression of steel-work structure that is not too relevant with the final design theme.


OFFSET BIODIVERSITY CREATING HABITAT Birds do love the reciprocal nest. And we are planning to create habitat within the structure, which is to plant flowers as they have their colouful nature that is very attractive for birds for pollination. The plants inside are intended also to attract the children more for them to play underneath, letting them to interact with birds beneath the structure. The flowering climbing forms a notion of biodiversity within our structure as beside attracting the birds, the birds can promote their cycle of life as well here. “This would also enhance our ideas of offsetting biodiversity as the sustainability and ethics behind this approach line up with the values of the park and could potentially promote education on this topic to young school children and act as an interactive example of it.� - The Village People -

PLANT SELECTION Bougainvillea glabra BOUGAINVILLEA POSITIVE -evergreen - flowers: march, april, oct-dec - tolerates full sun - cold to -5 - medium to fast growth rate - screening NEGATIVE - spiny or thorny (not good for children) - exotic

Hardenbergia comptoniana NATIVE LILAC POSITIVE -evergreen, robust, low maintenance - native - flowers: aug-november - tolerates full sun - cold to -5 - medium to fast growth rate - screening, shading, bush garden NEGATIVE - sourcing / availability

Kennedia macrophylla AUGUSTA KENNEDIA POSITIVE -evergreen, robust, low maintenance - native - flowers: sept-dec - tolerates full sun - cold to -3 - fast growth rate - screening, shading, ground cover


FINAL PROTOTYPES From the prototype testings that we have done, we decide to use either bolts or screws and rope to connect the 352 connection points. Some consideration of our choice are because they are very rigid, stable, and can stand from the harsh environment, also they meet the budgets very well (refer to C.2. Prototypes).

1:1 Canopy Test

1:1 Potential trunk members test

DESIGN CONCLUSION In summary, the ideas are realised in this model. The geometry of the tree-like structure as a shading, has been achieved, and the choice reciprocal patterning and the overall structure communicate the narrative behind it - the poetic relationship between animals and human. As we can see through the model next, it tells so many stories and feelings in one picture: It is about a rustic timber structure with its own peculiar appearance. It is a self-less timber structure that faithfully stands firm and perseveres in the midst of its old age, that forgets about its own pain and struggles in the midst of harsh weather and its weakness, but still, it serves and provides the need of others, which is the children and the flying animals for protection. Although they tend to break its member, although these children are so weak and do not give any contribution to this old-timber structure, but this old-timber structure still gives its kindness and sacrifice itself for the children so they can play cheerfully, learn, dream, and have a deep interaction with the birds under this one-old-peculiar-timber structure.

The actual members for the final design is 135 members. It is such a big structure. And the fewer members, it will be more easily to fall apart or pull aside. Diameter: 5 metres Height: 3 metres The longest member: 3 metres The smallest members: 0.7 metres Connection: nuts and bolts Model Scale: 1:20 76






C.4. L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S COMPUTING In this part C, I have learnt about Karamba plug in for structural analysis. When applying Karamba for the joint analysis, it is pretty complex because with Karamba, it is pretty tricky to figure out the actual joints. Like where the lines actually intersect etc. It wastes so much time to analyse the structure especially in the connection aspect due to the complexity. There should be a further research of plug in that has more ability to analyse the joints. DESIGN PROCESS From the presentation feedbacks, in our presentation, we put too many things to be compiled together (bajeerang name, bird, mushroom, etc) as a concept. It can have a tendency to be chaos. it is important to focus on a couple of main ideas that needed to be focus on and discussed in more depth, and integrated into one strong main design theme. Also, we have to focus more to the site and responding to the site more. There are many cultural references on the site that will be good as a narrative. But, the approach or idea about habitat that is not only for human but also for animal; the relationship between human and nature to begin with, is a good approach as a design narrative and we receive many good feedbacks from there. It is always a good approach in responding to native, natural, sustainable site in creating a poetic sense that always integrates with the melancholy feeling of CERES site itself, with a touch of good rendering that tells the narrative from the rendering picture itself - the old yellowish color, rustic texture that communicate the feeling of the design and the story behind it. GROUP WORK I have realised that the leader of a group work ideally should be led by one person only. Not more. It can be seen during the presentation the group that has more leaders tend to have ideas that are overlapping, while the group that has one leader has more integrated ideas and more organised. I have learnt about submission to authority here. To submit to the leader of the group is important. Although sometimes, the members can understand more than the leader, the members still have to show some respect and submissive character as members when giving feedbacks, instead trying to replace the leader’s responsibilities. It will never work, and will create a chaos instead. Another thing that I learn is communication part. Because I am quite shy, especially as an International student I often feel inferior from the local people. When I have an idea, let’s say - cultural symbolism of weaving pattern from Indonesia that has relation with reciprocal pattern - I cannot really communicate it to the group in the first place. I have to be more confident and overcome my shyness and awkwardness to communicate my idea, that I am sure it is good and on the right track. Although maybe my idea is rejected, but at least in the process of communicating, I have trained my character to be more brave and communicative, and this character is useful in my future life. The last thing that I learnt, is that every part of the group members have their own strengths and weaknesses. One can do computing, one can do model making, one can do photoshop, one can render, one can take a good picture, one is as a helper in everypart of the task, one can lead, one can analyse. Each one of the group member, has a function, no matter how small or big the function is, but together work together and has part to achieve the goal, which is the big final design. Each one of us is like a piece from puzzles. If each piece is put properly at the right place, it will create the final perfect puzzles, which is a beautiful picture that has been planned in the beginning. JOURNAL Firstly, i really do not understand how to make a proper journal before in this subject. I always did bad before. But now I have learnt how to make a good one with the help and patience from my tutor, Manuel. I was taught that making a journal is not about the length. Long and many texts without many or various concepts will not be a good one. A good journal consists of many concepts and many deep reflections - meaning you are truly engaging with the subject, not only with your mind, but also with heart. Also, asking feedbacks to tutor really helps to improve journal. I was previously shy to ask, afraid to disturb, etc. But it is not a good start to learn. I have to overcome my own shyness and prejudices in order to grow and learn. Apparently, I got so many feedbacks and actually, people are happy to be asked and willing to help. Through questions, I can grow, learn, and understand. This lesson is not just applied in this journal-making, but it is applicable in every aspect of my life. Especially as a young person, who need to learn more, and therefore, asking questions are really important to gain more wisdom, understanding and experiences from other people. PERSONAL REFLECTION With the lack of computation skill that I have, it is important to create a design that is simple in computation, but strong enough in the outcome and how it expresses the strength of a strong idea. I have realised as well, instead of focusing on the lack of ability in computing, I can always use my creativity side and hardworking part of me to produce a meaningful outcomes. Instead of grieving in my weakness, I have to learn to be grateful and celebrate my strength and use it maximally to create something meaningful. In discovering my weakness, makes me discovering my strength as well at the same time. Last thing, the most precious learning I have learned in this subject, is that I did not regret in deciding not to see other’s people’s answer quiz in the lecture. Although I did not know the answer, I have to keep my integrity not to steal other’s people’s answers, by sitting in the front of the lecture, so it will not tempt me to see people’s answers in front of me. At the end of the last quiz, there was a doubt whether I did the right thing or not? Many of my friends pitied me because I fail the quiz because of not seeing other people’s answers. But I always believe that all things, the bad and the good always work together for good, for those who walk in the right path. How? With this experience of not cheating, I learn how to persevere to watch the Grasshopper videos in hours, although I did not understand, and also be happy and content in every answer that I got right, although it is not a perfect score. The last quiz I got 0, because it is like the hardest one ever, about sun analysis and how to apply the coding in design reality. That quiz made me fail. But through experiencing that failing experience, it encouraged me to be more hard working in the next part of assignment. I learn to be more hardworking, to create a beautiful final journal, to learn how to manage time better, to be brave to ask questions, to discover my strength in my creativity and feeling part, to receive kindness from people that help me to pass this assignment. The sadness of failing the quiz, cannot compare to the happiness from all of those good things that I have received. I realize that studying and get knowledge are important. But good character and integrity are two things that should be trained in university, that are very precious and good asset in my future life ahead.



C.5. R E F E R E N C E S A basket applying 3 axis weaving https://desaabang.wordpress.com/anyaman-bambu/ Anyaman https://ragamhandicraftrajapolah.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/asal-usul-anyaman/ Anyaman technique http://ilmuseni.com/seni-rupa/kerajinan-tangan/teknik-dasar-anyaman Chamber’s wall with “Anyaman” technique http://bandung.bisnis.com/foto/view/20110201/21799/foto-penjual-bilikbambu-ciparay-kab-bandung Chamber’s wall with braid weaving https://evelineseva.wordpress.com/2014/08/01/belajar-kearifan-lokal-dari-kampung-sade-rambitan-1/ Commercial Plaza http://www.cgarchitect.com/2014/03/commercial-interior-rendering-for-plaza Conversation benches along Rail Track Walks https://www.dezeen.com/2014/09/22/high-line-park-phase-three-final-section-opens-new-york/ Different containers http://www.gmglassindia.com/products/ Half Inch Octagonal Mesh Webbing http://www.rattanafrica.co.za/htm/webbings-octagonal-mesh-webbing.htm Reciprocal structure https://wewanttolearn.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/20141110_091903.jpg Reciprocal Structure creates intriguing shadow https://wewanttolearn.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/rendered1.jpg Reciprocal Structure’s systems https://wewanttolearn.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/reciprocal-structures/ RF https://wewanttolearn.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/reciprocal-structures/ http://www.albertopugnale.com/portfolio/structural-reciprocity/ Some examples of products with “Anyaman” technique http://nisarosyidatun.blogspot.com.au/2011/09/seni-kriya-adalah-cabang-seni-yang.html http://www.pulsk.com/250999/Anyaman-buat-tangkep-ikan-dari-kampung-Indonesia-di-NY-dijual-Rp-147-juta.html http://ilmuseni.com/seni-rupa/kerajinan-tangan/teknik-dasar-anyaman http://panduanwisata.id/2015/02/23/ragam-kerajinan-anyaman-bali/ Woman’s hair weaving http://www.princesshairstyles.com/2011/11/basket-weave-hairstyle-design-by.html Sotems www.sotems.com.au The dream house project http://gregorkregar.com/portfoliao/the-dream-house-project/ “Parametricism” http://www.parametricism.co.uk/blog/tag/philippe-block/


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