2019 junior lookbook

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Junior College



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You can get in touch with Lisa Amer, our Junior College Administrator for any questions about enrolment. 03 379 3090 ext 884 lisa.amer@staff.hagley.school.nz During Term: Mon–Fri 8.30am–5.00pm | School Holidays: Mon–Fri 9.00am–4.00pm

Front cover: Year 9 and 10 students 2018 From left to right - Cerwyn Bach-Strong, Phoenix Carroll, Haawi Whaitiri, Tyler Harvey, Anekin Monks, Kenzie Bellam, Pearce Mote, Jaden Salkeld, Maurice Gillard, William Webb, Greta Patchett-Christensen, Brianna Taylor-Moore, Greer McGrail Photographer Emma Booth PH 0225440445 E emma@ebimagine.com W ebimagine.com

Contents Principal’s Message


Designated Character School


It’s All About You


Learning Enhancement


Hagley Values


Learning in the Junior College


Junior College Te Putanga


Aim High


Enrolment Process


2019 Junior College

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Kia ora tātou. Welcome to Hagley’s Junior Graduating College! What’s important at Hagley, a school with a 160 year old history which makes it nearly as old as Christchurch itself? Our values matter. Those values are seen in the relationships our teachers build with each of our students. It’s how we treat our students that sets Hagley apart, valuing them as individuals – that is the Hagley way. What does that mean for our students? They feel that teachers are interested in them and care about their learning, they feel that they’re experiencing success – and much more. We’re often asked, what makes Hagley different? We have a culture like no other. No one wears a


uniform and everyone’s on a first name basis. But that’s just for starters. Students come to Hagley because they’re treated with respect, accepted for who they are as unique individuals. They know it’s cool to be different! We love our students aiming high and doing well. We believe there is no single stereotype for success. At Hagley being successful comes in many shapes and forms. We want you to feel excited about coming here. We look forward to you being part of Hagley’s 2019 Junior Graduating College!

Mike Fowler - Principal

Hagley is a


- are for both adolescents (secondary students) and adults

1. We're a designated character school established under Section 156 of the Education Act.

- provide for disengaged adolescent and adult learners, students with previously limited aspirations and for those who now want to engage with learning but are finding it difficult to do so.

2. We act as a regional hub across Christchurch. 3. We provide students with a significantly different learning environment achieved through delivery models not offered in conventional high school settings. We offer a broad curriculum that allows students across Christchurch to access a relevant education designed around their individual needs.

What does our designated character status mean for you?

4. Our designated character is lived out:

It’s our job to find out if Hagley’s special character will work for you. We need to know whether you meet these designated character criteria to ensure you are eligible to enrol at Hagley. Criteria are:

• By ensuring the Board, staff, students and the culture of the school values trust, integrity and personal responsibility

• You make a commitment to the College’s values of trust, respect, integrity and personal responsibility

• By being open for instruction between the hours of 8.40am – 9pm to enable access to education by adult students

• You are willing to engage in Hagley’s culture and environment by being adaptable, flexible and working collaboratively

• By providing innovative learning programmes which:

• The College has confidence that you can be supported and that we can make a difference to your learning

- include core curriculum, specialist pathways and collaboration with other regional groups - provide for full-time and part-time students who are based both on the Hagley campus and in collaborative learning experiences across the city

• There is an identified and agreed programme of learning that meets your needs • There is a place available for you in an identified programme of learning.


Hagley doesn’t force you to go in a straight line - you get to branch o. 04

Anekin Monks - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Beckenham School


It’s All About You... When you enrol into the Junior College we like to make sure we are putting you in a learning environment that will enable you to achieve and exceed your goals and to have a great overall experience at Hagley. With that in mind we have a great process and a range of support available throughout your Junior years. From the beginning we will talk with you to see where you will slot in best. You will have amazing wellbeing support from Tutors and Deans, AND you’ll work on achieving Hagley Tohu (points) throughout the year to graduate into the following year.

1 Che�k In

3 Wo�� On

We’ll meet with you and your parents or caregivers to talk about your reasons for choosing Hagley.

You set your learning goals and we all sign a contract to represent our commitment to your learning.

You engage with your work in class and try out some of the extra things that the College provides.

We’ll also use information from your current school as well as other sources to help decide if Hagley is the right place for you.

The Contract of Learning is signed by you, your parents and the College at your enrolment interview. This is a formal agreement explaining how everyone will support your learning.

You will achieve Hagley Tohu for engaging well with your work. Lots of opportunities exist to join sports teams, clubs and other activities that are all part of the fun at high school!

Hagley is a designated character school. You can read our designated character criteria on page 3.


2 Sign Up

4 Get �up�ort

5 Achieve �ell

A range of services exist at Hagley for students who require extra support with their learning.

Student achievement in the transferable skills is recognised in regular reports home.

Learning Enhancement Learning Enhancement is integrated into all learning areas to ensure students are engaging and achieving well.

Our end-of-year Prize Givings celebrate student success across all learning areas and also within our School Values.

Junior Targeted Learning A homeroom-based class for students with significant educational needs. It provides a very supportive and structured learning environment that focuses on building individual abilities. Wellbeing Form Tutors, Year 9 Dean, Year 10 Dean, Director of Junior College and Guidance Counsellors all work to provide a safe and supportive environment for you. Any problems get dealt with quickly, sensitively and effectively.

2019 BYOD BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE In 2019 we will be encouraging all students to bring their own electronic devices to school where possible. Recommended specifications for BYOD and our Digital Citizenship Agreement can be found on our website: www.hagley.school.nz/about/bringdevice-byod/


Junior College

Learning Enhancement Enhanced Learning Support links strongly into literacy and unites the important skills of reading, writing and thinking. Learning is enhanced within the context of a student’s individual learning needs and is applied to their learning within the classroom setting. A wide range of support is offered, aimed at scaffolding students’ learning appropriately to their needs. 1

The accurate placement of students into their ‘best fit’ learning programme: • Personal enrolment interview allowing student and family input • Entry assessment information • Transition support.


Support within a wide range of curriculum classes for many students: Enhancing students’ understanding of literacy the ability to read and write, to recognise and understand ideas, to think and express themselves as a pathway to their learning.


We offer a wide range of integrated learning support services including: • Academic Dean – extension of the curriculum and enrichment beyond it • IEPs – for ORS students and those with significant learning needs • Learning Enhancement Teachers – providing both individual and group tutoring • Learning Support Profiles – to support students working independently • Special Assessment Conditions – for eligible students • Support Teachers – working with wide-ranging needs, allowing students to develop into self-managing learners within school and beyond • Van Asch Deaf Education Centre – inclusive satellite class • Learning Assistants – in classes to help students engage with learning tasks.


Hagley College Values A special award at our end of the year Prize Givings is awarded to a student living and portraying our Values throughout the year.

Tuakana-Taina The story behind Hagley's values. Our school values at Hagley are represented by this koru symbol. The tuakana (older koru fern) shelters the taina (younger koru) as it grows and unfurls. With these values in place, the taina of today will become the tuakana of tomorrow.

Whakamarumaru RESPONSIBIL IT Y

Whakamarumaru means ‘to cause shade’; the tuakana protects the taina, helping it grow.


RESPECT Mana is the relationship of mutual respect between the tuakana and taina.

Whakawhirinaki TRUST

Whirinaki means ‘to lean upon’; the taina relies upon the tuakana to provide support.



Tika is to be correct; when something is the way it should be.

Read more about our Values on pages 23,29,34,43 09



You are treated more like an adult at Hagley - it’s more like the real world. Holly Meek - Year 10 student 2018 Came from South Wellington Intermediate

13 11

You can try lots of things and ďŹ nd what you are good at. Luke Crone - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Te Kura Correspondence School


Learning in the Junior College


Transferable Skills & Learning Areas




PE & Health

Transferable Skills





Collaborating Communicating Contributing Thinking Maker Mindset Self-Regulation


Within the eight learning areas of the curriculum there is an emphasis on students becoming more effective learners through developing these transferable skills while, at the same time, learning new knowledge.



The Transferable Skills Framework which we have developed at Hagley has strong links to the key competencies of the NZ curriculum.



Social Sciences



Junior College

Te Putanga (“The Emergence�) Junior College Te Putanga Te Putanga has been designed to help improve student learning and motivation. The programme requires a Contract of Learning to be signed at enrolment. The contract is a formal agreement between the College, caregivers and the student. It ensures that everyone agrees to meet their obligations to enable the student to be a successful learner.

Tohu (Points) All Year 9 and Year 10 programmes have tohu allocated to them that students can accumulate over the year. The tohu are based upon the Transferable Skills Framework. Students accumulate points and to graduate need to have acquired 60% of the available points in their first and second years of study. Each successful student will be awarded a Graduating Diploma of Learning at the end-of-year Graduation and Prize Giving ceremony. This diploma demonstrates that the student has reached a level of learning to successfully equip them for study in the Senior College. 14

AI� �IG�

How many tohu do students need to graduate?


90% TOHU


75% TOHU


60% TOHU




Students with 60% and above are able to graduate from the Junior College.

Students with 75% and above are able to graduate with Kākāriki.

Students who achieve 90% and above graduate with Pounamu.


Is there help available for students who are behind in their learning or need extension?


Yes, we have a strong Learning Enhancement Team. We look at individual student needs and work out the best approach to meet them. Support provided might be one-on-one tuition, small group work, a modified programme or other appropriate intervention.

Class is a safe space. You are accepted by everyone and no one judges you. We are like a family here. Tyler Harvey - Year 10 student 2018 Came from Christchurch South Intermediate

17 13

Q What subjects can I study in the Hagley Junior College?



I was so hyped to go - I was buzzing the minute I got my acceptance letter. This is the school for me. Phoenix Carroll - Year 10 student 2018 Came from Te One School, Chatham Islands


How do I achieve the Hagley Points in Junior College? By showing that you are developing your learning skills within your learning programme. You will get regular reports so you can see how you’re doing with your learning skills.

Does the school have its own App? Yes,

the Hagley College App is a great way to stay connected. Search ‘SchoolAppsNZ’ to download the app onto your device. Then enter ‘Hagley College’ to find us. 21

At Hagley you get best ďŹ t, individual learning. There is more one-on-one and teachers give you help when you need it. Anekin Monks - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Beckenham School



RESPECT FOR HAGLEY STUDENTS, THIS MEANS Accepting others for who they are

Helping others

Understanding how others feel


Appreciating others

Acknowledging people

Being polite Treating others and the environment with care Treating everyone equally and fairly Being kind

Being open minded Standing up for others Caring for others’ personal space and property

Showing gratitude Mana is the relationship of mutual respect between the tuakana and taina. Whero (red) is the colour of the rangatira (leader), representing mana.


Hagley has more room for you to grow as a person and excel in subjects. Sarah Wright - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Springston School


How do I know what’s going on at the school? We run a Daily Notices system (intranet and on noticeboards), plus the screens in the Café and main foyer show important notices. The Hagley Website and Hagley Facebook page also keep you up to date with what’s happening in the College. Monthly newsletters are emailed home.

Where do I go for lunch if it is wet outside? The Café, or in the corridors where there are seats. The Library is a great place to go once you’ve finished eating. 25

There’s a lot of variety in what you can choose to study. Pearce Mote - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Sumner School


There are no bells, no uniform and teachers are dierent here. Jaden Salkeld - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Chisnallwood Intermediate


Q Are there Lockers for students?

A Yes, check at Reception on how to get one.

There’s a small deposit which you will get back at the end of the year when you return your key.

Are there Clubs that I can join?


there are lots of different ones. Some of them are: Environment Group, Chess Club, Miniatures and Wargaming, Robotics, Debating, Creative Writing, Duke of Edinburgh, Spirit of Adventure, 40 Hour Famine, Choir, LGBTQ+ and Rock Climbing.


Whakamarumaru aaru ru ru RESPONSIBILITY

FOR HAGLEY STUDENTS, THIS MEANS Respect for self and others

Being prepared Self-management

Being ready

Getting enough sleep

Owning up to your actions

Making your own decisions with respect and integrity

Getting things done

Supporting others

Being a role model Being on time

Having a positive attitude

Whakamarumaru means ‘to cause shade’; the tuakana protects the taina, helping it grow. Pounamu (dark green) is the colour of the leaves of the tuakana (older) fern as it shelters the taina fern below.


Are there extra transition opportunities for students who are anxious about starting high school?

Yes, we run a morning Transition Group in November for anyone who needs some extra support through this process. See Suzanne Waters if you want more information about this.

Does Hagley offer Sports? Yes, we have a lot of different sports teams you can join. The teams compete against other Christchurch high schools. Sign up is simple – either at the Sports sign-up desk during Orientation at the start of the year or through your PE teacher. 30

I was shy before. I’ve come out of my shell at Hagley. Kenzie Bellam - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Heathcote Valley School


You can be yourself, ďŹ nd yourself, try things and make mistakes. Brianna Taylor-Moore - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Tamariki School


The learning is structured but the environment is less formal. There is more mutual respect. Maurice Gillard - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Christchurch South Intermediate


Whakawhirinaki TRUS T

FOR HAGLEY STUDENTS, THIS MEANS S Someone is there for you


Fulfilling promises

Believing in those around you

Believing Bel B eliieevvin someone will catch you elie eli when you fall

Being faithful

Knowing Kno ng ng that th ha someone will have your back h

Being reliable

Respecting people’s privacy R Re


Being loyal


Whirinaki means ‘to lean upon’; the taina relies upon the tuakana to provide support.


At Hagley you always have people to help guide your path. You can ďŹ nd your strengths and practise your weaknesses. Greta Patchett-Christensen Year 9 student 2018 Came from Heathcote Valley School



How many students per class?

Junior classes have 25 students, Targeted Learning has 16 students.

Who are my go-to people if I have concerns? Your Form Tutor, Year 9 and Year 10 Deans, Anne Farrall (College Nurse), one of the Counsellors, Suzanne Waters (Director of the Junior College) or Rowan Milburn (Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing).


Hagley celebrates acceptance. There are more opportunities here. Cerwyn Bach-Strong - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Nova Montessori School


Can I do Music Lessons through school? Yes,

we have a wide range of tuition available. Lessons are usually free and are timetabled in class or break times. The lessons are taken by the Itinerant Teachers of Music. Signing up for lessons can be done in Learning to Learn classtime or at the Music sign-up desk during Orientation at the start of the year. Students are able to join/form bands too.


Hagley is warm and welcoming. The older students let you join in. It’s fun to mix with the other classes. Haawi Whaitiri - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Lyttelton Primary


Once I’m enrolled, do I get to spend time at Hagley getting to know the campus and staff before starting next year? Yes, we have an Orientation Evening for all new Year 9s and their parents/caregivers in November. You get to meet your Form Tutor and your classmates for next year. Parents get to meet each other. Your Form Tutor will talk to you about their role and will take you around the campus again, plus there are lots of opportunities to ask questions. The first day of the year in 2019 is also an Orientation Day so you will be very familiar with the College before starting classes.

How many Junior classes will there be at Hagley in 2019? Five Year 9 classes, five Year 10 classes, and one Targeted Learning class. 40

You get a good education at Hagley. You are not pressured to be a certain way or to do certain things in a certain way. Greer McGrail - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Heathcote Valley School


Hagley has good wellbeing. You can be yourself. At Hagley school is too much fun. Anekin Monks - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Beckenham School

At At Hagley Hagley you you don’t don’t have have to to fi fight ght the the rules. rules. Teachers Teachers get get to to know know you you as as aa person, person, not not just just as as aa student. student. Pearce Mote -Year 9 student 2018 Came from Sumner School





Stepping out of your comfort zone

Doing what is right even when no-one is watching

Not mucking around

Sticking up for friends


Being trustworthy

Having high standards

Being responsible

Taking care of the moment Self-belief

Doing something that beneďŹ ts someone else rather than yourself

Sticking to your morals


Tika is to be correct; when something is the way it should be. Pango (black) traditionally represents the workers, or in this case the day to day values that keep us grounded.


How do I pay for school fees? These

can be paid either in one go or in instalments. Internet banking is an easy option. The Enrolment Centre handles all payments.

Can parents check their child’s attendance online?


we run a “live” attendance system. Staff mark attendance each hour and parents can access this via the Parent Portal on the Hagley Website. Usernames and passwords are sent out at the start of the year. The same system works for checking NCEA results once students are in the Senior College.


The teachers at Hagley make learning fun. It is more free and there is a happier atmosphere here. William Webb - Year 10 student 2018 Came from Heathcote Valley School


The vibe at Hagley is massive. There are a wide range of clubs and sports. I love rec at lunchtimes. Maurice Gillard -Year 9 student 2018 Came from Christchurch South Intermediate

Hagley helps you be you. Hagley is judgement-free! I have met so many nice people. I’m excited to come to school now.

Greta Patchett-Christensen - Year 9 student 2018 Came from Heathcote Valley School



Junior College

Enrolment Process FO��





Complete the relevant sections on pages 1-3 of the Application for Enrolment. You will also need to provide some other specified documents. You then need to post it to the College, addressing the envelope ‘Junior College Enrolments’.

Once your application has been received, an entry assessment appointment will be made and you will be notified by telephone of the date and time.

Once the results from the assessment are received, an appointment will be made for you and your child to meet with the Director of the Junior College. This appointment will take approximately half an hour.

The assessment takes approximately 90mins and will occur during the school day.

WE RECOMMEND: Get your enrolment process underway as soon as possible. Our Junior College fills up very quickly every year.



The College will send you a letter of notification to inform you whether your enrolment has been accepted.

Your Path is Unique

Don’t Trade It For Less!


510 Hagley Avenue | Christchurch 8011 | New Zealand PO Box 3084 (03) 379 3090 ext 884 Email: lisa.amer@hagley.school.nz | Website: www.hagley.school.nz

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