Annual Portfolio Reports 2017

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Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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COLLEGE EFFECTIVENESS PORTFOLIO o Analysis of Variance o Analysis of Qualifications Performance











Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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Over the last two decades, school wide self review has been central to Hagley College’s accountability and improvement processes. For Hagley, school effectiveness is a planning and review cycle to demonstrate that our performance matches our purpose: • to realise our mission statement: lifelong learning that is accessible for all • to build success and a desire for lifelong learning for every student, through our focus on engagement, retention, achievement and transitions. This approach has resulted in on-­‐going improvements and promoted a College culture of informed decision-­‐ making, goal setting and developing innovations. ERO acknowledged Hagley’s strengths in self review in its 2015 review of the College, placing Hagley on the top review cycle: “The robust framework for self review reflects and promotes a sustained focus on continuous improvement so that all students benefit. Self-­‐review practices across the school are well developed and embedded. These practices continue to evaluate what is contributing most effectively to positive outcomes for students.” This annual portfolio report document should also be read in conjunction with two other key strategic documents: the charter and annual plan, and the annual subject review document completed by subject leaders reviewing best practice in teaching, learning and assessment.

TEAM AND PORTFOLIO STRUCTURE The portfolios are grouped under four teams that together guide the work of the College. Each portfolio has several key outcomes listed below related to our charter and annual plan. Each portfolio’s work is reviewed within an annual portfolio performance report published in this document. These reports fulfil several functions. The reports dset out what developments and success looks like for each outcome and progress towards achieving these. The reports also act as portfolio development plans, outlining ideas for the coming year.

Principal’s Team College Effectiveness Portfolio 1. Develop an annual charter that includes strategic priorities, critical success factors and an annual plan for effective performance. 2. Develop and implement a team structure to improve College operations and enact strategic developments, as well as meet strategic priorities and ERO recommendations. 3. Complete annual portfolio reporting and whole school review of staff appraisal and College performance. 4. Complete an analysis of variance on the college’s annual strategic priorities, including an analysis of qualifications performance. Student Systems Portfolio 1. Manage and develop Hagley’s student data systems, including the student management system, timetabling and facilities use, MOE returns, attendance data, student and caregiver reporting. 2. Lead research into best practice in student data management and analysis, applying those understandings to improve student data management, practices and analysis across the College. 3. Plan and conduct data analysis to inform the work of various College portfolios. 4. Grow strong professional learning and self-­‐review models which build teacher effectiveness in using data. Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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Infrastructure and Digital Strategy Portfolio 1. Implement and maintain a robust physical and digital infrastructure and the associated services which are flexible, sustainable, coherent, and proactively planned and managed 2. Develop strategies and processes as well as staff required to drive the development of a flexible and sustainable infrastructure 3. Implement and develop strategies and processes that aid learners to be flexible with their learning in terms of time and location 4. Develop a culture of researching, evaluating and reviewing learning environments, business processes, IT resources and IT educational practice.

Student Wellbeing Team Student Wellbeing Portfolio 1. Lead student wellbeing across the College to ensure student engagement, retention and involvement. 2. Lead research into best practice in student wellbeing, and apply those understandings to inform approaches to student wellbeing across the College. 3. Develop and promote opportunities for student participation and leadership. 4. Use student, whānau and teacher voice to improve student wellbeing. 5. Grow strong professional learning and self-­‐review models which build teacher practice and effectiveness in enhancing student wellbeing. Student Wellbeing: Junior College and Year 11 1. Maintain and develop appropriate systems for transition into Junior College to ensure high levels of retention and to enhance student wellbeing. 2. Support the student wellbeing team by maintaining and developing a safe physical and emotional environment for students in Years 9-­‐11.

Student Learning Team Student Learning Portfolio 1. Lead curriculum design, development and delivery across the College to maximise our students’ engagement with learning and achievement. 2. Lead research into best practice in student learning, and apply those understandings to inform curriculum design, development and delivery across the College. 3. Lead best practice in assessment integrated with teaching and learning in order to maximise student achievement. 4. Use student, whānau and teacher voice to improve student learning. 5. Grow strong professional learning and self-­‐review models which build teacher practice and effectiveness in enhancing student learning. Student Learning: Junior College and Year 11 1. Support curriculum delivery through development of programmes of learning in Years 9-­‐11 that are responsive in meeting students’ learning needs and which enable them to graduate to the next stage of their learning. 2. Support curriculum delivery by ensuring the embedding of transferable skills within programmes of learning in Years 9-­‐11.

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Student Support and Student Placement 1. Support curriculum development through the use of diagnostic tools to identify and place students into appropriate programmes of learning and assessment. 2. Support curriculum development through developing and implementing programmes of teacher development in literacy and learning support. 3. Support curriculum delivery through developing and implementing learning support programmes for students to ensure their wellbeing and keep students successfully in learning Learning Communities Portfolio 1. Develop a cohesive and integrated structure for collaboration, participation and partnerships that is informed by current research 2. Provide English Language Learning that prepares students for community, employment and academic pathways 3. Implement curriculum, pedagogy and assessment practices which reflect diversity 4. Develop flexible and responsive community learning programmes and pathways beyond the school day 5. Deliver support and services where diversity is the norm.

Staff Wellbeing Team Staff Wellbeing Portfolio 1. Foster the appointment, development and retention of quality teachers and support staff who are responsive to diverse learners across the College in all learning areas 2. Develop the College’s commitment to Māori achieving success as Māori and to our bicultural partnership. 3. Develop the College as a regional education hub. 4. Develop ART strategies and opportunities within the College to ensure student engagement, achievement, retention and transitions. Forte [Itinerant Teachers of Music] Portfolio 1. Develop and implement Forte’s collaborative delivery model for the teaching of itinerant music, resulting in high participation and engagement by schools throughout the region. 2. Facilitate reflective teaching practices through inquiry and ongoing professional learning and development. 3. Implement an integrated and comprehensive appraisal system which is evaluated through the windows into practice. 4. Develop and implement a range of personalised music programmes across a diversity of instrumental and vocal disciplines, resulting in greater student achievement and participation in performance music. 5. Connect students to a wide range of ensemble opportunities both in-­‐school and out in the wider community. 6. Coordinate and implement regional and national multi-­‐school music events for students to participate in.

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INTRODUCTION The College Effectiveness portfolio guides the overall direction and performance of the College. A central aspect of the portfolio is to raise awareness across the College that Hagley fulfils multiple roles for many different learners in our region, adolescent and adult, full-­‐time and part-­‐time. There is a wide range of educational activity on behalf of the Christchurch education network. Hagley is diverse and a large part of its strength lies in that diversity. In developing our strategic direction, the College Effectiveness portfolio has emphasised that a stronger and responsive Hagley is an integrated Hagley where all areas are aware of each other, complement each other and work together. Our mission statement, lifelong learning that is accessible for all, underpins all that Hagley is involved in. It also underpins the work of the College Effectiveness portfolio. A key focus for the portfolio is initiating the redevelopment of the College Charter and annual plan. A core strategic development the portfolio is responsible for is centred on defining our role as we move into our second year as designated character school. With a maximum roll number specified under our designated character status, it is critical that the College continues with a robust strategy for development that safeguards our roll and allows us to further develop our regional hub role, particularly in tertiary pathways development. The portfolio also leads Hagley’s major redevelopment over the next four years as part of the Canterbury Schools Rebuiid programme. In March 2017, the approval by the Ministry of Education of the education brief for Hagley’s redevelopment has been a major milestone.

KEY OUTCOMES 1. Develop an annual charter that includes strategic goals, short and long term targets and an annual plan for effective performance. 2. Develop and implement a team structure to improve College operations and enact strategic developments, as well as meet strategic priorities and ERO recommendations. 3. Complete annual portfolio reporting and whole school review of staff appraisal and overall College performance. 4. Complete an analysis of variance on the college’s annual strategic priorities, including an analysis of qualifications performance.

Outcome 1: Develop an annual charter that includes strategic goals, short and long term targets and an annual plan for effective performance.

The four teams that lead Hagley, as well as the porfolios within each team, work towards realising the targets in our annual plan and its targets. Hagley’s strategic goals in our charter focus on our students’ high levels of engagement and achievement; on achieving equity in educational opportunity; on developing transferable learning skills critical for developing Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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learners who live, learn, work and contribute as active members of their communities; and on ensuring success for Māori as Māori. Our goals place an emphasis on the growth and improvement of our Hagley staff as a critical step in order to achieve our student-­‐centred goals. Our goals also reflect our mandate and responsibility to act as a designated character school, meeting the needs of learners of all ages across our region. The seven strategic goals set out in the annual plan describe the targets that the College as a whole is aiming towards over the next three years. An additional goal foregrounding student wellbeing takes the College in a new direction and reinforces a significant aspiration in our education brief, Hagley that enhances a strong sense of safety and connection. The College develops these goals collaboratively so that everyone feels informed about this document and connected to it. All parts of the school – the board, directors, learning area heads, teachers, students, whānau – have the opportunity to comment and develop a shared annual plan that guides our work in 2017 / 2018. In addition to annual goals, the plan describes where Hagley would like to be in three years’ time and what success and achievement will look like.

Outcome 2: Develop and implement a team structure to improve College operations and enact strategic developments, as well as meet strategic priorities and ERO recommendations. A new team structure was introduced at the beginning of 2016, together with several appointments into new team leadership and portfolio roles. This structure has been further developed and team goals further defined during 2016 and 2017, particularly during the redevelopment of Hagley’s education brief which has led to a major mapping of current practice, as well as plans for wellbeing, teaching and learning, timetable design and pedagogy. Three major teams are at the forefront of our work, each headed by a deputy principal: student wellbeing, student learning and staff wellbeing. These three teams are supported by the principal’s team. All four teams work closely together and their work continually overlaps. The four teams keep in close touch with the Board of Trustees through monthly meetings, reporting and discussions. A student-­‐centred focus is prominent in how Hagley is managed. The experience a student has at Hagley, their wellbeing and their learning are central to all staff’s work and focus. The student wellbeing team plays a major role in shaping the experience a student has at Hagley, developing and leading a coherent vision of student wellbeing based on the belief that engagement is centred on students’ wellbeing and involvement in their learning. The wellbeing team is closely linked to the student learning team, which plays a major role in leading curriculum design, development and delivery across the College. It includes our heads of learning areas and subject leaders, and is closely integrated with the learning support team. Our staff wellbeing team fosters an environment where staff are happy, safe and valued. Hagley is very responsive to its staff. Professional learning and reflective practice are highly prioritised as key ways of improving outcomes for our students. Their work is underpinned by how we manage and develop our student data systems working closely with staff across the College, directors, subject leaders and support staff, to improve data management as well as conduct and scrutinise data analysis including surveying students and community. This new portfolio development to improve college effectiveness has already contributed significantly to our regional hub role, successfully organising the diversity and inclusiveness professional learning day held in April 2017 for the Christchurch City Centre Learning Community Cluster for staff from educational institutions in the central city.The enrolment centre has integrated with student systems within our College structure to further enhance the work of this vital central part of Hagley’s operations. The student systems portfolio has a mentorship and strategy role, a move which helps formalise the many links between these two areas. The infrastructure and digital strategy portfolio has been another successful introduction. Its role is to oversee ICT and infrastructure developments and improvements, including prioritising, planning, costing and scheduling Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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various projects. A core part of this role includes leading MLE / ILE developments, trialing new learning space design in preparation for our redevelopment under the Christchurch Schools Renewal programme. This team structure is to help Hagley grow and develop to meet new opportunities and challenges. It is through these teams that Hagley works towards its annual plan and achieve its strategic goals, reports to our Board and external agencies, and addresses areas for development indicated by ERO. In regard to enacting areas for review and development indicated by ERO in their 2015 review, all four teams are taking a shared lead role. As appropriate, particular portfolio reports that follow detail how the College is responding to each of these ERO recommendations; How effectively does this school’s curriculum promote and support student learning? • There is curriculum cohesion, coherence and balance across academic, vocational and other programmes. • The nature and effectiveness of support for curriculum leaders is regularly reviewed to make sure that the role of middle management, and related communication and decision-­‐making processes, are contributing to effective curriculum planning and development. • Teachers have increasing opportunities to contribute to setting priorities for professional learning programmes in ways that extend current research-­‐based understandings and practices. The student learning portfolio is undertaking extensive work in this area, leading curriculum review and planning as well as support for curriculum leaders. How well does this school use achievement information to make positive changes to learners’ engagement, progress and achievement? • Refine the way targets are set. This would help to ensure that there is a more precise focus on groups of students who need the most support to meet their own and the school’s achievement goals. The student wellbeing portfolio is leading work on collecting and responding to student data, with the proposed Year 11 tutor pilot project an example of targeting groups in need of support. How effectively does the school promote educational success for Māori, as Māori? • Review current provisions, programmes and practices regarding success for Maori, as Maori. • Use the outcomes of this review to identify priorities, goals and guidelines for improvement. • Implement a regular cycle of review and reporting for the board, whanau and the community about progress. towards these identified goals. The staff wellbeing portfolio [which has a leadership role in this area] is implementing mentorship of our Māori ākonga . The Board of Trustees has delegated the Senior Leadership Team to lead work on the fourth ERO recommendation in regard to sustainable development: • the Board, as a good employer, should provide all staff with regular meaningful opportunities, such as anonymous surveys, to provide feedback about their wellbeing and matters of greatest importance to them. The 2017 survey was completed by 164 staff. The Principal has presented survey data in meetings with teaching staff, After 3 teachers and support staff. Major response areas included the trimming of professional learning focuses and increasing opportunities for staff collegiality.

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Outcome 3: Complete annual portfolio reporting and whole school review of staff appraisal and overall College performance. Self review operates at multiple levels within Hagley. At a senior level, portfolio directors complete annual reviews of several critical success factors that are central to achieving our strategic goals. These reviews are included in this annual report compilation. Teachers complete inquiries centred on improving outcomes for students they teach. Drawing on multiple evidence sources, they also complete Windows into Practice which are central to teacher appraisal and attestation for their Practising Certificates. Meta-­‐analyses of inquiry and appraisal guide the direction of College wide professional learning. Inquiry is a firmly established school-­‐wide process. There is five years of detailed Hagley-­‐ based knowledge focused on improving outcomes for our students held as a major staff inquiry resource on Sharepoint. In 2016, five major areas for inquiry included developing biculturalism in the classroom, transferable skills development, improving achievement improving engagement, improving literacy and numeracy, and improving transitions. Gains from inquiry identified across the school in 2016 are reported in further detail in the student learning portfolio report. In 2016, subject leaders completed annual reviews of teaching, learning and assessment against four indicators of best practice. A development in 2017 is that subject leaders will include an additional reportable item outlining their department action plans for implementing the goals in our annual plan. During term 1 2017, leaders met with their departments to initiate this work, with the following trends observed: • for goals 1 and 2 [Enhance our students’ sense of wellbeing so that they flourish at and beyond Hagley; Increase students’ engagement and achievement in their learning] -­‐ several departments indicated how they are continuing to use 2017 student survey data and other approaches to help them understand more fully about our student cohort and improve their learning and wellbeing. • for goal 2: [Increase students’ engagement and achievement in their learning] – embedding the transferable skills into programmes and acting on NCEA achievement data to improve engagement and achievement • for goal 3:[Enable students to effectively transition to further learning or their chosen pathways] -­‐ identifying new vocationally based programmes and programmes, some of which which span subject contexts • for goal 4:[Build Hagley’s bicultural partnership] -­‐ identifying strategies for continuing the implementation of our language plan, including the development of a pilot project to integrate Te Reo and English at Year 9 in 2018. • for goal 5: [Enact Hagley’s values] -­‐ planning about how to co-­‐construct with students understandings of what our values look like in classrooms • for goal 6: [Build Hagley as a strong self reviewing school] – identifying how to further develop inquiries and windows into practice. The College Effectiveness portfolio ensures that all layers of self review inform Hagley’s evidence-­‐driven practices and contribute to our overall performance and achievement of our strategic goals.

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Outcome 4: Complete an analysis of variance on the college’s annual strategic priorities, including an analysis of qualifications performance.

Annual strategic priorities Rationale We want all Hagley students to be successful learners. Our mission is to build success, achievement and a desire for lifelong learning for every student. There are four key intended outcomes to enable students to be successful: engagement; retention; achievement and transitions. 1. Engagement: Improving our students’ engagement in school and in their learning are fundamental to our work. This involves the active development of student wellbeing, built on our understandings about how our students feel about their school and their learning. We focus on authentic relationships and teachers becoming significant adults in the lives of their students. 2. Retention: Retaining students in appropriate programmes and students being connected to their learning are vital to retention and success. We are committed to retaining students in their programmes and to reaching goals they have co-­‐constructed with their teachers. These goals include qualifications, pathways and transitions to further learning, training or employment. 3. Achievement: The development of transferable learning skills and the gaining of qualifications are fundamental to student achievement. We are committed to raising student achievement both within the college and at a regional level. The government’s Better Public Service (BPS) targets form one baseline index for student achievement. 4. Transitions: We play a role in establishing appropriate pathways for students and support them in transitioning into their ‘next steps’. Positive outcomes for all our students are the advancement to further learning, training or employment.

STRATEGIC PRIORITIES To meet our commitment to improve engagement, achievement, retention, and transitions, the following strategic priorities for 2016 were identified: 1. Increase student engagement and achievement. 2. Enable students to effectively transition to further learning or their chosen pathways. 3. Build Hagley’s bicultural partnership. 4. Enact Hagley’s values. 5. Build Hagley as a strong self reviewing school. 6. Build Hagley‘s role as a designated character school to meet regional and national education needs

STRATEGIC PRIORITY 1 Increase student engagement and achievement. Annual Aim: to collect, analyse and act on cohort-­‐wide data about our students’ engagement with school and with their learning, as well as about their achievement. Longer term targets [2018] •

To recognise that the data we need to focus on as a first priority is about how our students feel about school and their learning. Student voice, together with other data sources, thereby guides College-­‐wide and individual teacher actions to improve engagement, retention, achievement.

To complete annual data collection around engagement, retention and achievement and use this to identify priority groups and respond to their needs.

To develop successful lifelong learners who transition successfully into further learning or their chosen pathways. We develop these Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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learners by focusing on the critical link between student wellbeing and student learning in order to create engagement and involvement in learning. •

To evolve our curriculum development in innovative and responsive ways to maximise our students’ engagement with learning and achievement.

2016 targets


Reasons for the Variance

Evaluation and planning for 2017

We identify the student dispositions [the transferable competencies and skills] we need to prioritise in order to build engagement and achievement.

The transferable skills have been identified as contributing, communicating, maker mindset, self regulation, thinking and collaborating. Identification and agreement over the skills occurred through detailed staff consultation durinh 2016, informed by analysis of national and international research and the needs of our students.

Target achieved.

There is increasing awareness among staff about the need to give prominence to these skills. The focus will now move to what these skills look like within programmes and how staffs’ instructional choices can foreground and build the skills. Based on their 2016 work on transferable skills, departments will develop action plans on how their teachers will embed the skills. This action plan item will be reviewed in annual subject reports.

An aspirational aspect linked to this target is that students begin to see the skills as transferable, start to make connections between the skills and apply them across courses. In 2016, we establish baseline data about our students’ engagement with school and with learning.

624 students completed the wellbeing surveys about their attitudes to school and to learning. Survey data was analysed in depth as a staff and in departments. At senior levels in addition to examining data by year group, gender, ethnicity, adult/adolescent,specialist schools/regular courses, new/returning students, full /part-­‐time study, a special targeted study of selected survey items was grouped under ‘responses to my learning’ and ‘responses to my teachers’. Additional feedback sought from students revealed useful ideas, including limiting teacher talk in class.

Target achieved [for fulltime adolescent students].

In 2017, we intend to introduce an additional strategic priority focused on wellbeing [Enhance our students’ sense of wellbeing so that they flourish at and beyond Hagley], which foregrounds the key principle that positive emotions and feeling confident are critical for effective learning. 2017 surveys have been developed to include specific questions about wellbeing. Collecting, analysing and responding to data from part time and adult learners is a major focus in 2017. In this regard, students in After 3 programmes will also be included in 2017 surveying.

Data from Years 9 to 13 was positive. Where comparisons with national NZCER data can be made at Years 9 and 10, Hagley data consistently tracked above national data for 30 of the 35 assessment items [with the other 5 at national levels] about feeling positive about learning and about school. Senior student survey data tracked very similarily [and positively] to Year 9 and 10 data [no national comparisons are available for senior surveys]. It was gratifying to note that data for students coming to Hagley as new students was as positive as that of returning students.

There has been a significant review of our induction procedures, with student orientation processes and tutors’ wellbeing roles being reviewed and strengthened.

All data is available to staff online via Sharepoint. We meet or exceed national and regional data for the highest level qualification a student takes with them when they move from secondary education [leaver

51% of our 319 full time adolescent leavers* gained UE. [*this is the total number of 2016 full time adolescent leavers from all NCEA levels: Levels 1, 2 and 3, to enable valid comparisons with other secondary schools] [national data; 40%, regional data: NA] 58.62% of our 319 full time adolescent leavers* studying at NCEA Level 3 gained their Level 3 Certificates [national: 52%, regional: 54.7%]

Target achieved for UE, Level 3 and Level 1 NCEA. Level 2 NCEA leaver data is an area for focus, being 3-­‐4% under regional and national data. While there are several

Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

Though curriculum review meetings to prepare programmes for 2018, learning area leaders will be asked to develop more vocationally based programmes to meet students’ learning needs.

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performance in UE and NCEA Certificate achievement].

75.86% of our 319 full time adolescent leavers* studying at NCEA Levels 2 and 3 gained their Level 2 Certificates [national: 79%, regional: 79.8%]

89.7% of our 319 full time adolescent leavers* studying at NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3 gained their Level 1 Certificates [national: 88%, regional: 89.3%]

We use our student management system effectively as a key tool to improve engagement, retention and achievement, with a focus on improved student data management, sharing, and analysis.

Several staff workshops have been held to improve SMS practices, with increased staff use of pastoral incidents, attendance tracking, relief, mark book use and using the phone app.

factors, Hagley brings in approximately one third of its Level 2 cohort new each year with many of these students having previously experienced limited NCEA success. While these students are entered for sufficient credits to gain a Level 2 NCEA Certificate, it has become clear that certificate completion is often a realistic goal over more than one year. One way of addressing this issue is through programme development, in that these students would benefit from more vocationally based programmes linked to Levels 1 and 2 credits. Target achieved.

There has been increased promotion and use of attendance data.

The introduction of the Student Systems portfolio at the beginning of 2016 has led to significant gains in effective staff use of our SMS system, working closely with the Student Wellbeing portfolio. The introduction of a Wellbeing Administrator has led to a much more proactive and personalised approach to student attendance, as well as improved the effectiveness and accessibility of the counselling team.

Taking a proactive and positive focus to attendance has been successful, for example through the popular term 2 and 3 ‘pizza with the principal’ for students with 100% attendance.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY 2 Enable students to effectively transition to further learning or their chosen pathways. Annual Aim: to develop our delivery models, including our tertiary pathways, ‘schools within schools’ programmes, innovative subject contexts, vocational pathways and ‘at risk’ student mentorship models, to create opportunities based on students’ needs, interests and goals. Longer term targets [2018]: •

To expand our NCEA based and other pathway options offered at Hagley, aimed at both adolescent and adult learners.

To establish Hagley as the secondary school through which adolescent and adult learners, who previously may have not considered further learning or tertiary study as options, have opportunities in Hagley programmes which lead them to successful transitions from secondary into tertiary learning or into other chosen pathways.

To develop our curriculum profile so that it reflects growth and innovation in its programme development at all levels, particularly in our tertiary pathways.

To expand our partnerships with tertiary institutions throughout New Zealand, and particularly with the University of Canterbury.

2016 targets


Reasons for the Variance

Evaluation and planning for 2017

In partnership with our senior leadership team, our learning leaders

SLT met with all ten learning area leaders to review their curriculum profiles. Shifts in programme focus and new courses have been

Target achieved.

Hagley’s redevelopment brief is acting as a major catalyst for curriculum review in 2017. Senior staff groups are visiting new Christchurch schools Haeata and

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review existing models offered, take up opportunities to refine or adapt current offerings, as well as introduce new programmes.

introduced, and in particular in Technology.

Rolleston, with visits to Rototuna in Hamilton, Hobsonville, Albany, Alfriston, Ormiston and Botany Downs.

The development of Hagley’s redevelopment brief has led to a major exercise in mapping current practice, as well as future plans for teaching and learning, timetable design and pedagogy.

There is significant review planned for Year 9 and 10 curriculum in 2017, with a focus on transferable skills development, programmes which span learning areas and project based learning.

An audit of the learning spaces in the school has led to some development of flexible learning spaces, including the performance space beside X Block and other break out student spaces throughout the school.

Professional learning around curriculum is the central focus for term 2 2017. Plans for new learning spaces include the café learning space development and science grounds redevelopment.

We introduce at least one new pathway programme in 2017 and work with the University of Canterbury to develop further pathway programmes.

Three new tertiary pathway programmes were developed and promoted in collaboration with UC: Pre-­‐Engineering, Pre-­‐Computing and Sports Coaching. Low enrolments meant that none of the three programmes ran in 2017, despite late expressions of interest .

Target partially achieved, in that five programmes were developed.

In collaboration with the MOE, two new programmes were introduced for term 4 2016 and for early 2017: the Pathway Support Programme to enable students to complete their Level 2 Certificates; the Literacy and Numeracy Support Programme for complete literacy and numeracy for Levels 1 and 2 NCEA. There were no enrolments into the Pathway Support Programme. The Literacy and Numeracy Support Programme is underway, with students joining exisiting classes during term 1 to complete credits required.

The Pathway Support Programme replaced the annual Summer School which Hagley has offered for the last three years to assist students in the region complete Level 2 NCEA. Two main factors are behind the non-­‐running of this programme in early 2017. Schools are increasingly targeting their own returning students who need catch up credits. Secondly, this programme has almost exclusively been used previously by students who are returning to their schools. These students complete their Level 2 Certificates while undertaking study at Level 3, so there is no significant advantage for these students to complete a January programme.

We maintain the high success rate in our tertiary pathways programmes.

91% of the 118 students enrolling into Catch Up College completed UE requirements thereby gaining entry to tertiary institutions for semester 1 2017.

While it is disappointing that low numbers eventually meant these pre-­‐tertiary courses could not go ahead, it is accepted as part of Hagley’s flexible and open approach to encouraging new course developments that some programmes may not get past the design stage. Some expressions of interest from students without the necessary high level 2 NCEA pre-­‐requisites indicates that there is potential for the Pre-­‐Engineering course to be pitched as a two year programme beginning at NCEA Level 2, rather than an single year Level 3 programme.

Target achieved.

In 2016, 91% of the 123 students enrolled passed the University of Canterbury Academic Communication and Study Skills course [the core pre-­‐undergraduate paper in the Certificate of University Preparation –CUP 006 paper] taught at Hagley. Students take three other papers to complete their Certificates at the University.

These are excellent results and tracking very similarly to the previous year [93% 2016 Catch Up College; 90% 2015 CUP 006]. Hagley’s strengths in programme leadership and in skilled teaching provision in the Academic Communication and Study Skills course continues to be acknowledged by the University. With our MOU with the University reaching its three year term in 2017, we have approached UC with plans to increase collaboration, to contribute to new blended and online delivery modela and to take a greater role in programme leadership across all three semesters.

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STRATEGIC PRIORITY 3 Build Hagley’s bicultural partnership. Annual Aim: to build culturally inclusive classrooms and encourage practices which are culturally inclusive. Longer term targets [2018]: •

To recognise that a strong bicultural partnership starts with our kaiako each making a personal commitment within their own professional learning and practice.

To make explicit our commitment to Māori achieving success as Māori and to our bicultural partnership in Aotearoa in our work.

In demonstrable ways across the College, to make clear that we value the culture, identity and language of all our students, and particularly Māori.

To practice the tātaiako competencies of wānanga [communication], whanaungatanga [relationships], manaakitanga [values], tangata whenuatanga [affirmation], and ako [learning].

2016 targets


Reasons for the Variance

We actively mentor our Māori ākonga.

Māori students’ data from all year levels from our major 2016 wellbeing survey was scrutinised, revealing positive attitudes to school and to learning. For example, the median scale score for Māori students entering Hagley at Year 9 is 59.6%, and for non-­‐Māori is 58.1%.

Target achieved.

The involvement of whānau to support their rangitahi has led to five hui in 2016, where whānau were consulted on what they would like for their tamariki, understanding NCEA and labour market awareness.

Evaluation and planning for 2017 In 2017, Phyllis Callaghan from Kaha Education is leading staff in we can successfully engage Māori ākonga in learning in a major piece of professional learning for kaiako. 2017 Māori student wellbeing survey data will be examined in detail again. Our support for at risk Māori and Pasifika students akonga will use a strengthened Hagely based mentoship model.

We continue to support the 1999 cohort of Māori and Pasifika students at risk of not achieving NCEA, in collaboration with the MOE. We promote the normalisation of te reo Māori around the College, which includes introducing a whole school language plan in 2016. We offer multiple bicultural professional learning opportunities for kaiako.

Our language plan has been developed and shared across our kura, with ongoing whole staff professional learning, in department work and te reo classes for kaiako focused on supporting that implementation.

Target achieved.

Language plan focuses include: Staff using greetings and everday expressions in class. Assemblies and, in particular, 2016 prizegivings have a bicultural element made prominent. 2017 te reo and tikanga courses have expanded and are now offered from Years 9-­‐ 12.

After introductory work in 2016, departments are identifying how they intend to further implement our language plan this year. This action plan item will be reviewed in annual subject reports. Staff continue to document their commitment ot biculturalism through their annual self-­‐review documentation, the Window into Practice.

Many kaiako have now been learning te reo at Hagley since 2015, with continuing strong enrolments in both advanced and beginner te reo. Hagley is confidently able to welcome our manuhiri through a mihi whakatau with confidence of traditional protocols. More whakatauki have been installed around Hagley, with learning areas asked to select and nominate whakatauki that are meaningful for their work. All new signage is in Te Reo and English.

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STRATEGIC PRIORITY 4 Enact Hagley’s values. Annual Aim: to promote our values: trust, respect, integrity and personal responsibility. Longer term targets [2018]: •

To recognise that Hagley’s values are based on the relationships staff build with our students and that those relationships are the foundation of student wellbeing and learning.

To give prominence to our values of trust, respect, integrity and personal responsibility.

To celebrate difference, individuality and diversity.

To bring to life our mission statement: “lifelong learning that is accessible to all”.

2016 targets


Reasons for the Variance

Evaluation and planning for 2017

We make our values visible around Hagley and lift student awareness about those values.

Our values are experienced implicitly by our students through their relationships with our staff. It is clear how important those relationships are, as positive and supportive working relationships were identified as the highest ranked item [identified in 75% of responses] in the 2016 community survey data about what aspects of Hagley are most appreciated as we move towards our redevelopment.

Target partially achieved [Year 9 and 10 students]

In 2017, our staff and students will work collaboratively to develop shared understandings of what our values look like at Hagley, both in and out of class. Teachers have been asked to work with their classes at all levels to negotiate what the values look like in their classrooms.

Our Year 9 and 10 students are defining our values in ways that are meaningful to them. Their ideas and other ideas to make our values explicit will be published using a range of media to promote awareness and engagement with our values.

Following discussions with leaders and staff, as well as with Year 9 and 10 students, we intend making our values more explicit and visible around the school.

We link our values to our bicultural context, for example by using Māori terms as well as English to describe our values.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY 5 Build Hagley as a strong self reviewing school. Annual Aim: to engage in evidence-­‐driven practices to increase student engagement and achievement. Longer term targets [2018]: •

To learn and move forward by reflecting honestly on our practice, acknowledging both our strengths and where we need to improve.

Self review for improvement and accountability occurs at multiple levels as an integrated, iterative process.

Our teachers’ evidence gathering and review practices impact on student engagement, retention and achievement.

Our self review practices actively inform our work towards College strategic goals.

2016 targets


Reasons for the Variance

Evaluation and planning for 2017

Teachers complete inquiries centred on improving outcomes for students they teach. Meta-­‐ analyses of inquiry and appraisal guide the direction of College wide professional learning.

Inquiry is now a well established school-­‐wide process. There is five years of detailed Hagley based knowledge focused on improving outcomes for our students held as a major staff inquiry resource on Sharepoint. In 2016, five major areas for inquiry included developing biculturalism in the classroom, transferable skills development, improving achievement improving engagement, improving literacy and numeracy, and improving transitions.

Target achieved.

Full participation has been sustained in inquiry, [as well as in appraisal and subject / portfolio review] – with characteristics of professional growth as noted evident across the staff.

Gains from inquiry identified across the school include:

Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

Areas for focus in 2017 include: •

• •

understanding the iterative nature of inquiry– intervene/ test/ intervene seeking ‘data’ from a range of perspectives, beyond self-­‐reporting focusing on the micro level and improving teacher practice, rather

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Reading more widely; reading to inform interventions

Listening and responding to student voice

Linking inquiries to school wide PLD foci

Using the spiral approach

Including other voices, for example by bringing in colleagues to observe as part of inquiry.

We are considering how individualised feedback to teachers could be offered. While HODs mentor and give advice on their teachers’ inquiries through the year, an area for development is how centralised responses to inquiry could be offered to teachers.

Teachers complete their key self review tool, the Window into Practice [WIP], drawing on multiple evidence sources [including student survey data and annual plan] and reflecting on improvements in their own practice. This process is central to teacher appraisal and attestation for their practising certificates.

After SLT met to review each department’s appraisals and WIPs at the end of 2016, HODs received documented feedback. This feedback was, for the most part, very positive acknowledging strengths within departments. Where action points were documented. SLT are working with HODs and some teachers to implement points during 2017.

Subject leaders complete annual reviews of teaching, learning and assessment against indicators of best practice.

All 35 subject leaders completed annual subject reviews. Several assessment audit items [quality teaching, learning and assessment materials and procedures are used in programmes at all levels; assessment is at the national standard; achievement data is used to inform practice] have been part of subject reviews for over a decade, with NZQA moderation data continuing to act as a key validation due to our major focus on internal assessment. The reviews also give department based overiews of how teacher inquiry is used to inform practice. The reviews now offer a vital insight into department based professional learning. Many of the areas identified by HODs as professional learning items are developments from whole staff and subject leader professional learning, including transferable skills, te reo language plan and assessment equity.

than the macro, [for example by changing course design] identification of needs of target students come before identification of ‘topic’

Target achieved.

As with inquiry [which is a central evidence source for appraisal], it is increasingly evident that appraisal practice is improving with an increasing range of perspectives and sources included. The development of the WIP design to enhance the focus on teacher critique of their professional practice under each of the four appraisal components has been strengthened with the introduction of a major section, ‘what it means for me’, where teachers select one or more of the evidence sources and describe what they have learned to improve their practice, and / or how it has improved outcomes for students they teach.

Target achieved.

There is continued refinement of evidence-­‐driven practices to increase student engagement and achievement. Whatever the data source, self-­‐improvement must be evident. In 2017, inceasing responsiveness and accountability is being sought from subject leaders and HODs in two areas. Each subject leader is asked to comment on responses to achievement data in their subjects. This includes analysis of what the data reveals with an increased focus on actions taken to reach desired student achievement outcomes. HODs are asked to report on department-­‐ based professional learning and how this is used to inform teacher practice. It is envisaged that these responses will also be built into action plan items reviewed in annual subject reports.

Each portfolio completes an annual review of its key outcomes which are central to achieving our strategic goals.

The principal met with the ten portfolio directors to reviews and update the key outcomes for their portfolios, which are closely related to our Charter and Annual Plan goals. Each portfolio’s work has been reviewed within an annual portfolio performance report. These reports fulfil several functions. The reports define what developments and success looks like for each outcome and progress towards achieving these. The reports also act as portfolio development plans,

Target achieved.

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The development of portfolio reviews continues in 2017 to further strengthen the work of the new team structures introduced at the beginning of 2016. All portfolios have made positive developments and in major ways improved our effectiveness, in particular the new portfolios of student wellbeing, student learning and student systems, the latter in many respects being a significant and new portfolio development to

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setting out achievement targets for the coming year. In directors’ appraisal meetings at the end of 2016, directors’ 2016 reports were used a central and useful reference point.

improve college effectiveness. The enrolment centre has integrated with student systems within our College structure to further enhance the work of this vital central part of Hagley’s operations. The student systems portfolio has a mentorship and strategy role, a move which helps formalise the many links between these two areas.


Build Hagley‘s role as a designated character school to meet regional and national education needs. Annual Aim: to enact our designated character school mandate and to act as regional education hub for students, staff, whānau and diverse communities Longer term targets [2018]: •

To enact our mandate and responsibility to act as a designated character school, meeting the needs of students of all ages across our region.

To enact our mandate and responsibility to act as an education hub for students, staff, whānau and communities across our region.

To further establish Hagley as a key regional provider offering a diverse range of programmes. We take up new opportunities, as well as refine or adapt current programmes and initiatives [Learning Communities, Forte, Van Asch, Adult Literacy Centre, Preschool, Tertiary Pathways], as well as introduce new initiatives.

To enact our education brief in the redevelopment of Hagley.

2016 targets


Reasons for the Variance

We establish and lead the academic literacy programme in partnership with the University of Canterbury and several Christchurch schools, as part of the MOE ‘Investing in Educational Success’ initiative.

Hagley’s leadership in the TLIF project in academic literacy began in Term 4 2016, after a short period of planning following the announcement that the proposal had been accepted. Teachers from four schools and the University were brought together for professional development sessions led by Hagley which focused on establishing prior knowledge and building new knowledge about the achievement gap, tertiary transitions, literacy and the nature of academic literacy or discipline specific literacy.

Target met.

We implement our designated character mandate

A major review of enrolment processes occurred during 2016 with the implementation of designated character

Target met.

Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

Evaluation and planning for 2017 Teachers will be led in 2017 in an inquiry process, using a shared inquiry model to investigate their current practice in terms of advancing academic literacy. Once they have chosen their target groups, teachers will gather some information about their learners’ understandings around academic literacy. Teachers will then work in small groups to identify elements of the academic discourse which are important in their discipline; that is they will investigate “the ways of knowing and doing” in their discipline. These understandings will be shared and discussed with the group to build understanding of the pluralistic nature of academic literacy. Teachers will then work collaboratively to develop new discipline-­‐appropriate approaches and resources will be trialled as interventions with their target learners. Teachers will collaborate face to face as well as online in this process through an online community which has been set up. As well as this interaction there will be regular face to face meetings where teachers will share approaches they have trialled and the results of their interventions. In order to expose new and returning students at all levels a broad experience of the wide choice which Hagley offers, the

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in our enrolments and school operations.

enrolment procedures. All year levels reached maximum number capacity for 2017 enrolment. Several new successful enrolment initiatives were introduced, In particular, a quicker and more proactive response to enrolment applications particularly at Years 9 – 11 has been effective. In order to help determine if students meet designated character school criteria, students were asked to supply statements from sources outside the students’ schools supporting their applications [for example from a sports coach, church group leader, or family friend] dealing with their willingness to make a commitment to Hagley’s values of trust, respect, integrity and personal responsibility, as well as being adaptable, flexible and working collaboratively.

expo style re-­‐enrolment day will be extended to include Year 11 students enrolling into Year 12 in 2017. We will also expand our senior college open evening with an earlier slot aimed at Year 10 Hagley parents and students wishing to find out more about Year 11 programmes. Key aspects of online enrolment will be extended into day school enrolment for new Year 12 and 13 students. Videos highlighting aspects of Hagley will be commissioned in 2017 to further promote our designated character school status.

An new expo style re-­‐enrolment day to expose existing Hagley students to the diverse choices available was successful. A course confirmation day in January was also introduced in order to assess the suitability of course placements once NCEA results were confirmed. An online enrolment process was successfully introduced for After 3 students, as was an offer to enrol free for parents and caregivers with adolescent children enrolling. We develop Hagley’s role as a turangawaewae to further support migrant and refugee communities.

We participate and contribute to the Central City Schools’ Cluster and other regional hub developments.

Hagley continues to be recognised for its significant and successful commitment to learning and support for refugee and migrant people over the last three decades

Target met.

In 2016, we approached the Christchurch City Council with a joint project proposal to build a multicultural centre at Hagley for refugee and migrant communities. The centre would provide a place for language maintenance which is vital for affirming and celebrating culture and identity, while at the same time actively building capacity and social inclusion in multiple ways through business mentoring, social and financial education, as well as qualifications and life skills pathways. Th centre would include flexible spaces for various agencies and groups to work with students and families, as well as a cultural performance venue and a community centre for refugee and migrant people in Christchurch. Hagley has taken a leadership role in the Christchurch Central City Learning Community cluster, by establishing the shared ‘diversity and inclusiveness’ focus then taking a lead role in the planning of professional learning events.

Following a meeting with the City Council Multicultural Subcommittee, we have been invited to prepare a submission to have the centre project considered for the CCC Annual Plan. We are seeking a Council funding contribution in the region of six to seven million dollars to co-­‐develop the centre. We would also contribute to the development as part of our redevelopment that occurs over the next three years. The opportunity to create such a centre in a central location is an unparalleled action in favour of multiculturalism. If the centre goes ahead, it offers a new model for delivery unseen previously in New Zealand which would transfer Hagley’s work towards this goal.

Target met.

In enacting our mandate and responsibility to act as an education hub for kaiako across our region, we are also hosting our Aranui High School colleagues who are retraining following Aranui’s closure in 2016.

Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

Diversity and inclusiveness underpin our annual plan and strategic goals, therefore lifting staff awareness and understanding is critical. Accordingly, we are undertaking the leadership of cluster professional learning, organising during term 1 the Core Education inclusiveness expert Chrissie Butler keynote, as well as the diversity and inclusiveness professional learning day for the cluster with 17 workshops offered across the programme, as well as keynote from Hana O’Regan.

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We develop an education brief which sets out our vision of how education will be delivered at Hagley to enact this goal and our other strategic goals.

In 2016 , we have worked collaboratively to create our education brief, the map of how we want to deliver education at Hagley in future. In addition to several staff meetings on the brief, curriculum leaders heard and discussed ideas put forward by various teams and departments about how we want teaching and learning to be across the school as we move forward. The level of detail and the level of synergy about the way forward was strong. Through the drafting of our brief, we have said that our five key aspirations for our place are: • a place that enhances a strong sense of safety and connection • a place that embraces and reflects its biculturalism • a place whose effective teaching practices and use of spaces are flexible, collaborative and enhance learning and wellbeing • a place that provides adolescent and adult students across Christchurch access to a relevant secondary education designed to meet their individual needs and goals • a place that embraces and reflects its diversity.

Target met.

As we move towards our redevelopment, plans to collaborate across departments in many settings across the school are being actively encouraged. In order to maximise the benefits for our students of a redeveloped learning environment, we continue to focus on improving the effectiveness of our practices, so that: • •

students experience variety in how they learn there is flexibility in how our spaces can be arranged for a range of learning activities we use longer time slots effectively to offer choice, student independence and variety in learning approaches, including self directed and project based learning, discussion and working with others.

We work with the MOE to develop our education brief into an appropriate master plan for our redevelopment.

Analysis of qualifications performance Key points commentary Hagley is committed to raising student achievement both within the College as well as at a regional level, through it regional hub initiatives such as Catch Up College and UC@Hagley. The Government’s Better Public Service (BPS) 85% target for NCEA L2 is one baseline for student achievement, given that a major part of Hagley’s roll is at Years 12 and 13. Our leaver data remains high, with 90% of our 334 adolescent full time leavers gaining an NCEA Certificate at Levels 1 2, or 3. 56% of our leavers gained a Level 3 Certificate and 26 % a Level 2 Certificate, a total of 82% of our leavers achieving at NCEA Level 2 and above. Our part time leavers transitioning to tertiary pathways remains very high, with 93% of those enrolling into Catch Up College completing UE requirements thereby gaining entry to tertiary institutions for semester 1. For non NCEA qualifications, 90% of students enrolled passed the University of Canterbury Academic Communication and Study Skills course taught for the first time at Hagley in 2015, lifting the previous pass rate for the full university certificate [which is taught partially at Hagley and partially at UC] by 20%. This achievement gain has been recognised by the University of Canterbury Board of Studies. In part, its success has contributed to the University’s wish to increase the number of tertiary pathway courses offered at Hagley, with three new courses under preparation for 2017. Hagley has two specific Senior College target areas in regard to qualifications performance: 1. Improved performance in participation achievement in NCEA 2. Improved performance in leaver attainment, particularly in regard to Government Better Public Service targets at NCEA L2+.

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QUALIFICATION TARGET 1: IMPROVED PERFORMANCE IN LEAVER ATTAINMENT Leaver attainment in national qualifications is a valuable measure to identify Hagley’s performance in improving student achievement. Achievement of full-­‐time adolescent student leavers is directly comparable to other secondary schools’ leaver data. The data around highest attainment is particularly useful. The number of school leavers forms an easily understood cohort that acts as an accurate denominator at this crucial stage in the education system; the qualification each student takes with them when they move from secondary education. Data used below is sourced from MOE ENROL and PAI [Public Achievement Information] data. National data Canterbury Qualification Hagley goal and data 2016 2016 data 2016 Data sourced from MOE [ENROL]

Data sourced from MOE [PAI / Canterbury]

Leavers with University Entrance -­‐ all participating students [ie: those who have entered sufficient credits to achieve a particular qualification in a given year]

Hagley goal [across all targets]: meet or exceed national and regional data

Outcome 2016:

51% of our 319 full time adolescent leavers* gained UE. [*this is the total number or 2016 full time adolescent leavers from all NCEA levels: Levels 1, 2 and 3]



2016 leavers with Level 3 NCEA Certificate -­‐ all participating students

Hagley goal: meet or exceed national and regional data

Outcome 2016:

58.62% of our 319 full time adolescent leavers studying at NCEA Level 3 gained their Certificates.



2016 leavers with Level 2 NCEA Certificate -­‐ all participating students

Hagley goal: meet or exceed national and regional data

Outcome 2016:

75.86% of our 319 full time adolescent leavers studying at NCEA Levels 2 or 3 gained their Certificates.



2016 leavers with Level 1 NCEA Certificate -­‐ all participating students

Hagley goal: meet or exceed national and regional data

Outcome 2016:

89.7% of our 319 full time adolescent leavers studying at NCEA Levels 1 , 2 or 3 gained their Certificates.



exceeds national data by 11%

exceeds national data by 6.2%; exceeds Canterbury regional data by 3.92%

under national data by 3.14%; under Canterbury regional data by 3.94%

exceeds national data by 1.7%; exceeds Canterbury regional data by 0.4%

Commentary: Hagley’s goals have been met across all targets except one. Level 2 NCEA leaver data is an area for focus, being 3-­‐ 4% under regional and national data. While there are several factors, Hagley brings in approximately one third of its Level 2 cohort new each year with many of these students having previously experienced limited NCEA success. Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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While these students are entered for sufficient credits to gain a Level 2 NCEA Certificate, it has become clear that certificate completion is often a realistic goal over more than one year. One way of addressing this issue is through programme development, in that these students would benefit from more vocationally based programmes linked to Levels 1 and 2 credits.

QUALIFICATION TARGET 2: IMPROVED PERFORMANCE IN ‘HIGH STAKES’ NCEA ACHIEVEMENT With such a large Senior College population predominantly at Year 13, Hagley’s aim is for its students to gain increasingly high levels of success in qualifications that for most students are at their exit level from secondary school. Hagley is focused on improving its key highest level – and highest stakes -­‐ qualifications achievement [NCEA Level 3; University Entrance]. Data used below is sourced from NZQA 2016 participation achievement data. 2016 NCEA Level 3 Certificate and UE data: Qualification

Hagley goal and data 2016

National data 2016

Canterbury data 2016

[Data sourced from NZQA]

[Data sourced from NZQA]

UE – all participating students [ie: those who have entered sufficient credits to achieve a particular qualification in a given year]

Hagley goal: meet or exceed national and regional data

Outcome 2016:

63.4% of our 354 students eligible for UE gained this award.



NCEA Level 3 – all participating students

Hagley goal: meet or exceed national and regional data

Outcome 2016:

86.2% of our 354 Year 13 students eligible for Level 3 NCEA gained their Certificates.



UE – all participating Māori students

Hagley goal: meet or exceed national and regional data

Outcome 2016:

45.8% of our 24 Māori students eligible for UE gained this award.



NCEA Level 3– all participating Māori students

Hagley goal: meet or exceed national and regional data

Outcome 2016:

79.2% of our 24 Year 13 Māori students eligible for Level 3 NCEA gained their Certificates.



UE – all participating Pasifika students

Hagley goal: meet or exceed national and regional data

Outcome 2016:

37.5 % of our 8 Pasifika students



exceeds national data by 1.7%;

under Canterbury regional data by 2.5%

exceeds national data by 3.7%; exceeds Canterbury regional data by 2.4%

exceeds national data by 4.5%; exceeds Canterbury regional data by .3%

exceeds national data by 4.9%;* exceeds Canterbury regional data by 8.1%*

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exceeds national data by 2.7%; *

eligible for UE gained this award.

under Canterbury regional data by 2.2%* NCEA Level 3 – all participating Pasifika students

Hagley goal: meet or exceed national and regional data

Outcome 2016:

87.5% of our 8 Year 13 Pasifika students eligible for Level 3 NCEA gained their Certificates.



exceeds national data by 17.4%; * exceeds Canterbury regional data 8.9%*

[* Low numbers of Māori and Pasifika students at Hagley affect percentage results].

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INTRODUCTION The Director: Student Systems role is a continually evolving, support position. It is a dynamic role, with systems review and development at its core and, as such, it is involved in a wide range of activities, initiatives, and changes across the school. The main platform for this portfolio is in the effective use of the KAMAR student management system. We rely on KAMAR to mark attendance, for timetabling, reporting (to caregivers and the Ministry of Education), subject choices and changes, and many other key school functions. As such, much of this role involves assisting a wide range of staff (teaching and support staff) to use KAMAR efficiently and effectively, in order to provide easy access to up-­‐to-­‐date and accurate information about students and their learning. An adjunct aspect of this role that continues to develop is that of effective use of data and appropriate data analysis. In part, this involves surveying students, staff, caregivers and the community, to inform various aspects of school life, including our teaching practice, wellbeing programmes and building redevelopments. In all of this, ongoing training of staff plays a large part. By necessity, this has become a more customised, one-­‐on-­‐ one undertaking, although it is likely that some smaller group (e.g. HODs) and larger group (teaching staff) training sessions will again be offered in future.

KEY OUTCOMES 1. Manage and develop Hagley’s student data systems, including the student management system, timetabling and facilities use, MOE returns, attendance data, student and caregiver reporting. 2. Lead research into best practice in student data management and analysis, applying those understandings to improve student data management, practices and analysis across the College. 3. Plan and conduct data analysis to inform the work of various College portfolios. 4. Grow strong professional learning and self-­‐review models which build teacher effectiveness in using data.

Outcome 1: Manage and develop Hagley’s student data systems, including the student management system, timetabling and facilities use, MOE returns, attendance data, student and caregiver reporting. My intention 12 months ago was to spend this period getting familiar with the College’s systems, and starting to tweak and develop them to better suit our needs. Several changes have already been made, and there are several areas of immediate future development that I would like to work on. Reporting I have now been through three full reporting cycles. Each round of reporting has involved issuing reports electronically. This has saved significant amounts of time and money, as only around 10% of reports now need to be printed and posted to those students/caregivers without supplied email addresses. I have overhauled the outcomes on which teachers report, aiming to ensure that they align with The New Zealand Curriculum, whilst also making sense to parents and caregivers. As was my intention, I have also worked with key Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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staff (HODs and TICs) to allow them to edit their own outcomes and to have more control over the process. I have also standardised the format of reports. In August 2016, with the assistance of Laura Borrowdale, we wrote and distributed a ‘Hagley College Report Writing Style Guide’. The idea of this was to assist staff to follow conventions in report writing, to ensure that reports are written well, with an appropriate level of formality, and with consistency across subjects in a variety of aspects, including spelling and grammar. This was well-­‐received, though not necessarily well-­‐implemented by all staff. The next step in reporting is to explore the possibility of implementing real-­‐time reporting to students and parents via KAMAR, rather than the twice-­‐annual current practice. This represents a massive shift in staff practice, but has great advantages. Currently, each reporting round takes weeks to set up and implement, and by the time reports are made available, aspects of them are no longer relevant. This new method of real-­‐time reporting could incorporate both formative and summative feedback, and potentially some aspects of explicit reporting on transferable skills. This will take quite some time to explore and set up appropriately. I envisage a small trial in Terms 3 or 4, 2017, before a full roll-­‐out to all staff in all courses in 2018. This could also mean significant savings in potentially reducing the need for proof-­‐reading. Timetabling The timetabling process begins with discussions with all HODs about course offerings in curriculum review meetings, starting in Term 2 each year. Once this has been done, the Profile is developed, outlining students’ possible choices, both in Specialist courses, and regular ‘4-­‐hour’ classes. Once returning students have made their selections (Term 3 and early Term 4), the process of allocating staff to Year 11-­‐13 classes can begin. Only once the new student Enrolment Day has taken place in November can the Junior classes be timetabled and staff allocated appropriately. Aside from the 2017 timetable being my first run at devising a timetable, there were significant issues that affected the process. The timing of the Enrolment Day (late November) gave me effectively only two weeks to timetable the Junior College and make all necessary adjustments. Obviously, having worked through these processes once, changes and efficiencies can be made. However, this timeframe is still extremely tight, and may need to be adjusted in future. Unfortunately, one other complicating factor at the end of 2016 was the very late employment of 3 PE staff and 1 Science staff members. The PE staff were appointed after school had finished in December, and the Science staff member was not appointed until mid-­‐late January. Clearly, flexibility is always important. However, ensuring that as many jobs are advertised and appointments are made as early as possible assists greatly in the timetabling process. Senior Management have recently been discussing the possibility of making significant changes to the school timetable over the next few years. This is due to a number of factors, including the Rebuild, changes to the Student Wellbeing/Tutor system, and more defined vocational pathways for students. All of these changes will have ramifications for the timetable and rooming allocations. Developing a timetabling team will be critical. There is a need to upskill at least one other person to understand the intricacies of the timetable. This is particularly important if we are looking to make any small or large changes to the timetable. It is highly desirable to have at least one other person with which to work on this. I continue to try to build flexibility into the timetable, to accommodate students’ unusual course options (for example, a part time version of a packaged course). This enables students to access courses that are more suitable to them for a wide variety of reasons, including issues of mental health or physical disability. In future, it would be interesting to explore the possibility of student subject choices being made before the Profile is set. This would allow students to make unrestricted choices of subjects (with a couple of back-­‐up subjects), conditional on sufficient numbers of students choosing each subject to make it viable. This is as opposed to the current process of choosing one Level 1/2/3 subject from each option line, and students not always being able to choose the subjects they really want to study because they are scheduled on at the same time. Attendance We have also made gains in the area of Attendance. Staff compliance with attendance systems is improving, with more staff marking attendance accurately and promptly. However, this is an ongoing area to address. A purported Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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improvement in the next release of KAMAR should assist – staff who have not marked attendance will receive a notification reminder to do so as soon as possible (by message, email and/or text). The employment of a new Attendance Manager has also proved very useful. I now have a full overview of the requirements of this position, and working alongside the Attendance Manager and Deputy Principal: Student Wellbeing, I have no doubt that we will continue to make gains and refinements in this area. Enrolments In line with a key goal to improve overall College effectiveness, I work very closely with the Enrolment Centre to ensure that they have robust quality systems, to ensure student and caregiver details are regularly checked and updated, and that checks on recorded course and subject choices, full-­‐time equivalent ratios, House affiliation, and non-­‐attending students are followed up. I work closely with the Enrolment Centre Director on these tasks. Prizegivings I would like to implement the use of KAMAR for all Prizegivings. There is a specific module in KAMAR that is designed to record students’ awards, and it can also create certificates and reading lists for any number of Prizegivings. This could be a huge time-­‐saver for administrative staff, and once it is set up, the structure can be simply copied and amended from year to year. Another great advantage is that students’ awards are recorded in KAMAR and don’t have to be entered individually later. Related to this is the potential to develop Transcript records for students leaving the school (outlining their awards, achievement and their involvement in groups). This work will involve discussions with staff currently involved with Prizegivings (Head of Junior College, Deans, and administrative support staff), to ensure the setup is correct and meets all necessary requirements. Other Improvements As always, I will continue to review and refine the use of KAMAR school-­‐wide: There are many areas of improvement that we could introduce to perform tasks better, faster, and more effectively. This applies to processes from Pre-­‐Enrolments, to possible on-­‐line Enrolments, use of Groups for administrative purposes and recording student involvement in activities. Gender diversity is finally starting to be addressed in KAMAR (with options other than Male and Female being able to be recorded), which will require some adjustments to the way data is handled. In addition, the Junior Credit system could be fairly easily transferred to a KAMAR Markbook entry system, which would ultimately save a good deal of processing time. Earlier this year, the introduction of a Māori student ‘flag’ to quickly and easily identify Māori students (with a ^ symbol next to their name) is an example of a tiny change that can have a big impact.

Outcomes 2 and 3: Lead research into best practice in student data management and analysis, applying those understandings to improve student data management, practices and analysis across the College. Plan and conduct data analysis to inform the work of various College portfolios. Improving Student Data Management As the KAMAR ‘go-­‐to’ person, I try to stay abreast of all relevant information. This has meant I have attended the 2016 and 2017 KAMAR conferences, and utilised additional KAMAR training on-­‐site as necessary. Keeping a close eye on the online KAMAR Forum is also an excellent place to glean information and discuss data issues with others in similar roles in different schools. These training opportunities allow me to keep up-­‐to-­‐date with the latest enhancements in KAMAR, which I can then pass on to staff. In 2017, I have been utilising my once-­‐a-­‐week, Library Classroom duty slot to provide a drop-­‐in KAMAR help service to any staff.

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I am responsible for all dealings with School-­‐Links, the company that handles our text and email communication, particularly around absence notifications. Having a more active relationship with School-­‐Links has meant greater understanding of what services they provide and how we might utilise these better. Their Emergency Phone App proved particularly useful after the November 14, 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake, as Senior Leadership was able to quickly and easily communicate with staff, students, and parents about the school’s closure on that day. Keeping well-­‐informed in these areas is hugely important for the school. For example, there is a possibility of using “”, a part of KAMAR, which could supersede our need to use School-­‐Links, and its additional associated costs. Advantages of are extensive, including read-­‐receipts and tracking of all communications sent via KAMAR, and much faster processing times, with KAMAR’s mail server sending the emails and texts, meaning our own servers are not tied up. The current disadvantage is that there is no Emergency Phone application. However, this is something that KAMAR is intending on developing, and should this happen, then moving to is probably a good idea, and its implementation should have very little impact on staff. Best Practice Workshops (Student Achievement) At the beginning of 2017, I was involved in the Best Practice Workshops for Heads of Learning Areas, led by the Deputy Principal: Student Learning. For the first time, we looked in-­‐depth at retention statistics of student numbers over the course of the year, and we also interrogated NCEA data with a view to using it to inform teaching practice and programming decisions. Comparisons were also made with National and decile-­‐equivalent achievement data, which is an area that has previously been overlooked. Surveys In the past 12 months I have implemented a series of surveys of students, staff, caregivers/whānau, and the wider Hagley College community. The student wellbeing survey was also rolled out to After3 students this year, with a high level of engagement. Staff satisfaction was also surveyed early in 2017, providing an opportunity for staff to voice their opinion about the work environment at Hagley. Caregivers/whānau have also been surveyed about the Rebuild, and student satisfaction/wellbeing. It has been discussed that we should survey Year 9-­‐11 students annually, but Year 12, 13 and caregivers at most once every 2 years, to ensure that we guard against survey-­‐ fatigue. The aim of all such surveys is to inform our practice on student and staff wellbeing and engagement, and areas for us to focus on improving in the future. All stakeholders are able to anonymously voice concerns they have at the College. Ramifications for teaching and learning, wellbeing support, and the like can then be explored and new initiatives implemented as appropriate. Repetition of such surveys over time will allow longitudinal comparisons to be made. Other A significant portion of my work is behind the scenes, providing support and troubleshooting various staff members’ technical issues with KAMAR. This ranges from dealing with attendance problems, to retrieval of information, to writing letters, and extracting data for further analysis. In future, I would like to be able to spend more time addressing repeated requests for data information in an easy to access manner – this would include customised attendance checklists and statistics (for Deans and tutors) and NZQA Literacy and Numeracy printouts for students and staff to make informed goal-­‐setting and subject selection decisions.

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Outcome 4: Grow strong professional learning and self-­‐review models which build teacher effectiveness in using data. Professional Development One aspect that has been so far lacking in 2017 is the opportunity for me to address and up-­‐skill staff about their use of KAMAR. There are many, reasonably small improvements and changes that have been made to KAMAR, that will assist staff in the way that they work. This is another area that I would like to have more time to spend on over the coming year. As the Director of Student Systems, I attempt to document all procedures and systems. This includes a weekly checklist of tasks that need to be completed in a time-­‐sensitive manner, but also clear instructions for how to perform various infrequent but critical tasks (e.g. timetabling, reporting, MOE returns, …). The intention is to future-­‐proof this position, to assist anyone else who may perform any part of this role in future. In the past 12 months I have also implemented a fortnightly Staff Newsletter. This aim of this is to ensure that all staff are up to date and fully informed about the happenings of the school, allowing them to plan ahead. It includes a 3 week look-­‐ahead calendar of upcoming events, including performances, staff news (arrivals, departments, congratulations…), and a marketplace section. The idea of the Marketplace section was to reduce the number of whole-­‐staff emails that get sent advertising items for sale/giveaway… that clog up inboxes unnecessarily. Personal Development On a personal level, I have enjoyed my involvement with a handful of students playing social tennis over the last 7 months. The informal nature of this has enabled me to build relationship with students that I don’t teach. I am also greatly enjoying being a tutor for my 13MAS class this year – they are a great bunch of Year 13 students (adolescents and a few adults). In the future, I would like to give up my involvement on the Health & Safety Committee, once good Emergency Evacuation Procedures have been established. Instead, I would like to be involved with the Social Committee, with the intention of assisting staff who wish to, to have more social connections with their colleagues, particularly from different learning areas, and including both teaching and support staff.

Summary I have now been in this role for 16 months, and therefore have done one ‘full cycle’ in the life of the school. This positions me well to review Hagley’s systems and to be more strategic about my future goals. Over the next 12 months it is my intention to focus on the following areas of redevelopment: • • • •

Develop and implement real-­‐time online reporting Build a timetabling team and explore possible changes to the Timetable Implement the use of KAMAR for all Prizegivings Continue to review and develop the wide use of KAMAR throughout the College

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INTRODUCTION Hagley’s vision for Infrastructure (Digital and Physical) is to be a college that leads in its approach to having a robust and flexible

infrastructure. The Infrastructure needs to be seen as a key component in the college delivering first rate opportunities to students allowing them choice and flexibility in their approach to their learning but at the same time be based on a model that will allow Hagley to sustain this approach into the future. Hagley’s infrastructure should allow both evaluative and innovative practices. There are several underlying principles that need to be adopted in order for the college to continue its commitment to meeting the vision. • Reliability – The college’s infrastructure must be reliable, providing a positive learning and user experience. • Flexible – The college’s Infrastructure model must allow for flexibility in terms of usage and access to resources • Coherence – The college needs to ensure the Infrastructure is coherent by implementing practices, processes and technologies that wherever and whenever possible work together, and of course fit with the overall vision. • Affordability and Sustainability – The college needs to be able to afford the infrastructure it provides without limiting other important areas of its commitments, and be able to sustain the level of monetary and resource commitment to upkeep the infrastructure over a number of years. • Planning -­‐ it is essential that upgrades or enhancements to the college’s current infrastructure are planned and led by educational/business requirements whilst allowing room for evaluative and innovative practices that may never meet with widespread implementation. • Management and Support -­‐ any new Infrastructure needs to be managed and supported by a professional team of staff who are well resourced and focused on improving the overall service.


1. Implement and maintain a robust physical and digital infrastructure and the associated services which are flexible, sustainable, coherent, and proactively planned and managed 2. Develop strategies and processes as well as staff required to drive the development of a flexible and sustainable infrastructure 3. Implement and develop strategies and processes that aid learners to be flexible with their learning in terms of time and location 4. Develop a culture of researching, evaluating and reviewing learning environments, business processes, IT resources and IT educational practice.

Outcome 1: Implement and maintain a robust physical and digital infrastructure and the associated services which are flexible, sustainable, coherent, and proactively planned and managed. Digital Infrastructure Network infrastructure connects the access devices in the college to the required tools, services and digital resources. Many of these tools, services and digital resources will be external to the college. The network infrastructure components include: internal communications services, cabling and equipment; telecommunications Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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services; server computers and associated storage devices; environmental management equipment; operating software for server computers; communications equipment and related hardware. The college currently supports network access from every building on the estate often supporting in excess of a thousand access devices on the network at any given time. The network infrastructure is continuing to meet the demands placed on it by the increased number of access devices and increased numbers of digital resources being accessed. Supporting the network Infrastructure and associated components is very much an ongoing task though and it is expected that each year improvements and updates will need to be carried out in order for the college to retain the excellent infrastructure it has built. The associated demands placed on the college’s infrastructure to access and run the range of services the college offers have continued to increase accordingly. Expectations that equipment and services will work first time and every time remain high. Whilst this increases the demands placed on the ICT services team and the network infrastructure it also means that users’ confidence of the college having a robust ICT Infrastructure remains high. As reported previously, the ICT services team also face greater challenges at Hagley College than do many other schools in that there is very little time when the network is not being used by members of the college (whether from within the college or outside of it) due to the nature of the Hagley’s learning environment. This means that the chances of network downtime when new features can be tested in isolation of ICT users are very low. Even with these further challenges, this year has continued to see the college’s network infrastructure as a resilient one with downtime kept to a minimum despite multiple upgrades being made to the infrastructure and associated services.

2016 / 2017 highlights • Hagley’s ICT Infrastructure was strengthened as planned eg replacement of key switches, improvements to AV in classrooms etc • The new Unified Messaging System was implemented to replace the college’s legacy phone system • The legacy file server in the Art block was replaced by a commercial level file server solution that fits with the college’s common approach to networked file servers • As planned, Print services are now more commonly available to those students to those who bring their own device to college Looking forwards to 2017 /2018 • Further steps towards moving staff work and department work to Onedrive will be undertaken in order to make available teachers’/staff work from any computer. This should also see cost savings and efficiency improvements for the college in the long term. • Hagley’s own network infrastructure security will be strengthened again with particular attention paid to potential malware attacks to our servers. • ICT Services will fine tune the new Unified Messaging System to suit the needs of as many of our users as possible Spaces, facilities and environments The college’s spaces and facilities are an eclectic mix of old and new buildings, gardens, carparks and storage facilities. The maintenance and development of these facilities is of paramount importance to Hagley offering the very best educational and work facilities that offer a careful blend of flexible and specialist areas that are both financially and environmentally sustainable. The two main challenges of this part of the Infrastructure portfolio are moving forwards with new Integrated Learning Environments and optimizing the use of the current facilities whilst considering that the new College Buildings Master Plan (due in 2018) may see some of the current buildings replaced.

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Future focused environments Hagley has committed to a journey of developing a future focussed learning environment. This means that the college needs to consider the flexibility of use for any space and facility (and e.g. associated furnishings) whether this be in learning space design or support area use. According to the Ministry of Education an Innovative Learning Environment (ILE) “… is one that is capable of evolving and adapting as educational practices evolve and change – thus remaining future focused”. The area of ILE design is quite complex and takes into account a multitude of factors including; Spaces, Environments and People. These factors breakdown into multiple other elements (classrooms, breakout spaces, furniture, acoustics, heating etc) and thus the design of an ILE is a non-­‐trivial exercise. Hagley has a history of supporting flexible and innovative practice and the challenge, at least in the short to mid-­‐term, is to see how it is possible to make our current spaces, environments and facilities more flexible and future focussed. The college will be able to use this experience to develop environments that support its forward facing educational practice when building new learning environments. There are of course some limiting factors in ILE design and, in respect of this, Hagley is no different to many other schools in New Zealand. The college has areas which are protected for environmental or cultural/historical reasons and being a central city school is limited in its physical footprint. In addition to ILE design there are of course very important considerations needed for clearly designated zones that are needed in any modern establishment to help it run effectively e.g support staff offices, car-­‐parking and storage facilities. 2016 / 2017 highlights • A full ‘mapping’ of the college was carried out allowing Senior Leaders to more easily identify where opportunities exist for better/more flexible use of space • Breakout spaces and student work/socialising areas were created in wider corridors and alcoves in the college. Examples of this are in the Science Block, Main Block and Student Centre • Ideas for extended usage of the café annexe were formalised in 2016 and a contractor appointed. The interior work should be completed before the end of 2017 • A large outside space next to X block was redeveloped into an area that is flexible enough to be used for learning, socialising and small performances • The college was delighted to win a ‘Community Pride Garden award’ from Christchurch City Council. This reflects the college’s ongoing commitment to landscaping • X block upper classrooms were redeveloped with new furniture, where appropriate, and with the aim to make two of the classrooms more flexible in their use. • A team of staff undertook to remove and reuse some of the furniture and fittings from the closing Aranui High School. This has saved the college a significant amount of money especially with regards furniture upgrades. • A change to car parking took place that clarified student and staff parking zones. This was undertaken with safety of our students in mind by cutting down on traffic flow around the college grounds Looking forwards to 2017 /2018 • The student centre café annexe interior will be redeveloped in mid-­‐late 2017. This will allow flexible use of this space for various groups and activities. • A plan will be drawn up for improvements to the student centre café exterior. The aim is to also redevelop this space in 2017/18 • Improvements will be made to allow better/easier access to the student centre café and school grounds via the café • New furniture will be purchased to complete the new flexible outdoor space that has been created between the main and X blocks

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Further opportunities to continue to create flexible and more welcoming learning spaces will be sought eg improvements to the school of music classroom Opportunities for improvements to air quality in Hagley’s Theatre company building have been reviewed and it is likely that Air Conditioning units will be put in place there over the coming months A new learning lab will be planned for and implemented which will allow students to learn art and technology project work in the same space and alongside two specialist teachers. The learning lab will be chosen from current building estate and adapted to be a modern flexible art/technology learning space

Outcomes 2 and 3: Develop strategies and processes as well as staff required to drive the development of a flexible and sustainable infrastructure. Implement and develop strategies and processes that aid learners to be flexible with their learning in terms of time and location. Efficiency and sustainability improvements • There are four main areas of efficiency and sustainability that will be focussed on with an emphasis on taking a strategic and long-­‐term approach to any improvements/changes: • Contractual and financial improvements; The college spends a considerable amount of monies over a year both purchasing new assets and engaging contractual services. Whilst value for money is an important consideration that has always been taken into account, examining the Total Cost of Ownership of a product or asset is extremely important as it takes into account the cost of that product/asset over the period of its use. Additionally, engaging the services of contract professionals who understand the college’s structure and goals and can commit to Hagley over a period of time is a further important consideration. • ‘Umbrella’ approach; Approaches to most changes (especially large changes) need to be looked at with an umbrella approach. In this manner, it becomes possible to examine issues from a strategic position and consider how the changes may affect other parts of the college’s Infrastructure rather than focusing on individual smaller changes. • Proactive planning; Proactive planning will allow Hagley to list and plan for any changes that need to happen over the next few years and thus to plan for the changes and mitigate potential issues. Whilst the college has always had a cyclical approach to repair, upkeep and replacement of equipment improvements are taking place by taking a strategic stance. • Environmental Improvements; This describes many areas of Hagley’s day to day operations. However, over the next few years this will focus upon the college’s major costs with regards energy use. Whilst effort is made to keep these costs down Hagley has a financial and environmental responsibility to continue to aim high here and seek further improvements. Flexibility; Time and location Access to ICT This describes both the access devices (computers, laptops, ‘smart’ devices etc) that are directly used by students, teachers and college support staff and access to learning/teaching/work resources from any location. Access Devices can be devices owned and provided by the college or devices owned by an individual user brought to college to aide with their work, learning or teaching. One of the major challenges that the Hagley faces in terms of ICT remains that of providing a greater access to the college’s ICT services. The college owns a high number of devices for student use and their function and form are also diverse. Whilst Hagley is still committed to improving access to college-­‐owned devices for students it also recognises the importance of personal ownership of a device and thus encourages students to bring in their own device. The college plans for every user to gain access to the appropriate services and learning/teaching resources anytime and from anywhere (with due considerations placed on security and practicalities). Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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Access to work areas With Hagley’s extended hours it has always allowed extended access to work areas for students. There are already areas where students can always work e.g. the library but over the past few years this has extended to allowing extended use to particular classrooms especially when a classroom is dedicated to the schools within schools approach. Whilst it would be very difficult to extend this approach to all classrooms there are plans to allow better and more flexible usage of college facilities for both students, staff and whanau. This will be addressed within Hagley’s Future Focussed Environments approach. 2016 / 2017 highlights • ICT Services reviewed legacy devices in the college and the potential need for a large scale upgrade. It is likely that the majority of college owned devices will be highly useable for another 12+ months • In light of the above review, ICT Services made an upgrade to film and music department computers and gave better access to computers for Drama and English students • Most students now save their work to their Onedrive which is part of the college’s Office 365 offering. This means that most students can access their work from anywhere and at anytime. • Staff job descriptions and the reporting structure for those who work in the Infrastructure directorate were revamped and clarified. • All of Government contracts for energy supply were looked at in detail but better energy cost savings (electricity) were found by dealing with suppliers direct • High level planning for repair, replace and upkeep is underway especially with regards furniture and painting of the college’s assets. However, the potential for change of use and replacement of some college assets with the Master Planning for the college grounds still in progress has impacted on some of this work. • Energy efficiency reports were commissioned by the college to identify where improvements in energy usage could be made Looking forwards to 2017 /2018 • An updated policy and process for asset purchasing by departments will be put into place • Some of the lower cost (in terms of outlay) energy efficiency improvements identified by an independent report (see above) will be put into place. Other identified improvements may also be trialled. • ICT Services will plan to implement the down grading of access to one of its main file server in order to allow anytime/anywhere access to learning and teaching material for staff from Onedrive . This should also, over time, provide financial benefits for the college • ICT Services will investigate and plan for an extension to the number of students studying animation. This may be as simple as reusing and adapting current facilities or involve purchasing new computers and locating appropriately.

Outcome 4: Develop a culture of researching, evaluating and reviewing learning environments, business processes, IT resources and IT educational practice. Efficiency and sustainability Improvements Hagley views the process of researching, evaluating and reviewing as a very important one. In terms of Infrastructure this process needs to encapsulate many factors including; products and solutions knowledge, commercial sector relationships, and current practice. With this in place, the college can ensure that they always have the tools and processes that will best allow them to support learners. Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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In any given year there are a multitude of new devices and products and services offered by commercial and non-­‐ commercial organisations. Over the past few years the ICT services team have met suppliers of equipment and services on a regular basis reviewing what equipment represent Value for Money and a low Total Cost of Ownership for the college whilst being fit for purpose. This practice has now been extended to Infrastructure Services wherever possible. Additionally, the practice that ICT Services have successfully implemented of purchasing small numbers of new devices to evaluate, has now been extended to Infrastructure Services. This has allowed the college to evaluate whether such purchases meet the rigours and demands of future focussed environments and are sustainable if implemented on a larger scale. 2016 / 2017 highlights • The ICT Services team reviewed a number of laptops before making recommendations for Hagley’s BYOD programme. • The current digital security offering was evaluated and ICT Services invested in an upgrade to Internet filtering which should allow teachers better control of access to Internet sites by students in their classes. • Evaluating new furniture offerings from the commercial sector has been ongoing throughout the year with several new items purchased that offer better flexibility eg flip tables in ELL’s flexible teacher workroom • The current furniture purchasing practices have been reviewed and all furnishings are now purchased via Infrastructure Services • Various senior college leaders investigated the possibility of using pre-­‐engineered buildings in certain locations as the college moves forwards, meeting with both researchers and suppliers. Senior College Leaders visited various schools in NZ who have already taken part in a rebuild process, to evaluate the design, use and challenges faced by those schools Looking forwards to 2017 /2018 • The possibilities of moving Hagley’s Horticulture area to outside the Science building and including this as part of a newly developed outside learning space will be researched and if appropriate costed • Room 302, which was developed as modern learning environment a few years ago, will be trialled for use by various senior classes and as a teacher learning space to evaluate the space and furniture with a variety of users • Improvements to make Hagley’s Library a more flexible space will be investigated and where appropriate, and cost effective, improvements will be implemented • Continued improvements to classroom and corridor/alcove space will be sought and those areas that have already been redeveloped will be reviewed • The possibility of moving to a more cost-­‐effective firewall for ICT Services will be researched, costed and implemented if appropriate • The plan to film and stream college events live to the Internet will be trialled and current equipment reviewed

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INTRODUCTION The primary focus of the student wellbeing portfolio is to provide a wide range of both supports and opportunities to ensure students are best equipped for learning. The Wellbeing team consists of a Deputy Principal, a Director of the Junior College and Year 11, Year Level Deans, a Careers Department, a Guidance Department, a Māori mentor, the Nurse and Support Staff as Administrators. The team recognises that school factors influence student success and therefore their wellbeing. We are committed to the wellbeing of our students, acknowledging that some of our students may have had a negative experience of education and are looking for a second opportunity to achieve. As important as meeting these student’s needs, by providing a course of study through an innovative curriculum is providing a robust and thorough support system centring on each individual students wellbeing. The team also recognises that the outcomes of student wellbeing are varied and diverse. We prioritise students feeling safe and secure at school and the significant effect this can have on learning outcomes. We also aim to provide opportunities for our students to experience success and feel a sense of connection to the College by participating and contributing to the College’s wider community. Our teachers are committed to the wellbeing of our students through caring and respectful, reciprocal relationships. We value diversity and our students can develop a sense of identity and be valued as individuals.

KEY OUTCOMES 1. Lead student wellbeing across the College to ensure student engagement, retention and involvement. 2. Lead research into best practice in student wellbeing, and apply those understandings to inform approaches to student wellbeing across the College. 3. Develop and promote opportunities for student participation and leadership. 4. Use student, whānau and teacher voice to improve student wellbeing. 5. Grow strong professional learning and self-­‐review.

Outcome 1: Lead student wellbeing across the College to ensure student engagement, retention and involvement. One indicator of engagement, retention and involvement across the College is student attendance. Hagley College at the end of Term 1, 2017 has an overall school attendance rate of 87%. This, given the large number of new students in Year 12 and 13 who often have experienced educational challenges is pleasing. Significantly, this is a 5% increase in the college attendance rate from the same time in 2016. Increases in attendance rates are evident across all year levels as well as in Māori attendance. Pasifika attendance is the only area to have a reduced attendance rate compared to the same time in 2016, as small student numbers affect the percentages significantly. The increase in attendance rates is evidence of the hard work that has gone into attendance during 2016. Listed below are contributing factors that may have led to incresed attendance rates.

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Promoting positive attendance through a regular reward system and making the rewards visible to the student body Use of the Ministry of Education tool ‘Everyday Matters’ to review and analyse attendance An attendance self review was completed and shared with the wellbeing team to focus and structure attendance work. A “less talk and more action’’ approach to attendance was implemented as an outcome of the review. Sharing regular attendance data with the wider wellbeing team, senior leadership team and the Board of Trustees Weekly year level attendance meetings focussing on individual students Very strong Rock On Committee with supportive agencies on board. Holding hui at the beginning of the process has meant earlier engagement with whānau Assigning mentors to all Rock On students enabled at risk students to have a person looking out for them on a daily basis. Employing a wellbeing administrator who completes attendance tasks as well as having an excellent overview of wellbeing has made a significant impact on the daily management of attendance.

Planning for 2017 Over the next twelve months attendance will remain a strong focus for the wellbeing team. Some key developments planned for 2017 are: • Attendance, of our priority Māori and Pasifika students can vary across year levels and throughout the year. Closing the gap between Maori and Non Maori and Pasifika and Non Pasifika will be a key target over the next twelve months. Strategies such as individual monitoring, providing mentoring and working with the bicultural team are all strategies to be implemented within the team. • The continued reinforcement of a clear attendance procedure and of roles and responsibilities. • Continue to develop our relationship with Te Ora Hou, the local truancy service and align this service with our in school mentoring system of at risk students • Utilise time where whānau are visiting the College and promote a positive attendance message • Working together across departments will better meet the needs of students at risk of non-­‐ attendance such as utilising the expertise of the careers department to re-­‐engage students through industry based initiatives. Other than student attendance, the Wellbeing team in 2016 met fortnightly for sharing of good practice and professional development. These sessions were focussed around better outcomes for our students. Planning for 2017 • To maximise student wellbeing outcomes the team has chosen a working group model. The topics of these groups were developed from a range of student surveys that took place over 2016 and indicated areas the College could improve to promote enhanced wellbeing. They are smoke free, communicating with whānau, careers profiling, student leadership and greater visibility and awareness of the roles of the guidance team. The Careers Department at the College play a significant role in the achievement, retention and transition of our students. They profile all senior students and then connect these students with courses and providers that can assist with necessary skills and support with a students selected career choice. In 2016, the Careers Department trialled tutor teachers profiling their own students in Year 12. This provided an opportunity for the tutor teacher to work with students individually and complete the profile. This prioritised wellbeing within the timetable and reinforced the tutor teacher role within the College. The Careers Department completed all other year level profiling with Māori students and students at risk of leaving without a transition plan prioritised.

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Planning for 2017 • To trial and implement a career profiling tool ‘Careers Central’ to assist with the gathering of careers data on our students as individuals. • Provide a means for tutor teachers to be able to be more active in the career plans of their students • Create and implement a profiling timeline that meets student need and is collaborative between the student, whānau and tutor teacher. Engagement in class, can also be measured through the number of pastoral incidents recorded in our student management system. Fast track is the school wide system to support staff by removing a student where their behaviour is affecting the teachers ability to teach or a students ability to learn. Last year there was a total number of 86 Fast tracks in Term 1 alone. It is the first year this data has been collected so comparative data is only available for Term 1. These figures are represented below: Term 1 2016 86 Term 1 2017 30 In reviewing this data it becomes apparent that key individuals contributed heavily to the number of behaviours resulting in fast track. These students were identified and behaviour management strategies were put in place. Of these students, one was excluded, one left the College and the others have made significant improvements in their behaviour throughout the year and into 2017. The Me and My School survey produced by NZCER has also been completed in both 2016 and 2017 across the Junior College and indicate our Year 9 students in particular have a strong sense of engagement with both their learning and the College. To note and investigate further is a shift towards lesser engagement between Year 9, 2016 and Year 10, 2017.

Outcome 2: Lead research into best practice in student wellbeing, and apply those understandings to inform approaches to student wellbeing across the College. Building a cohesive wellbeing team through a shared vision and providing opportunities for staff professional development opportunities is the primary focus of this key outcome. The forum for this is fortnightly wellbeing team meetings and individual Deans meetings. This was successful in 2016 in that wellbeing staff were involved with professional learning opportunities both as a group and as individuals. Specific wellbeing professional learning was focussed on the role of deaning and an introduction to motivational interviewing presented by Margaret Ross. The sharing of professional readings and notes from courses was enhanced through a shared site so accessibility to resources was quick and easy. A range of topics presented at staff meetings allowed all teaching staff to upskill in the pastoral component of wellbeing which was beneficial in the sharing of student information and recording behavioural incidents. There is still further work to do to gain consistency across the staff in this area but pleasing progress has been made. Planning for 2017 • To maximise outcomes in student wellbeing through the specific working groups mentioned earlier in the document. Each team member has chosen a working group with a topic of interest to them and regularly inform the wider wellbeing team on action and outcomes. • To further our work with Margaret Ross to include the techniques of motivational interviewing and utilise these skills with students. Role modelling this technique with wider staff, in our role as mediator between staff and students. • To lead staff in upskilling in the pastoral component of our student management system. This includes the most recent developments from the 2017 Kamar conference. Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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Introduce positive education as a wellbeing initiative to Hagley College staff. Lucy Hone will present the PERMAv model of wellbeing and character strengths as a model for staff to utilise in their teaching and relationships with students. There will be a further opportunity for staff who wish to attend the inaugural Positive Education conference. Lucy Hone also returned as part of a diversity themed professional learning day. Visit other schools who have implemented positive education and share ideas and research.

Outcome 3: Develop and promote opportunities for student participation and leadership. Hagley College has a wide range of opportunities for students to be active participants in their learning and extra-­‐ curricular opportunities. This is essential to student feeling a sense of belonging with the College, enables connections between students and provides a means for students to experience success both inside and outside the classroom. In 2016 the main focus was on reenergising the student council and promoting the council amongst the wider student body. This was implemented through the council meeting fortnightly and being allocated leadership roles and responsibilities during school events and promotions. The student council worked with Health Promoting Schools to survey the student body on wellbeing. The outcomes of this survey was used to focus and inform practice for the wellbeing team in 2017. The student council grew in numbers over the course of the year and had representatives of all year levels which was pleasing. Junior College students were also asked to fulfil leadership roles around major school events An email address was set up to enable students to be able to voice their views. This was completely student led and managed. The student council as well as the leadership class also attended the National Young Leaders Day which was an excellent opportunity for networking and learning with other students from other schools. The aim for 2017 is to capitalise on the work initiated in 2016. Currently there are 15 clubs and activities for students to be part of. Education outside the classroom is an integral part of providing diverse and context rich learning opportunities for our students. This is captured in the whakataukī Tirohia kia mārama Whāwhāngia kia rongona te hā Observe to gain enlightenment; participate to feel the essence. Education outside the classroom is a generic term used to describe curriculum based learning and teaching that extends the four walls of the classroom. These experiences enable students to make links between the classroom and real world experiences and can be critical to their long term learning. (Alton-­‐Lee and Nuthall, 1990) The graph below represents the participation in EOTC activities by Department:

No. of Outings

Education Outside the Classroom 2016 100 50 0

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Planning for 2017 • To rebrand the student council into a Young Leaders@Hagley Group to appeal to a wider range of students • To develop a set of values to underpin the Student Council’s work, as there can be a huge range of projects and initiatives that compete for their time. A strong set of values that align with the school culture will help with selecting and prioritising projects. • To provide curriculum based opportunities for student learning outside of school subjects and NCEA. An example of this is the Science group who go on Science related trips outside of school time. • To continue to develop the range of clubs and activities available for students • To develop the role of the tutor teacher in promoting and encouraging an extra-­‐curricular interest. • Implement generic consent for Education Outside of the Classroom learning activities which occur during school hours, in the local community that are low risk. This will encourage taking students offsite to promote learning in the moment. • Visit all Departments to share EOTC good practice in accordance with the Ministry of Education document ‘Bringing the Curriculum Alive’ 2016 and the Health and Safety at work act 2015. Sport is currently a context for students to participate, lead and develop a sense of belonging. Sport is growing all the time at Hagley and more teams representing Hagley at winter tournament week in 2017 will be evidence of this progress. Sport numbers increased from 159 active participants in 2015 to 183 in 2016. This is 24% of the school roll so there is still the capacity for improvement and growth.

Outcome 4: Use student, whānau and teacher voice to improve student wellbeing. This has been a significant focus for not just the wellbeing team but the full staff of the College over the last twelve months. The priority was given to surveying adolescent day students in 2016 who were surveyed as part of either the senior college survey or me and my school depending on the age of the student. The survey gave an indication of students’ engagement with the college and their learning. The results, across the board were positive. Where trends were identified in the data, further questioning and surveying was implemented to ‘dig deeper’ in to the issue or concern. This was shared with staff in a range of forum. The plan, going forward is to complete both the senior college survey and me and my school survey annually as to provide comparative data. It was pleasing to see the number of staff inquiries that used student survey data as part of the staff appraisal process. There were two successful Māori hui held for whānau. One focussed on NCEA and the other was more of a meet and greet. Whānau were keen to be involved in the College and indicated ways in which they would be prepared to contribute. Capitalising on whānau in the College for parent teacher interviews was also trialled with information being available around anxiety and other mental health issues. This seemed to be well received by parents. Planning for 2017 • Continue to survey students using Me and My School and the Senior College Survey. In particular, focus on the comparative data between Year 9, 2016 and Year 10, 2017. Also survey After 3 students as well as staff to cover all areas of the College. • Utilise this survey data to inform practice • Continue to provide opportunities for Māori families to come to the College and meet staff, students and other whānau. Discussion around improving learning outcomes for Māori at Hagley will remain a priority. • To continue to promote student success and to inform our school community of activities, events and as a means of promoting the College through further growth of the digital newsletter. • promoting the College through further growth of the digital newsletter. Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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Outcome 5: Grow strong professional learning and self-­‐review. This was a strong focus for the wellbeing team in the last twelve months. The Wellbeing Team were encouraged to contribute to full staff professional development in areas related to our designate portfolio. These areas included attendance, gathering of pastoral incident data and best practice in inputting and sharing student information, as appropriate, to best meet our student’s needs. Specific areas of in depth self review was in both student orientation and college attendance. Both guidance and careers have had a change in key personnel which in itself has led to review of these areas. Key developments planned for self-­‐review across the student wellbeing portfolio for 2017 are: • To complete a review of the current pastoral care system for students which includes the role of the tutor teacher and year level deans. • To implement a self review model into the working groups which are a focus on the wellbeing team for 2017 • To utilise the ongoing relationship with Health Promoting Schools to assist with self review of student wellbeing. • To review the way the role of the tutor is implemented in Year 11 and visit other schools to gain a wider perspective on the tutor role. Use this information to develop a pilot programme for 2018 that would accommodate timetabled tutor time for the teaching of wellbeing and its connection with learning.

STUDENT WELLBEING : Junior College and Year 11

Outcome 1: Maintain and develop appropriate systems for transition into Junior College to ensure high levels of retention and to enhance student wellbeing. The following processes have been developed and refined to ensure the successful transition of students enrolling into the Junior College and to ensure high levels of retention and to enhance student wellbeing: • Junior College Open Evening • Individual diagnostic assessment • Individual enrolment interview with Director of Junior College • Appointment of Tutors • Transition information solicited from contributing schools • Class placement • Orientation evening with Tutors • Orientation morning for vulnerable students • Extra transition meetings and visits for vulnerable students • Learning support information on individual students provided to teachers • Collated student/class information copied and provided to Tutors, Deans • Orientation Day – first day for Year 9 students, booklet of activities wihich Tutor works though • Leadership students buddied with Year 9 classes for Orientation and Term 1,2 activities • Weekly Learning Support meetings to discuss vulnerable students and plan support • Class profile meetings – held mid Term 1 • Meet the Teacher Evening – held mid Term 1 • Me and My School Survey – conducted at the end of Term 1

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These transition processes were reviewed in 2016 and the following changes/additions have been implemented in 2017: • The problem of overcrowding at the cafe presentation component of the Junior College Open Evening has been solved by holding two presentations; one at 4pm and one at 5pm. Prospective students and their whanau were then guided to department visits by Junior and Senior students. • Preliminary investigations have been made to introduce a Mathematics component to the diagnostic assessments. This is being pursued through the University of Canterbury Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring. • Coffee mornings and evenings have been held in reponse to parent requests to have oppportunities to be more connected to other parents and the College. The first of these focused on familiarising parents with school systems, while the second outlined the College’s approach to Digital Citizenship and issues such as cyber-­‐safety. Further events planned for 2017 include Health Education at Hagley and the introduction of our new counsellor, an introduction to NCEA, and issues in adolescent wellbeing.

Outcome 2: Support the student wellbeing team by maintaining and developing a safe physical and emotional environment for students in Years 9-­‐11. Clear guidelines and practices have been developed to ensure a safe physical and emotional environment for students in Years 9-­‐11. Students and staff are actively encouraged to seek support if required. Behaviour management systems are used which respect the individual and follow restorative processes. An important development in 2016 which celebrated those students who have shown leadership in this area was the implementation of the Rangitira Awards at the weekly Junior assemblies. 2017 Plans: • In the 2017 Me and My School Survey our Year 10 students reported lower scores of feeling safe at school than they did as Year 9 students. Their reasons for reporting these lower scores clearly need to be investigated and changes made where possible. Some initial work on this has been undertaken via Year 10 Health classes. • The development of a dedicated mentoring/tutor time for all Year 11 students, to be run from 2018. The appointment of tutors and programme development will take place in 2017. The programme will have a stong emphasis on wellbeing to support academic achievement. • Identifying ways of acknowledging and celebrating students who consistently exhibit the Hagley values.

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INTRODUCTION The primary focus of the Student Learning portfolio, introduced in 2016, is to improve outcomes for learners through further development of Hagley’s innovative practices in teaching, learning and assessment. The portfolio encompasses oversight of all of the learning areas, specialist schools, tertiary pathways, After 3 and HALC, providing leadership in matters related to curriculum, assessment and achievement. Much of the work of the portfolio is also aimed at maintaining and developing strong self-­‐ review processes such as appraisal, Teaching as Inquiry and using achievement data to inform practice. Research into best practice in teaching and learning is also an important component of the portfolio as well as a leadership role of in-­‐school teacher PLD, NCEA and qualifications and programme developments. The school’s mission statement of “lifelong learning which is accessible to all” clearly underpins the portfolio by ensuring that the school provides for learners of all ages, backgrounds and ethnicities. As identified in the school charter: “Our mission is to build success, achievement and a desire for lifelong learning for every student.” We offer programmes of learning for students who are following a traditional educational pathway (Years 9-­‐13 and ELL), for those who may have small gaps in their qualifications (Tertiary Transitions), for those who may previously have had unsuccessful educational journeys (HALC and Year 9-­‐13) and for those who are exploring new beginnings in an educational sphere (After 3).

KEY OUTCOMES 1. Lead curriculum design, development and delivery across the College to maximise our ākonga’s engagement with learning and achievement. 2. Lead research into best practice in student learning, and apply those understandings to inform curriculum design, development and delivery across the College. 3. Lead best practice in assessment integrated with teaching and learning in order to maximise student achievement. 4. Use student, whānau and teacher voice to improve student learning. 5. Grow strong professional learning and self-­‐review models which build teacher practice and effectiveness in enhancing student learning.

Outcome 1: Lead curriculum design, development and delivery across the College to maximise our ākonga’s engagement with learning and achievement. In 2016 several new initiatives were introduced: • all curriculum HODs now report to the DP Student Learning. This includes mentoring HODs in matters related to curriculum design, development and delivery and appraisal of all curriculum HODs. While this model has presented some initial challenges in terms of the time commitment required it is essential that there be a close relationship centred on teaching and learning between all curriculum HODs and the DP Student Learning.

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A new leadership meeting structure to provide an explicit mentorship programme to curriculum middle managers. Research demonstrates that leaders’ professional development should focus on a range of issues 1 including “leadership centred on the quality of teaching and learning” and placing an emphasis on “ 2 interpersonal skills, presentation skills and stress and time management”. Further strengthening of this meeting model is needed in 2017 and beyond and a variety of options for this are under consideration. • a new structure for identifying and developing new programmes or courses has been implemented. This has involved curriculum leaders meeting individual HODs to discuss issues relating to existing courses or curriculum, and to give the opportunity for HODs to bring proposals for new courses, based on their observations and those of their teachers. • Significant collaboration with the DP Student Wellbeing in leading teacher professional development has occurred in 2016. This has involved the two DPs working together to support teachers in understanding that a recognition of the link between the cognitive and affective domains can bring about better outcomes for students. Early indications in 2017 through the teacher survey suggest that further work on this is needed in 2017 to make this link more explicit for teachers . st • School wide professional development, led by DP Student Learning, on 21 century learning and the importance of transferable skills occurred in 2016. This was in response to one of the recommendations of the school’s 2015 ERO report: “As senior leaders continue to pursue the challenge of extending the curriculum, it will be important to ensure that there is curriculum cohesion, coherence and balance across 3 academic, vocational and other programmes.” This work involved full staff professional development, followed by a focus within departments leading to the presentation to teachers by two department leaders about work occurring on transferable skills within the department. Mark Osborne, of Core Education, also did st a presentation to all teachers on 21 century learning, and he followed this with a workshop for HODs to start to develop their thinking on how teaching and learning may need to progress in the short and long term, particularly as we consider the future building programme.

Planning for 2017

• Our current junior curriculum is traditional in its structure, and the work we have been doing in the area of st

21 century learning and transferable skills makes it clear that there is a need to review the junior curriculum. This will be the professional development focus for teachers in Term 2, 2017.

• The embedding of transferable skills, and the explicit understanding about the links between learning and wellbeing, remain works in progress for 2017, and with the competing demands of other essential developments school wide, it is envisaged that ongoing development in these area will occur through a variety of ways, including HOD mentorship and/or initiatives such as ‘email bytes’ sent to teachers or HODs.

• Further strengthening of the leadership meeting model is needed in 2017 and beyond to ensure that curriculum leaders continue to receive support and guidance to effectively lead their teachers. At times the professional development needs to be expert led, and at other times the understandings will be co-­‐ constructed within the group. Some areas for development include developing clear understandings about the role of a curriculum leader, their responsibilities in leading their department members to enact the school’s vision and strategic goals, professional development in ‘open to learning’ conversations as well as some revisiting of the good practice teaching model which is used as an observation tool. A need to review the HOD job description has also been identified.

1 Robertson J. Coaching Leadership, 2016 , pg 10 2 Ibid, p 10

3 Education review Office report (2015) , Pg 4

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Outcome 2: Lead research into best practice in student learning, and apply those understandings to inform curriculum design, development and delivery across the College. Teaching as Inquiry One of the key ways that the portfolio leads teachers to investigate best practice in student learning is through leadership of the Teaching as Inquiry cycle. The engagement of all Hagley teachers in this cycle is also a cornerstone of our self-­‐ review processes. The Teaching as Inquiry model is a key aspect of the NZ Curriculum. Teachers inquire into their practice in order to improve their practice, and in so doing, improve outcomes for learners, particularly those targeted learners who may be at risk of not achieving in an aspect of their learning. Teaching as Inquiry is a key part of the appraisal process at Hagley, and for most teachers, their inquiry provides considerable evidence towards meeting the requirements of the Practising Teachers Criteria (PTC). As well as writing a report on their inquiry, teachers reflect on aspects of their inquiry within their Window into Practice (WIP), the school developed document used to curate teachers’ individual evidence of meeting the PTC. At the end of 2016 teachers shared their inquiries with their department colleagues and many opted to make their inquiry report available for other teachers to read on the school intranet, Sharepoint. We now have five years’ evidence of teaching and learning practice at Hagley, and it is possible to trace individual teacher shifts in practice through this collaborative process. This is also a way that teachers are able to actively share their practice with their colleagues and it helps inform other teachers’ understanding of inquiry. An analysis of trends and patterns in inquiry in 2016 All teachers were offered the opportunity to be part of a group to conduct a meta-­‐analysis of inquiry reports in early December 2016. Nine teachers chose to be part of this group. The purpose of this analysis is to identify effective practice in inquiry as well as to identify gaps which may need addressing the following year. In 2016 inquiries revealed that there is increasing emphasis on improving outcomes for students by focusing on areas such as: • Transferable skills o Self regulation/ self management, o Students driving their learning through self assessment o Students understanding the link between their emotions and learning o Empathy o Resilience o Self efficacy o Addressing perfectionism o Framing programme around skills rather than content o Addressing social isolation o Fixed and growth mindset • Authentic contexts – students improved performance through engagement in real world tasks and increasing engagement through listening to student voice and giving choice • Metacognition– students driving their learning through learning about their learning process – learning to learn skills An analysis of areas for inquiry revealed that approximately 45% of inquiry projects had as their main focus skills linked to the learning process. This includes transfrable skills, an understanding of the importance of emotions in the learning process or the metacognitive learning process itself. This increased emphasis on transferable skills (communicating, collaborating, self-­‐ regulation, thinking, contributing, maker mindset), particularly around self-­‐ regulation, provides evidence of some successful embedding of the 2016 professional development programme focussed on transferable skills (which was referred to as a goal in the 2015 portfolio report). Further, it provides evidence of improved teacher practice in that it demonstrates improved teacher understandings of the inextricable link between students’ wellbeing and their learning.

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In our cycle of continuous improvement, however, there are areas where the need for refinement has been identified within the meta-­‐ analysis: Sharing ways of collecting student voice The 2015 report discussed the implementation of the ‘Me and My School’ survey as a tool for providing teachers with information which may inform their practice individually. It is desirable that in 2017 individual teachers might use aspects of survey information to inform their own inquiry. Individual inquiries which collect student voice effectively may also be used as models for teachers. Focusing on teacher agency The NZ curriculum website, in its overview of Teaching as Inquiry states : “The fundamental purpose of the Teaching as Inquiry cycle is to achieve improved outcomes for all students. Less obviously, but very importantly, the cycle is an organising framework that teachers can use to help them learn from their practice and build greater 4 knowledge.” Thus it is the teacher’s role to find ways of changing their practice to improve outcomes for students rather than attributing poor performance to student deficits. This means also that teachers, in their inquiry, need to focus on the micro – their own practice, rather than the macro -­‐ changing course design. In 2017 teacher agency will be emphasised as part of the mentoring programme with HODs. What constitutes “enough of a difference”? Teachers sometimes express a degree of uncertainty about whether their inquiry “is good enough”. This issue was raised also within the meta-­‐ analysis discussion. Providing individual feedback to teachers presents a challenge, but teachers were offered the opportunity for a one-­‐on-­‐one feedback session early in 2017. One teacher took up the offer in early 2017 for individual feedback. The essence of the answer lies in teachers reflecting on the extent to which their beliefs, perceptions and knowledge have shifted as a result of their inquiry. Another aspect which requires discussion here is the use of a range of data to assess the impact of the inquiry. It is likely that these issues will be taken up as part of the HOD mentorship programme in 2017. Planning for 2017 Stronger mentorship of HODs around Teaching as Inquiry is planned. The DP Student Learning will develop a set of prompting questions to be shared with HODs within individual meetings. These prompting questions will be available for HODs to use as part of their one-­‐on-­‐one mentoring meetings with their teachers and/ or their department meetings. The prompting questions will deal with key messages such as teacher agency, focusing on target students rather than the whole class, thinking more broadly about the types of data available, identifying the nature of expected improved outcomes, measuring outcomes, understanding the iterative nature of inquiry and reflecting meaningfully. Investing In Educational Success Initiative 5 As part of the Teacher Led Innovation funding pool from the MOE, the DP Student Learning began leading a two year research project across four schools and UC Transitions staff in July 2016. The aim of the project is to explore how an explicit focus on academic literacy practice might better prepare learners, particularly Māori and Pasifika learners, for successful transitions to tertiary study. National as well as regional achievement data point to a significant achievement gap in the numbers of Māori and Pasifika students achieving Level 3 or UE. A major focus of the project is to investigate how to address this disproportionate achievement rate. The project’s focus on academic literacy teaching aims to address the underachievement of Māori and Pasifika students and create more successful tertiary transitions for students.


as-­‐‑inquiry 5­‐‑of-­‐‑education/specific-­‐‑initiatives/investing-­‐‑in-­‐‑educational-­‐‑ success/teacher-­‐‑led-­‐‑innovation-­‐‑fund/ Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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Early work in the first stage of the project (August – December 2016) involved sharing with teachers current research findings linked to academic literacy, tertiary transitions and cultural competencies. Close analysis of the results of the four schools involved in the project reveal a highly significant achievement gap between the attainment of University Entrance by Māori and Pasifika learners in contrast to NZ European/ Asian learners:

UE Achievement 2016 Percentage of Ethnic Group Attaning UE 100% 77%

80% 60% 40%



57% 46%




0% 0%

0% 0%

0% Hagley

School B European/Asian

Hagley School B School C School D

No of European/ Asian students 242 77 28 30

School C Māori

No of Māori students 21 15 5 4

School D


No of Pasifika students 8 9 0 5

Planning for 2017 A tool for discourse analysis will be developed and teachers will use the tool to analyse their own discourse. They will then identify their target group of learners and will work individually and collaboratively on developing and implementing a range of strategies, and evaluate the outcomes of these strategies for learners.

Outcome 3: Lead best practice in assessment integrated with teaching and learning in order to maximise student achievement. a) Review of assessment practice In March 2017 NZQA conducted its four yearly Managing National Assessment (MNA) audit at Hagley. The review found that “no significant issues with the school’s management of national assessment were found. The school’s own review mechanisms allow them to identify and respond to issues. Therefore, it is anticipated that the next 6 managing National Assessment review will be conducted in four years.”

6 Hagley’s NZQA MNA report 2017 pg 4

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The Best Practice in assessment integrated with teaching and learning workshops which are held for 40 subject leaders twice a year contribute to the school’s robust review processes. The first in the cycle occurred in November 2016 and the second in February 2017. The focus of the first of these workshops was to explore the link between teaching, learning and assessment and future teaching spaces, as part of the planning for the Education Brief which will guide the school’s redevelopment. The main focus of the second of these workshops was for subject leaders to explore assessment data within their learning area and to look at how they might share the data within their departments to inform their planning for improved outcomes in 2017. These workshops provide a vehicle for discussion of issues related to assessment and this was also affirmed by NZQA: “Robust discussion on assessment issues at all levels of the school’s organisation ensures the resolution of issues and school-­‐wide 7 understanding and consistency of practice.” Additionally, subject leaders have been led to complete their annual subject report including a review and evaluation of their 2015 action plans and, after examining the 2016 data with their teachers, an action plan for 2017 as to how they will use 2016 data to inform improved outcomes in 2017. An analysis of subject leaders’ reports in 2016 has shown a range of ways that data has been used to meet the College’s strategic goals linked to achievement, retention, engagement and transition and this has informed practice within subject areas. A variety of responses is detailed below: • Stronger focus on goal setting within integrated programmes (eg Animation , School of Fashion) to raise students’ awareness of what is required for entry into tertiary programmes • Introduction of a wider range of standards to give greater choice to students • Development of a range of scaffolds to incorporate a wider variety of modes eg visual • Introduction of project based learning to improve engagement • Development of new assessment activities to give choice in modes of assessment b) NZQA moderation The MNA review also affirmed Hagley’s strong moderation processes: “ Moderation is central to self-­‐review processes within subjects. Teachers state that, rather than for compliance purposes, internal moderation is to 8 ensure consistent and equitable outcomes for students and to provide feedback to improve practice.” Hagley’s overall moderation agreement rate for NCEA assessment continues to be strong. A slight dip in the overall rate of agreement in 2016 may be attributed to poor agreement rates in two learning areas. There has been extensive followup on this. Overall analysis of NZQA moderation data is completed annually and reviewed with subject leaders, including historical data on both a College wide and individual subject basis. Year






Assessment of student work moderated as consistent with the national standard.






Moderator agreement over 266 pieces of our marking out of 293 pieces sent

Moderator agreement over 424 pieces of our marking out of 472 pieces sent

Moderator agreement over 267 pieces of our marking out of 314 pieces sent

Moderator agreement over 335 pieces of our marking out of 386 pieces sent

Moderator agreement over 315 pieces of our marking out of 384 pieces sent

Planning for 2017 The 2017 MNA review identified one specific area linked to moderation as a recommendation: “Senior Leadership reconcile internal moderation documentation with actual practice so all results reported are 9 credible.” Processes will be put in place to address this through a random selection of internally moderated samples for three-­‐ point check standards.

7 Ibid pg 13 8 Ibid pg 4

9 Ibid pg 11

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Outcome 4: Use student, whānau and teacher voice to improve student learning. ‘Me and My School’ survey The school-­‐wide ‘ Me and my school’ survey conducted in 2016 provided some data linked to student learning. The survey is also in process for 2017. Planning for 2017 There has been some sharing of the results of the survey with teachers, but there is potential for the survey to be seen by individual teachers as a tool to gather student voice about attitudes to learning. For example, the cumulative data suggests a higher than expected level of agreement with the statement: ‘I often feel bored in class’. It may be useful, where relevant, for a teacher, as part of their inquiry process, to “drill down” into such an issue to determine the factors which sit underneath this student voice. This idea will be shared with HODs as a suggestion to teachers as part of an HOD’s mentoring of teachers. MNA review As part of the MNA review, two Year 13 students were interviewed to gather student voice about their understanding of assessment processes and qualifications. “The review identified that while students had a clear understanding of the school’s assessment processes, there was uncertainty about the structure of national 10 qualifications such as literacy and numeracy and approved subjects for University Entrance.” Planning for 2017 As well as addressing this as a teacher education issue, further student voice will be gathered therefore, to explore the extent of the issue and to assess ways of addressing this potential gap in understanding of the structure of national qualifications such as literacy and numeracy and approved subjects for University Entrance..

Outcome 5: Grow strong professional learning and self-­‐review models which build teacher practice and effectiveness in enhancing student learning. a) Teaching as Inquiry (as detailed extensively above) b) Developing robust teacher appraisal processes that focus on improving teaching and learning, as well as improving outcomes for learners Hagley’s self review framework has been recognised by NZQA in its recent Managing National Assessment (MNA)audit: “ Evidence was provided to confirm that a strong vision and culture of self-­‐ review is integral to 11 Hagley Community College’s effectiveness.” The teachers’ professional body, The Education Council (EDUCANZ), identifies two major purposes of appraisal: teacher growth leading to school improvement and professional accountability. The first of these purposes combines the growth needs of the teacher with the need to improve outcomes for learners. The second purpose deals with the school’s need to comply with the recognised measures of teacher competence: the Practising Teachers Criteria (PTC). Teachers complete the WIP in an ongoing way across the year as part of the discussions with appraiser-­‐ mentors. At the end of the year in the summative appraisal discussion the appraiser and the appraisee collaborate on completing a summary appraisal document which includes the identification of next steps for the teacher. This summary appraisal document takes account of the types of evidence which EDUCANZ deem ‘necessary’ and ‘sufficient’: that is, evidence from: • A range of sources • A range of perspectives

10 Ibid pg 13 11 Ibid pg 4

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• • •

Teaching and learning Planning 12 Improved student outcomes

In response to the meta-­‐analysis of WIPs conducted in 2015, the WIP was further modified in 2016 to include a column in which teachers reflect on their identified evidence. In this way teachers are able to more clearly delineate the identification of the evidence from the teacher’s reflection on that evidence. This has proved to be a very successful modification as it helps provide a ‘window’ into how the teacher’s thinking and practice have developed. In most cases a great deal of the evidence is derived from the teacher’s inquiry, particularly in the areas of commitment to professional practice and commitment to professional learning. A teacher develops a WIP each year and provides evidence against all of the PTC each year, as is required. When these annual windows are viewed together across a three year period for the renewal of a teacher’s registration, an accurate perspective can be gained about established patterns of a teacher’s professional practice. Appraiser-­‐ mentors themselves complete a WIP and they are mentored through this process by members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). As part of their own appraisal, these appraiser-­‐ mentors (in most cases HODs) present summaries of their teachers’appraisals to the Senior Leadership Team. The SLT then complete a meta-­‐analysis of teachers’ appraisals to guide whole school improvement. The analysis identified action points for follow up with several HODs. This will occur at the beginning of Term 2 2017. General discussion points which were identified as part of this meta-­‐analysis included: • Stronger focus within some departments on biculturalism needed • Ongoing development of mentorship of teachers around inquiry and WIPs needed • Review of some position descriptions required • Mentorship of some teachers around students retention in individual courses needed • Requests for school wide PLD requested • Discussion about sharing of professional practice across the school suggested for some departments • Implementation of parent programme around NCEA suggested Planning for 2017 A review of the HOD appraisal will conducted to ensure that evidence of leadership roles of the HOD are captured within the Window into Practice. A review of the HOD position description will also be completed to ensure that the HOD role is accurately defined. c) Review of assessment practice integrated with teaching and learning Teachers in charge of subjects conduct annual reviews of their subject area, reviewing their practice against four indicators of best practice: • Quality teaching, learning and assessment materials and procedures are used in programmes at all levels (years 9-­‐13) • Assessment is at the national standard • Teacher inquiry is used to inform practice • Achievement data is used to inform practice [Further detail in Section 3 above] There is significant school wide professional development linked to the school’s strategic priorities for teachers which is often followed up by work within departments eg transferable skills, bi-­‐cultural competencies. In order to capture and record this very significant work a fifth indicator of best practice (to be completed by HODs only) has


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been added to the subject review report completed in February 2017 : ‘Departmental Professional development is used to inform practice’. The purpose of tis addition is to align departmental Professional Development with School wide initiatives.

STUDENT LEARNING : Junior College and Year 11

Outcome 1: Support curriculum delivery through development of programmes of learning in Years 9-­‐11 that are responsive in meeting students’ learning needs and which enable them to graduate to the next stage of their learning. Students enrolling into Years 9-­‐11 of the College come from diverse socio-­‐economic and ethnic backgrounds. They display a wide range of learning needs, from remedial programmes to extension programmes for gifted and talented students. The enrolment processes specifically aim to identify these needs and establish academic and pastoral plans to support students to reach their goals. For many years up to 2016 the Junior College comprised nine classes; four at Year 9, four at Year 10, and the multi-­‐ level Junior Targeted Learning class. A fifth Year 9 class was established for 2017. This has built the Junior College Year 9 numbers to 125. Another introduction for 2017 was Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) for one selected Year 9 class. During 2016 Year 9 students were surveyed as to their wishes for Option subjects in Year 10. As a result of this survey Digitech/Robotics has been introduced into the Year 10 Options for 2017 with pleasing numbers of students selecting this subject. 2017 Plans: • Investigate other models of curriculum delivery – this has started with visits to five other high schools. Findings from these visits are being used to inform discussion and planning during the College’s 2017 Curriculum Review. • Survey of student experiences and views on learning spaces and class group sizes. An initial investigation of this has been undertaken with the five Year 9 classes. • The development of a dedicated mentoring/tutor time for all Year 11 students, to be run from 2018. The appointment of tutors and programme development will take place in 2017. The programme will have a stong emphasis on wellbeing, Positive Education and the development of transferable skills to support academic achievement. • In 2017 the Year 11 Graduation will change to become a Pō Whakanui, a ‘night of celebration’. This is being done to ackowledge the variety of achievement experienced by our students, and to remove the ambiguous concept of ‘graduating’ when a student might not have gained sufficient Level 1 credits but has had excellent attendance and work habits. • Further training in BYOD for Junior College staff – in 2018 all students are being encouraged to BYOD.

Outcome 2: Support curriculum delivery by ensuring the embedding of transferable skills within programmes of learning in Years 9-­‐11. The Learning to Learn programme for Year 9 classes is based upon the tenets of Positive Education and the development of transferable skills. In addition, a focus of the 2016 and 2017 staff PLD has been on the need for all staff to embed the transferable skills more securely within programmes of learning at all year levels.

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The Junior College credit system has historically been based upon the key competencies of the NZ Curriculum. The move in 2017/2018 is for the transferable skills to become the basis of the system. Subject areas will be asked to show how and where they are teaching the transferable skills. This will result in students at Years 9 and 10 receiving a report each term showing their progress in the transferable skills across each subject area from the start of 2018. A feature of 2017 will be the development of a dedicated mentoring/tutor time for all Year 11 students, to be run from 2018. The appointment of tutors and programme development will take place in 2017. The programme will have a stong emphasis on wellbeing, Positive Education and the development of transferable skills to support academic achievement.

STUDENT LEARNING: Learning Support and Student Placement Outcome 1: Support curriculum development through the use of diagnostic tools to identify and place students into appropriate programmes of learning and assessment.

a) Diagnostic Unit : The function of the Diagnostic Unit is to provide the school, parents and students with information pertinent to the educational needs of the student, and to assist with the monitoring of their progress. Students at risk in their learning are identified through the analysis of diagnostic and other assessment information. • The number of students being seen by the Diagnostic Assessment Unit continued to rise, with planning in place to accommodate an extra class at year 9 : New Entrant assessments 157 (125 in 2015) – to accommodate the extra class at year 9; Year 9 and 10 re-­‐assessments 129 (145 in 2015) • Full assessments for Special Assessment Conditions 8 (10 in 2015) . Data has been compiled and analysed for the Junior College profiles. A review was undertaken, with alternative methods of screening and assessment investigated. The conclusion showed that the assessment tools used continue to be relevant for both placement and diagnostic purposes. However, with the need to prepare for the anticipated growth at Junior College level, and the burgeoning requirements of SACs, alternative options still need to be found. b) Special Assessment Conditions : Candidates with ‘permanent or long-­‐term conditions or learning difficulties, which will significantly impair their performance in specified external and internal assessments, may apply for Special Assessment Conditions’. The already doubled number of students with SACs, 25 from 2015, significantly increased to 43 in 2016; mostly due to the number of new student rollovers. It is a complex issue; with access to SACs being seen as the ‘solution’ to a range of presenting difficulties. Analysis of student use of SACs, showed highly variable levels of engagement. The strategy to begin to address this was to undertake professional development with the Curriculum Leaders centred around student diversity and the normalisation of a range of assessment practices into programmes of learning. This will continue to be a focus, to support it bedding into practice. The NZQA Administrator resigned effective from the end of 2016. This, coupled with continuing NZQA assessment, reporting and administrative changes, and the difficulties in identifying students new to Hagley who have been approved for SACs, have created considerable workload issues. Planning for 2017: The strategies to address SACs will be continued in 2017, and include; • a revised summary form implemented by the Diagnostic Unit to meet the changing requirements for SAC applications, and • PATOSS handwriting and typing assessments added to their testing arsenal. • Training of the new NZQA administrator. Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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• • • • • • •

NZQA being requested to help identify students from other schools who have SAC approval. Developing a template rather than individualised Learning Support Profiles, and Using Kamar as a tool for disseminating this information about SAC students to staff. Holding meetings with students regarding their management of SACs i.e. timely booking of equipment Developing a caseload of students needing monitoring and further support. Using the Academic Dean position as an integral part of this process, including Assessment options beyond term 1, when the Diagnostic Unit focus on new entrant assessment.

Outcome 2: Support curriculum development through developing and implementing programmes of teacher development in literacy and learning support. Literacy Teacher : • Identifies students’ literacy needs through assessment, individually and within classroom programmes, providing appropriate support, resources and interventions for students, and curriculum teachers of these students. • Provides professional development of literacy across curriculum settings, targeted towards a range of learners (students, teachers and parents) and delivered according to need. The literacy teacher : • Attended the National Literacy Workshop with a middle leader for English on Literacy Learning for NCEA, developed resources and provided professional development on this for the Learning Support Department. Incorporate strategies into the 11ENL class, and provide cohesion between that and 11ENI classes. • Supported students and teachers at 11ENI/ENS/12ENL, as requested; providing resources modelling how to include skills at a level at which students can engage as they staircase to an Achievement Standard level, • Continued the use of literacy portfolios at year 11 as a means of tracking progress and using literacy unit standards. • Worked with the HOD English regarding unit standard literacy assessment. Decision made to moderate for 11ENL only, linking with the HOD English. • Integrated the use of e/AsTTle into the years 9 and 10 English classes – provided evaluation of results for incorporating into class programmes – and follow-­‐up assessment. This is a very useful curriculum diagnostic tool. • Team taught with yr 9 Social Science teacher and a yr11 Health teacher, modelling strategies, planning and resources. • Provided training for Provisional Registered Teachers on literacy strategies around how to ‘unpack’ a text, • Administered entrance tests to enable placement beyond designated enrolment periods, • Administered literacy assessment, and helped teachers develop resources and provide support around literacy; • Provide student profiles (Yr 11 LE class, Special Needs students) to allow smooth transition and timely assessment information. The model has proven to be successful, with referrals widely received across school/student and home. Planning for 2017 The department will continue to use a model designed to build relationships and be responsive to identified needs. • The development of programmes taught by Learning Support staff 9CM, 10KT, 11ENL and 12DIR will continue, and expand to include a second Enhancement class, 9MT, taught across English and Social Science.

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Specialist Teacher – The role of the Specialist teacher is to support students who have been identified as having • Special education needs that require a period of individual support, • ORS (On-­‐going Resource Scheme) student verification with Very High, or High needs, • MOE funding eligibilities • A transition focus to move beyond the school where it is clear they will continue to require the highest level of specialist support, including the development of supported learning standards and links into tertiary pathways – especially evident within 10HG The specialist teacher: • Liaised across a range of outside agencies; Special Education Services, NZQA, RTLB, Blennz and Van Asch, • Made “RTLB Yr 11 – 13 Funding Applications” twice yearly and provided progress reports. It was disappointing to report that we received $6,000 less from the Yr 11-­‐13 funding pool last year – though this was remedied with the application made at the end of 2016 ($27, 000). • Applications were made for the new Supplementary Learning Support monies (targeted for students under the ORS criteria classification). This process, driven by RTLB, proved to be chaotic – and very little benefit received by Hagley. Information has been received that there will be a change in process for the following year. • The student caseload concept has clearly improved outcomes for a wide range of students with complex needs , their teachers and whanau – and will be continued, and extended into the new Academic Dean position. • Attended meetings, including writing IEPs, and liaised with the co-­‐ordinator of ‘Enabling Good Lives’ which focused on transitioning ORS students beyond the school. This provision for ORS students ended in July and all eligible ORS students were enrolled prior to this date to enable access. • Continued developing a transition process to move senior students from Targeted Learning to community-­‐based next steps. This required networking with whanau, schools, CPIT, Creative Works, IDEA, Vision, Employment Plus and the Academy and our own Careers department, • Developed the use of supported learning standards, which now need to be integrated within the class, • Provided student profiles (ORS/Special Needs) to allow smooth transition at the start of the year. Targeted Learning Programme : There are 17 students placed within this programme. It began as a two-­‐year programme, and it now has an expectation of students remaining for up to four years. The level of need presenting with this student group has become increasingly complex. In the first two years of the programme, the curriculum imperative of improving students’ functional literacy and numeracy skills takes precedence. Students’ final two years see additional learning and experiences related to transition towards life beyond school, including assessment within the NCEA supported learning standard work. The Targeted Learning programme has evolved over time. Funding and support beyond the school is limited for all except ORS-­‐funded students. We have needed to develop a transition programme to better support the student and their whanau. The transition process, begun last year, will be consolidated, with the specialist teacher attending senior students ITPs (Individual Transition Plans) to engage with families, investigate options and help support the move beyond this programme. Supported-­‐learning standards have been introduced, being delivered within group rather than class setting. Widening the functional skills-­‐based programme to include a broader curriculum programme is being investigated. The class trips occur over a four year cycle, two having an overnight component. With the addition of another year 9 class, Targeted Learning have needed to be removed from the Junior College option cycle. Other curriculum options have been put in place to ensure a breadth of curriculum remains accessible. There were 15 new entrant applications for only 5 positions in year 9, and having a finite figure for this class was crucial in managing the numbers.

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Academic Dean : The role is to identify and support students achieving at a level beyond their peers, and to make appropriate provision while stretching them in areas of strength and developing them in areas of weakness. This will include providing an appropriately challenging curriculum through extension of the curriculum and enrichment beyond it, coupled with support and guidance of all appropriate school personnel in meeting these students’ needs. Active engagement, and the building of relationships between school and home, was a strong component of this role. The ‘yin-­‐yang’ (opposing forces, strengths and weaknesses) of our learners is well recognised, and a caseload of students requiring monitoring and/or support (year 9-­‐13+) was developed. This role also has clear links with NZQA and students eligible for Special Assessment Conditions. The aim being to engender independence, but recognising the need to build transferable skills. A number of scholarship students at year 13 fell into this category last year, with some concerns around work load issues. A link will be made with the Year 13 Dean, and scholarship teachers, to see if we can create a more cohesive structure.

Outcome 3: Support curriculum delivery through developing and implementing learning support programmes for students to ensure their wellbeing and keep students successfully in learning Research suggests that the literacy ability of students is indicative of the likelihood of success in an educational setting. The Assessment Tool for Teaching and Learning (AsTTle) has set a reading age of 12-­‐13 years as being the level required by students to allow them to access texts used in a secondary school setting. The collection of literacy skills data remains a key marker to place students and evaluate their progress. Data shows that the profile of our Year 9 students remains consistent with previous years, with two-­‐thirds entering able to read text at a secondary school level, and one-­‐third below this level. • At the point of entry into the Junior College data showed 40% of the 2016 Yr 9 cohort having literacy needs. • At the point of exit from the Junior College reassessment has consistently shown that students leaving the Junior College show significant improvement in their overall literacy levels; • On a continuing positive note, the data shows that our teaching makes a difference; 95% of the students exiting yr10 in 2016 had reached benchmark, ready to engage at curriculum level 5. • The data collected on new year 11 students has consistently showed two-­‐thirds of the intake unable to access this level; • Testing for 2017 reflected this with a figure of 64%. There will be students in all classes who cannot read the texts with any confidence; some classes will have many, including a number of returning year 12+ students with limited literacy-­‐based qualifications from earlier schooling. Literacy Enhancment Classes : Years 9-­‐12. Junior College classes + Year 11 + 12 Directions. Research is very clear that “ordinary teaching (no intervention) does not enable students with literacy issues to catch-­‐up.” The implication is that “although good classroom teaching is the bedrock of effective practice, most research suggests that children falling behind their peers need more help that the classroom normally provides.” (Greg Brooks, 2007). The TKI site, “Guidelines for Teaching Adolescents” continues to provide clear guidelines for effective literacy adolescent literacy instruction. As well, it is imperative to centre the programme within, not separate from, the curriculum and ensure the active teaching of literacy skills occurs within a setting. Junior College Years 9 and 10: The Literacy Enhancement classes amongst are our academically most vulnerable classes in mainstream education – and the ones most difficult to shift in their learning. The class size is 20-­‐22 students. Rather than using a conventional ‘pull-­‐out’ programme for literacy remediation, the literacy teacher comes into the class and students undertake a fully scaffolded English programme, strong on daily feedback and monitoring of progress. The data shows the strategy to be working; Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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• •

The average reading age for 9CM at the point of entry was 8.5 – 9.5yrs. It was very pleasing to report that after two years, upon entry to yr11, their average reading age was 12 -­‐ 13yrs. The decision was made to grow the Junior College by adding another yr 9 class in 2017. The data showed (see above) a continuing need for literacy enhancement. A second class was put on for 2016, with the teacher team-­‐ teaching English, as per our integrated model, Social Science, and acting as the form tutor. This is proving successful as the programmes are developed and shared across both 9MT and 9CM. Year 11 • In the yr 11 Literacy Enhancement class retention and NCEA achievement remains high. In 2016, 90% (18) gained literacy and 100% (20) gained numeracy. 70% (14) achieved the full NCEA certificate. Commendable results. Professional development around using thematic approaches to staircase literacy and assessment through to the Achievement Standard level, has occured. Curriculum overview planning, linking in transferable skills and assessment, is in place and will be competed by the end of the year. 12 Directions The ‘Passport’ course was changed from its original concept, based in the Social Science department -­‐ and redesigned to support students soft skills and career planning goals, based with Learning Support. The change of direction was positive with numbers growing significantly for 2017. The focus is now on strengthening school/industry partnerships via meaningful work experiences to increase their industry knowledge, practical competencies and transferable skills. Assessment of unit standards links to the Careers department. Learning Support and Wellbeing teams work closely together, with structures specifically developed to support students; • Junior College Profiles : and meetings, enable early identification of individual and group needs and strengths. • Special Needs Committee : expanded to include liaison with Community Mental Health. Supports the broad-­‐range of learning and well-­‐being needs of students identified within our special character population, • Enrolment and placement : within programmes of learning at key transition points. The changing enrolment and placement focus required working closely with the Senior Leadership team, as structures and time lines changed.

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INTRODUCTION Hagley College is committed to lifelong learning and invests in the learning and education of communities across Christchurch. The Learning Communities portfolio supports a vision of life-­‐long learning within a structure that provides multiple pathways and learning both within and outside the school day. This occurs at Hagley, however may also occur in the home, within organisations and at other sites situated in Christchurch. In particular, the programmes target groups that are potentially at risk of being denied access to the social and economic capital that enables people to thrive in our society. This includes post-­‐compulsory age education learners, those re-­‐ engaging in education for personal or career goals, learners from migrant and refugee backgrounds and students whose learning may previously have been unsuccessful. The programmes also provide a mechanism for organisations such as schools, social agencies and government departments to develop cultural responsiveness. With the population of New Zealand reaching superdiversity standing, a predicted increase in refugee quota families, and one in four learners projected to be multi-­‐cultural by 2025, the Learning Communities portfolio has a key role in building sustainable communities that promote diversity and increase the effectiveness of the people working in them. Hagley’s commitment to Learning Communities is based on the following key principles: • Learning is highly valued and is always spoken of as an investment rather than a cost. • Being an active learner is seen part of being a competent adult. • Learning is not confined within the school walls, to the school day or to the ‘school years’. Students draw from a wide learning network encompassing role models from the community, business and others with skills to offer. • The relevance of learning to the community, and of the community to learning is endlessly and seamlessly reinforced. • The whole community is a resource for the school. Learning is not separate from life. • The school is a resource for the whole community where the school is open for longer hours and their facilities are accessible to people of all ages. • Learning sites exist throughout the community giving students hands-­‐on experience and access to expertise beyond the classroom.

KEY OUTCOMES 1. Develop a cohesive and integrated structure for collaboration, participation and partnerships that is informed by current research 2. Provide English Language Learning that prepares students for community, employment and academic pathways 3. Implement curriculum, pedagogy and assessment practices which reflect diversity 4. Deliver support and services where diversity is the norm. 5. Develop flexible and responsive community learning programmes and pathways beyond the school day

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Outcome 1: Develop a cohesive and integrated structure for collaboration, participation and partnerships that is informed by current research. The provision of programmes and the delivery of services sit within three key areas: English Language Learning, Diversity Support and After 3. Across these areas a number of structures are in place to support and develop staff. These include monthly Learning Communities meetings and weekly Diversity Support meetings that involve the Director of Learning Communities, ELL Manager, Diversity Support Manager and, at times, the Manager of Adult Literacy, Pre-­‐school Director and ELL Enrolment Officer. After 3 meetings with the Teacher in Charge (TIC) take place every week and staff meetings each month. The Diversity Support manager has also been appointed to the pre-­‐school community advisory group. Integral to the Learning Communities structure is a focus on Professional Learning which includes workshops, one-­‐ on-­‐one coaching and mentoring, small group learning and buddying of teachers into learning groups. Professional readings, teachers’ Windows into Practice (WIP’s) and collaboration and consultation with all stakeholders inform the direction and initiatives that Learning Communities engage in.

Outcome 2: Provide English Language Learning (ELL) that prepares students for community, employment and academic pathways English Language Learning provision is divided into three portfolios. The first is Community: English for Living in New Zealand. The second is Vocational: Full-­‐time programmes for Young Adults. The third is Academic: preparation for tertiary level study. The total numbers of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) learners enrolled in the English Language Learning Community (ELLC) are illustrated below. From the adults attending Hagley, LC supported 10 children under 5 years in the Hagley pre-­‐school, whilst parents attended ELL and Hagley learning programmes. Refugee and Migrant numbers in ELL in 2016

Refugees and Migrants in ELL 120


100 75

80 60 40

60 43





20 0 2015


Refugees under 25 years old

Refugees over 25 years old

Migrants under 25 years old

Migrants over 25 years old

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Adult language learning 40



33 30 30



25 20



26 22 23

24 24

21 22



24 21


15 10 5



0 2014










Adult language learning (Ethnicity) 90 77

80 70 60 50 40 30


20 10


8 1












6 1




Adult Language Learning (Ethnicity)

In contrast to the pre-­‐earthquake years, there is little growth in our full-­‐time adolescent language learning classes. This is because there are at present no new quota refugees arriving in Christchurch.

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Full-­‐‑time Programme for Young Adults (Ethnicity) 8


7 6 5 4












1 0

Similar to 2015, ELL vocational and academic programmes increased in 2016 at the critical levels of entering mainstream and tertiary level study. The majority of these students only gained Level 1 and 2 ELL credits. Revisited in 2016 was the necessity to offer ELL academic programmes that enable learners to gain Level 3 ELL and UE Literacy credits. This was actioned with an additional class at Level 3/4 being offered in 2017. The highest growth in these classes is from the Filipino communities. Predominantly these have been young people who have turned 19 years of age and have left other schools in Christchurch without fully completing a qualification or have finished schooling in their own country. From 2017, we will be able offer more targeted courses. Adult Level 6.00/7.00 IELTS numbers have stayed consistent in line with tertiary institute and immigration requirements which use the test as a benchmark for entry into tertiary courses and visa requirements.

Students Enrolled in an Academic Pathway(Numbers) 40

36 33



30 25 20




10 5 0 11EPA




13EPA 2

Students Enrolled in an Academic Pathway(Numbers)

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Students Enrolled in an Academic Pathway (Ethnicity) 18






12 10 8





4 2









4 2


4 1

4 1





Trends Learning Communities’ highest numbers of students were adult learners accessing education for the first time in New Zealand. Consistent with the trend in the early post-­‐earthquake years, the biggest driver of growth continues to be in the numbers of Chinese migrants accessing Community English programmes. Without English language learning, many of these learners who are new to English language use would be isolated at home and unable to participate or contribute to Christchurch, which is now their home. Most of our mature adult learners’ language learning needs have been met by programmes that offer sets of literacies and numeracy that are linked to real life tasks, with connections into wider Christchurch. Alongside the courses, bi-­‐literacy assistance has been offered in Cantonese and Mandarin as well as in Farsi, Pashtun, Bhutanese, Nepali and Somali. In 2016, the Enrolment Officer worked with 80 Chinese students and their families and also assisted 16 families from other ethnicities. English Language Learning was strengthened by the capacity to offer bi-­‐literacy assistance in a number of languages both in ELL and in HALC (Hagley Adult Literacy Centre). The ELL Enrolment Officer also offers interpreting and translation services for Christchurch Resettlement Services in Mandarin and Cantonese.

Outcome 3: Implement curriculum, pedagogy and assessment practices which reflect diversity and are culturally responsive The capacity to offer culturally responsive programmes is in the extent that policy and practices reflect the diversity of the learners and their needs. With the EL standards and assessable evidence now able to be considered in relation to the types of tasks that learners engage in within and outside the classroom, teachers can tailor their EL programmes specific to learner end-­‐goals. As part of the assessment process, evidence may be collected over the course of the year in ways that give learners the opportunity to develop the skills and understanding required to achieve their potential. In this respect, teachers need to continue to consider different ways that evidence Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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might collectively build up a picture of achievement, as well as offer a wide range of standards at different levels. The development of assessment methods (e.g. task completion, multimodal representation) in which teachers might assess students is salient for CALD learners whose literacies, abilities and skills may not be detected or properly assessed in standardized tests. Refugee pathway and career planning Funding for refugee pathway and career planning was secured in 2016 in order to support refugee background learners in career pathway planning. This included meeting the outcomes of: developing Individual Career Plans (LCP’s), provision of support at critical decision and transition points, targeted NCEA Literacy and Numeracy support, and family and community engagement in planning. 31 ELL students and 24 mainstream students were interviewed in a systematic way throughout the year. Careers units were taught across four adolescent classes and 70 students were taught how to log on to NZQA track. Two NCEA family evenings were held during the Multi-­‐ Ethnic Study and Support Centre times. Of note, is the increased number of parents attending family conferences as a result of Hagley closing at noon and facilitating parent interviews during the day as well as in the evenings. The next step is to consider ways that future learner achievement might be tracked beyond ELL. NCEA Holiday programme The NCEA holiday programme is an MOE-­‐funded initiative that supports the Careers and Pathways outcomes to provide Literacy and Numeracy NCEA support for refugee background learners. It ran on the first week of the school holidays in October 2016 with a total of 89 students attending. The ethnicities were Afghan, Bhutanese/Nepali, Somali, Ethiopian, Kurdish, Cambodian and Filipino. The highest number of enrolments was from Year 11 as per 2015. There were over 10 contributing schools. Hagley had the highest number of refugee background learners in Christchurch, followed by Burnside. Student and whanau voices were collected and emphasized the many ways in which the programme helped bridge the gap between home and school where families lack support and understanding of the New Zealand education system. 100 percent of the students indicated they would recommend the programme to their friends and family. In this way, the programme also contributed to the outcome of strengthening relationships with schools, communities and families.

Outcome 4: Deliver support and services for our communities where diversity is the norm Indicators i. The support and services are welcoming to all learners and their families ii. The support and services identify and remove barriers to learners' full acceptance, participation and learning which in turn, promotes resilient outcomes for students and communities iii. The support and services help all learners and their families to celebrate their differences and affirm their identities The provision of bi-­‐lingual liaison and the delivery of services are integrated under Learning Communities. Collaboration occurs between English Language Learning and Diversity Support in engaging and supporting students and families. The managers of the three portfolios within Learning Communities meet weekly and liaise closely to review and develop programmes and delivery. Integrated into units of work are modules on careers and pathways, individual and family health and wellbeing and family literacy. The support includes referrals to specialist agencies such Christchurch Resettlement Services, Canterbury Refugee Council, the Canterbury District Health Board, the Police, Citizens Advice Bureau, Fire Service and Pegasus Health. These organisations also deliver sessions on health awareness and access to health and wellbeing. This model of support provides a robust system of pastoral care and at the same time promotes learners to look after themselves and achieve resilient outcomes. From 2017, a Dean will be appointed to ELL adolescent programmes. Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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Bilingual liaison and support across schools Bi-­‐lingual liaison and support is provided to ensure engagement, retention and accessibility to programmes. The work also aims to strengthen communities and thus increase engagement of schools with families. The services include: the employment of multicultural staff, bilingual teacher aides (x 6), bilingual community liaison officers (x 3), translated resources and documents into community languages, culturally and community responsive programmes, and staff PLD in intercultural awareness and diversity support. Bilingual liaison staff work from the first point of engagement to ensuring the ongoing responsiveness to programmes and services. The three bilingual liaison officers (Afghani, Bhutanese/Nepali and Somali) have managed and supported students, families and schools with respect to 95 individual cases and 72 families. 47 parents were also involved in parent education workshops. These opportunities ensure that parents are knowledgeable about the NZ education system and are able to participate in school events with their children. In a reciprocal relationship, bi-­‐lingual liaison work informs relevant schools about cultural differences and increases staff knowledge on students’ cultures and their specific festivals, helps schools with interpreting and translating and mediates issues in which it is inappropriate to involve young children. Culturally and linguistically diverse learners are also acknowledged and celebrated through Hagley hosting and contributing to events such as International Day, World Refugee Day, Refugee Women’s Day, community well-­‐ being programmes and Culture Galore. These special community events have full participation within Hagley and across Christchurch thus enhancing education and community partnerships. At present, the Christchurch City Council and Pegasus Health fund these initiatives. Engaging with families means working with community leaders in order to assist students and families access into education. In this respect, on-­‐going liaison and initiatives have occurred in collaboration with: UNHCR, Canterbury Refugee Council, Canterbury Migrants Centre, Computers in Schools, Christchurch Multi-­‐ethnic Council, Immigration New Zealand, INFoRM (Interagency network for refugees and migrants), Interpreting New Zealand and PEETO. Many of Hagley’s students are enrolled as a result of this engagement. In 2017, the MOE will invite further education and community participation in the development of a South Island Education Diversity Strategy and CCC Multi-­‐cultural Strategy. The Director of Learning Communities and Diversity Support Manager have been integral to the initial planning.

Outcome 5: Develop flexible and responsive community learning programmes and pathways beyond the school day Learning programme indicators: i. Learners and their families can participate in learning or support programmes and pathways after traditional school hours ii. Programmes respond to and meet learners' needs for academic support, pathways and employment skills iii. Programmes enable community connections and collaboration The Multi Ethnic Homework and Study Centre The Multi Ethnic Homework and Study Centre is a citywide resource for primary and secondary students from multi-­‐ethnic refugee background communities. Students attend twice a week in the evening to get academic support and tutoring including: homework or project help, improving reading, numeracy and writing skills, specialist help in NCEA Levels 1-­‐3 subjects and in achieving better grades in assessments. At the end of Term 4 of 2016, 98 students from 33 schools had enrolled at the Centre. 61% of students in the HW Centre received secondary academic support. 10 specialist teachers and six staff proficient in community languages were employed to support students in English Literacy, Numeracy and NCEA Levels 1-­‐3 in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Statistics, Accounting and Economics. Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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Bi-­‐lingual support in Farsi, Bhutanese/Nepali, Arabic and Somali was required to facilitate language accessibility. Bi-­‐ lingual volunteers (after police checking) are also engaged in Learning Communities. The graphs below show a summary of students attending by ethnicity, year level and gender in 2016.

Enrolments by Gender 60









38 29

30 20 10 0

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3


Term 4


Enrolments by Year Level 98 100



80 53

60 40 20


61 45 33









Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Year 3-­‐‑8

Year 9-­‐‑13


Year 1-­‐‑2


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The total enrolments by ethnicity at the Homework Centre align with the size of refugee communities settling in Christchurch. The three largest refugee communities represented are the Afghani, Somali and Bhutanese communities. Their large numbers are maintained due to new arrivals under the immigration family reunification/support category. There has been an increase of new Afghani families with school age children attending the Homework Centre. Among 15 different ethnicities at the Homework Centre, the Afghani students account for 39%, followed by the Somali and Bhutanese of about 25% and 20% respectively. The academic support programme under the Multi-­‐ethnic Homework and Study Centre is aligned to the New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy outcome i.e 79% of refugee school leavers achieve NCEA Level 2. This was achieved in 2016. At the Centre, data was gathered to show outcomes achieved through completed work and assessment, student survey and voice, NCEA results and school reports, student pathways, teachers and parent feedback and students regular attendance. Refugee Adult and Community Responsive Programmes As a hub for all refugee education support programmes across Christchurch, Hagley offers a number of initiatives that are developed in response to community needs. These are based on the whole family literacy model. Courses were delivered alongside the Multi-­‐ethnic Homework and Study Centre and focused on numeracy and literacy in the contexts of cooking, sewing, computing and well being. Links into other programmes included Community Language Maintenance, After 3, Hagley ELL, Hagley Adult Literacy Centre and other cross sector initiatives. In liaison with HALC, Community Responsiveness programmes were funded by the MOE, Christchurch City Council and Pegasus Health. 62 refugee adult learners were enrolled in the refugee adult and community responsiveness programmes. First language maintenance programmes The importance of the first language in enhancing learning cannot be overstated. Research shows that young people learning their own language have improved self-­‐efficacy, which in turn enhances their learning at school and engagement in the community. Hagley offers opportunities for both the Farsi language school and the Persian language school to operate on weekends. Around 80 families were engaged in learning at Hagley at the weekends. In 2016, Hagley strengthened relationships with CLANZ (Community Languages Association New Zealand which led to hosting the first Russian community languages school on Saturdays. Bhutanese language classes have also been strengthened. For CLANZ to continue to operate at Hagley, in addition to a koha, LC will need to look at a fee for cleaning rooms before Monday day school classes. A challenge for 2017 will be the spread of refugee and migrant funding across New Zealand (versus the allocation to specific centres) and the need to keep parents engaged in programmes at Hagley. Families new to New Zealand often see school and home as two separate places, especially as children move up into higher levels. Consequently, parents are prepared to hold teachers accountable for their child’s education because the cultural, language and technological barriers prevent them from being participants in the process. Adult and Community Responsiveness programmes cross borders for parents by making learning relevant for the whole family and creating opportunities to hear their views and aspirations. Through engagement, parents have some input into the system and curriculum from culturally diverse perspectives; and teachers come to understand more about their students’ strengths, culture and community practices. These links provide invaluable opportunities for furthering student learning at Hagley. Community connections and collaborations A number of Christchurch hub initiatives were implemented in response to community needs. “Hagley Culture Chat” on community radio Plains FM is an extension of ELL learning outside the classroom. This radio show broadcasts ‘live’ to the Christchurch community once a month. Approximately 20 learners were engaged in this initiative which is one of the many working relationships LC has with a wide range of organisations Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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involved in education and the delivery of services in the community. This extends to primary and secondary schools, tertiary providers, adult education groups, and other private providers. Integral to developing the connections between learning and pathways, LC teachers all engage their learners in community events and invite speakers into their classes to authenticate the learning in the units they are teaching. Some examples are links with the Police, Canterbury District Health Board, Universities and CPIT (now Ara). In addition, learners are assisted with pathways into wider Hagley programmes in order to strengthen curriculum coherence For the wider Christchurch community, Hagley is a member of the radio show Canterbury Cultures and works alongside other service providers in the migrant and refugee sector. Capacity training workshops such as the Intercultural Cultural Awareness and Communication workshop and the Working Alongside Refugee Families training were held three times over the year. In 2016, over 100 staff from other schools and organisations in Christchurch attended these workshops. Unlike previous years, in 2016 there were a significant number of participants from key organisations in the North Island. Beyond the Christchurch rebuild, interest has also occurred from within the corporate farming sector whose employees are 80% Filipino. In this regard, the Learning Communities portfolio Director and Diversity Support Manager continue to be involved in Professional Learning and service requests by MOE, schools and organisations, nationwide. In 2016, eight bi-­‐lingual teacher aides were involved in Working with English Language Learners (WELLS), a pilot programme for bilingual workers to receive a qualification. This had reciprocal benefits for teachers and teacher aides in the classroom. After 3 Programmes After 3 programmes provide opportunities for adult learners to re-­‐engage in education, improve literacy and numeracy skills and explore or complete requisite skills for further training or education. In 2016, 741 learners enrolled in courses. 42 courses run from early evening during the week and, in some cases, at the weekend. Many of these programmes lead into assessment pathways, however the wider benefits such as improved attitudes to learning, increased self-­‐confidence and esteem, personal growth and social capital were evident in After 3 teachers’ inquiry projects. These wider benefits better place people to enter/re-­‐enter education and the workplace by giving learners the skills and self-­‐belief to be able to put their capabilities into action. After 3 programmes meet the needs of an often more vulnerable group of learners whose learning needs do not fit within the traditional school day. Particular to 2016, teachers: • • •

Engaged in 20 hours professional learning alongside their teacher inquiry projects Collaborated between learning areas especially Learning Languages and Art & Media (individual report on individual initiatives available from Director of Learning Communities) Developed and made explicit the links between real-­‐world tasks and events, and classroom learning (e.g.,theatre performances, on-­‐line and on-­‐site exhibitions, weekend workshops).

Students progressed into: • Hagley full-­‐time packaged programmes • Tertiary level courses • After 3 classes at the next level • New Learning Areas e.g. CALD learners into new disciplines, existing students into additional specialized courses in the same discipline e.g. Painting & Printmaking Professional Learning goals for 2016 included: • Building understanding of how learning areas apply multi-­‐modal forms of representation and “emerging literacies” Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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• •

Applications of Web 2.0 and new technologies to promote multimodal representations of texts, media and content Framing multilingualism within a bicultural context

A focus on biculturalism Explicit recognition and engagement was given to biculturalism with the view that Maori is not just another ethnic group in our community but are party to a solemn treaty in which particular rights were given to the Maori people. Throughout the year, LC: • Strengthened support for te reo Maori in the classroom • Engaged with Maori tikanga across all domains in Learning Communities e.g. learning stories in Sculpture, bicultural literacy in Mixed Media • Promoted te reo Maori and learning languages, in general • Extensively profiled the benefits of bi/multilingualism (individual, school, identity level) In ELL, there has been a strong take up from the recognition of multilingualism to its effective accommodation via classroom teacher practices i.e. bi-­‐literacy and translanguaging for pastoral care and classroom instruction On-­‐going challenge for 2017 National refugee resettlement policy sets the target for funded migrant and refugee background learners (up to 25 years) at NCEA Level 2. In 2016, while learners gained a significant number of credits, few learners achieved the target. Home and work pressures are contributing factors; also the reality of CALD in New Zealand is that the variety(ies) of academic English required at school and produced in the classroom differ significantly from the languages spoken at home. In this regard, access to explicit instruction in the varieties of academic English produced in different disciplines will reduce language barriers. At the same time, CALD learners need enhanced agency in the classroom where their language(s) are used to deepen discipline-­‐specific conceptual understanding and engagement. Goals to meet challenge: • Develop the role of language(s) that students bring with them into the classroom, in order to create meanings that can then be taken up into new learning. A starting point could be inquiring into what models and sets of skills exist -­‐ or need to be developed-­‐ to make this goal possible? • Build school-­‐wide understandings of the nature of multilingualism and language learning so that some of the issues that currently constrain access into learning areas are addressed. This would increase social inclusion, enhance confidence, motivation and performance and avoid the implementation of deficit models e.g. low literacy/learning needs classes. The long-­‐term implications for Learning Communities • Otautahi is becoming more like main bi/multi lingual cities in New Zealand (and the rest of the world). • Our “southern” geographical isolation and predilection for English monolingualism and curriculum delivery is being challenged. • Bi/multilingual education approaches are addressing issues of differential achievement and social economic issues in other parts of the world and now is our time to ‘catch up’. The context of Learning Communities contributes to enabling all students at Hagley to further develop and st apply responsiveness to diversity and intercultural capabilities as salient outcomes for 21 Century learning and living.

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INTRODUCTION The staff wellbeing portfolio is to provide and foster a workplace where staff are happy, safe and valued. The College is committed to attracting and employing quality people for its many positions. There is a focus on building bi-­‐cultural awareness through te reo and tikanga to assist us in our obligation as partners of te tiriti o Waitangi. The College is also committed to sharing its educational programmes within the Waitaha (Canterbury) region. A good example of this is the Forte (intinerant music) team that offers music lessons and support to the schools of Canterbury, South Canterbury and the West Coast. The College looks to providing future opportunities to allow engagement into programmes for students in Waitaha. The College runs a strong professional learning and development (PLD) programme both for kaiako and support staff. External PLD is also well supported and available to meet the staffing needs that the College is unable to provide. By appointing quality staff and providing a Māori and Vocational Pathways mentor who work alongside a very strong and experienced Careers team the College is taking the achievement, retention and transitions ART strategies seriously to ensure all students are engaged in their learning. Hagley Community College is very responsive to its staff and provides a reflective and innovative environment to work in.

KEY OUTCOMES 1. Foster the appointment, development and retention of quality teachers and support staff who are responsive to diverse learners across the College in all learning areas 2. Develop the College’s commitment to Māori achieving success as Māori and to our bicultural partnership. 3. Develop the College as a regional education hub. 4. Develop ART strategies and opportunities within the College to ensure student engagement, achievement, retention and transitions.

Outcome 1: Foster the appointment, development and retention of quality teachers and support staff who are responsive to diverse learners across the College in all learning Staffing Hagley In staffing the College, the primary goal is to identify, develop and support successful teachers and support staff to make a significant difference to improving student learning and achievement. Teacher professionalism is a key strategic area the College continues to focus on. This is to ensure that teachers are qualified and trained with the College undertaking and meeting its ‘good employer’ obligations through teachers’ conditions of employment, salary rates, rights and entitlements. It is also to ensure that teachers undertake and fulfil their professional responsibilities by meeting the ‘Professional Standards for Teachers’ and ‘Code of Ethics for Registered Teachers’. This review reports on the performance of the College across all these key outcomes for 2016.

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Qualified Staff The special character of Hagley College means there are many layers that make us a unique and successful school. It is important to choose our staff with care and consideration. The critical success factor for professional standards is: all teachers are qualified, trained and meet the teacher professional standards. All teachers at Hagley College have current registrations and are qualified to teach. The College employed 7 Limited Authority to Teach teachers (LATs) approved for 2016. There were 12 provisionally registered teachers employed by the Hagley College Board of Trustees [6 were moved to full registration during the year]. The College has approved 4 teachers for leave longer than one week. The College is committed to employing the best candidate for any vacancy advertised and responds to employing diverse staff to meet our diverse learners. If a suitable staff member is not found the position will be re-­‐advertised. Newly Appointed Staff in 2016 The College employed 14 teaching staff, 14 support staff and 5 After 3 staff in 2016. Teachers: Rowan Milburn, Jenni Holden, Tracy Murphy, Jasmine Lambert, Nanako Sato, Naomi Milner, Fong Chong, Rachael Schonberger, Rachel Williamson, Nadeeka Idamegedara, Steven Gill, Tim Sellars, Naomi Hnat and Philippa Lodge Support Staff: Neal Sales, Thi Phan, Leanne Buchan, Frankie McMillan, Rory Collins, Grant Eggers, Mike Ohlman, Bethan Fitzgerald, Beda Mishra, Carol-­‐Ann Hamilton, Anna Murphy-­‐Nyander, Delwyn Meechin, Katerina Garner and Ekaterina Vernon After 3: Lizzie Cook, Joshua Toki, Nicolette Adam, Celia Lawrie and Cat Scott-­‐Hewitt Staff at Hagley Teaching Staff Forte ITMs Teachers Total Teaching Staff

30 105 135

Support Staff

Sports Assistant Theatre Company/Dance Teacher Aides – Learning Support ELL Teacher Aides Attendance/Wellbeing Liaison Officers Homework Centre Nurse Technicians Refugee Liaison Library Finance Music/Jazz Careers General Admin/Enrolments Marketing Cleaners Property Services

1 2 7 2 2 2 13 1 5 1 3 3 1 2 14 2 18 4

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HALC Student Centre/Cafe After 3 Total Support Staff

25 6 24 138

Hagley College has a wide range of skilled staff to support students in their learning. These staff fall into two major categories: support staff and teaching staff. The total staffing of the College for 2016 is 273 staff divided between these two categories. There are 135 teaching staff and 138 support staff. The distribution of these staff is shown in the corresponding tables. Many of our staff are hired and paid through short-­‐term funding that is allocated annually; for example, the funding to support refugee families relies on funding from the MOE and the Department of Social Welfare and Development. This means to staff these programmes, staff are on yearly contracts. The work undertaken by Human Resources is substantial and time consuming. In 2016 the staff at Hagley took 176.5 days of Principal’s Discretionary Leave. Other leave taken was 213 days of leave for teachers and 1402 leave days for support staff, including annual leave and leave without pay [291 days for support staff excluding annual leave]. Sick leave taken was a further 596 days for teaching staff and 396 days for support. The College had two staff members on maternity leave in 2016 -­‐ one teacher and one support staff member, as well as one teacher on study leave for part of the year. The paper files are all being loaded electronically to safe guard the files. The Hagley College staff kaimahi were surveyed at the beginning of 2017 and approximately 59% responded. This was representative from all areas the staff work in. The senior leadership team is working to cater for change where it can be activated and has been clearly communicated what the issue is. The Human Resources work is reviewed regularly especially looking at current tenure, registration, policy, pay rates and appraisal for support staff. Teaching staff have their appraisals reviewed by the senior leadership team at the end of each year (2016). Education Council NZ Matatū Aotearoa is reviewing the 12 criteria and reducing them to 6 in July 2017. Programme for New and Beginner Teachers 2016 “Learning experiences are composed of content, process and social climate. As teachers we create for and with our children relationships and opportunities to explore and build important areas of knowledge, develop powerful tools for learning, and live in humanising social conditions.” The induction and mentoring programme for new, first and second year teachers, provisionally certified and Limited Authority to Teach (LAT) teachers meets the two important strategic areas: teacher professionalism and effective teacher pedagogy. The induction programme is designed to meet the two critical success factors of this portfolio. The Specialist Classroom Teacher (SCT) has an important role in monitoring the new kaiako and supporting them in creating an understanding of the Good Practice Teacher Model, teacher as inquiry and the Window into Practice alongside the NZ Curriculum. During 2016 the kaiako below became fully certified kaiako: Shinae Park Amy Mitchell Sienna Smale-­‐Jackson Emma Moloney Zac Knight Brendon Bennetts Jo Eaton (Term 1 2017) Brenda Nightingale, Andy Gorton and Philippa Judge (After 3) were moved from Subject to Confirmation registration to Full registration during 2016.

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Two teachers also completed the Teacher Education Refresh Programme: Anna Holmes and Julia Scarf (relievers 2016). The new and beginner teaching staff; firstly, have a fortnightly programme run by Fiona Brownlie and Carolyn Green. Secondly, they have a mentor within the department who carries out supervision through curriculum awareness, classroom observation, teaching as inquiry projects and professional conversations. The programme heightens the new teachers’ skills around classroom management and effectively engaging students as well as exploring the importance of cross curricula literacy for student success. By being aware of student voice and the need to create a thinking classroom, the new teachers can model this in their teaching. The College uses the Induction and mentoring indicators as a guide which are published by the Education Council Aotearoa. The Specialist Classroom Teacher SCT has been reduced to one kaiako in 2017 as the regulations set by the MOE do not allow the resource to be split. The College was given special exemption in 2016 to enable Carolyn and Fiona to share the role. In 2016 Fiona went to a 3 day symposium for SCT: • Challenge your thinking • Develop your skills • Create connections. Fiona reviews her work and is being proactive in her role. The SCT meets with the staff wellbeing leader to reflect on her work and to pick up work that is identified by the senior leader staff wellbeing. The main focus is to grow capacity of effective teacher pedagogy. Other Professional Learning and Development At Hagley College we use our 1 hour staff meeting time from 8.30-­‐9.30am on a Wednesday morning to grow strong professional learning. This is done either as a whole staff or in smaller groups usually departmental. This is valuable time to support teacher as inquiry work, bring in speakers that can enhance research around good pedagogy or allow thinking, reflection or collaborative time. External professional learning and development needs of teaching staff were met in the following ways: Literacy: various external courses both paid and free of charge, totalling a spend of $573.85. The Learning Support team offers ongoing literacy training to up-­‐skill teachers and teacher aides across all curriculum areas. Bicultural: $4,480.03. This figure includes various workshops/seminars as well as several kura reo immersion language courses for our te reo Māori kaiako. Wellbeing: $3,645.00 including courses on positive education, the teenage brain, restorative practices and a full-­‐ day team workshop with Margaret Ross. ICT: $6,173.35 for workshops and training intended to up-­‐skill staff in relevant technologies, including the annual KAMAR conference. Four teachers also attended the Future Schools conference in Sydney in 2016 with an additional spend of approximately $9,440.00. The table shows further the investment the College has made: Year English Mathematics Science Social Science 2000 2001

4859.00 2534.00

2357.00 1535.00

1735.00 2809.00

3608.00 1050.00











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2005 2006

3034.00 2883.00

3166.00 769.00

3303.00 4352.00

1006.00 1139.00






2008 2009

2061.60 2262.75

1560.75 1208.00

925.00 980.00

1376.50 2824.00

2010 2011

3569.58 4284.00

925.00 4532.40

2535.00 3469.95

765.00 3978.55






2013 2014

3422.50 2575.22

1839.03 310.00

2945.01 1479.40

2558.60 1296.70

2015 2016

180.75 2784.85

1134.00 300.00

3170.82 2770.10

1121.36 1331.42

Every teacher has been involved in professional learning and development either internally or externally. The total spent on external courses in 2016 was $46,165.75, which is a significant increase on the 2015 figures. Approximately $15,200 was spent on relief for teachers attending courses in 2016. An investment has also been made in upskilling support staff. The College spent approximately $8,086.88 on external PLD for support staff in 2016. Professional learning and development is key to broaden and diversify innovative models of educational practice that enhances student learning, raises achievement and keeps the teachers effective in their practice. In 2017 the College is sending staff to visit diverse schools to prepare us for the partial rebuild due to commence in 2019-­‐2020. This has been timely with the introduction of BYOD and a review of the junior curriculum.

Outcome 2 Develop the College’s commitment to Maori achieving success as Māori and to our bicultural partnership. Kaiako are aware of our māori ākonga and there is a real sense of endeavouring to fulfil the Engagement, Achievement, Retention and Transitions EART for Māori. He waka eke noa Five key visioning strategies: 1. Understand and exhibit manaakitanga (values) at all times. 2. Focus on educational success for Māori as Māori, ako and whanaungatanga, relationships. 3. Develop and grow a school wide te reo language plan, mahere reo. Included in this plan is kaiako confidently using te reo in and outside of the classroom and reviewing their personal commitment within their own professional learning and practice. 4. Grow leadership potential for Maori rangatahi at Te Puna Wai O Waipapa 5. Provide opportunities to learn about tikanga, through staff professional learning and development. Rangatahi to be exposed through clubs (kapahaka, raranga, waka ama, rakau), lessons, noho marae and maori speakers. In 2016 and at the start of 2017, Te Puna Wai O Waipapa met the five key visioning strategies: 1. The College will welcome manuhiri in an appropriate manner through pōhiri or mihi whakatau. 2016 and 2017 the College welcomed new ākonga and kaiako with a mihi whakatau and in 2016 a hangi was provided. In 2017 the College welcomed all our new ākonga and the ex-­‐Aranui staff by mihi whakatau,

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waiata and haka. The Japanese students who came to study for 2 weeks were also welcomed with a mihi whakatau in our whare. The kapa haka group sang waiata. Sally Pitama welcomed people to the international day and our kappa haka group sang after the mihi whakatau. 2. Our teachers demonstrate how they are aware and respectful of rangatahi, tikanga and Maori world view through curriculum choices and practices evidenced through their annual Windows into Practice bicultural aspects, their department and whole kura Māori plan or mahere reo. a. Whakataukī continues to be placed around the walls in the College and in classrooms. b. Noho marae in 2016. The two year 11 history ākonga visited Rapaki marae. The After 3 class spent two separate nights at our marae (20 students). The ākonga really enjoyed getting to know each other better whilst using reo Māori in the context of everyday life. c. Professional learning and development Career exploration for Māori in Canterbury. What does the labour market look like for Māori in Canterbury, New Zealand and globally? Making rangatahi aware of career opportunities. Last year, year 10 rangatahi went chose to visit our industry partners to learn more about the labour market in Canterbury. Please see the ART section of this report. d. The College invested in professional learning and development PLD for kaiako. This enabled good relationship building and engagement with māori ākonga. It also strengthened kaiako understanding of Te Ao Māori and te reo. At the end of 2016 a year 12 class was offered for ākonga as a result of the confidence our reo kaiako gained from attending multiple PLD. • Kura Reo Kāi Tahu – this is a 5 days immersion Māori course to foster language development. The College had 4 Kaiako on the April course and our te reo kaiako went on every holiday course having 20 days in total. • Te reo kaiako also went to Effective Approaches for teaching te reo-­‐2 days • Wānaga Reo (AKO Pānuku)-­‐3 day course • Moderation workshop-­‐ 1 day • 2 Kaiako went to Embedding Tātaiako and Ka Hikitia-­‐3 days • 6 kaiako attended a one day seminar on Working with young Māori Youth • 2 kaiako went to the Primary Industry big day out to learn about the opportunities available for Māori rangatahi to pathway into. • The Social Studies leader is on an advisory group to foster the use of the museum for year 9 and 10 especially looking at the Māori section with the museum educator. • 54 Kaiako attending one of the 3 kaiako classes that were run in 2016. This PLD is adding strength to the College mahere reo plan with many kaiako setting goals of learning basic te reo to greet, encourage and farewell their learners in the classroom. e. The College had a very successful whanau hui on 31 March 2016. We had 30 people attending and they were keen to learn about: •

• •

• •

NCEA and Career pathways and scholarships. The College held a hui for this 25 August and another one for Life After Hagley on the 21 September. Both these hui were well attended and whānau are open to learning as much as they can about NCEA and pathways. Parent portal, parents were able to be shown how to use this at the hui we held. Study skills, we tried to run a noho marae on study skills for rangatahi and had willing kaiako but we had to cancel it because of competing activities. The whānau team did run lunch time sessions but few rangatahi attended. They would be keen to see a Level 2 te reo class running for their rangatahi, this has been achieved in 2017. Representation on student council Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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3. The following is our goal for te reo language plan mahere reo By the end of 2017… Kaimahi (staff) engaged in some reo Māori PD (either optional 8 week courses or Wednesday staff meeting slots) to give kaimahi confidence in pronunciation, and confidence in using basic phrases in classrooms and throughout the wider school. As this is a 2017 goal I will report on this in 2016 but it is important to know this is the goal. . Rangatahi can learn te reo: a. Year 9 compulsory module 2015 and 2016 b. Year 10 optional lessons 2015 and 2016 the number of rangatahi taking reo in year 10 has doubled from 2015 to 2016. c. Year 11 te reo and tikanga covered 2016 (11 students) d. Year 12 te reo class started for 2017 e. Year 13 by correspondence 2015-­‐2017 f. Rangatahi can also attend lessons held for kaiako and After 3 programmes: g. Three After 3 classes-­‐ one beginner and 2 post beginner 2016 (77 students) h. Three classes for kaiako 2016 (54 kaiako) 4. Grow rangatahi leadership participation in: a. Coaching has been very successful in using basketball and other sport to grow a sense of belonging and keeping rangatahi engaged and attending kura. b. Peer Support, this is in place with the leadership group and the Year 9 rangatahi. c. Leadership Laboratory, the rangatahi are often keen to learn te reo and some have been attending the kaiako te reo classes. d. Student Council or the leaders group. e. Taking care of the Whānau hauora (whanaungatanga) of Te Puna Wai O Waipapa marae. The rangatahi used the wharenui for kapa haka and the wharekai for eating at interval, lunch time and after school. There was a roster established and the senior māori were very responsible but there is more work to get the younger rangatahi to respect it and clean up after themselves. It is good to see the wharenui being used again. f. Kapa haka 12 students in 2016 g. STAR and Gateway courses and the Māori mentor being a strong advocate for Hagley rangatahi participating in these courses. A good example of the importance of GATEWAY and STAR is where a year 12 rangatahi did not succeed in gaining Level 2 NCEA but did gain sector related credits and explored a pathway at Ara and has been successful in pursuing a trades course in 2017. The College was invited to be involved in a Ministry of Education MOE project based on the 1999 co-­‐hort of Māori rangatahi to achieve Level 2 NCEA by the end of 2016 or 2017. This will be a good measure to see how putting in intervention will benefit these students. 24 māori rangatahi were involved and 1 polynesian student were identified. The results from this were: 2 passed Level 3, 53% gained level 2 and 5 rangatahi left during 2016 (2 went onto trades at Ara, 1 went to Southern Regional Health School, 2 unknown.

Outcome 3: Developing the College as a regional education hub. Hagley has had a role as a regional hub since it took on the management of the ITM unit in 1989 under Tomorrow Schools. With the adoption of special designation, the College holds a vision to grow and act as a regional re-­‐start

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hub across the greater Christchurch network. This will allow greater access to learning for students in Christchurch particularly post-­‐compulsory age students. Central City Education Learning Cluster The College hosted the Central Ōtautahi cluster of schools on Thursday 19 May in the Careers Centre. Lynn led the session and introduced the concept of Mātauraka Mahaanui which guides education renewal in greater Christchurch and represents collective mana whenua interests. It brings together education, Rūnanga and community organisations. Te Puna Wai o Waipapa has been gifted with the narrative; The aim of this narrative is to assist in providing options for informing the naming and design of the ‘Ōtautahi Central Cluster of Schools’ and its associated environments. It also aims to recognise their relationship of the Mana Whenua ‘Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri’ while providing relevant information on their historical relationship to the area. This will be significant when we begin our rebuilding schedule. Hagley also hosted a very successful PLD day on Diversity and Inclusiveness for the central cluster [see student learning portfolio report]. Forte (ITM). This involves teaching music to a large number of students in Canterbury, Mid-­‐Canterbury and the West Coast -­‐ see the Forte report. Hagley Adult Literacy Centre HALC This involves; intensive literacy classes, community group tutoring ACE, workplace literacy, youth guarantee programmes and English language learning classes. See the report under student learning portfolio. After 3 programmes provide a large number of programmes for post compulsory students. The College offers 10 different languages and we are a regional hub for language learners -­‐ see the After 3 report. Homework centre for refugees. The refugee families come from all over Christchurch and are of different ages. The College teaches pre-­‐schoolers, primary, secondary and parents of the children. It is a hub that caters for the whole family. With the down turn in refugees coming to Christchurch Hagley has been given permission to keep funding for the homework centre and to be creative in the students we are attracting to allow this opportunity for reunification families. It is still a vibrant learning opportunity creating support for our refugee communitites. Youth Futures Canterbury is a collection of government agencies, tertiary institutions, Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) and school leaders who have come together to improve educational outcomes for youth in Greater Christchurch. The group aims to stem the flow of young people falling into the NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) trap. This has become even more important following the earthquakes, given the contribution education will make to recovery in Greater Christchurch. Hagley chairs the secondary-­‐tertiary interface and has a lot to offer young people in the greater Christchurch area. This group was meeting during 2016. Just one of the hui was hosted by Ngāi Tahu and we explored the following opportunities for rangatahi in Canterbury. Youth Futures hosted by Ngāi Tahu. Four Presentations: 1. Cultural Narratives being developed for Ngāi Tahu 2. I am Ngāi Tahu-­‐Te Rautaki Mātauranga 2014 -­‐ Create Pathways, Prioritise Success, Promote Innovation and Provide Leadership. 3. Ara – Emma spoke about the new merger with Aoraki Polytechnic and the meeting of Secondary/Tertiary partnership funding STP for 2017. 4. Whenua Kura –growing Māori leadership in Agriculture. The provision of tertiary provision in Waitaha is healthy and the rangatahi has many opportunities to pathway into successful career pathways. Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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Grow Waitaha Members of the Hagley staff are participating in a number of workshops being run by Core Education to enable a framework to be created to improve connections in the educational groups in Canterbury/Waitaha. The Grow Waitaha is to get educationalists to share ideas with each other to better meet the learning needs of all learners in Waitaha. Van Asch. This year there are 5 deaf students attending Hagley. The College offers extensive courses to these students who are often very successful academically and grow in confidence during their time at Hagley. University of Canterbury partnerships The academic support programme was run in 2016 and again in 2017. See the student learning report. Career Hub Workchoice day is run every year in Canterbury for the region. In 2017 the 5 Canterbury schools cancelled their booking. The Workchoice day became Hagley Workchoice day and was attended by 150 ākonga. The ākonga learned a lot and had the opportunity to ask questions about different experiences in work places. This assists students to make good pathway decisions and opens their minds to what is possible. In the future we could work with the organisers and be a hub for the region.

Outcome 4 Develop ART strategies and opportunities within the College to ensure student engagement, achievement, retention and transitions. All teachers are encouraged to use the Good Teaching Practice Model. • Teachers knowing their students through understanding them from a cognitive, cultural and pastoral perspective. • Teachers creating a supportive learning environment by managing behaviour effectively and creating an appropriate classroom culture. • Teachers demonstrating good teaching practices by using teaching techniques competently and engaging in professional learning and reflective practice. • Teachers understanding the New Zealand Curriculum by working to integrate the vision, values, key competencies and principles of the curriculum and demonstrating competency in their curriculum area(s). • To complement the good practice the College has resourced a Māori mentor, a Vocational Pathways advisor and extra career staff. This provides assistance for success. Māori mentor The mentor has a strong career pathways focus because if ākonga have a sense of purpose then academic success comes more readily. The mentor identified the needs of rangatahi through a survey at the beginning of the year. This has been done in 2016 and term 1 2017. The areas Māori mentor) works with are; • Naming our Maori rangatahi and building a sense of belonging to Te Puna Wai o Waipapa • The mentor does this by organising rangatahi hui to get their voice about what they would like at Te Puna Wai o Waipapa. • Building a sense of belonging to Te Puna Wai o Waipapa. In 2016 there were 3 hui one especially for year 10 students to make connections with other Māori ākonga. • Making rangatahi aware of opportunities; surveyed and profiled rangatahi to see what they wanted, scholarship information, NCEA hui for parents and rangatahi, speakers brought into the College, promoted the labour market investigation with year 10 in the World of Work programme, brought the rangatahi futures programme into the College. • Building relationships with whānau to provide support for their tamariki-­‐last year the College hosted 3 Whānau hui. The first was to meet whanau and get them to know each other the second was to provide learning around NCEA and the third to explore the Labour Market especially in Canterbury. Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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Building confidence to try courses outside of Te Puna Wai o Waipapa encouraged ākonga to try STAR courses, GATEWAY placements. Career pathway planning; visits to career Expo and trip the UC Māori day and other tertiary provider days. The UC day allows our students to sit in on lectures and familiarise themselves with the University site. Four students went to Otago University with Lesley in 2016 to familiarise themselves with the University and to look at courses offered that the rangatahi would like to explore. Encouraging Māori to identify as Māori-­‐the College always welcomes manuhiri after their welcome.

• The mentor has also arranged kai in the wharekai to help rangatahi learn better. They can help themselves to breakfast or lunch. The mentor also supports Kapa Haka started in 2016 and encourages reo lessons either through correspondence or Regan’s lessons. The mentor picked up 3 rangatahi who want to do correspondence te reo through the whanau hui. This is a good example of listening to rangatahi and whānau voice. Vocational Pathways Adviser The model we have followed in the past has been reviewed and expanded upon. At any stage the adviser does act as a broker between students and teachers. The VP adviser uses every opportunity to give the student a purpose. Stage 1 breaking down the barriers Stage 2 explore the key competencies with the students Stage 3 what career options are available? Stage 4 giving the student a purpose Stage 5 collecting the data Stage 6 credit management Stage 7 evaluating the VP advisory role The following is a list of factors that connect with the wellbeing of the student and meld into the model that the College has been working into. • • •

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Students have a real sense of belonging and connection to the College. Students experience achievement and success – the 2016 figures show a marked improvement in NCEA Level 2 and 3 certificates gained by Hagley students. See the analysis of variance in the College Effectiveness report. Students are resilient – the VP mentor noticed an improved attitude to stress and pressures when they were able to talk to the mentor about what was causing them stress. We have 5 students from tourism class who have been unable to pathway because of mental illness. Students are socially and emotionally competent – the students the VP mentor dealt with grew in confidence as the year went on. The students improved in the career competencies and used the mentor for career planning assistance. Students are nurtured and cared for by teachers at the College. The VP mentor was able to work with the students to celebrate their successes, discuss options and work through their problems. At the beginning of this year the VP mentor intervened before students had even started school and gave them the confidence to change courses before school began. Students feel safe and secure at the College – the mentor was able to broker discussions with teachers when the students found these hard to do. This avoids students dropping out which used to happen in term 2 and 3. This enabled students and lead to improvement in their learning. Students are included, involved, and engaged – many of the students attempt to establish a good pathway by trying STAR courses, visiting providers, listening to speakers and through GATEWAY placements. Students understand their place in the world, are confident in their identity and are optimistic about their future – many students the mentor worked with were uncertain of their purpose for being at Hagley. The

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mentor encouraged students to investigate their pathways and most found a future possibility that either kept them at Hagley, helped them find another tertiary programme or explored a work option. International students International students studying at Hagley College fall into two groups; Short trips: Hagley host two short trips every year. Both of these trips are for Japanese students. Nisshin High School (6 students) and Abeno High School (16 students) travelled to NZ in 2016. Nisshin in March and Abeno in July. . The Japanese students who came to study for 2 weeks were also welcomed with a mihi whakatau in our whare. The kapa haka group sang waiata. The students are taught English both in separate English classes and in an integrated manner to experience the culture of our College. The trips have been very successful with both schools opting to return. Abeno has been coming to Hagley for 9 years this year. Full year study: The College has not promoted international students for seven years but gets students wanting to apply either from word of mouth or from our web-­‐site. The full year students are placed in main stream classes but all had an extra 4 hours of English with the ELL department. The international number has dropped significantly and in 2016 we hosted only 3 students. These students came from; France (1), Brazil (1) and Korea (1). Their stays were all for the 2016 school year. Hagley has a code of practice to cover the pastoral care of our international students and this has been reviewed in term 1 of 2017. One of the most marked changes in the promotion of the VP mentor’s work means that students move from a dependent student to one where the student accepts responsibility for a successful transition within the College and from education to employment or further training. This fits in with the MOE’s ART strategy of mentoring L2 students.

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INTRODUCTION The Forte attached unit of Itinerant Teachers of Music (ITM) are committed to providing a wide range of musical opportunities to students in schools across Canterbury, while developing key areas to foster student learning.

KEY OUTCOMES 1. Develop and implement Forte’s Collaborative Model for the effective management of the Itinerant music service. 2. Foster school engagement and participation in the itinerant music programmes through this Collaborative Model. 3. Facilitate reflective teaching practices through inquiry and participation in Hagley’s appraisal system so as to align professional learning with student programmes of learning. 4. Develop and implement a range of personalised music programmes across a diversity of instrumental and vocal disciplines, resulting in higher student achievement and participation in performance music. 5. Connect students to a wide range of ensemble opportunities both in school and out in the wider community. 6. Coordinate and implement regional and national multi-­‐school music events for students to participate in.

Outcome 1: The Forte Collaborative Model Forte has b een transitioning from a management structure with Joint Coordinators to a new collaborative model. This v isual representation illustrates the collaboration of many parts enabling student centred itinerant music programmes to be offered to schools. The support and resourcing of Hagley College (represented by the a rm) is fundamental to the learning outcomes of students. The Director of Forte (represented by the thumb) has the dual role of providing support and guidance for the t eam -­‐ ensuring it remains connected to b est practice in education -­‐ and collaborating with the wider community so as to coordinate p erformance music programmes a cross a number of schools. The Lead Itinerant Teachers (represented by the four f ingers) complete the leadership t eam fostering growth in the k ey a reas of: student learning, reflective t eaching p ractice, p rofessional wellbeing and connections to musical opportunities. The model draws attention to the student centred programmes (represented by the f lower) o n offer to schools. This p icture is only viable when each component is connected. As a team we are not only d ependant on these internal connections, b ut also the wider connections to the school community, the education community, the music community and the wider community, enabling u s to d eliver high-­‐quality itinerant music p rogrammes collaboratively to schools.

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Outcome 2: School Engagement and Participation in Programmes offered by Forte In 2017, thirty schools transferred just over 17 FTTEs equating to approximately 360 teaching hours per week for Itinerant music lessons. Last year nineteen of these schools rolled over their hours, three schools slightly reduced hours and six schools increased them. In addition, Forte secured further hours from two new schools, Rolleston College and Haeata Community Campus resulting in an overall increase from the previous year. To engage with this number of schools, the Forte team have increased to include thirty full and part-­‐time teachers who deliver a wide range of music programmes designed to meet the varied needs of both the schools and students. In schools our team work with students at each stage of learning, so they can perform with depth of knowledge and confidence both in curricular (including NCEA) and extra-­‐curricular programmes. They liaise with music staff to align their programmes to each school, offering additional help as needed. In 2017 teachers have been involved in preparing students for, auditions, the Country Schools’ Festival, Rockquest and the NZ Secondary Schools Symphony Orchestra to name a few. They also share information on opportunities in the community and ensure their students are ready for assessments and school performances. Later in the year Forte plans to launch their own website to further connect schools, students and their whānau to the service, sharing information about upcoming events, opportunities in the community and student successes. It is hoped that through this website the community around Forte can be informed and celebrated.

Outcome 3: Reflective Teaching Practices and Professional Learning aligned with Student Programmes of Learning Throughout the year, members of the Forte team participate in ongoing professional learning and development. An ongoing team focus is engaging in Mahere Reo, with a plan to incorporate basic Te Reo greetings into practice this year with heightened awareness of cultural diversity. A positive outcome from this focus was evident earlier in the year when an ITM commented, “In talking to some of my Samoan students and asking them about family/whānau, I feel I have been able to really connect with them. In return they have become more engaged and eager to listen to my teaching.” Another teacher has commented that she has been working closely with her Pacific Island students encouraging them to gain confidence performing, so they don’t feel as though they are “showing off.” As a team, the itinerant teachers follow Hagley College’s appraisal framework. This includes documentation of reflective teaching practice through Windows into Practice, observations documented on the Good Practice Model and inquiring into the impact of our teaching on student learning through engaging in an inquiry project. This enables each teacher to regularly measure the effectiveness of their teaching for raising student achievement in their area. In 2016, teachers investigated ways to address issues facing their priority learners. Generally, topics ranged from student engagement, motivation and retention in programmes to technical development and achievement. Findings from these inquires have been used to inform practice. One example of this process was an inquiry investigating the use of metacognitive skills to engage students more purposefully in practice. This inquiry asked students to journal answers to three specific questions related to the previous day’s practice: What did you notice? What did you change? And what did you discover? This had a direct effect on the quality and time spent practicing, with marked improvements in progress between lessons. It also enabled the teacher to hear the student voice Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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through the journal. As an outcome both the teacher and student now have higher expectations of what can be achieved when the focus is sharpened.

Outcome 4: Student Achievement in Personalised Music Programmes of Learning In 2016, there were approximately 1400 students involved in personalised programmes of learning and an additional 360 students benefiting from the direction of an itinerant led extra-­‐curricular group. Of these students: half represented their school in a range of extra-­‐curricular music groups; approximately 270 students were involved in NCEA; 37 students successfully took external music exams and 4 students transitioned to tertiary performance music programmes. Student success in the itinerant programmes however, goes beyond exam results and can be seen in the personal growth of individual students as they develop key competencies in their push to learn new skills. This can be seen in a comment from the HOD of Music at Haeata who commented that one of the guitar students left the practice room buzzing with excitement. Another ITM reported how she helped a shy student transform a bunch of notes and rhythms into a musical journey/story, and a drum teacher reported how he encouraged a student to be involved in the Country Schools’ Music Festival. The student accepted the challenge head on and the teacher watched his reading skills develop tenfold in just two weeks. Over the next few years we will be systematically reviewing all our programmes of learning, updating the schemes that are in place to develop new course outlines.

Outcome 5: Student Connection to Ensemble Opportunities in School and out in the Wider Community A key outcome of learning an instrument is the opportunity to make music with others which can become a lifelong pursuit. Once students have learnt basic skills, the itinerant teacher encourages them to participate in ensemble opportunities initially within the school and later extending to the wider community. Last year the team supported students’ participation in: school concerts, showcases, open-­‐days, tours and prize givings. As performers develop, the Forte team then have the opportunity to prepare students for various festivals and competitions in the wider community including: The Big Sing, YSIH Barbershop competitions, ChCh Voices Festival, the Canterbury Schools’ Regional Orchestra (CSRO), the Orchestra Festival and the CMNZ Chamber Competitions. The Christchurch Wind Bands Festival, Jazz Quest, Southern Jam and Rockquest were among some of the opportunities for Band musicians.

Outcome 6: Coordination and Implementation of Regional and National Multi-­‐School Events Alongside the regular ITM programmes, Forte coordinates three significant events including the Concert Band Festival in mid-­‐September. This event attracts large numbers of students, 61 students of which were taught by members of the Forte team in 2016. There are plans this year to develop this event into a Wind Band Festival. In April 2017, 105 students met in the second week of the holidays for the New Zealand Secondary School Symphony Orchestral (NZSSSO), a six-­‐day event for some of New Zealand’s top secondary school orchestral Annual Portfolio Reports – Hagley College 2017

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musicians. Students were from 20 regions around New Zealand representing 48 schools. Their performance was outstanding. The Forte team continue to facilitate this event, coordinating all aspects including: repertoire, tutors, conductor, soloist, venue, schedule, selection of orchestra by audition, student welfare at the course, concert arrangements and administration. This year we had a particularly strong team lead by Australian conductor Natalia Rospopova and tutors from Forte, the Christchurch Symphony Orchestras and a member of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. The course is described by many of the participants as a highlight in their year and a memory they will not forget. This was reflected in a comment received in the student feedback, “The best thing about the course was getting to play with such an elite level of players and sounding fantastic.” The Canterbury Schools’ Regional Orchestra was established by Forte four years ago, when we realised there was a group of students who would benefit from the opportunity of playing in a full symphony orchestra, but were not of the level required for NZSSSO. Forte is currently promoting this event which will run after school on Friday rd afternoons in the 3 term, culminating with a performance in the Christchurch Orchestra Festival. These events attract large numbers of students, providing opportunities for them to play in large ensembles not always available in schools. They also take a lot of coordinating but the outcomes justifies the effort. The itinerant scheme not only removes barriers facing students wanting to learn music, but also brings benefits to students that spill across to other subject areas. Making music involves more than the voice or fingers playing an instrument; a student learning music has to tap into multiple skill sets, often simultaneously. The Forte team continue to deliver a wide range of opportunities to students who continue to rise to this challenge.

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