萬凌工業 型錄1

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誠信創新共享 供應顧客最佳零組件 成為台灣鍛造業領導者

萬凌從1965年創立至今,對冷鍛技術不斷的自我 要求及提升,以最嚴謹品管流程提供最佳的加工品 質,在業界深獲肯定,我們加工的零件,遍佈全世 界的知名品牌汽機車、腳踏車、五金零件等......。 追求進步,精益求精是萬凌永恆的目標及理想,以 生產最高品質的商品為原則,是我們對客戶不變的 責任與承諾。

Truth originality share Supply customers the best components Become the forging industry leader in Taiwan


since 1965


通過 ISO/TS 16949 國際汽車品質認證 Certify ISO/TS 16949 authentication

Won-link is founded since 1965. We improve and perfect our cold forging techniques constantly. We have strict quality control flow and provide the best products which are approved by the industry. We provide the parts in world-wide well-know enterprises of automobiles、motors、bicycles、 hardware and so on. Pursuing and aiming for the best has always been Won-link’s goal. Producing the best quality products is our re s p o n s i b i l i t y a n d a c o m m i t m e n t to a l l customers.

萬凌工業股份有限公司 since 1965

WON-LINK INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 43241台中市大肚區永和里溪洲路310號

NO. 310, Sijhou Rd., Yonghe Village.,Dadu Dist., Taichung City 43241, Taiwan TEL: +886-4-2699-1919 FAX: +886-4-2699-7147 E-mail : service@won-link.com.tw http://www.won-link.com.tw

ISO/TS 16949

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萬凌工業 型錄1 by 海爾科技 - Issuu