唐亞 型錄1

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Domino V120i 熱轉印機 為您節省最大的成本與時間

為您的軟性包材數字打印聰明升級, 為您的軟性包材數字打印聰明升級, 同時節省最大的成本效益。 同時節省最大的成本效益。

廣泛運用實 廣泛運用實例 熱轉印機為您的生產線節省最大的成本 傳統接觸式打印機相較下,如:熱壓印或是滾輪式打

Domino V120i 熱轉印機可靈活架設於臥式包裝 機及立式包裝機或是貼標機,可運用於大範圍 的食品及醫療產業運用

印、數字熱轉印機,DominoV120i 提供您更高效益 的打印品質,同時為廠商節省成本。


相較於一般熱轉印機,Domino 發展最新 i-Tech 色帶


節省功能,可節省 60%之色帶耗用量。 結合簡易安裝、多功能及高穩定性之效能,及 Domino 全球完整售後服務,Domino V120i 是所有 廠商及包裝廠之最好的選擇。 可噴印大範圍 的阿爾法數字 文本及圖型。


高解析的清楚 打印效果。

綠能證書 Domino 的產品皆符合甚至超越國際法令、產業、各 公司之標準。我們並承諾將對於環境的能源、資源損 耗降至最低,除此之外,我們的產品皆依循 RoHs 與 WEEE 的相關規範,所以可循環再利用。

此設計相較於其他型耗,降低 50%的耗材用量,為求 降低對於環境的衝擊。甚至可讓您耗盡 60%的色帶同 時無汙染到空氣,Domino V120i 可降低碳排放量。

走向數位化 走向數位化,顯著的打印效果及絕佳的效益 多功能 300dpi 高解析數位打印頭,可打印圖型如同正本一






快速 WYS/WYG 選擇電子存取資料, 確保快速,資料自由更換。

最低的耗用成本-高科技 最低的耗用成本 高科技 i-Tech 色帶傳動 經濟


Domino i-Tech 色帶傳輸系

色帶斷裂造成的停工,專利 i-Tech Dancing Arms 可有

統提供 4 個色帶設定包含”


經濟模式(Economy Mode)”


在不影響打印品質之下每 次打印時,最高可節省 60% 的色帶,不但可有效節省色 帶用量,同時增加整體有效 色帶用量。

符合您需求的效益 構造



V120i 可配合低速至高速之範



不需傳輸控制器-可運用任何版本的電腦軟體控制 V120i




色帶 全方位認證的 Domino 色 帶,符合最新法令及環保標 準。


組裝快速、 組裝快速、簡易 QuickStep 是此機構簡易



簡潔的 V120i 可輕易安















在電腦上編輯,運用 USB




引領您快速瀏覽 V120i 簡易安裝與保養 Domino 標示機業界著名的時尚設計。

連續與間歇模式功能於同一 機台內-適用於所有應用。

選配輕便觸碰介面 Touch

Pad 有 QuickStep 操作界 面,可配置於支架,或是

USB 與乙太網路連



內鍵 EasyDesign 標籤設 計軟體,不需額外收費。

i-Tech 色帶傳動可節 省 60%以上的色帶。

Dancing Arm 專利技術, 降低色帶斷裂所產生的 停工時間。 使用經濟模式時,650m 的 色帶可有效的打印 1625m 的長度。

獨特色帶裝置系統簡單 快速的更換色帶。

我們新世代的首要標示機傳輸系統是獨特 intelligent technology system,i-Tech.我們目標是讓生產線維修成本降 低,同時提高生產效率,i-Tech 將會協助我們達成此目標。

格 V120i

熱轉印機規格 打印模式


左/右邊 打印解析度 最大打印範圍 最大打印範圍(連續式) 最快打印速度(間歇式) 打印速度範圍(連續式) 重複打印率 色帶傳動技術 最長色帶長度 標準色帶寬度

兩種選擇(不需任何零件,15 分鐘內轉換) 300dpi 32mmx55mm 32mmx500mm 400mm/秒 10mm-750mm/秒 6 次/秒(10mm 打印長度) i-Tech 色帶傳動系統與 Dancing Arm 張力控制 650m(於經濟模式,可實際打印 1625m) 32mm、22mm(許多尺寸可選擇)

色帶節省模式 經濟模式 收縮模式 捲軸模式 停頓打印

節省 60%的色帶,且不影響打印品質 可調整到碳帶 1mm 的間距 可(每次打印最大色帶用量:30mm(連續性),最大色帶用量 5mm(間歇式)) 可

打印功能 日期打印 有效日期 流水號 連續碼產生器 字型 變動條碼 2D Codes 資料庫連結

可 可 可 可 支援 True type 字型 不可 可 可


QuickStep,彩色介面,直覺式航太區道,介面大,容易操作按鈕與圖像,WYS/WYG 打印預覽,多國語言支援。

控制器/硬體 界面選配

不需專用控制器需求 硬體操作選配: ・ Domino TouchPad(via USB cable-hot wappable) ・ Shared TouchPad(via 乙太網路或網路) ・ 電腦基礎介面(via 乙太網路或網路)


乙太網路/USBx2/迷你 USB(服務)


Print Go,編碼器






Onboard 或 EasyDesign(內含)


90v-264v AC50/60Hz, 或 24v DC(+/-2%)於 5A


長 218.0mm x 寬 160.0mm x 高 149.5mm




觸控螢幕規格 模式 聯結 尺寸 重量

5.7 英吋,彩色觸碰螢幕(640x480 Resolution) 含手持式架設支架。 USB、乙太網路(打印機迷你 USB 用於動力/資料聯結) 長 173mm x 128mm x 34mm(包含機架) 0.4 公斤

PSU 規格 尺寸 重量

長 67mm x 寬 34mm x 高 166mm 0.5 公斤


溫度:5-40 度 C,濕度:20-80%,無凝結


唐 亞 股 份 有 限 公 司 http://www.dominotw.com.tw 總 公 司 台中市台中港路三段 39-20 號 TEL:(04)22559177 FAX:(04)22551921 北區公司 桃園縣中壢市福州一街 99 號 TEL:(03)4626187 FAX:(03)4510838 南區公司 台南市永大一路 108 號 TEL:(06)2012405 FAX:(06)2012406

The Domino C-Series Coding solutions for outer cases, trays and sacks

The C-Series range of outer case coders, software and ancillaries provide sustainable solutions to meet the needs of manufacturers. Delivering increased productivity, flexibility and profitability whilst meeting the requirements of the whole supply chain. A supplier you can rely on: • Supported by a global sales and service

network the range delivers standard alpha numeric coders through to a full case decorating suite • The C-Series can be complemented by

TotalCare plus, a range of managed maintenance services, allowing manufacturers to choose their support model from fully outsourced to a selfsufficient approach The C-Series standard alphanumeric coder

A manufacturer supplying manufacturers: Domino’s commitment is to continually evolve by listening to manufacturers and supply the tools that will enhance their business. • C-Series features directly impact the measured

performance of the production environment The C-Series plus part of the Domino plus programme

plus offers an open approach to work with your existing I.T. infrastructure whilst ensuring data integrity for the printed information

• C-Series

• A fully featured case-decorating suite offers

dedicated functionality to enhance late stage coding, reducing the need for duplicate case sizes for multiple products

The C-Series coders will improve overall equipment effectiveness – overcome the inefficiencies incurred using old, mechanical, manual or labelling systems

Benefits: • Reduced wastage – cases are coded on line as

required, no excess inventory • Clean operation – Integrated, self contained ink

supplies can be replaced cleanly and easily during printing thereby avoiding any unnecessary interruptions to production • Compact – easily integrated into existing

production facilities, increasing operator accessibility and reducing manufacturing obstruction

Multi-head C-Series plus on blank outer cases

• Consistent performance – Robust, integrated

design with minimal moving parts ensure reliability, reduced accidental damage and unplanned stoppages

• Reduced set up time – Real time codes

eliminating manual set up. Icon driven pre created message selection • Reduced rejects – legible codes maintained by

icon driven purge cycle • Eliminate hold ups – products coded as they are

packed/manufactured.The line is not stopped whilst the cases are coded off line or manually • Reduced errors – Cases are coded automatically

on line. Eliminate the risk of cases coded off line being used on the wrong production line

Remote head variants for low level tray coding

C-Series plus benefits:

On demand direct ink jet onto blank cases:

C-Series plus delivers increased overall equipment effectiveness via:

• Supply chain compliant bar codes

• Consistent performance – internal, non depleting

• Increased profitability – reduced working capital,

reservoir ensures no interruption in ink system providing maximum up time

warehouse space and administration • Increased flexibility – able to respond to market

needs and short runs. No origination costs or short run premiums

• Managed intervention – Intelligent ink system

giving bottle out and reservoir out signals via high visibility beacons, line stop connections or remote centralized status monitoring Bottle out signal provides early intervention request whilst internal reservoir provides significant ongoing production capacity.The single consumable can be changed whilst continuing to print • Reduced operator intervention – large volume

ink system reducing the need for frequent consumable changes

High quality text and graphics capability

Case decorating suite – database driven case designs:

Open interface (eg ODBC)


• Reduced set up time – simple, line side

set up for full case decoration • Reduced start up and production rejects – TCP/IP

automatically ensure correct and current print data by extracting from a secure, central data source, eliminating incorrect data from being applied to cases • Reduced message maintenance and Scanner


Factory wide control of networked printers minimises user error

support – minimum number of case designs can be populated directly from a controlled data source

Existing Infrastructure

Open Systems Benefits:

Existing designs

• Open systems, non-proprietary message

creation, message download, message select and status monitoring using a combination of OPC servers and Windows® drivers

Existing software

• Productivity – managed operator intervention

though real time centrally reported status monitoring • Connectivity – Ethernet as standard, enabling

coders to be networked for print arrays, centrally control a factory wide or enterprise wide coding solution. Print data can be pulled from external or central data sources

Effortless Transition

C-Series Windows Driver/OPC Server

Reduction in implementation time and costs

OPC Server:


¥ $

Utilising the OPC server provides seamless integration into ERP (SCADA) systems for:

ERP 1 2 3 4


• ERP (SCADA) coder control

A Co de 1 23 4 5 67 9 01 8 2

De B scri ptio n C Blu e Siz Re e Gre d en Me Big diu Sm m all

• Message selection • Status monitoring • Access to performance metric data

Windows printer driver: The Windows driver allows the continued use of any software that supports windows printer drivers: • Facilitate change • Reduce retraining overhead • Re use of existing label creation software

The OPC server eliminates the need for application specific device drivers

Domino Worldwide

Through an extensive global network of subsidiaries and distributors, Domino operates in over 120 countries.This network offers customers both sales support and access to highly skilled service teams, providing technical support packages to suit the varying production environments and customer requirements across the world. AUSTRALIA

Domino (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Unit 12 6 Gladstone Road Castle Hill Sydney NSW 2154 Tel: + 61 2 9894 7833


Domino Printing Solutions Inc. 2751 Coventry Road Oakville Ontario L6H 5V9 Tel: + 1 800 387 7972


Domino Coding Ltd. No. 1150 yun Qiao Road Jin Qiao Export Processing Zone Pudong Shanghai 201206 Tel: + 86 21 5050 9999



Domino Printech India Private Limited 167, Udyog Vihar Phase I, H.S.I.D.C Gurgaon 122016 Haryana Tel: + 91 124 500 7406


Domino SAS ZA du Bel Air 2 Rue Mege Mouries 78120 Rambouillet Tel: + 33 1 3046 5678

Domino Printing México SA de CV Calle 3 No. 47 Local 6F Col. Industrial Naucalpan 53370 Edo. De México Tel: + 52 55 5576 7979



Domino Deutschland GmbH Lorenz-Schott-Strasse 3 55252 Mainz-Kastel Tel: + 49 61 34 25 050

Domino Amjet BV Ambachtsweg 8 3991 LH Houten Tel: + 31 30 636 3333


Domino Korea Pte Ltd 1st-3rd Floor Rich Town Building #694 Bokjeong-dong, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-city, Gyeonggi-do 461-200 Tel: + 82 2 797 1811


Domino Amjet Ibérica S.A. Avenida Fuente Nueva No 14 28700 S.S. de los Reyes Madrid Tel: + 34 91 654 2141

UNITED KINGDOM Domino UK Ltd Bar Hill Cambridge CB3 8TU Tel: + 44 1954 782 551

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Domino Amjet. Inc. 1290 Lakeside Drive Gurnee Illinois 60031 Tel: + 1 800 486 7414


Domino UK Ltd (Dubai) PO Box 16984 Jebel Ali Dubai Tel: + 971 4 88 35003

Domino plus is an integrated range of high quality products and services that address the most common causes of reduced efficiency in manufacturing – down time, speed losses and defects, and has been developed in response to needs expressed by customers. A key ingredient to successful manufacturing is the continual improvement of overall equipment effectiveness. Understanding this, Domino plus has been developed to ensure improved availability of equipment, supported by a high performance organisation and its people. Our commitment is to continually evolve by listening to manufacturers and supply the tools that will enhance their business.

www.domino-printing.com CRB/0806 Due to our policy of continuous improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. E&OE.

Domino Large Character Coders Reliable and robust solutions for large character coding

The Domino Macrojet 2 and CaseCoder have well earned reputations for delivering reliable and cost effective large character coding in a wide range of industries. A compact design with integral print head allows the CaseCoder to be mounted on many types of carton taping machines and production lines while the Macrojet 2 can drive up to four remote heads from a single base unit. Main Features: • Sealed print head nozzles for maximum Up-Time in harsh environments • Compact and robust design • High volume ink system with choice of ink types and colours

Compact carton coding with the Domino CaseCoder.

• Sealed ink system for use with quick drying inks Macrojet 2 – print heads can operate in any orientation and up to four heads can be driven from a single base unit

Key Benefits:

• CaseCoder – integral print head design

• Reliable coding in difficult, dusty or dirty environments • Flexible, cost effective solution for a wide range of substrates • Easy to use, with large ink capacity for minimum operator intervention and maximum Up-Time • Macrojet 2 – prints in any orientation, suitable for a wide range of applications

Macrojet 2.The industrial large character printer.

User Friendly • Ink replacement is quick and clean using the selfsealing connector.The large 5 litre supply makes this process infrequent • Simple operator software makes message creation and storage error free.The data entry terminal can be removed for added security • Automatic variables in the code (numbering sequences, time and date data) reduce the number of code changes required and ensure that the message is accurate • Up to 50 messages can be prepared, checked and stored for later use helping to eliminate coding errors

Low level print head option.

Maximum Productivity • Reliable and robust design • Continuous coding is a reality. Ink supplies can be replaced cleanly and easily during printing thereby avoiding unnecessary interruptions to production • Non-porous surfaces are no problem.The unique head design allows fast drying inks (e.g. MEK based) to be used, producing sharp codes with maximum reliability • Easily integrated into existing production facilities

Code a wide range of substrates.

Dimensions: All dimensions in millimetres

Casecoder Dimensions 130 130

262 262

365 365

Consistent print quality on non-porous substrates.

Print Qualities • Capable of printing multiple lines of code onto many different surfaces. Can be used with a wide range of inks, which are suitable for porous and non-porous surfaces from metal and plastic to sacking, paper or timber • Low level print head option for tray coding or printing near the base of products • Print drop size can be adjusted for the substrate to be coded, offering the best print quality for the application

Macrojet Dimensions

281 281

440 440

393 393

Technical Specification: Dimensions

Macrojet 2


Height: Width: Depth: Weight: Construction:

281 mm 393 mm 440 mm 25 kg Epoxy finished structural foam with RF screen

130mm 262 mm 365 mm 10 kg

Macrojet Print Head

Type A

Type B

Height: Depth: Width: Weight: Conduit Length:

85 mm (7 drop) 223 mm 70 mm 1.8 kg 4 m standard, 8 m option

lll mm (16 drop) 269 mm 70 mm 2.5 kg 4 m standard, 8 m option

Character Height

Type A

Type B

Single line

8 mm (5x5 matrix) 12 mm (7x5 matrix) 16 mm (7x5 matrix) 20 mm (7x5 matrix)

32 mm (16x10 matrix) 50 mm (16x10 matrix)

8 mm (5x5 matrix) 12 mm (7x5 matrix)

Control Unit

Twin line 8 mm (5x5 matrix) 12 mm (7x5 matrix) 32 mm (16x10 matrix)

Throw Distance:

Maximum of 15 mm dependent upon product speed

Macrojet Print Heads

Up to four print heads can be combined up to a total of 32 nozzles. Each character height requires a dedicated print head.

Character Control

Adjustable drop size. Invert, reverse and bold characters. Adjustable character width. Print Delay. Product counter. Real time clock (time and date). Serial Numbering up to 8 digits. Multi-language characters, customer logos and symbols. Auto message repeat.

Ink System

Disposable ink supply 5 litre container. Fast clean ink changes. No down time for ink top up. Ink available for coding on porous and non-porous surfaces. Integral pump; no requirement for factory air. Minimal waste is generated with this system, as it uses a depleting bag in box ink supply.This allows safe and noncontact changing of new ink supplies

Ink options: Solvent Base



Methyl Ethyl Ketone

Fast drying, excellent adhesion and end user properties on most surfaces

A wide range of plastics including shrink-wrap, metals, concrete, timber, paper and board products.


Moderate drying times, excellent end user properties

Metals, some plastics, timber, paper and board products


Moderate drying times on porous surfaces, excellent end user properties

Many absorbant surfaces including paper and board products

Data Input







Pocket terminal. Interface: RS232. Domino software. Data retention during power off

Standard Connections Product Detector: Shaft Encoder Input: External Alarm:

5 Pin AXR 12V, 100mA for photocell or proximity sensor Suitable for open collector or TTL encoders 5 Pin AXR One output via N/O relay contacts 2.5A at 60V max non-inductive

Environment Temperature Range: Humidity: Electrical Requirements:

5 to 45ºC operating 10-90%RH 78VA maximum, 50-60Hz, 6 position voltage selector (non-condensing) 110-260 V

Domino Worldwide Through an extensive global network of subsidiaries and distributors, Domino operates in over 120 countries. This network offers customers both sales support and access to highly skilled service teams, providing technical support packages to suit the varying production environments and customer requirements across the world.





United Arab Emirates

Domino (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Unit 12 6 Gladstone Road Castle Hill Sydney NSW 2154 Tel: + 61 2 9894 7833

Domino Coding Ltd. No. 1150 yun Qiao Road Jin Qiao Export Processing Zone Pudong Shanghai 201206 Tel: + 86 21 5050 9999

Domino Deutschland GmbH Lorenz-Schott-Strasse 3 55252 Mainz-Kastel Tel: + 49 61 34 25 050

Domino Amjet BV Ambachtsweg 8 3991 LH Houten Tel: + 31 30 636 3333

Domino UK Ltd (Dubai) PO Box 16984 Jebel Ali Dubai Tel: + 971 4 88 35003


South Korea

Domino Printech India Private Limited 167, Udyog Vihar Phase I, H.S.I.D.C Gurgaon 122016 Haryana Tel: + 91 124 500 7406

Domino Korea Pte Ltd 1st-3rd Floor Rich Town Building #694 Bokjeong-dong, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-city, Gyeonggi-do 461-200 Tel: + 82 2 797 1811

France Canada

Domino SAS Domino Printing Solutions Inc. ZA du Bel Air 2751 Coventry Road 2 Rue Mege Mouries Oakville 78120 Rambouillet Ontario Tel: + 33 1 3046 5678 L6H 5V9 Tel: + 1 800 387 7972

Mexico Domino Printing México SA de CV Calle 3 No. 47 Local 6F Col. Industrial Naucalpan 53370 Edo. De México Tel: + 52 55 5576 7979

Spain Domino Amjet Ibérica S.A. Avenida Fuente Nueva No 14 28700 S.S. de los Reyes Madrid Tel: + 34 91 654 2141

United Kingdom Domino UK Ltd Bar Hill Cambridge CB3 8TU Tel: + 44 1954 782 551

United States of America Domino Amjet. Inc. 1290 Lakeside Drive Gurnee Illinois 60031 Tel: + 1 800 486 7351

www.domino-printing.com MJC/0306

Due to our policy of continuous improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. E&OE.

UK: Cert. No. FM 13758 BS EN ISO 9001


High resolution ink jet printing system

data sheet

K100 Digital Ink Jet Printer Domino’s second-generation drop on demand print technology takes a major step forward in design and performance. The K100 digital printer provides a cost effective and versatile ink jet printing solution complementing your existing offset or flexo printed product with part personalisation, printing numbers, graphics, barcodes and addresses. Common applications include in-line printing on narrow webs, plastic cards and direct mail.

K100 printer with the intuitive Domino Editor GT Windows XP based controller for data manipulation and system setup with rack (as shown) or desktop configuration

Print Performance

Ease of Use

Through adjusting the angle of the print head, a different print width and vertical resolution (across the material travel direction), setting is achieved. Running speed will determine maximum horizontal resolution (in the material travel direction). Refer to the table in the Technical Specifications for typical performance achieved.

Start Up

Horizontal Vertical Resolution Resolution

Max Speed




Ht. (mm)

Ht. (inch)































91x91dpi is the lowest resolution and highest image area setting. Best possible print quality generally achieved at 25-30% below maximum speed indicated.

Modular Design

In order to maximise uptime in the unlikely event of failure, print heads are designed to clip in and out of the K-Series Base Station for quick replacement and recovery. Domino offers a unique print head service exchange system in order to significantly reduce lead-time to repair. Each compact rack based K-Series Base Station electronics unit (up to four base station units per system), controls up to four K100 print heads (up to a maximum of sixteen).The Base Station may be located in either the controller enclosure (as opposite), in separate stand alone enclosure (as below) either one or two high, or integrated within a production line.

Base Station and ink system enclosure

Print ready can be achieved within five minutes, and job changeover is possible within seconds.

Print Head Purging With print head mounting brackets including magnetic locators, moving between off-line purging and printer ready position can be achieved effortlessly for fast make ready.

Electronic Stitching In the case of multiple print head solutions, the Editor GT electronic stitching capability simplifies print set up configuration enabling each print position to be configured quickly and accurately.

Ink Types Depending on substrate, each system is either configured with: • Versatile, easy to use UV-curable ink for printing on a wide range of porous and non-porous substrates, including plastic, foil and coated paper • Low-VOC solvent inks for printing on porous and semi-porous substrates are available on request • Cost-effective oil based inks for porous substrates such as uncoated paper are available on request In the UV-curable ink range, a range of coloured inks is available. In addition to cyan, yellow, magenta and black a range of spot colours can be produced through a colour matching service and the provision of the appropriate mixing recipe.

Unparalleled Control Capability from the Domino Editor GT At the centre of Domino’s digital printing solutions. This intuitive Windows XP PC-based control system facilitates data manipulation and controls a wide range of Domino printers including the K-Series (K100 and K200) Bitjet+, JetArray and single jet A-Series printers.This broadest range of printer control enables you to meet both today’s and tomorrow’s requirements. Through Editor GT Tracker upgrades, multi-position matched printing, camera read, print and then verify, stacked numbering sequences, and selective feeder control and mail sort requirements can all be facilitated. An interface is available for third party controllers. Refer to the separate Domino Editor GT literature for details of the full range of capabilities.

UV Curing System

21mm (0.7") print swathe printed at 300 x 300dpi allowing for production speeds up to 91m/min (300ft/min) Representation of print quality only, final quality is dependent on substrate and printer operating conditions

Technical Specification General

• Up to 71.5mm (2.8”) print width per print head • Print resolution from 91dpi to 450dpi speed and print width dependent • Network TCP/IP link to Domino Editor GT or third party controller

Print Head

• Dimensions: 114mm (L) x 190mm (H) x 73mm (W) 4.5” (L) x 7.5” (H) x 2.9” (W) • Print head angle determines print resolutions and size of image band • Conduit Length: 4m (13ft) • 256 Individually addressable nozzles • Maximum 16 K100 print heads controlled from four Base Stations • Easily clips into Base Station • Service exchange scheme or return and repair service

Base Station

• One Base Station controls up to four K100 print heads • Base Station electronics unit dimensions: 440mm (L) x 180mm (H) x 345mm (W) 17.3” (L) x 7.1” (H) x 13.6” (W) • Locate in either Editor GT Medium controller rack, one or two up enclosures, or within mailing base. • One up enclosure dimensions: 760mm (L) x 520mm (H) x 490mm (W) 29.9” (L) x 20.5” (H) x 19.3” (W) • Two up enclosure dimensions: 760mm (L) x 700mm (H) x 490mm (W) 29.9” (L) x 27.6” (H) x 19.3” (W) • Field replaceable components

Ultraviolet (UV) and Infra Red (IR) Drying Systems • Range to suit applications

Power Supply

• 110VAC – 240VAC 50-60Hz auto ranging


Domino Editor GT Windows XP controller range supports: • Text - Adobe and Windows TrueType fonts • Bitmap graphics - .bmp, .pcx, .tif, .jpg, .gif • Barcodes - Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 128, CODABAR, POSTNET, PLANET, Four State Options, UPC/EAN • 2D and Datamatrix barcodes • Support for third party controllers utilising standard TCP/IP protocal


• Shaft encoder plus mounting • Fine adjustment print head mounting brackets

511 mm (20”)

Ink System

• Located within the Editor GT controller rack, within separate Base Station enclosures or within the mailing base • Standard: Black, cyan, yellow and magenta UV curable inks • Custom: Black slow-dry solvent based ink and oil-based inks available on request • UV spot colour matching service

480 mm (19”)

725.5 mm (29”)

190 mm (7.5”)

73 mm (2.9”)

114 mm (4.5”)

Domino Worldwide Through an extensive global network of subsidiaries and distributors, Domino operates in over 120 countries. This network offers customers both sales support and access to highly skilled service teams, providing technical support packages to suit the varying production environments and customer requirements across the world.





United Kingdom

Domino (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Unit 12 6 Gladstone Road Castle Hill Sydney NSW 2154 Tel: + 61 2 9894 7833

Domino Coding Ltd. No. 1150 yun Qiao Road Jin Qiao Export Processing Zone Pudong Shanghai 201206 Tel: + 86 21 5050 9999

Domino Deutschland GmbH Lorenz-Schott-Strasse 3 55252 Mainz-Kastel Tel: + 49 61 34 25 050

Domino Amjet BV Ambachtsweg 8 3991 LH Houten Tel: + 31 30 636 3333




Domino UK Ltd Bar Hill Cambridge CB3 8TU Tel: + 44 1954 782 551

Domino Printing México SA de CV Calle 3 No. 47 Local 6F Col. Industrial Naucalpan 53370 Edo. De México Tel: + 52 55 5576 7979

Domino Amjet Ibérica S.A. Avenida Fuente Nueva No 14 28700 S.S. de los Reyes Madrid Tel: + 34 91 654 2141


Domino SAS Domino Printing Solutions Inc. ZA du Bel Air 2 Rue Mege Mouries 2751 Coventry Road Oakville 78120 Rambouillet Ontario Tel: + 33 1 3046 5678 L6H 5V9 Tel: + 1 800 387 7972

United States of America Domino Amjet. Inc. 1290 Lakeside Drive Gurnee Illinois 60031 Tel: + 1 800 486 7351

www.domino-printing.com K100/0705

Due to our policy of continuous improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. E&OE.

K150 Modular and versatile high resolution ink jet printing system

data sheet

K150 Digital Ink Jet Printer The Domino K150 meets the increasing demands for late-stage ink jet customisation on a range of coated and uncoated substrates in mailing, label, ticket, security, plastic card and business form applications. Capable of printing addresses, barcodes, 2D codes, logos and graphics as well as numbering, the simple compact modular design makes integration on to mailing lines, webs and card lines easy to achieve. The piezo drop on demand technology delivers excellent print quality with impactive UV as well as cost effective low volatile solvent ink options.

K150 printer with the intuitive Domino Editor GT Windows XP based controller for data manipulation and system setup with rack (as shown) or desktop configuration.


Ease of Use

The K150 VR, or the variable resolution variant, enables the operator to adjust the angle setting of the print head for either higher print resolution (across the material travel direction) or increased print band height. See table for typical setting options.

Start Up Print ready can be achieved within five minutes, and job changeover is possible within seconds. Print Head Purging

Horizontal Resolution

Vertical Resolution


Max Speed (ft/min)


Image Ht.(inch)































With print head mounting brackets moving between off-line purging and printer ready position can be achieved effortlessly for fast make ready.

Best possible print quality is achieved at speeds below 95m/m.

K150FR The K150FR, or the fixed resolution variant, has a print resolution of 180dpi (across the material travel direction) combined with a 71mm high print band.The K150FR can also achieve all of the print options available from the K150VR. Horizontal Resolution

Vertical Resolution









Max Speed (m/min)





















Best possible print quality is achieved at speeds below 95m/m.

Modular Design The K150 Base Station including ink system is very compact with a small footprint for easy integration and yet provides easy access for fluids replenishment. The print head has been designed for field repair in order to limit support costs and maximise production uptime.

K150 Base Station including ink system.

Ink Types

Editor GT User Interface

Depending on print finish required and substrate, each system is either configured with:

Domino’s Editor GT is a modular Windows XP based controller capable not only of both simple data handling and printer control, but also including mail sort, multi-position matched printing, camera read print and verify, selective feeder as well as advanced numbering sequences. It also provides a range of interfaces to common production equipment e.g. inserter, wrapper, rewinder and bindery equipment.

• UV-curable ink for printing on a wide range of porous and non-porous substrates, including plastic, foil and coated paper • Non-volatile solvent inks for printing on porous, semi-porous as well as some non-porous substrates In the UV-curable ink range, in addition to available spot colours, custom inks are available to meet requirements such as solvent resistance. Additionally, subject to volume requirements, custom spot colour inks can be supplied to meet specific requirements.

A PC based print spooler solution is also available to facilitate easy printer integration with third party controllers.

Examples of UV-curable (top) and solvent ink (bottom) printed by K150

Twin lamp UV curing system for high speed applications

Please refer to the Domino Editor GT controller literature for details on the full range of capability.

Domino K150 sample

71mm (2.8") / 180dpi


71mm (2.8") print swathe printed at 180 x 180dpi Representation of print quality only, final quality is dependent on substrate and printer operating conditions.

Technical Specification General

Power Supply

K150 VR variant

• 110VAC - 240VAC 50-60Hz auto ranging

• Up to 71mm (2.8”) print width • 256 individually addressable nozzles

Editor GT Controller

• Print resolution from 90 to 450dpi speed and print width dependent (see table)

Domino Editor GT Windows XP controller range supports: • Text - Adobe and Windows True Type fonts plus Unicode support

K150 FR variant

• Bitmap graphics - .bmp, .pcx, .tif, .jpg, .gif

• 71mm (2.8”) print width (fixed) • 512 individually addressable nozzles • Print resolution 180dpi across swathe and selectable 90, 180, 270 and 360dpi in the running direction, speed dependent (see table) • Network TCP/IP link to Domino Editor GT or Print Spooler

Print Head

• Barcodes - Australian Post 1-4, CodaBar, Code 2 of 5, Code 2 of 5 Interleaved, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, Code 128A-C, EAN 8, EAN 13, EAN 128, ITF-14, GS1 DataBar (RSS 14), GS1 DataBar Stacked, Planet, Plessy, Royal Mail CBC (Four State), SICK, UPC A, UPC E, USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode, USPS Postnet • 2D codes - Data Matrix, Dt. Post 26, Dt. Post 52, Dt. Post Hex, Maxi Code, Micro QR, PDF417, QR-Code • Maximum 8 x K150 print heads controlled with Multi Position tracker for VR and FR variants

• Dimensions: 112mm (4.4”) (W) x 70mm (2.8”) (D) x 270mm (10.6”) (H)

• Maximum 4 x K150 print heads controlled with Mail Table tracker for VR and FR variants

• Conduit length - 4.5m (14’9”)

Base Station including Ink System

Accessories • Fine adjustment print head mounting brackets

• Dimensions: 187.5 (7.4") (W) x 306mm (12") (D) x 345mm (13.6") (H)

• Start up kit with wash bottle, wipes and wash down tray • Alarm beacon - full colour LED beacon for visual printer status

• Field replaceable components • Standard: black and spot colour UV-curable inks • Custom: black slow-dry solvent based ink

306 (12”)

• UV-curable spot colour ink matching service

Ultraviolet (UV) and Infra Red (IR) Drying Systems 345 (13.6”)

• Range to suit applications

187.5 (7.4”)

250 (9.8”) 370.5 (14.5”) 447.5 (17.6”)

408.9 (16”)

40 (1.6”)

76.76 (3”)

120 (4.7”)

1000 (39.4”)

Domino Worldwide Through an extensive global network of subsidiaries and distributors, Domino operates in over 120 countries. This network offers customers both sales support and access to highly skilled service teams, providing technical support packages to suit the varying production environments and customer requirements across the world.






Domino (Australia) Pty. Ltd. 1, Neutron Place Rowville Melbourne Victoria 3178 Australia Tel: + 61 3 9764 8485

Domino Printing Solutions Inc. 2751 Coventry Road Oakville Ontario L6H 5V9 Tel: + 1 800 387 7972

Domino SAS ZA du Bel Air 2 Rue Mege Mouries 78120 Rambouillet Tel: + 33 1 3046 5678

Domino Printing México SA de CV Calle 3 No. 47 Local 6F Col. Industrial Naucalpan 53370 Edo. De México Tel: + 52 55 5576 7979

Domino UK Ltd (Headquarters) Bar Hill Cambridge CB23 8TU Tel: + 44 1954 782 551




BELGIUM Domino Benelux Uitbreidingstraat 84/3 B-2600 Berchem Belgium Tel: +32 (0)3 218 2028

Domino China Ltd. No. 1150 yun Qiao Road Jin Qiao Export Processing Zone Pudong Shanghai 201206 Tel: + 86 21 5050 9999

Domino Deutschland GmbH Lorenz-Schott-Strasse 3 55252 Mainz-Kastel Tel: + 49 61 34 25 050

Domino Benelux Ambachtsweg 8 3991 LH Houten Tel: + 31 30 636 3333


Domino Amjet. Inc. 1290 Lakeside Drive Gurnee Illinois 60031 Tel: + 1 800 486 7414

Domino Amjet Ibérica S.A. Avenida Fuente Nueva No 14 28700 S.S. de los Reyes Madrid Tel: + 34 91 654 2141

For all other territories please review our website in order to determine your local Domino representative.

www.domino-printing.com K150/0109 Due to our policy of continuous improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. E&OE.


High resolution, high performance ink jet printing system

data sheet

K200 Digital Ink Jet Printer Domino’s K200 is the flagship product in the drop on demand printer range and sets new standards in terms of print resolution and speed of operation. The K200 digital printer offers in-line digital ink jet printing to complement your existing offset or flexo printed product with part personalisation, printing numbers, graphics, barcodes and addresses. Through the use of the innovative software stitching technology, seamless single image composition can be achieved from multiple print heads. This makes full page or web personalisation possible. Common applications include in-line printing on narrow webs, plastic cards and direct mail.

K200 printer with the intuitive Domino Editor GT Windows XP based controller for data manipulation and system setup. Can be configured with rack (as shown) or in desktop configuration

Print Performance

Ease of Use

Vertical resolution (perpendicular to the material travel direction) is fixed at 316dpi. Running speed will determine the maximum horizontal resolution (in the material travel direction). Refer to the table for performance settings.

Start Up Print ready can be achieved within five minutes, and job changeover is possible within seconds.

Print Head Purging Horizontal Vertical Resolution Resolution

Max Speed (m/min)


Image Ht. (mm)

Ht. (inch)

With print head mounting brackets including magnetic locators, moving between off-line purging and printer ready position can be achieved effortlessly for fast make ready.













Electronic Stitching



















With the K200 rombus print head configuration, set at a 71.6 degree angle, print heads can be located next to each other in the same plane in order to create a single stitched image from two or more print heads creating a total image area of 122mm with two print heads and 183mm with three etc. In the case of multiple print head solutions, the Editor GT electronic stitching capability simplifies print set up configuration enabling each print position to be configured quickly and accurately.

Best possible print quality generally achieved at 20-25% below maximum speed indicated.

Modular Design

In order to maximise uptime in the unlikely event of failure, the print head is designed to clip in and out of the K-Series Base Station for quick replacement and recovery. A compact rack based K-Series Base Station electronics unit (up to eight base station units per system), controls each K200 print head, and may be located in either the controller enclosure (as opposite), in a separate stand alone enclosure (as below) either one or two high or integrated within a production line.

Stitch location

Base Station and ink system enclosure

122mm (4.8") print swathe printed at 421 x 316dpi including electronic image stitching with two print heads

Ink Types Depending on substrate, each system is either configured with: • Versatile, easy to use UV-curable inks for printing on a wide range of porous and non-porous substrates including plastic, foil and coated paper • Low-VOC solvent inks for printing on porous and semi-porous substrates are available on request • Cost-effective oil based inks for porous substrates such as uncoated paper are available on request In the UV-curable ink range, a range of coloured inks is available. In addition to cyan, yellow, magenta and black a range of spot colours can be produced through a colour matching service and the provision of the appropriate mixing recipe.

Unparalleled Control Capability from the Domino Editor GT At the centre of Domino’s digital printing solutions is an intuitive Windows XP PC-based control system - the Editor GT.This Controller facilitates data manipulation and controls a wide range of Domino printers including the K-Series (K100 and K200) Bitjet+, JetArray and single jet A-Series printers.This broad range of printer control enables you to meet both today’s and tomorrow’s requirements.Through Editor GT Tracker upgrades, multi-position matched printing, camera read, print and then verify, stacked numbering sequences, selective feeder control and mail sort requirements can all be facilitated. Refer to the separate Domino Editor GT literature for details of the full range of capabilities.

UV curing systems (as below) are custom designed for given applications. IR drying systems are also available.

UV Curing System

61mm (2.4”) print swathe printed at 316 x316 dpi allowing for production speeds up to 96 metres per minute Representation of print quality only, final quality is dependent on substrate and printer operating conditions

Technical Specification General

• Fixed 61mm (2.4”) image band per print head • Print resolution is 316dpi across 61mm print swathe (vertically) and running speed dependent between 105 to 520dpi in the material travel direction (horizontally) • Network TCP/IP link to Domino Editor GT or third party controller

Ultraviolet (UV) and Infra Red (IR) Drying Systems • Range to suit applications

Power Supply

Print Head

• 110VAC – 240VAC 50-60Hz auto ranging

• Dimensions: 227mm (L) x 225mm (H) x 56mm (W) 8.9” (L) x 8.9” (H) x 2.2” (W) • Conduit Length: 4m (13ft) • 768 Individually addressable nozzles • Maximum eight K200 print heads controlled from eight Base Stations • Easily clips into Base Station • Prints ± 1m (36”) in elevation from Base Station • Service exchange scheme or return and repair service

Domino Editor GT Windows XP controller range supports: • Text - Adobe and Windows TrueType fonts • Bitmap graphics - .bmp, .pcx, .tif, .jpg, .gif • Barcodes - Code 39, Extended Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, POSTNET, PLANET, Four State, UPC/EAN • 2D and Datamatrix barcodes • Third party controllers utilising standard TCP/IP protocol

Base Station

• Locate in either Editor GT Medium controller rack, one or two up enclosures, or within mailing base • One Base Station controls one K200 print head • Base Station core electronics unit dimensions: 440mm (L) x 180mm (H) x 345mm (W) 17.3” (L) x 7.1” (H) x 13.6” (W) • One up enclosure dimensions: 760mm (L) x 520mm (H) x 490mm (W) 29.9” (L) x 20.5” (H) x 19.3” (W) • Two up enclosure dimensions: 760mm (L) x 700mm (H) x 490mm (W) 29.9” (L) x 27.6” (H) x 19.3” (W) • Field replaceable components



• Shaft encoder plus mounting • Fine adjustment print head mounting brackets

511 mm (20”)

Ink System

• Housed within Editor GT Medium controller rack, or within separate Base Station enclosures • Standard: Black, cyan, yellow and magenta UV curable inks • Custom: Black slow dry solvent and oil (special conditions apply) • Spot colour matching service

480 mm (19”)

728.5 mm (29”)

225 mm (8.9”)

56 mm (2.2”)

227 mm (8.9”)

Domino Worldwide Through an extensive global network of subsidiaries and distributors, Domino operates in over 120 countries. This network offers customers both sales support and access to highly skilled service teams, providing technical support packages to suit the varying production environments and customer requirements across the world.





United Kingdom

Domino (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Unit 12 6 Gladstone Road Castle Hill Sydney NSW 2154 Tel: + 61 2 9894 7833

Domino Coding Ltd. No. 1150 yun Qiao Road Jin Qiao Export Processing Zone Pudong Shanghai 201206 Tel: + 86 21 5050 9999

Domino Deutschland GmbH Lorenz-Schott-Strasse 3 55252 Mainz-Kastel Tel: + 49 61 34 25 050

Domino Amjet BV Ambachtsweg 8 3991 LH Houten Tel: + 31 30 636 3333




Domino UK Ltd Bar Hill Cambridge CB3 8TU Tel: + 44 1954 782 551

Domino Printing México SA de CV Calle 3 No. 47 Local 6F Col. Industrial Naucalpan 53370 Edo. De México Tel: + 52 55 5576 7979

Domino Amjet Ibérica S.A. Avenida Fuente Nueva No 14 28700 S.S. de los Reyes Madrid Tel: + 34 91 654 2141


Domino SAS Domino Printing Solutions Inc. ZA du Bel Air 2 Rue Mege Mouries 2751 Coventry Road Oakville 78120 Rambouillet Ontario Tel: + 33 1 3046 5678 L6H 5V9 Tel: + 1 800 387 7972

United States of America Domino Amjet. Inc. 1290 Lakeside Drive Gurnee Illinois 60031 Tel: + 1 800 486 7351

www.domino-printing.com K200/0705

Due to our policy of continuous improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. E&OE.

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