壓鑄機 機械手自動取出裝置
Mechanical Arm Automatically Remove Equiment For Die Casting Machine. 本機功能特性: (1) 降低人力成本,提昇產能。 (2) 改善工作環境,品質,降低燥音。 (3) 防止工件自由落下發生之碰撞、變形、表面油汙等缺點,提昇產品品質。 (4) 採人機觸控教導模式設定,操控簡便,易學易懂,提昇架模效率。 (5) 取出軸迴轉速度採多段式設定,可依實際作業需求做最適當的設定。 (6) 橫行軸位移量 120mm,可配合架模或維修作業調整,以利作業施行。 (7) 全數採用日系電機部品,故障率低,減少維修成本。
Functional Features : (1) To reduce labor cost and improve productivity. (2) To improve the working environment, improve quality and reduce noise. (3) To prevent the work piece fall down and occurring collision, deformation and appearance oily. To improve quality. (4) frame molding. (5) The swivel speed of remove shaft was designed by multi-stage setting. According to actual needs, to do the most appropriate settings. (6) The traverse distance 120mm to operate in coordination with frame mode or maintenance operation adjustment in order to facilitate operation purposes. (7) All parts were adopted by Japan brands, low failure rate and reduced maintenance cost.
機夾臂可做旋轉及夾放功能 附防撞保護裝置 Robot Arm Can Perform Grip and Put Function With Collide Proof.
微動開關 工件取出檢測裝置依實際需求選用 Limit Switch- Two Limit Switches Can Be Chosen To Meet Different Conditions.
控制箱本體採用進口控制元件 All Components From PLC Box Adopted By Well Known Brands.
人機觸控操作面板 採教導模式設定 Touch Panel With Guide Setting Function.
機械手臂固定底座可行使三軸向調整 Bracket For Robot Arm Device Can Do Tri-Axial Setting.
臺灣, 新北市五股區 (248) 新北產業園區五權八路 42-1 號 No. 42-1, Wu-Chuang 8Rd.Wu-ku ind. Park, Wu-Ku Dist. New Taipei City, Taiwan 248 TEL: 886-2-2290-2626 FAX:886-2-2290-2522 E-MAIL: sales@lockspace.com.tw