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About Haileybury Rendall School Principal’s introduction
In 2022, Haileybury Rendall School (HRS) completed its fifth year of operation and made significant progress. Enrolments at HRS have continued to grow steadily with the School starting the year with 940 students including over 85 boarders. This was a significant increase on the previous years’ enrolment. The growth in enrolments was predominantly in the Junior School with a third Year 6 stream for the first time, and in the Senior School as student numbers push through the School.
The key goals of the School are to further academic excellence, develop student wellbeing at all year levels, and staff development and opportunity remained a high priority. We continued to enhance our standing as a recognised Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Education. It was wonderful that 10 Indigenous students completed their Year 12 education at HRS which was a strong endorsement of our retention rates and contribution to ‘closing the gap’.
A further growth in academic results was shown in ACER PAT testing and NAPLAN 2022 online testing. It was great to see an improvement in 17 out of 20 NAPLAN measures from 2021 to 2022. HRS was recognised as the top-performing NAPLAN primary school in the Northern Territory for the second consecutive year. Our Indigenous students from remote communities showed steep academic growth in numeracy and literacy from Years 7–12 with some students completing over two years growth within the year in aspects of their learning.
There were good VCE results and ATAR scores and this continued a trend of strong results across the last 3 years that have seen 16% of our students achieve ATARs over 95, 23% of our students achieve ATARs over 90, 34% of our students achieve ATARs over 85 and 42% of our students achieve ATARs over 80. These results were a strong endorsement of the academic culture in the School, the work ethic of the students and the dedication and quality of our teachers.
Haileybury Rendall School continues to establish its reputation in Darwin as it seeks to be regarded as the best school in Northern Australia. The local community has endorsed our progress with a rapid increase in enrolments that supports our goals and aspirations. The School is determined to continue to develop, improve and provide a world-class education for students in and out of the classroom. At HRS, every student and every team member matters every day.
Mr Andrew McGregor Prin cipal