Hailey Field Portfolio

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The main objective of this design was to create CD packaging that was graphically chaotic and eye-catching, but still maintained readability and functionality. Studying various Constructivist typographic techniques and creating Dadaist mood boards resulted in a disorganized yet structured composition. The concept relies on the process of discovery and confusion, causing the viewer to try to make sense of the nonsense; a reoccurring theme in Vampire Weekend’s music.


CD Packaging & Book

, , nd n nd ou gr dow pou to the ng to ettli sure s es s ne be pre ? t k 't go en an the by to k s s c ed y ba old dy oo od ne ow ea snow is b e l blo r ts se m kn e r e On ung hea clo to is h ugh e fir ro th g me em g, Yo ' h n u d un g t nd nt Yo hol u? wa yo nin ll a yo So , I die run re fu er u lie es e ot h k yo n't lov tim lts a c it b lo of Do d's last vau g c ont es Go the the do ckin n fr , i i t ts It's ere ow a ht h igh ice kn of rig W y n the t to click time know da an fe I tur on I w e low a li ne Sa ak ng bre Th re's r yo u e e n't yo Th d ev s, uld n An urk sho y ca e by gT s ba un hip , th ht Yo ung mes tonig , my Yo d fla ou cool Ol rm y p it wa kee So





ʼ N O







s ve lea of ls d e il ee ben a p wh the ike tter nd l u e b aa e b g ro ts , a S som nnin gen ind a u ed d rm ch o fin rs r ent r ou time o t ete nm t y e r u e on Yo gon ive m ove gain ip? ng ole e sh ha right I'd ur, f the g u a a r hol ion 't c o on aby Fo hen d y ing 18th amp y w b la e ch it W roun ng y, b e p th he r ou ab su u'r o 'til of t or a e Y y, b yo f , ian bab ut an g day wn nd D b mi l u c the r o If by, o r r nt yo lop you ou time Ba y o -f n f c ink ge t on t o th flip e o an ch righ Ou you you alon n't by o Do will o it n a g to gw ,b Or to igh on un by Yo , ba y r ight n Tr y b e o r y a b y ht ian bab by ab lig me If D by, ba by b 's a lifeti t on a y t e h i a B b tim ba y b by t's a rig , nd by ab ba y i by me on mi Ba by b aby bab y ba e, ti ight ur me o Ba by b aby bab , tim by r i y t ge t on Ba by b aby time y ba an ch righ Ba by b ime, bab t n't by y igh o Ba e, t aby l al y w ba it t ht tur ned ing nig Tim by b ng by, a u n n d d a a o o B Ke ol y, e Y y, b , ab of a on h at go ian bab nd ,b th mi ud ck ep If D by, ur me ro e lu l, ke into a o p B i y t d t th hee off e n o on ng h a g e w ing ha right lds Iris t you b th otter 't c ho on aby Bu gra 're t re old w b u g y, utu ing So yo f n b u t l a o the et 'Ti e Y y, b at st g ian bab wh h ju se , If D by, ws oug efen t, nd o mi kn en f-d as Ba ur me dy bad n sel he p e... o o i y t t i b s s ge t on No d it' life love spen an ch righ An e my ow I te su n't by o Liv u kn I ha a w b Yo use ng y, ou ab 'ca eY ,b an baby i If D by, Ba





ve mo ty ts nix us s hoe lan dr p n low to P a n e l i m d l w ce u so it e no gs ing en me ve nt on ow sin hy ep vid e d gr e ri rop t's d ime g tol beli h Hu d we Pro d's th th a t gs i ng t r kin r t e n om in lo hin ln wo a ike en no na a st rd uld Han ines y fr r s bene up l he th n a co a u a a g v o w Lin Yo rnt ed all t bee d A t I c and ing ur w tI un k g n s u a g c ' l m t a u B lo tin B l me raw e o ro y wh h i ck the It's rget oug t ba ted f h erle r Til w c mad aid see im up ge h nna av h s ld Fo d th righ star eyes ing Sa we lon ait cou told Ha h W f s An uʼre you our e giv f f ug A s nd no s o o r e y o s ʼ e n e ro y Y er in ou ht ur me ma n e d a tru th f ti nig ho wh ee it w y A dde mile nly on l ur hing llar se o 7 stee i t s s o ed o I s at no 1 H s s s g atc do sen a id Th S on wa like lete ade I ju at w e gl n el ,w U w n I rists mp dy f ade Th d w er nds the r o o d he r s n W ad w elt c y bo cha s w eco on t ou rie he A s y a e s ive go in h c ac d a I h d I f w m rass te r t th e l we m ys na g be o n u e e n b l n r A d , a in O un h w e, a so e da n ire ,H z An hind ob ang tter dow its Co oug d m ra free n the f mes h i ba w Be d Iʼm e c e be ons to b Th u an ar hose o to for rk T h os nn n t o ah n B f A ti t nt ng Yo Y th ca ow s nn i li nta ed Bu see the e bl e hit nd Ha Sa iss ed ind ew it, wer To cut rs ar e rifl t sou In d m walk e k e N me n s n m f ti r Iʼd ea ll th tha An d I som re th da o a ar e o ht ita y fig gu r An buy h to ces M m a rave en e's n doll ens h y o t t a s o e a a l b S u To nn d n Fr ll I c er pi u p dy se yo , th he U ow Ha into Sti st e yo ee s u ile ur ru ur n t le rd a s ad up 't t fut e o ot o ea at inhe a sm e sty t n h g o v I wn sk aw ag gh e li ca s n e If I ere' h we e, w Do here kug arb e ni wav ve Th oug d m W ur To ur g ve th ing bra linch n o f h m e o a d a y T Y d os co ll b nʼt sse u Yo An ed t t the 'd a ould t pa h Us u fel e we u w tha t nc i o s s o r y m Y ld la an ea id To u sa he y you ved ay Yo t in t saw t mo rw ou Bu ce I venʼ gy n n n a i i o S uh hin o Yo us ng yo o o g ee I s on Go






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, l n ou cold rui lf es to yse ittl s a e h rs a l rld i to b rmt ve me to m uin lf ve t a a lie d Go e wo lace le w a sa e? d c me o r se be m n tan t n an ave me t o my h s t p s n r i u r l T l go fo s er ld de nse le ca me t d ait e liev co ant a oʼs mth un ou elf, nd an h ar aw sam nbe in ou ever r c mys el a eave rst W w e y u a e r e w t t ,n d fi th ie u tr ns f, l yo to Bu ittle ou un the ers ill d f the ok me cou sel ith tand u er al o ev I to ve our my ow inn w e w rs yo a o kn he s nd I acks liv nde out d, n Le ok y e t e o u th an w t m W l of t ou a e tr no ree s I to ve de onna e wi erst th h l t a I k ag oʼ e? y a a s d v A e li un to m in dis wh m Le rl, s sm rg ar ben er ga will but for Gi und h wa neve rn to nna a g a d I ev j n ce o o lu rn ld Bo pe eli ce sti Oh t Iʼm as b er g lle bo wor gra gra nb rla trap own a u e n rs v u e H i m w v , ʼ tl B e le I e ve its ne r ta lf r e ar g d If I t th litt a lit wa me elie cu yse d th lf Oh t Iʼm ou f fe oin tha ant a say he to m laye myse e a e sa unb train n y ull o t ʼs g t i r Bu i f th ie W nna me up, f tha rew me ou p e in the ers ill d f the r ld e? ld y go m d d ve o I b wor ow inn w Ho oked delie an lea as ve kn he s nd I acks er , er elf, rae" t lea uld e t e Lo han t v d s a tr n o ys s I f ' a nd ho of th W c u t n a s o e i m t o o l t a h m ie a t ers Al rl, y to t bu half the n h gh to "D f, d nd t d, ou me he sel ve ope Gi und ru ite ha ? er I th ve ed t my xc te t me r? neve Bo a e s y the o e e s d t r a t Le umm e t s f a b o e fo u a nd, ain e? m m n h d m h d o ea nt e t I ep ta e en ne nd Iʼm this nne ve y he s r co for m av de be ghte ha ve th ders a Le t e l o t e s p e l I sp I t is e wa ro h ser ʼv fri un t v h e? u o g a d a e by e o h now u l oly tle n ni rm If y uʼd b ed mad gon t fo I k d yo at h , lit the n Yo hte Iʼve ever n wh rop gh wn nd i l o A a e d t s frig uld ʼm n o d n, ittl er Bu ittle ev n g ow al Co ell, I al su n d t eli ve W nb he g o ligh a sa t u rs e in le ve its Se go litt gonn wa me elie s It ʼ ant a oʼs e a e sa unb train r i f th ie W t wh the ners ill d f the e? Bu w o Ib no sin I w ks uld e e k f the and trac ho of th W l o ou s e t h ? u lf Al rl, y to t , b ha me Gi und ed that for cit Bo ex fate ned t no the plan ou ea Iʼm this has ve y he s Is rld I lo ve t wo now u lo oly I k d yo at h ains ? An t wh cont , me Bu ter drop for wa ittle rop a l tle d lit

Merch & Artwork Detail

The Criterion Collection is a continuing series of classic and contemporary films. The films are released with redesigned packaging in editions that offer each film uncut, in its original aspect ratio, as its maker intended it to be seen. The redesign offers opportunity to revitalize previous cover designs while still keeping the original integrity of the film. In these editions, Molly Ringwald’s most memorable movies get a contemporary twist with simple layouts and typography, as well as iconic imagery from the films. Quotes are also used to call back important scenes and characters.


Molly Ringwald is the smart girl from the wrong side of the tracks. Andrew McCarthy is the rich boy who genuinely loves her. And Jon Cryer is... just Duckie. Pretty in Pink will take you back to the prom...the laughter, the tears, and that first kiss.

Pretty in Pink

Love’s a bitch

DVD+SOUNDTRACK 1986 96 MINUTES COLOR STEREO 1.85:1 ASPECT RATIO Under exclusive license from Paramount Pictures. © 1986 All rights reserved. © 2015 The Criterion Collection. All rights reserved. Cat. no. CC2015Z. ISBN 978-1-60065-2926. Warning: Unauthorized public performance, broadcasting, or copying is a violation of applicable laws. Printed in USA. First printing 2015.

∙ The First Time: The Making of Pretty in Pink ∙ Zoids and Richies ∙ Prom Queen: All About Molly ∙ Volcanic Ensembles ∙ Prom Stories ∙ Favorite Scenes ∙ Wrap Up: The Epilogue ∙ Commentary by Director Howard Deutch ∙ Photo Gallery & Soundtrack ∙ The Original Ending: The Last Dance *Special Features Not Rated


Special Features The Criterion Collection is dedicated to gathering the greatest films from around the world and publishing them in editions of the highest technical quality, with supplemental features that enhance the appreciation of the art of film. Visit us at criterion.com.

Cover, Disk & Booklet

Cover, Disk & Booklet

With the occasion all but overshadowed by her sister’s upcoming wedding, angst-ridden Samantha (Molly Ringwald) faces her 16th birthday with typical adolescent dread. Samantha pines for studly older boy Jake (Michael Schoeffling), while rebuffing the affections of nerdy Ted (Anthony Michael Hall), the only boy who seems to take an interest in her...unfortunately.

DVD+SOUNDTRACK 1986 96 MINUTES COLOR STEREO 1.85:1 ASPECT RATIO Under exclusive license from Paramount Pictures. © 1986 All rights reserved. © 2015 The Criterion Collection. All rights reserved. Cat. no. CC2015Z. ISBN 978-1-60065-2926. Warning: Unauthorized public performance, broadcasting, or copying is a violation of applicable laws. Printed in USA. First printing 2015.

*Special Features Not Rated


Special Features ∙ Oh, Sexy Lady! Trivia Game ∙ Behind the Scenes ∙ Meet the Brat Pack ∙ Get to Know Long Duk Dong ∙ Happy Birthday Molly! ∙ Favorite Scenes ∙ Interviews with the Cast ∙ Commentary by John Hughes ∙ Photo Gallery & Soundtrack ∙ Sixteen Seconds: Cultural Impact

Sixteen candles

Make a wish

The Criterion Collection is dedicated to gathering the greatest films from around the world and publishing them in editions of the highest technical quality, with supplemental features that enhance the appreciation of the art of film. Visit us at criterion.com.

PURE// magazine focuses on the purity of entertainment and print media with minimalist layouts, CYMK color schemes, analog photography, and no-nonsense interviews. Each issue highlights an influential individual in art, music, or fashion, making Lady Gaga the perfect featured person.


Cover & Content Page

Editorial Spreads & Mobile Layouts

Program and other print materials for the North American Marine Life conference, The Atlantic Octopus. Artwork inspired by the 1960’s rock posters of Victor Moscoso and Wes Wilson.


Annual Meeting September 6-8, 2015 Hosted by Weber State University Presenting The Atlantic Octopus

The Atlantic Octopus

Conference Schedule Sunday - September 6th

Tuesday - September 8th

3:00 PM Registration Main Lobby

7:00 AM Breakfast

Forms and payment information are available at http://wsuentcon.org/regis. The Ogden Hilton provides accommodations at the conference rate of $89. Transportation between the Hilton and Weber State University will be provided.

8:00 AM Education Committee, Crescent Room I 8:00 AM Poster Presentation Set-up 9:00 AM Concurrent sessions

6:00 PM Keynote Address: The Octopus Is Our Defining Challenge, Dr. Lucas Gregorio, Director, The Oceanic Preservation Coalition, Shepherd Ballroom

Running Successful Special Events, Maria Woodard, Montgomery County Zoo, Ballroom B Rehabilitating Injured Cephalopods, Dr. Peter Lugano, University of Florida, Wildcat Theatre Care and triage when there is no doctor, Dr. Kayte Alumbria, Director, Atlantic Breeze, Ballroom A

Monday - September 7th 7:30 AM Depart for Salt Lake Aquarium 10:30 AM Brunch in Aquarium Reception Center Tour on your own 1:00 PM

Free Cephalopod Show

2:00 PM Depart for Weber State University 4:00 PM Concurrent Sessions Cephalopod Nutrition, Mark Bradley, Creation Kingdom Aquarium, Ballroom A Cephalopod Conservation Strategies: A Case Study of Seas, Cristel Bender and JohnieSue Thurman, Weber State University, Wildcat Theatre Wild Cephalopods and Conservation Efforts, Darin Brewer, Oklahoma State University, Ballroom B

5:00 PM Dinner, Shepherd Union Dinner discussion: NSF Grants: Are They Really That Scary?

7:00 PM Depart for Ogden Hilton

Annual Meeting September 6-8, 2015

Hosted by Weber State University

Presenting The Atlantic Octopus

8:00 PM Networking, Hotel Cantina

NAML promotes responsible ownership, management, conservation, and propagation of Cephalopods in both privately funded and publicly funded facilities through professional standards in care, safety and ethics.

11:00 AM Lunch, Shepherd Union 1:00 PM

Concurrent Sessions Cephalopod Nutrition, Mark Bradley, Creation Kingdom Zoo, Ballroom A Cephalopod Conservation Strategies: A Case Study of Seas, Cristel Bender and Johnie Sue Thurman, Weber State University, Wildcat Theatre Wild Cephalopods and Conservation Efforts, Darin Brewer, Ballroom B

3:00 PM Plenary Session Enhancing the Visitor Experience With Octopus Encounters, Joan Massey & Rod Miller, Marina Discovery Center, Austad Auditoriam

5:00 PM Dinner, Shepherd Union Dinner discussion: NSF Grants: Octopus Conservation Interventions in the Atlantic, led by Dr. Patricia Herbert, Marine Life Society

7:00 PM Depart for Ogden Hilton

NAML PO Box 511275 Pasadena, CA 91101 (626) 621-2021 info@naml.org

Program & Banners

The Atlantic Octopus | Sept. 6-8 | Weber State University

The Atlantic Octopus | Sept. 6-8 | Weber State University

The Atlantic Octopus | Sept. 6-8 | Weber State University

Event Passes & Swag

The Atlantic Octopus Sept. 6-8, 2015

The Atlantic Octopus Sept. 6-8, 2015


North American Marine Life


The Atlantic Octopus Sept. 6-8, 2015

EXHIBITION Jamie Doe Octopus Conversation



American Wildlife Association


One of the downtown highlights of summer in Salt Lake City is the Twilight Concert Series. MGMT, a previous Twilight artist, is known for their psychedelic sound and visuals. Creating synesthetic art and typography that conveys their vibe as well as their genre became the main focus for the overall design. Using analog-scanner techniques, sans-serif typography and visuals displayed at their concerts were manipulated to create unique display type and graphics. The kaleidoscopic, melting aesthetic draws in those that are familiar with the band while informing others what kind of music would be at the concert.


Process & Poster


Tickets & Merch

Bellona Brewery was established in 1914 with a mission to celebrate the world during wartime. The brand needed to communicate its historical values while staying ubiquitous through the ages. Wood-cut prints influenced by traditional tattoo artwork are used in the logo to make it feel authentic while staying relevant today. The goddess, Bellona, along with terms and quotes from WWI, conceptually set the brand apart by integrating a learning experience: users would research Bellona and the terms used for a greater understanding of the company and war in general.


Print Process & Brewery Logo

Beer Logos & Packaging

Logos for a common commodity, cotton. Although each logo design is based on cotton, they could be applied to a variety of products, such as sewing supplies or cotton-paper based books.



a h w ew



w e s

t a wh

sweet clot





Contemporary-Deco typeface built in Fontstruct




Hailey Field Graphic Design 801.589.6922 haileynfieldesign.com hellohaileydesign@gmail.com

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