How ecklonia cava can help put the brakes to your hair loss and promote hair growth

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Wecome to Hairevo How Ecklonia Cava can help put the brakes to your hair loss and promote hair growth

Ecklonia cava can significantly reduce 5 alpha-reductase activity and in turn stimulate hair growth via increasing the growth of hair follicle cells. The mechanism does not create negative side-effects such as finasteride or other DHT blockers. Instead, ecklonia cava donates electrons and modulates enzyme activity in the body (such as angiotensin). In experiments, Ecklonia cava promoted the increase in the hair follicle shaft, an increase in proliferation of the outer root sheath and boosted the level of insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in hair follicle cells. Rather than just a single, isolated mechanism, ecklonia cava appears to work through regulation of both water and fat soluble anti-oxidant capacities and antiinflammatory responses.

Can GHK-cu Help your Skin & Hair Follicle Stem Cells? Your hair is only good as the integrity of your stem cells within your skin. If those cells go bad, there's not much vigor left in the follicle's future. The peptide Gly-His-Lys (GHK) bound to copper (cu) or better known as copper-GHK can promote the survival of basal stem cells in the skin.

How GHK-cu Can Help Protect from Fibrosis or Scarring The worst type of hair loss involves scarring alopecia or scarring hair loss, otherwise known as fibrosis. Think of fibrosis as hardened collagen. It is scarred tissue. Hypertrophic scars can arise from an abnormal balances of cytokine behavior.

Scarring can form when there is too much of the wrong type of cytokine protein expressions. GHK-cu can help modulate inflammatory cytokines such as transforming growth factor beta (TGF-B) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a). TGF-Beta is a family of growth factors involved in many essential cell functions. When scarring occurs, there is more messenger RNA for the TGF-Beta1 isomer than fibroblasts from normal skin.

The secret of GHK-cu effect on Skin and Hair In addition to too much TGF-beta1, there is also a local expression of IGF-1 in response to a local injury or inflammatory effect to the skin.

However, the it seems that IGF-2 may protect against this type of action, thereby sparing the the scarring effects of TGF-Beta1. So you might wonder, does GHK-cu help boost levels of IGF2? Yes, it would appear that GHK-cu may adequately decrease excess scar formation.

GHK-cu on the Anti-aging Mechanisms of Treating Hair Loss GHK-copper's effect on genes that inhibit fibrosis, growth and activation of genes that increase that facilitate DNA repair, antioxidant systems, and healing by the TGF beta superfamily. It appears that GHK-cu has the ability to allow the body to reconfigure its gene function for the better.


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