The internal constitution of planets neil thompson

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The Internal Constitution of Planets Introduction: [Survey of the Problem] A new way of seeing Stellar and Planetary development is emerging. This work will explain the current thinking of the internal composition of the planets according to the new theories proposed by Wal Thornhill and Donald Scott and the Electric Universe paradigm. This radical rethinking brings a new understanding of the true nature of the planets and stars, how they came into existence, and what they are made of. The struggle to comprehend the Earth we call home and the Sun that gives us light has been a long quest that has only become more complex as time has gone on. Our data pushed itself beyond the theory of Ptolemy’s earth centric universe and became the Copernican model of the sun centered universe. Now we have moved beyond those limited former views into what is called the Big Bang Universe. That is the view which we have been told is the truth. Now the new data from even finer instruments is challenging that view. To better understand what this new paradigm implies it is important for us to understand what assumptions led to this Standard Model of planets and stars. The reader may be inclined to review this information before continuing to the substance of the paper. In Sir Arthur Eddington’s work, ‘The Internal Constitution of the Stars’, Eddington attempted to quantify the endeavour of digging beneath the surface of the Sun. He wanted to peel back the Sun’s layers and to use relativity theory and gravity to determine what these bodies are made of. He studied Einstein’s work and although others in the field debated the truth of it, Eddington seized on it as a way of doing just that. After taking his observations of the Solar Eclipse of May 29th, 1919, he was off and running to try and make sense of this amazing gravitational engine and how it worked. His book was, and is, the start of the Nuclear Fusion Solar Model and although a commendable piece of deduction, it made several assumptions to get to The paradigm was, at the time, for lack of a better description, Natural Philosophy. A holistic approach to understanding with all the individual sciences as subsets of this main branch. Science was reclaiming itself from beyond the dark ages, from far back into antiquity. Man was relearning again the classic

Figure 1: The book, The Internal Constitution of the Stars.

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