Environmental Policy Consultancy and Related Services Framework 1
epcrs framework Launch booklet
Introducing our consortium Through our long standing working
framework directive (and integrated
relationship with the Environment
river basin management) and
Agency, stretching back over 12
ecological sciences is now worth in
years, we have together successfully
excess of ÂŁ80 million to Halcrow (30%
delivered projects across the country.
of our turnover.
During this time over 1,000 Halcrow
In addition to our own resource
people have gained invaluable
development we have developed
experience and a sound understanding
partnerships with other key
of your business.
environmental suppliers and now developed a consortium comprising
We’ve developed excellent working
Halcrow, ADAS, C4S (Centre for
relationships in this time and will
Sustainability), Ben Cave Associates
continue to build on the knowledge
and a number of independent
and experience gained by our
consulting academics.
organisations to enable us both to rise to the challenges placed upon us
This partnership has already been
through our aligned objectives.
successful in winning the Highways Agency Research and Development
Our team and the services we offer,
framework and a commission
on the opposite page, have increased
for a major new man made lake
substantially in the time we have
development in Scunthorpe.
been working with the Environment Agency. Advice and planning services
Thank you for taking the time to
in water resources, water quality, land
discover what our consortium can do
quality, environmental management,
for you.
waste management, legislation, water
How can we help? Where there is a requirement for consultancy work in any of our topics we can offer: • environmental policy development • environmental policy advocacy • provision of environmental opinion • communications development and deployment • environmental analysis • environmental technical assessment
• environmental modelling (excluding groundwater and hydrological modelling) • environmentally related spatial and business planning support • geographical information system data and tool development • environmental project management • environmental personnel interim management • environmentally related training
Meet the team Katherine Pygott, framework manager and initial point of contact
Wa qua
Katherine has 21 years’ professional experience in the environmental sector, starting with Yorkshire Water Authority, moving to the National Rivers Authority, and entering consultancy in 1996. She has excellent experience and understanding of best practice in project/programme management, client relationship building, facilitation processes and supply chain management to
Ecological sciences
EPC frame
complement technical experience in environmental legislation, water quality and water resources.
Elliot Gill, water quality Elliot has considerable experince in the planning and investigation of urban drainage improvements to mitigate against flooding ansd improve the water quality of urban water courses. In particular he has expertise in computer modelling relatl, surface water drainage, foul sewers, combined sewers, treatment processes and river water quality. At Halcrow he is reponsible for projects applying the UK developped Urban Pollution Management (UPM) proceeditr which is used for cost effective upgrading of polluting urban drainage systems. He carries out commissions for clients and contract research in this technical area.
Richard Ashby-Crane, ecological sciences Richard has 14 years’ of environmental consultancy experience following four years with the NRA. His experience in integrated river basin management, and development of policy and procedures has been used by the Environment Agency, English Nature and Defra. He is knowledgeable of the EU Habitats Directive and UK Regulations and the requirements of ‘appropriate assessment’ and provision of policy guidance.
Social sciences
Marcus Jones, social sciences Marcus leads the social research team in the sustainable
ater ality
communities group at C4S. An environmental scientist, he has experience of projects linking environmental science and social impacts, particularly those requiring innovative approaches. He has nine years’ experience working on Government-funded sustainable
Water resources
CRS ework
transport programmes covering travel plans, fleet management, logistics and cycling. He has a research background in air quality monitoring and a good knowledge of cleaner fuels and technologies.
Patrick Hawker, water resources Patrick Hawker has led and provided strategic advice on a wide range of water resources projects in the UK for the Environment Agency and its predecessors and for water
companies. He also has relevant international experience in Ethiopia, Kenya, Palastine and Guyana. He has experience on UK resource planning and management at national and regional levels and of planning and management of integrated engineering and environmental assessment projects relating to water.
Dr Mark A Shepherd, agriculture Mark heads the ADAS catchment management group, which undertakes national and international science-based consultancy relating to the interaction of land management and water quality. As a result of over 20 years of experience, he has a good grounding in the issues, and legislation, relating to agri-environmental interactions. Mark also has an understanding of the science and the policy issues relating to soils, land management and the interactions with the wider environment, particularly water and air. Mark has considerable experience in managing and running complex, multi-partner projects for a range of clients.
Working with us Environmental and Social Responsibility
We have a ‘zero tolerance’ policy with
Our stated purpose is to ‘sustain and
with the Environment Agency’s own
improve the quality of people’s lives’,
corporate requirement.
respect to health and safety, in line
and the way we do business reflects and subcontractors who match our
Information sharing and communication
‘business principles’ with respect
The Environment Agency and its
to environmental management, and
specialist consultants work together in
social/ethical behaviours.
an increasingly complex environment
this. We only work with partners
in which people are often based in In turn we are committed through
different locations but need to have
the Environment Agency’s Supplier
access to the same information as
Development Programme to alignment
soon as it’s available. Collaborate MS,
of environmental and social (and other)
Halcrow’s in-house version of internet
targets, which we are now passing
software called Business Collaborator,
on to our own ‘key subcontractors’
allows access to data in a central
within our own programme of supplier
location over the internet. It doesn’t
development and supply chain
require additional software and allows
unlimited user access. Information is available as soon as it has been
Health and Safety
created and can be easily referred
Our project managers on each
to at any time. Halcrow have used
commission are responsible for the
this software on projects within the
management of health and safety
NEECA2 framework and it has worked
on projects. They will constructively
extremely well.
challenge on these issues and ensure they are considered as a standing item on meeting agendas and progress reports.
Corby Water Cycle Study
Environment Agency
The effect of social, industrial and agricultural change on the demand for water.
Environment Agency
Environmental and socio-economic impacts of designation of the North Sea as a Sensitive Area under the UWWTD.
Yorkshire Water, Anglian Water
Incorporating conservation needs in implementation of the WFD
English Nature
Environment Sensitive Farming
Catchment Abstraction Management Strategies (CAMS) Identification of Good Practice
Environment Agency
Sustainability assessment and social impact of Ashford’s Future
Ashford Borough Council, EA, SEEDA, EP, SEERA
River Itchen Sustainability Study
Environment Agency
Water Resources Management in co-operation with Agriculture (WagriCo),
European Commission LIFE,
MAGPIE 2 Decision Support Tool
Anglian Water Services Ltd
Psychic modelling for Catchment Sensitive Farming
English Nature/DeFRA
Revision of Ecology & Nature Conservation section DMRB (Vol. 11 – Environmental Impact Assessment)
Highways Agency
Provision of advice on impending changes to Habitats Regulations and procedures for ‘strategic’ appropriate assessment
Environment Agency
Participation in National peer review panel for environmental quality standards Environment Agency for WFD Annex VIII Secondment to EA National Water Resources Team - Restoring Sustainable Abstraction
Environment Agency