A Conversation with
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Wonder, not worry. Jo Anne Tudor remembers when waiting for mammogram results meant days of anxiety. But she also remembers when the Women’s Imaging Center changed all that. Now, Jo Anne receives the most advanced diagnostics and sameday test results from a program designed specifically to offer comfort, convenience and peace of mind. And she’s the first to tell you: living well means living worry free.
Cindy Reid
Mary Ellen Thompson
Cindy Reid has been published in About Town, skirt!, Salon.com and The Coastal Mariner. A graduate of Mills College in Oakland, CA, she spent most of her career working with authors in the retail book business before becoming one herself. She has a daughter who lives in the state of Washington. A native of New York’s Hudson Valley, she now makes her home on St. Helena Island.
An adventurous and inveterate traveler, Mary Ellen, originally from the Main Line of Philadelphia, is now equally at home on St. Helena or on the road without reservations. Her best pieces of work ever are a daughter in New York and a son in Denver. Having lived on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, and later on the canals in France, she was drawn to Beaufort by the tide, and is waiting to see where it takes her next.
Susan Deloach
Kim Poovey
Susan Deloach was born Susan Bessinger in Beaufort, where she still resides with her husband, Larry, and sons Hudson and Tucker. Susan has a gift for capturing the personality and unique essence of her subject whether on location or in the studio. Her portraits are as diverse as the personalities of the people she photographs - some are edgy, some joyful, but all have one thing in common: the sensitive, skilled and thoughtful approach of the artist behind the camera.
Kim Poovey is an author and historic reenactress specializing in the Victorian era. Her novel, Truer Words, is a work of historic fiction set in the Lowcountry of SC during the 19th century. Her lifelong love of horses led to a BA degree from Virginia Intermont College where she was a winning member of the equestrian team. Kim lives with her husband, three dogs, and a cat in Beaufort.
John Wollwerth
Katherine Lang
John Wollwerth is a photographer raised in New York, now living in Beaufort. He specializes in wedding and commercial photography, with additional background in portrait and stock photography. His work has appeared in such publications as The Washington Post, the Minneapolis Tribune, Coastal Living and South Carolina Homes and Gardens. John is involved with the Photography Club of Beaufort and the Professional Photographer of South Carolina. He lives with his wife and three children.
Paul Nurnberg
Carol Lauvray
Paul Nurnberg, whose studio is in Beaufort, SC, specializes in architectural and lifestyle advertising photography. He photographs a variety of subjects including people, products, food, nature and travel for ad agencies, large corporations and magazines. Local clients include, Beaufort Memorial Hospital, The Vegetable Kingdom and Swanky J Boutique. Other clients include JCB, (UK/Savannah), Johnson Matthey, Parker’s Markets and StertilKoni. Paul also teaches photography and camera classes and one on one lessons to individuals. He just finished a two-year term as president of the SC chapter of the American Society of Media Photographers
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on Facebook. Check-out our Facebook page and keep up with the exciting things happening in Beaufort. You’ll find us at Beaufort Lifestyle.
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Katherine Lang has been an English teacher, a landlady, an art gallery director, and, most recently, instrumental in the renaissance of the Beaufort History Museum and its return to the Beaufort Arsenal. Originally from Tennessee, she spent most of her adult life in Washington, D.C. Katherine first saw Beaufort thirty years before she moved here fifteen years ago, but always knew it would someday be home.
Follow us on Instagram to see behind the scene photos from our articles! Tag your own Beaufort photos with our tag #BeaufortLifestyle!
Write to us and tell us what you think. Beaufort Lifestyle welcomes all letters to the editor. Please send all letters via email to Jeff Whitten at jeff@idpmagazines.com. Letters to the editor must have a phone number and name of contact. Phone numbers will not be published.
Carol Lauvray has called Beaufort home since 2011, when she relocated from Ohio. Her passion for the coastal beauty and history of the Lowcountry drew her to settle here and become a docent for the Beaufort History Museum. She has more than 20 years of experience writing marketing communications and holds a Masters Degree in organizational communication from Ohio University. Her daughter Cristin and son-in-law Kevin live near Columbus, Ohio.
Beaufort Lifestyle welcomes story ideas from our readers. If you have a story idea, or photo essay you would like to share, please submit ideas and material by emailing Jeff Whitten at jeff@idpmagazines.com Stories or ideas for stories must be submitted by email. Only feature stories and photo essays about people, places or things in Beaufort, Port Royal or the Sea Islands will be considered.
www.beaufortlifestyle.com 04 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
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C O N T E N T S October/November 2015
08 APatConversation With Conroy 14 APatLiteracy Conroy at 70 Festival
20 Caroline Once A Marine, Always A Marine Ferman 26 Centennial Celebration of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island
31 Wreaths Across America Remembering Our Veterans departments
07 Publisher’s Thoughts 46 Dining Feature 69 Let’s Do Business 72 Wedding Section special sections
33 Six Places To Visit In Beaufort, Port Royal and the Sea Island 49 Your 6 Things You Want To Know About Local Businesses 06 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
P U B L I S H E R ’ S Thoughts
6 Years of Fun! Julie Hales owner/publisher julie@idpmagazines.com Jeff Whitten editor jeff@idpmagazines.com Lane Gallegos graphic design lane@idpmagazines.com Lea Allen administrative assistant/circulation lea@idpmagazines.com Peg Beekman account executive peg@idpmagazines.com
Beaufort Lifestyle is proudly produced by:
Wow! 6 Years! They say time flies when you’re having fun……and we have had some fun! There is no way you can produce a local magazine in a place like Beaufort, SC and not have fun. The people have been so receptive to us and to what we do….we have been embraced with open arms. We have gotten to ride in a parade with Candice Glover and her family, we have met CJ Cummings and cheered him on in his national titles, we have gotten to interview and photograph professional golfer Mark Anderson, we have had the opportunity to be in numerous festivals, we have been the guests of the Reaves family on their shrimp boat, we have been in the Blessing of the Fleet during Water Festival, we are one of the media partners of Beaufort International Film Festival….you name it, we have had fun doing it. Julie Hales, PUBLISHER The best part of all that fun is we get to share it with you. For the past 6 years, we have been sharing your city, your community and your neighbors with you on the pages of Beaufort Lifestyle. Recently I received a message from one of my writers. It said, “Julie, there are no words for the wonder, joy, excitement and opportunities that you have given me. Thank you forever.” The message touched my heart. When I opened this business, the thing that was most important to me was to print positive stories about people in our communities and highlight the good people that do wonderful things. We have done this. And, it has afforded us many great opportunities. There is wonder. There is joy. There is excitement. And, to know that I can share that with my writers, my staff and my readers, certainly makes my job so fulfilling. Bring on our 7th year, because we have barely gotten started.
One Beaufort Town Center 2015 Boundary Street, Suite 221 Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 379-8696
CIRCULATION: Beaufort Lifestyle is publlished bi-monthly (six issues a year), printing 15,000 copies and distributed to over 200 locations.
ABOUT THE COVER Beaufort Lifestyle was very fortunate to get a private interview with Pat Conroy. Read about this “conversation” between Mr. Conroy and our BL writer. Also, you will find all the information about “Pat Conroy at 70,” a literacy festival celebrating South Carolina’s Prince of Titles in this issue.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any manner without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited.
A Conversation with
at Conroy
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Photo by John Wollwerth
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www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | October/November 2015
A conversation with
Pat Conroy story by mary ellen thompson
photography by john wollwerth
e think of Pat Conroy as not only a writer, but really, one of the greatest of Southern writers. And he is. Which of us has not read at least one of his books? But the true greatness of Pat Conroy extends so very far beyond the reach of his words. As bedazzling as the rich complexity of the use of language in his novels is, the stories he intersperses in his non-fiction books and blog are the ones that give you the sense of the man, his humanity that has risen over the wounds of his childhood. The amazing boundlessness of his empathy, courage, and arcs of friendships are the finest tributes imaginable to the legions of people with whose lives he has intersected. Reading a Pat Conroy novel is like being lashed to a mast, and sailing into a story that surrounds you like a blanket of fog. Your primary senses are dulled to anything but the rhetoric and where it will take you; yet in the vast distance you can still sense shrapnel shooting by as the stars of his language explode around you. Talking with Pat is like facing an immense buffet and trying to choose just what will fit on your plate. We talked about food, exercise, books and some of the characters he’s met along the way. So, come and join us, sit down, eavesdrop on our conversation. Since food is a legendary affection for Pat, I wondered if his decision to spend time at the gym and get in better shape affected the way he now cooks, and if his cookbook was actually just a masquerade to have a book of short stories. Pat said, “We all know what we should eat, what’s healthy; I wrote that cookbook for people who were trying to speed up the dying process. If there was a just and merciful God, a dry martini would have one calorie and a bean sprout would have three thousand. “In the cookbook are the stories I’d written but not published, I wrote and re-wrote them. I loved writing it - no one died, no one was beaten.” We discussed the particular nature of inflicting pain personal trainers have; Pat agreed, “I’m working out five times a week and something new always hurts; Mina finds ways to torture me.” In his cookbook, Pat comments about his aversion to cilantro which is a feeling I share. I wondered how he felt about tilapia, which I think became popular on menus at about the same time. Pat’s take? “People look at me like I’m crazy when I say I don’t like cilantro; they tell me to try it fresh, or dried or just out of the garden. I’ve tried it all those ways; it tastes like soap and I just don’t like it. Tilapia? I can’t even figure out what tilapia is.” I love the stories Pat tells in the cookbook about the times he unwittingly met some very famous chefs. My favorite was the night Nan Talese was taking him out to dinner to celebrate the launch of The Prince of Tides. She didn’t realize that the restaurant didn’t take credit cards and tried to give the owner/ chef her gold bracelets to hold while she went back to the hotel for money, and he wouldn’t even consider it. Years later Pat saw him on television and realized it was Emeril Lagasse. Pat laughed at the memory, “Nan was wearing an armful of bracelets that were worth a small fortune. I wished I’d had the money to give to him and I could have kept the bracelets! I told her she should have published his first cookbook, but she still thinks he was a dreadful man that night.” Since a conversation with Pat can round more corners than a NASCAR race, it doesn’t seem strange that we came to the matter of snakes. He wrote, “My mother, who was no stranger to wildlife, collected poisonous snakes and once told me that a copperhead I caught her for Mother’s Day when she was pregnant with my brother Jim was the most thoughtful present she had ever
10 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
received.” I wondered if that seemed out of the ordinary to him. Pat shook his head, “Not to us, she was the only mother we ever had. I like snakes; I know many people don’t, my wife is terrified of them. Mom would get all of us kids banging pots and pans while she went to the other side of the woods and wait for us to scare the snakes out. She would pick them up, she’d pick up a rattlesnake. We all talked about it later and thought it was because she came from a town in Alabama that was rife with snake handling fundamentalists.” If you’ve read any of Conroy, you know that his mother’s favorite book of all time was Gone with the Wind, and her great love of the book had a profound influence on his life. He was invited by Margaret Mitchell’s heirs to write a sequel but the negotiations and conditions imposed proved too overwhelming and stringent. Because that book had such an impact on him, I wanted to know if he was disappointed that he didn’t get to write the sequel. Did he have a strategy for Rhett? With a sigh, Pat replied, “I couldn’t deal with what they wanted. I wanted to write it because I wanted to dedicate it to my mother. I had some good ideas; it would have been the autobiography of Rhett Butler. I had a plan for Rhett - he was from Charleston, he would have gone to the Citadel.” Pat, I asked, in Why I Write, you say “My well-used dictionaries and thesauri sing out to me when I write, and all English words are the plainsong of my many-tongued, longwinded ancestors who spoke before me.” I was tickled to see you used “meretricious” twice in Beach Music; are you still a thesaurus user, or after your keeping long lists of words, is your vocabulary now sufficient unto itself? Pat handed me one of the brown, well worn, leather bound journals that tie with a string of rawhide, and on the left hand pages were penned, in brown ink, lists of unusual words written in beautiful, and very tiny, script. He told me, “Sure I still use it, and I keep notebooks. I make a list down the side of the page so the words can inspire me. Language fires me up.” When friends heard I was going to write this story, they asked if I could incorporate some of their questions and Pat was gracious enough to field them. Susan: I’d ask him how he finds the courage to be so raw and revealing in his writing. Pat: “It was an accident at first, I didn’t realize how many people would be hurt. When I wrote The Boo, it was the The Citadel, they banned the book. The Water is Wide hurt the city of Beaufort. The Great Santini hurt my entire family. But if I didn’t tell the truth the way I saw it, I wasn’t worth anything as a writer.” Cindy: If you hadn’t found literature, what do you think would have become of your life? Pat: “I loved teaching. One of the two years I’ve never written about were the two years I taught at Beaufort High School. I don’t think I was a very good teacher, but I loved teaching. I think I would have gotten good at it, but after Daufuskie no one would hire me to teach so it was a good thing that I liked writing.” Pierce: Ask him how he came up with the off-the-wall idea of putting a tiger in The Prince of Tides. Pat: “Happy the Tiger was in a cage at a gas station in Columbia, SC; I went there to get gas so I could see him. If you bought gas, you got a free car wash and while the car was being washed, you got to throw a chicken neck to the tiger. He was mean as hell,
“My well-used dictionaries and thesauri sing out to me when I write, and all English words are the plainsong of my many-tongued, long-winded ancestors who spoke before me.” - Pat Conroy, Why I Write he probably didn’t like being in a cage outside in the hot South Carolina sun. They eventually built the zoo in Columbia so that tiger had a place to go. “I was living in Rome, the story was in trouble, it had rapists and murderers and I didn’t know what to do with them. I was out to dinner one night when I saw a woman in the restaurant and half of her arm was missing. So I asked her what happened. She had seen a man abusing a tiger at the zoo and wanted to help so she stepped in, and the tiger ripped her arm off. I thought to myself, well I have a tiger in a barn back there, so that’s how he came into the story.” Steve: How do you know when the end of a story has come, and have any of your characters wanted a sequel? Pat: “I can feel it coming. In my stories people have been through hell and back; it’s time to let them go off into their fictional world. “When I wrote The Great Santini, I planned to have Ben Meecham be the main character in The Lords of Discipline, then to have Ben go through his life as the main character of several of the books, but after the movie was made, Hollywood would have
owned rights to all those books if Ben was part of them. So I had to change my plan, but it loosened me up.” Elizabeth: How do you know where to start a book? Pat: “Usually I don’t. Usually it is fizzling around and it starts with the prologue. When I’m finished with the prologue, I can begin in earnest on the novel. In The Great Santini it was - why did I hate my father? In The Lords of Discipline - why I hated the plebe system. In The Prince of Tides - why did my sister go crazy?” After our lovely afternoon I just hugged Pat Conroy, I wanted to thank him with all my heart for all he’s done for literature and the truest art of story telling. Not only are his books exquisite in their mastery, but they have followed the course of his amazing life. I’m hard pressed to choose between the great descriptive language in his novels, and the stories themselves in the collections. If you’ve missed reading any of them, get yourselves to the Pat Conroy at 70 festival, say hello to Pat, buy several of the many author’s books and get them signed! www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | October/November 2015
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www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | October/November 2015
story by mary CELEBRATING ellen thompson photos and artwork provided by USCB OF TITLES A LITERARY FESTIVAL SOUTH CAROLINA’S PRINCE
claims Pat Conroy as one of its own. It doesn’t did I do this? If they sing Happy Birthday to me it O eaufort C Tthat Ohe wasn’t B Eborn Rhere,2doesn’t 9 - 3matter 1 ,that 2 0 Pat: 1 be5“Why |biggest B Enightmare! A U I’m FO RbyThow, fastStime Cgoes matter will my stunned
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school. He got here, went away and came back; Pat and of time. He thought I would want to hear it while I still could. 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. 10:00–11:00 a.m.only writer who Beaufort go hand in hand. As writers, Faulkner and Wolfe inspire me; the USCB Lunch with Authors Series featuring Daufuskie Island Tour, featuring Sallie Ann Robinson. Pat Conroy as Student and Teacher featuring PatRon has written, “My longing for home was as powerful as fire doesn’t inspire me is Bernie Schein. He doesn’t inspire me; in fact Rash at the Hampton Hall Club, Bluffton Seating is limited. Information and ticketing through Sallie Ann Robinson, Valerie Sayers, Bernie Schein, $42 per person at twenty-three different addresses Historic Beaufort Foundation: in my bloodstream. I lived as he nauseates me. I’m colorand blind so I’ve had to listen when people John Warley, moderated by Ellen Malphrus www.historicbeaufort.org • 843-379-3331 $10 per sunset’s person my father moved from base to base...My mother said, ‘From what describe colors to me. Bernie will say ‘The beautiful but 4:00–6:00 p.m. I understand, Beaufort, South Carolina, is a perfectly charming can’t see it.’ Or he’ll tell people11:15 thata.m.–12:15 I can only see things in 9:00–10:00 a.m.you (FREE) The Great Santini Film Screening p.m. Considering Inheritances $55 for the entire evening town, Pat. I know you hate all this moving, but this mightConroy, be a Panel I: Legacies blackandand white.” Poetry Reading featuring Jonathan Galassi, featuring Jan Nordby Gretlund, Ellen Malphrus, John Lane, and Marjory Wentworth, place you can call home.’” and Daniel Cross Turner, moderated by Walter Edgar 6:00–7:00 p.m. introduced by Ellen Malphrus “I don’t have a home, Mom,” I answered. “I can’t have one. It’s BL: Does Bernie get fair payback for $10 what you say about him? Conroy on Film panel discussion featuring Pat Conroy, Blythe per person 10:10–11:10 a.m. (FREE) tooDanner, late.”and Michael O'Keefe, moderated by Mark Shaffer Considering Conroy, Panel II: Contexts and Connections “It’s not too late. ...It’ll take some work on your part, son,” “Oh yes, he’s much better at 12:15–1:30 it than Ip.m. am.(FREE) I remember when featuring Jamesshe A. Crank, Pat: Catherine Seltzer, 7:00–9:00 p.m. Book signing with panelists and and Hans H. Skei, moderated by Robert H. Brinkmeyer Jr. said. “You’ve gotand tobook earn a hometown.” Bernie had pimples. In fact, he looked better with pimples. It’s Opening reception signing with Pat Conroy, lunch break on your own co-sponsored by Beaufort Film Society “I took my mother’s advice to heart...In six months I found astonishing to me that I met him when we were at Beaufort High 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. (FREE) time for me, with The Authors Mary and Alice Monroe myself maddened with the love of this water-ringed Lunch town... we’veand been friends ever since. 1:30–2:30 It was ap.m. difficult Story River Books Panel with Katherine Clark, Patti Callahan Henry introduced by Cassandra town hadMORE an immaculate I enfolded I didn’t dealKing well with the twenty three moves that we’d made by FOR INFO | feel 8 4 3of . 5welcome 2 1 . 4 1 4 5to it, and Jonathan Hannah, and Maggie Schein, at Beaufort Holiday Inn & Suites (2225 Boundary St.) myself into its silky embrace. I have never looked back...So I set that time. Bernie has an odd takemoderated on things - I look for people like 801 Carteret Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 by Jonathan Haupt $42 per person www.uscbcenterforthearts.com claim on Beaufort, South Carolina, the first town in America I ever that.” 1:50–2:40 p.m. (FREE) 2:30–3:00 p.m. (FREE) www.patconroyat70.com called home.” Pat Conroy Exhibition Gallery Talk with curator Book signing with the panelists Many of Pat’s family, friends and fellow authors willCrouch descend Bernie Schein: “Conroy at 70? Amazing. We all thought he’d Jessica at the Historic Beaufort Foundation’s 3:00–4:00 p.m. (FREE) St.) by now. That man’s liver has into Beaufort for this wonderful Pat Conroy at 70 festivalVerdier whenHouse (801beBaydead processed more liquor than Story River Books Panel with Eric Morris, everyone can not only glimpse into Pat’s world, but also enjoy3:00–4:00 an Bill’s Liquor Store on Lady’sMark Island. heMark expends so much p.m. Powell,Plus, and John Sibley-Jones, Editors Agent Roundtable Jonathan Galassi, by Jonathan amazing a whole host ofand literary and featuring energy in just mere conversationmoderated it’s a wonder heHaupt hasn’t keeled A L Lopportunity W E E K EtoNparticipate D PA S Sin$200 Marly Rusoff, and Nan Talese, moderated by Catherine Seltzer (Excludes the Daufuskie Island Tour & Birthday Party) social events. over from exhaustion. The bad news is that he’s still with us, 4:00–4:30 p.m. (FREE) $10 per person The festival kicks off with a luncheon with authors, and then somehow reborn, alive and kicking energy, glowing Book with signing as withmuch the panelists T high H U gear R S DAY PA S S of$55 4:10–5:45 p.m. ramps into with a showing the film, The Great health, imagination, and bad humor as when he was a kid making (Excludes the Lunch with Authors) 4:30–5:30 p.m. (FREE) Authors and Artists Roundtable featuring Jonathan Green, Santini, followed by a panel discussion featuring Pat, Blythe layups Beaufort HisRiver rebirth andwith renewal is just Books Panel Pam Durban, Johnnothing Lane, Patti Callahan Henry, Wendell Minor, Maryat Alice Monroe, High.Story andfeel Ellengreat Malphrus, moderated by Jonathan and Ron Rash, moderated by Ellen Malphrus F R I DAY PA S S $35by Mark Shaffer. Danner and Michael O’Keefe, moderated Other short of amazing. I used to around him. Now IHaupt feel like $10 per person (Excludes Daufuskie Island & Lunch with Authors) events include: roundtable and panel discussions, book signings an old man, waiting for the next nap. Pisses off.” 5:30–6:00 p.m.me (FREE) Book signing with the panelists and a poetry reading. 5:15–6:00 p.m. (FREE) S AT U R DAY PA S S $35 Book signing with panelists Presenters during the (Excludes festivalBirthday include Pat’s wife, Cassandra Those two are famous for conversations like that, so who can Party) 6:00–7:30 p.m. King, lots of other authors we all love, and people from Story 5:45–6:45 p.m. even predict what turns panel discussions will Pat Conroy in Conversation withtake? Catherine Seltzer Family Roundtable featuring Jim Conroy, $20 per person River Books where Pat is now an editor. The usualConroy cast of Melissa Conroy, Mike Conroy, Tim Conroy, Kathy Harvey, All events are ticketed and held at the Conroy’s characters andBeaufort friends will including Maggie Schein weighs in: “The festival is, despite the fact that University of South Carolina Center formake the Arts appearances, 7:30–10:30 p.m. and Cassandra King, moderated by Walter Edgar (805 Carteret St.,Bernie Beaufort, Schein, SC) unless otherwise his dear friend and hisnoted. daughter, Maggie, who $20 is per person I am a confirmed hermit, actually exciting. In part, confess, that Pat Conroy's Birthday Party atIthe you to our sponsors, partners, and presenters, Beaufort History Museum (713 Craven St.)booming, Pat’sThank assistant. is because I forget that Pat is PAT CONROY (said in big without whom the festival would not be possible. 6:45–8:00 p.m. (FREE) Information and ticketing through movie phone guy, voice). This makes me kind of feel a little weird Please visit our festival website for a complete listing. Book signing with panelists and Pat Conroy www.beauforthistorymuseum.com • 843-379-3079 www.patconroyat70.com Beaufort Lifestyle: Are you looking forward to the upcoming that I’ve seen him in his skivvies and that I bust into his house birthday and festival events? with or without permission. Another part is that I know, deep down, under those layers of graciousness, under the armor of SPONSORED BY
14 October/November 2015 | Beaufort Lifestyle
bravado, this will be a celebration of him that he will cherish-secretly, and I will have fun making fun of him for it--but he will cherish every gesture of love. Yet a third part is that I get to be part of it (and perhaps have an excuse to buy a new shirt)...not just because I am published by his imprint (he wrote the forward to my book far before it was taken up by Story River Books), but because he is part of my life.” About the motivation for her book, Lost Cantos of the Ouroboros Caves, Maggie tells us: “No matter what our faith, how devoted we are to reason, with how much devotion we claim atheism or science or the absurd, for most of us, I think, behind our convictions is a trick wall behind which houses a darkroom where we keep our secret questions, our treasured wonders, mysteries, and that is where they develop, get hung on a wire to fix, whether or not we tend to them. It is where the wonders of
childhood hide in the cross-hatched shadows of our adulthood, and continue to grow, despite our efforts at certainty. These stories came from my darkroom, and, I will be honest, from me peeking in to the darkrooms that belonged to others—sometimes invited, and sometimes out of sheer presumption.” As you can see, there is every reason to attend this festival, and no reason to miss it. Although the majority of the festival events will be held at USCB, there are some other venues, and the Beaufort History Museum is the site of the festive and final event - the birthday party! The celebration will be a Lowcountry affair, catered by Roland Washington who walked into Beaufort High School in The Water is Wide, and music by Horizon. Hope to see everyone there! For more information: www. patconroyat70.com
www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | October/November 2015
O C T O B E R 2 9 - 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 | B E A U F O RT, S C
T H U R S D AY, 1 0 / 2 9 / 1 5
F R I D AY, 1 0 / 3 0 / 1 5
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Daufuskie Island Tour, featuring Sallie Ann Robinson. Seating is limited. Information and ticketing through Historic Beaufort Foundation: www.historicbeaufort.org • 843-379-3331 8:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
USCB Lunch with Authors10/29/15 Series featuring THURSDAY, Ron Rash at the Hampton Hall Club, Bluffton
FRIDAY, 10/30/15
$42 per person
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. 4:00–6:00 p.m. USCB Lunch with Authors Series featuring The Great Santini Film Screening Ron Rash$55atforthe Hampton the entire eveningHall Club, Bluffton $42 per person
6:00–7:00 p.m. Conroy on Film panel discussion featuring Pat Conroy, Blythe Danner, and Michael O'Keefe, moderated 4:00–6:00 p.m. by Mark Shaffer
The Great Santini Film Screening $55 for the 7:00–9:00 p.m. entire evening Opening reception and book signing with Pat Conroy, co-sponsored by Beaufort Film Society
6:00–7:00 p.m. FORon MORE INFO | 8 4 3 . 5featuring 2 1 . 4 1 4 Pat 5 Conroy Film panel discussion 801 Carteret Street, and Beaufort, SCO’Keefe, 29902 Conroy, Blythe Danner, Michael www.uscbcenterforthearts.com moderated by Mark Shaffer www.patconroyat70.com 7:00–9:00 p.m. Opening reception and book signing with Pat Conroy, co-sponsored by Beaufort Film ALL WEEK E N D PA S S $200 Society (Excludes the Daufuskie Island Tour & Birthday Party)
(Excludes the Lunch with Authors)
(Excludes Daufuskie Island & Lunch with Authors)
(Excludes Birthday Party)
All events are ticketed and held at the University of South Carolina Beaufort Center for the Arts (805 Carteret St., Beaufort, SC) unless otherwise noted. Thank you to our sponsors, partners, and presenters, without whom the festival would not be possible. Please visit our festival website for a complete listing.
Daufuskie Island Tour, Sallie Ann 9:00–10:00 a.m. featuring (FREE) Considering Conroy, Panelis I: Legacies andInformation Inheritances Robinson. Seating limited. featuring Jan Nordby Gretlund, Ellen Malphrus, and ticketing through Historic Beaufort and Daniel Cross Turner, moderated by Walter Edgar Foundation: www.historicbeaufort.org • 84310:10–11:10 a.m. (FREE) 379-3331 Considering Conroy, Panel II: Contexts and Connections featuring James A. Crank, Catherine Seltzer, and Hans H. 9:00–10:00 Skei, moderated by Robert H. Brinkmeyer Jr. a.m. (FREE)
Considering11:30 Conroy, Panel a.m.–1:30 p.m.I: Legacies and Lunch withfeaturing Authors Mary Alice Monroe and Inheritances Jan Nordby Gretlund, Patti Callahan Henry introduced by Cassandra King Ellen Malphrus, and Daniel Cross Turner, at Beaufort Holiday Inn & Suites (2225 Boundary St.) $42 per moderated byperson Walter Edgar 10:10–11:10 (FREE) 1:50–2:40 p.m.a.m. (FREE) Pat Conroy Exhibition Gallery Talk with Considering Conroy, Panel II: curator Contexts Jessica Crouch at the Historic Beaufort Foundation’s and Connections featuring James A. Crank, Verdier House (801 Bay St.) Catherine Seltzer, 3:00–4:00 p.m. and Hans H. Skei, moderated by Robert H. Editors and Agent Roundtable featuring Jonathan Galassi, Brinkmeyer Marly Rusoff, and Nan Talese, moderatedJr. by Catherine Seltzer $10 per person
4:10–5:45 p.m. p.m. 11:30 a.m.–1:30 Authors and Artists Roundtable featuring Jonathan Green, Lunch with Authors Mary Alice Monroe and Patti Callahan Henry, Wendell Minor, Mary Alice Monroe, Patti Callahan Henry introduced by Cassandra and Ron Rash, moderated by Ellen Malphrus per personInn & Suites (2225 King at Beaufort$10Holiday Boundary St.) $42 per person 5:15–6:00 p.m. (FREE) Book signing with panelists
1:50–2:40 p.m. 5:45–6:45 p.m. (FREE) Conroy Family Exhibition Roundtable featuring Jim Conroy, Pat Conroy Gallery Talk with Melissa Conroy, Mike Conroy, Tim Conroy, Kathy Harvey, curator Jessica Crouch at the Historic Beaufort and Cassandra King, moderated by Walter Edgar $20 per person Foundation’s Verdier House (801 Bay St.)
16 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
6:45–8:00 p.m. (FREE) Book signing with panelists and Pat Conroy
S A T U R D AY, 1 0 / 3 1 / 1 5 10:00–11:00 a.m. 3:00–4:00 p.m. Pat Conroy as Student and Teacher featuring Editors and Agent featuring Sallie Ann Robinson, ValerieRoundtable Sayers, Bernie Schein, and John Warley, moderated by Ellen Malphrus Jonathan Galassi, Marly Rusoff, and Nan $10 per person
Talese, moderated by Catherine Seltzer $10 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. per person Poetry Reading featuring Jonathan Galassi, John Lane, and Marjory Wentworth, 4:10–5:45 p.m. introduced by Ellen Malphrus per person Authors and $10 Artists Roundtable featuring
Jonathan Green,p.m. Patti Callahan Henry, 12:15–1:30 (FREE) Book signing with panelists and Wendell Minor, Mary Alice Monroe, and Ron lunch break on your own Rash, moderated by Ellen Malphrus $10p.m. per (FREE) person 1:30–2:30 Story River Books Panel with Katherine Clark, Jonathan Hannah, and Maggie Schein, 5:15–6:00 p.m.Haupt (FREE) moderated by Jonathan
Book signing with panelists
2:30–3:00 p.m. (FREE) Book signing with the panelists
5:45–6:45 p.m. 3:00–4:00 p.m. (FREE) Conroy Family Roundtable featuring Jim Story River Books Panel with Eric Morris, Conroy, Melissa Conroy, Tim Mark Powell, andConroy, John Mark Mike Sibley-Jones, by Jonathan Haupt Conroy, moderated Kathy Harvey, and Cassandra King, 4:00–4:30 p.m. moderated by (FREE) Walter Edgar Book signing panelists $20with pertheperson 4:30–5:30 p.m. (FREE) Story River Books Panel with Pam Durban, John Lane, 6:45–8:00 p.m. (FREE) and Ellen Malphrus, moderated by Jonathan Haupt
Book signing with panelists and Pat Conroy 5:30–6:00 p.m. (FREE) Book signing with the panelists
6:00–7:30 p.m. Pat Conroy in Conversation with Catherine Seltzer $20 per person 7:30–10:30 p.m. Pat Conroy's Birthday Party at the Beaufort History Museum (713 Craven St.) Information and ticketing through www.beauforthistorymuseum.com • 843-379-3079
and Daniel Cross Turner, moderated by Walter Edgar 10:10–11:10 a.m. (FREE) SATURDAY, 10/31/15
3:00–4:00 p.m. (FREE) StoryConnections River Books Panel with Eric Considering Conroy, Panel II: Contexts and Morris, Mark Powell, and John Mark featuring James A. Crank, Catherine Seltzer, 10:00–11:00 a.m. Sibley-Jones, moderated by Jonathan Pat Conroy Student and Teacher and Hans H.asSkei, moderated by Robert H. Brinkmeyer Jr. Haupt featuring Sallie Ann Robinson, Valerie
www.uscbcenterforthearts.com introduced by Ellen Malphrus www.patconroyat70.com $10 per person
12:15–1:30 p.m. (FREE) Book signing with panelists and break onK your own A Llunch L W EE EN D PA S S $200
Ed Mar
OCTOBER 29-31, 2015|B
(Excludes the Daufuskie Island Tour & Birthday Party) a.m.–1:30 Sayers, Bernie Schein,11:30 and John Warley, p.m. 4:00–4:30 p.m. (FREE) 1:30–2:30 p.m. (FREE) Lunch withMalphrus Authors $10 Mary moderated by Ellen perAlice Monroe and TH U Rwith S DAY PA S S $55 Book signing Panel Katherine Clark, person Patti Callahan Henry introduced by Cassandra King with the panelists Story River Books (Excludes the Lunch with Authors)
at Beaufort Holiday Inn & Suites (2225 Boundary St.) 4:30–5:30 p.m. (FREE) 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. $42 per person
T H U R S D AY, 1 0 / 2 9 / 1 5
Story River Books Panel with Pam Poetry Reading featuring Jonathan Galassi, John Lane, and Marjory 1:50–2:40 p.m. (FREE) Durban, John Lane, and Ellen 11:30 a.m.–1:30 Malphrus, p.m. moderated by Jonathan Wentworth, introduced by Ellen Pat Conroy Exhibition Gallery Talk with curator Haupt Lunch with Authors featuring Malphrus Jessica USCB Crouch at the Historic BeaufortSeries Foundation’s $10Rash per person Ron at the Hampton Bluffton Verdier House (801 BayHall St.) Club, 5:30–6:00 p.m. (FREE) $42 per personBook signing with the panelists 12:15–1:30 p.m. (FREE)
3:00–4:00 p.m.
Book signing panelists and lunch Editors andwith Agent Roundtable featuring Jonathan 6:00–7:30 Galassi, p.m. break on your own4:00–6:00 p.m. Marly Rusoff, and Nan Talese, moderated byPat Catherine Seltzer Conroy in Conversation with The Great Santini Film Screening $10 per person Catherine Seltzer $55 for the entire evening $20 per person 1:30–2:30 p.m. (FREE)
4:10–5:45 p.m.
Jonathan Hannah, and Maggie Schein, moderated by F Jonathan HauptPA S S R I DAY
Aut Pat
F (Excludes R I Daufuskie D A Island Y , & Lunch 1 0with/Authors) 3$350 / 1 5
2:30–3:00 p.m.8:30 (FREE) a.m.–1:30 p.m. S ATwith UR Book signing theDAY panelistsPA S S $35
Daufuskie Island Tour, (Excludes featuring Sallie Ann Robin Birthday Party) Seating is limited. Information and ticketing thro 3:00–4:00 p.m. (FREE) Historic Foundation: Story River Books Panel withBeaufort Eric Morris, Me All events are ticketed and held at the Mark University Powell, and John Mark Sibley-Jones, www.historicbeaufort.org • for 843-379-3331 of South Carolina Beaufort Center the Arts moderated Haupt (805 Carteretby St.,Jonathan Beaufort, SC) unless otherwise noted.
Thank you to our sponsors, partners, and presenters, 9:00–10:00 (FREE) without whom thep.m. festival would nota.m. be possible. 4:00–4:30 (FREE) Please visit our festival website for a I: complete listing. Considering Conroy, Panel Legacies and
Inherita featuring Jan Nordby Gretlund, Ellen Malphru p.m. (FREE) and4:30–5:30 Daniel Cross Turner, moderated by Walter E Book signing with the panelists www.patconroyat70.com
Story River Books Panel with Katherine Authors and Artists Roundtable featuring Jonathan Green, p.m. 7:30–10:30 6:00–7:00 Clark, Jonathan Hannah, and Maggie p.m. John Lane, Patti Callahan Henry, Wendell Minor, Mary Pat Alice Conroy’s BirthdayBlythe Party at Story the River Books Panel with Pam Durban, SPONSORED Conroy on Film discussion PatMonroe, Conroy, Schein, moderated bypanel Jonathan Haupt featuring and Ellen Malphrus, moderated by Jonathan and Ron Rash, moderated by Ellen Malphrus Beaufort History Museum (713 Craven 10:10–11:10 a.m.Haupt (FREE)BY Danner, and Michael O'Keefe, moderated by Mark Shaffer $10 per person St.) Information and ticketing through Considering Conroy, Panel II: Contexts and Conne 5:30–6:00 p.m. (FREE) www.beauforthistorymuseum.com • 2:30–3:00 p.m. (FREE) James A. Crank, Catherine Seltzer, Bookfeaturing signing with the panelists 5:15–6:00 p.m. (FREE) 7:00–9:00 p.m. 843-379-3079 Book signing with the panelists
Book signing panelists Opening reception andwith book signing with Pat Conroy, co-sponsored by Beaufort Film Society 5:45–6:45 p.m.
Conroy Family Roundtable featuring Jim Conroy, Melissa Conroy, Mike Conroy, Tim Conroy, Kathy Harvey, FOR MORE INFO by|Walter 8 4 3Edgar .521.4145 and Cassandra King, moderated $20Street, per person Beaufort, SC 29902 801 Carteret
www.uscbcenterforthearts.com 6:45–8:00 p.m. (FREE) Book signing with panelists and Pat Conroy www.patconroyat70.com
(Excludes the Daufuskie Island Tour & Birthday Party)
(Excludes the Lunch with Authors)
(Excludes Daufuskie Island & Lunch with Authors)
(Excludes Birthday Party)
All events are ticketed and held at the
and Hans H. Skei, moderated by Robert H. Brinkme
6:00–7:30 p.m. a.m.–1:30 p.m. Pat Conroy in Conversation11:30 with Catherine Seltzer $20 per person Lunch with Authors Mary Alice Monroe and
Patti Callahan Henry introduced by Cassandra K 7:30–10:30 p.m.Inn & Suites (2225 Boundary at Beaufort Holiday Friends of the University of South Pat Conroy's Birthday Party at theCarolina Press $42 per person Beaufort History Museum (713 Craven St.)
The Harriet and Herbert Keyserling Endowment Information and ticketing through of the Coastal Communityp.m. Foundation 1:50–2:40 (FREE) www.beauforthistorymuseum.com • 843-379-3079
Pat Conroy Exhibition Gallery Talk with curato Jessica Crouch at the Historic Beaufort Foundati Verdier House (801 Bay St.)
3:00–4:00 p.m. Editors and Agent Roundtable featuring Jonathan Ga Marly Rusoff, and Nan Talese, moderated by Catherine $10 per person
4:10–5:45 p.m. Authors and Artists Roundtable featuring Jonathan Patti Callahan Henry, Wendell Minor, Mary Alice M and Ron Rash, moderated by Ellen Malphrus $10 per person 5:15–6:00 p.m. (FREE) Book signing with panelists
5:45–6:45 p.m. Conroy Family Roundtable featuring Jim Conro Melissa Conroy, Mike Conroy, Tim Conroy, Kathy H
November 13th-14th, 2015 (Reception Friday 13th, 6-9PM)
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18 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
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story by cindy reid
photography by paul nurnberg
aroline Fermin, (Lieutenant Colonel, USMC, Retired ) exemplifies the motto “Once a Marine, always a Marine” through her active duty service and now in her position as Executive Director of the Parris Island Historical and Museum Society, located at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island. Also ‘once a Beaufortonian, always a Beaufortonian,” Caroline has come full circle from her days as a Laurel Bay teenager. On choosing to move here after her military retirement she says, “Although Beaufort has grown immensely, it has not lost the quaintness of a small town. It still has the charm, and the people are very gracious so it is not surprising that it has won so many accolades. I have been to some of world’s most beautiful places, but the beauty here is indescribable. And it is home.” Beaufort became home when Caroline’s father, Jim Fermin, who served twenty seven years in the Navy as a Medical Service Corps Officer, was stationed at MCAS Beaufort in 1979. He would go on to serve at Naval Hospital Beaufort and retired at MCRD Parris Island in 1985. After graduating from Battery Creek High School, Caroline attended the University of South Carolina, first in Beaufort and then in Columbia, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She says, “I found psychology really interesting and I wanted to ‘help hurt people’, by becoming a counsellor or therapist.” But after working in the field Caroline decided it wasn’t a perfect fit for her and so she decided to apply her talents in a new endeavour. Corps and Country Revisiting her desire to serve her country, Caroline waited three years through a USMC recruitment backlog, ultimately joining the USMC in 1988. She was chosen from a highly competitive field to attend the thirteen-week Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Quantico, VA. Being older than her OCS peers was actually a help, because as Caroline says, “I had already had my partying out of
20 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
my system, so when my peers were headed to DC for the weekend, I stayed in the squad bay -- starching utilities, spit shining boots and getting ready for the coming week.” While making a decision as to what she would concentrate on in her military career, Caroline’s brother Ralph (also a Marine, now retired) asked her a simple but profound question. Did she want to use her time in the Marines to prepare herself for a job after her service or did she want to “lead Marines.” Caroline says her immediate answer was “Yes I want to lead Marines!” and she chose to concentrate on the field of communications. Her first duty station was in Okinawa, Japan, where she had previously spent two years as a Program Director for the University of Maryland. When she arrived as a Marine she thought “This is it- and I love it! Due to my time there with the University of Maryland, I was already acclimated to the culture of the country and so was able to hit the ground running. I was ready to be part of a whole.” Caroline served as a communications officer and adjutant in duty stations at the U.S. Marine Forces Pacific, in Hawaii; at the Marine Corps Recruiting Command, Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, DC; and the U.S. Central Command in Florida. While serving she continually obtained higher education, achieving a Masters in Economics from Johns Hopkins University; a Masters in Military Studies from the Marine Corps Command and Staff College; and a Masters of Strategic Studies from the Marine Corps War College. While still active duty Caroline married a fellow Marine and started a family. After the birth of her twin sons, she says, “Everyone thought once I had my twins I would get out, but I stayed in. In fact, three days after the twins were born I started my last semester for my masters in economics program. The boys were born on January 4 and I was physically in class on January 6.” Having a strong family and faith sustained Caroline when she found herself a single parent after her husband left when the boys were only three years old. She says, “I
www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | October/November 2015
could not have stayed in the Marines after my husband left if it wasn’t for my mother and very best friend, Deb. They would come stay with the boys; fly to whereever we were, at a moment’s notice. I have been so very blessed by their help over the years, they made so much possible.” However, a spinal injury, reinjured when her car was rear ended in 2010, resulted in a ten level spine discetomy/fusion and after eleven surgeries, medical retirement from the Marines became an unwelcome reality. “It was my time,” Caroline says of her retirement. “I relied on my faith to show me the next step”. After her retirement from the Marines, Caroline and sons Caelan and Logan, moved back home to Beaufort. Although her spinal injuries are severe enough to classify her as 100% disabled, Caroline wanted to continue working and contributing to her community. “Esprit de Corps” The “spirit” of a unit. This spirit is commonly reflected by all members. It implies devotion and loyalty to the Marine Corps, with deep regard for history, traditions and honor. A conversation with a fellow retired Marine at the Beaufort public library led to her current position as the first Executive Director of the Parris Island Historical and Museum Society. She says, “I knew this was the perfect job for me, but I was very nervous during the interview process because I had never done anything like this before. Once I accepted the position I enrolled in a master’s program for non profit management because I wanted to possess the tools to be successful, the saying ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’ it is particularly true in this field. “She
22 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
continues, “I really love this job, the Board of Directors has been extremely supportive of me, and the museum is a treasure. It is an extremely busy and exciting time as we celebrate the centennial anniversary of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island.” Looking around the museum, Caroline says “I love the Marine Corps. It is such a unique organization, very mission orientated, very deliberate and very focused.” She continues, “The camaraderie, the brotherhood, the talented leaders. I feel privileged to be in this position. ” Faith, Family and Football Caroline says, “I am very devout Catholic, and I really do believe things happen for a reason. My retirement brought me back home. My parents live next door and my three brothers live here in Beaufort too. Once a week we all get together, and that’s 23 of us, for a family dinner. We celebrate everything, from the big things to the minor accomplishments!” Her faith is central to her life and Caroline says “I teach religious education classes (CCD) and am very involved in my church, St. Peter’s Catholic Church.” She is an avid Gamecock fan (season ticket holder), and loves spending time with the newest addition to the family, her 18 month old grandson Matthew. “I always knew I wanted to serve my country. I wasn’t entirely sold on a career, because I also wanted to get married and have children. I thought I would go to college, have a career and then get married and have a family.” Caroline smiles, “But life worked out a little differently for me, I had a wonderful twenty five year career in the Marine Corps, two amazing sons, a beautiful grandson and I am still working, now on a whole new career!”
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24 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
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Beaufort Lifestyle!
Become A Fan... Keep up with us between issues! We will be posting pictures and information from each magazine!
One Beaufort Town Center • 2015 Boundary Street, Suite 311 Beaufort, South Carolina 29902
(843) 379-8696 Beaufort Lifestyle is a publication of Independence Day Publishing, Inc.
www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | October/November 2015
Centennial Celebration of the Marine Corps
Recruit Depot, Parris Island D
story by cindy reid
photography by paul nurnberg
id you know over 100 million new Marines have been made right here at Parris island? On Nov. 1, 1915 the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island (MCRD) was designated as a Marine Corps recruit depot, and it has been the birthplace of new Marines ever since. It is the second oldest post in the entire Marine Corps and is the longest continually operating recruit training installation in the corps. The official centennial is November 1, as that is the first day the base’s mission changed from a detention center to a training depot for Marines. Events celebrating this historic milestone have been occurring since May and will culminate with a slate of activities on October 16 and 17, taking place at MCRD and in the town of Port Royal. Lowcountry residents are invited to help celebrate, along with the many former and active Marines expected to attend the festivities, as well as the new Marines and their families who will be here for the graduation ceremony for Charlie and Oscar Companies on Friday October 16. The graduation ceremony is also open to the public. Scheduled events include a 100th anniversary parade and a concert by the Marine Band stationed at 8th & I, the historic Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C. The Parris Island Historical Society will screen a new documentary film: We Make Marines, narrated by Emmy award winning actor Tom Berenger, in various locations, a must see for residents and retired and active duty Marines alike. “This exciting, commemorative, 56 minute documentary film
26 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
celebrates 100 years of Marine training on Parris Island, South Carolina. It provides the audience with a historical view of this great institution and highlights the impact that the Marines have on the well being and on the security of the United States. With the use of archival photographs, exclusive never been seen before film footage, current day interviews, and footage of certain elements of Marine training on Parris Island, this documentary film celebrates the exemplary physical, military and leadership training that has occurred on Parris Island from World War I to today. “We Make Marines” will provide viewers with an intimate look into what makes our Marines one of our nation’s most respected military services. Semper fidelis.” By Michael Kirk In addition two new displays at the Parris Island Museum will be dedicated October 16. The museum is free and open to the public, giving the visitor the opportunity to “Explore the long and rich legacy of the United States Marine Corps as well as the exciting history of the Port Royal region. Thousands of artifacts, images, and other materials illustrate the varied stories within the exhibit galleries from Native American to modern Marines.” http://www.parrisislandmuseum.com The Rededication of the “Iron Mike” statue and the “Drill Instructor” and “Molly Marine” monuments will also be taking place over the weekend. Visitors are welcome to tour the Charlesfort/Santa Elena National Historic Landmark located at MCRD, and museum and base tours will be offered throughout the two-day celebration. Events will be at the MCRD and also at Port Royal, and the public is welcome and encouraged to attend events at both locations.
Over 100 million new Marines have been made at Parris island in Beaufort, SC.
Beaufort Lifestyle | October/November
2015 27
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28 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
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The Frame Shop 930 14th Street (rear of Consign & Design on Paris Ave.) Port Royal, SC 29935 (843) 473-9193
Call Peg For Details (843) 379-8696
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w w w . o l d v i l l a g e p o r t r o ywww a l.B. eaufort c o mLifestyle.com | October/November 2015 29
30 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
n December 12, 2015 there will be wreaths laid at Beaufort National Cemetery to honor our veterans. This is done in conjunction with cemeteries throughout this great nation of ours. The US Military Vets Motorcycle Club, a National group of veterans from all branches of service, is charged with coordinating this event. There will be an escort from Jacksonboro that morning to the cemetery. The slogan is used, “They fought in it, We ride in it.” The ride honors the fallen, no matter what Mother Nature bestows upon the riders that day. The club meets up with other volunteers from Charleston and surrounding areas, and are given an escort by the Beaufort and Colleton County Sheriff’s Department into the cemetery. Once they arrive at the cemetery, they meet and greet everyone that has joined them for this occasion. The ceremony starts promptly at noon. After the ceremony, everyone joins in placing the wreaths on the headstones of the brothers and sisters. Each year they try to raise enough money to cover each
headstone in the cemetery, they have over 20,000 to cover. They take “Wreath Specific” from those who are unable to attend and carry out their request. They use the slogan of Wreaths Across America “REMEMBER, HONOR and TEACH” – Remember our fallen heroes, honor those who serve and teach our children about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families to preserve our freedom. In 2014, they placed 2527 wreaths, 300 more than the previous year. This was accomplished with the help of Beaufort Pepsico who gave them a place to unload and store the wreaths Wednesday before the ceremony. On Saturday morning, the wreath loaded Beaufort Pepsico truck, along with 300 motorcycles arrived at Beaufort National Cemetery to begin the wreath presentation and laying ceremony. Their goal is to cover the entire cemetery……….but THEY need your Help!!! Email waabeaufort@outlook.com for a donation form to sponsor one or more wreath.
www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | October/November 2015
PLACES TO VISIT IN Beaufort, Port Royal and the Sea Isands
HUNTING ISLAND photography by john wollwerth
Don’t grow up too quickly, lest you forget how much you love the beach. - Michelle Held There’s a campground, with 200 campsites, there’s the lighthouse, and then there’s the beach itself, five glorious miles of it. You can also check out the Nature Center, walk the marsh boardwalk to see the sunset, or bike (or walk) some eight miles of recently furbished trails. Take a swim, enjoy the sun, commune with nature, get away from it all. It’s no wonder Hunting Island is one of the most popular getaways in the South and one of South Carolina’s crown jewels.
34 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | October/November 2015
PARRIS ISLAND photography by paul nurnberg
Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don’t have that problem. - Ronald Reagan They make Marines on Parris Island. A lot of them. An estimated 20,000 recruits are turned into Marines each year at Parris Island, the site of boot camp since 1915. The Marine Corps and the Parris Island Historical and Museum Society are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the training base. Visitors are welcome to check out the Douglas Visitor’s Center, take the Iron Mike Tour and check out the Parris Island Museum. There’s also the Charlesfort-Santa Elena National Historic Landmark, Leatherneck Square and the Iwo Jima Monument. And if you time your visit right, you might be able to watch as young marines graduate from boot camp. But remember, it is a military base and its No. 1 mission is training marines, so go to http://www.mcrdpi.marines.mil for more information about getting on to Parris Island. 36 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | October/November 2015
DOWNTOWN photography by susan deloach
What is the city but the people? ~William Shakespeare Eclectic, engaging and friendly, Downtown Beaufort is a work of art. Sprawling, vibrant and beautiful, it’s a downtown made to get outside and walk around in, or take a carriage ride through. Dine at a restaurant, smell the salt water and enjoy the breeze at Waterfront Park. Shop and people watch on Bay Street. Admire the historic homes in Old Point and enjoy a place that has been on the National Register of Historic Places since 1969, with good reason.
38 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | June/July 2015
ST. HELENA ISLAND photography by paul nurnberg
To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter... to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird’s nest or a wildflower in spring — these are some of the rewards of the simple life. - John Burroughs St. Helena Island is famous for its lowcountry beauty and it’s important place in African-American Gullah culture. It inspired the kid’s TV show Gullah-Gullah Island, and it’s been inspiring adults for generations. The Penn Center, where freed slaves were taught to read and write as long ago as 1862, is now a community service center dedicated to preserving the island’s culture. Don’t miss the Chapel of Ease, visit the Lowcountry Store, eat at the Gullah Grub and check out Barefoot Farms.
40 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | June/July 2015
PORT ROYAL photography by susan deloach
I never ask God to give me anything; I only ask him to put me where things are. - Mexican Proverb Port Royal is where you can find your hearts content, whether it’s nature watching, fishing, shopping, dining or just hanging out in the Old Village. There’s history, too, and visitors can still see such sites as the Proclamation Tree, where on Christmas Day, 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation was read. The Sands Beach, Lowcountry Estuarium and Cypress Wetlands are a must for those who love coastal wildlife. It may be a small town, but it packs a big punch for visitors looking to sample the lowcountry lifestyle.
42 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | October/November 2015
LIFE ON THE WATER photography by john wollwerth
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. - Loren Eiseley There’s a majesty and a mystery to salt water. We live on it, we swim it it, we earn our living from it. We breathe in its very essence. It’s in our blood, and always will be, and it makes us whole. Beaufort is at its heart a maritime town. Beaufort’s people are in their heart maritime people. At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about. Life on the water.
44 June/July 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | June/July 2015
dining guide 1635 On The Avenue 1635 Paris Avenue Port Royal, SC (843) 379-0607 Breakwater Restaurant and Bar 102 Carteret Street, Suite 102, Beaufort SC 29902 (843) 379-0052 www.breakwatersc.com Lazy Susan’s Cafe & Creperie 31A Market Street Habersham, SC 29906 (843) 466-0735 www.lazysusanscafe.com
Luther’s Rare and Well Done 910 Bay Street Beaufort,SC 29902 843-521-1888 www.luthersrareandwelldone.com Sea Eagle Market 2242 Boundary Street, Beaufort, SC. (843) 521-5090 www.seaeaglemarket.com SMOKIN’ PLANKS BBQ AND SMOKEHOUSE 914 Paris Avenue, Port Royal, SC (843) 522-0322 www.smokinplanks.com
Serving The Best Steaks, Ribs & Chops In Town.
Where The Locals Go... Casual Dining With A Beautiful Waterfront Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials
910 Bay Street, Beaufort, SC
1635 On The Avenue
Open 7 Days A Week 11:00 AM - 2 AM
46 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
To Advertise in the dining guide, or to find out how to get your restaurant, pub or bar listed please call Julie at (912)657-4120 or Peg at (937) 763-3140.
dining guide Lazy Susan’s
Breakwater Restaurant and Bar
Smokin’ Planks BBQ and Smokehouse
1635 Paris Avenue Port Royal, South Carolina (843) 379-0607 Reservations Encouraged Lunch: Tuesday-Friday 11-2 Dinner: Thursday-Saturday 5 until... www.BeaufortLifestyle.com | October/November 2015
A Special
Thanks to the
Reaves Family
Thanks to the Reaves family of Sea Eagle Market for all the help you have given Beaufort Lifestyle. We appreciate your generosity and kindness - and most of all - your friendship. Thanks you so much for the use of your boats to make some of our stories happen.
48 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
Things You Want To Know About
Your Local
Things You Want To Know About SUSAN DELOACH PHOTOGRAPHY 1. I am a professional and pride myself on being one. I regularly attend seminars and workshops to hone my skills so that my customers receive the highest quality of photographs possible. 2. I do all kinds of portraits..... senior, family, events.....whatever my clients need. But, I do specialize in wedding photography. That’s my passion. 3. I am also a certified wedding planner. Getting this designation has enabled me to be a better source for my brides and understand fully what I need to do to make sure their wedding day is captured in the best way possible. 4. I love working with my clients. If someone chooses me to be their photographer, I make it a point to listen to their ideas, and then offer my own. Generally, we work together and the end result is beautiful pictures and happy people. I consider it a privilege to document their lives. 5. I take photos for events around town and am honored to say I have been the official photographer of the Beaufort International Film Festival for the last 3 years. I am a Beaufortonian. Living in the area my entire life enables me to know the best places for photo shoots. This gives my clients the perfect places and capture the perfect moments.
Susan DeLoach, Owner 918 Royal Street Port Royal, SC 29935 (843) 479-1646 www.susandeloachphotography.com 50 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
Things You Want To Know About RAMBLIN ENTERTAINMENT 1. Ramblin Entertainment’s DJ team has the latest music including Country, Beach, Oldies, Rock, R&B, Dance, Shag, Swing, Big Band, Hip Hop and Rap! 2. From the smallest back yard party to a full blown convention, Ramblin Entertainment has state-of-the-art equipment to make your event an exciting success! 3. For the meticulous bride and groom who want to relax and have fun at their wedding, place your ceremony in the hands of a true Master of Ceremony, DJ Steve Curless. The Ramblin Entertainment DJ team can coordinate music, festivities, lighting and sound to create the perfect romantic wedding day! 4. If you are looking for the best DJ’s, just ask Clarence Carter, Billy Ray Cyrus, The Tams, The Drifters and Jimmy Buffett…they chose Ramblin Entertainment as their opening act! 5. With 27 years in the entertainment business, we work with YOU to create an event to remember! From cocktails to dinner to dancing, Ramblin Entertainment knows how to engage any crowd and we keep the dance floor hopping and the party lively! Ensure your party is the one everyone talks about by using the best entertainment…Ramblin Entertainment!
Steve Curless, Owner & DJ, Mardi Lambert, DJ PO Box 783 Beaufort, SC 29901 (843) 252-2710 www.ramblindj.com Beaufort Lifestyle | October/November
2015 51
Things You Want To Know About WOLLWERTH IMAGERY 1. I have been in business for over 10 years. 2. My specialty is wedding and portrait photography. I believe my biggest compliment is when a wedding client tells me I got great shots when they didn’t even realize I was there. 3. My work has been published in Coastal Living Magazine, the cover of the Washington Post, South Carolina Homes and Gardens, Period Homes, The Minneapolis Tribune, The Discovery Channel, Psychology Today to name a few. 4. It has been a privilege to travel all over the country, as well as to Africa and the Caribbean. I love capturing life as it is when visiting these places. 5. My photography style is non-traditional and photojournalistic.I take pride in my photography, not only for the client, but for myself, knowing I have done my best and given my clients a photograph that will enhance their memories of a special time in their life. My work appears locally in the Thibault Gallery in downtown Beaufort at 815 Bay Street.
John Wollwerth, Photographer
Wollwerth Imagery 52 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
1301 Harrington Street Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 252-3056 www.wollwerthimagery.com
Things You Want To Know About FRIENDS OF CAROLINE HOSPICE 1. Friends of Caroline Hospice, your local, non-profit hospice for 35 years, is committed to providing the highest quality end-of-life care to patients and their families. 2. FRIENDS will care for our patients wherever they call home and regardless of their ability to pay. We help our patients with safety from falls, medications, bathing, walkers, wheelchairs and connecting with their spirituality. 3. If your family or friends need help dealing with a terminal illness, whether it’s how to better take care of someone or how to cope with a loss, call us at 5256257 or stop by our quaint office located at 1110 13th Street, Port Royal. 4. The Festival of Trees is Friends of Caroline Hospice’s largest fundraiser and Beaufort’s most anticipated holiday tradition, displaying over 80 decorated trees, the Festival Shoppes, Santa and his elves and much more. 5. The Festival will be held December 3rd-8th at the new Tabby Place, downtown. The Opening Gala Reception with silent auction, local restaurant fare and lively entertainment will be Thursday, December 3rd 6 PM- 9 PM Become a supporter of the Festival of Trees by donating funds, services or products, by volunteering, or by sponsoring a tree. Call Andree Lloyd at 525-6257 or email her at andree@ friendsofcarolinehospice.com
Andree Lloyd, Director of Community Outreach 1110 13th Street Port Royal, SC 29935 (843) 525-6257 www.friendsofcarolinehospice.org Beaufort Lifestyle | October/November
2015 53
Things You Want To Know About THE BLOOD ALLIANCE 1. Do you know that every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood? 2. Do you know that your whole blood donation can save up to three lives? 3. Do you know blood cannot be manufactured or harvested and that The Blood Alliance depends on our community to help our local patients? 4. Do you know that The Blood Alliance is the sole provider for Beaufort Memorial Hospital, Hilton Head Regional Medical Center and Coastal Carolina Hospital, serving all of Beaufort and Jasper Counties? 5. Do you know that The Blood Alliance has been around since 1942, and has served Beaufort Memorial Hospital for the last 12 years? Do you know that even if you are not eligible to donate, you can still help your community? Contact us, if your business or organization would like to host a Blood Drive and support The Blood Alliance with your life-saving gift.
Karen Wyman, Regional Manger Lenita Browning, Community Blood Drive Coordinator Michele Barker, Community Blood Drive Coordinator
54 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
1001 Boundary Street Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 422-0409 www.igiveblood.com
Things You Want To Know About FRIPP ISLAND RESORT 1. Fripp Island Resort is the perfect location for your wedding. Say “I Do” just steps from the ocean and then celebrate the night away at the Beach Club. Merissa and Ellen can help make your dream day a reality. 2. We cater in Beaufort! Schedule your holiday party with us and take the worry out of cooking and clean up – we’ll take care of it! 3. We bring families together. With vacation rentals both big and small we can accommodate any size family. Let us schedule a sunset cruise or cater a Lowcountry boil for a reunion you’ll never forget. 4. With two beautiful golf courses to experience, you should take advantage of our stay and play golf package. Starting at $125 per person per night it makes a great guys weekend. 5. We do girls weekends too! Gather your besties and get away from it all. Whether you schedule a tennis or golf lesson for the group or just dig your toes in the sand, you should definitely end the weekend at our Sunday bloody mary bar at Bonito Boathouse. We are Beaufort’s seaside resort! Just 30 minutes from Beaufort, there’s no need to spend hours in the car when you can have a beach vacation just down the road from home!
Fripp Is
Merissa Parrish and Ellen Bauer 2119 Sea Island Parkway Harbor Island, SC 29920 (843) 838-1507 www.frippislandresort.com
55 55
www.Beaufort Lifestyle .com| |October/November October/November 2015 2015 Beaufort Lifestyle
Things You Want To Know About COASTAL PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 1. At Coastal Pediatric Dentistry, we are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years. We have the experience and qualifications to care for a child’s teeth, gums, and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood, as well as the medically and physically compromised. 2. Our professional staff, interactive activities, and our wild theme actually makes going to the dentist fun. Education and prevention are a key part of our practice. We take the time to explain the proper way to take care of teeth, so our patients learn good habits at a young age. 3. The design of our offices portray a cheerful, pleasant, nonthreatening atmosphere to a child. Our offices are designed with several dental chairs arranged in one large treatment area or bay. This design provides reassurance from one child to another when they can see other children being treated. An open bay design can be psychologically effective because children are often more at ease in the presence of other children. 4. Children are not just small adults. They are not always able to be patient and cooperative during a dental exam. Pediatric dentists know how to examine and treat children in ways that make them comfortable. In addition, pediatric dentists use specially designed equipment in offices that are arranged and decorated with children in mind. 5. Coastal Pediatric Dentistry has three convenient location. We have an office on Hilton Head Island, one in Bluffton and our third, brand new office is now open on Lady’s Island in Beaufort! We are committed to helping children establish good, healthy dental habits that will last a lifetime. Afterall, we love to see kids smile!
Dr. Terri Hubbard
Bluffton: 10 Arley Way Suite 102, 843 757 7336 Hilton Head Island: 23 Main Street Suite 302, 843 671 7336 Beaufort: 34 Kemmerlin Lane, 843 379 5336 www.Coastal-Pedo.com 56 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
Things You Want ToFive Know Star About
1. We practice Five Star Core Values. We put People First, We Act with Integrity, We Mind the Business, We Listen, then act Decisively, and we Work to be our Best. 2. Committed Staff with over 30 Years of Care Experience combined. 3. Five Star Quality Dinning by Chef Kent, providing three meals a day as well as anytime menus.
4. We are the Memory Care and Assisted Living Community in Beaufort where we of provide continuum ofeverythi Care At Summit Place Beaufort, for your loved ones with we do is five star. When little help c Alzheimer’s and a Dementia.
make all the difference, we’re here 5. We are the only help you give Mom or with Dad the best. Community a waterfront location on Battery Creek in
DISCOVER THE historic FIVE Pick PocketSTAR Plantation. DIFFERENCE: • Five Star dining Life Style 360 Activities • •
Program encompassing 5 dimensions of wellness of Healthy Generation™ calendar Spiritual, Physical, Social, programs Emotional and Intellectual to each day exceptional for 24-hour care make our Residents.
• Full calendar of activities and outin
• Proudly accepting Veterans Benefi
Staff from left to right for picture: Shazia Arroyo-Executive Director, Corinne Singleton, RN – Resident Services Director, David Edwards- Maintenance Director, Carlina DavisConcierge, Phyllis Davis- Business Office Manager, Kent Klein-Food Service Director, Brenda Guldner- Lifestyle 360 Director of Activities, Rachel Longino Simpkins- Director of Sales and Marketing
Call us today to tour!
1119 Pickpocket Plantation Drive Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 770-0105 www.summitplaceofbeaufort.com
1119 Pickpocket Plantation Drive Beaufort Lifestyle | October/November 2015 57 Beaufort, SC 29902
Things You Want To Know About
CARL JOYE OF APEX TEAM REAL ESTATE 1. Local Reliable Knowledge; As a 55 year native of Beaufort and Port Royal area, building over 100 custom quality homes over 20 years and selling homes over the past 12 years, I offer a wealth of valuable local knowledge. 2. Team; Apex Team Real Estate offers more than one individual. When you work with Carl Joye, you also are working with Sing Pappas, a consistent Top Producer with unparalleled work ethic in Real Estate over the past 32 years. 3. Available; The A in APEX represents Available. If a Realtor is not available, nothing else really matters. Carl Joye and Sing Pappas are available every day with a professionally staffed office open weekends accommodating buyer and seller work schedules. 4. Professional; The P in APEX represents Professional. Professional marketing of your home utilizing photography, descriptive remarks, and online visual tours that feed all major internet search engines and Professional negotiation and follow through to closing are critical to success. 5. Experienced; The Ex in APEX represents Experienced. 44 years of Local combined Real Estate marketing and sales experience along with 20 years of home building experience gives you the edge and can smoothly guide you through whatever situation arises. ForSaleInBeaufort.com; Search homes on your own until you’re ready for the help of A Real Estate Agent. Set searches to get instant notifications and send us messages with questions you may have. We help Buyers find your home easily.
Carl Joye, APEX Team Real Estate 1503 Paris Avenue Port Royal, SC, 29935 (843) 321-9204 www.ForSaleInBeaufort.com 58 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
Things You Want To Know About TURBEVILLE INSURANCE AGENCY 1. “If it’s insurance, we provide it!” We’re an independent agency, which means we represent a variety of reputable insurance companies. This allows us to choose the very best company to fit your insurance needs. We work for you! 2. We have specialized agents with over 100 years experience in personal, commercial, and life and health insurance. We work with you to identify your individual insurance needs, and will ensure that you remain properly covered as your needs change. 3. Our personal insurance team helps cover everything from your home, auto, umbrella to your rental properties, watercrafts, and other valuable items. We specialize in coverages for coastal properties including wind, hail, and flood insurance. 4. Our commercial insurance team provides coverage for your business properties, company autos, commercial and professional liability, and worker’s compensation, among other special coverages for your business. We work to make sure that every aspect of your business is insured. 5. Our life and health insurance team offers medical and life insurance policies for both groups and individuals. We also cover your supplemental insurance needs, including group and individual disability, long term care, critical illness, annuities, and group dental and vision.
Protecting your investm We are dedicated to a high standard of excellence, and we strongly value customer service. Our agents are consistently seeking ways to make your protection stronger and your insurance premiums lower.
We were there when you first decided to f your passion. Today, we’re still here keepi you have built Safe. Sound. Secure.® Turbeville Insurance Agency 28 Kemmerlin Lane Beaufort, SC (843) 524-4500 www.turbevilleinsurance.com | 59 VisitBus atL our New Location: eaufort
ifestyle October/November 2015
Things You Want To Know About EVERSOLE LAW FIRM, P.C. 1. Eversole Law Firm is not only a successful Real Estate Closing Firm, we are fully staffed by seasoned professionals who have over 40 years of combined legal experience in Real Estate closings and litigation, Personal and Business Bankruptcy, Foreclosure Defense, Mortgage Modification, Probate Administration and Small Estate planning 2. Eversole Law Firm follows the American Land Title Association (ALTA) Best Practices Guidelines in all real estate closings 3. Our staff members work uniquely well together as a cohesive team in accomplishing our client’s goals. 4. The personal attention our client’s receive and our positive work ethic has resulted in Eversole Law Firm maintaining rewarding long term relationships with our clients, realtors and mortgage lenders in the community. 5. Our office is technologically advanced with programs that allow communication and document sharing with many of our clients and contacts through secure portals rather than e-mail if the client so chooses. Dawna Chapman, Felix “Butch” Clayton, Esq., Kymberlee Chestnutt, Debbie Rodgers, Cat Swanson and Alysoun Eversole, Esq. the Eversole Law Firm team.
EVERSOLE LAW FIRM, P.C. Alysoun M. Eversole, Esq., Attorney At Law 1509 King Street Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 379-3333 www.eversolelaw.com
60 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
Things You Want To Know About HOLIDAY INN & SUITES BEAUFORT 1. The Holiday Inn & Suites is the area’s only full-service and all suite hotel with a restaurant, lounge, and 5400 square feet of meeting space. Let our team assist you when planning your event, whether it’s a wedding, reunion, banquet, or meeting. 2. The hotel’s ballroom is the largest event space in Beaufort featuring complete food and beverage service. The beautiful lawn and terrace, overlooking the Beaufort river and marsh is the perfect spot for your Lowcountry wedding or cocktail party. 3. Amenities include Sleep Perfect mattresses in all rooms, free high speed internet, indoor heated pool, morning newspaper, room service, cocktail lounge, and restaurant serving breakfast and dinner. 4. The picturesque views from the Albergotti Grill make dining a truly enjoyable experience. The full service menu includes a wide variety of specialty seafood selections and succulent steaks, cooked to order. Special attention is paid to sourcing local, sustainable ingredients. 5. Executive chef, Hank Yaden, is classically trained in French cuisine and has a multi-cultural point of view on food preparation. Specializing in Lowcountry Cuisine, he is widely known for his award winning She Crab Soup, featured daily on our menu. Visit our website for more information and “like” us on Facebook. Contact our sales department for more information on planning your special event. Our friendly, efficient hotel staff is looking forward to serving you with Southern hospitality and charm.
Holiday Inn & Suites Beaufort 2225 Boundary Street Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 379-3100 www.holidayinn.com/beaufortsc Beaufort Lifestyle | October/November
2015 61
Things You Want To Know About THE FRONT PORCH 1. For 16 years The Front Porch has been a consignment shop of high quality, unique furnishings and decorative items at affordable prices. Located on Lady’s Island in the “Tidewatch” business center (.4 mile from Publix), along with other unique shops. 2. New inventory arrives each Tuesday and Thursday. Our goal is to offer home furnishings in exceptional condition that are ready to be placed in your home. You will be pleasantly surprised at the quality, name brands, one-of-a-kind items in the shop. 3. Looking for a particular piece of furniture or accessory? Ask Candice to let you know when that item arrives at The Front Porch. 4. Our goal is for the consignor to be happy with selling their items and the buyer to be happy with their purchases from The Front Porch. Our reputation depends on your satisfaction. 5. We offer free pick up of furniture and a nominal fee for delivery. Be sure to come in and meet the shop’s 10-lb dog, Beau, and let him show you “how smart he is!” You will definitely leave with a smile on your face!!
Upscale Furniture, Antiques & Accessories 62 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
Jim & Candice Thomas, Owners 206 Sea Island Parkway Lady’s Island, SC 29907 (843) 521-3090 www.frontporchbeaufort.com
Things You Want To Know About ELEGANT EVENTS HALL 1. We exist because no bride should be overworked and stressed out while planning her most important day of her life. 2. Our “One Stop” approach provides experience and services that are a great value that leads to happy endings. 3. We host weddings, receptions, balls, anniversaries, birthday parties, showers, rehearsal dinners, fundraisers, family reunions, First Fridays, etc because we like smiles, fun, and enjoy seeing your vision come alive. 4. Our venue consists of four building with a total occupancy for nearly 300 people. We also have an outside ceremony site. 5. We are the “Goto” weddings, receptions, and special events venue, providing venue space, prep kitchen, Bridal quarters, lighting, backdrops, draping, rentals, decorations, DJ and onsite parking, free Wifi and beverage services. Regardless of your spending plan, you won’t spend any more than you have to, to get the things you need, so that your special day is perfect. We don’t promise the lowest price, but we care about the things that are important to you and will make your special day priceless.
Dan & Ronnie Brock,Owners Daniel Brock. Jr.,VP 491 Parris Island Gateway Everything YouSC Need... Beaufort, 29902 (843) 422-4948 Wedding Hall Live Flowers www.eleganteventshall.com Decorations Live DJ Planning
Elegant Events H
Beaufort Lifestyle | October/November
2015 63
Things You Want To Know About HIGHER GROUND 1. We are Beaufort’s premier coastal outdoor outfitter specializing in kayaks, stand up paddleboards, clothing, footwear and equipment. 2. We have been in business in Beaufort for 11 years and love giving back to the community by contributing in many different ways. 3. We have the best selection of running shoes in Beaufort with products from Brooks, Saucony, Merrell, and Hoka. 4. We offer kayak and stand up paddleboard rentals and lessons. 5. Not only do we sell great products, we use them! If we are not in the shop you will usually find us on the water or somewhere outside “product testing”. We have the coolest shop dog around.
Higher Ground Outfitters 2121 Boundary Street, Suite 101 Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 379-GEAR www.highergroundbeaufort.com 64 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
Things You Want To Know About SEA EAGLE MARKET 1. We are a family owned & operated local seafood market. God has blessed us with 2 family owned shrimp boats “Gracie Belle” and “Palmetto Pride” and a dozen small boats we use to oyster, clam and crab. So, when we say “From Our Boats to Your Table” we mean it. 2. Sea Eagle Market on Boundary St. is not our only location in town. CJ Seafood Express on Ribaut Rd. in Port Royal will be celebrating it’s 10th anniversary in 2016. Stop by and see Tony. 3. We are the areas only CSF provider (Community Supported Fishery). Patrons pre-purchase a 12 week season of fresh, locally caught seafood at a discounted rate. This program is one way to connect our local citizens with local fishermen. 4. We are your full service caterer. We specialize in seafood meals such as oyster roasts, LowCountry Boil, and Shrimp n Grits. We also compete in SC Barbecue Association competitions across the state. When it comes to pulled pork, ribs, chicken, or prime rib we have you covered. We offer great homemade sides and desserts to compliment any meal. 5. Seafood makes a great gift. Stop by and pick up one of our new gift cards to give to family and friends. Also this fall we are implementing loyalty cards as a thank you for the patrons who have made us Beaufort’s Best Seafood Market 5 years in a row. For those days you want to eat local seafood but don’t feel like cooking it. We service many local restaurants in Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head Island with seafood multiple times a week. So just ask your servers if you’re eating seafood from Sea Eagle Market.
Craig and Jana Reaves, Owner 2242 Boundary Street Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 521-5090 Beaufort Lifestyle | October/November
2015 65
Things You Want To Know About WHERE’D YOU GET THAT 1. Quality fashion and
furniture gathered from around the world. We can’t all travel to faraway lands but we can appreciate the unique joy that can come from items produced in other cultures.
2. Significant savings on
items that you know and love. Sometimes that designer item does matter consignment puts it in reach.
3. Access to art and
accessories that become budget friendly. Original pieces are unique and both hard to find and hard to afford. Consignment can help
4. Exploring your creative
side is much easier with consignment finds. Refinish, paint, repurpose to make your own statement.
5. With a constantly
changing inventory, our displays give you plenty to think about. Come have a cup of coffee and be inspired, Monday - Saturday 10AM 5PM. By consigning your loved, but no longer used items, you can make room as well as money. A win win.
Where’d You Get That? a unique consignment store
66 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
Beth Hancock, Owner 9 Marshellen Drive Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 379-4900 www.wheredyougetthat.org
Things You Want To Know About BEAUFORT LIFESTYLE 1. We are YOUR local magazine! We highlight the people, places and events in Beaufort, Port Royal and the Sea Islands. 2. The shelf life of our magazine is ever ending. We have a quality product that stays in offices and coffee tables for months and years. This allows our advertisers to recieve maximum exposure. 3. Our staff has over 60 years combined experience, allowing our publications to have a quality look, along with exceptional stories and marketing opportunities. 4. We print 15,000 copies of each issues giving a readership of over 60,000 people. Our distribution process is second to none, allowing easy access to readers. 5. We are a community minded business, always finding ways to give back to and help the people in our community. We have experienced account executives that help clients formulate the best marketing plan to stay ahead of their competition, and our ad production and magazine layout is done by an in-house professional design team.
Julie Hales, Owner 2015 Boundary Street, Suite 330 Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 379-8696 www.beaufortlifestyle.com Beaufort Lifestyle | October/November
2015 67
Things You Want To Know About NURNBERG PHOTOGRAPHY, LLC 1. We make Simply Beautiful Images; Of just about anything. 2. Creating beautiful photographic advertising images for businesses all over the country and the world is our specialty. 3. We create beautiful photographs of dancers and models. (and real people too!) 4. We have been in the commercial photography business since 1987, where we opened in North Carolina. 5. We photograph people, spaces, and products for advertising websites. We can make any type of photographic production happen. We capture beautiful aerial images from fixed wing aircraft, helicopters, and from our UAS (drone).
Paul Nurnberg, Owner 1225 Ribaut Road Beaufort, SC 29902 (912) 429-0189 www.nurnbergphotography.com 68 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
Let’s Do Business...
J. S. Doig
RESTORATION story by cindy reid
photography by susan deloach
ong ago a furniture maker would likely live over his shop, which might well have been his father’s before it was his. He would have learned from his father, too, or from another craftsman who took him on as an apprentice at a young age. And he would have stayed there, in the place where his ancestors were, and passed on to the next generation what he had himself learned, as part of an old tradition. John Doig, the man behind J.S. Doig Restoration, seems to have stepped out of that long-ago tradition. He and his wife Carissa live above his shop in the village of Habersham in Beaufort, South Carolina, a place that, while new, seems to belong to an earlier time. He learned his craft the old-fashioned way, from his father, who is a wholesale antiques dealer and “picker,” and sells to retail dealers and at auctions. John’s father often found himself needing to restore the furniture he sold, and started John out early, at the age of 12, waxing furniture in their barn. Later, he continued the tradition by accepting an accredited apprenticeship. This was in Litchfield, Connecticut, where John grew up, and this is where his story diverges from the stories of long ago furniture makers, for unlike them, he moved. John likes to fly, which diverges from the lives of earlier craftsmen, and these days he is often in the sky with his wife, who loves to be his copilot. John used to skydive, too, but gave that up after he broke his back and pelvis and shattered a femur in four places. This accident, which almost took his life, was a deciding factor in John’s future. After his apprenticeship with a Savannah restorer, and after falling in love with the low country, John went back to Connecticut to take advantage of a great opportunity to open his own shop up there. After the accident, he rethought his decision, realizing that “Everyone has an hourglass and you can’t flip it back. You should do what you want to do now.” So he did. You can find John’s shop on 24 Market Street in the Habersham Marketplace, and it’s open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. There, you will see furniture from the
70 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
18th and early 19th centuries, and John uses the same processes on them that their original makers used. You will also find mid 20th century and even 21st Century pieces, on which John uses the processes appropriate to their times. You will see everything from a 20-year-old credenza to a 1780s Hepplewhite sideboard. Right now, John has just finished work on a tiger maple Chippendale lowboy, which glows from his touch. You will also see a ship hull model that was originally used for water testing, to see how that type of hull would cut through the water. Once utilitarian, it is now a decorative object. When asked what is the oldest piece he has ever worked on, John points to a Corinthian helmet that dates back to ca. 430 bc. John believes that every piece has its place in home and history, and wants to make the dying art of restoration available and affordable to everyone, regardless of its provenance or age. He winces a little at some of the do-it-yourself results he has seen, and occasionally offers classes at Ollie throughout the year. Better than that might be a trip to his shop, where you will learn how much more there is to know about the fine art of furniture restoration, when practiced by a nationally recognized master in his field.
J. S. Doig Restoration
24 Market, Beaufort, SC (In The Habersham Marketplace) www.jsdoigrestoration.com 860.930.5070
Nationally Recognized
RESTORATION & CONSERVATION OF FINE PERIOD FURNITURE AND DECORATIVE ART 24 Market Beaufort, SC In The Habersham Marketplace www.jsdoigrestoration.com
Question: Will long-term care insurance pay for professionals to come to my home to help my spouse or children take care of me, or do I have to go to assisted living or a nursing home? R.L.J. of Bluffton Answer: The majority of claims for long-term care insurance are for home care, not facility care. People want to stay at home as long as possible and the policies pay for professionals to assist the family with caregiving. In fact, some policies pay family members to step in as well.
Call Frank Gibson, III, CIC-President For Guidance In Developing Your Long-Term Care Planning.
(843) 522-2122
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(843) 379-8696 www.beaufortlifestyle.com One Beaufort Town Center 2015 Boundary Street • Suite 221 Beaufort, SC, 29902
Julie Hales Peg Beekman Account Executive Publisher/Sales (912) 657-4120 (937) 763-3140 julie@idpmagazines.com peg@idpmagazines.com
Beaufort Lifestyle | October/November
2015 71
Ashley & Ashby
Bride: Ashley Johnson Groom: Ashby West Ceremony Venue: Carteret Street United Methodist Church Reception Venue: Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club Photographer: Susan DeLoach Photography Cater: Duke’s Bar-B-Que DJ: Ash Milner Designer/ Day of Coordinator: Yvonne Moody Brown Hair & Make up: Sarah Lowther & Heather Lands Rentals: Amazing Event Rentals Florals: Carolina Floral Design Cake: Publix
Fripp Island Golf & Beach Resort Beautiful weddings come naturally here.
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Call 877-770-0764 or visit us at www.FrippIslandResort.com
74 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
real estate
“Featured Deep Water Home in Wright’s Point” This Home is Offered By: Greg Bennett (843) 812-0623 greg@beaufortrealtyconsultants.com
127 SPANISH POINT DRIVE Beautiful classic ranch in desirable Spanish Point
Sitting on over half an acre, this gracious home has large living spaces both indoors and out! Gorgeous water views directly across street and just moments from all that Beaufort has to offer. Three bedrooms grace one wing of the home all offering wonderful views from each window. The oversized screened porch is a perfect place to enjoy all the Lowcountry seasons. This home has been well maintained and cared for. This is a wonderful opportunity to establish yourself in one of Beaufort’s most sought after neighborhoods! $495,000 MLS #143781
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showcase your listing in BEAUFORT LIFESTYLE. Call Peg today for great rates! (937) 763-3140 Annette Bryant REALTOR®
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76 October/November 2015 | www.BeaufortLifestyle.com
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A Co
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Beaufort Children’s Theatre Presents
UN 16 F
ber 21
at 7 2 PM
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November 23 at 3
Adults $15 Studen ts $10-$25 -$15
USCB Center
801 Carteret
for the Arts
Street, Beaufort SC 29902 843-521-4145 For More www.usc bce nte Information Visit rforth ear ts.c om
Music and Lyrics by Sammy Cahn, Sammy Fain, Michelle Tumes, Zavier Atencio, George Burns, Jack Lawrence, Frank Churchill, Winston Hibler, Ted Sears, Oliver annd Ray Kelley Music Adapted & Arranged and Additional Lyrics by Eric Svejcar Book Adapted and Additional Lyrics by David Zellnik
Based on the screenplay by Ted Sears, Erdman Penner, Bill Peet, Winston Hibler, Basked on a play by J. M. joe Rinaldi, Barrie
MARCH 2016
Milt Banta, Ralph Wright
and William cottrell
LUNCHEON WITH AUTHORS – LAURA LANE MCNEAL Hampton Hall Clubhouse, Bluffton March 10, 12 PM GODSPELL Beaufort Theatre Company March 11-13 & 18-20
LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS Beaufort Theatre Company September 11-13 & 18-20
HANDEL’S MESSIAH, PART 1 Sea Island Chamber Singers & Guests December 5
AUDITIONS - DISNEY'S PETER PAN, JR. Beaufort Children’s Theatre September 15 -16
LUNCHEON WITH AUTHORS – ALLEGRA JORDAN Country Club of Hilton Head December 10, 12 PM
GOLDEN DRAGON ACROBATS Mainstage September 24, 7 PM
JOSHUA CARSWELL A Tribute to the American Songbook October 18, 3 PM
LUNCHEON WITH AUTHORS – BARB SCHMIDT Dataw Club Carolina Room, Beaufort January 13, 12 PM
PAT CONROY AT 70 Celebration of the Lowcountry’s Most Celebrated Author October 29 - 31
JON REEP Comedian January 29, 7:30 PM
LUNCHEON WITH AUTHORS – RON RASH Hampton Hall Clubhouse October 29, 12 PM
AUDITIONS - THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS Beaufort Children’s Theatre February 16 -17
USCB FESTIVAL SERIES CHAMBER MUSIC November 1* DR. STEVE WISE AND DR. LARRY ROWLAND Bridging the Sea Islands’ Past and Present, 1893-2006: The History of Beaufort County, Vol. 3 November 8, 3 PM SOUTH CAROLINA ART EDUCATION ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE November 13 -14 LUNCHEON WITH AUTHORS – PETER GOLDEN Sea Pines Country Club, Hilton Head November 18, 12 PM DISNEY'S PETER PAN, JR. Beaufort Children's Theatre November 20-22
LUNCHEON WITH AUTHORS – JOHNATHAN BARRETT Dockside Restaurant, Port Royal February 17, 12 PM
APRIL 2016
VERDI’S IL TROVATORE Met Opera Live in HD October 3, 2015 VERDI’S OTELLO Met Opera Live in HD October 17, 2015
A CLOSER WALK WITH PATSY CLINE Springer Theatre April 8, 7:30 PM
RICHARD WAGNER’S TANNHÄUSER ENCORE Met Opera Live in HD November 4, 2015
BERG’S LULU Met Opera Live in HD November 21, 2015
BIZET’S LES PECHEURS DE PERLES Met Opera Live in HD January 16, 2016
MAY 2016 THE AFFAIR May 14
THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS Beaufort Children’s Theatre May 20 -22
USCB FESTIVAL SERIES *For concert information or tickets go to www.uscb.edu/festivalseries. All concerts are on Sunday and begin at 5 pm.
GIACOMO PUCCINI - TURANDOT Met Opera Live in HD January 30, 2016 PUCCINI’S MANON LESCAUT Met Opera Live in HD March 5, 2016 PUCCINI’S MADAMA BUTTERFLY Met Opera Live in HD April 2, 2016 DONIZETTI’S ROBERTO DEVEREUX Met Opera Live in HD April 16, 2016 STRAUSS ELEKTRA Met Opera Live in HD April 30, 2016
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. SINATRA! Concert Celebrating the 100th Birthday of Ol' Blue Eyes February 26, 7:30 PM
MARCH 2016
TICKETS, MOVIES & CLASSES! www.uscbcenterforthearts.com