HaleyFelton more than a designer
HaleyFelton | 2
Hi there...
My name is Haley Felton. I have star ted several companies and helped maintain many. I am someone who sees the good in people and someone who fiercely believes in the quote, “ You can do hard things”. I am more than a designer. I am a designer who sees the whole picture and a designer who focuses on the functionalit y before the form of a design. Analyzing how someone will interact with the design, the information, and what they will do with it. I aspire to understand the full contex t of a design aspect to help people interact with design and the world. I’ve worked and managed teams to meet the client ’s needs and the bottom line. Visual communication will always be around, how we use it effects the world.
HaleyFelton | 4
Responsibilit y as a designer means I take psychological ownership of what I will say and do. I am driven from within to reach goals as an individual per former. I push myself to excel through the obligations I accepted and the promises I make.
Being a developer as a graphic designer allows me to cultivate an environment for people to thrive. Sharing info rmatio n, resources, talents, a n d t i m e p r o v i d e s me with experiences to grow as a person and as a professional.
As a designer, the relator strength proves that I am able to take difficult tasks and break them up into doable elements. I am able to coach and train people easily because I am able to speak in understandable jargon that they relate to.
Belief means that I have core values that are unchangeable. It means I devote my time to wor thy causes and I place more impor tance on the purpose and values of what I do compared to monetar y rewards that accompany success.
Empathy allows me to connect deeply with my clients and target audience to understand what they need. I have the abilit y to clearly see a solution to a problem. It allows me to appreciate the work put in by peers.
HaleyFelton | 6
Professional Brand
Eliza Jane
SoCal Candle Rentals
Type Studies
Ear th Day
Cooper Hewitt
Coral Reef
Senior Show
HaleyFelton | 8
Branding | 2022 |
Target Audience
Haley Felton
Adobe InDesign
Potential Employers
Business card, letterhead, envelopes, and note card
My professional brand describes who I am, what I stand for, and what I promise to deliver through all brand touch points for potential clients and business professionals who come in contact with my work . The process of my professional brand was looking through photos of my personal life and asking myself what I want people to know about me. In researching my dream job descriptions, I came to realize that employers are looking for more than a graphic designer.
Professional Brand
HaleyFelton | 1 0 | P r o c e s s
HaleyFelton | 1 1 | P r o c e s s
HaleyFelton | 1 2
HaleyFelton | 1 4
Branding | 2022 |
Target Audience
PLNU Branding Class
Adobe InDesign Live Sur face
Eliza Jane Marketing Team
8.5” x 11” multi page publication
The process included using research, analysis, business strategy, and organization to create a new brand identit y program for a New Orleans bohemian hotel, The Eliza Jane. Using research to design a brand identit y inspired by old newspaper layout and design accompanied with the elegance of the established hotel identit y. Then was applied in a brand manual. This will guide the marketing team on how to publish, apply, and fabricate elements of the brand identit y system across brand touch points.
Eliza Jane
HaleyFelton | 1 6 | P r o c e s s
HaleyFelton | 1 7 | P r o c e s s
HaleyFelton | 1 8
HaleyFelton | 2 0
Branding Program | 2022 |
Target Audience
Wordpress Adobe Illustrator
Event Planners
Wordpress Website socalcandlerentals.com
Through research, analysis, and understanding of the wedding market design and create a website to rent out candles. The process of this was to design a brand around SoCal Candle Rentals then configure a website with forms and data. The concept was to use the website to capture new leads for candle rentals. Design was inspired by farmhouse aesthetic weddings paired with the luxur y of candlelight to create a romantic atmosphere.
SoCal Candle Rentals
HaleyFelton | 2 2 | P r o c e s s
HaleyFelton | 2 4
HaleyFelton | 2 6
Ty p o g ra p h y | 2 0 2 2 |
Target Audience
PLNU Typography Class
Adobe InDesign
Balboa Marketing Team
8x8 Alignment compositions 8x8 Hierarchy compositions 8x8 E x treme Scale compositions
Type studies is used to comprehend t ype through alignment , hierarchy, and ex treme scale compositions. These weekly exercises that focused on alignment , hierarchy, and scale taught me how to flex my composition muscles. They all use the same copy but allowed me to explore many design principles using modular grids. Once fully explored, the compositions ser ved as a baseline to star t the nex t project – Ear th Day Posters.
Type Studies
HaleyFelton | 2 8 | P r o c e s s
HaleyFelton | 3 0
HaleyFelton | 3 2
Ty p o g ra p h y | 2 0 2 2 |
Target Audience
PLNU Typography Class
Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop
Balboa Ear th Fair Visitors
3 — 18” x 28” full-color posters
Use dynamic t ype, image, and message in a visually engaging way to design three promotional posters for Balboa Park Ear th Fair. The process was to use the most appropriate t ype studies, complemented with imager y and the user experience in mind. The goal was to create awareness and excitement around Balboa Park Ear th Fair using designs that reflect the impor tance of Ear th Day.
Earth Fair Poster
HaleyFelton | 3 4 | P r o c e s s
HaleyFelton | 3 6
HaleyFelton | 3 8
Publication | 2022 |
Target Audience
PLNU Typography Class Project
Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop
Potential Museum Visitors
Tabloid Newsprint (289mm x 380mm)
To design a promotional print publication for the Smithsonian’s Cooper Hewitt Museum to help promote the collection “How Posters Work ” for potential museum visitors. The process was to curate the content from images to tex t in a compelling way in a print publication. The goal is to motivate the target audience to go see the Smithsonian museum and to educate them about the Cooper Hewitt collections.
Cooper Hewitt
HaleyFelton | 4 0 | P r o c e s s
HaleyFelton | 4 2
HaleyFelton | 4 4
Campaign | 2022 |
Target Audience
PLNU Creation Care
Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator
PLNU Students
7’ X 3’ Coloring Page Printed
Using Design Thinking’s human-centered design approaches and methods, create a visual communication installation focusing on the chosen global warming topic , coral reefs. The process was to research, then create an engaging way to educate the target audience and connect the communit y. The goal was to inform, create awareness, and engage hear ts and minds while connecting the dots between actions and climate change.
Coral Reef
HaleyFelton | 4 6 | P r o c e s s
HaleyFelton | 4 8
HaleyFelton | 5 0
Poster | 2022 |
Target Audience
PLNU Ar t Depar tment
Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop
PLNU Senior Class and Family
18” x 28” Poster
Design an engaging event identit y that announces PLNU 202 2 Senior Show. The process of this project was to understand the spirit of the PLNU senior class then create an engaging poster capturing that spirit. The goal was to create a poster that celebrates the Visual Ar ts and Graphic Design senior capstone work and experiences.
Senior Show
HaleyFelton | 5 2 | P r o c e s s
HaleyFelton | 5 4
HaleyFelton | 5 6
Thank you
Thank you first and foremost to my parents. Thank you Mom for being my number one cheerleader and Dad for being my rock through all my highs and lows. Thank you to Marissa for being my best friend for life and always being there for me no matter what. Thank you to my roommates for the late nights and endless laughter. And finally thank you to Cour tney Mayer for teaching me the love of design and being the best mentor anyone could have asked for.
HaleyFelton | 5 8
Haley Felton
Clear Stor y
Coptic Stitch
# 70