AWA - A virtuous cycle of success

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A virtuous

cycle of


When I started this project, my hope was to spotlight talented but often unsung Asian women. Today, our vision is that these awards should be the pre-eminent platform for celebrating the contribution of diverse cultures and talents to UK society.

PINKY LILANI CBE DL Founder and Chairman of the Asian Women of Achievement

All of them have incredible stories to tell, often stories whereby they’ve had to overcome opposition or adversity of one sort or another to get where they are. They’ve achieved with enormous enthusiasm and are willing to share with others.

SIR NICHOLAS YOUNG Chair of the panel

Meet the nominees


arts & culture entrepren business prof public service


young achiever social & humanitarian



We are Hall & Partners, an independent research agency and a sponsor of tonight’s Asian Women of Achievement Awards.

Having worked closely with Pinky Lilani and the AWA team previously, our own team of inspired women set out with the objective of bringing to life the incredible, varied journeys our nominees have been on to get them to where they are today. Succinctly capturing so many incredibly unique and personal stories was tough to say the least, but by reading each shortlisted candidates original nominations thoroughly and talking to them face-to-face at the judging day, we were able to pin-point some fascinating themes. So what makes an Asian Woman of Achievement?

A virtuous cycle From being inspired, to becoming an inspiration to others through determination, passion and a commitment to sharing what they’ve learned.

Influence and Inspire Planning for the future Sharing their experiences

Pioneer, thrive and succeed Passion to learn, coach and teach

Influence and inspire

Each of tonight’s award nominees was initially inspired by a pivotal person or event - ultimately shaping them into who they are today.

Pioneer, thrive and succeed

From humble starts‌. they have harnessed their skills and experience to become true pioneers in their respective fields.

Passion to learn, coach and teach

But why limit themselves to one field? Many have continued to strive for excellence and pioneer in other complementary avenues, highlighting their thirst to learn and their commitment to personal development.

Sharing their experiences

Our nominees have continued to raise awareness, educate others and share their experiences wherever possible and through a host of high profile media channels.

Planning for the future

All these fantastic women have big plans for the future; to help improve the futures and life experiences of others. They have become the inspiration for the next generation.

Influence and


Personal experience and cultural heritage have shaped our nominees’ journeys in many different ways.

I think due to the tough backgrounds my parents had, I owe it to them to break all of the boundaries. KONA LASKER HAQUE Business

They’ve inherited a strong work ethic from their families and are driven to make them proud and build on their legacy. Many also became the influence they didn’t have, aspiring to transcend beyond traditional moulds.

Pioneer, thrive and succeed While some of our nominees have been able to accomplish so much very early on in their lives, for others their journey to success has been less direct. Many of our nominees started out not knowing what they wanted to pursue in a career - it was only much further down the line that they discovered their passion. In many cases they are flying the flag for Asian women in their field - some for the first time - and breaking glass ceilings for women of ethnicity as they go. They are also raising huge amounts of money and support for their causes and charities.

Believe in yourself more - you have the ability. Just go out there and go for it. TAHIRA WIDLOF Business

Passion to learn,

coach and teach

Many of our nominees have seen their parents come from humble backgrounds, working hard to establish a solid foundation and driven by the chance of a good education for their children. This experience had an impact on our nominees. Many are establishing education programmes with the aim of banishing taboos, encouraging people to talk and learn freely within their chosen fields. Education goes beyond their qualifications and our nominees place great value on what they’ve learned via their life experiences. It is these experiences along with their background and heritage that has inspired them to inspire others.

Although I have a nice collection of degrees, I am most proud of being a lifetime learner. SHAOLAN HSUEH Entrepreneur

Sharing their

experience By embracing media, from YouTube to the national press, our nominees have been able to spread the word about what

Don’t just think outside the box, think as if there is no box.

they are doing and what they are

SHWETA AGGARWAL Arts and Culture

many are already celebrated award

hoping to achieve, sharing their experiences and educating others. They are being recognised as highachieving Asian women tonight, but winners - a wide acknowledgement of how much they have achieved in their individual ventures and how much they have inspired others.

Planning for the


These women continue to have an overwhelming desire to share their learnings, to open up doors for those less fortunate or able, and to pave the way for the

Do your own thing, don’t be afraid to stand out. In order to be a leader you need to be comfortable in your own skin. NANCY JOHNSTON Entrepreneur

next generation of passionate Asian women, often becoming inspirational figures to others.



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