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The periodical magazine from The First Church of Halladology.


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A WORD FROM THE EDITOR. Hi my name is Reverend David Halladay and I am the founder of The First Church of Halladology. I am also the editor for the magazine. As the name suggests, the aim of the magazine is to examine critical texts and belief systems. Bringing you thought provoking articles periodically to encourage paradigm shifting research of your own. Subjects we will cover include metaphysics, occult science, Ancient Mysteries and religion. The magazine will reflect the mission statement of the Church in that its aims are to further mankind's evolution. You will not find dogmatism here, only fundamental Truths that we seek to share with like-minded individuals and perhaps light the Lamp of Illumination within those who have yet to discover it. I hope you will find the magazine enjoyable, thought provoking and informative. In Love and Light, God Bless You. Rev. David Halladay. 2


EDITORIAL. Welcome to the first issue of Exegesis, the magazine for enquiring minds. Our aim is to produce a magazine with thought provoking content for the genuine seeker of enlightenment. We do not claim to be the absolute authoritative word in our content, we too are seekers. Our mission having said that is to bring interesting ideas from various sources into the spotlight and examine them closely with a view to embracing the many faceted systems of spiritual transcendence. Over the coming months we will be looking at occult science; metaphysics; quantum physics (and its relationship with metaphysics); transhumanism (and how does that fit with the quantum shift in human evolution?)

There will also be articles on the great thinkers that have advanced mankind’s cultures and societies. Ultimately our main aim is to introduce seemingly diverse belief systems to a new audience and demonstrate that there is a unified underlying theme in all. That is, mankind has a conscious connection to a conscious Universe. There are many paths to the Divine but all roads lead to One. Our connection has been lost. As we slumber under the spell of corporate run media, perpetual war is raging across our world as the corporations greedily swallow resources. Whilst we are hypnotised by celebrity culture our environment is ravaged. Gaia, Mother Earth, our home world nurtures us yet we show no care or respect. She is a living organism that we are inexorably connected to. We need to wake up before it is too late. Mankind is at a crossroads in evolutionary terms. We can take that next step or we can do nothing as the psychopaths who control us lead us to extinction. The revolution dear friends, needs to be in our minds. The tools are available for those who care to use them. As conscious beings within a living conscious universe, by attuning ourselves to the right vibrations, we can become transcendent. The seemingly impossible becomes possible. As part of this first issue, we will be exploring this idea more fully. We hope that you enjoy the content of this magazine and will join us in the pursuit of enlightenment. May we live to see a better world and a brighter future? Let us hope so. Love, light and blessings, David Halladay. 4

THE EVE OF DESTRUCTION We live in dangerous times. With corporate

interests providing power behind the throne, the United States and its allies in Europe are playing a very dangerous game. Since the Second World War, America has been the dominant global force, shaping world history; instigating military coupe de tat’s both covertly and overtly. They have continued to perpetuate war throughout the globe all under the guise of freedom and democracy. Setting themselves up as the ‘global police force’ as they continue to create new ‘enemies’ and threats to justify their military campaigns. Under closer scrutiny, the illusion dissipates. Rather than making the world safer, they make it a more terrifying place to live. There are always corporate interests at play in every theatre of war thus far in the modern age. War is big business and big business buys power. Anyone who still believes that the Presidential elections are any longer democratic processes, are deluded. Campaign costs run into the millions. Who pays? It doesn’t take a genius to work out the correlation between big financial campaign backers and broken promises after the circus ends with either option A or option B sitting in the Oval Office. Time to pay up sucker! You’re bought and paid for. The foundations of democracy in Ancient Greece could not be further removed from the illusory version served up by corporate owned America. Democracy at its very essence is a representative body of citizens, working for the benefit of all. In the Athenian model, you could be removed from office anytime if the citizens lost confidence in you. Sure there are in theory, similar procedures in place in the modern illusory version, but it does not happen readily due to deliberately cumbersome processes of law. The dice is loaded, the deck is rigged. America’s closest ally the United Kingdom is no better even though the political process differs slightly. It is still a rigged game. The illusion of a democratic system keeps the people placated in a way that an overt dictatorship never could. Let the people believe they have power, that they have freedom. Keep them too busy to question anything. 5

The Romans had the games to occupy the people. Television, Tribal sports like football, media propaganda, all these are modern day equivalents of the Roman Circus. It’s all distraction. Another game that is played is division. Immigrants are to blame for the economy, or so we are told. Wasn’t it the bankers that led us towards crippling recession? While government tells us to “pull together” in these austere times they give themselves pay rises above inflation, fiddle their expense accounts while the poor rely on food banks to survive. It is no mere coincidence that in the U.K. groups such as the quasi-political party UKIP gain in popularity. Echoing the rhetoric of the Nazi party in 1930’s Germany, they whip up fevered anti-immigrant sentiments. This kind of knee jerk politics is dangerous and divisive. Such divisions do not get to the heart of the problem. A corrupt political system that serves corporate interests therein lays the heart of it. Even the notion of boom and bust is nothing more than economic conjuring. Money itself has become an abstract idea, there is no real currency backed by true value. Numbers are nothing more than computer generated digits traded in the commodities marketplace. The whole game is a massive conjuring trick. Most worrying of all is the larger game America is playing out right now. With strategic placement of military resources in Asia, they bring us ever closer to the brink of annihilation. China has become the strongest threat to America’s global dominance. The collective arsenal of nuclear weapons in existence is truly terrifying and does not bear thinking about. The time for political posturing has long since passed its sell by date. We can no longer allow these psychopaths to run around the playground with this kind of power. The paradigm has to shift while there is still time. People are awakening, that much is true but the truly enlightened are still very much in the minority. A violent revolution will change nothing, history teaches us that much. One tyrant replaces another. No, the only revolution that will save us from self destruction is a consciousness revolution, literally evolution and quantum leap towards a whole new paradigm. This (r) evolution must begin with consciousness in order to change the way we think. When we realise that we are not separate entities but connected to each other and to the planet we live on, symbiotically, and the Universe itself we will no longer be divided by the false reality we have been conditioned to participate in. To look at the world through the eyes of a child, there is only innocence. 6

A child sees no difference between race, creed or colour until conditioned to do so. As money is an arbitrary concept, then so too can we remove the necessity for it once our minds have been cleared of the conditioned response to hoard and consume recklessly. If in a society where all basic needs are met, food and shelter, what more would we need to sustain ourselves? Our intellectual and spiritual needs could easily be met as we will no longer be caught up in the endless pursuit of working to survive and amassing possessions to fill the void our currently spiritually empty lives leaves. In a society where money is no longer a primary motivation, we could all be put to work for our mutual benefit. Menial labour could be automated and individuals given rewarding work that suits their inherent abilities. With no money where would the motivation be to commit crime? There would be no more destruction of the ecosystem. The technology already exists to replace nuclear power and fossil fuels. It is only the existing paradigm that allows these harmful industries to continue. Imagine a world free of poverty and war, greed and corruption. Imagine a world where everyone has access to the benefits of a highly evolved society where technology is used for the benefit of all. A society in which everyone is equal and everyone gets to fulfil their potential could take us to the stars. Wouldn’t that be a brighter future for our children? Wouldn’t that be an evolutionary leap? We stand at the crossroads now. We must choose wisely or face extinction of all life on Earth. It really is that simple. Our lives are transient and only the Divine is eternal. Our brief time in the physical experience is not reality. The true nature of our existence is the Divine spark within us and our journey is a return to that conscious energy. The human evolutionary story is but in its infancy. Let us not allow the psychopaths to snuff out our Divine potential.



There cannot be too many people living in the Western hemisphere who are unfamiliar with George Lucas’s Star Wars universe. Indeed in recent census’ putting Jedi down as ones religion is a very high statistic. There is something tangible in the stories that resonates with people, like the great mythologies of ancient times, Star Wars is an epic tale of quests, heroes and villains and most of all full of moral questions. Luke Skywalker is a modern day version of ancient protagonists found in Greek epics, Norse and Celtic myths as the youth who faces doubt and fear to discover his latent power by means of trials. It is a visceral introspection into the very nature of mankind’s relationship with the universe that speaks to every generation. The Jedi Order in the fictional tale represents the journey towards perfection with its polar opposite the Sith representing the darker side of the human condition; temptation, anger, immorality. In essence, the Way of the Jedi is the Tao. In the very first film Obi Wan Kenobi speaks of the Force that flows through everything. Clearly Lucas was familiar with Eastern mysticism and quantum physics. As a young man growing up in California through the 1960’s he would have been introduced to these concepts. One of the illuminating works from that period is ‘The Tao of Physics’ written by Fritjof Capra, holder of a PhD in Theoretical Physics, reconciles Easter mysticism with Science and draws valid parallels between the disciplines. Lucas may well have read this book amongst others. Certainly Master Yoda’s little nuggets of wisdom are at their very heart Buddhist sutras.


It is practically impossible to sum up Taoism in one article but essentially the Tao Te Ching teaches that the only true reality is energy itself (The Force) that binds all things, all else is illusory, constructs of perception. Quantum physics is beginning to reveal the secrets of the Universe in the same context. At the molecular level we find that everything is connected. What we perceive and interpret internally is in reality molecules that vibrate at different frequencies, behaving as both waves and particles simultaneously. The sensory perception of this is an organic interpretation. The brain constructs a picture from that which it receives from outside – and not always accurately. It is in such a context that we can say unequivocally that the world we perceive is illusory. When we look beyond this veil, we start to open up to the true nature of the universe and our place within it. Surrendering to the Tao alleviates suffering, aligning the spirit (life-force or soul) with the source. The nearest we get to a Jedi in this physical world is the Shaolin Warrior Monk. Taoism is central to the discipline of their Kung Fu; their art is both internal and external achieving balance as represented by the Taoist symbol Yin/Yang. In order to achieve the seemingly miraculous feats of endurance and skill they must first cultivate Qi (Chi) the life-force energy through Qi Gong (Chi Kung) thus building internal strength. Taoism is fundamental to this development and is the discipline behind true Gong Fu. Tai Chi in its true form is also Gong Fu and a Taoist discipline. In fact there is no fundamental difference beyond their individual forms and styles. The Tao literally means the Way. In Buddhist terms it means the way to enlightenment, the return to the source, the Divine and thus the breaking of the Karmic cycle of death and rebirth. This is the ultimate goal. In the Karmic Wheel of Life the purpose of ones existence is to attain perfection and can take (it is said) many lifetimes to complete.

So what would it take to be a Jedi? The most fundamental aspect when considering the Way of the Warrior is discipline, specifically self discipline. Mastery of the self. The Samurai is one with the blade, so too must the Jedi be. The Samurai way of Zen is but a different interpretation of the Tao, it is the focus of being in the moment. It takes years to attain this level so the younger one begins the better. Given that the Jedi has also mastery of the Force, or as Master Yoda says “ A great ally is the Force� then one would also have to be a high level magician. 9

The Jedi therefore has a complete connection with the divine forces of creation. When the idea of the Jedi Order crystallised in the mind of George Lucas, he must surely have drawn from the deep well of knowledge that has been rediscovered. Did he read the “Tao of Physics”, a hugely influential book first published in 1975 and written by Fritjof Capra? Certainly the era during which Lucas grew up saw a Cultural Revolution, the 1960’s and 70’s was a fertile period for free thinkers and seekers of alternative consciousness and Lucas would have been assimilating many ideas with his creative oeuvre. What he came up with was comparable to prophets of Old, a system of thought with one foot in the past and one in the future. Many of the ideas presented here would suggest so. In polls and electoral role registers, Jedi is as popular as mainstream religions as people’s answer regarding belief. Perhaps this may not reflect true statistics in terms of belief but it certainly reflects how it captures the imagination of so many and certainly reflects a collective consciousness in Jungian terms when it comes to a deep and fundamental need for meaning to life whether conscious or unconscious. It also demonstrates how orthodox religion has failed so many in modern times with folk either leaving churches in droves to worship at the altar of consumerism or to embrace fundamentalist, radicalised splinter groups. Both ends of the spectrum or schisms being symptoms of a society that has lost a true connection to the Divine. With the world in chaos, the environment being eroded and the planet’s biosphere in peril, it is perhaps more important than ever that we connect with the divine nature of reality. That is the way of the Tao. That is the way of the Jedi. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU.


WICCA NEW RELIGION OR OLD? Much discourse and disagreement surrounds the religion of Wicca and readers may well be versed in this discourse. If so, doubtless you have a well informed personal opinion on the matter. However, is it strictly necessary to adhere to one opinion or another? Is it any less valid if it is as some suggest, a new religion created by Gerald Gardner, a neo-pagan belief? Would it be any more valid if it was a well documented Old Craft? The answer perhaps lies somewhere in between. Wicca, or at least modern Wicca is an eclectic religion and path that draws on several magickal systems and occult/mystery schools, bringing it into the modern age. The Craft as it is also called is as old as recorded history, our ancestors had Shamans. Cave paintings show the earliest humans had an animist belief system, being as they were entirely attuned to nature. If you take a moment to tune your awareness to the natural world, it is easy to sense magick all around you. Every atom in creation vibrates at certain frequencies. Everything has its place and a relationship. As above, so below, Yin and Yang, Order and Chaos, Birth and Death all is in motion, moving in a natural cycle. Modern Wicca is attuned to this. It is a vibrant, living religion. It has its rituals, based on the seasons, the Wheel of the Year and also lunar cycles. The Divine Spirit is worshipped via the God and Goddess, as dual aspects of the One. At least that is the modern interpretation. There are no rigid rules or dogma and Wicca is entirely inclusive of all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity. Indeed the dual aspects of the Divine make more sense than the constricting patriarchy of oppressive religions that spawned the Witch Hunts. In a typical coven, as opposed to solitary practitioners that is, there is a high priest and priestess. Both have equal standing and have individual roles in rituals, reflecting the duality of the Great Spirit. Now there are many who practice the Craft without subscribing to Wiccan Tradition, just as there are Wiccans who do not necessarily practice witchcraft and all points in between. What Wicca offers of course is a path that has a set of ethical guidelines, albeit fundamentally simple, the Rede. For the uninitiated it goes thus:


The longer version is shown on the following pages.


Bide within the Law you must, in perfect love and perfect trust Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give For tread the Circle thrice about, to keep unwelcome Spirits out To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little listen much Honour the Old Ones in deed and name, let love and light be our guides again Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune Widdershins go when the moon doth wane and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane When the Lady’s moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two When the moon rides at her peak then your heart’s desire seek Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows


Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God’s insight Rowan is a tree of power, causing life and magick to flower

Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye

Hazel the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning White are the flowers of apple tree that brings us fruit of fertility Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine

Fir does mark the Evergreen to represent immortality seen Elder is the Lady’s tree burn it not or cursed you’ll be

Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark

As the old year starts to wane, the new begins, it’s now Samhain

When the time for Imbolc shows, watch for flowers in the snows When the wheel begins to turn, soon the Beltaine fires will burn

As the wheel turns to Lammas night power is brought to magick rite Four times the Minor Sabbats fall, use the Sun to mark them all

When the wheel has turned to Yule, light the log the Horned One rules In the Spring when night equals daytime for Ostara to come our way When the Sun has reached its height, time for Oak and Holly to fight

Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall Heed the flower, bush and tree, by the Lady blessed you’ll be

Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone the truth you’ll know When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend

Merry meet and Merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart

Mind the three-fold Law you must, three times bad and three times good When misfortune is enow, wear the star upon your brow Be true in love, this you must do Unless you love is false to you

These eight words the Rede fulfil

An ye harm none, do what ye will


As we can see from the Rede, Wicca is very much a symbiotic relationship with nature and creation. It teaches responsibility and ownership of all that we do. Just as the Universe works on the principles of balance between dual polarities, so too naturally, does our actions. For every action is an equal and opposite reaction everything, every choice has a consequence. There is also another saying that “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Again this fits in with the ethics of Wiccan practice, those who choose this path understand that they are placing themselves in the service of the Gods. Once transformed from within, if the Gods deign to grant you power and wisdom, it is then a responsibility to use the gift wisely. It has always been so. The Wise men and women, the healers, the Shamans of old served their communities as much as they served their Gods. To use ones gifts selfishly and with abandon is an affront to the Gods. The path is a lifetime’s journey. In that sense Wicca is a tradition that has evolved and continues to evolve. It should be obvious at least to students of the Occult Mysteries, that Wicca has drawn eclecticly from the Ancient Mystery Schools as much as it has, perhaps more so, from so called traditions of the British Isles and what is now Europe. It can be argued that the Druidic path has at its heart much in common with the Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt. There does appear to be a connection the further one explores and researches. Indeed scholars suggest this knowledge predates the antediluvian age to the time of Atlantis. Whilst some may dismiss the legend of Atlantis as a moralist allegory as told by Plato, one must question as to where the technology and advanced knowledge of the Ancient World came from. There had to have been civilisations predating those uncovered by Archeology thus far. The Babylonians understood astronomy, mathematics and had advanced technology. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon was a wonder of the Ancient World, demonstrating sophisticated irrigation and building techniques. Hardly a primitive people. 15

Unquestionably Ancient Egypt stands as the greatest proto-civilisation in the postdiluvian age and its influence on the world can still be felt today. It laid the foundation for modern civilisation through Ancient Greece then The Roman Empire, both civilisations building upon what came before. It is the nature of things, Empires rise and fall and civilisations evolve from the ashes, rising as the mythical Phoenix. So it is with the Occult Mysteries, sometimes hidden from the ignorance of man, sometimes lost awaiting rediscovery. Wicca is but a part of a rich heritage. A modern hybrid with one foot in the past and one stepping forward towards the future, keeping the magickal traditions alive.





Gerald Brosseau Gardner 13/06/1884-12/02/1964. Regarded as the father of modern Wicca, Gardner was certainly an influential figure in the development of what we now regard as Modern Wicca. He was a keen amateur archeologist and anthropologist. A Freemason, a member of O.T.O. and well acquainted with Rosicrucionism, it is easy to see how the eclecticism of Gardenian Wicca came to be. Between his research regarding Native Witchcraft, Druidic Traditions and Oriental Mysticism by way of Freemasonary and Rosicrucionism we can see where the roots of his ideas lay. Whilst he claimed to reviving a native tradition, going so far as to suggest initiation into a coven that could trace its lineage over generations it seems highly unlikely that this was actually true. Doreen Valienete, who co-wrote many of the materials used in Gardner's work did consciously attempt to prove the existence of Dorothy Clutterbuck, whom Gardner claimed initiated him, and such a person did exist as Valiente discovered. It seems most likely that Clutterbuck, an Anglican Tory if a witch at all may have simply come from a line of 'wise folk', healers; herbalists; fortune tellers and mid-wives. Therein lies the real traditions of paganism. Gardner and Valiente seem to have synthesised Golden Dawn teachings (based on Hermetic principles and rituals) with Rosicrucianism and pagan folk-lore. The Sabbats and Wheel of the Year can easily be attributed to Druidic Traditions and likely this is where these rituals that are central to Wicca most likely came from. The term Wicca most likely derived from Anglo-Saxon times, Wicce meaning wise. Therefore Witchcraft can be translated to mean Craft of the Wise. Of course as we would expect, this to is contested and no one answer proves to be ultimately authorative. Common sense must therefore prevail and we ultimately make up our own minds based on education and reason. Whatever the case, Gardner remains a highly influential figure in Wicca, NeoPaganism and the Magickal community at large.



Doreen Valiente 04/01/1922-01/09/1999. Doreen, like Gerald Gardner, was a highly influential figure in the Pagan community, leaving behind an important legacy that serves the Wiccan and Neo-Pagan world still. A contemporary of Gardner's, she worked closely with him when he was formulating his ideas that we now know as Gardenian Wicca. She was initiated by Gardner in 1953, becoming a High Priestess in the Bricket-Wood coven, not long after joining later that year. In 1957 she split away from Gardner to form her own coven with Ned Grove. By all accounts Gardner was too autocratic, however she remained on friendly terms with him and continued working in the Gardenian tradition. Over the course of her life she authored several books that continue to be read in contempory times: Where Witchcraft Lives (1966) An ABC of Witchcraft (1973) Natural Magic (1975) Witchcraft For Tomorrow (1978) The Rebirth of Withcraft (1989) Charge of the Godess (Posthumously 2000) In 1971 she appeared in a BBC documentary called 'Power of the Witch' along with Alex Sanders. This documentary can be found on YouTube. In that same year she also was involved in the foundation of Pagan Front, a group dedicated to campaigning for the religious rights of Wiccans and Pagans. She passed away on the 1st of September 1999. As testement to her contributions to Wicca and the Neo-Pagan movement, not to mention feminism her legacy has been both preserved and acknowledged through the Centre for Pagan Studies. In June 2013 they unveiled a Blue Plaque over her final home in Brighton in which the Mayor performed the ceremonial unveiling. A remarkable lady indeed.




Buckland's 'Blue Book' is one of the best selling titles on the subject of Wicca/ Witchcraft. First published in 1986 and reprinted/expanded in 2002, this book is a complete course in Wicca based predominantly on the Gardenian Tradition of which Buckland was initiated into in 1962 along with his wife Rosemary. Buckland is an exceptionally prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. In 1974 he established his own version of Wicca called Seax- Wicca which draws from Anglo-Saxon paganism. He is also credited with introducing Gardenian Wicca to the U.S.A. Raymond and Rosemary had emigrated tp the United States in 1962, settling in Long Island, New York. It was here that they set up their Long Island Coven.


Raymond was born in London on August 31st 1934. Interestingly he was of mixed ethnicity, his mother Eileen being English and father Stanley, a Romany. His Romany blood may well have been a significant factor in his interest in Spiritualism and the Occult from a very young age. Later in life he would go on to develop a Romani Tarot Deck and write several books on Romani Gypsy Magic. At the outbreak of World War 2, the family moved out of London, moving to Nottingham where a young Raymond attended Nottingham High School where he developed an interest in amateur dramatics. He was further educated at King's College School and from 1957 to '59 served in the Royal Air Force. Buckland's first published book was in 1969, 'A Pocket Guide to the Supernatural' followed the following year with 'Practical Candleburning Rituals', 'Witchcraft Ancient and Modern' and a work of fiction called 'MU Revealed'. 'MU Revealed' was written under the pseudonym, Tony Earll, a simple anagram of "not really". The work was derived as a spoof of the works of James Churchward who wrote several books about a legendary civilisation called Mu. Churchward's theories have long since been disproved. Raymond's contribution to Wicca and Magick cannot be overstated.




The path of the mystic is a journey towards enlightenment. It is a personal journey from initiation to adepthood, overcoming the ego driven mind of the lower self to connect with the Higher Mind through discipline and training. It is a path that only the most sincere seeker can follow for it requires considerable dedication and self-sacrifice. The rewards however are great for those who commit themselves fully to it. Mankind is a microcosm of the macrocosm. The inner journey towards the Higher Self is the search for Divinity within, through this cultivation of spirit the adept connects with God, Most High. This is transmutation of the soul, in alchemical terms, the turning of lead into gold and what the Christian doctrines call being reborn. Rebirth of the soul comes about as the old ego dies to be born anew in the Light. This is the true meaning of resurrection as found in the Egyptian Book of The Dead and the subsequent teachings that followed across the Ages. The Khemetic Teachings were attributed to Thoth who, as legend has it, was an ascended Master who reincarnated thrice to impart wisdom, once in Atlantis then came to teach the peoples of Khemet (Ancient Egypt) and then Greece. He came to be known by the Greeks as Hermes Trismegistus (Hermes Thrice Great). It is said that Thoth taught the Egyptians writing, medicine and magick. The Ancient Greeks inherited the Ancient Mystery teachings and preserved it. We know this ancient knowledge today as Hermeticism. The Hermetic Wisdom no doubt survived due to the influence that Classical Greece has had on modern civilisation. It is also possible that much of the wisdom lost during the destruction of The Great Library of Alexandria had already been commited to the collective memory of the Greek culture through the classical scholars. Indeed Plato wrote about Atlantis and it has been debated ever since as to whether the tale was a moralist allegory or a record of a real civilisation lost in a Great Flood. A thorough study of Hermetic Teachings reveals that Atlantis was an advanced civilisation that brought about its own destruction through the abuse of its power. They became arrogant and dangerous to the rest of humanity by forgetting that their power and knowledge was of Divine origin. This is the wisdom that Thoth imparted to the Khemetic civilisation in order to bring about an evolutionary step in man and to preserve the knowledge. It is also said that as civilisations rise and


fall, each time is an evolutionary leap leading mankind to a predestined merging with the Divine Creator, the source of all things. As human beings we can take lessons from the past and change our future starting from the present. As civilisations have emerged, peaked and fallen, so too is it with the individual. The transient journey of life as mortal biological entities (or vessels for the immortal soul) from birth to death, it's purpose is to learn and to evolve. Our earthly experience is to learn and our goal is to break the cycle of reincarnation. We continue to return until we reach nirvana. So the mystic seeks to unlock the Great Mysteries, purify himself of his base desires and be One with the Divine. A journey out of Darkness towards the Light. This is the occult (or hidden meaning) found in all religion. This is the main reason we find so much conflict between different religions. There are the mystical elements, the core elements that mystics and sages bring to fruition. They are


initiated into the Mysteries but because the knowledge is only for the worthy lest it fall into the hands of those who would abuse it or lack the intellect to comprehend it, the knowledge is passed on to the profane in allegory. The roots therefore become new religious systems that are shaped by the culture in which it is introduced in order that the people can comprehend the teachings in their simplified terms. Over time these same religions become corrupted and dogmatic and ultimately divisive. Proof positive that the Inner Secrets must remain for the elect in order that the Ultimate Truths are preserved for future generations. Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed were all Ascended Masters, Adepts of the Mystery Schools. Each brought Divine Wisdom to their Age in the form of Inner and Outer Wisdom. The Inner Wisdom understood by those who were initiates and Outer Wisdom for those who are profane and in need of guidance but lacking the intellect and moral fibre to be given the keys to powerful knowledge. We need only look at the Dark Magicians of modern science, who created the Atomic Bomb, to see how knowledge can be dangerous in the wrong hands. This is the same corrupted power that led to the destruction of Atlantis. The Atlanteans had forgotten that all knowledge is Divine, they became arrogant and dangerous so God destroyed their civilisation in a Deluge. Thoth brought these secrets to the land of Khem to be preserved. This is hidden in the Bible in the Hebrew texts, Moses was initiated into the Egyptian Priesthood after all, so he would have known this. The knowledge is in the texts if you know what to look for. The mysticism of the Hebrews in the form of Qabbalah is directly descended from the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools. The Hebrew Mystic Tradition influenced both the Sufi sects and the Essenes of which Mohammed and Jesus were initiates respectively. It is well documented in The Quran and Hadiths that Mohammed lived an ascetic life of a Sufi before his revelations from Gabriel. In the Gnostic Gospels we find that Jesus also lived among the Essenes, an ascetic commune in Palestine. This aspect of his life is absent from the religious canon that makes up the Holy Bible. The Council of Nicea left this out in order that Jesus could be portrayed as a literal Son of God and not a man. Again proof of this can be found in the correlations between the individual teachings. The similarities simply cannot be easily dismissed. When cultural rules and systematic dogmatism is removed from religion, at their heart we do indeed find common ground. Now, whilst the path of the Mystic may not be for everyone, indeed it is only for the most dedicated and sincere seeker, we can at least reason that being divisive over religion is both dangerous and foolish. The fundamentalists have lost connection with


the true fundamentals and by doing so have strayed from the path as set out by the very same enlightened masters that they claim to be following. Whether it be gun-toting Christians condemning anyone who fails to adhere to their distorted version of biblical scripture or the Islamic fundamentalists who commit cultural vandalism and murder in the name of Allah, they have distorted and corrupted the core message of their teachings. What one must remember is that there are always persuasive and charismatic leaders with personal agendas and grandiose opinions of themselves who lead people easily astray like sheep. This is one of Jesus' parables in which he calls himself the Shepherd. The Good Shepherd who tends his Father's flock. (See Gospel of John. Chapter 10.) In other words, a good shepherd keeps his flock together and takes care of them. Otherwise they stray. Jesus would have been apalled by the atrocities that have been perpetuated in his name over the subsequent centuries following his departure. The problems attributed to religion are not the fault of religion but of man's own fallibility. Blind faith is erroneous and dangerous. Another aspect of misguided religious dogma is via its politicisation. Our history is littered with religious wars with all concerned believing that their own God is on their side. It would be absurd were it not so tragic. Mankind would be better served by following in the footsteps of the ascended masters rather than following the debatable interpretations of dubious personalities and systemic organisations. At the very least if one follows a particular religious path, one should endeavour to get to the heart of the teachings and not simply recite the texts without understanding them. That's not to say that religion fails entirely to bring equilibrium to the faithful but for every genuine adherent, there are many who go through the motions, either blindly or hypocritically. When Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven," he is saying that hoarding wealth while the poor go hungry is fruitless and that all the wealth in the world cannot buy your salvation. In other words the keys to the Kingdom are attained through one's deeds. In mystical terms, through spiritual enlightenment. Wealth is an earthly desire that one leaves behind when the life-cycle is over and its only value is to do good with it. What good does it do the soul to worship at the Temple or the Church if one does not live a virtuous life?


"I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world." (Mathew 13:35)


"Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds." Acts 7:22


In future issues, we shall examine various Mystery Schools in greater depth. Suffice to say though, the role of the Mystery Schools in shaping civilisation cannot be overstated, keepers of the Divine Truths, progenitors of the World Religions and guardians of the Sciences through turbulent political paradigm shifts, the different Schools have played a key part in advancing the Human Race. The very fact that you are reading this now is but the legacy of the hidden work of the Illuminated Masters. We have much to thank them for. Risking persecution, death and torture during times of religious fundamentalism, Initiates of the Mystery Schools continued the Great Work so that it might be preserved for future generations. I would urge all readers to begin their own research with 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages' by Manley Palmer Hall. First published in 1928, some of the contents may be contested in light of contemporary research but for the most part it is a great work, well researched in the context of its time. The work provides an effective starting point for potentially a lifetime's worth of research of one's own. Like Alice jumping down the rabbit hole, you will begin an extraordinary adventure as you pursue the many premises outlined in this encyclopeadic work.


It is impossible to understand and decipher religious texts without the fundamental knowledge of both their historical context and the mystical roots from which they evolved. If we are to avoid extremist views and intollerance, we must embrace core truths and values prior to their application, not accept dogmatic principles blindly. This is the way of the mystic. It is important to use intellect and reason, to study extensively with a critical eye and thus disseminate information logically. It is only then that we can assemble the dissparate pieces of the puzzle and say with any authority that we are on a straight path. It is a fool who accepts blindly the dogmatic rules and subjective opinions of another. The wise man seeks knowledge for himself. In this technological age, it has never been easier for the layman to access information and knowledge but it comes at a price for there is much disinformation too. Conspiracy theories and half truths pervade the great library that is the internet so it is crucial that one learns discernment and common sense. Eventually one will arrive at common denominators with regards to any field of enquiry. So it is with religion and mysticism. I cannot reiterate often enough that it is the core truths and values that we must endeavour to seek. By reading widely and extensively we may arrive at that end. In this Information Age, there can be no excuse for ignorance other than indolence. We must use the tools that are available to us and engage our God given intellect to become enlightened. Our transient time within this dimension is an illusory one, only that which is eternal is Truth. It has always been so. This is our journey in this dimension.


Manly P. Hall (March 18th 1901 - August 29th 1990) Hall wrote in his lifetime somewhere in the region of 150 books and essays and delivered approximately 8000 lectures. He founded and left in Trust The Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, California. The PRS is a repository of thousands of books and manuscripts, most of which was accumulated during his lifetime. In 1973 he was conferred an honourary 33rd Degree by The Supreme Council of The Scottish Rite of Freemasonary, despite him not being an Initiate member of the Fraternity, such was the high esteem in which he was held as a chronicler of Ancient Wisdom and Philosophy. No study into Mysticism can be complete without reading Hall. His most notable work 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages', considered his magnum opus, is truly encyclopaedic in its scope.



In the next issue we will look closer at The Mystery Schools. Druidry: Historical perspective of Druidry; The role of Druidry within the Western Tradition; Modern Druidry and its revival. Jesus and the Essenes.



On the left a Buddhist depiction of the Swastika and on the right the hated symbol of Fascism.


THE POWER OF SYMBOLISM We are all familiar with the power of corporate branding but have you ever stopped to consider the subtler aspects of how a well designed logo actually affects you subliminally? The most powerful logos are in effect, sigils. They effect psychological responses in the mundane world and create ripples in the unseen thus creating magick in a very real sense. The efficacy of the sigil is entirely dependent on the skill of the practitioner whether it be a magician casting a spell or a designer capturing the ethos of his corporate client succesfully in a branding campaign. A corporate logo once activated in the consciousness, encapsulates the entire essence of the body that it represents. Not only does the branding work so effectively on the public consciousness as to influence brand loyalty, individuals themselves become unwitting billboards for those same brands. It is human nature to want to fit in with like minded people in a tribal manner. Marketing experts use this to their advantage. Think for a moment about how many brands you are unconsciously promoting. As musician/composer Frank Zappa said, "You're all wearing a uniform. Don't kid yourself." Even the most rebellious counter culturalist is an unwitting accomplice to marketing. Consider this, you are projecting a lifestyle statement by wearing a shirt depicting your favourite artist. You have bought and paid for this item, and why not? You love this band/musician. You have in fact paid to advertise for that band/musician. It becomes free marketing for them. Not only are you promoting them for free, you are paying them for the priviledge. Ironic isn't it? Now I'm not telling you to stop showing your allegiance to a particular lifestyle or cultural icon. That's your choice. The point is to demonstrate the efficacy of symbolism and to get you to think about it more deeply. All too often the most powerful symbols are misappropriated and misunderstood. Take for instance, the Swastika, an ancient esoteric symbol, forever tainted by its nefarious association with Nazi Germany and White Supremacy. How many Neo-Nazi's fully understand the nature of this symbol? Not too many I would imagine. Hitler understood its significance, though he perhaps underestimated the full impact of the reverse symbology he adopted as his branding. The Swastika ( from Sanskrit ) is an auspicious symbol and has been found throughout the world. There is even archeological artefacts dating back to Neolithic times. It can be found in India, Tibet, Europe over millenia.


There can be few symbols that evoke such powerful emotion as this. Sadly in a negative way. In actuality its sacred geometry is a powerful meditative tool, present in Tibetan Mandalas. It can be drawn infinitely, perhaps this is why it has been found throughout civilisations over millenia. It represents infinity itself. Most interestingly is that despite the many hypotheses offered as to its true origins and meanings, each hypothesis is plausible. This suggests in itself the infinite permutations of its perfect geometry and why it has been so prevalent across different civilisations. Certain symbols are archetypal and speak to us in the collective consciousness. Which leads us to another much maligned symbol, the image of Baphomet. This particular image, apparently created by Eliphas Levi, is full of occult symbolism that is greatly misunderstood. Sadly it has also been misappropriated. The image now is pretty much synonomous with Satanism. The founder of The Church of Satan, Anton LaVey adopted the image, altered key aspects and made it his own. Thanks also to film makers, this image is now permanently imprinted on mass consciousness in a negative context. A key fundamental change is in the pentagram that is found on the forehead. Originally depicted as an upright pentagram, with the Spirit ruling the Earthly Elements, LaVey has the Earthly Elements ruling the Spirit. In the context of this orientation of the pentagram, the Goat's Head also fits within the inverted pentagram. Powerful symbolism I think you would agree. Essentially LaVey's whole philosophy can be understood by this switch, earthly desires above spiritual needs. Instead of Spirit as the pinnacle of human development, LaVey's doctrine places it below the lower elements. A complete antithesis to the sacred teachings where Spirit rules the other elements. Despite the carefully prepared public relations excercise where the Church of Satan professes that it is not an evil philosophy, what else can we call it when its very principles lead its disciples away from the Light, to wallow in the base desires of the lower realms? The Divine Occultist knows that the true path towards enlightenment and ascension is the cultivation of Spirit over Earthly desires. The Divine Light illuminating the Darkness of the animal nature. There are a few divisive ideas about the origins of Baphomet but Levi's depiction is full of Hermetic principles. The torch, uppermost, represents Illumination in the context of the Fire Element (Prometheus gives man fire which leads him out of darkness). As previously mentioned, the upright pentagram represents Spirit above the Four Elements. The arms point "As above, so below." The goats head represents man's animal nature. The figure is androgonous with female breasts, whilst the Caduceus is phallic, representing duality. The wings represent Air. The hooves upon the World is Earth, the fish scales represents Water. The Caduceus itself has multiple meanings. Not only phallic, it is also a symbol of life and of knowledge. This is the universal symbol used in the medical profession and has survived since the Ancient Egyptian Dynasties. Ouroboros, the serpent devouring its tail, represents the cycle of death and rebirth. Once one understands the Codex of symbology, one gets an altogether different picture. Satanists have usurped Divine knowledge and corrupted symbology in order to defile the sacred principles. The pentagram has been inverted in the same manner as the Christian Cross. (The Cross itself represents life, death and rebirth, the origins of which is the Ankh.) Satanism really is nothing more than the antithesis of all that is Divine in nature. 38


An archetype that attracts thrill seekers, misfits and rebellious characters who wish to live without consequences. They reject Divine principles and embrace the Darkness. A fundamental misunderstanding of Occult Science and Magick is that it is inherently evil. Occult knowledge in truth is Divine in nature. That it has been infiltrated and usurped by people with impure hearts is no reflection on the true nature of the Magickal Arts. It can never be over stressed that intention is the key principle. Approached with a pure heart, one becomes a more highly evolved human being. Pursuit of power for its own ends, without ethics ultimately leads to self destruction.

The understanding of symbols is fundamental in the pursuit of esoteric knowledge for much has been hidden in sigils, glyphs and allegorical tales. The reason for this primarily is to retain the knowledge for the initiated. Knowledge in the wrong hands is dangerous. A lot of information is now in the public domain but you may be certain that much is still closely guarded and secret. It should be so, for as we have seen in the above examples, there are those who would usurp and defile the most sacred keys to occult knowledge. For further research on this topic I would suggest reading the works of Carl Jung and Edward Bernays. Every student of esotericism, mysticism and metaphysics should read Jung extensively. In the context of the themes within this essay, Bernays is worth reading to give further insight into the methodology of manipulation as science. Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud, is seen as the grandfather of propaganda. Joseph Goebells, Hitler's Minister for Propaganda was well versed in the work of Bernays. Much of the work can also be seen as a template for corporate marketing. As a lesson in manipulation by Black Magick, some research into Bernays will prove insightful and may even alter your worldview. 40

Whilst on the subject of symbology and looking at the Caduceus in the esoteric context, particularly as it is part of the aforementioned Baphomet figure, it is worth exploring what the symbol of the Caduceus represents currently and historically. I mentioned that it represents life, having being adopted by the medical proffesion and in esoteric terms it represents the Kundalini energies, literally the coiled serpents travelling up the spinal column. It has also come to be associated with the DNA double helix. However, closer examination and further research reveals that the symbol has come to represent these concepts and that somewhere in the past it has been confused with the Staff of Asclepius.

Whether this was a deliberate deception on the part of the Mystery Schools, or an honest misconception on the part of Alchemists and Mystics of the Rennaisance we cannot be certain. As we have seen, symbols have immense powerful potential upon the human psyche and their meanings do evolve exponentially along with the ideas that they represent. The Rod or Staff and the serpent are among the oldest symbols of antiquity. The Staff is a symbol of authority, the Snake a symbol of regeneration. This symbol has been associated with medicine for centuries. The Caduceus represents the Hermetic Tradition principally, being associated with Hermes in the Ancient Greek pantheon and later in Greco-Roman times, Mercury. In Khemeticism Thoth is the equivalent deity. 41

So with this in mind, it is easy to see why the Caduceus is used frequently among the Mystery Schools and why in the context of Thoth, associations with healing can be made. Thoth taught the land of Khem the secrets of Atlantis: Astronomy; Magick; Astrology; Writing; Geometry; Medicine. He is also a scribe and intermediary between this world and the Underworld. The Book of the Dead is attributed to Thoth. He also corresponds with the Moon as a Lunar deity. Some depictions show a crescent moon above his head. In Ancient Egypt he was called Tehuti, the Greeks translated this as Thoth. Hermes from the Greek pantheon resembled Thoth in so many aspects, not least of which is the aspect of being Messenger of the gods, that they became one and the same, Hermes/Thoth. The Caduceus is also known as the Staff of Hermes. Hermes was also the god of merchants, thieves, travellers to name a few and of course this raises some questions regarding medicine and healing. It may be that there has been a simple mistake made between the Caduceus and the Rod of Asclepius. I tend to think we need to adhere to the symbiotic symbology of Hermes and Thoth to arrive at a more plausible connection, as pointed out earlier in this text, Thoth taught man all of the noble Arts, medicine and healing being one of them. The two intertwined snakes as representation of the DNA helix is a more recent interpretation for obvious reasons and also the corresponding coiled serpent of Kundalini rising up through the spine. It is more likely than not that these are esoteric symbols that have been attributed at a later date than when the Caduceus was first created. It is debatable infinitely to suggest that the DNA helix has been encoded for centuries in this symbol, suggesting that there has to be extra-terrestrial intervention or that the gods or God passed this knowledge onto mankind millenia ago. It may indeed be true, it may not. That is the way of such abstact ideas that so much must be taken on faith on the one hand and with empirical evidence on the other. The heart and the head must work together so to speak. I do believe that the DNA helix contains the memories of our ancestors but that is a subject for another time. I digress, we are examining symbology in this essay. In conclusion, symbolic archetypes speak to us on many levels and they do indeed evolve over time as new discoveries are made and new perspectives can be applied. The core element remains nonetheless. Symbols become part of the collective consciousness and become a language that transcends dialects and languages throughout the world. As we have seen, they even span the Ages and remain timeless.


Think about the symbols and icons you see every day. What do they say to you? Do they resonate with you on some deep unconscious level? On the left is Hermes, Messenger of the gods. Known to the Romans as Mercury. There are several parcel delivery services using the names and imagery to imply swift delivery of their services.

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). Swiss Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist. He pioneered the psycho-analytic approach. He also wrote countless books that encompassed religion, mysticism and psychology.



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