Enska, wordlist, fashion

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meaning ice

Brand Career Catwalk Celebrity Clothing Collection design evening gown fabric Model Contemporary sittings Sample investment season latest hot trendy must-­‐have essential vintage iconic timeless classic fave semiannual Fashion capitals Fashion Shows runway Supermodel brand boutiques fashion house fashionista campaigne fragrange jewerly fashion shoots overcoat foreign press designer make up hairstyles label

Vörumerki Starfsferill göngupallur frægt fólk föt tískusafn hönnun gala kjóll efni Módel ódýrari vörur stjórna tískumyndatöku Sýnishorn af fötum fjárfesting tímabil nýjasta nýtt allir vilja þetta eh sem allir eru í eh sem þú verður að fá mikilvægt, verður að fa gamalt, en vel gert frægt, og minnisverður alltaf flott alltaf flott (lengi) uppáhalds Haldið tvisvar á ári NY,Londn,Milano,Paris Tísku sýningar sýningarpallur módel sem er frægt Lína, tegund lítil fatabúð fatahús fólk sem elskar tísku herferðir ilmvatn skartgripir tísku tökur frakki erlenda pressan hönnuður förðunardót hárgreiðslur merki

portfolio products stylist favorite look photography inspired tailor corsett haute couture trench coat elegance lingerie sportswear seasonal apparel creation pareo stockings top model streetstyle personal style minimal retro strapless satchel modern simple pony tale lace chiffon knit advertising grace silhouette project consonance magazine ladylike global materials industry shape posh fancy alluring

mappa eiginlega vörur stílisti uppáhalds ehv sérstakt lúkk ljósmyndun innblástur sníða kossilettur sér hannaður búningur frakki, kápa oft svon beis litir glæsileiki undirföt íþróttaföt árstíðarbundinn fatnaður sköpun sólstrandarslæða sokkar, sokkabuxur aðal módel götutíska þinn eiginn stíll ehv lítið, hreint og beint gömul tíska með enginn bönd taska með löngum böndum nútímalegt einfalt tagl blúnda létt efni gert úr silki / nylon prjónapeysa auglýsingar einfalt og glæislegt skuggamynd verkefni samkomuleg /eindrægin tímarit viðeigandi og dæmigerður alþjóðlegt efni iðnaður lögun flott glæsilegt leynilega flott

glamour glæsileiki culutre menning checkered köflótt efni clothes horse þvotta grind cover girl módel á forsíðu á tímariti vogue tímarit vinsælt high-­‐street aðalgötur, verslunargata mittens vettlingar cardigan golla bowler hat pípu hattur beret hringlaga flatur hattur high-­‐stepper gleði í partýi og í klúbbum department deild dressy glæsileg casual einfaldlegur cowl neck kragi sem hangir svona niður desirable æskilegt garment grein um föt sheer þunnt efni eða létt ply tvöfalt efni, lag af fötum tailor klæðskeri tapestry veggteppi turban muslima hattur veil slör yfir hárið, brúðkaup wardrobe fataskápur, herbergi petticoat undirpils með blúndu efni undir style stíll stylish stílhreinleiki purse taska waistline mittismál shopping versla beauty fegurð makeover breyting á einhverju, einhverjum layer up annað lag af einhverju capelet lítil skykkja yfir axlirnar hat pin pinni sem þú setur í hár, hatt fashion courses tísku námskeið textile design textíl hönnun cloak skikkja dressing gown sloppur waistcoat vesti linen efni dotted doppar, doppótt tartan köflótt efni clothes stall þæfð föt, fata markaður personal shopper einka verslari, veitir hjálp

rubber hooded

leður eða gúmmí ehv með hettu

meaning eng


Brand name your lifework a narrow walkway famous, well known Clothes fall collection you're design formal dress materials supermodel mid-­‐ price apparal manage and directing a photo shoot an idea of the clothes spending money to increas the amount summer,spring, fall and winter season newest, most recent wanted, everybody wants to have it what everybody else is wearing something that u have do get necessary, important old, but high quality and valuable famous, memorable always very beautiful popular for a long time slang for favorite twice a year NY,london,milano,paris shows that are twice a year The same as catwalk model that is well known fashion line small fashionable store famous clothing houses people who loves fashion like the whole christmas or summer water that smells good and spray on you accessories fashion photoshoots a cout u put on for outside an out of see's press someone who makes something the make up u put on your face some speccific hairstyle in your hair something that names something

brend kurír Kettvolk selebrití Klóþíng kollegtíon dísægn ívining gáfn fabrik módel kontemporerí sittings sambl investment síson leitest hott trendý möst hef essentíal vinteicgh ækonik tæmless clessic feif semiannúal fasíon kapitals fasíon sjóvs rönvey súpermodel brend bútígs fasíon hás fasíónista kempeign freigrens djúverly sjúts óverkót foren dísægner meiköpp herstæls leiböl

a large, thin case for loose sheets some fashion, good products for body the one who makes everything look perfect something that is inteed my favorite some special look, outfit hair and makeup making some photos inspiration from something fitting just for you tightly fitting undergarment custom-­‐fitted clothing a coat being graceful and styling womens underwear and night gowns people use in some sports something that is in one of the seasons clothes making something strand wraparound thigts or socks a cat model street fashion your own style something small, clean and simple fashion in the 60's without shoulders strap a bag with a long bands something that looks like from now something that is easy and plain a hairstyle a patern material a light, sheer fabric made of silck or nylon a sweater that is cosy and warm something to show and let people know off simple and elegant shadows picture a school project or work project aggrement or compatibility paper appropriated for girls or tipical innernational fabric manufacturing form or configuration elegant or stylishly luxury something that looks classy powerfully and mystoriously attractive

portfólíó prodökts stælist feivorit lúkk fótógraffý inspæörd teilor korsett háut cóutjör trens kót elegens lanchurei sportsver sísónal apparel kríeisíon pareio stokkings topp módel strítstæl persónal stæl minimal retro strappless satsúl modern simbl póní teil leis chiffón Knitt advertæsing greis sillóett prodjekt konsenens magasín leidýlæk glóbal materíals industrí shjeip posh fensý ellouring

elegant and makes the special glamor the art of human intellectual költure matern that has more than one colour with a patern chíkered clothes rack klóðs hors the model on the front page of a magazine kover gurl popular magazine vóg main shopping street hæg strít gloves mittens sweater that is open in the middle with no zipper kardigan a black pipe hat báwler hatt a round, flat hat beret pleasure in noght clubs, and parties hæg stepper section or a part of something department elegant dressý informal kasúal a neckline that hangs in draped folders káwl nekk a quality person dísæarabl article about clothes garment thin fabric or light shíír two layers of clothes plæ a man who makes clothes just for you or fix teilor a carpet you put on the wall wit a lot of paterns tabestrí muslim headdress túrban a mattern put over your head, oftest on your weeding veil a tall cabinet, closet or a small room to hold your clothes wardrób underskirt filled with truffles or lace, pettiskirt pettíkót style stæl style clean stæl clín bag purs imaginary line around persons body at the waist veistlæn shopping sjopping beauty bjútí complete transformation of something, someone meikóver another layr of something leier öp a small cape, covering the shoullders capelett a pin that u put in hair and hats hat pin fashion school or a little school, courses fasíon corses textile design textæl dísægn a cape clók shower or night coat dressing gávn a vest weistkót textile, fabric lænen dots dotted cheakered tartan clothes market klóðs stall people who help others shop, by giving advice and more persónal shopper

leather somehting with a hood, like a sweater

röbber húdded

example this is a new brand this is my career models show clothes on catwalks Celebrities are well known it´sa nice clothing store My collection of clothes this is my new design I love my evening gown clothing materials This catwalk model is fabilous mid priced apparal and accessories our sittings editor is great can u check if the model will fit into the samples u should get this, is such an investment. This spring collection looks awesome have u seen the latest version the new prada shoes are so hot this shoes are so trendy this coat is clearly a must have elle magazine has a great section of essential boots i was shopping at a thrift store and found a chanel jacket she was well known for her iconic collection she wore a timless dress to the oscar Ralph lauren has made a classic black dress Stella mccartney is my fave fashion designer Fashion week is a semiannual event Fashion weeks take places in Ny, london, milano and paris It is a week packed full of fashion shows models walks down the runway designer loves to have a supermodel walk the runway This is a new brand from Marc Jacob this is my favorite boutiques in the neigbourhood fashion house is a company like Chanel, gucci, Prada I am so big time a fashionista she so great in this holiday campaign her new chanel frgrance smells awesome that model has some great jewerly's today on fashion shoots i fell how is the new overcoat ? the foreign press told us she looks gourgeus i am a fashion designer, can i help you ? fashion make up artist what kind of hairstyle where you thinking off for the shoot the baby Dior label for kids looks incredible

how is your portfolio? fashion products are the best we only need an fashion stylist this is my favorite brand right now i adore this look today we will have an photography memorie today inspired me we are going to tailor this dress just for you the kardashion are starting the corsett again we are going to have haute couture this trench coat looks good. she is so elgance tonight wooww its a beautiful lingerie i am making a new line of sportswear this company has a seasonal clothes. american apparel make your creation this pareo looks so good, u should wear it to the beach today. we have some new stockings this girl is clearly a top model the streetstyle look this winter is fabilous my personal style is what i like to wear and what is my favorite i want it to be minimal style this is so retro this dress is strapless she has a satchel this is modern something simple and modern the low pony tale is so in this season i love this laced dress her coat is mad of chiffon how do you like your knit ? have you seen the new advertising from Burberry ? she moved with grace i want these photos to have silhouetts i am working on a fashion projuct right now consonance between coverstation about measures fall magazine this year this is more ladylike this brand has gone global this is a good material fashioon is a good but also hard industry so what is my kind of shape ? this hotel is posh you look so fancy tonight the town offers alluring shops

woowww she is glamouros 20th century popular culture checkered scarf from burberry put your laundry on the clothes horse she is the cover girl on this magazine have you seen the newest vogue magazine where is the nearest high street here? put your mittens on. just wear your cardigan to school this bowler hat is amazing this beret is pretty this night will be high stepper i'm in this department with my mom wooowww she is so dressy she is looking very casual this sweater has a cowl neck i would say that it is desirable to wear propure clothes in vogue ther will be a garment in the weeding gown there will be a sheer and lace ply clothes from this girl i have to go to the tailor to let him make me a suit i love your tapestry on your wall your turban looks good have you found a veil that comes with your dress this wardrobe is gorgeous i want this petticoat for my daughter what style do you like ? i love this style clean outfitt purse is the new style how long is your waistline ? would you like to go shooping in the mall what a beauty!! she needs a makeover this dress needs a layer up this capelet is starting to grow again in fashion u should put a hat pin to go with it in your hair i want to go to a fashion courses in july what are u making in textile design where is your cloak ? after shower i'm going to put the cloak on u should wear the waistcoat with the suit there is a linen in this pillow this fabric is dotted my shirt is tartan in this part of the town is a clothes stall i need a personal shopper for this trip

a want a rubber jacket i want a hooded jearsey

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