CHORAL SPECTRUM Christmas Edition 2020
CHORAL SPECTRUM Christmas Edition 2020
CONTENTS Sing with the Choir............................................................. 3
Walton Music – New in 2020....................................... 17
Music Minus One................................................................ 4
EC Schirmer & MorningStar Music – New in 2020.. 20
What is ScorePlay?............................................................. 5
Hope Publishing & Beethoven 250............................ 21
Hal Leonard Pop – New in 2020................................... 6
De Haske Choral & Kevin Mayhew............................. 22
Hal Leonard Stage & Screen – New in 2020............. 9
Bosworth Edition............................................................. 23
Grammy Composers & The King’s Singers............... 12
Bosworth & Harmonia.................................................... 24
Hal Leonard Sacred – New in 2020............................ 13
Accessories For The Choir........................................... 25
Top 30 Christmas Choral Bestsellers.......................... 15
Recording Equipment for Singers............................... 26
Novello & Chester Music Christmas............................ 16
Composer Index.............................................................. 27
Gareth Malone’s Great British Home Chorus Songbook
Gareth malone’s Great British Home Chorus Songbook
Gareth Malone
SATB and Piano Re-live Gareth’s best-loved songs from the Great British Home Chorus. Each song is presented in SATB format and includes a piano part and chords so you can play and sing along at home. £1 from the sale of the Great British Home Chorus Songbook will be donated to NHS Charities Together (registered charity no. 1186569). Includes: I’m Still Standing Ordinary World - Somewhere Only We Know - We Are Family - You Are My Sunshine.
HL00354536 £12.99 / 16,90€ SATB/PIANO
Arra nged
S o m ew h e r
by Jon ath
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E O n ly W e K now
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19/06/2020 15:43
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The Great British
Home Chorus
Songbook MUSIC
Copyright © 1983 HST MGT. LTD. and ROUGE BOOZE, INC. All Rights for HST MGT. LTD. in the United States and Canada Controlled and Administered by UNIVERSAL - SONGS OF POLYGRAM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Also available… Bright Star - HL00295016 - £39.99 / 66,00€ mf All Rights for ROUGE BOOZE, INC. in the United States and Canada Controlled and Administered by UNIVERSAL - POLYGRAM INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING, INC. All Rights Reserved Used by Permission
The Great British Home Chorus Songbook MUSIC PAGES.indd 8
19/06/2020 15:44
SING WITH THE CHOIR Perfect for choral singers unable to meet up with their choirs, these great collections let vocalists sing in the choir of some of the greatest songs ever. The book includes SATB parts and the CD features full performances. Turn on the CD, open the book, pick your part and sing along!
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Christmas Carols
Disney Favorites
SATB HL00333001 £14.50 / 19,50€
SATB HL00333002 £13.50 / 18,00€
SATB HL00333020 £13.50 / 18,00€
SATB HL00333007 £13.50 / 18,00€
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Disney Hits
Disney Songs
The Greatest Showman
SATB HL00333008 £13.50 / 18,00€
SATB HL00298823 £15.50 / 20,50€
SATB HL00333059 £15.50 / 20,50€
SATB HL00298822 £14.50 / 18,75€
Les Misérables
Alain Boublil, Claude-Michel Schönberg SATB HL00333009 £13.50 / 18,00€
The Sound Of Music Oscar Hammerstein II SATB HL00333019 £13.50 / 18,00€
Benj Pasek, Justin Paul
Top Hits Various
SATB £13.50 / 18,00€ The 1960s The 1970s
HL00333005 HL00333006
SATB HL00154231 £14.50 / 18,75€
Sing your heart out with Music Minus One These book & audio packs are the perfect at-home singing solution with vocal music books accompanied by audio demo tracks to help you learn, and also “minus one” tracks so you can belt out your favourite songs with the full, rich sound of professional backing tracks as you go.
Dear Evan Hansen
Benj Pasek, Justin Paul Book + Online Audio HL00241594 £19.99 / 25,50€
Hamilton: 10 Selections from the Hit Musical Hamilton
Book + Online Audio HL00190974 £14.99 / 20,09€
Sing 8 Fab Four Hits
Disney Songs
Book + Online Audio HL00236167 £16.99 / 22,00€
Book + Online Audio £16.99 / 22,00€
For Female Singers HL00248822 For Male Singers HL00248823
The Phantom of the Opera Andrew Lloyd Webber Book + Online Audio HL00244102 £19.99 / 25,50€
Book + Online Audio HL00242589 £14.50 / 18,75€
Book + CD HL00138891 £12.99 / 16,78€
Sing the Songs of Duke Ellington
Book + CD HL00138892 £12.99 / 16,50€
Book + CD HL00138893 £12.99 / 16,50€
Book + CD HL00138896 £12.99 / 16,50€
Book + Online Audio HL00280849 £17.99 / 24,00€
Sing the Songs of George & Ira Gershwin
Sing the Songs of Irving Berlin Irving Berlin
Oscar Hammerstein II
Christmas Standards for Female Singers
Sing the Songs of Cole Porter Cole Porter
The Sound of Music for Female Singers
Duke Ellington
George Gershwin
At Last
Etta James
Book + CD HL00154198 £12.99 / 16,50€
DISCOVER SCOREPLAY™ ScorePlay™ lets choir directors and singers view complete choral scores on screen while listening to professionally recorded demo recordings. The page turns sync with the music automatically, and you can see and hear the entire piece of music.
Check out the Hal Leonard Choral YouTube channel to keep up to date with all new Choral releases*. Explore repertoire for your next performance and stay up to date with all the latest releases.
Visit Spotify to hear audio recordings of new and best-selling choral works from the Hal Leonard, Walton Music, Novello and Chester Music catalogues.
Look out for the Soundcloud logos throughout this brochure to stream full recordings from the Walton Music, Novello and Chester Music catalogues.
*restrictions may apply
This lively series of pop songs has been arranged by Knut Olav Rygnestad for London Contemporary Voices. Now you too can sing their arrangements, in these engaging versions for a mixed a cappella choir.
Knut Olav Rygnestad ing their arrangements, cappella choir.
on, songwriting and ia in 2014. He joined on arranging material s arranged over a with artists such as He is also a composer, edish poet Karin Boye a YouTube channel on nut’.
eading choirs and sings for festivals, unity and outreach work s a diverse range of ra Mvula, Imogen Heap
Copyright © 2013 John Legend Publishing, EMI April Music Inc. and Gad Songs, LLC This arrangement Copyright © 2019 John Legend Publishing, EMI April Music Inc. and Gad Songs, LLC All Rights for John Legend Publishing Administered by BMG Rights Management (US) LLC All Rights for EMI April Music Inc. and Gad Songs, LLC Administered by Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, 424 Church Street, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN 37219 All Rights Reserved Used by Permission
20/12/2019 14:57
All of Me
John Stephens Knut Olav Rygnestad SATB a cappella HL00300152 £2.50 / 3,00€
Stevie Wonder Knut Olav Rygnestad SATB and Lead Group a cappella HL00300156 £3.50 / 4,50€
Santa Claus is coming to town
J. Fred Coots Knut Olav Rygnestad
SATB a cappella HL00300157 £2.50 / 3,00€
Head over to 6
HL00300152 All of Me music.indd 1
12/12/2019 13:05
Hey Ya!
SATB a cappella HL00300158 £2.50 / 3,00€
SATB a cappella HL00300159 £3.50 / 4,50€
SATB a cappella HL00300160 £3.50 / 4,50€
Andre Benjamin Knut Olav Rygnestad
Amy Winehouse Knut Olav Rygnestad
to hear audio examples
Mark Ralph Knut Olav Rygnestad
Blue Suede Shoes Elvis Presley Kirby Shaw
The Exploration Jazz Series is designed for jazz choirs just getting started. While the harmonies may be a bit simpler than more advanced charts, the style is planted firmly in the historically authentic manner that Kirby brings to all of his arrangements. 2-Part 3-Part Mixed £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00338042 HL00338041
The Beatles: Abbey Road (Medley) The Beatles Alan Billingsley
Celebrating the album’s recent 50th anniversary, our medley includes Something, Here Comes the Sun, Come Together, Octopus’s Garden, Maxwell’s Silver Hammer, She Came Through the Bathroom Window and The End. 2-Part SAB SATB £2.25 / 3,00€
HL00337509 HL00337508 HL00337507
To Make You Feel My Love
Dancing Queen
Bob Dylan’s songs often tell a story, and in this case, the story is told in a deeply melodic and affecting manner. “There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do” will likely hit a personal nerve for many of your listeners who have a loved one of their own.
The jukebox musical Mamma Mia! introduced a whole new audience to the music of ABBA while those who never left it were re-energized. Here is the smash hit from the show, the group, the movie and more and it is perfect for bringing your audience to its feet.
Billy Joel Kirby Shaw
SSA SAB SATB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00339675 HL00339672 HL00339671
ABBA Roger Emerson
SSA 3-Part Mixed SATB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00344900 HL00344901 HL00344899
Someone You Loved
Only The Young
Treat People With Kindness
A pure pop confection from Taylor Swift debuted at the top of the charts in 2019. With a positive message and a commitment not to take itself too seriously, this accessible Audrey Snyder-arranged chart will keep you and your choir in high spirits for days!
The 2020 Netflix documentary Miss Americana, chronicling several years of superstar Taylor Swift’s personal and public life, received rave reviews when it debuted in 2020. This song, which plays over the end credits of the film, was praised for raising awareness of the prevalence of gun violence in America.
Scottish singer-songwriter Lewis Capaldi delivered the ballad of the year with this heartbreaking melody that assuredly climbed to #1 in the charts. Achingly beautiful and intensely moving, this powerhouse arrangement for choir is guaranteed to make a lasting impact.
Lewis Capaldi Mark Brymer
2-Part SAB SATB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00327183 HL00327182 HL00327181
Taylor Swift Audrey Snyder
2-Part £1.99 / 2,75€ 3-Part Mixed £2.25 / 3,00€
Mark Brymer
HL00300631 HL00300630
2-Part SSA SATB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00346710 HL00346709 HL00346708
Harry Styles Ed Lojeski
Since leaving the boy band One Direction, former frontman Harry Styles has come into his own as a composer of thoughtful rock hits. This deep cut from his most recent album Fine Line, is one of those positive message songs that choirs will have a blast singing! HL00339320 £1.99 / 2,75€
HAL LEONARD CHORAL The new choral series from Hal Leonard Europe! These engaging and fun arrangements by Philip Lawson will be a treat for all choirs. Accessible and fun to learn, these brand new works are a welcome addition to any choir’s repertoire.
AND I LOVE HER SATB CHOIR John Lennon & Paul McCartney arr. Philip Lawson
HL00291444 And I Love Her music.indd 1
19/09/2019 15:54
And I love her Lennon/McCartney
05/09/2019 17:07
SATB/Piano HL00291444 - £2.25 / 2,95€
David Paitch & Jeff Porcaro arr. Philip Lawson
Traditional arr. Philip Lawson
John Lennon & Paul McCartney arr. Philip Lawson
John Lennon & Paul McCartney arr. Philip Lawson
Paul Simon arr. Philip Lawson
Randy Newman arr. Philip Lawson
SATB HL00291446
HL00291447 HL00291446 Deck the Hall SSA Cvr.indd 2-3
Africa Toto
SSA/Piano HL00299796 £3.50 / 4,55€
19/09/2019 15:50
HL00291447 Eleanor Rigby Cvr.indd 2-3
Deck the Hall Traditional
£2.50 / 3,25€ SSA/Piano HL00291445 SATBB HL00291446
19/09/2019 15:53
HL00291448 Help! Cvr.indd 2-3
Eleanor Rigby
19/09/2019 16:00
Lennon/McCartney SATB/Piano HL00291447 £2.50 / 3,25€
HL00291450 Mrs Robinson Cvr.indd 2-3
19/09/2019 16:10
Lennon/McCartney SATBB HL00291448 £2.50 / 3,25€
HL00291451 When She Loved Me Cvr.indd 2-3
Mrs Robinson Paul Simon
SSAA HL00291450 £3.50 / 4,55€
19/09/2019 15:50
19/09/2019 15:50
When She Loved Me Randy Newman SATB/Piano HL00291451 £2.25 / 2,95€
All is Found
Frozen II (Choral Highlights)
Into the Unknown
Before Elsa’s powers were finally explained in Disney’s Frozen II, Elsa and her little sister Anna used to listen to their mother sing this tender and beautiful folk lullaby as they were falling asleep. The tale told of a magical river in a far-off land, which would provide all of life’s answers should the water eventually be found. An appealing flute part joins this effortless choral arrangement.
With a more mature, genre-blending mix of folk, rock and Broadway tunes, these six brand new songs run the gamut of emotions, further enchanting listeners with the continuing adventures of two sisters from Arendelle! Includes: All Is Found, Into the Unknown, Lost in the Woods, Show Yourself, Some Things Never Change and When I Am Older.
Elsa wanders the halls of her castle in Arendelle, thoughtfully considering following a mysterious voice (AURORA) that has been calling out to her. Powerful, cerebral vocal lines ascend and weave in this strong and skillful arrangement, with an ending climax for the ages!
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez Mark Brymer
SSA SAB SATB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00329826 HL00329825 HL00329824
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez Mac Huff
2-Part SAB SATB £3.50 / 4,50€
HL00345529 HL00345528 HL00345527
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez Roger Emerson
2-Part SAB SATB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00329821 HL00329820 HL00329819
Lost in the Woods
Show Yourself
The Next Right Thing
In a wonderfully realized gender-reversal thread in the plot of Disney’s “Frozen II”, comes this passionate ‘80s rock ballad from mountain man Kristoff, accompanied by none other than singing apparitions of his reindeer and lifelong best friend, Sven. Staged on the screen to mimic the landmark music video for Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”, this will elicit much more than a wry chuckle from your audience!
Intriguing themes of purpose and sense of self are stunningly explored in this climactic refrain from composers Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, who gather motifs from songs sung earlier in Disney’s Frozen II narrative to a spirited and cyclical effect. The song’s moment of catharsis as the veil is finally lifted off the mystery is pure choral majesty!
In Disney’s Frozen 2, now the highest-grossing animated film of all time, protagonist Anna reaches a point in which it seems that all hope is lost. Using the strength of her mentors and her own unshakable will, your choir can share Anna’s emotional journey on the concert stage, culminating in a truly transformative crescendo of determination, one impassioned step at a time!
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez Mark Brymer
2-Part SAB TBB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00345347 HL00345346 HL00345348
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez Mac Huff
2-Part SAB SATB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00329831 HL00329830 HL00329829
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez Audrey Snyder
SSA SAB SATB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00337797 HL00337796 HL00337795
Baby Mine (from Dumbo)
Can You Feel the Love Tonight?
Mary Poppins (Choral Selections)
The original, tear-jerking ballad from Walt Disney’s 1941 animated classic Dumbo is given a contemporary update courtesy of indie rock mainstay Arcade Fire. Featured in Tim Burton’s 2019 live action remake, this 12/8 ballad exudes emotional power balanced with sweet lyricism.
This iconic love song by Elton John from The Lion King was given a fresh look by the sensational pop group Pentatonix. Here, their arrangement is captured giving your vocal jazz/ a cappella choir the chance to really shine.
Composer and arranger John Leavitt is well known for bringing his concert and classical sensibilities to his arrangements. This trait rings loud and clear in this medley from Mary Poppins with an optional chamber orchestration. Includes: Chim Chim Cher-ee, Let’s Go Fly a Kite, A Spoonful of Sugar and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Ed Lojeski
2-Part SAB SATB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00301376 HL00301361 HL00301352
Songs from Toy Story (Choral Medley) Randy Newman Mac Huff
The geniuses at Disney-Pixar have captured the sense of joy and wonder of what it means to have an imagination for an incredible fourth time in the long-running Toy Story franchise, and composer Randy Newman has been there every single step of the way. This medley includes a taste of every installment: You’ve Got a Friend in Me, The Ballad of the Lonesome Cowboy, When She Loved Me and We Belong Together. 2-Part SAB SATB £2.99 / 3,75€
HL00323130 HL00323129 HL00323128
Elton John Mark Brymer
SSA opt. a cappella SAB opt. a cappella SATB opt. a cappella £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00339310 HL00339309 HL00339308
You’ve Got A Friend In Me (from Toy Story) Randy Newman Mac Huff SSA From the hit movie Toy Story, this Randy Newman song is a perfect choice for any concert occasion! HL00345807 £1.99 / 2,75€
Richard Sherman John Leavitt
SSA SAB SATB £2.99 / 4,00€
HL00334982 HL00334981 HL00334980
When You Believe (from The Prince of Egypt) Stephen Schwartz John Leavitt
Stephen Schwartz’s “When You Believe” won the Academy Award for Best Song in 1999, and John Leavitt gives his signature, dignified touch to his arrangement, adding strings and percussion to moving effect. The Hebrew prayer in the middle section of the piece is a great opportunity for cultural exploration. SSA SAB SATB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00334977 HL00334976 HL00334975
A Million Dreams (from The Greatest Showman)
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul SSA
This is the sort of inspirational song that can move singers and listeners alike to dream, dream big and dream of ways they can bring new and exciting creations to the world. HL00345805 £1.99 / 2,75€
You Will Be Found (from Dear Evan Hansen)
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul Since opening on Broadway in 2016, Dear Evan Hansen and its award-winning score by composers Benj Pasek and Justin Paul have become a force for good in the discussion of mental well-being. 2-Part HL00300637 3-Part Mixed HL00300635 £2.25 / 3,00€
Dear Evan Hansen (Choral Highlights)
Part of Me
Never Too Late
Including: Sincerely, Me; Waving Through a Window; For Forever; and You Will Be Found these songs are skillfully combined to capture the heartbeat of this important show--the need to fit in and be heard.
This originally cut ensemble number from the Broadway smash hit Dear Evan Hansen is made for choral singing. Expertly arranged and suitable for choir, a powerful message and a medium tempo make this an ideal choice for your program.
2-Part HL00250216 SSA HL00250215 SAB HL00250214 SATB HL00250213 £3.25 / 4,25€
Elton John and Tim Rice returned to pen a new song for the live action remake of Disney’s The Lion King. Energetic and rhythmic in style, incorporating Zulu and English text, Roger Emerson’s arrangement firmly establishes rocksolid choral conventions to ensure success!
SSA HL00287313 SAB HL00287312 SATB HL00287293 £2.50 / 3,00€
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
Elton John/Tim Rice
2-Part HL00319989 SAB HL00319988 SATB HL00319987 £1.99 / 2,75€
Come What May (from Moulin Rouge) Mac Huff
In 2001, Moulin Rouge! the movie was nominated for 8 Academy Awards, winning two. Now it is one of the hottest shows on Broadway and this beautiful love duet is once again reminding people why. Arranged in a way that satisfies both concert choirs or show choirs, this is the ballad for any concert. SSA SAB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00329908 HL00329907
Together From Afar (from How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World) Jon Thor Birgisson Mac Huff
Jónsi, the lead singer from Icelandic rock band Sigur Rós, and composer for the How to Train Your Dragon film series, takes us on an ethereal and bittersweet journey in the third chapter, The Hidden World. 2-Part HL00302312 3-Part Mixed HL00302311 £1.99 / 2,75€
No Time to Die
The Best Of Bond (Choral Medley)
Billie Eilish Mark Brymer
Alan Billingsley
Billie Eilish and her songwriting partner were selected to compose the theme song to James Bond’s 25th cinematic adventure. Filled with minor, melancholy themes of espionage and betrayal, everything you’re looking for in a Bond song is here! SSA SAB SATB £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00346611 HL00346610 HL00346609
This is James Bond Medley you’ve been “Die”-ing for! This superlative nine-song choral medley features the best of the ongoing spy series’ theme song catalog, from Adele to Shirley Bassey, from Paul McCartney & Wings to Duran Duran. SSA SAB SATB £3.25 / 4,25€
HL00345611 HL00345610 HL00345609
NEW FROM THE SACRED VEIL You Rise, I Fall Eric Whitacre SATB divisi
This is the eleventh movement of “The Sacred Veil,” a twelvemovement work written with poet Tony Silvestri. “The Sacred Veil” chronicles the rich life of Tony and his late wife Julie: their courtship, the birth of their children, Julie’s diagnosis of ovarian cancer, her treatment, her struggle, and finally, her death. HL00324737 £2.99 / 4,00€
Sing Gently Eric Whitacre SATB
Check out Eric’s latest online virtual choir initiative here:
The Eric Whitacre Virtual Choir #6 had more than 17,000 singers. As a response to COVID-19 and the isolation and division the pandemic was creating, Eric wrote the words and music with the hope that “Sing Gently” might give some small measure of comfort for those who need it, and that it might suggest a way of living with one another that is compassionate, gentle, and kind. HL00354707 £2.50 / 3,50€
Eric Whitacre SATB
Child of Wonder Eric Whitacre
SATB divisi a cappella
This is the third movement of “The Sacred Veil,” a twelve-movement work written with poet Charles Anthony Silvestri. “The Sacred Veil” chronicles the rich life of Tony and his late wife Julie Silvestri. Tony tells of their second date and his “feeling like home.”
This is the last movement of “The Sacred Veil,” a twelve-movement work written with poet Charles Anthony Silvestri. The major work chronicles the rich life of Tony and his late wife Julie Silvestri. The poetry for this final movement is written by the composer as a benediction for Julie and Tony.
HL00324738 £2.50 / 3,50€
HL00324745 £2.50 / 3,50€
Christopher Tin SSATB Although composed for a video game, this African-flavored modern masterpiece has taken on a life of its own in pop culture as well as on the concert stage. This transcription by Matt Conaway matches the original orchestration and is compatible with the composer’s own version for chorus. Performed with or without chorus, the effect is dramatic and moving. (MusicWorks) HL00293110 £1.99 / 2,75€
Sogno Di Volare Christopher Tin SSATB
If you are a gamer you know all about the “Civilization” series. Here is the theme for Sid Meier’s “Civilization VI.” This is epic music scored for big chorus, full of drama and ready for the concert stage. HL00275228 £1.99 / 2,75€
Kesha Rebecca Dale SATB
The King’s Singers have included this new arrangement of the Kesha song on their new recording Finding Harmony. This song became synonymous with the #Me Too and #TimesUp movements from the Kesha recording Rainbow. This arrangement by British composer/ arranger Rebecca Dale captures the turmoil and bitterness of the words.
One Day
HL00303015 £2.50 / 3,00€
HL00303014 £2.50 / 3,00€
Michel Legrand Richard Rodney SATB
Composed by the great French musician Michel Legrand and arranged by Sir Richard Rodney Bennett, this beautiful ballad has found its way onto the King’s Singers most recent album “Finding Harmony”.
Agnus Dei
Rollo Dilworth SATB
Accessible concert music with energy and excitement are the hallmarks of Rollo Dilworth’s music. This is perfect for the concert stage or the sanctuary. HL00325469 £1.99 / 2,75€
Ain’a That Good News! Victor C. Johnson
Whether it opens your concert or serves as a closer, this rhythmic and exciting spiritual arrangement will be just the perfect fit. Beginning in a lighter manner, the piece develops with solo opportunities and builds to a powerful closing. SAB HL00323631 SATB HL00323630 £1.99 / 2,75€
Arre Borriquito (Hurry, Little Donkey)
Bye and Bye
Another rock-solid addition to the spiritual oeuvre of Rollo Dilworth, “Bye and Bye” is a resolute and medium-difficulty level selection for developing high school choirs.
Mark Burrows
Young singers will adore singing this Spanish carol. With a piano and optional percussion accompaniment that reflects the sound of a donkey, syncopated vocals increase in tempo making a novel and wonderful multicultural selection for the holidays.
Rollo Dilworth
SSAA HL00325496 SATB HL00325494 £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00298988 £1.99 / 2,75€
Dormi Jesu
Halle, Hallelujah
SATB a cappella
Bridging the sound between the Old English carols and the High Lonesome sound of the Appalachians, this beautiful carol with words by Isaac Watts is a delicate addition to any Christmas concert. HL00319982 £1.99 / 2,75€
Mark Burrows Here is a traditional Latin Christmas text beautifully set. Both the joy and the passion of the new born baby is captured in this lush new composition. An optional string quartet is available to add sparkle to your program. HL00330000 £1.99 / 2,75€
Rollo Dilworth Full of power and excitement, this traditional Latin text is a celebration. Equally at home on the concert stage or the sanctuary, this is a great concert opener or closer. HL00325493 £1.99 / 2,75€
Ruth Morris Gray
Longfellow’s text is set with additional words and music by Ruth Morris Gray and the piano accompaniment is based on Pachelbel’s “Canon in D.” Together, it creates a sweet choral singing “ding dong” gently above the verses with use of an optional descant as well. 2-Part HL35032425 SAB HL35032424 £1.99 / 2,75€
Cradle Hymn David Chase
Christmas Canon Of Peace
John Leavitt
Many elements of sound teaching fill this John Leavitt original work for 2-Part voices. A gentle and uplifting piano with optional hand chimes and string bass accompany thoughtful vocals with rhythmic interest and supported by a simple text of “Halle, hallelujah” throughout. HL00301542 £1.99 / 2,75€
Harps and Wheels Joseph M. Martin
This pleasing partner song is a clever musical puzzle. Two treasured spirituals dance together as one with a lighthearted piano accompanying the frolic. Ideal for young voices or “slim Sundays,” this would make a great encore for a concert or a joyful, lighter moment in worship services. 2-Part HL00300591 SA HL35008904 £2.50 / 3,00€
I Give You Peace Dominick DiOrio
SATB a cappella and Oboe With a text adapted from the Bible, the composer has crafted a universal statement of peace. The oboe obbligato soars over this beautiful text while the choral writing is homophonic and establishes a beautiful foundation for both the text and the solo. HL00302986 £2.50 / 3,00€
Il Est Né, Le Divin Enfant Russell Robinson
This traditional French carol is set in an arrangement that sparkles with rhythmic vitality of mixed meter. Utilizing one verse and chorus, the French text is simple to learn and makes for a wonderful introduction to the language. SSA HL00303517 3-Part Mixed HL00303516 £1.99 / 2,75€
Irish Blessings Greg Gilpin
Several traditional Irish blessings beautifully combined with a simple vocal arrangement. The piano accompaniment is thoughtfully contemporary which brings great appeal to younger singers. A lovely way to add an encore performance to your program. SAB HL00293759 SATB HL00293758 £1.99 / 2,75€
Steal Away Greg Gilpin
SATB a cappella
Ruth Morris Gray Lively percussion captures the attention followed by a stacking of voices singing this popular South African folk song. Attention is given to vocal writing that creates rhythm patterns around the melody, use of repetition and the use of both English and Swahili. A perfect beginning a cappella work for young singers and developing choirs. Percussion parts are available for download on the Closer Look page. 3-Part Treble Choir a cappella SAB a cappella SATB a cappella £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00299780 HL00299779 HL00299777
Greg Gilpin’s new a cappella setting of this spiritual is not to be missed. Thoughtful writing has gone into each slowly moving chord, allowing full musical interpretation of text. Harmonies are filled with resolving dissonance, bringing tension and release throughout the work. HL00293761 £1.99 / 2,75€
Niño Lindo
Alejandro Rivas
3-Part Treble Choir Niño Lindo, or Child So Lovely, is a traditional Christmas lullaby from Venezuela. It is beautifully arranged in 5/8 meter with easy, soaring melody and evocative harmonies. A lovely Christmas selection using Spanish text.
Riu Riu Chiu D. Waggoner
Rhythmic with lots of vocal color, this new arrangement of the sixteenth century Spanish carol is a delight for mixed as well as men’s voices. SAB HL00300446 SATB HL00300445 TTB HL00300447 £1.99 / 2,75€
HL00322932 £2.25 / 3,00€
Swing Low: A Spiritual Medley Rosephanye Powell SSA
The luscious harmonies and surprising dissonances propel the piece with longing and desire and is exquisite for women’s voices. HL35032480 £1.99 / 2,75€
Ubi Caritas
Marianne Kim SATB
Chicago based pianist and composer Marianne Kim skillfully merges early musical style with modern melody and harmonies to create a truly beautiful new setting of the traditional text. A rubato piano opening leads to a simple unison melody set in the style of Gregorian Chant. HL00300932 £1.99 / 2,75€
TOP 30 CHRISTMAS CHORAL BEST-SELLERS It’s Beginning to Look Like Christmas
Sleigh ride
Leroy Anderson Mark Brymer
Meredith Willson Mark Hayes
SATB HL08743362 £1.99 / 2,75€
SATB HL35027125 £2.50 / 3,00€
A Christmas Blessing
Mother Of God Here I Stand
Philip W. J. Stopford
Snow Is Falling
SATB MUSNOV290172 £1.99 / 2,60€
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Amid the Falling Snow
SATB HL08741912 £1.99 / 2,75€
Greg Gilpin
SSA HL35031916 £1.99 / 2,75€
Jule Styne Kirby Shaw
SAB HL00115953 £1.99 / 2,75€
Lully, lulla, lullay
Born In a Stable
SATB HL08752944 £1.99 / 2,75€
Philip W. J. Stopford
SATB and Accompaniment MUSCH55570 £2.75 / 3,60€
SATB and Organ MUSCH68068 £2.50 / 3,25€
Adam lay ybounden
Enya Audrey Snyder
John Tavener
John Tavener
SSA HL08750097 SATB HL08750096 £1.99 / 2,75€
Boris Ord
The Lamb
Something About December
Mac Huff
SSA HL08730042 SATB HL08730040 £1.99 / 2,75€
Ruth Morris Gray
Somewhere in My Memory Mark Hayes
2-Part HL35030838 SSA HL35030839 SATB HL35030836 £1.99 / 2,75€
O Holy Night - SATB (New Engraving)
SSA HL35027773 £2.50 / 3,00€
SAB HL00126879 £2.50 / 3,00€
SATB HL00117305 £1.99 / 2,50€
O Holy Night
Christmas Shopping Blues
Boudleaux Bryant Alan Billingsley
Mac Huff
Philip W. J. Stopford
SATB and Organ HL00124194 £1.99 / 2,75€
Tribute to the Everly Brothers
Walking In The Air Howard Blake
Adolphe Charles Adam
2-Part and Piano MUSCH78452 SATB and Piano MUSCH78463 £1.99 / 2,60€
Soprano Tenor SATB Organ Accompaniment MUSNOV291819 £2.25 / 2,95€
Lux Aurumque Eric Whitacre
SATB a cappella HL08501418 £1.95 / 2,55€
Spotless Rose
Mary, did you know?
Ola Gjeilo
Buddy Greene Fred Bock
Ding Dong! Merrily On High Stuart Nicholson
SATB and Organ MUSNOV310827-07 £2.50 / 3,25€
SATB divisi WW1651 £2.20 / 2,90€
SSA HL08739003 £2.50 / 3,25€
O Magnum Mysterium
The Bells Of Christmas Medley
SATB a cappella HL00228817 £1.99 / 3,00€
2-Part HL35028828 £2.50 / 3,00€
Morten Lauridsen
Greg Gilpin
We Three Kings
Philip W. J. Stopford SATB and Piano HL08746923 £1.99 / 2,75€
Silent Night
SATB NOV050020-02 £2.25 / 2,95€
SATB NOV296846 £2.25 / 2,95€
Peter Dickinson
Paul Mealor
The Lamb
Julian Marshall SATB NOV165946 £2.25 / 2,95€
Advent Antiphon - O Dayspring
Little Voices Christmas
Mother of God Here I Stand
SATB and Soprano Saxophone
2-Part and Piano
Richard Allain
The Advent Antiphon: O Dayspring by Richard Allain is a demanding piece in which two choral groups (SABar and STB) ‘may stand apart from one another’, their very slow-moving chords punctuated by quasiplainsong interjections from a soprano saxophone. NOV296934 £2.25 / 2,95€
Ave maris stella Judith Weir
SATB and Organ CH88084 £2.99 / 3,90€
Barrie Carson Turner
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Hugh Martin Owain Park SATB Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane’s festive classic Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, arranged by Owain Park for SATB choir unaccompanied. This work is dedicated to Stephen Layton and The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge. NOV166375 £2.25 / 2,95€
Little Voices Christmas brings together five fun festive songs specially selected and arranged in two parts for young groups and choirs. The included online audio contains complete vocal and piano versions plus piano-only accompaniments to each song, available to stream and download. NOV940709R £8.99 / 11,70€
John Tavener
The anthem Mother of God, here I stand was sponsored by the Toulmin Family, and it is dedicated to the Choir of the Temple Church, its Director of Music, Stephen Layton, and the Master of the Temple, the Rev. Robin Griffith-Jones. CH68068 £2.50 / 3,25€
Once in Royal David’s City James O’Donnell SATB and Organ NOV310827-28 £1.75 / 2,30€
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day Stuart Nicholson SATB and Organ
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day is an English carol usually attributed as ‘traditional’; its first written appearance is in William B. Sandys’ Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern of 1833. NOV167079 £2.75 / 3,60€
Lullaby Baby
Richard Rodney Bennett SATB
Behold A Tender Babe Paul Mealor SATB
Paul Mealor’s Behold A Tender Babe is a work for Unaccompanied SATB Choir, commissioned by the Hauser-Oberschneider family to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Summer Fields School. NOV295350 £2.25 / 2,95€
Here We Come A-Wassailing John Joubert SATB
Here We Come A-Wassailing is a work by John Joubert for Unaccompanied SATB Choir. A setting of a traditional Yorkshire Wassail, a full performance lasts around 3 minutes. NOV050020-01 £1.75 / 2,30€
Lullaby Baby, a 1986 setting of words by the 16th-century John Phillip (also set by Britten) is dedicated to King’s College, Cambridge, and needs such a choir to do justice to the richly varied harmonies which set the repeated stanzas and refrain. NOV166386 £2.25 / 2,95€
Lullay, mine liking Richard Allain SSATB/SATB NOV297446 £2.99 / 4,00€
Silent Night (2009 Setting)
Stephen Cleobury SATB and Organ
This arrangement of Silent Night is the 2009 Setting by Stephen Cleobury for SATB Choir with Organ Ad Lib. A setting of the enduring Christmas carol with lyrics by Joseph Mohr and melody by Franz Gruber, a full performance lasts around 3 minutes. NOV040133 £2.25 / 2,95€
Videte miraculum Richard Allain SATB divisi NOV297442 £3.50 / 4,50€
While Shepherds Watched Owain Park
SATB and Organ NOV296692 £2.25 / 2,95€
WALTON MUSIC – NEW IN 2020 Upper Voices
The Millworker
Bonk’ Abaphandle
James Taylor Susan LaBarr
Akekhi Ofana No Jesu
Michael Barrett
SATB and Percussion WW1842 £2.20 / 2,60€
SSAA, Piano, Cajon and Double Bass WW1807 £2.50 / 3,05€
Daniel Jackson
Voice, SSAA and Djembe WW1703 £2.20 / 2,75€
David L. Brunner
SATB, Piano, Claves and Egg Shaker WW1795 £2.20 / 2,75€
Bonk’ Abaphandle Michael Barrett
SSAA and Percussion WW1843 £2.20 / 2,60€
Lie Light, Dear Heart
Where The Light Begins
Kenneth Lampl
Susan LaBarr
SSAA and Piano
Excuse Me, I Don’t Understand Ivo Antognini
SA and Piano, Violin and Cello From a set of songs commissioned by the Swiss Association of Children’s and Youth Choirs to promote ideas of environmentalism and peace. An extremely poignant text that exlaims, “Excuse me, I don’t understand!” in terms of world hunger, violence, and growing old. Originally in French, now available in English.MP3 is version in French. WW1837 £2.40 / 2,95€
Fresh and Fearless Daniel Elder
SSAA and Piano WW1797 £2.40 / 2,95€
I’m On My Way
Anthony Trecek-King SA and Piano WW1825 £2.20 / 2,75€
Joy From The Song Maker Thomas Juneau SA and Piano WW1786 £2.20 / 2,65€
Warm summer sun, shine kindly here… These stunning words by Mark Twain have been set here by Kenneth and Kirsten Lampl in a highly melodic work. For SSAA choirs, this setting offers both homophonic choral writing and counterpoint, providing many excellent teaching opportunities. WW1803 £2.20 / 2,75€
Old Joe Clark Dwight Bigler
SSAA and Piano WW1814 £2.20 / 2,75€
SSA and Piano
Mia Makaroff SSAA
Spes is a joyous unaccompanied work formore advanced treble choirs. The composer has combined two texts about hope - one in Sami (a language from northern Scandinavia) and the other in Latin from Ecclesiastes to create a work that uplifts. Challenging but incredibly fun, this would make a great concert opener or program center and would be perfect for honor choirs and festivals. WW1777 £2.20 / 2,75€
An accessible work for treble choirs on the themes of peace and hope. Approachable vocal lines and a supportive accompaniment make this appropriate for young treble choirs, while the rich text will also work for high school, college, and community groups. WW1820 £2.30 / 2,85€
Jacob Narverud SATB
SSAA and Piano WW1812 £2.30 / 2,85€
The Song Maker
Soloists, SATB and Percussion
SA and Piano WW1785 £2.30 / 2,85€
Threads of Joy Tim Brent
SSAA WW1805 £2.20 / 2,60€
SATB with Organ, Brass and Percussion WW1800 £1.95 / 2,55€
Healing Heart
Joshua Rist
Thomas Juneau
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Patrick Hawes
SATB and Percussion WW1793 £2.40 / 2,95€
The Runner
The Fox is a fun, playful, folk song written for treble voices of all ages. The story of a family of sly foxes, this energetic, engaging, and playful arrangement will delight both your singers and your audiences. WW1779 £1.95 / 2,55€
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Mark Burrows
SSAA, Piano and Viola WW1780 £2.30 / 2,85€
SA and Piano
SAB and Piano WW1813 £2.20 / 2,65€
Alégrate En Extremo!
Sean Ivory
Blake Richter
Kyle Pederson
Mixed Voices
The Peace of Wild Things
The Fox
Give Me Oil In My Lamp
Michael Barrett
This beautiful Xhosa prayer has been set with care by Michael Barrett and Ralf Schmitt. The flowing vocal lines are achievable by a variety of levels, while the addition of the two soloists adds great forward momentum. WW1796 £2.30 / 2,85€
The healing power of time is beautifully represented in this tender piece for unaccompanied chorus. Narverud’s gentle repetitions of the words “healing heart” show us how, with each new breath and every heartbeat, the pain of life’s disappointments is transformed into hope. WW1781 £1.95 / 2,55€
WALTON MUSIC – NEW IN 2020 Kwaxabana Oxamu
SATB and Percussion WW1840 £2.20 / 2,75€
SATB WW1808 £2.30 / 2,52€
Soloists and SATB WW1784 £2.20 / 2,70€
Michael Barrett
Daniel Elder
Eslon V. Hindundu
O Come, All Ye Faithful Adeste Fidelis Patrick Hawes
SATB with Organ, Brass and Percussion WW1799 £1.95 / 2,55€
O Little Town of Bethlehem
I Carry Your Heart With Me
R. Daniel Holt
Jonathan Reid
SATB and Piano WW1789 £1.95 / 2,55€
SATB and Piano I Carry Your Heart with Me is a beautiful new setting of the well-loved text by Jonathan Reid. With a melody that honors the words and a flowing and supportive piano accompaniment, this work will become a favorite of your audiences. WW1817 £2.40 / 2,95€
I Will Sing
Michael Engelhardt SATB and Ensemble
What will I do with the portion given to me? I will sing. This fantastic work by Michael Engelhardt will be a great addition to honor choirs, festivals, and more. Gospel style, but with an ecumenical text that challenges each of us to make the most of the lives we’ve been given. WW1827 £2.30 / 2,85€
Light From Above
Music In The Air
SATB, Piano and Cello
SATB and Piano
Richard Nance
Richard Nance has set the words beautifully with a flowing piano accompaniment and solo cello. WW1832 £2.40 / 2,95€
Live Long and Prosper Jeffrey L. Ames SATB and Piano WW1790 £2.20 / 2,65€
This arrangement of the beloved 18th-century spiritual fuses folk and jazz ideas to create a unique new version of the work. For more advanced choirs and a good soloist, this will fit a variety of programs. WW1839 £2.20 / 2,75€
O Praise The Lord (Psalm 117)
The artistry and sophisticated technique of composer Daniel Knaggs is showcased here in O Praise the Lord. Ascending vocal lines imitate praises being lifted while rhythm abounds. For more advanced choirs. WW1834 £2.30 / 2,85€
SATB, Organ, Brass Ensemble and Percussion WW1838 £1.95 / 2,55€
Soloists and SATB divisi
Michael Engelhardt
Antioch Patrick Hawes
Ryan Murphy’s arrangement of Music in the Air brings the song to an exciting new life. This setting includes a driving piano accompaniment and singable vocal parts, making this an achievable work for your choir with great impact. Andrew Crane Choral Series. WW1798 £2.50 / 3,05€
Alexander Lloyd Blake
Daniel Knaggs
Joy to the World
Ryan Murphy
Poor Wayfaring Stranger
Going back to his jazz roots, composer Michael Engelhardt has penned a stunning new work for mixed choirs. WW1829 £2.40 / 2,95€
Mass in F Major Marcel Tyberg
SATB and Organ WW1664 £5.95 / 7,50€
Nature Boy
Eden Ahbez Anders Edenroth SSATB
The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. This beautiful song was written by eden ahbez and made famous by Nat King Cole. This arrangement by Anders Edenroth was created for performance by The Real Group and translates well to full choir. WWWRG1032 £2.40 / 2,95€
O Salutaris
Jacob Narverud SATB WW1792 £1.95 / 2,40€
Old Joe Clark Dwight Bigler
SATB and Piano WW1791 £2.20 / 2,75€
Remember The Children Kyle Pederson
Soloists, SATB, Piano and Djembe Remember the Children expresses the concerns that all people – particularly parents – have for bringing up the younger generation in this trying world. The combination of the English lyrics with their Swahili translation reflects the universal nature of this sentiment. The combination of a pop ballad feel and a gospel groove in this beautiful song will appeal to many singers and audiences. WW1818 £2.40 / 2,95€
WALTON MUSIC – NEW IN 2020 When Angels Sing
Circa Mea
SATB and Piano WW1801 £1.95 / 2,50€
Voice, TTBB and Percussion WW1836 £2.20 / 2,75€
Mark Miller
Mark Burrows
Lower Voices
Threads of Joy
Laus Trinitati
Ivo Antognini
A poignant poem by Shelley set with beauty and care by Ivo Antognini. The poem and the music are permeated with passion, melancholy, and sweetness, making this a great choice for good high school choirs and above. WW1809 £2.40 / 2,95€
Tim Brent
Laura Foley’s incredible - yet simple - poem is brought to life by the composers with a steady melody and lovely partwriting. WW1788 £2.20 / 2,75€
Ola Gjeilo
SATB divisi, Piano and String Quartet WW1835 £2.40 / 2,95€
Von Himmel Hoch, Da Rieselt Der Schnee Burkhart M. Schürmann
Soprano Voice and SATBB WW1794 £2.30 / 2,85€
Faith Morgan
Ho Boys Can’t Line Em Anthony Trecek-King
Akekhi Ofana No Jesu Daniel Jackson
Voice, TTBB and Djembe Extremely dynamic with solos and improvised percussion. The middle section repeats material that has already been sung, making it achievable for a wide variety of levels. WW1787 £2.20 / 2,75€
Be Thou My Vision Slane Michael Engelhardt
This work song portrays the conditions in which African Americans found themselves living and working during the post Civil War reconstruction. Written in a call-andresponse style with rhythms that imitate the task of lining out a railroad track. This is an incredibly dynamic work for TTBB chorus. WW1778 £2.30 / 2,85€
This majestic work for men’s chorus uses text by Hildegard von Bingen that speaks of the mystery of the Trinity and of God’s creation. Pentatonic and written with great skill of counterpoint and voiceleading, this impressive, earthy work will come together easily for high school, university, and community men’s choruses. WW1804 £2.20 / 2,75€
Michael Barrett
TTBB and Djembe WW1702 £2.30 / 2,85€
TTBB and Percussion WW1828 £2.50 / 3,10€
Silent Night
Patrick Hawes
SATB with Organ, Brass and Percussion WW1806 £1.95 / 2,55€
Brent Wells
Kwaxabana Oxamu
SATB and Piano Suliko is perhaps the most well-known folk song from the country of Georgia. The poem speaks of lost loved ones who can still be found in “the rose’s bloom, the nightingale’s song, and the star’s shining light.” Lovely vocal writing with a beautiful and supportive piano accompaniment. WW1783 £2.30 / 2,85€
Michael Barrett
Wena Wedwa Daniel Jackson
Voice, SATB and Organ
Bonk’ Abaphandle
Wena Wedwa is a tremendous song of praise from Africa. The vocal parts are accessible and repetitive, so learning the initial rhythms and texts is well worth the effort. Add a soloist and percussion to take this song to the next level. WW1816 £2.20 / 2,75€
TTBB and Percussion
Michael Barrett
This celebratory isiZulu song is a quick learn that will pay dividends for audiences and choirs! Add percussion, clapping, and ululations to make the most of this work. WW1844 £2.20 / 2,60€
TTBB and Percussion Kwaxabana Oxamu is a celebration of the isiXhosa language. It uses the various click sounds found in the Xhosa language to a stunning effect. The language will be a challenge, but the work will be well worth it for the end result! WW1841 £2.20 / 2,75€
Old Joe Clark Dwight Bigler
TTBB and Piano Old Joe Clark is a tremendously fun American folksong from the Appalachian region. WW1815 £2.30 / 2,85€
The Ecchoing Green Eurico Carrapatoso TTBB and Piano WW1734 £2.20 / 2,75€
EC SCHIRMER & MORNINGSTAR MUSIC – NEW IN 2020 Galaxy Music Corporation
Karen Marrolli
SATB, Violin, Cello and Piano ECS13585 £2.50 / 2,80€
EC Schirmer
Celtic Blessing (From Songs for the Journey) Kevin Siegfried
MorningStar Music
Jesu dulcis memoria (Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee) Connor J. Koppin
SATB and Keyboard ECS8788 £2.00 / 2,52€
SATB a cappella MSM50-0305 £2.00 / 2,43€
I’ve Known Rivers: No. 1 My Soul Has Grown Deep Gwyneth Walker SSATB and Piano ECS7281 £2.00 / 2,43€
Maria walks amid the thorns Fred Gramann
If You Love for Beauty
Soprano Voice and SATB a cappella ECS8861 £1.90 / 2,06€
James McCullough SATB and Piano ECS13589 £1.90 / 2,24€
Mama Said
Ruthie Foster SATB ECS70742 £2.90 / 3,27€
Perhaps They Are Not Stars Robert Schlidt SATB ECS13596 £2.00 / 2,52€
A Hoopla from The Settling Years Libby Larsen
SATB and Piano ECS8880 £2.50 / 3,08€
O How Glorious Is the Kingdom Fred Gramann ECS8862 SATB £1.90 / 2,24€
A Summer’s Day from Madrigals for the Seasons David Conte
SATB ECS8892 £2.50 / 2,80€
Stephen Chatman SATB and Piano ECS8805 £2.00 / 2,52€
Piping Down the Valleys Wild Joshua Fishbein David Frost
Eric William Barnum
SATB and Piano or opt. String Quartet and Oboe ECS13575 £2.00 / 2,52€
Karen Marrolli
SATB and Hand Drum MSM50-6161 £2.00 / 2,43€
Autumn from Madrigals for the Seasons David Conte
SATB ECS8893 £2.50 / 2,80€
Scott Bailey
SATB a cappella MSM50-0071 £1.90 / 1,96€
Like a Mighty Wind Karen Marrolli
SATB and Piano MSM50-6144 £2.50 / 2,71€
SATB and Piano with opt. Violin and Cello MSM50-5022 £2.00 / 2,43€
Come, Dove of Heaven
Little Innocent Lamb
Mark A. Miller
Stacey V. Gibbs
SATB and Piano MSM50-5023 £2.50 / 2,99€
SATB a cappella MSM50-0499 £2.50 / 2,71€
Ding Dong! Merrily on High
Daniel E. Schwandt
SATB and Organ or Piano MSM50-1148 £2.00 / 2,43€
Taylor Scott Davis
Soprano Voice, SATB and Chamber Orchestra MSM70-025 £9.00 / 10,65€
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis Daniel Knaggs
2 Part Treble Voices and Organ MSM50-6136 £2.00 / 2,43€
SSATB and Organ with optional Trumpet Trio and Handbells [3-5 octaves] ECS8844 £2.00 / 2,52€
Mary the Dawn
Charles S. Thatcher SATB and Organ MSM50-0074 £2.50 / 2,71€
Waves of Gallipoli Melissa Dunphy SATB ECS8827 £2.90 / 3,27€
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
Kyle Pederson
Fred Gramann
Sim Shalom
Michael John Trotta
Come Before the Table
Praise Now the Risen Christ
SATB Unaccompanied ECS13572 £2.90 / 3,18€
Spring Carol
SATB, Flute, Oboe, and Hand Drum MSM50-6133 £2.50 / 2,71€
SATB and Piano ECS7979 £2.50 / 2,80€
SATB and Piano or String Quartet ECS13587 £1.90 / 2,24€
David Schwoebel
Come By Here
After Love
Jennaya Robison
Amazing Grace
In the Bleak Midwinter Matthew Culloton
Soprano Voice and SATB a cappella MSM50-0456 £2.00 / 2,43€
Order My Steps
SATB and Piano HPCC6339 £2.40 / 2,67€
SATB, Piano and Rhythm HPCC6299 £2.60 / 2,90€
Glenn Burleigh Mark Hayes
Mary McDonald
Table of Mercy, Table of Rest Rick Steele Mary McDonald SATB and Piano HPCC6342 £2.40 / 2,67€
This Train Joel Raney
SATB, Piano and Rhythm HPCC6294 £2.50 / 2,78€
Let Us Build A House (All Are Welcome)
Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Beginning to End) Joel Raney
SATB, Piano and Rhythm HPCC6292 £2.40 / 2,73€
SATB, Piano and Woodwind Quintet HPCC6291 £2.40 / 2,73€
SATB, Piano and Rhythm HPCC6325 £2.40 / 2,67€
Joel Raney
Mark Hayes
Marty Haugen Lloyd Larson
SATB, Piano and Ensemble HPCC6307 £2.50 / 2,78€
Carol At The Manger
Let Everything That Hath Breath Joel Raney
SATB, Piano and Brass Ensemble HPCC6297 £2.40 / 2,73€
We Remember You Joel Raney
SATB, Piano and Ensemble HPCC6332 £2.40 / 2,73€
Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavely Light Fred Pratt Green Larry Shackley
Mary McDonald
SATB, Piano and Ensemble HPCC6340 £2.40 / 2,73€
SATB and Piano HPCC6326 £2.40 / 2,67€
Ode to Beethoven Lois Brownsey Shawnee Press 2-Part
To mark Beethoven’s 250th birthday and the associated worldwide celebrations of the great composer’s life and his works, we chose a number of new and bestselling editions from Hal Leonard, G. Schirmer and Shawnee Press for your choir to sing and perform this year.
Emmanuel! God with Us
Beethoven’s A Cappella 5th Jay Rouse
Shawnee Press SSATB a cappella Set for a cappella voices for both men’s and mixed choirs, this absolutely inspiring choral captures the genius of Beethoven’s work through vocal range, style and drama as well as a lot of humor with solo opportunities. HL00303514 £1.99 / 2,75€
Familiarize your students with the works of Beethoven by teaching this choral that includes three of his most familiar melodies, “Ode to Joy,” “Moonlight Sonata,” and “Beethoven’s Fifth.” Marti Lunn Lantz and Lois Brownsey have set original lyrics to the melodies. HL35015813 £2.50 / 3,00€
Joyful, Joyful
Mervyn Warren Hal Leonard
Sister Act 2 brings us an energetic gospel treatment of the immortal “Ode to Joy” melody in an accessible, authenticsounding arrangement. This raise-the-roof showstopper is electrifying! SATB HL40326317 SSA HL40326318 SA and Piano HL40326319 SAB and Piano HL08742330 £1.99 / 2,75€
G. Schirmer SATB HL50293600 £1.99 / 2,50€
The Heavens Are Declaring G. Schirmer SAB & Organ HL50480258 £1.99 / 2,25€
The Choral Fantasia Novello SATB and Piano NOV070046 £5.95 / 7,75€
The Choral Symphony (Last Movement) Novello SATB Orchestra NOV072490 £5.99 / 7,80€
Missa Solemnis Novello SATB and Piano NOV072497 £10.95 / 14,25€
Mass In C
Novello SATB and Piano NOV078562 £9.95 / 12,95€
Kevin Mayhew
Short Anthems For Small Choirs SATB KMP1450183 £14.99 / 15,85€
Short Anthems For Small Choirs Book 2 SATB KMP1450360 £12.99 / 15,85€
Fields of Gold Alleluia
Martin Phipps Alan Wilson SATB HL00234244 £1.99 / 2,75€
Sting Philip Lawson
SSA HL00117055 SAB HL00250596 SATB HL00117054 £1.99 / 2,75€
An Evening Collect Simon Lole
SA HL00121521 £1.99 / 2,50€
Liturgical Hymns Old & New -Full Music Organ and Choir KMP1413084 £39.99 / 48,79€
Mass of the Bread of Life Margaret Rizza Choir KMP1450110 £9.99 / 12,19€
Five Modern Anthems Set 1 Vocal KMP1450348 £4.99 / 6,49€
Born In a Stable You’ve Got a Friend A Place in the Choir Bill Staines Janet Wheeler SATB HL00116295 £1.99 / 2,75€
Carole King Philip Lawson
Philip W. J. Stopford SATB and Organ HL00124194 £1.99 / 2,75€
SSA HL00148295 £4.50 / 6,00€
Jingle Bells
Anthems Old & New SA Men
Philip Lawson
SSA HL00155454 SATB HL00155453 £1.99 / 2,75€
SAB KMP1450158 £19.99 / 24,39€
The Ultimate Carol Book SA Men SAB KMP1450404 £14.99 / 19,49€
Funnier Songs - Cool Choir Library
What Sweeter Music
Piano KMP3612462 £9.99 / 12,99€
Philip W. J. Stopford SATB HL00124755 £1.99 / 2,50€
Angelus ad Virginem Philip Lawson SATB HL00142777 £1.99 / 2,50€
Classic Queen Queen Philip Lawson
SATB HL00213098 TTBB HL00213099 £4.50 / 6,00€
Grand Endings Colin Mawby
SATB KMP1450165 £12.99 / 15,85€
Der kleine Kinderchor
Die Reihe richtet sich an Kinder im Grundschulalter, um deren Freude an der Musik und am Singen zu wecken und zu fördern. Jeder Band enthält fünf bekannte Lieder in übersichtlichen, nachvollziehbaren, zweistimmigen Chorarrangements mit Liedtexten. Die Arrangements sind für Schulklassen, für kleine Gruppen oder auch für das Singen zu Hause geeignet.
Inhalt:. Bibi & Tina (aus dem Film “Bibi & Tina”) - Der Löwe schläft heut Nacht (aus dem Film “Der König der Löwen”) - Die Biene Maja (aus dem Film “Die Biene Maja”) - Eine Insel mit zwei Bergen (Das Lummerlandlied) (aus der Serie “Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer”) Tafiti (aus der Serie “Tafiti”.
Singpartitur BOE7831 9,95€ Klavierpartitur + CD BOE7831-KP 12,95€
Der kleine Kinderchor 3
Inhalt:. Im wilden, wilden Westen (Detlev Jöcker) - Ein Eis muss dabei sein (Die Lollipops) •Stups, der kleine Osterhase (Rolf Zuckowski) - Schön ist es, auf der Welt zu sein (Anita & Roy Black) •Hejo, spann den Wagen an.
Singpartitur BOE7956 9,95€ Klavierpartitur + CD BOE7956-KP 12,95€
Der kleine Kinderchor 4
Der kleine Kinderchor 2
Inhalt:. Gartenfest (aus der Serie “Die kleine Schnecke Mobika Häuschen”) - Heidi (aus dem Film “Heidi”) - Hey, Pippi Langstrumpf (aus der Serie “Pippi Langstrumpf”) - Wenn der Sommer kommt (von Rolf Zuckowski) - Wo wärn wir ohne Musik (aus dem Musical “Der Notenbaum”).
Singpartitur BOE7832 9,95€ Klavierpartitur + CD BOE7832-KP 12,95€
Inhalt:. Auf der Mauer, auf der Lauer - Hey, hey Wickie - Leo Lausemaus (aus der Serie “Leo Lausemaus”) Faul sein ist wunderschön (aus der Serie “Pippi Langstrumpf”) - In der Weihnachtsbäckerei (Rolf Zuckowski).
Singpartitur BOE7960 9,95€ Klavierpartitur + CD BOE7960-KP 12,95€
In jedem Heft finden sich fünf Songs, die für zweistimmigen Jugendchor (alternativ für zweistimmigen Frauenchor) mit Klavierbegleitung arrangiert sind. Zielgruppe dieses Titel sind Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene, die begeistert singen und dabei nicht darauf verzichten wollen auch aktuelle Hits zum Besten geben zu können. Lehrerinnen und Lehrern hilft die Serie, Ihren Unterricht sinnvoll und zeitgemäß zu gestalten. Wer einen Jugendchor leitet, wird ebenso begeistert sein. Die Begleit-CD enthält die vollständigen Klavierbegleitungen zu den Chorstimmen. Der junge Pop-Chor 1
Video Games (Lana Del Rey) - Try (Pink) - Run Boy Run (Woodkid) - Stay (Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko) - Royals (Lorde).
BOE5202 Der junge Pop-Chor 2
Skyfall (Adele) - Safe And Sound (Capital Cities) Diamonds (Rihanna) - Mercy (Duffy) - Read All About It (Emeli Sandé).
BOE5203 Der junge Pop-Chor 3
Love Me Like You Do (Ellie Goulding) - The Hanging Tree (Jennifer Lawrence) - Budapest (George Ezra) Einmal um die Welt (Cro) - Take Me To Church (Hozier).
Der junge Pop-Chor 5
Applaus, Applaus (Sportfreunde Stiller)Lieblingsmensch (Namika)- Herz über Kopf (Joris)Alles nur geklaut (Die Prinzen) und 80 Millionen (Max Giesinger).
BOE7865 Der junge Pop-Chor 6
Vom selben Stern (Ich + Ich)- Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann (Nena) - Geiles Leben (Glasperlenspiel) Alles brennt (Johannes Oerding) - Nur zu Besuch (Lina Maly).
BOE7866 Der junge Pop-Chor 7
Je ne parle pas français (Namika) - Paradise (George Ezra) - Love Yourself (Justin Bieber) - No Roots (Alice Merton) - Schön genug (Lina Maly).
Der junge Pop-Chor 4
If I Were A Boy (Beyoncé) - A Night Like This (Caro Emerald) - Hold Back The River (James Bay) - Auf uns (Andreas Bourani) - La La La (Sam Smith).
Der junge Pop-Chor 8
Shallow (Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper) - Cordula Grün (Josh) - Sweet But Psycho (Ava Max) - Shotgun (George Ezra) - Way Down We Go (KALEO).
BOE7948 Der junge Pop-Chor 9
Human (Rag’n’Bone Man) - Every Breath You Take (Police) - Power Over Me (Dermot Kennedy) - Bad Guy (Billie Eilish) - Schrei nach Liebe (Die Ärzte).
BOE7953 Der junge Pop-Chor 10
Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen) - Old Town Road (Lil Nas X) - Señorita (Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello) - Someone You Loved (Lewis Capaldi) - An guten Tagen (Johannes Oerding).
BOE7962 SA und Klavierbegleitung 12,95€
Sie sind neugierig und möchten eine Kostprobe hören? Besuchen Sie, wo Sie sich viele unserer Chorarrangements auf den jeweiligen Produktseiten anhören können. Bitte beachten Sie: Alle Preise inkl. 7% Mwst. auf dieser Seite.
Volker Bertelmann Fifteen Million Acres for SATB choir, harp, piano, violin and cello
Vocal Score
Fifteen Million Acres Volker Bertelmann
Diese Chorwerk wurde von SONY Classical initiiert und ist seit dem 3. Juli 2020 mit dem World Choir for Peace unter der Leitung von Nicol Matt auf allen Plattformen zu hören. Fifteen Million Acres für SATB Chor, Violine, Cello, Harfe und Klavier ist ein für viele Chöre attraktives Werk mit aktuellem Anlass: der Titel gibt den Hinweis auf die große Zerstörung durch die australischen Buschfeuer Anfang 2020. Mit großem Einfühlungsvermögen und Klangschönheit lässt sich die weltweite Betroffenheit mit diesem 3 minütigen Werk beeindruckend nacherleben. SATB Choir, Violin, Cello, Harp and Piano Vocal Score BOE100854 4,55€ Set of Parts BOE100854-01 10,50€
Entdecke das Singen
Vom Blatt singen
Entdecke das Singen bietet ein komplettes Einführungsprogramm für angehende Chorsänger für etwa drei Monate. Es wurde eigens für Interessierte ohne musikalische Vorkenntnisse konzipiert. Entdecke das Singen ist außerdem besonders geeignet für Musikschulen und private Gesangsausbildungen. Es lässt sich als Kurshandbuch für angehende Sänger und Sängerinnen während ihrer Probephase einsetzen. Daneben ist es maßgeschneidert für Chöre und Gesangsgruppen. Inhaltlich können Sie diese Methode sowohl für den individuellen Musikunterricht als auch fur den Gruppenunterricht und sogar fürs Selbststudium nutzen.
Sie singen schon eine ganze Weile und kommen ganz gut zurecht, wenn es gilt, neue Töne zu singen. Natürlich kennen Sie auch den Unterschied zwischen einem Dreiviertelund einem Viervierteltakt und wissen, was es bedeutet, wenn Sie zwei Bs vorgezeichnet sehen. Schwierig kann es jedoch werden, wenn Sie zum Beispiel große Intervalle treffen müssen. Sie begreifen wohl, welche Noten da notiert sind, aber das heißt nicht, dass Sie sie auf Anhieb richtig singen können. So geht es vielen Sängern und Sängerinnen. Darum entwickelte Tijs Krammer diese einfache Methode, die Ihnen zeigt, wie Sie das Blattsingen üben können.
Hennie Ramaekers, Nadia Loenders
Tijs Krammer
HU 4348-401 16,00€
HU 4356-404 21,00€
Mehrstimmiges Einsingen
Ganz Ohr
Harmonisches Einsingen
Wie oft heißt es nicht bei Chorsängern: „Das mit dem Einsingen, das kennt man ja nun langsam.“ Es gibt in der Tat viele Dirigenten, die das Einsingen als Pflichtübung betrachten – ein notwendiges Übel zu Beginn der Probe. Oder es werden eine Viertelstunde lang, während die Sänger nach und nach erst eintrudeln, schnell mal ein paar Tonleitern geträllert. Es geht aber auch anders. Der Autor bricht eine Lanze für sinnvolles und abwechslungsreiches „mehrstimmiges Einsingen“. Aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln stellt er in diesem Buch eine Vielzahl von Beispielen und Übungen vor, die direkt in der Praxis anwendbar sind.
Aufeinander hören bedeutet beim Singen sich gegenseitig zuzuhören. Wirkliches Zuhören setzt eine bestimmte Einstellung voraus. Es erfordert Engagement und ehrliche Aufmerksamkeit. Aber geht das überhaupt, ohne dabei selbst den Mund zu halten? Mit scheinbar simplen Übungen bringt Tijs Krammer Sängerinnen und Sänger dazu, aktiv zuzuhören; er öffnet ihnen die Ohren und eröffnet ihnen damit eine neue Welt. Die Übungen eignen sich für Chöre und Vokalensembles aller Art und können leicht in die Einsingphase eingebaut werden.
Tijs Krammer hat, anknüpfend an sein Buch Mehrstimmiges Einsingen, wirksame Übungen entwickelt, die die Sänger und Sängerinnen anregen, den Klang aufeinander abzustimmen und so an einem schöneren Chorklang zu arbeiten. Er gibt praktische Hinweise, mit denen die Übungen leicht dem Niveau der Gruppe angepasst warden können. Viele Melodien in diesem Buch bestehen aus Sequenzen und sind aufgrund ihrer einfachen Struktur leicht zu merken. Einen harmonischeren Probenbeginn kann ein Chor oder Vokalensemble sich gar nicht wünschen.
Tijs Krammer
HU 4331-401 16,00€
Tijs Krammer
HU 4335-401 16,00€
Tijs Krammer
HU 4357-404 16,00€ Bitte beachten Sie: Alle Preise inkl. 7% Mwst. auf dieser Seite.
Mapac - Choir Folder
Pure Tone Choir Folder - Large
Black Messenger Bag
Mapac choir folders are a perfect way to discreetly and conveniently hold all your loose choral sheets. This black folder is constructed from heavy duty plastic with bound material edging with a elastic clasp and there is ample room inside for housing all your choral sheets during concert or practice.
This feature packed, large-sized choir folder provides all the functionality choral singers need, and more! A hand strap on the back ensures a comfortable and secure grip during lengthy rehearsals and performances, while a fabric strip ensures the covers stay open at the optimal angle for reading and turning pages.
This musically themed satchel is a perfect companion for the budding music student.
MAP11630010 £6.66 / 7,49€
PTN101222 £14.16 / 18,40€
MAP10230200 £22.49 / 22,49€
WonderFlex Light The WonderFlex provides 20 lumens of dimmable and adjustable warm-temperature light that is easy on the eyes. Batteries included. Perfect to clip on to choir folders and music stands! MBR57510 £17.92 / 20,42€
Music Bag - Duo Notes Made from tough and waterproof ripstop nylon, it has stitched, reinforced corners. The contents are kept secure with a velcro fastener. Black Navy Pink Purple Red Royal Blue Green/White £6.66 / 7,49€
MAP11310011 MAP11310061 MAP11310241 MAP11310071 MAP11310081 MAP11310091 MAP11310161
Manhasset Symphony Stand Perfect for choirs, orchestras, school bands, and individual musicians that demand high quality and durability. MHS4801 £41.63 / 50,00€
Visit Your Local Music Retailer For More Gifts and Accessories! 25
Samson: Satellite USB Microphone SASAT £101.16 / 113,44€
Sibelius Perpetual License
AVI99357241800 £120.83 / 139,00€
Samson Carbon 49 MIDI Keyboard Controller
SAKC49 £79.17 / 91,60€
Samson MediaOne BT3 Bluetooth Monitors (Pair)
SAMBT3-UK £95.83 / 108,40€
Samson C01U Pro USB Condenser Microphone SAC01UPro £99.17 / 108,40€
Pro Tools Perpetual License AVI99357182600 £499.17 / 559,00€
Lone Pine 6.5” Powered Studio Monitor - Single
KALILP6W £132.50 / 206,70€
Samson C01U Pro USB Condenser Microphone SAC01UPro £99.17 / 108,40€
iRig: HD2 High Quality Mobile Interface IKHD2 £88.40 / 99,99€
Pro Tools Perpetual License AVI99357182600 £499.17 / 559,00€
Lone Pine 6.5” Powered Studio Monitor - Single
KALILP6W £132.50 / 206,70€
G-Track Pro Condenser Mic/USB
SAGM1UPRO £199.17 / 222,69€
Samson Carbon 61 MIDI Keyboard Controller SAKC61 £115.83 / 133,61€
Pro Tools Perpetual License AVI99357182600 £499.17.00 / 559,00€
Lone Pine 6.5” Powered Studio Monitor - Single
KALILP6W £132.50 / 206,70€
ARTIST, ARRANGER & COMPOSER INDEX ABBA Page 7 Adeste Fidelis Page 18 Adolphe Charles Adam Page 15 Alain Boublil Page 3 Alan Billingsley Page 7, 11, 15 Alan Wilson Page 22 Alejandro Rivas Page 14 Alexander Lloyd Blake Page 18 Amy Winehouse Page 6 Anders Edenroth Page 18 Andre Benjamin Page 6 Andrew Lloyd Webber Page 3, 4 Anthony Trecek-King Page 17, 19 Antioch Page 18 Audrey Snyder Page 7, 9, 15 Barrie Carson Turner Page 16 Benj Pasek/Justin Paul Page 3, 4, 11 Bill Staines Page 22 Billie Eilish Page 11 Billy Joel Page 7 Blake Richter Page 17 Boris Ord Page 15 Boudleaux Bryant Page 15 Brent Wells Page 19 Buddy Greene Page 15 Burkhart M. SchÅrmann Page 19 Carole King Page 22 Charles S. Thatcher Page 20 Christopher Tin Page 12 Cole Porter Page 4 Colin Mawby Page 22 Connor J. Koppin Page 20 D. Waggoner Page 14 Daniel Elder Page 17, 18 Daniel Jackson Page 17, 19 Daniel Knaggs Page 18 Daniel E. Schwandt Page 20 Daniel Knaggs Page 20 David Chase Page 13, 20 David Frost Page 20 David L. Brunner Page 17 David Schwoebel Page 20 Dominick DiOrio Page 14 Duke Ellington Page 4 Dwight Bigler Page 17, 18, 19 Ed Lojeski Page 7, 10 Eden Ahbez Page 18 Elton John/Tim Rice Page 10, 11 Elvis Presley Page 7 Enya Page 15 Eric Whitacre Page 12, 15 Eric William Barnum Page 20 Eslon V. Hindundu Page 18 Etta James Page 4 Eurico Carrapatoso Page 19 Europe Page 7 Faith Morgan Page 19 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Page 17 Fred Bock Page 15 Fred Gramann Page 20
Fred Pratt Green Page 21 Gareth Malone Page 2 George Gershwin Page 4 Glenn Burleigh Page 21 Greg Gilpin Page 14, 15 Gwyneth Walker Page 20 Hamilton Page 4 Harry Styles Page 7 Howard Blake Page 15 Hugh Martin Page 16 Irving Berlin Page 4 Ivo Antognini Page 17, 19 J. Fred Coots Page 6 Jacob Narverud Page 17, 18 James McCullough Page 20 James O’Donnell Page 16 James Taylor Page 17 Janet Wheeler Page 22 Jay Rouse Page 21 Jeffrey L. Ames Page 18 Jennaya Robison Page 20 Joel Raney Page 21 John Joubert Page 16 John Leavitt Page 10, 13 John Stephens Page 6 John Tavener Page 15, 16 Jon Thor Birgisson Page 11 Jonathan Reid Page 18 Joseph M. Martin Page 13 Joshua Fishbein Page 20 Joshua Rist Page 17 Judith Weir Page 16 Jule Styne Page 15 Julian Marshall Page 16 Karen Marrolli Page 20 Kenneth Lampl Page 17 Kesha Page 12 Kevin Siegfried Page 20 Kirby Shaw Page 7, 15 Knut Olav Rygnestad Page 6 Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez Page 9 Kyle Pederson Page 17, 18, 20 Larry Shackley Page 21 Leroy Anderson Page 15 Libby Larsen Page 20 Lloyd Larson Page 21 Lois Brownsey Page 21 Ludwig van Beethoven Page 21 Mac Huff Page 9, 11, 15 Marcel Tyberg Page 18 Margaret Rizza Page 22 Marianne Kim Page 14 Mark A. Miller Page 20 Mark Brymer Page 7, 9, 10, 11, 15 Mark Burrows Page 13, 17, 19 Mark Hayes Page 15, 21 Mark Miller Page 19 Mark Ralph Page 6 Martin Phipps Page 22
Marty Haugen Mary McDonald Matthew Culloton Melissa Dunphy Meredith Willson Mervyn Warren Mia Makaroff Michael Barrett Michael Engelhardt Michael John Trotta Michel Legrand Morten Lauridsen Ola Gjeilo Oscar Hammerstein II Owain Park Patrick Hawes Paul Mealor Peter Dickinson Philip Lawson Philip W. J. Stopford Queen R. Daniel Holt Randy Newman Rebecca Dale Richard Allain Richard Nance Richard Rodney Bennett Richard Sherman Rick Steele Robert Schlidt Roger Emerson Rollo Dilworth Rosephanye Powell Russell Robinson Ruth Morris Gray Ruthie Foster Ryan Murphy Scott Bailey Sean Ivory Simon Lole Slane Stacey V. Gibbs Stephen Chatman Stephen Cleobury Stephen Schwartz Stevie Wonder Sting Stuart Nicholson Susan LaBarr Taylor Scott Davis Taylor Swift The Beatles Thomas Juneau Tijs Krammer Tim Brent Various Victor C. Johnson Volker Bertelmann
Page 21 Page 21 Page 20 Page 20 Page 15 Page 21 Page 17 Page 17, 18, 19 Page 18, 19 Page 20 Page 12 Page 15 Page 15, 19 Page 3, 4 Page 16 Page 17, 18, 19 Page 16 Page 16 Page 22 Page 15, 22 Page 22 Page 18 Page 10 Page 12 Page 16 Page 18 Page 12, 16 Page 10 Page 21 Page 20 Page 7, 9 Page 13 Page 14 Page 14 Page 13, 14, 15 Page 20 Page 18 Page 20 Page 17 Page 22 Page 19 Page 20 Page 20 Page 16 Page 10 Page 6 Page 22 Page 15, 16 Page 17 Page 20 Page 7 Page 7 Page 17 Page 24 Page 17, 19 Page 3, 4 Page 13 Page 23
CHORAL SPECTRUM Christmas Edition 2020
Hal Leonard Europe is proud to be partnering with the following online virtual choir initiatives:
Hal Leonard Europe is proud to be a Gold Commercial Member of the Association of British Choral Directors
Representing the best in choral
All prices are exclusive of VAT and subject to change without prior notiďŹ cation. Distribution and copyright restrictions may apply in some territories. Distributed by
Hal Leonard Europe Distribution BV - Postbus 744 - Businesspark Friesland-West 15 - NL-8440 AS Heerenven - Nederland