hal leonard europe

Look, Listen & Learn, one of the most popular wind tutor series in Europe, sets itself apart by the supplementary performance material that is precisely matched to the level of the learning progression of the method books. Following the release of the German and French versions, De Haske now presents Play Christmas Songs in four additional languages! These collections include pieces for the festive season and contain at least one piece for each of the lessons in the method book.
See page 10 for more details.
Hal Leonard / PVG Book
the festive songs featured on Michael Bubl‚‘s Christmas album, arranged for Piano and vocals.
without a
Hal Leonard / PVG Book
contemporary holiday hits arranged for piano, voice and guitar, including: All I Want for Christmas Is You
Christmas Time Is Here
Little Saint Nick
Wise Publications / PVG Book
Hal Leonard / PVG Book
Hal Leonard / PVG Book
This collection features over 20 popular modern Christmas songs by today’s top artists,
Christmas Lights (Coldplay)
Christmas Saves
Mary, Did You Know?
Merry Christmas, Darling
Santa Baby
Underneath the Tree
Where Are You Christmas?
and more.
All your favourite songs and carols in one wonderful, carefully selected edition. Newly arranged and engraved for Piano, Voice and Guitar, these 49 songs set the mood for the festive season.
Away In A Manger, We Three Kings Of Orient Are
Year (Twenty One Pilots)
Christmas Tree Farm (Taylor Swift)
Cozy Little
(Katy Perry)
Over 100 essential Christmas standards, carols, pop hits, fun songs, and more, in one gorgeous collection, featuring an embossed cover
comb-bound binding
the book lays flat while playing.
All I Want
Leonard Book
O Come, All Ye Faithful
All I Want For Christmas Is You
Is Christmas (Sia)
(Kacey Musgraves)
Jingle Bell Rock
and many more.
(Carrie Underwood
John Legend)
He Shall
Forevermore (Chris Tomlin)
and more.
Leonard / PVG Book
your favourite Christmas Carols arranged for piano, voice and guitar. Includes
carols! Contents: A Child
Day Is Born · All Through the Night · Angels from the Realms of Glory · As with Gladness Men of Old · Auld LangSyne · Away in a Manger
Christians Awake · Coventry
· Deck the Halls · Ding Dong! Merrily on High · God
You Merry, Gentlemen ·
King Wenceslas
delle canzoni più amate
Natale arrangiate per pianoforte, voce e chitarra direttamente dall’album My Christmas di Andrea Bocelli
cui White Christmas, Angels We Have Heard On High, Santa Claus Is Coming
Town, The Christmas Song, The Lord’s Prayer, What Child
This, Adestes Fideles, Tu scendi dalle stelle, Caro Gesù
e molto altro.
volumen incluye una selección de veinte villancicos populares para tocar de forma individual o colectiva ya sea en casa, escuelas de música, conservatorios, primaria o secundaria. Este libro incluye un CD, tablatura y diagrama de acordes.
XYZ Uitgeverij
100 deutsche wie
international bekannte Weihnachtslieder aus den Genres Traditional, Pop und Rock. Einige der großen Weihnachts-Popsongs wie Last Christmas (Wham!), Happy Xmas (John Lennon), All I Want For Christmas Is You (Mariah Carey), Mary’s Boy Child (Boney M.) sind
dabei wie beliebte
De uitgave Kerstliederen bevat veel bekende kerstliedjes in eenvoudige arrangementen voor piano met teksten. Geschikt voor beginnende muzikanten. Bevat: Stille nacht, heilige nacht, De herdertjes lagen bij nachte, Gloria in excelsis Deo, Te Bethlem is geboren, O Denneboom en meer!
volume presenta trascrizioni facili per pianoforte di celebri canti natalizi in lingua inglese con testi, accordi e traduzioni. Le illustrazioni sono di Andrea Carnevali. Contenuti: Astro del ciel, Auguri di Buon Natale, Tu Scendi dalle Stelle e molto
Hal Leonard / Piano Book
This volume of the Jennifer Linn Series takes piano students around the world with 12 carefully levelled arrangements of Christmas songs. The songs are presented in a progressive order so students can learn new skills as they advance through the book. Songs include: Cantique De Noel (France) · Dormi, Dormi, Bel Bambino (Italian) · Fum, Fum, Fum (Catalonian) · Gesu Bambino (Italian) · and more.
Hal Leonard / Piano Book
26 popular holiday songs creatively arranged by Backwards Piano Man Jason Lyle Black into memorable medleys for piano solo. Songs included in the medleys: All I Want for Christmas Is You • Baby, It’s Cold Outside • Feliz Navidad ·Grown-Up Christmas List • Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas • I’ll Be Home for Christmas • Jingle Bell Rock
Where Are You Christmas?
and more.
Hal Leonard / Piano Book
Relax at the piano with these specially arranged Christmas pieces for solo piano. From classics to modern works, there is something for everyone to help celebrate the holiday spirit in joy and peace! Songs include • Angels From the Realms of Glory • Away in A Manger
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
It’s Beginning to Look Like Christmas
and more.
Haske / Chant et Piano
Titres inclus : Entre le boeuf
l’âne gris, Gloria In Exelcis Deo, Il est né le Divin Enfant, Deck the Hall, Jingle Bells, What Child isthis, We wish you a merry Christmas, Douce Nuit, Sainte Nuit, Ce n’est qu’un au revoir...
Berlin / Klavier
Die abwechslungsreiche und vielfältige Sammlung von 17 Klavierstücken für die Mittelstufe bereichert Ihr Repertoire um weihnachtliche Musikliteratur, die über die üblichen Weihnachtslieder hinausgeht. Die Auswahl reicht von J. G. Walther, Mozart undSchumann bis hin zu Tschaikowsky, Martinu und vielen anderen.
Phillip Keveren, a multi-talented keyboard artist and composer, has composed original works in a variety of genres from piano solo to symphonic orchestra. His clever and smart arrangements of popular songs, religious favourites, Broadway and movie themes, and classical and jazz standards have brought joy to millions of piano students and teachers alike! His ability to provide arrangements
make students at all levels shine have become standard repertoire in the piano pedagogy world.
arranged by Phillip Keveren.
It’s Christmas
Blue Christmas
Hal Leonard /
Hal Leonard / Piano Duet
intermediate level piano
1 piano,
included in this
not essential for the performer to have previous
experience; no sections
even experienced
and professional
find this
a Torch, Jeannette,
Hal Leonard / Easy Piano Book
Leonard / Piano Book
Hal Leonard / Easy Piano
You’ll love playing from the Hal Leonard “In Easy Keys” series! Each collection in this series includes over 20 songs written in an “easy” key – with never more than one sharp or flat in the key signature. Melody, harmony, simple rhythms, fingering, and helpful instructions for each piece are included. Playing your favourite songs
never been easier!
Hal Leonard / Easy Piano Book
14 favourites from Frozen and Frozen 2 in easy-to-play arrangements for piano, grades 1 3. Presented with background notes and performance tips for every song. Includes ‘Do You Want to Build a Snowman?’, ‘For the First Time in Forever’, ‘Let It Go’, ‘Into the Unknown’, ‘Lost in the Woods’, ‘When I Am Older’ and many more!
Hal Leonard / Easy Piano Book
holiday favourites arranged for easy piano with practice tips for learning each song! Songs include: All I Want for Christmas Is You
Believe • The Chipmunk Song • Christmas Time Is Here • Feliz Navidad • Frosty the Snow Man • Here Comes Santa Claus (Right down Santa Claus Lane) • I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! • and more.
Hal Leonard / Easy Piano Book & Audio Online
The Instant Piano Songs series will help you play you favourite songs quickly and easily - whether you use one hand or two! Start with the melody in your right hand, then add basic left-hand chords when you’re ready. Letter names inside each note speed up the learning process, and optional rhythm patterns take your playing to the next level. Online backing tracks are also included.
Charthits - It’s So
Spielband aus der beliebten Reihe It’s So Easy!
Hans-Günter Heumann
30 Christmas-Hits und ist speziell für den Anfangsklavierunterricht konzipiert. Deshalb werden hier komplizierte Rhythmen und Akkorde strikt vermieden.
Klavierspieler wird sehr schnell in der Lage sein, diese Songs ohne Mühe zu spielen.
Wise Publications Easy Piano Book
This book contains easy Piano arrangements of 45 favourite Christmas songs, complete with background notes and performance hints and tips. Songs include: All I Want For Christmas Is You, Away In A Manger, Blue Christmas, The Coventry Carol, Fairytale Of New York, The First Nowell, Happy Xmas (War Is Over) and many more!
Children’s Christmas Piano
Bosworth Edition
Easy Piano Buch
Das Kinder-Weihnachtsalbum mit den bekanntesten und beliebtesten Weihnachtsliedern, die zum Teil auch aus dem englischen Sprachraum übernommen wurden, hier in leichter bis sehr leichter Fassung für Klavier und Keyboard. Viele Stücke mit deutschem und englischem Text; einige davon gibt es in leichter und sehr leichter Version für Klavier.
Mitropa Music
Easy Piano
Weihnachtsmusizieren ist ein Spielbuch mit ansprechenden Bearbeitungen beliebter Weihnachtslieder für Klavierschüler, die mit Tastenzauberei oder anderen Klavierschulen lernen. Es erfüllt alle Ansprüche an ein Spielbuch für Klavierschüler: DieKlavierstimmen sind in mehreren Varianten vorhanden, sodass das Notenmaterial vom ersten Unterrichtsjahr an mindestens vier Jahre lang mit den Fortschritten der Schüler mithalten kann.
1683-09-401 M
Bosworth Edition / Easy Piano Buch
Traditionelle Weihnachtslieder für die ganze Familie, Weihnachtsklassiker von Rolf Zuckowski, Detlev Jöcker oder Frederic Vahle sind ebenso vertreten wie Popsongs wie Mary’s Boy Child von Boney M. oder Hurra, es schneit von Nena. Auch mit dabei sind viele beliebte Lieder aus der ehemaligen DDR, wie z.B. Oh, es riecht gut, Vorfreude, schönste Freude oder Tausend Sterne sind ein Dom.
für Klavier BOE8018 für Keyboard BOE8017
besten neuen
Die „30 besten“ von Lamp und Leute ist die erfolgreichste Kindermusik-CD-Reihe in Deutschland. Dieses Liederbuch enthält die Noten zu dem Album „Die 30 besten neuen Weihnachts- und Winterlieder“. Auf 68 stimmungsvoll illustrierten Seiten befinden sich alle 30 Weihnachtslieder mit Melodielinie, Text und Akkorden inklusive Griffbildern für Gitarre.
A fine selection of music perfect for Christmas and yule tide. This great collection contains twenty traditional and pop christmas numbers, including The First Nowell, Good King Wenceslas, Happy Xmas (War Is Over),andFrosty The Snowman, all arranged for electronic keyboard, with registrations, lyrics, chord symbols and fingering plus a chord chart.
De Haske / Orgel Buch
Fünfzehn Orgelbearbeitungen von bekannten Adventsund Weihnachtsliedern für zweimanualige Orgel mit Pedal.
DHP 0970911-401
L’opus 20 de Dupré, les Variations sur un Noël pour orgue, a été composé en 1922. Il est basé sur un ancien Noël (Pastorale) en Ré mineur. Les variations présentent le contraste à travers la tonalité, le rythme, le timbre et l’harmonie, entre autres aspects. Les compositions et les œuvres didactiques de Dupré restent importantes pour les organistes d’aujourd’hui et ses Variations sur un Noël ne font pas exception.
Diverse Hitbook 100 Weihnachtslieder
Bosworth Edition Buch
Die Sammlung beinhaltet 100 der bekanntesten Weihnachtslieder aus den Genres Traditional, Pop und Rock. Einige der beliebtesten Weihnachts-Popsongs wie Last Christmas (Wham!), Happy Xmas (John Lennon), All I Want For Christmas Is You (Mariah Carey), Mary’s Boy Child (Boney M.) sind genauso dabei wie traditionelle und internationale Weihnachtslieder. Wie gewohnt kommt auch dieser Band mit Spiralbindung.
für Keyboard BOE8024 für Gitarre BOE8025
Bosworth Edition / Keyboard Buch
Von Bekannten Traditionals wie Alle Jahre wieder über Klassiker wie Tschaikowskys Marsch aus Der Nussknacker bis zu Pop- und Rock-Songs wie Do They Know It’s Christmas? ist dieses Buch vollzeitlosen Weihnachtsliedern. O Tannenbaum; Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht; Jingle Bells; Hirtenmusik; Wiegenlied; Happy Xmas (War Is Over); I Believe In Father Christmas ... und 59 weitere unvergänglicheTitel.
Hal Leonard / Guitar
Book & Audio Online
David Jaggs has over 1.3 million views on his YouTube channel featuring his masterful and beautiful classical guitar arrangements of popular songs. This new collection features 20 of his arrangements of Christmas favourites, including: All I Want for Christmas Is You • Fairytale of New York • Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas • I’ll Be Home for Christmas
It’s Beginning to Look like Christmas • and more.
28 holiday classics arranged for easy guitar with notes and tab so all players can enjoy their favourite songs around the Christmas tree. Songs include: All I Want for Christmas Is You · The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) · Christmas Time Is Here ·
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas · I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus · I’ll Be Home for Christmas · Jingle Bell Rock · and more.
Grab a friend and your 6-strings and make some beautiful Christmas music for your family and friends! 25 holiday classics arranged for guitar duet, including: The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) · Christmas Time Is Here · Feliz Navidad · Happy Xmas (War Is Over) · Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas · A Holly Jolly Christmas · Jingle Bell Rock · Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! · and more.
charts to get
away are
in this collection
Christmas carols in
basic tab:
A wonderful festive fingerpicking fancy! Fifteen Christmas songs specially arranged for intermediatelevel guitarists. Each solo combines melody and harmony in one superb arrangement, and includes an easy introduction to basic fingerstyle guitar. All songs are arranged in both standard notation and tablature.
Christmas classics in playable arrangements
professionally recorded
15 holiday songs in this book are carefully written for the solo jazzguitarist. Each solo guitar piece
melody and harmony in onesuperb arrangement.
Ave Maria, Op. 52, No. 6
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Op. 71a
The Strum Together series
players of five different instruments - or any combination of them - to strum together on over 40 great songs. This easy-touse format features melody, lyrics, and chord diagrams
classic and contemporary Christmas songs to accompany the world-famous
courses for
A Spaceman
All I Want
First Noel
Go, Tell It on the Mountain
It Came upon the Midnight Clear
Jolly Old St. Nicholas
Silent Night
standard ukulele, baritone ukulele, guitar, mandolin, and banjo.
O Holy Night
Das Weihnachtsheft für junge Gitarrenkünstler mit 16 leichten Liedern! Diese beliebten Weihnachtslieder von Alle Jahre wieder bis Stille Nacht können schon nach einigen Monaten Unterricht gespielt werden. Sie sind mit einerBegleitstimme versehen, die etwas mehr Übung erfordert.
Diverse 50 Weihnachtslieder für klassische Gitarre
Bosworth Edition / Gitarre
Weihnachtslieder auf der Gitarre zu spielen, hat einen ganz besonderen Zauber und verbreitet eine festliche Stimmung. Warme Erinnerungen an vergangene Feiertage im Kreis der Familie kommen zurück, wenn so manch schönes Lied angestimmt wird und durch die Adventszeit zum Weihnachtsfest begleitet. Dieser Band vereint 50 der beliebtesten und bekanntesten traditionellen Weihnachtslieder für die ganze Familie. Alle Stücke sind für klassische Gitarre in einfachen Arrangements mit Tabulatur gesetzt. Die Spiralbindung erleichtert das Umblättern.
Carisch / Chitarra
Libro + CD
Questa antologia di semplici e famosissimi brani natalizi è pensata per piccoli chitarristi che abbiano già acquisito una certa manualità con la chitarra. I brani, presentati per livello di difficoltà e in versione melodica e polifonica, sono supportati da basi musicali che si possono rallentare o velocizzare per facilitarne lo studio e gratificare il risultato.
Questa nuova collana natalizia si divide in tre diversi volumi trascritti per chitarra, ukulele e pianoforte. Tra i contenuti uno dei brani natalizi italiani più celebri degli ultimi anni “A Natale Puoi” e i classici come Tu Scendi dalle Stelle, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Adeste Fideles, Feliz Navidad, Jingle Bell Rock, Il est né divin enfant, Let it snow!, Santa Claus is comin’ to Town, O Christmas Tree, brani noti in tutto il mondo!
Guitar HLE 109
Ukulele HLE 108
Piano HLE 110
27 holiday classics to strum on the ukulele as you sing along. Includes: All I Want for Christmas Is You • Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas • I’ll Be Home for Christmas • Merry Christmas, Darling • Same Old Lang Syne ·Silver Bells • Where Are You Christmas? • White Christmas • and many more. Includes melody, lyrics and chord diagrams for standard G-CE-A tuning.
Hal Leonard / Ukulele Book
18 easy tunes to strum & sing in arrangements featuring melody, lyrics and chord diagrams for standard G-CE-A tuning. Includes: The Chipmunk Song • Frosty the Snow Man • Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer • Here Comes Santa Claus (Right down Santa Claus Lane) • The Little Drummer Boy • Silver Bells
and more.
Chester Music / Ukulele Book
This songbook is an enjoyable collection of 16 favourite Christmas carols, selected and arranged specially for younger ukelele players.
All of the songs have been simplified and annotated with easy chord diagrams, strumming and picking patterns. Disgned to be extremely accesssible, and easy to play and sing along to, this book will have you joinin in the festive fun in no time at all.
Bosworth Edition Buch
Im dritten Band der erfolgreichen Reihe „100 Kinderlieder für Ukulele“ wurden die schönsten Weihnachtslieder speziell für Kinder gesammelt. Es gibt zudem Ausgaben in drei weiteren Instrumentierungen - für Gitarre, für Klavier und für Keyboard. Die Sammlung eignet sich wunderbar für den Kindergarten, die Grundschule oder für das gemeinsame Singen und Musizieren zu Hause. Die Spiralbindung erleichtert das Umblättern der Seiten, Griffbilder und eine großzügige Notenaufteilung vereinfachen das Lernen und Spielen der Lieder.
Ukulele BOE8015
Gitarre BOE8016
Volume 32
Leonard Violin Play-Along Book & CD
The Violin Play-Along Series will help you play your favourite songs quickly and easily. Just follow the music, listen to the CD to hear how the violin should sound, and then play along using the separate backing tracks. With the melody and lyrics included in the book, you may also choose to sing along. Chord symbols are provided should you wish to elaborate on the melody.
The Violin Play-Along series will help you play your favourite songs quickly and easily. Includes: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Op. 71a • Hallelujah • (There’s No Place Like) Home for the Holidays • I Wonder As I Wander • Mary, Did You Know? • Santa Baby • Shchedryk (Carol of the Bells) • Somewhere in My Memory.
Hal Leonard
Violin Play-Along Book & Audio Online
Holy Night/ Ave Maria
Mary, Did You Know?/Corelli Christmas
to Joy to the
Child Is This?
This volume includes eight songs from Lindsey’s 2017 release: All I Want for Christmas Is You • Christmas
Hal Leonard / Violin Duet Book
Designed for violinists familiar with first position and comfortable reading basic rhythms, each two-page arrangement in this collection includes a violin 1 and violin 2 part, with each taking a turn at playing the melody for a fun and challenging ensemble experience. Songs include: Angels We Have Heard on High • Coventry Carol • The First Noel • God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen • and more.
For beginning and advanced harpists. Each is arranged in an easy version and a more difficult version. Each carol
contains lyrics and chord
for harpists or other instrumentalists. The
arrangements can also be played as a duet.
Chester Music / Recorder Book
The First Recorder Book Of Christmas Tunes is a brilliant introduction to the best festive favourites for a young beginning Recorder player. Children will immediately enjoy playing these songs as they are so familiar, and you will instantly get into the seasonal spirit when you hear the pretty Recorder sound playing these joyous songs.
Ricordi Berlin / Blockflöte
Tonraum (g`-h`bis g`-d``), für die allererste BlockflötenWeihnacht: Diese Lieder im Drei- bis Fünftonraum können Kinder schon nach wenigen Wochen spielen!Parallel zu Meine lustige Blockflöte Band
Elisabeth Weinzierl, Edmund Wächter Alte und neue Lieder für 2 Querflöten
Ricordi Berlin / Querflöten Buch
der beliebtesten und bekanntesten Advents- und Weihnachtslieder - reichlich Auswahl für das Vorspiel oder für zuhause.
Best Christmas Flute Duet Book
exciting and varied array of tunes arranged specifically for Grades 1 to 3, but will be lovely as a general Yuletide addition to your repertoire.
familiar tunes are all enjoyable to play and are definitely going to delight anyone within earshot, bringing in the Christmas spirit with the lovely sound of the Flute.
The Christmas collection that all jazz cats will want in their stocking! This unique fake book features 150 custom arrangements of carols and contemporary holiday songs featuring sophisticated jazz chord changes in the popular, user-friendly Real Book format. Players will enjoy putting the cool back into these Christmas classics.
Hal Leonard Book
15 favourites from the holidays, including: Deck the Hall • The First Noel • Good King Wenceslas • Hark! the Herald Angels Sing • It Came upon the Midnight Clear • O Christmas Tree • and more. Professionally-recorded play-along
Flute HL00842132
Clarinet HL00842133
Alto Sax HL00842134
Tenor Sax HL00842135
Trumpet HL00842136
of the
one of the most popular
itself apart by
to the level of the learning
of the German and French
presents Play Christmas
Horn HL00842137
Trombone HL00842138
Violin HL00842139
Viola HL00842140
Hal Leonard Book
Instrumentalists will love this jam-packed collection of 101 holiday favourites! Songs include: Away in a Manger • Caroling, Caroling • Do You Want to Build a Snowman? • Feliz Navidad •
Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer • Hark! The Herald Angels Sing • I Saw Three Ships • Jingle Bells • Joy to the World • Mary, Did You Know? • O Come, All Ye Faithful • O Holy Night • Silent Night • The Twelve Days of Christmas • and more.
the festive season
contain at least one piece for each of the lessons in the method
Look, Listen & Learn 1 Play Christmas Songs
Flute DHP 1226454-404
Clarinet DHP 1226455-404
Alto Saxophone DHP 1226453-404
Bb Trumpet / Cornet / Flugel Horn / Baritone /
Trombone BC DHP 1226456-404
Euphonium TC DHP 1226452-404
Hören, lesen & spielen 1 - Weihnachten
Querflöte DHP 1165764-400
Oboe DHP 1165768-400
Klarinette DHP 1165765-400
Altsaxophon DHP 1165763-400
Tenorsaxophon DHP 1165770-400
Trompete/Flügelhorn/Tenorhorn/ Euphonium in B TC DHP 1165762-404
Horn DHP 1165766-400
Posaune in C BC DHP 1165767-400
Bariton/Euphonium in C BC DHP 1165769-400
Les Chants de Noël
Flute DHP 1185952-400
Clarinet DHP 1185953-400
Alto Saxophone DHP 1185951-400
Trumpet DHP 1185950-400
Flauto DHP 1226464-404
Clarinetto DHP 1226465-404
Sassofono contralto DHP 1226463-404
Tromba DHP 1226462-404
Trombone DHP 1226466-404
Flauta travesera DHP 1226469-404
Clarinete DHP 1226470-404
Saxofón alto DHP 1226468-404
Trompeta DHP 1226467-404
Trombón DHP 1226471-404
Klarinet DHP 1226460-404
Dwarsfluit DHP 1226459-404
Altsaxofoon DHP 1226458-404
Trompet / Cornet / Bugel / Bariton / Euphonium
TC DHP 1226457-404
Trombone DHP 1226461-404
Hal Leonard
Selections from
Violin and
and Piano
Questo volume della collana “Play happy” contiene 10 celebri brani natalizi arrangiati per pianoforte. I criteri impiegati sono stati adattati a un livello facile, pensato per strumentisti ai primi anni di studio: i valori di durata impiegati sono l’intero, la metà, il quarto e l’ottavo; i brani vengono presentati nelle tonalità più
Der Nussknacker – Klassische Arrangements für Melodieinstrumente Hal Leonard Buch + Einzelstimme + Online-Audio
Die schönsten Melodien aus Tschaikowskys Orchestersuite, bearbeitet für Melodieinstrumente mit Klavierbegleitung in anspruchsvollem Schwierigkeitsgrad.
Violine und Klavier DHP 1216346-404
Trompette und Klavier DHP 1216350-404 Flöte und Klavier DHP 1216348-404
Cello und Klavier DHP 1216347-404 Klarinette und Klavier DHP 1216349-404
Carisch Book & CD
De Haske / Bläserklasse
Bläserklasse WEIHNACHTEN präsentiert eine umfangreiche Sammlung weihnachtlicher Spielliteratur, die von diversen Arrangeuren auf das Spielniveau von Bläserklassen oder Jugendblasorchestern zugeschnitten wurde. Neben den populärsten deutschsprachigen Weihnachtsliedern ist auch eine Reihe von Liedern aus anderen europäischen Ländern enthalten, die hierzulande zur Weihnachtszeit ebenfalls gerne gesungen und gehört werden.
Hal Leonard Book
Discover all about music with your favourite Christmas Carols in this Christmas Carols Music Activity Book. Packed full of theory games, puzzles, and interactive activities, this book also features selections from the world’s most popular Christmas Carols, making it the ideal Christmas gift and learning tool for all young musicians. Special UK edition.
Raymond Briggs’ charming Christmas story of the boy who builds a snowman who comes to life has become a children’s classic. Its popularity has been further enhanced by frequent television broadcasts of the award winning cartoon film The Snowman. The full score version includes the music and words for the story so singing and narrating is possible. The score includes the well known songs: Dance of the Snowman, Walking in the Air and Music Box Dance.
internationally known
a Box
De Haske / 4-part Mixed Ensemble Set
Many European countries have a wealth of original, traditional Christmas carols that took form in the course of centuries as they were passed on and complemented from generation to generation. From this rich repertoire, Wil van der Beek has chosen six attractive carols from Bohemia, Central Europe and other regions, which he has skilfully arranged for variable ensembles. Have a wonderful Christmas!
Christmas Bonanza 1
/ Flexible Ensemble Set
Kaleidoscope will save you time! Do you spend hours arranging music for odd assortments of instruments?
is specially arranged to suit almost any instrumental combination and these varied ensembles are easyandenjoyable too. So much scope for virtually any combination of instruments!
This collection features eight arrangements in that distinctive Canadian Brass style for two B-flat trumpets
two trombones. Contents include: Angels We Have Heard on High · Ding Dong! Merrily on High · The First Noel · Go, Tell it on the Mountain · God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen · Hark! The Herald Angels Sing · In dulce jubilo
to the
Hal Leonard
5-Part Flexible
Band [opt. Strings]
unique and
for the holidays. Johnnie
taken three Christmas
and treated them in
jazzy swing style for flexible
We Wish You a Merry Christmas, O Christmas Tree, and Good
Hal Leonard / 5-Part Flexible
Jingle Bell Rock is the name of a famous Christmas song. Ever since it was first released by Bobby Helms in 1957, it is frequently broadcast around Christmas time every year. It has been performed by many artists, but the version by Helms is still the best known. Its title and some of its lyrics have been taken from the traditional Christmas standard Jingle Bells.
Hal Leonard / 4-Part Flexible
Band and Opt. Piano Set
This collection features six internationally well-known Christmas songs: ‘Joy to the World’, ‘Fum, Fum, Fum’, ‘Go Tell It on the Mountain’, ‘God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen’, ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ and ‘Jingle Bells’, in versions by renowned composers/arrangers including Jacob de Haan and Philip Sparke.
Conceived by Danish arranger and conductor Morten Schuldt-Jensen, SAM-Klang (a Danish word for ‘harmony’) provides a solution to the issue that many choruses face: a lack of low voices, and in particular, tenors. Schuldt-Jensen has skilfully considered all the original parts to create arrangements which retain the characteristic features of the original pieces and have almost the same richness of timbre, resulting in versions of works including the Mozart Requiem and Haydn’s The Creation which will sound nearly unchanged to an audience. All SAM-Klang editions include Piano reductions to facilitate rehearsal preparation. To view the full series, please visit www.hledealers.com
world-famous Novello choral edition of Handel’s beautiful masterpiece.
for SATB with piano part. Edited with piano
by Watkins Shaw.
solo voices, SATB chorus
Neil Jenkins.
with a
Jonathan Wikeley Pop Carol Singing Hal Leonard / SATB BookPop Carol Singing is the indispensible collection for carol singers who wish to add to the lighter side of their repertoire. Equally suitable for school and community choirs, or for those who want to get together for a good sing, these 24 simple, SATB arrangements have been specially designed to be hugely effective in performance, but equally easy and quick to learn.
Join the King’s Singers as they celebrate an English Christmas Eve service. Taken from their latest album of the same name, these beautiful arrangements will certainly help spread the Christmas message. Includes: Angelus ad Virginem; Away in a Manger; Coventry Carol; Es ist ein’ Ros’ entsprungen; La Peregrinación; Lullay My Liking; and more.
The spirit of Christmas rings and sings loud and clear in this delightful holiday medley! Each with a bell theme, the medley contains four traditional favourites arranged in a musically clever way for all to enjoy and sing.
Advent, Christmas Novello / SATB
Noel! is an exciting Christmas collection for Mixed Voice Choirs, selected and edited by David Hill. Featuring a beautiful selection of carols and festive pieces, these traditional and modern pieces have been wonderfully arranged. The contents range from the Renaissance to the present, featuring some absolute Christmas sheet music favourites, and some lesser-known pieces that will no doubt be a pleasant surprise for audiences. Numerous composers are represented in this here,from the polyphony of Victoria and Byrd, via Bach, familiar settings of traditional and lesser known carols through the ages, and works by todays composers including Richard Rodney Bennett, Judith Bingham, John Tavener and Judith Weir make Noel! oneof the best choices for choirs for Christmas sheet music.