3 minute read
Life & Love Magazine Issue 35
The Hall & Prior Group are on a recruitment drive and with their new ‘Be Somebody’ campaign, so those aged care professionals who are keen to use their special skills and have the contribution their daily work makes to the lives of residents recognised are urged to apply.
It’s no secret the task of recruiting aged care staff has been extremely challenging over the past few years. When COVID restrictions hit and potential employees were no longer able to travel freely around Australia or from overseas, the pool of skilled professionals reduced exponentially.
Now, as borders are opening and freedom of movement between states and from international countries is improving, the time has come to bolster Hall & Prior’s dedicated aged care roster of staff with new recruits. To make the Hall & Prior Group’s offering stand out from the crowd, the HR and Marketing teams have created a new campaign to reflect the special, intangible contribution aged care staff make to the wellbeing of residents, every day of the year.
Called the ‘Be Somebody’ campaign, it takes the idea of staff being a resident’s best friend, good listener, dance partner or bingo pal as an additional reason to look forward to going to work every day. When creating the campaign, the team drew on the fact that feedback from existing staff members highlighted the fact that what they loved most about their jobs wasn’t just the chance to make practical, skills-based differences to an individual’s life. It was more the fact that a resident’s eyes would light up when they were on shift, or that they looked forward to spending time with their ‘favourite’ staff member.
“We do this by using Sophisticated Software and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace the labour-intensive processes of recruitment and roster filling,” says Chairman of CareBridge, Ray Glickman.
“Our platform connects workers with the most suitable jobs and attracts new entrants to work in the sector, and simplifies the process of finding, hiring, onboarding and rostering staff in order to save everyone time and money.”
The innovative start-up will assist Hall & Prior’s existing recruitment strategies and identify suitable candidates more swiftly, as its AI processor learns the preferences and needs of both the workers and care providers to pinpoint the right worker for the right job at the right time.
“CareBridge’s smart people solutions enable the health and aged care sector to access and deploy better staff more cost-effectively and sustainably,” said Mr Glickman.
There are some additional recruitment enticements on offer too, says Cameron Marshall, Director of Human Resources, Hall & Prior Group.
If you would like to find out more about your chance to Be Somebody with Hall & Prior, get in touch with us at careers@hallprior.com.au.

Are you ready to be somebody with Hall & Prior? Contact careers@hallprior.com.au to find out more about our current opportunities.