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Chocolate treats for all
Tuohy Aged Care Home

A GROUP OF RESIDENTS from Tuohy Aged Care Home in WA headed to the Whistler Chocolate Company’s cafe in Middle Swan in WA recently for a special day of chocolate and other sweet desserts.

Maria and her daughter Tina, Mary Yeoman, Brian, Janice and Martine all enjoyed the opportunity to try some of the local chocolate factory’s wares and stopped for a cuppa too.
The family-owned Whistler’s Chocolate Company has been making traditional chocolates and confectionery for over 50 years, from recipes passed down from generation to generation.
Did you know that Whistler’s is now Western Australia’s oldest chocolate company?
It has also become an iconic brand representing quality and good old-fashioned traditions.
A visit to Whistler’s is always a popular day trip for our residents and the chance to hang out together with some delicious, sweet treats at the same time is not to be missed. Martine was even able to fit in a little puppy patting while she was in the cafe.

Walking group takes off in Concorde
RESIDENTS AT CONCORDE are fortunate to have a lovely park close by and take full advantage of it by going for weekly walking groups together. It’s a great opportunity to encourage residents to get up and moving, and enjoying a change of scenery from their daily life at Concorde.
The group love getting outdoors to take in some fresh air and enjoy the sunshine.
In December, they even managed to catch the beautiful jacarandas in full bloom. It’s a timely reminder too that it’s the simple things which bring so much happiness . . . more walks are planned for autumn.