Body fat tips

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We are all au faire with the idea that doing lots of aerobics will help to eliminate body fat. What a great number of us are not aware of is the alternative view that incessant aerobic exercise is not the answer to burning off body fat and that resistance exercise is far superior for eliminating body fat and promoting metabolic rate post-exercise than any other type of exercise. For those among us that may want to begin a resistance training regime using weights, or have been exercising with endless cardio and getting no results this point of view may be what we have been waiting for. The theory is that weight training of a specific variety and rep scheme elevates metabolic rates (measured though VO2 max)for thirty-nine hours. This implies that we will burn off much more body fat even while we are fast asleep... How cool is that? The usual thirty or forty-minute cardio session raises the metabolism for only a few hours post-exercise, but using weight training in a specific way it would seem that we can elevate our metabolism for over a day and a half. No other form of physical exercise comes close to doing that in such a short time as targeted weight and/or resistance training. This level of post-exercise calorie burn is approximate to the levels seen in marathon runners. This will come as no surprise to weight-trainers, but it may be news to many others. This is particularly reassuring to those among us that are worried about becoming muscle-bound if we were to embark on a resistance exercise regime. The advocates of this kind of fat burning exercise focus mainly on repetitions and exercises, quoting that certain protocols give the most outstanding results when it came to post-exercise calorie burn. Metabolic rate elevation doesn't occur if weights are too heavy, or if less than six repetitions are completed.

Even more interesting is the fact that metabolic elevation is considered insignificant if the weights are too light. This comprises any exercise that takes over twelve repetitions to complete. The thirty-nine hour raising in metabolic rate is induced from a workout which stimulates the bigger muscles. This demands compound weight-training movements such as squats, dead lifts, rows, bench presses, and curls. The perfect method to do this isn't with machines, Pilates, or very light dumbbells, but with free weights. For maximum fat-burning metabolic effect exercises ought to be aimed at the eight to twelve repetition range. There is also a twelve-hour increase in metabolic rate if we carry out an exercise program of around eight exercises, four sets each, using eight to twelve reps brought to momentary completion. You could hardly call this this a marathon workout, but the benefits are enormous. The nutrient calculation for post-workout recuperation is interesting, particularly in comparison with more moderate kinds of exercise. Not surprisingly more food is needed to repair the body, and consequently the metabolism once again is elevated. Frequent feedings that are sufficient in protein and moderate in carbs are known to show a substantial metabolic increase. Lower repetitions with heavy weights isn't a good strategy for post-exercise caloric burn. This is probably why power lifters develop strength but insignificant definition. To those of us who would like to use weights to sculpt our physique the "lighter weights, higher repetition" strategy, and its failure to create results is important. Lighter weights and higher reps is not an effective protocol for fat burning. Yet this is the strategy that many trainers use to "tone" their muscles. This is also the preferred protocol for a lot of female weight trainees who believe that heavier weights will build up too much muscle.

The post-exercise caloric burn is what produces the goods. When it comes to fat burning, exercise by itself burns up only a meager amount of calories during the session, but when used in conjunction with a sensible meal plan this is a very potent fat burning tool. Even so, we have to accept that even an intense workout that may burn five hundred calories or more can be offset by a single modest-calorie meal. The bottom line is weight training/resistance training is paramount when it comes to sculpting the body and making the greatest post-exercise dividends. A concise but targeted weight training routine performed just two or three times a week produces rewards that are extremely powerful in building/preserving muscle and eliminating body fat. When combined with a sensible fat-burning nutrition program and stress-reducing exercise (such as yoga walking, or Pilates), the rewards are even greater in eliminating fat from the body.

You can read more fitness and health articles by Robert Maddison at

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