facebook and socialmedia

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==== ==== Hello : Check out on how important is Social Media like Facebook, Tweeter etc..Don't be left out! http://tinyurl.com/socialmediaca ==== ====

One definition of the word revolution is a sudden and complete change in something. A famous example, of course, is the American Revolution. Another is the counterculture revolution of the U. S. and much of Europe in the 1960s. Currently, the social media revolution is spreading the most. People have become content producers instead of content consumers because of social network media. In short, the inmates run the asylum. The spread of information and knowledge as dramatically changed. In the past, the norm was broadcast media monologues, where one person distributes information to the masses. TV newscasts and newspaper accounts are the more well known of this. These norms, however, are being made to exist side by side with what this new revolution is bringing about. Now, any number people may distribute given information to the masses. Everyone is now both receiver and distributor. Hence, these people are now known as content producers. Several popular forms of this exist. One common form is easily recalled ideas or slogans made to galvanize others into repeating them frequently. Another form is print media designed to be scattered again to the public. A third form is the sharing from electronic media, including mobile devices and the Internet, with advanced search capabilities is a third. A final example is grassroots direct action distribution, including public speaking, rallies, and demonstrations. Traditional media, also known as mass media, broadcast media, or industrial media, differs from social media in many ways. To begin, social media is less expensive and more easily accessible. Mass media normally needs more resources to be able to share information. Second, industrial media production normally necessitates learning specialized skills; normally, social media does not. Third, response time and relevancy are more impacted, whereas, the time lag in social media can be instantaneous. In industrial media it often takes hours or even days. However, it should be taken into account that as industrial media takes on more and more of social media's tendencies, there might not be such differences much longer. Fourth, permanence is treated very differently by the two. In mass media, after an article is printed and distributed, it cannot be changed. Corrections, retractions, and apologies may be necessary, but the article is unable to be altered. In social media, however, changes can instantly be made. It is interesting, however, to note the similarities between the two forms of media. Both types of media can be dispersed to a worldwide audience or to a local one. A blog posting may reach no one or it may reach everyone. TV news broadcasts may reach the same ranges of people.

Of course, it is hard to predict the future direction of both social media and traditional media. One school of thought is that a hybridization of the two is occurring and will continue to. In this case, it is the use of both media frameworks. In fact, this hybrid is already being used more and more.

Whatever the future brings, the social media revolution is not transient. It is here for good, even as its future direction is still not clear. Will hybridization continue evolving? Will mass media, as we know it, continue? Will social media evolve to the point that it engulfs both the traditional and the hybrid?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Pate

==== ==== Hello : Check out on how important is Social Media like Facebook, Tweeter etc..Don't be left out! http://tinyurl.com/socialmediaca ==== ====

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