Professional Builder October 2024

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The recent findings of the Federation of Master Builder’s State of the Trade report, where outputs were found to be recovering, is clearly welcome news. Even without that economic uptick, however, many local, jobbing builders will find that their order books are far from bare.

It’s always a regional picture, but in many areas, homeowners struggle to find a reputable and reliable builder on anything like a reasonable timeframe The explanation, of course, is that some of the trades are becoming a rarer breed with every passing year The causes are complex and multi-faceted, and many are well beyond the power of the built environment sector to resolve on its own, but the issue is becoming more pressing, and it has implications way beyond the construction industry.

In the first instance the wealth-generating value of micro and SME building contractors to the wider economy cannot be underestimated Added to that is the policies that are placing these same companies at the vanguard of social change and improvement Whether it’s improving the energy efficiency of our existing housing stock to achieve net zero ambitions, or achieving government targets on housebuilding, it simply can’t be done without the skilled trades.

remains a barrier Time-poor tradespeople are invariably finishing the site-based day job, only to find evening and weekends occupied by quotes and invoicing Small business owners who are already sacrificing valuable family and leisure hours on the altar of business admin can’t be expected to undertake significant research into the grants and support available to them or commit to a complicated application process

More needs to be done to improve the image of the building industry and promote the hugely diverse roles and career paths its workers can pursue The significant earning potential of the trades compared to many graduate professions has never been communicated effectively and it is often relegated to the status of job of last resort.

“The New Entrant Support Team (NEST) is a CITB initiative with a mandate to remove the difficulties and barriers employers face in taking on and retaining apprentices”

A decline in the value of hands-on, craft activities in schools has led to few leaving education with experience of any practical skills at all –not to mention generations of property owners who would struggle to hang a shelf At the same time there are whole swathes of the population, not least women, who are woefully under-represented on site

If labour shortages translate into building delays, then there is a detrimental effect on the UK-based materials industry, as well as the safety and well-being of building occupiers where repairs and maintenance are being neglected

At the root of the problem is simple arithmetic – an ageing workforce is leaving at one end and too few recruits are being attracted at the other In addition, every downturn sees individuals leave to earn a living in other sectors

It is clear, for example, that more needs to be done to encourage apprenticeships, but the perceived complexity of the system

More is being done – and the new government is making some of the right noises. The New Entrant Support Team (NEST) is a CITB initiative with a mandate to remove some of the difficulties employers face in taking on and retaining apprentices. Some trade associations, such as the National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC) have dedicated careers services to help both businesses and new entrants On the face of it, the announcement of a ‘Skills England’ body to address the skills crisis is also a positive one, but more details is still required In the final analysis what is required is an industry-wide strategy that pulls the interest parties together towards the common goal of a workforce fit for the future


Builders' output reco vering, reveals Federation of Master Builders (FMB)

Master builder companies are reporting signs of stability within the building industry with workloads up seven per cent and enquires rising by three per cent over the last three months, according to the latest State of Trade Survey from the Federation of Master Builders (FMB)

“Increasing workloads are a positive sign that the construction industry is growing,” comments Brian Berry, Chief Executive of the FMB “The Gover nment

has used its early weeks in office to announce promising plans to boost house building rates and reform the planning system, which may result in a much-needed economic stimulus ”


Positive signs for construction product manufacturing


Band of Builders volunteers create a wheelchair-friendly wet room for a former powerlifter

Mark Willerton ran a successful business converting bathrooms until 2019 when he ruptured the tendons in his right leg after picking up a packet of screws from his van He’s not worked since then, as he has undergone three lots of surgery – which all failed, and the only option left was to remove the leg He had a painful fall on his stump in the small ensuite bathroom at his home and realised that the bathroom needed to be bigger, but he was unable to do the work himself in such a confined space.


BMI Redland celebrates 40 years of Cambrian Slate

The specialists in pitched roofing solutions is celebrating 40 years of the engineered slate tile which has paved the way for responsible roofing and even won the prestigious Queen’s Award The launch of Cambrian Slate was a world-first, bringing a natural

engineered product

Youth-led construction jobs as part of Work

JENZA will provide opportunities for young people to spend up to 24 months living and working in British Columbia, Ontario and Calgary They will be fully supported by JENZA whose team also arrange a working holiday visa, bank account and support with tax-set up

Ir yna/Adobe Stock


New ‘future fit’ online course replaces test for NOCN CPCS Card renewals

NOCN Group has replaced the Construction Plant Competence Scheme (CPCS) Renewal Test with an Online CPD Course. The Online Course will cost the same as the original Renewal Test, with no cost increases being passed on to cardholders A Renewal Test CPD tool will also be available to support the process


Homeowners are paying out £900 to fix botched DIY attempts

An estimated £539 million a year is spent employing tradespeople to fix DIY jobs that have gone awry On average, it cost homeowners £919 to get a professional tradesperson to fix botched DIY attempts, reveals research from Direct Line business insurance 85 per cent of tradespeople believe the surge in people taking on ambitious DIY projects is due to ‘do it yourself ’ videos on social media




Costa Decoration shares its experience of dealing with a non-paying

After working with an endorsement scheme to try and resolve the complaint, Costa and partner Samantha eventually tur ned to the PDA and the Association’s legal insurance partner, Markel It took eight months to resolve the issue, during which time, Sam was asked to provide reams of evidence to demonstrate the quality of the work undertaken Use the rdr link below for the full case study:

Housing targets are needed, says Federation of Master Builders (FMB)

The retur n of national housing targets is welcome and very much needed if we are to deliver the 1 5 million new homes that the Gover nment wants to build over the next five years, says the Federation of Master Builders (FMB)


Latest findings show an uptick in Net-Zero projects

NBS has discovered steady growth in the sector's efforts towards sustainability, showing that the number of Net Zero projects and those achieving environmental targets is on the rise The 'green gains' were found in NBS’ Sustainable Futures Report, in association with Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).


WernerCo has announced that It will be known as ProDriven Global Brands

The transition to ProDriven Global Brands demonstrates the company’s commitment to serving professionals through a diversified brand and product portfolio The name change will not impact any of its associated brands, their product offerings, or any business partnerships


The skills shortage is casting a shadow o ver the UK economy, according to

The construction industry, a cor nerstone of economic growth, is particularly vulnerable to the tradesperson shortage The inability to find skilled workers is leading to delays in building projects, including much-needed new homes. This, in tur n, is contributing to the housing crisis, driving up property prices and hindering economic growth


Support for environmentally sustainable initiatives amongst young homeowners growing

The NatWest Greener Homes Attitudes Tracker data reveals that younger homeowners (aged 18-44) are more inclined than their older counterparts (aged 45-64) to see the value in green home-improvement policies. This growing support for sustainable living comes at a crucial time, as energy bills are expected to rise by 10% in October despite a temporary reduction earlier this year

© diyanadimitrova/Adobe Stock


PB reports on the hottest new event in construction – Super Trowel and the event’s 2024 final. 12 of the best bricklayers in the country battled it out to determine who was the best. Read on to find out more…..

Super Trowel seems to be taking the construction event industry by storm. The exhibition, which hosts the competition of the same name that looks to find the UK’s best bricklayer, was held for its second time on August 8th Thought up by Ashley Francis, Founder of the Bricklayers Social Club, Super Trowel aims to celebrate all things brickwork in the UK, with the winner of this year’s competition bringing home a whopping prize pot worth over £15,000 and the coveted title of the UK’s

best bricklayer Along for the ride with founder Ash are Joe Short, Inventor of Brick Jackets and Jack Dawson, Programme Manager of Brickwork at Hertford Regional College The three are all bricklayers and, from what they’ve achieved with Super Trowel, their passion for the trade is certainly evident

This year’s exhibition and competition final was held in the Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes, already outgrowing last year’s venue 1,514 people were in attendance this year, with over 50 construction stands out on show too, presenting anything from the latest tools to trade charity juggernauts like Band of Builders

The competition itself is split into multiple segments Naturally, the hod carriers got to have first crack at it all tackling two packs each (totalling 1,000) and decanting them into 14 smaller piles for their bricklaying co-competitor To call it physically exerting would be a bit of an understatement. With a race to the finish, it was Lee Dawson who won, moving and sorting his 1,000 bricks in just 30 minutes

of a check for £1,000

The main competition itself had the 12 brickie contestants laying as many bricks as they could on the set course in an hour After this hour, (and a muchdeserved break) there’s then a jointing up period While the ultimate goal is to lay the most bricks, accuracy and precision is absolutely key too For bricks that aren’t level, damaged, or out of place, the 17 judges deduct a set number of bricks from the overall total These judges are all volunteers and absolute veterans of the trade themselves In fact, head judge Peter Roberts received a lifetime achievement award for his services to the industry at the event

It was Charlie Collison, with his hod carrier Tom Marcus, who was crowned the UK’s best bricklayer though, putting down 720 bricks in the 60 minutes provided and retaining his title after his

As the winner of the hod race, he was the recipient

win last year With the huge prize pot totalling over £15,000, he’ll be flying out to Las Vegas to compete in Spec Mix Bricklayer 500 Speaking on the win he said: “It was nerve wracking, fun, exciting, hard work – everything all rolled into one hour!” and then on whether next year would be three in a row for him: “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves I made a few mistakes which cost me a few bricks but it’s part of the game, stuff happens –hopefully I’ll get a few more next year!”

There was an apprentice competition that took place too, where Hertford Regional College student, Ben Ellis, 22, of Lee Marley Brickwork, triumphed Ben, who has been on the trowel just three years, was crowned victorious and will be heading off to Las Vegas with his hod carrier, Kurt to compete in the Junior Spec Mix Bricklayer 500. Speaking on his win he said: “I can’t wait to finish my apprenticeship and progress and try and beat Charlie Collision next year! I wanted to get involved after seeing the other guys doing it, plus my college teacher Jack (Dawson) got us all involved. I wanted to show people what I’ve got, and I did and I’ve won.”

This in itself is a key element to the Super Trowel platform and something that stands out from everything else – a sense of community and comradery The exhibition is just a wholly positive celebration of all things brickwork, that will hopefully inspire more young people, like Ben, to keep on the trowel and take pride in their trade

We caught up with one of the founding trio, Jack Dawson, who reflected on how the day went: “It’s been absolutely unreal It’s been fantastic, just a fantastic day. Setting up with our crew, the judges, the competitors it’s just been absolutely mind-blowing

“We’ve maximum capacity, with 1,514 people To see that many attendees all passionate about the trades to watch the competitors work so hard, both the main Super Trowel competitors and the apprentices taking part and the judging team – all 17 of them volunteers give up

their time for this labour intensive job Absolutely everyone has been amazing ”

“Plans are already there for next year, we’ve got our venue finalised Like I said, we’ve reached capacity today so we need to go bigger, because this is definitely something the industry has welcomed ”

Welcomed is an understatement, this year’s event was host to an enormous number of sponsors, many of which contributed to the prize pot Having an event like this that’s so positive and inspiring for the trade and the younger entrants to it is a no-brainer Roll on next year!



A successful business isn’t just about the bottom line. It’s about getting the balance between work and home life, too. Tom Moloney, founder of Oxfordshire Building and Stoves, shares how he’s used Build Aviator to get the perfect mix.

My journey in the construction industry has had a few twists and turns. I left school and completed a carpentry apprenticeship before joining a small building company in Oxford I worked there for a few years, but then the recession hit in 2008, and construction work dried up At that point, I decided to join the fire service I kept doing some carpentry on the side to keep my hand in it, and then, as work began to pick up, I was doing more and more construction again.

But the turning point for me was when I had a family The shift work in the fire service just didn’t work with family life –and being present and active with my children is important to me So, with more construction work available, I went back to construction full-time

Steady growth

Over time, Oxfordshire Building and Stoves has grown steadily, but we’re still a relatively small business today I employ

one person who’s been with me since I returned to the industry, and we focus on jobs like single or double-storey extensions, etc I enjoy being on-site so we’ve built our business to enable me to stay hands on as much as possible while at the same time adding new services, such as the stoves side, by becoming HETAS accredited. We get a lot of requests for stoves in our projects so it complements our work well and was a natural evolution

Having a young family – and then running a building business – is tiring With a seven and an eleven-year-old, you don’t get much, if any, time for yourself After a busy day on-site, it’s straight home to see the kids, have dinner, and their bedtime before starting work again, be it planning

jobs or pricing up a project When your life is at that pace, it’s no surprise that you make mistakes or miss things out when costing work. It’s not an efficient way to run a business or good for your health, and it’s just not sustainable

Easier admin

I worked that way for a few years, but in 2020, I was in my local merchant and met a rep from Build Aviator I found out more about the service and decided to give it a shot. Four years on and about 60 estimates later, I’m still using its estimating services, and it’s transformed the admin side of my business

Before, I’d be spending what limited time I had pricing up jobs with bleary eyes Now, I feel like I’ve got my own office team without employing anyone Today, a job comes in, I send the plans to Build Aviator and the estimator prices it up with my merchant terms and rates. I then get a comprehensive report with a

Tom Moloney, founder of Oxfordshire Building and Stoves

bill of quantities, a schedule of works, and a simplified version for my client

This removes a huge amount of admin and thinking on my part, freeing me up to spend time with my family or just relax in the evening or weekend In addition to


the time savings, the accuracy is a massive benefit Build Aviator estimators price jobs day in and day out, so they spot things I might’ve missed. It gives me reassurance and that extra feeling of financial security I want Aspects like the

staged payment structure for invoices help, too – it’s not just the overall cost split three ways, for example

From a customer point of view, the reports are also impressive. We get most of our work from word-of-mouth and we’ve had a positive feedback about the Build Aviator reports in terms of the level of detail and presentation

Finding the right balance in business goes beyond just making profits; it's also about blending work and personal life in a way that works for you When I decided to fully commit to construction again, it gave me the opportunity to be there for my family while also steadily expanding my business Using services like Build Aviator have been a game-changer, helping me tackle my admin more effectively and giving me more time to focus on what truly matters




22186-608-22 FLEECE HOODIE

Win the perfect addition to your winter wor kwear wardrobe, from MASCOT CUSTOMIZED With 7 colour s to choose from, the 22186-608-22 Fleece Hoodie is perfect to match your per sonal style It has a moder n slimmer fit as well as a water and dir trepellent surface treatment to keep you protected through the day It is also made of 89% recycled main mater ial It might not be a golden fleece but it will be wor th it’s weight in it on those winter days on site. Use the for the full entr y details and one of three could be your s




P l a s pr i me are the inventor s of –and hold the patent of – the Or iginal Plaspr ime GreenGr it. An adhesive agent is the secret to giving an excellent key for re-skimming, whilst the 20 per cent recycled content helps the environment Plaspr ime plasterer s’ for mula is now available direct from the people behind its invention, allowing the str ictest quality standards Plaspr ime GreenGr it is the pr imer of choice for the plaster ing professional. To find out why make use of our digital reader enquir y ser vice with the below and one of 50 could be your s

We give our verdict on new products in our unique site tests, but now we want to give you the chance to tr y them – AND KEEP THEM – for your self! All you have to do to enter the free draws is simply just type in followed by the unique code. Easy to Enter! It’s now



The CAMO MARKSMAN Pro Tool is for use when installing composite and PVC decking but can also be used on hardwood and cedar for a fastener-free surface Exclusively to be used with CAMO Edge deck screws, the tool helps guide two fixings through the edge of the board that auger material out to reduce splitting and cracking It fits any 133mm to 146mm deck board and creates automatic 5mm spacing Hit the deck with the CAMO MARKSMAN Pro Tool. The below will take you to the full entr y details on the Professional Builder website.three of these ver satile units could be your s .


Tr iton Shower s is giving one reader a chance to win an ENVi® electr ic shower with Inline Wall Fed Shower Kit in a black finish ENVi is the fir st electr ic shower to balance per sonalised profiles , feature settings to encourage behaviour change by reducing water and energy usage, and an installation solution that creates a minimal electr ic shower design. Be the ENVi of your fellow tradespeople by winning this Tr iton electr ic shower.



Offering you a fully customisable lighting solution, the SCANGRIP MULTI LIGHT is equipped with a newly invented, flexible mounting system. The system combines a strap, a hook, and a magnet in one unit. The strap is made of polyurethane which is both flexible and durable with a smooth surface. From the snap hook at the end of the strap, you can lock and fix the work light to any position. In the same way, the powerful built-in magnet can be used to mount the work light body to any metallic surface available

This new high-performance concept combines a bare tool similar to those seen in power tools with a range of work light heads that can be used and exchanged according to the job in hand

MULTILIGHT CONNECT provides you with complete freedom to choose and tailor exactly the work light solution you need Available in the full kit format or as a bare tool unit and individual light heads The flexible part of the body also means that all light heads can be adjusted to an angle of 120°

Features at a glance

The MULTILIGHT is part of the CONNECT range of innovative work lights from SCANGRIP – the universal lighting solution for all professional 18V/20V batteries*

l One handle for multiple light heads

l Flexible lamp head, rotates 120°

l New mounting system with snap hook, strap and magnet

l Compatible with METABO/CAS and all other 18V/20V battery packs via the SMART CONNECTOR

* All major brands of professional 18V/20V battery packs are compatible and protected with our connectors A Battery Safety System protects the battery pack and makes it safe to use YOUR BATTERY ANY JOB For further information on SCANGRIP visit www rdr link/bbh023

In another great Professional Builder give away, SCANGRIP is offering 3 x MULTILIGHT kits for our ever fortunate readers

Each kit comes complete with:


Stand-alone bare tool unit to combine with selected CONNECT lamp heads


Extremely powerful search light head oviding up to 600 lumen

Focus function zooming beam angle 10°-70°

2 lighting settings: 50% – 100%

Long operating time, up to 24h MULTILIGHT FLEX CONNECT

m, compact and extremely powerful pection light head providing up to 0 lumen

Rotates in all directions

2 light settings: 50% – 100%

Long operating time, up to 26h


Sturdy and extremely powerful floodlight head providing up to 1,500 lumen

l 2 light settings: 50% – 100%

l Long operating time of up to 13hours


360° high-performance LED work light with powerful and diffused light providing up to 2,500 Lumen

l Retractable metal hook on top of the light head makes it easy to suspend the work light close to your work area

l Two light settings

l Long operating time, up to 4h

l MULTILIGHT travel case for tools

CONNECTORS and batteries

l SMART CONNECTOR of winner's choice to suit of professional 18V/20V battery system

It’s time to see the light and enter our great SCANGRIP competition. Visit the Professional Builder website for the full entry details:


Professional Builder s Wheelbarrow of Fortune keeps on turning and this month it’s bulging with ecoSEAL solutions

Professional Builder has once again rolled its wheelbarrow of fortune to see where it lands. This month there’s a bumper barrow full of ecoSEAL products just begging to be given away With this system all the trades favourite sealant and filler products are available in foils, which are designed to be used in conjunction with a reusable sleeve

James Green and the team at DHI Home Improvements are already well versed in receiving that all important seal of approval from their own clients “We’ve got anywhere from six months to a year’s worth of work booked in on a consistent basis,” explains the Roydon-based owner of the business “We’ll take on any

residential project – whether it’s a loft conversion, extension or new build. Everything is won on word of mouth and it’s the quality of the finished job that gets us recommended for more ”

Our arrival was, in fact, opportune because a firm on which fortune is already smiling is looking to expand still further “We’ve just taken on an office –and storage facility for materials – in Roydon, Essex There’s also future plans for growth by setting up a showroom. In addition to the seven employees as well as myself on the building side we also have a glazing division with another five staff members We use a lot of sealants on those projects and know all about the performance of the Geocel and Dowsil brands ”

Prizes for guessing

“It’s not as easy as it looks,” confesses Simon Chaplen as the gang of four make their guesses After much deliberation –and one or two covert attempts to count the contents – Simon was our


the products our lucky barrow boy wheeled away with in celebration.

ecoSEAL Sleeves

DOWSIL 785+ (White) Bacteria

Resistant Sanitary Silicone Sealant foils

DOWSIL Ecoseal 785+ (Clear) Bacteria

Resistant Sanitary Silicone Sealant foils

DOWSIL Ecoseal 796 (White) PVCu, Aluminium & Wood Silicone Sealant foils

DOWSIL Ecoseal 799 (Clear) Glaze and Go Silicone Sealant foils

Geocel Painters Mate 300s White foils

(LtoR) James Green of DHI Home Improvements, his brother Joe Green, Brad Spenner and Simon Chaplen
Simon Chaplen was right on the money with his guess – if you’re as accurate you could win a £150 Amazon Voucher


Geocel is now offering you the chance to try the Trade Mate range for free. Just WhatsApp your contact details and the name of the product you would like to try to 07387 133244. Terms and conditions can be found on the pinned post at:

The ecoSEAL system of foils and useable sleeves includes Geocel Painters Mate, Geocel THE WORKS PRO, Dowsil 785+, Dowsil 796 and Dowsil 799 It’s a more environmentally-friendly option, and it’s easy to use – simply cut the foil, insert into the re-usable plastic sleeve, attach the nozzle and fit into any standard gun. The plastic sleeve is recyclable – and when empty, the foils are eight times smaller than traditional cartridges, meaning less waste is sent to landfill which will reduce disposal costs on larger projects

Each sleeve can be used an average of 75 times and the system is lighter than alternative foil barrel gun As the sleeve is clear, users can also always see exactly how much product is left

The range includes the highly flexible acrylic filler, Geocel Painters Mate Geocel THE WORKS PRO, a multi-use sealant and adhesive that can seal, fill, and bond virtually any surface, wet or dry – inside or out Dowsil 785+ Bacteria Resistant Sanitary Silicone Sealant, contains a fungicide to resist mould and bacteria


Each month one of our ever fortunate readers will have the chance to win a £150 Amazon voucher by guessing how many products are in the wheelbarrow We will send the gift card to the winner directly and all you have to do is visit the Professional Builder website by using the rdr link below, give us that magic number, your trade and full contact details WWW.RDR.LINK/BBH102

Dowsil 796 PVCu, Aluminium & Wood Silicone Sealant is suitable for weather sealing between PVCu, aluminium and wooden door and window frames For use in Glazing Applications, Dowsil 799 Glaze and Go Silicone Sealant, is a onepart plastic and glass silicone which provides strong adhesion to most plastics including PVCu and polycarbonate profiles and panels.

In the next edition of Professional Builder it’s the WORKS – quite literally as it happens because we’ll be laden down with a barrow load of THE WORKS PRO products. Don’t forget, you’ll also have the chance to win a £150 Amazon voucher.



Tried, tested and trusted in the industry, here’s why our customers choose Cedral.

l Wealth of experience: With over 100 years' experience in fibre cement facade and roofing materials; Cedral is committed to building more beautiful homes. Use the to find out more about us: WWW.RDR.LINK/BBH103

l Committed to sustainability: We want to build a more durable world and bring sustainability to life Each day we focus our business towards building a more sustainable world for those around us: WWW.RDR.LINK/BBH104

l Passion for quality: Dedicated to continually improving existing materials to ensure we deliver quality products and to drive innovation to generate new solutions. Request a free sample here: WWW.RDR.LINK/BBH105

l Dedicated support: Our dedicated team are on hand to support you with your project from start to beyond finished Contact us here: WWW.RDR.LINK/BBH106

Extensive range of materials to suit your style

Our range of materials offer you unparalleled design options to create a truly bespoke finish

l Product guarantee

All our products come with a comprehensive guarantee, offering you total piece of mind

l Cedral solutions

At Cedral, we listen to our customers so we can answer their needs, and we are constantly striving to improve existing materials and drive innovation to generate new products and solutions

l Solutions such as our new Colour Collections Homeowners and installers were surveyed for their colour preferences in the biggest piece of research ever undertaken by Cedral The new Cedral Collections offer consumers a choice of 21 colours, which includes the introduction of 9 exciting new shades Read more here: WWW.RDR.LINK/BBH107

l Solutions such as our wide range of styles and designs

Cedral facades are available in two styles with two finishes across 21 shades and can be mounted vertically or horizontally to suit all project requirements

● Cedral Lap is specially designed so the planks are overlapped when installed to create a traditional clapboard aesthetic

● Cedral Click is a tongue and groove material which creates a modern, flush fitting facade

● Cedral boards can be used to cover roof edges, reveals and other facade elements and are available in the same painted colours as Lap and Click, creating an attractive, consistent look

● Cedral slates come in four eye-catching designs – Rivendale, Birkdale, Thrutone Textured and Thrutone Smooth – offering a range of slates that are perfect as both a

roofing material and a unique option to create a full envelope with the facade

If you’d like to find out more about facades visit: WWW.RDR.LINK/BBH108

For on the choices in slates visit: WWW.RDR.LINK/BBH109

Cedral provides dedicated support to the building industry You’ll find everything you need for your next Cedral cladding or slates project at the Cedral Professionals Portal: WWW.RDR.LINK/BBH112




Read on, as Thompson’s gives the low-down on how you can get on top of roof leaks quickly and fuss-free…

As we enter the winter months and heavy rain and winter storms roll in, leaky roofs are likely to be a common problem you’re asked to fix – and Thompson’s has a number of great ‘back of the van’ products available to ensure you are always prepared

Take Thompson’s Emergency Roof Seal, a high-performance elastomeric coating, it’s designed to immediately fill and bridge small gaps and holes for a tough, long lasting and watertight repair. Incredibly versatile, it can be applied on all types of flat roofing, including felt, asphalt, slate and tiles

Before getting started, make sure the surface is clean Brush away any ponded water around the area of the repair and remove any dust, dirt or debris with a stiff bristle brush If needed, always repair any more serious bits of damage before applying the seal. The product can then be easily applied in a thick layer over the problem area It gets to work immediately, dries within 24 hours and can even be applied in the rain FIND OUT


Do you have a head for heights? To beat the winter blues, we’re offering a flying lesson to one lucky winner! All you need to do to enter is answer the below question correctly:

Q) HOW QUICKLY DOES THOMPSON’S EMERGENCY ROOF SEAL DRY? n 36 hours n 48 hours n 12 hours n 24 hours (correct answer) For the full entry details use the rdr link to visit the Professional Builder website: WWW.RDR.LINK/BBH110

heating, plumbing & wetrooms


What do you need to know about successfully installing a wetroom? Shaun Hunt (pictured above) answers your questions

QHow are wetroom floors created?

A: Many property owners consider a wetroom the ultimate example of practical and customisable showering

space The combination of a waterproofed open showering area with level access floor and built in drainage has catapulted the sleek and stylish modern wetroom into mainstream

popularity – ideal for a variety of design requirements and budgets

Wetrooms are versatile showering solutions which can fit virtually any size or space, and are compatible with almost any kind of bathroom layout Other popular reasons for wetroom specification include ease of cleaning, simple maintenance requirements and adaptability for accessible showering.


ow are wet room floors created?

A: The basis of an effective wetroom installation is the floor former (sometimes called the tray or dec), which creates an ideal gradient for water drainage

A wetroom floor former must have a 1:40 gradient, which equates to a 25mm drop for every metre of pipework. The gradient is created either by installing a prefabricated wetroom dec with in-built drainage or by using a screed template system Floor formers are a direct replacement for floorboards, measuring 22mm deep to sit flush with the existing floor

Once installed a floor former becomes part of the fabric of the property’s construction and is hidden from view

underneath waterproofing and tiles or vinyl floor

QWhat is the si mplest wet room floor solution to install?

A: Floor formers are available in many sizes to suit all bathrooms, and some are trimmable with capability to be cut down to suit a room layout Floor formers showcase different styles of drain top from small square styles, to the increasingly popular linear versions with contemporary drain tops

A floor former which can be placed straight onto joists will offer the simplest installation Opt for a strong, lightweight floor former with a robust construction For challenging installs choose a floor former with rotating drain plate to avoid underfloor obstructions and reduce installation time and costs Our Aqua-Dec EasyFit, is a popular choice with a patented drain plate design which rotates by 360 degrees to circumvent joists or existing pipework.

QCan I inst all a wetroom on a concrete floor?

A: Yes For installation into a new concrete floor, opt for a screed template A click-together matrix can be shaped for each wetroom, giving the best gradient for drainage to eliminate water pooling Once the desired formation is achieved, the template is filled with screed. If you are installing a wetroom onto an existing concrete floor, the best option is

a prefabricated floor former Once the floor former is chosen, a section of concrete is removed which allows it to sit flush with the floor

QDo wet rooms leak?

A: No, not when installed properly

Starting with pipework, as a brand we insist that all connections are solvent welded, because rubber seals on compression fittings can degrade over time, leading to leaks

Next, the creation of a watertight barrier for the wetroom guarantees peace of mind for you and the property owner.

We recommend that the wetroom space, (floors and walls), are waterproofed to safeguard against leakage issues There are many waterproofing solutions on the market including Impey’s market-leading WaterGuard, a 1mm thick, flexible tanking membrane, provided on a roll for easy application

Installers opt for this sheet membrane as it significantly reduces install time due to no curing time required. Other properties include a butyl rubber coated

self-adhesive layer with a polypropylene surface as ideal for tile adhesive It is also a highly elastic tanking membrane with excellent 10mm decoupling properties, which eliminates the need for a separate de-coupler.

Lastly, look out for waterproofing products which offer a ‘Lifetime Watertight Guarantee,’ which will last for the lifespan of the tiles you’ve used

Q Is underfloor heating necessary?

A: It’s a matter of choice for the property owner

Underfloor heating is energy efficient. Because it runs at a lower temperature it can save money on bills and help to create a more sustainable environment

Practically, underfloor heating takes the chill off a tiled floor, making the experience of using a wetroom more enjoyable and luxurious

We encourage the underfloor heating to be placed within the wetroom area, so that after showering, it will dry out standing water as well as grouting, reducing instances of mould and providing longevity

Lastly, choose underfloor heating which is pre-spaced on self-adhesive mesh backing, which will offer quick and easy installation

Q Is wetroom ins tall ation training available?

A: Yes! We offer monthly ‘We Are Wetrooms’ free online wetroom installation courses which are ideal for beginners or installers wanting to update their knowledge The sessions combine pre-recorded installation videos with live Q&A opportunities Check out dates or sign up at


heating, plumbing & wetrooms


in water performance.

When it comes to water performance, efficiency and effectiveness of a water system are perhaps the two main priorities that end-users are looking for Within this, factors include water pressure, flow rate, quality, and overall reliability of supply.

Key indicators for assessing water performance include looking at pressure, the force exerted by water as it flows through pipes, and flow rate, the volume of water delivered over a specific time. These factors are interconnected, as pressure influences flow rate and vice versa

By improving water performance in both residential and commercial settings, users can benefit in many ways – from the economic advantages of substantial cost savings for homes and businesses to boosting environmental sustainability, reducing water consumption and waste.

What is impacting water performance?

There are several challenges that can impact water performance For homeowners and businesses, water pressure can often be luck of the draw and can fluctuate significantly depending on location Being located on higher elevations or at the end of the water supply network, for example, force

limitations onto the water pressure the property will receive and can lead to lower water pressure even when demand isn’t high

Water pressure regulations require that water companies maintain a minimum pressure of water in the communication pipe serving the premises The guaranteed standards scheme sets out a minimum pressure of 7m static head (0 7 bar) to the boundar is well documented to an outdated and inadequate water in poses sector wide i Having old, deteriorating or leaking pipes can significantly restrict water flow and therefore impact performance

There are, of course, also the fluctuations in dem that will ultimately have a knock-on effect, with reduced pressure and flow rates at peak water demand periods For example, in the morning, while there are multiple homes needing water for showers this can put a strain

on the system and impact the performance for ndividuals at that time, compared with taking a shower in the middle of the day when demand is less.

Sourcing a solution

there are, of course, larger ore important goals to hit when it comes to water performance – updating water infrastructure, looking at sustainable measures and tackling challenges at the source – advancements in technology offer innovative solutions to enhance

water performance in the interim

At Stuart Turner, our STORMBOOST pump is the latest piece of equipment designed by our team of in-house specialists to increase existing mains water pressure by up to 2 5 bar and a maximum flow rate of 12 litres per minute STORMBOOST has been designed to connect directly to incoming cold-water mains and activates automatically when an outlet is open – a tap or shower, for example – boosting mains water pressure and flow throughout a property

Designed for residential use, this product helps to address those water pressure and flow fluctuations that homeowners may find out of their control, particularly if the problem lies in the location

Other options for different scenarios include water booster sets, which are more tailored to flats and other multi-storey buildings These systems ensure consistent water pressure to all floor levels

Stuart Turner also designs and provides a range of products tailored for

commercial applications, helping to enhance water performance across various industries The Aquaboost line offers standard and bespoke cold water boosting sets and integrated booster systems, while Mainsboost is another flow boosting system option, delivering improved performance from unvented water cylinders and combination boilers

Final thoughts

By harnessing technology, such as pumps or high-pressure storage systems, we can overcome challenges like low water pressure and inconsistent flow rates. For instance, storing water at high pressure during off-peak hours and releasing it during peak demand can significantly improve water performance

Additionally, technologies that monitor and analyse water usage patterns can help identify areas for improvement and optimise systems efficiency

In conclusion, improving water performance is essential for

environmental, economic, and social wellbeing By addressing challenges through innovative technologies and data-driven approaches, we can ensure a sustainable and reliable water supply for future generations


Richard Bateman, product marketing manager at RWC, explains how installers can embrace the technology that is at the heart of modern plumbing systems and futureproof customers’ homes.

Since household emissions collectively account for around a quarter of the UK’s total, improving the efficiency of homes is crucial for meeting sustainability targets By placing the focus on plumbing and heating systems, installers can make a significant contribution towards improving efficiencies, delivering tangible benefits both for homeowners and the environment

Here, technology has a critical role to play. Installers will be familiar with the significant advancements made in heating technology in recent years, with more efficient boilers driving improvements and heat pumps offering a future-proof alternative for many homes Likewise, underfloor heating systems are providing a viable alternative to traditional heating methods All of which are driving greater efficiencies

While these technologies are driving awareness around efficiency, installers


can work with their customers to find smaller, and even more cost-effective, technology-led improvements to their plumbing and heating systems By adopting a whole system approach, efficiency can be improved from end-toend, driving improvements at every opportunity

Reduce consumption with smart plumbing

Leaky pipes might seem like a small problem in the grand scheme of efficiency and sustainability However, when you consider that three billion litres of water are lost to leaks every day across the UK’s water system, it’s easy to see how addressing water wastage can make a crucial difference

Within the home, the average person uses around 140 litres of water every day – for everything from drinking and showering through to washing clothes and putting on the dishwasher Government has also set a target for the industry to reduce this consumption to 110

litres per day by 2050 To achieve this, technology is key

The latest innovative technologies enhance conventional plumbing by providing improved control, efficiency, and comprehensive insights into water usage and management

Meeting these expectations has become more achievable now that manufacturers prioritise sustainability in their products, integrating advanced features such as real-time monitoring,

heating, plumbing & wetrooms

automatic leak detection, and remote control capabilities These systems not only enhance efficiency and reduce water wastage but also contribute to environmental sustainability by promoting responsible water management practices As a result, smart plumbing is not just a technological advancement but a key facilitator in creating smarter, more efficient, and eco-conscious homes

Installers will be familiar with the potential of installing Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs) where water enters a property to achieve greater control over the system and stabilise the flow rate. This is a proven method of effectively managing water usage and consumption throughout a home – but it is just the starting point

PRVs can also be used in conjunction with leak detection systems, such as the MultiSafe Leak Detector from Reliance Valves This technology integrates seamlessly with domestic plumbing systems to continuously monitor and measure the flow rate and pressure against pre-determined consumption levels By stabilising water pressure, and continuously monitoring it, it is possible to accurately control water usage across a property

The benefits of this integrated technology are far reaching, delivering tangible improvements for homeowners, as well as the planet. Greater control and reduced consumption can mean lower monthly bills, while at the same time helping to conserve water and reduce the associated emissions

Elevate efficiency with underfloor heating

Technology also has a role to play when it comes to creating efficiency, future-ready heating systems for homes. Whether in new build properties, or installed as part of renovation projects, underfloor heating (UFH) has been growing in popularity for years – and it is helping to decarbonise homes across the UK

In fact, UFH now accounts for around 8% of the UK’s heating industry as it continues to become a viable, mainstream alternative to traditional radiator systems And it’s no surprise why - UFH offers immediate energy savings by up to 15%

compared to traditional radiator systems, especially when paired with renewable energy sources such as heat pumps or solar thermal systems.

While these technologies form the foundation for efficient heating systems, tech-based solutions can keep homeowners in control of their usage to further enhance efficiency

Smart controls for UFH systems, such as JG Underfloor Heating Controls, enable homeowners and building managers to precisely regulate room temperatures. Unlike traditional radiator systems controlled by a single thermostat for the entire property, UFH smart controls enable individual rooms or zones to be managed independently This capability optimises comfort levels throughout the property while lowering energy consumption and costs

The integration of smart technology further enhances UFH's effectiveness, optimising energy usage and improving comfort levels throughout the home This combination of advanced heating solutions underscores a growing preference for sustainable and efficient home environments

How to stay in the know

It is increasingly important for installers to stay informed about the latest advancements in heating and plumbing

technology, to offer sustainable and costeffective solutions to their customers. As new technologies like smart controls, underfloor heating systems, and energyefficient plumbing fixtures continue to evolve, knowledgeable installers can effectively guide homeowners towards solutions that minimise energy consumption, reduce operational costs, and enhance overall efficiency

By understanding and implementing these innovations, installers not only meet the growing demand for ecofriendly practices but also contribute to creating more efficient and comfortable living environments This knowledge encourages installers to provide tailored recommendations and installations that align with both regulatory requirements and the preferences of environmentally conscious customers, ensuring longterm satisfaction and performance of heating and plumbing systems. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE BRANDS IN THE RWC FAMILY USE THE APPROPRIATE RDR.LINK BELOW:

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Dean Heathfield, Commercial Director at Talon, explains why builders need the right accessories for safe, efficient and long-lasting pipework installations.

Pipework installation is a critical component of building work, required for new constructions, renovations, repairs and extensions. But it’s more than just putting the pipes in the right place – it requires neat, precise execution and the right accessories to make this easy Attention to detail is key, from ensuring all connections are sealed against leaks to adhering strictly to modern energy efficiency standards Done correctly, and secure and aesthetically pleasing pipework will upgrade a building's functionality and safety, significantly improve occupant comfort and reduce maintenance demands

Addressing air leakage

One major consideration when installing pipework is air leakage at points where pipes penetrate external walls and floors Such breaches can lead to heated air escaping and cold air entering, increasing energy consumption. To mitigate this, Part L of the Building Regulations requires the use of pipe seals and grommets to reduce air leakage Additionally, for new housing projects, compliance with energy efficiency standards, particularly regarding insulation and airtightness, must be documented with photographs in the Buildings Regulations England Part L (BREL) report, provided by the SAP Assessor.

PipeSnug and FlueSnug are innovative sealing collars designed to meet stringent regulatory requirements. These products allow builders to quickly seal pipe exits, providing an effective barrier against drafts, pests and heat loss and offering a clean and professional finish without the need for messy sealants or mortar

PipeSnug and FlueSnug are UV resistant, ensuring durability against sun damage, do not degrade over time and are not affected by cold weather, rain or snow

The products also address the critical issue of falls from height, a leading cause of severe workplace injuries and fatalities. PipeSnug and FlueSnug are designed to

be inserted into a core-drilled hole from inside the building, snapping back into place securely without the need for external access via ladders or scaffolding, thereby reducing health and safety risks during installations at height When it comes to maintenance, FlueSnug can be easily removed, inspected and reinstalled entirely from the interior, a very simple and safe process

Getting to clips

When installing pipework, choosing the right clips is an important part of the design process. There are clips out there that not only look great once in place but also make

installation safer, quicker and easier One example is the EZ Joist Clip It can be installed from the side on which makes it easier and safer for jobs performed above head level and is a more convenient alternative to traditional nail-in clips, which require top access The EZ Joist Clip attaches easily to the joist's side and its integrated supportive ledge stabilises the clip as the pipe is secured These clips are ideal for when pipes are already in-situ but must now be fixed in place It also has a modular design that makes it easy to connect multiple clips, allowing for extended runs or complex configurations. The clips interlock via a dovetail joint, giving a consistent, uniform pipe spacing so pipes are neat, organised and look good

Hide pipes away

Aesthetics is always an important part of any job – mostly to ensure customer satisfaction Exposed pipes in areas like bathrooms and kitchens, where radiators and towel rails are often focal points, can

undermine the overall effect of even the best installation Snappit is a neat, quick solution here It quickly covers exposed radiator and towel rail pipes, instantly elevating the finish Simple to install, you just need to measure the exposed pipe, mark it on the Snappit and cut the excess with a hacksaw The Snappit then snaps into place with a satisfying click, finished with a collar to secure the clean, professional look of the installation and avoiding all the mess and hassle associated with painting pipework

But it’s not just kitchen and bathroom pipework that should always be covered Exposed pipework in any room will make it look incomplete and will often draw the

eye – and dust! Talon’s Single and Double Pipe Covers offer a quick solution to smarten up the look of exposed pipes Made from extruded white uPVC, these covers offer excellent weather resistance, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications Once the correct size is chosen, they can simply be clipped over Talon Hinged Clips without the need for any additional tools

Effective pipework design is essential in ensuring the structural integrity, energy efficiency and aesthetic appeal of any building project. Choosing the right accessories, from those that enhance safety and energy conservation to those that make a great visual impact show that successful construction is not just about the major elements, but also about the finer details that enhance the living and working environments



David Barnes, Marketing Manager of Knipex, highlights five innovations that will help installers work smarter and save valuable time.

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Hand tool technology is evolving and there are solutions now available which save an awful lot of time and hassle out on site Hand tools can bring significant benefits to professional tradespeople and in 2024 our innovations will make it easier to work in tight spaces, customise your tools and leverage even more cutting power and comfort while you’re working hard to get the job done

Working in tight spaces

Professionals often find themselves squeezed under sinks, in cupboards or in lofts but the TubiX S pipe cutter is designed to offer unparalleled performance even in confined spaces like these With its ability to cut pipes ranging from 3 to 30mm in diameter, this small but mighty tool features the QuickLock onehand quick fastening system, which allows users to secure the tool on the pipe with minimal effort

This mechanism is particularly beneficial when working in challenging environments, such as overhead or in shafts, where maintaining a steady grip can be difficult The tool's precision and ease of use are further enhanced by the five high-quality needle bearings on the cutting wheel and guide rollers, ensuring smooth and fatigue-free cutting

operations Constructed from high-quality ball bearing steel, the cutting wheel is both durable and easy to replace. The rotary knob with a structured thumb recess provides 20% better power transmission and prevents slipping, even in wet conditions


For those who frequently deal with cables, such as heat pump and renewables installers, the StepCut XL cable shears offer a significant upgrade in cutting efficiency. It is designed to reduce the effort required to cut through cables by up to 60%, thanks to its high-leverage joint and long handles The dual cutting areas allow for the precise cutting of both small and large cables The stepped

cutting edge holds smaller cables close to the joint during the cut, while the front cutting edge handles larger cables step by step. This design ensures that installers can achieve clean cuts with minimal handle opening, making the tool suitable for one- or two-handed operation

Additional features such as the adjustable high-leverage bolted joint and the slim head for better accessibility make the StepCut® XL an indispensable tool for cutting cables in tight spaces Its cutting edges are also laser-hardened to approximately 56 HRC, ensuring longlasting sharpness and performance

Protecting your tools on the go

Transporting tools safely and reliably is a common challenge for heating and plumbing installers, especially when moving between job sites The Knipex Robust26 Move tool case addresses this need with a design that is both durable and versatile. Made of impact-resistant polypropylene, the case is temperatureresistant, dustproof and waterproof, making it suitable for even the most demanding conditions Inside, the case is equipped with 19 tool pockets, 61 straps and a document compartment, ensuring that all tools and accessories are securely stored and easily accessible The lockable base tray can be divided using an aluminium divider system, providing

heating, plumbing & wetrooms

additional customisation options

The Robust26 Move is available in a version equipped with 12 tools, tailored specifically for the needs of heating and plumbing installers This version ensures that all essential tools are on hand and protected, whether on a plane, train or van

Tool customisation

Keeping tools organised and easily identifiable is crucial on busy construction sites. Knipex's ColorCode Clips offer a simple yet effective solution These clips, available in 10 different colours, allow you to tag their tools for easy identification This system not only helps prevent tool loss but also facilitates quick tool selection, saving valuable time Moreover, the ColorCode Clips are compliant with ANSI/ISEA 1212018 standards, ensuring they meet high safety and performance criteria.

For those with access to a 3D printer, Knipex provides the data to create custom clip designs, adding another layer of personalisation and convenience This allows you to customise your tools to specific needs, enhancing efficiency and usability on site. The ability to print custom clips, holders and other

accessories means that tools can be tailored to fit perfectly within toolboxes or pouches, reducing the time spent searching for the right tool This level of customisation not only improves workflow but also ensures that tools are always at hand when needed


Beyond the functionality of these tools, KNIPEX places a strong emphasis on ergonomic design. New for 2024, our three-component comfort handles combine high-strength materials for durability with soft components for a secure and comfortable grip The special surface structure enhances control, reducing fatigue and increasing safety

heating, plumbing & wetrooms

product round-up


An updated version of the popular OneBoard structural underfloor heating (UFH) system, Continal Underfloor Heating’s OneBoard Plus offers increased performance and faster response times It comes with a full heat dissipation foil to ensure excellent heat outputs of up to 72W/m2 right across the floor It can be laid directly on 400mm and 600mm joists and is ideal for both newbuild and retrofit installations



There’s a new addition to the Ideal Standard family of concealed cisterns, flush plates, and buttons –the entry-level Conceala 3 The in-wall cisterns join the ProSys premium cisterns and frames, and are available in top, side, and bottom water supply inlet variants The variety of models gives installers and developers installation flexibility for projects of all kinds

Secon Renewables has partnered with Viessmann Climate Solutions to become a stockist of the latter’s most popular domestic air source heat pump range, the Vitocal 150-A/151-A This new partnership will support the growing UK heat pump market, with additional stock of Viessmann Vitocal heat pumps available via a distributor that is already trusted in the renewables space.



Developed and manufactured by Mira Showers, the new Advance Heatloop is the first electric shower to be designed to work with Recoup waste water heat recovery systems for showers (WWHRS) Installation in conjunction with a waste water heat recovery unit will provide end users with an enhanced showering experience that also has sustainability and energy efficiency at its core.


Tucson Pumps is one of Ireland’s leading pump brands for domestic dwellings and light commercial pumping applications Offering an extensive range of pumping products such as Shower Pumps, Cold-Water Booster Systems, Submersible Pumps, Central Heating Circulation Pumps and more, the brand is now expanding into the UK market.


Wilo UK has announced the addition of an entry-level central heating circulation pump. The Atmos PICO uses energy-efficient EC motor technology to work based on demand and benefits from a compact design, making installation and commissioning a simple task The pump also benefits from auto-venting and auto-deblocking and can be forced to vent manually by powering the unit off and then back on


The small footprint of the Saniflo Sanicompact, along with its modern looks and efficient and quiet operation, ensures it is practical, yet unobtrusive This compact, cistern-less WC has an integrated macerator and also takes the waste from a basin


o System has nered with Mechanical ilation with Heat ery (MVHR) acturer, Ebac to offer te-of-the-art MVHR solutions to the UK market The Unico System’s existing solutions includes heating, cooling, ventilation, air filtration, humidity control, air disinfection and heat recovery


It’s fair to say that some of the higher spec pick-ups can be more fur coat than hi vis Whilst they might have all the attributes of a builder’s vehicle there’s always the sneaking suspicion that that they would be more comfortable with a set of golf clubs for a payload than a pallet of blocks The Isuzu D-MAX range, however, has the breadth to appeal to both audiences

If you’re in the market for a pick-up that can mix it with the muck and bullets of a building site then the Utility should be your truck of choice In search of more refinement, and you can slip into something more comfortable than muddy boots with the V Cross There are, in fact, four trim levels with the DL20 and DL40 sitting between the two aforementioned models, and we had the opportunity to live with highest and lowest spec for a week’s test drive apiece

In truth, the Utility is still very much a multi-tasker, equally adept at fulfilling the roles of family and leisure vehicle on the weekend, whilst never knowingly neglecting the site-based day job There’s also a generous level of safety features and creature comforts, as well as a choice of manual and automatic transmission. Our test vehicle was in the

Professional Builder explores two of the trim levels of the Isuzu D-MAX

latter category and whilst the 6-speed gearbox can be guilty of a slight satellite-style delay at times, this is still a comfortable ride. The manufacturer reports that its sales now demonstrate a 50/50 split between manual and auto and, in terms of the driver experience, the technology on commercial vehicles has improved immeasurably A high driving position offers good visibility, whilst the expansive wing mirrors deliver an all-round view

The Utility’s interior certainly feels like it’s ready for work, with a wipe clean vinyl floor covering and deliberate use of durable black plastic that will easily repel the detritus of a day on the tools It’s a similar story at the business end with a load area that can accommodate a pallet between the wheel arches, complemented by four tie down points to secure your cargo Indeed, the overall theme of the exterior is of a simple and unfussy stance, with 16in. steel wheels, and a prominent front grille. The double cab model benefits from a 1,120kg payload, which means it hits the magic

figure for a more favourable tax band, whilst a 3 5 tonne towing capacity is another welcome number for builders. Added to that is a five-year, 125k warranty

At the wheel what is immediately apparent is the responsive and speedsensitive power steering It is lighter at lower speeds, making it easier for you to navigate that tight space between the scaffolding and your client’s car, and heavier at higher speeds – for better control on motorways, for example. Overall, this is a vehicle that adheres very nicely to the road, whilst equally functioning as a capable off roader The latter attribute is helped by a rear differential lock that is an option on the Utility and – as the DL in the moniker signifies – standard on the DL20 and DL40, as well as the V-Cross

It’s a feature that provides greater traction, and it’s easy to switch between driving modes via the dial on the console. 2H is used for driving on the road 4h should be selected on slipperier surfaces, such as grass and

mud, and 4L will steer you over more extreme off-road terrain Whatever spec suits your business, the Isuzu D-MAX has one engine – a 164PS, 360Nm unit that does provide some satisfying punch in acceleration

Whilst the Utility sits at the entry level it would be wrong to describe it as low spec There’s still a generous level of Advanced Driver Assist Systems, as well as Bluetooth connectivity, DAB radio and stop/start Traffic sign recognition will be your friend, as will the forward collision and lane departure warning functions. Move, as we did, from Utility to V-Cross and the difference is, however, very noticeable

Make use of the non-slip side-step to safely position yourself in the 8-way adjustable electric seat with leather interior, where you will be greeted with a 9in touchscreen, complete with access to Apple CarPlay and Android Auto On the outside, the vehicle sits proudly on 18in. alloy wheels, whilst our test model was additionally equipped with a hard top canopy with side and back windows, automatic LED light in the interior and gull-wing opening at the rear

With the V-Cross navigating small sites can be achieved with confidence thanks to a rear parking camera and front and back parking sensors The camera is actually mounted in the tailgate handle, which affords a better field of vision. The double-cab is also longer than on previous models, which equates to more space for rear passengers, and dual zone climate control allows driver and passenger to enjoy individual settings

Isuzu is a commercial vehicle specialist and it’s a status that is evident in the D-Max In addition to the four trim levels there’s a choice of single, double or extended cab, all of which adds up to a breadth of choice that can attract any pick up driving builder It looks very much what it is – a capable and solid allrounder that can fulfil all the functions with which this class of vehicle is routinely tasked

Isuzu D-Max V-Cross

The PB team was invited to the Ford Dunton Technical Centre to celebrate all things Transit on the eponymous Transit Day, celebrating the vehicles 59th birthday. We got hands on with the latest Transit variants. Read on to find out more….

Not many vehicle models have the pleasure of staying in the modern Zeitgeist for almost 60 years, but the Ford Transit certainly has. Drive anywhere in the country and you’d be hard pressed not to come across one In fact, it has previously boasted the title of the UK’s best-selling vehicle in years as recent as 2022 It seems fitting then, that Ford makes it an annual tradition to celebrate the vehicle and all its variants every year

Upon arriving at the Dunton campus on the day, you’re immediately met with the realisation of how diverse the Ford Transit line up can be. As part of the celebrations, Ford had contacted all kinds of owners of the model, from camper vans from 1966 to police vans Even the catering from the event was served from Transit based businesses With the scene set, it was time to try out some of the more recent Transit options


The first Transit I chose to get behind the wheel of was the Courier Trend While on


the smaller scale as far as vans go, more akin to a large car than a commercial vehicle, the Connect still boasts a very reasonable maximum loadspace of 2.91 cubic metres and max payload of 820kg. A handy optional load through bulkhead is available too, meaning there’s 2 6m of space from the rear doors to under the passenger’s seat While this may not be enough for some trades, for those that don’t need to bring masses of materials to site, a smaller option like the Courier works very well The 1 0-litre EcoBoost petrol engine version I drove was nippy enough with a 7-speed automatic gearbox, and the small size could certainly be advantageous when on-site parking or access is restricted There are smart features aplenty too, with key

features like: a 8in Touchscreen Display, Apple Carplay/Android Auto capabilities, Pre-Collision Assist 1 5 with Pedestrian & Cyclist Detection and much more. The display vehicle I drove (which featured a few added bells and whistles) costs just under £22,000 excluding VAT


I went slightly bigger with my next test drive and took on the Connect Limited This looks and feels very much like a slightly bigger brother to the Courier, sporting up to 3 6 cubic metres of load space and up to 913kg of cargo. There’s also a nifty load-through bulkhead on this one that’ll give you 3 4 metres of total length from the doors to under the passenger seat Like the Courier, the medium-sized Connect is available as a

manual or an automatic, with both versions host to a beefier 2.0L engine. There’s an even larger host of tech features and gadgets on display in the Connect as well The larger 10” infotainment screen, for example, is a plus, especially when paired with the digital cluster just behind the steering wheel I found this particularly useful when following my sat-nav route as it displays handy, easy-to-read instructions when needed. This same cluster features Traffic Sign Recognition too, just in case a temporary (or permanent!) sign has caught you out and you’ve missed it

Custom Limited

Perhaps the most recognisable of the many Transit faces – the Custom Limited, was next up Once you’re behind the wheel, its accolades as Britain’s bestselling commercial vehicle and winner of International Van of the Year 2024 become clear. It really is just a solid drive all round The 2 0L EcoBlue diesel engine really lets you give it some welly and you’re sat nice and high up without feeling like you’re driving a wagon Like all of the Transit models in the range, there’s features galore here too, like an Intelligent Speed Limiter, Cruise Control, Lane Keeping Aid and parking cameras

The 13” touchscreen is great to use and the digital

cluster, like the Connect, works like a charm, keeping you up to date with everything you need and letting you keep an eye on what’s going on with your vehicle on the go (There’s also an optional folding steering wheel that acts like a mini table which is bags of fun!) The max loadspace is up to 6.8 cubic metres with a gross payload of 1,327kg.

E-Transit Trend

The E-Transit Trend was the last of the vans I got my hands on for Transit Day (Stay tuned for when we test out the ETransit Custom!) I must admit that this was rather surreal experience to start with. While I didn’t really know what to expect, I was definitely impressed at the helm of this a electric behemoth The variant I drove was the L3 H2 – so long wheelbase and medium roof height making it a bit of a beast and nigh on 4 tonnes The driving experience itself is makes this strange, with the electric drivetrain meaning there’s an almost blissful quiet as you float down the road With gadgets and gizmos galore, it’s almost like you’re driving some strange spaceship down the road as you zip around, with the electric motor giving instant feedback. There’s even a constant rear-view camera that’s disguised as a conventional rear-view mirror It’s impressive on the technical specs, with a maximum load space of 15 1 cubic metres, max gross payload of 1,745 kg and a range of up to 211-249miles with 10%-80% DC fast charging taking approximately 28 mins While this range may be different when loaded up with tools and materials, Ford has a handy online calculator to

work out what your estimated range would be depending on driving onditions, payload weight, vehicle pecification and more


Musso means ‘rhino’ in the Korean language and, with when it comes to the rebranded KGM vehicle that bears the name, this is one manufacturer that is most certainly on the charge

If in the context of commercial vehicles KGM is a new name to you then you’re not alone Behind that relatively unheralded moniker is, however, a solid 70 years of experience and it’s a heritage that is exemplified in the product itself Professional Builder has, in fact, been in possession of a KGM Musso Saracen+ for some three months now and it’s proven to be a very useful addition to the team

This is a pick-up that sits boldly on the road and its imposing exterior styling, complete with a prominent chrome grill and 18in. black alloy wheels on the Saracen+, eloquently communicates

robustness That’s a theme which is continued in the performance with a 1tonne+ payload (1,250kg on the Saracen+) and a 3 5tonne towing capacity on the automatic model, coming together to present a very builder-friendly proposition Indeed, one unusual feature of note is the ability to carry the maximum weight whilst also towing to the vehicle’s full capacity That means – that at a combined 6,900kg – the top spec model we reviewed can boast the highest total load prowess in the pick up sector

Our Musso Saracen+ test vehicle also has the longest load bed in the range –and what the manufacturer describes as

the largest cargo area in the market –with an expanse of durable load liner extending to 5,405mm in length with the added practicality of rotating tie down points.

All that heavy lifting is nicely contrasted with some easier living in the cab The Saracen+ features convenient side steps that will lift you into an agreeably high driving position where you are greeted with Nappa leather heated seats, and a heated leather steering wheel – a very welcome winter warmer for anyone in the trades A 12.3in. touchscreen keeps you on track through TomTom navigation and equally

“This particular rhino is eminently comfortable working as a beast of burden but is a whole other animal when it comes to creature comforts.”

entertained with DAB radio, Bluetooth connectivity and Apple CarPlay or Google Android Auto

Front and rear parking sensors should help navigate tight sites, and there’s the additional reassurance of a rear-view camera Added to that is automatic dual zone air-conditioning which can be set to the level that suits both driver and passenger Moreover, the manufacturer has worked hard to reduce levels of noise and vibration in the cab, all of which adds up to a very inviting space that can function as a

mobile office, retreat from the on-site elements, or as a capable family car.

For a vehicle with such an imposing presence there’s an impressive level of power at your disposal The 2 2litre, 202PS drivetrain, delivers 441Nm of torque and certainly doesn’t shirk when you put your foot down At the same time, the gear change on the 6-speed automatic transmission is satisfyingly smooth. The selectable 4x4 features a low ratio that will be more than adequate for a builder’s purposes and then some Indeed, if you are planning

Features at a glance

Full 5-year, 100,000-mile warranty.

l 1-tonne+ payload in short bed and long bed variants and 3.5 towing capability on automatic transmission models

l Available in four trim levels – EX, Rebel and Saracen, and the extended bed Saracen+ with the longest and largest load bed in the UK market

l Nappa leather interior, heated steering wheel, heated seats and best in class rear set leg room

on venturing amongst the really rough stuff then this is actually a very capable off-road vehicle, with a 4-wheel drive system that further benefits from hill start control and hill start assist

Full LED headlamps light your way and there’s a whole array of safety features, including a Brake Assist System, Safety Exit Warning, Blind Spot Detection, Rear Cross Traffic Alert and Trailer Sway control There’s no less than six air bags, with impact absorbing elements in the steering wheel and steering column

Aside from the Saracen+ the Musso line-up includes three further trims – the entry level EX, mid-spec Rebel, and Saracen The entire range was given a ground-up overhaul in 2018, with further stylistic enhancements coming in 2023 Pick-ups are almost unique in the automotive market in that they are required to fulfil a number of contrasting roles and that includes a site-based LCV as well as a leisure vehicle Consumers are more discerning than ever and are unwilling to accept any compromise on any of those functions The Musso range, with the Saracen+ at its apex, manages to deliver on all counts This rhino is eminently comfortable as a beast of burden but is a whole other animal when it comes to creature comforts

vehicles & plant


So, I’m parked down a quiet culde-sac in one of the less than salubrious neighbourhoods of my hometown As I exit my vehicle and walk away, I notice two guys occupying the front seats of a make and model of commercial vehicle that shall remain unnamed stopping alongside my empty van to take a good, long look at it Naturally, and as we have extensively reported in the pages of Professional Builder, with tool theft and van break-ins the bane of builders’ livelihoods I’m initially suspicious – but then it happened again

In a supermarket car park, another LCV owner was casting covetous looks at Professional Builder’s latest test vehicle, but it certainly wasn’t speculation as to the value of the contents that prompted the curiosity With 18in alloy wheels – as well as a body kit that includes an imposing front bumper and rear spoilers – the Transporter Sportline will

Turning heads aplenty this VW Transporter is certainly a spectator sport

effortlessly attract an approving eye What’s more, if you’re lucky enough to experience one of these vans for yourself then you’ll know that the beauty is far from skin deep

A 204PS, 2.0litre drivetrain with 7speed dual clutch automatic gearbox adds performance to the athletic aesthetic and there is the instinctive feeling from the driver’s seat that you have plenty of power at your disposal That’s a fact that is confirmed when accelerating, where you can achieve 0-60 in just 8 9 seconds and a top speed of 126mph

Our panel van review model in Ravenna Blue metallic finish has a kombi version for a sibling but, whichever you choose, there’s plenty of home comforts, not least the heated leather front seats, an armrest and the Discover Media Navigation system accessed via the 9 4in touchscreen, with DAB+ radio, Sat Nav and Apple CarPlay or Android Auto It is

from here that you can also keep a watchful eye on your surrounds with a rear-view camera The optional Trailer Assist adds another safety dimension where the vehicle will automatically manoeuvre when parallel or reverse parking with a trailer.

This is not, of course, a vehicle that will attract every builder The carpeted interior will, for instance, inevitably deter those in the wet trades Some might equally shy away from making quite so bold a statement in their choice of wheels Nonetheless, there are plenty of builders – in the multitude of trades that make up this most diverse of sectors – that could easily enjoy the style and comfort that the Transporter Sportline affords.

Discount the sharp design for a moment, for example, and you’ll find there’s all the cutting-edge functionality that has kept the VW Transporter at the top of its game for more than 70 years Lowered suspension and a striking red stripe across its aggressive front grille it might have but there’s also short and long wheelbase versions available. Indeed, a healthy payload of 1,165kg on the SWB, with a load volume of 6 7m3, and towing capacity of 2,500kg makes this very much a vehicle with the heart and soul of a van, even if it has a body more akin to a GTI


DEWALT introduces its POWERSHIFT™ electrified line of heavy-duty tools

According to DEWALT’s Power Pulse Survey, more than three-quarters of construction professionals surveyed say their sites are ready for the transition to electric-powered tools; and more than half of construction pros who switched to electric tools say it has allowed them to complete projects up to two to three times faster compared to petrol powered tools

The DEWALT POWERSHIFT equipment system is responding to those shifts in working practices It will allow end users to transition away from petrol powered equipment, without compromising efficiency and performance. The system, made up of six concrete tools, streamlines the full application through use of the same POWERSHIFT 554 WH battery and high-speed charger across all tools

The range includes the following products:

l Battery & Charger: High Power Density battery with 554WH of capacity weighing just 5 2 kg for long runtime and optimal ergonomics High-rate charger can charge the battery in less than one hour

l Plate Compactor: Provides 15kn of force through its 400mm plate with controls that are mounted on an ergonomically designed folding handle for increased user control and comfort

l Rammer: Features 11 5kn of impact force with antivibration insulators and mounted controls on the two-position handle

l Backpack Vibrator: Lightweight at only 11 4kg with the POWERSHIFT battery installed and features a durable roll cage with fully adjustable hi-vis harness

l Powerpack Vibrator: Can be activated remotely through Wireless Tool Control and carried with an over-body hi-vis harness for easy transport.

l Power Screed: Features fully adjustable handles for customisable height and width in addition to ambidextrous controls that can be mounted on either handle

l Core Drill and Stand: Designed with close wall or ceiling clearance As a part of the PERFORM & PROTECT line of tools, the drill features anti-rotation technology to prevent over rotation in a bind up situation

l Adaptor: DEWALT FLEXVOLT to DEWALT POWERSHIFT adaptor allowing use of DEWALT FLEXVOLT batteries for additional runtime when using DEWALT POWERSHIFT equipment.

To better understand the opportunities and challenges of electrifying the jobsites of the future, DEWALT conducted a survey, “Power Pulse,” which polled construction industry professionals, including decision makers and skilled end users,

Other key findings of the Power Pulse Survey include:

l Petrol is No Longer Reliable: Construction employees reported experiencing more issues or breakdowns with petrol powered tools (59%) compared to electric-powered tools (45%)

l Availability and Education Barriers: Construction professionals cite the lack of availability of electric-powered equipment for their line of work (38%) and insufficient knowledge of their capabilities (36%) as the primary reasons for not using electric-powered tools

l Wide-Ranging Benefits: Compared to gas-powered tools, the most significant benefits of electric-powered tools for construction employees are safety (46%), ease of use (44%), greater time-savings (42%), as well as less maintenance and lower operating costs (36%)

l Wear-and-Tear of Everyday Work: The physical strain from using heavy equipment is the biggest stressor across jobsites, with 47% of skilled workers and 46% of construction management citing this factor, respectively

vehicles & plant


JCB has expanded its Next Generation line of mini and midi excavators, with the launch of two 2 5-tonne models

The 25Z-1 is a zero tailswing machine, while the 26C-1 offers the benefits of a conventional tailswing That said, both machines have the option of a further 120kg bolt-on counterweight section, that increases tailswing by around 100mm, if the customer prefers This aids stability if the machine is regularly used for heavy lifting.

Both models weigh in at around 2 5tonnes, with the 26C-1 the heaviest at 2,675kg That means that either of these mini machines can easily be carried, with three buckets and a mechanical quickhitch, on a 3 5-tonne trailer behind a large van or a 4x4 This operating and transportation weight will make the two mini excavators popular with utilities, plant hire and contractors.

Despite the zero tailswing layout of the 25Z-1, both machines share the same spacious Next Generation cab

Constructed of robust steel panels and easy to replace flat glazing, the cab door can be locked open within the profile of the machine, reducing the risk of damage Equipped with a cab heater, the ROPS/TOPS structure will be available with an air conditioning option later this year. Alternatively, either model can be specified with a canopy if preferred.

Digging deep

The minis use a completely new dig end, that has been produced in response to customer input All of the hydraulic hoses pass through the main boom, reducing the risk of catching and the colour-coded hoses have bulkhead couplings to make it easier to change a damaged hose if required. Having the hoses inside the

itself slimmer than on the previous model, also improves the view into the digging area The LED work lights are also mounted inside the boom structure

A factory-fit quick-hitch is available as an option and JCB has designed a new range of lightweight buckets for the machines These use the same 35mm pin diameters as the outgoing model, allowing customers to upgrade without having to replace their attachments A heavy-duty bushed kingpost further strengthens the dig end

The main boom is 280mm longer on the 26C-1, as its conventional layout allows increased digging and lifting

PB digs the latest 2.5 tonne JCB mini excavators

without compromising stability Both machines are offered with a choice of 1,100mm or 1,300mm dipper lengths

A 48lpm high flow auxiliary hydraulic supply is standard, while a 25lpm lowflow circuit is available as an option. Main boom and dozer cylinder guards are standard and customers can opt for additional guards on dipper and bucket cylinders A revised dozer blade delivers improved material rollover and there is the option of a 210mm longer dozer for those that like to dig to the blade

New track motors deliver improved tractive effort and the machines are

available with 300mm rubber tracks or optional 250mm rubber tracks As with other Next Generation models, there are nine sturdy tie-down points around the machines, so there should be no need for transport drivers to throw chains or straps across the rubber tracks when moving the machines

As mentioned, the upper structure uses sturdy steel panels and doors all round The fixing bolts for all of the panels are the same, so service engineers only require one socket to remove any panel Both models are powered by a Stage V Kohler diesel engine developing 18.4kW (24.7hp). The engine meets both EU Stage V and the Tier 4 Final emissions standards with no requirement for a Diesel Particulate Filter or any exhaust after-treatment

Start your engines

The engine drives a variable displacement, load-sensing, electro proportional hydraulic system A new valve block provides improved flow sharing for multi-tasking at lower rpm. Both the engine and the main valve block have been relocated for easier access and all filters and fill points are easy to get to on the right-hand side of the machines The minis also have a removable floor plate that provides access to the valve block

Once in the cab, both side windows can be opened, to suit operator preference. The lower windscreen section can be clipped inside the upper

section, which can then be stored in the cab roof, providing an improved view to the digging area The suspension seat is comfortable and it is possible to raise and lower the arm rests for improved comfort when working the proportional joysticks.

The 2.5-tonners use the same 4” main screen as the larger 3 5-tonne models, with a rotary controller providing movement through the menus The screen can also be used to set hydraulic pressures and the percentage of hydraulic flow for up to 10 powered attachments Service engineers can access diagnostic information through the screen’s menus during regular maintenance too.

The 25Z-1 and 26C-1 are an important addition to the Next Generation line-up for JCB, filling the final gap in that revised range other than the ultra-compact Micro More importantly, for those customers looking to tow a mini excavator to and from site, the two machines offer the largest capacity that can be carried behind a van or 4x4, making them a popular choice in many industry sectors. With a robust build quality and an impressive specification, JCB’s 25Z-1 and 26C-1 offer a big step forward from their 8025 ZTS and 8026 CTS predecessors



vehicles & plant

product round-up


Vehicle safety specialist Durite is expanding its van range with reverse-view brake light cameras Brake light cameras are retrofitted to the vehicle, replacing the existing brake light assembly and enhancing rear visibility The products cover 10 leading brands, including Ford, Mercedes and Volkswagen


The MAXUS portfolio includes two new high spec electric vehicles The eDELIVER 5 has a cargo volume of 6 6m3 / 7 6m3 and peak power of 120kW The compact MIFA 7 has seven seats and boasts the best internal width ratio in its class.


Following robust safety tests, Nissan’s Townstar and Primastar models have earned themselves a Gold rating, achieving an impressive safety assist performance rating of 78% and 69%, respectively The new Interstar – now available to pre-order in the UK – scored even higher and has been awarded EuroNCAP’s top Platinum rating with an overall score of 84%


Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles has announced specifications for the new ID Buzz GTX and ID. Buzz LWB (long wheelbase) variants The high-performance ID Buzz GTX and even more spacious ID Buzz LWB are the latest additions to the critically acclaimed ID Buzz line-up The GTX will be the most powerful ID Buzz, while the LWB models provide a longer wheelbase for increased luggage capacity.


Fully dedicated to its new MR4 Van Racking range, Rhino Products’ 37,500sq ft Nantwich facility will be focused solely on the new van racking and accessory products The latest addition to Rhino’s Van Racking offering, the MR4 Express Range, covers simple shelving, Rhino’s sleek aluminium fronted drawers, and a wide range of accessories


Mercedes Benz Vans has announced the specifications for its eSprinter. With an industry-leading electric range of up to 277 miles, the eSprinter also benefits from several upgrades to standard specifications available to customers Orders are now being taken for 113 kWh panel van models


The new Renault Trafic E-Tech 100% electric is now available to order, with prices starting from £34,500 plus VAT after the £5,000 PiVG (Plug-in Van Grant) The zero-emissions-in-use van is available in a choice of three versions, including a high roof model Two body lengths (5 08 and 5 48 metres) and two heights (1.967 and 2.498 metres) are available for the new Trafic E-Tech 100% electric


A 12-in digital instrument cluster and 13-inch infotainment display are some of the interior highlights in the latest incarnation of the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicle’s Transporter Further trade friendly features include a range of charging points in a load compartment of between 5 8 and 9 0 m3 depending on the model.


Knauf Insulation outlines three reasons to use glass mineral wool for 150mm cavities

The construction industry is always changing Whether through new regulations, evolving needs or trends in best practice – professionals must adapt. For example, according to a recent survey, 41% of housebuilders said they had already adopted 150mm wall cavities in newbuilds Alongside this change in standard practice, there is a need to use insulation that delivers real performance, can be reliably sourced and has lower embodied carbon

In this article, we will look at three reasons to start using DriTherm Cavity Slab 32 in 150mm cavities

A more reliable material

There are few things more frustrating than unexpected costs or a shortage of materials during a project Recent years have shown that the supply of common insulation products can be volatile, with prices rising dramatically or products becoming unavailable As fossils fuels decline in use, the market will likely become more unstable, affecting common products such as PIR or XPS boards.

To avoid these logistical headaches, you can use wider cavities with products made in the UK from sustainable materials For example, DriTherm Cavity Slab 32 is a glass mineral wool product, made using up to 80% recycled glass collected near to the two plants that manufacture it This helps to keep the supply and price more stable and avoids delays in construction.

Demand for low carbon insulation

Demand is rising for products with low embodied carbon (the emissions released over their whole lifecycle) Stricter regulations are on the horizon, with significant industry support for initiatives like the proposed Part Z Building Regulation, which would ensure embodied carbon is assessed on all projects

Switching to 150mm cavities allows the use of insulation that is low carbon while still meeting thermal performance requirements

Real performance under scrutiny

Insulation that delivers real performance is essential for meeting increasingly tight regulations Building Regulation guidance was updated in 2022 in anticipation of the Future Homes Standard, expected in 2025, which will require a 75-80% reduction in carbon emissions compared to homes built under 2013 regulations Part L (Conservation of fuel and power) now requires all walls to have a maximum Uvalue of 0 26 W/m²K

DriTherm Cavity Slab 32 is made from glass mineral wool, which has the lowest embodied carbon of any mainstream insulation material.

DriTherm Cavity Slab 32 also uses ECOSE Technology, Knauf Insulation's unique bio-based binder that contains no added formaldehyde or phenol (It is made from natural raw materials that are rapidly renewable and is less energy-intensive to manufacture than traditional binder And the product is compression packed, further reducing its carbon footprint during transportation and storage.

Increasing cavities to 150mm wide allows housebuilders to use insulation such as mineral wool, which is less prone to air gaps. This reduces heat transfer and maximises thermal performance


Despite some uncertainty about how regulations will evolve in the next few years, the direction of travel is clear – we should aim to create homes that are comfortable, low-carbon, and affordable to run.

DriTherm Cavity Slab 32 is ideal for builders and contractors looking for a reliable, sustainable, low-carbon product that delivers the thermal performance they need


We recently teamed up with Matt from Mr E Builders to put ThistlePro FastSet Finish to the test and find out just how quick it is to use. You can watch the test on the Professional Builder YouTube channel using the link at the bottom of this page.

ThistlePro FastSet Finish is a fast-setting plaster finish, giving shorter set time without the need of additives. It provides a smooth high quality surface finish and is ideal for covering smaller surface areas, like bathroom walls and ceilings.

The Race

With the help of help of Ben from the Build Better Academy, Matt put the fast setting plaster up against Thistle MultiFinish Using half a bag of each, Matt and Ben applied the plasters to a small area of wall to see which product has the faster setting and finish time Stopwatches were started at the end of the application and ran until the first plaster had completely set

The Results

ThistlePro FastSet Finish was the clear winner when it came to speed, with the plaster fully dried and finished in just 70 minutes Matt also provided his thoughts on the usability and finish of both products

ThistlePro FastSet Finish provides a smooth high quality surface finish in a short time It remains stable during application and trowelling up and requires minimal water during the process, with only the trowel requiring lubrication

The bag size gives around 10m2 of coverage, making it ideal for patch and repair jobs as well as smaller internal walls and ceilings which need to be finished quickly. Thistle MultiFinish still required further setting time and further touches after the 70 minutes had passed

in order to finish the job However, Matt felt it was the better product for larger areas and walls and is his usual go to for standard plastering jobs


Kevin Taylor, Training and Technical Support Manager at Marley, looks at some common technical queries on clay plain tile.

Thoughtful specification of tiles will give you the best finish and take time to select the most appropriate fittings for each project Fittings can make a big difference to the overall look of the finished roof, more so on clay roofs than with any other roofing material For example, bonnet hips or arris hips will both give a different aesthetic on the finished roof, even though they serve the same function

Q. What are the main things to consider when installing clay plain tiles?

Careful planning and attention to detail are crucial – don’t rush into fixing the tiles Attention to detail will pay off with the end result that you get

Q. Are clay plain tiles easier or harder to cut than concrete?

Cutting is one of the most frequent things our technical team gets asked about clay plain tiles Clay is a natural material and following the firing process, during manufacture, it becomes very hard This is great from a long-term durability point of view, but it can mean the tiles are harder to cut than equivalent concrete tiles.

To reduce the amount of cutting required, careful planning and setting out is very important to ensure the best fit which may mean adjusting the overhang at verges (38-50mm) and slight spacing of the tiles (gaps should be no more than 3mm per tile), while also maintaining the broken/half bond laying pattern. Cut tiles should be no less than 110mm to

ensure a minimum of 55mm sidelap is maintained and small pieces should be avoided by cutting from tile-and-a-halves Experienced roofers will adapt to and account for these factors to ensure they can create a high-quality aesthetic finish.

However, regardless of planning and experience, you can’t avoid cutting clay plain tiles altogether It is inevitable that cuts will be required during the installation process, for example when completing hip and valley detailing, where raking cuts to roof tiles will be required

Q. How should I cut the tiles?

All cutting and drilling of tiles should be carried out in well-ventilated areas to

prevent the inhalation of dust, in accordance with Health and Safety recommendations Wherever possible, avoid dust inhalation by using traditional hand tools or cutting equipment fitted with dust extraction or dust suppression Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (goggles, protective clothing, ear defenders and an approved respirator) when mechanically cutting tiles

Avoid cutting tiles that are laid in situ, particularly open valleys, as this may cause damage to the valley lining and is also a health and safety hazard. After cutting or drilling tiles, depending on the method used, wash and/or brush off all dust from the surface to avoid staining

Q. What about environmental considerations for clay tiles?

Builders are urged to specify responsibly sourced materials and select products that have been carefully assessed to meet standards such as the BES 6001 Framework Standard, as well as the BRE

Green Guide That means looking for products with an A+ rating – such as Marley’s clay tile portfolio – which is calculated based on life cycle assessments (LCA), using the BRE’s

environmental profiles methodology Marley also offers Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) across its clay product portfolio.

Q. Can I use clay plain tiles with solar panels?

Due to increased consumer awareness about the renewable technologies such as solar PV, builders may be tasked with roofing projects where the inclusion of a solar PV array alongside clay tiles on the roofscape is required Marley’s integrated full roof system roofing solution means both clay tiles and SolarTile can be installed at the same time creating striking and high performing roofscapes



Designed to help regulate airflow and reduce energy demand, the AirEx smart air brick effectively saves costs and provides draught-proofing while managing moisture levels within residential properties The solution comprises a ventilator with a motor-driven flap that is controlled by a home hub, which monitors humidity and regulates airflow to reduce energy demand




Door supplier, JB Kind is introducing a n acoustic wall panelling range, with six popular finishes carefully selected for its acoustic wall panels to match with some of their most popular laminate and oak veneer door finishes These wall panels are also extremely straightforward to install and can be either screwed or glued into position

Baumit has unveiled MonoPlus, a new through-coloured, one-coat monocouche external render The new MonoPlus range offers a low-maintenance and durable finish suitable for application by hand or machine

Supplied In 25kg bags, achieving approximately 1m2 finished product, its unique formulation is designed to reduce the effects of algae and minimise the need for regular cleaning and maintenance

A certified fire rated pocket door has been added to Häfele UK’s already extensive product portfolio Optimo comes with an optional fire rated FD30 jamb kit When fitted, the kit ensures the door meets the regulation standard of 30 minutes fire resistance and is fully certified to EN1634 12016+A1:2018 standards. Optimo is ideal for new build properties and commercial spaces


The rbs Injection Resin LV Kit from Resapol is a two-component, low viscosity, fast curing epoxy sealing system specially formulated for repairs to cracks in concrete and solid masonry The kit incorporates the crack sealer and injection resin (supplied in cartridges that will fit standard sealant guns) plus mixer nozzles, ports, extension tubes, connectors and ancillaries.


Russell Roof Tiles has launched its first underlay range, RussFast Underlay The first two products in the RussFast Underlay range have been designed for warm or cold roof construction and are compatible with all Russell Roof Tiles Accessories as well as the newly launched RussFast Solar.


UK timber specialist Premier Forest Products has expanded its product offering with the launch of a new range of acoustic fence panels The fence panels are suitable for residential, commercial and public sector properties The panels have been designed and engineered to reflect sound from motorways, roads, railways and other noisy environments, significantly reducing the impact of noise pollution


A retrofit textile-based thermal wall insulation has been launched by Wykamol. ISO-THERM is an ultra-thin specially woven polyester-based material which can be cut easily Its membrane is secured with ISOTHERM Adhesive, applied at a thickness of approximately 5mm using a notched trowel. It is then rolled into the glue before receiving a plaster skim coat


In the construction industry, where bending, lifting and crawling are daily routines, knee pain and discomfort are all too common. Workers often endure this pain for months or even years, mistakenly hoping it will simply go away Unfortunately, the demands of construction work can make these problems worse, leading to a cycle of ongoing pain and difficulty.

Knee pain is particularly prevalent because of the repetitive and strenuous activities involved, such as kneeling, squatting and carrying heavy materials. Even everyday actions like climbing ladders or standing for long periods can put extra strain on the knees Working on hard surfaces and in awkward positions adds to the risk, leading to swelling, stiffness and discomfort, especially when bending or straightening the knee

If knee pain isn't properly managed, it can worsen over time, making it harder to perform daily tasks and increasing the risk of further injury It's crucial for those in the construction industry to take steps to protect their knees This can include training on proper positioning during tasks, using ergonomic mats, and incorporating regular stretching exercises to maintain flexibility and strength

Knee protection is also essential Without proper gear like knee pads, workers are at a higher risk of developing

knee problems That's why it's vital for construction workers to have access to protective equipment that offers cushioning and support to help prevent these issues

“Carhartt's workwear combines practical design with protective technology to enhance safety and support workers' wellbeing, helping to break the cycle of pain and discomfort on the job”

Carhartt recognises the challenges faced by those in the trades and has introduced a new range of Steel Rugged Flex Work Pants designed to address knee pain directly These pants feature certified Flex Cordura fabric knee pad pockets that meet safety standards, providing comfort and protection for workers The pockets are designed to hold various knee pads, offering crucial cushioning against hard surfaces and helping to maintain proper joint

alignment, reducing the risk of injury

These work trousers are not only protective but are also tough and flexible, making them ideal for active work environments Made from durable Ripstop fabric and incorporating Rugged Flex technology, they allow workers to move freely and perform physically demanding tasks without feeling restricted

The Steel Pants sit comfortably below the waist and have a straight leg opening that easily fits over work boots The articulated knees and Rugged Flex Cordura fabric gusseted crotch ensure that the fabric doesn't tighten or restrict movement when workers squat or stretch, enhancing mobility and reducing the risk of tearing A Comfort flex waistband provides a snug yet flexible fit, supporting continuous movement and reducing discomfort during long working hours

The high incidence of knee pain in the construction industry highlights the need for appropriate protective measures. Carhartt's workwear combines practical design with protective technology to enhance safety and support workers' wellbeing, helping to break the cycle of pain and discomfort on the job

Carhartt’s Steel Rugged Flex Work Pants have all the right protection

In a new promotion, the fixings and fasteners expert is providing independent builders’ merchant customers with their very own meal ticket. The manufacturer’s ForgeFast high performance screws range has enjoyed a rebrand recently and, to celebrate, the company has teamed up with Greggs to provide a free breakfast roll for every tub purchased.

This is a premium product and, just like your free Greggs breakfast roll, there’s immediate bite An anti-friction thread prevents jacking – or rotation and splitting of the timber – and a super-sharp serrated cutting thread reduces torque for a faster drive, and better pull-out performance The


Elementech surface coating is as good as gold for the trades because it will prevent rust and there’s easy to follow information on the packaging, along with a colour coding system, so you can fasten onto exactly the right fixing for your task:

Gold – anti-split, fast drive

Purple – MDF and chipboard flooring

Silver – exterior elite 2000

Blue – timber & construction

Red – self drilling, low torque

Orange – tongue & groove flooring

Green – decking & outdoor screws

“You want a wood screw to go through effortlessly and easily, with the reassurance of knowing that it won’t shear, break or rust,” explains George Adams, who was able to enjoy a breakfast of champions thanks to a purchase of a tub of 300 5 0 x 100mm Elite Performance Screws “You can tell just from looking at these screws, the weight in your hand, and the sharpness that they’ll do the job. Working faster means longer runtime on a cordless tool and you can get the job done quicker ”

ForgeFix has, in fact, improved upon what was already a very good solution and there’s some smart updates to go with the good looks The ForgeFast range has, in fact, doubled from 160 to 320 different screws There’s no less than 12 different types of fixing, a whole host of sizes and the option of pozi headed screws.


Purchase one of ten of the most popular ForgeFast Pozi screw tubs, and you’ll be able to register and receive a code for a free breakfast roll deal from Greggs.

The offer is designed to support independent merchants, with over 300 already stocked up and ready for the breakfast rush. Choose from a single filing breakfast roll with a choice of either a regular hot drink, 500ml water or 250ml orange juice. The promotion will run from September in participating independent builders’ merchants through to the end of the year, but vouchers will be valid until March 2025. Terms & Conditions apply and will be available on your unique product code

ForgeFix has most certainly got breakfast covered.


Tony Coleman, Technical Services Manager at Makita, explains why training is so important and what to look for when selecting a training provider.

Whilst working with power tools and machinery is second nature to the readers of Professional Builder, taking time to keep abreast of new tools, changing product technologies and features can really pay off For many, it may initially seem that training is unnecessary, especially for experienced tradespeople, but there are many potential benefits, both for those who are self-employed and for businesses with employees Whether you’re new to the industry, or have been working for decades, the value of regular training and personal development should not be overlooked.

Health & safety

One of the most important reasons for undertaking tool training is to instil safe working practices and reduce the risk of injuries and accidents Alarming data from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recently revealed that there has been a 70% rise in the number of construction deaths since the pandemic, with the number of fatal injuries in construction being five times higher than the average across all industries

Quite simply, a power tool improperly handled, can be dangerous and using it unsafely can have a detrimental impact on you or your business: Whether that be personal injury, injury to those

working for you, to the public, or damage to equipment or property Any such instance can be costly: You may need time off to recover, or cover insurance and compensation claims, or replace damaged tools. You may even suffer an injury that ends your career.

Operator training is a legal requirement and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998 stipulates that those who own or operate work equipment should receive adequate instruction and training to ensure their safety It also places responsibility on employers to ensure their employees who use work equipment are trained, whether the equipment is owned by the

business or not

Correct training will ensure that all people using, supervising or managing the use of the work equipment are provided with adequate, clear health and safety information.

Business benefits

If the safety aspect isn’t compelling enough, training can also offer further benefits for you and your business For example, ongoing education can help professionals stay up to date with the latest tool technologies and techniques, as well as gain new skills and knowledge which can offer a competitive edge in the industry.

Training can also offer an opportunity to learn about a completely new tool that may provide you with improved features and benefits as well as performance with the task on site. Practical ‘hands on’ demonstrations where you can trial the tool provides a valuable opportunity to ‘try before you buy’, or even just ‘kick the tyres’ and really determine what tools will benefit your business – and how

Personal growth

It’s commonly recognised that those who have access to continuous training and grow their confidence are more likely to feel more engaged and motivated. For a

business owner, well-trained employees will not only deliver higher-quality work which reduces the need to spend time supervising, or reworking mistakes, they will also feel valued and therefore more loyal which can reduce staff turnover

Training empowers individuals to expand their expertise and take on new responsibilities Moreover, with a growth mindset, you may find new business opportunities or areas of expertise to pursue

Choosing the right training

Some of the leading tool manufacturers, like Makita, have dedicated training teams that can offer an itinerary of training sessions to choose from Conveniently, a number of Makita’s training and awareness sessions can be held directly on-site so that all employees can benefit from the training without the need to leave their place of work, or at one of Makita’s four Factory Service Centres (FSCs) located nationwide.

When choosing a safety course specifically, consider one that has been certified by an independent third party such as City & Guilds For example, Makita offers City & Guilds assured correct and safe use courses at instructor and user levels Its Makita ‘Be Safe –Construction’ course can be tailored to any trade discipline and is extensively used by educational colleges. The courses, which use a mix of theory and practical hands-on sessions, provide valuable training on best practices, how to select and safely handle and store power tools, health and safety considerations and PPE policies

Training has an important role to play in ensuring safe and effective working practices, as well as compliance with health and safety regulations. Training on the use of power tools, even for those with years of experience, is valuable and worth the relatively small financial and time investment



For more than two decades, BOA® Technology has dedicated itself to developing and enhancing the BOA Fit System to deliver a precise fit that improves performance The product has been trusted by elite athletes for years, withstanding the most demanding conditions – from summiting K2, to winning the Tour de France, to conquering the toughest ski or snowboard descents Since 2008, this same trusted technology has also been supporting workers with the introduction of BOA-equipped workwear shoes

How does the system improve a safety shoe?

The focus is on ensuring superior stability, efficiency, and durability in the harshest

weather and industrial conditions, reducing fatigue and enhancing on-site performance. Workers can adjust the BOA dial to get a micro-adjustable precision fit that locks in the heel, improving stability and control Plus, the dial is engineered to withstand the toughest conditions

Strength & durability

A lifetime guarantee is available on all BOA systems, backed by rigorous testing and high-quality standards The laces are engineered to withstand loads up to ten times higher than those required for a secure fit For instance, when tightening low-cut shoes, the lace tension is just 2kg, but the BOA CS1 lace withstands up to 20kg In mid-cut shoes, the lace tension required for a perfect fit is 9 1kg, while the BOA CS3 lace handles over 70kg in tension tests

Moroever, the dials are built to last, capable of being opened and closed 5,500 times without losing functionality –equivalent to putting your shoes on and off daily for over 15 years. It is very rare for a dial to break, but in case it does the entire BOA Fit System comes with a lifetime guarantee, and consumers can request a replacement on the website.

Improving fit and performance has been BOA®'s primary focus since its inception in 2001

Performance Fit Lab and scientific research

A team of designers, engineers, and biomechanics experts continuously conduct independent scientific studies at the brand’s state-of-the-art Performance Fit Lab at the Headquarters in Denver, CO

The BOA PerformFit Wrap is the latest example of how rethinking traditional shoe construction can deliver heightened benefits to workers Here, an innovative upper design wraps around the midfoot, delivering superior heel lock and a stronger connection to the midsole for greater stability, all while maintaining forefoot flexibility.

The lab conducted extensive pilot tests in safety footwear to scientifically validate the system's versatility and adaptability across industries Workers testing the PerformFit Wrap experienced up to a 3% improvement in stability, with enhanced heel hold and midsole connection, delivering a uniform fit without pressure points Ankle stability also improved by up to 7%, leading to greater consistency and control

In addition, BOA enhances energy efficiency and endurance, allowing for 1.5% faster speed with exertion level and up to 9% more efficient direction changes

Models with BOA:

Helly Hansen Bifrost Winter Tall BOA S7S HT – The pinnacle winter boot, engineered to provide optimal performance, warmth, and comfort in

tools, fixings & workwear

even the most extreme weather conditions on any jobsite. The Dual Dial BOA configuration provides a better, micro-adjustable fit that can be customised in the lower and upper part of the boot independently

DeWalt Richardson BOA – This work boot is engineered for maximum protection and comfort, featuring a micro-adjustable precision fit with the BOA Fit System Equipped with the M4 dial, it allows for easy and quick adjustments, even when wearing gloves, ensuring a secure fit in any working condition

Rock Fall Dolomite – Crafted from black, waterproof full-grain leather, this footwear is designed to withstand tough conditions The aggressive FORCE10 outsole ensures superior traction on challenging terrains like gravel, mud, and ballast The BOA Fit System not only provides a secure fit but also effectively sheds mud, oil, and water, keeping you steady and comfortable in any environment

Jalas TIO 2068 PFW – A soft, water-repellent safety shoe with high-quality protection, featuring the PerformFit™ Wrap configuration The Tri-panels wrap your foot securely, enhancing stability and providing a uniform fit without pressure points, ensuring comfort throughout the day


The Red Gorilla Gorilla Bins, with clip lids, and Mixing Buckets with integrated handles are great for clearing out rubble, as well as mixing plaster and mortar With reinforced sides, they are designed to be tough, versatile and hardy The Gorilla Bins are available in three sizes – 30L, 50L, and 80L


Hultafors is launching a line-up of new products in its premium axe range The highlight of the collection is the Dvardala hunting and forest axe, which has a dark and rugged metal finish on the 0 7 kg head and measures 44cm long to fit well into a backpack. The same manufacturer is also launching a range of high-quality accessories for axes


Snickers Workwear’s range of lightweight mid-layers provides a combination of style and performance for active work in Autumn. They can be worn as an outer layer when it’s warmer or a mid-layer when it’s a bit cooler Choose from new street-smart styles such as the Windblocker Half-zip Hoodie or the Lightweight Flexiwork Mid-layer Jacket



Available in 12in , 18in , 24in. and 36in. lengths, Pony Jorgensen’s new Platinum Series E-Z HOLD Adjustable Bar Clamp features a durable but light aluminium body that can withstand tremendous clamping pressure up to 400lbs It is designed with a built-in clamping force indicator that helps quickly identify the desired clamping force



In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro firms are the lifeblood of innovation and economic growth. These enterprises, with their agility and unique approaches, fuel local economies, drive employment, and spearhead industry advancements

Yet, they face a paradox: while their small size gives them the flexibility to adapt quickly, it also limits their access to the resources necessary for sustained growth, particularly when it comes to employee training and development within the bricklaying sector.

Unlike larger corporations with expansive budgets and dedicated training departments, SMEs and micro businesses operate within tight financial and operational constraints However, the need for continuous employee development is just as critical – if not more so – for these smaller businesses To thrive in a competitive market, they must ensure that their teams are not only competent but also ahead of the curve in skills and industry knowledge. This is

where The ABC Assessment Centre, established by the Association of Brickwork Contractors (ABC), becomes an indispensable partner for businesses looking to invest in their workforce without overextending their resources.

Size matters

SMEs and micro businesses are characterised by their size – typically employing fewer than 250 people, with micro businesses often having fewer than ten Despite their modest scale, these businesses are integral to the economy They account for a significant proportion of employment and are key drivers of innovation across the construction industry However, their size also means that they operate with limited resources, making it challenging to provide the comprehensive training that larger companies take for granted

The training needs of smaller enterprises are unique With limited budgets, every penny truly counts, meaning training investments must deliver exceptional value. Flexibility is also

Eve Livett, CEO of The Association for Brickwork Contractors (ABC), explains how the organisation’s ABC Assessment Centre is transforming training for SMEs and micro building firms

essential – employees in SMEs frequently juggle multiple roles, so programmes must adapt to their busy schedules Moreover, training must be relevant to their operations, ensuring that new skills can be put to work immediately

Recognising these distinctive needs, The ABC Assessment Centre has carefully designed its offerings to address the challenges faced by SMEs and micro businesses. We reject the notion of a onesize-fits-all approach to training. Instead, we offer bespoke training programmes that cater specifically to the requirements of smaller businesses Whether it’s compliance training, skill enhancement, or obtaining certifications in specialised areas, our courses are tailored to align with the everyday realities and demands of SMEs This customisation ensures that every training session is targeted, practical and provides tangible benefits.

We also appreciate that time is a scarce resource in the SME world That’s why the ABC Assessment Centre offers flexible learning options that fit around the hectic pace of running a small business. From online courses that employees can complete at their own convenience to inperson workshops that provide hands-on and immersive learning, our training formats are designed to suit diverse learning styles and schedules Additionally, with access to over 20 offsite venues, we can offer smaller, focussed training sessions that enhance learning experiences without disrupting business operations.

Cost is one of the most significant barriers SMEs face when it comes to training, and we understand this well The ABC Assessment Centre provides competitive pricing models that make high-quality training affordable We also

courses that lead to qualifications respected across the construction industry. These certifications not only enhance employee skill sets but also bolster the credibility of the business, providing a key advantage in a crowded marketplace

At The ABC Assessment Centre, we firmly believe that the quality of training is only as strong as the expertise of the trainers. Our trainers are not just educators – they are industry veterans who bring years of practical, hands-on experience to the table Their deep knowledge of industry-specific challenges and opportunities ensures that our training is not just theoretical, but rooted in real-world applications This

successfully implemented in the workplace. This includes follow-up consultations, refresher courses, and access to additional resources designed to help businesses continuously evolve and adapt to an everchanging industry landscape

“The ABC Assessment Centre empowers SMEs and micro businesses to not only keep pace with industry demands but to lead and excel. By investing in their workforce through highquality and accessible training, these businesses can achieve sustainable growth and secure their place at the forefront of the industry.”

offer guidance on securing government grants and other funding sources, further easing the financial burden of training. This commitment to affordability ensures that even the smallest companies can afford to invest in their workforce

One of the most effective ways for SMEs and micro businesses to strengthen their competitive standing is through industry-recognised qualifications The ABC Assessment Centre offers accredited

practical emphasis allows employees to gain immediately actionable skills that enhance both individual performance and overall business success.

But, we don’t view training as a onetime event We see training as part of a continuous development journey so our commitment extends beyond the training room We provide ongoing support to ensure that the knowledge and skills acquired through our courses are

Choosing The ABC Assessment Centre is more than just selecting a training provider – it's about forming a strategic partnership that understands and addresses the unique challenges faced by SMEs and micro businesses. In an era where agility and innovation are paramount The ABC Assessment Centre empowers SMEs and micro businesses to not only keep pace with industry demands but to lead and excel By investing in their workforce through highquality and accessible training, these businesses can achieve sustainable growth and secure their place at the forefront of the industry.

Emma Fowlds, Junior Marketing Manager from

Distinction Doors explores the rise of the composite door and explains why it is now the number one selling entrance door in the country.


Let’s start with the technical bit and explain what makes a composite door It’s a door produced from several materials. The ‘skin’ can be GRP (glass reinforced polyester), ABS, steel, PVC or other materials The void between the skins is filled with an insulating material Entrance doors manufactured from an engineered timber core with skins bonded are also known as composite doors

Composite doors already ticked a lot of boxes but there was also opportunity for further development and enhancement, making them a popular choice throughout the supply chain for both private and social housing Since then, composite door manufacturers and suppliers have kept pace with trends, changing demands and new regulations

Something that composite doors do brilliantly is balance performance with aesthetics They are renowned for thermal performance, security, and sound insulation. These attributes are

complemented by a large range of door styles, colour options, and decorative glass designs

Solid performance

Composite doors offer a robust alternative to PVC panel doors The solid rigidity of the composite product means that it not only feels secure but is secure Our Signature door slab has a reinforced central board, for example, which makes it both solid and secure This also helps to boost sound insulation; a Distinction door slab can reduce outdoor noise by an average of 31 decibels. If a GRP skin is specified, then this too adds to the door’s durability The high-impact resistant glass reinforced polyester offers exceptional endurance and maintains the door’s striking appearance

As the composite door market has grown so too have the demands placed upon it Proven performance is critical in the specification and procurement process and is increasingly important to homeowners – consider the emphasis

placed upon online reviews and recommendations in decision making More formally, accreditations such as the enhanced security specification PAS 24:2022 and Secured by Design give confidence and reassurance.

Keep warm

Perhaps, the most important attribute for modern homeowners is thermal performance With a squeeze on cash, those who can afford to improve their homes are choosing to invest in highquality products which deliver long-term reward Composite doors offer superior thermal performance, the difference is clear when replacing a PVC door Our door, for example, is 50% more thermally efficient than a 48mm solid timber core composite door and a 44mm traditional timber panellised door

Instantly, a home will feel warmer, as the doorset keeps warm air in and cold air out. Long-term, it will help reduce

energy usage and therefore, lower energy bills, and supports those wishing to reduce their carbon footprint and avoid contributing to climate change

Style and colour

These two factors are the reason composite doors have dominated the domestic market in the 21st century

Homeowners can now choose from a huge selection of door styles There’s a one to suit every property and personal taste – including traditional and contemporary designs that are glazed and unglazed with enhanced or flush mouldings and details.

Homeowners love the fact that they

can then personalise the door –choosing decorative glass, hardware, and colours The doors can be painted on both sides and the colours don’t need to match! Shades of grey have been extremely popular for the past decade, but most suppliers offer a varied palette of paint colours

Unlike a timber door, composite doors require very little maintenance –just wipe with warm, soapy water and a clean, lint-free cloth

Door installer, Dean Spencer for EYG Home Improvements discusses his experiences with fitting composite doors

“I’ve been with EYG for 24 years and I’ve been fitting composite doors for the past 15 years. They’re quick and easy to install, especially when you have been doing them as long as I have; it’s a straightforward job

“We have had experience with a couple of different door brands over the years but we prefer not to swap too often as it can cause delays for customers We stick to reliable brands that we like, and our customers like too

“There are so many styles of doors now compared to when I started fitting 24 years ago, so there’s a huge choice. I do see a lot of customers going for anthracite grey, and a more modern style of door

“A few years ago, one customer cried I fitted a pink door and I thought she was crying because she didn’t like it, but they were tears of joy We get ‘wow’ a lot from customers, everyone is always really impressed and happy.

“My advice for a fitter starting out –take your time! Treat it as if it is your own house – that’s the way I have always been taught ”


Does it get on your nerves too when Christmas seems to start before we’ve even stored the deckchairs and barbecue away? So be assured that this is not about Christmas salutations but how, with a bit of planning and forethought, you and your customers can have a very Happy Christmas indeed, with their new windows and doors beautifully installed and ready for the rellies turning up for the seasonal feast.

I am always bemused by the sudden urgency to install new frames just because Aunt Betty and the cousins are visiting over the Festive Season But I am also grateful for anything that boosts sales And whilst the swollen order book is wonderful, some planning is also required due to the rush and of course, the fact that us window makers and our suppliers are also preparing to take a few days off

How many remember the post-Covid rush when the Joneses, Smiths and Shahs all decided that having started at the

yellowing window and door frames in their homes for three months, they had to have them all replaced NOW!? None of us could have anticipated that freak, if welcome, sales jamboree. But whilst for suppliers like us it more than made up for the weeks of production that we lost, it also threw the home improvement industry into turmoil And this continued of course, up to and through Christmas 2020 after the supply chain broke down as international suppliers, especially in China, closed and created severe product shortages

That may all be behind us now and in terms of product availability, we’re pretty much back to pre-covid now, even for aluminium, which we were initially sceptical about So we and many other fabricators are now back to offering Just In Time manufacturing which means almost what it says on the tin: lead times are now around two weeks or even slightly less, across the board and including colour BUT don’t let this go to your head! You still need to think about things and plan ahead…

Last orders

There are some other basic rules that will ensure that your punter will be delighted that she can show off her magnificent new windows and especially the new entrance door, to Aunt Betty, which means that you can get paid early and not have your ears bent as you are sitting down to your turkey

And whilst we will supply your orders by the cut-off date, the Christmas and New Year shut-down means that any additional parts orders or last-minute finishing touches etc won’t be sorted for at least another fortnight: Leave yourself some leeway

Also, if you use a supplier that either handles most of the manufacturing services in-house, such as glass unit production, colour-bonding, woodgrain

lamination, and profile bending, or work with long-standing local supply partners, you can be sure that your order will be dealt with by the same team at the same location. Anything out of the ordinary can be quoted and tracked and brought together by your account manager

Do not over-promise to your customer; Do TALK to your supplier account manager throughout and don’t make assumptions, even if you think you know that last-orders-by date Once booked in, check your order status throughout to make sure everything is on track and actually, keep your customer in the picture too Always good for their confidence in you too.

Then, having got all of your pre-Christmas installs completed on time and in full you can worry full time on buying that Christmas-pressie-you-forgot for your wife/husband/what-have-you

Adrian Barraclough runs Quickslide one of Britain s leading window & door manufacturers
Quic ksl ide’s Ade is helpin g yo u to for war d plan yo ur pr oje cts

doors, windows & security

product round-up


Designed to address the security performance of doors, the PAS 24 certified Aperio E100 and SMARTair solutions are the latest products from Abloy UK The doors have undergone testing, including assessments of resistance to physical attacks and other security-related parameters



A selection of products from Securistyle have had their Environmental Product Declarations renewed The Sterling Lock for windows, the Parallel Plus window hinge, the Sterling Advanced Detachable Restrictor, the Sterling window hinge and the Storm Balanced window hinge have all had their certifications extended


Timber frames are in when it comes to doors and windows, whether fitting out a contemporary home or a larger space, Country Hardwood has the style you need Renowned for its versatility, timber is a finished wood that combines natural aesthetics with inherent durability. Timber panels can help add style and sophistication to a project

There’s more glass and less frame with Quickslide’s Quick-Glide slim stack and slide door system Quick Glide can also be slid to open however you want and has been creatively designed to offer a fully flexible slide and stack door with a multitude of possible configurations.



Designed to replace existing 13mm and 17mm stack height stays, the ERA Repair Friction Stays for PVCu, timber and aluminium windows offer ease of installation Available in three sizes of 10in., 12in., and 16in., the stays cover a wide variety of window dimensions, providing distributors with a comprehensive solution for their customers



Cornerstone Building Brands has announced new enhancements to its Ply Gem Perspective Multi-Slide Vinyl Patio

Door Its recent upgrades include co-extruded exterior black and bronze colour options with a white interior and expanded sizes of up to 10' in height or 30’ in width


Briton has launched a new exit hardware catalogue, showcasing its range of panic and emergency exit hardware systems. The 28-page catalogue showcases a flagship range of Briton products and accessories, with product specifications, EN classifications and certified application information



A system that will transform how windows are fitted into timber frame properties is how Eurocell describes its InSite system Comprising a specialist hinge, sealant, cavity barrier and either the manufacturer’s Logik or Modus window profile, it allows windows to be installed into wall panels during the manufacturing process rather than on-site.




The Door & Hardware Federation (DHF) has launched two new brochures, both of which are available on the DHF website as ‘flipbooks’ DHF’s flipbooks comprise the training programme from 2024-2025, and a separate brochure detailing the benefits of becoming a DHF member, including in-depth insights into DHF's expansive network detailed information about training opportunities.



REHAU has overhauled its online portal, REHAU Answers, with several new major additions The site now features a WER/U-value calculator in line with the latest Building Regulations and REHAU Answers also features a comprehensive guide on compliance The portal retains an easy-to-understand Q&A section, answering real FAQs from specifiers, fabricators, and installers


Installers can understand the role insulation can play in avoiding the energy performance gap with a new Rockwool CPD (Continuing Professional Development)

module The Thermal Regulation and the Performance Gap CPD addresses energy consumption, the rate of carbon emissions in buildings and the improvements that can be made with insulation


The latest product catalogue from pipe clips and plumbing accessories manufacturer, Talon has arrived It contains a range of cutting-edge products designed to enhance efficiency, meet regulatory requirements and provide robust solutions for plumbing professionals The catalogue is now available for download on the company’s website


A Warwick-based company, responsible for the world’s first-and-only motion-based measuring device, has been presented with two highly prestigious business awards Moasure was formally presented with two King’s Awards for Enterprise, in the Innovation and International Trade categories, at its premises at Warwick Technology Park’s Innovation Centre The device has been very popular in a variety of sectors, but most prominently in landscape gardening in the USA


What installers need to know is how AluFoldDirect describes its 10-page guide to Building Regulations: Part L Intended as a proactive response to uncertainty over the changing landscape, it includes expert knowledge and advice – as well as the aluminium solutions available from the fabricator – whilst also outlining Future Homes Standard requirements


Safeguard Europe’s ‘Dealing with Dampness in Existing Buildings’ is now fully certified by The CPD Certification Service, the world’s leading organisation for Continued Professional Development training events, courses, workshops and webinars The webinar provides an overview of the techniques to accurately identify the causes and types of dampness in buildings

Here is a useful summary of all the adverts that appear in this issue of Professional Builder. Each is listed with its page number and a direct URL that will get you straight to the relevant online information

All Vans ..........................................................................(page 46)

www rdr link/BBH120

Barrettine Group ............................................................(page 8)

www rdr link/BBH121

Boa Technology GmbH ................................................(page 31)

Build Aviator (page 4)

www rdr link/BBH123

Buckbootz ......................................................................(page 58)

www rdr link/BBH124

Eclisse UK Ltd ................................................................(page 11)

www rdr link/BBH125

Festool ............................................................................(page 67)

Ford Motor Co (page 22)

www rdr link/BBH127

Forgefix ..........................................................................(page 58)

www rdr link/BBH128

Garador ..........................................................................(page 75)

www rdr link/BBH129

Hallstone ........................................................................(page 16)

www rdr link/BBH130

Keypoint Abrasives Ltd (page 46)

www rdr link/BBH131

KGM Motors UK Ltd ......................................................(page 53)

www rdr link/BBH132

Made for Trade ..............................................................(page 17)

Made for Trade ......................................................(pages 18,19)

www rdr link/BBH134

Marley Ltd (page 65)

www rdr link/BBH135

Mascot International Ltd ..............................................(page 32)

www rdr link/BBH136

Mighton Products Ltd ..................................................(page 25)

Nissan ............................................................................(page 53)

www rdr link/BBH138

Origin ..............................................................................(page 41)

www rdr link/BBH139

Pavestone ......................................................................(page 41)

Pro Builder Online (back cover) www rdr link/BBH141

Quickslide ........................................................................(page 5)

www rdr link/BBH142

Rhino Products Ltd ......................................................(page 49) www rdr link/BBH143

Robert Bosch Ltd ..........................................................(page 68)

Rocket Door Frames (page 37) www rdr link/BBH145

Scangrip Work Lights ..................................................(page 42) www rdr link/BBH146

Stabila UK Ltd ................................................................(page 38) www rdr link/BBH147

Stelrad Radiators ..........................................................(page 35) www rdr link/BBH148

Toolfair (page 79) www rdr link/BBH149

Thunderbolt ..................................................................(page 63) www rdr link/BBH150

Tuffx Processed Glass Ltd ............................................(page 14)

Ubbink (UK) Ltd ............................................................(page 60) www rdr link/BBH152

Unilite Ltd (page 40) www rdr link/BBH153

Wavin Ltd ........................................................................(page 6) www rdr link/BBH154


Shingles is an infection that causes a painful skin rash on one area of the body. It is caused by a virus called Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) which also causes chicken pox. Only people who have had chicken pox in the past may develop shingles. This is because the virus stays in the body in an inactivated form. If it reactivates, then shingles occurs. This can happen if someone has a weakened immune system, for example due to certain conditions, medications or chemotherapy It can also happen during periods of stress.

Shingles is characterised by a blotchy rash that goes on to develop into blisters that may weep then crust over However, the rash may not be the first symptom to appear. The first signs are often a tingling or painful sensation over an area of skin, a headache or feeling generally unwell for a few days before the rash breaks out The rash may commonly be on the chest, body or face, but can appear anywhere It appears on one side of the body only – if there is a widespread rash that appears on both sides of the body then it is unlikely to be shingles In rare cases, some people may experience pain with no rash appearing.

If you think you have shingles, you should see a medical professional or visit a pharmacy who may be able to supply treatment Shingles is treated to try avoid complications from the condition such as long term pain (called post herpetic neuralgia) Treatment is most effective if started within three days of the rash appearing, and usually involves antiviral tablets and painkillers to help manage the discomfort. Self-care advice for shingles includes taking paracetamol, wearing loose fitting clothing that doesn’t irritate the area affected and keeping the rash clean and dry to reduce the chance of infection Shingles can have serious implications if certain areas of the body are affected The virus can affect the front of the eye causing ulcers This is extremely painful and if not treated may lead to visual loss. A painful red eye with a facial rash needs

to be seen urgently by an optician or medical professional who can refer for further assessment as often other treatments, such as eye drops, are needed If shingles affects the facial nerve, it can cause the side of the face to become weak and hearing problems to develop This is called Ramsay Hunt syndrome and is thankfully rare Prompt treatment is important to try and improve the symptoms and lead to recovery

Overall, the recovery time from shingles can take time. The rash itself may take four weeks to heal and pain may be


experienced after healing This usually gets better with time, however in some cases pain may be prolonged and last for months

As mentioned before, only people who have had chicken pox before develop shingles Shingles itself cannot be passed to another person However, as it is the same virus, if you have shingles you could give chicken pox to someone that has never had it, or never had the chicken pox vaccine, before This is why it is important to cover the rash when you have shingles, and try to avoid certain groups of people who may be more vulnerable to infection such as:

l Anyone who is pregnant who has never had chicken pox

l People with weakened immune systems eg those on chemotherapy

l Babies less than one month old

The rash is only infectious to others when it is in the blister phase and weeping fluid When it has dried up and scabbed over it is no longer infectious.

If you have had chicken pox, you may get shingles at some point in your life There is a vaccine offered on the NHS to help protect people from it The vaccine boosts the immune system to try and stop the virus reactivating in the body It is recommended for all adults turning 65, those aged 70 to 79 and those aged 50 and over with a severely weakened immune system The vaccine reduces your chances of getting shingles and the chance of getting serious problems if you do, so it is worth having

Shingles is a common condition, but it can be horrible to experience If you have concerns about having it, it is best to seek medical attention for review and advice

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