Professional Builders Merchant February 2025

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3 2 B RE A K FA S T O F C H A M P I O N S

E v a l u a t i n g t h e s u c c e s s o f Fo rg e F i x’s re c e n t

‘ B re a k fa s t w i t h Fo rg e F a s t ’ me rc h a n t p ro mo t i on

3 4 L I FE B E G I N S AT 4 0

F u r t h e r a d d i t i o n s t o M a ki t a ’s p o p u l a r 4 0 V M a x X G T

p l a t f o r m

3 6 T O O L K I T E S S E N T I A L S

H o w t h e r i g h t g r i p p i n g t oo l s c a n t r a n s fo r m a

t ra d e s p e r s o n ’s t o ol b a g , m a k i n g e v e r y j o b s a fe r,

f a s t e r a n d mo r e e ff i c i e n t .

3 8 P R O D U C T S & S E RV I C E S



4 1 S I Z E U P TH E O P T I O N S

T h e b e n e fi t s o f t h e “ u n w i t t i n gl y o v e r l o o k e d ” 8 0 0 x 8 0 0 mm p a v e r s .

4 5 N ATU R E ’ S W AY B r i t i s h b r i c k m a k e r H G M a t t h e w s p r ov i d e s i n s

5 1 P RO D U C T S & S E RV I C E S



BetterCommerce explains how merchants can adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape


DEKS MD Ollie Janes gives the lowdown on the supplier’s game-changing new flat roofing range.


Polypipe Building Products discusses a new plastic waste recycling initiative, in partnership with Wolseley.


Growtivation has re-engineered its Weedtex and Landtex landscaping fabrics in a move to cut waste and carbon.

Retrofit opportunity

The decidedly uninspiring economic headlines have continued over the last month, albeit a few crumbs of comfort can be found relating to inflation and, broadly, some of the latest construction sector data

Once again, the Government continues its focus on new housing, reiterating the 1 5million new homes target for over the course of this parliamentar y term, and setting out some additional detail before Christmas in its National Planning Policy Framework announcement

The redefining of ‘ grey belt land’ is a critical element of this As explained by development site sourcing specialists Searchland, this covers “land within the Green Belt consisting of previously developed and poorly performing land, which largely focuses on poor quality land, car parks and wastelands, poor quality scrubland, disused petrol stations and any land which does not affect the beauty of the countr yside ”

Searchland’s internal data highlights the estimated number of grey belt sites found across each local authority in England, calculating that around 3 4m new homes could be delivered to the market if all these grey belt sites were utilised

The scope is clearly to be celebrated but of course, a huge number of all-too familiar hurdles still need to be cleared Once again though, not least with the potential for dramatic photo opportunities at large scale construction sites, the importance of widespread retrofit action continues to be somewhat overshadowed

As consistently highlighted by the likes of the BMF and Federation of Master Builders, a focused RMI programme has vast potential to boost the economy and help with the nation’s sustainability and carbon emissions targets It would also ensure that homeowners and tenants don’t have to continue enduring some pretty grim living conditions

For instance, the energ y experts at Uswitch recently produced its latest ‘Mouldy Nation Report’ which revealed that over 60% of people have experienced mould in their homes Up from 58% in its previous sur vey, the problem spans all types of housing, from owned homes (43%) to privately rented properties (28%) in addition to local authority (16%) and housing association accommodation (12%).

Similarly, a recent Building Ser vices Research and Information Association (BSRIA) study of 2,000 UK homeowners found that roughly one in five households across the UK are living in poorly insulated homes Poor or inadequate insulation in walls, roofs or floors was cited as “the primar y challenge for 20% of homes,” while a quarter (23%) flagged drafty doors and windows as a concern 22%

Editor Paul Davies

Group Advertisement Manager Craig Jowsey craig@hamerville co uk Tel: 07900 248102

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Adeel Qadri

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Kirstie Day

identified a “lack of smart heating controls as a key issue affecting energ y efficiency” and nearly a fifth (18%) said they were “worried about poor ventilation in their home leading to condensation or mould ”

Whilst concerns over the cost of any upgrade are clearly a limiting factor, the research revealed a “significant knowledge gap ” with 55% unfamiliar with the term ‘retrofit’ in relation to buildings and just 17% “ aware of the diverse options available to boost their home’s energ y efficiency ” Worr yingly, a further BSRIA sur vey of 500 construction professionals revealed a comparable “low sector-wide understanding of retrofit technologies and approaches,” (see our feature on page 8 for more).

The potential business opportunities would appear to be obvious, capitalising on the clear need for energ y-efficient and ultimately money-saving home improvements The challenge is to demystify the problems, highlight the solutions and boost the levels of understanding amongst homeowners and trade professionals alike And the merchant sector is ideally placed to deliver

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Ready for Freddie

Freddie Ljungberg, the former Arsenal and Sweden football legend, has been announced as NIBE’s new UK brand ambassador to promote energ yefficient heat pump solutions and inspire UK households to ‘ Take the Step’ toward sustainability Freddie grew up just a few miles from Markar yd, the town where NIBE was founded, and he also has a further personal connection in that his grandfather was an engineer with close ties to NIBE from its inception

With the UK market showing increased interest in sustainable heating solutions, NIBE UK MD Paul Smith commented: “ This partnership builds on the incredible growth and success we achieved in 2024 and takes us to the next stage of educating UK consumers about the benefits of heat pumps Together, with Freddie’s unique voice and our innovative technolog y, we ’ re empowering more households to take the step towards a sustainable future.”

Royal recognition

Raising taxation concerns

Gordon Banks, a former Labour Shadow Minister, has joined fellow members of the BMF to raise concerns with Government over the impact of proposed changes to business taxation both on “the future of the building materials sector and growth in the wider UK economy ”

Gordon served as an MP for Ochil and South Perthshire from 2005 to 2015, including as a Shadow Minister for Business and then Scotland, and is a Director of Fife-headquartered BMF member Cartmore Building Supplies

In an extract from his letter to the Prime Minister, Mr Banks said: “I appreciate you are looking for UK businesses to lead us out of the economic quagmire we have been locked in. However burdening the ver y businesses you need to grow the economy, with these additional tax burdens, appears to me to simply mean that your plan will fail spectacularly.”

The BMF continues to alert the government to the “ grave concerns ” being felt across the UK’s building materials sector on tax proposals BMF CEO John Newcomb said: “Gordon Banks’ letter is one of a number being forwarded to government from across our membership highlighting that the unintended consequences of the Budget could wipe out what it was aiming to do, which is stimulate economic growth

“Construction is absolutely critical to the lifeblood of the UK economy, but we are

hearing across the industr y that the proposals in inheritance taxation, as well as the additional costs in relation to National Insurance, are likely to have a devastating impact ”

Last month, the BMF was one of 32 trade and industr y bodies that were signatories to a letter from Family Business UK to the Chancellor calling for a formal consultation on the proposals on Business Property Relief and Inheritance Tax The BMF is now working with Family Business UK, which collectively represents 160,000 family businesses and farms, to call for discussions with government on how best to address the challenges.

The issue was also raised by Paul Bence, MD of George Bence & Sons, during a recent constituency visit by Max Wilkinson MP arranged by the BMF under its ‘industr y and parliament’ programme The Liberal Democrat MP said: “I was particularly concerned to hear about the pressures being faced by the business and the impact that is likely to have in the coming year I share Paul’s concern about the increased cost burden being faced by small businesses not least the increase in Employers’ National Insurance Contributions That will certainly make the lives of many SMEs much more difficult, particularly after years of economic turbulence ”

Huws Gray has been granted the prestigious Royal Warrant as a supplier of building materials to His Majesty The King This recognition is awarded to companies with a proven track record of providing goods or ser vices to the Royal Household for a minimum of five years, and this year marks the 20th anniversar y of the business receiving the Royal Warrant for the supply of building materials

CEO Daksh Gupta said: “We are proud to receive the Royal Warrant a mark of exceptional quality, service and reliability Huws Gray is deeply honoured to be recognised for upholding these values and eagerly anticipates continuing to serve both the Royal Household and its customers with the highest standards of excellence ”

Fire protection supply

Magply is celebrating its successful ongoing supply partnership with JP Corr y The merchant, which operates from 16 branches across Northern Ireland and another in Ramsey on the Isle of Man, has added to its range by taking the decision to stock the high performance, non-combustible Magply boards manufactured by IPP, as the business looks to increase its offer to the market on passive fire protection products.

In Northern Ireland, the merchant is selling the full range of Magply boards and an example of this is the provision of the products to the new B elfast Transport Hub that is nearing full completion, with 800m2 of 20mm Magply boards installed by Thornton Roofing as the deck for an intermediate roof level where fire performance as a priority

Nick Hughes, Commercial Director for JP

Corr y, commented: “With the expansion of fire protection in JP Corr y we required a high quality, A1 fire-board Magply was the logical supplier for us as it provides a great range with impeccable ser vice ”


Fundraising support

The Rainy Day Trust is dedicated to helping those in the sector who are in need of assistance and support, whether that be struggling with mental health issues or in financially straightened times. To support its vital work, the charity relies on donations, fundraising activities and corporate sponsors.

And RDT is now calling out for industry backing for its current activities, with CEO Bryan Clover highlighting two initiatives in particular Br yan said: “Once again in March this year, we are running the Mad March Million as a fundraiser and to act as a boost to your mental health Do you think that you could enter a team or three? It’s a simple concept teams of three or four aim to take a million steps between them in the month; they can run, jog or just walk, but the important part is getting out and about ever y day”

He continued: “10,000 steps a day is a simple and effective way of not only burning a few calories but also giving your mental health a boost Any activity that involves bilateral movement, using both sides of your brain to

coordinate your activity, helps you to process the stresses and strains of the day and just being outdoors in the fresh air is good for you. ”

There’s a £12 a head registration fee (which Br yan notes could be covered by a business), whilst participants will receive a t-shirt and potential rewards for passing fundraising and average numbers of steps milestones Urging teams to set up a sponsorship page on Just Giving, Br yan adds: “We’ll put the money raised to good use, supporting those that are having a tough time ”

And despite his own problems with “the old ticker,” Br yan is once again leading by example and has also signed himself up for the new Bath Ultra on 29th March A fundraising page for the Rainy Day Trust has been set up, but he is looking for a lead sponsor “to plaster all over my hiking kit and social media work ” If your business is interested in sponsoring the hike, please contact br

For more information on the Rainy Day Trust, use the shortcode

Made in Britain accreditation

Marking its 75th anniversar y this year, Drayton is celebrating its recent Made in Britain accreditation. The company ’ s factor y in Plymouth is where the iconic TRV4, motorised values and other well-loved heating controls roll off the lines, all of which will now feature the Made in Britain label to identify its products are made in the UK

As part of Schneider’s global network of sustainable businesses, Drayton has also placed great focus on creating sustainable

manufacturing and operations at its Plymouth site, which has operated as Zero to Landfill, going over and above IOS14001, for the past nine years Additionally, the heating controls manufacturer continues to run Single Use Plastic initiatives, sourcing more sustainable alternatives for the production and packaging of its popular products.

KBB design partnership

ArtiCAD has announced a new partnership with MKM Building Supplies which will see the independent builders’ merchant implement its flagship ArtiCAD-Pro design software alongside its advanced pricing, ordering and business management solution “to enhance the design journey for both staff and customers ”

By integrating ArtiCAD-Pro into its operations, MKM which has a growing network of 130+ branches will provide customers with “visually stunning and detailed

design presentations for kitchens, bathrooms and bespoke spaces to make it easier than ever to bring their ideas to life ” The addition of ArtiCAD’s pricing solution, powered by KBBConnect, is also said to ensure fast, accurate quotations and orders plus integrations with both its ERP solution and consumer credit process, “creating a seamless journey from initial consultation to final purchase ”

As part of the onboarding process, ArtiCAD’s expert training team provided tailored, hands-on sessions to 238 designers

Having “continually redefined how wheelbarrows are designed, produced and delivered,” The Walsall Wheelbarrow officially celebrates its 30th anniversar y in 2025. However, the family-run business can trace an even longer heritage with roots that stretch back the best part of a centur y with the Thacker name associated with wheelbarrows since the late 1930s, when a certain Fred Thacker crafted his first wheelbarrow.

In the ensuing years, the firm has become “ a shining example of innovation and resilience in British manufacturing” as advanced production techniques and increased automation have improved product consistency, reduced costs, and allowed the company to scale up operations to meet ever-growing demand Originally producing 1,200 barrows weekly by hand, The Walsall Wheelbarrow Company now boasts a production capacity of over 3,000 wheelbarrows per day

Its comprehensive range now offers steel, polypropylene and HDPE barrows to suit the diverse needs of the whole market. And with plans to further invest in its production processes, throughout 2025 it will be marking its anniversar y with various campaigns and events for customers and employees Roll

across four key locations: Hull, Watford, Glasgow, and Bristol These sessions ensured MKM’s staff were fully equipped to maximise the potential of ArtiCAD’s software


in association with

Retrofit roadblocks

A new study from the Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA) has found that retrofit training gaps are stalling net zero progress in UK construction.

The research surveyed 500 construction professionals and revealed that “there is a low sector-wide understanding of retrofit technologies and approaches,” creating a potential bottleneck in the UK’s plans to decarbonise

Four in ten professionals stated that the level of training available to them was insufficient and that industry knowledge and understanding of retrofit techniques are currently ‘lacking’ However, many see retrofitting existing buildings as a more effective path to reducing carbon emissions compared to constructing new while nearly two in three (62%) believe retrofit projects provide greater benefits for achieving net zero than new-build homes.

The study also examined how professionals measure the impact of applied retrofit measures. Just two in five professionals (43%) measure building performance after envelope changes, highlighting a concer ning “do-it-and-dash” trend that skips energy, carbon and comfort evaluation An approach that can lead to suboptimal results

These findings come at an important time for the UK’s decarbonisation efforts. Back in July, the Climate Change Committee war ned that the UK could be at risk of missing net zero targets. In early

November, ministers also put £30 million more into a grant scheme to encourage the uptake of heat pumps

The research also revealed “surprising doubts” about the value of large-scale retrofit measures, with one in four professionals unconvinced of their long-term effectiveness over the next 20 years. This was particularly true for sole traders and those in the repair sector just over half (55% and 56% respectively) thought retrofit measures were worth the investment This could suggest a

“Many see retrofitting existing buildings as a more effective path to reducing carbon emissions compared to constructing new. ”

need for more advanced training on the performance benefits of retrofit technologies

BSRIA notes that the study also flagged an interesting area of debate what constitutes ‘comfort’ within net zero spaces. Professionals remain divided two in five identified it as air quality and ventilation, while just over half (52%) said thermal comfort was the most important factor. Natural lighting

closely followed (50%) and then acoustic comfort (40%)

These stats show variations in which retrofit measures take precedence The point also highlights a growing need in the industry to define a standardised approach to retrofit assessments, such as the new BS 40104 standard.

Tom Garrigan, Technical Director at BSRIA, said: “The results of this study show a snapshot of the industry’s approach to retrofitting There’s a clear need for detailed pre- and post-retrofit assessments Understanding a building’s condition, possible defects, and energy performance is an essential step but one that appears to be lacking. Without high-quality testing, building owners will never know the true value of retrofit investments.”

Lisa Ashworth, CEO at BSRIA added: “Retrofitting 29 million homes by 2050 is an ambitious goal for the UK To achieve it, we must upskill the construction workforce on the value of retrofitting and the need for a meticulous approach to every property As the saying goes, ‘you can’t test what you don’t measure’ a mindset the entire industry must embrace.”

n For more information from BSRIA, use the shortcode www rdr link/mbm002


Teamwork makes the dream work

Recent work with Methven outlines the ways in which BMF can tailor its training provision to suit the particular requirements of its members.

As the sales team at Methven had added several new members with diverse backgrounds in training, James Gibbard, the showers and tapware specialist’s Head of Sales, looked to the BMF to create a bespoke Commercial Fast Track course that would enhance the team’s commercial and sales abilities and establish a shared framework for success

The result was a hybrid programme comprising seven full day events, each followed by one-on-one virtual coaching, and a 60-day commercial sales project focused on an assigned sales ledger The programme concluded with a final assessment presentation to the Institute of Sales Management Education (ISME), with all delegates successfully achieving an academic qualification.

The BMF’s Commercial Fast Track programme was customised to meet Methven’s specific needs, and designed to help address emerging market challenges and strengthen key supplier relationships

James Gibbard was impressed by the results, saying: “I want to recognise the course and the team at BMF who have gone above and beyond in their support throughout the programme We operate in a highly competitive market so

it’s crucial for the sales team to possess skills in preparation, identifying customer needs and handling objections. Creating a common language within the team to promote consistency was a key objective.

“Delegates dedicated themselves to applying these skills in their accounts. It was incredibly encouraging to see that each team member took away something unique, yet all focused on the same core message: how to support the customer ”

Lyndsey Makin, Methven Field Sales Manager, played an important role as programme sponsor, attending the course alongside her team She said: “ This not only allowed me to understand and build closer relationships with the team, but also to coach and mentor them following the course to support the implementation of the key skills and techniques they learned.”

The Fast Track programme is designed to deliver tangible results in delegates’ day to day work Each team member selected 10 focus customers and strategically planned how they were going to grow those accounts O verall, the team achieved an impressive £362K in extra sales during this project, surpassing Methven’s target

“The BMF plans to roll out similar tailored programmes to other members, adapting and refining the course to suit different business sizes and categories within the building materials sector.”

Lyndsey explained: “Ever yone approached this task using different techniques and tactics, demonstrating how they had learnt about tailoring their approach to their customers Most of the accounts were able to show growth, many with double figure percentage increases, but the learnings from the ones which didn’t were just as important Team members were able to understand and explain the detail around those circumstances and go back to the drawing board to revise their approach ”

Bringing the team together for the full day events also helped them to build better relationships with each other “ The difference now is incredible,” added Lyndsey. “ They constantly contact and help each other which is great to see, especially in sales when individuals can be self-focused. I can see them going from strength to strength ”

The BMF plans to roll out similar tailored programmes to other members, adapting and refining the course to suit different business sizes and categories within the building materials sector.

If your business would benefit from a tailored Commercial Fast Track sales course, contact oz bham@bmf org uk

n BMF training ranges from formal Apprenticeships and, with leading British universities, sector-specific Diplomas, Degrees and a Masters Degree in Merchant Leadership and Strategy, to online product knowledge and other specialist skills training.



Payless Builders Merchants, based in Rochester in Kent, has joined National Buying Group (NBG) in a move it states will enable it to gain “enhanced buying power and increased business support ” With more than 25 years of experience and offering a wide range of products including bricks, landscaping, timber and tools, the company recognised “the need for better deals and support to continue growing its business” with MD Kul Mattu and Director Ram Johal deciding to join NBG.

Previously part of another buying group and already familiar with NBG’s reputation due to working closely with merchants and Suppliers connected to it, Kul initially met with Phil Bonar, the buying group’s Head of New Partner Development and Recruitment Manager Kul said: “We wanted a group that could provide better opportunities for our business while also offering the support and resources to help us succeed We talked about this with Phil when he visited our branch and found very quickly that we’d be a good match ”

Payless was the 10th merchant to join NBG in 2024, following specialist roofing merchants, plumbing and heating merchants and landscaping merchants, among others


PBM takes a closer look at some of the latest news stories from across the merchant sector including buying group membership changes, new branches, charity partnerships and even Royal patronage.



The official opening of Plumb Centre’s latest branch saw Mayor of Doncaster Ros Jones and Deputy Mayor and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Business Councillor Glyn Jones join Branch Manager Nick Manson to cut the ribbon at a special event attended by customers and supplier partners Nick commented: “As a business, we take pride in offering exceptional customer service in a welcoming, friendly, and enjoyable environment, all thanks to our knowledgeable local team I’m incredibly proud of our new branch it looks amazing, and I’m confident it will quickly become a favourite destination for tradespeople in Doncaster and the surrounding areas ”


Huws Gray Group has joined forces with two of the nation’s most respected construction industry charities, securing two-year partnerships with Mates in Mind and CRASH Focused on helping raise awareness of mental health issues and homelessness, the collaboration will also see the company provide resources, products and general support to vital construction schemes which care for the homeless and people of all ages with life-limiting illnesses

Daksh Gupta, Huws Gray Group CEO, said: “We recognise the critical importance and the huge difference both charities make in the construction sector and are looking forward to working with them to raise awareness of their good work throughout our various stakeholder relationships ”



Tippers has acquired three branches from BPS (Building & Plumbing Supplies), located in Bidford, Shipston and Southam The BPS branch in Leamington Spa is unaffected by this acquisition and remains in BPS ownership

The branches are described as marking the next step in Tippers’ journey of growth and commitment to serving the local building community with the acquisition said to be “especially meaningful, as it represents a transition from one family to another” by ensuring that these branches remain part of a family-run, independent builders’ merchant. With the rebranding process underway, Tippers adds that the New Year will bring new stock ranges alongside investment in the premises and staff team Established in 1916, Tippers now operates a network of 14 branches across the region

James Cordiner & Son Limited (trading as Cordiners Timber & Building Supplies) is “thrilled and honoured” to have been awarded a Royal Warrant for goods supplied to His Majesty The King A highly prized mark of recognition for individuals or companies who have supplied goods or services for at least five years to one of the Royal Households, the Warrant entitles a business to use the Royal Coat of Arms on its products, packaging, stationery, vehicles and premises

Cordiners held a Royal Warrant for goods supplied to the late Queen for many years and now looks forward to continuing its close working relationship with the Royal Household Operating from a branch on Sinclair Road beside Aberdeen harbour, the depot was visited by the King then the Duke of Rothesay in September 2021 to mark the firm’s 150th anniversary, spending time talking to staff and touring the site

Committed to empowering merchants with innovative tools for the modern digital landscape, BetterCommerce says its solutions deliver “efficiency, adaptability and exceptional customer experiences tailored to your needs” whether you’re scaling your business or simply keeping pace with industry trends and the changing demands of B2B buyers.

CEO Vikram Saxena speaks with PBM to discuss how merchants can adapt to the changing digital landscape.

Expand your horizons

QPlease provide us with an over view of BetterCommerce, its histor y and the ser vices it offers the merchant sector?

AThe founding team, coming from a distribution and wholesale background, designed the platform to simplify the complex business processes of the B2B commerce world and developed a solution to empower mid-market and enterprise grade distributors and wholesalers Founded to address ‘clunkiness and gaps ’ in traditional commerce scenarios, it offers an end-to-end solution with seamless integration to various ERPs

The platform provides modules for all sizes and stages of a digital journey including Product Information Management (PIM), Order Management System (OMS), Digital Service Layer (DSL), Trade Portal, CMS (Content Management System), Analytics and B2B Sales Automations What’s more, it provides the flexibility to chose one of the modules or the whole suite as per the business needs to address the specific challenges

These solutions enable merchant firms to scale efficiently by improving automations, delivering omnichannel experiences,

streamlined operations and ultimately a higher degree of customer satisfaction by providing more ‘self-ser vice’ to customers.


terms of market trends, what are the main drivers you see as important for the industr y at present?

ABusinesses demand flexible platforms to meet ever-evolving customer

expectations, particularly in B2B commerce where buyers increasingly expect the same seamless experience as in B2C. Key market trends therefore include a shift towards Gen AI, B2B Automation, Digital Service Layer and omnichannel capabilities.

Another trend is WhatsApp Commerce, with Email Ordering Automation enabling instant communication and transactions. Composable commerce has gained traction as companies seek to tailor solutions without full-stack overhauls, ensuring faster time-tomarket and reduced costs

QHow can your ser vice offering be tailored to the requirements of the builders’ merchant sector in particular?

AWe feel BetterCommerce is uniquely positioned to address the specific needs of builders’ merchants by combining its modular and composable architecture with tools designed for trade-heavy operations. Here’s how :

l Hybrid Sales Channels

Builders’ merchants cater to both professional tradespeople and retail

Vikram Saxena, CEO of BetterCommerce
“Businesses demand flexible platforms to meet ever-evolving customer expectations, par ticularly in B2B commerce where buyers increasingly expect the same seamless experience as in B2C.”

customers, requiring seamless engagement across multiple sales touchpoints BetterCommerce hybrid sales channels allow merchants to ser ve customers through traditional trade counters, a Digital Trade Portal and hybrid sales channels like WhatsApp, Teams plus EDI and automated emailbased ordering

l L arge & Complex Catalogue Management

Builders’ merchants often deal with extensive product catalogues, including bulk items, configurable products and trade-only items BetterCommerce simplifies catalogue management, enabling merchants to create segmented catalogues with trade-only visibility, custom pricing and volume discounts including the ability to configure MOQ and incremental buying quantities.

l Real-Time Inventor y and Stock Checks

Builders’ merchants must manage inventor y across multiple warehouses and locations, ensuring stock availability for trade orders BetterCommerce provides real-time inventor y visibility and alerts for stock levels, ensuring customers are

never disappointed.

l Integration with ERP & CRM

Many builders’ merchants operate legacy ERP, CRM and POS systems Upgrading without disrupting operations is a critical need BetterCommerce integrates seamlessly with existing systems like Business Central, NetSuite or Sage to provide a modern interface without a full-scale overhaul

l Project-specific pricing, quotes, orders and addresses

The platform also provides the ability to ringfence quotes and orders to offer specific pricing at the project level, enabling higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty in the long run

This allows them to manage all this through a simple interface, and expose the same to the customer via the web portal or any other sales channels.

QHow long does the set-up and onboarding process take, from initial consultations to deploying your ser vices?

AOur onboarding process is tailored to the client’s complexity but typically takes 6–12 weeks. It starts with consultation,

solution design and implementation For example, merchants transitioning from legacy systems can benefit from our Digital Ser vice Layer, enabling quick integration without disrupting ongoing operations


what support do you offer to new clients, from training to use the system to ongoing assistance?

ABetterCommerce offers comprehensive training programmes, including live demos, documentation, and dedicated account managers Ongoing support includes 24/7 assistance, system health checks, and software updates, ensuring clients maximise platform potential and scalability


what would you say to merchant firms who feel that a ‘shop window ’ website and a traditional trade counter are still sufficient?

AFor merchants relying on a traditional trade counter, an eCommerce platform is a non-negotiable asset today Customers demand online catalogues, real-time pricing and order tracking, making a digital ser vice layer essential for staying competitive and future-proofing the business

In a competitive market, what sets BetterCommerce apart is our composable and all-in-one B2B platform, enabling merchants to use only the modules the way the business requires Unlike platforms requiring multiple integrations, BetterCommerce delivers a unified solution with lower time-to-market, flexible pricing and features like WhatsApp Commerce, Email Ordering Automation for instant customer interaction.

BetterCommerce Chief Revenue Officer, Vipul Aggarwal
BetterCommerce CEO Vikram Saxena talking with prospective clients

Ver satility and compatibility

Developed to tackle some of the most pressing challenges faced by roofers, DEKS Industries’ new flat roofing range is said to offer “unparalleled compatibility, durability and ease of installation.” Managing Director Oliver Janes offers an insight into the development and future impact of the new range, which he describes as having “innovation at its core.”

QWhat was the thinking behind launching a range specifically for flat roof applications?

AAt DEKS, we ’ ve always focused on providing innovative and practical solutions for the roofing and drainage industr y. The flat roofing range was developed to address the particular challenges contractors face when working with various roofing membranes, such as durability, adaptability and ease of installation

We recognised a growing demand for high-performance solutions that integrate seamlessly with modern roofing systems like EPDM, TPO, PVC, GRP and bituminous membranes. This range reflects our commitment to quality and reliability, ensuring watertight and long-lasting results

QCan you give us an over view of the new range and the key products it includes?

AThe DEKS flat roofing range is a comprehensive suite of products engineered for flat roof installations, providing superior waterproofing and

durability It includes roof drain connectors, pipe collars, parapet drains and roof vents, all designed to ensure seamless integration with popular roofing membranes such as EPDM, TPO, PVC, GRP and bituminous systems

These products utilise advanced polymer technologies for flexibility, UV resistance and long-term performance Features like anti-capillar y gasket rings, perforated flanges for better adhesion, and compatibility with diverse roofing systems make this range an innovative solution for both residential and industrial applications.

QAnd what makes this range stand out in a competitive market?

AThe key differentiator is its versatility and compatibility Our products, including roof drain connectors, pipe collars, and ventilation solutions, are designed to bond perfectly with all common roofing membranes.

Each component in the range incorporates advanced polymer technolog y, ensuring resilience against UV radiation, ozone, and extreme temperatures.


Additionally, features like anti-capillar y gasket rings and perforated flanges provide superior sealing and adhesion, making installation quicker and more reliable

QCould you elaborate on the technical aspects of the roof drain connectors?

AOf course The roof drain connectors are among the most vital elements of the range. They are slightly cone-shaped for effortless installation into rainwater pipes of various sizes Manufactured from flexible, high-quality polymers, they maintain elasticity even in low temperatures

The connectors feature anti-capillar y rings for enhanced sealing and are compatible with a wide array of membranes, from PVC to EPDM For bituminous membranes, the perforated flange design ensures excellent adhesion.

These design elements work together to guarantee watertight performance over the long term.

QHow does the flat roofing range address environmental and sustainability concerns?

ASustainability is a cornerstone of DEKS’ philosophy Our products are designed to minimise waste during installation and maximise lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements Additionally, we prioritise the use of eco-friendly materials wherever possible

The range also contributes to energ y efficiency by ensuring airtight seals, which helps maintain building insulation and reduce energ y consumption

QWhat challenges did the team face during the development of this range?

AOne major challenge was creating products that cater to the diverse needs of contractors across different climates and project scales To overcome this, our R&D team rigorously tested prototypes under various conditions, including high UV exposure, freezing temperatures and chemical exposure..

The goal was to ensure that ever y product could withstand harsh environments without compromising on performance.


you share more about the corner and parapet drain options?

AThese are innovative solutions designed for specific flat roofing scenarios The corner edge parapet drains are ideal for applications where rainwater needs to be directed from roofing membranes to wall-mounted pipes

These fittings come with a perforated flange for optimal adhesion and long spigots that accommodate walls up to 40cm thick Their compatibility with multiple membrane types ensures they are versatile and easy to install, even in complex projects

QHow does the flat roofing range improve installation efficienc y?

AInstallation efficiency was a priority during the design process. Features like smooth flanges for thermal bonding, prepriming options for improved adhesion and universal sizing minimise on-site preparation. Additionally, the range ’ s adaptability to various membrane types reduces the need

“The range ’ s adaptability to various membrane types reduces the need for specialised tools or adjustments, saving contractors time and effor t.”

for specialised tools or adjustments, saving contractors time and effort


astly, how do you envision the flat roofing range contributing to the industr y?

AWe believe the f lat roofing range will set a new benchmark for quality and performance By addressing common pain points and enhancing installation efficienc y, we aim to empower contractors to deliver better results while reducing overall project costs.

Ultimately, our goal is to build lasting partnerships with professionals in the roofing industr y, contributing to their success and the broader advancement of roofing technologies

n For more information about DEKS’ flat roofing range, use the shortcode

Circular log ic

Chris Smith, Head of New Build at Polypipe Building Products, discusses the role of waste reduction when aiming for Net Zero citing a new plastic waste recycling initiative being implemented by the supplier and merchant partner, Wolseley.

Through the advancement of low-energ y systems and the increasing uptake of renewable energ y, the housebuilding industr y is making positive steps in reducing operational carbon. However, this doesn’t go far enough To lower the industr y ’ s carbon footprint and move to a more sustainable future, a concerted effort is required to reduce embodied carbon, which refers to the total emissions of a building material, from extraction to disposal

One issue that is currently hindering the industr y ’ s progress is the amount of waste it produces and, of course, how much of this is sent to landfill. Indeed, according to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the construction industr y

produces around 100 million tonnes of waste ever y year Further to this, the C onstruction Industr y Waste Report found that industr y generates 62% of the UK’s waste and 32% of all waste sent to landfill

This means there needs to be systematic action to transform the way that the industr y operates, both on a business and national scale

However, we are seeing steps in the right direction An increasing number of companies are implementing science-based targets, focussing on designing with deconstruction rather than demolition and manufacturers are also increasing the volume of recycled content within products. But we all need to take responsibility for the impact we as individuals and firms can have And then take action

Circularity in practice

Polypipe Building Products has launched a new recycling initiative that aims to limit plastic waste sent to landfill to contribute to a more circular economy The programme has been formed through a partnership with plumbing, heating and cooling specialist merchant group Wolseley, who is working alongside Polypipe Building Products to collect waste from across the supply chain.

The process entails three distinct streams for collecting waste plastic Firstly, Wolseley has nominated several of its facilities to enable greater ease of collection for example, the Fusion Utilities sites in Stoke, Chesterfield and Cambridge are focusing on the gathering of plastic cable drums Then, in addition to this, Wolseley’s Plumb Centre branches are also set to provide convenient recycling collection points for heating engineers, plumbers and tradespeople to use, as well as employees where relevant

“There needs to be systematic action to transform the way that the industr y operates, both on a business and national scale.”
Polypipe Building Products’ waste management facility in New Edlington, Doncaster

The third element is through collaboration with housebuilders who are placing plastic waste collection points on site at major developments encouraging onsite teams to separate material while enabling waste to be gathered directly from the construction sites In fact, after collecting and diverting almost 2 25 tonnes of plastic waste, the initiative has gained the support from two national housebuilders, Vistr y Group and Tilia Homes, who are now implementing the plastic waste collection points at key housing developments in the north of England

On the scheme, Nicholas Price, Group Procurement Manager at Vistr y Group, commented: “Sustainability is at the core of Vistr y Group’s operations and reducing waste plays a central role in meeting our targets. This new initiative allows us to actively contribute to the circular economy by ensuring that all plastic waste collected on site can be recycled and put back into the industr y, rather than being sent to landfill.

“It is fantastic to be working with Wolseley and Polypipe Building Products on the project, with both organisations being key strategic partners to Vistr y. The scheme provides a clear example of how collaboration can enable us to make more meaningful strides towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible industr y ”

The waste generated throughout the construction supply chain from housebuilders and Wolseley’s collection points is then separated in Polypipe Building Products’ waste management facility in New Edlington, Doncaster. The items are then reused, wherever possible, to create new building products to be recycled back into the industr y for future use

Collaboration is key

Ultimately, visible action on recycling and waste mitigation is needed to make a significant impact and align with the 1 5°C goal, set out in the Paris Agreement And the housebuilding sector plays a bigger role than most in transitioning to a zero-carbon economy, given the scale and scope of housebuilding projects and the impact developments can have on the environment both during construction and while operational

If the industry is truly committed to sustainability, then moving in silos is not an option the entire supply chain needs to align. Joined-up thinking is required from manufacturers, housebuilders, merchants and those working in trades as only a concerted, strategic effort will help to deliver the environmental goals that are an increasingly pressing matter in the housebuilding sector

n For more information on the Polypipe Building Products initiative, use the shortcode www rdr link/mbm005

Suppor ting tradespeople in winter weather

support outdoor workers as winter weather conditions transition from cold and frosty to warmer, wetter and windier. To help, Marley is sharing tips for merchants to advise on best practice for working outdoors in inclement weather.

The change in the seasons brings with it its own challenges, such as shorter days, compromised visibility and sometimes harsh conditions For those working outdoors, these changes in seasonal weather are creating more productivity and safety challenges, with Marley’s recent research of 250 roofers uncovering:

l 60% experienced delays to projects in winter months

l 63% have had to halt a project in recent years due to extreme cold weather snaps

l 53% highlighted a lack of daylight as a winter weather condition that impacts work schedules

l 72% have had to halt projects in recent years due to heavy rainfall For those working outdoor in the colder months, it is important safety is prioritised to ensure disruptions to work schedules and potential injur y are minimised To support safer working this winter, Marley has outlined the following advice:

1 Maximise daylight hours: consider starting work early where possible and prioritising daylight dependent tasks as soon as the sun comes up. Ensure there’s enough time at the end of the day to collect tools and get to ground safely before light fades

2. Protect against strong winds: avoid working at height in winds over 20mph Make sure to secure all tools and materials before starting work when high winds are predicted to reduce risk of injury

3 Gear up for winter: wear insulated clothing, headgear for extra warmth (such as liners for hard hats), safety boots and winter gloves Additionally, having good quality waterproofs and wind-resistant fabrics is key, should the weather turn wet and windy

4. Stay safe on slippery surfaces: clear snow and ice from a roof ’ s surface before starting work. It can also help to start work on the South-facing side of the roof, as this is likely to defrost more quickly

5. Weather-specific toolbox talks: tailor ‘toolbox talks’ to address weather-specific hazards, such as cold, rain, fog and snow.

n For more information on Marley’s complete roof systems solutions and support ser vices for merchants, visit


Having manufactured innovative plumbing and heating products since 1926, Instantor is reportedly Ireland’s recognised market-leader in press solutions and launched in the UK last year The company ’ s products are engineered with professional tradespeople in mind to provide installer-friendly, super reliable ‘fit and forget’ results

The portfolio contains proven press solutions for every application including the Instantor Press System, which is a range of high-quality press fittings and a multilayer Pex-Al-Pex pipe Additionally, the UK portfolio includes Tucson Pumps which provide innovative, high-performance shower, circulation and booster pumps Both Instantor and Tucson Pumps are part of the Sanbra Group

PBM speaks with Dan Wild, UK Sales Director for Instantor.

QHow did you get into the industry and to your current position?

AMy initial step into the industry was by chance I started out in accountancy and was working for a German pump manufacturer My manager suggested that I had a go at sales, and I absolutely loved it I’ve now been in the industry for nearly 30 years and there is just something about the sector that makes you want to stay I was offered a position as UK National Sales Manager when Instantor began building its infrastructure to branch out into the UK market I instantly took to the culture and feel of the company and I’m so pleased to have taken the role Since then, I have been promoted to UK Sales Director and Instantor has continued to grow the UK sales team

QWhat are the current challenges facing your company?

ACurrently, our main challenge is that we are still relatively unknown in the UK It’s important for us to communicate that we are not just another fittings/pump manufacturer Instantor is a proven market-leader, in Ireland, and we want our customers to know that our quality products are backed by a strong heritage and exceptional service

In order to encourage UK merchants to stock a ‘ new ’ brand and persuade installers to try a different product, we need to prove that our tools, pipes, fittings and pumps are reliable Product reliability and performance were two key findings from research that we conducted for our launch into the UK on what’s most important to UK installers We are confident that

Instantor and Tucson products excel in both of these areas

Our products are designed and engineered by professionals for professionals We only use quality assured materials and components whilst our state-of-the-art testing and training centre allows us to exhaustively test products before they are brought into the market

QHow important is the issue of sustainability becoming to the merchant sector?

ASustainability is of ever-growing importance Our Copper Press Fittings are proving popular with merchants and installers who are particularly conscious about sustainability

“Instantor is a proven market-leader, in Ireland, and we want our customers to know that our quality products are backed by a strong heritage and exceptional service.”

Extending the lifecycle of products is a way for the industry to become more sustainable We recognise this and ensure that our products are engineered to last For example, the Instantor Press System comes with a reassuring 50-year warranty

We genuinely want feedback from our customers One thing that I have noticed, since very early on in my role, is that Instantor truly values feedback

and uses it to improve its products and services going forward It’s important that we all work together to ensure a more sustainable future for our industry

Q What has been the highlight of your career to date?


The greatest achievement in my career to date is building the Wilo brand from being unknown in the UK to one of the biggest players in the HVAC market During my role as sales and marketing director there, I managed a sales team of over 30 people and together we increased the company ’ s turnover year-on-year

My first six months at Instantor have also been a highlight as we have built a great UK team in a short period of time What’s more, we have already secured a number of prestigious projects, increased our number of stockists and have been working to set up a new UK warehouse

It was great to set our foundations in the UK in 2024, and I look forward to building on this and being able to execute more ideas throughout 2025 and beyond

Q Finally, what words of advice would you offer those considering a career in the building materials sector?

AThe best advice I could give, would be to do it! Our industry is one that will always be required, AI certainly cannot do it! It’s an industry that is constantly evolving and is an exciting sector to be a part of

n For further information on Instantor’s range of products and support services for merchants, use the shortcode

Dan Anstey has been named as SIG Roofing’s Divisional Managing Director for its Northern region He succeeds Graham Jennings, who held the position for the past four years and has chosen to transition to a consultancy role

Dan joined the company at its eastbourne branch when he was 19 years old and, in the ensuing 28 years, he has gained significant experience within the business through roles including branch Manager, area Sales Manager, Sales Director, Key account Director and business Development Director

Sustainable building products supplier Ecological Building Systems has appointed Martyn Hornsby as Sales Manager based in the Carlisle headquarters, Martyn oversees the sales office team and is also esponsible for customer care including key account management of merchants and stockists

Deputy General Manager Lorna Graham commented: “Demand for natural building materials is high and, as our enquiries grow every month, Martyn is playing a key role n driving forward sales and enhancing our customer experience ”

West Fraser has appointed two new business Development Managers, bringing the total in the team “to an optimum five ” Having spent the last 24 years with timbe importers and selling into both the manufacturing and merchant sectors, Emma Burton assumes responsibility for SW england She commented: “I am looking for nurturing new and existing relationships both with customers and the West fraser team ”

Demetrios De Frietas, meanwhile, takes the role for Northern england With a career that includes positions at Timbmet and arnold Laver, Demetrios said he is looking forward to “increasing both volume and profitability for all parties by building strong and positive relationships ”

Darren Ayres has joined EnviroVent as its new Head of Sales Distribution to enhance customer service for the firm’s distribution channels and drive sales Darren, who is based in Peterborough, will head up a team of two regional Sales Managers and 12 area Sales Managers

He said: “The company has a strong offer to distributors, and I will be looking at ways to enhance this and how we can help wholesalers to maximise sales of ventilation products ”

Eclisse UK has welcomed Adelle Toomer (regional Sales Manager South) and Rob Douglass (regional Sales Manager North) to its Sales Team With their combined expertise and passion for innovation, the pocket door systems supplier says that adelle and rob “bring a fresh perspective to our mission of delivering top-tier door solutions to our clients ”


To fold or slide?

Both sliding and bi-fold doors present plenty of unique benefits to modern spaces, but what should decision makers consider when selecting between the two? David Knollman, Brio Business Development Manager, weighs up the options.

Panoramic views, superior natural light and an improved flow between indoor and outdoor living it’s clear why so many embrace sliding and bi-fold door applications in their living spaces. Yet, as many look to add value to their buildings, what is perhaps less clear is how to choose between the two door types when comparing them.

Sliding and folding door features are naturally aesthetic in design and are often used to enhance the style and layout of modern spaces On the surface, the choice between sliding and bi-fold doors may seem like it hinges on personal preference only In fact, there’s much more to consider than

style, with the unique characteristics of both systems offering a wide range of benefits related to the door’s operation, placement and functionality

With that in mind, what advice can merchants give to decision makers in terms of navigating the offerings associated with each door profile?

Sliding vs folding: the key differences

Noticeably, the main difference between sliding and folding doors is in the way that they open and close Bi-fold doors are typically made of several panels (usually between two and seven) and are connected

by a series of hinges and a concealed track running along the floor or ceiling

When opened, bi-fold panels will fold back on themselves, concertina-style, revealing a complete opening and stacking together in the process As a result, bi-fold doors are ideal for high-traffic areas where ease of access is important and there is a small amount of space available for panels to be stacked

On the other hand, sliding doors are usually constructed of fewer and larger

Image courtesy of Mumford & Wood
“Sliding and folding doors can add value in a number of areas by sharing key advantages, several dissimilarities and a unique set of benefits.”

panels As such, even when closed, a sliding door feature can provide clearer, uninterrupted views, which is fitting for those with access to year-round idyllic scenery

When operated, the panels of a sliding door will open, usually on the internal side of a fixed panel or wall. In doing so, users have a tidier opening, free of stacked panels that would otherwise take up space, which is useful in more compact areas of the home When pressed for space at the side of the required opening, a ‘telescope’ opening can also be utilised, which consists of narrower panels that require less space at the side of the door.

Attention to detail

In any case, sliding and bi-fold door applications can offer superior functionality, visual appeal and space-saving capabilities when compared with traditional swing doors These universal benefits have encouraged a growth of options in sliding and folding door systems, and alongside the different sizes, styles and configurations, it’s important to consider where a door may be placed and who may be using it

With exterior doors for example, a bi-fold system with single open access may offer greater ease of access into the outdoors, regardless of setting. Bi-fold door applications can open outwards or inwards and may be applied to both large and small openings

Where fully open bi-fold doors are useful in larger settings or group gatherings, ‘traffic’ door configurations allow users to move through a single panel and remove the need to fold each panel back. In comparison, external sliding doors offer a straightfor ward

solution for all requirements, whereby users may simply slide their door open to the amount that’s required at the time.

Inside, both folding and sliding door features can elevate the visual appearance of a building, with spaces made to feel more open and airier Alternatively, during winter spells, spaces can become cozier by closing off entire rooms and prioritising warm working and living areas.

Flexibility aside, daily use is another consideration to make when it comes to internal doors. Bi-fold and sliding systems are often lightweight in design and easy to use, with sliding doors safer to operate With a sliding motion, users eliminate the need to open doors into the direction of foot traffic whilst also removing the potential finger trapping risks that come with slamming doors making them a suitable option for buildings where children are present, especially when a soft-close device is utilised.

For modern living areas where floorspace is limited, sliding doors can also save noticeable amounts of room, and as such, are often utilised in small flats, medical environments and student accommodation To maximise space even further, pocket doors offer an additional benefit of disappearing into the wall when not required, freeing up valuable wall space that a standard sliding door application would normally require

For those on the fence, it’s essential to review what may be best suited to your building by taking into account the whole picture and not just opting for a stylised approach Sliding and folding doors can add value in a number of areas by sharing key advantages, several dissimilarities and a unique set of benefits

With that said, decision makers are urged to review these key considerations when making their choice only then can one ensure their chosen hardware is practical in application

n Brio, part of the Allegion family of brands, is a specialist in door hardware and systems for sliding and folding doors. For more information, use the shortcode

Image courtesy of Mumford & Wood

Proactive securit y solutions

Karl Woolley, Head of Product for Yale Retail, offers an insight into current burglary tactics and theft trends whilst highlighting some of the advice and product recommendations merchants can offer to help their customers outsmart criminal opportunists in 2025.

With recent figures from revealing that police forces in England and Wales received nearly 240,000 crime reports about burglar y in 2024, protecting homes should be of significant importance to homeowners, particularly over the vulnerable winter months

Taking a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to home security is key Which is why it is important that merchants can assist trade professionals in making homeowners aware of the current threats and how they can protect their home against opportunistic attacks.

Stamping out lock snapping

With the popularity of smart security products in recent years, from the likes of smart alarms to smart locks, the modern-day homeowner often prioritises these in-demand gadgets in the pursuit of convenience and control But it is also worth remembering the importance of high-quality mechanical security products that offer

superior protection against trending burglar y tactics.

And whilst smart security cameras will provide an effective deterrent against opportunists, when it comes to improved front door security, a cylinder upgrade is a great suggestion A high-quality cylinder will provide heightened protection against the recent trend for ‘lock snapping’ a technique where criminals will aim to break the cylinder to allow for easy entr y into a property. Criminals will often be able to spot an inferior lock design with a quick glance, opting for homes that pose an easy target Merchants should look to recommend a cylinder with the ‘3 star’ seal of approval to their customers, alongside products that have met the TS007 standard, an improved version of the Kitemark specifically created for cylinders Yale developed its Platinum 3 Star Cylinder in response to this ongoing lock snapping trend, ensuring that homeowners can rely on numerous lines of defence for their home including Anti-Snap, Anti-Pick and Anti-Bump capabilities.

With the visible Yale brand name and three-star seal of approval clearly displayed on the front of the lock, this in itself should be enough to prevent an attempted attack, making it a great option to keep stocked up on in the new year

Keep an eye on vehicle theft

Whilst homeowners often focus their attention on the front door and outdoor protection when it comes to a home security upgrade, the same focus is not always extended to another valuable asset kept at home their car

According to government statistics, vehicle theft continues to stay at a record high with over 129,000 vehicles stolen from April 2023 to March 2024 with opportunists often looking to steal high-value vehicle parts, such as catalytic converters and car badges With recent figures revealing that 15% of cars were stolen from a driveway, and 28% of drivers admitting to not using any additional security on their car, this warrants a security upgrade.

With this in mind, a smart security camera is a great suggestion for improving the security of front doors and driveways, with demand for smart home products only

growing amongst UK consumers Indeed, research estimates that more than half of UK homes will be ‘smart homes’ by 2027 so opting for smart products as part of your offering is essential for improved security and increased sales

A smart security camera such as the new Yale Smart Outdoor Camera helps to protect homes, driveways and, in turn, any cars, with high-definition image quality enabling users to view their entire garden or driveway at anytime, anywhere via their smartphone With motion-triggered recordings as well as night-vision giving all-year-round protection for users, a smart security camera will help to heighten the security of the end customers home for wintertime and beyond

Yale also recently added the Smart Video Doorbell to its growing Smart Security Ecosystem, offering an added layer of

protection to any property, with a handy HD live feed allowing homeowners to monitor the entrance to their home conveniently via their smartphone With the addition of night-vision and two-way talk, users can see and speak to any visitors to their door, ensuring they’re always ‘in the know’ over their home security

With recent figures from the Smart Home Buyer Index 2024 highlighting that 75% of homeowners are looking for peace of mind and security through their smart devices, opting for a well-known household name in home security is essential when deciding on your product recommendations for 2025

n For more information on Yale’s range of security products and support ser vices for merchants, use the shortcode


Space-saving advantages

As builders and designers seek to optimise every square inch, ECLISSE UK pocket door systems can help merchants provide their customers with elegant solutions that combine practicality with aesthetic appeal.

One of the most compelling benefits of pocket doors is their ability to free up valuable floor space

Traditional hinged doors require a significant clearance area to operate, which can be a limiting factor in smaller rooms or narrow corridors. However, by sliding seamlessly into a wall cavity, pocket doors eliminate this requirement and allow for a far more flexible and efficient use of space.

This is particularly advantageous in small interiors where space is at a premium, but the benefits extend to any setting looking to maximise usability Indeed, whether homeowners are embarking on a full-scale renovation or simply looking for small tweaks to enhance their current setup, pocket doors can redefine how they use their space

Key benefits

l Space Optimisation: Pocket doors reclaim 8% of floor space that would otherwise be occupied by a swinging door. This is especially beneficial in smaller rooms like bathrooms or home offices

l Improved Flow and Functionality : By eliminating the door swing, pocket doors

enhance the flow between rooms, making spaces feel more connected and accessible This is particularly advantageous in open-plan living areas, where continuity is key

l Enhanced Privacy: Where there is a need to create a quiet space for concentration or relaxation, pocket doors can help to create a private sanctuary within a home without the bulkiness of traditional doors.


For a merchant’s trade customers, the installation process can often determine the feasibility and appeal of a product ECLISSE says its pocket doors are engineered for durability and designed with ease of installation in mind, making them a favourite among professionals indeed, the system secured a ‘ Top Product Award’ from PBM’s sister title Professional Builder last year among a number of other accolades received over the last 12 months.

Each system comes with comprehensive installation guides and size specific kits that include all necessar y components, from the metal frame to the timber lining kit.

Featuring high-quality construction to ensure smooth operation and longevity, this user-friendly design minimises the potential for errors and reduces installation time, allowing builders to complete projects efficiently and with confidence.

Trade support

Beyond the product itself, ECLISSE UK states that it sets a high standard in customer support and ser vice for builders

Understanding the challenges that can arise during construction,” robust resources ” have been made available to ensure a smooth installation process From detailed manuals and instructional videos to a dedicated customer ser vice team, builders will have access to the information and assistance they need to tackle any project with ease.

Furthermore, the company also offers a host of support options for merchants From in-branch visits and demo days to brochures and an online stockist locator, the firm has

also recently expanded its sales team with the appointments of Adelle Toomer and Rob Douglass as Regional Sales Managers for the South and North respectively (see People News, page 23) to “bring a fresh perspective” to the supplier’s mission of “delivering top-tier door solutions to our clients ”

Aesthetic and functional benefits

Apart from their space-saving capabilities, ECLISSE UK’s pocket doors add flexibility and “ a touch of modern sophistication” to

any interior Available in a variety of finishes and styles, they can be customised to complement any interior, from minimalist to traditional Replacing traditional doors with pocket doors can, for example, help to create a more expansive feel in the living room More than maximizing space, they also offer the flexibility to open or close areas as needed, perfect for entertaining guests or enjoying a quiet evening in

Similarly, in a compact bathroom, ever y inch counts Pocket doors eliminate the need for door clearance, allowing for better use of space This can lead to a roomier shower or even additional shelving for storage, making the bathroom more functional and inviting

Equally, with the ongoing trend for home offices, pocket doors can facilitate the creation of a dedicated workspace without sacrificing valuable square footage

Providing the privacy necessar y for working at home, when the work is done for the day, the doors can slide open to reintegrate the space with the rest of the home

More than just a trend, pocket doors present a practical, stylish solution that meets the demands of contemporar y interior design and construction For builders, they offer an easy-to-install, high quality option backed by support from ECLISSE UK that will allow them to deliver projects that are not only visually appealing but also maximise functionality and space efficiency

n For more information on Eclisse UK and its support ser vices for merchant stockists, use the shortcode



The leading hardware brand brought its staff together late last year “to celebrate15 years of growth and innovation” while looking ahead to 2025 and beyond

The business has grown from a small operation in Carlisle with just three employees in a porta-cabin to become part of the global Quanex family, building a strong reputation as a leading designer and supplier of architectural hardware thanks to its innovative products and commitment to quality and service.

2024 saw Zoo launch a number of new products including the ‘industry-first’ ZHSSFH-243 flush hinges, which can be installed up to three times faster than traditional butt hinges It also built a partnership with Secured by Design, the official police security initiative working to improve the security of buildings, while welcoming new members to the team including Sales Manager Hayley Cotterill and Procurement Director Steven Holt

With the team coming together at its Cumbria base to mark the brand’s 15-year anniversary, Head of Marketing Angela Griffin said: “Reaching this milestone is a testament to the dedication of our staff, the loyalty of our customers, and the strong partnerships we’ve built over the years Zoo is a dynamic, resilient and growing business which customers can rely on to deliver a seamless experience, whether its specification guidance from our GAI qualified team or effective aftersales support

“We pride ourselves on bringing product innovations to market that are built on extensive technical expertise and challenge the norm when it comes to aesthetics, functionality and performance There is more to come in 2025, with new products, initiatives and faces coming on board to help set the tone for many more incredible years of Zoo.”

n For more information on Zoo Hardware and its portfolio of architectural door hardware, use the shortcode


The home security and fenestration products specialist has launched a new range of easy to install, cost-effective mortice locks and latches for timber and composite doors Items available in the new ERA Valiant range are a 3 Lever Mortice Sashlock, 3 Lever Euro Sashlock, Bathroom Lock and Upright Latch

The range’s 3 Lever Mortice Sashlock and 3 Lever Euro Sashlock are described as being ideal as additional security for internal doors and in outdoor applications, such as sheds. Both feature an easily reversable sashbolt, allowing for use on left-hand and right-hand facing doors. Meanwhile, the Upright Mortice Latch is best suited to internal door applications, with a latchbolt operated by a handle or thumbturn Lastly, the new Bathroom Lock is specifically designed for bathroom doors and features a deadbolt, operated by a thumbturn handle

All products across the range are both CE and UKCA marked, indicating they meet the strongest quality requirements, as well as being backed by a seven-year mechanical guarantee Crucially, the range is suitable for use on fire or smoke resisting 30minute and 60-minute timber based doorsets, when fitted with the compatible intumescent strip

The locks and latches are available in a range of finishes, including black, polished brass, polished stainless steel and satin stainless steel options, offering a wide range to suit customer preferences and door style Each product across the range features a square forend and is available in both 2.5” (64mm) and 3” (76mm) sizes.

Darren Bates, Sales Director - Distribution at ERA, said: “The Valiant range brings together a combination of versatile, costeffective mortice locks, suitable for use with a wide variety of door profiles Bringing together intuitive design and functionality to great effect, it’s a quality addition to our broader product range ”

n Further details on the new products alongside ERA’s full product portfolio can be found via

Breakfast of champions

‘Breakfast with ForgeFast’, a collaboration between ForgeFix and Greggs to provide free breakfasts to tradespeople across the UK, was a marketing campaign designed to bring a host of benefits to builders’ merchants whilst boosting brand engagement and building lasting customer relationships among the company’s core audience in a fun, approachable and pragmatic way.

The campaign has proved to be “a resounding success” for the fixings and fastenings supplier and its builders’ merchant customers, and here we take a look at how a “well-executed campaign has provided an effective method to boost awareness, sales & customer service.”

The concept

Following a recent rebrand of the ForgeFast range, parent company ForgeFix sought to find a way to increase brand awareness with end users of its products, and further develop its relationship with UK-based independent merchants The key was to develop a programme that would benefit the supplier’s builders’ merchant customer base while creating an innovative approach to get its product in people’s hands

Recognising that many builders start their day early and have limited time for a sit-down meal, ForgeFix saw an opportunity to partner with Greggs to offer ‘Breakfast with ForgeFast’ a quick, grab-and-go breakfast made available via participating trade counters and merchant locations The campaign was designed to be mutually beneficial and appealing to builders’ merchant stockists as well as the merchant’s customer the end user by being “simple, accessible, and highly relevant to the target audience ”

Embracing the synerg y between the two companies’ customer base, the strategic decision for ForgeFix to partner with Greggs was considered a perfect match It ensured that the campaign would provide something with genuine value and be relevant to the end user, and the simple mechanic of redeeming a voucher in one of more than 2,000 Greggs locations across the UK meant the proposition truly added value and was widely available, and easy to understand.

The implementation

Implementing the camp required careful plannin promote ‘Breakfast with ForgeFast’ to merchants, organise palleted stocks with enclosed unique voucher codes, build a seamless system for redemptions and advertise the promotion to the end user

Through a combinat of in-store advertising, social media and direct communication with customers, ForgeFix wa to educate its merchants the scope of the deal and best to promote it to the customers and to dem the campaign would be to drive footfall into their own branches Utilising its network of local business development managers and building on a foundation of significant face-to-face marketing support, the campaign was amplified on social media with the hashtag #BreakfastWithForgeFast, creating additional buzz online

further amplified the campaign’s reach This combination of physical distribution, in-store support and digital promotion helped ForgeFix connect with its audience in multiple ways, creating a buzz both online and offline

As part of the initiative, ForgeFast provided its customers with a range of merchandising support for promotion and used social media to spread the word By sharing photos and experiences online, tradespeople generated organic buzz that

The results

ForgeFix states that the success of the ‘Breakfast with ForgeFast’ campaign is evident in several key outcomes, from increased brand visibility to customer

“The key was to develop a programme that would benefit the supplier’s builders’ merchant customer base while creating an innovative approach to get its product in people’s hands.”

engagement The supplier’s builders’ merchants reported that the free breakfast deals generated significant footfall at participating merchant locations and also saw a dramatic increase in repeat orders of ForgeFast products as a result of this campaign

Furthermore, builders who might not have visited these merchants regularly were enticed by the offer, which not only increased attendance but also provided ForgeFix with an opportunity to showcase its products in person

On social media, the #BreakfastWithForgeFast hashtag created a viral moment, as tradespeople shared their experiences and photos of their free

breakfasts This extended the campaign’s reach, raising awareness of ForgeFix beyond the locations where the breakfasts were distributed and the social media buzz also helped the company connect with a wider audience of tradespeople who may not have seen the promotions in merchants, but heard about them through their peers

In terms of brand impact, the firm says that the campaign helped reinforce its reputation as a “customer-focused company that values its audience ” By offering a simple, no-strings-attached benefit, ForgeFix positioned itself as “ a brand that understands the needs of tradespeople and is committed to adding value to their daily lives ”

The ‘Breakfast with ForgeFast’ campaign has been a resounding success, delivering significant results for ForgeFix and its builders’ merchant customers, in terms of brand awareness, customer engagement, and sales The partnership with Greggs ensured the campaign resonated with its target market, while the smart implementation through in-store promotions and social media helped amplify its reach

In short, ForgeFix contends that the campaign “proved that even small gestures can make a big difference in building customer loyalty and fostering positive brand associations ”

n For more information on the ForgeFast range, the full ForgeFix portfolio and the company’s support services for merchants, use the shortcode

Life begins at 40

Makita continues to develop its popular 40V Max XGT platform. PBM considers some of the most recent additions to the portfolio.

Combined with the power of Makita’s XGT batter y platform, the high-performance TM001G cordless multi-tool is compact and lightweight yet still delivers a powerful and versatile performance Weighing just 2 1kg, and with a height of 332mm, the multi-tool is easy to manoeuvre whilst its brushless motor still delivers higher cutting and sanding efficiency

Convenient and flexible to use, the versatile unit is compatible with STARLOCK MAX accessories a tight-lock interface system with tool-less blade change for fast installation and removal. Users can set the blade at any angle for easy access and the quick release feature allows the user to switch between accessories in a matter of seconds to ensure workflow is not disrupted

Designed with Anti-Vibration Technolog y (AVT) to ensure low vibration

performance, users can comfortably use the multi-tool for long periods of time. The TM001G is also designed with an LED light and afterglow function to illuminate the area, a soft-start feature, a constant and variable speed control and an anti-restart function to prevent accidental start-ups

Marketing Manager Kevin Brannigan commented: “The tool has been engineered to fulfil the wide range of professional users ’ needs to provide maximum power, speed, and run-time without being restricted by a cord.”

Six new orbit sanders were also added to the XGT 40VMax range last year Due to an innovative cable connection to the battery, the new cordless sanders are said to offer superior ease of use and manoeuvrability as well as delivering the excellent levels of performance and runtimes that professionals demand

The new additions provide an alternative to pneumatic sanders but without the increased maintenance or the time-consuming management of the compressor The supplier explains that the efficient brushless motor utilised by the sanders reduces wasted energy to help ensure maximum power and extended runtimes from each batter y charge, delivering between 6,000 and 10,000 orbits per minute with the variable speed control operated from a conveniently placed dial on the side of the tool.

The BO001CG and BO002CG are 5mm random orbit sanders with 125mm and 150mm sanding disc diameters respectively, while the 125mm BO003CG and 150mm

BO004CG have 3mm random sanding orbits. Lastly, the BO005CG and BO006CG have 80 x 130mm square and 100 x 150mm triangular sanding pads respectively, with a 3mm sanding orbit.

The manufacturer explains that one of the key advantages of these sanders is the battery is not mounted directly on the tool. Instead, the power is supplied from the battery via a connector and cable a 1 6 metre cable is supplied as standard and allows the battery to be easily clipped to the user ’ s belt or placed in a convenient location nearby There is also the option of a five-metre cable to provide even greater flexibility.

This type of connection to the batter y reduces the weight load on the user ’ s hand and keeps the overall height of the tool low to make it easier and more comfortable to operate, especially for longer periods of time

The new sanders have two options for dust control an on-tool dust bag or a simple and easy connection to a dust extractor, which is essential when working on-site The sanders have the Makita Auto-Start Wireless System (AWS) technology built in, connecting the tool to compatible dust extractors via Bluetooth to run the dust extractor automatically when the tool is in use, making dust management simpler

n To find out more about Makita’s 40VMax XGT range, use the shortcode

Toolkit essentials

Merchants can advise their customers that the right gripping tools can transform their toolkit, making every job safer, faster and more efficient. So says David Barnes, Marketing Manager at KNIPEX.

Construction and plumbing work frequently involves handling materials such as pipes, rods and fittings These tasks are common in the trade but can be challenging particularly when dealing with irregularly shaped surfaces or those slick with water, oil or other residues. A secure grip allows tradespeople to exert the necessary force to tighten, loosen or adjust components without risking slippage, which can lead to wasted time or even injury

Popular gripping tools include slip-joint pliers, needle-nose pliers and tongue-and-groove pliers Slip-joint pliers, with their adjustable jaws, are good for gripping various sizes of nuts, bolts and pipes while needle-nose pliers, with their

long, slender design, allow for precision in tight spaces Tongue-and-groove pliers, also known as channel locks, are versatile and provide good grip on pipes and fixtures

These tools are essential for making reliable plumbing repairs and adjustments efficiently.

Another popular addition to a tradesperson’s toolkit are water pump pliers These are so called because they were originally designed for gripping and turning pipes and fittings, making them indispensable for tasks involving water pumps.

Today these are versatile tools commonly used for rotating nuts and bolts, as well as gripping angular or irregular objects or securing parts like pipes, couplings, sheet

metal or screws They are used in many sectors and not just plumbing, but also areas including sanitar y and heating engineering or air-conditioning In fact, if a merchant’s customer needs to loosen or tighten bolts, replace parts or generally work on pipes then they need water pump pliers in your toolbox

Water pump pliers are incredibly practical and easy to use They can be precisely adjusted so work perfectly for different workpieces, like pipes, so the job gets done quickly and efficiently A self-locking mechanism keeps a secure grip on the workpiece and stops any slipping that could slow the user down On top of that, their ergonomic shape means they’re comfortable to use, reducing strain and making ever yday tasks less tiring

KNIPEX offers two flagship models of water pump pliers: the Alligator and the Cobra The former has been a trusted tool since 1973, renowned for its reliable self-locking design and robust slip joint,

making it a favourite among tradespeople who value proven performance. They have a high wear resistance and dirt doesn’t affect them, so they’re particularly useful for outdoor work

Building on this legacy, the Cobra series takes things further with a push-button adjustment system. This clever mechanism allows for quick and precise jaw sizing directly on the workpiece and as they are all self-clamping on pipes and nuts, they won’t slip Using this tool is simple press the button, open the joint, position the upper jaw on the workpiece and slide the lower jaw into place

Both the Cobra and the Alligator have a choice of handles including non-slip plastic, comfortable multi component grip handles and multi component insulated handles that are VDE tested Both models also have options which come with a tether attachment point to prevent the tools falling from height and causing issues or injuries, and a pinch guard to protect the users ’ fingers Plastic protective jaw covers are also available for the Cobra, designed to prevent damage to the workpiece by covering all the teeth on the tool

Front and side-gripping pliers are another great tool for the trade These pliers are both versatile and precise and ideal for tasks that standard pliers cannot handle As the name suggests, these tools are designed to grip workpieces from both the front and the side, making them ideal for working in tight spaces or on awkwardly positioned components

Their ability to securely grip fasteners, nails or irregularly shaped materials from different angles eliminates the need for multiple tools and streamlines the job

Front and side-gripping pliers also provide excellent control, allowing tradespeople to work with precision and avoid damaging the workpiece By offering a practical solution for a range of gripping tasks, they save time and ensure tradespeople are prepared for unexpected challenges, such as loosening stripped screws, straightening bent nails or gripping hard-to-reach components

The KNIPEX TwinGrip pliers, for instance, combine front and side grip functionality with a robust box joint and push-button adjustment, making them ideal for gripping, tightening and loosening screws, even with worn heads Their high-grip front jaw, slim design and large gripping capacity makes them great to use in confined spaces

They have a seven-way adjustable slip joint, three-point gripping system for flat workpieces and a pinch stop for finger protection

The TwinGrip also comes with a choice of handles: non-slip plastic, multicomponent handles and the new comfort handles for a really secure hold with a thumb recess for more control

Adding high-quality gripping tools to their toolkit lets tradespeople tackle tough jobs with confidence Whether tightening pipes, loosening worn screws or working in tight spaces, tools designed to grip effectively will save time and reduce frustration. Investing in pliers with advanced features, like self-locking jaws, adjustable settings or dual front and side gripping, means your customers will be ready for whatever the job throws at them.

n For more details on the KNIPEX product range, use the shortcode





Milwaukee continues to expand within its sanding category, introducing the new M18 FUEL 125 mm Random Orbit Sander With less vibration and the power to sand the toughest materials, the new tool features an orbital sanding motion with an oscillation diameter of 2 5 mm

The 5-mode speed control ranging from 12,000 OPMs to 6,000 OPMs allows users to change their speed setting depending on the job’s needs. With VACLINK Bluetooth Technology, the sander allows for up to 95% dust collection and when paired with the brand’s M18 FUEL 34 litre DualBattery Dust Extractor, users will experience “instant dust control for easier use and best in class dust efficiency ”

n Use the shortcode to find out more.



Offering high performance and exceptional portability, the new EC36DA Cordless Compressor is said to be perfect for finish and trim work and ideal for anyone who wants to work seamlessly without being tethered by an extension cord


Talon’s Identification Nail-In Clips are said to make installing and identifying pipework quick and easy Engineered for all types of masonry, these sturdy little clips are secure and efficient fasteners for plumbing, gas and air conditioning systems

Talon’s Identification Nail-In Clips come in blue and red to mark cold and hot pipes, plus grey, white and black. This colour-coded system is designed for professional installers looking to quickly distinguish between different types of pipework during installation or maintenance, whilst each clip features a high-quality zinc plated hardened and tempered nail, suitable for all common building materials including drywall, wood, brick and concrete

n Discover more via


Birkdale has introduced five additions to its SITEMATE tools range: the Heavy Duty Professional Double Shovel Holer, Micro Shovel, Irish Pattern Long Handle Shovel, D-Handled Fencing Shovel and the Manual Fence Post Auger Each tool has been developed with practicality and efficiency in mind, and the range is specifically designed to help to make high-quality fencing installations as simple as possible

For example, the Heavy Duty Professional Double Shovel Holer provides efficient removal of soil to create holes for fence posts 1,600mm in length, it has been designed to offer enhanced leverage and grip, making soil and stone removal effortless. The scissor action handle provides greater closing power and a fully adjustable blade pitch enables the user to adjust the soil removal capacity, as they work to deliver deep, narrow, vertical sided post holes

n Stockists can find more information about the full Sitemate range via

The EC36DA features a brushless motor, oil-free technology and a removable air filter, ensuring not only minimal maintenance but also a longer tool lifespan

The large 7.3-litre tank can deliver over 1,000 brad nails per battery charge when using HiKOKI’s NT50AE2 18 Gauge Brad Nailer with a 36V Multi Volt battery BSL36B18 The compact compressor also features Rapid Refill Technology which allows the powerful motor to refill the tank to its maximum pressure of 9.3 bar in just 17 seconds, ensuring that users can continue working without unnecessary delays

n Go to for further details.


Mirka UK has expanded its extractor range with the new DEXOS 1217 M AFC dust extractor. This M class extractor is said to blend power and versatility to ensure users have a dust-free work environment.

Powered by a 200-watt brushless electric motor, the versatile product can handle both wet and dry applications as well as being compatible with multiple tool types. With automatic filter cleaning capabilities and two sockets with auto start capabilities, the dust extraction system activates simultaneously with the power tool so dust and debris are captured as soon as the tool is in use

n Find out more via or watch a DEXOS webinar through

Size up the options

While the popularity of 600 x 600mm and 900 x 600mm pavers remains undimmed, Talasey believes that the benefits of 800 x 800mm slabs are being “unwittingly overlooked” by landscapers and garden designers. Urging an industry rethink, the firm’s Marketing Director Rebecca Hughes puts the case for the alternative.

The question of why 800 x 800mm pavers are still playing a secondar y role to more-traditional sizes is increasingly cropping up, according to Talasey’s Rebecca Hughes On a mission to champion 800 x 800mm pavers, she has been working closely with the Scunthorpebased firm’s Landscape Consultant, R ay Stephenson who is parachuted into projects and uses his 40 years of on-thetools experience to provide help and assistance to ensure contractors deliver stunning projects

“Having seen the results of a few projects recently, they have elevated the overall look of a space and it’s time for the 800 x 800mm to step out of the shadow of the more-traditional pavers. ”

Rebecca explained: “An 800 x 800mm paver isn’t always top of the list when landscapers and garden designers are planning projects, but having seen the results of a few projects recently, they have elevated the overall look of a space and it’s time for the 800 x 800mm to step out of the shadow of the more-traditional pavers ”

She continued: “ There are a lot of benefits to the 800 x 800mm pavers in terms of both installation by landscapers and the finished look for homeowners and it’s a great option to introduce them as an alternative to 600 x 600mm and 900 x 600mm pavers because they really can make an installation look incredible ”

Vitripiazza Bellezza Lite Fino Porcelain 800x800mm used in a project by John Stem Transformations


Rebecca points to a number of key benefits of 800 x 800mm slab sizes, including:

l L ess grouting: using larger paving slabs means less grouting, creating fewer grout lines that could disrupt the patio’s overall look

l Less wear and tear : the larger format means fewer cuts, resulting in less strain on porcelain blades and other tools, reducing wear and tear, and prolonging their lifespan.

l Two thicknesses: the 800 x 800mm pavers are available in both 20mm and 16mm Both thicknesses come with declarations of performance (DoPs), providing detailed specifications to ensure the highest standards of quality, safety and durability

l Quicker installation times: with fewer tiles required to cover a large area, the need for precise cutting and fitting is minimised This means quicker installation times, saving both time and labour costs Installers can complete projects more efficiently, leading to faster turnaround times.

She believes the tide is slowly turning, especially amongst Talasey’s network of landscapers and installers For example, after

completing a recent project, Allan Diamond of Allan Diamond

Landscaping said: “My clients are over the moon with the 800 x 800mm pavers They weren’t sure to start with, but I’ve done a few jobs with these pavers in the past, and my clients put their trust in me I’m delighted with how the pavers turned out

“With them being 800 x 800mm, they’re a bit heavier, but them being 16 mm thick makes all the difference I can still do a oneman lift. They’re square, so they’re never a few millimetres out, so the lines can be nice and straight and it keeps everything in line ”

Allan added: “When you ’ re wanting to cover an area and clients want square slabs,

n Operating a merchant-only supply policy, Talasey has grown to become one of the UK’s leading independent suppliers of landscaping solutions Established in 2004, the business offers a broad portfolio including natural stone paving and accessories, the Vitripiazza porcelain range and the Pavetuf line-up of installation and maintenance products in addition to Luxigraze artificial grass and Piranha composite decking, fencing and cladding Merchant support includes a dedicated team of Merchant Support Managers in addition to a host of marketing and point of sale materials, whilst the work of the Talasey Training Academy at its Scunthorpe HQ is reinforced by the ‘Talasey on Tour’ mobile showrooms which deliver onsite merchant / landscaper training

600 x 600mm just tends to be a lot, so having that extra 200mm benefits me. In terms of laying it, obviously I get more coverage quicker and less grout and ever ything else, but overall, I think it looks better.”

Rebecca noted that products such as Anno Lite, Bellezza Lite and Sofia in the company ’ s Vitripiazza collection are helping to showcase all the benefits of the larger square paving slab sizes She said: “ The more projects we see using 800 x 800mm pavers, the more Talasey is convinced that it is a size that should be hero-ed by our industr y as they look stunning on completed landscaping projects for homeowners.”

n For more information on the full Talasey portfolio, use the shortcode

Talasey’s Vitripiazza Bellezza Lite Riva 800x800 Porcelain as installed by Allan Diamond Landscaping

Nature’s way

H.G. Matthews has been at the heart of traditional British brickmaking since 1923. Here, the firm’s Jim Matthews — grandson of the eponymous founder Henry George explains the manufacturing process behind its portfolio of Strocks natural building blocks.

The rate at which we are using up the earth’s resources is accelerating at a worr ying pace We’re currently consuming 35 billion tonnes of sand, gravel and crushed rock for building, for example, a figure which is projected to reach 55 billion by 2060 At the same time, the cement industr y is responsible for 8% of the world’s CO2 emissions. This has long been recognised as an unsustainable path, and the need to alter course is now pressing

One handmade brick manufacturer thinks it’s done just that and the solution is right beneath our ver y feet

“Our approach has been two-fold,” enthuses Jim Matthews of Chesham-based H G Matthews “We want to champion low carbon production techniques as well as sustainability in material resources If you consider the latter point first, what’s often not considered is the amount of virgin material used in construction.”

The H G Matthews answer is actually a return to a building material and technique that stretches back millennia. Indeed, the brick expert’s recipe can be found at the dawn of civilisation in the mud bricks of ancient Mesopotamia. Made from unfired clay, and wheat straw that act as a binder, H G Matthews’ Strocks are load-bearing natural building blocks that achieve a rating of 1.5Nm/mm2 and can be used as the inner

skin of an external wall, and for internal load-bearing walls, typically up to three storeys

In the south of England clay is a ubiquitous substance but that doesn’t mean that all of it can be made into bricks Only certain clays can cope with the stresses of being fired to over 1,000˚C but, when you ’ re eliminating the firing process entirely, any clay will do the job and you are presented with a superabundant material

That means the waste clay that H.G. Matthews routinely digs through to reach the consistency required for its brickmaking is now a useable commodity.

Not only that but, because it’s unfired, Strocks are using significantly lower levels of energy in their manufacture Rainwater collected from the H G Matthews’ roof is used in the mix, and biomass boilers fuelled by locally-sourced wood chips take care of the drying Moreover, a building made of Strocks is more breathable, thereby helping to regulate internal humidity in a home

In order to demonstrate just what can be achieved with natural materials, H.G. Matthews was involved in the construction of a nurser y close to its Buckinghamshire brickworks. Strocks were used in the inner cavity wall with wood-fired handmade bricks and lime mortar on the outer leaf, and hemp insulation in between Glulam beams provided the structural integrity, and

H G Matthews’ Jim Matthews explains the manufacturing process for the company’s Strocks natural building blocks

the building was finished with clay plasters and paints

Once a building like the above ultimately reaches the end of its useful life that’s not the end of the stor y either A mix of clay, sa and straw can easily be reused, which makes an unfired block ideal for recycling Strocks are natural building blocks that can be used in the inner skin of an internal wall where they will replace concrete blocks or for outer walls that can then be clad in a sustainable building board On the inside, a clay or lime plaster can be utilised, covered with a breathable paint It’s easy to chase into the blocks with a multi-tool and fixings can be screwed into them in much the same way one would timber

“As far as we ’ re concerned the answer to producing a sustainable building block has been hiding in plain sight.”

Subject to a two-hour fire test at over 1,000 degrees as you would expect from clay the material proved to be fireproof They can be laid exactly as one would any concrete block with the accompanying thin-bed clay mortar ver y

easy to use just spread the mortar on, put the blocks down and tap into place with a hammer

“As far as we ’ re concerned the answer to producing a sustainable building block has been hiding in plain sight,” concludes Jim “It’s the clay that’s all around us and has been used in various forms for thousands of years. It’s fully compatible with the demands of a circular economy and is a locally sourced solution. There’s a greatly reduced carbon footprint in manufacture, whilst there are real benefits for the occupiers of properties built with Strocks, particularly with regards to the moderation of moisture levels

“In addition, the blocks demonstrate a ver y high thermal mass and density, which offers excellent insulative properties, keeping bills down in the winter They’ll even absorb the harmful Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that are found in modern homes. Put simply, clay and straw as building materials are still as good as it gets ”

n For further information on H.G. Matthews full portfolio of bricks and its range of Strocks natural building blocks, use the shortcode

Ahead of the pack


Sustainable production of cement involves a multifaceted approach aimed at minimising environmental impact across the entire process. It encompasses implementing energ y-efficient technologies, optimising raw material extraction, minimising waste and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, embracing alternative fuels such as biomass, wastederived fuels or electricity throughout the production stages not only reduces reliance on fossil fuels but also contributes to lower carbon emissions

At Tarmac, we are optimising our manufacturing at each site so we can make improvements where required This includes introducing alternative fuels to remove the need for fossil fuels during the production stage

In 2022, Tarmac introduced the UK’s first battery electric mixer truck as part of our commitment to net zero As the business procures 100% of its site electricity from clean energy sources wind, solar and hydro power only the vehicle operates as a carbon neutral solution Since then, we ’ ve continued to build on this. In fact, by the end of 2024, Tarmac was on track to operate the largest electric HGV fleet in the UK construction sector

In addition to making the transition to zero tailpipe emissions, electrification can

reduce noise and vibration while contributing to improving air quality, particularly when operating in urban areas and low and zero emissions zones


The concrete and cement sector currently accounts for 7% of global carbon emissions, predominantly from the chemical reaction that creates cement and the energ y required to do so However, the industr y must also look at the bigger picture. Applying automation, reducing physical administration and optimising digital solutions will substantially reduce the carbon footprint of product collections and deliveries in a way that is streamlined, robust and easy to use

For instance, our roll out of electronic payments by customers removes manual inter vention and taking paper out of the process and electronic proof of deliver y (EPOD) is reducing the number of vehicle movements and time spent on site In turn, this reduces the amount of carbon emissions during the processing stage

Additionally, sustainable processes focus on waste

reduction and recycling initiatives, ensuring that by-products and waste materials are utilised effectively rather than being sent directly to landfill By embracing sustainable processes, the cement industr y can achieve a balance between economic growth and environmental stewardship, paving the way for a more resilient and environmentally conscious future.


In the cement industr y, sustainable products are often characterised by stringent environmental standards and their capacity to minimise carbon emissions throughout their lifecycle Such products typically adhere to certifications like BS8500, ensuring they meet specific criteria for reduced environmental impact

Garry Gregory, Packed Products Director at Tarmac, provides insight into the industry’s perspective on sustainability and the five key pillars that underpin it.


Sustainable cement products often incorporate alternative materials or additives that reduce the clinker content, a primar y source of carbon emissions in cement production Moreover, innovative formulations and manufacturing processes aim to enhance durability, longevity, and performance while minimising resource consumption and waste generation.

By prioritising sustainability in product development, the cement industr y strives to offer solutions that not only meet construction needs but also contribute to a more environmentally responsible built environment

One key step on our route map is to move all ready-to-use Blue Circle products from CEM I to CEM II over the next 12 months This will deliver up to a 15% reduction in CO2 emissions

However, alongside creating more sustainable solutions, it’s important to consider how they are packaged and transported When done correctly, ver y little product will get damaged during transportation and end up going to waste

Packag ing

There are very few materials more present in packaging than plastic In fact, 34% of the 90 million tonnes of construction waste generated each year is derived from materials used to package products and materials

However, the focus on sustainability extends beyond just reducing waste. A plastic packaging tax (PPT) was introduced in April 2023 to incentivise businesses to use recycled plastic in packaging This means that companies that manufacture in the UK, or import into the UK at least 10 tonnes of plastic packing within a 12-month period, need to pay PPT.

At Tarmac we ’ ve recognised the need to go beyond just meeting regulatory requirements and are actively seeking ways to reduce our environmental footprint We were the first cement manufacturer to produce 50% recycled bags, and we ’ re actively working towards developing a net-zero packaging solution within the next few years

By prioritising the use of recycled materials, we ’ re not only reducing our

reliance on non-renewable resources but also minimising our contribution to the growing issue of plastic pollution


The placement and transportation of cement requires reinventing traditional deliver y methods, reducing road deliveries, and expanding the use of alternative fuels Across our Tarmac business we have made great strides transitioning the mode of transport from road to rail wherever feasible, thus reducing overall road deliveries To further supplement this, we constantly strive to maximise the amount of product we deliver on ever y vehicle

As an example, in our Packed Products business, by working closely with our hauliers and customers, and through clever logistics planning, we have increased our deliver y load fill by c 10%, which has taken 1,400 deliveries off the road ever y year When vehicles are delivering our products, we then work closely with our hauliers to

ensure their impact is minimised, by encouraging the use of alternative fuels and the adoption of efficiency technologies

Alongside this the industr y should be embracing positive change by taking advantage of opportunities, such as circularity of pallet use which promotes the reuse and recycling of pallets, in turn reducing waste and minimising environmental impact

One thing is clear, achieving net zero can only be achieved by looking at ever y area of a business Reaching net zero carbon emissions will require more than just a commitment from cement and concrete manufacturers, these efforts also need the collaboration of the wider construction industr y, academia, government bodies and customers across the entire value chain

n Tarmac Blue Circle is now offering more support to its customers through its brand-new website. For more information visit


AG has launched a new retaining wall range designed to address the construction industry’s growing demand for cost conscious and environmentally friendly solutions In response to tightening budgets and price increases across the sector, the manufacturer has expanded its entry-level line up with Diamond Pro Air, an innovative and lightweight retaining wall solution weighing just 24 5 kg per block

Whilst being its lightest 200mm high retaining wall block to date, despite its streamlined design, the range has been developed to support gravity walls up to 1m and engineered walls up to 3 6m in height to make it suitable for a wide range of commercial and residential developments

The range’s lightweight design allows for a one-man lift on-site, effectively doubling installation efficiency Furthermore, its mortarless build facilitates assembly in all weather conditions, making Diamond Pro Air a practical choice for year-round projects.

Benefiting from a sustainable manufacturing process, the product’s tapered design incorporates large internal voids that align during construction, enhancing strength and durability while minimising material usage resulting in a smaller carbon footprint, faster construction, and greater design versatility It is available in three warm earth-tone shades: Basalt, Cashel, and Canelletto

n For more information, use the shortcode




STARK Group says it is taking “yet another step toward improving resource efficiency and circular economy practices,” with the business introducing recycled bricks in all its branches in Denmark. This initiative aims to reduce the carbon footprint of future building projects and support the green transition with bricks in particular said to have significant recycling potential as the climate footprint of ten recycled bricks is equivalent to that of one new brick

Britta Korre Stenholt, CEO of STARK Danmark, said: “We want to make it easy and natural to choose recycled building materials instead of new ones so we can collectively reduce the climate impact of construction Bricks are among the most climate-impacting materials, which makes us proud to now offer recycled bricks for the buildings of tomorrow ”


Azpects provides a comprehensive range of products that service the key requirements of professional landscapers for a host of different projects and applications. Making it EASY for the trade with a selection of primers, jointing compounds, ground stabilisers and installation aids in addition to sealers and cleaning solutions, the company is continually reevaluating its portfolio and added a host of new products throughout 2024 including EASYJoint Porcelain, Deep Clean, Patio Snow Foam, Natural Stone Intensifier and Salt Remover

For example, billed as a “groundbreaking addition” to Azpects’ widely recognised EASYJoint range and specifically developed in response to the growing popularity of porcelain paving, EASYJoint Porcelain is said to offer a game-changing solution for professional landscapers seeking a high-quality, easyto-apply jointing material.

The state-of-the-art formula is described as “setting a new industry standard and delivers exceptional results that ensure the longevity and durability of porcelain surfaces,” with the new product available in White Gold and Silver, allowing it to seamlessly blend with various porcelain paving designs

The company is continually looking to add to its ever-growing network of stockists, and offers a full suite of support services for merchants

n Find out more and view the latest product brochure via

Billed as a versatile, low-carbon alternative to traditional clay pavers, the premium concrete block paving Piccolo Setts combine traditional aesthetics with modern materials to offer a direct alternative to Dutch clay pavers.

Available in four custom blended colour ranges Terracotta, Sepia, Smoke, and Twilight and manufactured in the UK, the slimline solution is said to produce around 50% less carbon compared to traditional clay pavers Whilst the paving can be utilised for commercial projects, the new addition to the growing Bradstone brand is also suitable for domestic applications such as driveways and garden patios

n More info awaits via

DEKS Industries

Flat Roofing Range

Campaign news


System Impaktor


Innovative Marking Tools from precision markers to heavy-duty marking requirements, Pica says it offers solutions for true professionals with the highest standards

A host of info, including merchandising support for stockists, awaits via

Said to offer both “unparalleled performance and ease of installation,” the new DeKS flat roofing range has been designed to ensure “seamless waterproofing and superior durability ” Offering compatibility with TPe, TPO, PVC, ePDM and bituminous membranes, the range encompasses roof drain connectors, pipe collars, parapet drains and more Scan the QR code or discover more via www rdr link/mbm027


Showcasing some of the key advantages of its Impaktor Bits and associated TriTorsion System, Wera says its system is designed to deliver unrivalled performance in even the most demanding or extreme applications whilst maximising bit service life and easing use

Find out more by entering the shortcode www rdr link/mbm028


The Quooker Tap

Billed as the “ultimate luxury upgrade” and now KIWa approved, the “tap that does it all” dispenses instant boiling, chilled and sparkling water on demand

To learn more about the “details that make all the difference,” use www rdr link/mbm030

Mastercrete Cement

Manufactured with up to 50% recycled content and supplied in waterproof packaging to minimise waste, the “reliable one ” is all your customers will need when it comes to concrete, rendering, mortars and screed

Use to find out more..



In print via merchant trade counters and through an ever-increasing digital reach, Professional Builder and Professional Heating & Plumbing Installer magazines seek to inform and engage with over 200,000 industry professionals every month.

PBM considers a selection of supplier advertising campaigns from the latest issues of PB and PHPI, which are helping to create awareness and pull-through sales opportunities at merchant branches nationwide.


Hep2O Keyless

Developed hand-in-hand with plumbers for an even easier and speedier fit, Wavin now offers a new Keyless Hep2O option in a smaller, streamlined design and with a simple key-free ‘twist and push’ solution for easy demounting

“To key or not to key” is now the only question, and answers awai the shortcode www rdr link/mbm032


The original and still the best

With over 60 years of innovation behind it, Saniflo says that its macerator range offers your customers ease of installation and maintenance, proven performance and reliability, quiet operation, full tech support and a five-year warranty

Enter the shortcode to find out more.


Underfloor Heating Systems

backed by “German engineering and great british know-how,” Maincor says its underfloor heating systems offer a host of advantages for installers including a fast design quote turnaround, a full warranty and technical back-up as required Merchants can find out more via www rdr link/mbm033

Altecnic Dry Trap Tundish

removing the need to install both a tundish and a dry trap, altecnic says its new solution is building regulations compliant and compatible with all sealed and pressurised systems The product is also WraS approved and KIWa approved For further information, visit www rdr link/mbm035


Training roll out

The Instantor Mobile Training Academy is designed to provide a deeper understanding of the company ’ s press solutions and the Tucson Pumps portfolio in a “dynamic, hands-on environment ” Installers, merchants and students will have the opportunity to experience the “ ease and efficiency” of making press joints first-hand in the dedicated demonstration area Furthermore, the supplier’s latest competency training will also be available with the opportunity for installers to receive ID cards that demonstrate their approved proficiency in press fitting its products

Additionally, the vehicle enables the firm to perform health checks on its Press Tools, ensuring that installers who already use the Instantor Press System can maintain their tools in the best condition It will also provide refreshments, allowing visitors time to engage with the team over a hot drink and a bite to eat.

Andy Burton, Divisional Marketing Manager – Heating & Plumbing Division, Sanbra Group, said: “ The launch of our Mobile Training Academy is the latest milestone for Instantor and takes our commitment to supporting trade professionals to a whole new level Not only

Porcelain packaging

Global Stone Paving says it is reinforcing its commitment to sustainability, quality and customer service with the introduction of an innovative new packaging solution for its porcelain paving.

Billed as an industry first, the new minimalist packaging consists of recycled plastic corners which are fully recyclable themselves The improved pallet design is also said to make handling and transportation much easier for merchants, whilst each slab is printed with its product colour and batch number to make it clearly identifiable and much easier to trace

Furthermore, the new packaging is ‘cardboard-less,’ meaning it will remain intact during transportation and storage This solves problems of tr ying to identify the contents of packaging that has got wet whilst for the installer, it means they don’t have to clean the cardboard off the slabs before

laying them or dispose of the packaging making their job quicker and cleaner

Nick Sharpe, Global Stone MD, explained: “ The new packaging really enhances the premium quality of our porcelain paving and shows off the craftsmanship that goes into our products.

Instantor has invested in a brand new, dedicated training and demonstration vehicle which will be visiting merchant trade counters and head offices, as well as plumbing colleges, across the UK and Ireland.

will the mobile academy showcase how our products can deliver significant time and cost savings, it will also provide the latest competency training for Instantor installers and ensure merchants can stock our products with the confidence that they will provide the best solutions for their customers.”

Merchants interested in booking The Mobile Training Academy can email

n For more info on Instantor, use the shortcode

“We also wanted to make life a little easier for our merchants so as well as looking good, it makes our products so much easier to

handle and trace, rather than when they are wrapped in torn, often sogg y cardboard And it looks much more professional and tidier for the installer when they are carr ying out work for a client ”

The new packaging solution is being applied to all of the company ’ s Indian porcelain ranges across both Global Stone and Digby Stone brands.

n For more information, use the shortcode



running until the end of March, trade customers who purchase select HiKOKI 36V Multi Volt cordless tools from approved uK/rOI stockists can get their hands on the power tool brand’s latest battery innovation the bSL3640MVT Multi Volt Tabless battery

The battery delivers up to 2,160 watts of power which is 50% more than previous models and is designed to reduce internal resistance and heat to ensure superior performance, extended runtimes and faster charging, fully charging in just 40 minutes when paired with the uC36ySL2 charger Use the shortcode for more on the promotion.


Said to be ideal for builders’ merchant businesses with kitchen showrooms, the new Spaces flex SaaS web app is designed to make it even easier for customers to begin their kitchen purchase journey by getting inspiration and design renders in the comfort of their own home This then enables the merchant to encourage them to come in store to continue their plans, where the product can integrate their design with a more professional design tool such as Winner an advancement of Cyncly’s proven Ideal Spaces solution for retailers, Spaces flex supports the full consumer journey across web and in-person retail by combining its innovative design capabilities with tools for demand generation, project management, end-to-end project tracking and integration to connect processes across the enterprise To discover more, enter the shortcode


Packed with inspirational photography and updated with new products alongside bestselling models, Clearwater’s latest brochure highlights the extent of its comprehensive sink and tap portfolio Highlights include the new amelio Sensor tap, which features on the front cover in a brushed brass finish alongside the elegant Siena single bowl sink in Polar bigger than ever before, the bumper 220-page catalogue is designed to inspire homeowners while providing stockists with a valuable sales tool with order details and pricing included To view or download the brochure, go to



Showcasing the extensive collections of the brands and featuring a selection of new products, the roxor Group has launched new Hudson reed and nuie brochures New colourways are said to be a key focus for Hudson reed, for example, while the brand is also introducing stone basins across its bexley and Lille ranges available in chrome, brushed brass, and black finishes, nuie’s latest collection of enclosures Lucie provides a sleek edge and is fitted with 8mm glass, making it a durable selection New stone basins have been added to its arno and Classique ranges, whilst nuie Choice’s latest brochure sees further expansion across its ranges as well as an introduction of whirlpool baths and the launch of the eden furniture line for smaller bathroom spaces which provides clever storage without compromising on style For information on all the range additions and to download the brochures, use

Kudos says it is defying industry trends by not only freezing all prices for 2024 but also reducing hundreds of existing product prices Sales & Marketing Director Nick Graville said: “We have been working on a new simplified pricing model, which came into effect in January This work has reduced the selling prices of 264 products across the Kudos range, with an average decrease of 12 7%

“The new pricing strategy brings our matt black and brushed brass profile finishes down to the same price point as their chrome equivalent, and prices that have not been reduced will remain unchanged in 2025 ” Discover more via

For more examples of supplier support for merchants on the PBM website, enter the shortcode

Recycle path

Growtivation has re-engineered its Weedtex and Landtex landscaping fabrics in a move to cut waste and carbon.

Delivering more sustainable solutions that lower carbon emissions and preserve resources is high on the agenda for every organisation in the built environment value chain, from developers and homeowners to installers, merchants and their suppliers. Landscape fabric specialist Growtivation is rising to that challenging by re-engineering two of its landscaping fabrics to contain recycled material and, from the start of the year, its Weedtex weed control fabric and Landtex landscape fabric now contain 20% recycled content

The Lancing-based company says it has been working to find the optimum recycled content for the two products Operations Director Graham Elsey explained: “We carried out extensive testing on fabrics containing different proportions of the recycled content, while achieving the same performance.”

And while many ‘ greener ’ products come with a higher price tag, one of the important factors for Growtivation was to find a solution that could be delivered at the same price as its original product Using 20% recycled content came out as the optimum proportion of recycled content for both performance and price


Having already switched to 100% renewable energy, electric forklift trucks and low-energy lighting at its West Sussex headquarters and warehousing facility, Growtivation’s board tasked the technical team with finding ways to reduce the carbon emission associated with its products The new versions of the Weedtex and Landtex fabrics are the first outputs from that programme

As well as the need to lessen its own impact on the environment, Growtivation understands that its customers in the builders’ merchant sector are committed to providing more sustainable products across the range of materials they offer. The Weedtex and Landtex rolls will be clearly labelled so that builders and landscape contractors can see their green credentials.

Sustainability credentials are important to homeowners too A survey of UK consumers by Deloitte, published in October 2023, found that 62% thought that recycled materials was an important sustainability credential and 65% valued reducing waste in the manufacturing process as an environmentally sustainable or ethical practice

well as the need to lessen its own impact on the environment, Growtivation understands that its customers in the builders’ merchant sector are committed to providing more sustainable products across the range of materials they offer.”

The recycled content in the Weedtex and Landtex fabrics, which are made from polypropylene, will both reduce waste and the carbon footprints of the products The manufacturing facility takes waste produced by its own and others’ production lines, re-granulates it and then combines it with virgin polypropylene to create the non-woven fabric.

With the ‘ greener ’ Weedtex and Landtex now out on builders’ merchant shelves, Growtivation’s technical team is looking for ways to include recycled content in some of the other products in the company ’ s range Graham added: “ The important this for us is to always maintain the same performance All Growtivation’s products are designed to be robust and long lasting, which also helps reduce carbon emissions and waste as the fabrics don’t get damaged in installation or need to be replaced a few years down the line, as a poorer quality product would ”

n For more information on Growtivation’s range of products and support ser vices for merchants and a video explainer on the new recycled content — use the shortcode


While the weather retains a chill in the air, two additions to the Carhartt Montana range will keep the trade warm and comfortable on site. Built with durability, flexibility and warmth in mind, the Montana Rugged Flex Relaxed Fit Duck Insulated Jacket (106432) and Montana Rugged Flex Relaxed Fit Duck Vest (106433) are each said to combine rugged performance with essential cold-weather protection

The Insulated Jacket, for example, is tough, comfortable and locks in warmth, even on the coldest days Made from stretch soft duck canvas and incorporating the workwear brand’s Rugged Flex technology, this jacket lets you move easily and has a practical design that includes plenty of storage, with four exterior pockets and two internal ones

For those that like to layer up, the sleeveless Duck Vest is made from the same durable stretch duck fabric and quilted nylon insulation as the jacket, and also features multiple pockets, including interior secure compartments

n Use the shortcode www rdr link/mbm045 to find out more



The manufacturer of chipboard-based structural flooring boards has announced an extension to the exposure rating of its popular EGGER Protect product, increasing from 60 to 100 days Featuring a P5 chipboard core, with a hard-wearing, low-slip, thermally bonded layer on both sides of the board, as a result of rigorous and dedicated testing, the boards can now be left exposed to the elements for up to 100 days, whilst work continues on site


Described as “the next evolution in sustainable shower trays,” the fully recyclable UltraFlat Evo range is crafted from the innovative material StoneTech to ensure that the trays combine sustainability with sleek design and practical features to offer an ecofriendly solution without compromising on style or functionality. StoneTech contains 35-40% recycled content, including marble and production waste, which means these trays are entirely fiberglass-free and 100% recyclable At the end of their life, they can be repurposed for road bases or construction projects. StoneTech also requires approximately 45% less resin than acrylic shower trays, while maintaining exceptional durability

The commitment to sustainability extends to the trays’ packaging, which is completely plastic-free and made from recyclable and sustainable materials

The Solar stainless steel sink from Clearwater is designed with “smart, understated features,” and offers sharp corners, symmetrical draining flutes and robust engineering for lasting good looks The single bowl with drainer comes in two lengths, and there’s also a 1 5 bowl option to ensure a perfect fit for a range of kitchen layouts

Produced with a brushed finish with a distinctive grained texture, left and right-hand versions are also available to allow the sink to be matched to any kitchen layout In addition, the Solar range features Silentcote treatment, a sound-absorbing thermal paint on the underside of the sink which helps to reduce noise and improve durability, making it a great choice for open-plan spaces where acoustics matter

n Head to to find out more.


The latest addition to its growing portfolio of high-performance ventilation products, the DEXA dMEV 150 fan from Elta Trade is designed to meet the increasing demand for improved indoor air quality with the decentralised mechanical extract ventilation (dMEV) unit said to represent a significant evolution in residential ventilation

A continuously running extract fan designed to remove stale or moisture-rich air from spaces such as bathrooms, kitchens and WCs, the unit helps to minimise the risk of condensation With an airflow capacity of up to 50 l/s, the DEXA dMEV 150 exceeds minimum requirements outlined in Part F of the Building Regulations

Building on the success of the DEXA dMEV 100, the new fan delivers increased airflow, enhanced versatility, and greater installation flexibility With a larger diameter and improved performance, the new fan caters to a wider range of applications

n For further information, enter the

n For more details on these and other new products on the PBM website,


Aanco (UK) Ltd t/a Made For Trade page 19

AUTOPA Ltd page 47

www rdr link/mbm101

Azpects Ltd page 40

www rdr link/mbm102

BetterCommerce page 9 www rdr link/mbm103

BSW Timber Ltd page 8 www rdr link/mbm104

Buckbootz page 29 www rdr link/mbm105

Builders Merchants Federation page 35 www rdr link/mbm106

DEKS Industries Europe Ltd page 13 www rdr link/mbm107

Hallstone Developments Ltd page 43 www rdr link/mbm108

Kinedo | SFA Saniflo UK Ltd page 16 www rdr link/mbm109

Knipex Tools UK Ltd 39

Long Rake Spar Company Ltd 47

Marley Ltd page 31

Mirka UK Ltd page 37 www rdr link/mbm113

Owlett-Jaton inside front cover www rdr link/mbm114

Professional BUILDER LIVE page 48 www rdr link/mbm115

Samac Fixings Ltd page 39 www rdr link/mbm116

Sanbra Fyffe Ltd T/A Instantor page 27 www rdr link/mbm117

Simpson Strong-Tie page 47 www rdr link/mbm118

STABILA page 10 www rdr link/mbm119

Tarmac page 44 www rdr link/mbm120

Ten-25 Software Ltd page 42 www rdr link/mbm121

Ultratape .........................................................outside back cover

Wavin Hep2O 4


Darren Ferguson, famously the son of a certain Sir Alex Ferguson, received a lot of stick recently when he elected to kee midfielder Tyler Young on the bench during his Peterborough side’s recent FA Cup defeat at Goodison Park The reason for ire? Tyler’s father is Everton fullback Ashley Young, and so t chance for the two to come up against one another on the pitch was denied

Much hyped in the build up t the game, with Young snr saying it would have been the pinnacle of his trophy-laden career, I hav some sympathy with the Peterborough boss His side were chasing down a one goal lead when he made his final sub, bringing on forward Malik Mothersille who had scored 10 goals in around 30 appearances this term as opposed to 18 year-old Tyler, with just one senior appearance to his name coming in the EFL Trophy last October

Ferguson had a game to win aftermath, “we’re not a charity case ” It would have been a nice story, and is perhaps a rarer phenomenon than one might think, given that a host of sons have followed their dads into the ‘family business.’ Peter and Kasper Schmeichel, Alfie and

Erling Haaland, Frank and, er, Frank Lampard are all obvious examples whilst this season Patrick Kluivert’s lad Justin has been a star performer for Bour nemouth and grabbed headlines recently for his hat-trick of penalties against Wolves

Famously, Eidur Gudjohnsen made his inter national debut for celand as a substitute for his father r nor back in 1996, but I was ruggling to think of any pairings to ctually share pitch time Indeed, ere only seem to be a handful of amples which hit the headlines in ht of the Young family’s near miss These include Swedish superstar nrik Larsson coming out of rement for fourth tier Hogaborgs in 2013 to appear alongside his Jordan (who even scored) and zilian legend Rivaldo winding down career at Mogi Mirim a club he ed for earlier in his career and rly became chairman in the Sao o State Championship in 2015 ng with son Rivaldinho, the pair scored in one match together. 66 England squad member ge Eastham Jr, meanwhile, won the er n Ireland Gold Cup with Ards in 1954, lifting the trophy with his father George Eastham Sr who netted the decisive goal in the final


The month ahead looks like it could be a potential points bonanza if you play your cards right. In addition to the opportunity to deploy the new Assistant Manager chip, February sees an enticing set of fixtures for Palace (nicely in form already) and Chelsea (due for an upturn) whilst Brentford should be breathing a sigh of relief after a tough series of match-ups There’s also a (likely) Double Game

Week involving Liverpool and Everton

If you’ve not already got Mo Salah and Cole Palmer, I can’t help you but I fancy Ma t e ta, E ze and M uno z at Palace plus Wi ssa and M bu e mo at Brentford to tick over nicely in the coming weeks I lost patience recently, but it could also be a time for Chelsea’s Ni co la s Ja c kson to shine

With Paul Davies
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Goodison Park in the FA Cup third round Nearly

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