Professional Builders Merchant January 2025

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i c f l e e t m a n a ge me n t p l a n

w i t h F V TH ’s Ti m H o u g h t o n

2 8 P R O D U C T S & S E RV I C E S


3 0 T H E N E E D F O R S P E E D

Tr a d e ka r t e x p a n d s i t s s a m e - d a y r a p i d d e l i v e r y

s e r v i c e f o r b u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l s

3 2 T E C H N O L O G Y T R A N S F O R M E D

K e r r i d g e C o mm e rc i a l S y s t e m s d i s c u s s e s h o w

d i gi t a l i s a t i o n , e c o m me rc e a n d t h e e v o l u t i o n of

a r t i f i c i a l i n t e l l i g e n c e a re c om b i n i n g t o d e l i v e r fo r

m o d e r n m e rc h a n t b u s i n e s s e s

3 4 C O M P E T I T I V E A D VA N TA G E

P r o t e c t i n g ma r k e t s h a re a ga i n s t t h e g ro w i n g t h r e a t

o f e c o m me rc e g i a n t s s u c h a s A ma z o n

3 6 L I N K I N G T H E S U P P LY C H A I N

A c l o s e r l o ok a t P o d f a t h e r ’s e l e c t ro n i c P ro o f o f

D e l i v e r y s y s t e m

3 8 I T R O U N D - U P


3 9 W A S TE N O T, W A N T N O T

S h o w e r s a v e o u t l i n e s t h e a d v a n t a g e s o f w a s t e w a t e r

h e a t re c ov e r y s y s t e ms

4 0 B AT H R O O M TR E N D S FO R 2 0 2 5

H i B’s Ja s mi n e Ro w e t a ke s a d e e p d i v e i n t o t h e

b a t h ro om t r e n d s t h a

4 3 W H AT L I E S B E N E AT H ? G e b e r i t e xp l o re s s o m e o f t h e t e c h n


g i c a l a d v a n c e m e n t s b e h i n d t h e e v o l u t

i n b a t h r oo m d e s i g n a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n

4 5 P RO D U C T S & S E RV I C E S



It’s not just the farming community raising questions about the Budget, as the merchant sector reacts to proposed changes on inheritance tax and Business Property Relief


Moorgate Management’s Chris Maityard explains how seeking out the right strategic and operational advice can help merchants to successfully grow and adapt their businesses.


Laying the foundations for a market uptur n in the year ahead.


Reporting back from the NBG 2024 Conference, Expo and Awards, held under the theme of ‘Strengthening our Community’

Weathering the storm

Awarm welcome to PBM’s first issue of 2025 The start of a New Year tends to offer a much-needed moment of pause and reflection and given that 2024 was another whirlwind of turbulence and tension, I’m sure this is a welcome respite from the ongoing storm

The earlier than anticipated General Election may have given us a new government last year, but few would dare to argue we ’ ve had the dynamic, dust off the cobwebs fresh start that Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer would have wanted Unforced errors and a long wait until the autumn Budget engendered a somewhat surreal sense of limbo, then only made worse by the reaction to some of Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ proposals

Indeed, from employers National Insurance Contributions to Inheritance Tax and Business Property Relief changes, the reaction from the sector and beyond hasn’t exactly been positive. Many merchants and suppliers alike have stated that these decisions are forcing them to reconsider previous plans to invest in people and plant

However, we are we are Any U-turn seems unlikely, and the large majority secured by Labour at the election means they won’t be going away any time soon This should ensure a degree of political stability we have not seen for some time and whilst the new rules of engagement may not be popular, businesses will at least be able to plan accordingly within this framework.

To offer a more optimistic view, Government rhetoric on the importance of the construction industr y as both an engine for growth and a pathway to improving living

“The large majority secured by Labour at the election means they won’t be going away any time soon and whilst the new rules of engagement may not be universally popular, businesses will at least be able to plan accordingly within this framework.”

standards remains strong. More detail on how this is to be delivered is slowly creeping out, most recently with the ‘Plan for Change’ which reaffirms the commitment to “rebuilding Britain with 1 5 million homes in England and fast-tracking planning decisions on at least 150 major economic infrastructure projects” alongside an updated National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

This includes measures such as setting (reintroducing…) “mandator y higher housing targets for councils across the countr y ” and reforms that will see “lower quality ‘ grey belt’ land defined in national planning policy for the first time, with tough new ‘golden rules’ on development to guarantee affordable housing, local ser vices and green spaces ” alongside additional resources for planning departments.

Understandably, the response from the sector has been largely positive, though naturally with caveats. Larger developers are pushing back on certain elements they feel are restrictive and will push up costs, whilst smaller housebuilders are battling to secure more opportunities All acknowledge the direction of travel; all also highlight common underaddressed challenges particularly in terms of skilled labour shortages and, of

course, we have all been here before in terms of magic numbers and ultimately unsustained promises to Get Britain Building

For the building materials sector, the Construction Leadership Council and other notable industry bodies continue working to ensure that supply lines can meet the much hoped for increase in demand. And any uptick in new housing will also fuel the vital RMI market

We are also ver y much looking for ward to the ‘public launch’ of the BMF’s sector awareness initiative, which goes live in early Februar y and aims to address the skills challenge that also exists away from site locations A huge amount of work has gone on behind the scenes, gathering the case studies and company information to help promote the building materials sector to good people beginning their careers and to attract those looking for a new challenge to deploy their ideas and experiences. Both will be essential.

Despite the change in government, I have an alarming sense of déjà vu about much of what I have written above. One can only hope that this time next year, we’ll be reflecting on a period of frenetic activity that delivers increased sales and profits, all supported by growing teams of eager new recruits

Editor Paul Davies

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NBG adds another partner

Hertfordshire-based Dontel Roofing Supplies has joined National Buying Group (NBG) to boost its buying strength with future growth in mind The roofing specialist currently has branches in Hoddesdon and Bishop’s Stortford, which serve contractors across the region with roofing supplies, cladding and insulation among other products

Director James Wedge commented: “Since joining NBG, it’s like we ’ ve got jet-fuel in our systems. Plans were already in place to expand before the Autumn Budget announcement tempted us to re-evaluate But having started buying better with NBG so quickly, we ’ re confident that we’ll be able to keep growing as we’d originally hoped ”

Dontel Roofing Supplies was the ninth merchant to become an NBG Partner in 2024, in what was “ a stellar year for the group ’ s growth.” Phil Bonar, the buying group ’ s New Partner Development and Recruitment Manager, said: “We’re always pleased when merchants come into NBG and immediately see the potential it holds for their own businesses That level of buying power can make a world of difference on its own, but we also have a community of merchants ready to support, advise on and celebrate the growth and success of each of our Partners

“I’m looking for ward to seeing Dontel accelerate their own growth, supported by NBG’s central systems and better Supplier deals.”

Timber statistics

According to the latest information from Timber Development UK, timber import volumes for Q3 of 2024 were “encouragingly ahead of Q3 2023 for softwood, OSB and engineered wood products,” but these increases were counterbalanced by falls elsewhere in the market

While softwood imports in Q3 2024 were 1% higher compared to Q3 2023, and OSB and Engineered Wood Products (EWP) also recorded growth, there was still an overall deficit of 1 2%, due to volume reductions of the other main products, especially hardwood plywood and MDF

Average prices of timber and panel products slowly edged upwards in the nine months to September 2024, confirming the end of a sustained period of price volatility between 2000 and 2023

During the first nine months of 2024, solid wood imports were 1 7% lower than over the same period of 2023, while imports of panel products were 5 2% lower In fact, across the first three quarters of 2024, UK imports followed a ver y similar pattern to that seen in the nine months of 2023, with the exception of March 2024, which saw a significant fall that accounted for most of the 2 9% volume deficit

The cumulative volume reduction of 2 9% for the first three quarters of 2024 was fairly evenly spread across the main imported timber and panel products

The TDUK reporting adds further detail on each categor y, including the changing import volumes by countr y, indicating, for example, that more than 90% of the volume of softwood imported to the UK is sourced from just five

Clearer communications

IBC is celebrating its ‘member-first’ strategy with a refreshed brand and a clean, modern look to help “make it easier for members to engage with the buying group. ” Earlier this year, it completed its first customer insight project with a research agency commissioned to talk to members and understand their views on the buying group and their individual business needs.

The purpose was to ensure IBC continues to provide ever ything its members need to grow and develop their businesses, and a key finding was just how important it is for IBC to communicate with its members, with 92% of

respondents saying they wanted to receive promotions and offers from IBC by email on a regular basis

Stuart Stockley, Managing Director of IBC Buying Group, explained: “We want our members to take advantage of our great prices and the exclusive promotions we offer with our supplier partners, and that means sending them the information in a clear, straightforward format to help them make key decisions without delay That’s why, after listening to our members’ feedback, we have updated our branding to give it a fresh, modern look ”

countries Sweden, Latvia, Finland, Germany and the Irish Republic however during 2024 there has been a growing trend of sourcing more volume from countries outside of this core group

Commenting, TDUK Head of Technical and Trade, Nick Boulton, said: “It’s encouraging to see prices continuing to stabilise, albeit at a low level, and the overall import deficit shrink to just 1 2% Going for ward there are likely even more significant challenges ahead for timber businesses, with softwood log availability and ver y low stocks being most pressing on the agenda.

“While construction demand remains subdued these issues have little visibility However, as the housing and RMI markets push demand upward, buyers will become increasingly aware of the pressures in the system and should be careful not to assume current stable price levels can remain in the longer term ”

Nick added: “ Timber, with all its low-carbon and sustainability benefits, should not be a commodity product in terms of pricing, and it’s important that the entire built environment industr y recognises the importance that timber has to play in the road to net zero. This gives timber an intrinsic value that should be acknowledged if we are to help the entire timber supply chain to recover from the last few years ’ uncertainty and build strong foundations moving for ward ” More information can be found on the TDUK website, via

The group is now updating all its marketing materials, both in print and digitally, to reflect the new brand and making its communications easier to read and understand to encourage greater engagement between IBC, its members and supplier partners


BMF expands Painting & Decorating reach

Further strengthening the trade body’s Painting, Decorating and Building Chemicals member categor y, Dulux Decorator C entre has joined the Builders Merchants Federation as an affiliate member Part of AkzoNobel, DD C is the UK’s largest paint and decorating merchant with a network of over 230 stores nationwide

Guy Butter wor t h, t he sp e ci a list merchant’s Manag ing Dire c tor, s aid: “ The BMF ’ s mission and va lues are ver y much a lig ne d w it h our ow n We lo ok for ward to work ing w it h t hem and fel low memb ers to accelerate t he adopt ion of more sust ainable mater i a ls and op erat ions, and to p ar t icip at ing in t he work of t he BMF D e corators For um ”

John Newcomb, BMF CEO said: “We are delighted to welcome Dulux Decorator C entre to the BMF We are proud to

n The BMF has also reported that it secured three prestigious prizes at the Association Excellence Awards 2024, winning the Best Member Engagement Award and the Silver Award for Best Membership Support CEO John Newcomb, meanwhile, received the Bronze Association Leadership Award for organisations with up to 2000 members

The Awards give recognition for best practice and excellence in the essential work

Dressing up

Independent timber distributor James Latham has announced the rebrand of its Rochdalebased timber mouldings and cladding specialist, Dresser Mouldings to Latham Timber Manufacturing (LTM). The move is described as a key milestone in the Group’s strategic objective to bring all its subsidiaries in line with the overall family of brands, creating a “holistic package that will straddle the distribution services supply chain ”

James Latham acquired Dresser in 2019 to meet the rising market demand for machined mouldings and cladding, a trend that has only continued to grow since. Over the past five years, the business has built on its “reputation for quality, creativity, and consistency” across a wide variety of sectors This ranges from intricate bespoke carving and cornicing to

represent the full spectrum of building material supply from foundations to finishes “ The breadth of BMF membership enables supply chain collaboration to address common issues, such as sustainability, skills and efficiency, and share best practice I am sure that Dulux Decorator Centre will make a valuable contribution to this work in the coming year ”

that associations, trade bodies, unions and professional organisations conduct on behalf of their members, and the BMF was commended for its work to champion and facilitate the progression of industr y initiatives in sustainability, training and development, digital transformation and diversity and inclusivity in recruitment all of which generated impressive membership engagement

award winning cladding products and even through to high-performance, ultrasustainable curtain wall systems

As LTM, the business will also benefit from significant investment which has seen major upgrades made to plant equipment, “increasing capability and efficiency without compromising on finesse ” Watch a short video introducing this new chapter in the company ’s stor y via

Minster, the specialist drylining and insulation business has announced a new brand identity as it marks 20 years of trading Part of the STARK Building Materials UK portfolio, the new branding and visual identity reflects the firm’s commitment to being ‘Trusted by Professionals’, coinciding with the wider STARK Group philosophy and featuring the Group’s ‘Anton’ character and promising customers “industry-leading technical support, an unrivalled product offering and supported by a nationwide distribution network.”

John Carter, STARK UK CEO, said: “Over the last 20 years, Minster has established itself as the go-to partner for interiors and external envelope solutions We’re embarking on an exciting new chapter in our growth plans, and with our rebrand of the business, we ’ re making a clear commitment to our customers that choosing Minster means they’ll benefit from our expertise, robust technical support and high-quality ser vice ” Starting a new chapter

Pitch side reporting

Duraproducts has announced the successful installation of its recycled and recyclable lightweight linear drainage channel, Durachannel, at Everton’s new Bramley Moore Dock stadium in Liverpool

Installed by Laing O’Rourke, this state-of-theart drainage system runs along one side and two ends of the pitch, totalling 260 metres

Designed as a lightweight drainage solution, Durachannel was selected for the project thanks to its functionality, sustainability and safety credentials. The standard units have a large useable volume which means bigger areas can be drained quickly and safely, protecting surfaces by taking run-off at multiple points across the whole length of the channel-line

The lightweight design is also said to contribute to lower carbon emissions during transportation and installation, aligning with Everton’s wider sustainability commitments and the club’s intention of “constructing the most environmentally friendly stadium in the Premier League ”

Unintended consequences?

Protests from the farming community in response to the Budget may have grabbed the national media headlines, but the merchant industry has also been left reeling by the impact of changes to inheritance tax rules alongside adjustments to Business Property Relief, employers national insurance contributions and the minimum wage. PBM presents some of the latest comments from the sector.

With a stated commitment to not raise taxes on “hard working people,” businesses were already braced for the impact of the first Budget to be delivered by Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves last year As we reported last month, there were a number of welcome announcements for the construction sector such as funding for the Warm Homes Plan and a reaffirmation of longer-term strategies to deliver the nation’s much needed new homes however, with even these critiqued for lacking in detail, the dial moved on even further

For example, the NMBS quickly stated: “As farmers protest the Government’s proposals to change inheritance tax, the merchant industry should be right alongside them. Many are realising that the new proposals go far beyond Agricultural Property Relief (APR) and also includes Business Property Relief (BPR). This could have significant

consequences for many family-owned builders’ and plumbers’ merchants.”

Acknowledging that certain caveats remain under the new proposals, NMBS CEO Chris Hayward commented: “ The

rationale behind the changes to inheritance tax is clear : for decades, farmland has been used by a wealthy few as a tax haven However, the introduction of a cap to close this loophole did not account for the unintended consequences to our sector

“Many family merchants have large investment in land, buildings, machiner y, vehicles, stock and working capital, because of the nature of their businesses, which puts us right alongside the farmers ”

Chris added: “ This policy needs to be fair and find a way to support family-owned businesses, especially those working to support the building of new homes or maintain or retrofit our existing housing stock, like independent merchants Tax relief or exemptions should be targeted at the businesses who are actively growing the economy, as was evidenced post-pandemic when construction led the recover y ” Having initially outlined its concerns

“While the government seemingly asser ts that the majority of estates claiming Business Proper ty Relief will remain unaffected, I cannot yet see how that will not have an impact.”
Rachel Fr yers, MD of Merritt & Fr yers

both in the immediate aftermath of the Budget and again in late November, the Builders Merchants Federation subsequently “set out to government the profound impact on enterprise, and potential knock-on effect on the nation’s ability to build homes, resulting from planned changes to inheritance tax ”

With concerns that “ some owners (are now) likely to defer or cut back on investment decisions, stock and staff,” the BMF has written to the Prime Minister, the Chancellor and the Secretar y of State for Business and Trade to outline “how the mood has changed” since Sir Keir Starmer visited member merchant C&W Berr y two days after the General Election was announced, meeting the company directors who explained how merchants help to house the nation and improve homes

The letter explains that the Autumn Budget plans have “had the opposite effect in championing the industr y and creating economic certainty.”

BMF CEO John Newcomb said: “Merchants have existed for hundreds of years and the

over whelming majority are family-owned, small local independents, of which 75% of our members have an annual turnover of less than £12½ million. They want to pass their businesses onto the next generation to continue to ser ve their loyal customers and local communities

“C onstruction is absolutely critical to the lifeblood of the UK economy, but we are hearing across the industr y that BMF members are reviewing their sales and trading forecasts for the next two years and looking at investment decisions, stock levels and staffing numbers. We suspect owners may choose to defer or cut back on investing in or expanding their operations in the near term, in areas such as upgrading production lines, replacing plant and machiner y, adding to product ranges, opening new branches, or taking on more staff, especially apprentices.”

Many merchants have also expressed their thoughts with the topic commonplace at the recent NBG Conference, for instance, and numerous comments to be found on LinkedIn Howarth Timber MD Nick Howarth told the trade press: “Ultimately, the taxation changes greatly reduce the incentive to set up and run a family enterprise and for individuals to risk their own capital to create something of value, not only for their family but also for their local community and the wider economy

“The end result is a situation that puts the country’s economic growth at risk, alongside the £200bn of tax that family businesses collectively pay to support public services every year It also has a long-term impact on private business in terms of continuity, ability to pay wages and operating costs, and to accumulate funds to re-invest back to modernise and grow their company

“Furthermore, for merchants which support construction, the situation jeopardises the country’s ability to build new hospitals, schools and 300,000 houses per year, threatens the viability, and even survival, of family firms and potentially undermines the model of multi-generation ownership ”

Rachel Fr yers, MD of Merritt & Fr yers (and also a BMF Board member and Regional Chair for the North East and Yorkshire regions), added: “While the government seemingly asserts that the majority of estates claiming Business Property Relief will remain unaffected, I cannot yet see how that will not have an impact.

John added: “Since Business Property Relief was introduced by a Labour government in 1976, it has protected numerous private, family-owned enterprises from being sold or broken up to pay Inheritance Tax. We urge the PM, Chancellor and Ministers to review the situation and think again about the proposals ”

Reflecting on the “positive mood” that initially followed the now-Prime Minister’s visit, David Berr y, Managing Director of C&W Berr y, said: “For nearly 50 years, Business Property Relief has encouraged family-owned businesses to make long-term investments, creating financially stable businesses, offering secure employment, contributing to economic growth and generating annual tax revenues

“ These proposed tax changes put that business ethos at huge risk The changes are due to be implemented in April 2026 and I urge the government to re-think before it’s too late.”

“ The introduction of a £1million cap on qualifying business assets, leading to increased Inheritance Tax Liability, will surely have a negative impact on many if not the majority of businesses in our industr y who are multi-generational, family-owned, small to medium sized business, often operating from large sites whose assets have accrued over decades ”

n For the latest updates from both NMBS and the BMF, please access the appropriate shortcode:

BMF CEO John Newcomb


A “balanced and equitable transition”?

A new whitepaper from Baxi is seeking to highlight the ‘missed opportunity’ afforded by hybrid heat pumps systems, providing a series of key findings which inform a recommended rollout of the technology in the UK.

Exploring the suitability of heat pumps deployed in hybrid configuration with new or existing gas boilers for UK homes, Baxi commissioned Gemserv to research and produce the report entitled Unlocking the Power of Heat Pumps with Hybrid Installations which highlights a series of policy recommendations designed to help accelerate heat decarbonisation

These include consideration for eligibility under the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, better representation of hybrid systems’ carbon saving benefits under the Clean Heat Market Mechanism and a rebalancing of electricity prices to help reduce running costs.

The launch follows the announcement of the gover nment’s Warm Homes Plan, which saw increased funding for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme and a reformed Clean Heat Market Mechanism as part of plans to increase the uptake of heat pumps in the UK

Jeff House, Exter nal Affairs and Policy Director at Baxi, explained: “There has been no shortage of ambition to decarbonise heat in the UK, as demonstrated through the Gover nment’s commitment to make

Britain a Clean Energy Superpower and the additional support provided through the Warm Homes Plan

“However, we wanted to commission this report to demonstrate that there is a real missed opportunity when it comes to including hybrid systems within these policies.”

Jeff continued: “Whilst heat pumps, whether deployed individually or at the heart of heat networks, will be one of the key mass market drivers of decarbonised heat, we have a responsibility to ensure a balanced and equitable transition in line with consumer needs. A hybrid system offers advantages as a transitional technology, not only in terms of overcoming some technical barriers to make them more cost effective in difficult to decarbonise homes, but also for energy system flexibility and resilience ”

The report also highlights lear nings from the rest of Europe, including countries that are incentivising the installation of hybrid systems as a transition technology. For example, following extensive deployment in the Netherlands, the state was considering whether to mandate hybrid systems as the minimum requirement for all retrofit installations.

Jeff continues: “By including hybrids in more incentives such as Boiler Upgrade Scheme and Clean Heat Market Mechanism, we can expect to see the same spikes in uptake that there have been in Europe Add to the addressing of the gap between electricity and gas prices for householders and we could well see uptake for clean heat technologies accelerate at the rate we need it to.”

The launch event, which took place on 28th November in Westminster, included an in-depth panel discussion on hybrid systems with industry experts from Gemserv, the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ), the Heat Pump Association and Passiv UK

n To read the ‘Unlocking the Power of Heat Pumps with Hybrid Installations’ report from Baxi, use the shortcode

PBM speaks with Chris Maityard, CEO of Moorgate Management, to find out how the company can help merchants and suppliers with the right strategic and operational solutions to successfully grow and adapt their businesses.

business ag ile Keeping your

Moorgate Management is a Building Materials consultancy that supports merchants and their suppliers, offering tailored business advice to help companies grow and navigate our sector’s unique challenges.

Moorgate ser ves independent builders’, timber and plumbing merchants in particular, but has experience working with a wide range of businesses from SME independents through to national companies The firm has decades of experience helping companies navigate growth opportunities, operational improvements, acquisitions and exit strategies, with its work centred around strategic planning, operational efficiencies, market positioning, and preparing for successful business transitions.

The company was founded by CEO Chris Maityard, who himself has an extensive background in merchanting, with time spent in senior roles within the building materials distribution sector Chris was previously COO of Plumbase, through to creating the initial IBMG as MD and CEO by acquiring

and integrating Parker Building Supplies, Stamco Timber, Fairalls and Chandlers

Through his deep understanding of both large-scale and family-run operations, Chris has successfully guided companies through structural changes, growth initiatives and acquisition integration He has now established Moorgate Management to help share this expertise with the wider industr y, working with merchants and suppliers who are seeking operational guidance as well as his own wider strategic insight as they plan their next steps

Moorgate Management is both a BMF Ser vice Partner and an NMBS Business Ser vice Supplier, in testament to both Chris’s support of the organisations that sit at the heart of the Building Materials industr y and to help bring their knowledge and backing to his own clients

Support at ever y stage

Moorgate’s commitment to driving value for its clients is reflected in its wide-ranging ser vice offer, which is aimed at helping them streamline their processes, enhance

profitability, and ultimately achieve sustainable long-term growth.

Chris said: “At Moorgate we understand that merchants often face unique challenges, such as the need to balance family business values with the demands of a competitive marketplace To help support our customers, we have developed a wide range of ser vices that specifically address these pressures and help merchants navigate the rapidly changing Building Materials industr y ”

Under Chris’ leadership, Moorgate has already built a reputation for delivering impactful solutions that help merchants not only sur vive but thrive in what can often be a challenging industr y Chris’s approach emphasises the importance of building lasting client relationships, characterised by trust, transparency, and a deep commitment

Chris Maityard, CEO of Moorgate Management

to seeing each business succeed

He continued: “We believe in operating as an extension of our clients’ businesses, working as part of their team to achieve their business goals We take the time to listen and understand exactly what they want to achieve, and work with them as much or as little as they require to help them achieve their objectives ”

Moorgate’s consultancy ser vices span multiple areas, catering to the nuanced needs of the merchant sector and the many different challenges merchants will face at different stages of their business journey

These include:

Strategic planning

Moorgate works closely with clients to build tailored growth strategies that align with their goals and market conditions. This includes defining long-term objectives, identif ying market opportunities, and establishing actionable steps to achieve these milestones The company also emphasises f lexibility in its planning, ensuring businesses can adapt to changing industr y dynamics

Operational efficienc y

For any merchant operation, maximising efficiency can translate directly to increased profitability and a more competitive cost-to-ser ve. Moorgate’s team can help clients streamline their supply chains, improve inventor y management, and optimise internal processes to improve their cash flow and bottom line By implementing best practices and leveraging industr y-specific insights, the firm assists businesses in reducing overhead costs and increasing productivity

Growth and acquisitions

A core ser vice that Moorgate offers is specialised guidance for merchants seeking to grow through either organic new branch openings or acquisitions From initial assessments through to 100-Day Plans and post-acquisition integration, Chris and the team help businesses identify potential acquisition targets, evaluate their financial viability, and plan ahead to ensure seamless integration. Moorgate’s depth of experience

“For any merchant operation, maximising efficiency can translate directly to increased profitability and a more competitive

in mergers and acquisitions ensures that clients are better prepared to make informed, strategic decisions that align with their long-term business vision

Succession and exit planning

Family-run merchants and other privately held businesses often require tailored succession planning to ensure continuity Exit strategies in particular can be challenging to navigate, especially for family-owned businesses with deep-rooted ties to the company Moorgate helps clients prepare for a smooth transition, whether through selling to an external party, passing down to the next generation, or merging with another company

Mo orgate helps merchant owners create clear succession plans that address transitions, governance str uc tures, and the p otential for next-generation involvement This is par tic ularly valuable for family r un

indep endent merchants s eeking to retain their legac y w hile adapting to future market needs

Moorgate Management’s comprehensive suite of consultancy ser vices for the merchant sector makes it a trusted partner for those businesses seeking expert advice to ensure growth, improved efficiency and long-term success Chris’ experience and understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities of the building materials distribution industr y means the company is well placed to help merchants and suppliers at ever y stage of their journey

This makes it a suitable choice for those companies aiming to navigate change, capitalise on new opportunities, and build enduring legacies.


PBM takes a closer look at some of the latest news stories from across the merchant sector including acquisitions, the opening of new branches and facilities in addition to new strategic initiatives.



The Highbourne Group brand has launched a new division, Commercial at City Plumbing, to serve professionals working in the light commercial sector A trio of strategic appointments have been made to support the launch, bringing considerable industry experience, with Dave Griggs taking the MD role of the new division, Matt Trott joining as Head of Commercial Plumbing & Heating and Kevin Flint coming in as Head of Commercial Sanitaryware.

The team will work directly with main contractors, mechanical and electrical installers, and facilities management professionals across sectors such as healthcare, education, offices, retail and leisure To support customers nationwide, a number of existing City Plumbing branches are being upgraded to Commercial Hubs

Previously the MD of City Plumbing’s Spares division, Dave commented: “Our team has vast experience in this area, and we’ve already hit the ground running by winning numerous contracts for sanitaryware and are making rapid progress in other areas already There’s a huge opportunity for us in this area and we’ve got a clear strategy in place, including even more new recruits, to ensure that we’re able to provide the services, expertise and products our Commercial customers need ”

In addition to sanitaryware, the commercial sector offering also covers renewables including solar, heat pumps and MVHR plus temporary site set-up with the next step being the roll out of light commercial plumbing and heating solutions “which will happen in the next few months” followed by a full range of plant equipment, further down the line

Officially opened in December, Fusion Utilities says that its new Chesterfield fulfilment centre will “improve operational efficiency, capacity and customer service ” has now officially opened The multimillion-pound centre has been designed to support the Wolseley Infrastructure company “in its journey to being the leading supplier to the UK’s water, gas, power, and telecommunication sectors ”

The 150,000 sq ft facility will support Fusion’s “fulfilment capabilities and stock capacity by integrating faster, streamlined distribution and fulfilment systems ”

National Sales Director David Coxhead said: “Our new flagship facility at Horizon 29 will facilitate us to improve the level of service we provide to a worldclass level. There is no other centre in the UK with the same stock level. The structure to transport it efficiently and quickly to our customers for the whole of England, Scotland, and Wales in full and on time will truly allow us to focus on our Customer First approach to business ”

Conveniently situated at junction 29A of the M1 to offer excellent accessibility to the UK’s motorway network, the facility has also been designed with a number of environmentally friendly features such as EV charging stations, energy-efficient lighting, solar panels, eco-friendly materials, and a large recycling centre as part of Fusion’s wider carbon footprint reduction strategy within the utilities sector


Exploring the barriers to the uptake of low carbon materials, the new project between Bradfords and the University of Plymouth has assessed the levels of willingness among those working across the sector to adopt low-carbon solutions in their practices Through desk-based research and more than 20 interviews with sector representatives, it has also generated insights into some of the differences in attitudes within various parts of the construction supply chain.

According to the initial findings, the construction sector is “keen to do its bit to support the quest for net zero” but faces several challenges from the cost and availability of materials to the levels of support available to companies which often hamper its ability to deliver on its ambitions

The research identified key areas of consensus around the need for better availability of low-carbon products, government action to reduce costs (e g via removal of VAT on such products), and more public awareness and education A number of recommendations based on the work have been developed, and they were presented to industry representatives at a recent sector-wide event in Exeter.

Hanne Knight, Lecturer in Marketing, University of Plymouth Business School (pictured), said: “Given the scale of the climate crisis, it’s essential to unite practitioners and researchers to address challenges collaboratively This project has been a pivotal step in understanding the barriers to adopting low-carbon solutions within the industry and identifying practical ways to overcome them.”

For further details, read the full story on the PBM website via

(L-R) Matt Trott, Kevin Flint, Dave Griggs, Gavin Spurdens and Matt Graves


Elliotts has completed the acquisition of bespoke aluminium and PVCu window manufacturer and installer, Futuremost Group Founded in 1987 and based in Portsmouth, the acquisition of the business expands the Elliotts portfolio, which includes Elliotts Builders’ Merchants, Elliotts Living Spaces, and Elliotts Premier Roofing.

Elliotts CEO Tom Elliott commented: “Our goal is to become a complete one-stop shop for our customers, and the acquisition of Futuremost is a significant step towards that This move expands our product range and strengthens our position in the construction market

Dave Barrett, MD of Futuremost, added: “Joining the Elliotts group gives us an exciting opportunity to grow alongside a business with a strong heritage Our focus remains on delivering a first-class customer experience, supported by both our trusted brands ”

Futuremost will continue to operate under its own name and will retain all 32 current employees



Following a rigorous external review process Civils & Lintels, part of the Huws Gray Group of companies, is celebrating renewing its ISO 9001 accreditation With a focus on ensuring that the company’s processes are consistently reflected in its everyday actions, the audit focused on factors that influence business continuity for all customers regardless of location.

Commercial Director Chris Brewster commented: “These audit processes are both thorough and robust, so it was by no means a given that we would retain our certification status It therefore comes as great recognition of the entire team’s ongoing commitment to quality for our customers, and it’s something we’re all very proud of ”


The new Coventry South branch also includes Tool Hire and a Benchmarx kitchen showroom and is said to demonstrate Travis Perkins’ ongoing commitment to delivering for its customers by investing in the creation of larger and more capable destination branches within its network

Branch Manager Andy Kopczewski said: “Whenever we open a new branch, we’re making a commitment to providing our customers with greater access to a wide range of tools and materials, ensuring they have everything they need to deliver their projects on time and to a high-quality standard ”

Relocated from its previous site in Seagoe where it operated since 2000, MacBlair’s new Lurgan branch at Quarry Business Park is now officially open with the upgraded depot now offering an expanded shop and warehouse, catering to both trade professionals and the public The facility also boasts an extended product range, including a newly introduced plumbing section, a doors and floors showroom, and a paint mixing service

The official opening, led by CEO Karol McGuckin and Branch Manager Keith Hamilton (pictured), included an event for staff, customers and guests with the first 50 customers welcomed with complimentary gift bags filled with products and promotional items MacBlair also hosted a Big Lurgan Trade Week to mark the launch, featuring a different line up of suppliers each day with more than 30 in attendance across the week

Tom Elliott flanked by Gar y Sheath and Dave Barrett


Planning for growth

PBM accentuates the positive and focuses on a number of businesses across the industry who are laying the foundations to benefit from a market upturn in the year ahead.


Tobermore is investing £12million to expand its operations to meet increased demand for hard landscaping products “driven by current and anticipated market growth ” The company is investing £8million to build a new stateof-the-art production facility at its manufacturing site in Tobermore, County Londonderry in addition to a further £4 million in the creation of jobs and adding extra shifts

Richard Wardle, Head of GB Merchant Sales, said: “Merchants are preparing for considerable growth in the construction of new homes and infrastructure, and they want to be able to reassure their customers that they can get the stock needed to keep Britain building This significant investment shows we are committed to our merchant customers and will have the right people, facilities,

and equipment in place so we can meet both the immediate need for walling and hard landscaping products and the anticipated upsurge in the near future ”

The £8m investment will see the construction of a new 3,000m2 factory This will be able to produce over 1,000,000m2 paving blocks a year, increasing the company’s block paving production by 25% The facility will be equipped with industry leading manufacturing equipment that will deliver high quality paving products at speed

Over the next few months, the company will also recruit 34 people to increase the technical and specification

support for customers They will be able to provide customers with a complete design and technical support service It will also be recruiting 10 new roles for the commercial/business-to-business team, including two national housebuilder managers, as well as 11 new specification managers, who will be based across Great Britain

n For more information on Tobermore’s range of products and services, enter the shortcode www rdr link/mbk008


Russell Roof Tiles has continued to take steps to reduce its carbon footprint with the installation of solar panels at its new £18 5m upgraded plant. The overall investment, which is the concrete roof tile manufacturer’s largest to date, began last year and will double the manufacturing output at the nine-acre site on Nicolson Way in Burton-on-Trent

The facility will deliver more manufacturing lines within a new 1600 sq/m building using a 30-ton steel

n Further

frame which houses a state-of-the-art curing chamber for its concrete tiles

The firm says that not only will the new facility “produce a product that is of higher quality, strength, and consistency, but it will also speed up the drying process ”

Across the whole operation, the supplier has been actively seeking ways to reduce its environmental

impact, including investing in more energy-efficient equipment, optimising production and sourcing more sustainable materials


The independent builders’ merchant has confirmed it has successfully negotiated the extension of its Barclays facilities, continuing its existing thirty-year relationship with the bank The facilities have been extended to November 2029 and are of up to £25m, comprising £16m of committed facilities with an additional £9m accordion which the Group will use to continue its journey of both organic growth and strategic acquisition, having completed several successful acquisitions over recent years.

Group Managing Director Jeremy Norris commented:

“Despite the challenging market trading conditions of the past twelve months, the underlying strength of our Group’s balance sheet means we have extended facilities with the unwavering support of our long-term banking partner, Barclays

“After a prolonged period of growth, we have used the downturn in the market as an opportune moment to improve our customer offering and to consolidate and integrate recent acquisitions, as well as focus upon process and operations so that we are ideally placed to capitalise and grow when trading conditions improve.”



Knauf Insulation has completed a major upgrade of its glass mineral wool manufacturing plant in St Helens, featuring “UK-first forming technology to enable new product capability ” The supplier states that the upgrade has increased roll, slab and blowing wool capacity by up to 25,000 tonnes in addition to adding new product capability and further reducing the embodied carbon of products made at the site, reportedly the largest glass mineral wool plant in the UK

Neil Hargreaves, Managing Director of Knauf Insulation Northern Europe, said: “Glass mineral wool insulation is central to meeting the UK’s housebuilding and energy efficiency needs This upgrade means we can deliver increased volumes and enhanced products for our customers to meet rising demand for warmer, safer and sustainable homes with lower energy bills ”

The plant now features UK-first forming technology that will enable the business to “create the next generation of low thermal conductivity, non-combustible glass mineral wool products and add thicker options to its existing ranges ”

n More information on Knauf Insulation awaits via


Marley provides merchants with comprehensive training opportunities to improve roofing product knowledge and build expertise to enhance customer ser vice Through a mix of online and live sessions, merchants can be equipped with the knowledge they need to become trusted advisors for roofing professionals.

Online training courses: flexible, self-paced learning

Marley’s ‘My Account Training Hub’ is open to all its customers and offers free, accessible online courses designed for merchants to upskill at their own pace The recent addition of two new estimating courses increases the number of modules available to six:

l Introduction to pitched roofing: covers the basics of roofing, to gain a good grounding in roofing components and what is included in a full roof system.

l Introduction to dr y fix: explains what dr y fix systems are and why they are used in modern roofs

l Introduction to solar: provides understanding of solar PV systems, their benefits and how they integrate with roofing solutions.

l Introduction to JB Red roofing battens: details the importance roofing battens and why using graded timber is essential

l Foundation in Estimating module one: a beginner-friendly module to gain the basic principles of estimating for a gable-togable roof.

l Estimating module two: advanced estimating for more complex roofing projects

The My Account Training Hub also provides real-time customer information, including quotes, orders, deliver y information and lead time updates

Live guidance from industr y experts

For those who prefer interactive sessions, Marley also offers Teams training, led by roofing expert and Marley’s Training and Technical Support Manager, Kevin Taylor These include:

l Roofing product knowledge training: covers the fundamentals of roofing, providing a general knowledge insight into Marley products for pitched roofing

l Roof tile estimating training: designed to help merchants acquire the knowledge they need to produce roofing estimates for customers.

Why choose Marley?

By leveraging Marley’s training resources, merchants can confidently advise roofing professionals, recommending products and offer support with estimating for not only tiles, but also full roof systems and solar PV

n For more information from Marley, use the shortcode

Show of strength

The National Buying Group (NBG) has reflected on the success of its recent 2024 Conference, held in November at the Celtic Manor Resort and ICC Wales, which brought together Partners and Suppliers under the theme ‘Strengthening Our Community.’

Building on the strategy launched by NBG in 2023 founded on the group ’ s three underlying pillars of ‘Excellence in Buying’, a ‘Supportive Community,’ and ‘Enhanced Business Performance’ the showpiece event allowed Partners and Suppliers to mark the “exceptional collaboration and camaraderie that make NBG stand out in the merchanting industry” Over the course of a packed two-day programme, a record number of delegates had the opportunity to engage with each other and “celebrate NBG’s unique approach to buying better through its commitment to community-building and business support ”

The Conference emphasised how NBG’s democratic ethos and close-knit partnerships position its Partners to “outperform the wider market,” with the Supplier Summit on day one opened by a debut keynote speech from Managing Director, Mark Hughes, who joined NBG in March year Through his address, Mark highlighted the areas he feels the buying group continues to excel in as it looks to overcome the challenging headwinds faced by the industr y over recent years.

A keynote presentation from Sky News’ Economics Editor Ed Conway gave the audience unique insights into the impact of some of industr y ’ s most in-demand materials within a shifting economic landscape, whilst one of the main highlights of the event was the Expo on the second day,

where Partners had the opportunity to explore Suppliers’ stands and discuss future opportunities, product innovations and ways to strengthen their business relationships.

The camaraderie continued at a spectacular Moulin Rouge-themed gala dinner, where guests were treated to an evening of celebration, dining, and entertainment As part of the festivities, awards were given to Suppliers and Partners that have gone “above and beyond” in their respective categories (see panel)

The Conference’s now traditional charity football match, along with a silent auction at the gala dinner, helped the Conference to raise more than £25,000 for the Rainy Day Trust, further highlighting NBG’s commitment to giving back to its community

MD Mark Hughes said: “ The 2024 Conference has been a true celebration of our shared values Moving into another year, the connections made and the momentum gained from this Conference will only strengthen NBG Partners’ ability to succeed.

“Our three pillars of Excellence in Buying, Supportive Community, and Enhanced Business Performance are shaping the way we work and we ’ re seeing them help NBG Partners and Suppliers do better, even with the significant challenges of the past 12 months This has been another successful Conference and I’m excited for what lies ahead for our Partners and Suppliers alike.”

NBG Awards

Sup pli er o f t he Year (mor e t han £5 mill ion turnover) : Brett Martin Building Products

Sup pli er o f t he Year (£ 1m t o £5m tur no ver ): Keystone Lintels

Sup pli er o f t he Year (Less than £ 1m t urnover): Forgefix

Br ick & Blo ck cat egor y: Forterra Building Products

Civil s & La nd sca ping: Aggregate Industries

Bradstone & Charcon

General Bui ld: Keystone Lintels

Lightsi de: Toolbank

Pl umb ing, Hea ting & Showr ooms: QX

Bathroom Products

Roo fing & Insul ati on: Mannok Insulation

Timber : Egger

NBG PIM Supp lier of the Year 20 24: Joint It

Cat egor ies vot ed f or by Suppl iers

Mo st Enga ged NBG Pa rt ner, mor e tha n 5

br anches: Kellaway Building Supplies

Mo st Enga ged NBG Pa rt ner, 2 t o 4 bra nches: Browns Builders Merchants

Mo st Enga ged NBG Pa rt ner, 1 br anch: McNair Building Supplies


The IoBM mark of excellence

The Institute of Builders Merchants has been a cor nerstone of professionalism in the merchant industry since its founding in 1968. However, the merger of the IoBM with the BMF in 2021 has paved the way for a more robust and inclusive approach centred on accredited training, mentoring and personal development.

Over the last three years, member numbers have grown to 1800, and the IoBM’s management team has developed the strateg y and vision to move towards its ultimate goal, to achieve Chartered Status

Glenn Paddison, C ommercial Director of H&B Buying Group and a member of the IoBM management committee explained: “We are working hard towards gaining the professional Chartered Status that will give our industr y the recognition it deser ves Putting merchanting on the map will help open it up to a different element of the talent pool, giving us more credibility when it comes to careers choices with school, college and university leavers ” IoBM membership is for individuals working in the sector who want to progress their career in merchanting. The membership pathway runs from Student Member for career starters, through Associate Member for those with two years ’ sector experience, Full Member with five years ’ experience, and finally, Fellow C ommittee member, R achel Fr yers, Managing Director of Merritt and Fr yers, declares herself a proud Fellow of the IoBM Her passion for helping people through their merchanting career is clear to see

“It can be difficult for people to progress though a recognised career path,” R achel said. “ The IoBM provides the professional vehicle to achieve this through a number of routes, encompassing both academic qualifications and business experience, which are equally important.”

A key new feature of the IoBM is a framework of accredited qualifications, recognised by employers, designed to recognise an individual’s skills and support their progression through the membership grades While academic courses such as the Diploma in Merchant Management, now accredited by the IoBM, offer a valid route to grade progression, the IoBM also recognises people who develop their skills through relevant work experience.


Edward Parlato of Browns Builders

Merchants, the current Chair of the BMF Young Merchant Group, sees the IoBM’s unique mentoring platform as one as the biggest reasons to join Edward said: “If you join as a student member there are lots of senior people in big businesses looking to mentor you and bring you along There are not many other places where you would get a CEO willing to pick up the phone to

“You can gain knowledge and experience from people who have been working in the industr y for a long time, and there are great resources to continue your development and learning.”

someone who has only been in the industr y for a couple of years ”

C ostas Marco, Sales & Marketing Director at Ethan Mason Paving, and an IoBM Associate Member also rates the networking and mentoring opportunities, saying: “You can gain knowledge and experience from people who have been working in the industr y for a long time, and there are great resources to continue your development and learning ”

Membership is personal to an individual, not tied to their company, so it can continue throughout their career. Sharing their member status on a CV or email signature is also a signal to others that they are serious about their career in merchanting

To find out more, and to join the IoBM, visit www bmf org uk/iobm

n BMF training ranges from formal Apprenticeships and, with leading British universities, sector-specific Diplomas, Degrees and a Masters Degree in Merchant Leadership and Strategy, to online product knowledge and other specialist skills training.

AG has strengthened its GB Sales Team with seven new appointments, aligning with the company ’ s strategic focus on growth and development for 2025 Alongside these new appointments, the company also made three significant promotions with James Jack named AG’s first GB Sales Director, while Martyn Fleming has been promoted to Business Development Manager and Bev White to Commercial Team Leader

The landscaping specialist has additionally made two key appointments to its executive leadership with Head of HR Brenda O’Mullan and Financial Controller Pauline Campbell

im Myatt has joined Adaptavate as its new Head of Sales Tim as broad experience within the built environment, having been ntegral to the development of Build Aviator (Saint-Gobain) and held roles such as Group Commercial Manager at a well-known glazing company

He will play a key role in continuing to develop the low-carbon and carbon-negative building products manufacturer’s customer network, with CEO and founder Tom Robinson stating: “We aim to be in every builders’ merchant within the next three years and Tim’s experience and network is going to help us achieve this ”

Salamander Pumps has promoted Jonny Davis to the position of Key Account Director from National Key Account Manager to help further implement the company ’ s ongoing growth strategy Jonny joined the Sunderlandheadquartered company in 2019 and in his new position, he will be managing Salamander’s national reseller customer base and supporting the company ’ s business development team to further grow its accounts

The latest recruit to the growing Stelrad Brand Specialists team is Isabelle Eccleston who joins to take on the South Central region for the leading radiator manufacturer Her role will see her visiting all the merchant branches in her territory and liaising with installers, carrying out product training locally for them

David Warriner has joined IBC Buying Group as its new Business Development Manager for the Scotland, North & Midlands region He has extensive experience working across the building materials sector both on the merchant and supply side, having previously held business development and account manager roles with both Beesley & Fildes and Tarmac

David said: “I am delighted to join IBC Buying Group and can’t wait to meet our members I have a passion for developing relationships and helping people, and I love that such a big part of my role will involve helping our members grow their sales and profitability ”

Keystone Lintels has appointed Jason Foster-Jones as its new Commercial Director With more than 18 years sales experience in the construction industry, Jason previously spent seven years at Keylite, progressing to Regional Sales Director More recently, he spent the past 12 months as UK Sales Director at Dart Tool Group

He said: “I’m thrilled to be rejoining the Keystone Group and take on this new challenge Keystone Lintels has an excellent reputation in the industry, and I’m committed to building on that foundation ”

L-R: Regional Sales Managers, Ben Michael and Leonie Parr y-Jones; Commercial Team Leader Bev White; Head of Group Specification Sales Philip Dilworth; Specification Consultants Tom Jaggar, Paul Michie and Murielle Jayer

Cashing in

With a share of a reported £1.5 million+ pot on offer to the sector, The Pallet LOOP says that the “financial payback for returned pallets means reusing pallets stacks up in more ways than one.” PBM reports.

Comp anies across UK

const r uc t ion c an cl aim a share of more t han £1 5 mi l lion (1) by retur ning t he br ig ht g re en LO OP p a l lets for reus e, according to ne w f igures rele as e d by The Pa l let LO OP t he circ u l ar e conomy p a l let reus e s cheme for t he const r uc t ion s e c tor t hat’s p ar t of BSW Group

In its first six months, The Pallet LOOP has issued more than 450,000 (2) of its distinctive green, reusable pallets to British Gypsum to transport its bagged plaster and plasterboard products With a financial incentive of up to £4 available on each of these pallets (3) when companies return them to The Pallet LOOP, there is now “ a huge pot of money ” available for businesses

“To date, the business repor ts it has paid out around £150,000 to users of the scheme, including builders’ merchants, principal contractors and housebuilding companies — and the number of pallets being returned is growing month on month.”

throughout the building materials supply chain that sign up for LOOP collections

Indeed, a growing number of companies are already said to be using The Pallet LOOP’s collection ser vice and reaping the rewards To date, the business states it has paid out around £150k (4) to users of the scheme, including builders’ merchants, principal contractors and housebuilding companies and the number of pallets being returned is growing month on month

For instance, in October, the number of green pallets collected was around 30% of the number it issued that month (5). This figure already exceeds previous benchmarks for standard pallet return rates in the construction sector, which are said to “have historically hovered around the 10% mark (6) ”

In addition to claiming up to £4 back for ever y green LOOP pallet returned, companies using the scheme “could be saving vast amounts of money on waste costs, while also cutting their carbon footprint and helping to reduce the unnecessar y waste of a precious natural resource ”

So far, The Pallet LOOP estimates it has saved companies returning pallets up to £800k on skip costs (7) whilst it has also calculated that putting pallets in wood skips can cost up to £8 per pallet (8) Put that money together with the LOOP PayBack, and companies participating in the initiative “could be up to £12 better off for ever y green LOOP pallet that gets recovered for reuse further increasing the financial incentive.”

Pau l L e w is, Founder of The Pa l let LO OP, expl aine d:

“G ett ing a f inanci a l re ward for retur ning p a l lets, and s av ing on waste costs is go o d ne ws for merchants, pr incip a l cont rac tors and hous ebui lding comp anies up and dow n t he count r y as t he y face f resh op erat iona l he adw inds and get to g r ips w it h changes coming into force as p ar t of t he re cent budget From t he st ar t, our mo del was desig ne d to b e f inanci a l ly e quit able for e ver yone in t he bui lding mater i a ls supply chain, as wel l as b etter for t he env ironment

“What we ’ ve achie ved in the f irst six months shows our vision is now a reality C ompanies returning green LO OP pallets are getting a real b o ost to their b ottom line. The y can als o access sustainability data relating to the numb er of pallets the y have returned via our Power Bi platform We are delig hted with the progress made to date. But this is just the star t with more LO OP pallets s et to hit the s ec tor in the year ahead ”

Paul continued: “From December, Isover started moving its insulation materials on our circular economy pallets We’re also in advanced discussions with other building material manufacturers that want to follow Saint Gobain’s sustainable leadership and switch to using LOOP. By the end of 2025, we estimate we will have issued more than 2 5 million LOOP pallets creating a PayBack pot of up to £10 million

“If you are a company in construction, and you haven’t done so already, now is the time to get in the LOOP and start sending back green pallets ”


1 Figures based on 450,000 LOOP pallets issued x up to £4 less LOOP payback

2 The Pallet LOOP pays up to £4 back for each green LOOP pallet returned for reuse subject to pallet condition Pallets that are damaged or need cleaning trigger a PayBack of £2

3. Pallets issued up to the end of October 2024 = 450,000.

4 Actual LOOP PayBack credited for pallets returned to date (up to mid-November) = £150,000

5 The October 2024 pallet return rate of 30% relates to LOOP’s standard construction sector pallet (for bagged product).

6 Estimates suggest pallet reuse in the UK construction sector has historically sat around the 10% mark

7 Based on LOOP and white pallet collections

8. The Pallet LOOP estimates 40 x pallets will fit in a 12-yard skip, at an average cost of £320 = £8 per pallet

n Further information about The Pallet LOOP, use the shortcode www rdr link/mbk012

Filstorage reports that it has once again scored highly in a recent advanced audit by the Storage Equipment Market Association (SEMA), which puts it in an elite band of around only 20 companies UK-wide. In addition, Sales Director Mike Gorman also passed the SEMA Approved Cantilever Inspector module, adding to his existing SEMA Approved Racking Inspector (SARI) qualification.

The qualification enables him to report on the safety and compliance of various racking systems, to determine the condition of warehouse and other racking systems, and advise on maintenance and repair works

The two achievements demonstrate the company ’ s commitment to safety, both in its own processes and in providing professional advice to builders’ merchants, the warehousing and logistics industr y, and the retail sector on how to ensure their warehouses remain safe places to work

Extending his congratulations to all staff

Setting safety standards

g y g industry accolades, Yorkshire-based racking specialist Filstorage is highlighting the importance of safety in the sector. Managing Director Paul Taylor and Sales Director Mike Gorman explain more.

in helping to ensure the high SEMA audit score and to Mike for passing his cantilever racking inspectors qualification, MD Paul Taylor said: “ These are both great results and I’m ver y proud of ever yone involved Safety is paramount to us because we have to ensure that in all the jobs we carr y out, the staff and the customers of the client business are protected

“What many people don’t realise is the racking industr y is unregulated and that is crazy when you think of the damage, injur y, and potential death the collapse of a racking system can result in (However), we have more than 30 years of experience in supplying and fitting racking and we strive to lead the industr y when it comes to safety We feel achieving these awards demonstrates that commitment ”

SEMA exists to promote and extend the safe design, installation and use of storage equipment manufactured and supplied by its members. The audit is described as being

“Regularly inspecting your racking system is impor tant for health and safety, legal compliance and to reduce the risk of injur y, proper ty damage and racking collapse. In the worst cases, people can be badly injured by falling racking or goods, and even lose their lives.”

“extremely in depth” and looks at all aspects of a company ’ s processes and procedures, including health & safety, environmental policy, staff training, quality control and how companies manage accidents Filstorage scored top marks on almost all aspects of the examination, placing it in an elite group of businesses across the UK

Mike Gorman, meanwhile, said achieving the cantilever racking inspector qualification added another string to Filstorage’s bow He explained: “We’re well known for supplying and fitting new racking, shelving and storage systems, but we also work with many companies to produce an in-depth condition report about their racking and make recommendations about the maintenance work needed to optimise safety and extend its working life

“ This is a win-win Regularly inspecting your racking system is important for health and safety, legal compliance and to reduce the risk of injur y, property damage and racking collapse In the worst cases, people can be badly injured by falling racking or goods, and even lose their lives.

“Ensuring that your racking is regularly and properly inspected will flag up any faults as they occur. ”

n For more information on Filstorage’s range of solutions for the merchant sector, use the shortcode

Mike Gorman, Sales Director of Filstorage, inspecting racking after passing the SEMA Approved Cantilever Inspector module, adding to his existing SEMA Approved Racking Inspector (SARI) qualification

The inside track

Tim Houghton, Managing Director of FVTH, shares how merchants can most effectively plan their transport needs.

Running a fleet of vehicles in today’s climate is not an easy task. Having been in the transport industr y for many years, with the last eight with FVTH, life is not getting easier! Keeping up with the latest in technolog y, fuel and compliance can be a full-time job

So, looking at your fleet and for ward planning will keep things cost-effective and efficient Knowing that transport is not your main business, but the means of getting your product out to your customers in an efficient and effective way, means that sometimes it is a headache that you do not need Howe ver, it is an ess ential for you to of fer the b est s er vice to your c ustomers s o par tnering with a transp or t company can s ometimes b e a real answer. For example, Darren Price, Managing Direc tor of L ords Group Trading Merchanting Division, commented: “FV TH has worked with us for the last twenty years supplying rental, contrac t hire and b esp oke vehicles

As a working par tner it is great, and one of its strengths is its f lexibility and

adaptability small enoug h to b e nimble and quick to make decisions, but large enoug h to b e able to provide excellent s er vice across the b oard ”

Options to grow and update your fleet

Fleets are never a static size, continually needing adjustment. Purchasing a new truck is a large capital investment and is not the only option in today’s market You will need to consider your business model and get financial advice; but often the move to contract hire with some spot rental allows businesses to free up capital, keep abreast of the changing vehicle environment, and get more management time

Rental as a flexible alternative

Fleets cannot always accommodate peak times comfortably Keeping a vehicle in the fleet might only needed for three months of the year is wasteful and certainly not cost-effective FVTH has partnered with numerous builders’ merchants over the years, bridging the gap many times.

And whatever the industr y, planning is key peak time is for ever yone, and there are not always enough suitable vehicles to go round Large corporates often book their rental requirement for peak at least a year in advance, taking up much of the capacity out in the market

Within this market, peak is from March through to October Given we are now in Januar y, planning needs to be in place within the next two months by March, you could well have missed the boat.

Tim Houghton, FVTH MD, with vehicles for customer Raven Roofing Supplies

Planning well allows you to:

l ensure you get the vehicle you really need

l lock in rates which are more advantageous than a last-minute booking

Understanding that most companies have a need to supplement their fleet for peak requirements, the FVTH builders’ merchant fleet has grown in the last five years with the addition of extra 18t and 26t crane vehicles, and with brick grabs as well, whilst we can also supply bespoke rental solutions

The used vehicle option

With new trucks in short supply and with long lead times, another fleet expansion solution is to look at used vehicle alternatives

There are some excellent trucks out in the market, and often at very good prices.

If you are thinking of buying a used vehicle:

l List your specific truck requirements and specifications

l Have a budget in mind

l Talk to someone you trust when buying

l Check the histor y and maintenance records, and the current condition

l Check over the truck in detail tyre tread, oil levels, rust, mileage, paintwork, bodywork, glass


y & telematics

Fleet management now includes integrated telematics platforms that aim to increase safety, efficiency and often sustainability

This real-time data can be invaluable to the

fleet operator, giving accurate information on how the fleet is working

Smaller fleets and independents can take advantage of technolog y, either directly or through their contract hire company

Numerous telematics tools can make the life of the fleet manager easier, giving a clear and accurate picture of fleet efficiency and, in the long-term increasing profitability

This data and information als o of fers a way to improve safety and reduce insurance claims, howe ver over 50% of f leets are still not maximising telematics this technolog y should b e s een as a f riend to the business and not as the ‘ spy in the cab’ for drivers


The endless question of fuel still looms large throughout the industr y. Moving to electric has not always been seen as a positive, however the government target of 2040 for HGVs is driving manufacturers to produce more electric vehicles

Transitioning to elec tric is complicated one of the f irst steps to take is to get insig ht into how your vehicles are working to day, gaining a real understanding of your existing f leet movements and analysing w hich vehicles may b e suitable for the move to elec tric

eHGV benefits include:

l Lower emissions

l Lower running costs

l Reduced noise

l Reduced carbon footprint

l Competitive advantage

The costs need careful consideration but running and maintenance costs will be lower than the equivalent ICE models Introducing some electric vehicles into your fleet over the next few years will be the way to go

Sharing infrastructure with other similar local companies and utilising public charging points may be one answer for smaller fleets while using fuel cards across multiple fuel types may help keep budgets sorted. Furthermore, the relatively small size of the UK will mean that over 50% of British HGVs will only ever need to charge from their home depot.


Legislation and compliance around fleets is greater than ever. Dependant on the contract, working with a contract hire partner can mean all your compliance requirements are covered, as you are only leasing the vehicle

There are many safety regulations around HGVs, some relating to the vehicle and more relating to drivers Keeping track of all these regulations can take time, something often in short supply in a busy company

We can only touch on some of the areas that face all fleet operators today, but collaboration and working with trusted transport partners gives that added security and knowledge base that makes transport planning so much easier taking one more headache away, so that you can run your business for your customers

n For more information on FVTH fleet management solutions, use the shortcode

n For FVTH’s checklist on buying a used vehicle, go to

FVTH has partnered with Lords for more than twenty years


Operating a last mile, on-demand delivery network, Gophr already has experience working in the merchant sector having signed a new partnership with Dulux Decorator Centre last year Looking ahead to the changing trends for the year ahead and beyond, the company’s Strategic Account Director Graham Smith said: “For trade delivery, 2025 will be about the ‘need for speed’. Same-day delivery will no longer be a premium service it will have become the expectation for tradespeople juggling tight schedules and last-minute supply needs That means we will see the industry moving beyond simply reacting to demand, and trade retailers creating bespoke same-day solutions in their own ecommerce environments.

“Those who continue to rely on third-party platforms risk losing control of the customer experience, as well as their competitive edge Expect to see a surge in retailers investing in integrated delivery systems ”

Graham added: “2025 will also be the year in which trade delivery will break free of urban centres By the end of the year, we expect to see robust and expansive trade delivery networks across the UK, stretching to even the most remote parts of the country Very few tradespeople will be left waiting for those critical supplies ”

n For more information on how merchants can utilise Gophr’s services, use the shortcode



A leading name in premium commercial vehicle conversions, CPD celebrated a successful 2024 with impressive growth, award recognition, a fresh new rebrand and new hires Founded in 2009, the company delivers bespoke, highperformance vehicle solutions to a variety of sectors and in 2024 alone, it completed over 5,500 vehicle conversions a remarkable leap from 2,800 in 2019, achieved through the shift from batch to line production to meet increased demand

The company now produces a Tipper every 45 minutes, a Dropside every 2 hours and a Luton vehicle every 2 hours In addition, CPD Bodies operates on a sprawling 32-acre facility and has secured type approval with all major OEMS, ensuring flexibility and compliance at scale.

In line with its impressive growth, CPD and sister company VanDemand have unveiled a dynamic new visual identity alongside a refreshed website that makes it easier for customers to explore their wide range of services as part of a comprehensive rebrand

Cathal Doocey, Founder and MD, said: “As we continue to grow, we remain focused on innovation and investment to stay ahead in the commercial vehicle conversion market We’re dedicated to delivering high-quality, tailored solutions to meet the evolving needs of our customers, while playing a leading role in supporting the UK’s transition to greener, more sustainable transport solutions ”

n To discover more about CPD’s services, enter



OHRA, a leading European specialist in heavy-duty storage technology, has enhanced its UK sales team with the addition of two key personnel to further strengthen its presence in

the region Stephen Dimond, appointed as Sales Director UK, will now oversee customer relations across the Midlands and Mid and North Wales, operating from Birmingham Meanwhile, Barry Lappin, based in Wigan, has joined as Sales Manager, focusing on the North of England and Scotland

Steve Morrison, a long-standing member of the OHRA team, continues to lead efforts in southern England, the Home Counties, and South Wales

This strategic restructuring is intended to allow the business to respond more quickly and efficiently to market demands, while offering customers “highly personalised support in the development of their warehouse solutions.”

All OHRA products are produced at the company’s own factory in Kerpen (Germany), and they are said to be characterised by a particularly high loadbearing capacity, robustness and durability

n Further information can be found via




The Huws Gray Group company has unveiled a fleet of six new trucks as part of a million-pound investment to increase efficiency and enhance the customer experience across Scotland The investment takes the Scottish-based fleet to over 70 vehicles across a range of 3 5 tonne pickups to 26 tonne crane operated vehicles

The new trucks, all of which are Volvo FE models, are equipped with either 128 or 158 HIAB cranes to meet the needs of the branches where they’ll be located With the 158 HIAB crane able to lift 1.85 tonnes at maximum reach, there is unlikely to be a job or location that the PDM team cannot fulfil

Eddie Hernon, MD at PDM, said: “Investing in our fleet with these new vehicles means that our customers in Scotland will now benefit from some of the most modern delivery vehicles in the buildings materials sector ”

The new vehicles will be based at PDM Aberdeen (x2), PDM Kirkcaldy (x2), PDM Inverness and Huws Gray Dundee



Brigade has announced an update to its brand visual identity This rebranding effort is said to reflect the commercial vehicle safety solutions specialist’s commitment to innovation and excellence, aligning its new look with the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and technology

Founded in 1976 by Chris Hanson-Abbott OBE, Brigade Electronics “introduced Europe to the first reversing alarm, setting a new standard in vehicle and plant safety.” Over the decades, the business states it has “pioneered groundbreaking products, developed and patented new technologies, and built a legacy of saving lives by reducing blind spots and preventing collisions.”

The rebranding includes a modernised logo and refreshed visual identity, moving away from the familiar branding that had remained largely unchanged since the 1970s Based on extensive customer research, the new look reflects Brigade’s evolution from a hardware supplier to a technology-first company offering innovative solutions such as Fleet Management Services

n Use to find out more.



HGVC has trained over 40 drivers at 15 firms in the construction and infrastructure sector since July and is urging more businesses to apply for up to 90% funded places as the UK prepares for investment and growth.

The training specialist has had a leading role in delivering the Government’s Skills Bootcamps in HGV Driving first launched in December 2021 and since extended by the Department for Education to tackle the chronic shortage of HGV drivers that has been stifling growth across the UK. The flexible courses last up to 16 weeks, helping people build sector-specific skills

For employers with fewer than 250 employees, the Skills Bootcamps are 90% funded by Df E whilst larger employers can secure 70% Df E funding Employers of any size can access 100% funding by enrolling new recruits on the training scheme before they are employed

Focusing on supporting employers looking to upskill existing staff, HGVC offers three pathways: helping novice drivers gain their Category C (rigid lorry) licence, a Category C+E (articulated lorry) licence or helping those with a Category C licence upgrade to a Category C + E

n HGVC’s training courses are available at 60 locations across the country. Enter for further details.

The SAS deploys several devices that make it considerably harder for trucks to be rolled or tipped as they go about their work For example, the rear axle on Toyota’s four-wheel counterbalance trucks features a swing lock cylinder which provides greater lateral stability when the truck is turning by locking the rear axle

In addition, the SAS uses advanced sensors linked to an onboard controller to monitor and manage the truck’s mast when loads are being put-away or picked. By automatically restricting the mast’s speed and angle, the risk of ‘mast sway’ and a forklift becoming unbalanced is minimised, allowing faster and safer storage and retrieval of pallets at height

The patented System of Active Stability is now a standard feature on every model in Toyota’s extensive counterbalance truck range.

Toyota Material Handling UK (TMHUK) has also recently announced that work is commencing on the construction of a new purposedesigned Fleet Management Centre to support its growing UK Rental and Used equipment business

n For further details on Toyota’s counterbalance trucks, use

Indicative of the innovation in the wider building materials supply sector, Toolstation has partnered with TradeKart to offer a rapid delivery service for its trade and DIY customers.

The need for speed

Toolstation, part of Travis Perkins plc and reportedly “Britain’s fastest-growing supplier of tools, accessories and building supplies,” has launched a new rapid same-day deliver y ser vice with TradeKart This will deliver orders directly to site, and means that plumbers, builders, electricians and decorators can access over 10,000 products for “deliver y in as little as one hour ”

The ser vice is designed to support those who need speedy access to materials whilst eliminating the “hassle of leaving a site which can cause delays to jobs ” It launches after findings from Toolstation which revealed that 28% of tradespeople said that a same-day deliver y ser vice would make a positive difference to their business, with the research also declaring that “the average tradesperson in the UK currently loses over three hours a week collecting materials from stores; a huge cost and time burden ”

n Toolstation has also recently reported that its free ‘Toolstation Club’ has now signed up 250,000 members since launching at the end of January 2024 The scheme gives exclusive discounts and prizes, as well as 5% off all initial orders (and subsequently, a 5% discount on a spend of £75 or more each month), and Club members have benefitted from hundreds of prizes including breakfasts, holiday vouchers, TVs and more.

Launched in November last year, the rapid service was initially available at 44 Toolstation stores across the UK covering London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Glasgow and Edinburgh before being rolled out across the stockist’s store network

Working with numerous businesses in the sector including City Plumbing, Huws

Gray, Dulux Decorator Centre, MP Moran, Lawsons, PaintWell and London Decorators Merchants TradeKart is billed as the UK’s fastest-growing trade marketplace, offering a rapid deliver y ser vice which acts as the conduit between tradespeople and merchants Customers simply place their order on the TradeKart app and can then track it from store to door in real time for a £5 deliver y fee

Alistair McAuley, Founder and CEO of TradeKart, said: “We’re thrilled to launch this exciting new partnership with Toolstation which will give tradespeople across the UK access to its extensive range of materials on demand, wherever and whenever they need them Time is one of our most valuable assets and this ser vice will ensure tradespeople can focus on what they do best, putting this wasted time and money to better use ”

Customer Director Chris Other said: “Our ambition has always been to offer the best value and convenience to our customers, and with the Toolstation Club reaching this milestone so quickly, thousands of the nation’s tradespeople are benefitting from some of the best possible offers from Toolstation and deals from our partners ”

Chris Other, Customer Director at Toolstation, added: “ This rapid deliver y ser vice will enable us to go even further to meet the needs of our customers. We know how busy they are and the challenges they face when working on site, and no one wants to down tools and spend time battling traffic to pick up a specific product Partnering with TradeKart means that we can provide customers with the ultimate convenience that will keep them on the job ”

n For more information on TradeKart, use the shortcode

PBM speaks with Kerridge Commercial Systems to discuss how digitalisation, ecommerce and the evolution of artificial intelligence are combining to deliver for modern merchant businesses.

Technology transformed

Digitalisation, robotic process automation and advancements in cloud computing are transforming businesses in the 2020s As companies continue their digital transformation, they’re using technolog y to streamline processes, improve productivity, enhance cybersecurity and optimise supply chain management

With the growing use of robotic process automation, the deployment of software (the robots in this case ) that emulate human action, businesses can automate repetitive tasks and free up valuable time for critical activities. Ecommerce has also changed how products are sold, with many merchant businesses now

deploying websites that enable them to sell their goods online as well as in-store

However, those that deploy an integrated platform that acts as an extension of their business system see not only a tremendous benefit in increased sales, but also in providing customer self-service options Customers can easily access order and product details, check availability, and choose between click-and-collect or home delivery

By providing online tools for order tracking and quer y resolution, businesses improve ser vice quality and enhance efficiency, enabling customers to resolve issues quickly

The rising use of mobile apps in business IT ecosystems is a notable trend These apps enable employees to ‘take the technolog y to the job,’ allowing for immediate results instead of relying on capturing results on paper and updating systems later.

For example, remote salespeople can place orders on the go, making orders instantly ready for processing. Apps like ePOD also help deliver y drivers confirm deliveries by capturing signatures and images Additionally, immediate access to these electronic documents in K8 facilitates quick resolution of customer disputes It can also allow for correcting any deliver y issues before drivers return to the yard.

“We’ve seen a significant rise in demand for our apps that take orders, book in goods, picking and other operational tasks this year, ” says James Mitchell, Managing Director of Kerridge Commercial Systems (KCS) in the UK and Ireland “Our customers value the efficiencies our user-friendly apps provide, allowing instant access to essential tasks and immediate updates to the K8 system. Errors are quickly reported to the right staff, ensuring swift resolutions and great ser vice

“Our digital solutions streamline the matching of supplier invoices, removing the need for expensive EDI technolog y When an invoice arrives via email, the system processes it automatically, with any issues flagged for attention ”

James adds: “We embrace digitalisation across industr y. Our continuous innovation

aims to enhance customer ser vice and drive efficiencies With artificial intelligence (AI) advancements within our products, we are excited about the future.”

The benefits of AI technolog y AI technolog y offers significant benefits for businesses, and it is not only through areas such as marketing Applications can recommend appropriate products, and algorithms can assess the impact of climate and economic factors on customer purchasing decisions, adjusting supplier orders accordingly. Businesses can optimise stock levels as a result and reduce the working capital tied up in inventor y

To illustrate the main concepts of AI, think of a vast data pool called a ‘Data Lake’ Large Language Models (LLMs) use complex algorithms to interpret this data and uncover patterns, with responses to questions being provided in clear and concise English

For perspective, one gigabyte of data contains about 170 million words, and these models can process multiple petabytes of data at once Considering that one petabyte contains over one million gigabytes, it is clear that such technolog y holds immense power for business

As James states, “AI is central to our development programme, and we ’ re excited about the opportunities it offers our customers Our teams are actively collaborating with industr y groups in the construction, automotive, electrical sectors and more to standardise product catalogues, enhancing opportunities for our clients.

“For instance, our automotive division’s catalogue, Autocat, features over two million products and is essential for locating vehicle parts We’ve developed software that allows users to send a picture of a part via WhatsApp to check its price and availability for a specific car registration.

“ The software matches the image to the relevant part, presenting options to the user. They can ask questions about specifications or compatibility, which are answered instantly Users can then place orders electronically.”

Getting in the cloud

Highlighting the importance of security and scalability, businesses are increasingly vulnerable to sophisticated cyber-attacks, especially as cybercriminals leverage AI Data security is therefore crucial, and choosing a reputable ERP provider will ensure best practices in data authentication, access control, and encr yption.

James Mitchell explained: “At KCS, all our solutions are available as SaaS in the Cloud This offers our customers enhanced data protection and real flexibility in their work Fully certified for security and quality, our customers can easily increase capacity Cloud technology will be critical to businesses as they take advantage of the new technologies ” He concludes: “From your ERP software to your web presence, finance and accounting, optimising your systems and processes through digitalisation and AI strengthens your business and improves customer ser vice Choosing the right partner to provide the digital and other innovative solutions you need in a secure environment is critical to growing your business in 2025 and beyond!”

n For more information on the range of solutions available from Kerridge Commercial Systems, use the shortcode www rdr link/mbk023

Competitive advantage

Simon Wharton, founder of eCommerce consultancy PushON, outlines the key strategies to help merchants protect their market share and build resilience — especially when up against the growing threat posed by eCommerce giants such as Amazon.

The UK construction sector remains a key driver of economic activity, with construction output increasing in the second quarter of 2024, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). However, builders’ merchants are facing significant headwinds

A recent report from the Builders Merchants Federation (BMF) revealed that sales in the sector have slowed, with a 7 3% year-on-year decline in the second quarter of 2024

This dip suggests that merchants must adapt quickly to changing market conditions, even more so in the face of rising competition from eCommerce giants like Amazon.

According to a 2023-2024 shopping report, 49% of all B2B spending now takes place online. Yet, 46% of buyers still report frustration with existing B2B platforms, citing poor mobile optimisation and lack of detailed product information as key issues In this context, Amazon’s presence is a serious concern as it starts to expand into construction products like power tools, building supplies and workwear.

So how can builders’ merchants ensure they aren’t dominated by the eCommerce giant?

Meeting the needs of a new generation of buyers

As younger professionals enter the industr y and drive purchasing decisions that impact the construction sector, merchants must understand their evolving needs This tech-savvy generation, used to seamless

consumer experiences in their personal lives, increasingly expect the same experience in their business transactions

If a builders’ merchant’s website isn’t user-friendly or optimised for mobile, these buyers will quickly go elsewhere

Yet despite preferring a digital-first experience, a report from Forrester found that 90% of millennial and Gen Z B2B buyers cite dissatisfaction with their vendors in at least one area compared to 71% of older buyers. Given their higher standards, having a smooth and intuitive online platform is essential Builders’ merchants need to ensure their websites are mobile-optimised and easy

“Amazon’s presence is a serious concern as it starts to expand into construction products like power tools, building supplies and workwear.”

to navigate, with detailed product information, clear images, and an easy checkout process

Additionally, it’s imp or tant to create s eamless omnichannel exp eriences. Unlike Amazon, w hich op erates s olely online, builders’ merchants have physical stores, providing a unique opp or tunity to integrate thes e two channels This allows for s er vices like click-and-collec t, in-store pro duc t demonstrations and p ers onalis ed advice distinc t advantages Amazon simply can’t replicate

However, it’s crucial that the digital and in-store experiences are closely aligned. Customers should be able to check product availability online, order through the website and collect items in-store with minimal friction Creating this unified shopping journey will not only meet the expectations of modern buyers but also encourage repeat purchases

Differentiating through expertise and customer ser vice

While Amazon may have reach, builders’ merchants possess something equally valuable industr y expertise. Building projects are often complex, requiring precise materials and tools to ensure success By offering expert advice, personalised product recommendations and customised ser vices, such as bespoke material orders, merchants can add value that goes beyond Amazon’s standardised ser vice.

Simon Wharton, founder of eCommerce consultancy PushON

Customer ser vice is another area where merchants can excel While Amazon relies on algorithms and automation to manage its customer interactions, builders’ merchants can provide a more personal touch, ensuring customers feel valued.

Responsive, human customer service, whether in person, via phone, email, or live chat, helps build trust and solidify customer relationships Merchants should also prioritise after-sales service, ensuring that any issues are dealt with quickly and efficiently, which helps with long-term loyalty.

L everaging data for a competitive edge Amazon's ability to use data to target customers and drive sales is impressive So, builders’ merchants should use their own customer insights to their advantage Understanding customer buying habits, preferences and pain points can help merchants develop personalised marketing strategies that attract their attention.

One effective way to leverage customer data is by focusing on lifetime customer

value (LCV) rather than simply driving one-off purchases For example, by analysing past purchasing habits, merchants can target high-value customers with personalised promotions, loyalty discounts, or tailored product suggestions.

This strateg y can encourage repeat business and help retain customers, keeping them away from Amazon’s grasp

Additionally, focusing on SEO and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is important for staying visible Builders’ merchants need to ensure that when customers search for construction products, their website ranks highly in search engine results. A strong online presence, supported by effective digital marketing strategies, such as offering expert blogs, how-to guides, or product demonstrations, can further strengthen a brand

Building long-term brand loyalty

While Amazon may offer convenience and low prices, it lacks the personal connection that merchants can offer to make their

customers feel like valued partners, rather than just another transaction

Building trust takes time, but it’s one of the most effective ways to create resilience against larger competitors This involves consistent communication, delivering on promises, and continually enhancing the customer experience, both online and in-store

Engaging customers through social media, email newsletters and loyalty schemes can also strengthen brand visibility and build a sense of community These efforts encourage repeat business and ensure that customers think of their merchant first when placing future orders

Ultimately, by embracing these strategies, builders’ merchants can build a resilient business model that not only sur vives but thrives in the face of Amazon’s growing presence

n For further information on the innovative digital solutions available from PushON, use the shortcode www rdr link/mbk024

Used by a number of merchant businesses such as Carvers and Browns, the electronic Proof of Delivery system from Podfather is also utlised by many suppliers to offer a more integrated, transparent and efficient approach throughout the sector. PBM reports.

Linking the supply chain

Providing deliveries to builders’ merchants and work sites, Leicestershire-based Merchants Transport operates a mixed fleet of artics with curtain sided and flatbed trailers, rigids with flatbeds and HIAB cranes Recently, the construction product transportation company says it has “transformed its deliver y operation” with an electronic Proof of Deliver y system from Podfather

Drivers us e an App to capture date, time and geo co ded photographs and c ustomer signatures This information is simultaneously shared with the back-of f ice, giving management and supp or t staf f total visibility of the deliver y op eration as it unfolds. The details can als o b e shared with the c ustomer via an automatically generated email or a s ec ure log-in to the Po dfather system, w hile the logistics f irm’s accounts team can als o access deliver y information if required

Prior to implementing the software, ‘Merchants’ was “100% reliant on paper deliver y notes ” This had the potential to cause delays in responding to customer queries and could result in credit notes being issued unnecessarily The business also relied on paper-based vehicle checks for its fleet of HGVs, a workflow the Podfather solution has also digitised

Martin Hemley, Transport Super visor at Merchants Transport, said: “Before Podfather, PODs were paper only versions containing a signature and a date In the case of a quer y, we had to either wait until the driver returned to the office or, as a minimum, until they were parked up for the night so we could speak to them safely.

“Due to a rising amount of POD queries and disputes from our customers’ customers we realised we needed to be able to deliver more information, more quickly We knew we wanted a system that was user friendly for our office team, for our drivers and for our customers, and following extensive research, testing and supplier meetings, we decided Podfather was most suited to our requirements ”

Mar tin continued: “Po dfather has exceeded our original requirements and exp ec tations, giving us e ver ything we needed and more The improvements in ef f icienc y and the s er vice we now

provide to our c ustomers has cer tainly b een sur pass ed

“Some of our bigger accounts have embraced Podfather and now say they couldn’t work without it In fact, one of our customers has made it a requirement of our terms of business with them as it has greatly reduced the amount and value of credits they issue to their customers for damaged and missing items ”

In addition to the automation of POD reporting, the company has also replaced its paper-based driver walkaround checks with a fully digitised process. Using the Podfather app, drivers are guided through a series of vehicle and welfare checks at the start of each shift. This information is then automatically shared with the inhouse mechanic to ensure any potential defects are dealt with as quickly as possible

Moving for ward, Merchants Transport hopes to embrace other aspects of the system including the planning and optimisation tools for load allocation and journey planning, tracking and notifications for customer email or and text ETA generation, and performance dashboards and integrated reports to drive further efficiency gains

CCP Building Products, a manufacturer and supplier of aggregates and concrete blocks for more than 60 years, has also introduced deliver y software to improve its customer ser vice With manufacturing facilities for concrete blocks in Middlewich

and Llay, CCP formerly known as Cheshire Concrete Products ser ves builders’ merchants and construction projects across the northwest of England and Wales Producing over 24 million precast concrete blocks annually, the business can make up to 90 deliveries a day using third-party haulage contractors

Since implementing the Podfather ePOD solution, CCP says it has significantly reduced the amount of paper it uses, and the resource associated with producing and

processing it, and has improved customer ser vice by capturing and sharing, in real-time, comprehensive digital evidence of deliveries made

“Before we started using Podfather it almost felt that we were drowning in paper, ” commented CCP Company Secretar y Zoe Scourfield “Ever y deliver y had a triplicate paper job sheet that we produced and drivers collected from the depot. Once the deliver y had been made, and signed for, this then had to be returned to the office for filing and, in the case of a quer y, we had to physically find the relevant paper work, scan it and email it to the client

“All this took time and paper and, as we operate deliveries from two sites, it could introduce significant delays when dealing with customers which potentially impacted on our cash flow.”

CCP is also realising significant improvements in customer ser vice with the

capture of date, time and location stamped photographs and signatures at the point of deliver y. Using the app, running on any mobile device, drivers can quickly record and share, in real-time, this information with the back-office team and even the customer

This is reducing the number of inbound calls about deliveries and the time taken to resolve the few queries that do still occur

“It’s still early days for us and Podfather,” added Zoe “But each day we discover something new, and each day we realise how that can positively impact our staff, our customers and the environment We are confident that in time we will adopt other aspects of the Podfather system such as automatic ETA notifications and updates, load planning and route optimisation ”

n For more information on the Podfather electronic Proof of Deliver y system, use the shortcode www rdr link/mbk025



Providing software solutions that can help independent builders’ merchants to find ways to improve efficiency, maximise margins and gain tighter control over their businesses, Border has been working with the sector for more than 30 years

Designed to meet the specific needs of merchant businesses, its solutions include ePOD an electronic proof of delivery app that makes it easy for drivers to manage their deliveries using a mobile device

Allowing them to collect proof of delivery information and working with Border’s delivery scheduling tool, ePOD allows merchants to view and amend driver delivery schedules, see delivery location details, special notes and maps while logging customer acceptance and rejection of deliveries and collect electronic signatures Photo evidence can be uploaded along with any further information about a delivery, if required

All the delivery data that is collected is passed in real time back to the Border system and included with ePOD is WIMO, which allows customers to track the status of their delivery online

Overall, the company says that this is a “great option for streamlining your processes, reducing paperwork and manual intervention, improving your location finding and enhancing customer communication ”

n For more information about ePOD, use the shortcode




City Plumbing has launched a digital boiler diagnostic subscription reportedly the first of its kind to suggest solutions to all faults to help heating engineers “become more profitable by reducing the time spent on jobs, increasing their work capabilities and boosting their customer satisfaction ” Designed by the specialist merchant’s own experts and initially launched to housing providers, ‘FaultFinder’ is described as giving heating engineers access to an easy-to-use tool that is suitable for any size of heating engineering business, from sole traders through to larger teams The firm says that even if the boiler doesn’t have a visible fault code, the tool can help in these cases, users simply complete a quick but comprehensive symptoms questionnaire to get an instant diagnosis and the system can select from over 800 outcomes

Indeed, the diagnostic database allows engineers “to diagnose and fix over 13,000 gas, electric and oil boilers, including older models ” Once the problem has been identified, FaultFinder will recommend the parts required to complete the job, with over 7,000 products listed Furthermore, the platform keeps a record of the fault report history and outcomes, to ensure it is constantly improving

City Plumbing customers can get three months free access Subscription fees start from £9 99 a month for individual users, with additional packages available for larger teams


The Wolseley Group business has announced a suite of new initiatives aimed at helping customers find and order parts more easily over the heating season For instance, described as a significant step forward in the brand’s digital offering, the new Plumb Centre App is designed to help trade professionals find the parts they need faster and easier than ever before and brings a range of time-saving features to the fingertips of installers

Created following considerable customer research and user testing, the app enables customers to use diagrams to quickly identify and purchase parts the parts they need, check stock availability and pay what they need at a click of a button They can additionally use it to contact experts as well as find directions to their local branches, whilst installers can also check the status of their orders, manage and pay their account on their phone and manage invoices and statements without losing valuable time

Regular users can personalise their experience to store their most ordered products and preferred branches whilst the app also offers a mobile optimised, user friendly experience for Plumb Pro the merchant’s recently introduced membership and rewards scheme

Described as an innovative and practical piece of software designed to aid transparency, improve efficiencies and save money for social housing providers and their contractors, Travis Perkins Managed Services has launched TPgo A web-based Software as Service (SaaS) solution, the platform is targeted at customers whose goal is to help increase the First Time Fix Rate for social housing providers and give contractors greater visibility of inventory and lead times when ordering products

TPgo includes TPgo Order, TPgo Data and TPgo Self-Serve, which are all designed to arm housing providers with the information they want for the products they need For example, TPgo Order enables increased visibility of product catalogue, stock and orders in addition to providing greater efficiencies for suppliers scheduling repairs and maintenance works Furthermore, it gives the ability to track which contractor has ordered what, its availability and current order status to facilitate a reduction in invoice queries and reduced mileage through fewer wasted trips to branches

TPgo Data is designed to give the customer in-depth knowledge that will aid future purchasing decisions by providing a comprehensive overview of purchasing behaviour whilst TPgo Self Serve reflects the reality that not all housing stock is close to a Travis Perkins branch and so is designed to essentially facilitate the use of unmanned stores that will allow operatives access to materials in a convenient location

Waste not, want not

Specialising in affordable, simple-toinstall solutions for both residential and commercial projects, Showersave was first developed in the Netherlands in 2005 with the brand introducing its wastewater heat recovery technology to the UK in 2009, reportedly becoming the first to bring this highly efficient system to British homes

Offering “ a proven, cost-effective way for housebuilders and developers to meet energ y efficiency regulations,” Showersave-branded WWHR products for new build, retrofit and commercial buildings are said to be at the forefront of innovative, sustainable, energ y saving systems and over 140,000 systems have now been installed across the UK and Europe

Given the potential for further growth, the brand was brought under the umbrella of the Keystone Group last year Showersave MD Tony Gordon said at the time: “As a result of the UK Government’s drive towards improved energ y efficiency in housing, accelerated by regulator y changes, the importance of recovering the energ y from wastewater has become strategically relevant

“ is partnership with the Keystone Group ensures that in a market with demand increasing rapidly, we are the only company that can provide our valued customers with a WWHR system manufactured and distributed under one roof.”

Just launched to market, the latest innovation the Showersave QB1-21XE is said to build on the success of its predecessor, the QB1-21, and is designed to deliver maximum energ y savings, compliance with building regulations and ease of installation.

All key selling points for merchants, it has been developed “to make the biggest impact on hot water energ y savings for showers” with the new model described as an affordable and effective solution for stocking in trade counters, helping installers meet energ y standards and future-proofing homes to comply with the upcoming Future Homes Standard (FHS).

Indeed, with its “superior efficiency,” the new system enables merchants to offer their customers a reliable way to reduce energ y consumption and lower homeowners’ utility bills, while simultaneously supporting compliance with the UK’s energ y-saving targets. For example, the product has undergone rigorous testing and is recognised for its high performance in the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), delivering a maximum efficiency of 70 6% at 8l/min reportedly making it one of the most efficient WWHRS units on the market.

Similarly, one of the key innovations of the QB1-21XE is its new Cyclone Connector

“Our goal is always to improve outcomes for merchants and trade customers, ensuring compliance with building regulations, while reducing energy consumption and costs.”

Wastewater heat recovery (WWHR) systems are increasingly entering the conversation as merchants, trade customers and homeowners alike all look for high-performance solutions for improving energy efficiency. PBM speaks with Showersave to find out more about the technology and the company’s latest innovation.

which eliminates the need for multiple fittings is design enhancement simplifies the installation process, reducing time and complexity for installers and offering a further selling point for merchants when recommending it to their trade customers.

Tony Gordon commented: “Our goal is always to improve outcomes for merchants and trade customers, ensuring compliance with building regulations, while reducing energ y consumption and costs e new QB1-21XE delivers on all these fronts improved performance, easier installation, and no increase in price

“As well as helping contractors meet compliance targets, the Showersave QB1-21XE offers homeowners long-term savings It is maintenance free and has a proven track record of durability and reliability Over its lifetime, a single Showersave unit can save a household up to 10 tonnes of carbon and hundreds of pounds in energ y costs annually”

n For more information on Showersave, use the shortcode


Jasmine Rowe, Product Designer at HiB, takes a deep dive into the bathroom trends that will lead the way in 2025.

Bathroom trends for 2025

Small but stylish Renovating small-scale rooms is predicted to be a big focus this year For example, a study from 2023 suggested that the addition of a second bathroom or refurbishing small and disused cloakrooms could increase the value of a property by up to 6%. Installing both floor-standing and wall-hung corner fixtures and units with compressed specifications offer up important storage space without taking up too much of the floor.

Adjusting to a smaller space does not mean compromising on the aesthetics of the room either. For instance, HiB’s latest collection of cloakroom units come in four different styles and a myriad of finishes and colourways that would complement a range of bathroom looks.

So, downsizing on furniture does not mean cutting down on creativity

Spa-like textures

A global focus on personal wellbeing has sparked a transition into turning bathrooms into personal sanctuaries. The ‘Spa’ trend has honed in on creating environments that boost relaxation and provide a sense of calm Adding depth and aesthetic interest by texture layering helps to achieve this look

Homeowners are moving away from sleek and smooth surfaces that result in rooms feeling clinical and cold, and instead adding various materials such as concrete, marble, slate and wood to create a unique focal point in the bathroom.

This gives the room balance and a more dynamic design that is inviting for homeowners and guests

Brassware is front and centre

Beautiful brassware will feature heavily in this years ’ bathroom spaces. Installing brassware can add an understated edge to the bathroom, for example brushed brass and gun metal provide a warm and elegant feel to effortlessly enhance and balance the ambiance of the room

A ‘Retro Revival’ is also slipping into the foreground with brassware in pink and gold hues making a comeback, so watch this space

Abstract cur ves

Unusual cur ves, asymmetrical shapes and statement contours will add something unique to a bathroom Homeowners are

becoming more adventurous and playful in their designs so we will see requests for these features growing throughout the year

Leaning more into maximalist trends, unconventionally shaped washbasins, mirrors and abstract lighting can create an illusion of more light and space, convenient for brightening up cloakrooms

HiB has a variety of uniquely designed mirrors such as the Bastille, Nova and Alba which boast stylish mesh texture, on-trend arched shapes and calming LED illumination that help to bring a more dynamic look to a bathroom and act as a statement piece to elevate the room

Light it up

This year will be all about less clutter and more considerate stylistic choices to give bathrooms a more open feel, and the right lighting will be crucial Decorative lighting, such as pendant lights and sconces will lead the way, helping to complement the space and add a sense of luxur y so the room will still have an elegant and clean look without feeling empty

Colour is the new black Gone are the days when bathrooms were purely functional and dominated by only sterile whites and neutrals Today, designers and homeowners are embracing colour in a variety of ways to make these spaces feel inviting, luxurious, and even artistic. ‘Pastels

“Today, designers and homeowners are embracing colour in a variety of ways to make these spaces feel inviting, luxurious, and even ar tistic.”

with a twist’ colours like terracotta, mint green and shades of blue add a soft, fresh touch to the bathroom

These shades work well with Scandinavian or modern aesthetics, making the space feel airier and brighter. Pops of colours through fixtures will also bring big energ y to the bathroom this year Coloured basins in hues like coral, bold black, mustard and forest green become the centrepiece of the bathroom and give it a highly personalised feel

Playfulness with practicality Children’s bathrooms the one to watch

Towards the back end of 2024, we saw an uplift in requests for our coloured basins and furniture to provide a fun but functional

space for the littlest household members

We expect this trend to grow this year, with requests for colour-pops against neutral backgrounds and clever storage solutions such as recessed cabinets to optimise space and hide away toys and clutter, becoming increasingly popular

So, what does that mean for merchants and their customers?

2025 is set to see people moving further away from uninspired renovations in the bathroom, instead prioritising relaxation and taking a more creative approach to aesthetics and smaller spaces

Customer demands are becoming increasingly more particular and nuanced, so being able to help bring their visions to life

will be key Knowing what the trends are and being able to provide the full bathroom package from sanitaryware to lighting, furniture and complementary accessories and textures will make for happy customers

n For more information on HiB’s range of products and support ser vices for merchants, enter the shortcode

What lies beneath?

The bathroom industry has undergone significant evolution in recent years, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer preferences and an increasing emphasis on sustainability. Andrew Shankster, Product Training Manager at Geberit UK, explores some of the key trends shaping the future of bathroom design and installation.

One of the most notable shifts in the industr y is the move towards multi-layer piping systems These solutions offer an alternative to traditional materials, addressing common issues such as corrosion, scaling, and heat loss. Multilayer pipes typically consist of three layers, with a central aluminium layer sandwiched between two plastic layers, and this construction offers a combination of f lexibility and stability to make installation more efficient.

The benefits of multi-layer piping systems for installers are substantial The installation process is streamlined, with no need for hot works or additional consumables on site These systems are versatile, suitable for various applications from potable water to heating systems.

Their durability, including resistance to corrosion, cracking, and scale buildup, ensures a longer ser vice life

Furthermore, the excellent thermal insulation properties of multi-layer pipes contribute to energ y efficienc y, aligning with the requirements of Part L of the Building Regulations for the conser vation of fuel and power

Products such as Geberit FlowFit exemplif y these advantages, offering press-fit technolog y that further optimises the installation process. With only two pressing jaws required for the entire range, it presents an efficient solution that can enhance productivity, particularly in confined spaces.

Embracing multi-layer piping systems can differentiate installers in a competitive market, offering clients a

modern, efficient solution that aligns with the growing demand for sustainable and cost-effective installations

The rise of shower toilets

Another trend gaining significant traction is the increasing popularity of shower toilets These advanced fixtures, which combine the functions of a toilet and a bidet, are increasingly perceived as a luxur y item in residential bathrooms and are also becoming more prevalent in commercial settings

Shower toilets, such as the Geberit AquaClean Alba, offer several benefits that resonate with modern consumers: enhanced hygiene through integrated washing functions, improved comfort features like heated seats and adjustable water temperature, increased accessibility for users with mobility issues, and sustainability benefits through reduced toilet paper usage and efficient water consumption.


The growing demand for shower toilets presents an opportunity for installers to expand their ser vice offerings and develop expertise in highvalue installations While the installation process may require additional skills, particularly regarding electrical connections and specialised water supply requirements, mastering these systems can position installers as specialists in a growing market segment

C onceale d systems

The trend towards minimalist, spa-like bathrooms has driven demand for concealed installation systems These behind-the-wall solutions create a sleek, uncluttered aesthetic while maximising space a crucial consideration in modern bathroom design

C oncealed cisterns for wall-hung toilets are at the forefront of this trend. While they may present initial challenges, such as accommodating uneven wall surfaces or working in compact spaces, the end result is a stylish and space-efficient solution that increasingly appeals to clients

“The trend towards minimalist, spa-like bathrooms has driven demand for concealed installation systems.”

To successfully navigate concealed system installations, merchants can help installers to familiarise themselves with adjustable mounting frames to compensate for wall irregularities, utilise manufacturer-provided templates and measuring guides for precise positioning, and consider systems designed for efficient installation, such as Geberit Sigma and Omega concealed cisterns. These products offer features like tool-free installation options and easily accessible ser vice openings, facilitating both installation and future maintenance.

Personalise d bathroom designs

Perhaps one of the most significant shifts in the industr y is the growing demand for personalised, bespoke bathroom designs Clients increasingly view their bathrooms as personal retreats and seek spaces that ref lect individual styles and needs

This trend towards customisation is evident in the popularity of modular bathroom furniture and mix-and-match concepts For example, Geberit’s Mix & Match concept allows customers to combine basins and furniture across different ranges, creating truly personalised wash places

This trend towards bespoke designs necessitates an expanded product knowledge base, increased f lexibility in working with diverse materials and installation requirements, and enhanced collaboration between installers, designers and clients to understand and implement unique visions

The next steps

To maximise opportunities in this evolving market, merchants can assist installers in staying updated on the latest products and installation techniques

through, for example, manufacturer training programmes and industr y events Similarly, investing in specialised tools for working with new materials and systems such as press-fit tools for multi-layer piping can enhance efficienc y and capability

Furthermore, building strong relationships with suppliers who offer products aligned with these trends can provide a competitive edge and additional business whilst the ability to educate clients on the benefits of new technologies and designs can be a valuable differentiator

The bathroom industr y is undergoing a significant transformation, and there is a huge opportunity to be at the forefront of this evolution. By embracing these trends, plumbing and heating professionals can offer bathrooms that are not only functional but also sustainable, personalised, and innovative

n For more information on Geberit’s range of products and support ser vices for merchants, use the shortcode www rdr link/mbk029


Founded in 2000 by father-and-son duo Ray and Michael Linsky, Sensio started as a small family-run business in Castleford, West Yorkshire, and has since grown into a trusted name in the KBB industry. The business has now joined the ArtiCAD Supplier Partnership Programme, making its extensive product catalogue available to ArtiCAD users and enabling designers to incorporate its high-quality, energyefficient LED lighting solutions directly into their designs

ArtiCAD’s Alex Rollinger said: “Welcoming Sensio Lighting to the ArtiCAD Supplier Partnership Programme is an incredibly exciting step for us and our customers. Sensio’s reputation for quality, innovation, and customer focus aligns perfectly with our mission to provide designers with the tools and resources they need to create exceptional spaces We look forward to seeing the fantastic projects this partnership will inspire ”

n Enter the shortcode to find out more.



The latest collection from Bathrooms to Love by PJH has rolled out a new Brushed Bronze theme throughout the portfolio, including a number of ranges within its brassware category For example, two popular bathroom brassware families, Pescara and Berio, are now available in the new finish and join a range of other Bathrooms to Love categories to have been refreshed with the elegant new colourway including wetrooms, shower mixers, mirrors, bath screens, radiators and even wastes

Adding to a growing choice of other on-trend metallic finishes available across the collection such as matt black, brushed brass and anthracite the Brushed Bronze option presents designers with another suite of products that can be easily coordinated for a seamless look

n Use for further details.


In the latest chapter of its ongoing environmental journey, the shower enclosure brand has hit the significant milestone of attaining ISO 14001 accreditation The standard is an internationally recognised marker of quality and good practice in relation to a business’s environmental management system, which plays a key role in dictating how its overall sustainability drive is measured and acted upon

Achieving this standard means that a business is committed to improving its environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste and in Lakes’ case, this also builds on its success of having achieved Carbon Neutral Plus certification back in 2020. In addition, the company has successfully renewed its ISO 9001 certification, reaffirming its focus on delivering the highest standards of quality across its products and services

n Discover more about Lakes’ range of products and support services for merchants via

The Pioneer tap from Clearwater is described as a bold addition to its range that combines urban style with cutting-edge performance. Designed with striking industrial elements, the Pioneer tap is suitable for those looking to achieve the popular warehouse apartment aesthetic in their kitchen. Available in four finishes Chrome, Brushed Nickel PVD, Matt Black, and Brushed Brass PVD the tap is WRAS approved and works smoothly at water pressures as low as 0.5 bar, making it versatile for a range of kitchen setups. In addition, it also includes an energy-saving cold-start control which ensures hot water is only used when needed, helping to reduce unnecessary energy use

n Further details await via


A new collection of brass and copper baths from Waterline are designed to bring “unparalleled luxury into the home at an exceptional value.” Handcrafted from 100% 16-gauge copper and brass, the baths are said to combine timeless elegance with unbeatable prices to make high-end luxury more accessible than ever.

The collection includes a Brass Bath Tub, Nickel Plated Bath Tub, and a Copper Bath Tub with a Nickel Interior, all sized at 1650 x 750mm, along with matching bath wastes To complete the luxurious bathroom setup, complementary brassware and shower sets are also available.

n Discover more by using the shortcode


Digital support

PJH is highlighting the growing use of digital tools such as augmented reality which is helping to drive traffic into its national network of independent merchant stockists and showrooms.

Marking the first anniversar y of its Bathrooms to Love (BTL) website launch, PJH states that online traffic has grown rapidly with a more than 180% increase over the year, with 100s of independent stockists now showcased and promoted on the site and more encouraged to get listed Designed to help attract new customers and increase showroom footfall, profiles can be easily managed through PJH’s intuitive Partners Portal.

This offers stockists the opportunity to use the BTL platform to showcase their business for free by adding custom content such as showroom images, bathroom projects and contact details directly on their profile pages

Sally Hough, PJH’s Multi-channel Marketing Manager, said: “We are pleased with the growth and success of the BTL website over the past year. Our focus has always been on providing meaningful

support to our independent bathroom stockists, and the platform, supported with its social media arms, is a key part of this commitment

“By giving our retailers the marketing tools to showcase their expertise and drive showroom footfall, we ’ re helping them grow their business It bridges that all important gap between the consumer and retailer on the buying journey We’re excited to welcome even more stockists to the BTL family and continue building on this success together ”

A further development is the expansion of an innovative Augmented Reality feature, allowing end users to visualise how Bathrooms to Love products will look and fit in their own spaces Sally explained: “With Augmented Reality, imagination becomes reality Customers can now visualise their dream bathrooms with greater confidence and ease.

“AR is not only an innovative design tool for consumers but also an additional sales driver for our stockists, allowing them to showcase products they may not have space to display This feature embodies our commitment to enhancing the buying journey while supporting our valued retail partners with cutting-edge technolog y. ”

The firm states that the popularity of AR as a design tool has driven it “to invest significantly” in this technolog y Now, almost all products in the new Autumn/Winter Bathrooms to Love

Collection are equipped with QR codes, enabling users to “bring their ideas to life” through detailed product videos or immersive AR visualisation

Furthermore, the AR experience is being “seamlessly integrated” into the PJH Partners Portal, in-store Point of Sale (POS) materials and the Bathrooms to Love website to ensure customers can engage with it wherever they are whether browsing online or exploring a showroom. For example, in-store, customers can scan QR codes on POS displays to visualise how a product might look in their bathroom before making a purchase, enhancing customer engagement and ultimately driving sales

This allows customers to directly access information on only the products they are interested in, offering a more tailored approach to individual needs while also supporting environmental sustainability by minimising printed materials

The process is straightfor ward: customers simply look for the AR icon next to a product, scan the QR code with a smartphone, or click the button if browsing online The product will then overlay onto the existing room, offering an accurate representation of its size, colour, and fit

Users can explore ever y detail of the product, zoom in, rotate it, and even switch between different colour options, ensuring it complements their space perfectly

n For more information from PJH, use the shortcode


Cistermiser has announced the arrival of its first batch of eco-friendly brown cartons for its Standard Hydraulic Valve This transition from full-colour packaging to a single brown carton design reflects water saving solutions specialist’s commitment to sustainability and efficiency

The new packaging supports ISO 14001 environmental standards and includes FSC and PAP21 logos in a move said to highlight its “dedication to responsible sourcing and recyclability ” The brown cartons are a sturdy, updated design with clear artwork that enhances product security with improved structural integrity

For more information from Cistermiser, use the shortcode


Dakea has launched a new initiative named On the House to support construction sector and property professionals Merchants are being asked to share the launch of this free to join online community, which is dedicated to developers, property investors and landlords who will be able to benefit from “instant access to a wide range of relevant and informative topics including legislation, tenant management, sustainability and innovative product solutions ” Keen to build long-lasting partnerships across the supply chain from housebuilders to roof window installers and merchants, the company says it offers support at “ every step of the way from choosing the right roof window through to installation support and service ” Use to discover more about Dakea’s products and support offering for merchants.


Following changes to its packaging in recent months, Stelrad is also now adopting a new approach to its brochures and says that “there is a lot more to environmentally friendly print than using ‘ green ’ ink and recycled paper ” With new materials and production methods allowing them to carry the Forest Stewardship Council logo, Head of Marketing Chris Harvey said: “We are taking the move towards environmentally aware print very seriously as part of our environmental policies for the business The opportunities are there for us and all major businesses to make a difference when it comes to our marketing and communications, and we take these opportunities very seriously and will continue to do so as we move forward ”

For more about Stelrad, head to www rdr link/mbk038



With the construction sector being the secondlargest consumer of plastic, reducing plastic waste has become a crucial goal Accordingly, Prokura says it is taking a significant step toward a more sustainable future by launching the Eco Trade Pack an eco-friendly alternative to conventional plastic trade tubs

Featuring 400 8x1½ twin thread woodscrews and 400 red expansion plugs, all packaged in 100% recyclable, FSC-certified cardboard, the innovative packaging aims to minimise the plastic and represents a practical step forward in supporting the industry’s shift towards sustainability

Managing Director Simon Gear said: “Sourcing, manufacturing and distributing fasteners, fittings and slotted channel products doesn’t have to be about excess or unnecessary waste At Prokura we are committed to trying to source and manufacture products with the lightest possible environmental footprint We’ve still got a long way to go, but we are working towards a more sustainable model ” Go to www rdr link/mbk039 to find out more.

Incorporating many new features all designed to provide an enhanced visitor experience, Conex Bänninger UK & Ireland Marketing Manager Tom Mason said of the supplier’s interactive new website: “The site was created over many months, and we are delighted with the result Users can quickly locate any product within our extensive range of innovative solutions, thanks to a well-planned navigation pathway which ensures ease of access

“Key features include a Product Selector that helps locate the right product for the job (and) each product range now has its own range page providing all the information needed and, within the Product Data, is individual product dimensions, along with pressures, sizes, codes, and temperatures Users can also download BIM files directly off the website ” Visit the site via www rdr link/mbk040

For more examples of supplier support for merchants on the PBM website, enter the shortcode


The fixings and fasteners specialist is reporting a surge in demand for its Power Tool Accessory (PTA) products, leading the company to develop and launch further range extensions in 2025 Having had a presence in PTA for several years, ForgeFix has now broadened its range of products available to merchants under the company’s established ForgeFast, Labor and Spectre brands to meet a growing number of applications, creating a one-stop shop for specialist power tool accessories

The three separate brands each focus on different niches within the PTA market the Labor brand supplies drills, chisels and saw blades whilst ForgeFast offers impact bits and Spectre provides hole saws and S2 bits Each product is available in a broad range of sizes, and each brand has also designed and introduced a full range of accessories for each product, ensuring the end user has the flexibility to modify aspects for different uses.

Head of Sales Paul Simpson said:

“We’re delighted that so many new and existing customers are turning to us to fulfil their requirements for PTA tools Bringing our usual reputation for quality products and excellent customer service and delivery, our PTA range is a fastgrowing part of our business and we’re very much looking forward to exploring some exciting new opportunities in this market in the new year ”


Said to offer a “practical and stylish solution” for concealing boiler pipework and flues, Talon’s new Boiler Box Cover range is designed to be both durable and convenient The covers are made from high-quality uPVC and are resistant to both acid and alkali substances, making them a reliable and smart choice for any installation environment

Supplied in kit form and available in three options to cater to various boiler sizes, the products are straightforward to fit and trim, and can be adapted to any boiler replacement Their sturdy design and sleek white gloss finish is also easy to clean and maintain, reducing upkeep time and costs for both installers and homeowners, whilst they are designed to be easily removable for boiler maintenance access.

n Enter the shortcode for further information.


The power tool brand has launched a new cordless Bluetooth speaker, designed for versatility and quality sound on site. Powered either by Makita’s 18V LXT or 40VMax XGT batteries, or AC mains power, the MR014G XGT/LXT Jobsite Speaker has been built to withstand the toughest work environments, offering professionals a choice of music, podcasts or playlists whatever the location

The compact unit is packed with a range of notable features that provide crystal clear, high-quality sound with powerful deep bass Offering 1 8x higher sound pressure levels compared to older models plus an equaliser to adjust levels to suit the choice of music, it includes a 140mm woofer and a 40mm tweeter to deliver 20W of high-quality sound and an impressive max volume of 99dB(A).

Other useful features include a convenient carry handle which doubles as a smartphone stand and a built-in microphone amplifier ideal for making announcements whilst a USB port enables mobile charging for other devices n Find out more via

n Use to discover more.


Hambleside Danelaw has introduced a new and updated Thin Leading Edge Interlocking Dry Fix Verge Superseding the HD TIDV, the ThinVerg is the result of ongoing product development based on customer demands

Offering a more discrete and shallower profile, the design of the ThinVerg has been optimised by evolving the design of the “hugely popular” and original HD IDV product to reduce the depth by nearly 40mm. Compatible with most popular thin leading edge concrete tiles, the ThinVerg is intended for use in refurbishment applications where fixing is possible into a continuous verge batten where the existing batten ends may no longer be sound

n Discover more via



HiKOKI Power Tools has launched the BSL3640MVT Multi Volt Battery Using Tabless cell technology, the new 8 0Ah battery charges in just 40 minutes to deliver increased power, faster charging times and longer runtimes to meet the needs of professionals tackling both light and heavy-duty applications

Designed to power both 36V and 18V HiKOKI power tools, the BSL3640MVT delivers up to 2,160W of power 50% more than its predecessors, according to the manufacturer to make it suitable for a host of demanding tasks like sawing, drilling, cutting and grinding

Built to withstand tough job site conditions, the battery has an impactresistant design and a rubber over-moulded base so even if dropped or accidentally bashed, it will continue to do its job

n For more details, enter



Sais to be equally suitable for working on a tough job site or kicking back at the weekend, Carhartt’s range of hoodies are cosy, comfortable and designed to last. Made from a blend of cotton and polyester fleece, each hoodie offers soft, easy-wearing warmth combined with “the toughness Carhartt is known for ”

The men’s range includes the Loose Fit Sweatshirt (K121) which is available in subtle colours like Heather Grey and New Navy This midweight fleece hoodie has an attached three-piece hood with an adjustable drawcord for a snug fit and two lower front hand warmer pockets. The Midweight Logo Graphic Sweatshirt (105944), meanwhile, is equipped with Carhartt’s Rain Defender™ technology a durable water-repellent finish that causes rain to bead up and roll off, keeping the wearer dry and comfortable in light rain

n For more on the range, including a selection of women’s fit garments, go to

Addressing the urgent need for more effective and accessible flood protection products, Fernco has launched two new flood protection products Firstly, the Fernco Floodbag features a sandless design to offer an easy-to-use alternative to traditional sandbags while blocking and diverting floodwater from property thresholds Eliminating the need to manually fill sandbags, the product is pre-filled with a super absorbent polymer (SAP), which rapidly absorbs water and expands to create an effective flood barrier

The second innovation is the Anti-Flood Air Brick Cover Described as a simple and effective solution to protect properties against rising water, the cover is designed to create a watertight seal around any standard 9 x 3-inch air brick, grill or gate

With no specialist tools or concrete required, the Air Brick Cover can be installed by hand in seconds Once the flood risk has passed, the cover can be unclipped and stored compactly, ready to be re-used in the future, making it a highly versatile and practical solution for both residential properties and commercial spaces

n To learn more about Fernco Flood Protection, use


The tur n of the year is always a good time for a moment of reflection, looking ahead with optimism at all the opportunities that lie in wait So, with that in mind, how’s your FPL team shaping up for 2025?

Writing this in mid-December, I can say it has been a fantastic season so far With the flurry of festive fixtures out of the way before this issue lands on your desk or screen, a fair few things may have changed (are Manchester City still as bad as they are now? Are Liverpool still surging ahead???), but what we can say for certain is this has been a great Premier League campaign so far and FPL is all the better for it

For those of us brave enough to ditch Ha a la nd (and who’d have thought anyone would be saying that, given the blistering start he had to the season with TEN goals in the first four game weeks ), the budget liberation has allowed us to spread the funds around with relish

Sa l ah , S a ka and P a lme r head the rankings as I type, using up a decent chunk of that money, but beyond these prime assets, there are just SO many options to consider and very few of them will break the bank

Wolves, for instance, have been terrible but M a th eu s C unh a

T O P T I P S F O R 2 0 2 5

I’m going to go out on a limb and pick a couple of distinctly unfancied assets who have barely registered this season, as P hi l

Fo de n and K ev in De Bru yn e simply have to rediscover their form soon Don’t they ?!

C hi ps for s up p er

So, FPL have finally unveiled the much-heralded ‘mystery chip ’ In addition to a second wildcard and, if you still have them, Triple

and even his strike partner Jorge n S t ra nd L ar se n are turning over points at a more than decent rate The resurgence of Ch ris Wood, D an ny We lb e c k and Ja mi e Va rd y? Yep, count me in!

Tottenham are a distinctly odd team this year, but Bre nna n John son is banging them in for fun. A le x I w ob i at Fulham? Why not! Brentford may be pretty much rock bottom away from home and for a team usually known to be relatively resolute, they can’t defend for toffee at present But give me Br ya n M b eu mo or Yoa ne W iss a at the Gtech Community Stadium and I’ll guarantee you goals and assists

It’s been highly unpredictable, the template is a thing of the past and it is SO much more fun as a result!

Captain, Bench Boost and Free Hit opportunities, managers now have the chance to nominate an ‘assistant’ from the ranks of the real-life Premier League bosses The rules and ramifications are far too convoluted to delve into right now, and I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the idea on my first look, BUT this really does have the potential to shake up the standings considerably

Pick correctly, and plenty of points could be up for grabs from game week 24 onwards

Whilst it doesn’t have a pub on each corner like Griffin Park, Brentford’s new(ish) home has seen more goals than any other Premier League ground so far this season
Image Credit: Rob / stock adobe com

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