Manufact ur ing marker s for almost 10 0 year s, Ar tline will be showcasing its EKPR range, other wise known as the Special Purpose Marker s. Designed to t ake the guesswork out of identifying the best marker for each job, EKPR marker s are specif ic to each kind of ever yday tradespeople; electr icians, plumber s, builder s and ever yone in bet ween
Band of Builders
Band of Builder s is the stor y of what happens when people unite to help other s. It st ar ted with one man's desire to help his fr iend and has grown into a national char it y r un by
tradespeople, for tradespeople. It provides practical, f inancial and wellbeing suppor t to member s of the constr uction industr y and their families across the UK in their hour of need.
Bedfordshire Print & Workwear
Bedfordshire Pr int & Wor kwear specialises in branded wor kwear for businesses & trades The company offer s a var iet y of wor kwear brands which can be customised by its inhouse embroider y & pr inting team At the show there will be special offer wor kwear packages available to purchase.
Big Wipes
BIG WIPES is the UK's #1 brand of industr ial cleaning wipes, designed to help busy mobile tradespeople
save time, hassle, and money. The brand’s cleaning systems ensure those all-impor t ant f ir st-time f ixes, allowing you to Clean Up and Crack On. Big Wipes – Van system is the must-see product at the st and dur ing the show – don’ t miss it!
Blåkläder is a family-owned business that has been developing , manufact ur ing and selling workwear since 1959. It ’s become one of Europe’s largest manufact urer s of heavy-dut y work gar ments, producing around 4 5 million gar ments a year at its own factor ies. Visit the st and to see the latest developments
For trade and industr y professionals, Bosch Power Tools offer s products with super ior technology and top per for mance to
enable safe and eff icient wor k. The brand’s reliable and robust tools will help to achieve professional results in all trades, meeting the highest demands. Visit the Bosch st and to see the latest innovations!
B u i l d P ro s A g e n cy
Build Pros Communit y is a f itness coaching platfor m for Tradesmen, deli vered via an easy to use app that keeps ever ything in one place to simplify and stress-proof their jour ney. Member s get per sonalised plans, join a Tradesmen-only communit y, access additional resources, and can upgrade to premium coaching with 1-1 suppor t for t ailored results.
Bu y With Conf idence is a Trading St andards approval scheme, the largest of its kind nationally. It is r un by Trading St andards, and the ‘Trading St andards Approved’ logo br ings with it the recognition of a job well done, setting your business apar t from the competitor s. Visit the st and to f ind out more.
Comodo Workwear
Comodo Workwear designs clothing that provides a comfor t able and aesthetically pleasing f it and feel to constr uction worker s. Designed by a tradesman for tradespeople, Comodo under st ands the uncomfor t able positions all trades get in completing t asks, and its goal is to help solve those problems.
C K Tools
C K Tools ret ur ns to Alexandra Palace this year, offer ing a range of products, for sale and demonstration. Meet the team, lear n more about the products (existing and coming soon!) their uses, and how to get the best out of them for as long as possible.
Conex Bänninger
Conex Bänninger is a global leader in plumbing and HVAC solutions
Renowned for innovation, it specialises in f ittings, valves, and accessor ies for domestic, commercial, and industr ial applications Tr usted wor ldwide, it combines advanced technology with sust ainabilit y to deli ver consistent, high-qualit y solutions for moder n building systems
CT1 is said to be the only product on the market with TRIBRID® Technology, making it 360% stronger than a traditional Hybr id Polymer. With TRIBRID® Technology, it is scientif ically proven to have excellent colour retention – white st ays white and clear st ays clear Unique adhesion on vir t ually any mater ial in most applications, without the need for additional f ixings.
Cutsmar t supplies a huge range of board mater ials for ever y project
“Not only do we cut the panels, we can also edge, shape and dr ill them for your bespoke projects Whether you are a professional or DIY enthusiast in need of cut to size panels we can help”.
More work. Fewer charges. DEWALT® POWERSTACK™ batter ies t ake producti vit y to the next level For a limited time only, get a free 18V 5AH POWERSTACK batter y when you purchase any DEWALT 5AH kitted POWERSTACK Product Exper ience enhanced power, eff iciency, and lifespan unlike any other cordless tool batter y.
Gerd Eisenblatter
Eisenblatter proudly presents the TRIMFIX® HellFire® Ceramic Flap Disc, feat ur ing innovati ve ceramic hybr id technology for eff icient met al processing with a single gr it Ecofr iendly, CO2-neutral, and ergonomic, it saves time and costs while deli ver ing exceptional per for mance and sust ainabilit y The per fect solution for professional sur face f inishing!
Fergus Software
Fergus, the job management soft ware built for trades, is set to showcase its power ful feat ures at Toolfair. Visitor s can explore how Fergus streamlines scheduling , invoicing , and job tracking Don’ t miss their exclusi ve show offer: 50% off your f ir st three months.
Fischer Fixings
Fischer is introducing the new PowerFast II Screws with special deals and li ve demonstrations This
event highlights the screws' advanced feat ures and per for mance, offer ing attendees the chance to explore their capabilities f ir st hand and benef it from promotional offer s.
Frank’s Fasteners
Frank’s Fastener s is a tr usted supplier of high-qualit y fastener s, tools and consumables. “With unbeat able pr ices, fast shipping , and
exceptional customer ser vice, we’re here to keep your projects r unning smoothly. From DIY enthusiasts to industr y pros, we’ve got the per fect f ixings for ever y job”.
The GR ABO is a por t able electr ic vacuum lifter used by Builder s, Contractor s, and Industr y Professionals to move heavy or bulk y building supplies with ease. With the GR ABO you can safely lift paving slabs, concrete tiles, met al, dr ywall, porcelain, lass, ur nit ure and much more
Hambleside Danelaw
HazardCo’s digit al tools make health and safet y simple for UK builder s big and small. With the app and scan boards, you can manage safet y eff iciently from your pocket No more paper work, just easy-to-use solutions that are tr usted by 10,0 0 0 other businesses, that help keep your team safe on-site
HB42® is thr illed to be ret ur ning to Toolfair Alexandra Palace It will be making an impact with its branded trailer inside the Great Hall, showcasing its entire range of highper for mance building & decorating products and demonstrating how best to use them. There will also be exclusi ve show deals on offer across the t wo days Don’ t miss out!
A Br itish Manufact urer for over for t y year s, Hambleside Danelaw provides products and solutions for all roof t ypes As an innovati ve market leader, the company offer s one of the most di ver se selections of products, ranging from a comprehensi ve selection of Danelaw® f lashings, ventilations, roof ing accessor ies
HiKOKI Power Tools will showcase its extensi ve range of professional tools, including cordless nailer s, impact wrenches and more. Visit the st and to discover the latest addition to its awesome batter y range - the 8 0Ah t abless Multi Volt batter y, deli ver ing super ior r untime, charge time and per for mance.
Howden is the new name for A-Plan and the company offer s a range of insurance products and specialist
advice to all those in the building trade Visit the st and at the London show and meet the team, f ind out how they can help you and your business, and get a chance to win £10 0 0 (subject to T&Cs)!
Calling all tradespeople! Join InAJam, your ultimate on-demand net work for quick job connections Expand your client base, f ill gaps in your schedule, and maximiz ear nings. Benef it from a hassle-free sign-up, real-time aler ts, and a communit y of professionals. InAJam is your tool for growth and oppor t unit y. Sign up now!
Ir win Tools manufact ures and distr ibutes professional grade hand tools and power tool accessor ies wor ldwide for trade professionals who demand super ior per for mance and durabilit y on the job Ir win Tools' brand por tfolio feat ures userprefer red categor y leader s, such as IRWIN®, Vise-Gr ip®, Quick-Gr ip® and Marples®.
Isuzu specializes in robust commercial vehicles, par ticular ly tough and durable pickup tr ucks t ailored for professionals. The DMax model feat ures a t urbo diesel engine, deli ver ing 164PS and 360Nm of torque and boasts a 125,0 0 0 mile / 5 Year War rant y, 5 year s of roadside assist ance, 3 5-ton towing capacit y, 1,161kg payload, and 4x4 dr i ve, and addresses di ver se needs with reliabilit y.
Jefferson Tools
Jeffer son Tools offer s over 20 0 0 cutting-edge tools & equipment, ranging from compressor s and generator s to hand and power tools, available exclusi vely through its extensi ve net work of over 140 0 author ised stockists. With a passion for qualit y, all products cater to di ver se industr ies, providing reliable solutions for professionals
JUNG is a premium supplier of moder n building technology. The company provides solutions for controlling lighting , blinds, temperat ure, secur it y, multimedia and door communication, believing that the more you lear n, the more you will ear n! Visit the st and to lear n about JUNG HOME, the simple Bluetooth mesh system that can transfor m your client ’s home into a smar t building .
KNIPEX is one of the wor ld’s leading brands of plier s Based in Wupper t al, Ger many, KNIPEX is an independently owned family enterpr ise specialising in the manufact ure of high-qualit y plier s Visit the st and to chat to the team and see the latest developments.
Joblogic is the complete soft ware solution for ser vice management businesses, offer ing a suite of feat ures to help businesses manage their entire workf low, from job scheduling to invoicing and repor ting . With feat ures like real-time tracking , mobile for ms, and a customer por t al, Joblogic empower s you to manage your team, assets, and customer relationships with ease.
Krobahn tools are designed for durabilit y and qualit y, cater ing specif ically to trade professionals
The brand’s extensi ve product range cover s multiple categor ies, including building tools, cutting tools, decorating tools, plumbing tools, as well as workwear & PPE Tr ust Krobahn for reliable tools that meet the demands of any professional job.
Locks 4 Vans has been protecting commercial vehicles from att ack and theft for over 20 year s. Its awardwinning range for vans and pick-ups includes ever ything from locking and shielding solutions to alar ms and cargo locks. Helping to secure f leets, protect li velihoods and help prevent tool theft, the company is recognised as an industr y leader in secur it y solutions for commercial vehicles
Met abo’s st and will be crammed with all the qualit y power tools you would expect from the famous manufact urer Check out all the
latest kit from new cordless jigsaws, recip saws, mitre saws to DAB radios and vacuums The team will be on hand to help you and you can 'tr y before you bu y’.
Parotec is one of the leading exper ts in the design and manufact ure of custom-engineered foam and storage case solutions, to gi ve unr i valled protection to its customer s ’ valuable tools. Using the ver y latest technology, Parotec can create the per fect solution to store, protect, manage and even charge the most complex sets of tools and devices
Pica Marker
Pica Mar ker is a mar ket leader for mar king tools They are known for their high qualit y and innovation made in Ger many. The products are designed to provide a major benef it in day-to-day wor k, due to maximum precision and optimum eff iciency.
PlumbPal Products
PlumbPal Products is exhited to be attending Toolfair at Alexandra Palace The company has a por tfolio of innovati ve plumbing products which are distr ibuted throughout the the UK and Ireland, as well as Europe On show will be both the company’s existing range and its new product range.
Price Doctor
Simpson Strong-Tie
Pr ice Doctor is the online application to pr ice enquir ies and then create accurate quotes quickly. Send professional looking quotes or estimates in minutes, allowing you to win more work for even less time and effor t Get all you need to manage enquir ies r ight through to successful invoices, including managing the project, all in one place.
G Sharp Tools
Visit the stand to see the SharpEdge from G-Sharp Tools, a unique sharpening system, which allows the user to easily sharpen any square edge chisel or plane. It has been designed to hone your chisels so you can hone your woodworking skills Lightweight but robust, it ’s able to withstand knocking about in your tool bag or even falling off a workbench!
A fastening solution for ever y sit uation. A collated screw system like no other, Quik Dr i ve couples up with all major screw guns, allowing them to recei ve collated str ips of screws that can be dr i ven into f loor, wall and ceiling mater ials in a fraction of a second.
The STANLEY® SLM10 0 Laser Distance Measure for professional measuring applications including distance, area, volume, and indirect height measurements. This easy-touse LDM has been designed with two-button operation, easy to read LCD screen, and two-point system facilitates measurements from either the top or base of the unit, providing accuracy and flexibility
St ar rett is delighted to be back at Alexandra Palace One of the wor ld’s largest manufact urer s of saw blades makes a ret ur n to Toolfair. Head over to the st and to make the most of unbeat able deals on the brand’s products, including its well known hole saw kits, all backed by li ve demonstrations from the company’s dedicated Technical Suppor t team.
TPI Europe
TPI Europe is a leading , global, hightech test and measurement company providing affordable instr uments to Domestic & Commercial Heating Engineer s With a SMART range spanning Temperat ure, Pressure, IAQ, Refr igeration, Gas Detection & Flue Gas Analyser Kits, TPI has a measur ing solution for ALL, backed by a lifetime of suppor t
UK Power Networks
Builder s, Contractor s, Developer s and the General Public are being reminded of the r isks associated with underground electr icit y cables by the UK’s biggest electr icit y distr ibution company, UK Power Net works. Visit the company’s Education Team at the Alexandra Palace event for FREE safet y resources, advice and guidance
Van Guardian
Van Guardian is a pre-empti ve, ear ly war ning , f ir st cont act alar m system which att aches to sensiti ve points
on your vehicle A f lexible zonal alar m system that acti vates on cont act.. before damage is done! Visit the st and at Alexandra Palace to f ind out more
Velocit y Pro Gear offer s affordable, premium, and innovati ve lines from backpacks to open totes. Its products are engineered to the highest st andard for all trades and its team of Professionals have worked in a var iet y of constr uction industr ies, that has enabled them to design and constr uct the tool storage you need.
Walters & Walters
Walter s & Walter s, are one of the UK’s leading manufact urer s of
Industr ial Crayons. Wax Crayon remains the most effecti ve and economical way of marking almost any sur face The company also works closely with the best brands to br ing the widest range of Industr ial Marker s available on the UK market, and are tr ue specialists in this f ield
WBT Wholesale
WBT will be showcasing multiple brands at all this year s ’ Toolfair s The award winning Totector safet y foot wear range will be on show, as well as products from Helly Hanson, including the new click trouser and pocket st yles Special offer s will also be available across the brands.
Cargo bikes are changing the way businesses move in cities The Zero
Emissions Net wor k has par tnered up with some amazing bicycle ret ailer s to showcase a wide range of cargo bikes. The team will be offer ing f inancial and technical suppor t to help speed up and save on the jour ney to the job
Ar tline
Alzheimer ’s Society
Band of Builders
Bedfordshire Pr int & Workwear
Big Wipes
Build Pros Agency
Buy with Conf idence
CK Tools
Comodo Workwear
Conex Banninger
Constr uction Cure
Cutsmar t
Dr illBuddy UK
Fergus Fischer Fixings
Frank’s Fasteners
G Sharp Tools
Gerd Eisenblatter
Halcyan Water Conditioners
Hambleside Danelaw
Helly Hansen
Howden Insurance