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A to Z: MapsOnline, The USA, and World Travel: Geography teaching tools
In A to Z: MapsOnline, users can engage with interactive maps that represent historical and contemporary significance in and outside of the United States. https://www-atozmapsonline-com.hepl.idm.oclc.org/?c=6nvxuFyzTZ https://www-atoztheusa-com.hepl.idm.oclc.org/?c=6nvxuFyzTZ https://www-atozworldtravel-com.hepl.idm.oclc.org/?c=6nvxuFyzTZ
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Maps Online The USA World Travel
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints: Find overviews, news and opinions on current social issues
Opposing Viewpoints is a Gale in Context database that covers current events and explores the social issues of the day. https://go-gale-com.hepl.idm.oclc.org/ps/start.do?p=OVIC&u=npl_main
Gale Literature Resource Center: Biographical information, overviews, fulltext literary criticism and reviews on writers
The Gale Literature Resource Center is an excellent database for anyone studying or interested in literature. https://go-gale-com.hepl.idm.oclc.org/ps/start.do?p=LitRC&u=npl_main
Gale Science: A visual tool that teaches topics in biology, chemistry, and earth/space science
Gale Science offers a fascinating look at science. What a great supplement to any student’s sciences courses - middle school and up. https://cyber-gale-com.hepl.idm.oclc.org/cyber/ISSCI?u=npl_main&p=ISSCI
Gale Smithsonian: Primary Sources in U.S. History: Provides primary source content to support U.S. History and AP U.S. History classes
Smithsonian Primary Sources opens up primary source documents, political cartoons, drawings, and other objects from American history. It’s like being able to consult these museum-quality sources in searchable or high-resolution form. https://go-gale-com.hepl.idm.oclc.org/ps/start.do?p=SMPS&u=npl_main
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INSPIRE Indiana Virtual Library: To research current events, science, business, health, notable people, hobbies, and much more
Inspire offers full text scholarly articles, including e-books and audio sources for a wide range of topics. https://inspire.in.gov/
LearningExpress Library: Found in the INSPIRE A-Z List: A repository of testtaking and career-building information
Practice tests and skills tutorials are available for elementary through adult learners. https://www.learningexpresshub.com/ProductEngine/LELIndex.html#/ learningexpresslibrary/libraryhome?AuthToken=2df0be07-7488-499e-9b4fae3d2aab2262
Mango Languages: Offers access to foreign language courses and English courses taught in the user’s native language
Mango Languages is a language-learning app or browser experience designed for anyone - adult or student – planning to travel or to challenge themselves by learning a new language. https://learn.mangolanguages.com/login
Newspapers.com: Find information about historical events
Newspaper articles can be a useful source of information about historical and current events. Newspapers allow us to see how people viewed an event when it happened. https://hepl.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://newspaperslibrary.proquest. com/?accountid=57461
NoveList Plus: A searchable online database with fiction and nonfiction titles
The NoveList Plus database is an excellent resource for readers’ advisory (suggesting books of interest to readers) or if you like to do your own reader’s advisory research. https://hepl.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login. aspx?authtype=ip,url,cpid&custid=s9071331&profile=novplus If you prefer a librarian to research book suggestions for you, please contact us through My Next Book: https://www.hepl.lib.in.us/my-next-book/.