Greetings Everyone,
As we came to the end of 2023 it made me reflect on the 100- and 50-year anniversaries for Hammer & NER and how much better we are together. We had celebrations of our union and accomplishments with every event throughout the year.
The people we support, families, friends, employees, and community members all share a part in this in one way or another and for this we are grateful. With the merger it allows us to have a much larger presence as we advocate for people with disabilities and those who provide their care.

One example is that we were able to take a much larger group of people from the west and east metro to Disability Services Day at the Capitol in March. Andy, from our Highway 96 home, was asked to introduce Representative Brion Curran. He was nervous but did a wonderful job AND he got to have his picture taken with Governor Walz.
Recently, I asked Andy what he thought about Hammer & NER coming together. He said it has been a bonus getting some of the additional staff from a temporary service at the home he lives in. It allows him to get out in the community more. He also said he loves the meals that are delivered to his home from the Cooks in the Kitchen volunteers. The last area Andy mentioned was that this gave him the opportunity to get a volunteer who has like interests. Cathy Thoma, Director of Volunteer Resources, found the perfect volunteer in Mark.
When we first discussed the possibility of an acquisition, we were looking for a company that was first and foremost similar to Northeast Residence (NER). We absolutely found this when we started to have meetings with those from Hammer Residences. Hammer had technology that NER had been longing for. Hammer also has many more departments which allows employees to intently focus on the subject at hand versus wearing a lot of hats and running from one task to another. From an employee perspective, we can share experiences which only helps to drive our mission. After all, we share the same mission which can only benefit the people supported, their families, and employees.