Thursday, June 13, 2024
5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Quincy Hall, NE Minneapolis Arts District
Thursday, June 13, 2024
5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Quincy Hall, NE Minneapolis Arts District
Together we bring passion and commitment to those we serve, providing a lifetime of individualized support to live, work, and play as independently as possible. Join us in celebrating our Hammer & NER partnership.
You make a difference!
Thank You to Our 2023 Reach for Ralph Sponsors
Thank you so much for considering sponsorship of our great event that will include silent and live auctions, dinner, and a short program. Please review our sponsorship levels and associated sponsor perks below.
To guarantee these benefits, including seeing your logo on our invitation, you must commit by April 1. Customized sponsorship recognition (parking lot, wine, beer, spirits and party favors) are available at the $5,000 and above level.
For more information, contact Nate Reed at nathan.reed@hammer.org or call 651-419-8670.
- Boost your business awareness through our four-month multi-channel event marketing plan
- Use Hammer & NER logo and stories on your web pages to promote our partnership
- Invite your leadership and best customers who have a passion for those with developmental disabilities to join you and support a local nonprofit in the community where you do business
- Demonstrate your commitment to corporate social responsibility to a captive and engaged audience
Take a peek inside for all the sponsorship benefits!
Primary contact for formal correspondence (acknowledgment, tickets, etc.)
First and Last Name_________________________________________________________________ Company _________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________City __________________State_____ Zip _______ E-mail____________________________________________Phone __________________________
Webpage URL for promotional links: _____________________________________________________
Please list your name and/or company exactly as it should appear in promotional materials.
Contact for logo and promotional information (Please complete if different than the name above)
□ Presenting Sponsor—$35,000
□ Premier Sponsor—$25,000
□ $10,000—Sponsorship
□ $5,000—Sponsorship
□ $2,500—Sponsorship
□ $1,000—Sponsorship
Payment Options
Check enclosed for $_______ payable to: Hammer Residences, 1909 Wayzata Blvd. Wayzata, MN 55391
Please bill me for $_______ in ____________(month) of ______(year)
Please charge my Visa/MasterCard/Discover/American Express (Circle credit card of choice)
Name on Card ______________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Number
Customized sponsorships available. For more information, contact Nate Reed at nathan.reed@hammer.org or call 651-419-8670.
Mail to: Development, Hammer Residences, 1909 Wayzata Blvd., Wayzata, MN 55391