Financial Information Figuring out the details for your loved one’s finances can be very tricky. To make sure each of the individuals we support have the best possible financial standing, we encourage families/guardians to schedule a one-on-one meeting with our finance department. During the meeting our well trained staff will explain all of the different funding possibilities and help you understand what your loved one can and cannot qualify for. As a service to those we support and their families, Hammer can act as your family member’s Authorized Representative for county administered programs as well as Representative Payee for social security benefits. The following information is being provided to aid you in deciding whether or not you wish to utilize this service. Authorized Representative (AREP) The Authorized Representative is the person who acts on behalf of the family member to administer all county forms and apply for all programs that they are potentially eligible for. Hammer’s Responsibilities as AREP Hammer completes and submits all reviews Hammer completes and submits monthly reports Hammer handles all county financial requests Hammer is able to contact workers directly to speed processing Hammer receives funds directly if the individual is eligible for GRH assistance
Family’s Responsibility as AREP Family completes and submits all reviews Family completes and submits monthly reports Family handles all county financial requests Family calls the county’s general help line for assistance Family will receive a monthly bill from Hammer for room and board charges
Representative Payee (Rep Payee) The Representative Payee is the person who acts on behalf of the family member to administer Social Security benefits. Hammer’s Responsibilities as Rep Payee Hammer completes and submits annual accounting to Social Security Hammer completes and submits all reviews Hammer receives Social Security funds directly Hammer deposits the family member’s personal needs money to his/her custodian account each month Hammer applies Social Security funds toward room and board costs
Family’s Responsibilities as Rep Payee Family completes and submits annual accounting to Social Security Family completes and submits all reviews Family receives Social Security funds Family keeps track of all funds and must set aside personal needs each month Family will receive a monthly bill from Hammer for room and board charges
Possible financial acronyms you may encounter: SSA – Social Security Administration: A federal agency responsible for administering SSI (Supplemental Security Income) and RSDI (Retirement, Survivors, & Disability Insurance). RSDI/SSDI – Retirement, Survivors, & Disability Insurance/Social Security Disability Insurance: Federal money paid to individuals on a monthly basis based on work credits earned by themselves, their parents, or a deceased spouse. SSI – Supplemental Security Income: Federal money paid to individuals on a monthly basis based on need. Recipients must be elderly or disabled and have insufficient RSDI credits available to meet their basic needs as set forth by the Federal Poverty Guidelines. MSA – State money administered by counties that is paid to individuals who are recipients of SSI and who do not receive sufficient income from wages and other benefits to meet the MSA standard. *Note: Does not apply to group homes. GRH – Group Residential Housing: State-funded income supplement program that pays for room-and-board costs for low-income adults who have been placed in a licensed or registered setting with which a county human service agency has negotiated a monthly rate. This program pays the difference between the individual’s income less personal needs and the negotiated rate. *Note: Does not apply to apartment programs. MA – Medical Assistance: Federally funded medical insurance administered by the county. It provides low-income individuals and families with health care, hospitalization, and some medical supplies. MA-EPD –Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities: State funded program administered by the county in which disabled individuals who earn over $65.00 per month, but whose total income is over the MA guidelines, may pay a premium for Medical Assistance Insurance. FS – Food Support: Funded by both Federal and State money and administered by the county. Assists people and families with low incomes to purchase food and better meet their nutritional needs. The program is not intended to supply all of a person’s or family’s food needs. Instead, it is a supplement to help them achieve or maintain their independence. *Note: This program is not available to Group Home Residents because their food needs are provided for in their room and board costs (see GRH). In addition to this information, our finance department will be sending out a packet of information for your loved one’s specific financial situation. As always, our staff is ready and willing to answer any questions you may have.