Annual Report

Recently, I had the opportunity to travel to the southwest area of the country. One evening I walked to a local place, sat at the bar, and had dinner. A young man sat next to me, and we began to talk. When I told him I was from Minnesota, he asked: “Is there always snow on the ground there?” Perspective. Where we are and where we have come from determines how we see the world.
In 2023, we celebrated the milestone anniversaries of Hammer Residences and Northeast Residence. This was not just an exercise in nostalgia, but a chance to remember where we have been and where we are going. The stories of grit and determination, of creative responses to difficult situations, guide us still.
As we move into 2024, we are excited about the future. We are expanding our Community Life department (recreational activities) to now cover both sides of the metro. And we are intensifying our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work so that we can be even more of a welcoming and safe place for all.
We are learning how to work in an ever-changing world. One of the significant challenges we continue to address is that the people we support are aging and will require advanced care and our workforce needs more training and support than ever. As a result, we are intensifying our training as part of our Second Century initiative, a program that supports, promotes, and deploys our staff in ways that meet the needs of the people we support.
Much of this work is possible because of the support of families, volunteers, and donors. We are grateful and humbled that you have chosen to partner with us as we move into the future. Together, we will continue to help the people we support live life to its fullest.
John Estrem, CEOCEO John Estrem and Joe (supported at our Stone Creek apartment program in Plymouth) have known each other for 11 years. Joe stays active in the community and participates in Hammer & NER Community Life activities.
John Estrem – CEO
Kristin Pyka – CFO
Sue Walker – Chief Program Officer
Ellen Timmerman-Borer –Chief Development Officer
Kyle Fitzwater –Chief Human Resources Officer
Lin Curran – Chief of Operations
What a momentous year! We celebrated two milestone anniversaries: Hammer Residences’ 100th and Northeast Residence’s 50th anniversary. It was important to celebrate our history and major accomplishments over the years. It was also important to recognize the decades of hard work of our staff and volunteers and the loyalty of our donors and community partners. Then of course, there are the thousands of people we have supported over the years and the families who have looked to us to help them live their best lives. They are at the heart of who we are and what we do.
It is always great to see so many of you at our annual gatherings: Spring Breakfast, Reach for Ralph (2023 was a record year!), the Family Day Picnic, the Luau, and many home gatherings.
We published a special anniversary magazine, Legacies. We had a team of people going through our archives and rediscovering stories from our past about our founders, our history, and the path that has brought us to where we are today. We are thankful to all the writers, including past and present staff, volunteers, family members, and community partners who allowed us to share their stories. The
Cameron, Blaine, and Julia Stephens at our 2023 Reach for Ralph anniversary event. Funds raised help the people we support with costs not covered by government funding.
Legacies publication is a milestone that shows our incredible innovation and perseverance.
Advocacy continued to be a critical component of our work in 2023. We met with elected officials and invited them to visit our homes to meet staff, families, and people we support to hear their stories and connect. We are grateful for the many ways our families, staff, and those we support advocate for themselves and the disability services community.
Thank you for being part of this amazing journey with us! —Blaine Stephens
Blaine Stephens President
Julie Wesley-Wong
Vice President
Osseo School District
Mitch Ringe
General Mills, Retired
Laurie Moga
Mahtomedi School District
Don Haberman
Markwest, Inc.
Greg Hanson
Sales and Marketing
Tim Haugen
Huntington National Bank
Robert Lockwood
Cardinal, Retired
Michelle Olson
RN, Retired
Barb Peterson
School of Nursing, University of Minnesota
Rich Stoebe
Marketing Executive, Retired
Kelsey Swanson
Kevin Walli
Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Frederick, Retired
Nancy Wurm
Pace Analytical
We are so grateful for all our donors, volunteers, community partners, and staff who help us live our mission each day. Together, we are providing people with intellectual and other disabilities the opportunity to live life to its fullest.
Number of volunteers:
366 Number of volunteer hours:
Total people supported:
3,469 donations were given, totaling $1,743,243 fundraised dollars
Supported in our apartments:
Supported in our homes:
To view all our 2023 donors, visit:
Number of full-time employees:
People receiving Customized Support Services:
In D.C.: Our program managers work hard every day to care for the people they support. This year, several went above and beyond in advocating for the resources people with disabilities need to live life to the fullest!
In October, two of our Program Managers, Sedinu Nagbe (Unity) and Jomarie Williams (Tyler), along with Megan Pierce, Recreational Specialist, traveled to Washington D.C. to attend a Policy Summit hosted by ANCOR, our federal trade association. They joined 250 national leaders to learn from speakers from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the Administration for Community Living, and the
White House Domestic Policy Council. Sedinu and Jomarie then headed to the Hill and had seven meetings with Minnesota’s Congressional staff. The stories they shared about our workforce crisis were moving and impactful. The legislation they advocated for is still alive and making its way through Committees. Thank you, Sedinu and Jomarie, for making a difference!
Jomarie and Sedinu wait to meet with Senator Tina Smith
In Minnesota: Chelsea Lavold, Program Manager at Renew, made an impact using different strategies. Funding for Hammer’s apartment programs has always been a challenge, because the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) struggled to understand how our apartments meet a unique need. Chelsea was able to help the self-advocates at Renew explain the benefits of this program in their own words. These stories made a big impact on our conversations with DHS. As a result of her hard work, the Department of Human Services clarified some policies, which will help our apartment programs survive and thrive into the future. Thank you, Chelsea, for your tireless advocacy!
Last year, Mark Berquist became a one-onone volunteer to Andy. Years prior, Mark had volunteered with us as a Boy Scout, calling out bingo numbers. This time, he was going to become a buddy. Andy says he knew from the moment he met Mark that they would become fast friends. He enjoys spending time with Mark, going to baseball games in the summer, riding bikes, and attending special events like the Reach for Ralph gala. Andy says it feels good to be around Mark—sometimes he just likes to chat with him on the phone. Andy is also happy that Mark’s new wife joins them on their outings.
Mark says spending time with Andy has given him an appreciation for the personalized care that Hammer & NER provides for the people we serve. He is amazed at the many lives we touch, the number of people involved in the mission, and the impact we all have on the individuals we support. Spending time with Andy has given him the opportunity to watch Andy grow as a person and feel more comfortable venturing out into the world. Mark no longer feels like he is volunteering with Andy—he is spending quality time with a trusted friend.
Mark Berquist, left, and Andy, had their caricature done together at our 2023 Family Day Picnic
We can always count on our volunteers and are thankful for everything they do!
“My friend, Kris, and I have had so much fun hanging out for four years now. She has gone on many walks with me, my dog, and kids! She reminds me to not take life so seriously and to never stop trying new things. She’s always getting ready to compete in a Special Olympics sport: bocce, bowling, golf, and now— weightlifting! She’s an inspiration and a true burst of positivity to be around.”
— Brooke Vidlund, Direct Service Volunteer
“Everything I’ve ever volunteered for has been fun and I’ve learned so much about myself, my community, and the people Hammer & NER serves. The time I spend brings joy to my life in ways I never thought possible. I’ve learned to live in the moment and not sweat the small stuff. I am so grateful to be part of the Hammer & NER community.”
Mark and Andy celebrated their first friendiversary on February 6. Cheers to many more years together!
— Cindi Laurent, Hammer Travel & Direct Service Volunteer
Reach for Ralph Volunteers: 70
Total Volunteers: 366
Hammer Travel Volunteers: 44
Board members: 13
Thanksgiving West Volunteers: 13
Hammer Travel trips with volunteer support: 31
Other special events: 65 Volunteers
Hours Served: 9,446 (Hours valued at $325,604 per the Independent Sector 2022 MN Volunteer rate $34/47 hr).
Direct Service Volunteers (i.e. “Friend”): 50
Cooks in the Kitchen
Thanksgiving East: Meals for 24 homes by Medica Volunteers
Family Day Picnic Volunteers: 50
Cooks in the Kitchen meals distributed: 4,000+
Andy LeVoir has been part of the Hammer & NER family since he and his best friend, Chris, moved into our Broadmoor apartment program in 2008. Andy met his girlfriend, Katie, there. Later, they all moved to the Lake Place apartment program. Andy had a job he enjoyed at Panera. He loved participating in Special Olympics and watching wrestling matches with Chris. However, the pandemic had a profound impact on Andy. He couldn’t go to his job or do many of the activities that he enjoyed. His parents, Fred and Marcia, went over nearly every day and would walk with him. Over time, they began noticing cognitive changes and Andy also developed neurological issues. Following extensive testing, the family were told it was likely Alzheimer’s. He began spending more time at home with Fred and Marcia. New heart issues weakened his heart and have been a significant part of his decline.
“We realized we needed to make a change,” Marcia says. “The apartment program wasn’t designed to provide a greater level of support. We began looking at group homes. When we visited Broadway, we immediately knew it was the right place for Andy.” The home is fully accessible, and direct care staff are trained to care for people with dementia.
— Marcia LeVoirAndy moved to Broadway in July 2023. “The care he receives is phenomenal,” Marcia says. “We feel blessed.”
Program Director, Jay Butler, has known Andy for many years. “Being able to support Andy’s changing needs in a different program is a big deal,” he says. “It was important to the family to keep him in the Hammer & NER family rather than having to go out into the community and start over. We worked together to find him the right home and the right program.”
K.T. Kelley’s search for a group home for her son, Peter, began in July 2022 when she reached out to Brian Kelly, Hammer & NER’s Program Coordinator. Peter was 19 and this was going to be his first move away from home. “K.T. and I had several phone calls,” Brian recalls, “and we began building a relationship with her and Peter. They toured a couple of our homes, but they weren’t the right fit. However, we stayed in touch as K.T. was interested in finding a place for Peter with us.”
A year later, Megan Pierce, then the Program Director of our Currie home, was preparing to add a new person to the home. “We had two long-term people who passed away within a year,” she says. “Everyone was feeling a loss. I wanted to bring a loving, affectionate, energetic individual to spread joy and love to the staff and individuals in the home. Brian told me, ‘I’ve got the perfect guy!’ Peter’s ability to perform some independent living skills with the possibility of learning more from his housemates and staff is a big bonus for him and for his housemates, Mark and Laura, to have a mentorship role and purpose to guide them.”
K.T. and Peter visited Currie to meet everyone and have dinner. Everything looked good. Unfortunately, the process was delayed when K.T. discovered Peter hadn’t been approved for Social Security. “There were hurdles,” K.T. says. “I hoped Hammer & NER would keep Peter on the list while we waited.”
Because Peter was such a great fit—and the great relationship established between Hammer & NER and his guardian—the family was given the time they needed. Peter moved into Currie in December 2023. “Once the creaky wheels were moving, things really went beautifully,” K.T. says. “Everyone has been so welcoming to Peter as he acclimates.”
While Peter’s road to his new home took a little longer, everyone agrees it was well worth the wait. Welcome home, Peter!
STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS December 31, 2022 and 2023
Numbers provided are unaudited. HAMMER HAMMER
Program — $39,784,246
Fundraising — $1,743,243
Investment income — $433,857
Other income — $76,843
Total $42,038,189
Program — $34,782,318
Administrative — $5,948,572
Fundraising — $687,736
Total $41,418,626
As we celebrated Hammer’s milestone anniversaries in 2023, our Program department ramped up our Second Century initiative. Second Century refers to our second century of service. The initiative is two-fold, providing ongoing specialized training for our direct care staff to develop their skill sets and opportunities for career advancement. We have continually adjusted the components and process of implementation based on dealing with COVID-19 and our changing workforce.
Those we support are aging and living longer than 30 or 40 years ago. A third of the people we serve are age 50 or older. As people live longer, their conditions become more complicated physically, emotionally, and medically, just like the rest of us. However, for those with disabilities, the aging process tends to happen more rapidly.
To meet these challenges, we are developing specialized medical training to support the advanced needs and diagnoses of those we serve. Currently, 14 specialized trainings are in place and another 30 are being developed. Grants support the training along with expanding our training department and providing needed technology. Training provides direct care staff with greater insight into conditions like autism and Down syndrome and how they impact the aging process.
We currently have three tiers of homes and apartment programs which reflect the level of training needed to meet the needs of those we support. Generally, the programs
are grouped into squads of eight and each squad has co-ops of two-three homes and apartments. Program Managers work together in their co-op to share best practices, schedule, and cross train their staff. This establishes a larger group of staff who can work in more than one home, which is essential given ongoing staffing shortages.
We continue to provide our direct care employees and Program Managers with pay increases and have raised starting wages as part of our commitment to recruiting and retaining qualified and dedicated staff. We are thankful to the following foundations for helping support our Second Century initiative:
Jackie with Stacey Iverson, Lead Direct Support Professional at Black Oaks in Plymouth. Wage increases and career advancement opportunities are helping ensure a well trained and engaged staff to care for the long-term needs of those we support
• Richard M. Schulze Foundation
• Fred C. and Katherine B. Anderson Foundation
• Minnesota Housing and Finance (MHFA)
• Delta Dental Foundation
In 2023, community leaders, family members, employees, and volunteers gave generously to support our mission. Thank you for being our partner and providing a good life with your generosity for the 370 people we support.
Corporate and organizational funders
To view all our 2023 donors, visit:
Monthly/ recurring donors, that’s staff too!
People who gave up to $100
Donors, that’s you. Thanks!
Honor or memorial gifts
First time givers, WOW!
Donors from states
Josh Smith and the AK Material Handling Systems team are committed to giving back to the community they thrive in. They are making a difference at Hammer & NER as monthly donors, special event volunteers, and sponsors of Reach for Ralph. Their impact is felt beyond our McGlinch group home where Josh’s brother, Michael, has lived since 2008. The Give Back Crew creates a culture of community-mindedness, teamwork, and positivity.
The team at Coldwell Banker Realty’s White Bear Lake office has enjoyed stepping into Hammer & NER’s mission. We have benefited from two office parties and silent auctions held by the team. Coldwell Banker Realtors and staff also volunteered doing fall yard cleanup at a home in White Bear Township and are looking forward to future volunteer opportunities.
Thank you to all our donors who support our mission of providing people with intellectual and other disabilities the opportunity to live life to its fullest! Visit https:// for a listing of all our donors.
Mike Winegar’s niece, Sarah, is supported at our Arrive apartment program. “She has blossomed,” he says. “She has just the right amount of independence and support and a peer group she fits in with and relates to.” Sarah is growing, developing better money and time management skills, and has more confidence. “She is working to better herself with support from the staff,” Mike says. “Her being there is truly a blessing, and I cannot thank Hammer & NER or the staff at Arrive enough. You are making a difference and changing lives.”
The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation has been supporting Hammer & NER since 2014, donating over $200,000 in support of many projects and efforts. Most recently, the Foundation supported our Second Century initiative which eases the ongoing workforce shortage. In the most recent grant cycle, the Foundation issued a challenge grant for Hammer & NER to engage new donors and increase giving from existing donors. Those efforts made a big impact on bringing people into our mission. We are grateful for The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation and their generosity.
Lewis Mithun (August 1934 – Sept. 2023) was a kind and humble friend to us. A Teton Village resident, Wayzata community leader, Hammer Board member (1/1992-12/1995), and most benevolent philanthropist, he contributed greatly to the people we support and the field of Developmental Disabilities. With his focused philanthropy, Lew educated leaders (now CEOs and CFOs) and provided ample emergency funds and ongoing training for caregivers. Lew’s legacy lives on at Hammer & NER and across the state of Minnesota.
On April 7, 2023, at the age of 80, one of Hammer & NER’s dearest friends, Bill Bieber, passed away. As a family member, former member of the Board of Directors, and trusted advisor, his kindness and generosity impacted countless lives. Bill created a legacy through his founding of the Quality of Life Fund used to enhance the lives of those we support. He shared widely the mission of Hammer & NER and inspired others to join him in offering their own financial support. Bill is deeply missed and will never be forgotten.
Together, you gave more than $416,551!
On Thursday, June 22 over 350 Hammer & NER supporters gathered to celebrate our 100th and 50th anniversaries and raise funds to support our mission and the people we serve.
Family members, caregivers, and those we support played a very special role in the evening through inspirational videos and personal appearances. Thank you to Geritom Medical for being our presenting sponsor and partner in our work.
A big THANK YOU to our Reach for Ralph sponsors, donors, volunteers, and staff who made 2023 a huge success! We’re in this together and together is a wonderful place to be.
Thursday, June 13, 2024 | 5:30 – 9 pm
Quincy Hall, NE Minneapolis Arts District
To be a sponsor in 2024 contact