We are grateful for your commitment to lifetime giving. You are vital to the well-being of those served by Hammer & NER, both today and as they age. These generous donors have given over $50,000 in their lifetime.
Anonymous (5)
Amlicke Family Foundation/Bruce and Celeste Amlicke
Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
Gregory Anderson
Margaret + and James + Argall
Argall Hibbs Foundation/ Susan Argall Haas and Brian Haas
B & H Way Foundation
Elaine and Robert Bache
Dorothy A. Bailey +
The Barry Foundation/B. J.
Jim and Jill Bebo
Barbara Bencini and Bill Janahosky
John and Nancy Berg
Bill Bieber +
Bieber Family Foundation
Bloomer Family Foundation/Steve and Geri Bloomer and Family
Otto Bremer Foundation
Thomas and Pamela Brennecke
The Cargill Foundation
Caridad Corporation
Rae Carlson + Trust/Rae + and Albin + Carlson
Gerald M. Caruso, Jr.
Coldwell Banker Burnet
Conan and Amy Crum
Bob and Joan Cummins
Carol and George Daum
Delta Dental of Minnesota Foundation
Paul and Charlotte Donahue
Mary Drazan
Michael Drazan
Nancy Dunn
Ray Edwards Memorial Trust
F.R. Bigelow Foundation
Peter Flint and Jan Symchych
General Mills Foundation
Geritom Medical, Inc.
Jean and Bill Gjetson
Graves Family Charitable Fund/Gregory and Jiselle
Don and Heidi Haberman
John and Cindy Hitt
Joseph and Shelly Hoesley Charitable Fund
Linda and Kenneth Holmen
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community
Horton Holdings, Inc
Patricia and Michael + Houston
Mary Ann + and Jack + Huddleston
Judith Jones
Knights of Columbus #3758
Bill + and Joan + Krippner
Lions Club of Wayzata
Thomas and Mari + Lowe
Lurie, LLP
Madeline Applauds Great Goals
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Martinson Clinic Foundation
McGlynn Family Foundation/Michael and Julie McGlynn
Mark and Diane McMorrow
Medica Foundation
John and Maryann Merideth
Minnesota State Council
Knights of Columbus
Mithun Family Foundation
Denny and Mary Newell
Old National Bank
Richard and Katharine Olson Charitable Fund
S.B. Osborn Charitable Trust/Bartley and Kandi Osborn
Marion and Ken+ Owens
Bruce and Merry Jo Parker
Nino + and Susan Pedrelli
+ = Deceased
Blue = New to Society

Plymouth Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Plymouth Lions
Dan and Katherine Poppe
Robert M. Reed +Trust
Joe and Kathy Reis
Roehl Family Foundation/ Kate and Gerald Roehl
The Patrick and Alice
Rogers Family Foundation of the St. Paul Foundation
Scherer Brothers Lumber Company
Kent and Traci Scholten
Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation
Siegel Family Foundation/ Elaine and Marshall + Siegel
Mike and Pam Sime
Karl and Laurie Stoltenberg
Charles and Ellen Swanson
Drs. Mary and Jan Tanghe
TCF Foundation
Barbara and Al + Tennessen
Michael and Barbara Tenney
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation
The Estate of Dale+ and Elaine+ Timmers
Village Automotive Group
Paul +and Florence + Voetmann Trust
Bruce and Carmen Volkart
Mark and Kathy Wallraff
William Walsh
Warners’ Stellian Company Inc.
Wayzata Community Church
Weber Shandwick, Minneapolis
Wells Fargo Bank, Wayzata
Mary Wesley +
Julie Wesley-Wong and Wymond Wong
Karole Whipps +
Windsong Donor Advised Fund/Gail and Bill + Munsell
Xcel Energy Foundation