Professors Hemler, LinsF; Associate Professors Jayne, Pendergrass, Valente; Assistant Professors Jaiyeola, Loeb, Strayer Chair: Rebecca L. Jayne Students may choose one of two majors in the discipline of mathematics: Mathematics or Applied Mathematics. A major in Mathematics requires at least 11 courses. A major in Applied Mathematics requires at least 10 courses. All students majoring in either Mathematics or Applied Mathematics must complete Mathematics 141, 142, 231, 242, 254. In addition, a major in Applied Mathematics requires Mathematics 222, 421, Computer Science 261 as well as two electives in Mathematics at the 200-level or higher. At least one of these electives must be at the 400-level. Computer Science 262 may be substituted for the other Mathematics elective. A major in Mathematics requires Mathematics 431, 441, two electives at the 200-level or higher, and two additional electives at the 300-level or above. One elective may be Computer Science 261. A major in Computer Science requires at least 11 courses: Computer Science 261, 262, 361, 362, 461, and 480; Mathematics 141 and 254; and three additional courses, at least two of which must be Computer Science courses at the 200-level or above. A student may use either Computer Science 161 or Physics 106 for the third course. The department recommends that students who intend to teach mathematics complete a major in Mathematics. The department recommends that students who intend to pursue a career in engineering complete a major in either Mathematics or Applied Mathematics; it is recommended that these students take Mathematics 243 and 342 and Computer Science 261 and 262. The requirements for a minor in Mathematics are 19 credit hours from the following Mathematics courses: 141, 142, 231, 242, and one additional 3 or 4 credit hour course in Mathematics at the 300-level or above. The requirements for a minor in Computer Science are 17 credit hours from the following Computer Science courses: 261, 262, 361, and two electives in Computer Science, at least one of which is at the 300-level or above.
COMPUTER SCIENCE COMPUTER SCIENCE 161. (3) INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING. An overview of computing, with consideration given to its impact upon today’s society. Topics may include history, applications, computer organization, programming languages, algorithms, and computability. A student cannot receive credit for Computer Science 161 if he has passed any other college course in Computer Science. Prerequisite: none. Offered: each semester. COMPUTER SCIENCE 261. (4) COMPUTER SCIENCE I. Discussion of algorithms, programs, and computers. Extensive work in the preparation, running, debugging, and documenting of programs. Problem-solving is emphasized. Prerequisite: none. Offered: each semester. COMPUTER SCIENCE 262. (4) COMPUTER SCIENCE II. A continuation of Computer Science 261 but with emphasis on language structures and applications of those structures not normally covered in a first course. Programming efficiency, documentation standards, and programming style are emphasized. Prerequisite: Computer Science 261. Offered: spring semester. COMPUTER SCIENCE 308. (3) PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES. A study of the design and implementation of programming languages. Concepts such as non-procedural languages, scope rules, data types and data sharing, control structures, block structure, recursion, storage management, formal specification of syntax and semantics, parsing, and interpreters. Prerequisite: Computer Science 262. Offered: fall semester of even-numbered years. COMPUTER SCIENCE 321. (3) CRYPTOGRAPHY. An introduction to both classical and modern methods of cryptography with emphasis on how classical number theory has been applied to problems of modern cryptography in recent years. Topics to include digital signatures, algorithms and protocols for public and private key cryptography, and systems for secure communications such as e-mail. Ethical and political issues having to do with secure communications are also discussed. Prerequisites: Computer Science 262 and Mathematics 254. Offered: spring semester of even-numbered years.