Through These Gates Final Report

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“The campaign that Samuel Stanhope Smith undertook 235 years ago led to formation. The campaign whose success we celebrate here has led to transformation of Hampden-Sydney College.” WALTER M. BORTZ III President of the College


Through These Gates: A Campaign for Hampden-Sydney College has been a dedicated effort to secure firm and lasting support for the College’s students and for the promise they offer. For these men, their future, and the communities in which they will live, we are grateful that so many have helped us to assure that Hampden-Sydney College can continue to offer a place for them to learn, to change, and to grow.



additional visiting distinguished faculty and

in the long and storied history of Hampden-

new technology to the campus. Meanwhile,

­Sydney College. With the successful comple-

our faculty will grow, thanks to funding for

tion of the Through These Gates campaign, to-

additional professorships and professional

gether we have raised more than $101 million


dollars—the greatest amount in the history of

When we launched the public phase of this

the College—toward the continued education

campaign in October 2006, contributions and

of young men. Together we have

pledges toward our campaign

built upon the solid foundation

goal of $91 million totaled $65

that has served the generations

million. In the months that

before us for the benefit of gen-

remained until the conclusion

erations yet to come. Together

of the campaign in December

we have expanded programs,

2008, the pace of fund raising

facilities, and opportunities for

was just under $1.6 million

the legions of Hampden-Sydney

a month. As a result, the

College students who enter through our gates.

campaign finished with a total President Walter M. Bortz III

Our efforts—yours and mine together—

of $101.8 million.

During this campaign, Hampden-Sydney

have yielded the construction and opening

College received a $700,000 challenge grant

of a state-of-the-art library and of expanded

from The Kresge Foundation and $500,000

and renovated athletic facilities, as well

grants from the Cabell Foundation and

as the raising of more than $21.6 million

the E. Rhoades and Leona B. Carpenter

for scholarships, $3.6 million for faculty

Foundation. We received 24 gifts or bequests

enrichment programs, and $4.1 million for

of $1 million or more.

our general endowment. Our contributions

Throughout this fundraising effort, our

will promote additional collaborative research

supporters continued contributing to the

between students and faculty, permit more

Annual Fund, a vitally important tool in the

students to obtain internships, and bring

day-to-day operations of Hampden-Sydney

College—to the amount of $27.2 million.

We strive for continued support from as

Certainly large gifts get well-deserved

many of our alumni, friends, and parents as

attention, but often institutions fail to

we can. The common bond formed through

recognize—and to celebrate—gifts of every

the financial support of the programs that

amount. We understand that anyone who chooses to support Hampden-

make Hampden-Sydney College


Sydney College and its educational mission deserves our gratitude. In this volume we


unique gives us each a stake in the success of our students and our graduates. Our work together in this fundraising campaign has truly transformed this campus, both

celebrate everyone who has supported the

physically and academically. Our students

Through These Gates campaign, not only by

have at their disposal a new library, which far

listing the names of each donor, but also by

exceeds the role the former Eggleston Library

highlighting gifts of every level.

was required to fill, a renovated and expanded

At Hampden-Sydney College, we often

Johns Auditorium and Fuqua Computing

speak about the strong bond between our

Center; the new Everett Stadium, which

alumni, the connection that transcends age,

welcomes fans of our football and lacrosse

profession, and location. We work together for

teams; a fitness center which has made physical

our collective benefit. We provide guidance

health more accessible for our students and

to young men looking to launch their careers.

community; and the vastly improved Kirk

We gather socially and welcome fellow alumni

Athletic Center, where Gammon Gym served

in a new town. We eagerly cheer for our

as home court for decades of students. Of our

fellow Tigers in athletic competition. Each

accomplishments, these are only the physical.

kind deed, each professional contact, no

This campaign has also funded many

matter how small, strengthens the Hampden-

academic scholarships, faculty chairs and

Sydney network. Such has been the case with

professorships, research opportunities,

the Through These Gates campaign. Each

internships, study abroad, and the upgrade

contribution has strengthened the College and

and purchase of educational technology.

has benefited our students.

These programs offer Hampden-Sydney

College students the diverse and exciting

These Gates campaign. Their longstanding

learning opportunities they expect.

commitment to Hampden-Sydney College, as

Our liberal arts curriculum provides a

well as their longstanding friendship, has served

strong foundation for the lifetime of learning

as an example to our alumni and students.

our graduates encounter. This curriculum also

During this campaign Mr. Allen and Mr.

creates a love of learning that lasts a lifetime.

Spalding have worked tirelessly not only to reach

A sound knowledge of the liberal arts is vital

but also to exceed our ambitious goals.

for success as a citizen. It is through the study

It is undeniable that we all have been given

of literature, history, science, and mathematics

a great gift, the gift of a Hampden-Sydney

that we come to understand the world around

College experience. During their four years on

us and the people who ultimately make up our

this sylvan campus, our students gain more than

family, colleagues, and community.

an exceptional liberal arts education. They earn

We are fortunate

the respect of everyone

at Hampden-Sydney

through obedience to

that our community

the Honor Code. They

recognizes the good this

lay the foundation for

institution provides and

lifelong friendships with

that our community has

classmates, teammates,

chosen to support us

fraternity brothers, and

through contributions

faculty members. The

to the Through These

relationships formed

Gates campaign.

Henry C. Spalding, Jr. ’60 & Thomas N. Allen ’60

Our faculty and staff

among Hampden-Sydney men are highly prized, and

members contributed more than $1 million

the benefits they create for us have a well-earned

dollars during this initiative; this includes an

reputation. We have all come together once

astounding 100-percent participation by our

again for the benefit of our students and together

Buildings and Grounds staff.

we have achieved great success. Our work during

Heartfelt thanks go to Thomas N. Allen

this campaign benefits the students on our

’60 and Henry C. Spalding, Jr. ’60 for their

campus today and will continue to do so for all

leadership as co-chairmen of the Through

future students who enter Through These Gates.





Gifts & Pledges


$12,250,000 $3,000,000

$21,651,188 $424,184

176.7 14.1

$8,500,000 $6,750,000

$2,127,237 $3,644,673

25.0 54.0

$18,974,206 $8,600,449 $977,012 $7,128,545

103.1 126.5 122.1

$10,000,000 $6,275,000

$4,116,161 $1,418,093

22.6 22.6

Annual Fund $19,125,000 Miscellaneous/Pending      Grand Total $91,900,000

$27,295,257 $5,374,024 $101,704,029



Scholarships Student enrichment SU PPORT FOR L E A R N I NG

Faculty chairs Faculty enrichment


Library $18,400,000 Gammon (Kirk) $6,800,000 Kirby Field House $800,000 Other Capital Projects E N DOW M E N T

General endowment Building maintenance G E N E R A L F U N DS



THE NEW LIBRARY THE HEART of any academic body is the library, and the opening of the new Library of Hampden-Sydney College has greatly improved the health of this institution. Students for many decades to come will have the finest facilities available to them. With 85,000 usable square feet, a book capacity of 350,000, a speaking center, two multi-media classrooms, 10 group study rooms, the Fuqua International Communications Center, and wireless Internet access throughout, Hampden-Sydney College’s new library is the academic center of the campus. The expanded and more comfortable reading areas are popular with students who are working on papers, conducting research, and catching up on current events. Group study rooms are in constant use by both small classes and students working together on presentations and papers. The number of people entering the Library today is double that of those using the old library; the number of books checked out has increased by 25 percent. Presenting the College at its best and surrounding those who gather there with tradition, history, and learning, the new Library has already proved itself to be the epitome of “an atmosphere of sound

learning” the College has always endeavored to provide for its students. Building a library of this magnitude has provided numerous ways for alumni and other supporters of Hampden-Sydney College to publicly recognize those who have had a positive influence on them. One such public demonstration is the naming of The Brinkley Wing of the library in honor of long-time professor John L. Brinkley ’59. Many classmates and former students of the well-known professor not only gave generously to honor Mr. Brinkley, but also attended an event to publicly acknowledge the influence he has had on the College. Charles C. Mottley ’56 contributed a leading gift early in the library project and set the tone for the importance this facility now has in the life of the College. Many foundations and corporations joined the individual supporters and provided significant contributions to the construction of the new Library. The Cabell Foundation and The Kresge Foundation each continued their support for the College, as did the Hiram Ewing Wall, Jr., Foundation. Ferguson Enterprises was one of the numerous corporations to step forward and support the completion of this academic centerpiece.

We are particularly thankful for a gift from higher degree of confidence. Library staff also Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas West IV in memguide our students through the research proory of their son, Allen Goolsby West ’09, who cess, while our faculty members acquire new passed away while a student at the College. He skills from our instructors in technology and was well liked especially by his Kappa Sigma academic computing. fraternity brothers, and The fourth-floor this tribute to him will reading area has become ensure that his memory a popular location for lecwill remain with us. tures and presentations, As we are celebratincluding poetry readings ing every gift to Through by retired poet-in-resiThese Gates, it is imdence Thomas O’Grady portant to point out and prose readings by that some alumni have William Hoffman ’49. chosen to help fund the This floor also features construction of the new the book collection Library in a way that originally donated to the the planisphere in the cupola is more personal and more personally affordCollege by the Union and Philanthropic literable. Andrew M. Sinclair ’03, for example, ary societies, our Children’s Collection, and the generously contributed $500 for a drinking Cabell Room, where rare books are displayed. fountain. Such a gift underscores how every On this floor, visitors also find a vast gift does make a difference and how a recent collection of beautiful antique maps of the graduate like Mr. Sinclair understands the Chesapeake Bay area, donated by Henry C. need to make the library an inviting and comSpalding, Jr. ’60 and his wife Kaye, as well as fortable place for students. a planisphere newly installed in the rotunda, Even during its brief existence, the new which depicts the night sky as it appeared Library has proved that it is much more than above the College on November 10, 1775, the a traditional book repository. Our library day Hampden-Sydney College first held classes. is home to The Ferguson Center for Public This new library is a showcase truly fitting Speaking, which teaches our students to comfor Hampden-Sydney College and our communicate with others more clearly and with a mitment to academic excellence.



the central staircase

ribbon- cutting at the dedication of the new library, november 1, 2 0 0 7


JOH N OW E N ’0 7 A N D M AT T MO OR E ’0 7 I N T E R N E D I N T H E F I N A NC I A L SE C TOR . Z AC H S T R E E T E R ’0 7 A N D C A BE L L B A R ROW ’0 7 I N T E R N E D ON C A PI TOL H I L L A N D I N PR AGU E .


SCHOLARSHIPS & STUDENT ENRICHMENT THE COST of higher education is increasing at a rate that makes it difficult for many families to afford all of the expenses involved in attending Hampden-Sydney College. Reducing the financial hardship of exceptional students gives these young men the freedom to focus on their class work, leadership opportunities, and research. This is why one goal of the Through These Gates campaign was to raise $12.25 million for student scholarships. The response to this need was overwhelming, and we are happy to announce that we received more than $21.6 million for scholarships. Many donors used this opportunity to increase the size of already existing scholarships, while an additional ninety-four endowed scholarships were created. One such scholarship is the Davis Fellows Program, which was established by Norwood ’63 and Marguerite Davis. Each year one Davis Fellow receives a full scholarship to attend Hampden-Sydney College, as well as additional money to participate in study-abroad programs. The Davis Fellows are not chosen because of particular academic excellence or financial hardship; they are young men who might not have yet reached their full potential but should be able to do so at Hampden-­Sydney College.

Mr. Davis says, “Many people are not willing to assume leadership roles because they are concerned about the risks associated with being out front. Society needs leaders who are willing to take risks.” The Davis Fellowships support young men who will strive to take full advantage of a liberal arts education to develop leadership talents: young men with a passion for their special interest and the drive and tenacity to succeed. Hampden-Sydney College is committed to attracting the most talented students. To do so, we must have a variety of scholarship programs available. The Through These Gates campaign has expanded the variety and size of our financial aid options, making more money available to a broader spectrum of students. Student Enrichment Hampden-Sydney College is also fully committed to providing the best academic environment for our students. This includes exceptional physical resources as well as diverse educational opportunities that will complement classroom instruction and increase the likelihood of postgraduate success. Our student enrichment goals for the Through These Gates campaign included funds for on-campus and off-campus academic experiences, as well as experiences that will ben-

S T U DE N T DE V E L OPme N T funds support projects like new equipment for the campus radio station


efit liberal arts students long after they have left our academic village. Study abroad There have been many distinctive faculty members in Hampden-Sydney’s history. Dr. Paule Kline certainly was unique, someone you might not expect at a place like Hampden-Sydney. Maybe that is why she stayed so long; she knew, better than we did, that she was necessary here. Dr. Kline was a professor of French in the Modern Languages Department from 1983 through 1997. Now retired, she has returned to her native France, but continues to support the College. During the Through These Gates campaign, she funded a scholarship for students to travel abroad and study in France. As a teacher, she understands how beneficial cultural immersion is for learning the nuances of a foreign language. She was a feisty character on campus, devoted to her students. Dr. Kline remains devoted to Hampden-Sydney students and their academic achievement. Internships and Research Hampden-Sydney College students want to get useful work experience and a chance to put their liberal arts education to the test before graduation. The best way to achieve these goals is with on-campus research opportunities and off-campus internships. Contributions to the Through These Gates

campaign have provided our students with this real-world experience, increasing the number of internships available and underwriting the students’ cost for existing programs. Mr. Buford Sears and Mr. Burn Sears appreciate the advantage an internship gives our students. For this reason, they chose during the Through These Gates campaign to establish the Sears Internship Endowment Fund, named in memory of their father Roy B. Sears ’42. The Sears Endowment has provided funds for many students in a wide variety of fields. ­Brian Vanetten ’10 interned with White and Case law firm in Hong Kong, thanks in part to Barrye Wall ’78. Christopher Arnatt ’10 interned in the chemical biology and therapeutics department at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. To expand his understanding of the financial markets, Student Body President Fitz Robertson ’09 interned as an investment banking summer analyst at Citi Markets and Banking in New York City. These research and internship opportunities offer valuable tools to our students as they seek to use their liberal arts foundation in a world that sometimes misunderstands the value such an education holds. Gifts of more than $424,000 toward student enrichment programs underscore their importance and will personally affect the students who benefit from these funds.





Gammon Gym still houses a functional

Sydney College began planning to renovate

basketball court, now called Snyder Hall, in

and expand Gammon Gymnasium.

honor of Lt. Stephen F. Snyder ’65—the only

On November 15, 2008, all of the planning

Hampden-Sydney College alumnus killed

came to fruition with the dedication of Kirk

in action in Viet Nam. The remodeled space

Athletic Center, a primary goal of the

serves as both an athletic facility and a social

Through These Gates campaign.

gathering space. Since the renovation, it has

To support our students and their athletic

been the location of a college dance and many

endeavors, the former gym has grown signifi-

luncheons. Its welcoming setting and proxim-

cantly. The new east wing (on the Kirby Field

ity to the athletic venues makes it particularly

House side of the building) houses baseball

convenient for alumni gatherings.

locker rooms and athletic department offices.

Hampden-Sydney College student-athletes

The south wing houses lacrosse locker rooms

are the first to tell you about the vital role

and classroom space. This is the first time in

their participation in sports played in their

the history of the College that each team has

development as “good men and good citizens.”

had its own locker room and showers.

To promote intramural sports and physical

Numerous alumni and friends of the Col-

health, the College also built a first-class fit-

lege contributed to this ambitious project, par-

ness center within Kirby Field House. This

ticularly John W. “Bill” Kirk III ’72, Joseph E.

fitness center integrates new cardiovascular

Viar, Jr. ’63, Michael J. Krupin ’69, and Everett

and weight-training equipment with the exist-

A. Hellmuth III ’75.

ing locker rooms and Leggett Pool. A bank of

Between the new wings sits the new LeHew

televisions adjacent to rows of treadmills, el-

Athletic Hall of Fame Gallery, made possible

liptical trainers, and stationary bikes creates an

by a gift from Willette L. LeHew ’57. Moved

inviting atmosphere for students as well as for

from Kirby Field House, the new area has room

faculty and staff. As these different commu-

for nearly 350 recognition plaques and show-

nity groups commingle, they build new bonds

cases inductees on an interactive video display.

and strengthen existing relationships.


FACULTY ENRICHMENT HAMPDEN-SYDNEY’S FACULTY have shaped the lives of scores of young men. They spend countless hours inside and outside the classroom working with individual students on projects as varied as significant honors research and basic homework. We pride ourselves in the access our students have to their professors, and we hold this pride for good reason. Since many professors live in the community, eating lunch in the Commons, attending social and athletic events, and worshiping at local churches, in addition to holding office hours, they are remarkably available to their students. Being a Hampden-Sydney College professor is not a job. It is a way of life. Supporting the faculty of Hampden-Sydney College is essential to the long-term health of the institution. Attracting and retaining the best professors is increasingly competitive—and progressively more expensive. The best way to support the faculty is by endowing professorships, both for sitting professors and for visiting distinguished lecturers, who enhance the already rich and rewarding foundation of courses and classroom experiences. Such support gives holders of endowed chairs funds to strengthen their courses and to pursue research to enrich their interaction with students.

Over the years, many endowed professorships have been created to assist our faculty. During the Through These Gates campaign, many donors chose to support these professorships, and subsequently the faculty members who hold them. Henry C. Spalding, Jr., ’60 continued his support of the Spalding Professorship, held by Dr. Herbert J. Sipe, Jr., a dedicated professor of chemistry who has taught many aspiring doctors and scientists since coming to the College in 1968. The James C. Wheat Professorship in Leadership, now held by General William G. “Jerry” Boykin, has brought additional depth to the campus experience and to the Wilson Center for Leadership in the Public Interest. The Wheat Professorship benefited during Through These Gates with gifts from the Wiley H. and James C. Wheat Foundation, James C. Wheat III ’75, Mark M. Gambill ’72, and the estate of Eleanor A. Gambill. An entirely new faculty chair has been established through a gift from the Thomas H. McGavack Trust. The McGavack Chair of Biochemistry will ensure that Hampden­Sydney College students receive the highest caliber of training in this growing and increasingly important scientific field.


Technology From electronic lecterns to astronomical telescopes, magnetic spin resonators to laser pointers, digital projectors to smart mice, technology has become an integral part of the modern classroom. Information technology, in particular, is more intimately connected to teaching and learning than ever before. Professor Janice Siegel in the classics department, for example, is widely known for her massive web-based index of educational materials in the classics. Keeping pace with developments in technology is a never-ending and expensive process, with equipment and software becoming outdated every two or three years. This frequent renewal requires, in turn, a commitment to the ongoing training of faculty and staff in its use. Mr. John Brooks Fuqua supported the development and use of technology at 足Hampden-Sydney College during his life and chose to continue that support through a gift from his estate. He first established the J. B. Fuqua Computing Center and the J. B. Fuqua International Communications Center. A gift from his estate ensures that each of the facilities he established will continue to offer our students the latest technological advances in the pursuit of academic success. Academic Enrichment On this campus, students and their mentors

undertake the age-old process of engaging one another against a backdrop of history. As information is uncovered or rediscovered, it is tested in new and different contexts. Such reshaping and reinterpretation require time, effort, and money. For this reason, the endowment of funds for academic enrichment has been an important goal of the Through These Gates campaign. Your contributions have supported faculty by providing increased opportunities for pursuing professional research, scholarship, and creative interests; they have helped to ease budget constraints, allowing the professor, his or her department, and the academic program more freedom for innovation and curriculum development; and they support sabbaticals, during which professors can do research and in-depth study of current scholarship in their field. As our professors continue their academic and professional development, their efforts benefit our students and raise the profile of our institution. Ultimately, this will assist with attracting new outstanding faculty, muchneeded grant money for research, and first-rate students. The result is an ever-strengthening acade足 mic environment, alive and humming with the excitement of professors and students learning together.



LEWIS C. EVERETT STADIUM A NEW ERA in Tiger football began on Septem­ber 1, 2007, with the dedication of the 1,825-seat Lewis C. Everett Stadium, named for athletic Hall-of-Famer and primary project donor Lewis C. Everett ’63. Blending with the Federal architecture of the campus, the stadium includes ample seating, a concourse area with restrooms (a first for Hampden-Sydney football fans) and concessions, space for press, scorekeepers, and announcers, and a skybox lounge with gas-log fireplaces, leather club seating, and outside balcony seating. Mr. Everett says of the lounge, “Its potential for recruiting and for other functions was very appealing. It can be used during any time of the year.” With nearly double the seating capacity of its predecessor, The Everett Stadium grandstand features an area with deluxe seating under a retractable canopy. For more than 40 years, Hampden-Sydney College and its football fans were well-served by Hundley Stadium, which was given in 1964 by Willoughby S. Hundley in honor of the members of his graduating class of 1912. The new stadium was built on the site, which has been home to Tiger football since it was transformed into a football field in 1895.

Mr. Everett and others sought a football stadium that complemented the success of the College’s athletic program and the effort our student athletes put forth. Moving the seating closer to the field was also a main objective. Mr. Everett says, “With the improved sight lines, more people are entering the stadium and staying in the stadium. This renewed focus on the game, I think, provides a big boost for the players on the field.” The lacrosse team received its own benefits from the Through These Gates campaign. A new synthetic turf field was made possible by generous contributions by Everett A. Hellmuth III ’75, the Pritzlaff family, and many lacrosse team supporters, including many players’ parents. The field provides a first-class practice area and allows the team to host games during inclement weather. According to Dr. Bortz, “The scholarathlete is integral to a small liberal arts college. Our students play for the love of the College, for the sport, and for the positive impact intercollegiate athletics makes on their lives.” By meeting this goal of Through These Gates, we have given our students and visitors a first-class environment in which to support or take part in Tiger athletics.


GENERAL ENDOWMENT & THE ANNUAL FUND AS WE PLANNED the Through These Gates campaign, we set many lofty goals for ­Hampden-Sydney College. We wanted to create a new academic center with the Library, and we succeeded. We wanted to expand our athletic facilities, and we succeeded there, too. However, even as we looked to our potential future, we recognized, and rightfully planned for, our immediate needs. The College depends on two main sources of income to meet its annual operating expenses: tuition revenue and the Annual Fund. Securing support for the Annual Fund was another important goal of this campaign. Again, through your gracious contributions, we exceeded that goal, raising more than $27.2 million—42% more than our goal— to pay for the day-to-day expenses of running a first-rate college for men. Annual Fund contributions support important, though not always glamorous, projects like heating and cooling classrooms, making photocopies, and cutting the grass. Like running a business or a home, running a college means we have bills to pay. The Annual Fund’s underwriting of these and other expenses, however, allows the College to continue our centuries-old mission of “forming

good men and good citizens” and helps to make H ­ ampden-Sydney College an affordable educational option for our students. The Annual Fund—and your continued support of it—is critical to the future of the College. During the Through These Gates campaign we raised an additional $4.1 million toward to general endowment fund. As we continue to grow our endowment, we will depend less on tuition and Annual Fund revenue for the daily operation of the College. A healthy endowment is critical for the College’s long-term financial health. The contributions directed toward our general endowment are investments that will provide revenue for the College in perpetuity. For those of us who attended HampdenSydney College, our time as students has been reduced to fond memories. We are quick to recall our dorm rooms, late-night conversations with friends, athletic triumphs, and professors who were always willing to give us their time. Just as each of our personal memories—the sights, the smells, the sounds—contributes to our complete affection for ­Hampden-Sydney College, so has each gift to Through These Gates contributed to securing the College’s future and to creating the complete collegiate experience for our students.


final campaign report


WHO MADE A COMMITMENT TO THE THROUGH THESE GATES CAMPAIGN Class of 1925 Dr. Harry H. Bryan † Mr. Howard D. MacPherson † Class of 1927 Dr. W. Dabney Jarman † Dr. Graves Haydon Thompson † Class of 1928 The Rev. E. Raynard Arehart † Mr. Hugh G. Edmunds † Class of 1929 Mr. William S. Adkisson, Jr. † Dr. William C. Finch † (FT) Dr. Robert S. Lancaster † Dr. John F. Montgomery † Class of 1930 Mr. Henry H. Beattie † The Hon. John P. Hill † Mr. Robert W. Lawson, Jr. † (FT) Mr. Campbell Pancake, Jr. † Class of 1931 Mr. Stewart Bell, Jr. † (FT) The Hon. John M. Hamlet, Jr. † Mr. James R. Lewis † Mr. J. Holmes Thomas † Class of 1932 Mr. Benjamin P. Franklin † Dr. Edwin Lawrence Kendig, Jr. † The Rev. Frank C. King † Mr. Carl Theodore Ripberger, Jr. † Mr. H. Rogers Thomas † Mr. George T. Walters † Class of 1933 Dr. Albert R. Gillespie † (FT) Dr. John L. Guerrant Mr. Gabel G. Himmelwright, Jr. † Mr. John A. Hopkins Mr. Joseph L. Hudson † Mr. Shirley E. Mullens † Dr. Alfred H. Stuart † The Rev. Milton C. Wilkerson † Class of 1934 Mr. Peter G. Cosby III Dr. W. Franklin Fallwell † Mr. James D. Finley II † Mr. James J. Marshall, Jr. † Dr. Richard A. Michaux † (FT) Dr. James Miller Smith, Jr. † Mr. Harry M. Tayloe † Dr. Francis R. Whitehouse † (FT) Dr. John Bell Woodworth † Mr. L. Q. Yowell † Class of 1935 Anonymous Mr. John I. Armstrong Mr. John Cameron Beckwith † Mr. R. Lee Chambliss, Jr. Mr. Leonard B. Chittum † The Rev. Bernard E. Dotson † † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. Oscar P. Fitzgerald, Jr. † Mr. Percy Harris, Jr. † Mr. D. Rankin Hervey † Mr. Robert F. Hutcheson III † Dr. William McK. Jefferies † Mr. Andrew K. Leake II † The Rev. Gordon Rutherford Nichols † Mr. Everett M. Owen † Mr. A. Trigg Sanders † Mr. Joseph Triplett Trotter † Mr. James G. Watson † Class of 1936 Mr. Lester E. Andrews, Sr. † (FT) Mr. Stuart H. Barrell † Mr. Robert M. Boyd, Jr. † Dr. J. Garnett Bruce, Jr. The Rev. Day Carper Mr. Walter C. Crawley † Mr. J. Tucker Doyne, Jr. Mr. John W. Eure, Jr. † Mr. B. Noel Fallwell † Mr. William S. Formwalt † Mr. Howard H. Hanmer, Jr. † Dr. W. Ivan Hoy † Mr. Preston B. Hundley † Dr. Daniel E. Jenkins † Mr. Robert D. Johnson † Mr. Winston P. Lewis, Jr. † The Hon. D. Carleton Mayes † Cmdr. Frank M. Morton, Jr. † Mr. Henry C. Reed (FT) Mr. George Richardson III † Mr. C. Daniel Shelburne † (FT) Class of 1937 Mr. C. Howard Bliss † Mr. Frank M. Booth † Mr. Alexander Phillips Burruss † Mr. John Frank Chambers † The Rev. Dr. Marvin K. Compher † Mr. James Gilliam Conrad Mr. Alexander B. Dickinson Mr. Thomas D. Eason, Jr. Mr. Elliott F. Elam † Mr. Stuart M. Farrar Dr. John H. Hall, Jr. † Dr. William Russell Jones, Jr. Mr. Lawrence W. Latane, Jr. † Dr. Robert H. Loving, Sr. † The Rev. Rex E. McDowell Dr. Lloyd F. Moss, Sr. † Mr. Herbert S. Newman, Jr. Mr. Frank D. Pollard Mr. James B. Price Mr. Embry G. Scott † Dr. James W. Simmons Mr. Clifton L. Snidow, Jr. † Mr. S. Bruce Spencer The Hon. W. Carrington Thompson Mr. Asa D. Watkins, Jr. † Mr. John Drewry Westbrook † Mr. Robert Henry Wilson † Class of 1938 Mr. Richard Burrell Mr. Eugene Craighead Caldwell, Jr. †

FT - former trustee

Dr. E. Malcolm Campbell † Mr. William Alexander Carrington Dr. Martin Donelson, Jr. † Dr. Russell E. Fox † Dr. David L. Greenlees † Dr. William Thomas Hall † Mr. John Halliday † Mr. J. Harrison Hancock † Mr. Robert G. Harper III (FT) Mr. Joseph A. Hazlegrove, Sr. † Mr. Kenneth L. Hudson † Mr. Frank T. Hyde † Dr. Jethro H. Irby, Jr. Mr. Prentiss D. Johnston, Jr. † Mr. John B. Long, Sr. † (FT) Mr. Clarence V. Montgomery, Jr. † Mr. Winston O. Noel † Mr. Robert M. Richardson (FT) Dr. Frank M. Ripberger Mr. Samuel Oliver Ruff Dr. W. Conrad Stone † Mr. Meredith E. Watson † Class of 1939 Mr. T. Kyle Baldwin † (FT) Mr. James M. Blanton, Jr. Mr. William D. Bundy, Jr. † Dr. Willard A. Craft Mr. Bernard T. Doyle, Jr. † Mr. Lewis D. Evans † The Rev. Arthur M. Field, Jr. Mr. Lowery D. Finley, Jr. † Mr. John H. Gilliam, Jr. The Rev. D. Kirk Hammond Mr. William Henry Hubbard † Mr. A. Anson Jamison † Mr. Joseph P. Lawson Mr. Thomas H. Lightner † Mr. David J. McCallion † The Rev. Carlyle A. McDonald Lt. Cmdr. James S. McIlwaine, Jr. † Mr. Ralph M. O’Hair, Jr. Dr. W. Taylor Reveley II † Mr. Walter C. Scott † Dr. D. Scott Sears † Mr. T. Randolph Sherman † Mr. William B. Spencer Mr. Allan C. Wooldridge, Jr. † Class of 1940 Dr. Robert P. Barrell The Rev. Dr. William H. Boyd † Mr. Lester L. Dillard, Jr. † Mr. W. Robert Eason, Sr. Mr. William H. Flannagan, Sr. (FT) Dr. John Caldwell Foushee † Dr. John B. Fuller The Rev. James B. Garrett † Dr. Richard McEwen German, Jr. † Mr. Leigh B. Hanes, Jr. † Mr. Homer P. Hatten † Mr. Benjamin Franklin Hurt Mr. Cary A. Hutter † Mr. Paul B. Lacy, Jr. † Mr. Monroe Leigh † Mr. Dewey W. Mann Mr. Thomas B. Mason †

Dr. Robert E. Mitchell, Jr. † Mr. Charles D. Nottingham II Dr. J. Davison Philips Dr. Lewis G. Richards, Jr. † Dr. Hoskins M. Sclater † Mr. William P. Snavely The Rev. Millard Gray Stimpson Mr. Herbert R. Stokes † Dr. Ralph Morton Stokes, Jr. † The Rev. James G. Thompson † Dr. Robert P. Trice The Rev. Robert C. Vaughan, Jr. (FT) Mr. Emory S. Waldrep † The Rev. Dr. William G. Walker † Dr. William B. White Lt. Col. A. A. Williams † Class of 1941 The Rev. F. Sidney Anderson, Jr. † Dr. Wyndham B. Blanton, Jr. † Dr. James Luckin Bugg, Jr. Mr. A. McDowell Bynum † Mr. Frank C. Chaffin, Jr. † Mr. Arthur P. Flippo † Mr. Joseph B. Geyer † Mr. William C. Gibson, Jr. Mr. Henry C. Green Dr. A. Lawson Hardie, Jr. † Mr. William K. Harrison III † Dr. Matthew L. Lacy II † Lt. Col. John F. Lewis, Jr. † Dr. Ray Atkinson Moore, Jr. † Mr. Theodore G. Offterdinger † Mr. Clarence T. Orgain † Dr. J. Hunter Peak, Jr. † Mr. Thomas C. Ruff Dr. William B. Russell Mr. John G. Sanders Dr. Robert G. Schultz Mr. Francis A. Shelton The Rev. Kenneth Vernon Shick † Col. Clayton B. Tasker Mr. H. Tyler Taylor, Jr. † Mr. Richard B. Whiting Mr. Emery C. Wilkerson Dr. Edwin S. Wysor Class of 1942 Anonymous Dr. John S. Baker Col. Charles H. Beale, Jr. Dr. William W. Beckner, Jr. Mr. Patrick H. Booth, Jr. Mr. Thomas C. Bowen, Jr. Dr. A. C. Buchanan, Jr. † Dr. Addison D. Campbell † Dr. Walter H. Cobbs, Jr. Dr. James E. Cousar III Mr. William T. Covington, Jr. Dr. Charles Lucian Crockett, Jr. † (FT) Dr. J. William Dixon, Jr. † Mr. J. Marshall Doswell, Jr. Dr. W. Keith Eubank Mr. George H. Fulton, Jr. † Mr. James B. Gregory Mr. Kossen Gregory Mr. John P. Harlow, Jr.

The Hon. William P. Hay, Jr. Mr. Frank S. Heidelbach The Rev. George R. Holden Dr. Kenneth Lloyd Hollenbeck Dr. Thomas M. Horsley, Jr. † Mr. William G. Huggins † Dr. Charles E. Hutchinson † Dr. Allyn G. Janney † Mr. Herndon P. Jeffreys, Jr. † Dr. Edgar F. Jessee Dr. Lewis D. Johnston, Jr. Mr. Quellen M. Keith † Mr. Joseph C. Kelley, Sr. † Mr. Robert A. Kelly Mr. William B. Lyle † Mr. Samuel W. McGann, Jr. † Col. Francis R. Munt (Ret.) Dr. William G. Painter, Jr. Mr. Samuel W. Purviance Mr. William R. Rogers † Mr. Henry Shepherd V † Mr. Philip L. Strader Col. Cary A. Thompson, Jr. Dr. Edwin B. Vaden Dr. Douglas Venable † Mr. Stuart R. Virts Mr. Frederick H. Wakefield The Rev. Ira B. Watson, Jr. † Mr. William A. Webb † Mr. Lewis M. White Mr. Benjamin J. Willis, Jr. Mr. Gordon C. Willis (FT) Mr. John N. Wilson, Jr. † Dr. James M. Wolcott, Jr. Class of 1943 Dr. Horace Adams, Jr. Dr. Louis E. Alexander † Mr. W. Dudley Allen, Jr. Mr. Francis P. Bailey, Jr. Mr. T. Clinton Bales, Jr. Dr. Frank McFaden Blanton † Dr. Elam W. Bosworth II † Mr. Royal E. Cabell, Jr. † (FT) Dr. John B. Catlett † The Rev. Thomas C. Clay Dr. Joseph W. Coxe III † Mr. Douglass C. Crummett † Dr. Austin I. Dodson, Jr. Mr. Roy W. Duncan The Rev. Dr. Addison Dunlap Ellison, Jr. Mr. William B. Elwang, Jr. † Mr. Elias Etheridge, Jr. † Dr. Hugh Fitzpatrick III † Mr. William C. Garrett, Sr. Mr. William B. Graham † Mr. Thomas O. Gwaltney III † Mr. Jesse R. Hopkins Dr. W. Robert Irby † Dr. Samuel S. Jones Mr. Thomas G. Lane, Jr. † Dr. Charles E. Llewellyn, Jr. † Dr. H. Carl Messerschmidt, Jr. † Mr. Eugene Decker Millar † Dr. Robert P. Moore † Dr. Roderick A. Mundy †


34 hampden-sydney college Mr. Carter Noble † Mr. James G. Peden † Mr. Francis Y. Savage Dr. John H. Shaw † Mr. John P. Sivell † The Hon. Robert B. Spencer, Jr. Mr. Thomas M. Spencer, Jr. † Dr. Frank E. Taylor Mr. John H. Thompson III Dr. Sidney J. Venable, Jr. Mr. Alan J. White The Rev. Thomas C. Whitehouse † Mr. P. Stephen Wielert † Class of 1944 The Rev. Allan C. Anderson Dr. Eugene R. Bebeau Mr. Waldo H. Beck Mr. Henry W. Brockenbrough Mr. Robert Custis Coleburn Mr. John H. Cross The Hon. John E. DeHardit † Dr. William W. Halligan, Jr. Dr. John Q. Hatten Mr. Henry M. Jarvis Mr. Turner C. Laramore, Jr. † Mr. Richard H. Manson, Jr. † Mr. Thomas J. Nichols III Dr. Wallace C. Nunley, Sr. Mr. Loren L. Parker, Jr. Mr. Leslie L. Pugh, Jr. Mr. Charles S. Reeves Col. Robert Tyler Richmond † Mr. John A. L. Ruff † Mr. Walter D. Shields Mr. James T. Spratley Dr. E. Randolph Trice Mr. Arthur G. Turner † Dr. Frederick W. Young, Jr. † Class of 1945 Dr. Wilbur F. Amonette III Mr. Tucker G. Bedinger † The Rev. Dr. Robert Bluford, Jr. Mr. Lewis E. H. Brandon † Dr. Gene E. Clapsaddle Mr. Stanley G. Cline III Dr. C. Barrie Cook Lt. Col. D. R. Copeland Mr. T. Frank Crowder Dr. Oscar Bruton Darden, Jr. † Dr. Lonnie B. Dickens, Jr. Mr. R. Conrad Dodl, Jr. Mr. Harley C. Easter Mr. John V. Edmunds † Mr. William N. Eskridge Mr. Thomas J. Fulcher, Jr. Mr. Henry H. Galusha, Jr. † The Hon. Ernest P. Gates, Sr. (FT) Mr. B. Richards Glascock, Jr. † Mr. C. Hobson Goddin Dr. Harvey W. Goode, Jr. Dr. Thomas O. Hall, Jr. Mr. William L. Harvie The Rev. George G. Henley Mr. C. Carrington Herbert Mr. Paul L. Johnson, Jr. † Mr. James M. Jones, Jr. Mr. Ralph D. Keightley, Jr. † Mr. John Laing † Mr. William B. Lambert Mr. Cary L. Meredith, Jr. Dr. John A. Moore The Rev. Dr. Joseph L. Nelson, Jr. Dr. John A. Owen, Jr. Mr. Harry K. Parks † Mr. J. Preston Proffitt, Jr. † Dr. Frank M. Ryburn, Jr. Mr. Warren E. Sandidge † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. William R. L. Smith III Mr. George R. C. Stuart Dr. Henry M. Tanner, Jr. † Mr. Robert P. Winfield, Jr. † Class of 1946 Mr. John G. Armistead Mr. Stratford W. Butterworth, Sr. † Mr. G. Philip Cheatham † Mr. Cabell F. Cobbs † Dr. William S. Coxe Mr. Claiborne W. Craddock Dr. Junius E. Crowgey Mr. J. David Crute † Dr. Francis G. Griffin Dr. Andrew Epes Harris, Jr. † Mr. F. Byrd Holloway † Mr. C. Randolph Hudgins, Jr. (FT) Mr. Francis P. Jones Mr. Oscar G. Jones † Mr. George B. Little Mr. Robert M. McAllister † Dr. W. Austin McClellan Mr. Charles W. Merriam, Jr. Mr. Robert G. Moore Mr. Lindsay Mount † Dr. Richard David Noel † Dr. W. Levi Old, Jr. Mr. Allen C. Phillips † Mr. Sumpter T. Priddy, Jr. Mr. Robert A. Scott Mr. Ronald C. Shiflett Mr. Walter D. Southall † Dr. Charles C. Travis, Jr. † Dr. Hugh Orian Wrenn † Class of 1947 Dr. John D. Beall † Mr. C. Bruce Chandler Mr. Alfred T. Curlee † The Hon. Dixon L. Foster Mr. Henry Hamner Gay Mr. William N. Gilmer Dr. Harvey E. Jeffreys, Jr. Dr. O. W. Lacy † Mr. Hunter M. Leach † Mr. J. Cullen C. Leigh † Dr. William Morris Riggins, Jr. † Mr. Robert P. Stickley, Jr. † Mr. James A. Sydnor † Dr. John L. Thornton III Dr. Robert W. Tirrell, Jr. Mr. J. Ernest Warinner III Dr. Robert B. Webb, Jr. Class of 1948 Mr. William E. Atkinson Dr. Frank S. Blanton, Jr. Mr. Marvin C. Bowling, Jr. Mr. Roger W. Dudley The Rev. Thomas W. Foley † Mr. Donald Lee Garlock Dr. Thomas E. Gilmer, Jr. Mr. Harry V. Haga, Jr. Mr. Clivie C. Haley, Jr. Dr. James A. Higgs, Jr. Mr. Robert C. Jones Mr. George J. Kostel The Rev. Lewis H. Lancaster, Jr. Mr. J. Stanley Livesay, Jr. Mr. C. Kemper Lorraine Mr. Tinsley Mack † Mr. John H. Michalek Dr. Thomas P. Overton Mr. Don R. Rapier Mr. Roy C. Rhodes Mr. C. Wilson Rives Mr. Charles H. Rolston Dr. Shelton Hardaway Short III †

FT - former trustee

Dr. Peter W. Squire The Rev. Dr. Charles C. Talley † Mr. Benjamin L. Taylor, Jr. Mr. Hubert S. Taylor, Jr. Mr. P. Edmond Virgili Mr. William F. Watkins, Jr. Mr. George Wright III Class of 1949 Mr. Wesley G. Andrews, Jr. Mr. William N. Balas Col. William T. Bondurant, Jr. Dr. Francis J. Brooke III Mr. Carl N. Cimino Mr. William Norman Cook, Jr. Mr. H. Otis Copley The Rev. John R. Dail † Dr. Robert K. Dyer Mr. William D. Gallalee † Dr. Fred T. Given, Jr. Mr. Jack A. Glascock Mr. John A. Goodloe, Jr. Mr. William P. Groseclose Mr. John E. Hansbarger † Capt. Richard N. Harris The Rev. Everett A. Hellmuth, Jr. Mr. H. William Hoffman Mr. John A. Hudson, Jr. Mr. Richard D. Hudson The Rev. Dr. John Montgomery Irvine IV Dr. Archer Jones † Dr. James W. Luke, Jr. Dr. Winfield Massie Mr. Arthur H. Michel Mr. Claude W. Milam Mr. Henry R. Miller III Mr. Grant C. Sipp † Mr. Edward M. Spratley Mr. P. Warren Spratley, Jr. † Dr. W. Graham Stephens The Rev. Arthur H. Stevens, Jr. Mr. E. Wyllys Taylor Mr. Charles C. Vaden † Mr. Ambrose R. Vulgan Mr. Edwin D. Warinner † Dr. Richard A. Wiant † Dr. William Lockett Wilson Class of 1950 Anonymous Mr. Herbert H. Adkins † Mr. Earl T. Agee The Rev. John D. Alfriend Mr. Richard J. Basto The Rev. Allan Bond, Jr. Mr. H. Peirce Brawner, Jr. Mr. Daniel E. Bray, Jr. Mr. Harry T. Bridges Mr. George T. Bryson, Jr. Mr. Douglas G. Chapman, Jr. Dr. R. Cecil Chapman Dr. Jack W. Chevalier Mr. Lynn P. Chewning † Mr. McLin S. Choate, Jr. Mr. Donald F. Clarke Mr. John W. Cowherd III † The Rev. Russell R. Davis Mr. William Dayton Dixon, Jr. Mr. Robert W. Driver Dr. Samuel A. Elder † Mr. Joseph Davis Elmore † Mr. Frank L. Field, Jr. Mr. Lewis B. Goode, Jr. Dr. Julius Temple Goodman Dr. T. Winston Gouldin Mr. LeRoy Y. Haile, Jr. The Rev. Langston Randolph Harrison The Rev. Dr. Collier S. Harvey, Jr. Mr. A. Milan Hitt, Jr. †

Mr. John W. Howard, Jr. Mr. R. George Hubbard The Rev. Charles R. Hughes, Jr. Mr. William A. Hunter, Sr. Mr. Robert E. Johnson Mr. Charles B. Leech III Mr. Harry C. Lonergan, Jr. † Dr. Russell C. MacDonald Dr. William W. Martin, Jr. † Mr. Samuel D. May, Jr. Mr. Harold L. McCloskey † Mr. William M. McIlwaine Dr. William D. McLean Mr. Billie M. Millner Mr. Paul M. Nicholls Mr. M. Scott Nininger, Jr. Mr. Robert B. Osburn † Mr. Randolph M. Owen † Mr. C. Robert Peery Dr. Claudius H. Pritchard, Jr. Dr. John M. Quarles Mr. Phineas M. Randall IV Mr. Thomas C. Rennie, Sr. † Mr. Wade H. Ridgway Dr. Samuel B. Ryburn Mr. Frederic R. Scott III † Mr. J. Howard Settle Mr. William H. Shirey Mr. Fred L. Silbernagel, Jr. The Rev. R. Daniel Simmons Mr. Philip M. Snyder III Mr. Palmer G. Tunstall Dr. John H. Vansant † Mr. Richard Morton Venable, Jr. † (FT) Mr. James M. Vest, Jr. Mr. Wyndham P. Walke, Jr. Mr. William B. Wall Mr. John E. White III Dr. Lindley M. Winston † Mr. George E. Withers, Jr. Dr. Walter B. Woodson, Jr. The Rev. V. Neil Wyrick, Jr. Class of 1951 Mr. Alfred A. Adkins III † Mr. Raymond B. Bottom, Jr. (FT) Mr. Walter W. Bridges, Jr. † Mr. Gardiner T. Brooks, Jr. Mr. Randolph B. Chichester Dr. David S. Cobbledick Dr. William Ervin Des Portes Mr. Joseph D. East Mr. Robert L. Ennis Mr. Ernest C. Fisher Dr. William S. Foreman, Jr. Mr. A. Conrad Frey, Jr. Mr. Robert L. Galloway † Mr. W. Marshall Geoghegan, Jr. † Mr. Leslie B. Gilliam Mr. Mark B. Glascock, Jr. Mr. Walter V. Hall The Rev. Samuel P. Hart Mr. Robert V. Hatcher, Jr. (FT) Mr. Walton L. Huff Mr. William O. E. Humphreys Mr. Willoughby S. Hundley, Jr. Mr. Wilbert T. James III Dr. Weyland Thomas Joyner, Jr. Mr. Albert S. Kemper III Mr. Edward P. Kinney, Jr. The Rt. Rev. A. Heath Light Mr. Thomas S. Lovelace Mr. Harvey S. Lutins Mr. David S. McClung II Mr. Robert P. McLean Dr. John H. Moling III Mr. B. F. Moomaw, Jr. Mr. William A. Moore

Mr. Donald C. Morris, Jr. Dr. V. Atwell Motley, Jr. Mr. Sidney S. Neblett Mr. Edwin P. Nevin Mr. Meigs A. Newkirk † Mr. Richard E. Nolan Mr. John R. O’Connell Mr. George W. Patteson III Mr. William C. Peake Mr. C. Lear Ponton Dr. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Mr. Henry Glenn Reeves Dr. A. M. Renick, Jr. Mr. C. Edward Richardson III Mr. Eugene T. Rilee, Jr. Dr. Clement J. Robbins III † Mr. John A. Robertson Mr. William Harveycutter Robertson The Rev. Dr. J. Shepherd Russell, Jr. † Mr. John S. Scott, Jr. Mr. John D. Shields Mr. Charles W. Smith, Jr. Mr. Edwin Smith † Mr. John V. Thompson, Jr. Dr. Blair M. Webb Mr. John D. Wilson Class of 1952 Mr. Sheppard K. Ames, Jr. Mr. Sterling P. Anderson, Jr. The Rev. Lawrence W. Avent Dr. Charles C. Binford † Dr. Francis Nash Boney Mr. Numa P. Bradner † Dr. Andrew Gessner Briggs III Mr. W. Michaux Buchanan Dr. William T. Clarke † Mr. Henry G. Coghill, Jr. Mr. William E. Coleman, Jr. Mr. Charles M. Dietz † Mr. W. Mallory Edwards, Jr. Dr. Freeman Epes Dr. Richard M. Frazer, Jr. The Hon. J. Samuel Glasscock Dr. John R. Good Dr. Lloyd T. Griffith Mr. William C. Hagan Mr. Richard C. Hassold Mr. Robert W. Hassold The Hon. Dr. Clarence A. Holland Mr. George R. Irminger † Dr. A. Emerson Johnson III Dr. William T. Johnson † Dr. John W. Kilgore Mr. Robert W. King, Jr. (FT) Dr. Elmer K. Landis, Jr. † Dr. Richard M. Lee Dr. Henry S. Liebert, Jr. Mr. G. W. Lindsay † Mr. John P. Maragon Mr. Gordon B. Marshall Mr. David N. Martin (FT) Capt. Robert S. Mathews The Rev. Claud W. McCauley Mr. Hobson C. McGehee, Jr. Dr. Eugene Darden Milener III Mr. J. Hunter Miller Mr. G. R. Misenhelter Mr. Thomas C. Moore The Hon. Harvey B. Morgan Dr. Charles H. Moseley, Jr. Mr. Lewis F. Norton Dr. Benjamin R. Ogburn Mr. Henry W. Oppenhimer, Jr. † Mr. Kendall P. Parker Dr. Charles H. Peterson, Jr. Mr. Ronald S. Polk Mr. James Gordon Rennie, Jr. Dr. George S. Richardson

The Rev. W. Ramsey Richardson Dr. John B. Schug (FT) Mr. William R. Shands, Jr. Mr. William D. Sites Dr. Gladstone E. Smith, Jr. Mr. Jathan N. Stone † Dr. T. Austin Sydnor, Jr. Mr. Stuart A. Talbott Dr. Herbert G. Tull III † Dr. Marcellus E. Waddill Mr. William C. Wanbaugh, Jr. Mr. Leigh C. Whaley, Jr. Mr. Jake E. Williams Mr. William H. Wright Class of 1953 Mr. Jerome M. Adams Mr. William M. Alphin Dr. Richard Shelton Andrews Mr. Alvan M. Aron Dr. Charles C. Ashby, Sr. Mr. Joseph M. Bagley † Mr. George E. Bahen, Jr. Mr. William A. Blair Dr. John D. Bower Mr. A. G. W. Christopher, Jr. † Mr. Richard W. Davis Mr. Vernon D. Dawson, Sr. Mr. Philip Moring De Haas Mr. Douglas S. Divers, Jr. Mr. John T. Ducker Mr. Edward M. Durand, Sr. Mr. Richard C. Edmunds, Jr. Dr. William S. Erwin, Jr. Mr. William C. Fitzgerald Mr. A. Cabell Ford, Jr. Mr. Albert C. Ford Col. Richard E. Haislip USMC (Ret.) Dr. James S. Harris, Sr. † Mr. Page H. Henderson Mr. Frank R. Hoffmann Mr. J. Bruce James, Jr. † (FT) Mr. Robert M. Johnson † The Rev. John I. Kilby Dr. Hubert E. Kiser, Jr. Mr. E. Lee LeCompte Mr. Harry G. McGinn, Jr. Mr. J. Carroll Melton II Mr. Owen R. Minter Mr. Lloyd B. Mize, Jr. Dr. French H. Moore, Jr. The Hon. W. Tayloe Murphy, Jr. Mr. Sydnor C. Newman, Jr. Mr. William W. Norcross † Dr. William M. Oppenhimer Mr. J. Harding Owen Mr. William M. Passano, Jr. (FT) Mr. Henry M. Read Mr. Thomas E. Reed Mr. Alarik A. Rosenlund Mr. Roney Rowland Mr. Robert L. Saffelle, Jr. Dr. J. Webb Simmons III Mr. J. Edwin Stanfield Mr. G. Scott Taylor Mr. Robert S. Tucker, Jr. Mr. E. Kemper Uhler, Jr. Mr. Page H. Vaughan, Jr. † Mr. Eric H. Wall † Dr. Stuart B. White The Rev. F. Bryan Williams † Class of 1954 Lt. Col. Edwin J. Andrews, Jr. Dr. Burness F. Ansell, Jr. Mr. Wade T. Atkins, Jr. Mr. William C. Boinest (FT) Dr. Joseph T. Bones Mr. Ben James Bowers

final campaign report Mr. Dilworth S. Cook, Jr. Dr. John Armstrong Cross, Jr. † Dr. Frederick C. Davis, Jr. Dr. William S. Dodson † Mr. Vincent L. Duran † Dr. T. J. Ferrell, Jr. Mr. James M. Freeman Mr. Carter B. S. Furr, Sr. Mr. Joseph S. Gillespie, Jr. Mr. Harvie L. Hardie Mr. Rives S. Hardy Dr. Harry F. Hoke, Jr. Dr. R. Douglas Humphrey, Jr. Mr. George A. Kolmer, Jr. Dr. David Lee Litchfield Mr. Gordon Macaulay Lucey Mr. Joe Scott Maupin Dr. J. Milton Miller, Jr. Mr. John Penn Oliver Mr. Henry C. Owen Mr. George E. Pillow, Jr. Mr. E. Stewart Robertson Mr. F. Brodnax Robertson III Dr. Fred D. Robinson Mr. Robert F. Rosenbaum Mr. Romulus M. Sanders, Jr. Mr. Ashby C. Saunders Mr. Marion S. Scott, Jr. Mr. James I. Slaydon, Jr. Dr. William I. Snead † Mr. Harold R. Spencer † Mr. William B. Taylor Dr. R. Dean Tester The Rev. Dr. Ernest T. Thompson, Jr. Dr. Henry J. Tucker, Jr. Mr. H. Benjamin Vincent, Sr. Mr. Glen G. Vought † Mr. Joseph L. Wallace, Jr. Dr. K. K. Wallace, Jr. Col. A. S. Warinner Dr. George M. Williams The Hon. Jere M. H. Willis, Jr. Dr. W. P. Wiltsee Young Class of 1955 Dr. D. Mowbray Allan Dr. Robert B. Allen Mr. James G. Anderson, Sr. Lt. Col. Edward H. Benson (Ret.) † The Hon. Alton E. Bryant, Jr. Mr. Douglas A. Bryant Mr. John W. Craddock Mr. John Worth Crandall Mr. Robert E. Curtis, Jr. † Mr. William H. Daughtrey, Jr. Dr. Arthur S. Gear, Jr. † Mr. Thomas E. Glascock Mr. John Ray Jennings Mr. Wilson E. Kemp Mr. Richard B. Killinger Dr. John Wilson Kolmer † Mr. Edward H. Loud, Jr. The Rev. Richard L. Newkirk Mr. James M. Overbey The Rev. Robert E. Pollock Mr. George H. Randall † Mr. W. Cabell Rives III Mr. James C. Robbins Mr. James C. Roberts Mr. Robert F. Roberts The Hon. Joseph P. Rushbrooke The Hon. Amos C. Saunders Mr. Thomas J. Savage, Jr. Mr. W. Sydnor Settle (FT) Mr. H. Wayland Stephenson, Jr. † Mr. Thomas F. Stewart Mr. Elbert N. Trinkle, Jr. Mr. Richard Larkins Waymack † Mr. Furman B. Whitescarver, Jr.

Mr. Kennon C. Whittle, Jr. Class of 1956 Mr. Thomas E. Adkins, Sr. The Rev. Vernon A. Austin, Jr. Mr. Fred A. Bebeau † Dr. O. Christian Bredrup, Jr. Mr. Edward L. Breeden III Dr. J. Mills Britt, Jr. † Dr. Gilbert H. Bryson Dr. William P. Edmondson, Jr. Mr. Roger K. Elliott Mr. Richard M. Geoghegan Mr. Charles D. Hardy, Jr. Dr. Herbert W. Harris, Jr. Mr. Ronald M. Henry Mr. Lawrence H. Hoover, Jr. Mr. James J. Keating, Jr. † Mr. Phillip W. Key, Sr. The Hon. James E. Kulp Mr. Royster Lyle, Jr. † Mr. M. Edwin McCall, Sr. Mr. G. Otis Mead III Mr. John M. Miller Mr. William O. Moseley, Jr. Mr. Charles C. Mottley (T) Mr. Frank L. Nanney, Jr. The Rev. James A. Nichols Mr. John Nichols Dr. John Y. Nicholson III Dr. Maurice Nottingham, Jr. Mr. Thomas R. Poland Mr. Andrew A. Raptis, Jr. † Dr. John A. Rawls † Mr. John F. Richards Mr. Donald A. Ross Mr. John E. Sadler, Jr. Mr. Edward L. Sanders Mr. L. Edward Scruggs Mr. Richard B. Sessoms Dr. John R. Sharpe Mr. John W. Sherman III † Mr. Halsey W. Smith, Jr. Dr. James H. Smith Mr. William E. Toland Mr. James M. Turner, Sr. Mr. Herman B. Walker Mr. H. Ewing Wall, Jr. † Mr. James E. B. Wallace Mr. Calvin N. Warfield, Jr. Mr. James Shelby White Mr. William D. Williams Mr. Bernard L. Woody, Jr. † Class of 1957 Mr. Donald M. Ault Mr. William C. Barnes The Rev. Thomas T. Biggs Mr. George C. Bird Dr. Thomas P. Bowe, Jr. Mr. Sidney S. Bridgforth, Jr. † Mr. Warren B. Carter The Hon. Jose Davila, Jr. Mr. William H. Drumeller Mr. Edward W. Early Mr. James B. Farinholt, Jr. Mr. James Gordon Frazer Mr. William C. French Mr. William R. Gardner, Jr. Mr. Clarence R. Gillespie Dr. George L. B. Grinnan Mr. R. Bryan Grinnan III Dr. Walter L. Grubb, Jr. Dr. Austin B. Harrelson Mr. James L. Hatcher, Jr. Mr. B. Graves Kerr III Mr. Thomas F. Kilby Dr. Willette L. LeHew (FT) Mr. Thomas C. Looney



Raymond B. Bottom, Jr. ’51 Raymond B. Bottom, Jr. ’51 seems like a paradox at times. He is a visible and steadfast supporter of Hampden-Sydney College, regularly present on campus to support our athletes and to attend lectures and concerts. He gladly spends his time telling anyone about Hampden-Sydney College and enjoys introducing prospective students to the College and extolling its virtues. On the other hand, he is remarkably quiet about his own significant contributions to the College. He prefers to focus on the students, the faculty, and the staff. Ray Bottom believes that for all our donors have done—and continue to do—for Hampden-Sydney College, the attention should remain on those whom we support. “The Hampden-Sydney College community is no doubt ecstatic about the two new buildings on campus, the library and the stadium, both of which were completed in 2007,” says Mr. Bottom. “The trustees, the students, and the staff members alike could not be more pleased with these additions to the campus profile.” He continues, “Grateful thanks are due for the stentorian efforts by President Walter Bortz, whose administration started and completed both of these R AY BOTTOM, JR. ’51 two projects. They are


a lasting legacy for Dr. Bortz’s leadership at Hampden-Sydney.” Mr. Bottom’s support for the College is as diverse as it is continuous. He has contributed to the new building projects on campus, as well as to student publications, the Men’s Chorus, scholarships, and a multitude of other projects and programs. His diverse interests reflect the wide range of opportunities available to our students. So that we can continue our mission to create “good men and good citizens,” Mr. Bottom says, “It is vitally important for alumni to support the College’s needs.”


hampden-sydney college

Campaign Commitments by Source Percentage of Campaign Source Donors Commitment Average Gift Total

Alumni Corporations, Foundations, etc. Friends Parents Bequests & Trusts Total Mr. Hugh B. Marshall The Rev. Dr. Edgar C. Mayse Mr. Walter C. McDermott, Jr. Mr. Henry H. McVey III (FT) Mr. Robert Lee Morris † Mr. R. Dennis Morton † Mr. Lewis H. Mundin III Mr. Malcolm R. Myers (FT) Dr. William L. Odom Mr. William O. Payne, Jr. † Mr. C. Graham Pembroke, Jr. Mr. Sumner R. Pugh, Jr. Mr. Michaux Raine III Mr. Joseph B. Shelor Mr. Clyde E. Shelton Mr. Edwin W. Siersema † Mr. Benny B. Smith Mr. H. William Swertfeger, Jr. Mr. James C. Taylor, Jr. Mr. Clifton R. Titus, Jr. Mr. Robert E. Towers Mr. Robert G. Traylor Dr. William V. Tynes II Mr. Joseph P. Vaughan, Jr. Mr. Robert H. Walker, Jr. Mr. Earle R. Ware II Mr. T. Ashby Watts III Mr. George Edward Wertz Mr. John P. Wetherill IV † Mr. James L. Wiley II Mr. Frank D. Wilson, Jr. Mr. Fletcher J. Wright III Class of 1958 Anonymous Mr. Charles C. Ames Mr. Corydon M. Baylor, Jr. Mr. James N. Boyd Mr. Miles S. Brooks Mr. Thomas S. Bryant, Jr. Mr. Frank Buck Dr. Jameson George Buston II Mr. O. Holmes Carter Mr. E. Eugene Cooke Mr. Richard S. Copeland Dr. Philip C. Davis Dr. R. Ben Dawson, Jr. Mr. Charles M. Dennis Mr. George E. Dobyns Mr. Earle P. Dunham, Jr. Mr. Robert R. Edens Mr. Gene M. Fronfelter The Rev. Peter C. Fulghum Dr. William L. Griggs III † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. Thom F. Hanes Mr. Edward S. Harlow, Jr. Mr. Percy Harris III Mr. John E. Harwood, Jr. Mr. Karl C. Henderson Mr. John F. Hodges, Jr. Mr. Alexander L. Hoffman Dr. Maury A. Hubbard, Jr. Mr. Robert W. Humphreys Mr. Wallace B. Hurt Dr. Wellford W. Inge, Jr. Mr. Richard G. Joynt The Hon. Joseph A. Leafe Mr. Edward Miles Linton Mr. Henry P. McGill, Jr. † Mr. R. Maxwell Meador Mr. James C. Melvin Mr. Nathaniel P. Neblett Mr. Michael G. O’Neill The Rev. William T. Perkins Mr. Harry Borum Price III † Mr. John Carlisle Priddy Dr. Henry A. Prillaman, Jr. Mr. J. Horsley Putt, Jr. † Dr. Harry E. Ramsey, Jr. Mr. Allen H. Reynolds Dr. Peter Rosanelli, Jr. Mr. Thomas H. Scales, Jr. Col. Herbert Seay Mr. Charles J. Shaughnessy III Mr. Edward C. Shepherd IV Mr. Venable L. Stern, Jr. Mr. G. Granville Sydnor III Mr. James M. Trammell Mr. George M. Trible III † Mr. John Hardy Waters III Mr. Francis M. Whichard † Mr. George C. Wilkinson, Jr. Class of 1959 Dr. John Wendell Bailey, Jr. Mr. Edmund L. Benson III Mr. John L. Brinkley Mr. William O. Bryant Dr. Norwood C. Cardozo, Jr. Mr. Robert W. Carter Mr. Stuart W. Copeland Mr. Robert Q. Cunningham Mr. Ronald W. Davis Dr. George D. Delo, Jr. † Mr. Alexander F. Dillard, Jr. Mr. Thomas W. Doggins † Dr. Francis J. Duckwall Mr. James E. Edwards FT - former trustee

6,978 909 2,992 2,010 71 12,960 Mr. William L. Fagan, Jr. Mr. James R. Felty Mr. William M. Ferguson, Jr. Mr. James G. Ferneyhough † Mr. William R. Hess † Dr. J. Robert Hippensteele Mr. Philip A. Hoge Mr. Clarence Brodie Hyde II Dr. William P. Knox Mr. J. Thomas Kremer, Jr. Dr. Richard A. LeHew The Rev. Robert N. Lominack, Jr. Mr. A. Hunter Long Mr. Charles F. Lucas Dr. D. Hunter Marrow III Dr. Murphy F. McGirt, Jr. Mr. John N. Meadows, Jr. Dr. Elbert P. Osborne, Jr. Mr. Charles A. Petersen, Jr. † Mr. William S. Pierce † Mr. Thomas B. Porterfield II Dr. James J. H. Price Mr. Arthur W. Raine Dr. John N. Ralsten Mr. Edward H. Richmond, Jr. Mr. George E. Rickman Mr. David A. Robb, Jr. † Mr. Bobby Gene Saylor Dr. Marvin W. Scott Dr. John M. Shepherd, Jr. Mr. Lawrence N. Smith Mr. T. Robison Smith Mr. Richard P. Spitler † Mr. Hugh R. Stallard (FT) Mr. Thomas G. Underwood Mr. Edmund L. Waddill, Jr. Mr. R. King Waddill Mr. Fred G. Warren Mr. Frederick G. Weaver Mr. Charter Wells, Jr. Mr. Donald P. Whitley (T) Mr. R. Tyler Whitley Mr. John R. Wilcox Mr. William P. Wilkins, Jr. † Mr. L. Barron Wood, Jr. Mr. James K. Woodley, Jr. Mr. Robert L. Woosley, Jr. Mr. Thomas S. Word, Jr. Mr. Richard A. Yancey, Jr. Class of 1960 Mr. Thomas N. Allen (T) Mr. Silas W. Barnes, Jr. † Mr. William G. Benson

$55,462,223 $18,052,584 $6,722,008 $4,861,471 $16,605,742 $101,704,029

$7,948 $19,860 $2,247 $2,419 $233,884 $7,848

Mr. J. Robert Bray (T) Mr. Edward H. Bryant, Jr. Dr. William G. Bunch, Jr. † Dr. Hawes Campbell III Dr. Andrew Thornton Canada, Jr. Capt. Charles B. Collman Dr. William B. Costenbader, Jr. Dr. Benjamin M. Crowder Dr. John C. Crump III Mr. Harry Thomas Darnes, Jr. † Mr. Henry T. Davis, Jr. Dr. Brian A. Dementi Mr. Roland W. Dodson Mr. William C. Doughty Dr. Lewis Harrison Drew The Hon. Nelson T. Durden Mr. Marshall R. Ebert Mr. Clayton W. Eisinger Dr. Donald T. Erwin Mr. Donald A. Fowler Mr. F. Meriwether Fowlkes, Jr. Mr. Edward H. Fox Mr. William H. Goodwyn, Jr. The Rev. Dr. James H. Grant, Jr. Mr. John F. Graves Mr. S. Earl Griffin Mr. James E. Haley Mr. John N. Harrington, Jr. † Mr. Leon W. Hawker, Sr. Mr. E. Martin Hedgepeth, Jr. Dr. Joseph C. Hillier Mr. M. Norton Howe, Jr. Dr. W. Glenn Hurt Mr. J. Charles Johnson, Sr. Mr. Thomas H. Jones Mr. David A. Knotts Mr. F. Vernell Martin Mr. Wayne C. McLean Dr. John W. Myers III Mr. John E. Pappas Mr. Paul M. Penick Dr. William A. Robertson Dr. William T. Ross, Jr. Dr. Thomas L. Sarvay, Jr. † Mr. William T. Saunders, Jr. (T) Mr. Gilbert H. Sayres Mr. Anthony C. Sherman Mr. Garnett F. Smith Mr. Landon Carter Smith Mr. Henry C. Spalding, Jr. (T) Mr. Alan D. Stein Mr. Douglas H. Stinespring, Sr. Mr. Henry A. Terjen, Jr. Dr. E. Douglas Vaughan, Jr.

54% 18% 7% 5% 16% 100%

Mr. Raymond B. Wallace, Jr. Dr. William E. Ware, Jr. † Mr. John M. Wells, Jr. † Mr. Richard W. Wertz Dr. Paul F. White Mr. Howard Whitney III † Mr. William T. Wilson Mr. Joseph H. Wood Mr. Emmett D. B. Yancey Class of 1961 Mr. John M. Acken Mr. Leo R. Andrews, Jr. Mr. Ryland A. Babb, Jr. Mr. Dean A. Bailey Mr. Robert M. Barger Dr. Lewis William Bridgforth Mr. Scott Broaddus Mr. John Bagby Browning Mr. James F. Carper Mr. Jack H. Chappell Mr. W. Richard Clark Dr. Carroll A. Cloninger Dr. Richard E. Coons Mr. Robert B. Ewald III Mr. Charles H. Frischkorn, Jr. † Mr. Edward K. Godsey, Jr. Mr. John R. P. Hamilton Mr. Daniel M. Hawks Mr. Wayne E. Hoy † Mr. Joseph O. Humphreys Maj. C. Kendall Hunter, Jr. Mr. Frederick F. Johnson † Mr. H. Benjamin Jones, Jr. Mr. Hugh K. Leary Mr. Cary B. Mayo III Dr. Daniel W. McKeel, Jr. Dr. George J. McVey Mr. D. Roger Mower, Jr. Mr. William H. Payne Mr. Marshall N. Pearman, Jr. Mr. H. David Reitz Dr. James A. Repass Mr. J. Scott Simms Mr. James H. Slaughter Mr. David H. Smith II Mr. Olen C. Stewart, Jr. Dr. H. Ben Stone III The Hon. J. Robert Stump Mr. Samuel L. Tarry Dr. Curtis H. Thomas, Jr. Mr. Lewis M. Walker III Dr. Robert E. Wallace Mr. John S. Waring III

Mr. Boyd Alton Webb Mr. Thomas C. Williams, Jr. Dr. William B. Williams, Jr. † Mr. Michael L. Woosley, Sr. Class of 1962 Mr. Sidney G. Armsworthy Mr. Robert W. Batten Mr. Obie Henry Booth Dr. George W. Booze Mr. James Wesley Burgess Mr. William Tillman Butler, Jr. † Dr. Phillip M. Cook Mr. Allen L. Dahl † Mr. Stuart Egerton II Mr. Larry E. Farrar Mr. J. William Ferrell III Mr. Garland W. Flournoy Mr. Fred L. Garrett III Mr. John R. Grymes Mr. R. Garnett Hall, Jr. Dr. Randolph R. Hall Mr. Paulus I. Haynsworth Dr. William J. Heinzer Mr. John R. Higgs Mr. Jerry W. Houchens Mr. Charles E. Hubbard The Hon. Tristram T. Hyde IV Mr. Hugh H. Kerr III Mr. David E. Laird, Jr. Mr. Robert C. Leonard, Jr. Mr. David F. Lykins † Mr. R. Gordon McKenney Mr. Donald P. Miller, Jr. Mr. Irvin Owings III Mr. Stephen Dulany Proctor Mr. William R. Ragsdale Dr. Dudley A. Raine, Jr. Mr. John E. Roberts, Jr. Dr. R. Lewis Royster, Jr. Mr. Joseph M. Ruffin, Jr. Dr. William G. Sale III Mr. Daniel H. Shaner Mr. Nelson Showalter Mr. C. Frederick Shultz Mr. Clarence O. Sligh, Jr. Mr. Kent A. Smack Dr. Robert G. Thompson II Mr. Harry H. Titus Mr. John T. Tompkins III Mr. Thomas S. Tredway Mr. William F. Vess, Jr. Mr. Thomas F. Williams, Jr. Mr. Herbert D. Wolff III Mr. Neil W. Yeargin Class of 1963 Anonymous Mr. Douglas R. Allen Mr. Robert H. Bennett Mr. Edwin E. Bouldin, Jr. Mr. George Steel Bowers, Jr. Mr. Carl F. Bowmer Mr. G. Grayson Boyce † Mr. Otis H. Bradley, Jr. † Mr. Benjamin M. Butler Dr. William G. Caperton Mr. Richard H. Cardwell Mr. George B. Cartledge, Jr. (FT) Dr. William D. Cassidy III Mr. David L. Costenbader Mr. Charles F. P. Crawley Mr. Thomas B. Davidson, Jr. Mr. William S. Davidson Mr. Norwood H. Davis, Jr. (FT) Mr. Lewis C. Everett Mr. Francis F. Falls Mr. Leavenworth M. Ferrell Mr. Lowery D. Finley III

final campaign report Mr. Alexander Murray Fisher, Jr. Mr. Mervin A. Frantz, Jr. Mr. James M. Galloway † Mr. Jeffrey L. Gardy Mr. Gerald T. Gilliam Mr. Donald R. Gladstone Dr. C. Earl Guthrow, Jr. Mr. William B. Hanes Mr. James William Hardin Mr. Samuel C. Harding, Jr. Mr. Holmes C. Harrison Mr. Peter B. Hatcher III Dr. G. Philip Hillen III Mr. J. Knox Hillman, Jr. Dr. Donald W. Houpe † Mr. William D. Humphreys Mr. Ferdinand Stoddert Johns Mr. Hal Stuart Johnson Mr. Charles R. Krummell Mr. H. Timothy Little Mr. William W. Lowery III Mr. Roderick B. Mathews Mr. Arthur J. Matney Dr. Russell G. McAllister, Jr. Dr. John N. McDaniel Dr. Thomas R. McDaniel Dr. John W. Melton III Mr. William R. Middelthon, Jr. (FT) Mr. Philip H. Miller Mr. C. Frederick Mitchell Mr. William E. Moore, Jr. Mr. Edmund Noyes, Jr. Mr. Gerald M. Pace Mr. Philip G. Padgett, Jr. Mr. James L. Patton Mr. Walter L. Penn III Mr. W. Greyson Quarles, Jr. Dr. Holman C. Rawls III Mr. H. Kennedy Reveley, Jr. Mr. John W. Romm, Jr. † Mr. Evans C. Ross Dr. Wade H. Saunders III Dr. Kenneth N. Scott † Dr. Harold P. Settle, Jr. Mr. J. Stuart Shelton Mr. Edward H. Shield The Rev. Glenn W. Small, Jr. Mr. Walter O. Smith III Mr. Charles W. Sommardahl, Sr. Dr. Sherrill W. Stockton, Jr. Mr. Marshall H. Stuart Mr. William W. Tennent III Mr. John Vermillion III Mr. Joseph F. Viar, Jr. (T) Mr. Pressley B. White, Jr. The Rev. Linwood G. Wilkes Mr. Rodney E. Williams, Sr. Mr. David G. Wilson, Jr. (T) Mr. Raymond Andrew Woody Mr. A. Hunter Yeatts, Jr. Class of 1964 Anonymous Mr. David D. Addison The Rev. John L. Alexander † Mr. J. Wayne Alley Mr. L. Philip Bailey, Jr. Mr. Edwin B. Baker Dr. George H. Beckwith Mr. John H. Bergeron † Mr. Henry Staley Berry Mr. Dougald L. Blue III Mr. Harold U. Blythe Mr. James A. Bott, Jr. Mr. J. P. McGuire Boyd (FT) The Rev. James C. Byers III † Mr. W. Kent Carter, Jr. Mr. Michael D. Caver Mr. W. Bates Chappell

Mr. John B. Cline Mr. Michael T. Crone Mr. J. Sidney Davenport IV Mr. William J. Dougherty, Jr. † Mr. James F. Douthat Mr. W. Sidney Druen Mr. Aldrich Dudley III † Mr. Hugh G. Edmunds, Jr. Mr. Ronald L. Ellis Mr. Donald R. Ford, Jr. Mr. David C. Fuller Mr. Riley B. Gibbs Dr. J. Charles Gills Dr. Allen M. Glasgow Mr. Edwin H. Graves † Mr. F. Wayne Gray Dr. Larry D. Hensley † Senator K. Neal Hunt Mr. R. Devereux Jarratt Mr. Nathaniel A. Jobe, Jr. Mr. John Archer Koch, Jr. Mr. Clyde C. Lamond III Mr. William J. Lawrence Mr. Fontaine B. Lawson Mr. Stephen C. Leverton Mr. Thomas M. Lewis Mr. L. Cecil Long Dr. Horace C. Lukens, Jr. Mr. Charles I. Lunsford II Mr. Michael F. Moorman Mr. Wayne A. Morrison Mr. Jesse W. Overbey Mr. Graham F. Painter, Jr. Mr. John C. Parrott II (T) Mr. George F. Perkins Mr. Henry R. Pollard IV Mr. Kenneth M. Pritchett The Hon. John D. Roberts Dr. Giles M. Robertson, Jr. Mr. A. Francis Robinson, Jr. Mr. Allan Ross Dr. Richard E. Ruble Mr. C. Edward Russell, Jr. Mr. Lowery B. Saunders † Mr. J. Hamilton Scherer, Jr. Dr. John D. Semones Mr. Keith Shepherd The Rev. Dr. Louis A. Skidmore The Hon. Charles H. Smith, Jr. Dr. Charles F. Sydnor Mr. George P. Tarry, Jr. Mr. Clifford L. Thomas Mr. Randolph E. Trow, Jr. Mr. Hunt B. Wagstaff Mr. Robert P. Waters The Hon. Thomas H. Wood Class of 1965 Anonymous Mr. Herbert S. Adams Dr. Joseph E. Agsten Dr. John E. Anfin Dr. John R. Barker Mr. Frederick W. Beck III Mr. M. Hunt Berryman Mr. Doddridge H. Biaett III Mr. John M. Boswell Mr. R. Jeffrey Bowker The Rev. Dr. Gerald A. Butler Dr. John G. Claudy Dr. Thomas F. Connelly, Jr. Dr. James F. Cope Mr. Richard F. Cralle, Jr. (FT) Mr. Richard H. Crane, Jr. Mr. R. Madison Cummings, Jr. Dr. Thomas L. Currie, Jr. Mr. Gene B. Dixon, Jr. (FT) Mr. W. Birch Douglass III (T) Mr. Thomas U. Dudley II

Dr. William M. Edwards Mr. William G. Faulk, Jr. Mr. David Lane Ferguson Mr. Fred B. Gentry, Jr. Mr. Thomas S. George III Dr. Richard D. Giles The Hon. Herbert C. Gill, Jr. The Hon. Ray Wilson Grubbs Mr. Charles E. Hall III Mr. Scott M. Harwood, Sr. (FT) The Hon. Stephen H. Helvin Mr. Gabel G. Himmelwright III Mr. David L. Johnson Mr. Edward C. Johnston, Jr. Mr. John T. King Mr. Elmer H. Lammay, Jr. Mr. George W. Macon III Mr. Richard C. Manson, Jr. Mr. Robert W. Maxwell II Mr. Harry F. McArver, Jr. Dr. Samuel B. McLaughlin, Jr. Mr. Peter A. McWilliams Mr. Vincent M. Montsinger III Mr. David W. Reynolds Mr. Gerald D. Robertson Mr. James E. Robertson Mr. William F. Robinson, Jr. Mr. Daniel E. Rogers II Dr. Dixon M. Rollins, Sr. Mr. Gordon D. Schreck (T) Mr. Eugene B. Shepherd, Jr. Mr. William D. Shirley Mr. Frederick L. Shreves II Mr. Julious P. Smith, Jr. (FT) Dr. Theodore R. Smith, Jr. Mr. Carter B. Spalding Mr. W. Scott Street III Dr. Allan C. Sundin Mr. David E. Trickler Mr. Michael K. Vaughan Dr. Charles Cortland Walton IV Mr. Kenneth E. Washburn Mr. Charles H. Wheeler IV Mr. John R. Wilhoite Mr. Robert C. Wimer Mr. Edward C. Witthoefft, Jr. Mr. Roy C. Wood Class of 1966 Mr. George T. Alcorn Dr. Philip R. Anderson Mr. Dwight L. Andrews Dr. Samuel H. Baker III Mr. David E. Bergren III Dr. Frank M. Booth III Dr. Richard B. Bowles, Jr. Mr. B. Louis Briel, Jr. Dr. James G. Bruce III The Hon. Theodore J. Burr, Jr. Mr. Leon Frederick Chapman III Mr. Clarence C. Chewning III Mr. Robert M. Chilton Mr. Mark S. Chinn Mr. John R. Cocke, Jr. Mr. Jeff D. Collins Dr. William B. Crawley, Jr. Mr. Charles W. Crist (FT) The Rev. Charles N. Davidson, Jr. Dr. Alan Scott Day Mr. Stephen C. DeBell Mr. Robert E. Doyle, Jr. Mr. John E. Early III Mr. Dennis P. Finger Dr. H. Fred Gallasch, Jr. Mr. Stephen M. Gedney Mr. Dickinson M. Gould † Dr. Darrow E. Haagensen, Jr. Mr. Thomas A. Harding Dr. Jack I. Hayes


Alumni Donors By Class Year: 1925 - 1956 Class Donors

Gifts or Pledges
































21 $1,914,980












































60 $5,713,243


65 $1,456,315




49 $1,085,315




50 $2,347,102



38 hampden-sydney college Mr. Terry L. Helsley Mr. T. David Hinton Mr. William D. Hopkins Mr. Robert L. Ingram, Jr. Mr. John R. Kight, Jr. Mr. Edgar W. Lacy III Mr. David W. Leary Mr. James F. Lipscomb (T) Dr. Thomas W. Littrell Mr. William F. Lowry, Jr. Dr. Daniel W. Mason III Mr. Joseph D. Miles III Mr. Ernest E. Moore, Jr. Dr. R. Carter Morris The Rev. Robert L. Morriss Mr. R. Stedman Oakey, Jr. Mr. James R. Painter Mr. Michael W. Paulette Dr. James E. Payne Mr. James R. Pickens Dr. John R. Ragsdale III The Rev. James Michael Rissmiller Mr. Douglas B. Scott Mr. Herbert L. Sebren, Jr. Mr. William J. Seegers † Dr. Cletus M. Sellers, Jr. Mr. W. Lewis Shipp Mr. William F. Shumadine, Jr. (T) Mr. William L. Shumate III The Hon. William A. Talley, Jr. Mr. William Charles Thompson Mr. W. Waverley Townes Mr. Joseph W. Tuck Mr. Lawrence J. Tweel Mr. Travis J. Tysinger Mr. Glenn C. Vaughn Mr. Ricks S. Voight, Jr. Mr. B. Kirke White, Jr. The Rev. William W. Williamson, Jr. Mr. Roy R. Wimmer Mr. William R. Woods Mr. Edward F. Younger III Class of 1967 Dr. Robert B. Albee, Jr. Dr. C. Bruce Alexander Mr. David C. Alley Col. William T. Anderson The Hon. William C. Andrews III Mr. Charles G. Armfield III Mr. Edward A. Beck III Mr. Stephen D. Beck Mr. Ernest W. Bell III † Mr. Archie C. Berkeley, Jr. Mr. William H. Blanks Mr. John O. Boyd III Mr. Stephen G. Butler Mr. William C. Childrey Mr. Charles B. Cocke Mr. Thomas D. Corkran Mr. James P. Councill III Mr. George G. Cralle, Jr. Mr. Henry P. Custis, Jr. (FT) Col. Robert S. Darden The Rev. Eddie W. Dedrick Mr. F. Randolph DiPrisco Mr. W. Robert Eason, Jr. Mr. James B. Edge, Jr. Mr. Conley L. Edwards III Dr. Alan T. Elliott Dr. Charles W. Ford Mr. John Franklin III Mr. Leigh S. Fultz Mr. William A. Gillespie, Sr. Mr. John P. Grove III Mr. Barry A. Hackney Mr. Michael G. Haynie Lt. Col. Allen P. Hazlegrove Mr. Joseph A. Hazlegrove, Jr. † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. Leighton S. Houck Mr. Randall H. James Mr. Jerry W. Jenkins Mr. Frederick A. Jesser III Mr. Robert E. Johnson † Dr. Keith M. Jones † Dr. Webb D. Jones Mr. R. Daniel Keeling II Mr. Harold B. Kellam, Jr. Mr. Thomas B. Kern Mr. Leon Agee Lackey, Jr. Mr. Joshua Thomas Lawrence III Mr. Greene H. Lawson, Jr. Mr. Jerry W. Leonard Dr. Robert H. Loving, Jr. Mr. Wickliffe S. Lyne The Rev. W. Daniel MacGill III Mr. Richard B. Madden Mr. James D. Mapp Mr. Stephen Hawley Martin Mr. L. White Matthews III (FT) Mr. David J. McKittrick (T) Mr. William R. Miller III Mr. Edward C. Moomaw, Jr. Dr. Charles C. Moore, Jr. Mr. James L. Morris Mr. John C. Morrison The Hon. Roger L. Morton Dr. Perry D. Mowbray, Jr. Mr. C. David Muggleworth Mr. Robert W. Mullin Dr. M. Mercer Neale III Dr. E. Blackford Noland, Jr. Dr. William R. Nottingham, Jr. Mr. James K. Null Mr. Robert H. Owen Mr. J. Russell Parker III Mr. William N. Pollard Mr. Charles E. Poss, Jr. Mr. Richard E. Potter Dr. Randall W. Powell Mr. Warren C. Redfern Mr. John M. Reid Mr. T. Burwell Robinson, Jr. Mr. James A. Rosenstock, Jr. Mr. Wellford L. Sanders, Jr. Mr. Peter W. Smith IV Mr. Walter C. Sprye, Jr. Mr. R. Curtis Steele, Jr. Dr. Kearfott M. Stone Mr. George Summers, Jr. Mr. Robert R. Swann Mr. Wayne T. Tennent Mr. Joseph Terry Mr. H. Stetson Tinkham Mr. Lawrence T. Trice, Jr. Dr. Remus S. Turner, Jr. Mr. Randolph H. Watts (T) Mr. J. Kendall Whitaker, Jr. Mr. William Ashby White, Jr. Dr. Odie Allen Whitlow Mr. Charles L. Williams, Jr. Mr. Rupert R. Winfree Dr. Thomas Sublett Woodall Mr. Jan Michael Yarosz Mr. John Pannill Yeaman Class of 1968 Mr. William Byrn Alsup III Mr. Ronald W. Axselle Mr. Walter Cason Barco Mr. John C. Beach, Jr. Mr. David H. Beard, Jr. Mr. Edward C. Becker Mr. James L. Beckner (FT) Mr. Horatio A. E. Bigelow Mr. W. Taylor Boone, Jr. Dr. D. Christopher Bosworth Mr. George W. Boylan

FT - former trustee

Mr. Ronald H. Burton Mr. F. Scott Campbell III Dr. James T. Campen Dr. R. Dabney Carson III Mr. William P. Carter Mr. Robert K. Caudle, Jr. The Hon. James H. Chamblin Mr. James H. Chenery II Dr. W. Randolph Chitwood, Jr. (FT) Mr. J. Leonard Cobb † Mr. William T. Culpepper III Mr. Christopher M. Daniel, Jr. Mr. Frank G. Davidson III Mr. Frank P. Dickinson Mr. Jeffress S. Dortch III Dr. J. Travers Edwards, Jr. Mr. Christopher K. Evans Dr. John D. Feldmann Mr. Ernest M. Frank, Jr. Mr. Harry Leland Frazier, Jr. Mr. Norman J. Gaynor Mr. Walter P. Givens Mr. Arthur H. Glaser Mr. Charles M. Guthridge (FT) Mr. David J. Hanse Dr. Lawrence E. Hightower Mr. Robert L. Howell Dr. John D. Hughes Mr. Bryce D. Jewett, Jr. Mr. William Edward Lane Mr. Donald E. Lee, Jr. Mr. James B. Lee Mr. Peter A. Leggett (FT) Dr. Eddie R. Lowry, Jr. Mr. Milton D. Lytle Dr. John W. Mack, Jr. Mr. Richard Wayne McConnell Mr. John P. McLean Mr. James R. McSpadden, Jr. The Hon. Paul M. Peatross, Jr. Dr. John W. Pendleton Mr. E. K. Prewitt, Jr. Mr. Milton P. Reid II Mr. Philip deButts Rome † (FT) Mr. Robert P. Roper, Jr. Mr. Douglas P. Rucker, Jr. Mr. N. Hartley Schearer, Jr. Mr. Pendleton M. Shiflett III Mr. Samuel S. Shiplett Mr. Bryant F. Smith The Hon. Denis F. Soden Mr. J. Timothy Thornton Mr. W. Malcolm Tilson The Hon. Paul S. Trible, Jr. (FT) Mr. Ronald R. Tweel Mr. Robert L. Watt III Dr. William H. Weiss, Jr. Mr. Richard H. West Mr. D. M. Westerhouse, Jr. Mr. Corbin McCue Wilkes Dr. Claude M. Wilkinson, Jr. The Rev. Charles C. Williamson Mr. Richard W. Wiltshire, Jr. Mr. Charles F. Witthoefft Mr. W. Fredrick Wright Mr. Leighton D. Yates, Jr. Dr. R. Edward Zimmerman Class of 1969 Dr. David A. Albertson Mr. William B. Allen III Mr. J. Simmons Armstrong Mr. Jacob P. Bailey Dr. John M. Bass Dr. Richard C. Bell Mr. Samuel Fraley Bost The Rev. Dr. William P. Brown Mr. Jeffrey M. Bull Mr. Jamieson P. Byars, Jr.

Mr. Richard G. Childs Mr. Charles R. Cobb Mr. J. Gordon Coleman, Jr. Mr. Arthur G. Costan III Mr. Burke H. Craver, Jr. Mr. Raymond G. Dodson Mr. Robert C. Douglas Mr. Charles M. Douglass Mr. W. Berry Dumas Dr. A. Russell Dunnington, Jr. Dr. Edward F. Eckert, Jr. Mr. J. Randolph Edwards Mr. G. Franklin Flippin (FT) Mr. William E. S. Flory, Jr. Mr. John A. Forbes III Mr. William F. Franck III Mr. Stuart T. French Mr. Larry R. Gilbertson Dr. Lowrie R. Glasgow Mr. W. Lawson Grant Mr. Terry D. Hall Dr. Michael D. Hartley Mr. Robert R. Hatten (FT) Mr. David S. Hay Mr. John H. Heard Mr. Dale M. Hodges Mr. John D. Hooker, Jr. Mr. Fred T. Horneffer Mr. Philip W. Hughes Dr. Lee Anderson Jackson, Jr. Mr. F. Geoffrey Jennings Mr. Royston Jester IV Dr. David C. Jones Mr. James M. Jordan IV Mr. Michael J. Krupin Mr. M. Lyle Lacy III Mr. G. Bonner Lancaster, Jr. Mr. David M. Lee Mr. William G. Lockwood III Mr. John W. MacClarence Mr. William M. Mason Mr. J. Kemp Mathews, Jr. Dr. J. Frederick McNeer Mr. John D. McRae Mr. Dale L. Morris The Hon. Norman deVere Morrison Mr. Hillery Benton Myers Mr. Hubert W. Nash, Jr. Dr. Wallace C. Nunley, Jr. Mr. Stephen R. E. Ortner Mr. John Gurganey Overstreet Mr. Warren M. Pace, Jr. Mr. Russell V. Palmore, Jr. Mr. John T. Percy, Jr. Dr. Harry A. Raddin, Jr. Dr. E. Jarratt Ramsey, Jr. Mr. James H. Rhodes Mr. W. Randolph Robinson Mr. Donald C. Robison Mr. S. Rowell Sargeant, Jr. Mr. Edward M. Schaaf III Mr. W. C. Scruggs, Jr. Mr. Joseph W. Seegers Mr. Thomas H. Shomo Mr. Clyde Arthur Smith, Jr. Lt. Col. Thomas O. Smith Mr. David C. Stradinger Dr. David A. Stulman Mr. Roy Timothy Tepper, Jr. Lt. Col. Michael D. Tiller Mr. Finley M. Waddell II Mr. Gerald M. Walker Dr. Edgar N. Weaver, Jr. Mr. R. Gary Wheeler Mr. Richard J. Williams Mr. Carlisle M. Wroton Class of 1970 Mr. Michael J. Adelman

Cmdr. Lindsay C. Blanton, Jr. Mr. David A. Bowers Mr. Stephen M. Brooks Mr. Stratford W. Butterworth, Jr. Mr. Larry H. Campbell Mr. A. Dale Cannady The Hon. Edward K. Carpenter Mr. Kenneth E. Childress Dr. Russell E. Christensen Mr. Jay D. Cook III † Mr. Paul H. Cooksey Mr. Stuart T. Crook Mr. R. Brandt Deal Mr. Richard E. Douglas Mr. John W. Drescher (T) Mr. Garry W. Durham Mr. E. Carter Elliott Mr. John C. Ellis, Jr. (T) Dr. Nathaniel M. Ewell III Mr. Charles W. Ewing II Mr. Robert E. Farmer III Mr. Frank L. Faust Mr. Mark E. Feldmann, Sr. Mr. Lloyd O. Goode, Jr. Mr. William Howe Grover, Sr. Dr. James W. Gulick, Jr. Mr. Randolph L. Hallman Cmdr. David C. Hastings, Jr. Mr. Walker B. Healy, Jr. Mr. Richard B. Higginbotham Mr. James O. Hillsman Cmdr. Heber H. Himmelwright Mr. Frederick L. Hoffman Dr. Arthur C. Houts Dr. Charles V. O. Hughes III Mr. Robert W. Hutten Mr. Frank S. Johns II Mr. Albert Fielding Jones, Jr. Mr. Robert D. Kelly Mr. K. Michael Kines Mr. Gary M. Lane, Sr. The Rt. Rev. Frank Clayton Matthews Lt. Col. Marion W. McCurdy, Jr. Mr. Joseph B. McGrane Mr. Olin R. Melchionna, Jr. Mr. David S. Mercer Mr. Richard H. Merrill Dr. Robert Michael Mr. F. Breckinridge Montague Mr. William Howard Morrison Mr. Garnett F. Morton Mr. William W. Muse Dr. Vincent H. Ober, Jr. Mr. Thomas D. Page The Hon. Westbrook J. Parker Mr. James F. Parkinson III † Dr. David P. Paul III Dr. James M. Peery, Jr. Mr. C. Wayne Penick Dr. Vance J. Plumb Mr. J. Daniel Pond II Mr. Wendell B. Porterfield, Jr. Mr. William R. Pumphrey III The Hon. Paul L. Reiber III Mr. R. Rick Reiss † Mr. Charles D. Robison III Dr. Robert E. Rude Mr. Henry Theron Sain II Dr. Randolph E. Savage Mr. Boyd Scarborough Mr. William D. Selden V Dr. John Philip Sherrod Mr. Daniel B. Shuffle Mr. Howard N. Soucek Mr. Philip C. Spencer Mr. H. Watts Steger III Mr. Edwin C. Stephenson, Jr. Mr. Charles S. Stringfellow, Jr. Mr. U. D. Sudduth, Jr.

Mr. Randolph P. Tabb, Jr. Dr. James L. Tompkins Dr. Ronald W. Toney Mr. Leroy B. Vaughan Mr. David W. Walton Mr. G. Richard Waterman, Jr. Mr. D. Richard Weiglein, Jr. Mr. James E. White, Sr. Mr. James R. Whorley † Mr. Donald W. Wingfield Mr. Edward R. Witt, Jr. Mr. Barton K. Yount III Class of 1971 Mr. Harold L. Absher, Jr. Mr. John B. Adams, Jr. Mr. James Moore Allen Dr. Joseph L. Austin (T) Dr. John H. Barker, Jr. Mr. Richard C. Beale Dr. Larry P. Belote Dr. R. Keith Belote Mr. Harvard R. Birdsong II Mr. Joseph E. Blackburn, Jr. Mr. Andrew C. Bohnengel Mr. Anthony A. Burke Mr. Charles Y. Caldwell III Mr. Ray S. Campbell, Jr. Mr. U. Carter Carson, Jr. Dr. Donald E. Carwile Mr. David P. Chalkley Mr. H. Edmunds Coleman III Mr. David C. Crawford III Dr. William F. Egelhoff, Jr. Mr. William H. Ferguson II Mr. William H. Flannagan, Jr. Mr. William W. Flowers Mr. Gregory D. Foreman Mr. John A. Garner Mr. John F. Gayle, Jr. Mr. James R. Geiger Dr. C. Ernest Gibb, Jr. Dr. Russell S. Harden Mr. J. Daniel Hardy, Jr. Mr. Vincent D. Hardy Mr. W. Eugene Hayes Mr. J. Christopher Henderson Dr. A. Clayborn Hendricks Mr. Field Mann Hite, Jr. Mr. Andrew G. Hoffman Mr. William Jephtha Hogan, Jr. Mr. James B. Hollingsworth † Mr. W. Alex Honeycutt, Jr. Mr. Thomas L. Hoy Dr. E. Forrest Jessee, Jr. Mr. Joseph R. Kane Mr. W. Richard Kay, Jr. Mr. Lance A. Lavenstein Mr. Robert P. Lecky, Jr. Dr. William I. Lee Mr. Darrell W. Long Mr. John W. Luxton Mr. Gordon Lee Mallonee, Jr. Mr. L. Richmond Martin III Mr. Frank B. McCann III Dr. Benjamin Harrison McIlwaine Mr. George A. McLean, Jr. Mr. Wentz J. Miller, Jr. Mr. Jerry D. Mills Mr. E. Conway Moncure, Jr. Dr. John Roger Monroe Mr. Francis R. Nance Mr. James L. Nance Mr. David R. Nash Maj. Gen. Gordon C. Nash (Ret.) Mr. John Nicoll Mr. Dudley M. Patteson Dr. H. Lee Perkins Mr. Charles A. Perry

final campaign report Mr. Dale Wood Pittman Mr. Samuel Wills Purviance Dr. Harry D. Quarles III Lt. Col. David L. Ramsey Mr. John Hamilton Randolph Mr. Robert F. Ray Dr. William F. Rayburn Mr. Paul S. Roper Mr. John W. Russ Mr. Joseph E. Settle III The Rev. Dr. Kenneth D. Shick Dr. Robert W. Smithwick III Dr. Christopher Snyder III Mr. Robert M. Speaks Dr. Parker R. Stokes Dr. I. Keith Stone Mr. Walker P. Sydnor, Jr. The Hon. H. Tinsley Taliaferro III Mr. Guy G. Terrell Mr. J. Christopher Thomas Mr. John B. Thornton, Jr. Mr. Michael W. Trainum Mr. David C. Trumbower Mr. Dennis M. Uhrich Mr. Richard Thomas Vaughan Dr. James M. Wells, Jr. Dr. James H. S. Whitney Mr. William B. Wiltshire Mr. Robert W. Woltz, Jr. Mr. Elvin A. Wright, Jr. Mr. John W. Wright Class of 1972 Mr. John G. August Mr. William F. Banner Mr. Charles W. Bishop Mr. James R. Blandford Mr. Clyde H. Bond Mr. Sidney M. Bounds Mr. Frederick M. Bruner Mr. Stephen A. Bryant Mr. Royal E. Cabell III † Mr. Kenneth M. Catlett Mr. Michael S. Christian, Sr. Mr. W. Curtis Coleburn III Dr. Wilson S. Comer, Jr. Mr. Richard Garrett Cook Mr. Tony D. Curtis Mr. William R. Dacey, Jr. Mr. E. Causey Davis, Jr. Dr. Michael J. Davis Maj. John William Dennis, Jr. Mr. Nicholas J. Dombalis II Mr. James R. Ennis Dr. P. Paul Ferraraccio Mr. Garrett T. Ford Mr. Mark M. Gambill (T) Mr. W. Frederick Genheimer III Mr. Alexander C. Graham, Jr. Mr. Robert B. Hamlett, Sr. Mr. J. Robert Harris III Mr. Hartwell Harrison Mr. Michael S. Head Dr. Eugene W. Hickok, Jr. Mr. Charles T. Hodges Mr. Bruce B. Hopkins (FT) Mr. Harold L. Hughey, Jr. Mr. John W. Humphries Dr. Christopher James Mr. F. Powell Johann, Jr. Mr. Gregg K. Jones Mr. Harry R. King III Dr. Robert D. King Mr. John Willard Kirk III (T) Mr. H. Randolph Laird Mr. Chaffraix A. Lelong, Jr. Mr. Michael A. Linsky † Mr. Robert C. Long, Jr. Mr. H. Scott Lowry

Mr. John E. Maddux, Sr. Mr. John R. Marks Mr. Herbert E. Maxey, Jr. Mr. Robert A. May Mr. Frank J. McCarthy Mr. Peter H. McEachern Mr. Gary F. McKay Mr. Thornton W. McNeal Mr. Walter W. Miller III Mr. Tommy L. Moore Mr. George A. Munford, Jr. The Hon. Thomas L. Murphey Dr. Joseph L. Nelson III Mr. W. Barrett Nichols Mr. Edward B. Norfleet Mr. Daniel V. P. O’Connor Dr. Barry N. Parsley Mr. John W. Payne III Mr. Allen H. Peer, Jr. Mr. David R. Price Mr. Eric Paul Rotondo Mr. Joseph T. Samuels, Jr. Mr. Conrad F. Sauer IV Mr. Robert H. Sells Mr. David W. Shelor Dr. Vance C. Shields Mr. Steven F. Shreckhise Mr. Daniel S. Smith Dr. Larry F. Smith Lt. Col. Jack G. Spence, Jr. Mr. Edward M. Spratley, Jr. Dr. Vaughan Stanley Mr. Gervas Storrs Taylor III Dr. H. Tyler Taylor III Mr. David A. Taylor Mr. John C. Thompson Dr. Wallace T. Van Nortwick Dr. Isaac T. Van Patten IV Mr. William W. Watson Mr. Peter J. Weyland Mr. E. Carter Whitley, Sr. Mr. Stephen H. Wiley Dr. Robert B. Williams Mr. Martin R. Willis Mr. Edward B. Wright, Jr. Mr. George E. Younger Class of 1973 Mr. William S. Adkins Mr. Steven C. Akers Dr. James E. Ames IV Mr. Richard D. Anke Mr. Charles F. Archer, Jr. Mr. David L. Atkinson, Jr. Mr. C. Woodson Baker Mr. Lindsay R. Barnes, Jr. Mr. William C. Bascom, Jr. Mr. John A. Beverly, Jr. Dr. H. Scott Boswell Dr. James E. Bosworth Mr. Charles J. G. Brown Dr. Archibald C. Buchanan III Mr. Geoffrey C. Burness Mr. Frank C. Burnette Dr. Clarence Campbell III Mr. William R. Capehart III Mr. Richard L. Carr Mr. Melvin L. Castle Mr. John B. Chappell Mr. James C. Cherry Dr. John W. Chinn, Jr. Mr. David A. Clark Mr. David I. Clay Mr. Don R. Cochran Mr. Philip C. Coulter Mr. Rick W. Cox Dr. Joseph M. Crockett II Mr. Stuart H. Deal Mr. Richard B. Donaldson, Jr.



Dr. Willette L. “Bill” LeHew ’57 Through the generosity of Dr. Willette L. LeHew ’57, ­Hampden-Sydney College’s finest student athletes, members of the Athletic Hall of Fame, are celebrated in the new Willette L. LeHew Gallery at the east entrance of Kirk Athletic Center. An excellent student-athlete in his own right, Dr. LeHew says the Through These Gates campaign was the perfect opportunity to realize the dream of a dear friend. “I was extremely dedicated to Weenie Miller, who was an assistant football coach when I was a student. He and I both left Hampden-Sydney but remained good friends, and I was very happy to see him return to the College as athletic director. It was his vision to have an Athletic Hall of Fame. We’ve come up with one here at Hampden-Sydney that is as good as any I have seen. I was very happy to make the contribution and to see how it turned out.” Dr. LeHew’s support for the College is not limited to athletics. He and his brother, Dr. Richard A. LeHew ’59, along with their parents, Dr. Allen and Rowena LeHew, have endowed a scholarship, with preference going to students from Alleghany County, where they grew up. These scholarships allow them the opportunity to support the academic pursuits of young men and to meet recipients at the annual scholarship BILL LEHEW ’57 reception. Now an emeritus trustee of the College, Dr. LeHew is keenly aware of the requirements of ensuring the continued prosperity of Hampden-Sydney. To that end, he encourages alumni to support the institution financially through the variety of means available, particularly the Annual Fund. “The ability to pay the bills and to keep the lights on is extremely important. Without the Annual Fund, the school would have to raise tuition and dig into the endowment. The Annual Fund is essential to balance the budget, which the President and the Board are committed to doing.” Dr. LeHew is extremely proud of the foundation Hampden-Sydney College laid for him professionally and personally. In turn, he has committed himself to securing the College’s foundation for the benefit of future students.


hampden-sydney college

Range of Gifts to the Campaign Commitment Range

Number Of Donors

$1,000,000 AND ABOVE $500,000 - 999,999 $250,000 - 499,999 $100,000 - 249,999 $50,000 - 99,999 $25,000 - 49,999 $10,000 - 24,999 $1,000 - 9,999 $1 - 999 Total Col. Daniel A. Donohue Mr. Bryan D. Eads Mr. Bob Mann Farmer Mr. Carl A. Foster Mr. Robert N. Fricke, Jr. Mr. William C. Gay Mr. John E. Genet Dr. Bennie W. Good Mr. Charles E. Green III Mr. George F. Hamner, Jr. Mr. Stuart C. Handlan Mr. Howard G. Harrell Mr. J. Scott Harris Dr. Lee T. Helms Mr. Richard N. Herod Dr. Ralph C. Hess III Mr. Timothy E. Hildreth Mr. Michael W. Horner Dr. Wayne D. Horney Mr. William B. Houck, Jr. Mr. Steven T. Huff Dr. Samuel M. Janney II Dr. David H. Johe Mr. C. Michael Johnson Dr. H. Philip Johnson III Mr. Thomas T. Johnson Mr. Herbert V. Kelly, Jr. Mr. Claude W. Kilby, Jr. Mr. Sidney H. Kirstein Mr. Michael G. Leidy Mr. William W. Lewis Mr. Paul A. Lindsey Mr. Robert M. Lissenden Dr. Brockton A. Livick Mr. Ralph Clinton Lukhard Mr. William P. Marshall Mr. David A. Martin Mr. Walter C. Martz Mr. Michael P. Miller Mr. Michael K. Minter Mr. Gerald Montaigne III Dr. J. Stuart Morgan Mr. B. Christopher Moring III Mr. C. Cammack Morton (T) Dr. Lloyd F. Moss, Jr. Dr. James F. Nelson Mr. Carter Noble, Jr. † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. Gary B. O’Connell Mr. Craig P. Osth Mr. Ronald O. Overstreet Capt. William B. Parker D.D.S. Dr. Jack Hanson Powell III Mr. Irving H. Pritchett III Mr. Henry E. Ravenhorst The Rev. David A. Repenning Mr. Robert T. Richmond III Mr. Frank W. Roach (T) Dr. George C. Sakakini Mr. Phillip A. Short Mr. Jefferson V. Simmons Cmdr. Charles Hutson Smith, Jr. Mr. Sidney L. Stern II Mr. Lewis T. Stoneburner Mr. Charles William Sublett, Jr. Mr. Robert D. Taylor Dr. Julien K. Warren III Mr. Robert K. Wells, Jr. Mr. William D. Wheeler Dr. Gordon B. Wilhoit Mr. J. Larry Williamson Mr. Samuel E. Winn III Mr. Frank Downing Wiseman Mr. W. Michael Wrege Mr. Christopher L. Yates Class of 1974 Mr. Jonathan J. Adelman Mr. George F. Albright, Jr. Mr. Frank Acie Allen, Jr. The Rev. Robert Jackson Alwood Mr. John P. Apperson, Jr. Mr. Howard S. Armistead Mr. Peter C. Bance, Sr. Mr. D. Bret Barger Mr. James O. Beckner II Dr. Robert W. Bedinger, Jr. Mr. Steven E. Bell Mr. Duncan Wardman Blair Mr. Myron P. Boon Mr. Martin S. Bounds Mr. Marion P. Brawley III Mr. G. Tyler Brooks III Mr. Charles L. Cabell (T) Dr. Harvey R. Carmichael, Sr. FT - former trustee

24 15 26 83 112 149 433 2753 9365 12960 Dr. Charles R. Chiarello Mr. David R. Clarke Mr. James G. Collins Mr. John B. Coupland Mr. John Patrick Crawford Mr. Michael K. Crookshank Mr. Robert V. Crowder III Dr. John T. Curnes Mr. Parker H. Douglas Mr. Stephen R. Echols Mr. Gene H. Edmonds Dr. Henry N. Elksnin Mr. Robert M. Evans, Jr. Mr. W. Stuart Farmer, Jr. Mr. Joseph B. Farrar, Jr. Mr. Woodroof G. Fitzhugh Dr. Fletcher D. Fosque Mr. J. Randolph Fowler Mr. Ray Funderburk III Mr. Charles M. Gadinis Mr. Christopher S. Gallo † Mr. William C. Garrett, Jr. Mr. John B. Gayle Dr. H. Nelson Gustin III Mr. Gary L. Harper, Jr. Mr. W. Lee Harris, Jr. Mr. Mathew L. Hawley Mr. Charles R. Henderson, Jr. Mr. Richard J. Holland, Jr. Mr. Richard M. Jacobs Mr. B. Boyd Johnson Mr. Francis P. Jones, Jr. Mr. T. Douglass Jones III Mr. Peter A. Jordan Dr. Lawrence B. Kelly Mr. George S. Khoury Dr. Rodger W. Kleisch Mr. Frederick C. Larmore Mr. John E. Legard III Mr. James T. Logan, Jr. Dr. G. Thomas Lumpkin III Mr. Jeffrey V. Lynn Mr. Stephen W. Mapp Mr. Clark O. Martin, Jr. Mr. Braxton A. McCall, Jr. Mr. Adrian L. McCardell III Mr. Thomas M. Mishoe, Jr.

Total Commitment

Average Gift

$41,590,117 $9,125,886 $9,290,487 $12,778,884 $7,555,081 $5,060,649 $6,425,396 $7,981,280 $1,896,249 $101,704,029

$1,732,922 $608,392 $357,326 $153,962 $67,456 $33,964 $14,839 $2,899 $202 $7,848

Mr. Carl J. Moushegian Mr. F. Davis Newsom Mr. William W. Nexsen Mr. B. Vaughan Noble, Jr. Dr. Clifford A. Nottingham III Mr. Glenn A. Nunnery Mr. Theodore G. Ourednik Mr. Frank L. Overton Mr. J. Michael Owen Mr. Stephen L. Owen Mr. James D. Phillips Mr. Jeffrey J. Poole Lt. Col. Watson O. Powell III Mr. Frank M. Rawls Mr. Charles L. Ricketts III Mr. Robert Lee Rogers Mr. William J. Rue, Jr. Mr. Bradford B. Sauer Dr. Richard G. Saul Mr. Brooke M. Savage Mr. David Cates Schultheis Dr. Robert H. Sease, Jr. Dr. Thomas M. Shelburne Mr. R. Kelly Sheridan Mr. Ronald C. Shiflett, Jr. Mr. B. Brack Stovall Mr. J. Allen Sydnor, Jr. Dr. J. Bruce Taylor Mr. David A. Thompson Mr. James L. Thompson Mr. William W. Thompson III Mr. Joseph Denny Throckmorton Mr. Thomas Pete Tucker Mr. Lance W. Van de Castle † Mr. George O. Van Dyke Mr. Richard L. Walton, Jr. Dr. Glenwood K. Williams The Hon. Dean S. Worcester Dr. R. Patrick Yeatts Dr. Reginald S. Young Mr. Walter H. Young III Mr. Charles B. Zirkle, Jr. Class of 1975 Mr. Jeffrey Marshall Adams Mr. Sidney B. Allen, Jr. Mr. Judson C. Anderson

Mr. Vic Ansley Dr. Charles C. Ashby, Jr. Mr. W. Gregory Baldwin, Sr. Mr. Leslie A. Ballard, Jr. Mr. Andrew J. Banks III Mr. Charles T. Baskervill Mr. Samuel Q. Bass, Jr. Mr. Dickson J. Bedell Dr. Hunter C. Bell Mr. Robin Paul Benke Mr. Charles A. Blanton III Mr. Lee F. Brooks Mr. Robert W. Carson Dr. Henry W. Chappell, Jr. Mr. Gary F. Christie Mr. John G. Clark, Jr. Mr. Robert L. Cumbia Mr. J. Andrew Donaldson Mr. John T. Donne Mr. William J. Elliott IV Mr. Joseph A. Farmer Mr. Paul A. Finn Mr. Alexander L. Franklin II Mr. Mark M. Freestate Dr. Vinston Jerome Goldman Mr. Stuart H. Goodwin Mr. Bolling C. Goodwyn, Jr. Mr. Robert B. Grade Mr. G. Scott Graham Mr. Richard W. Greene Mr. Bernard S. Groseclose, Jr. Mr. Charles A. Habich, Jr. Mr. Timothy B. Hampton Mr. J. Thomas Hardin Dr. Paul D. Harvey Mr. Everett A. Hellmuth III (FT) Mr. Lawrence H. Hentz, Jr. Mr. Bruce A. Holt Mr. Charles E. Hunter III Mr. William A. Hunter, Jr. Dr. Glenn E. Jefferson, Jr. Mr. Richard P. Jeffrey III Mr. Jeffrey C. Jones Dr. Samuel M. Jones Mr. C. Edwin Keefer III Mr. William C. Keightley Mr. Jeffrey L. Kiefer

Lt. Col. Dennis Robert Lawler Mr. Daniel S. Long Mr. George P. Manson, Jr. Mr. William B. May, Jr. Mr. William E. McBratney III Mr. James R. Melton Mr. Henry R. Miller IV Mr. Ashton D. Mitchell III Mr. Marion L. Moore Mr. M. Holt Moran Dr. John S. Moss Mr. Lawrence R. Moter, Jr. Mr. John Bruce Mullan Mr. Warren Guy Overstreet III Mr. Peter C. Pearson Mr. John F. Petersen, Jr. Dr. George P. Piros (T) Mr. Robert D. Platt Dr. Walter C. Plunkett Mr. Kenneth E. Powell Mr. John S. Quackenboss Mr. Richard F. Rein Mr. Robert P. Richardson Mr. E. Thomas Rilee III The Rev. Dr. Michael A. Rowland Mr. P. Layton Sanders, Jr. Mr. J. Keith Sands Mr. Thaddeus R. Shelly III Mr. James S. Shropshire, Jr. Mr. Charles H. Smith III Mr. Richard H. Snell, Jr. Mr. Howard W. Stracke Mr. Richard W. Terry Mr. Nick R. Thomas Mr. Armistead Traynham, Jr. Dr. James B. Tubbs, Jr. Mr. Winston A. Turner Mr. Howard B. Waters Mr. Jimmy D. Webster Mr. James C. Wheat III Mr. William G. Wheatley Mr. Gregory A. Willis Mr. Henry S. Winston IV Class of 1976 Mr. James T. Alexander III Mr. Paul V. Anderson II Mr. Shaun C. Anderson Mr. W. Curtis Baker, Jr. Mr. Edgar J. D. Bance, Sr. Mr. Frank C. Bedinger III Mr. C. Hunter Bendall Dr. William A. Blackman Mr. Drury H. Blair, Jr. Mr. James W. Bolton, Jr. Mr. William L. Bowles Mr. Fred Lee Brown, Jr. Mr. Timothy T. Brown Dr. John E. Brush, Jr. Mr. Mark G. Burnette Mr. J. Mark Burris Dr. W. W. Samuel Butler Mr. H. Joseph Camper Mr. Charles L. Capito, Jr. (FT) Mr. Donald S. Clarke Mr. N. Macon Collier III Mr. Donald C. Cournow Mr. Richard H. Cutler, Jr. Dr. C. William Dabney Dr. John P. Delaney Mr. Robert S. Downs, Jr. † Mr. Michael L. Duffer Mr. Robert M. Dunigan Mr. Carl E. Eason, Jr. Mr. C. Thomas Ebel Mr. David W. Eggleston Mr. Christopher D. Eib Mr. Peter C. Faust III Mr. John W. Ferrell

final campaign report Dr. Carroll H. Fowlkes III Dr. H. Gordon France, Jr. Mr. Richard D. Garlock Mr. Ernest P. Gates, Jr. Mr. John Cole Gayle, Jr. Mr. Harry George III Mr. R. Grayson Goldsmith Mr. Harvey Granger Mr. Jonathan D. Greene Dr. Hugh J. Hagan III Mr. Scott M. Harrington Mr. T. Bradley Harris Mr. T. Michael Harrison Mr. Richard B. Hazlegrove Mr. Gregory B. Henderson Mr. Robert S. Henderson Mr. Philip B. Hereford Mr. W. Frederick Hicks Mr. William R. Hill III Mr. Richard D. Holcomb Mr. Edwin B. Horner III Mr. David F. Host, Sr. Dr. John R. Hubbard Dr. L. William Irby, Jr. Mr. F. Allen Itgen Mr. R. Alan Johnston Mr. J. Reid Kelly The Rev. Dr. William M. Klein Mr. Michael T. Kotelec Mr. Allie B. Kreger III Dr. Thomas F. Leftwich, Jr. Mr. Meriwether F. Lewis Mr. R. Gordon Long, Jr. Capt. Robert C. Lorigan Mr. Leonard N. Love Mr. John G. Macfarlane III (FT) Mr. A. Carter Magee, Jr. Mr. H. Frank Malbon Mr. J. Roy Mann Mr. S. Hoge McClaugherty Mr. Philip J. McEwen, Jr. Mr. John C. Middleton Dr. William L. Montague, Jr. Dr. Andrew L. Moore, Jr. Mr. Ronald L. Moore Mr. Gary M. Munsey Mr. Charles K. Murray Mr. E. Dawson Nash Mr. W. Howard Overbey, Jr. Mr. William H. Parrish IV Mr. Mark W. Patterson Mr. W. David Paxton Mr. David D. Person Mr. J. Stanton Pierce Mr. Cruger S. Ragland, Jr. Mr. T. Smith Ragsdale III Mr. A. William Reid Mr. Thomas W. Roberts, Jr. Dr. Kenneth H. Roberts Mr. Richard O. Royce Mr. Robert L. Samuel, Jr. Mr. John K. Sanderlin Mr. Raymond E. Sanders III Mr. Robin A. Saul Mr. Marcus C. Scheumann III Mr. Eric D. Schwarz Mr. Lannis N. Selz Mr. S. Donald Sequin, Jr. Mr. Martin Manker Sherrod Mr. W. Carter Sinclair, Jr. Mr. W. C. Sprouse, Jr. Mr. Harry E. Squire Mr. Richard C. L. Starke Mr. Robert M. Stewart Dr. Dennis O. Stuart Mr. Robert J. Stuckey Mr. Edward W. Taylor, Jr. Mr. Donald W. Thomas Mr. Michael W. Thomas

Mr. J. Gray Tuttle, Jr. Dr. Mark Edward Van Wormer Mr. Richard C. Walker, Jr. Mr. John A. Wayt III Mr. Steven C. Wilkshire Mr. Emmett Filmore Williams III Mr. H. Taylor Williams IV Mr. Richard B. Williams Mr. James H. Wilson † The Hon. Robert B. Wilson V Mr. Edward W. Wolcott, Jr. Mr. Gary E. Wright Class of 1977 Mr. Timothy S. Ailsworth Mr. William K. Almond Mr. R. David Anthony Mr. Ira L. Armstrong III Mr. David G. Bannen Mr. Stephen E. Baril Dr. Michael C. Baughan Mr. Joseph W. Bear III Mr. James R. Belcher, Jr. Mr. Lewis C. Bosher The Rev. Clyde F. Bowie, Jr. Dr. Paul S. Buckman Mr. Randolph A. Capel Mr. Timothy E. Carpenter Mr. Rafael F. Castro Mr. John R. Clark III Mr. Mark A. Copes Mr. W. Scott Cox III Mr. Steven A. Curtis Mr. James K. Dille, Jr. Mr. Phillip T. DiStanislao, Jr. Mr. W. Benton Downer III Mr. Darrell T. Drummond Mr. B. Ellis Duncan Mr. Gregory W. Duncan Mr. Michael A. Farrell Mr. Carl L. Fletcher, Jr. Dr. A. Frederick Gall, Jr. Mr. Gene M. Gallivan Mr. Frank M. Garrett Dr. Clyde M. Garrison III Mr. Robert L. Gilliam, Jr. Dr. George E. Gimpelson Mr. Richard T. Gould Mr. Harry S. Greene, Jr. Mr. William J. Gregg Mr. George M. Grizzard Mr. Edward E. Haarsgaard Mr. Philip A. Haley Dr. Darby G. Hand Mr. David R. Hardie Mr. David L. Harlow Mr. Kevin L. Harris Mrs. Kim Stahl Harris Mr. L. Dayton Haugh Dr. Lawrence K. Hill, Jr. Mr. Richard C. Hogue Mr. James C. S. Holladay Mr. Gregory F. Holland Mr. Frank L. Horne, Jr. Mr. William B. Howard Mr. David D. Hudgins Mr. Gary D. Hudson Dr. Willoughby S. Hundley III Mr. Robert D. Johnson Mr. Catesby Jones II Mr. Walter M. Jones III Dr. Lloyd J. Kellam III Mr. Joseph L. King Mr. Robert C. Ladd Mr. Richard C. Langhorne Dr. C. Wayne Lankford Mr. Douglas B. Lee Dr. Larry P. Levin Mr. James R. Lewis, Jr.

Mr. Clark E. Lindsay II Mr. Gary L. Lumsden Mr. Walter F. Manley III Mr. J. Alfred Mapp, Jr. Mr. Dudley H. Marks Mr. James D. Mason IV Mr. E. Franklin Massie III Mr. E. Judson McAdams, Sr. Mr. Richard W. McLain Mr. Martin M. McNerney Mr. Phillip C. Metcalf Dr. David H. Michal, Jr. Dr. James S. Militello Mr. David S. Miller The Hon. John R. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. Peter D. Moore Dr. Michael S. Morgan Mr. William L. Pannill (FT) Dr. William J. Phipps, Jr. Mr. Richard M. Ponti Mr. Michael C. Rady Mr. Thomas C. Repenning Mr. D. Scott Robertson Mr. Andrew S. Rosenfield Dr. Cheng B. Saw Mr. Robert S. Schneider Mr. Oden K. Semones, Jr. Mr. Steven G. Simpson Mr. Steven L. Singleton Mr. Michael A. Smith Mr. Robert N. Springer Mr. Philip A. Stedfast, Jr. Mr. William R. Stump, Jr. Mr. William C. Sydnor Mr. Motte L. Talley Mr. David L. Tashjian Mr. John S. Tinsley Dr. Frederick L. Troxel † Mr. A. Morris Turner, Jr. Mr. William E. Turner III Mr. D. Ian Valentine Mr. Michael A. Via Mr. Thomas B. Walker Mr. Daniel K. Walters Mr. Charles W. Ward Mr. Michael D. Ward Mr. J. William Watson, Jr. Mr. Douglas M. Webb Mr. Brinson C. White Mr. Dana C. Williams Mr. Kirby H. Wood Mr. Douglas F. Zier Mr. Marcus M. Zimmerman Class of 1978 Anonymous Mr. William L. Abbott Mr. John W. Allen, Jr. Mr. A. Macauley Aron, Jr. Mr. Joseph G. Baker, Jr. Dr. Philip M. Bayliss Mr. David T. Beasley Mr. Alexander H. Bell II Mr. Scott W. Berglund Mr. Richard H. Blank, Jr. Mr. Ben G. Brown Mr. Orran L. Brown Dr. Paul G. Brown Mr. Dennis D. Bryant Dr. George K. Bumgardner Col. Robert A. Burrell Mr. Stokely G. Caldwell, Jr. Dr. John F. Canter Mr. David M. Clough Mr. Thomas M. Crowder Dr. Barry K. Cutright Mr. Jon M. Daly Mr. Dabney M. Daniel Mr. David B. Darden


Alumni Donors By Class Year: 1957 - 1987 Class Donors

Gifts or Pledges


56 $1,493,071








66 $2,834,461








82 $6,643,076




68 $1,740,372


72 $1,229,650


101 $1,045,981




86 $1,354,743


92 $1,284,205




92 $2,463,274








93 $1,536,069


125 $1,106,489





































42 hampden-sydney college Mr. Richard A. Davis Mr. Patrick C. Devine, Jr. Mr. Frederick L. Dewey III Mr. Donald R. Dorey Mr. Richard E. English Mr. Neil P. Farmer Mr. Gerald W. Fauth III Mr. Michael S. Feinman Capt. John E. Fidler D.D.S. Mr. Robert Dixon Foster Mr. J. Thomas Francis, Jr. Mr. Douglas S. Freeman † Mr. David H. Gates, Sr. Mr. Thomas W. Godfrey, Jr. Mr. John R. Graham, Jr. Mr. Steve G. Green Dr. Samuel L. Groseclose Mr. Michael S. Harcum Mr. J. Sheppard Haw III Mr. Thomas M. Heery Mr. Joseph B. Heldreth III Mr. Horace R. Hicks, Jr. Mr. David P. Holt Mr. Robert B. Huskey, Jr. Mr. A. Easley Johnson, Jr. Mr. R. Mark Johnson Mr. Robert B. Johnson Mr. Todd C. Johnson Mr. James Monroe Jones III Mr. Joseph C. Kelley, Jr. Mr. Craig P. Kiely Dr. David A. Klein Mr. David H. LaMotte, Jr. Mr. William R. Landreth Mr. Gerald E. Laumann Mr. Keith W. Lewis Brig. Gen. Robert E. Livingston, Jr. Mr. C. Keith Love Mr. Gregory G. Love Mr. John E. Mansfield, Jr. (T) Mr. Dale T. Marks Mr. James C. McEwen II Dr. Steven W. Melhorn Mr. Joe V. Menendez Mr. Harland L. Miller III Dr. Julian A. Moore, Jr. Mr. William S. Moore Mr. Ralph C. Morehead IV Dr. Wyatt R. Murphy, Jr. Dr. Michael E. Nerney Mr. W. Bennett Newell, Jr. Mr. Edward V. O’Hanlan Dr. Wayne D. Old Mr. Thomas W. Osgood Mr. John N. Park, Jr. Mr. Bradley J. Parsons Mr. P. Tulane Patterson Mr. James D. Patton IV Mr. J. Fain Peebles Mr. Joseph B. Penick Mr. Bruce C. Phillips Mr. Chester D. Porter III Mr. William Dehart Redd Mr. Barry L. Riddle Mr. Dennis Lee Roberts Dr. William Rosenberger II Mr. William L. Sager, Jr. Mr. R. Garsed Sketchley III Mr. Paul English Smith Mr. Samuel E. Smith, Jr. Dr. Edward P. Snyder Mr. John E. Sommers III Dr. Frank D. Stoneburner, Jr. Mr. John A. Stough, Jr. Mr. Richard S. Sutton Mr. Brian M. Thurston Mr. Charles S. M. Tipton Mr. Randolph E. Traynham Dr. Scott S. Twentyman † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. John M. Underwood II Mr. Barrye L. Wall Mr. Steven E. Wall Dr. Thomas C. Wall Mr. Robert H. Whitt, Jr. Mr. Robert M. Wilson Dr. Edward T. Wolanski Class of 1979 Mr. Eddie M. Adkins Dr. Robert L. Agee IV Mr. Thomas M. Akers Mr. Randall E. Appleton Mr. Scott Simpson Aron Mr. Richard A. Bagby Mr. Steven D. Barnhart Mr. Joseph S. Bean, Jr. Mr. Gary J. Beck Mr. Lewis W. Bell Mr. Michael T. Bennett Mr. Thomas R. Bernard Mr. Warren L. Birdsong Mr. William D. Blackford Mr. Carl F. Blackwell Mr. B. Elliott Bondurant Mr. David W. Burgess Mr. Gregory F. Burnette Dr. Robert D. Calcote Mr. Donald Davison Cantlay Mr. John T. H. Carpenter Mr. A. Robinson Cart Mr. Robert C. Clary, Jr. Mr. David P. Corrigan Mr. Thomas C. G. Coyle, Jr. Mr. E. Hatcher Crenshaw III Mr. Christopher M. Crowley Dr. Richard E. Curtis, Jr. Capt. King H. Dietrich Mr. Thomas G. Douglass Mr. John G. Eagan, Jr. Mr. J. Andrew East Mr. Richard P. Epperson II Mr. John G. Face Mr. F. Marcus Fariss Mr. Richard A. Farmar III Mr. Gregory W. Feldmann Mr. James D. Ferguson Mr. Craig A. Follo Mr. Gary W. Fralin Lt. Col. Harold R. Gielow Mr. Thomas E. Goode Dr. David S. Haga Mrs. Pemberton Boinest Hall Mr. Robert V. Hatcher III Mr. Robert R. Henry IV Mr. Gelon S. Hobbs III Mr. Carter W. Hotchkiss Mr. Kevin M. C. Howard Mr. Stephen L. Hughey (FT) The Hon. Thomas M. Jackson, Jr. Mr. John K. Jeanes Mr. Kenneth M. Johnston Mr. Philander Kelsey Mr. Erik A. Koroneos, Sr. Dr. Carl D. Laughlin Mr. Gordon C. Lee Dr. Joseph A. Leming Mr. Francisco Jose’ Linares The Rev. David J. Lucey Mr. Joseph P. Marchetti, Jr. Dr. John A. Martin, Jr. Mr. Timothy P. McDonald Mr. C. Russell McKenney Mr. J. Moore McMahon Mrs. Georgina O. Rawles Miller Mr. W. Sheppard Miller III Mr. David E. Moore Mr. Wallace W. Moore Mr. William W. Newell

FT - former trustee

Mr. Robert W. Oldfield Mr. G. Michael Pace, Jr. (T) Mr. Alec A. Pandaleon III Mr. Ray M. Paul, Jr. Mr. Frank L. Pegram Mr. John Maynard Power Mr. John M. Quarles, Jr. Mr. R. Stephen Reinhardt Mr. Joseph C. Richardson Dr. William D. Richmond Mr. Robert T. Ross Dr. Rudolph B. Rustin III Mr. William F. Seymour IV Mr. C. Stephen Shaw, Jr. Mr. Walter P. Smith III Mr. Peter W. Squire, Jr. Mr. Thomas L. Stokes, Jr. Mr. Cecil T. Talley, Jr. Mr. James R. Taylor Mr. Robert B. Taylor, Jr. Mr. John C. Terry Mr. Joseph D. Thornton Mr. William N. Watkins Dr. Peter R. Watson The Hon. Larry D. Willis Mr. Gerald F. Willman, Jr. Mr. William A. Winburn IV Mr. James K. Woodley III Mr. Lawrence H. Woodward, Jr. Mr. Samuel Eric Zedaker Class of 1980 Dr. Michael F. Ackermann Mr. James Ervin Adams III Mr. James M. Alexander III Dr. Jeffrey A. Alloway Mr. Phillip V. Anderson Mr. James V. Babashak II Mr. Philip B. Baker Mr. David E. Barrs Mr. Herbert H. Bateman, Jr. Mr. Kevin Lee Beale Mr. Marcellus J. Best, Jr. Mr. E. Scott Boze III Mr. W. Denis Brown IV Mr. George C. Buchanan Mr. F. Tucker Burge Mr. John D. Burke Mr. Herbert J. Butler, Jr. Mr. Brian M. Cann Mr. Richard E. Cash Mr. Mark Morgan Clark Mr. D. Wayne Claybrook Mr. John E. Corey Dr. Robert Y. Cox Mr. Charles M. Dietz, Jr. Mr. Ralph W. Dodd Mr. James M. Face Mr. Ronald L. Fischer, Jr. Mr. Barton L. Floyd Mr. R. Ford Francis Mr. Thomas A. Garner Mr. Thomas P. Gray, Jr. Dr. Robert E. Grover Mr. William E. Hardy Mr. R. Bryant Hare IV Mr. C. Mathew Hogg, Jr. Mr. Walter B. Holston III Mr. George A. Horkan III Mr. Leigh P. Huff, Jr. Mr. W. Vance Hull Dr. E. Sidney Hunter III Mr. James D. Jervey Mr. C. Lunsford Johnson Mr. David K. Johnston Mr. J. Matthew Kasun Mr. Trent S. Kerns Mr. Wade H. O. Kirby Mr. Jerome E. Laux

Mr. William C. Leach Mr. Clark W. Little Mr. Christopher S. Long The Rev. Timothy S. Maxa Mr. W. Overton McGehee Mr. John A. Mell Dr. William S. Miles Mr. Robert C. Modlin Mr. John S. Molster Dr. Mark J. Morris Mr. W. Randolph Nexsen Mr. Andrew D. Owens, Jr. Mr. Edward Owens Mr. William J. Pantele Mr. Mark W. Patterson † Mr. Andrew A. Payne III Dr. William G. Plunkett Mr. Dennis C. Poehler Mr. James R. Richards Mr. Mark I. Richards Mr. Robert R. Rosebro Mr. Owen L. Schrum III Mr. Mitchell D. Shaner Mr. S. Marc Sherrod Mr. Stewart M. Sigler Mr. Timothy A. Smith Mr. J. Randolph Stokes Mr. G. Spencer Talley, Jr. Mr. Vincent Graves Thomas II Mr. Michael A. Thornton Dr. Waring Trible, Jr. Dr. Daniel V. Unger IV Mr. James W. Utt, Jr. Mr. David Paul Watson Mr. James T. Wayt Dr. Edward G. Whealton, Jr. Mr. D. Ricky Wyatt Mr. Mark E. Yates Mr. Joseph M. Ziglar, Jr. Class of 1981 Mr. George G. Ball III Mr. Kevin D. Blackwell Mr. Edward F. Brown Mr. John Bunyan Bullard III Mr. Sergio Capocelli Mr. William A. Carrington Mr. James R. Cash Mr. Thomas Y. Catlett Mr. Christopher E. Caton Mr. J. Bruce Coleman Mr. John W. Craddock, Jr. Dr. William R. Currie Mr. C. Jeffrey Daly Mr. Thomas M. Davis Richard H. Doummar, Esq. Mr. William S. Driskill Mr. A. Michael Edwards Mr. Sam D. Eggleston III Mr. Paul T. Emerick Mr. Stephen D. Farthing Dr. R. Michael Fay Mr. Martin E. Ferrara Mr. David H. Fletcher Mr. William L. Freeman Mr. Tracy W. Gammon Mr. R. Warden Good Mr. Matthew E. Gormly III Mr. Michael Lee Gunn Mr. Gregory J. Haley Mr. William J. Hancock Mr. William E. Harrison Mr. Richard B. Hayes III Dr. David F. Huddle Mr. Daniel A. Huskey Mr. William D. Jones Mr. William Andrew Karo Mr. John C. Keesling Mr. Jonathan L. Kyle

Dr. Douglas R. Lawler II Mr. M. Keith Leach Mr. Cary C. Levering Mr. J. Bolling Lewis III Mr. W. Martin Long II Dr. R. Kevin Mahoney Mr. Scott L. Moorhead Mr. David C. Noftsinger Mr. George D. Norrington Mr. Richard C. Parker (FT) Mr. Lowell H. Patterson III Dr. Andrew J. Pollock Mr. David L. Porterfield Mr. Foster Kevin Quarles Mr. Philip R. Randolph Mr. Michael A. Rhea Mr. John R. Rhodes Mr. John C. Rogers Dr. R. Douglas Ross Dr. Mark C. Rummel Dr. Jon R. Schoonover Mr. J. Slade Screven Mr. Forrest F. Senter Mr. Robert J. Shepherd Mr. Christopher L. Sims Lt. Col. Lawrence Rucker Snead III Mr. Robert E. Snidow Mr. William C. Stephenson IV Mr. Christopher M. Stiebel Dr. Gordon K. Stokes Mr. R. Lawrence Stutts Mr. Loon-Kar Tan Mr. James C. Taylor III Mr. Joseph D. Taylor II Mr. James Christian Thompson, Jr. Mr. James K. Thompson, Jr. Mr. Warren M. Thompson Dr. S. Craig Vranian Mr. Richard L. Ware Mr. James B. Weaver Dr. David J. West Mr. Thomas F. Wilcox Mr. Richard T. P. Willis Mr. William C. Wingfield Dr. F. Taylor Wootton III Class of 1982 Mr. Thomas E. Adkins, Jr. Dr. J. Ryan Anderson, Jr. Mr. David C. Ansell Mr. E. Bennett Atwill Mr. Blake P. Auchmoody, Jr. Mr. Robert A. Benvissuto Mr. Edward E. Blake Mr. Philip F. Bleser Mr. Charles P. Bowles III Mr. James B. Braithwaite Dr. Michael J. Breiner Mr. Michael A. Brogan Mr. Christian T. Brown Dr. Corydon B. Butler, Jr. Mr. William S. Cain Mr. W. Keith Cannady Mr. Tony M. Canody Mr. William H. Carr Dr. Theodore P. Chambers Mr. Michael R. Chevalier Mr. Thomas S. Cottrell Mr. William B. Crenshaw Mr. Mark R. Cruise Mr. Hugh C. Cunningham III Mr. R. Bryan David Dr. Mark A. Deaton Dr. David W. Donovan Mr. Brian H. Dunbar Mr. Nelson H. C. Fisher Mr. Richard G. Gerloff Mr. John L. Gibson III (T) Mr. Scott S. Gilbride

Mr. Joseph P. Gillach Mr. Scott C. Goodman Mr. Curtis D. Gordon Mr. F. Bradley Gray, Jr. Mr. William E. Green, Jr. Mr. David E. Gunter Mr. James B. Gurley, Jr. Mr. Gifford R. Hampshire Mr. D. Richard Harris II Mr. W. Galen Hobbs, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey S. Holland Mr. David Samuel Hollingsworth, Jr. Dr. Edmond A. Hooker Mr. Kevin L. Hubbard Mr. Neil D. Huffman Mr. T. Warren Hunnicutt Mr. Edwin N. James Dr. Allyn G. Janney, Jr. Mr. Gavin D. Jeffs Mr. Alexander Ranlett Jordan Mr. Lewis D. Kelley, Jr. Mr. Paul T. Kelley Mr. Bernard Gould Kirkpatrick Mr. Timothy J. Lass Mr. William H. LeCompte Dr. Richard P. Leggett Mr. Richard G. Levy Mr. Edward T. Mack Mr. Walter J. Malone, Jr. Mr. Lewis B. McClung Bryant C. McGann, Esq. Mr. Charles V. McPhillips Mr. Scott F. Miller Mr. Thomas H. Miller Mr. Joseph K. Morgan Dr. Richard A. Morrisett Mr. Robert T. Newcomb Mr. W. Crenshaw Newman IV Mr. Gary W. Norcross Mr. F. Barret Normann Mr. Kevin A. Norris Mr. Charles G. Oakes Mr. Jon A. Pace (T) Dr. Jesse K. Park Mr. Raymond D. Parks Mr. David R. Phillips Mr. Benjamin W. Rawles III Mr. Randy W. Reed Mr. Robert Worthington Remick Mr. W. Jeffrey Roberts Dr. Frederick M. Robinson Dr. David E. Ross Mr. Richard M. Rummel Mr. D. Lindsay Russell Mr. Leslie Sawyer, Jr. Mr. William A. Shelly Mr. William S. Smithers III Dr. Thomas J. Stabel Mr. Stephen M. Stackhouse Mr. J. O’Neil Stevens, Jr. Mr. Robert Palmer Stickley III Mr. H. Shands Taylor III Mr. Thomas D. Thalman Mr. J. Richard Thomas Mr. Jeffrey A. Thomas Mr. Henry S. Vaughan The Hon. Sean D. Wallace Mr. Mark M. J. Webb Mr. Larry G. Western Dr. Robert J. Wilson Mr. Anthony J. Woodward Mr. Richard A. Wright Class of 1983 Mr. Thomas R. Atkinson Mr. James Burwell Ault Mr. William Barbour, Jr. Mr. Herbert M. Bennett Mr. Charles W. Best III

final campaign report Mr. Charles M. Billings IV Mr. William P. Bishop Mr. J. Kwasi Boafo Mr. Robert J. Bonaventura Mr. Frank Kennon Borden, Jr. Mr. J. Trevor Boyce Mr. Robert E. Brailsford Mr. Edward L. Breeden IV Mr. Richard M. Bruni Mr. Dwayne N. Callis Mr. Edmund M. Cameron III Mr. Robert H. Camp Mr. Fred L. Campbell III Dr. Jeffrey A. Clifton Mr. David A. Collins Mr. Anthony B. Conte Mr. F. Andrew Cook III Dr. George F. Craft II Mr. David E. Cullen, Jr. Mr. Christopher H. Daly Mr. John C. Dickinson Mr. Wallace M. Dietz Mr. Matthew T. Dill Mr. James Duffy Mr. Brian S. Dyer Dr. Meade C. Edmunds III Mr. W. Wayne Enroughty, Jr. Mr. Christopher J. Enroughty Mr. Louis D. Farina, Jr. Mr. K. Scott Fife Mr. William M. French Mr. Franklin Y. Geho Mr. Robert C. Gentry Mr. W. Duncan Gibbs III Mr. Roger A. Glover III Mr. Robert Tyree Greene, Jr. Mr. Timothy B. Guthrie Mr. H. Hiter Harris III (T) Mr. Benjamin R. Harvey, Jr. Dr. Ralph D. Hellams, Jr. Mr. Duran P. Holton Mr. Robert A. Hoover III Mr. James S. Howell Mr. F. Watkins Hunt, Jr. Mr. Lance A. Jackson Mr. Mark T. Jones Mr. James M. Jordan, Jr. Mr. Christopher Mark Kelly Mr. David F. King, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey A. Kroll Mr. William J. Martin V Mr. Denis J. McCarthy Dr. Timothy G. McGarry Mr. Michael J. McKeever Mr. Michael P. Mullen Dr. Louis E. Nelsen III The Rev. Neal A. Nichols Mr. Joseph A. Nicholson, Jr. Mr. Stephen M. Norman Mr. William W. Patterson III Mr. E. Stiles Peabody III Mr. R. Briggs Peery Mr. Bradford S. Pfeifer Mr. Luis Antonio Ramos Mr. Alexander M. Rinaldi Mr. Stephen L. Robinson Mr. Henry M. Rogers III Mr. Carl J. Roncaglione, Jr. Mr. W. Tyler Shands Mr. Mark J. Shelton Mr. Kevin L. Slattum Dr. Mark A. Soltany Mr. Jeffrey M. Stedfast Dr. Dwayne E. Stratton Mr. F. Nash Strudwick II Mr. E. Toles Summers Mr. Brian Sutherland Thomas Mr. Michael C. Tomkies Dr. Scott A. Vander Vennet

Mr. Branch W. Vincent III Mr. W. Nelson Webber III Mr. John S. White Mr. Stuart P. Wilbourne Mr. Benjamin J. Willis III Dr. Martin C. Wilson Dr. Stephen S. Young Class of 1984 Mr. Charles E. Agee III Mr. Steven T. Alexander Mr. Christopher C. Altizer Mr. David A. Arias Mr. Sutton P. Baldwin † Mr. Thomas M. Barzizza Mr. Andrew Blanton Mr. W. Charles Blocker, Jr. Mr. Allen C. Blow Mr. Thomas B. Bowling, Jr. Mr. D. Campbell Bowman, Jr. Mr. Howard H. R. Boyd Mr. John M. Burge III Mr. Thomas C. Burroughs Dr. John C. Callahan Mr. Andrew H. Clifford Mr. Stuart M. Close Mr. William C. Cozart Mr. Claiborne W. Craddock II Mr. Hunter E. Craig Mr. L. Daniel Crooks III Mr. Robert J. Crouch Mr. Jeffrey H. Curry Mr. Frederick E. Doggett, Jr. Mr. Robert T. DuPuis, Jr. Mr. Lance O. Estes II Mr. Nathanael C. Evans Mr. Todd S. Farrand Mr. Richard D. Foley Mr. Paul McKay Franks Mr. J. Happer Furr, Jr. Mr. James G. Gamble V Mr. Alan F. Garrison Mr. Alfred H. Garvey, Jr. Dr. Robert W. Given Mr. Michael J. Grace Mr. John I. Gray III Mr. Edward J. Green, Jr. Mr. Sean D. Gregg Mr. Forrest Lee Hagan III Mr. Randolph C. Harrell Mr. Joseph W. Hatchett, Jr. Mr. David N. Heaton Mr. Peter A. B. Hoblitzell III Mr. Michael D. Hodges Mr. Edmund J. Hopper Dr. Robert B. Houska Mr. William A. Hudgins Mr. Brian P. Jeter Mr. Jonathan S. Johnson Mr. Kyle M. Johnson Mr. Mark A. Johnson Mr. Lawrence O. Jonak Dr. David F. Jones Mr. W. Bryan Jones Dr. Richard A. Lanham, Jr. The Hon. W. Davis Lawley, Jr. Mr. Dennis W. Lee Mr. Charles M. Lewis II Mr. Lynwood W. Lewis, Jr. Mr. William E. Linden III Dr. Kenton L. Mackey † Mr. Robert P. Martin Mr. John M. Mayeske Ms. Ann B. Mayo Mr. M. Edwin McCall, Jr. Mr. R. Matthew McGee Mr. John G. McJunkin The Rev. Joseph H. Metzger III Mr. Michael L. Moles



Thomas N. Allen ’60 Thomas N. Allen ’60 attended a large high school in Richmond, so the small community atmosphere he found as a freshman at Hampden-Sydney College was a big change for him. “The camaraderie, the Honor System, and the closeness to professors were all new to me when I came to HampdenSydney,” he adds. Living on the The Hill was a change, but a change he embraced and has supported ever since. In addition to a new community, the College also provided him an academic freedom he had never known, “I enjoyed pursuing different subjects. For the first time in my life, I could study the things I wanted to study rather than what I had to study.” Now the chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Allen is intimately involved in the process of sustaining our core beliefs— honesty, service, leadership, and scholarship—as well as the development of initiatives that will benefit future students. For many years, the building of a new library was known to be necessary for the long-term viability of the school. That is one reason why Mr. Allen agreed to serve as co-chairman of the TOM ALLEN ’60 Through These Gates campaign, along with Mr. Henry C. Spalding, Jr. ’60, and why he directed many of his own gifts toward the new building. He says, “The new Library is a comfortable place and the guys love to study there and gather there. It truly is a wonderful addition to Hampden-Sydney College.” Mr. Allen says, “There is so much that makes HampdenSydney a special place. It is a learning institution, not a research institution. Students develop relationships with their professors, creating a more intimate learning experience. Also, the Honor Code, which is part of our shared experience, set my standards higher, and I know that other men from Hampden-Sydney feel the same way I do. This is a unique place that must be sustained and nurtured.”


hampden-sydney college

Planned Gifts to the Campaign Source


Bequests Charitable Gift Annuities Deferred Charitable Gift Annuities Gifts-in-Kind Individual Retirement Accounts Insurance Real Estate Trusts

$7,436,201 $3,379,261 $434,616 $167,435 $598,303 $246,121 $40,000 $11,055,677



Mr. James F. Moseley, Jr. Mr. A. Alan Nolan Mr. Troy W. Nottingham Mr. R. Dee Novak, Jr. Mr. Philip E. Paulette Mr. Brian W. Peabody Mr. Nathanael K. Pendley Mr. R. Jeffrey Peterson Dr. Paul G. Pierpaoli, Jr. Mr. Virginius S. Pittman II Dr. Frank S. Powell Mr. Thomas N. Pratt Mr. Michael A. Prizzi Mr. Jeffrey R. Richardson Mr. Lucien W. Roberts III Dr. Thomas J. Robertson, Jr. Mr. Charles A. Roest Mr. Francis D. Rosenberger II The Rev. T. Feild Russell Dr. Andrew R. Sager Mr. Joseph B. Sheppard Mr. Timothy D. Siviter Mr. R. Mark Slaydon Mr. L. Norfleet Smith, Jr. Mr. Arthur H. Sperry Mr. Paul D. Stancs Mr. Ward W. Stevens III Dr. Wallace C. Tarry Dr. J. Scott Thomas Mr. John M. Wallace Mr. Alexander H. Ware Mr. Harry H. Warner, Jr. Mr. Steven H. Warren Mr. Thomas U. Warren Mr. Drew Waterbury Mr. Todd A. Weinert Mr. David H. White, Jr. Mr. Patrick C. Williams III Mr. A. Churchill Young IV Class of 1985 Anonymous Mr. J. David Allen Mr. John W. Ames III Mr. Eric E. Apperson Dr. Stephen A. Asam Dr. Scott J. Banning Mr. Benjamin L. Bartlett Mr. John E. Basilone Mr. Peter A. Batten † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. David W. Blankenship Mr. Gary W. Boswick Mr. Michael R. Boudreau Dr. Thomas F. Bourne Mr. L. Dickerson Bragg Mr. Gregory Alan Brandt Mr. Warren C. Brannon, Jr. Mr. Brian E. Brotzman Mr. William A. Brown, Jr. Dr. Alton E. Bryant III Mr. David B. Camden Mr. Charles H. Cantus Mr. Bradley H. Cary (T) Mr. Harrison L. Clark Mr. Charles R. Cochran Mr. W. Mark Conger Mr. F. Neil Cowan, Jr. Mr. Todd B. Cox Mr. Clifford A. Curlee Mr. Peter S. Dent Mr. Edward Allen Dickenson Mr. Robert S. Dietz Mr. Robert M. Duke Mr. A. Pendleton DuPuis Mr. D. Kirk Edens Dr. John K. Evett Mr. Kevin B. Farina Dr. William H. Farthing, Jr. Mr. J. Scott Finney Mr. H. Todd Flemming Mr. W. Toriran Flint Mr. John M. Forbes Mr. John A. Gant Mr. W. Ryland Gardner III Mr. James D. Gibson Mr. Richard S. Godsey Mr. Matthew G. Hankins Mr. Phillip A. Hess Mr. Thomas A. Hickman, Jr. Mr. Michael J. Hodge Dr. Brian A. Hoey Mr. John W. Hollowell, Jr. Mr. William J. Hubbard Dr. Joel C. Hutcheson Mr. Eric H. Kelley Mr. Clyde B. Kelly Mr. C. Burke King Mr. William C. Knox III Lt. Hal V. Lackey III Mr. Robert R. Lawson FT - former trustee

Mr. Geoffrey J. Lewis Mr. David P. McEnderfer Mr. Christopher T. McGee Mr. Joseph E. McInnis Mr. Jay D. Mitchell Mr. Brian A. Moore Mr. Derrik R. G. Morris Mr. Steven W. Neal Mr. Robert R. Nottingham Mr. Paul C. Nunnally Mr. Craig S. Oakes Dr. Kurt M. Obeck Mr. Kenneth G. Pankey, Jr. Mr. W. Banks Peterson, Jr. Mr. Joseph J. Pierce Dr. Peter R. Quarles Mr. David K. Rader Mr. Claude Landon Royals Mr. Allan A. Sanders Dr. David B. Simmons Mr. Bradley S. Simms † Mr. Bradford R. Smith Mr. W. Bruce Smith Dr. Harry E. Spalding Mr. David P. Steinke Mr. Peter B. Strickland Mr. Philip A. Suazo Mr. John Ed Tankard III Mr. Jonathan N. L. Terry Mr. Donald W. Thomson Maj. W. Gregory Trevarthen Mr. Raleigh A. Trovillion Mr. William L. Usnik, Jr. Mr. Timothy P. Veith Mr. J. David Walker Mr. A. Russell Watson Mr. Frank L. Wheeler The Rev. William M. White Mr. D. Scott Williamson, Jr. Mr. H. Ashton Williamson III Mr. Berkeley W. Young Mr. P. Bradford Young Class of 1986 Mr. Joseph Clark Addington III Mr. Jeffrey F. Ambrose Dr. Patrick K. Anonick Mr. William P. Anthony Dr. Steven B. Arington Mr. Timothy E. Ashman

The Rev. Dr. K. Drew Baker Mr. William L. Ball III Mr. William R. Bettendorf Mr. William W. Brazil Mr. B. Darren Burns Dr. Lawrence B. Caplin Dr. Tony C. Carnes Mr. Bruce A. Carney Mr. George B. Cartledge III Dr. John R. Caruso Mr. Stephen T. Colbert Mr. J. Charles Collie Mr. Stephen M. Coyle Mr. Brian F. Crotty Mr. Thomas J. Cundiff, Jr. Mr. James William Curry Mr. Carl Edwin Dalton Mr. Graham C. Daniels Mr. Randy S. Davis Mr. John G. Dickenson, Jr. Mr. J. Tyler Dinsmore Mr. John M. A. Donelson Mr. Warren P. Dumford Lt. Cmdr. Dean Lloyd Firing Mr. John D. Flory Mr. Edward W. Gamble IV Mr. Salvatore Giannetti III Mr. Bret S. Grieves Mr. Andrew Edward Gross Mr. John A. Gurkin III Mr. J. Haywood Hardin Mr. John P. Harrison III Mr. W. Timothy Hayes, Jr. The Rev. Dr. Mark L. Heilshorn Mr. Forrest S. Higginbotham Mr. Mark N. Hinckley Mr. David Whitehead Hobbs Mr. Thomas B. Hoblitzell Mr. Irvin G. Horner, Jr. Mr. Ross A. Hotchkiss III Mr. William L. Hughes Mr. Maurice A. Jones (FT) Mr. Timothy K. Jordan Mr. William W. Keenan III Mr. Joseph S. Kern Mr. Gary L. Kessler Mr. Charles E. Kimbrough Mr. Douglas M. King Mr. Robert E. Lee V Mr. David Legg Mr. Robert Bryant Lendrim Mr. George A. Light Mr. J. Lawrence Mansfield, Jr. Mr. Donn E. Marshall Mr. Armistead B. Mauck Mr. Chester W. Mayo Mr. John R. McGhee, Jr. Mr. Edward W. McKinney Mr. Edward T. McMullen, Jr. Mr. Charles Wilson McNeely IV Mr. David C. Meyer Mr. Charles F. Miller Mr. Daniel P. Miller Dr. David Lane Miller Mr. Kevin R. Mitchell Mr. E. Winston Morris, Jr. Mr. David A. Mugford Mr. Christopher M. Nicklo Mr. George W. Nolley Mr. Erik John Olfson Mr. G. Linwood Parsons III Mr. Elmer J. Peters Mr. Christopher C. Poe Mr. Frank B. Pyott Mr. William S. D. Read Mr. Benjamin E. Robinson Mr. John W. Robinson III Mr. Craig N. Schelle Mr. John Blakemore Schwing

Dr. Steven Michael Sharp Mr. Michael E. Shelton Dr. Michael E. States Mr. William H. Tavenner Mr. Daryl W. Taylor Mr. Jeffrey Brent Taylor Mr. Daniel A. Terry, Sr. Mr. Philip R. Trapani, Jr. Mr. Edward S. Utyro Mr. Litz H. Van Dyke Mr. Anthony W. Vermillera Mr. Samuel K. Wallace, Jr. Mr. Harvey L. Warnick, Jr. Mr. G. Randolph Webb, Jr. Mr. Ros R. Willis Mr. Davis S. Wrinkle Mr. W. James Young Mr. William T. Ziglar Class of 1987 Mr. W. Kirby Arnall Mr. Peyton W. Artz Mr. James L. Banning Mr. Joseph F. Barnes III Mr. William E. Barr Mr. David K. Blackwell Mr. Churchill P. Brown III Mr. David C. Brown Mr. Frederick W. Bryant The Rev. William R. Caldwell Mr. Courtney W. Campbell Mr. Robert K. Citrone (FT) Dr. Hollins P. Clark Mr. Ashby W. Coleman Mr. Eric M. Cotts Mr. Robert J. Couch Mr. Frederic H. Cox III † Mr. Stuart S. Cox Mr. John M. Currence Mr. Richard W. Davis, Jr. Mr. Wesley Eugene Dellinger Mr. Laurence M. Dickinson Mr. James David Diggs Mr. Daniel T. Dougherty, Jr. Mr. Richard W. Eggleston Mr. Marshall P. Eldred III Mr. Timothy C. Eller Mr. Mark J. Fader Dr. George E. Fahy III Dr. John V. Fenice Mr. Willie Fobbs III Mr. Harrison Moncure Geho Mr. Daniel T. Gore Mr. Andrew T. Gray Mr. Christopher M. Grubbs Mr. Michael G. Hamady Mr. Phillip M. Heflin, Jr. Mr. James L. Heiberg Mr. W. Scott Heidler Mr. William C. Henry, Jr. Mr. Richard Keith Hope Dr. Wallace Lee Huff, Jr. Mr. John B. Hylton Mr. J. Brian Jackson Mr. W. Borden James Mr. Patrick B. Kane Mr. J. Kendall Killgore Mr. Patrick H. Kirchmier Mr. Robert P. Kline Mr. Mark Allen Lasyone Mr. Jeffrey E. Lee Dr. Wayne B. Lucas Mr. Michael D. Lyster Mr. Michael Francis McIntyre III Mr. E. Lombard Morgan, Jr. Mr. Patrick Taylor Morgan Mr. Anthony P. Morris Dr. William B. Munn Mr. Michael E. Neal

Mr. Martin J. O’Brien III Mr. Charles Dee O’Dell II Mr. Thomas M. Parrish Mr. Robert J. Partin, Sr. Mr. John W. Pollock Mr. Edward A. Potter Mr. Robert A. Pullum Mr. Caperton D. Putt Dr. Matthew W. Robertson III Dr. John E. Sadler III Mr. Richard H. Schofield Mr. John Banks Sewell III Mr. D. Gregory Sheffield Mr. Charles J. Smith III Mr. Harvard B. Smith Mr. Jeffrey S. Sparks Mr. Hawes C. Spencer Mr. S. Neil Stout Cmdr. Christopher P. Stuart Mr. Peter M. Swan Mr. Thomas J. Swartzwelder Mr. Daniel D. Tafel Mr. J. Burton Tait, Jr. Mr. Russell E. Tanner Dr. J. Bradley Terry Mr. Harry B. Thompson IV Mr. Paul M. Thompson, Jr. Mr. Horace M. Tipton Mr. David B. Trotter Mr. John H. Turner III Mr. Keith D. Vander Vennet Lt. Cmdr. Guy O. Vilardi Mr. George Robert Waldrop IV Mr. Erik S. Walter Mr. Gregory A. Warner Mr. T. Ashby Watts IV Mr. Leif K. Wigren Mr. George A. Willinghan Mr. Frank L. Wiswall III Mr. Kurt A. Wootton Class of 1988 Mr. Bradley A. Addicks Mr. James G. Anderson, Jr. Mr. Richard Forrest Ansell Dr. Michael Arnz Mr. Michael R. Barke Mr. Craig E. Beckler Mr. Brett P. Bennett Mr. Bruce R. Besley Mr. Albert J. Bolet III Mr. James A. Y. Bowman Mr. Robert E. Boydoh, Jr. Mr. Bryan Lee Brendle Mr. Joseph H. Bridges Mr. Eric J. Brinsfield Mr. John B. Brinson IV Mr. Wray Broughton Mr. C. Paul Chalmers Mr. M. Deane Cheatham III (FT) Mr. Michael Barry Chenault Mr. Mark A. Citrone Mr. Cyrus Colangelo Mr. Steven S. Cooper Mr. Timothy P. Corbett Dr. Christopher J. Cyphers Mr. David B. Dahbura Mr. Mark D. Damjan Mr. E. Adams Darden IV Mr. Beverly M. Davis Mr. Brian J. Davis Mr. Bryan H. Davis III Mr. Sean M. Dawkins † Mr. J. Forrester DeBuys III Dr. F. Carl Derrick III Mr. Graham T. Dozier Mr. Matthew P. Eversmann Mr. Anthony P. Farina Mr. Donald I. Ferguson

final campaign report Mr. Glenn A. Fink Dr. James M. Fleming, Jr. Mr. Frank W. Friedman Mr. Christopher G. Fulghum Mr. Roderick M. Gardner Mr. Thomas B. Gates Mr. Gerald Palfery Gillespy Mr. Jesse F. Goins III Mr. Thomas J. Groonell Mr. Elmore Scott Hall Mr. James C. Hamrick Mr. Archibald Hardy IV Mr. Harold M. Harris, Jr. Mr. Philip T. Hickman Mr. Edward F. Hodges, Jr. Mr. David Stuart Holland Mr. Harlan L. Horton Maj. C. Patrick Howard Maj. Christopher W. Hughes Mr. Edward A. Hunt III Mr. Christopher A. Hutson Mr. Jeffrey L. Jackson Mr. J. Trent Jones Mr. Daniel H. Joseph Mr. Andrew M. Kamm Mr. Michael P. Kehoe Mr. David C. Kelly Mr. Timothy M. Kelly Mr. William Garth Kilburn Mr. Roger H. W. Kirby (FT) Mr. David J. LaChapelle Mr. Monte Lehmkuhler Mr. Charles Alan Liebert Mr. Brad A. Lower Mr. John W. Maloney Mr. Kevin E. Martingayle Mr. Craig L. Massey (FT) Mr. Timothy L. Mayo Mr. William A. Middleton, Jr. Mr. O. Randolph Minter, Jr. Mr. Ralph A. Montes Mr. John C. Muller, Jr. Mr. S. A. Britton Neal Mr. Tayloe N. Negus (T) Mr. Daniel Lee Newell Mr. Sean F. Oberle Mr. Frank C. Page Mr. Charles W. Payne, Jr. Mr. H. Stephen Perl Mr. Henry R. Pollard V Mr. Charles Lee Potts Mr. Samuel S. Proctor Dr. Alexander George Rabchevsky Mr. Charles H. Reynolds Lt. Cmdr. F. Carl Riedlin Mr. Hugo F. Rodriguez, Jr. Mr. J. Christopher Schoen Mr. Steven W. Schrom The Rev. Anthony Sgro Mr. Miller F. Smyth Dr. A. Douglas Spitalny Mr. John P. Taylor, Jr. Mr. Joseph M. Teefey, Jr. Mr. Edward C. Thomas IV Mr. Harry P. Umberger Mr. E. Reid Wade Mr. William E. Ware III Mr. Christopher R. Welch Mr. William C. Wescott III Mr. Michael S. Wheeler Mr. Christopher M. Wilkinson Mr. Todd V. Williams Mr. C. Timothy Williford Mr. Richard C. Wilt III Dr. Warner R. Winborne Class of 1989 Mr. P. Hobbs Allison, Jr. Mr. Marc A. Allocca

Mr. Andrew Ames Dr. Matthew L. Areford Mr. Alexander Arnz Mr. H. Coyt Bailey III Mr. Ralph W. Baker, Jr. (T) Mr. A. Jackson Watkins Barber Mr. Frank A. Bates III Mr. Cristopher Tannihill Bell Mr. Kirk A. Bolle Mr. Michael R. Brost Mr. Mason S. Brugh Dr. Jay C. Brumfield Mr. Michael C. Byrne Capt. Paul W. Campbell Mr. Joseph K. Carroll Mr. Brian P. Cassidy Mr. William G. Chapman Mr. Aldo E. Chavez, Jr. Mr. Geoffrey S. Christ Mr. Justin W. Cole Mr. Jeffrey S. Collins Mr. George A. Cumming Mr. Timothy M. Curtin Mr. Joel Rex Davis Mr. Tucker D. Davis Mr. David A. Deane Mr. John P. Delnegro Mr. Charles F. Drayton Mr. Kenneth D. Drinkwalter, Jr. Mr. F. Colin Durham, Jr. Mr. Charles E. Echols, Jr. Mr. Michael S. Emery Mr. Thomas D. Evans Mr. Thomas K. Farmer, Jr. Mr. Samuel W. Finney Mr. David C. Fleming Mr. Mason S. Flinn Mr. David R. Foreman, Jr. Mr. Malcolm T. Freeman II Mr. Charles R. Garrison Mr. David P. Gerber Mr. Patrick N. Getlein Dr. Evan George Gliptis Mr. Read F. Goode, Jr. Lt. Col. Matthew D. Goodrich Mr. G. L. Jeffreys Greene Dr. Walter Lee Grubb III Mr. Fred E. Hamlin III Mr. Charles D. Harman III The Rev. John Spencer Randolph Harris Mr. Michael E. Harris Mr. Marion Peebles Harrison (T) Mr. John C. Hopewell Mr. John M. Hopper Mr. Robert L. Ireland, Jr. Mr. Daniel A. Jenkin Mr. L. Bradley Johnson Mr. Thomas C. Johnson Mr. Gregory E. Jones Mr. Mark H. Kattmann Dr. Christopher Keeley Mr. R. Keith Kozlowski Mr. Arthur H. Kreienbaum III Mr. Richard A. Kruse III Mr. Jeff R. La Vangie Mr. Clark L. LeBlanc Dr. Michael K. Leonard, Jr. Mr. Edward Mark Lewis Mr. Robert C. Lodge Mr. Hugh C. A. MacLean Mr. Douglas E. Maddox Mr. Christian T. Mamon Mr. Philip E. Mankins Mr. David C. Mason Mr. Jake J. Mazulewicz Mr. Richard C. McEvoy, Jr. Mr. William R. McGuire Mr. Daniel C. McMullen Mr. James H. McVey

Mr. James W. Mercer, Jr. Mr. Scott T. Miles Mr. Harmon B. Miller IV Mr. Jonathan David Mize Mr. Brian Elliott Moon Mr. Michael E. Moore Mr. John B. Morton III Dr. J. Jarrett Moss Mr. J. Christopher Naftzger Mr. William E. Naquin Mr. Peter Jonathan Neville Mr. William T. M. Newton (FT) Mr. Timothy M. O’Keeffe Mr. D. Fraser Orr, Jr. Mr. Gordon E. Parker, Jr. Mr. Clifford P. Parson Mr. Paul E. Pisano Mr. Christopher W. Powell Mr. Charles W. Pryor III Mr. James W. Rapier Mr. Jake Rasor III Mr. Richard C. Redd Mr. Thomas B. Reynolds Dr. John N. Richardson Mr. Steven M. Riddle Mr. C. Saunders Roberson, Jr. Mr. R. Kinckle Robinson Mr. Thomas L. Rose Mr. Christopher M. Savvides Mr. Richard K. Smith Mr. Stanford L. Southworth Mr. William M. Stanley, Jr. Mr. Matthew C. Sunderlin Mr. Gregory L. Taylor Mr. P. Thomas Thurmond III Mr. John S. Vail Maj. C. Richard Valiant, Jr. Dr. Richard B. Verrone Mr. Jack R. von Maur III Mr. Timothy J. Ware Mr. David B. Weiss Mr. Bruce Daniel Wenger Mr. Thomas H. Whiteley Mr. Phillip Lee Williams Mr. William D. Woodley Mr. Mark T. Wright Mr. George W. Yurgaitis, Jr. Class of 1990 Mr. Alvin M. Allen Mr. Carlos A. Alvarenga III Mr. David Scott Anderson Maj. Robert B. Babcock Mr. Thomas H. Barr Mr. Marvin B. Bennett III Mr. J. Scott Benton Mr. Walter A. Blocker II Mr. James P. Bollinger Mr. William T. Bonfield Mr. Brannon T. Brewer Mr. Scott C. Brooks Mr. Thomas M. Browder III Mr. David Polson Brown Mr. Michael S. Brown Mr. David W. Bryant Mr. Dennis Todd Brydges Mr. Rudolph Bumgardner IV Mr. Walter E. Bundy IV Mr. Garnett W. Byrd Mr. Brian F. Canterbury Dr. Thomas H. Cawthon, Jr. Mr. Donald H. Clark, Jr. Mr. Thomas T. Coghill Mr. Walter Paul Conrad III Mr. John F. Cook III Mr. Joseph W. Cotlin III Dr. John H. Coyle Maj. Charles D. Dees Mr. James R. Dillon III


Alumni Donors By Class Year: 1988 - 2012 Class Donors

Gifts or Pledges


112 $1,537,798











































































alumni donors,


alumni participation

46 hampden-sydney college Mr. Joseph Michael Donckers II Mr. Herbert T. Dorn Mr. Paul J. Downey Mr. Mark K. duBose Mr. Jean Paul Dubuque Mr. Andrew M. Duke Dr. Richard K. Dunn Mr. Howard W. Eckstein Mr. Thomas R. Edwards, Jr. Mr. Alfred Russell Elmore, Jr. Mr. John Michael Enright Mr. Charles M. Eschinger Mr. Mark P. Falls Mr. Frederick L. Garrett IV Mr. Donald Stephen Gillespie Mr. H. Phillip Goering Mr. Edwin B. Gough III Mr. F. Brawner Greer Mr. James Donald Gregg, Jr. Mr. Alton Larue Gwaltney III Mr. Raymond L. Hampton Dr. Jeffrey A. Harris Mr. Downing A. Hayes Mr. L. Allen Herrington, Jr. Mr. David L. Hobbs Mr. Todd A. Horsley Mr. Alan H. Hulvey Mr. Jay M. Jenkins Mr. Frank R. Jones III Mr. Eric L. Joyce Mr. Gregory Todd Joyce Mr. Mark A. Koski Mr. Alexzander Z. Kroustalis Mr. Daniel J. Kungl Mr. John M. Kuper Dr. Robert Scott Lake Dr. Joseph H. Lane, Jr. Mr. Robert C. Latimer III Mr. Thomas S. Layton Mr. Christian D. Marthinson Mr. Scott Alan McKain Mr. S. Calhoun McMeekin III Mr. James Brian McVey Mr. Christopher M. Meadows Mr. James Richard Molster, Jr. The Rev. Dr. Philip W. Oehler Mr. Michael Allen Page Mr. John Jerry Pappas Mr. Edmund F. Pearce III Mr. Christopher F. W. Perkins Mr. Leslie Davis Phaup III Dr. Jonathan M. Philpott Mr. Derek E. Pletch Dr. Scott F. Poole Mr. Robert Earle Prather Mr. Michael A. Pugh Mr. Chester C. Rhodes Mr. James Charles Roddy, Jr. Mr. Jonathan D. Sargeant Mr. Douglas Alan Selzer Mr. Samuel S. Shiplett, Jr. Mr. Turner T. Smith III Mr. Richard Staab Mr. Eric Steward Mr. Robert F. Stockhausen, Jr. Dr. Walter Scott Street IV Mr. Douglas Kermit Tardio Mr. Guild Lee Taylor Mr. John Robert Timmons Mr. Michael W. Topping Mr. Paul C. Venable IV Mr. Henry R. Walker, Jr. Mr. Taylor S. Walker Mr. David S. Wallace Dr. G. Clifford Walton Mr. Stephen Kirk Waskey Mr. Stockton T. Watson Mr. Michael David Whaley Mr. James Richard Wilkins III † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. Thomas C. Wilson III Mr. William Page Wilson, Jr. Mr. Kirk A. Zambetti Class of 1991 Mr. James A. Abbott Mr. William P. Allison Mr. Joseph Lee Andrews Mr. Frank Lee Angus, Jr. Mr. David K. Archibald Mr. Kevin Lee Arrington Mr. B. Thompson Ball Mr. Andrew M. Ballou Mr. Stephen D. Bear Mr. James F. Bebeau Mr. Charles S. Beemus Mr. Robert C. Beverly Mr. Bennett H. H. Biever Mr. F. Lewis Biggs Mr. Blake Hunter Blythe The Rev. Michael G. Boehling Mr. R. Morgan Bray Mr. Michael L. Breeden Mr. Allan W. Brock, Jr. Mr. Bryan E. Burcher Mr. William T. Butler III Mr. Joseph Scott Caldwell IV Mr. Michael John Citrone Dr. Charles M. Cleland Mr. Gardner E. Cobb III Mr. Christopher B. Coleman Mr. Barry B. Conrad II Mr. Paul A. Coudert Mr. John P. Cullen Dr. Gary H. Darden Mr. K. Christopher Darnell Mr. Gregory R. Davis Mr. William J. Debutts III Dr. Kevin Lee Dixon Mr. J. Fielding Douthat, Jr. Mr. John D. Dove III Mr. Early Vaughn Dulworth, Jr. Mr. Jerry K. Dumond Mr. Raymond H. Elmore Mr. Dale P. Ennis Mr. J. David Ewing Mr. Matthew J. Farina Mr. James C. Feliciano Mr. James William Ferrell IV Mr. Robert E. Fiveash Mr. Stephen R. Fore Dr. Mark E. Gammon Mr. D. Brent Golemon Mr. Ormond Drew Grice, Jr. Mr. Earl David Grubbs, Jr. Mr. Steven R. Hagan, Jr. Mr. F. Benjamin Harrison Mr. Michael C. Hartman Mr. Glen C. Hasling Mr. Harris M. Haynie Mr. George H. Heilig III Mr. Robert W. Hinkle, Jr. Mr. Jon Michael Holland Mr. Finley C. Holmes, Jr. Mr. Robert E. L. Holt IV Mr. Michael T. Hubbard Mr. Michael C. Hughes Mr. Kemp N. Hunt, Jr. Mr. Robert S. Hurt Dr. Christopher T. Hutchinson Mr. David Alan Ingram Mr. Clayton W. James Mr. John Berry Jewell IV Mr. Michael S. Jones, Sr. Mr. Frederick B. Koehler Mr. Brian W. Kreider Mr. Perrin C. Lamar Mr. David N. Legault Mr. Charles Scott LeHew

FT - former trustee

Dr. Robert F. Lemert Mr. John T. Lenzi, Jr. Mr. James S. Livermon III Mr. Felippe Astolfi Marques Dr. Jonathan E. Marston Mr. Lawrence H. Martin III Mr. James J. McGrady Mr. Jonathan L. McGrady Mr. Hugh Leo McLaughlin III (T) Mr. John M. Merritt Mr. Mark A. Milam Mr. Robert F. Moorman Mr. Richard P. Mortorff Mr. Patrick D. Mulquin Mr. John W. Myers IV Dr. Bradley S. Nester Dr. Mark A. Newcomb Mr. Nolan R. Nicely, Jr. Mr. Terrence L. O’Briant Mr. Michael A. O’Malley Mr. J. Michael Parkerson Mr. Russell V. Parrish, Jr. Mr. J. Michael Parsons Mr. William C. Pitt IV Mr. Braxton B. Pollard Mr. Brent W. Railey Mr. Jeremy W. Ransone Mr. Christopher H. Ray Mr. Carter C. Redd Mr. James W. Reid, Jr. Mr. Milton P. Reid III Mr. Joseph Allen Reynolds III Mr. Charles Conrad Rickers III Mr. Christian J. Roberts Mr. Lewis A. Robinson Mr. Thomas J. Robinson Mr. Todd A. Rodriguez Mr. Charles G. Rosemond IV Mr. Gordon E. Rountree, Jr. Mr. John Ranson Roussel Mr. Lou Stephen Satchell Mr. John W. Savage Mr. Thomas R. Schroeder Dr. Stephen F. Selden Mr. Barclay M. Shepard Mr. George Burton Short III Mr. Thomas Lee Shortt, Jr. † Mr. Michael B. Snyder Mr. Charles W. Sommardahl, Jr. Mr. M. Alester Spears Mr. Philip D. Spessard Mr. David M. Thomason Mr. Hugh Brandon Thompson Mr. John F. Townsend III Mr. George M. Trible IV Mr. Louis F. Tyler III Dr. Robert C. Wade Mr. Keith H. Wadsworth Mr. Murray M. Wadsworth, Jr. Mr. John F. Wall Mr. Christian J. Ward Dr. Thomas J. Ward, Jr. Mr. John F. Ware III Mr. Carl Britt Wester Mr. Garwood P. Whaley III Dr. Hugh M. White Mr. Miles C. Williams Lt. Scott S. Williams Mr. Edward C. A. Wilson Mr. R. Douglas Young Mr. Charles H. Zimmerman III Mr. D. Christopher Zoby Class of 1992 Dr. Mahdi M. Abu-Omar Mr. William R. Altman Mr. Paul B. Amos Mr. Leonard Armstrong, Jr. Mr. Charles B. Atwill II

Mr. C. Todd Ayers Mr. Sabat P. Barber Mr. John S. Barrow Mr. T. Scott Beckman Mr. Peter C. Bennett, Jr. Mr. Schuyler G. Benson Mr. Brian D. Bernas Dr. Aaron C. Beshears Mr. Carl H. Bivens Mr. Bradford A. Bodamer Maj. R. Dwayne Bowyer Mr. Leo J. Boyd Mr. H. Harrison Braxton III Mr. Charles P. Britt Mr. Dwight C. Brooks Mr. Marc A. Brown Mr. Shawn D. Brown † Mr. Josiah Bunting IV Mr. James T. Cali Mr. Hawes Campbell IV Mr. Robert A. Campbell Mr. Fitzhugh L. Cantrell Mr. John B. Carney Mrs. Eunice Ward Carwile Dr. Bradley A. Cherry Mr. Howard Gwaltney Clay Mr. Rives B. Coleman Mr. Michael S. Comerford Mr. Benton D. Cook III Mr. Eskridge Culver Mr. Michael F. Cutter Mr. W. Keith Davis Mr. Richard F. Debutts Mr. Thomas M. Dickinson III Mr. Edward A. Dittmar Mr. Troy E. Drafton Mr. D. Griffith Drew, Jr. Mr. Stephen M. Driscoll Mr. Rand M. Dupriest Mr. Kenneth M. Elliott III Mr. William H. English, Jr. Mr. Floyd T. Fallen, Jr. Mr. Jeremy D. Fass Mr. Brian E. Ferrell Maj. John M. Field Mr. Pace Mahood Fonville, Jr. Mr. James Cabell Fooshe, Sr. Mr. Matthew J. Ford Mr. Chapin A. Frazee Mr. Andrew W. Freitas Mr. Richard L. Gann II Mr. John Cline Garber, Jr. Mr. James B. Glenn II Dr. Clarence E. Hall II Mr. Stewart M. Hall Mr. J. W. Frank Haner, Jr. Mr. Troy M. Hanna Mr. Gaston C. Harris III Mr. Jeffrey A. Harrison Mr. Michael Craig Hayes Mr. William L. Herring, Jr. Mr. Cecil W. Hickam III Mr. Alan James Hiss Mr. David Davies Hood, Jr. Mr. George Milton Howe III Dr. John David Hungarland Mr. Brian A. Irving Mr. Christopher C. Jackson Mr. Sage B. Johnson Mr. Damian A. Jones Mr. Duane Jones Mr. H. Giles Jones Dr. Joseph Scott Just Mr. Scott G. Kerridge Mr. Jeffrey A. Ketron Mr. Mario James Kokolis Mr. Thomas R. Layer Mr. Jonathan E. Ledbetter Mr. Warren Richard Liptok, Jr.

Dr. Michael Byrne Littleton Mr. Thomas J. Mallis Mr. William E. Mansfield III Mr. McAlister Marshall II Mr. Carter H. McEntire Mr. Jason K. Meath Mr. Douglas P. Meeks Mr. William Fewell Merchant Mr. Turner C. Moore Mr. William N. Moore Mr. Todd Moose Mr. Matthew S. Morgan Mr. Harry A. Mullen III Mr. David S. Naismith Mr. Anthony M. Nichols Mr. Barry Q. Nichols Mr. Alexander D. Norden Mr. George W. Norris, Jr. Mr. S. Todd Ogletree Mr. Daniel S. Owen Mr. Jeffrey C. Paris Mr. Jeffrey B. Parker Mr. Clunet H. Pettyjohn III Mr. B. Bradbury Pomeroy, Jr. Mr. Michael Gregg T. Randall Dr. William Allan Rees Dr. Richard B. Reid Mr. David Kirk Richardson Mr. David D. Robinson-Slemp Mr. Frank Hardy Roddy Mr. Gregory David Rohrbough Mr. Brenan S. Roser Mr. C. David Runnels III Mr. H. E. Vann Russell Mr. Cary A. Scardina Mr. Ralph Brooks Scurry III Mr. Jeffrey L. Shaw Mr. J. Michael Sherrill Dr. Reynolds Reed Skaggs Mr. Leonard W. Skelton, Jr. Mr. J. Goodwin Smith, Jr. Mr. John W. T. Smith Mr. Kevin E. Smith Mr. Peter V. Smith Mr. William W. Stanfield III Mr. Christopher W. Stevens Mr. Jackson W. Tarver III Mr. Bradley B. Teague Mr. Samuel M. Torian IV Mr. Matthew James Tucker Mr. Russell D. Turner Mr. T. George Underwood, Jr. Mr. Raymond J. Veno, Jr. Mr. Roger D. Warren, Jr. Mr. Matthew B. Whitaker Mr. George H. Whitmore Mr. Keith Scott Whyte Mr. Stephen B. Wilkins Mr. Jeffrey D. Willett Dr. Jeffrey K. Winstead Mr. Justin Hayden Woelper Mr. E. Stanley Wray Mr. John A. Wyatt Mr. John M. Zell Class of 1993 Mr. John Marshall Acken, Jr. Dr. John Davis Aiken III Mr. John Henry Alexander The Hon. Richard Yorke Atlee, Jr. Mr. Paul Gregory Babb Mr. Christopher Porter Banister, Jr. Mr. Leonid Mark Barkan Mr. Keith LaMark Barksdale Mr. Fuad Yousef Bateh Mr. Jefferey Hensley Biederman, Jr. Mr. Hardt Wheeler Bing Mr. Edward Ward Blakely, Jr. Mr. Beverley Bradshaw Bray

Mr. James Lee Bright Mr. Robert Wendell Brinson Mr. David Lane Britt Mr. Derek D. Brown Mr. William Ruffin Carpenter IV Mr. James David Carter Mr. Christopher Ryan Chandler Mr. Dudley Carlyle Chandler III Mr. Christopher Todd Chapel Mr. Gary Wayne Chenault, Jr. Mr. Rajeev Kumar Chopra Dr. Alan Rucker Clardy Mr. Robert Haarbauer Cofield Mr. Zachary Webster Collett Mr. Christopher Drayton Cooper Dr. Michael Joseph Covaney Mr. Glenn Alexander Crawford Mr. Stover Henry Creasy IV Dr. William David Culp, Jr. Mr. William C. Dalasio Dr. Mark Harrison Dishner Mr. Joseph Elam Dunn Mr. Joseph Rivers Durant Mr. Erich Nathaniel Durlacher Mr. Hugh Garland Edmunds III Mr. Thomas Michael William Ekman Mr. Asa Mark Elkins Mr. Stanley Wayne Erwin, Jr. Mr. Robert Melvin Fleet Mr. John Cooper Fowler II Mr. Holt Bradshaw Gray Mr. Matthew Scott Gregg Mr. John Frederick Groves, Jr. Mr. Christopher Dylan Haddock Mr. David Henderson Head, Jr. Mr. Roger Eldon Heflin, Jr. Mr. H. Keith Henshaw Mr. Jeffrey Burks Hensley Mr. James Charles Hickey III Mr. William Lewis Hicks, Jr. Dr. Creighton Jones Hite Mr. William Harlae Hoofnagle IV Dr. William Cameron Hope IV Mr. James Davenport Hundley, Jr. Mr. John Guiher Hutchinson, Jr. Dr. Thomas Wade Johnson Mr. Louis Jether Jones II Mr. Ted Edwin Jones Mr. John-Garrett Kemper Mr. Jason C. Kinnell Mr. Jon Kenneth Kjos Mr. Tucker Lincoln Mr. Eric John Lindberg, Jr. Mr. Jonathan Andrew Mackler Mr. John Angelo March, Jr. Mr. Kendrick Ware Mattox III Mr. Andrew Clare Morris McClintock Mr. John Hampton McDaniel Mr. Patrick Hill McDougald Mr. John Colin Mellon Mr. Matthew Farrell Mendez Mr. Carl Brent Mica Mr. James Anthony Miller Mr. Ernest Lendon Norman, Jr. Mr. Timothy Robert Ortman Mr. David Brent Pearman Mr. Charles Emory Petty III Mr. William Daniel Puckett, Jr. Mr. Daniel Reed Quarles Mr. John James Regan Mr. Mark Jay Robertson Mr. Noel Mark Robinson Mr. Brian Arthur Rollison Mr. Wilson Whitlow Schoellkopf Mr. William Prescott Mills Schwind Mr. John Gordon Scott Mr. William Harman Shell Mr. Frederic Lee Smith, Jr. Mr. Gregory Lee Smith, Jr.

final campaign report Mr. Michael Diehl Smith Mr. Steven Nicholas Smith Mr. David Rhoades Sommardahl Mr. Pablo Cesar Souza Mr. Christopher Herring Stanley Mr. Leon Mark Stepanian Mr. Edward Simpkins Stock Mr. Geoffrey MacLean Switz Mr. John J. K. Taitague Dr. John Erwin Talmadge, Jr. Mr. John Thomas Tapscott Mr. Michael Page Teer, Jr. Mr. Edward Tindal Trapani Mr. Phillip Reginald Triplett, Jr. Mr. James Henry Van Ness V Mr. Robert James Waddell, Jr. Mr. Gerald Richard Walsh III Mr. Jake William Watson Dr. Allen Hardin White III Mr. James Earl White, Jr. Mr. Rodney Ernest Williams, Jr. Dr. Charles Morgan Wilson Mr. Peter Thacher Worthen, Jr. Mr. Christopher Paxton Wray Mr. Hideo Yanai Class of 1994 Mr. John Fletcher Abele, Jr. Mr. Peter Treida Albert Mr. Jonathan Wesley Andrews Mr. Michael Winfield Ayer Mr. David Anderson Barton Mr. Andrew M. Basinger Mr. David Brian Belfield Mr. Gustavous Holmes Bell IV Mr. Coard Ames Benson Mr. Clinton Clisby Berry III Mr. Andrew Eugene Branch II Mr. Patteson Branch III Mr. Robert Holmes Bryson III Mr. Michael Thomas Bucciero Mr. William Blakeney Burr Mr. William Andrew Wallace Buxton Mr. James Charles Cardillo Mr. Christian Nils Carlson Mr. Robert Keith Caudle III Mr. Christopher A. Chase Mr. Stephen Redfern Chesnutt Mr. Robert Yates Clagett, Jr. Dr. Beverley Boyden Clary III Mr. John Vincent Colasanto Mr. Robert Van Wyck Croker III Mr. Roy Braxton Culler IV Mr. James Spencer Culp Mr. George Steele Dewey IV Mr. Christopher Ryan Dodson Mr. William Montgomery Douglass Mr. John M. Evans, Jr. Mr. Christopher Lawrence Fallen Mr. Daniel Garrett Fannon Mr. John Christopher Faussemagne Mr. Michael Sinclair Finucane Mr. Bretton Richards Gauntlett Mr. Cetric Alonzo Gayles Dr. Robert James Geiger Mr. William Newton Glasgow Mr. William Howe Grover, Jr. Mr. J. Addison Hagan IV Mr. Peter A. Hall Mr. Bradford Keith Harris Mr. Joseph Anderson Hazlegrove III Mr. Samuel Patrick Henry, Jr. The Rev. Vernon Blaine Hill Mr. George Edward Honts IV Mr. James Brian Hopkins Mr. Jacob Andrew Horstman Mr. Allan B. Hunt Mr. Kenneth Gray Hutcheson Mr. William Pinckney Irwin V

Mr. Ralph Hudnall Johnson III Mr. Henry Morgan Tillford Jones Mr. Carlton Thompson Kemper Mr. Herbert Leroy King, Jr. Mr. William James Kinnamon III Mr. Jeremy Randel Koons Mr. Paul Joseph Landaiche, Jr. Mr. Aaron Archer Legum Mr. James Christopher Lemons Mr. Michael David Luter Mr. Gordon McLain Macgill Mr. Christopher Manning Marlowe Mr. Edwin Sidney Martin III Mr. Alexander Blount McGee Mr. Chandler Clarke McNair Mr. Richard B. Meyers Mr. Robert Matthew Miles Mr. George Thomas Minton III Mr. Robert Waters Mitchell Mr. Timothy Vaughan Monahan Mr. Bartow Morgan, Jr. (FT) Mr. John Cason Newbern Mr. John Arthur Nolde III Mr. Dale Robert Nowery Mr. David Corbusier O’Brien Mr. Juan C. Ortega Mr. Andrew Reynolds Owen Mr. Raymond Oxmann, Jr. Mr. David Clinton Parker, Jr. The Rev. Kenneth Anthony Parker Mr. N. Douglas Payne, Jr. Mr. Sean Phillip Pepe Jason Kristian Scott Porter, Esq. Mr. John Michael Porter Mr. Michael Dwayne Purvis Mr. Joshua Hartley Rahman Mr. William Robert Reid Mr. William Taylor Rhodes Mr. Larry Scott Riggs Mr. Thomas Atkinson Roberts, Jr. Mr. Robert Houston Robinson, Jr. Mr. Thomas Walker Rodgers Mr. Chad Stuart Runnion Mr. Russell Wade Ryan Mr. Jason James Sandoval Mr. John Guerard Scott, Jr. Mr. Everette Meade Seay IV Mr. Laine Jackson Seely Mr. John Howard Selzer Mr. Vahe Gerard Shirikjian Mr. William Francis Shumadine III Mr. John Claiborne Sifford Mr. Anthony John Silva II The Rev. Peter Christian Smith Mr. Calvin Stanley Spencer, Jr. Mr. Robert Woods Spessard III Mr. Michael Lewis Staunton Mr. Dwayne H. Stinson Mr. John Carter Stone Mr. J. Ellsworth Summers, Jr. Mr. Gregory Douglas Suskind Dr. Malcolm Kennedy Sydnor, Jr. Mr. Roy Timothy Tepper III Mr. Jonathan Wrightson Thayer Mr. Christopher Dudley Turgeon Mr. Matthew Ivan Van Horn Mr. Charles Malcolm Viser Mr. Mitchell Gerard Voyer Mr. Joseph Judson Waff IV Mr. Michael David Walsh Mr. David Styles Warren Mr. John Chadwick Waterworth Mr. John Stone Willim III Dr. Christopher St. Anthony Wilson Mr. Andrew Bergland Wise Mr. Bruce Marshall Wood Mr. James Alexander Wood, Jr. Mr. William Harry Wright V



William T. “Bill” Saunders, Jr. ’60 For more than two hundred years, Hampden-Sydney College has been producing leaders with integrity. Trustee William T. Saunders, Jr. ’60 is doing his part to make sure we continue on that course for years to come. “Leaders and statesmen with integrity are in demand and we must supply them or our country is in great trouble,” says Mr. Saunders, a financial services executive who says he was heavily influenced by the iconic Hampden-Sydney College professor Dr. Graves H. Thompson ’27. “I was very fortunate to take nearly every one of Dr. Thompson’s classes. He was an extremely positive influence on me. His life could be summed up in three words: gravitas, living with responsibility and dignity; simplicitas, working hard and honestly; and pietas, being responsible for one’s family, community, church, and God. Dr. Thompson influenced how I have tried to lead my life. That is the mold that I want for future Hampden-Sydney leaders.” Mr. Saunders and his wife Tudie have been continuous supporters of the College for decades. Their commitment to the goals of the Through These Gates campaign shows that they still believe firmly in what HampdenSydney College has to offer young men. “I am very impressed with the BILL SAUNDERS, JR. ’60 new library,” says Mr. Saunders, “and am excited that so many students are taking advantage of it. When I was a student, after dinner every night I went to the library and I didn’t leave until my homework was finished. That commitment paid off greatly for me.” The Saunderses are also contributing to student scholarships because they understand how important an education is for young people today. “My wife and I discussed what we wanted to do for the College,” he says, “and we decided that providing an education for people is vital. Once you have an education you are well positioned for life. That is why we are supporting scholarships at the College.” With their additional contribution to the new Everett Stadium, the Saunders’ commitment to Hampden-Sydney College is as well rounded as the graduates we produce.

48 hampden-sydney college Class of 1995 Mr. Matthew Ray Adkins Mr. Adam Robert Artigliere Mr. John Braxton Ashe Mr. D. Earl Baggett IV Mr. Byron S. Barrow Dr. James F. Barwick, Jr. Mr. Christopher Lee Bedford Mr. Christopher Watkins Bishop Mr. Christopher A. Bissinger Mr. Henry Gordon Bivens Mr. Thomas Lee Boehling Mr. John Provine Briggs Mr. James Richard Broughton Mr. Michael B. Burnette Mr. Joseph F. Bush Mr. Tyler Benjamin Butler Mr. R. Neal Butt Dr. Jonathan Joseph Carmouche Mr. Randall Scott Carr Mr. David Edmund Carter Mr. James Douglas Carter Mr. Edward Ashley Johnson Casler Mr. Martin Brian Clapp Mr. William Douglas Collins Mr. Peter Byers Corrigan Mr. Edward Ward Curry Mr. Joshua Totin Daly Mr. John E. Day III Mr. Edward O’Herron Dewey Mr. John L. Dudley Mr. Alex Cole Ebert

Mr. Garnett Berkeley Edmunds Mr. James W. Eitel, Jr. Mr. Patrick Allan Elb Mr. Matthew Berkley Elliott Mr. James Arthur Evans III Mr. Thomas Rutherfoord Ferguson Mr. Christopher Scott Garliss Mr. Richard M. Garner Mr. Wesley Brock Garrett Mr. Walter Alexander George IV Mr. Lee Marion Giles Mr. William Adams Gillespie, Jr. Mr. Donald Gilliam Mr. Ryan Van Godsil Mr. George Deanes Gornto, Jr. Mr. John Virgil Hager Mr. Yezen Sobhi Hamad Mr. Buckner Woodford Hamilton III Mr. Benjamin Thomas Heinsohn Mr. John Lee Hemmer III Mr. William Scott Hengerer Mr. Steven Ho Mr. Dempsey Wood Hodges III Dr. Frank Spain Hodges Mr. Thomas Hamilton Hogshead III Mr. Robert Thompson Hord Mr. Henry Charles Hurt III Mr. Christopher D. Hutt Mr. Albertis Harrison Jamison Mr. Allyne Todd Johnston Mr. David Christopher Kelley Mr. Timothy Michael Kelley, Jr.

Mr. Samuel Richard Kennedy Mr. Matthew Sean Kerry Mr. Thomas K. Leachman, Jr. Mr. Peter Armstrong Leggett, Jr. Mr. Jason Forrest Leonard Mr. Ray Ewing Lockard Mr. Andrew C. Lowe Mr. Matthew Eric Malone Mr. John Joseph Mayfield III Mr. Junius Jones McCall, Jr. Mr. Daniel James McCormick Mr. Scott Patrick McFalls Mr. Matthew Walter McGuirk Mr. Mark Garnett Meitz Mr. Atwill Raymond Melton III Mr. Matthew Dwight Michael Mr. David Paul Mitchell Mr. Colin Thomas Monette Mr. Chadwick Jason Moore Mr. Kelby Mallory Morgan Mr. Carter Breland Myers Mr. Lester Travis Brannon Nealy Mr. Scott Campbell Nickerson Mr. Bryan Randolph Norfleet Mr. Jeffrey Garrick Overand Mr. Anastasios Martin Pantoulis Mr. William Thomas Pebworth Mr. Scott Jerald Pietan Mr. Scott Thomas Pomeroy Dr. James Robert Powell Mr. Troy Weston Pulliam Mr. Matthew J. Regan

Commitments from Alumni by Fraternity Affiliation Fraternity Donors Commitment

Average Commitment

Alpha Chi Sigma 222 $204,259 Alpha Phi Alpha 11 $10,100 Beta Theta Pi 130 $151,657 Chi Phi 373 $2,156,498 Kappa Alpha 617 $10,061,835 Kappa Sigma 505 $9,804,961 Lambda Chi Alpha 409 $2,007,880 Phi Gamma Delta 323 $755,634 Pi Kappa Alpha 569 $13,800,171 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 286 $1,168,521 Sigma Chi 452 $4,633,199 Sigma Nu 318 $860,395 Theta Chi 464 $4,162,646 Theta Kappa Nu 4 $15,300 Total 4683 $49,793,057 Percentage of Campaign Total

$920 $918 $1,167 $5,781 $16,308 $19,416 $4,909 $2,339 $24,253 $4,086 $10,250 $2,706 $8,971 $3,825 $10,633 49%

† - deceased

T - trustee

FT - former trustee

Dr. Michael Powell Richardson Mr. Dixon Michael Rollins, Jr. † Mr. Arthur Kemp Rowe, Jr. Mr. Henry Anderson Shield II Mr. Tucker Cameron Shumack Mr. David Laurens Smith, Jr. Mr. John Henry Stearns Mr. John Michael Stone Mr. Christopher Forrest Street Mr. John Albert Stuhr III Lt. Luke Chandler Suber Mr. Robert Leslie Suggs, Jr. Lt. Christopher Michael Sutter Dr. Brian Michael Taylor Mr. James Whitfield Thweatt III Mr. Jonathan Sams Tunner Mr. Cleveland Doyle Turner, Jr. Dr. Daniel Cross Turner Dr. Charles Thompson Upchurch Mr. Joel Velasco Mr. John Wheeler Warren, Jr. Dr. Gresham Weatherly Mr. Hubert H. Young III Class of 1996 Mr. Scott Griffith Aldrich Mr. Milton Donald Alexander III Mr. Kendall E. Allen Mr. Christopher M. Anderson Mr. Benjamin Hester Beaird Mr. William Joseph Belmonte, Jr. Mr. Steven Marc Berzins Mr. William Ingram Black, Jr. Mr. James Lindsay Blackburn Mr. Trey J. Blocker Mr. Barton Thomas Bobb Mr. William Braddock Bourne IV Mr. Austin Cross Brockenbrough Mr. Sheldon Carter Bryan Mr. William Alfred Bryan, Jr. Mr. David Allen Camp Mr. David G. Carmichael Mr. Jonathan Stratton Carr Mr. Joshua Wood Chapman Mr. Ralph Raymond Chesson III Dr. Cole Stephen Condra Mr. James Lee Connell, Jr. Mr. James A. Crowell IV Ryan James Cudnik, Esq. Mr. John Rochelle Culler Mr. Douglas Lawrence Daniels Mr. Thomas Bradley Davidson III Mr. Jean Francois de Richemont Mr. Elliott Johnstone Dent III Mr. Brian Emmett Dexter Mr. Marc Andrew Donald Mr. Theodore James Doremus Mr. Jeremy Alexander Ellis Mr. Alfred Lewis Evans III Mr. Jason Everrett Farrar Mr. Jason Matthew Ferguson Mr. Albert Patric Finch IV Mr. Ryan Scott Henry Mr. Timothy Daniel Hickey Mr. Christian Derrick Higgins Mr. William Christopher Hight III Mr. William Gresby Hughes III Mr. Thomas Wilson Johnson, Jr. Mr. Berkley Daniel Jolly Mr. Paul Bryce Kelley Mr. Michael G. Krupey, Jr. Mr. Lewis Peyton Lawson, Jr. Mr. Justin Stafford Lee Mr. Richard Allen LeHew II Mr. Randolph Jackson Light Mr. Jason Rodgers Lunsford Mr. Thomas Marshall Manson Mr. John Ingle Martin, Jr. Mr. Matthew Frederick McDaniel

Mr. Timothy Michael McKay Mr. Patrick Jason McManamy Mr. Edward A. Meyer, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey Allen Misenheimer Mr. Lane Bowden Moore Mr. Leland Thompson Moore, Jr. Mr. Michael Scott Morse Mr. Roland Christopher Munique Mr. Michael Eugene Murray Mr. Brian James Musselwhite Mr. Justin Zeak Naifeh Mr. Jeffrey Howard Nottingham Mr. Robert Ryan Odom Mr. Jonathan Henry Paris Mr. Matthew James Parker Mr. Aaron Lee Parks Mr. Clay Buchanan Persinger Mr. Erik Lee Plyler Mr. Wilson Randolph Prince Mr. William Alexander Pumphrey The Rev. Allan L. Purtill, Jr. Mr. Walter Wilhelm Rabke Mr. Edward Jarratt Ramsey III Mr. Todd Trayner Reid Mr. James Andrew Reynolds Mr. John Lee Reynolds IV Mr. John Farrington Rosenbaum Mr. Scott Stevens Ryll Mr. Brent James Schneider Mr. Nathan Edward Schwab Mr. Heath Christopher Scott Mr. Gregory Wayne Seamster Mr. Peter Valadon Sheffield Mr. Andrew Philip Sherrod Mr. Mark Charles Simonton Mr. Woodland Bowman Smith Mr. Brian C. Sommardahl Mr. David Brannigan Spence Mr. Frank Bruce Stephens Mr. William Wendell Stribling II Mr. Charles Strother Stringfellow III Mr. Eric Thomas Strong Mr. Benjamin Barrett Sumner Mr. Scott Evans Teal Mr. William Scott Thomasson Mr. Randolph Edmonds Trow III Mr. David Burwell Ware Mr. James Justin Watson Mr. Marks Alexander White Mr. William Palmer Wilkins III Mr. Harry Lee Williams III Mr. Randolph Williams, Jr. Mr. William Russell Young II Class of 1997 Mr. Brian Patrick Adams Mr. David Lee Adamson Mr. Scot Ian Ross Allan Mr. Christian Clark Andresen Dr. George Carpenter Andrews, Jr. Mr. Jason Scott Angus Mr. David Layl Ball Mr. Timothy Tremain Beatty Mr. Jeffrey Paul Bennett Mr. Robert Carr Boyd, Jr. Mr. Christopher McRae Broaddus Mr. Bradford Townsend Brown Mr. Christopher Robins Buck Mr. James Reuben Burton, Jr. Mr. Michael Walker Butterfield Mr. Christopher Warren Callard Mr. Michael John Canup Mr. John D. Cattano Mr. James Christopher Chamblin Mr. David Walton Cias Mr. Priestley Cooper Coker IV Mr. Andrew Holbrook Cole Mr. Arthur Philip Cook III Mr. William Clark Coulbourn

Mr. Gurney Branch Cowling III Mr. William Thaddeus Davis, Jr. Mr. Michael Phillip DeBender Capt. Frank Edwin Dillbeck Dr. Brett Edward Eckley Mr. David Grier Egerton Mr. Brandon Shawn Everett Mr. Charles Turner Fonville Mr. Arthur Massey Fowler III Mr. Robert Samuel Frick III Mr. Gordon Scott McLean Galloway Mr. Joel Bruce Getz Mr. Nathan Christopher Gingras Mr. John Robert Greenwood Mr. John Pendleton Grove IV Mr. Charles Moseley Guthridge, Jr. Mr. Roby Howison Hackney Mr. James William Hagerty Mr. Ashton Hill Harcourt The Hon. James A. Harrell III Mr. Jonathan Burwell Hartley Lt. Ryan Chandler Hayes Mr. James Matthew Haynes, Jr. Mr. Cameron Rainford Heck Mr. John Bradford Hitchen Mr. John Allen Howard, Jr. Mr. Don David Hughes III Mr. Shaun Robert Irving Mr. Chadwick M. Jamison Mr. Gordon Harrison Johnson Mr. Carl Marshall Johnston Mr. Sekou Hakim Kaalund Mr. Jeffrey Paul Kelley Mr. James Clinton Kelly Mr. William Frontis Kimbrough Mr. John Charles Kincheloe Capt. James Andrew Drogo Knight Mr. Kevin Joseph Kulp Mr. Joseph Richard Kusak Mr. John E. Lansche, Jr. Mr. Adam Jennings LaVier Mr. James Randolph Light III Mr. Ross M. Lodge Mr. William Douglas Lowry Mr. Howard Carter Marshall Mr. James Brewster Marshall III Mr. Brantley Troy McDuffie Mr. Shawn Leonard McMahon Mr. John Ryan Melody Mr. Michael Christopher Melvin Mr. P. Grayson Mennetti, Jr. Mr. Justin DuPuy Merrick Mr. Robert Blake Miles Mr. Patrick Scott Mitchell Mr. David Preston Montague Mr. Walter Scott Montgomery IV Mr. Jeffrey Edmund Moore Mr. Stuart Jamieson Morris Mr. James Harvey Mullens IV Mr. Jack Henry Nance Mr. John Neuner IV Mr. Warren Maxwell Pace III Mr. Michael Goodrich Palmore Mr. Michael Christopher Patrick Mr. John Daniel Pond III Mr. David Anderson Prevette Dr. Mikel Lemual Purcell, Jr. Mr. Robert Hutcheson Ramsey Mr. Mark Edward Ranson Mr. William Craig Reilly Mr. Bradley Moreland Rodgers, Jr. Mr. Che Findlay Roop Mr. Gary Ricardo Rosser, Jr. Dr. Eric C. Sands Mr. Stephen Allan Saunders Mr. Gregory Leonard Seamster Mr. John Carter Shaw Mr. David Myron Sheppard, Jr. Mr. Bryan F. Sheridan Mr. Davis Houghton Smith

Mr. Stephen Talbot Spraker Mr. Justin Lawrence Sproull Mr. Thomas Aaron Squire Mr. Charles Hugh Stevens, Jr. Dr. James Johnston Stone Mr. Adam T. Talaber Dr. Alan Campbell Taylor Mr. James Scott Taylor Mr. Eric Amos Tinnell Mr. Michael David Tolley, Jr. Mr. Christopher Leland Vale Mr. Matthew G. Vasquez Mr. Edward Barksdale Watkins Mr. Harold William Wells IV Mr. Roger Bowman Willetts, Jr. Mr. Allen Flemming Williams Dr. Cory Michael Williams Mr. Robert Pleasants Wood III Mr. William Whitlow Wyatt, Jr. Class of 1998 Dr. Richard Lowell Alexander Mr. Richard Aaron Bakewell Mr. Stuart N. Bates Mr. Edward Bell III Mr. Joshua Lee Bettridge Mr. Norman Lee Bowles, Jr. Mr. Daniel John Burke Dr. William Jeffrey Callard Mr. Christopher Chadwicke Caples Mr. Glen Russel Carpenter III Mr. Jonathan Haywood Carwile Mr. Brian Timothy Church Dr. John Randolph Clements Mr. Brian Robert Conner Mr. Clyde W. Copeland III Mr. Bradley Gray Dalton Mr. James Christopher Douglas Mr. Mark Stewart Dreux, Jr. Mr. Brooks Easter DuBose Mr. Eric Hernan Esquivel Mr. John Kindley Evans Mr. Mark Hodges Evans Mr. Richard F. Farley II Mr. Marc D. Faucheux Dr. Mark Ernst Feldmann, Jr. Mr. Mark Finelli Mr. Dwight David Fleming Mr. Brian Scott Foreman Mr. Brad Alan Funari Mr. David Caldwell Gardner Mr. Joseph Brent Garliss Mr. Harold Henderson Goings, Jr. Mr. Ryan Michael Gravender Mr. David Blair Hanna Mr. Jason Daniel Hardy Dr. Todd Erin Heaton Mr. John Cabell Higginbotham Mr. Brian J. Hooper Capt. Charles Scott Hughes Mr. Jonathan Stuart Jackson Mr. David Ryan Jones Mr. John Jay Kapp Mr. Thomas Edward Kegley Mr. Avery Allen Kessler Mr. Christopher Ryan Keyser Mr. Joseph Carl Kincheloe III Mr. William Christopher Kurowski Mr. William Joseph Lamie Mr. David Gary Lawrence, Jr. Mr. John Robert Lively, Jr. Mr. Darren Bruce Long Lt. Cmdr. John M. Long Dr. Bruce Merle Lovelace IV Dr. Samuel Aaron Marks Dr. Anderson Lockett Marsh Mr. Patrick McClintock Martin Mr. James Randall May, Jr. Dr. James Bryson McCain

Mr. Christopher B. McDowell Mr. Wyndell Hunt Merritt II Mr. Fred Neal Mitchell, Jr. Mr. Carroll W. Moon Mr. Andrew Bennett Morehead Mr. Douglas Bishop Morgan Mr. Lawrence Knox Morrison Mr. Servais Evrard Neil Mr. Jason Andrew Nelson Mr. Brandon Ogburn Mr. John Campbell Palmer V Mr. Benjamin Alan Paris Mr. Christopher Kilian Peace Mr. Robert Avery Peay Mr. Scott Campbell Pontius 1st Lt. Jason Brett Raper Mr. Bradley Edward Roberts Mr. Jeffrey C. Robinson Mr. Matthew R. Robinson Mr. William Cameron Robinson Capt. J. L. Schneider Mr. Rodney Craig Seay Mr. William Douglas Selden VI Mr. G. McKittrick Simmons, Jr. Mr. Craig Thomas Smelter Mr. William Todd Smith Mr. McKeen Starke Mr. Ryan Matthew Summers Mr. Justin Markley Swisher Mr. Thomas Bryan Tims Mr. William Vernon Tynes III Mr. Jason Robert Van Sice Mr. Jonathan Daniel Joseph Vaughn Mr. M. Baxter Vendrick, Jr. Mr. Jonathan Darst Vordermark The Rev. Michael Ryan Walker Mr. Michael D. Walsh Mr. James Yancey Washington Mr. Matthew Phillip Willis Mr. Jason Wesley Wood Dr. Brian Phillip Workman Dr. James Vann Worthen Mr. Michael Sheridan York Class of 1999 Anonymous Mr. George F. Albright III Mr. Daniel A. Armata Mr. James Ashby IV Mr. Tygh L. Bailes Mr. William G. Baldwin, Jr. Mr. Benjamin G. Barbour Mr. Daniel L. Barlow Mr. Jonathan P. Bierowski Dr. Matthew D. Bitner Mr. James Jason Blanchard Mr. Matthew M. Bloch Mr. Robert J. Bohorfoush Mr. Walton G. Bondurant III Mr. Sherwood H. Bowditch Mr. James D. Bowers Mr. Gerald Russell Bradshaw Mr. Robert B. Brown Mr. William L. Bryant Mr. Richard C. Burroughs, Jr. Mr. Tyler J. Carney Mr. Bryant J. Carter Mr. Matthew Allen Chidley Mr. Shawn C. Cowling Mr. Thomas L. Craig III Mr. Riffe C. Culpepper Mr. Reid J. Davis † Mr. Johnson W. Davis Mr. Drew C. DeLaney Mr. Thomas L. Dickens III Mr. Christopher H. Dowdy Mr. W. Travis Ellwanger Mr. Robert D. English Mr. K. Procter Lane Fishburne

Mr. Jacob K. Fleck Capt. Gregory R. Foxx Mr. Hunter B. Frischkorn IV Mr. John C. Fruit, Jr. Mr. Greshaun J. Fulgham Mr. Richard Dean Furr Mr. Stanford T. Garnett IV Mr. Matthew S. Garrison Mr. Kevin F. Garst Mr. A. Ritchie Gillespie Mr. Thomas A. Gillespie Mr. Everett Neil Gilliss Mr. William W. Glover Mr. James F. Goodmon, Jr. Dr. Todd A. Goodnight Mr. John P. Goodwin Mr. Clinton V. Gowen Mr. J. Bradley Grafton Mr. David R. Gray Mr. John P. Griswold Mr. Stuart R. Grubb Mr. Steven M. Haas Mr. S. Lesesne Hamilton Mr. Andrew B. Hampton Mr. Byron W. Harris Mr. Richard R. Heath, Jr. Mr. Robert C. Henson Mr. David A. Hobbs, Jr. Mr. J. Philip Hodson, Jr. Mr. Justin P. Holofchak Mr. William G. Homiller Mr. Haden B. Hopkins Mr. Stephen G. Hopkins Mr. Roger N. Hopper Mr. John Darden Hurt Mr. Ryan T. Hutchins Mr. James M. Irvin, Jr. Mr. William Gustav Johnson Mr. Brian David Johnston Mr. Stephen B. Jones Mr. John D. Jordan Mr. George G. Keener Mr. Alexander G. Kelly Mr. Justin A. Kelly Mr. Scott P. Ketcham The Rev. Michael J. Koch Mr. Manuel J. Lassaletta Mr. Daniel F. Layman Mr. John M. Lowry Mr. Paul V. Lozito Dr. Brian P. Mackey Mr. Coite B. Manuel Mr. Raymond J. Marocco III Mr. Jonathan L. Martin Mr. John E. Mason Mr. Hunter D. McCaa Mr. Andrew R. McElroy III Mr. Alexander H. Minten † The Rev. William Tay Moss Mr. John R. Oakman III Mr. Adam A. Olchowski Mr. Douglas M. Palmer IV Mr. Edward L. Pugh II Mr. John S. Pumphrey Mr. Garrick Debruyn Queen Mr. James T. Rankin Mr. Charles E. Redding Mr. Albert E. Rhodenizer III Mr. Robert Christian Rickers Mr. Alex D. Robbins Mr. Christopher T. Rudzinski Mr. Robert F. Sandlass, Jr. Mr. John N. Scott Mr. John G. Shannon Mr. James I. Shew Mr. Eric M. Shoenfeld Mr. Edward D. Smith Lt. Ryan I. Smits Mr. Patrick T. St. Clair

final campaign report Mr. Adam F. Stockton Mr. Curtis H. Straub III Mr. Bryan S. Sutton Mr. Kevin T. Terminella Mr. James E. Thatcher Mr. Gregory A. Thomas Mr. William J. Toomey II Mr. William G. Tornabene Mr. Victor B. Tremonte Mr. Thomas R. Waskom Mr. Douglas A. Webb Mr. Joseph S. Wells Mr. Robert S. Westbrook II Mr. Meade Whitaker III Mr. Scott R. Wiggans Mr. Brent T. Wilson Mr. Francis E. Zellner Class of 2000 Mr. Peter T. Atkinson Mr. Frank H. Baber IV Mr. Douglas L. Banks Mr. John H. Belmonte Mr. Sofi Bin-Salamon Mr. Michael C. Bizon Mr. David A. Bozell Mr. Jonathan P. Bradway Mr. Russell A. Britt † Mr. William Philip Brooks Mr. Anthony V. Caggiano Mr. Jack A. Carter Mr. R. Garrett Cline Mr. Frederick Carter Dabney Mr. Timothy G. Daly Mr. Nathan J. DaPore Mr. Charles L. Dickinson Mr. Brady E. Diggs Mr. Andrew R. Duggan Mr. James R. Elliott Lt. Martin N. Fentress, Jr. Mr. Robert L. Foley Mr. Matthew E. Fontana Mr. Jason R. Fowlkes Mr. Christopher A. Garland Mr. Martin C. Gill Mr. Alton W. Grimes III Mr. Matthew M. Gunn Mr. William B. Hamilton Lt. Regan G. Hanson Mr. Travis J. Hardy Mr. Daniel Tyler Hawks Mr. Grant C. Hayes II Dr. Carter C. Hudgins Mr. James R. Hughes Mr. Steven C. Huret Capt. Galen L. Huss Mr. Allan Scott M. Hutson Mr. Jack E. Jirak Dr. Jeremiah Williams John Mr. Julian S. Johnson IV Mr. David Michael Jones Mr. J. Malcolm Jones Mr. Justin B. Jones Mr. Adam M. Jurach Mr. Jared D. Jurentkuff Mr. Christian B. Kautz-Scanavy Mr. Robert Justin Keith Mr. Sidney S. Kellam Mr. Alvin Paul Kitchin IV Mr. Charles Frank Koontz II Mr. Brian A. Krouse Mr. Grant D. Lavezzoli Mr. Adam T. Lawson Mr. Christopher R. Lea Mr. Preston L. Lovelace Mr. Robert H. Lucado Mr. Gregory C. Magnuson Dr. Jeffrey S. Mapp Mr. Mario L. Marano


50 hampden-sydney college Mr. Matthew S. Markham Mr. Max W. McCord III Mr. Croft A. Meeker Mr. John Timothy Mitch, Jr. Mr. Billy A. Mock III Mr. Devereux Parker Moring, Jr. Mr. Thomas Broderick Mullins Mr. Edward A. Mulvihill Mr. George Y. Naylor Mr. Richard N. Naylor Mr. Thomas M. Oast Mr. Robert M. O’Brian, Jr. Mr. John M. Otis, Jr. Mr. R. Fleming Patterson III Mr. Robert Bryce Patterson Mr. Ryan Matthew Pemberton Mr. David C. Phillips Mr. Thomas M. Pickral, Jr. Mr. Peter Samuel Plunkett Mr. James L. Poore Mr. Robert C. Pottharst Mr. Arthur R. Pue Mr. Thomas L. Ransom Mr. Rory Rohan Mr. Charles S. Satterwhite Mr. Carlton Jeffers Schmidt III Mr. Michael B. Schmidt Mr. Alfred L. Smith III Mr. Marshall Neal Smith, Jr. Dr. Paul B. Sparzak Mr. Shing Yue Tang Mr. Robert Parrish Taylor III Mr. Robert Spencer Thomas Mr. Christopher R. Thompson Mr. Timothy S. Tippin Mr. John J. Toner V Mr. Jared M. Tully Mr. Freddie O. Turner III Mr. G. Stafford Via Mr. Russell G. Viault Mr. Brad D. Washington Mr. Jay P. Williams Mr. John T. Williams, Jr. Mr. Steven Shane Williams Mr. Thomas L. Winston Mr. Peter C. Wintermute Mr. Jeffrey Scott Witte Mr. Cleveland A. Wright, Jr. Mr. Matthew M. Yancey Class of 2001 Mr. Marcus S. Agee Mr. William W. Allen Mr. R. Randolph Ashton Mr. William B. A. Avery Mr. Christopher M. Barnes Mr. MacReadie M. Barr Mr. David Beard Bates II Mr. David S. Bill IV Mr. Dennis R. Bissell Mr. Michael H. Blackwell Mr. Willson G. Bosiack Mr. James W. Brooks Mr. Matthew C. Brown Mr. Spencer M. Brown Mr. John M. Canterbury Mr. Thomas S. Carson Mr. Hugh C. Clarke Mr. Matthew V. Cochrane-Logan Mr. Curtis D. Colgate Mr. Brian E. Coloney Mr. Michael J. Conlan Mr. Joseph Collins Conover Mr. Marvin Courtney Corbett Mr. Christopher C. Coulter Mr. George R. Crews III Mr. Jason H. Culp Mr. John E. Daniel Mr. Justin R. deFontes † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. David D. Dresser Mr. James L. Dunton Mr. Steven P. Eirich Mr. Edward Thomas Enright III Mr. Cory A. Evans Mr. Michael J. Farfour Mr. Gregory S. Farish, Jr. Mr. Anthony Scott Fava Mr. Conner B. Framptom Mr. David M. Friedman Mr. Benjamin H. Gates Mr. Aaron S. Gibbs Mr. Brian S. Gibson Mr. Ryan D. Gibson Mr. Todd L. Gifford Mr. Andrew D. Givens Mr. Bryan T. Glover Mr. Nathaniel J. Goodwyn Mr. Huston D. Green Mr. Andre’ B. Gregory Mr. Michael A. Gregory Mr. Rafael S. Guroian Mr. Scott R. Hairfield Mr. Delk A. Hamaker Mr. Garrett P. Hamilton Dr. Kristian M. Hargadon Mr. James R. Harper Mr. Christopher H. Harrell Mr. Scott C. Harris Mr. James R. Hewett † Mr. Jaime P. Ibarra Mr. John B. Jividen Mr. Patrick A. Jordan Mr. Patrick C. Kelly Mr. Scott M. Keplinger Mr. John Kennon Kirk Mr. Daniel B. Larison Mr. James D. Latham Mr. Nicholas D. Manzo Mr. Jesse C. Marshburn III Mr. Jeremy P. Mauldin Mr. Guy T. McBride III Mr. Peter M. McCoy, Jr. Mr. Patrick S. McRee Mr. Garland Matthew Morrison Mr. John G. Neely, Jr. Mr. Andrew M. Nilan Mr. Tyler B. Nolen Mr. Andrew L. Norris III Mr. Shawn M. Pattison Mr. Jonathan D. Peery Mr. Matthew A. Philips Mr. Ben B. Pinnell Mr. Nicholas T. Piraino Mr. Ashby W. Price Mr. Samuel W. Purviance II Mr. Evan Z. Ramsey Mr. Leland C. Rice Mr. Christopher S. Richards Mr. Charles D. Robison IV Mr. Matthew B. Romani Mr. James C. Samans Mr. Andrew B. Sanders Mr. David T. Sanders Mr. Benjamin D. Sapp Mr. Benjamen R. Saval Lt. Christopher B. Schickling Mr. Matthew J. Scholl Mr. Matthew P. Scott Mr. James M. Screws Mr. Joshua D. Shepard Mr. Evan R. Smith Mr. Hunter D. Smith Mr. Adrian O. Spears Mr. Reese M. Stidham Mr. Stuart C. Stone, Jr. Mr. Patrick L. Strollo Mr. Joseph Robert Svoboda Mr. Kevin A. Swann

FT - former trustee

Mr. Raphael V. Sydnor Mr. Matthew P. Thomason Mr. Brett William Thompson Mr. Addison D. Tillar Mr. Matthew A. Wages Mr. Andrew Blair Walton † Mr. Justin M. Weiner Mr. Justin R. Weis Mr. J. Bennett White Mr. Robert P. Whittemore Mr. Kevin L. Wilberger Mr. Jacob Walter Witt Mr. Milton H. Woodside III † Mr. Jeffrey A. Woody Mr. L. Gordon Yowell II Mr. Gregory L. Yusi Class of 2002 Mr. Michael F. Anderson Mr. Thomas W. Ashton Mr. Jarrod Russell Atkinson Mr. Alexander H. Ayers Mr. Stephen A. Baker Mr. Charles Beach IV Mr. Christopher R. Beal Mr. Kemper M. Beasley III Mr. Justin T. Bishop Mr. Demas E. Boudreaux Mr. Luke E. Brown Mr. Damien L. Buchanan Mr. William D. Call II Mr. James T. Carroll IV Mr. William O. Ciucci Mr. Scott A. Claiborne Mr. Brent G. Cochran Mr. Matthew H. Cox Mr. Robert C. Crawford III Mr. James R. DeViese, Jr. Mr. Rodolfo Diaz Mr. Chad W. Doggett Mr. Matthew Anderson Dooley Mr. John C. Dozier, Jr. Mr. Albert T. Drummond Mr. Coy E. Durham III Mr. Nolan Garrison Elder Mr. Craig W. Elkins Mr. Daniel C. Ellithorpe Mr. Edward Manning Finnerty Dr. Ryan H. Fitzgerald Mr. David C. Gerritz Mr. Daniel R. Gill Mr. James J. Gillenwater Mr. John R. Golden Mr. Benjamin C. Goodwin Mr. Brent D. Green Mr. Curtis E. Green Mr. Wallace P. Greene Mr. Lawrence W. Greer, Jr. Mr. Todd C. Gronewald Mr. Patrick G. Guido Mr. Gregory Gunn Mr. William A. Harper, Jr. Mr. Brent M. Hatton Mr. James M. Hawk Mr. Johnathan R. Hendrix Mr. Buford N. Herndon Mr. William DeMarcus Hopkins Mr. Jeffrey R. Hubbard Mr. James R. Jackson Mr. Lonnie Johnson, Jr. Mr. Patrick McKay Johnson Mr. Rodney Scott Keel Mr. Drew D. Kennedy Mr. Heyward Haskell Kibler Mr. Nicholas H. Kline Mr. Chad M. Krouse Mr. Robert F. Lamkin Mr. Derek Anthony Ledford, Jr. Mr. Walter J. Lee IV

Mr. Daniel W. LeGrande Mr. Clinton B. Lukhard Mr. Andrew E. Mahoney III Mr. Michael B. Marable Mr. Patrick J. Martin Mr. Joseph R. McKnew Mr. Charles E. McWilliams, Jr. Mr. Jason F. Moore Mr. John B. Morgan III Mr. William Philip Morrissette IV Mr. John A. Mullek II Mr. Matthew G. Niemaseck Mr. Michael P. Olson Mr. Nathaniel F. Perrow Mr. Barrett W. R. Peters Mr. Peter Joshua Phillips Mr. Joseph K. Pierce, Jr. Mr. Fred L. Price III Mr. David R. Price Mr. Jason T. Ritchie Dr. Charles Donald Robinson Mr. Thomas J. Rodgers Mr. Peter Mitchell Scott IV Mr. Stephen P. Sharpe Mr. Jason Wayne Sheridan Mr. William D. Smith Mr. Kevin W. Smits Mr. Derek T. Springer Mr. Steven M. Storer Mr. William A. Stronach Mr. James H. Stuart Mr. Kasey D. Sutton Mr. William J. Taylor Mr. Bryan K. Teachey Mr. Christopher Brent Trainum Mr. Richard J. Upton Mr. Joseph Courtenay Vanzant III Mr. Caleb B. Varner Mr. Andrew W. Walshe Mr. David Michael Wehunt Mr. Richard D. Whitaker Mr. James N. Williamson III Mr. Samuel V. Wilson III Mr. Benjamin G. Winters Class of 2003 Mr. Christopher A. Akstin Mr. Adrian Norton Allen Mr. Aaron J. R. Aylor Mr. Matthew L. Baker Mr. Todd E. Ball Mr. Derek D. Barker Mr. Daniel M. Barrett Mr. Nicholas D. Beazley Mr. Gregory D. R. Behringer Mr. Christopher J. Biddison Mr. Adam C. Bowling Mr. Jonathan C. Brown Mr. Richard W. Brown Mr. Joseph Griffin Brownlee III Mr. Jeremy D. Brutsman Mr. Geoffrey M. Burger Mr. Timothy W. Burke Mr. Adam W. Burton Mr. Robert J. Capelli, Jr. Mr. Durell A. Carothers Mr. Dallas B. Christian Mr. Douglas W. Copeland III Mr. Philip A. Cox Mr. James H. Crosby, Jr. Mr. Timothy A. Daniels Mr. Joseph Heulings Deacon III Mr. Phillip W. Dick Mr. Thomas C. DiVincenzo Mr. Carter H. Eggleston Mr. Chad A. Ekey Mr. Matthew S. Fisher Mr. Jason G. Friess Mr. Robert Benjamin Fry

Mr. Atif S. Gaddis Mr. Tyler Brent Gammon Mr. McKnight U. Garner Mr. Armistead M. Garrett Mr. Temple K. Gentry Mr. William H. Georghiou Mr. Joseph S. Gilbert Mr. Michael J. Goodmon Mr. Peyton Kent Gravely, Jr. Mr. Donald R. Greene Mr. Charles E. Gregory III Mr. Marcus T. Gregory Mr. Bryan G. Gwyn Mr. Andrew W. Hass † Mr. Douglas J. Hallock Mr. Matthew S. Hanson Mr. Matthew S. Hardison Mr. John M. Harman Mr. Nicholas R. Hart Mr. Edmund M. Haskins Mr. Michael V. Hatchett Mr. James H. Hicks, Jr. Mr. Justin A. Hicks Mr. Douglas C. Hogan Mr. C. Thomas Hogge Mr. Edwin B. Horner IV Mr. Kenneth John Howard Mr. Davis B. Hunt Mr. Courtney L. Irving Mr. Willis H. Israel Mr. John A. Jackson Mr. Thomas Graham Johnson Mr. Lucas W. Jones Mr. Allen L. Kidd Dr. Michael R. Leader Mr. Tyler Y. Leaman Mr. Therron D. Lex Mr. Christopher E. Lucas Mr. Jonathan T. Lucier Mr. Robert Luther III Mr. Wilson S. MacIlwaine Mr. Chad L. Madison Mr. Alan B. Marr Mr. Andrew R. Mason Mr. Gregory B. McChesney Mr. Christopher L. McCracken Mr. Daniel P. McGonegle Mr. William Andrew McIlreavy Mr. Matthew R. McKeag Mr. Prescott W. Metcalf Mr. Gregory W. Miller Mr. James Landon Moore Mr. Richard B. W. Moore Mr. Matthew S. Morrison Mr. Matthew P. Myers Mr. Richard T. Nance The Rev. Craig C. Newman Mr. Kevin S. O’Neil Mr. Peter A. Ostaseski, Jr. Mr. Hunter T. L. Overstreet Mr. Robert M. Park Mr. Benjamin N. Perrone Mr. Charles D. Perry III Mr. Robert Beale Pope Mr. Victor G. Primov Mr. Kerr C. Ramsay III Mr. Matthew D. Rannals Mr. Henrik F. Rasmussen Mr. Alex John Reczkowski Dr. David W. Rodwell III Mr. Judson V. Root Mr. Jason R. Rostan Mr. Matthew D. Rowe Mr. Christopher L. Russo Mr. Michael J. Sandkuhler Mr. Alexander R. Schaaf Mr. Richard F. Scott Capt. Michael W. Server Mr. James M. Sheppard II

Mr. Nicholas Q. Sherman Mr. Luke W. Shirah Mr. Ryan D. Silverfield Mr. Andrew M. Sinclair Mr. Robert V. Skidmore III Mr. Jared A. Stearns Mr. Andrew P. Steele Mr. Mario J. Stellute Mr. Dana C. Stevens Mr. Philip Austin Stracke Mr. Adam C. Stucky Mr. Hakim J. Sutton Mr. William P. Terry III Mr. William E. Thomasson III Mr. Edward Carl Thompson, Jr. Mr. Joshua W. Thurston Mr. Jeremy L. Tucker Mr. Matthew A. Tuggle Mr. Justin W. R. Turner Mr. Kevin L. Turner Mr. Boston S. Underwood Mr. Christopher T. Waggener Mr. Michael J. Wallace Mr. Charles C. Wardwell Mr. Benjamin C. Watts Mr. Joseph E. Welden III Mr. Charles C. White Mr. Craig H. White Mr. Andrew J. Williams Mr. Stuart P. Winston Class of 2004 Mr. Junior L. Allen Mr. Nathaniel C. Almirall Mr. Matthew Garland Anderson III Mr. William C. Anderson Mr. Charles Reid Andrews Mr. David H. Arney Mr. Brook H. Asher Mr. Raymond L. Atkins, Jr. Mr. Aaron L. Barber Mr. R. Michael Birch, Jr. Mr. Arthur G. Blakey IV Mr. Walter Nathaniel Bonner Lt. John G. Bradenham Mr. Robert G. Brink Mr. Stephen Adam Burand Mr. Charles E. Burroughs Mr. Joshua E. Bushman Mr. Marshall Fant Camak Mr. Nicholas R. Camara Mr. Harvey Russell Carmichael, Jr. Mr. Joel Casey Carwile Mr. Cameron C. Cezayirli Mr. James Winston Chenery Mr. Christopher J. Cin Mr. Michael C. Conrad Mr. Chad A. Copp Mr. Michael R. Copty Mr. Evan S. Corey Mr. Scott L. Coven Mr. Joseph M. Crockett III Mr. Spencer Miles Custis Mr. John G. Daniel, Jr. Mr. David R. Daugherty Mr. Michael J. Davis Mr. Charles William Dodson Mr. Patrick O. Dollar Mr. John Braden Eckert Mr. Billy B. Ekofo Mr. Peter H. Ellington Mr. Brent A. Fallin Mr. Matthew B. Farnham Mr. James DuBois Farrar III Mr. Matthew S. Fassnacht Mr. Christopher Dean Ferguson Mr. Michael G. Fine Mr. William A. Fisher IV Mr. Thomas Michael FitzGerald

final campaign report Mr. John-Michael Fleming Mr. Robert J. Fogle Mr. Adam D. Forsberg Mr. James Russell Foster Mr. Matthew J. Friedman Mr. Benjamin P. Fulton Mr. Charles Harvey Gates Mr. Kirk P. Gillam Mr. Josiah A. Hall Mr. William H. Hardy Mr. Matthew Stephen Hartman Mr. Jared D. Heffron Mr. Kristopher J. Hilscher Mr. Brian M. Holder Mr. Jason L. Holman Mr. James B. Hovis, Jr. Mr. Benjamin L. Hoyle Mr. Tyler D. Hustrulid Lt. Robert Bradford Israel Mr. Yousef I. Jabri Mr. Peter B. Jonas Mr. Nathan Seamas Kelly Mr. Jeremy S. Keyser Mr. Wesley S. Lawson Mr. Geoffrey S. Lea Mr. Tyler A. Lux Mr. Jason R. Luxton Mr. John R. Mastin, Jr. Mr. Edward Judson McAdams, Jr. Mr. Charles H. McCants Mr. Philip R. McLeod Mr. Matthew J. McWilliams Mr. Wilhelm Urbina Meierling Mr. Peter R. Merrick Mr. Hollis Merwin Dr. Ross M. Michels Mr. Milos Mihajlovic Mr. Jeffrey R. Monroe Mr. Kristopher DeWitt Moore Mr. Hunter S. Morgan Mr. Richard R. Owens, Jr. Mr. Dale E. Page II Mr. Richard Kagey Parrish, Jr. Mr. Llewellyn Gregory Pearce III Mr. Courtland D. T. Peters Mr. Warren Thomas Poirier Mr. Carl A. Polvinale III Mr. William H. Putegnat V Mr. Alfred Charles Quenneville, Jr. Mr. Brandon E. Randall (FT) Mr. Thomas L. Rasey, Jr. Mr. John Winston Read, Jr. Mr. Andrew C. Reed Mr. William W. Reith III Mr. Bryan W. Richardson Mr. James B. Richardson, Jr. Mr. Alexander B. Rickenbaker, Jr. Mr. Ryan K. Rilee Mr. Christopher S. Ritchie Mr. Thomas O. Robbins Mr. Sydney Taylor Rudisill Mr. Teelo N. Rutledge Mr. Christopher B. Schaaf Mr. Andrew W. Scharf Mr. Martin Jefferson Schmidt Mr. Daniel K. Shank Mr. Phillip Aden Short, Jr. Mr. Conrad M. Singh Mr. Michael S. Stearns Mr. Meade G. Stone III (T) Mr. John A. Stuart Mr. Hunter Y. Taylor Mr. James B. Taylor IV Mr. Bryan P. Thompson Mr. Harper A. Thompson Mr. Jamieson Scott Thompson Mr. William M. Thompson Mr. Owen L. Tomlinson Mr. Ned T. Towell

Mr. John G. Tsahakis Mr. Perry Everett Turner III Mr. William Christopher Turner Mr. Bayard S. Tynes III Mr. Nolan A. Wages Mr. Carl Nicholas Wallace Mr. Donald F. Walter, Jr. Mr. Blair C. Washington Mr. Andrew E. Welch Mr. Barton S. Wheeler Mr. James Patrick Whitehead Mr. Matthew P. Williams Mr. David A. Willson Mr. Michael P. Wray Mr. Timothy R. Yendall Class of 2005 Anonymous Mr. Stuart W. Abbitt Mr. Robert E. Ackley, Jr. Mr. Patrick R. Adcock Mr. Brian Gregory Adolph Mr. Thomas Benjamin Agee Mr. William A. Albright Mr. Paul J. Allen Mr. Scot A. Allen Mr. Matthew P. Anderson Mr. Nathaniel A. Arnatt Mr. John Z. Axsom Mr. Adam J. Barker Mr. John A. Biddle Mr. James R. Billings Mr. Alexander H. Bland Mr. Charles D. Blanks Mr. Peter A. Boyd Mr. Matthew E. K. Brady Mr. Stephen C. Branning Mr. Christopher R. Brewer Mr. Scott A. Buckingham Mr. Kevin W. Burke Mr. Hunter H. Burnette Mr. Ryan B. Burns Mr. Timothy John Burrell Mr. Keir M. Burton Mr. David Winston Capper Mr. James R. Champion III Mr. Brandon K. Chiesa Mr. Michael P. Clark Mr. Curtis W. Clemmons, Jr. Mr. John T. Coiner II Mr. John Kenneth Collins, Jr. Mr. Garrison R. Cox Mr. Jonathan D. Cox Mr. Thomas Claiborne Green Coyle III Mr. Christian O. Davidson Mr. Donald E. Davis, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey Wallace Dawson Mr. John M. DiStasio Mr. Stuart Schackinger Doley Mr. Blake W. Dozier Mr. Matthew Todd Elswick Mr. Ryan C. Fassnacht Mr. Cary S. Ferguson Mr. Nicholas Ferrante III Mr. Fielding C. Fitzpatrick Mr. Jonathan R. Foote Mr. Paul M. Fravel Mr. David Harper Gardner, Jr. Mr. Michael P. Gardner Mr. Robert Matthew Gaunce Mr. Jeffrey J. Gay Mr. Charles H. Glenn Mr. Michael A. Gonzalez Mr. David M. Good Mr. Daniel L. Gordon Mr. Wayne Christopher Gould Mr. Austin Garrett Graham Mr. Christopher L. Graham Mr. Hunter Dalton Grein



Norwood H. Davis, Jr. ’63 Not every young man can be the brightest student or the fastest athlete. Every young man, however, has potential. That is why Norwood ’63 and Marguerite Davis established the Davis Fellows Program during the Through These Gates campaign. The Fellows Program, which offers a complete scholarship that is not based wholly on academic performance or financial need, seeks to find Hampden-Sydney College applicants who have not yet reached their full potential. “Hampden-Sydney College gave me the opportunity to do bigger things with my life,” says Mr. Davis. “I want this scholarship to encourage other young men and to give them the same opportunity.” He says, “Hampden-Sydney expanded my horizons and challenged me to do more than I thought I could. It is our hope that, given the Hampden­Sydney College experience, the young men chosen as Davis Fellows will rise to their potential.” Mr. Davis sums up his Hampden-Sydney College experience with three words: friends, fraternity, and faculty. The relation­ ships he built with classmates, fellow basketball players, and his PiKA brothers have served him for decades. The effort put forth by his professors encouraged him to work harder and to strive for excellence. NORWOOD DAVIS, JR. ’63 “Hampden­Sydney College has many great traditions, like the Honor Code and speaking to those you pass on campus. Over a period of time you recognize how great those traditions are. The importance of the Honor Code, for example, often does not strike home until you go elsewhere and meet people who went to a school that does not have an honor system, even some of the Ivy League schools. Then you realize how important it is.” The Davis family has supported the College for many years, but it was not until the Through These Gates campaign that Norwood and Marguerite were compelled to make the major contribution necessary to endow the Davis Fellowships. Now, through their generosity, generations of young men— and Hampden-­Sydney College itself—will be able to reach their full potential.

52 hampden-sydney college Mr. Brandon M. Hall Mr. Robert A. Hamilton Mr. Travis J. Harris Mr. William D. Heinitsh Mr. Robert D. Hillmann III Mr. James Lloyd Hodges Mr. Wythe C. Hogge Mr. John Spencer Hopkins Mr. Cory A. Hopper Mr. William W. Horner Mr. Elliot A. Howell Mr. Joshua D. Howell Mr. Scott H. Hubbard Mr. Taylor Stuart Hume Mr. Travis H. Irvin Mr. Bradley L. Jones Mr. Bradley C. Joyner Mr. Mark E. Kearney Mr. Justin Layman Keen Mr. Dacre R. T. Knight Mr. Michael D. Kraemer Mr. William Grey Ligon II Mr. Robert M. Linnander Mr. Spencer A. Lippman Mr. Euell Chadwick Lipscomb Mr. Ronaldo Lopez Mr. Michael B. Lynch Mr. Taylor H. Mann Mr. Ian D. G. Mastemaker Mr. Jeffrey D. Mattie Mr. David M. McDonald Mr. Ryan E. McLoughlin Mr. Matthew S. Melnick Mr. Clayton J. Miller Mr. James C. Miller Mr. Terrance L. Motley Mr. Christopher K. Moxley Mr. Matthew A. Munsey Mr. Forrest L. Naff Mr. John C. Neal Mr. Thomas R. Nelson, Jr. Mr. John K. Nielsen Mr. Jonathan N. Noggle Mr. George N. Palmer Mr. Andrew D. Pemberton Mr. William H. Perkins Mr. John M. Perry Mr. James Hunter Pickels Mr. Ryan T. Pierce Mr. Lucas M. Pope Mr. William F. Powers IV Mr. John R. C. Ramsay Mr. Cory B. Rayfield Mr. Buren E. Renick III Mr. Dustin S. Reynolds Mr. W. Alexander Ridley Mr. Andrew M. Riley Mr. James R. Riley III Mr. Christopher E. Riviere Mr. Zachary H. Robbins Mr. Robert Scott Russo Mr. Henry Sinclair Sanders 2nd Lt. Michael R. Schulz Mr. Adam M. Seefried Mr. Zachary S. Shaw Mr. Thomas McKennon Shea, Jr. Mr. Matthew W. Shealy Mr. Wesley R. Sholtes Mr. Shawn D. Shurm Mr. John B. Simpson Mr. Forrest W. Smith Mr. Jaleel L. Smith Mr. Chad S. Southward Mr. James A. Steelman Mr. Christopher Ryan Still Mr. Larry D. Stokes, Jr. Mr. Kenneth S. Strickler Mr. Stephen B. Surber III Mr. William V. Taylor † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. Matthew J. Tedder Mr. Neal Stuart Townsend Mr. William A. Vagts Mr. Billy T. Van Eaton Mr. Jonathan G. Vaughan Mr. Matthew E. Vaughan Mr. Louis W. Walker Mr. William N. Welsh Mr. Stefan Wiese Mr. Mark W. Wilkins Mr. Dennis Keith Williams, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey C. Woodson Mr. John N. Woodson II Mr. Killian W. Zimmerman Mr. George W. Zuban, Jr. Class of 2006 Mr. Stephen M. Abbitt Mr. Mithilesh Adhikari Mr. Daniel A. Adum Mr. David Matheson Akins Mr. Robert A. Aldrich Mr. William E. Allison III Mr. Edward Amanfo Mr. Christopher M. Anderson Mr. Christopher R. Anderson Mr. Zachary K. Anderson Mr. Steven E. Ash, Jr. Mr. Edward Rouzie Baird V Mr. John G. Baker Mr. James E. Barton Mr. Christian Paul Basel Mr. James O. Beckner Mr. Brad T. Benedetti Mr. Matthew F. Bingham Mr. Christopher A. Blair Mr. Paul Graham Bodie, Jr. Mr. Philip Gray Bowditch Mr. Travis W. Bowling Mr. Michael D. Bregman Mr. Kemper Robertson Brinkley Mr. Russell D. Brown Mr. Eric B. Bryant Mr. Stafford A. Buchanan Mr. R. Pierce Buckingham V Mr. Thomas A. Burk Mr. Conner L. Byers Mr. Christopher A. Cadogan Mr. John B. Cates, Jr. Mr. Benjamin H. Chambers Mr. David L. Clark Mr. Scott W. Copeland Mr. Ben M. Corpron Mr. John Michael Corswandt Mr. John H. H. Cronly Mr. Adam J. Crutchfield Mr. Samuel Thomas Currin II Mr. Sean V. Davis Mr. David S. Deeley Mr. James Carlyle Dempsey IV Mr. William L. D’Erasmo Mr. Mark H. Dickerson Mr. Gerrad A. Dickinson Mr. Stephen R. Diegelmann Mr. John A. Dodson Mr. Justin F. Domurat Mr. Shea A. Duerring Mr. Benjamin A. Dull Mr. Robert Matthew Dumas Mr. Bryan A. Dunkum Mr. John W. Eppler Mr. Simon T. Everett Mr. Kyle C. Ewers Mr. Joseph Gordon Fairservice Mr. Robert M. Ferguson Mr. John M. Fountain Mr. John C. Fowler III Mr. John Nicholas Fox Mr. Hunter W. Frederick

FT - former trustee

Mr. Alexander D. Garcia Mr. Patrick M. Gee Mr. Charles P. Gilchrist IV Mr. Mark A. Goodin Mr. Andrew Scott Graham Mr. Robert D. Griffith Mr. Matthew J. Guill Mr. William S. Guza Mr. James Michael Hall, Jr. Mr. Wesley P. Hall 2nd Lt. Michael S. Handlan Mr. William J. Hanft Mr. John J. Hanky IV Mr. Robert Michael Harem Mr. Charles T. Harris Mr. Jonathan D. Hawkins Mr. Matthew P. Heartwell Mr. Justin M. Henderson Mr. Bryan P. Hicks Mr. James M. Hilt Mr. Kevin Michael Hoffer Mr. Junious Brooks Honeycutt III Mr. Nathan E. Huff Mr. Jonathan Andrew Hunt Mr. Rafael de Castro Hurt Mr. Benjamin C. Hutto Mr. Ian T. Johnson Mr. Robert E. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Stephen M. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Richard T. Jones Mr. Wallace Brady Jones, Jr. Mr. James H. Jordan Mr. Raymond Christopher Joyce Mr. John L. Junes Mr. Herbert Valentine Kelly III Mr. Jeffrey M. Kent Mr. James A. Kiley, Jr. Mr. Christopher R. King Mr. Otto K. Konopa Mr. Douglas E. LaBrosse Mr. James Philip Land Mr. Jordan B. Ledbetter Mr. Charles N. Ledford Mr. Brendan E. Lee Mr. Keith B. LeGrande Mr. Aaron A. Lewek Mr. Jason R. Lindner Mr. Robbie Christopher Lindsay Mr. Samuel J. Long, Jr. Mr. Benjamin H. Ludwig Mr. Trevor E. Lundberg Mr. Bryan R. Mangas Mr. Charles T. H. Manning Mr. Jeffrey F. Martin Mr. Brian P. McGurk Mr. David Windham McKnight Mr. Scott P. McMorris Mr. William W. McNaughton Mr. Thomas L. Melton Mr. Montia V. Mercer, Jr. Mr. Jonathan M. Miyashiro Mr. Brian V. Mullis Mr. Lloyd M. Mustin III Mr. Jacob L. Naff Mr. William A. Newcomb Mr. Scott A. Nixon Mr. Justin R. Norbo Mr. Thomas W. Olcott Mr. Justin B. Paciocco Mr. Christopher F. Padgett Mr. Clinton L. Patterson Mr. Nathaniel W. Phillips Mr. Mark J. Pinto, Jr. Mr. Joe H. Prempeh Mr. Zachary S. Price Mr. John C. Pritzlaff IV Mr. Richard A. Quitiquit Mr. Thomas O. Rainey IV Mr. Thomas H. Ralston

Mr. Scott M. Raney Mr. Paul A. Recordon Mr. Abhishesh Regmi Mr. Christian C. Reinke Mr. John Quintard Reisner Mr. James L. Rock, Jr. Mr. Brian C. Rolander Mr. Hunter L. Rooker Mr. Richard J. Rosendahl Mr. Frank Miller Ruff III Mr. Christopher D. Runyon Mr. Timothy R. Samsa Mr. Joseph Rosario Sanzone II Mr. Ryan F. Schilling Mr. Michael R. Sebeniecher Mr. Nutan Shrestha Mr. Jonathan L. Siddon Mr. Rusty N. Simmons Mr. William C. Simonson Mr. William E. Slack Mr. Ingram S. Smith Mr. Jeffrey S. Smith Mr. Stanton Curtis Smith Mr. Preston M. Steele Mr. Jaysen L. Stokes Mr. Jeffrey A. Stone Mr. Ryan D. Sullivan Mr. William Jamie Summs, Jr. Mr. Patrick Henry Taylor III Mr. Samuel Clinton Thomas Mr. Christopher S. Thompson Mr. Eamon A. Thornton Mr. Christopher P. Thumma Mr. James L. Timberlake Mr. Nicholas C. Tower Mr. Jared E. Traylor Mr. Nathan R. Tuebner Mr. John E. Turba, Jr. Mr. Matthew T. Waring Mr. John M. Warren Mr. Zachary T. Wasmer Mr. Clarke F. White Mr. Thomas Partlow Willings Mr. Hunter R. Willis Mr. Asim H. Wilson Mr. Mason J. Wingard Mr. Russell W. Wood Mr. Bruce S. Woodworth, Jr. Mr. Jonathan B. Zakhary Mr. Matthew S. Zaytoun Class of 2007 Mr. Matthew Bartlett Adams Mr. Philip Ryan Agee Mr. Patrick Sullivan Albrecht 2nd Lt. Ryan Paul Alexander Mr. John Pembroke Apperson III Mr. Mark Evans Armstrong Mr. Ryan H. Ash Mr. Clinton Miller Askins Mr. Justin Michael Azar Mr. Andrew Daniel Baker Mr. Harry Webster Baldwin IV Mr. Benjamin Cabell Barrow Mr. Tyler W. Barrus Mr. Jason Raymond Bart Mr. Allen Williamson Beasley, Jr. Mr. Robert Wright Bedinger III Mr. Alexander H. Bell Mr. Manoj Bista Mr. Joshua D. Black Mr. Zachary J. Bland Mr. James William Bolton III Mr. Thomas Michael Booher Mr. Andrew David Boyett Mr. James Lucas Brankley Mr. Andrew Steven Brendle Mr. Michael Stephen Brooks Mr. Aubrey Hampton Brown III

Mr. David Stephen Brown, Jr. Mr. Timothy Traugott Brown, Jr. Mr. Kerry Lee Burke II Mr. Allen Bynum IV Mr. Steven Wade Byrd Mr. Ryan D. Carter Mr. Nicholas Joshua Champion Mr. Clark Myers Chapman Mr. Raleigh Harrison Cooper Mr. Robert N. Corwin Mr. William Daley Craig Mr. Clay Jordan Creekmore Mr. Alex Cameron Crouch Mr. William Brandon Curling Mr. James Matthew Curry Mr. Nathaniel F. Dallas Mr. Christopher Scott Dalton Mr. Steven Michael D’Antonio Mr. Brett Wayne Delk Mr. Anthony Christopher Denale Mr. Thomas Patrick Doheny Mr. Michael Hammond Doyle Mr. George W. Drudge III Mr. Wesley Rollings Duke Mr. Thomas Joseph Dunn Mr. Zachary Robert Dussault Mr. Charles Clifford Edahl, Jr. Mr. Joseph Weathers Eddins Mr. James Michael Edwards Mr. Efthimios Efremidis Mr. Neal Thomas Eike Mr. William John Fedora III Mr. Travis Scott Fellows Mr. Evan Perry Fisher Mr. Kevin Lance Forrester Mr. John Christian Franklin Mr. Timothy Kivett Franklin, Jr. Mr. Gregory Roger Frankoski Mr. Michael A. Franks Mr. Everett Martin Gardner Mr. Ross McAllister Garrison Mr. James L. Gillespie Mr. Peter Nathaniel Gilman Mr. Matthew Jared Green Mr. Lawrence D. Greene Mr. Charles Michael Gundlach Mr. John A. Hamilton II Mr. William Jackson Hamlin Mr. Evan Walker Harrell Mr. Ryan Michael Harrington Mr. William Gordon Harrison IV Mr. Jonathan David Hawkins Mr. Jon William Heinemann Mr. Jon Cameron Hellmuth Mr. Kevin Patrice Regis Hennerez Mr. William Riley Hogan Mr. Robert M. Hollings III Mr. Charles J. B. Horne Mr. Christopher Thomas Horner II Mr. Zachariah Hampton Howerton IV Mr. Thomas West Hubard Mr. Patrick James Hubbard Mr. Aaron Chadwick Hughes Mr. John Spencer Hunter Mr. Joshua William Jayne Mr. Thomas Holden Jennings Mr. Henry Weldon Jones III Mr. William George Kammerer III Mr. Michael Smith Kelly, Jr. Mr. Craig Richard Kevorkian Mr. John Heddens Kingston, Jr. Mr. Ryan C. Kirby Mr. Colin Charles Klein Mr. Kieran Joseph Kobell Mr. Robert Barrett Laine Mr. Stuart J. Leatherbury Mr. Michael A. Lennox Mr. Berkeley Cameron Leonard Mr. Jeffrey James David Linka

Mr. William Lance Marston Mr. Charles Scott McAdams Mr. Mark A. McDonald Mr. Andrew Scott McGowan Mr. Brandon Scott McGuire Mr. James Gardner Meek III Mr. Corey Blake Miles Mr. Bret J. Mills Mr. Alexander Michael Modny Mr. Melvin A. Moore Mr. Kenneth Edward Moorefield III Mr. Joel Richard Myers Mr. Kyaw Zeyar Myint Mr. Frederick John Napolitano III Mr. Stephen Mallory Nash Mr. Evan Roger Nasteff Mr. Bret Ewing Newton Mr. Benjamin E. Niemaseck Mr. Adam Russell Nobles Mr. Phuntsho Norbu Mr. Andrew Roche’ O’Brien Mr. Robert Sherwood O’Cain Mr. Raleigh B. Ogden Mr. Charles Conrad Omick Mr. Seth A. Otey Mr. John Moody Owen IV Mr. Ronnie W. Palmore, Jr. Mr. Justin Randolph Parrish Mr. Joshua Mike Parsley Mr. Garth Owen Patterson Mr. Jarrott McHenry Patteson Mr. Gray Ellis Pendleton Mr. David Alexander Perkins Mr. Benjamin Ashby Pope IV Mr. Adam Knapp Purser Mr. Mark Douglas Ransone Mr. Gordon Bryan Robbins Mr. John Michael Robbins Mr. William Alexander Robbins Mr. Timothy Seth Robinson Mr. Trevor Warren Rose Mr. Zachary Carl Rucho Mr. Scott Ryan Russell Mr. Michael James Rutkowski Mr. Armand Edouard Samuels Mr. Jonathan Tyler Schaaf Mr. Nathan Henry Schnetzler Mr. Joshua David Schniper Mr. Cory McDaniel Scruggs Mr. Joseph Eugene Sgroi Mr. Stephen Ryan Sharkey Mr. William Claybrook Shell III Mr. Ryan Elton Shipley Mr. Ryan Coda Simone Mr. John Thomas Simpson III Mr. William Garner Simpson Mr. Brettney DaSean Smith Mr. Donnell Middleton Smith III Mr. Gregory Harrison Smith Mr. Jason James Smith Mr. Thomas Carter Smith Mr. Vincent Curtis Smith Mr. Andrew Michael Snyder Mr. Matthew S. Strader Mr. Zachary James Streeter Mr. Charles Clement Teden Mr. Graham C. Terrell Mr. Kevin Joseph Thompson Mr. Robert Havland Thomson III Mr. John Sutton Tinsley, Jr. Mr. Philip Charles Tobelmann Mr. Jonathan Keith Tolerton Mr. Michael Benge Trenta Mr. John Cooper Tuttle Mr. Michael A. Via Mr. Gerrit Paul Heinrich von Holt Mr. Sohale Choopani Vu Mr. Benjamin Mathis Wages Mr. Andrew B. Wall

Mr. Edward Winslow Ware IV Mr. Edward Ray Warren, Jr. Mr. Thomas Pate Watson Mr. Andrew Bryan Watts Mr. Blake Robert Weatherly Mr. Murray M. Webb II Mr. William Matthew Weekley Mr. Sterling Lewis Whitehead Mr. Edward Morton Wilhelm Mr. Patrick Sterling Wilkinson Mr. Dane Christian Williams Mr. John Paul Williams Mr. Robert Wade Winner Mr. Justin Philip Wisz Mr. Patrick K. Yeatts Mr. Conrade Chaston Young Mr. Dustin A. Zedaker Mr. William John Zimmer Class of 2008 Anonymous Mr. Tyler S. Anderson Mr. Casey Morris Ariail Mr. Andrew Connellee Armentrout Mr. William Davis Ashwell Mr. Benjamin Scott Atwood Mr. Thomas Hallett Badger II Mr. James Bruce Baldwin III Mr. Kriston Durrall Barnes Mr. Benjamin Taylor Barnhill Mr. William Claiborne Behl Mr. Edward Lawton Benton, Jr. Mr. Warren Elmer Beth Mr. Anson LeBrid Bird Mr. John Randolph Booker Mr. Kyle A. Booker Mr. John MacLean Boswell, Jr. Mr. Robert E. Boykin Mr. Brennan Patrick Breeland Mr. Elijah Worth Brewer Mr. William Burrus Brockman Mr. Jonathan Sterling Burk Mr. Patrick Antonio Butler II Mr. David Michael Cameron Mr. Michael Paul Canfield Mr. Philip S. Carson Mr. Ashby Robertson Carver III Mr. Matthew Brian Carver Mr. Stafford Hendricks Cassell III Mr. Joshua David Cattano Mr. Ryan Allen Caudle Mr. Steven Patrick Clark, Jr. Mr. William Christopher Colgate Mr. Nicholas Jay Combs Mr. Jeffrey Chad Compton Mr. Joshua Seth Cooper Mr. Michael Weldon Copley Mr. Brian Barry Cox Mr. Robert Page Crickenberger II Mr. Peter Dominic Crowe Mr. Mladen Cvijanovic Mr. William Gregory Danahy Mr. Michael Cleveland Daugherty Mr. Christopher Michael Davis Mr. Prince James DeBardeleben Mr. Jordan Forrest Diehl Mr. Quinn Colonna Duckett Mr. Michael Christopher Eagan Mr. Jeffrey Mark Eason Mr. Thomas A. Egeland, Jr. Mr. Alexander Jennings Elkins Mr. Joseph Lynch Farmer Mr. Alexander Graham Floyd, Jr. Mr. Jeremy David Forrest Mr. Patrick Mayo Gates Mr. Sonny Lee Gear Mr. Vincent Michael Grady Mr. Gurney W. Grant III Mr. James Lewis Gresham II

Mr. William Albert Gresham, Jr. Mr. David Joseph Grisdale Mr. William Price Gutshall Mr. Daniel Rogelio Guzman Mr. Daniel Frederick Hadra Mr. David Victor Hammond Mr. Roy Belmont Hargrove IV Mr. Jeffrey Curtis Harkins Mr. Todd Anthony Harrell Mr. Chandler Ray Harris III Mr. Joshua Brooks Hatchell Mr. Benjamin Kenneth Haynes Mr. Carden W. Hedelt Mr. Corey James Henderson Mr. Mark Robert Henson Mr. Kevin Robert Hill Mr. John Campbell Holcomb Mr. William Douglas Hudgins III Mr. Robert Clayton Hughett Mr. John Floyd Hundley, Jr. Mr. Jonathan Kyle Hunolt Mr. Thomas Whitney Jacobs Mr. Patrick Edward Johnson Mr. Ronald Aaron Johnson Mr. Matthew Peter Jordan Mr. Robert Wesley Julian Mr. Nicholas Jackson Junes Mr. Troy D. Kaase Mr. Joseph Thomas Keeler III Mr. Dashle Gunn Kelley Mr. Justin Dillon Key Mr. Jeremy David Kijak Mr. Michael Allen King Mr. James Colvin Kinsler Mr. Rollo William Gilbert Knight Mr. Michael Randolph Kotchish Mr. Matthew Jennings Lane Mr. Joshua Adam Lanier Mr. Elijah Tyson Lawson Mr. Eric Boehling Lewis Mr. Christian Verdier L’Heureux Mr. Sean Michael Lindsay Mr. Charles Wilcox Lockhart Mr. Gregory J. Mascavage Mr. Franklin Hundley Massie Mr. Gavin Alexander McCandlish Mr. Charles M. McCoy Mr. Jonathan Brian McDougald Mr. John Gardner McLamb Mr. Brian Neal McLellon Mr. Andrew St. Anthony McLeod Mr. Ryan Scott Meadows Mr. Bryan Robert Melhorn Mr. Eric C. Mendel Mr. Bruce D. Meyer Mr. Phillip George Miskovic Mr. Matthew Ryan Moore Mr. Matthew Wade Moore Mr. William Thomas Moore Mr. Donald Craig Morcom II Mr. Jake Ryland Morgan Mr. John Langdon Moss III Mr. Michael Watson Mulkey Mr. Tyler Boston Murray Mr. Taylor Scott Neal Mr. Matthew Glen Newton Mr. Louis Bove Nottingham Mr. Kenneth Stuart Pannill Mr. William Gordon Pannill II Mr. Andrew Williams Patterson Mr. Andrew James Prehmus Mr. Daniel Alejandro Prieto Mr. James Joseph Provenzano Mr. James White Rawles III Mr. Joshua Alan Roller Mr. John Newman Rothgeb Mr. Clayton Mark Saunders II Mr. Edward Moomaw Savage Mr. George Stephen Shaw

final campaign report Mr. Joel Thomas Sullivan Daves Mr. Matthew Robert Davis Mr. Matthew Rawson Daws Mr. Christopher Matthew Delk Mr. Devin Christopher Drumheller Mr. Joseph Lee Dzwonkowski III Mr. Charles Michael Eberly Mr. Jamie O’Brien Edlow Mr. Bert Charles Edwards Mr. Dominique Michael Ervin Mr. Michael John Eure Mr. John Alden Rivers Evans Mr. Cole Thomas Faulkner Mr. Edward Brandon Ferrell Mr. Brandon Blair Fielding Mr. Joseph M. Fitzgerald Mr. Benjamin Christopher Galis Mr. Robert Braun Gordon Mr. Brandon Scott Gouffon Mr. Stirling Moore Guill Mr. Ivo Ivanov Gyurovski Mr. Edward Meadows Haden Mr. Clifford Chandler Hagy Mr. Eugene Willard Hairston, Jr. Mr. Charles Grant Hall Mr. Michael Craig Hamman Mr. William Michael Hammer Mr. Brendan Clark Hanley Mr. John Brock Hansen Mr. Daniel S. Hawthorne Mr. George Michael Heeschen Mr. Edward Aaron Hess Class of 2009 Mr. William Herman Hollerith Mr. Bikash Acharya Mr. Gregory Laughlin Howard Mr. Richard Van Wert Adams IV Mr. Paul Murray Howard Mr. Benjamin Goode Anderson III Mr. Matthew D. Huff Mr. Joseph Philip Andriano Mr. Wesley Andrew Huffman Mr. Bryce Thomas Auker Mr. Michael Vance Hull Mr. Richard Grant Bakita-Walter Mr. Kenneth Drake Huzek Mr. Daniel Charles Ballard Mr. James Chase Hyatt Mr. Nicholas L. Bandy Mr. Adam Christopher Jackson Mr. Edward McKinley Bartholomew II Mr. Andrew Kennon Jennings Mr. McLean Carlisle Bean Mr. William Arthur Joeckel Mr. Christopher Burns Beaver Mr. David Hunter Johnson Mr. Robert Lee Beck Mr. James L. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Denys Cameron Bendall, Jr. Mr. Daniel Wade Kilbride Mr. Scott Michael Benner Mr. Ashleigh Arden Kimmons Mr. Stephen Donald Berry Mr. Adam Howard King Mr. William Read Blackman Mr. Ryan Lee Kinzie Mr. John Barrow Blackwell Mr. Jeffrey Scott Kiser Mr. Joshua Paul Bohannon Mr. Kyle D. Kneeland Mr. Richard Patrick Bolling Mr. Joseph Tucker Knott Mr. Taylor Wilson Bondurant Mr. Erik Andreas Koroneos, Jr. Mr. James Arch Bonney Mr. Michael Richard Krewinghaus Mr. David Marshall Bowen Mr. Jyri Matti Laakso Mr. Jon-Michael Tyler Bowman Mr. Byron Lee Lawton Mr. David Perry Breeden Mr. Chase Andrew Linger Mr. Ian Morrell Bridgman Mr. John J. Louis Mr. Richard Austin Bright Mr. Todd Martin Magee Mr. James Rodgers Brooks, Jr. Mr. Benjamin Townley Marchetti Mr. Howard William Ross Bullock Mr. Scott Campbell Matthew Mr. Jason Craig Butler Mr. John Caleb McClure Mr. David Scott Cain Mr. Parker Young McConnell Mr. Zachary Adam Campbell Mr. Graham Keating McCormick Mr. Cato Douglas Glover Carpenter, Jr. Mr. Ryan W. McGinnis Mr. Mark Thomas Castrovinci Mr. John E. McLeod, Jr. Mr. Christopher Anthony Cataldi Mr. Christopher Bosler McMeekin Mr. Roger Steven Chan Mr. Thomas Alexander McNeill Mr. Benjamin Porter Cherry Mr. William James Melvin IV Mr. Brandon Justin Clapp Mr. Troiani Scott Meyers Mr. Robert Joseph Clemmer Mr. Thomas Anthony Miller II Mr. Bradford Harrison Cook Mr. William Sheppard Miller IV Mr. Zane S. Cowins Mr. Craig Wiley Miller Mr. Judson M. Cramer Mr. Zachary Dane Miller Mr. Francis Thomas Glasgow Mr. Artis Robert Mills IV Crittenden II Mr. Spencer Ryan Mobley Mr. Nicholas Akers Crutchfield Mr. William Pendleton Mohrmann Mr. Adam Michael Curtis Mr. Christopher Wise Moore Mr. Andrew Johnston Dalton II Mr. Logan Wade Morris Mr. Richard James Shelby Mr. Robert Duval Shrader III Mr. Andrew Bain Smith Mr. Jonathan Allan Soderberg Mr. Curtis Taylor Springer Mr. Hakob Stepanyan Mr. Evan Michael Sullivan Mr. Martin Roberts Sullivan, Jr. Mr. Adam J. Syprzak Mr. Jeremy Brian Szuch Mr. Mark Alan Tassone Mr. William Randolph Taylor Mr. William Thomas Hillman Terzian Mr. Robert Johnson Thomas III Mr. John Parker Tims Mr. Christopher David Toney Mr. Matthew Brooks Treacy Mr. Garrett Douglas Trego Mr. Barrett Heartwell Tucker Mr. Matthew Stanley Van Donsel Mr. William Ross Van Tuyl Mr. Christopher Corey van Vlymen Mr. Brock Allen Ward Mr. Lawrence Kirkwood Weber IV Mr. Eric Howell Whitlow Mr. Paxton Alexander Whitmore Mr. Thomas David Wiley II Mr. Jacob Daniel Wilson Mr. Benjamin L. Woosley Mr. Richard Davis Yake Mr. Chad Andrew Zalesiak


54 hampden-sydney college Mr. Samuel Louis Morris Mr. Kevin Blake Morrison Mr. Christopher Wallace Muggleworth Mr. Andrew Patrick Murphy Mr. Joseph Addington Napolitano Mr. Eric Michael Nash Mr. Gordon Waller Neal Mr. Timothy Michael Nestor Mr. Trent MacGill Neumann Mr. Bernard August Niemeier III Mr. Kristoffer Alan Norbo Mr. Michael A. Nusbaum Mr. William Fletcher Oakes Mr. Joseph Steele Parris Mr. Ryan C. Parrish Mr. Michael W. McLeod Patterson Mr. Stuart Ballard Payne II Mr. John B. Pendleton Mr. Cale Andrew Phillips Mr. Zachary Jefferson Phillips Mr. Sean Patrick Platt Mr. Landon Harrison Portner Mr. Jason William Powell Mr. Alexander Dickinson Rae Mr. Anthony Paul Regner Mr. David Lawrence Reid Mr. John Anderson Reid Mr. Joseph William Reynoso Mr. Jeffrey Reid Roberts Mr. Fitz Gerald Robertson Mr. Eric Raiford Roeske Mr. Evan Matthew Rogers Mr. Wade Clayton Root Mr. Samuel Charles Rosten Mr. Patrick A. Rowe

Mr. Jonathan Tygier Rubin Mr. Matthew J. Samsa Mr. Ryan Carson Samuel Mr. James Aaron Sapp Mr. Richard Cary Saunders Mr. Joshua Daniel Schaefer Mr. Edward Spalding Schwab Mr. Shiv Kumar Sharma Mr. Josef B. Shega Mr. Reid Thomas Shepherd Mr. David Bruce Sherman, Jr. Mr. William Robert Showalter Mr. Kyle Clay Simmers Mr. Joshua Landon Simpson Mr. William Frank Smith III Mr. Zachary Edwin Smith Mr. Joshua Cole Sorey Mr. Gevorg Stepanyan Mr. Adam M. Stephenson Mr. Tony C. Stevens, Jr. Mr. Cory William Stufflebeem Mr. James Andrew Surface Mr. Ryland Edward Sweeney Mr. Gabriel Luke Swiney Mr. Christopher Richard Tangard Mr. Andrew Jackson Tatom IV Mr. Brian Keith Thompson Mr. J. Matthew Thornton Mr. John Trevor Thraves Mr. Stuart Lupton Tinsley Mr. John O. Hall Toledano III Mr. Harvey Rudolph Turner IV Mr. William Scott Valentine Mr. Nicholas Paul Vandenheiligenberg Mr. Clem O’Shea Venable IV

Mr. Patrick Dirk Henri von Holt Mr. John Scott Vowell, Jr. Mr. Brennan William Walter Mr. David Wayne Welsh, Jr. Mr. Travis L. Wertz Mr. Allen Goolsby West † Mr. Reed Campbell Westra Mr. Geoffrey Clay Whittaker Mr. Gregory Tyler Williams Mr. Brett Michael Wilson Mr. Thomas Middleton Wilson Mr. Craig Evan Winkels Mr. Thomas Madison Woodward Mr. Franklin Isaac Worsham Mr. Ian Hamilton York Mr. Joshua Brooks Young Mr. Gordon M. Zrelak Class of 2010 Mr. Arthur Sydnee Aiken Mr. Newman Carraway Ainsley Mr. Benjamin Conner Allison Mr. Cooper Anderson Mr. John Anderson, Jr. Mr. Trey Giles Anderson Mr. Douglas Alan Appling Mr. Benjamin Tyler Archambault Mr. John Kinlaw Barker Mr. James Grant Barnes Mr. Tyler Robert Barstow Mr. Andrew Richard Basinger Mr. Charles J. Bauman IV Mr. Benjamin William Beasley Mr. Robert Rivers Beasley III Mr. Jared Alan Biggins

Commitments from Alumni, Parents & Friends by Campaign Region Campaign Region



Atlanta 440 $1,266,459 Charleston, West Virginia 99 $221,348 Charlottesville 279 $1,340,281 Lynchburg 330 $837,356 New York City 147 $1,606,102 Northern Virginia & D.C. 821 $4,546,946 Peninsula 315 $6,686,186 Richmond 2,435 $15,788,111 Roanoke 458 $4,448,221 Southside Virginia 434 $2,102,317 Tidewater 908 $4,257,608 Total 6,666 $43,100,936 Average Gift $6,466 Percentage of Campaign Total 42% † - deceased

T - trustee

FT - former trustee

Mr. Robert Everett Bodendorf Mr. William Griffin Boiter Mr. Michael O’Brien Bowlin, Jr. Mr. Benjamin James Brawley Mr. Derek Roy Braxton Mr. Andrew Miller Breedlove Mr. Bryan Ross Breedlove Mr. George David Breidenbach Mr. Alexander Preston Brengle Mr. Benjamin Marshall Brown Mr. Jeremy B. Brown Mr. Robert Dionte Brown Mr. Thomas Rees Brown Mr. Philip Holden Bryant Mr. Charles Douglas Bull Mr. Preston Adam Burcham Mr. Samuel Preston Burchett, Jr. Mr. Alexander McPherson Burner Mr. Andrew John Busan Mr. John Winton Butler Mr. Terence Charles Byrne Mr. Christian Albert Caiazzo Mr. Peter Andrew Caldwell Mr. Damon Andre Cameron Mr. Thomas Clark Capps, Jr. Mr. Dustin Lee Carpenter Mr. Robert Hugh Chapman-Smith Mr. Marcus Levgur Chin Mr. Brett R. Chonko Mr. Langdon Taylor Christian V Mr. Warren Randolph Cieslak Mr. Dean Edward Clay Mr. Christopher James Collie Mr. Tyler Dane Condrey Mr. Spencer B. Conover Mr. Matthew Curtis Conrad Mr. Michael Anthony Crincoli Mr. Benjamin Chamberlayne Cronly Mr. Glen Charles Cross Mr. Ryan Scott Daniel Mr. James Campbell Darling Mr. James Willis Davis Mr. Gregory Anthony Dear, Jr. Mr. Cody Stevens Deckert Mr. John Tobias Desch Mr. Ramsey Ragland Diament Mr. Collin Danin Dickey Mr. Timothy Blair Dickson Mr. Joshua Anthony DiDonato Mr. Horace Andrew Dillard Mr. Alexander Payne Divers Mr. Michael Trayser Dunaway Mr. James Guthrie Dunn, Jr. Mr. Stephen Chase Durham Mr. Charles Ryan Eu Mr. Matthew Lee Faw Mr. John Dawson Fay Mr. Robert Michael Fedell Mr. William Davis Felder V Mr. Nicholas Eric Ferrara Mr. Christopher James Grenfell Finton Mr. Olander Ronald James Fleming Mr. Robert Wygal Flintoff Mr. Andrew Phillip Fusaro Mr. Christopher Augustine Gabel Mr. James Lee Gill III Mr. Adam Vaughan Gillette Mr. Edward Antonio Giorgi Mr. Thomas P. Glenn II Mr. Lewis Winston Graves, Jr. Mr. Tyler Andrew Gray Mr. Jason Jermaine Greenhow Mr. Joseph Morrison Grew Mr. Richard Husted Griffin Mr. Carl Joseph Hackney Mr. Grayson Carroll Hamlin Mr. Nathan Daniel Ferrell Hansen Mr. John Mark Harris Mr. Adam Jeffrey Hart

Mr. Ryan Grant Haywood Mr. David Lee Heatwole Mr. David Andrew Herzog Mr. Michael David Hester, Jr. Mr. Matthew Randall Hill Mr. James Theodore Hoffman Mr. Christopher Tyler Holbrooks Mr. Kenneth Richard Holzapfel Mr. Robert Hunter Hopcroft Mr. Paul Adams Horne III Mr. Allen Faison Horton Mr. William Kenneth Houtz Mr. Thomas Alfred Hovis Mr. Joseph Ernest Howard Mr. Edward Alexander Howe Mr. Knox B. Howe II Mr. Tyler Scott Huband Mr. Matthew Cole Hudgins Mr. Michael Martin Hunt Mr. Jobe Sanderson Jackson Mr. William Augustus James Mr. Scott Taylor Jefferson Mr. Kyle Goodwyn Jett Mr. Bradford Paul Johnson Mr. Matthew Gordon John Johnson Mr. James Theodore C. Johnston Mr. E. Street Jones IV Mr. Emmitt Casey Jones Mr. Kevin Clayton Jones Mr. Royce Earl Jones III Mr. Taylor David Jones Mr. Jason Francis Kaestner Mr. Jonathan Gilson Kastenbaum Mr. Whitmore Woodfin Kelley Mr. Robert Chilton Kendall Mr. Benjamin West Kinney Mr. Matthew Scott Klepper Mr. Alexander George Kolt Mr. Timothy B. Konvicka Mr. Mike D. Kuark Mr. James Welch Labrot Mr. James Crater Lancaster, Jr. Mr. Timothy Robert Lenahan Mr. Derek Michael Lenning Mr. Jason Craig Lewis Mr. Gary Garfield Lindsay III Mr. Michael Anthony Little, Jr. Mr. Kyle Alexander Martin Mr. William Kirkland Mattei Mr. Griffin Fauntleroy Mayer Mr. Aaron P. McCoy Mr. Conor Michael McCrystall Mr. Daniel Patrick McCullough Mr. Frankie Gregory McGuire Mr. Henry Lockwood McLaughlin Mr. Patrick Michael Meden Mr. Burley MacFarlane Medlin III Mr. Robert Brett Melvin Mr. Kyle A. Messick Mr. Joshua Paul Miller Mr. Robert A. C. Miller Mr. Miguel Angel Mogollon Mr. Louis Avery Moncure Mr. Troy Preston Monteith II Mr. John Marvin Montgomery, Jr. Mr. Jarrod Andrew Moore Mr. Peter Glen Rutherford Moore Mr. Tyler Justin Morgan Mr. Andrew Newton Morris Mr. William Pendleton O. Moss Mr. Robert Bannon Murray Mr. Tyler Brice Napier Mr. Garrett Hudson NeSmith Mr. Brandon W. Newcomb Mr. Jacob Lemar Newton Mr. Grayson Teague Nexsen Mr. Christopher Ely Norman Mr. Brett William Norrington Mr. Justin Jovencio Odanga

Mr. Timothy Andrew O’Shea Mr. Michael Allen Overman Mr. William A. Pace II Mr. Steve Britt Parnell, Jr. Mr. Peter Nicholas Pastore III Mr. Ray Mercer Paul III Mr. William Hunter Phillips Mr. Robert Bryson Pike II Mr. Chad Allen Pleasants Mr. James Marshall Poegl III Mr. Ian Graham Poole Mr. Harrison Beckwith Powers Mr. Francis Kirby Preroff Mr. Nicholas Patrick Price Mr. Thomas Benjamin Price II Mr. Randall Wesley Proctor III Mr. Matthew Edward Quilhot Mr. Richard Henry Rake Mr. Anthony Reid Rawls Mr. Andrew James Reinhardt, Jr. Mr. Thomas Matthew Ribaric Mr. Zachary Evan Roberts Mr. John Bennett Robertson Mr. William Lee Robertson III Mr. Eric Joseph Rolander Mr. Benjamin David Rosen Mr. Richard John Ruddy III Mr. Chetan Raj Rupakheti Mr. Corbin Blake-Nelms Salmon Mr. Wilton Wade Sample III Mr. Paul Frank Santo Mr. Philip Michael Saunders Mr. Patrick Geoffrey Schmidt Mr. Thomas Joseph Schultz, Jr. Mr. Corey Edward Sedlar Mr. John Joseph Simmons III Mr. Henry Clarke Skiba Mr. Alexander duPont Smith Mr. Garrett Shelton Smith Mr. William Harrison Smith Mr. William Nesbitt Smith III Mr. Edwin Keith Smock III Mr. Samuel Bradford Soots Mr. Thomas Melvin Spencer IV Mr. Jonathan Malcolm Squire Mr. Peter Weaver Squire III Mr. Randolph Scott D. St Clair Mr. George Pendleton Stephenson, Jr. Mr. John Andrew Steward Mr. Evan Mark Stiegel Mr. Joseph Lee Stiles Mr. Cameron Reid Stracke Mr. Shaun Christian Swartz Mr. Christopher Stokes Swink Mr. Christopher Michael Tait Mr. Nicholas Joseph Tarzia, Jr. Mr. James Graham Tate Mr. William H. Taylor IV Mr. Chadham Young Taylor Mr. Matthew Jonathan Taylor Mr. Morrison Waite Thomas Mr. Casper Hill Timberlake IV Mr. Karlis Trops Mr. Stephen Ross Turner Mr. Alexander James Tzavellas Mr. Andrew Michael Valeriane Mr. Bryan Scott Vanetten Mr. Gordon W. Wadsworth Mr. Andrew Harding Walker Mr. Craig Thomas Warnement Mr. Harry Lee Warren III Mr. Mario Lorenzo Washington Mr. Timothy John Wepplo Mr. Charles Collins Wesley II Mr. John Phillip West Mr. Adam Neal Whitman Mr. Matthew Brown Winfree Mr. Brandon A. Wood Mr. James B. Wood

final campaign report Mr. Dustin Ray Wyatt Mr. Kent A. Wydner Mr. Boaz Aziz Young-el Mr. William Spang Zackowski Mr. Peter A. Zellner Class of 2011 Mr. Dexter Lee Arrington Mr. James Lee Artis, Jr. Mr. Cameron Lee Auker Mr. William Matthew Ballance Mr. Mark Randall Barrett Mr. Walker Mason Beauchamp Mr. Carlos Guillermo Capllonch III Mr. Elliott Peter Clakeley Mr. Sean M. Clendening Mr. Patrick Leslie Scott Crandol Mr. Edgar Hatcher Crenshaw IV Mr. William Gayle Crutchfield III Mr. Zachary David Cullen Mr. Jonathan Alexander Daniel Mr. Alexander Rafael Davidovich Mr. John Francis Donovan V Mr. Michael James Dowd Mr. Kyle Patrick Duffey Mr. Robert Daniel Dye Mr. Eric Walker Early Mr. Cody Corbett Farrish Mr. James Nicholas Fattorini Mr. Mark Alexander Feidler Mr. John Douglas Fife Mr. Chase Logan Floyd Mr. Stuart Gray Gilchrist Mr. Allen Hilary Goode IV Mr. Ryan Christopher Grodzki Mr. Jordan Christian Harless Mr. William Cole Hawthorne Mr. Austin McCarty Hazel Mr. James McKenzie Hazel Mr. Matthew James Higgins V Mr. Trevor Orleans Ikwild Mr. Benjamin Robert Jack Mr. John Harrison Jefferson Mr. Charles Everett Jones Mr. Matthew Aaron Jones Mr. Andrew B. Joyner Mr. Darius Terrell Kartuah Mr. Sean Conor Kerrigan Mr. Clyde Royal Kessler Mr. Andrew Alan Kochan Mr. Edward Allen Krohn Mr. Eric A. Lannon Mr. Adam Stuart Lees Mr. Dudley Talbot Locke Mr. Hunter Rhodes Long Mr. John Colbert Lucey Mr. Matthew Earl MacFarland Mr. Andrew Eugene Mauney Mr. Marshall Thomas McClung Mr. Kevin Michael McEligot Mr. Jeffrey Thomas McMillen Mr. Alexander Marshall Morrison Mr. Donal Mullan Mr. Caleb Coy Neighbors Mr. Troy M. Nelson Mr. Colin William O’Neill Mr. Clayton Michael Parker Mr. Thomas Bartlett Peaden Mr. Eamon Caldwell Penland Mr. Zachary Phillip Pierce Mr. Mark Lloyd Posey Mr. John Blanks Dameron Potter Mr. Peter John Quinn III Mr. James Sydnor Reynolds IV Mr. George Charter Robinson V Mr. David Lawrence Rouen III Mr. Scott Houston Rudder Mr. Conor Patrick Sanders Mr. Joseph Laurence Savarese

Mr. Jeremy Tuck Tan Mr. William MacQueen Thomas Mr. John William Tucker Mr. Stephen Mikhail Turchan Mr. Samuel Schuette Turner Mr. George Douglas Vermilya III Mr. James Benjamin Ward III Mr. William Andrew Webb Mr. Taylor Campbell Welsh Mr. Wren Montgomery Williams Mr. William McLauchlin Wiseman Mr. Timothy Robert Yacobian Mr. Hendrik Malte Ziller Class of 2012 Mr. Ian A. Alvord Mr. Alexander Josiah Brickley Mr. Rayne Allen Delong Mr. William Daniel Dittmar III Mr. Robert Chamberlain Durham Mr. Joseph Taylor Evers Mr. Bennett Tompkins Ewing Mr. Daniel Ford Franck Mr. Steven Barron Frazier Mr. John L. Gibson IV Mr. Gregory Baxter Hollingsworth Mr. John Duke Hopper Mr. General Dakota Jenkins Mr. John B. Jennings Mr. Jackson Dean Johnston Mr. Andrew Evens Kastenbaum Mr. William Carter McCormick Mr. John Bradbury Murray III Mr. Nay Min Oo Mr. John McCreagh Parrish Mr. George Christian F. Prendergast Mr. Christian Adam Pritchett Mr. Raynier G. Romero



Joseph F. Viar, Jr. ’63 Without the help of scholarships and grants, Trustee Joseph F. Viar, Jr. ’63 could never have afforded to attend ­Hampden-Sydney College. He will never forget that. “For me, supporting Hampden-Sydney is just payback. Scholarships and grants paid for half of my education, so this is my chance to pay the school back for supporting me,” says the retired computer software entrepreneur. As such, he established the Viar Scholarship in 1994, which goes to students who demonstrate financial need. “My hope is that this scholarship will allow others to attend Hampden-Sydney—young men who, like me, could not otherwise have done so.” “One of the great things about Hampden-Sydney ­College,” he adds, “is that it is small enough that you can really get to know the professors, even ones you never have for a class. I particularly remember Dr. Tom Joyner and Dean Edward Crawley. When I was a student the school had only 400 students, so it was easy to get to know people.” Mr. Viar came to HampdenSydney College to play football; our superior athletic program is one reason the Lynchburg native chose the College over our peers. To ensure that our athletic program remains first-rate and continues to attract excellent student athletes, Mr. JOE VIAR, JR. ’63 Viar directed significant contributions toward the renovated Kirk Athletic Center. He and fellow football alumnus Bill Kirk ’72 issued the successful Kirk-Viar fundraising challenge to support the renovation and expansion project. He says, “By contributing to the development and upkeep of these facilities, we can help defer some of the facilities’ cost and the College can use that money elsewhere.” He says of his years as a student at Hampden-Sydney College: “It was a wonderful life. I met so many great guys and made a number of lifelong friends.” Since then, he has had the good fortune of extending those four years into a lifetime of service to the College as a staunch supporter, a generous donor, and a role model for our students.


hampden-sydney college


WHO MADE A COMMITMENT TO THE THROUGH THESE GATES CAMPAIGN Anonymous (3) Mrs. Carolyn Smith Abbitt Mr. & Mrs. Charles Abbott, Jr. Mrs. Rochelle Marie Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Marshall Adams ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Van Wert Adams III Mr. & Mrs. Steve C. Adams Mr. & Mrs. William J. Adams III Mr. & Mrs. Graham L. Adelman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Adkins, Sr. ’56 Mr. & Mrs. T. Gary Agee Mrs. Linda H. Aguirre Col. & Mrs. Anthony C. Akstin Mr. & Mrs. Dean Albanis Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Thomas Albrecht, Jr. Mr. George F. Albright Mr. & Mrs. George F. Albright, Jr. ’74 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Aldrich Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Alexander Col. & Mrs. Charles R. Alexander, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Douglass Alexander The Rev. John L. Alexander ’64 † Mrs. Sallie Averitte Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Arch Turner Allen III Mr. & Mrs. Cary D. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Craig Allen, Jr. Ms. Paula Allen Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Allen ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hobbs Allison Mr. Rodney Irwin Allison Mr. & Mrs. Mosby R. Allmond, Jr. Mr. Rawle A. Alloway † Mr. Robert B. Allport, Jr. † Ms. Carmelou G. Aloupas Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Alsup, Jr. Mrs. Sandy Altizer Mr. & Mrs. Randolph M. Altman Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Ames ’58 Dr. & Mrs. John Wilkins Ames, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Amon Dr. & Mrs. C. William Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. James G. Anderson, Sr. ’55 Ms. Martha B. Anderson Mr. Matthew Garland Anderson II Mr. & Mrs. Michael Arthur Anderson Mr. & Mrs. R. Alan Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. W. Ward Anderson III Mr. & Mrs. C. Mitchell Andrews Dr. & Mrs. George C. Andrews, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Andrews Dr. & Mrs. Burness F. Ansell, Jr. ’54 Mr. & Mrs. Steve H. Apking Mr. & Mrs. John P. Apperson, Jr. ’74 Mrs. Carol E. Applegate Drs. W. Douglas & Maria Appling Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gerard Archambault Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Archer, Jr. ’73 Mr. & Mrs. William Simpson Ariail Mr. & Mrs. Edmund H. Armentrout Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eugene Armentrout Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey William Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. William P. Arney Mr. & Mrs. Alvan M. Aron ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Arthur, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Eurell Ash, Sr. † - deceased

T - trustee

FT - former trustee

Dr. & Mrs. Charles C. Ashby, Sr. ’53 Ms. Eleanor Asher Mr. Norman D. Asher Mr. & Mrs. John B. Ashton Mr. & Mrs. James Gregory Ashwell Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Askew, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Jack Charles Askins Mr. Raymond L. Atkins, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Stewart Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Craig Linwood Attkisson Dr. & Mrs. William H. Atwill Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ray Atwood Dr. & Mrs. F. D. Austin III Mrs. Thomas A. Austin Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Axselle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Ayers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Barry W. Aylor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Michael Azar Mr. & Mrs. Ryland A. Babb, Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Baber III Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Bagby ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald V. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Jacob P. Bailey ’69 Mr. & Mrs. James V. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Baker ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Allen Baker Mr. & Mrs. I. Thomas Baker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Baker, Jr. ’78 Dr. & Mrs. Luis A. Balart Mr. & Mrs. Harry Webster Baldwin III Mrs. Hazel N. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Pinkey Byrd Baldwin III Mrs. Vicki J. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. W. Gregory Baldwin, Sr. ’75 Mr. William F. Baldwin † Mr. & Mrs. C. Fred Ball, Jr. Mrs. Edward E. Ball Ms. Margaret Frazer Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Edgar J. D. Bance, Sr. ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Bance, Sr. ’74 Mr. Peter Bance Ms. Lori Smith Bandy Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Bandyke Mr. C. P. Banister, Sr. † Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Banks III Mr. & Mrs. George Sprite Barbee III The Rev. Edwin B. Barbour Mr. & Mrs. James Oliver Barker Mr. & Mrs. William T. Barker Mr. & Mrs. Abraham B. Barksdale Mr. & Mrs. Lee F. Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Barlow Mrs. Branch P. Barnard Mrs. Gene G. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Scott Y. Barnes Ms. Laetitia Geary Barnhill Mr. & Mrs. W. Ewell Barr Mr. & Mrs. David R. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Hoyett L. Barrow, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alban K. Barrus, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Roger Milton Barrus Dr. Yvonne Barry Mr. & Mrs. Todd Squire Barstow Mr. & Mrs. John J. Bart Ms. Noeline Hargrave Baruch Mr. & Mrs. James F. Barwick, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Bascom, Jr. ’73

Mrs. Julia M. Baskervill Mrs. Robin C. Baughan Ms. Deborah Blythe Bauman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Baybutt Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beach III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Beahm Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Beaird Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Bean, Jr. ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Allen Williamson Beasley Mr. & Mrs. Kemper M. Beasley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Beasley Mr. & Mrs. William Walter Beasley Dr. & Mrs. Luthur A. Beazley III Mr. Fred A. Bebeau ’56 † Mrs. Fred A. Bebeau Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Beck, Jr. Mrs. Andrea J. Becker Mrs. Robert D. Becker Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bedinger, Jr. ’74 Mr. & Mrs. George S. Bedsworth, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Blair R. Behringer Mr. & Mrs. Gaylon T. Beights Mr. & Mrs. Billy E. Belcher Mr. & Mrs. Alexander H. Bell II ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Deryl Le Van Bell Mr. & Mrs. L. Andrew Bell III Mr. & Mrs. William J. Belmonte Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Michael Beman Mr. & Mrs. William J. Benedetti Mrs. Harvey T. Bennett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bennett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lawton Benton Ms. Patricia Ann Benze Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Berg Mr. & Mrs. Archie C. Berkeley, Jr. ’67 Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Bernhardt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Berry Dr. David P. Beverly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Biddison Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bierowski Admiral & Mrs. David S. Bill III Mr. & Mrs. Merlin Duane Billings Mr. Elmer Billman Dr. Kimberly H. Bird & Mr. Lloyd C. Bird Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Bishop Mrs. Virginia S. Bissell Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Bissette, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jay A. Bitner Mr. Michael Joseph Bizon Mr. & Mrs. James David Black Dr. & Mrs. James W. Blackburn Mr. Joseph E. Blackburn Dr. & Mrs. William A. Blackman ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh A. Blackwell Mr. Roy Barrow Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Albert Blair Mrs. Lisa P. Blake Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Blakely Ms. Gwendolyn H. Blakey Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Paul Blanchard Mr. & Mrs. James R. Blanchard, Jr. Ms. Maribeth Ashcroft Bland Mr. & Mrs. William E. Blankenship Mrs. Barbara Blanton Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Blanton, Jr. Dr. Frank McFaden Blanton ’43 † Mrs. Kathleen M. Blanton

Mr. & Mrs. Willoughby C. Blocker, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Blondeau Mr. & Mrs. William H. Blount, Jr. The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bluford, Jr. ’45 Mr. & Mrs. Harold U. Blythe ’64 Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bodendorf Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Boehling Mr. & Mrs. David C. Boggs Mr. & Mrs. Robert Louis Bohorfoush Mr. & Mrs. Jon N. Bolling Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bailey Bolling Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bolton, Jr. ’76 Mr. & Mrs. B. Elliott Bondurant ’79 Mrs. Thomas O. Bondurant Mr. & Mrs. Walton G. Bondurant, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stayton M. Bonner, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Frank M. Booth III ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Bosiack Mr. & Mrs. John M. Boswell ’65 Mrs. Donald J. Boucher Mr. & Mrs. Philip Marion Bowditch Mr. & Mrs. Bowlman Bowles, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Bowles III ’82 Mr. & Mrs. William S. Bowling Mrs. Cecil C. Bowman † Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Bowman, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Bowman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Allen Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Boyce Mr. & Mrs. B. Randolph Boyd Mrs. Barbara C. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. C. Rodes Boyd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James N. Boyd ’58 Mr. & Mrs. David Lynch Boyett Mr. & Mrs. Kimball Edward Boykin Mr. & Mrs. L. Brent Bozell III Mr. Bruce Alan Braddy Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bradenham II Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Bradford III Mrs. Cynthia E. Bradley Mr. Numa P. Bradner ’52 † Mrs. Amy Bradner Mr. & Mrs. Patteson Branch, Jr. Mrs. Patteson Branch Mr. Maynard L. Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brannon Mr. & Mrs. James John Brawley Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Braxton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Bray ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Breeden III ’56 Capt. & Mrs. Gary Clinton Breeden Mr. & Mrs. John C. Breedlove Mr. & Mrs. Durwood Jewell Breeland Mr. & Mrs. David Charles Breidenbach Mr. & Mrs. Steven Edward Brendle Mr. & Mrs. William H. Briggs, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Brinegar Dr. & Mrs. John B. Brinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sydney P. Britt Mr. & Mrs. J. Alfred Broaddus, Jr. Mrs. Anne D. Brockenbrough Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coleman Brockman Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Brodie Mr. & Mrs. Edwin D. Brooks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gardiner T. Brooks, Jr. ’51 Mr. James Furman Brooks Mr. & Mrs. James Rodgers Brooks

Mrs. Katherine M. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. William N. Brooks Mrs. William Townsend Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Willie L. Brooks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Archibald M. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crisman Brown Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy T. Brown ’76 Mr. & Mrs. William D. Brown III Lt. Col. & Mrs. William E. Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Dorr Brownell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Brownlee, Jr. Dr. J. Garnett Bruce, Jr. ’36 Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Brumfield Mr. & Mrs. Carter B. Bryan (FT) Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bryan Mr. & Mrs. William A. Bryan The Hon. & Mrs. Alton E. Bryant, Jr. ’55 Mrs. Judy G. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Bryant ’72 Mrs. Robert H. Bryson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pierce Buckingham IV Ms. Cynde Williams Buckles Mr. & Mrs. James R. Buckner Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Bumgardner III Dr. William G. Bunch, Jr. ’60 † Mrs. William G. Bundy, Jr. Ms. Nancy Sullivan Bundy Mr. & Mrs. James Madison Bunger, Jr. Lt. Gen. & Mrs. Josiah Bunting III Ms. Janis P. Burand Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Burger Dr. & Mrs. John Robert Burk Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Burk Mr. & Mrs. John J. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Burke Mrs. William J. Burlee, Jr. The Rev. & Mrs. John David Burley, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. William L. Burner III ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Burns The Hon. & Mrs. Theodore J. Burr, Jr. ’66 Mrs. Timothy Paul Burrell Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Burroughs, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Charles Burton Mr. & Mrs. John S. Busan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Edward Bush Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. Butler ’63 Mrs. C. Baylor Butler, Sr. Ms. Claire T. Butler Ms. Patti D. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Thomas Butler, Jr. Mrs. William T. Butler, Jr. Mr. William Tillman Butler, Jr. ’62 † Mr. & Mrs. Holt W. Butt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William P. Butterfield The Hon. & Mrs. John D. Butzner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Byers Mrs. Kathleen Cabell Mr. Royal E. Cabell, Jr. ’43 † (FT) Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. A. Cadogan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony V. Caggiano, Sr. Mrs. Ronald A. Cain Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hardin Calhoun Mr. & Mrs. W. Davidson Call Mr. & Mrs. Eddie H. Callahan Mrs. Edward Callahan Dr. & Mrs. J. Boyd Camak, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lester Cameron Dr. & Mrs. Clarence Campbell III ’73 Dr. & Mrs. Hawes Campbell III ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Capelli, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Caples, Jr. Ms. Tammy Marie Caporale

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Capper, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John G. Cargill III Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Carlisle Mrs. Jan Heath Carll Dr. & Mrs. Harvey R. Carmichael, Sr. ’74 Mrs. Katharine Livaudais Carnahan Mr. Christopher Francis Carney Mr. & Mrs. Anderson B. Carothers Mr. & Mrs. Cato Douglas Glover Carpenter Mrs. Ernest B. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. John H. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Carpenter ’77 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Carpenter III Capt. & Mrs. Nevin Palmer Carr, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Carrington III Ms. Doretha S. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Carson Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Carter, Jr. Dr. Jan Marie Carter Mrs. Laura E. Carter Ms. Mary Louise Carter Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Carter Mr. & Mrs. William P. Carter ’68 Mr. & Mrs. George B. Cartledge, Jr. ’63 Mr. John A. C. Cartner Mr. & Mrs. James C. Caruso Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Carver Mr. & Mrs. James H. Carwile Ms. Phoebe Levering Casey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas James Castrovinci Mr. George Anthony Cataldi Mr. John B. Cates, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cattano Mr. Robert K. Caudle, Jr. ’68 Ms. Betty Sandys Caylor Dr. & Mrs. Resit Cem Cezayirli Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Challoner III The Hon. & Mrs. James H. Chamblin ’68 Dr. & Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. Mr. M. D. Cheatham, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Cheely Mr. & Mrs. James H. Chenery II ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Harman Cheney Dr. & Mrs. James M. Cherry Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Chesser Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Chesson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Chidley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph James Childs, Jr. Mrs. Ruth Anne Reed Chitwood Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Chonko Drs. Surrinder & Kamlesh Chopra Dr. & Mrs. Russell E. Christensen ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Langdon T. Christian IV Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Christian, Sr. ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Stuart G. Christian, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John S. Cin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Claiborne Mr. & Mrs. Burton Clark Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Clark, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Laulys Clark Lt. Col. Ronald A. Clark Mr. & Mrs. David R. Clarke ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Clarke ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wade Clements, Sr. Ms. Donna Kay Clendening Mr. & Mrs. James T. Clibbens Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Clifford Mr. & Mrs. William A. Clifton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Clodfelter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Clough Dr. & Mrs. Earnest D. Coalter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Garland Coates Ms. Ann K. Coats Mr. & Mrs. David Lemay Coats Mr. & Mrs. John William Cobbs Mrs. Lynn R. Cochran Mrs. Virginia Cochran Mr. & Mrs. William T. Cocke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Cole

Mr. & Mrs. Morgan M. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. William E. Coleman, Jr. ’52 Mrs. Shirley G. Coles Mr. M. J. Boyd Colgate Mr. & Mrs. James Allen Collie Mrs. John Collie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Collie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Collins Mr. & Mrs. John Kenneth Collins, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Coloney Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Jay Combs Mr. Robert T. Comer III Dr. & Mrs. Wilson S. Comer, Jr. ’72 Mr. & Mrs. John Morris Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Danny W. Connelly Mrs. Pamela W. Connolly The Rev. & Mrs. Cameron H. Conover, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Barry B. Conrad Mr. & Mrs. John A. Conrad Mr. & Mrs. A. Philip Cook, Jr. (FT) Dr. & Mrs. J. Bryon Cook Ms. Gloria Jordon Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Paul Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. James W. Copley, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Larry Corbitt Mr. John E. Corey ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Sam A. Cosenza, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Victor R. Coudert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Coulbourn Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Coulter ’73 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Councill III ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Coven Ms. Laurie Talley Covington Mr. & Mrs. Gurney B. Cowling, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederic H. Cox, Jr. Mrs. Kay E. Cox Mr. & Mrs. James T. Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. G. Coyle, Jr. ’79 Mrs. Rosa Lee Cozart Mr. & Mrs. John W. Craddock ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Daley Craig III Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Crain Mr. & Mrs. Peyton R. T. Cramer Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Crawford Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Creekmore Mr. & Mrs. E. Hatcher Crenshaw III ’79 Mr. & Mrs. George R. Crews, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Crickenberger Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Crincoli Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Crist, Sr. Mrs. Richard A. Crittenden Mrs. Charles L. Crockett, Jr. Dr. Charles Lucian Crockett, Jr. ’42 † (FT) Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Crockett II ’73 Mr. & Mrs. John Hill Cronly III Mr. & Mrs. James H. Crosby, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Frank Crowder Mr. & Mrs. T. Frank Crowder ’45 Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Crowe Mr. Robert Emmett Crowe, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James A. Crowell III Ms. Jana Heischman Crutchfield Mr. & Mrs. David E. Cullen, Jr. ’83 Dr. & Mrs. Kim S. Culp Mrs. Mary Ann Culp Mr. & Mrs. John E. Culver Mrs. Jesse W. Cumbia Mrs. Robert M. Cumming Mrs. M. F. N. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Robert Cundy Mr. Alfred T. Curlee ’47 † Mrs. Alfred T. Curlee Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Thomas Currin, Sr. Ms. Rosemary V. Curry Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Tony D. Curtis ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Custis Mrs. H. Powell Custis †

final campaign report Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Bishop Cutler, Sr. Mrs. Mary Louise Cutter Mrs. Ellen S. Cuylen Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Dabney Mrs. Robert L. Dabney III Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dael Mr. Allen L. Dahl ’62 † Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Dalton Mr. & Mrs. Rufus E. Dalton Mr. & Mrs. Ted E. Dalton Mrs. Katherine L. Daly Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid A. Daly III Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Thomas Dammeyer Mr. & Mrs. Francis William Danahy Mrs. Ann Hill Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Daniel, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Jerome M. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. John G. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Evans Daniel Dr. & Mrs. Michael O. Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Michael Joseph D’Antonio Mrs. Ann Darden Mr. & Mrs. David T. Darden Dr. Oscar Bruton Darden, Jr. ’45 † Mr. & Mrs. Paul Francis Daugherty Mr. & Mrs. Joel Thomas Daves IV Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Davidson III ’68 Mrs. Nancy H. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Davidson, Jr. ’63 Mr. & Mrs. Allen C. Davis The Hon. B. A. Davis III Mr. & Mrs. David Alvin Davis Mr. & Mrs. E. Causey Davis, Jr. ’72 Mrs. Glenda G. Davis Dr. & Mrs. John E. Davis III Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Davis Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Neil Davis Mrs. Mary Alice Davis † Mrs. Peggy Camper Davis Mr. Richard W. Davis ’53 Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Kenneth Davis Mr. Samuel F. Davis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Blane Davis Mr. William T. Davis, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dawson Mr. & Mrs. V. Davis Dawson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Vernon D. Dawson, Sr. ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip H. Day Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Deacon II Mr. & Mrs. Horace A. Deane, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Welch DeBardeleben Mr. & Mrs. William J. deButts, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Stevens Deckert Mrs. Elizabeth D. Degges Mr. & Mrs. Louis Coleman DeJarnette Mrs. Enrico Giacomo Del Puppo Mr. & Mrs. James F. Delano Mrs. Mary Helen Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Denale Ms. Michelle Denale Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Dennison Mr. & Mrs. Willard E. Dent Mr. & Mrs. John Francis DePaola, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Henry Clark Deriso Mr. & Mrs. Perrin T. DesPortes Mr. & Mrs. Donald Whitelegg Devine Dr. & Mrs. P. C. Devine Dr. & Mrs. Edward W. Devlin Mr. & Mrs. G. Steele Dewey III Mr. & Mrs. William G. deWindt Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Dewolfe Mr. Barry E. Dick Mr. & Mrs. R. Wayne Dickens Dr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Dickens II Mrs. S. L. Dickenson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Joe Dickey Mr. & Mrs. Curtis M. Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. John Jackson Dickinson, Sr. Mrs. Betty Moncure Dietz †


58 hampden-sydney college Mr. Charles M. Dietz ’52 † Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Dietz ’85 Mrs. Loie V. Diggs Dr. & Mrs. Franklin Dill Mrs. Betty L. Dillard † Mr. Lester L. Dillard, Jr. ’40 † Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Henry Dillard Mr. & Mrs. James R. Dillon, Jr. Mrs. Susan P. Divilio Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. DiVincenzo Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Dixon Mr. & Mrs. William Dayton Dixon, Jr. ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Dodson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William T. Doggett Mrs. Richard A. Doherty † Mr. & Mrs. Terry B. Dollar Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Donaldson, Jr. ’73 Dr. Martin Donelson, Jr. ’38 † Mrs. Martin Donelson, Jr. Mrs. Norma L. Donelson Ms. Penelope Donnelly Mrs. Francis R. Donohue Mr. & Mrs. Theodore A. Doremus, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Doucette Mr. & Mrs. James F. Douthat ’64 Mr. & Mrs. James Patrick Dowd Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Dowdy III Mr. & Mrs. Glenn William Dowell Mr. & Mrs. William M. Downer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Collins Doyle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Dozier, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Draney Dr. & Mrs. W. Graham Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. George W. Drudge, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wills DuBose Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Randolph Duckett Mrs. O. W. Dudley III Mr. & Mrs. William B. Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Duke Mr. & Mrs. Steven Allen Duke Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. George Robert Dunn Mr. & Mrs. James Guthrie Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Dunnagan Mr. & Mrs. William N. Dunning Mr. & Mrs. Ammon G. Dunton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. DuPriest Mr. & Mrs. B. Thomas Duquette Ms. Mary Ellen Durham Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Dutro Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Edward Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Eads ’73 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Eagan, Jr. ’79 Mr. & Mrs. David Lee Early Mr. & Mrs. W. Robert Eason, Sr. ’40 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Eberly Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Echols Mr. & Mrs. J. Bruce Eckert Dr. & Mrs. L. Edward Eckley III Mrs. Sara M. Eckstein Mr. Charles C. Edahl Mr. & Mrs. James E. Eddy Mrs. Jane T. Edens Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Edens ’58 Mrs. Elsie Edmunds Mr. Hugh G. Edmunds ’28 † Mr. & Mrs. Hugh G. Edmunds, Jr. ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Edmunds, Jr. ’53 Dr. & Mrs. J. Travers Edwards, Jr. ’68 Ms. Nancy Edwards Ms. Robin L. Edwards Dr. & Mrs. William M. Edwards ’65 Mrs. Doris I. Egerton Mrs. Anne-Marie D. Eggleston Mrs. Sam D. Eggleston, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Nichelson Eike, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Eisenbeiss Mr. James W. Eitel, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Ekey Col. & Mrs. M. E. Ekman Mr. & Mrs. Randolph M. Elder Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Ellenberger Mrs. Michael T. Ellett Mr. & Mrs. Colin M. Elliot Mr. & Mrs. George Bondurant Elliott, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Ellithorpe Mr. & Mrs. William Lee Elswick Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Emerick ’81 Mrs. Rose S. Emerick † Mr. & Mrs. James R. Ennis ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Enright, Jr. Mrs. Aileen B. Epperson Mr. & Mrs. John William Eppler Mrs. Juanita A. Epps Mr. & Mrs. James Howard Eure Mr. & Mrs. John D. Eure Dr. Abigail R. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Evans, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Allen Donald Evans Mr. & Mrs. David G. Evans Mr. & Mrs. J. Randall Evans Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Evans, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George H. Everett Mr. & Mrs. Simon Justus Everett Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Peter Evers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eversmann Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Ewing II ’70 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Fairservice, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Floyd T. Fallen Mrs. James H. Fannon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Farish, Sr. Mrs. Drusilla Farley Mr. & Mrs. Allen B. Farmer Mr. & Mrs. Bob Mann Farmer ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Farmer ’75 Mrs. Welford S. Farmer Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Farrand Mr. & Mrs. James D. Farrar, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Farrar ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Irving L. Fass Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Paul Fassnacht Mr. & Mrs. Jack Faussemagne Mrs. Frank F. Faust † Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Fava Mr. & Mrs. Michael Salvatore Federico Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lawrence Feidler Mr. & Mrs. William Davis Felder IV Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Feldmann, Sr. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Allen Mead Ferguson (FT) Mr. & Mrs. Carl Phillips Ferguson Mr. James D. Ferguson ’79 Mr. & Mrs. William M. Ferguson, Jr. ’59 Mr. & Mrs. Amado Fernandez Ms. Emily Marie Ferrara Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. Ferrara ’81 Mr. & Mrs. J. William Ferrell III ’62 Dr. & Mrs. Jack E. Fielden, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James C. Fielding, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Finger ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Fink Mrs. Frances Finley Mr. Lowery D. Finley, Jr. ’39 † Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Finn ’75 Mr. & Mrs. John L. Finney Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Christopher Finton Mr. & Mrs. Brendan E. Finucane Mr. & Mrs. Floyd L. Firing, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herman Marzette Fisher Ms. Mary Eleanor Fisher Mrs. Maynard N. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. William A. Fisher III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Fitzgerald Mr. William C. Fitzgerald ’53 Mr. & Mrs. William P. Fitzgerald Mrs. Patricia A. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Carter Fitzpatrick

Mrs. Helena Francis Flannagan Mrs. Kathryn Middleton Flannagan † Mr. William H. Flannagan, Sr. ’40 (FT) Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Flemion Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Florin Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Graham Floyd, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Fogle, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Foldenauer Lt. Col. & Mrs. John W. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Doon Foley Col. & Mrs. William R. Foley Dr. Paige B. Follo † Mrs. Frances G. Fontaine Mr. & Mrs. Pace M. Fonville, Sr. (FT) Mrs. James D. Forbes Mr. & Mrs. Brian Francis Ford, Sr. Mrs. Sandra C. Fore Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Forehand, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Foreman ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Dale Forrester Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Forsberg The Hon. & Mrs. Dixon L. Foster ’47 Mr. John McMullin Foster Mr. & Mrs. John Walter S. Foster III Mr. & Mrs. R. Stanley Foster Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Foster, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John Ernst Fountain Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Fowler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Fox, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ross Clinton Fox Mr. & Mrs. Haywood G. France, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John Franklin III ’67 Mrs. Patricia Franklin Mr. & Mrs. B. W. Franks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alex James Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Frazier Dr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Hunter B. Frischkorn III Mr. Jacob Ewell Frith II Mr. & Mrs. J. Curtis Fruit Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Fry Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Fry III Mr. & Mrs. Carter B. S. Furr, Sr. ’54 Cmdr. & Mrs. Paul E. Galanti Mrs. James G. Gamble IV Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Gammons Mr. & Mrs. John C. Garber Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Benajah Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Philip Graham Gardner Mr. & Mrs. William R. Gardner, Jr. ’57 Mrs. Allen H. Garland, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John U. Garner Dr. & Mrs. Stanford Taylor Garnett III Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Garrett ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Fred L. Garrett III ’62 Dr. & Mrs. John B. Garrett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Macdowell I. Garrett Mr. & Mrs. William C. Garrett, Sr. ’43 Dr. & Mrs. Clyde M. Garrison III ’77 Mr. & Mrs. David W. Garst Mr. & Mrs. David H. Gates, Sr. ’78 The Hon. & Mrs. Ernest P. Gates, Sr. ’45 (FT) Mr. & Mrs. Ernest P. Gates, Jr. ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Gaunce Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Joseph Gavigan M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hamner Gay ’47 Mr. & Mrs. James Jerome Gay Dr. Arthur S. Gear, Jr. ’55 † Ms. Sabra B. Gear Mr. & Mrs. William Gee Mr. & Mrs. John S. Georghiou Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Gerritz Mr. & Mrs. George I. Getz, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. David W. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. John L. Gibson III ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Gilbertson ’69

Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Gilchrist III Mr. & Mrs. Paul Joseph Giles Mr. & Mrs. Roger H. Gill Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Gillam, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Ritchie P. Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. William A. Gillespie, Sr. ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Walker A. Gillette Mr. & Mrs. Richard Allan Gillman Mrs. Albert Franklin Gilman III Dr. & Mrs. Fred T. Given, Jr. ’49 Mrs. Louise G. Givens † Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Givens ’68 Dr. & Mrs. Allen M. Glasgow ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Glasgow, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George W. R. Glass Mr. & Mrs. John V. Glass, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Glass III Mr. Richard H. Godsey † Mr. & Mrs. James A. Godwin Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick W. Goeckerman Mr. & Mrs. James C. Goforth Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Gonzalez Dr. John R. Good ’52 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Robert Good Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Goodman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Goodmon Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Goodnight Mr. & Mrs. Frank Goodpasture III Mr. & Mrs. William W. Goodrich, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Goodson III Mr. & Mrs. Thompson W. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. W. Chapman Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Willard A. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas James Gormley Mr. & Mrs. G. Deanes Gornto Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Gorry Mr. & Mrs. Philip Frank Gouffon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Clifton Gould Mr. & Mrs. Edward Benson Graham Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence T. Graham Ms. Sallie Trigg Graham Mr. William B. Graham ’43 † Mrs. William B. Graham † Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Granger, Jr. Mr. Gurney Wingate Grant Ms. Susan C. Grant Ms. Dana R. Grantham Mr. & Mrs. James Morton Gravely, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Gravender Mr. & Mrs. Lewis W. Graves, Sr. Mrs. Charles E. Green † Mr. & Mrs. James M. Green Mr. & Mrs. James W. Green Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Green Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Greene, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. L. Greene, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Greene, Sr. Capt. & Mrs. Wallace A. Greene Ms. Lynette Buffum Greenfield Mr. & Mrs. Ulius Ryland Greenhow Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Greer, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Gregory, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kossen Gregory ’42 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Gregory Mr. & Mrs. John Charles Grein Mr. & Mrs. James Arthur Gresham Mr. & Mrs. William Albert Gresham Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Grew Mr. & Mrs. S. Earl Griffin ’60 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Carl Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Alton W. Grimes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. Bryan Grinnan III ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Grodzki Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Gronewald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Groonell Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Grosch, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Grove III ’67 Mr. & Mrs. William Howe Grover, Sr. ’70 Dr. & Mrs. Walter L. Grubb, Jr. ’57

final campaign report Mr. & Mrs. James M. Guill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Maris Gultnieks Mr. & Mrs. Charles Timothy Gundlach Mr. & Mrs. Morris E. Gunn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James B. Gurley, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Guthridge ’68 (FT) Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Lee Gutshall Mr. & Mrs. Steven Macon Guza Mr. & Mrs. Orville L. Gwaltney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Gwyn Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Haas Mr. & Mrs. Barry A. Hackney ’67 (FT) Mr. & Mrs. Steven F. Hadra Mr. & Mrs. Harry V. Haga, Jr. ’48 Mrs. Bettie W. Hagar Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Hage Lt. Gov. & Mrs. John H. Hager Mr. & Mrs. Dale David Haggerty, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Douglas Hagy Mrs. Mary S. Moeller Hailey Mr. & Mrs. H. Edward Hales, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Michael Hall, Sr. Ms. Stella E. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Terry Eugene Hall Mr. & Mrs. B. W. Hamilton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce H. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Derek H. Hamilton Ms. Diane Oliphant Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. William P. Hamlin The Rev. & Mrs. D. Kirk Hammond ’39 Mr. & Mrs. Gifford D. Hampshire Mr. & Mrs. Matthew David Hampton Mr. & Mrs. Timothy B. Hampton ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Stuart C. Handlan ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Hanft Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hanky III Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Hanley Mrs. Demetria V. Hanna Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lewis Hansell Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Hardin, Jr. (FT) Mrs. Alice E. Hardison Col. A. W. Hardy Mr. & Mrs. J. Daniel Hardy, Jr. ’71 Mrs. P. Jeanne Harem Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Hargadon Ms. Cynthia Metcalf Hargrove Mr. Roy Belmont Hargrove III Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Harker Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Patrick Harkins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Harlow, Jr. ’42 Mr. & Mrs. C. Dale Harman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Harper Mr. & Mrs. William A. Harper Mrs. L. C. Harrell, Jr. Mrs. Linda Shadle Harrell Dr. & Mrs. R. Ronnie Harrell Mr. & Mrs. Terry Lee Harrelson Mr. H. Hiter Harris, Jr. † Mrs. H. Hiter Harris, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Harris Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Harris ’73 Dr. James S. Harris, Sr. ’53 † Mrs. James S. Harris, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Harris ’77 Mrs. Lois Harris Mrs. Nancy G. Harris Ms. Oriole Harris Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Harris Mrs. T. G. Harris Drs. Douglas C. McCorkle & Lynn Harris-McCorkle Ms. Nancy W. Harrison Mr. & Mrs. W. Allen Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Lyndon H. Hart III Mr. Earl W. Harter, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Hartley ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Dan M. Hartzog, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Harlan E. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Harwood, Sr. ’65 Mrs. D. C. Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Douglas Hatchell Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Hatcher, Jr. ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Hatchett Dr. & Mrs. John Q. Hatten ’44 Mr. & Mrs. Vernon L. Hatton II Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Haun Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Hawks ’61 The Hon. & Mrs. William P. Hay, Jr. ’42 Dr. & Mrs. William T. Hayes, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Haynie ’67 Mrs. Paula Irving Haynsworth † Mr. & Mrs. James Winfield Hazel Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Hazelgrove Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Hazlegrove, Jr. ’67 Mr. Joseph A. Hazlegrove, Sr. ’38 † Mrs. Joseph A. Hazlegrove, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Hazlegrove ’76 Ms. Gail Patricia Heagen Capt. & Mrs. Joel B. Heaton Mrs. James T. Heery, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Heery ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Heflin Mrs. Harrison H. Heiberg, Jr. Mrs. George H. Heilig, Jr. The Rev. & Mrs. John H. Heinsohn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Everett A. Hellmuth III ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Henderson ’76 Mr. & Mrs. W. Steve Hendrix Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Henry ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel P. Henry, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thornton M. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Brian Keith Henshaw Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Henshaw Mrs. Nancy Brown Hereford † Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Herrington Mrs. Sandra Ward Hester Mr. & Mrs. Philip I. Heuisler III Mr. & Mrs. Darrell E. Hewett Mr. & Mrs. James Hickey Dr. & Mrs. Paul P. Hicks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Frederick Hicks ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew James Higgins IV Dr. & Mrs. James A. Higgs, Jr. ’48 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Higgs ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Hill Mr. Thomas B. Hilton Mr. & Mrs. Gabel G. Himmelwright III ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Field Mann Hite, Jr. ’71 Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hobart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. F. Worthington Hobbs III Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hock Mr. & Mrs. George Gregory Hodges Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hodson Mr. & Mrs. Vernon A. Hoey Mr. Jayme Warren Hoffer Ms. Cheryl Fornash Hoffman Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. William Jephtha Hogan, Jr. ’71 Mrs. Anne C. Hogge Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lynn Holbrooks Mr. & Mrs. C. Randolph Holder Mr. Robert Meyer Hollings, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David P. Holt ’78 Mrs. George E. Honts III Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hoofnagle III Mrs. Raymond C. Hooker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Hooper Mr. & Mrs. Robert Joseph Hopcroft Mr. & Mrs. Billy G. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. William D. Hopkins ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Hopper Mr. & Mrs. Philip Robert Horbert Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hord, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Billy W. Horne, Sr.



Lewis C. Everett ’63 As a football player, Lewis C. Everett ’63 was a star on the field, even setting the school record for the longest punt, 78 yards against Randolph-Macon in 1962, which still stands. The lessons he learned from Coach Stokeley Fulton— overcoming adversity, teamwork, and perseverance—stayed with him throughout his professional career and are some of the fondest memories of his college years. To ensure that more Hampden-Sydney College students learn the same lessons, lessons taught in athletic competition, Mr. Everett became the principal donor for the construction of a new and vastly improved football stadium, which bears his name. Mr. Everett found a mentor in his football coach and childhood friend Stokeley Fulton. He says, “We are both from Danville and our yards backed up against each other. He was older than I was; he was my brother’s age, but I saw him a lot. I absolutely looked up to him. He was tough, the toughest guy around.” Turning down opportunities to attend larger colleges, Mr. Everett followed his childhood hero to Hampden-Sydney College where he would play football all four years. “I think that competition is important. Even though HampdenSydney is Division III, sports are important, because you have to compete in life. You have to compete in business. LEW IS EVERETT ’63 So, when you have a solid mentor, those lessons carry forward through your life. I had a wonderful mentor in Stokeley. The school was awfully good to me. People have their ups and downs—especially at that age—but the people at Hampden-Sydney helped me through.” “Like me, many people make provisions for the College for when they die, which is wonderful. But I also wanted to do something for the College while I was still alive, so I could enjoy the process,” he adds. “It was an easy process to work through and working with Dr. Bortz was a real pleasure.” The new Everett Stadium is a campus jewel and will serve this community for many decades to come.

60 hampden-sydney college Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Horne, Jr. ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Meade Parham Horne Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Horner III ’76 Mrs. Edwin B. Horner, Jr. Mr. Irvin G. Horner † Dr. & Mrs. Franklin R. Horstman III Dr. & Mrs. Charles Edwin Horton, Jr. Mr. David F. Host, Sr. ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Ross A. Hotchkiss, Jr. Mrs. Elsie S. D. Hovis Mr. & Mrs. John A. Howard, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Howard, Jr. ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Murray L. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Harris M. Howe Mr. & Mrs. David B. Howell Mr. & Mrs. Zachariah Hampton Howerton III Mr. & Mrs. Samuel S. Hoyle The Hon. Dr. & Mrs. Edward L. Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hubbard Mrs. Patty L. Huber Mr. & Mrs. C. Randolph Hudgins, Jr. ’46 (FT) Dr. & Mrs. Carter L. Hudgins Mr. & Mrs. William Douglas Hudgins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hudson, Jr. ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Edward William Huff Mr. & Mrs. Leigh P. Huff Ms. Sheryl R. Huff Mr. & Mrs. Tony L. Huffman Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. W. Vance Hull ’80 Mr. & Mrs. William S. Hull Mr. & Mrs. Willoughby S. Hundley, Jr. ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Kirby Hunolt Capt. & Mrs. Albert Hunt Mr. & Mrs. James V. Hunt Sen. & Mrs. K. Neal Hunt ’64 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Hunt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hunter III ’75 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hunter, Sr. ’50 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hunter, Jr. ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Hurt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hurt Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Huskey Mrs. Bonnie B. Huss-Watts Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Hustrulid, Jr. Ms. Page Kennon Hutchinson Mr. & Mrs. David A. Hutt Mr. Cary A. Hutter ’40 † Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lee Hutto, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Scott Huzek Mr. Frank T. Hyde ’38 † The Hon. & Mrs. Tristram T. Hyde IV ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hyland Mr. Edward T. Hyman Mrs. Mary Carter Hyman Mr. & Mrs. Jaime G. Ibarra Mrs. Nell Copley Irby Mrs. Anne Ireland Mr. & Mrs. James M. Irvin, Sr. Mrs. Rita S. Irvin Mr. Taylor Elliott Irving, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William P. Irwin IV Mr. & Mrs. Harold T. Isaacs Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Israel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilson Ivey Mr. & Mrs. Clyde C. Jackson, Jr. Mr. L. A. Jackson Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Jamison Dr. Allyn G. Janney ’42 † Dr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Janney II ’73 Mrs. John W. Jayne Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Jendron, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Washington Jenkins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Jennings, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Wollom A. Jensen Dr. Edgar F. Jessee ’42

Mrs. Edgar F. Jessee † Mr. & Mrs. Terry Lee Jessee Dr. & Mrs. Lynn Thornton Jett, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Jirak Mrs. Logan P. Johns Mr. & Mrs. B. Boyd Johnson ’74 Ms. Christina L. Johnson Mr. Frederick F. Johnson ’61 † Mrs. Frederick F. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Julian S. Johnson III Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Johnson, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Manuel H. Johnson Col. & Mrs. Robert Earl Johnson, Sr. Mr. Robert M. Johnson ’53 † Mrs. Robert M. Johnson Ms. Sabrina C. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Morgan Johnson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne K. Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David E. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Nelson C. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Barry M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hill Jones, Jr. (FT) Dr. & Mrs. E. Marston Jones III Mr. & Mrs. H. Kevin Jones Mr. & Mrs. Henry Weldon Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Malcolm Jones, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James F. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Jones, Jr. ’45 Sen. & Mrs. James P. Jones Dr. & Mrs. Perry E. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Roberts T. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Wallace B. Jones, Sr. Mrs. Corinne Jordan † Mr. Peter A. Jordan ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Alonzo Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Paul Derrick Julian Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Jurach Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Jurentkuff Mr. & Mrs. Freddie W. Justice Dr. & Mrs. Homer R. Justis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davies Kaase Mr. & Mrs. D. Robert Kammer Mr. & Mrs. William George Kammerer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Kastenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Christian C. Kautz-Scanavy Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Keefer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott Watkins Keefer Mrs. William E. Keel Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Thomas Keeler, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Keeley Mr. Ralph D. Keightley, Jr. ’45 † Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Kellam, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Woodfin Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gunn Kelley Mr. Joseph C. Kelley, Sr. ’42 † Mrs. Joseph C. Kelley, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Kelly III Mrs. H. V. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Herbert V. Kelly, Jr. ’73 Dr. & Mrs. James A. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smith Kelly, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Kelly ’70 Dr. & Mrs. William P. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. William P. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Albert S. Kemper III ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Franklin W. Keplinger Ms. Jeanne Wertz Kerridge Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Richard Kerrigan Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Ketcham Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Ketcham Mr. Phillip W. Key, Sr. ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Wade Dillon Key Mr. & Mrs. C. Ronald Keyser Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Keyser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Kibler

Mrs. John Kijak, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marc Kilbride Mr. Joe Ray Kilgore Dr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Kimball III Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Kimbrough Mr. & Mrs. David B. Kimmons Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Thomas Kincaid Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kinnamon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher James Kinsler Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G. Kinzie Mr. & Mrs. John W. Kirk Dr. & Mrs. Hubert E. Kiser, Jr. ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Steward Jeffery Kiser Mr. & Mrs. James L. Kitchin, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John S. Kittrell Dr. & Mrs. David A. Klein ’78 Mrs. Janet Hazell Klein The Rev. & Mrs. William R. Klein Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Kline Mr. & Mrs. Roy F. Knight Mr. Robert S. Knott † Ms. Carol Anne Roman Kobell Drs. Jeffrey P. & Polly S. Kochan Ms. Lisa G. Koehler Ms. Deborah L. Kolt Mr. & Mrs. Erik A. Koroneos, Sr. ’79 Mrs. Herbert M. Krauss Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Kreienbaum, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rene Deane Kreutter Mr. & Mrs. Richard O. Krewinghaus Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Charles Krohn Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Krouse Ms. Linnea R. Kruse Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kulinski Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Kurth Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. LaBrosse Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Labrot Mrs. Barbara D. Lacey Mr. & Mrs. M. Lyle Lacy III ’69 Dr. Matthew L. Lacy II ’41 † Mrs. Matthew L. Lacy II Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Ladd Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Laine Mrs. Sandra M. Lakin Mr. I. S. Lamdin † Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Lamkin Drs. Edward & Ruth LaMonte Mr. & Mrs. William Lancaster Dr. & Mrs. Lance E. Landvater Mr. Gary M. Lane, Sr. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Lane Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Lane Mr. & Mrs. L. Winder Lane IV Mrs. W. T. Langhorne Mrs. C. W. Lankford Ms. Connie Simpson Lankford Mrs. Barbara Nexsen Lansche Mr. & Mrs. David B. Larison Mrs. Peggy W. Larmore Drs. Oscar M. & Sarie G. Laserna Mrs. Berkeley B. Latham Mr. & Mrs. Gary Philip Latham Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Lavecchia Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Lavezzoli Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. LaVier Mr. & Mrs. William D. Lawley, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. David G. Lawrence, Sr. Ms. Alyson H. Lawson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mark Lawson Mr. & Mrs. Craig Clayton Lawson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lawson ’39 Mr. & Mrs. L. Thompson Lawson III Mr. & Mrs. Lewis P. Lawson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Darcy Lee Lawton Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Lea Mr. Hunter M. Leach ’47 † Mrs. Hunter M. Leach † Mrs. Susan Weems Leachman Mr. Andrew K. Leake II ’35 †

Mrs. Andrew K. Leake II † Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Y. Leaman Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Learoyd, Jr. Mr. Robert W. Leatherbury Mr. & Mrs. Ben B. LeCompte, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Oscar Ledbetter Mr. & Mrs. Burton P. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. Lee Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lee Mr. & Mrs. John Edward Lee III Ms. Valerie Mills Lees Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Leggett ’68 (FT) Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. LeGrande Dr. Allen E. LeHew † Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. LeHew ’59 Dr. & Mrs. Willette L. LeHew ’57 Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Lehman (FT) Mrs. John W. Leming, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Leming ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Claiborne Leonard Mr. John L. Leonard III Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. W. Robert Lepczyk, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Levy Mr. Frank Lewek Dr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Lewinski Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Lewis Mrs. J. Bolling Lewis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Lewis (FT) Mr. James R. Lewis ’31 † Mrs. James R. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Lex III Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. L’Heureux, Jr. Ms. Leonora Licata Dr. & Mrs. Henry S. Liebert, Jr. ’52 The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. A. Heath Light ’51 Mr. & Mrs. James R. Lilley Mr. G. W. Lindsay ’52 † Mrs. G. W. Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. Jack Walter Little Mr. & Mrs. Michael Anthony Little, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Litton Mr. & Mrs. W. Timothy Locke Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Lodge, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Edward Logan, Jr. Mrs. R. Clifton Long, Sr. Drs. Stephen P. & Georganne W. Long Mr. & Mrs. George N. Love Mr. & Mrs. Leonard N. Love ’76 Dr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Lovelace III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Lovelace ’51 Dr. Robert H. Loving, Sr. ’37 † Mrs. Robert H. Loving, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William F. Lowry, Jr. ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Clinton W. Lucado Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Lucas ’59 Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Lucas The Rev. & Mrs. David J. Lucey ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Luck, Sr. Mrs. Shirley Boswick Lucy Mr. & Mrs. Victor V. Ludwig Mr. & Mrs. John Luedeke Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Luke Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Clinton Lukhard ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Buford T. Lumsden Mr. & Mrs. J. Rodgers Lunsford III Dr. & Mrs. Robert Luther, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Luxton ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joseph Lyons, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. MacDonell The Rev. & Mrs. W. Daniel MacGill III ’67 Dr. & Mrs. William A. MacIlwaine IV Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stokes MacIntire Mr. Tinsley Mack ’48 † Mr. & Mrs. G. Elbert Maddox Mr. & Mrs. John E. Maddux, Sr. ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Madison, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John Wesley Magee III Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Magnuson

Mr. & Mrs. Loren Brookman Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Jan Martin Malinowski Mrs. Phyllis Malone Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Malone, Jr. Mrs. Frank Maloney III Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Thomas Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Mangas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Neal Mann, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William Thomas Mann Mrs. Anna K. Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Mansfield Mr. Richard C. Manson, Jr. ’65 Mrs. Sharon Peebles Manson † Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Mapp ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Anthony Marchetti, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Marden Mrs. Linda H. Marks (T) Dr. Norman Jay Marks Mr. Paul Camp Marks Col. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Marousek USMC (Ret.) Ms. Sandra L. Marr Mr. Van C. Marr Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Arnold Marsh Mr. & Mrs. Jesse C. Marshburn II Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Martin III Mr. & Mrs. David F. Martin Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Henry Martin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Linwood Douglas Martin Dr. & Mrs. Randolph P. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Roland Touzeau Martin V Mr. & Mrs. Terence N. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Martin, Sr. Mr. Stephen C. Martson Mr. & Mrs. A. Howard Mason, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James D. Mason, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. Franklin Massie III ’77 Mr. Henry M. Massie, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Winfield Massie ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Harry William Mattei Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Paul Matthews, Jr. Mrs. James D. Mattox Mr. & Mrs. Journey Preston Mauldin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mauldin Dr. & Mrs. Jack Mavromatis Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mayfield, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. George Edward Mayo III Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Tabb Mayo IV Mr. & Mrs. E. Judson McAdams, Sr. ’77 Mr. & Mrs. William E. McBratney, Jr. (FT) Mr. & Mrs. William H. McBride Mr. & Mrs. James C. McCaa Mr. & Mrs. Michael Walsh McCabe, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. M. Edwin McCall, Sr. ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. McCants Mrs. Richard McCarthy † Ms. Valerie B. McCaulley Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. McCay Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. McClintock Mr. Harold L. McCloskey ’50 † Mrs. Rosemary McCloskey Mr. & Mrs. David S. McClung II ’51 Mrs. Elizabethine G. McClure Mr. & Mrs. Alvin G. McCollum Dr. & Mrs. Richard Young McConnell Dr. Max W. McCord, Jr. Mr. Brian Andrew McCormack Mr. J. Burke McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. McCoy, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. McCracken III Mr. & Mrs. Leslie G. McCraw (FT) Mr. & Mrs. Hugh L. McCulley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. McCullough Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Kevin McDonald Dr. & Mrs. T. Wayne McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. McDonald ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. McDonie Mr. & Mrs. James Calvin McDougald

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. McElroy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James J. McEnery Mrs. Linda G. McFadden Mr. Samuel W. McGann, Jr. ’42 † Mrs. Clara McGann † Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. McGarry Mr. & Mrs. P. Joseph McGee Mrs. Brenda Wilkins McGehee Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. McGeorge Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. McGowan Mrs. Peter McGrath Dr. & Mrs. Hunter H. McGuire, Jr. (FT) Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. McKeag, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. McKelvey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William E. McKissick Mr. & Mrs. David J. McKittrick ’67 Mr. & Mrs. William C. McKnew Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Roger McLellon The Rev. & Mrs. Basil A. McLeod Mr. & Mrs. John E. McLeod, Sr. Mrs. Mary Wells McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Carl McManamy Mr. John Charles McMeekin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. McMillan, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wayne McMillen Mr. & Mrs. Cameron H. McNaughton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ray McNeill Mr. J. Vincent McPhillips † Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. McShane Dr. & Mrs. George J. McVey ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. McWilliams ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Terry D. Meadows Mr. & Mrs. James V. Meath Mrs. Betsy W. Medford Mr. & Mrs. David N. Meeker Dr. & Mrs. Steven W. Melhorn ’78 Mrs. Virginia B. Mell Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Mellon Mr. & Mrs. Gary Stephen Melnick Mr. & Mrs. James R. Melton ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Richard Melvin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Gray Mendel Mrs. Reinaldo R. Menendez Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Mennetti, Sr. Mr. Peter Meredith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Merrick, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Helmut G. Mertins, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Lee Merwin Mr. & Mrs. Craig Anthony Messick Mr. & Mrs. William M. Metcalf, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Metts Mrs. Diane I. Metzfield Mrs. Stephen B. Meyer Mrs. Vincent R. Michael Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Michaux Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Michel Mr. & Mrs. John D. Michels The Hon. & Mrs. Joseph W. Milam, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William D. Mileham III Mr. Quinton B. Miles Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Miller Mrs. Leslie J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Miller Mrs. Stuart Miller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Anthony Miller, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Miller Mr. & Mrs. W. Sheppard Miller III ’79 Mrs. Wentz J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. William R. Miller Mr. & Mrs. William R. Miller III ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Barry Justis Mills Mr. & Mrs. George W. Mills II Mr. & Mrs. William Charles Minando Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Miner Ms. Marian F. Minniece Mr. & Mrs. Kendrick Henry Minten Mr. & Mrs. Owen R. Minter ’53 Mr. & Mrs. George Thomas Minton, Jr. Mrs. Fred N. Mitchell, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Modlin Ms. Reecye French Modny Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Mogan III Mr. & Mrs. William Martin Mohrmann Mr. Richard C. L. Moncure Mr. & Mrs. William D. Monday, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David G. Monette (FT) Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Monroe Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Montaigne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David E. Moore ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Dudley L. Moore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Moore, Jr. ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Jackie G. Moore Mr. & Mrs. James Brent Moore Mrs. Mae H. Moore Ms. Patricia Moore Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Archibald F. Moore Mr. & Mrs. William E. Moore, Jr. ’63 Mr. & Mrs. William T. Moore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Moorman ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Marsden L. Moran Mr. & Mrs. George L. Morelock Dr. & Mrs. Frank Thomas Morgan Mr. & Mrs. John B. Morgan II Mr. & Mrs. L. V. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. W. Hunter Morgan, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. David Lell Morrison Mrs. Elizabeth Clifton Morrison Mr. & Mrs. John Harris Morrison, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Morrison, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. W. Philip Morrissette III Mrs. Louise A. Morton Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Moseley Mrs. Elizabeth J. Moss Mr. & Mrs. John Langdon Moss, Jr. Dr. John S. Moss ’75 Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd F. Moss, Jr. ’73 Dr. Lloyd F. Moss, Sr. ’37 † Mrs. Lloyd F. Moss, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Glenn Mossler Mr. & Mrs. C. David Muggleworth ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Muir Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Mulkey Mrs. Patricia C. Mullek Dr. & Mrs. Maurice F. Mullins Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Moran Murchison III Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne T. Murphey Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Murphy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Murray Mr. & Mrs. John Joseph Murray Ms. Courtney C. Mustin Mr. & Mrs. John Michael Myers Dr. & Mrs. John W. Myers III ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Stuart P. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Wesley W. Naff III Ms. Lynda-Sue Napier Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Napier Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Napolitano II Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Huntington Nash Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Nash Ms. Kimbrough K. Nash Capt. & Mrs. N. C. Nash Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Neal Mr. & Mrs. Polk M. Neal, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John G. Neely, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. David M. Neifeld The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Nelson, Jr. ’45 Ms. Joyce G. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carl Nelson, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Albert Newell NeSmith Mr. & Mrs. John Neuner III Mrs. Charles A. Newcomb Dr. Pamela Newton & Maj. Carl Newton USMC (Ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Newton, Jr. (FT) Mr. & Mrs. W. Randolph Nexsen ’80

final campaign report Mrs. Walter R. Nexsen Mr. & Mrs. William Thomas Niblock, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Nolan R. Nicely, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Nichols, Sr. Mr. Joseph Herman Nicholson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bryant Nickerson Mr. Joseph J. Nicklo Mr. Kevin J. Nielsen Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Niemaseck Mr. & Mrs. Bernard August Niemeier, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Nilan, Jr. Mr. Carter Noble ’43 † Mrs. Carter Noble Mr. & Mrs. Michael O. Noggle Mr. & Mrs. John A. Nolde, Jr. Mr. Larry B. Nolen Dr. & Mrs. Kirk M. Norbo Mrs. Daphne L. Norfleet Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Norfleet, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dallas V. Norman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Norman Mr. & Mrs. George D. Norrington ’81 Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Nottingham, Jr. ’56 Mr. Jack P. Null † Dr. & Mrs. Wallace C. Nunley, Sr. ’44 Mr. Walter R. Nurney Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Nusbaum Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Oakey Mr. & Mrs. John E. Oakley III Mr. & Mrs. William H. Oast III Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. O’Brian Mr. & Mrs. Mark Boehling O’Brien Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. O’Cain Mr. Lawrence J. O’Connor Mr. Richard Lee O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Ogden Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy C. O’Herron Dr. & Mrs. Allan Olchowski Mr. & Mrs. Dudley W. Olcott Mr. & Mrs. George David Duncan Oliphant Mr. & Mrs. James R. Oliver, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. David L. Olson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Victor Omick Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand C. O’Neal Mr. & Mrs. Mark Edward O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Neill Mrs. Henry C. Ortman Dr. Donald R. Ortner † Mrs. Donald R. Ortner † Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. O’Shea Mr. & Mrs. James M. Overbey ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Wallace A. Overman Mrs. Helen Overstreet Mr. & Mrs. John Gurganey Overstreet ’69 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Overton ’48 Mr. & Mrs. David D. Owen Dr. John A. Owen, Jr. ’45 Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Owen III Ms. Sherry Owens Mrs. Karen Oxmann Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. O’York Mr. Gerald M. Pace ’63 Mrs. Jeanne Pace † Mr. & Mrs. Warren M. Pace, Jr. ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Paciocco Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Pack Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Padgett Mr. & Mrs. George C. Palmer III Mrs. Jane H. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Palmore III Mrs. R. Vaughan Palmore Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie W. Palmore, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Wilson Palmore Mr. & Mrs. William L. Pannill ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pantoulis Mr. & Mrs. John E. Pappas ’60 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Louis Paquette Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Parker III Mr. & Mrs. John H. Parkerson


62 hampden-sydney college Dr. & Mrs. William R. Parks Mr. & Mrs. Steve Britt Parnell, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Parrish, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Parrish IV ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Bradley J. Parsons ’78 Ms. Monte Parsons Mr. & Mrs. William Partsch Dr. & Mrs. George Washington Paschal III Ms. Katharine Williams Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Patterson Ms. Bonita Carter Patteson Mr. & Mrs. Dudley M. Patteson ’71 Mrs. James D. Patton III † Mr. & Mrs. Ray M. Paul, Jr. ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Peabody, Jr. Mr. Karl Ernest Peace The Hon. Nina K. Peace † Mr. & Mrs. Owen Bret Peaden Mr. & Mrs. William C. Peake ’51 Mr. & Mrs. E. Fay Pearce, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. L. Gregory Pearce, Jr. Mrs. H. A. Pearman Mr. & Mrs. David L. Peebles Mrs. Marion Wooten Peebles, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Robert Peery ’50 Dr. & Mrs. James M. Peery, Jr. ’70 Ms. Emily McCoy Peltz Ms. Barbara Pemberton Mr. & Mrs. Terry Lynn Pemberton Ms. Harriet C. Pembroke Mr. & Mrs. Gary H. Pendleton Dr. & Mrs. John W. Pendleton ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo Penny Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Pepe Mr. Michael Victor & Ms. Jean C. Pepper Mr. & Mrs. John T. Percy, Jr. ’69 Mrs. Alyce Perkins Mr. & Mrs. George E. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Perrel Dr. & Mrs. Leonard V. Perrone Mr. & Mrs. Edgar J. T. Perrow Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Perry, Jr. (FT) Mrs. Jane G. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Philip Perry Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Persinger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Brooks Peters Mr. & Mrs. Craig H. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Davis Phaup, Jr. Mrs. Irene G. Philips Mr. Ronald W. Philips Mr. & Mrs. Baxter F. Phillips, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Michael Phillips Mr. John Peyton Phillips Mrs. Kathleen F. Phillips Ms. Linda Phillips Mrs. Robert J. Phillips Lt. Gen. Jammie M. Philpott † Dr. & Mrs. William J. Phipps, Jr. ’77 Mrs. Barbara A. Pickels Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Pickral, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Melvin E. Pierce Mrs. Carole P. Pilcher Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Pilcher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Pinkard Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Pinnell Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Piraino Mr. & Mrs. John P. Pittman Mr. & Mrs. William C. Pittman, Jr. Mrs. Joyce Nuckols Pitts Mr. Philip H. Pleasants Dr. & Mrs. Harry G. Plunkett, Jr. Mrs. Suzanne M. Plybon Mr. & Mrs. James Haywood Plyler Mr. & Mrs. James E. Pohl Mr. & Mrs. Neal J. Polan Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Pollard IV ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Norman H. Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin B. Pomeroy

Mr. J. Daniel Pond II ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Don C. Pontius Mr. & Mrs. Cleveland Poole Mr. & Mrs. Wilford L. Poore Mr. J. Mathews Pope Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Pope IV Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Potter Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Powell Mrs. W. D. Powell Mr. & Mrs. William Charles Powell Mr. & Mrs. George R. Preas, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Warren D. Prehmus Mr. & Mrs. Francis Paul Preroff Capt. & Mrs. H. S. Prevette, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Roy Price Mr. & Mrs. Kerry R. Price Mr. & Mrs. Maxie O’Neal Price, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Woody Price Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Ramon Prieto Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Pritchett Ms. Ann A. Pritzlaff Mr. John C. Pritzlaff III Dr. & Mrs. Charles Prizzia Mr. Dominic Provenzano Mr. Peter D. Pruden III Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Pryor Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Pue Ms. Cheryl Sadler Pugh Mr. & Mrs. William R. Pumphrey III ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Lat Wesley Purser III Mr. & Mrs. Allan Leo Purtill, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Purviance ’42 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Wills Purviance ’71 Dr. & Mrs. John T. Purvis Mr. & Mrs. William H. Putegnat IV Mr. J. Horsley Putt, Jr. ’58 † Mrs. J. Horsley Putt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pyott Dr. & Mrs. John M. Quarles ’50 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Queen Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Quenneville Mr. & Mrs. G. Richard Query Dr. & Mrs. Elfren A. Quitiquit Mr. & Mrs. Dane W. Ragsdale Mrs. Martha N. Ragsdale Mr. & Mrs. Michaux Raine III ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Rainey III The Rev. & Mrs. William Hunter Ralston Mr. & Mrs. Kerr C. Ramsay II Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Ramsey Dr. & Mrs. E. Jarratt Ramsey, Jr. ’69 Mr. & Mrs. R. Alexander Raney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Rankin Mr. & Mrs. William D. Rannals Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Rapp, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jake Rasor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lanny Max Rauer Mrs. James W. Rawles † Dr. & Mrs. James White Rawles, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Holman C. Rawls III ’63 Mr. William A. Ray (FT) Mr. & Mrs. John W. Read Mr. & Mrs. Ben D. Reading Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Joseph Reamer Mrs. Vicki S. Recordon Mr. Alex J. Reczkowski Mr. George W. Redd Mr. & Mrs. J. Howard Redding Mrs. Ben Reed † Mr. & Mrs. McGavock Dickinson Reed, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. William W. Reed Mr. & Mrs. John A. Rees, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Regan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. William Reid ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Milton P. Reid II ’68 Mrs. Milton P. Reid Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Reidy Mr. & Mrs. Andrew James Reinhardt, Sr. Mr. E. A. Rennolds, Jr. †

Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Rhodes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Garson L. Rice, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Rice Mr. & Mrs. John F. Richards ’56 Mrs. Elizabeth Richardson † Mr. & Mrs. James B. Richardson, Sr. Mr. Robert M. Richardson ’38 (FT) The Rev. & Mrs. W. Ramsey Richardson ’52 Col. Robert Tyler Richmond ’44 † Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Rickers II Mr. & Mrs. E. Thomas Rilee III ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Randy Riley Mr. & Mrs. C. Wilson Rives ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Berlin J. Robbins Mr. Edgar L. Robbins † Dr. & Mrs. Kenny K. Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Robbins Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Roberts, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey W. Roberts III Mrs. Jesse F. Roberts, Jr. Mrs. Linda Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. E. Stewart Robertson ’54 Mr. & Mrs. William Lee Robertson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. Claiborne Robins, Jr. Mrs. Aubrey C. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gordon Robinson IV Mr. & Mrs. George Charter Robinson IV Mr. & Mrs. Herbert G. Robinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Robinson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. W. Randolph Robinson ’69 Mr. William F. Robinson, Jr. ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Robison III ’70 Mrs. Virginia N. Roddy (FT) Mr. & Mrs. Judson H. Rodman, Sr. Ms. Emile T. Rodwell Capt. & Mrs. E. Jackson Roeske Mr. & Mrs. Carson W. Rogers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christian Lang Rogers Mrs. Emily Mudd Rogerson † Mrs. Anne W. Rolander Mr. & Mrs. Dana Rolander Dr. & Mrs. Dixon M. Rollins, Sr. ’65 Mrs. Betty C. Rollison Mr. & Mrs. Peter Romani Dr. & Mrs. Carl J. Roncaglione, Sr. Mr. Herman Rooker Mrs. Marie M. Root Mr. & Mrs. John L. Roper III Mr. & Mrs. John I. Rose II Mrs. Ronald Charles Rose Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Rosemond III Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Rosenbaum ’54 Mrs. Kimberlee T. Rosendahl Mrs. Judy N. Ross Ms. Nancy Hoy Ross Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Rostan Dr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Rostan Mr. & Mrs. James H. Roussel Mr. & Mrs. Milton L. Rowe Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Roy Mrs. D. P. Rucker † Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lynn Rudder Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rude ’70 Dr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Rudzinski Mrs. Angela T. Ruiz Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Trenton Runyon III Dr. & Mrs. Donald M. Russell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Russell, Jr. The Rev. Dr. J. Shepherd Russell, Jr. ’51 † Mrs. J. Shepherd Russell, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Edward Russo, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael David Rutherford Mr. Michael Timothy Ryan Mr. & Mrs. John E. Sadler, Jr. ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Samans

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Samuel, Jr. ’76 Dr. Bruce Stuart Samuels Mr. & Mrs. John S. Sanders Brig. Gen. & Mrs. Kevin M. Sandkuhler Mr. J. Keith Sands ’75 Mrs. Judith K. Sands Ms. Susannah Davis Sands Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sanzone Mr. & Mrs. Richard Douglas Saunders Ms. Lon K. Savage Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Scanniello Mr. Boyd Scarborough ’70 Mr. & Mrs. George Cox Scarborough Ms. Gunilla Scarborough Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Schaaf III ’69 Mr. Edward M. Schaaf, Jr. † Mr. & Mrs. Frank B. Schaaf Mr. & Mrs. Daniel John Schaefer Mrs. Virginia S. Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Marcus C. Scheumann, Jr. Mr. Chester J. Schickling Dr. & Mrs. James M. Schiffer Ms. Susan L. Schiffer Mr. & Mrs. John Michael Schilling The Hon. Dr. James R. Schlesinger, Sr. Mr. C. Jeffers Schmidt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Schmidt III Mr. & Mrs. Kent H. Schmidt Mrs. Anne Schneider Ms. Dorothy Ann Schniper Mr. Stephen H. Schniper Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Schoellkopf, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Loren John Schoenholtz Mr. & Mrs. David G. Schofield Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Schwab Mr. & Mrs. George Van Fossen Schwab, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Scott Mr. & Mrs. David Scott Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Scott Mr. & Mrs. James R. Scott Dr. Kenneth N. Scott ’63 † Mrs. Kenneth N. Scott Mr. Peter M. Scott III Dr. & Mrs. Ralph B. Scurry, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Sears Mr. & Mrs. Jessie M. Seay Mrs. H. L. Sebren, Sr. The Rev. & Mrs. Donald H. Seely Mr. & Mrs. William D. Selden V ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. Selzer Mr. & Mrs. Elliott M. Server Mr. & Mrs. W. Sydnor Settle ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Anthony Sgroi Dr. & Mrs. L. W. Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. William R. Shands, Jr. ’52 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Shannon IV Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Sharpe Mr. & Mrs. George F. Sharpe III Mr. & Mrs. James Kenneth Shea Dr. & Mrs. William A. Shear Mr. C. Daniel Shelburne ’36 † (FT) Mrs. C. Daniel Shelburne Mr. & Mrs. William Claybrook Shell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus R. Shelly III ’75 Mr. & Mrs. David W. Shelor ’72 Dr. Betty T. Shepherd Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lyon Shepherd Col. & Mrs. William E. Sherman Dr. & Mrs. John Philip Sherrod ’70 The Rev. Kenneth Vernon Shick ’41 † Mrs. Kenneth Vernon Shick Dr. Carolyn Claytor Shields Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Shiflett ’46 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel S. Shiplett ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gross Shipley Mr. & Mrs. Richard O. Shirah Mr. & Mrs. Phillip A. Short ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Showalter

Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Shrader, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David G. Shuford Mr. & Mrs. William F. Shumadine, Jr. ’66 Mr. & Mrs. John K. Shumate, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Shupe Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Shuping, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Siddon Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Sidney Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Silverfield Dr. & Mrs. Juris Simanis Dr. & Mrs. J. Clay Simmers Mrs. Christie A. Simmons Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Simms ’61 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Simons III Mr. & Mrs. William Newton Simonson Dr. & Mrs. Hassell Algernon Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. William B. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. William Gregg Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Sinclair Mr. & Mrs. Van P. Singh Mr. John P. Sivell ’43 † Mrs. John P. Sivell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marshall Sizemore Mrs. Janet L. Sketchley † Mrs. Susie H. Slack Mr. & Mrs. James I. Slaydon, Jr. ’54 Mr. & Mrs. Kent A. Smack ’62 Mrs. Annette L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Calvin C. Smith Mr. & Mrs. David L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Donnell Middleton Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gibson L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Smith, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Houghton Smith Mr. & Mrs. James R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John E. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jon D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence N. Smith ’59 Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Marshall N. Smith Mrs. Richard A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lee Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Blair Smith Dr. Theodore R. Smith, Jr. ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Mark Smith Mr. & Mrs. W. Hutchins Smith III Mr. William Nesbitt Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter I. Smits Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Snead Mr. Clifton L. Snidow, Jr. ’37 † Mrs. Clifton L. Snidow, Jr. Mrs. Edna Snyder Dr. & Mrs. Edward P. Snyder ’78 Dr. & Mrs. Howard Frank Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Sommardahl, Sr. ’63 Mr. & Mrs. Yoon S. Song Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Soukup Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan L. Spear Maj. Gen. & Mrs. Stanhope S. Spears Mr. & Mrs. Latham C. Speiden, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Stanley Spencer Mr. Harold R. Spencer ’54 † Mrs. Harold R. Spencer Dr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Spencer Mr. William B. Spencer ’39 Mr. & Mrs. William David Spencer Mr. Gordon R. Spessard Mrs. Paula R. Spraker Mr. P. Warren Spratley, Jr. ’49 † Dr. & Mrs. Peter W. Squire ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Squire, Jr. ’79 Dr. & Mrs. H. Sheldon St. Clair Ms. Catherine Moore Stallings Mr. Charles Edwin Stallings Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stallings

final campaign report Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Stanfield, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Henry Stanley Mr. & Mrs. John P. Stasko Mrs. Philip A. Stedfast Mrs. William J. Steed, Sr. Mr. John W. Steele III Mr. Ray C. Steele Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Steele, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William Fletcher Steele Mr. & Mrs. Danny M. Stegall Mr. & Mrs. Joe J. Stellute Dr. & Mrs. Stepan Stepanyan Ms. Anne Lee Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Stevens IV Mr. Robert P. Stickley, Jr. ’47 † Mrs. Robert P. Stickley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Reese M. Stidham III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Levi Stiles, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Stine Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Stinespring, Sr. ’60 Dr. & Mrs. Carl R. Stockton Dr. & Mrs. Sherrill W. Stockton, Jr. ’63 Dr. Ralph Morton Stokes, Jr. ’40 † Mrs. Ralph Morton Stokes, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James B. Stone III Dr. & Mrs. Kearfott M. Stone ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Meade G. Stone, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stuart C. Stone, Sr. Mr. Frank Dew Stoneburner Mr. Steven T. Storer Mr. & Mrs. B. Brack Stovall ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Stovall III Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Stracke ’75 Mr. & Mrs. William Robinson Strader, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Strattner Dr. & Mrs. John Michael Straughn Mr. Troy A. Street Mr. & Mrs. W. Scott Street III ’65 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Stribling Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Strickler Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Stringfellow Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Stringfellow, Jr. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Strollo Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Stronach Mr. John D. Stuart Ms. Mildred Dent Stuart Ms. Cynthia Barrett Stubbe Mr. Kevin F. Stubbe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Granville Stufflebeem Mr. & Mrs. John A. Stuhr Mrs. Carroll Wilson Suggs Dr. Joanne C. Suggs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Suitt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Martin R. Sullivan, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. George E. Summers (T) Mr. & Mrs. William Jamie Summs, Sr. Mr. Kenneth R. Sumner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Surber II Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Svoboda Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Swaney Mr. Charles Ryland Sweeney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Wade W. Swink, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Sydnor ’64 Mr. James A. Sydnor ’47 † Mrs. James A. Sydnor Dr. & Mrs. T. Austin Sydnor, Jr. ’52 Mr. Howard R. Sykes, Jr. Mrs. William Dale Szuch Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Tait Mr. & Mrs. David J. Talaber Mrs. Cecil T. Talley, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Tangard Mr. & Mrs. John E. Tankard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Tate Mr. & Mrs. Brent W. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Frank William Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Gervas Storrs Taylor III ’72



Michael J. Krupin ’69 He might not agree, but Michael J. Krupin ’69 is a rags-toriches story. He has gone from sleeping on a roll-away bed in his grandparent’s Salem, Virginia, house to co-founding one of the most successful premiere boutique-insurance firms in the country. To what does he credit his success? Discipline, consistency, enthusiasm, and passion—all of the things he learned playing football in high school and at HampdenSydney College. Mr. Krupin says he and his wife Marti wanted to contribute to the expansion and renovation of Kirk Athletic Center (the former Gammon Gym) because better facilities lead to more active students. “The more active they are, the better they feel about themselves,” he adds. Strong athletic facilities also foster excellent intercollegiate teams, which Mr. Krupin believes increases the overall profile of the college. “Sports help schools; they get your name out there. When your name is better known, you attract better students.” “I had four great years at Hampden­Sydney,” says Mr. Krupin as he recalls playing football for Stokeley Fulton, selling sandwiches to make money, and joining Sigma Chi fraternity. “So, when MICHAEL KRUPIN ’69 I was approached by some friends about making a gift during the Through These Gates campaign, I knew it was the right time to do so. They suggested a gift amount, and I told them I could do more. I wanted to do more.” The Krupin Wing of the Kirk Athletic Center is, appropriately, home to the football offices. It was playing football that helped Mr. Krupin get his first job after college. His tenacity on the playing field so impressed a competing coach that the two went into business together. That business experience has served him for the rest of his career. Mr. Krupin says, “My advice for Hampden-Sydney College is the same advice I keep for myself: think bigger and have a positive attitude.”

64 hampden-sydney college Mr. Harrison William Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Hubert S. Taylor, Jr. ’48 Mr. & Mrs. James C. Taylor, Jr. ’57 Mrs. Rebecca A. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Taylor, Jr. ’79 Mr. & Mrs. William Henry Taylor III Mr. & Mrs. Gregory K. Teachey Mr. Hebert E. Teachey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Teden Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Teller, Jr. Ms. Cynthia M. Teniente Mr. & Mrs. Roy Timothy Tepper, Jr. ’69 Mr. W. Parker Terry, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Henry Terzian Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Thalman Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Tharp Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Phillip Thomas Mrs. Patricia Morgan Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Thomas, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Thomason Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Thompson, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Girard V. Thompson, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Harvey K. Thompson Mr. Leonard M. Thompson † Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Gilmour Thompson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roy S. Thompson, Jr. † Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Thompson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Havlan Thomson, Jr. Mr. Michael T. Thornton Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas Thraves, Jr. Mrs. Alice D. Throckmorton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Denny Throckmorton ’74 Mrs. Sherry E. Thurston Dr. & Mrs. Jorge E. Tijmes Mrs. Thomas Muller Tiller Mr. & Mrs. John Miller Timberlake Mr. & Mrs. John A. Timmons, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Roger Dean Tims Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Tindall Mr. & Mrs. John S. Tinsley ’77 Mrs. Belinda Washington Todd Mr. & Mrs. John Oswald Hall Toledano, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Carl Tomlin Mr. & Mrs. John J. Toner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Edwin Toney Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Towell Mr. & Mrs. Jon R. Tower Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth N. Townsend Mr. William Leo Trahan Mr. & Mrs. L. Scott Trainum Mr. & Mrs. Dennis H. Treacy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Tredway ’62 Mr. Albert R. Trevarthen Mr. George M. Trible III ’58 † Mrs. George M. Trible III Mrs. Waring Trible † Mr. & Mrs. Randolph E. Trow, Jr. ’64 Ms. Juliette B. Troxel Mr. & Mrs. Timothy B. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. William Monroe Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Tuebner Mr. & Mrs. William Edward Tunney IV Mrs. Elyce P. Turba Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Turgeon Mr. & Mrs. A. Morris Turner, Jr. ’77 Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Turner, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey R. Turner III Dr. & Mrs. Lee S. Turner Mr. & Mrs. M. Noel Turner Mr. & Mrs. Morris L. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Scott Turner Mr. & Mrs. John C. Tuttle, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Scott S. Twentyman ’78 Mr. Robert N. Rubin & Ms. Mimi A. Tygier Ms. Sue Tyner Mr. & Mrs. Bayard S. Tynes, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William V. Tynes II ’57 Mr. Thomas G. Underwood ’59

Dr. Sara O. Vale Mr. Wallace H. Vale Mrs. Claude H. Van Dyke Mrs. James H. Van Ness IV Col. & Mrs. Robert B. Van Sice, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Vandenheiligenberg Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Melvin VanFossen Mr. & Mrs. John Charles Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. John W. Vaughan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Vaughan, Jr. ’57 Mr. Glenn C. Vaughn ’66 Mrs. Terri M. Veith Mr. M. Baxter Vendrick, Jr. ’98 Mr. & Mrs. Felix Venezuela Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Via, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Via ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Frederick Viberg Mr. & Mrs. Durant Vick Mr. & Mrs. Dean A. Vonetes The Hon. J. Scott & Dr. Cameron M. Vowell, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Khanh T. Vu Mr. & Mrs. Finley M. Waddell II ’69 Mrs. Nancy T. Waddell Mr. & Mrs. Edmund L. Waddill, Jr. ’59 Mr. & Mrs. William L. Wade The Rev. & Mrs. Anthony A. Wadsworth Mr. & Mrs. Murray M. Wadsworth Mrs. Barbara M. Waefler Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Waff III Dr. & Mrs. John Alan Wages Dr. & Mrs. John Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Herman B. Walker ’56 Mrs. Richard C. Walker, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Walker ’77 Ms. Anne Moncure Wall † Mr. & Mrs. David Garrett Wall Mrs. Jacqueline Wall † Mr. & Mrs. William B. Wall ’50 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Wallace, Jr. ’54 Dr. & Mrs. K. K. Wallace, Jr. ’54 Mrs. Mary-Lewis Wallace Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wallace ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Russell W. Wallace, Jr. Mr. Samuel K. Wallace, Jr. ’86 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Walton, Jr. Ms. Debra A. Ward Dr. & Mrs. John W. Ward Mr. Julian T. Ward, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Wardwell Mr. & Mrs. Earle R. Ware II ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Guilford D. Ware Mrs. Jo Ann H. Ware Dr. William E. Ware, Jr. ’60 † Mrs. Rosalind Warfield-Brown Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Waring Mr. Edwin D. Warinner ’49 † Mrs. Edwin D. Warinner Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Warnement Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Lee Warnick Mr. & Mrs. John M. Warren Dr. & Mrs. Julien K. Warren III ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Ray Warren Mr. & Mrs. Sherrill Royster Washington Mr. & Mrs. Carlton B. Waskey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Waskom Dr. & Mrs. G. R. Waterman Mr. Wesley E. Waters, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Ernest Watkins Mr. & Mrs. William F. Watkins, Jr. ’48 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Watson Mr. & Mrs. John William Watson Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Watts Mr. & Mrs. T. Ashby Watts III ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Weaver Drs. Michael & Nancy Webb

Mr. & Mrs. William Lee Webb Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence K. Weber III Dr. & Mrs. Ivan S. Weiner Ms. Kathy Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Welch Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Welch Dr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Welden, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Wells III Mr. & Mrs. John M. Wells III Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Craig Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Larry B. Wenger Mr. & Mrs. Trent L. Wertz Mr. & Mrs. H. Thayer West Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas West IV Mr. & Mrs. Phillip David West Mr. Daniel Louis Westra Ms. Jacqueline C. Westra Mrs. James C. Wheat, Jr. † Capt. & Mrs. William C. Wheaton Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Wheeler The Rev. & Mrs. H. Van Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. J. Kendall Whitaker, Jr. ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Meade Whitaker, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. White, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene T. White III Mr. & Mrs. James E. White, Sr. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Jere F. White, Jr. (FT) Mrs. Joanna K. White Mr. & Mrs. Kip J. White Dr. & Mrs. Stuart B. White ’53 Dr. Susan Allan White Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. White, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott Whitehead Mrs. Elizabeth Whitehouse † Dr. Francis R. Whitehouse ’34 † (FT) Ms. Karen White-Reardon Mr. & Mrs. E. Carter Whitley, Sr. ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Whitt, Jr. ’78 Ms. Anne Marie Whittemore (T) Mr. F. Case Whittemore Mr. James R. Whorley ’70 † Mrs. Peggy C. Whorley Mrs. Jean Wiant Dr. Richard A. Wiant ’49 † Dr. & Mrs. R. Glen Wiggans Maj. Gen. & Mrs. Richard O. Wightman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dorsey W. Wilberger, Jr. Ms. Tracey L. Wiley Mr. & Mrs. Jack Morton Wilhelm Mr. William P. Wilkins, Jr. ’59 † Mr. Norman C. Willcox † Mr. W. Roscoe Willett III Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Williams Mr. & Mrs. C. Nelson Williams Mrs. Deborah Brown Williams Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Newton Williams II Mrs. Isham Rowland Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leroy F. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Williams, Jr. Mr. Richard Scott Williams Mr. & Mrs. Rodney E. Williams, Sr. ’63 The Rev. & Mrs. Charles C. Williamson ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joseph Willings Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Willis, Jr. ’42 Mrs. David E. Willis Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Willis The Hon. & Mrs. Jere M. H. Willis, Jr. ’54 Drs. Charles B. & Jane Williston Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Wilson Mr. & Mrs. David G. Wilson, Jr. ’63 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Wilson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy G. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Durant Cooper Wilson III Mr. & Mrs. Layton B. Wilson Mr. Lester Arnauld Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Tym Turner Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Wilson

Mrs. Barbara D. Wilt Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Wiltshire Mr. & Mrs. Steele B. Windle III Mrs. Ruth Windsor-Mann Mrs. Caroline Winfree Dr. & Mrs. Charles S. Wingard Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Winston IV ’75 Donnan C. Wintermute (T) Mr. & Mrs. Frank Downing Wiseman ’73 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Wishon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Montgomery Clark Wisman Mr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Wisz Mr. & Mrs. James W. Witt Mr. Robert H. Witte, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Witthoefft, Jr. ’65 Mrs. Velma H. Wobus † Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Wolanski Mrs. Edward W. Wolcott † Dr. & Mrs. James M. Wolcott, Jr. ’42 Mr. & Mrs. A. Allen Wolf The Revs. David E. & Linda E. Wolfe Mr. Thomas M. Wolter Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Wood ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Kim Warren Wood Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Wood III Mr. & Mrs. Orpheus Lanphear Woodbury Mr. & Mrs. James K. Woodley, Jr. ’59 Mr. & Mrs. Milton H. Woodside, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. F. G. Woodson Mr. & Mrs. Madison Truman Woodward III Mr. & Mrs. Taylor G. Woody Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Worsham Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Worthen (FT) Mr. & Mrs. W. Michael Wrege ’73 Dr. Hugh Orian Wrenn ’46 † Mrs. Hugh Orian Wrenn Mr. & Mrs. Cecil B. Wright III Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Cleveland A. Wright, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. George Wright III ’48 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wright ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Robert McDowell Wright Mrs. Claudia Albright Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. David V. Wykle Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Yake Mr. & Mrs. Emmett D. B. Yancey ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Yarborough, Jr. Ms. Sharon M. Yeager Dr. & Mrs. R. Patrick Yeatts ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Roy R. Yeatts, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hamilton York Mr. Thomas Jeffrey York Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. Youmans, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Curtis R. Young Ms. Nancy H. Young Dr. & Mrs. Reginald S. Young ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Young Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lee Young Ms. Leslie J. Yuhasz Dr. & Mrs. Scott W. Zackowski Mr. Charles Andrew Zalesiak Ms. Nancy L. Zalesiak Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zambetti Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Zaudtke, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Eric Zedaker ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Zell Mr. & Mrs. William H. Zimmer III Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Zimmerman Dr. & Mrs. John H. Zoller III Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Zrelak

final campaign report


WHO MADE A COMMITMENT TO THE THROUGH THESE GATES CAMPAIGN Anonymous (27) Mr. & Mrs. John P. Ackerly III Mr. & Mrs. Arthur U. Adams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Adams Rendy Adams Mr. & Mrs. Walter Adey Mrs. Alfred A. Adkins III Mr. & Mrs. David William Adkins Dr. & Mrs. Dieudonné K. Afatsawo (F) Ms. Kimberly A. Agee Mr. & Mrs. William E. Agee, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. V. Michael Agostinelli Mr. Vergil M. Agostinelli Naila Townes Ahmed Ms. Martha P. Akeel Mr. Andrew M. Akstin Mr. & Mrs. John S. Alabaster Mr. Andrew P. Albero Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Albert Mr. Talbot J. Albert IV Mr. Frank M. Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Alderman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Aldrich Mr. Alex Alexander Ms. Carolyn C. Alexander Mr. James M. Alexander Mr. James T. Alexander IV Mrs. Louis E. Alexander Mr. Thomas W. Alexander † Admiral & Mrs. L. J. Alexanderson Mr. Charlie B. Allen Mr. & Mrs. James Wallace Allen Mrs. Jennifer S. Allen (S) Lt. Col. & Mrs. John R. Allen Dr. Mary Virginia Allen Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Allen Mr. Vernon C. Allen † Mr. & Mrs. William J. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Earl Allin Mr. & Mrs. Duane V. Allmond Mr. & Mrs. Dean K. Allnutt Mrs. Fannie P. Almond Mr. & Mrs. C. Larry Altman Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Ambrose Mr. & Mrs. Larry T. Ambrose Mrs. Elizabeth Cocker Amos (S) Mr. & Mrs. Alvin P. Anderson Dr. & Mrs. C. William Anderson (F) Mr. Chris R. Anderson Mrs. F. Sidney Anderson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. Kim Anderson II Mr. Herbert W. Anderson III Mr. Mark Anderson Ms. Nancy M. Anderson Dr. Seth W. Anderson Mr. Yogi Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Jon T. André Mr. & Mrs. Ira L. Andrews III Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Andrews, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Daniel Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Annarino, Jr. Mr. Paul Antal Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Anthony Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Anthony, Jr. Mr. Gary A. Anthony Dr. Braxton L. Apperson III † - deceased

T - trustee

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Appiah Ms. Ann H. Archer Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Archer, Jr. ’73 (F) Mr. Edward Arcuri Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Ardell Mr. Francis A. Arena Dr. & Mrs. James Alexander Arieti (F) Ms. Rondi L. Arlton (S) Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Armbruster Mr. & Mrs. William A. Armbruster Ms. Barbara S. Armentrout (S) Ms. Anne Armistead Mr. & Mrs. Beverley W. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Armstrong Ms. Jennie B. Armstrong Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. T. Lee Arnest Ms. Virginia A. Arnold Mr. Nathaniel D. Arnot, Jr. Ms. Ann V. Arrington Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Arrington, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevyn Arthur Mr. & Mrs. Luis E. Artime Ms. Jodie L. Asbell Ms. Judith A. Ashley Mr. & Mrs. James B. Ashwell Mr. & Mrs. Gordon H. Ashworth Mr. L. Ray Ashworth Mr. & Mrs. Shelton B. Askew Dr. & Mrs. W. Atiyeh Mr. & Mrs. Frank B. Atkinson Ms. Lois C. Atkinson Dr. Robert LeRoy Atwell, Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Aub Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Aufenger Mr. Carter Pendleton Augustine Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Axelsson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Terry Babbitt Mr. & Mrs. Devin T. Babcock Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Baber Mr. & Mrs. Clifton M. Bachtell, Jr. Ms. Vicky J. Badavinac Mr. & Mrs. Martin Badewitz Dr. & Mrs. George F. Bagby, Jr. (F) Mr. John Bagby III Mr. & Mrs. James B. Baggett Ms. Helen M. Bailey Miss M. Ellen Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bailey Mr. David W. Baird IV Mrs. E. Ballard Baker Mr. Frank C. Baker, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Paul S. Baker (S) Mr. & Mrs. Ralph K. Baker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker Mr. & Mrs. James S. Bakos, Jr. Ms. Anne G. Baldwin Mr. H. Furlong Baldwin Mrs. Hazel N. Baldwin (S) Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Baldwin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rufus G. Baldwin, Jr. The Hon. & Mrs. Gerald L. Baliles Mr. R. Brian Ball Mr. & Mrs. C. Chadwick Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Ballard Lt. Col. & Mrs. R. J. Ballentine

FT - former trustee

f - faculty

s - staff

Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Ballou III Mr. Alvin Y. Bandy Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Bandy Mr. Scott Bankhead Mrs. Teresa Banyas Mr. John W. Barbee, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Barber Ms. Patricia P. Barber Dr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Barber (F) Mr. & Mrs. Paul Z. Bard Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Bargmann Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dewey Barham, Jr. Mr. Joseph N. Barham Mr. & Mrs. David M. Barker Ms. Grace S. Barlow Mrs. Lynn B. Barlow Ms. Elizabeth R. Barnes Ms. Peggy M. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Barnes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Barnes III Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow H. Barnes II Mr. Robert B. Barnhill, Jr. Mr. Timothy R. Barnhill Mr. & Mrs. Herman S. Barr Dr. Charles H. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. John G. Barrie, Jr. Dr. Charles M. Barron Dr. & Mrs. Roger Milton Barrus (F) Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Barry Mrs. Joan Moore Bartlett † Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Barto Mr. Gary G. Barton (S) Mr. & Mrs. James E. Barton ’06 (S) Mr. Thomas A. Barton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Bass, Jr. Mrs. Frances T. Bates Ms. Linda K. Batt Mrs. Grace Battle Mr. Theodore W. Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Lee Baughan Mr. & Mrs. M. Briggs Bauman Mr. William D. Bayliss Mr. & Mrs. James E. Baylor Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baylor Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Baynard Mr. Wayne Beagle Mr. Frank P. Beale Mrs. John D. Beall Mr. & Mrs. Harry Walter Beam (S) Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Beard Mr. William M. Beard Mrs. Cathrine Beattie † Mr. David R. Beavers Mr. Wyatt S. Beazley IV Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Beck Ms. Janice R. Beck Dr. R. Nels Beck Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Belber II Mr. & Mrs. Jerry K. Bell Ms. Rachel C. Bell Mr. Sumner Bell Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Bell Mr. & Mrs. William D. Bell Ms. Rita L. Benfield Mr. Carlton F. Bennett Dr. Jana M. Bennett (F) Mr. Lawrence E. Bennett

Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Bennett Mr. William J. Benos Ms. D. Kay Benson Mr. & Mrs. Patterson M. Bentley Mr. Duane M. Benton Ms. Mildred J. Beres Mrs. Janice Bergeron Mr. & Mrs. David W. Bergeson Cmdr. & Mrs. G. R. Berkeley, Jr. Ms. Margaret Karen Berkness Mrs. Joan B. Berman † (F) Dr. Joseph Michael Berman (F) Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Bernard Col. & Mrs. Bobby J. Berry (Ret.) Mr. & Mrs. David E. Berry Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Betts Mr. & Mrs. Alfred B. Bevan, Jr. Mrs. Edith L. Beyke Mr. & Mrs. Vishwa M. Bhargava Mr. & Mrs. Pravin G. Bhuta Mr. & Mrs. John S. Bibb, Jr. Mr. Charles B. Bice Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Bick Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Bickford Mr. & Mrs. Warren Bicknell Mr. Michael J. Bielinski Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bieniakowski Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Biggs, Jr. Ms. Ann Embleton Bird Mr. G. W. Birkhead Mr. & Mrs. Alfred T. Bishop, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Bishop Dr. Robert H. Blackman (F) Dr. Margaret VanDeman Blackmon Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Blackwell Mrs. Shirley V. Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. John D. Blair III Ms. Jo Ann Blair-Davis Mr. Walter B. Blair Mr. Jonathan D. Blake Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Blaker Mr. & Mrs. David N. Blakey Mr. & Mrs. Fred M. Blanchard Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Blanchard Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Blanchard Ms. Mary Conner Bland Mr. & Mrs. Hershel Blankenship Ms. Shelley H. Blanks Mr. Winston R. Blenckstone Ms. Mary Beth Blessing Mr. Paul S. Bliley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Blizman Dr. Ronald C. Bloodworth Dr. Steven D. Bloom (F) Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Blow Mrs. DeWitt Quarrier Blundon Col. & Mrs. Stephen E. Bobko Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Boettke Mr. & Mrs. George L. Boggs Mr. & Mrs. R. Lewis Boggs Mr. Jule E. Bolio Mrs. W. Chan Bolling Mr. & Mrs. John Bolton III Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Bondurant Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Bonner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bonuck Ms. Susan L. Booker (F)

Capt. & Mrs. William H. Borger III Dr. Donald W. Bortz Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Bortz, Jr. Mrs. Virginia Bortz † Dr. & Mrs. Walter M. Bortz III (S) Mr. David A. Bosworth Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Botsford Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bottger Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Bouchillon Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Bourdon Mr. & Mrs. R. Edward Bourdon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Bourne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. R. T. Bowen Mr. Paul S. Bowley Dr. & Mrs. Glen D. Bowman (S) Mrs. Mildred Erlene Bowman (S) Mr. E. Gillet Boyce Mr. & Mrs. G. Graham Boyce Mrs. G. Grayson Boyce Mr. & Mrs. Cal Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Edgar M. Boyd Ms. Jennifer Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Calvin J. Boyer Mr. Donald E. Boyer Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Boyer Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Boyer Mr. & Mrs. David G. Boynton Mr. Scott Boze Mr. & Mrs. Boyd E. Braden III Mr. & Mrs. James Bradfield Mr. & Mrs. Adam J. Bradley Capt. & Mrs. Rex A. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Bradshaw Ms. Kathryn G. Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. M. Dale Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. William P. Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Brady Mr. Robert J. Braig Ms. Annie B. Braland Mr. Bob Bralley Mrs. Nicole V. Branch (S) Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Brandis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony S. Brandon Mr. Timothy S. Brandon Mrs. Patricia Anne Brandt (S) Ms. Karen Branham Ms. Gladys G. Brankley Mr. & Mrs. W. Scott Brannan Ms. Carol W. Brawley Mr. James F. Brawley Mr. Marion Porter Brawley The Hon. Richard S. Bray Mr. & Mrs. James D. Breckenridge Ms. Thelma Jean Breedlove † Ms. Theresa M. Breen Mr. & Mrs. Calvin W. Breit Mr. Geoffrey H. Brent Ms. Barbara J. Breslin Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Brewbaker, Jr. Ms. Ann C. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Brickhouse Mrs. Rowena T. Brinser Ms. Katherine S. Brissette Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Brite, Sr. Ms. Sharon M. Britton Mr. Austin W. Brizendine, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Broaddus


66 hampden-sydney college Mr. Meriwether Broaddus Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Austin Brockenbrough III Ms. Vicki Brock-Fitchett Mr. & Mrs. C. Russell Brockwell Mr. Steve Brockwell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brockwell, Jr. Mr. A. Peter Brodell Mr. & Mrs. Cabell L. Brodie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Brody Ms. Connie Wentz Broecker Mr. & Mrs. Amsbry M. Brooks, Jr. Mr. Kingsley B. Brooks Mrs. Mary M. Brooks (S) Mr. & Mrs. Warren P. Brooks Mr. Raymond Browder Mrs. Alexander G. Brown III Mr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Brown III Mr. E. Trigg Brown, Jr. Mr. Edward Brown Ms. Elizabeth A. Brown Mrs. Fred Brown Ms. Heather R. Brown Mr. & Mrs. John W. Brown, Jr. Ms. Linda A. Brown Ms. Mary Perkins Brown Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Brown Mr. Steven D. Brown Ms. Suzanne H. Brown Mr. Townsend Brown, Jr. Ms. Amber Brownell Dr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Browning, Jr. Mr. Tren L. Brownley Ms. Mary Frances Bruce Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Brun Mr. & Mrs. William P. Brunson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beeler Brush (S) Mr. & Mrs. F. Lee Bryan III Mr. & Mrs. J. Stewart Bryan III Mr. John S. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Julian A. Bryant Mr. Lawrence H. Bryant Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Morice Bryce (F) Mrs. Anne Buchanan † Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Buchanan Dr. & Mrs. F. Talmadge Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. Albert Buckberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Buford Ms. Bonnalynn A. Bugg Mr. & Mrs. Bryce A. Bugg Mr. & Mrs. Wadsworth Bugg, Jr. Ms. Joan P. Buhrman Mr. & Mrs. Richardson Buist Mrs. R. C. Bunts † Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph H. Bunzl Mr. & Mrs. Anthony S. Burch Mr. Kevin S. Burcher Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Burchett Ms. Patrice M. Burdett Ms. Jeanette C. Burge Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Burger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dale P. Burgess Mr. & Mrs. Emil Burk Mr. Kerry Lee Burke II ’07 (S) Mr. Kevin J. Burke Ms. Michele W. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Shannon E. Burkett Mr. & Mrs. Wayne V. Burkhart (S) Mrs. Robbie W. Burkholder Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Burkholder Mr. & Mrs. Brian Thomas Burns (S) Mr. James J. Burns Mr. & Mrs. William H. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Duane J. Burpoe Mr. Charles F. Burroughs, Jr. † Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Burt Mr. David C. Burton Mr. Joel C. Burton Mr. & Mrs. Ralph G. Burton, Sr. † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. Michael C. Buseck Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Edward Bush (S) Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Bushnell III Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bushnell Mr. Aaron Patrick Busi (S) Ms. Pamela W. Butler Dr. Shannon M. Butler Ms. Betty Marie Butler-Cole Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Buyalos Mr. Mike A. Buyalos, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie A. Byrd Mr. Steve Byrd Dr. Victor Nicholas Cabas, Jr. (F) Mr. William Cabell † Mr. & Mrs. Gary Morris Cage Mr. John Cain Mr. Patrick A. Cairns Mr. K. Charles Calcutt Mr. Donald A. Caldwell Ms. Ellen Anne Calhoun Mr. Henry W. Calhoun Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan C. Calhoun Mr. & Mrs. John E. Callahan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. B. Jerome Callan Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Camnitz Mr. Paul D. Camp III † Mrs. Cynthia Orange Campbell (S) Mr. Edward J. Campbell (FT) Ms. Elizabeth Susan Campbell Mr. Norman J. Campbell Mr. Stephen Mercer Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Walker Campbell Mr. & Mrs. William S. Campbell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Campolongo Mr. Lawrence B. Cann III Ms. Margaret E. S. Cannon Mr. & Mrs. Paul Canovali Mr. & Mrs. Francis Capitano Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Capozzi Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Caravati, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thomas Card, Jr. (S) Ms. Margaret Barnes Carey Dr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Carilli (F) Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Carleton, Sr. Ms. Jane H. Carlson Mr. Alan R. Carney Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Carney Dr. & Mrs. Gerald T. Carney (F) Mr. & Mrs. Landon G. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. John E. Carr III Ms. Susan A. Carrington Mr. & Mrs. Carl I. Carroll Mr. David H. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Curtis W. Carter Ms. Elisabeth Reed Carter Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor Carter Miss Emily E. Carter Ms. JoAnne Carter Ms. Lois C. Carter Mr. W. Bond Carter Mr. & Mrs. Worth Harris Carter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James H. Carwile (S) Ms. Audrey D. Cary Mr. Miles Cary, Jr. Ms. Nancy A. Casanova Mr. & Mrs. George E. Case Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Cash, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Cashman, Jr. Ms. Geraldine J. Cashwell Ms. Catherine P. Caspole Ms. Linda F. Cassada (S) Mr. & Mrs. Brawner Cates III Mrs. John B. Catlett Mr. & Mrs. Ned Caton Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Catuska Dr. Isabelle Cazeaux Mr. & Mrs. Franklin L. Cecil Ms. Martha A. Chandler

FT - former trustee

f - faculty

s - staff

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore L. Chandler, Jr. The Rev. Michael B. Chaney Mr. J. E. Chapman III Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Chapman Ms. Sherry E. Chapman Mr. E. Tyree Chappell Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Chappell Ms. Sarah I. Charles Mrs. Yvonne M. Charles Mr. & Mrs. David A. Charnes Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan C. Chase Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Cheadle Mrs. Lisa Bierowski Cheney (S) Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Chernak Mrs. Elmira M. Chernault Mrs. Louise T. Chewning Dr. & Mrs. Stanley A. Cheyne (F) Ms. Catherine G. Chiari Mr. & Mrs. T. Johnson Childress Mr. & Mrs. Vincent William Childress Ms. Elizabeth Gresham Chilton Mr. Carter C. Chinnis Ms. Cindy L. Christian Mrs. James D. Christian Mrs. Pauline K. Christian Dr. Annette Christy Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Church Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Ciccone Mr. Arturo Cisneros Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Cissel Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Cissel Mrs. Cynthia S. Citrone (T) Mr. David S. Clapp Mr. & Mrs. Billy C. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Craig J. Clark Ms. Joan S. Clark Mr. Wally Clark Mr. & Mrs. William Clark Mr. & Mrs. William N. Clark, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George B. Clarke IV Mr. & Mrs. Lambuth M. Clarke Mrs. Willliam H. Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Clary Mr. William B. Clary, Jr. Ms. Janet S. Clayton Mr. & Mrs. Neill McKeithen Clegg Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Clemen Ms. Clara E. Clements Mrs. Lynn N. Clements (S) Mr. W. Norwood Clemons Mr. & Mrs. John H. Click Mr. & Mrs. James Clifford Mrs. Elizabeth B. Clough Mr. & Mrs. John B. Clough Mrs. Joseph B. Clower, Jr. † Mrs. Mary Glenn M. Cobb Ms. Lee Stuart Cochran Ms. Margaret H. Cochran Mr. Steven L. Cochran Ms. Anne S. Cockrell Mr. & Mrs. Juan C. Cocuy Mrs. Charles E. Coe Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Coffman Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Cohan Mr. & Mrs. George L. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. James Richard Cohen Dr. Lee McClain Cohen † (F) Mr. Philip E. Cohen Mr. Philip S. Cohen † Mr. Saul B. Cohen Mr. Stanley E. Cohen Ms. Elizabeth C. Cole Mr. Madison F. Cole, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James T. Coleman Ms. LaNette G. Coleman Mr. Lee Coleman Mr. Thomas W. Coleman Mr. Timothy B. Coleman Drs. J. Scott & Christine Colley (F)

Mr. James B. Collier The Hon. Robert A. Collier, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Collins Leslie V. Collins Mr. Robert C. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Raul J. Colon Ms. Lucille A. Colvin Mr. Andrew M. Condlin Mr. Charles P. Condon Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Conger Ms. Dawn Lee Congleton (S) Dr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Conkwright, Jr. Ms. Kathleen H. Conner Ms. Mair W. Conrad Ms. Sherrie L. Conrad Ms. Linda L. Consolvo Dr. & Mrs. Edmond C. Conway Ms. Susan C. Coogan Mr. Donald A. Cook Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Cook Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Cook Mr. & Mrs. James E. Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Jay F. Cooke (S) Mr. & Mrs. Norman B. Cooling Dr. Dorothy F. Cooney Ms. Sarah J. Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Cooper Mr. J. Bailey O. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. J. Truba Cooper, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cooper (S) Miss Mary S. Copenhaver Mrs. Angie Coppedge Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Corcoran Mr. John A. Cosgrove, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Costanzo Mr. D. C. Cotton, Jr. Mr. William F. Cotty Mr. & Mrs. James G. Couch Mr. Jason C. Coulombe Dr. Francis L. Counselman Mrs. William H. Covington Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cowley Mr. C. Edwin Cox Mr. & Mrs. James R. Cox Col. William A. Cox, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Boyd Coyner Dr. Carolyn M. Craft Mr. & Mrs. Donald I. Craft Ms. Joan K. Craft Mr. & Mrs. C. Scott Crafton Col. & Mrs. Joseph T. Crane, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David H. Crawford Ms. Martha W. Crawford Ms. Marcella C. Crawley Mrs. Roberta A. Crawley Mr. & Mrs. Billy Creamer Ms. E. Lois B. P. Creamer Miss Holly M. Creamer (S) Ms. Gloria M. Creecy Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Creger Mr. Edward T. Creger Mrs. Patricia B. Creger Mr. & Mrs. Francis N. Crenshaw Mr. & Mrs. John I. Crews, Jr. Ms. Julia W. Crichton Dr. & Mrs. Crile Crisler Mr. G. Russell Croft Mr. James T. Cromwell Ms. Anne R. Cronly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Crooks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Crouse Mr. & Mrs. Matthew C. Crowl Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Crumbine Mr. James N. Crumbley Mrs. Olive Crummett Mr. & Mrs. John E. C. Culbert Mr. John W. Cullen III Mr. & Mrs. W. Glenn Culley, Jr. (S)

Ms. Carolyn P. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Chris Cunningham Ms. Mary B. Curry Ms. Anne Lee Dabney Ms. Elizabeth Kennon Dabney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Dabney Ms. Beverley Stone Dale Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Dalke Ms. Kathryn Dalke Mr. David L. Dallas, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Dalton (S) Mr. Charles R. Dalton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. Alan Dalton Mr. Hal Dalton Mr. & Mrs. David C. Dameron Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Dameron, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Zachariah Dameron Mr. & Mrs. James J. Danaher Mr. M. J. Dance, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. S. Scott Dance, Jr. Mr. William H. Daniel Mr. Steven Michael D’Antonio ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Darby Mr. Freddy C. Darby Mr. & Mrs. Austin T. Darden, Jr. Mr. Joshua P. Darden, Jr. Mrs. Debra Johnson Darling (S) Mr. & Mrs. David A. Dashiell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dashiell Ms. Katherine A. Datz (S) Mr. & Mrs. Oliver W. Daughdrill Mr. & Mrs. Claude R. Davenport, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Huntley Davenport Ms. Aimee M. David Mr. & Mrs. Michel David Ms. Carol Davidson Ms. June R. Davidson Mr. Ronald L. Davidson Mrs. Rosella Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Davis III Mr. Charles E. Davis IV Mr. Douglas W. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Davis Dr. & Mrs. Evan R. Davis (F) Mr. Gordon R. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Irvin H. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Joan H. Davis (S) Mr. & Mrs. John T. Davis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K. Davis Mr. Linwood W. Davis Mrs. Marguerite C. Davis (FT) Ms. Mary Jo Davis Dr. Mollie Camp Davis Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Davis III (S) Ms. Sandra J. W. Davis Mr. Sean V. Davis ’06 (S) Mr. & Mrs. William R. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Winston B. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Wyatt F. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Gene Dawson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Darryl L. Day Ms. Della M. Day Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mathew De Luca (F) Ms. Barbara J. Deakin Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Deakin Mrs. Donna G. Dean (S) Ms. Gail Elizabeth Dean (S) Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Deans Mr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Dearth, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel DeBoer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. Chesley Decker Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Decuir Mr. Quincy Ryland Dedes Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Defaber Dr. Joyce S. Degenhart & Mr. John S. Degenhart Dr. Elizabeth Jane Deis (F)

Dr. Jana M. DeJong (F) Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. DeLaney Mr. Philip B. Dellisante Mr. Arturo Delmoni Mrs. Sara Delo Dr. & Mrs. John J. Denale II Ms. Carol Ann Denale Ms. Jenna L. Denale Mr. Keith Denale Ms. Megan C. Denale Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Denman Mr. I. B. Dent Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. DeRidder Mr. E. L. Derring Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Derringer Mr. & Mrs. William R. Derry, Jr. Dr. Richard E. Detar Mr. John D. Detlefsen Mr. & Mrs. David C. Detwiler Mr. Elson R. Devan Mr. Sam DeVane Mrs. Rae E. Devine Dr. & Mrs. Edward W. Devlin (F) Mr. & Mrs. James A. DeVoe Mr. & Mrs. John M. Dew III Miss Malissa T. deWindt Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Dewolfe (F) Mr. Joseph Di Julio Mr. & Mrs. Reno J. Dicarlantonio Ms. Nellie H. Dickenson Miss Anna P. Dickhoff † (S) Mrs. Virginia Dickhoff Ms. Sarah D. Dicks Ms. Janice Dickson Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Dicostanzo Dr. & Mrs. Powell Dillard, Jr. Ms. Stephanie L. Dillard Mr. Paul W. Dillingham Mr. Matthew Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Dirom, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Ditri Mrs. Cheryle M. Dixon (S) Mr. Jerry A. Dixon Mr. Howard W. Dobbins Mr. Richard Donahoe Ms. Elsie P. Donnahoe Mr. & Mrs. R. T. Dooley, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William F. Dorrill Mr. Bernard E. Dotson, Jr. Ms. Marcia D. Doty Mr. John C. Doub Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Doub Ms. Carmela G. Dougherty Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Dougherty (F) Mr. & Mrs. Prentiss P. Douglass III Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Dowdy III (S) Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Dowlen Mrs. Wayne A. Downing Ms. Mildred T. Doyle Ms. Fannie W. Draper Ms. Sally W. Drash Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Dreelin III Ms. Katharine A. Drennan Ms. Kathleen A. Drennan Dr. & Mrs. C. Alison Drescher Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Lucas Drew Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Drew Dr. & Mrs. Lewis H. Drew ’60 (S) Mrs. Nellie Louise Peyronnet Drew † Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Drew Mr. & Mrs. Bernard I. Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Driscoll Mrs. Virginia Druen † (S) Mrs. Bolling S. DuBose, Jr. † Mrs. Brittan Weinzierl duBose Mr. Matthew R. Dubroff (F) Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Dudley Mr. & Mrs. John L. Dudley ’95 (S) Ms. Linda B. Dudley

final campaign report Mr. David Dugan Mr. & Mrs. James B. Duke Mr. & Mrs. James C. Duke, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert K. Duley Dr. Edward Duling Mr. & Mrs. Vernon C. Duncan Mr. Patrick J. Dunford Col. & Mrs. William H. Dunham III Miss Helen Jane Dunn † Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Michael Dunn (F) Mr. Richard M. Dunn III Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dunn Ms. Terrell H. Dunnavant † Mrs. Helen P. Dunnington Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dupont Mrs. Helen O. Duran Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Duran Mr. Colin Durham Mr. & Mrs. William H. Duttweiler, Jr. Ms. Susan Eakin Mr. & Mrs. David Wayne East (S) Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Eastburn Dr. John H. Eastby (F) Mr. & Mrs. Calvin W. Easter Mr. & Mrs. Julio T. Echert Mr. Ed Eck Mr. Francis T. Eck Mr. & Mrs. Gregory N. Ecroyd Mr. W. Holt Edmunds Sen. & Mrs. John S. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Edwards Mr. Mark Edwards Ms. Mary Meade R. Edwards Ms. Ruth Ann Edwards Mr. B. Purnell Eggleston Mr. Stephen I. Eggleston Col. & Mrs. Telford S. Eggleston, Jr. Ms. Barbara Day Eicher Mr. Robert E. Eicher Mr. & Mrs. John A. Eichler Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Eilert Mr. & Mrs. Marty Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Eisenbrandt, Jr. Mrs. Elliott F. Elam Ms. Constance J. Eldridge Ms. Ann A. Ellington Mr. Chris Ellington Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Ellington Ms. Doris Mickles Elliott Ms. Dossie M. Elliott Mrs. Marie D. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Allan L. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Ellis Ms. Sharon G. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Sutherland C. Ellwood Ms. Betty Ayres Embrey Dr. Caroline S. Emmons (F) Ms. Emma Gray Emory Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Emroch Mr. Andrew H. Engemann Dr. & Mrs. William P. Englehart Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Englert Mr. & Mrs. D. C. English Mr. & Mrs. George D. English, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Epperson II ’79 (S) Mr. Allan D. Erbe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Ericson Mrs. Grace R. Eshleman Mr. & Mrs. Bennie J. Etheridge Ms. Cynthia K. Eure Mr. & Mrs. John D. Eure, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Russell S. Evans, Jr. Mr. Edward B. Evans Lt. Col. & Mrs. Victore Evaro Ms. Kathleen S. Eye Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Eye

Mr. Richard O. Ezell Mrs. Dorotha J. Fahrner (S) Mr. Joseph Fainberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Faix Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Falvey Mr. & Mrs. George C. Fant Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Farley Mr. John A. Farley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Farley Ms. Elsie M. Farmer Mrs. Jane Farrar Mr. & Mrs. W. Gary Farrar, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Alan Ford Farrell (F) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. William Farthing, Jr. Ms. Dana S. Faulconer Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Favret Mr. John D. Favret (S) Ms. Loretta M. Favret Mrs. Sherry E. Feagans Miss Katherine Feil Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Paul Feldman Mr. Ronald Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Fellows Ms. Barbara Felton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Felts Mr. Morgan S. Felty Mr. & Mrs. Sieg T. Felty Ms. Denise Muir Fennelly Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Fenwick III Mr. Jason Matthew Ferguson ’96 (S) Mr. Mark G. Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Don M. Fergusson Ms. Seymour Fiekowsky Ms. Anne Mason Field Mr. & Mrs. Ian Fields Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lindsey Fields, Jr. Ms. Frances A. Fife Mr. & Mrs. Coleman D. Figg Mr. & Mrs. Allen B. Fine Ms. Patricia A. Finley Mrs. Malcolm Firth Mr. & Mrs. George L. Fischer Dr. & Mrs. Keith William Fitch (F) Mr. & Mrs. G. S. Fitz-Hugh, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Fitzkee The Hon. & Mrs. Duross Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Kurt F. Flaig Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Flanigan Mr. H. Ashby Flannagan Dr. & Mrs. Earl W. Fleck (F) Ms. Elizabeth Gale C. Fleenor Miss Julia B. Fleet † Mr. Herman S. Fletcher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stewart G. Flippen Miss Laura M. Flippo Mr. Wilson H. Flohr, Jr. Mr. Donnie L. Flora Dr. Paul Flowers Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Flowers Mr. & Mrs. E. E. Flythe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bradley T. Foote Mr. Peter C. Foote Mr. & Mrs. William R. Forbis Mr. & Mrs. Carlisle F. Ford Mrs. Elizabeth McCormack Ford (S) Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Ford Ms. Virginia P. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Fore Ms. Caryn Ashley Forehand Mr. & Mrs. James B. Forehand, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Forehand Mr. & Mrs. Alvin W. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Andy Foster Mr. Bruce C. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Larry Foster Mr. & Mrs. William B. Fountain



John W. “Bill” Kirk III ’72 Many of the fondest memories for John W. “Bill” Kirk III ’72 are from his days playing football for Hampden-Sydney College. “It was a great four years. It provided easy assimilation into a great bunch of guys. It was also very special to be a part of such a successful team; we were undefeated my senior year and had the number-one defense in the country.” When he saw that the renovation and expansion of Gammon Gym was a major goal of the Through These Gates campaign, Mr. Kirk saw this as an opportunity to give back to the college that had given him so much. He says, “These last few years were a window of opportunity for the College, an opportunity to make a difference in its future. This was also an opportunity for me to make a difference in the school. Our athletics programs have been blessed recently and improving our athletic facilities increases the opportunities for continued success in the future.” Along with his cherished memories of the gridiron, he is quick to recall professors who had an influence on him, like Dr. Charles McRae and Dr. Ronald Heinemann. “I remember that Dr. Heinemann arrived on campus the same year that my class entered as freshmen. He spoke at JOHN “BILL” KIRK III ’72 our 20th reunion about how we had all started our Hampden-Sydney careers at the same time. Since I was a history major, I had gotten to know him pretty well when I was a student. Over all of these years, I still say ‘hello’ to him at athletic events and when I see him around campus. This is a place where students can really get to know their professors and to become friends with them.” Mr. Kirk believes strongly in investing in our young people and his commitment to Hampden-Sydney College is evidence of that. The new Kirk Athletic Center will greatly benefit our current students and attract high caliber applicants who might otherwise overlook the breadth of opportunities this College has to offer.

68 hampden-sydney college Mr. Calvin W. Fowler, Jr. Mrs. Karen Harris Fowler (S) Mr. Thomas M. Fowler (S) Ms. Mary Katherine Fowles Ms. Laura L. Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Fox III Mr. Paul D. Fraim Mr. Joe S. Frank Dr. & Mrs. William L. Frank Mr. Gustav W. Franke, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Frantz Mr. & Mrs. Dean R. Frazeur, Jr. Mr. Forrest L. Frazier Ms. Margaret M. Frechette Ms. Nan C. Freed Mr. & Mrs. Gerald T. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Freeman Mrs. Robert M. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Scott T. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. J. Wylie French Mr. & Mrs. James S. M. French Mrs. Charles H. Frischkorn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Craighead Fritsche, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John Moncure Fritsche Mr. & Mrs. John W. Frost II Dr. Lowell T. Frye (F) Mrs. Judith B. Fugate † Mrs. Joyce W. Fulcher (S) Ms. Pamela French Fulghum Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Fulton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert O. Funsten Mr. J. B. Fuqua † (FT) Mrs. J. B. Fuqua Ms. Robin H. Gabriel Ms. Barbara J. Gaden Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gaffney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Forrest L. Gager, Jr. Mrs. Judith F. Gager Ms. Connie Evans Gaines Ms. Alice P. Gale Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Gallagher Mr. W. F. Drewry Gallalee Mrs. Marianne S. Galloway Mr. Mark Galloway Ms. Doris Field Gallup Mr. Ben S. Gambill, Jr. Mr. Blair C. Gammon Mr. & Mrs. Clint T. Gann Ms. Verlie D. Gardner Ms. Anita Holmes Garland (S) Mr. & Mrs. Paul Griffith Garland Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Garland Mr. Todd B. Garliss, Jr. Mr. Steven E. Garner Mr. & Mrs. Muscoe R. H. Garnett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rand Garrett Mr. & Mrs. William B. Garrett Ms. Shirley S. Garris Mrs. Oliver H. Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Stan D. Gasiorowski Dr. Ray Allen Gaskins (F) Mr. & Mrs. David C. Gasque Dr. & Mrs. James B. Gates, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sibbley P. Gauntt Mr. Fred R. Gearheart, Jr. † Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Gedro Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Gee (S) Ms. Kristen S. Geer Mr. & Mrs. John P. Geisslinger Dr. & Mrs. Stanley R. Gemborys (F) Brig. Gen. & Mrs. Tolber T. Gentry Mr. & Mrs. Henry Harman George Ms. Muriel George Mr. Rowland George Mr. & Mrs. L. Meriwether German Mrs. Richard M. German, Jr. Mrs. Charles J. Geyer, Jr. Mrs. Joseph B. Geyer † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Giannini Dr. & Mrs. David W. Gibson (F) Mr. Roger J. Giesinger Ms. Polly Anna Gifford Mrs. Chandra Gigliotti Guridi (S) Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. David Leek Giles (S) Mr. & Mrs. Don M. Giles Mr. Paul Joseph Giles (S) Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Gill Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Gill Mr. Sherlock S. Gillet, Jr. Ms. Marcia M. Gilman † Mr. & Mrs. David M. Giltinan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Lee Giuriceo, Jr. (S) Mr. J. Edwin Givens † Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Glassberg Mr. Izaak D. Glasser Mr. Robert L. Glenn III Mr. & Mrs. Lee J. Gliarmis Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gnehm Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Godbout Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Goddard Mr. Douglas M. Godine Dr. Stephen H. Goldberger Mr. James W. Golden Mr. & Mrs. David R. Goode Mrs. Martha Goode Dr. & Mrs. William R. Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Bill Goodson Mr. & Mrs. William H. Goodwin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Goodyear, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Marshall P. Gordon III Mrs. Margaret Gordon, Jr. † Ms. Heather Gordzelik Mr. & Mrs. Floyd D. Gottwald, Jr. Ms. Kimberly C. Gottwald Mr. & Mrs. William W. Gough Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Gould Mr. & Mrs. Wayne H. Gousse Ms. Alice H. Grady Mr. & Mrs. Claude T. Graham Ms. Karen Ann Graham Mrs. Margaret Powell Graham (S) Mr. Norruth D. Graham, Jr. Mr. Kevin P. Grant Mr. & Mrs. Barry M. Grantier Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Grantier Mr. & Mrs. Harmon S. Graves Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Graves Ms. Margie H. Gravitte Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gray, Jr. Ms. Katharine T. Gray Ms. Jo Grayson Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Green Mr. & Mrs. K. Finnie Green Mr. John H. Greene Brig. Gen. & Mrs. Michael J. L. Greene Mrs. Beverly R. Greenwell Mr. & Mrs. O. C. Greenwood Mr. Fred Greer Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Greer, Jr. Mr. G. William Greer Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Gregory, Sr. Ms. Debra Mae Gregory (S) Mr. & Mrs. J. O. Gregory Ms. Stephanie Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Gregory (S) Dr. Paul G. Grekos Mr. Paul L. Grier † (S) Ms. Olive H. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Frederick N. Griffith Mr. & Mrs. John S. Grinalds (FT) Ms. Mary Anne Edmondson Grinnan Dr. & Mrs. Richardson Grinnan Mr. & Mrs. David Grissett Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Grose Mrs. Betty Groseclose

FT - former trustee

f - faculty

s - staff

Ms. Margaret McLaughlin Grove Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dun Grover Ms. Josephine Gruessing Mr. William Moultrie Guerry Mr. Ernest T. Guill, Jr. Mr. Rene J. Gunning, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sidney J. Gunst Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Gurley Ms. Anna H. Guy Mr. & Mrs. John H. Guy IV Mr. William B. Gwyn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Habel III Ms. Mary P. Habel Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Hague Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Hagy Mr. & Mrs. Travis E. Halford Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Curtis L. Hall Mr. Edward D. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Hall Dr. & Mrs. Robert Givin Hall (F) Ms. Jennifer J. Halladay Ms. Elizabeth V. Hallanan Mrs. Virginia Wilson Halliday Mr. & Mrs. Brenton S. Halsey Dr. J. Matthew Halverson Mr. & Mrs. Allen M. Hamblen Mr. & Mrs. A. William Hamill Mrs. Mary Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. William E. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Curtis C. Hamlett Mrs. Joan McGinnis Hamlett (S) Mr. & Mrs. Lewis B. Hamlett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lindy L. Hamlett Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Hamlett Mrs. Toni H. Hamlett (S) Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Hamlin Mr. & Mrs. W. Neil Hammerstrom Mr. & Mrs. Brandon L. Hampton Mrs. J. Harrison Hancock Mr. & Mrs. Mac Hancock Ms. Patricia Handrahan Mr. Edward A. Hanes Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Hanford Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hankins, Jr. Mr. John J. Hanky, Jr. Ms. Kindell Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Hardway Ms. Donnamarie Hardy Dr. Sarah Boykin Hardy (FT, F) Mrs. Roy B. Hargrove, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Harju Mrs. R. C. Harkleroad † Mrs. Margaret H. Harland Mr. & Mrs. Mark N. Harmer Ms. Jean C. Harrell Mr. John A. Harrell Mr. & Mrs. John C. Harrell Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Harrell Mr. Elliott M. Harrigan Ms. Diane Harrington Mrs. A. Epes Harris, Jr. Mr. Austin Ray Harris Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Harris III Mr. & Mrs. George R. Harris Ms. Hilda M. Harris Ms. Margaret M. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Burwell Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Harrison Mr. Frederick N. Harrison, Jr. † Mr. & Mrs. Hugh T. Harrison II Ms. Ida H. Harrison Dr. & Mrs. J. M. Harrison Mrs. Mary Calvin Harrison Ms. Mary W. Harrison Ms. Sarah Townsend Harrison Ms. Suzanne R. Harrison Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hartsook

Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy E. Harwell Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Hasler Mrs. Carolyn T. Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Ron L. Hastings Ms. A. Loren Hatcher Ms. Mattie L. Hatcher Mr. H. Grant Hathaway Mr. & Mrs. J. Lee Hathaway, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Hathaway Ms. Ashley E. Haug Mr. Charlie Haug Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Hauser Mr. & Mrs. William A. Havard Mr. & Mrs. Marc Hawes Ms. Catherine Hayden Ms. Jane B. Hayden Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hayden Mr. & Mrs. Clarence B. Hayes Ms. Diane Hayes Ms. Elisabeth Albert Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Hayes Ms. M. E. Greene Haywood Mr. & Mrs. Will L. Hazell III Mr. & Mrs. Lawson Kin Headley, Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Healy Mrs. Rosemary I. Hedges Chonko (S) Ms. Suzanne Heft Mr. I. B. Heinemann Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Lynton Heinemann (F) Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Heiner Ms. Jane Murphy Hellinger Dr. & Mrs. Paul Francis Hemler (F) Mrs. Caroline Hemmings Mr. & Mrs. R. James Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Henderson Mrs. Virginia P. Henderson Dr. & Mrs. William Robert Hendley (F) Mr. & Mrs. David A. Henley (S) Ms. Anne B. Hennessey Mr. & Mrs. Brian Keith Henshaw (S) Mr. & Mrs. W. D. Hensley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. Hensley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Henzel Dr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herdegen III (FT, F) Ms. Louise E. Herman Mrs. Jacqueline F. Herod Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Leslie Herron (F) Mrs. Leigh Nanney Hersey Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Herz Mrs. William R. Hess Mr. & Mrs. Ray F. Hewitt Mrs. Susan Robb Hewlett Ms. Gale T. Hickerson Mr. & Mrs. Kirby K. Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Hickman Mr. Bryan P. Hicks ’06 (S) Mrs. Dale Y. Hicks (S) Ms. Maxine Higgason Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Higgins, Jr. Dr. Marc A. Hight (F) Mr. Bernard Hildebrand Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Mcl. Hildreth Col. & Mrs. J. Jack Hilgers Mrs. Cheryl Canada Hill (S) Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stafford J. Hill (S) Mr. Thomas E. Hill Mr. Tom Hill Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hillmann Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Q. Hills Mr. Joseph C. Hines Mr. & Mrs. Ralph P. Hines (T) Yosiho Hirai Mr. Samuel W. Hixon III Dr. James L. Hoban, Jr.

Dr. Mary Saunders Hoban (F) Mr. James H. Hobart Mr. John H. Hobart Mr. & Mrs. A. Brooks Hock Mr. Charles E. Hock, Jr. Mrs. Charles E. Hock Mr. E. Edward Hodges Mr. & Mrs. George Emil Hoffer Mr. & Mrs. Harold D. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Tom F. Hofler Mrs. Jody R. Hogan Mrs. Virginia P. Hogan Mrs. Anita C. Holbrook † Mr. & Mrs. William A. Holby Col. & Mrs. James F. Holcomb (Ret.) Mr. & Mrs. James F. Holcomb Mrs. Katherine Holden Mr. & Mrs. D. Wayne Holder Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Holder Miss Emilie C. Holladay † Mr. & Mrs. E. Derham Holland Mr. & Mrs. J. Peter Holland IV Ms. Jane Fitzgerald Holland (S) Mr. & Mrs. Dennis B. Holofchak Mr. David S. Holt Ms. Elizabeth B. Holt Mr. & Mrs. H. Winston Holt III Ms. Josephine J. Holt Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Holt Professor Elizabeth Alexander Holtze Mr. Thomas L. Holzman Mr. & Mrs. Jack Honeycutt Dr. E. Marie Hooper Mr. & Mrs. Doug Hooten Ms. Betty W. Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Hope Mrs. J. Thomas Hopkins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jasper P. Horne III Mr. Claude S. Hornsby Miss Elizabeth G. Hoskins Mr. & Mrs. Stuart W. Hoskins Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Houchens Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hough Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Housden Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. House Ms. Dorothy W. Howard Dr. Emma Jean Howard Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Howard Mr. & Mrs. George C. Howell III Mr. Brent Howell Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Howk Mr. Harry M. Howton Dr. J. Daniel Huband Dr. & Mrs. R. Kirkland Hubbard, Jr. Mrs. Paul S. Huber, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edmunds S. Hudgins Mr. G. V. Hudgins, Jr. Mrs. Jean P. Hudson (S) Dr. & Mrs. Felix A. Hughes III Mr. & Mrs. Lynn A. Hughes, Jr. Ms. Phyllis Hughes Ms. Ann T. Huml Mr. David C. Humphreys Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Hungerford III Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hunt Ms. Debbie D. Hunter Mr. Jack R. Hunter Mr. James S. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Samuel P. Hunter Miss Shaunna E. Hunter (S) Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Hupp Cmdr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Hurni Mr. & Mrs. William M. Hurt III Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Huskey (S) Dr. Stewart W. Husted Ms. Jane A. Hustrulid Mrs. Virginia B. Hustrulid

Ms. Cynthia Hutcherson Mr. & Mrs. Jeff L. Hutcheson Mr. & Mrs. Randy Hutcheson Mrs. Robert F. Hutcheson III Mr. & Mrs. Onza E. Hyatt Mr. & Mrs. Dean Eric Hybl (S) Mr. & Mrs. Olin Hyde Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Hyman Mr. Robert A. Ierardi Mr. Ivan De Jesus Iglesias Ms. Constance F. Ingles Mr. Thomas C. A. Innes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Innes Mr. Philip A. Insley III Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Ironmonger, Jr. (S) Ms. Martha M. Irwin Mr. Stephen A. Isaacs Ms. Betty Israel Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Albert Iverson (F) Mr. A. Pierre Jackson (F) Mr. Danny W. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Earl M. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Greer P. Jackson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Jackson Ms. Shirley A. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. W. Wayne Jackson Mrs. Lynn Jacob Mrs. Krista F. Jacobs (S) Mr. & Mrs. Eric Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Jaeger Mr. & Mrs. David M. James Mr. Peter K. Jameson Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Jandl Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Janis Dr. & Mrs. James D. Janowski (F) Ms. Gretchen Japhet Ms. Patricia F. Jarman Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Jarvis Ms. Tina Faye Jarvis (S) Mrs. Lucy Latane Jeffers Mr. & Mrs. Brantley M. Jefferson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jefferson III Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Jendron, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. L. Howard Jenkins III Mr. & Mrs. Roy Cliff Jenkins, Jr. Mr. C. Foster Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Jerome Ms. Mary Johannessen Mr. Champ Roberts Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Johnson III Ms. Cindy D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David R. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Dirk R. Johnson (F) Mr. & Mrs. Elmo K. Johnson Ms. Evelyn E. Johnson Mr. J. Wallace Johnson Mr. & Mrs. John A. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. John W. C. Johnson Maj. & Mrs. Julian B. Johnson Mrs. Linda S. Johnson Ms. Pamela R. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. R. Burke Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Johnson Ms. Renita A. Johnson Mr. Richard B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William S. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William W. Johnson Mr. Chip Johnston Mr. & Mrs. F. Claiborne Johnston, Jr. Ms. Virginia W. Johnston (S) Mr. Francis D. Johnstone Mrs. Myrtis T. Jolley Mr. & Mrs. B. Leroy Jones Mrs. Cynthia Carwile Jones (S) Mr. & Mrs. D. Clay Jones

Mr. Edward S. Jones Mrs. Elizabeth D. Jones Mr. & Mrs. George R. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Harris Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Jones Mr. & Mrs. John E. Jones Mr. John Rison Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Julian W. Jones, Jr. Mr. Millard F. Jones II Mr. N. C. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Nathan S. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. P. Dickson Jones Mr. Reginald N. Jones Ms. Rheta R. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Jones Mr. Rosewell F. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Jones II Mr. Samuel G. Jones, Jr. Mr. Scott M. Jones Mrs. Shirley Jones Ms. Virginia A. Jones Mrs. Wayland H. Jones Ambassador & Mrs. William B. Jones (T, F) Mrs. William Tall Jones Ms. Betty W. Jordan Mrs. Goodwin Shepherd Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Long Josey Ms. Juanita T. Joy Mrs. Betty Jude Mr. J. Robert Judkins Mr. & Mrs. William B. Judkins Mr. & Mrs. John B. Jung, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Justice Miss Cynthia A. Kacer Miss Margaret M. Kachadoorian Mrs. Shirley Kagan (F) Mr. & Mrs. Scott Kaminer Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Kaminsky, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Martin H. Kanipe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Kanitz Mr. & Mrs. J. Jerry Kantor Ms. Mary Frances C. Kastelberg Mr. & Mrs. A. James Kauffman Mr. & Mrs. Glenn W. Kauffmann Ms. Grace C. Kay Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kay, Jr. Mrs. Dolores Keating † Mr. James C. Keeling Mr. Joseph S. Keelty Mr. Michael J. Keelty Mr. & Mrs. Marvin H. Keenze Mr. J. J. Keever Mr. John W. Keffer Mr. Joseph D. Kehoe Ms. Elizabeth D. Keightley Mr. & Mrs. William D. Keiper Mr. & Mrs. Sollie W. Kellihan Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Kelly Ms. Janet J. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kelly, Jr. Mrs. Joseph L. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. G. Hugh Kemp Mr. James G. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Henry V. Kensing Mr. & Mrs. R. L. Kent, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Wilmore Keohane (F) Mr. Dennis Kerley Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Kern Mr. Charles P. H. Kernan Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Kernodle (S) Mr. & Mrs. S. Warren Kernodle (S) Mr. Gene M. Kerns Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kersey

The Rev. Young Kyun Keum Mr. & Mrs. Isaac C. Kidd III Dr. & Mrs. James Charles Kidd (F) Mr. L. Wilson Kidd, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Edward Marion Kiess (F) Mrs. Barbara P. Kiewiet de Jonge (S) Mr. Daniel J. Killigrew Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. King Mr. & Mrs. L. G. King Ms. Mary Frances King Mr. & Mrs. Meade B. King (S) Ms. Patricia M. King Mr. & Mrs. Smithey C. King Gen. Robert C. Kingston (Ret.) Mr. Robert M. S. Kinney, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. S. Kinney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kinzer Ms. Gayle H. Kirkland Ms. Kathy Kiser Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Kiser Mr. & Mrs. Luke Kissam Mrs. Nathalie L. Klaus Dr. & Mrs. David A. Klein ’78 (S) Mr. & Mrs. Warren F. Klein Ms. Eleanor V. Klimaszewski Mr. & Mrs. Lowry F. Kline Dr. Paule Gounelle Kline (F) Mr. Joseph C. Knakal, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Donald A. Kniffen (F) Dr. & Mrs. M. Reed Knight Ms. Miriam W. Knight Mr. Francis X. Knott Mr. Malcolm H. Knowles Mr. & Mrs. David H. Knupp Ms. Dorothy D. Koch Dr. & Mrs. Robb Tyson Koether (F) Mr. & Mrs. David A. Kohlhepp Mr. & Mrs. Kurt R. Kondas Mr. & Mrs. Greg Koons Mr. G. E. Koontz, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Warren W. Koontz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Kostal Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kosztarab Mr. Nicholas W. Kouwenhoven Mr. & Mrs. M. Stephen Kramer Ms. Linda Kranz Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Krasinski Dr. & Mrs. Leslie S. Kreisler Ms. Whitney E. Krisle Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Kropp Mr. & Mrs. Chad M. Krouse ’02 (S) Mr. & Mrs. C. Norman Krueger (S) Mr. Thomas C. Kyrus Mrs. Aurelia D. Lacy Mrs. O. W. Lacy Mr. & Mrs. David LaGuardia Dr. & Mrs. Amos Lee Laine (F) Ms. Catherine P. Laird Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Laisy Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Lake, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Lambert Mr. W. E. Lamble Mr. & Mrs. E. Preston Lancaster, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Lancaster, Jr. Mr. James Philip Land ’06 (S) Ms. Lee Christine Land Mr. & Mrs. William T. Lanford Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Langhorne Dr. Pamela S. Langlois (F) Mr. & Mrs. J. Reese Lanier, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George R. Larie Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. LaRosse Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Lash Mr. Joe Latchum Mr. & Mrs. Graydon H. Laughbaum Mr. & Mrs. Terrel J. Lavergne Mr. Richard S. Lawrence Dr. & Mrs. John R. Laws (S) Mr. & Mrs. W. John Laws

Mrs. Amy Hunt Lawson Ms. Carol S. Lawson Mr. John R. Lawson II Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Lawson, Sr. Mr. Wesley S. Lawson ’04 (S) Ms. M. C. Layman Ms. Mary M. Layne Dr. & Mrs. Roland V. Layton, Jr. Ms. Anna M. Lazarchic Ms. Cynthia F. Le Maire Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Leake Mrs. Sandra S. Lebowitz Mr. & Mrs. Ines M. R. Ledbetter Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Ledford Mr. & Mrs. Franklin S. Lee Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Jody T. Lee Mr. John M. Lee Mr. N. Ray Lee Mr. R. Hart Lee Mr. & Mrs. Benson Everett Legg Mr. & Mrs. Bill Leggett Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Lehman (FT, F) Ms. Martha K. Leighty Mrs. Loralee Spiro Lenz Mr. Berkeley Cameron Leonard ’07 (S) The Rev. John E. Leonard Mr. R. Samuel Leonard Ms. Janet B. Leonhardt Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert B. Lessenco Mr. William E. Lester, Jr. Miss Elizabeth LeSueur Mr. & Mrs. Dan Levine Mrs. Betty H. Lewis Mr. Charles C. Lewis The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. David H. Lewis, Jr. Capt. & Mrs. Michael T. Lewis Mr. Roy T. Lewis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Lewis Ms. Virginia H. Lewis Mrs. Winston P. Lewis, Jr. Mr. Norman H. Lichtenstein Mr. & Mrs. William A. Lillard Mrs. Doris L. Lilley Mr. James Jesse Lilley Mr. & Mrs. Rufus C. Lilley Mr. & Mrs. Llda E. Linderman Mr. Harvey L. Lindsay, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Earl L. Linehan Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. Linkous Mr. Woodrow P. Lipscomb † Mr. & Mrs. James S. Little Mr. & Mrs. John J. Little Mr. George G. Litz Mr. & Mrs. L. W. Livesay Mr. David C. Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. John H. Lloyd Mr. Robert B. Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Roy D. Locker Mr. & Mrs. Earl F. Lockwood (FT) Mrs. Patton Lockwood Mr. & Mrs. Hartley Thomas Logsdon Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Long Mrs. John B. Long, Sr. Mrs. Mary Alice Long Ms. Mildred S. Long Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Long Mr. Robert L. Longanecker Ms. Mary Austill Lott Ms. Martha Pennington Louis Mr. Kyle T. Love Ms. Thelma Seay Love Mr. Larry Thomas Lovell Mr. & Mrs. Linton R. Lovett Ms. Margaret T. Lowry Mrs. William W. Lucado Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Lucas

final campaign report 69 Mrs. Helen Hardin Luck Mr. John L. Ludwig Mr. John A. Luetkemeyer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Luettel Mr. & Mrs. Delvin R. Lumpkin Mr. & Mrs. James G. Lumpkin, Jr. Drs. Michael & Anne C. Lund (F) Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Lundholm Dr. Patricia D. Lust Mr. Stephen G. Lutz, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Scott Lux † Mrs. Martha W. Luxton Mr. & Mrs. William H. Lyne, Jr. Ms. Mary Lyons Mr. Christopher George Lysack (F) Ms. Jane E. Maass Mr. & Mrs. Robert Charles Macan Mr. & Mrs. George MacBain III Ms. Beverly B. MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. James E. MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. MacDonald Mr. Willis Macgill Mrs. William P. Mack Mr. & Mrs. Ross Mackenzie Mr. Michael F. MacLeod Mr. Richard H. MacMillan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Maddux Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Maddux Mr. Thomas H. Maddux III Mr. & Mrs. Clarence G. Magruder Mr. & Mrs. W. Michael Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. J. Leroy Makely Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Malbon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Malbon Ms. Nikolina Malone Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Maloney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Mandel Mr. Allan Mandelstamm Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Mangum Mr. Phil D. Manley Mrs. Dabney J. Mann Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Mann Mr. & Mrs. Randy A. Manning Dr. & Mrs. Arlie Mansberger Mr. & Mrs. L. E. Mansfield III Mr. R. F. Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mansour Mr. & Mrs. Herbert B. Manuel Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Manz Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Maramarco Mr. & Mrs. Charles Maranzano Dr. & Mrs. David E. Marion (F) Mr. & Mrs. Kendall T. Marion Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Marsac Ms. C. Earline Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Marvin L. Marshall Mrs. Landon E. Marston Mr. & Mrs. Alexander B. Martin Mr. Channing J. Martin Ms. Debra Martin Mr. & Mrs. Frederick V. Martin Mr. & Mrs. John E. Martin, Jr. Ms. Nellie S. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Pepper D. Martin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Martin Mr. Robert Rhodes Martin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roy Butler Martin, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Martin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William S. Martin Ms. Bessie B. Martine Mr. & Mrs. W. G. Maser Mr. Jerry P. Mason Mr. John H. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Mason Mrs. Arabella Massey Mrs. Lorie A. Mastemaker (S) Capt. & Mrs. John M. Mathews Mr. & Mrs. Verbon Mathis

70 hampden-sydney college Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Matney Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Matthai Mr. & Mrs. E. Brent Matthews A. Shane Mattingly, Esq. Mr. William R. Mauck, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Maxey Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Maxey, Jr. (S) Mr. William E. Maxey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Mayer III Mrs. Evelyn R. Mayes Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Mayhew Mr. & Mrs. James B. Mayo III Ms. Lynn M. Mayo Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Tabb Mayo IV (F) Mr. & Mrs. Franz Mayr Ms. Jo Carol Mayton Mr. Charles Scott McAdams ’07 (S) Dr. & Mrs. Calvin O. McCall Ms. Elizabeth F. McCalla Mr. & Mrs. Mickey L. McCamish Ms. Tracey Haag McCarthy Dr. & Mrs. James A. McClellan (F) Dr. & Mrs. John R. McClenon Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. McClintock (S) Dr. & Mrs. David B. McConnell Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. McConnell Mr. Curtis W. McCormick Mr. Robert D. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Steven McCoy The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. McCutchen Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. McCutcheon Mrs. Kate Drew McCutcheon Ms. Dana McDaniel Ms. Margaret T. McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. McDavid Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. McDermott Mr. & Mrs. John L. McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Darrell B. McDonald Mr. Robert D. McDorman, Jr. Mr. Maurice A. McDougal Mr. & Mrs. John L. McElroy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. McElroy Ms. Dorothy A. McGann Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. McGee Ms. Jan C. McGee Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. McGee Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. McGhee Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. D. McGill Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McGill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McGill III Mr. & Mrs. John P. McGrath Mr. & Mrs. J. Kevin McGuire Ms. Betts W. McGurn Mrs. Theresa A. McHenry Ms. Nell McIver Mrs. Myrna J. McKay (S) Mr. & Mrs. John J. McKee The Rev. & Mrs. Russell O. McKee III Mr. & Mrs. James R. McKenry Dr. & Mrs. William P. McKibben Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. McKinney Mr. & Mrs. David T. McLane Dr. & Mrs. Emmett R. McLane Mrs. Rosa H. McLaughlin Ms. Marilyn McLean Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. McManus Mr. & Mrs. Robert McMillan Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. McMullan Dr. Michael O. McMunn Mr. & Mrs. Rieman McNamara, Jr. Mr. Bruce A. McNaughton Mr. & Mrs. H. P. McNeal Mr. Robert J. McNickle † Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. McPherson Mr. & Mrs. Terence J. McPhillips Dr. Joan Elise McRae Kleinlein (F) Mr. Thomas McVey Ms. Katherine T. Mears † - deceased

T - trustee

STUDENT enrichment FU NDS LET The dean of students lead service trips to developing countries Mr. R. Boyd Melchor Mr. & Mrs. Harry O. Mellon Ms. Ellen G. Melton Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Melton Mr. & Mrs. Barton P. Mercer Mr. John M. Mercer Mr. Hugh S. Meredith Ms. Mary Welton Meredith Mr. Randolph C. Metcalfe Ms. Coreen L. Mett Mr. Donald G. Metzger Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Meyer Mr. Charles A. Meyer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Meyerhoeffer Ms. Charlotte E. Michael Mr. Albert H. Michaels, Jr. Mr. Jon D. Mikalson Mr. & Mrs. N. Scott Millar Capt. & Mrs. George R. Miller, Jr. Dr. George Tyler Miller, Jr. Mr. Giles H. Miller, Jr. Maj. Glenna A. K. Miller (Ret.) Mr. & Mrs. John F. Miller Mrs. June Lancaster Miller Ms. Katharine B. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Miller Mr. Patrick A. M. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Miller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott Miller Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Miller Mr. Terry D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McN. Millhiser Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Mills, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Mills, Jr. Ms. Frances E. Minner Mr. & Mrs. G. Gilmer Minor III Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Minor Miss Lucy M. Minter † Ms. Angela Mitchell Ms. Anne G. Mitchell †

FT - former trustee

f - faculty

s - staff

Dr. & Mrs. Jamie A. Mitchell Mr. Robert G. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Rodney B. Mitchell (FT) Mr. Gregory N. Mix Mr. & Mrs. Larry Modlin Mr. & Mrs. Ralph B. Moffatt Mrs. Rose-Warren Berryman Mogabgab Mr. Hugh W. Mohler Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Molinaro Mr. Roberto L. Molinary (S) Dr. Edward L. Mollen Ms. Jane S. Mollenhoff Mrs. Karen Phillips Montgomery (S) Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Moore Mrs. Carrie E. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Cecil D. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Moore Mr. G. Thomas Moore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Moore Mr. Joe Moore Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie L. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Moore Mr. Temple C. Moore, Sr. Mr. Thomas J. Moore Ms. Phyllis Y. Moorefield Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Moraitakis Mr. & Mrs. John A. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Wesley L. Moran Mr. & Mrs. G. Leslie Morelock IV Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Morene Mr. & Mrs. Evan Morgan Mr. Gerald Morgan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John B. Morgan, Jr. Mrs. Mary Helen Morgan Ms. Mary R. Morgan Ms. Miranda Morgan Mr. Robert T. Morgan Mr. Thomas E. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Moring (S) Mr. & Mrs. Dewey B. Morris

Dr. Joseph H. Morris, Jr. Mr. Lawrence C. Morris Ms. Mary C. Morris Ms. Susan Harder Morris Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Morrison, Jr. Mrs. H. Taylor Morrissette Mr. Joseph F. Morrissette Mr. & Mrs. Earl T. Morton, Sr. Ms. Emily Cammack Morton Mr. John Stewart Morton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lynn W. Morton Ms. Venida P. Moseley Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Glenn Mossler (F) Mr. & Mrs. Eugene T. Mottley Mrs. Byrd Mount Mrs. Sallie Atkinson Mowbray Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Moye, Jr. Mr. Eugene B. Moyer Mr. & Mrs. Wallace M. Moyer Dr. Paul H. Mueller (F) Mr. & Mrs. William Mueller, Jr. Ms. Marguerite M. Muir Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Mulchi Ms. Wilma B. Mull Mrs. Frederica C. Mullen-Fenn Mr. & Mrs. Homer Mullins Mr. & Mrs. Hugh G. Mumford Ms. Dorothy A. Mundy Mr. & Mrs. Roderick A. Mundy, Jr. Dr. Anthony J. Muñoz Mr. Matthew A. Munsey ’05 (S) Mr. & Mrs. C. Westbrook Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Murphy Ms. Ruth S. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. James F. Murtaugh Mr. Robert S. Muse Mr. Robert L. Musick, Jr. Ms. Frieda E. Myers Mr. Douglas M. Nabhan Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Nadolski

Ms. Gretchen J. Naff Mr. Neal J. Naff Mr. Jay Clayton Nanni Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Napier (S) Ms. Christine H. Nardi Ms. Nancy J. Nash Mr. Ron Nash Mr. & Mrs. G. Andrew Nea, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Neary, Jr. Mrs. Grace J. Neely Mr. & Mrs. Carroll E. Neesemann Mr. & Mrs. A. Parker Neff Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Negaard Ms. Martha A. Nelson Ms. Mary Jane Nelson Mr. Richard C. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nelson Mrs. Doris Wilson Netherland Mr. & Mrs. John P. Neurohr, Jr. Mrs. Lisa H. Newcomb (S) Dr. & Mrs. Mark A. Newcomb ’91 (S) Mr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Newmark Mr. & Mrs. Willoughby Newton III Mr. & Mrs. Dennis T. Newton Mr. & Mrs. James W. Niell Mrs. Winston O. Noel Mr. W. Todd Nolley (S) Mr. & Mrs. John F. Norcross Dr. & Mrs. Owen Lennon Norment, Jr. (F) Mr. & Mrs. David S. Norris Mr. John J. Norris Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Northam Mrs. Daphne V. Norton (S) Ms. Dawnette M. Norton Ms. Linda Norwood Mr. Christopher G. Nott Mr. & Mrs. P. Bradley Nott, Jr. Miss Alicia Novey (S) Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Nowell Mr. Warren E. Nowlin Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Nunnally Mr. & Mrs. Jason B. Nuss Mr. Cecile B. Oakley Ms. Delores M. Ober Mr. & Mrs. R. W. O’Briant Mrs. Bobbie O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. James M. O’Connor Mr. Bradley Odom Ms. Mary Ann Garner Odom Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Donnell Dr. & Mrs. Neil F. O’Donohue Mrs. E. A. Oehrle Mr. Charles E. Offutt Mr. Nelson T. Offutt, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Hara Ms. Jacquelyn O’Hare Mr. Daniel K. O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Okland Mrs. Jean C. Old Dr. & Mrs. William Levi Old III Dr. & Mrs. Edward C. Oldfield III Ms. Susan H. Oldfield (S) Mr. & Mrs. David F. Olgers Ms. Clara A. Olivas Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Oliver Dr. & Mrs. Francis T. Oliver Mr. Rodney W. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Vincent R. Olivieri Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Olmstead Dr. Charles M. Olmsted Mr. & Mrs. George A. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. O’Neal Ms. Sharon Opfer-Harper Mr. & Mrs. William W. Oppenheimer Mr. & Mrs. Kerry B. O’Quinn Mr. Ernest W. Orange Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Orgain IV

The Rev. Dr. Mary Cathryn Orr (S) Dr. Donald R. Ortner † (F) Mrs. Donald R. Ortner † Dr. & Mrs. John K. Osoinach, Jr. (F) Mr. & Mrs. William D. Osteen Mr. R. Nelson Oster Mr. & Mrs. Larry Otey Mr. Louis W. Otterbourg Mr. & Mrs. George R. Ours, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rufus P. Outland Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Outten Miss Dorothy Overcash Mr. W. G. Overstreet, Jr. Mrs. Tanya M. Overton (S) Mr. & Mrs. William H. Overton Mr. & Mrs. Claude B. Owen, Jr. Mr. G. Thomas Owen Ms. Deborah N. Owens Mr. & Mrs. Don Ownby (S) Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. O’York (S) Ms. Ruth Pace Mr. & Mrs. William C. Pace Ms. Yvonne M. Padgett Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Palmer, Sr. Mrs. Charles F. Pamepinto Mr. Adam T. Pancake Ms. Emily C. Pancake Ms. Brenda A. Pannell Mr. & Mrs. George H. Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pappert Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Paquette Mr. John M. Paris, Jr. Professor Robin E. Paris Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Parker Ms. E. Ann Parker Ms. Rebecca J. Parker Mr. Steven M. Parker Mrs. Joyce H. Parkerson Ms. Katrina McGurn Parkinson Mr. James M. Parsons Ms. Evelyn A. Pasciak Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Passaro Mr. Bruce T. Patram Mrs. F. F. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Patterson, Jr. Mr. George T. Paul III Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Paul Mr. & Mrs. Jim Paul Mr. & Mrs. Stanley F. Pauley (FT) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Payne Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Payne Dr. Stephen K. Payne Mrs. Virginia Payne † Ms. Florence Fowler Peacock Mr. & Mrs. Owen Bret Peaden (S) Mrs. Rosa Peaks (S) Mr. & Mrs. John S. Peale Ms. Rachel A. Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Pease Ms. Kathleen A. Pechauer Ms. Marjorie D. Pegram Dr. & Mrs. David S. Pelland (F) Mr. Ryan M. Pemberton ’00 (S) Mr. & Mrs. David Pender III Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Pendergast Mr. Edmund Pendleton, Jr. Mr. John J. Pendleton Mr. & Mrs. Sterling C. Pendleton Ms. Barbara Lewis Penhale Dr. Robert N. Penterson Dr. Edward C. Peple, Jr. Ms. Betty R. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Perkins Mr. Walter C. Perrin Ms. Jacqueline Young Perrins Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Perrow Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Tom Perry Mr. Jeff Petagna

final campaign report Mr. & Mrs. Clarence R. Peters Mr. George M. Peters † (S) Mr. Joe Peters Ms. Sue A. Peters Mr. Christopher Peterson Mr. Henry B. Peterson Ms. Helen E. Petrill Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Pettler Ms. Geraldine Scruggs Pettus (S) Ms. Barbara Peyronnet Mr. Lucien R. Peyronnet Mr. & Mrs. Loc Pfeiffer Mr. & Mrs. L. D. Phaup, Jr. (S) Ms. Maria F. Phelps Mr. Robert Philips Mr. & Mrs. Peter Philipps Mr. & Mrs. Conoly Phillips Mr. Edward K. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Phillips Dr. Benjamin M. Philphott Mr. & Mrs. William E. Phipps Dr. & Mrs. Jerry C. Pickrel Ms. Courtney Pieczynski Mr. Clarence A. Pierce, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Pietropaoli, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kirk Pilkington (F) Mr. & Mrs. Andy G. Pinson Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas M. Piro Ms. Ruth T. Pitchford Mr. William L. Pitman Ms. Joyce S. Pittman Mr. & Mrs. James Pizzagalli Mr. & Mrs. David L. Pleasants Mr. & Mrs. James L. Poland Mr. & Mrs. Robert Polcaro Ms. Suzanne C. Pollard Mr. William D. Pollard Mr. David B. Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Pollock III Ms. Dorothea S. Pomeroy † Dr. & Mrs. James F. Pontuso (F) Mr. & Mrs. John M. Pope Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Pope Ms. Patricia Paquette Porasky Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Porterfield Dr. & Mrs. William W. Porterfield (F) Mr. Richard W. Potter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Potter Mr. & Mrs. G. C. Poulson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Pound Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Powell Mrs. Nola R. Powell Ms. Paula A. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Terry S. Powell Ms. Virginia M. Powers Mr. Amparo P. Poyle Dr. & Mrs. Parks W. Pratt III Dr. Roxann Prazniak (F) Mr. Scott J. Preskitt Ms. Joan L. Preston Mr. & Mrs. Roger K. Preston Mrs. Mary A. Prevo (F) Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Prewitt Mr. James G. Price Mr. & Mrs. James L. Price Mr. & Mrs. James M. Price Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Lee Price Mr. & Mrs. John Price Ms. Marian J. Price Ms. Regina M. Price Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Priddy Mr. Anthony J. Priest Ms. Dorothy L. Primeau Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Prince Mr. & Mrs. William T. Prince Mr. & Mrs. William G. Pritchard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Garry L. Pritchett

Mrs. Curtis L. Proveaux Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Pruett Mr. & Mrs. J. Doug Pruitt Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Pryor Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Puckett (S) Ms. S. M. Pugh Mr. & Mrs. J. Waverly Pulley III Dr. David W. Pumphrey Mr. & Mrs. James A. Purcell Mr. & Mrs. Preston P. Purdum III Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Purvis Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Pusey, Jr. Mrs. Marilyn M. Putnam Mrs. Grace W. Putney Mr. Thomas D. Quinn Mr. James D. Quist Ms. Jean Raas Mr. & Mrs. David C. Rabeau Mrs. Camille Gibson Rabon (S) Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Race Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Raddin Miss Jennifer A. Radun (S) Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Ragland Ms. Rebecca Gruver Rainey Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Raleigh Mr. Edward E. Ralston Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ramirez Mr. & Mrs. Erskine Ramsay II Mr. John R. C. Ramsay ’05 (S) Mr. Kerr C. Ramsay III ’03 (S) Dr. John David Ramsey (F) Dr. Lizabeth Ann Rand (F) Mr. Graham A. Randolph Ms. Frances B. Raphael Mr. Craig L. Rascoe Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Rashkind Mr. Donald B. Ratcliffe Mr. & Mrs. Peter Welsh Ratcliffe Mrs. R. Ashby Rawls Ms. Margaret Shepherd Ray Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ray Mr. Anthony Read Mrs. Brenda M. Reamer (S) Ms. Eloise H. Reams Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Reams Mr. Alex John Reczkowski ’03 (S) Mr. & Mrs. William H. Redding, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David D. Redmond Mr. E. Whitaker Reed Miss Elizabeth J. Reed Mrs. Judith L. Reed Ms. Kasey M. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Randy W. Reed ’82 (S) Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Reed Ms. Robin E. Reed Mr. Todd A. Reeder Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Reese Mr. & Mrs. Jon W. Regen Mr. John C. Reid Ms. Linda Reid Ms. Mary Reilly Ms. Lola C. Reinsch Mrs. Lana M. Reinson (S) Mrs. Pam Reiss Mr. & Mrs. Lewis E. Rembold Mrs. Marie Eason Reveley-Harris † Mr. Jimmie V. Reyna Mr. & Mrs. Fred Reynolds Ms. Margaret Y. Reynolds Mr. Ralph E. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Theodore L. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rhoads (F) The Rev. & Mrs. John B. Rice (S) Mrs. Theron H. Rice, Jr. Mr. Wesley Richards Mrs. Betty Jo Richardson † Mr. & Mrs. Cecil S. Richardson Mr. Christopher Richardson



Fred Larmore ’74 Being a member of the Tiger baseball team meant a lot to Fred Larmore ’74, so when he and his wife Peggy decided to make a significant gift to Hampden-Sydney College during the Through These Gates campaign, it was only natural that they would choose to contribute to the baseball locker rooms in Kirk Athletic Center. “Giving back, for us, was a thank-you to the College for my wonderful experience there, and to help promote the baseball team,” says Mr. Larmore. “This was a family decision. My wife and I discussed what we could do for the College and we decided to help the baseball program because it was such a big part of my collegiate experience.” Like so many student-athletes of Mr. Larmore’s generation, he was deeply affected by the commitment Coach Stokeley Fulton had toward the players. He recalls, “My freshman year I really wanted to play, but I knew I wasn’t going to be a starter. Stokeley was willing to throw batting practice for us until we were ready to stop. I remember days when I had to peel my fingers off of the bat because we got to practice hitting for so long. That’s the kind of leader Stokeley was. Not only that, but it was at Hampden-­Sydney with Stokeley that I really learned how to FRED LARMORE ’74 play and understand the game. Playing intercollegiate sports was something that I thought I would never get a chance to do, but I got to do it at Hampden-Sydney.” Mr. Larmore says, “Any alumnus who has the good fortune to be able to help should want to help some young person have the same Hampden-Sydney College experience that he did. The education, the friendships, the athletics all had a tremendous influence on us. We should want to contribute to a place like this, a place that can have such a positive effect on young men.”

72 hampden-sydney college Mr. Craig P. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd M. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. William E. Richeson Ms. Patricia Richey Mr. D. Stewart Ridgely III Mr. Francis G. Riggs Mr. & Mrs. G. Randall Riggs Ms. Mary White Rights Mr. & Mrs. Frank Riley Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Ring Mrs. Carl Theodore Ripberger, Jr. Mr. Malcolm E. Ritsch, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Terry G. Rivenbark Mr. & Mrs. Ramon D. Rivera Mrs. Alyce Amory Roach Mr. & Mrs. O. Lynn Roach, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Austin Robbins, Jr. Mrs. Clement J. Robbins III Dr. Susan P. Robbins (F) Mr. Leslie T. Roberson Dr. Joseph C. Robert † (S) Mr. & Mrs. Roger Roberts Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Robertson, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Robertson (S) Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Monroe Robertson (S) Ms. Katherine T. Robertson Ms. Kelly M. Robertson Mr. & Mrs. William A. Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Terry G. Robins Miss Anne A. Robinson † Mrs. Audrey S. Robinson Mr. Charles D. Robinson Mrs. Elizabeth T. Robinson Ms. Jeanne Ash Robinson Ms. Teresa M. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Robison Dr. & Mrs. William H. Robison Mr. & Mrs. C. Wayne Rogers, Sr. Mr. Ernest E. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Rogers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. K. Craig Rogers (S) Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Rogers (F) Ms. Robinn L. Rogers Mrs. William R. Rogers Mrs. Daniel J. Roland, Jr. Mrs. Charles P. Rolfe Mr. Ray Rollins Dr. & Mrs. Mason Romaine III Ms. Paula A. Romaine Mrs. Vivian Rome (FT) Mr. Robert D. Roseman Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rosen Mr. Alan E. Rosenblatt Dr. Christine Curry Ross (S) Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Ross Mr. Jason R. Rostan ’03 (S) Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Rostan (S) Mr. & Mrs. David C. Rotenberry Ms. Frances St. John Rouse Mr. & Mrs. John M. Rowland III Ms. Adrienne Joyce Royo Ms. Phyllis D. Rozman Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rubin Mr. & Mrs. M. Pierce Rucker Mr. William L. Rueger Mr. E. Saunders Ruffin Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ruibal The Hon. & Mrs. Donald Henry Rumsfeld Ms. Roseann Runte Mr. & Mrs. Chuck B. Rush Mr. D. M. Russell, Jr. Ms. Emma A. Russell Mr. & Mrs. John B. Russell Mr. T. Edgie Russell III Mr. Thomas E. Russell IV Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rutherford Mr. & Mrs. John M. Ryan † - deceased

T - trustee

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. George O. Sadler Mrs. Lois C. Sale Mr. Charles H. Salisbury, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Sanderlin Mr. & Mrs. Fred S. Sanders Mrs. Martha C. Sanders Mr. F. Brent Sandidge Mr. Claude A. Sandy Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Saniga Mr. & Mrs. Erwin M. Saniga Mr. & Mrs. Randy D. Sansbury Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Santo Mr. Burton M. Sapin Dr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Sapir Mrs. Anne P. Satterfield Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Satterfield Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Satterwhite, Jr. Ms. Janet L. Sauer Mr. & Mrs. J. Harman Saunders Ms. Johanna K. Saunders Mr. Julian Catesby Saunders Ms. Perri A. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Tom N. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. William G. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Hugh F. Sautter Mr. William R. Savage III Mr. & Mrs. Bruce P. Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. C. Douglas Sawyer Ms. Elizabeth C. Saxby Mrs. Nancy S. Saylor (S) Mr. & Mrs. William R. Scarry Ms. Kristan M. Schaaf Mr. John H. Schaefer † Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Scheidemantel Dr. Joel Andrew Schickel (F) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Schmelzeis Carol J. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. William R. Schmidt, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Schmutz Mr. & Mrs. James M. Schnell Mr. James P. Scholtes Dr. Daniel C. Schopp Ms. Jane R. Schottker Mr. & Mrs. Dale A. Schumann Mr. & Mrs. Manfred E. Schwarz Mr. Richard J. Schwarzschild Mr. W. H. Schwarzschild III Mr. & Mrs. C. Grigsby Scifres Dr. & Mrs. Charley Scott Mr. Peter Gray Scott Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Scott Ms. Rose W. Scott Mrs. Tammi L. Scott-Lynch (S) Mr. & Mrs. E. Keith Scruggs Mrs. Nan Scruggs Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Seaman, Jr. Mrs. Florence Phaup Seamster (S) Mr. & Mrs. Buford Sears Mr. Burn Sears Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Sebrell Mr. Bruce M. Sedel Mr. Jon F. Sedel Dr. & Mrs. Ellery Sedgwick Mr. & Mrs. James R. Seed, Jr. Mrs. William J. Seegers Mr. J. Randolph Segar, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Seifert III Mr. & Mrs. Harrison M. Seigla Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Selbach Mrs. Sharon M. Sercombe (S) Mr. Gregory J. Sesny Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Sessler Mr. & Mrs. William D. Sessoms, Jr. Mr. George B. Sevier Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Sexton Capt. & Mrs. James F. Seybold Ms. Anne M. Seymour

FT - former trustee

f - faculty

s - staff

Ms. Jennifer Huston Sgro Mrs. Carol J. Shadle Mr. & Mrs. Harry Shaia, Jr. Mr. Ericka K. Shapard Mrs. Dorothy S. Sharpley Mr. Scott P. Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. Tony Lynn Shaver (S) Mr. & Mrs. Brent Shaw Mr. & Mrs. James K. Shea Mr. & Mrs. Roderic D. Shea Dr. & Mrs. William Albert Shear (F) Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Shearer Mr. Conway H. Sheild Mr. Mark S. Shepard Mr. & Mrs. D. Herbert Sheppard Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sheridan Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Sheriff Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sherman Mrs. Helen Thompson Shires Mr. Thomas H. Shomo ’69 (S) Ms. Jan Shore Mr. & Mrs. Alexander C. Short Ms. Docia T. Shumaker Mr. & Mrs. David J. Sidney Ms. Karen M. Sidney Dr. Janice Faye Siegel (F) Mr. Lawrence R. Siegel Mrs. Edwin W. Siersema Mr. Michael Sifen Ms. Leslie R. Silliman-Hadra Dr. & Mrs. Jorge A. Silveira (F) Dr. Frank J. Simes † (F) Mrs. Frank J. Simes Mr. Bobby Lee Simmons (S) Mr. & Mrs. James A. Simmons Mr. Milton N. Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Simmons Dr. James Young Simms, Jr. (F) Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Simms Mrs. Sissy Simms Mr. & Mrs. Barry Simon Mr. Enrique B. Simon Mr. & Mrs. Enrique M. Simon Mr. Robert L. Simon Ms. Gail M. Simos Mr. & Mrs. Harlan G. Simpson Dr. & Mrs. Hassell Algernon Simpson (F) Ms. Helen B. Simpson † Mr. & Mrs. Kirk P. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. W. Fred Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Sims Mr. & Mrs. A. Ray Singleton, Jr. Ms. Camela R. Sink Dr. Herbert J. Sipe, Jr. (F) Mr. M. Noel Sipple Mr. & Mrs. H. Mason Sizemore Ms. Jeanne B. Sizemore Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Sizemore Mr. & Mrs. James E. Skelding Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Skipper Mrs. Raymond E. Slater, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brent A. Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. Jerico L. Slavin Mr. & Mrs. Larry B. Slipow Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Sloane Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Sloop Lt. Col. & Mrs. Stephen S. Slyfield Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Smigel Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Smith Ms. Anne Harvard Smith Mr. & Mrs. Arthur N. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Smith, Jr. Mr. Brick L. Smith Mrs. Carol C. Smith (S) Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. Smith

Drs. Curtis J. & Susan M. Smith (F) Mr. & Mrs. David K. Smith Ms. Della T. Smith Mrs. Edwin Smith † Dr. George P. Smith II Mr. & Mrs. Glen A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gordon P. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Smith Mr. & Mrs. H. Keith Smith Dr. & Mrs. Homer A. Smith, Jr. (F) Mr. James H. Smith Ms. Jo Dearing Smith Mr. & Mrs. Michael Allen Smith Mr. Mike Smith Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Smith Mr. Robert F. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ryan M. Smith (S) Mr. Stephen M. Smith Dr. & Mrs. William Alton Smith, Jr. Lt. Col. & Mrs. Lawrence Rucker Snead III ’81 (S) Ms. Charlene D. Snoddy Mr. & Mrs. James T. Snoddy Mrs. Esther Snook Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Snover Mr. Charles E. Snow, Jr. Ms. Erika Anne Snow Mr. Michael E. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Randy Snyder Mr. Thomas E. Snyder Ms. Georgia Anne Snyder-Falkinham Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Soderberg Dr. & Mrs. Stuart M. Solan Mr. & Mrs. John B. Sollis Ms. Anita E. Solow Mr. & Mrs. Roger Soltis Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Sommardahl ’96 (S) Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Soper Mr. & Mrs. Terrence L. Sorber Mr. & Mrs. William D. Sorber Mr. Gene A. Southall Mrs. Kaye Spalding Dr. & Mrs. Curtis V. Spear Ms. Shannon H. Spears Mr. C. Allen Speight The Rev. Dr. Charles F. Speight Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Spencer, Jr. Mr. Larry R. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Spencer Ms. Annie H. Spicer Dr. & Mrs. Jonas B. Spiegel Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Spilman Mr. David Spilman Mr. & Mrs. John A. Spilman IV Mr. & Mrs. John A. Spilman V Mrs. Sally Spotswood, Jr. † Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Spratley Mrs. Irma Chappell Sprinkle † The Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Sproule Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Spurlock Ms. Molly P. Squire Mrs. Elaine St. Vincent Ms. Nina L. Stack Mr. & Mrs. D. Edwin Stafford Ms. Mary L. Stagg Ms. Ann D. Stallings Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Stallings Mr. E. H. Stanley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keith Stanley Mr. F. T. Stant III Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Staples Mr. & Mrs. John A. Stark Ms. Linda Kent Steadman Mr. & Mrs. David Lloyd Stearns Mr. Justin A. Stearns Mrs. Priscilla Steelman Mr. & Mrs. Murray Stein Mrs. Norma W. Stein

Mr. & Mrs. William N. Stellmann Mr. Joseph P. Stenson Mr. & Mrs. George D. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. William S. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Stephenson, Jr. Mr. James D. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. James C. Stewart Ms. Katherine Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Keith Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Paul Stiles Ms. Judith St. Clair Stinson Mr. W. A. Stockard, Jr. Mr. Brude D. Stoever Mrs. Herbert R. Stokes † Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Stokes (S) Ms. Beverley C. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey L. Stone Ms. Helen R. Stone Mr. & Mrs. William W. Stone, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Stracke ’75 (S) Mr. Mark W. Strattner Mr. W. Timothy Strayer & Ms. Carmen Pancerella Mrs. Randy Street Mr. & Mrs. Larry Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Frank O. Strobel Mr. & Mrs. William P. Strohmeyer Mr. & Mrs. James B. Stuart Ms. Lynda S. Stuart Mr. Richard K. Stuart Ms. Teresa B. Stubblefield Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Stuchlak Ms. Ethelynn M. Stuckey Mr. William Stude Mr. & Mrs. John L. Stultz Mrs. Rebecca K. Sturgill (F) Mr. & Mrs. Charles William Sublett, Jr. ’73 (S) Mr. & Mrs. Leo H. Suggs Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Sullenberger Mr. James Eugene Sullivan Ms. Martha Summerour Mrs. Loy S. Summers Ms. Ann Terrie Swann Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Swartz (S) Ms. Pamela S. Swartzlander Mr. & Mrs. Lee D. Swearingen Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Sweet Mr. & Mrs. George F. Swenck, Jr. Dr. Charles Wright Sydnor, Jr. (F, S) Ms. Kathy Sydnor Mr. William J. Sydnor II Ms. Carol N. Sykes Mr. Matthew J. Szabad Mr. Philip Szczyglowski Mr. Lee C. Tait Mr. & Mrs. James A. Talbot Mr. Frank Talbott IV Mrs. Margaret Towers Talman Ms. Nancy Brindley Tanner Mr. & Mrs. Bubba Taratoot Mr. & Mrs. Tim Tassopoulos Ms. Sheila B. Tate Mrs. Mary Tayloe Ms. Abigail N. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. George D. Taylor, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. George E. Taylor, Jr. Mr. Joseph E. Taylor, Jr. (S) Mrs. Martha J. Taylor Mr. Robert T. Taylor Dr. & Mrs. W. W. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. G. Keith Temple (S) Mr. & Mrs. George C. Temple Mr. & Mrs. George M. Temple Mr. Harry Downing Temple Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Temple Mr. Edward G. Teniente, Jr.

Ms. Martha M. Tennant Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Terry Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Terry, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Terry, Jr. Mr. Stephen G. Test Mr. Peter C. Teuten Mr. & Mrs. Steve Thacker Mrs. V. Joe Thacker Ms. Fayette Q. Thackston Mr. & Mrs. Lynn P. Thackston Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Thalhimer Dr. Elaine M. Themo Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Theodorou Mr. & Mrs. Hans Theune (S) Dr. & Mrs. John S. Thiemeyer Mrs. Anne Thomas Ms. Elizabeth K. Thomas Dr. & Mrs. Emory M. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Luther C. Thomas Mr. Robert E. Thomas, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scotty Thomas Ms. Shirley A. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. David E. Thomason Dr. & Mrs. J. J. Thomasson, Jr. Mrs. Audrey Thompson † Dr. Graves Haydon Thompson ’27 † (F) Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Thompson Mrs. Sarah M. Thompson The Rev. & Mrs. William E. Thompson (S) Mr. & Mrs. Willie M. Thompson Mrs. Virginia Thorne Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Thornton Dr. Saranna Robinson Thornton (F) Mr. & Mrs. Fred T. Thrasher Mr. & Mrs. Donnie Thrift Ms. Ruth Anna Thurston Mr. & Mrs. J. David Tiller Mr. & Mrs. William E. Tiller Mr. William T. Tilton Mr. Ian D. Titley Mr. Edward B. Titmus Mrs. Verser Todd Mr. & Mrs. Wayne M. Todd Mr. & Mrs. John O. H. Toledano Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Tollefson Mrs. Alison Tomkies Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Tompkins, Jr. Mrs. Mary Leavell Tompkins Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Toms Mr. Peter Coleman Toms Mr. & Mrs. Alan Toothman Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Topping, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Touchard, Jr. Ms. Joan Towles Mr. & Mrs. Danny H. Town Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth N. Townsend (F) Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Townsend Mr. & Mrs. S. Aubrey Townsend, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. Godfrey Trammell, Jr. Col. James E. Trask (Ret.) Mrs. Charles C. Travis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Travis (S) Mr. & Mrs. Harry Oliver Traylor Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tretter Ms. Christine M. Trevvett Mrs. John E. Trevvett, Jr. Mrs. Emily C. Trice Mr. William F. Trinkle Mrs. Robin Troxel Dr. C. Wayne Tucker (F) Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Tucker Mr. Sandy T. Tucker Ms. Annette Tuebner Mr. & Mrs. N. H. Turbeville, Jr.

Mr. B. Walton Turnbull Mr. & Mrs. Gary Vincent Turner (S) Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Turner Dr. & Mrs. John M. Turner III Mrs. Martha W. Turner Ms. Mary C. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Turner Mrs. Caroline S. G. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Gill M. Taylor Tyree Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Uhlig Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Uhlig Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Ukrop Mr. & Mrs. John G. Ullman Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Ullrich Dr. & Mrs. John M. Utzinger (F) Mr. & Mrs. C. David Vachet, Sr. Dr. Thomas Valente (F) Mr. E. Massie Valentine Ms. Sue H. Valentine Mrs. Nancy S. Van Der Veer (S) Ms. Marie Y. Van Fossen Mr. Julian P. Van Winkle III Dr. & Mrs. Frederick V. Vance, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ira T. Vance, Jr. Dr. Cristine M. Varholy-Simons (F) Mr. John H. Varner Mr. & Mrs. C. Porter Vaughan III Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Ward Vaughan Ms. Helen I. Vaughan Mr. Charles P. Venable Ms. Mary R. Venable Mr. William R. Venable III Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Verbosky Mr. W. Moorhead Vermilye Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Vetterlein Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Via, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David L. Viars Mr. Kenneth T. Vick II Mr. Ralph L. Vick Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Vick Mr. Christian Vinyard Mr. Hermanus N. Visser Dr. Jennifer E. Vitale (F) Mr. & Mrs. Terry M. Wade Ms. Dorothy Wages Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. John Walker Mr. John L. Walker III Mrs. Lynette Walker Mr. Charles E. Wall Ms. Jennifer Irving Wall Mr. & Mrs. John A. Wall Mr. Marion M. Wall Ms. Frances N. Wallace Ms. Harriet O. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Hugh E. Wallace, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. John R. Wallace Dr. & Mrs. Peter A. Wallenborn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Wallhermfechtel Ms. Barbara E. Walsh Mr. Thomas Walter Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Tod Ward, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Ward, Jr. Mr. John Hardin Ward IV Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ward Mr. Lacy B. Ward, Jr. Mrs. Jo Ann H. Ware Ms. Peggy M. Ware Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Warner The Hon. & Mrs. Thomas V. Warren Mr. George A. Warthen Ms. Dolores Washington Mr. & Mrs. John Hardy Waters III ’58 (S) Ms. Barbara Mitchell Watkins (S) Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Watkins Mr. & Mrs. David C. Watkins, Sr. Capt. & Mrs. George E. Watkins Ms. Margaret Watkins

Mr. & Mrs. Tscharner DeGraffenried Watkins III Mr. & Mrs. James S. Watkinson Ms. Gina M. Watlington Mr. Stuart N. Watlington Mr. & Mrs. Bradley L. Watson Mr. & Mrs. Cannon Watson Mrs. Florence C. Watson (S) Mr. & Mrs. Hunter R. Watson Mrs. Katherine Watson Mrs. Mary Queta Watson (S) Mr. & Mrs. Maynard R. Watson Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Watson Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Watts III Mr. Robert G. Watts, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Johnnie H. Wauchop Mr. & Mrs. David D. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Leslie S. Webb Mr. & Mrs. William M. Webb Ms. Alma L. Webster Mrs. A. Taylor Weeler Drs. G. Daniel & Katherine J. Weese (F) Mr. & Mrs. George E. Weicker III Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Weill Mr. Joseph A. Weinberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weinerth Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Weir Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Alfred Welch Mr. & Mrs. William C. Welch Mr. & Mrs. B. Randolph Wellford, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William K. Wellings (S) Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Wellman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Wells Mr. Francis X. Wells Mr. & Mrs. James M. Wells III Mr. & Mrs. James S. Wells Mr. & Mrs. Cecil T. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. George P. Wentworth Dr. & Mrs. Alexander John Werth (T, F) Ms. Rosa Lee Wesson Mr. & Mrs. John H. West III Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. West Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. West Mr. & Mrs. Ezell Westbrook, Jr. Mrs. Edith D. Wetzel Mr. Allen Bennett Whaley Mr. Fredrick S. Whaley Mr. & Mrs. William K. Whidden, Jr. (S) Mr. & Mrs. Meade Whitaker III ’99 (S) Ms. Barbara D. White Dr. David Arthur White Mr. & Mrs. David C. White Mrs. George Frederick White, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James F. White, Jr. Mr. Robert H. White Mr. Wilmuth T. White Mrs. Martha F. Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Whitehurst, Jr. Mr. William W. Whitescarver Mr. & Mrs. H. Hadley Whitlock, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Whitlock Mrs. Ned C. Whitmore Ms. Katherine M. Whitney Mr. & Mrs. Allen Gary Whittaker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Whitted, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. Waller Whittemore Mr. & Mrs. David Whitten Mr. William G. Whitter Mr. & Mrs. William C. Widhelm Ms. Emilie Verne Wiggins Mr. & Mrs. Edward I. Wight Mr. & Mrs. David M. Wilberger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Wilcox Mr. Floyd B. Wilcox Mr. John L. Wilcox Dr. & Mrs. E. F. Shaw Wilgis

Mr. & Mrs. W. Lee Wilhelm III Mr. Richard D. Wilhelm Capt. Quentin E. Wilhelmi Mr. & Mrs. James L. Wilkerson Mrs. Anne Nase Wilkins Mr. & Mrs. Nathan B. Wilkins Dr. & Mrs. William T. Wilkins Ms. Marcia D. Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. Erwin H. Will, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Willard Mr. Josiah J. Willard III Ms. Nancy Kohler Willard Mr. Edward R. Willcox, Jr. Mrs. Anne Moore Williams Mr. & Mrs. Briscoe Williams Mr. & Mrs. C. B. Williams Mr. David Miles Williams Mr. & Mrs. Earle Carter Williams Mr. & Mrs. Fielding L. Williams, Jr. Mrs. Gerri C. Williams (S) Mr. George A. Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Williams Mr. & Mrs. Kent Williams Mr. & Mrs. Lewis G. Williams, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Mack Williams (S) Ms. Margaret A. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Williams Mr. Terrell Williams Mr. & Mrs. Virgil E. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Warren L. Williams Mr. James T. Williamson Ms. Macon Frischkorn Willingham Ms. Olivet M. Willis Mr. Reginald L. Willis Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wills Ms. Ann Wilson (S) Dr. James B. Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Wilson (F) Ms. Patty A. Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Wilson Lt. Gen. & Mrs. Samuel Vaughan Wilson (F, S) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. E. Carlton Wilton, Sr. Mrs. Joan B. Wilton Mr. & Mrs. F. Blair Wimbush Dr. & Mrs. Warner R. Winborne ’88 (F) Mr. Paul L. Wind Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. Wingfield Mr. & Mrs. Barclay C. Winn Mrs. R. Tucker Winn Mr. & Mrs. William C. Winn Mrs. Lindley M. Winston Mr. & Mrs. P. W. Winston Mr. John S. Winter Mrs. Virginia D. Wiseman Mr. W. Plumer Wiseman, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Walter R. T. Witschey Mr. & Mrs. Bobbie E. Witt Ms. Kathryn Sydnor Witt Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Witt III Mr. & Mrs. A. David Wolfe Mrs. Robert K. Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Will Wolstein Mrs. Vernon C. Womack Mr. Richard Wong Mrs. Cherry Wood † Ms. Heather L. Wood Mr. Paul H. Wood Dr. & Mrs. William C. Wood, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Wayne Woodard Mr. Jay W. Woodard Mr. John Ross Woodard (S) Mr. & Mrs. John W. Woodfin Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Woodhouse III Ms. Ann Gregg Woods Mrs. Bernard L. Woody, Jr.

final campaign report Mr. Daniel E. Wooldridge Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Wooldridge Mr. Joseph R. Woolman III Mr. & Mrs. Billy J. Wooten Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Worsham Dr. & Mrs. Lewis R. Worthington Mrs. Kenneth B. Worthy Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Wray Ms. M. Diane Wresinski Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Wright, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Russell Alton Wright Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wright Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Wright Dr. Vella Wright Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Wright Mr. Stuart M. Wyeth, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Oliver Wynne Mr. Patrick Yacono Mr. Fred Yannantuono Mr. & Mrs. Jack Yates Ms. Judith A. Yeatts Mr. & Mrs. Roy R. Yeatts, Jr. (S) Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Yengst, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Yoder Mr. & Mrs. Page C. Yonce Ms. Anne Corbin Young Mr. & Mrs. David L. Young Drs. Douglas M. & Sarah Young Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Young Mr. Randolph K. Young Mr. & Mrs. William A. Young, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Zakas Ms. Flavia L. Zappa Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Zappala Mr. & Mrs. John C. Zehler, Jr. Ms. Lynne Bruce Zehnder Ms. Michelle R. Ziccardi Ms. Denise Ziobro Mr. & Mrs. William T. Zittle Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Zobel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Zondorak, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Paul B. Zubowsky Mr. Robert E. Zukowski Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Zuskin



hampden-sydney college


WHICH MADE A COMMITMENT TO THE THROUGH THESE GATES CAMPAIGN Aetna US Healthcare Allewalt & Murphy, P.A. American Continental Mortgage Corp. Anders Williams Ship Agency, Inc. Anderson Mechanical Services, Inc. Andrews-Large Realty Corporation Anesthesia Specialists AON Foundation ARAMARK Associated Asphalt, Inc. Associated Contracting Services, Inc. AstraZeneca LP AT&T Atkins Real Estate, Inc. Atlantic Physical Therapy, P.C. M.S. Bailey & Sons Baker Trading Company Bank of America Bank of Charlotte County Barker Investments BB&T BCC Steel, Inc. Benchmark Community Bank I. J. Benesek, Jr., Inc. Bethlehem Steel Corporation Bigbee Transportation, Inc. Bingham, Inc. Blue Ridge Development Corporation Bottom Line Business Services Boxley BP Fabric of America Fund Breeden, Salb, Beasley & Duvall BrownGreer, PLC BT Plumbing Supply BTi Buffalo News Burley’s Backhoe Service C & F Mortgage Corporation C V International, Inc. C. P. Dean Co., Inc. Caldwell & Gregory Capes Shipping Agencies Capital Group Companies Capital TechSearch, Inc. Capstone Benefit Services, Inc. Car-Go Motors, Inc. Carpet House Carroll Financial Associates Cavanaugh, Nelson & Co., PLC Central Virginia Bank Champion Title & Escrow Corp. Chapin and Davis Chickahominy Recreational Park, Inc. Christian and Barton, L.L.P. CIBC World Markets Corp. Circuit City Cisco Systems City of Norfolk City of Portsmouth Clark, Martire and Bartolomeo, Inc. Colonial Hills Golf Course, Inc. Colonna’s Shipyard, Inc. Commonwealth Disposal, Inc. Communications Consultants, Inc. Cook Publications Cornerstone Insurance COSTCO Wholesale † - deceased

T - trustee

FT - former trustee

Council Of Medical Specialty Societies Countryside Settlement, LLC Courtside West Covenant Woods CowanGates PC CP&O LLC Croft-Leominster, Inc. CSC Leasing Company Cumberland Middle School Custis, Lewis & Dix, L.L.P. D & B, Ltd. DAVCON, Inc. Davenport & Co., LLC Davis Oil Co., Inc. Davis Pontiac Davis, Davis & Davis, Attorneys, P.C. Dean Electric, Inc. Deloitte & Touche Services LP Deluxe Cleaners Design Systems, Inc. Diamond Hill Plywood Co., Inc. Diamond Paper Company Dickerson & Associates District Council of Hampton Roads & Vicinity, ILA Dixie Sporting Goods Co., Inc Dominion Chevrolet-Pontiac-GMC Dominion Resources Dominion Terminal Associates Dunbar, Milby, Williams et al. Dynamark Security of Richmond, Inc. ECC Eastover Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates Ed Allen’s Boats & Bait LC Edmunds Waste Removal, Inc. Edward H. Winks & James D. Snowa Architects, PC Ellington Energy Services, Inc. Ellis & Others Embarq EMC Corporation Emroch & Kilduff, LLP Enterprise Rent-A-Car Evergreen Shipping Agency (America) Corp. Fannon Fine Printing Ferguson First American Title Insurance Company First Market Bank First Union - VA/MD/DC First Virginia Bank-Colonial Flagship Group Forbes Enterprises Franko LaFratta Construction, Inc. Frannet of Greater Richmond Freedom Service Center, Inc. Freeman Beverage Co., Inc. Fuqua School The Gap Gazebo Room Grille General Testing Laboratories Generations Office Management Co., LLC Gilco Properties, Inc. Great Neck Point Garden Club Green Front Furniture Co., Inc. Green Valley Hunt Club Gregg & Bailey, P.C. Group Insurance Planners, Inc. Group For Women Grubb & Ellis/Harrison & Bates

Haas Construction Co., Inc. Hackers Hampton Roads Shipping Association Hampton Roads Title Association Hampton Roads Title of VA, Inc. N. B. Handy Company Harwood & Son Insurance Hase-Schannen Research Associates, Inc. Hasler & Company HBA Architecture & Interior Design, Inc. Healthy Giving-Short Pump Henderson, Inc. Henrico Business Council Hickman’s Termite & Pest Control Highfill & Associates PC Frederick B. Hill & Company Hines, Ridolphi, Carper & Aman The Hipage Co., Inc. Hofheimer Nusbaum Holman Masonry Hometown Realty Services, Inc. Honeycutt & McGuire Honeywell Hometown Solutions Horne Co. Ltd. Hubbard-Lash Insurance Agency Inner Space Systems, Inc. Integrated Global Logistics Inc. J & B Xpress, LLC J. D. Williams Construction Company, Inc. J. H. Furst Company, Inc. Jamestown Presbyterian Church Jeep Sales and Service Company, Inc. Jenzabar, Inc. Jones Building Systems W. M. Jordan Company Joyner Paint & Frame, LLC Jungle Golf of Virginia Beach, Inc. Kaufman & Canoles Consulting, LLC Kehoe Management, Inc. Kenny Wilbourne Realty & Construction Company Kersely Enterprises Key Office Supply, Inc. Kinex Networking Solutions, Inc. Kiplinger Foundation D. E. Kirby, Inc. KITCO Fiber Optics Krazy Kenny’s Car Coop, Inc. Kyanite Mining Corporation Laurens Properties, Inc. Lawrence Sanitary Lewis & Roberts PLLC Lindsey’s, Inc. Liphart Steel Company, Inc. Lowe, Brockenbrough & Company, Inc. Lydall Transport, Ltd. Macado’s, Inc. Maersk Line, Limited Mailing Services, Inc. Malcolm Piraie, Inc. Maloney & Ward Insurance Agency, Inc. Manry-Rawls Corporation Marker 29 Produce Richard M. Marshall Insurance Agency Matrix Insurance Agency, Inc. Maxey-Hines & Associates, P.C.

McAllen Construction, Inc. McGuireWoods LLP McKesson HBOC Meadow Run Press, Inc. Medlin Motor Co., Inc. Medreviews LLC Mercer Human Resource Services Meredith Corporation Mid-Atlantic Contractors, Inc. Mid-State Toyota Millbrook Construction, LLC Mitchell Management and Marketing Moffatt & Nichol John W. Montague, Jr., Inc. Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. Morgan Stanley My Email Now NationsBank New Mortgage, LLC New York Life Insurance Company Nick’s of Clinton Norfolk Southern Corporation North Carolina Baseball Academy, Inc. Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Old Colony Title, Inc. Optima Educational Solutions, Inc. Over the Rainbow Pack Insurance Agency, Inc. PaineWebber Pairet’s, Inc. Patient First Corporation Peninsula Association of Legal Support J. C. Penney, Inc. Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Co. Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. Perkinson Custom Homes Peter J. Riebling & Co., Inc. Peterson Contractors, Inc. Piney Island Gun Club, Inc. Pino’s Italian Restaurant Planters Bank & Trust Company of Virginia Poplar Hill CDA Portsmouth Partnership Pre Con, Inc. T. Rowe Price Associates Profit Source, LLC Pulpwood and Logging, Inc. Pumpernickel Press Puritan Systems, Inc. Quarles Petroleum, Inc. Quinn Chrysler - Dodge - Jeep R. K. Johns & Associates, Inc. Radiology Associates of Roanoke Rappahannock Concrete Corporation Red Hawk LLC Regions Bank The Rehmann Group Resource Bank Richmond Baseball Academy South, LLC Richmond Cold Storage Co., Inc. Richmond Eye & Ear Healthcare Richmond Mortgage Group Riverside Brick & Supply Company Rochette’s Florist Rudder Tractor Company, Inc. Russell Enterprises Sands Anderson Marks & Miller

The C. F. Sauer Company Scott & Stringfellow Scott Insurance Second Bank & Trust Shanaberger & Sons Shanaberger Realty, LLC Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co., Ltd. (ZPMC) Shenandoah Building Supply, Inc. Simpson’s Lawn Care Smart Tag Customer Service Center SNP, Inc. South Atlantic Association of OB/GYN Southern Virginia Ford Dealers Southside Virginia Auto Auction Spaulding Equipment Co., Inc. Spilman Properties SportGrass, Inc. Sprint State Wide Realty Company Steger Insurance Agency J. P. Stoltzfus Construction Strategic Plus, Inc. Sunshine Fund SunTrust Bank SunTrust Foundation MidAtlantic Super 8 Motel Developers, Inc. Superior Mortgage Corporation Sutton-Clark Supply Company T. Parker Host, Inc. T. Rogers & Associates Taylor Brothers, Inc. Thompson Hospitality Corporation Thompson, Siegel & Walmsley, Inc. Title Research & Technology, Inc. TNC, LLC Toledano & Associates, Inc. Total Transportation Services, Inc. Town & Country Furniture Town of Farmville TowneBank Tri-City Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. Tri-County Ford-Mercury, Inc. Tri-Port Terminals, Inc. TRX, Inc. Tysinger Motor Company, Inc. UBS Financial Services United Arab Agencies, Inc. United Leasing Corporation Universal Leaf Tobacco Company Universal Maritime Service Upsilon of Kappa Sigma Corp Van Yahres Associates Vandeventer Black LLP Verizon Foundation Vic’s Plumbing, Inc. Virginia Health Information Virginia Intermodal Management, LLC Virginia International Terminals, Inc. Virginia Investment Counselors Virginia Maritime Association, Inc. Virginia Pilot Association Virginia Trane The Virginian-Pilot VMS, Inc. VocMed, Inc. Volvo Commerce Center, LLC W. A. Watson & Sons Insurance Agency Wachovia Bank, NA Waitzer Properties Waldrop & Associates, Inc. Walmart Waterway Surveys & Engineering, LTD Weaver Enterprises Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Whitaker Woods Homeowners Association Wick’s Sports Lettering, Inc. Williams Mullen Williams Residential, Inc. Williamsburg Merchants, Inc.

Witt Mares Deborah Wood & Associates Wright Funeral Home, Inc. Wyatt Transfer, Inc. Stanley Wydra CLU, Inc. Zel Technologies, LLC Zim American Integrated Shipping Services Co., Inc. FOUNDATIONS Anonymous Adelman Family Foundation Beckett Charitable Foundation The John M. Borders, M.D., Memorial Fund The Bruning Foundation Burford Leimenstoll Foundation, Inc. The Cabell Foundation The William M. Cage Library Trust William M. Camp Foundation Camp Younts Campbell Foundation Ruth Camp Campbell Trust E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation Carson Family Foundation, Inc. The Beirne Carter Foundation Cartledge Foundation Chapel Family Foundation Chattanooga Christian Community Foundation The Clovelly Foundation The Cloyes-Myers Foundation Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Fannie R. Cooke Fund Corckran Family Charitable Foundation Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America Crowder Family Foundation D.H.R. Foundation Dan Cameron Family Foundation Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Dawkins Family Foundation The Jessie Ball duPont Fund The Dymer Foundation Earhart Foundation The Andrew Horsley Easley and Anne Owen Easley Charitable Trust Edmondson Family Foundation Farrand Foundation Ferguson Family Foundation A.E. Finley Foundation, Inc. Flagler Foundation Dorothy Cate and Thomas F. Frist Foundation J. B. Fuqua Foundation Goodmon Family Fund Goodrich Family Advised Fund The Grier Family Foundation Guilford Foundation Evelyn E. & Richard J. Gunst Foundation The Richard & Caroline Gwathmey Memorial Trust Harris Brothers Foundation Hearst Foundation, Inc. Hoffmann Family Gift Fund Howe Foundation, Inc. Hunt Family Foundation of Nashville, TN, Inc. The Huston Foundation Ireland Foundation James R. Smith Family Foundation The Thomas F. Jeffress Memorial, Inc. Joseph S. Keelty Foundation The Kiefer Foundation Kirk Family Foundation The Kluge-Moses Foundation The Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation The Kresge Foundation The Martha and Michael Krupin Family Foundation Lanier Goodman Foundation Helen S. Lanier Foundation, Inc. Lind Lawrence Foundation Linehan Family Foundation, Inc. MAIHS Foundation Massey Foundation McManus Foundation, Inc. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Claude & Ann Milam Charitable Family Foundation

Moore Family Foundation Alfred Moore Foundation M.F. Moorman Family Foundation The Marietta McNeill & Samuel Tate Morgan Foundation The Norfolk Foundation The Mary Morton Parsons Foundation Passano Family Foundation Stanley and Dorothy Pauley Trust The Platt Family Foundation Presser Foundation The John Randolph Foundation Rasor Charitable Trust Reid Family Fund Emerson G. & Dolores G. Reinsch Foundation C. E. Richardson Benevolent Foundation Richmond Jewish Foundation River Counties Community Foundation Roller-Bottimore Foundation Rouse-Bottom Foundation, Inc. The Joyce and Donald Rumsfeld Foundation The William H., John G., and Emma Scott Foundation Noel A. & W. Sydnor Settle Foundation William E. Simon Foundation, Inc. Sims Foundation Southwest Florida Community Foundation Kaye B. & Henry C. Spalding, Jr., Fund Seth Sprague Educational & Charitable Foundation The Stern Foundation The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation Frances W. Thompson Memorial Fund Titmus Foundation, Inc. Triangle Community Foundation, Inc. Virginia Sargeant Reynolds Foundation The Hiram Ewing Wall, Jr., Foundation Mary Ratrie Wick Family Foundation The Wiley H. and James C. Wheat Foundation Wise Foundation Woodbury Foundation Worthen Family Richard A. Zappala Family Foundation CHURCHES All Saint’s Chapel College Presbyterian Church Farmville Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church of Martinsville First Presbyterian Church of Roanoke Heritage Presbyterian Church Irvington Baptist Church Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Presbytery of Shenandoah Presbytery of the Peaks Saint Giles Presbyterian Church Second Presbyterian Church of Roanoke Synod of the Mid-Atlantic The Josie Goode Sunday School Class Villa Heights Baptist Church GOVERNMENT Department of the Navy Foundation for the Improvement of PostSecondary Education National Science Foundation Virginia Commission for the Arts Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Virginia Environmental Endowment The Virginia State Bar Association OTHERS Allen Reunion Fund Allen West Golf Tournament Alliance To Conserve Old Richmond Neighborhoods Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity

final campaign report 75 American Association of Port Authorities American Astronomical Society Bottom Family Trust Anne K. Bowman Trust Buckingham County Arts Council, Inc. Burrowsville Fireman’s Association Butler Memorial Golf Tournament Chesapeake Chapter No. 28 O.E.S. Christian Giving Fund Colleagues Investment Club Colonial Bloodhound Club Commonwealth Chorale Community Health Charities Epsilon of Chi Phi Farmville Junior Woman’s Club Featherstone Fishing Club, Inc. Fork Union Presbyterian Women C. Conrad Frazier ’04 Memorial Fund Friends of Brad Forehand Godey Chapter of Questers No. 294 Grabill Golf Tournament Hampden-Sydney College Admisisons Office Hampden-Sydney College Alumni Golf Tournament Hampden-Sydney College Big Hitters Club Hampden-Sydney College Buildings & Grounds Employees Hampden-Sydney College Museum Board Members Hampden-Sydney College Rockfish Tournament Hampden-Sydney College Young Alumni Golf Tournament Hampton Roads Naval Historical Foundation History & Economics Research Institute Holly Manor Nursing Home Homecoming 5-K Race James Allen Chapter N.S.D.A.R. James Bland Memorial Athletic Fund Just-A-Mere Homemakers Club JustGive Kappa Sigma Fraternity Kiwanis Club of Dunn, NC Landing View Golf Association Newton CLT III - 1997 Norfolk State University National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation Old Dominion Athletic Conference Old Dominion University Osbourn High School Phi Gamma Delta Presbyterian Homes & Family Services Prince George High School Program for Cultural Cooperation, University of Minnesota Randolph Estates Garden Club Richmond West Breakfast Lions Club Rivers of the World Seaboard Medical Association of VA/NC Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Society of Cincinnati in the State of Virginia Society of Colonial Wars in Virginia St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School Theta Chi Alumni 1966-1972 Tidewater Chapter Hampden-Sydney College Alumni Association United Network for Organ Sharing University of Virginia Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists Virginia Chamber of Commerce Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges Virginia Gift Planning Council The Virginia Home Virginia Library Association of Norfolk Virginia Natural Gas - AGL Resources Private Foundation Willow Oaks-Clevedon Civic Association Woman’s Club of Richmond


hampden-sydney college


WHICH MADE A COMMITMENT TO THE THROUGH THESE GATES CAMPAIGN Abbott Laboratories Accenture, Inc. Aetna Life & Casualty Akzo Nobel, Inc. Albany International Corporation Albemarle Corporation Alcoa Alexander Haas Martin & Partners Allfirst AlliedSignal Allmerica Financial Allstate ALPS Corporation Altria American Electric Power American Express American International Group, Inc. Amgen Amoco, Inc. AmSouth Bancorporation Andersen Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. AON ARCO Arthur Andersen & Company Ashland Oil Aspect Global AstraZeneca AT&T Atlantic Lift Systems, Inc. Avaya Communication AXA Bailey Ball Corporation Bank of America, N.A. (USA) Bank of New York Bank One Corporation BankAmerica Bankers Trust C. R. Bard, Inc. BASF Corporation Bechtel Bell Atlantic BellSouth L.M. Berry and Company Bethlehem Steel Corporation Biogen, Inc. Boeing Company Borden, Inc. BP Matching Fund Programs J.C. Bradford & Company Bridgestone Firestone, Inc. Bristol-Myers Squibb, Inc. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation

† - deceased

T - trustee

Brown-Forman Corporation Burlington Industries BWXT Y-12, LLC The Cameron Foundation Capital Group Companies Capital One Services, Inc. Carolina Power Caterpillar Celanese Corporation Central Carolina Bank & Trust Co. Centura Champion International Corporation Charles Schwab Corporation Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. Chesapeake Corporation ChevronTexaco Children’s Wear Digest, Inc. CIGNA Cingular Circuit City Cisco Citigroup Coach Coca-Cola Company Compaq Computer Corporation Computer Associates ConAgra ConocoPhillips Company Constellation Energy Group Cordant Technologies COSTCO Wholesale Crestar Bank CSX Corporation Davis-Taylor-Forster Company Dell Deloitte & Touche Delta Air Lines Deutsche Bank Americas Dime Bancorp DIMON, Inc. Dominion Resources Dow Chemical Company d-SCAN, Inc. Duke Energy Eaton Corporation El Paso Energy Eli Lilly & Company Embarq Equitable Equiva Services LLC Ernst & Young Ethyl Corporation Exelon Corporation ExxonMobil Fannie Mae FBD Consulting Federated Dept. Stores, Inc. Fidelity Fifth Third Bancorp FINOVA Capital Corp.

FT - former trustee

First Community Bank, NA First Tennessee First Union Corporation First Virginia Banks Fleet Fort James Franklin Federal Savings & Loan Association Freddie Mac Friedman Billings Ramsey Charitable Foundation Fulton Financial Corporation Arthur J. Gallagher Gannett Match Gartner Group, Inc. GE GEICO GenCorp/OMNOVA General Mills General Motors Genworth Georgia-Pacific Corporation GlaxoSmithKline Goldman, Sachs & Company W. W. Grainger, Inc. Grayco GreenPoint Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Hamilton Beach/Proctor-Silex, Inc. Harcourt General, Inc. Harris Foundation Hartford Insurance Group Harvey Lindsay Commercial Real Estate Home Depot Honeywell Household International Hughes Aircraft Company Humana, Inc. Huntington Alloys I.N.C.O. Alloys, Inc. IBM International Intel International Paper Company Jefferson Pilot Corporation John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. Johnson & Johnson Kiplinger KITCO Fiber Optics KPMG LandAmerica Leadership Center East Lehman Brothers LexisNexis Lincoln Financial Group Liz Claiborne Lockheed Martin Corporation Lucent Technologies Mallinckrodt Specialty Chemicals Company Markel Corporation Marmon Group Member Company Marsh & McLennan Companies

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. May Stores MBank McGraw-Hill MediaOne Group Mercantile Bankshares Corporation Merck Company Merrill Lynch & Company Metro Information Services Microsoft Milliken & Company Mobil Mohawk Industries, Inc. Monsanto Morgan Stanley J. P. Morgan Company, Inc. Mutual Assurance Society of Virginia National City National Grange Mutual Insurance Co. National Processing Center, Inc. Nationwide New York Life Insurance Co. New York Times Company Newport News Shipbuilding Norfolk Southern Northeast Utilitites Northern Trust Northrop Grumman Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Office Depot, Inc. Olympus America Oracle Oxford Industries Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Co. Pepsico Pfizer Pharmacia & UpJohn Philip Morris, Inc. Piedmont Natural Gas Pioneer Group, Inc. PNC T. Rowe Price Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP Printpack, Inc. Procter & Gamble Fund Prudential Raytheon Company RBC Dain Rauscher Regions Financial Corporation Reynolds Metals Company R. J. Reynolds Industries Inc. Rockwell Collins SallieMae Fund Sanofi-Aventis Sara Lee Science Applications International Corp.

Sentry Insurance Shell Companies Shenandoah Life Insurance Company SmithKline Beecham Sonat Spring Industries, Inc. Sprint St. Paul Travelers State Farm Companies State Street Stock & Company, Inc. SunTrust Carolinas Group SunTrust Company of Georgia SunTrust Mid-Atlantic Sysco Corporation Tenet Healthcare Texaco, Inc. Thompson & Litton Thomson West Tiger Management Corporation Time Warner, Inc. Tomkins Corporation Towers Perrin TransUnion Tricon TRW Foundation U.S. Bancorp UBS Union Pacific Corporation Unisource United Technologies Universal Leaf Tobacco Company, Inc. UPS Utica National Insurance Group Vanguard Group Verizon Virginia Power Vulcan Materials Company Wachovia Bank Warner-Lambert Company Washington Mutual Waters Corporation Wellpoint Wells Fargo West Motor Sales Westvaco Whitman Corporation Wyeth Xerox Yum! Brands Zurich N.A.

final campaign report


ESTABLISHED DURING THE THROUGH THESE GATES CAMPAIGN THE JAMES ALLEN ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP The James Allen Endowed Scholarship was established in 1985 as an annual scholarship and was endowed in 2008 by family members and friends to honor the memory of James Allen, a founding trustee of Hampden-Sydney College. THE ARENA FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP The Arena Family Scholarship was established in 2008 by Francis A. “Frank” Arena in loving memory of his daughter, Susan Brockertt Arena, and wife, Suzanne M. Arena. THE T. KYLE BALDWIN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP The T. Kyle Baldwin Family Scholarship was established in October of 2005 by T. Kyle Baldwin ’39. THE CLASS OF 2006 ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP IN MEMORY OF PETER C. BANCE, JR. The Class of 2006 Scholarship was established in memory of Peter C. Bance, Jr., a distinguished member of the Class of 2006 and of the College community. THE STEWART BELL, JR. ’31 SCHOLARSHIP The Stewart Bell, Jr. ’31, Scholarship was established in 2002 through a planned gift to Hampden-Sydney College by Stewart Bell, Jr., Class of 1931, in memory of his greatgrandmother, Mrs. Margaretta Brown, and his brother, Lieutenant William H. Bell. THE WILLIAM C. BOINEST SCHOLARSHIP The William C. Boinest Scholarship was endowed by fellow Trustees upon the occasion of Mr. Boinest’s retirement as Chairman of the Board in 2003. THE RAYMOND B. BOTTOM, JR., SCHOLARSHIP The Raymond B. Bottom, Jr., Scholarship was established in 2003 by Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Benton ’90 of Suffolk, Virginia to honor Mr. Raymond B. Bottom, Jr. ’51. THE G. GRAYSON BOYCE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The G. Grayson Boyce Memorial Scholarship was established by his family, friends, and fellow alumni in 2002 and is a reflection of the love that Grayson Boyce, Class of 1963, had for his alma mater.

THE BRANDON FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP The Brandon Family Scholarship was established in 1999 by Lewis E. H. Brandon ’45 and his wife, Margaret, of High Point, North Carolina. The scholarship is awarded to students in good academic standing and of good character who demonstrate financial need. THE J. ROBERT BRAY ’60 SCHOLARSHIP The J. Robert Bray ’60 Scholarship was endowed in 2007 to honor J. Robert Bray, Executive Director of the Virginia Port Authority, by the Virginia Maritime Association, in recognition of Bobby’s forty years of dedicated service to and extraordinary leadership of the Virginia Port Authority and the maritime community. THE MARGUERITE L. BRITTON SCHOLARSHIP The Marguerite L. Britton Scholarship was established in 2001. The scholarship will be presented annually to a student who is in good academic standing and shows leadership abilities. The student will, preferably, be studying for the Christian ministry, or a career in music, medicine, or teaching.

THE ORRAN L. AND ELLEN F. BROWN SCHOLARSHIP The Orran L. and Ellen F. Brown Scholarship was endowed in 2008 by Orran and Ellen Brown of Richmond, Virginia. THE GERALD M. BRYCE SCHOLARSHIP The Gerald M. Bryce Scholarship was endowed in 2007, in honor of Dr. Bryce and his nearly thirty years of service to Hampden-Sydney as a mathematics professor, by Wendy B. and John C. Dickinson ’83 and their family. THE ROBERT C. AND DORA J. BUNTS SCHOLARSHIP The Robert C. and Dora J. Bunts Scholarship was established through a testamentary gift to Hampden-Sydney College by Dr. Robert C. Bunts ’29 and his wife, Mrs. Dora J. Bunts. THE TIM BUTLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Tim Butler Memorial Scholarship was established in 1997 and endowed in 1999 by alumni, family members, and friends in memory of William T. Butler, Jr. ’62, of Hampden-Sydney.

THE JAMES D. CHRISTIAN, JR. ’40 SCHOLARSHIP The James D. Christian, Jr. ’40 Scholarship was established in 1992 and endowed in 2004 by Michael S. Christian ’72 and his mother, Mrs. Rita Christian, of Lynchburg, Virginia, in memory of their beloved father and husband, James D. Christian, Jr. ’40.

was initiated and endowed by former students who wished to honor him for the effect his teaching had on their lives and careers. THE DEPARTMENT OF CLASSICS: STUDY-ABROAD SCHOLARSHIP The Department of Classics StudyAbroad Scholarship was established in 1999 by Dr. C. Wayne Tucker and his brother, Larry C. Tucker, with additional contributions from other friends and alumni of the College.

THE CLASS OF 1951 SCHOLARSHIP The Class of 1951 Scholarship was established on the occasion of its 50th class reunion to honor the memory of THE THOMAS EDWARD AND the class members who had passed away. ROBERTA A. CRAWLEY GLEE CLUB SCHOLARSHIP THE CL ASS OF 1953 The Thomas Edward and Roberta A. SCHOLARSHIP Crawley Glee Club Scholarship was The Class of 1953 Scholarship endowed in 2002 by Mr. Raymond Endowment was established in 2003 B. Bottom, Jr. ’51, as a tribute to Dr. through gifts made by members of the Crawley and in honor of Mrs. Crawley. Class of 1953 in honor of their 50th class reunion and induction into the THE CHARLES W. AND BRENDA Patrick Henry Society. N. CRIST SCHOLARSHIP The Charles W. and Brenda N. Crist THE EDWARD A. CRAWFORD Scholarship was established in 2004 by SCHOLARSHIP Charles and Brenda Crist of Culpeper, The Edward A. Crawford Scholarship Virginia. was established in honor of Mr. Crawford, Professor Emeritus, who THE DAVIS FELLOWS taught Biology at Hampden-Sydney SCHOLARSHIP College from 1963 until 1987. The fund The Davis Fellows Program was endowed in 2002 by Norwood H. Davis, Jr. ’63 and Marguerite Davis. THE DRESCHER SCHOLARSHIP The Drescher Scholarship was established in 1995 and endowed in 1999 by a gift from John W. Drescher ’70 in honor of his parents, O. Charles Drescher and Anne W. Drescher. THE LEWIS HARRISON AND NELLIE P. DREW SCHOLARSHIP The Lewis Harrison Drew and Nellie Peyronnet Drew Scholarship was endowed by the Class of 1960 to honor their classmate and his wife upon his retirement in 2000. THE JOSEPH DAVES DUNN ’56 The Joseph Daves Dunn ’56 Memorial Scholarship was established in 2006 by family and friends in honor of Joseph Daves Dunn ’56.

THE W. ROBERT “BOB” & ANNA BELLE EASON SCHOLARSHIP The W. Robert “Bob” and Anna Belle Eason Scholarship was endowed in 2007 by John C. and Sarah Belle Eason Parrott to honor Mrs. Parrott’s parents and to establish a legacy that reflects the love that the Easons hold for HampdenSydney College.


78 hampden-sydney college THE REBECCA KING EVANS SCHOLARSHIP The Rebecca King Evans Scholarship was endowed in 1999 by Edward Jones Evans, M.D. ’38 of Huntington, West Virginia. THE ALLEN MEAD FERGUSON SCHOLARSHIP The Allen Mead Ferguson Scholarship was established in 2001 by a gift from the former Trustee (1994 to 2000) and Mrs. Allen Mead Ferguson of Richmond, Virginia, in honor of their son, T. Rutherfoord Ferguson ’95. THE BRAD S. FOREHAND SCHOLARSHIP The Brad S. Forehand Scholarship was established in 2004 by his parents and friends as a memorial to him, an exemplary Hampden-Sydney College graduate of the Class of 2002. THE RUSSELL AND LOUISE FOX SCHOLARSHIP The Russell and Louise Fox Scholarship was established in 2005 through the remainderman portion of a trust by Russell E. Fox, Ph.D. and his wife M. Louise Fox. The Foxes’ commitment to scholarship reaches back to a scholarship award that enabled Dr. Fox to attend Hampden-Sydney College. Dr. Fox, credits Dr. Thomas E. Gilmer ’23 with nurturing a life-long love of physics. In 1990 Dr. Fox endowed his first scholarship, The Gilmer Scholarship to honor his beloved professor. THE COLONEL GUSTAV H. FRANKE, JR., SCHOLARSHIP The Colonel Gustav H. Franke, Jr., Scholarship was established in 2003 by several former golf team members. Colonel Franke was an Assistant Professor of mathematics and computer science at Hampden-Sydney College. THE CHARLES H. FRISCHKORN, JR. ’61 SCHOLAR­SHIP The Charles H. Frischkorn, Jr. ’61 Scholarship was established in 2006 by Charlotte Haile Frischkorn, family and friends of Charles Frischkorn. THE ROBERT A. GARLAND, SR., AND FRANCES V. GARLAND SCHOLARSHIP The Robert Allen Garland, Sr., and Frances Vaughan Garland Scholarship was established in 2002 by Anita Holmes Garland in honor of her parents. THE ERNEST P. AND VIRGINIA Y. GATES ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP The Ernest P. and Virginia Y. Gates Scholarship was established by members of their extended family as a tribute to and in honor of Judge & Mrs. Gates.

† - deceased

T - trustee

THE ARTHUR S. GEAR, JR., SCHOLARSHIP The Arthur S. Gear, Jr., Scholarship was established in 1999 by Dr. Arthur S. Gear, Jr. ’55, of South Hill, Virginia. THE GOOD MEN GOOD CITIZENS FINANCIAL AID ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIP The Good Men Good Citizens Financial Aid Endowment was endowed in 2008. It supports the College’s entire financial aid program, assuring that every qualified student is able to obtain the outstanding liberal arts education the College provides. THE PHILIP M. GRABILL, JR. ’71 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Philip M. Grabill, Jr. ’71 Memorial Scholarship was established in 1997 and endowed in 1999 by friends and family members as a memorial to Mr. Grabill. THE ANDREW W. HAAS ’03 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Andrew W. Haas ’03 Endowed Scholarship was established by the Haas Family in memory of Andrew, a member of the Class of 2003. THE HAMPTON SCHOLARSHIP The Hampton Scholarship was established in 2008 by Timothy B. ’75 and Ginger Hampton of Chesapeake, Virginia. THE WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST SCHOLARSHIP The William Randolph Hearst Scholarship was created by the Hearst Foundation, Inc., in an effort to provide educational opportunity to underrepresented, low-income, and minority populations. THE HEREFORD-CRUMMETT WEST VIRGINIA SCHOLARSHIP The Hereford-Crummett West Virginia Scholarship was established by family members and friends in memory of Joe C. Hereford ’43 and Douglas C. Crummett ’43 of Charleston, West Virginia. THE RALPH P. HINES SCHOLARSHIP The Ralph P. Hines Scholarship was established in 2007 in honor of Mr. Hines, a local businessman, President of Maxey-Hines & Associates, a civil engineering firm, and Trustee of the College, by his family. THE WILLIAM COLLAR HOLBROOK WESTERN EUROPEAN STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIP The William Collar Holbrook Western European Study Abroad Scholarship was established in 2007 in memory of Dr. Holbrook, professor of French and Dean of the College.

FT - former trustee

THE WILLOUGHBY S. HUNDLEY CLASS OF 1912 SCHOLARSHIP The Willoughby S. Hundley 1912 Scholarship was established by Willoughby S. Hundley, Jr. ’51 in 2007 as a memorial to his father. THE HURT SCHOLARSHIP The Hurt Scholarship was established in 1997 and endowed in 2002 by Dr. W. Glenn Hurt ’60 of Richmond, Virginia. THE ROBERT F. HUTCHESON III ’35 SCHOLARSHIP The Robert F. Hutcheson III ’35 Scholarship was endowed in 1999 by Mrs. Madeline Hutcheson in memory of her husband.

THE ELIZABETH LONG MAYES SCHOLARSHIP The Elizabeth Long Mayes Scholarship was established by D. Carleton “Gus” Mayes ’36 in loving memory of his wife. THE THOMAS T. AND MARTHA L. MAYO SCHOLARSHIP The Thomas T. and Martha L. Mayo Scholarship was established in 2002 and endowed in 2007 by Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Mayo IV, Mr. & Mrs. William R. Schmidt, and Mrs. Dausey B. Irwin to honor the memory of Dr. Mayo, Mrs. Schmidt, and Mrs. Irwin’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Mayo.

THE H. W. McLAUGHLIN SCHOLARSHIP THE HENRY C. IRBY, JR. ’58 The H. W. McLaughlin Scholarship MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP was established in 1999 by the The Henry C. Irby, Jr. ’58 Memorial grandchildren of Dr. Henry W. Scholarship was established in 2008 by McLaughlin, Class of 1873, and Nelle Brawner Greer ’90 as a tribute to Henry Brown McLaughlin. Irby for all of his accomplishments, both personal and professional. THE SAMUEL B. McLAUGHLIN, SR. ’34 & NANCY H. THE JAMESTOWN McLAUGHLIN SCHOLARSHIP PRESBYTERIAN SCHOLARSHIP The Samuel B. McLaughlin, Sr. ’34 & The Jamestown Presbyterian Nancy H. McLaughlin Scholarship was Scholarship was established in 2002 by established in 2007 in memory of the members of Jamestown Presbyterian McLaughlin’s by their son, Dr. Samuel Church, Rice, Virginia, and friends and B. McLaughlin, Jr. ’65. family of Mrs. Virginia Wilson Druen, to honor her many years of exemplary THE CHARLES V. McPHILLIPS service to the Church and the College. SCHOLARSHIP The Charles V. McPhillips Scholarship THE RICHARD ALLAN was established in 2007 by Mr. Charles KEPLINGER MEMORIAL V. McPhillips ’82 in memory of his SCHOLARSHIP parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent The Richard Allan Keplinger Memorial McPhillips. Scholarship was established in 2004 by Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Keplinger of THE MCV/VCU SCHOOL OF Keswick, Virginia. MEDICINE SCHOLARSHIP The MCV/VCU School of Medicine THE HUBERT E. “PUCK” KISER, Scholarship was established in 2007 JR. ’53 AND ANNE T. KISER by alumni of Hampden-Sydney who SCHOLARSHIP also attended the MCV/VCU School The Hubert E. “Puck” Kiser, Jr. ’53 of Medicine. and Anne T. Kiser Scholarship was established in 2008 by Puck and Anne THE W. SHEPPARD III AND Kiser of Martinsville, Virginia. GEORGINA MILLER FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP THE KLINE SCHOLARSHIP FOR The W. Sheppard III and Georgina STUDY IN FRANCE Miller Family Scholarship was The Kline Scholarship for Study in established in 2008 by Mr. W. France was established in 2007 by Sheppard Miller III ’79 and his wife Dr. Paule Gounelle Kline, a Modern Gigi, of Norfolk, Virginia. Languages Department Professor at Hampden-Sydney from 1983 to 1997. THE ANTHONY J. MUÑOZ, M.D., INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP THE JAMES F. LIPSCOMB ’66 The Anthony J. Muñoz, M.D., SCHOLARSHIP International Scholarship was The James F. Lipscomb ’66 Scholarship established in 2005 by Dr. Muñoz at was established in 1997 and endowed in the behest of his children. 1998 by Mr. Lipscomb of Richmond, Virginia. THE FRANK L. AND BARBARA G. NANNEY SCHOLARSHIP THE CHARLES F. LUCAS ’59 The Frank L. and Barbara G. Nanney ­FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP Scholarship was endowed in 2004 by The Charles F. Lucas ’59 Family Leigh Nanney Hersey and John Taylor Scholarship was established in 2008 by Hersey II of Scottsdale, Arizona, in Charles F. Lucas ’59, his wife, Carolyn honor of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lucas, and family of Beckley, West L. Nanney, Jr. ’56 Virginia.

THE WILLIAM LEVI OLD, JR., M.D. ’46 SCHOLARSHIP The William Levi Old, Jr., M.D. ’46 Scholarship was established in 2006 in honor of Dr. Old, a renowned Norfolk surgeon, by his daughter, Sally Old Kitchin, and son-in-law, James L. Kitchin, Jr., and their children, Maria Lacy Kitchin, J. Leggett Kitchin III, and William Old Kitchin. THE ELBERT P. OSBORNE, JR. ’59 SCHOLARSHIP The Elbert P. Osborne, Jr. ’59 Scholarship was established by a gift from Dr. Elbert P. Osborne, Jr. ’59. THE JOHN ATKINSON OWEN SCHOLARSHIP The John Atkinson Owen Scholarship was established in 1998 by Dr. John A. Owen, Jr. ’45 of Charlottesville, in memory of his father, Dr. John A. Owen, Sr., Class of 1899. THE HON. WILLIAM L. OWEN SCHOLARSHIP The Hon. William L. Owen Scholarship was established in 2007 in honor of Mr. Owen by his greatgrandson, Dr. John A. Owen, Jr., Class of 1945, and his family. THE PATTERSON SCHOLARSHIP The Patterson Scholarship was established in 2005 through the bequest of Mark Whitehead Patterson ’80 in memory of his parents William S. Patterson ’41 and Nancy Patterson Driskill; his uncle, Charles G. Patterson, Jr. ’37; and in honor of his brother, P. Tulane Patterson ’78. THE FRANK D. PENDLETON SCHOLARSHIP The Frank D. Pendleton ’72 Scholarship was endowed in 2005 by his sister Catherine P. Caspole, his brothers Edmund and John W. Pendleton ’68, and his friends and Hampden-Sydney brothers. THE ANDERSON M. RENICK, JR., M.D., SCHOLARSHIP The Anderson M. Renick, Jr., M.D., Scholarship was endowed in 2000 by Dr. Renick ’51. THE GEORGE RICHARDSON, JR., SCHOLARSHIP The George Richardson, Jr., Scholarship was established in 2000 by Robert M. Richardson ’38 and his wife Elizabeth R. Richardson, in memory of Mr. Richardson’s father, George Richardson, Jr., Class of 1910. THE PHILIP ROME SCHOLARSHIP The Philip Rome Scholarship was established in 2001 as a memorial to Philip deButts Rome ’68, loyal alumnus and former Trustee of the College, by his fellow alumni, family, and friends.

THE C. F. SAUER SCHOLARSHIP The C. F. Sauer Scholarship was established by Conrad F. Sauer IV in 2004 to honor his family and to enrich the lives of countless young men who otherwise might not gain the benefits of a Hampden-Sydney education. THE BILL AND TUDIE SAUNDERS SCHOLARSHIP The Bill and Tudie Saunders Scholarship was established through several planned gifts to the College by Mr. and Mrs. William T. Saunders, Jr. ’60. THE JOHN B. AND PEGGY C. SCHUG SCHOLARSHIP The John B. Schug and Peggy C. Schug Scholarship was endowed in 1999 by Dr. John B. Schug ’52 and his wife, Peggy C. Schug, of Charlotte, North Carolina. THE BRADLEY SCOTT SIMMS SCHOLARSHIP The Bradley Scott Simms Scholarship was established in 2001 by alumni, family, and friends as a memorial to Brad Simms ’85, a third-generation graduate of Hampden-Sydney College and a member of the football team and Kappa Alpha Order. THE WILLIAM E. SIMON SCHOLARSHIP The William E. Simon Scholarship was established in 1999 with a grant from the William E. Simon Foundation, to assist academically qualified but economically needy students to obtain a superb college education. THE JOHN SMITH SIMPSON, JOHN DABNEY SIMPSON, AND JAMES LUPTON SIMPSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The John Smith Simpson, John Dabney Simpson, and James Lupton Simpson Memorial Scholarship was established in 2000 by a gift from Helen B. Simpson of Paeonian Springs, Virginia, as a memorial to her father, John Smith Simpson, Class of 1877, and her two brothers, John Dabney Simpson and James Lupton Simpson, both of the Class of 1925. THE HAROLD W. AND NELL R. SMITH SCHOLARSHIP The Harold W. and Nell R. Smith Scholarship was endowed in 2002 through the Estate of Nell Remines Smith. THE WILLIS McCOLLUM SPRINKLE SCHOLARSHIP The Willis McCollum Sprinkle Scholarship was established in 2001 by Mrs. Irma C. Sprinkle of Marion, Virginia, in memory of her husband, Dr. Willis M. Sprinkle, Class of 1920.

final campaign report THE ALGERNON SYDNEY SULLIVAN FOUNDATION ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation Endowed Scholarship was established in 2000 as an addition to the Sullivan Foundation’s annual scholarship. THE GEORGE ELLIS SUMMERS SCHOLARSHIP The George Ellis Summers Scholarship, honoring Ellis Summers, a graduate of the Class of 1997, was established in 1998 by his father, George Ellis Summers, and augmented by a gift from Charles Hill Jones, Jr., both Trustees of the College. THE SYDNOR FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP The Sydnor Family Scholarship was established in 1999 by the Sydnor family of Charlottesville, Virginia. THE ROBERT J. THALMAN SCHOLARSHIP The Robert J. Thalman Scholarship was established in 2000 by alumni, family, and friends in honor of Coach Robert J. Thalman, who served on the College’s coaching staff from 1953 to 1960 and as Athletic Director and head football coach from 1956 to 1960. THE TOPPING-LORRAINE SCHOLARSHIP The Topping-Lorraine Scholarship was established in 2002 by William B. Graham ’43 in honor of his two college roommates, George Olin Topping ’43 and Lt. Alfred L. Lorraine, Jr. ’43. THE UNIVERSAL LEAF FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP The Universal Leaf Foundation Scholarship was established in 2004 by the Foundation to give worthy students the opportunity to attend HampdenSydney College. THE H. EWING WALL ’22 ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP The H. Ewing Wall ’22 Scholarship was established in 2008 in memory of H. Ewing Wall, Hampden-Sydney Class of 1922, by his wife, Anne Moncure Wall, his son, Marion M. Wall, and posthumously by his son, H. Ewing Wall, Jr. ’56 through the H. Ewing Wall, Jr.,, Foundation. THE ALLEN GOOLSBY WEST ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP The Allen Goolsby West Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 by his friends and family, as a memorial to Allen Goolsby West, Class of 2009, loyal son of the College, and member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. THE WISE FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP The Wise Foundation Scholarship was established in 2009 by the Wise Foundation of Marshall, Virginia.

THE WOLCOTT SCHOLARSHIP The Edward W. Wolcott Scholarship was established in the fall of 2000 in memory of Eddie Wolcott ’43 by his classmates and friends. THE CATHERINE PATTERSON ZEHNDER SCHOLARSHIP The Catherine Patterson Zehnder Scholarship was established in 2002 by Lynne Bruce Zehnder in memory of her mother.



John G. Macfarlane III ’76 Professor John L. Brinkley ’59 spent nearly his entire life at Hampden-Sydney, first coming as a student then returning as a member of the faculty. His gregarious approach to teaching—along with the temptation of winning nickels, and later quarters, for correctly answering obscure questions—made him a favorite teacher of many students, certainly of John G. Macfarlane III ’76. Mr. Macfarlane says he never intended to be a classical studies major when he came to Hampden-Sydney College from Roanoke, but “it was professors like Brinkley, Graves Thompson, and Wayne Tucker who got my attention and got me interested.” When Mr. Macfarlane learned that a principal goal of the Through These Gates campaign was the construction of a new library, he decided this would be a wonderful opportunity to give back to the school he dearly loves. “I saw the construction of the new library as a transformational initiative at the College, as a space for developing the student community,” he says. “It was also an opportunity to honor Professor Brinkley, who was a great mentor to me as a student.” “It was really a convergence of three JOHN MACFARLANE III ’76 things: the College had a compelling need; I was fortunate enough to have the capacity to help fill the need; and it seemed like a fitting way to honor John Brinkley.” So, with the contributions of Mr. Macfarlane and many others, the Brinkley Wing of the library was dedicated along with the entire library on November 1, 2007. Mr. Macfarlane adds, “Hampden-Sydney was a place where I learned to love learning, where I developed my social skills, where I learned to write and think critically. These are invaluable skills, which I was then able to take to the next opportunity.” Through his generosity, Mr. Macfarlane will help future generations of Hampden-Sydney men take their invaluable liberal arts education wherever they choose to go.


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ESTABLISHED DURING THE THROUGH THESE GATES CAMPAIGN THE WILLIAM J. ADAMS IV ’01 SCHOLARSHIP The William J. Adams IV ’01 Scholarship was established in 2004 by his parents and friends. THE ALGERNON SYDNEY SULLIVAN SCHOLARSHIPS The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Scholarships have been provided by annual grants from the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation of New York since 1936 in memory of Algernon Sydney Sullivan, founder and first president of the New York Southern Society. THE ARAMARK ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP The ARAMARK Scholarship for Student Excellence was established in 2008 to commemorate the fruitful, fifty-year relationship between Hampden-Sydney College and ARAMARK Food Service. THE SHAWN DAVID BROWN ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP The Shawn David Brown Scholarship was established in 2008 by Stephen B. “Bo” Wilkins ’92 in memory of his classmate and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity brother. Shawn was a great friend and gifted artist who died on September 28, 2004, of complications following a surfing accident.

THE BRAND BANKING COMPANY SCHOLARSHIP The Brand Banking Company Scholarship was established in 2002 through the generosity of Trustee Bartow Morgan, Jr. ’94 as an equivalent to the Georgia Hope Scholarship. THE BRUSH SCHOLARSHIP The Brush Scholarship was established in 1998 by C. Beeler Brush of Hampden-Sydney, Virginia, in memory of his parents, Clinton E. Brush III and Martha Stockton Brush, of Nashville, Tennessee. THE ROBERT K. AND CYNTHIA L. CITRONE SCHOLARSHIP The Robert K. and Cynthia L. Citrone Scholarship was established in 2008 by Robert ’87 and Cynthia Citrone of Southport, Connecticut. THE CL ASS OF 2003 SCHOLARSHIP IN HONOR OF RALPH CRAWLEY The Class of 2003 Scholarship was established in 2002 by the Class of 2003 in honor of Ralph Crawley. THE CL ASS OF 2004 ANNUAL SCHOL ARSHIP The Class of 2004 Annual Scholarship was established in 2003 by the Class of 2004 in memory of Conrad Frazier ’04 and in honor of Walter Simms.

THE CL ASS OF 2005 SCHOL ARSHIP IN HONOR OF PROFESSOR LEE COHEN The Class of 2005 Annual Scholarship was established in honor of the late Professor Lee M. Cohen, distinguished member of the College community.

THE SUZANNE PEEBLES HARRISON ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP The Suzanne Peebles Harrison Scholarship was established in 2007 by a gift from Mr. & Mrs. M. Peebles Harrison ’89 of Duck, North Carolina, in memory of Mr. Harrison’s mother.

THE CLASS OF 2007 SCHOLAR­ SHIP IN HONOR OF LT. GEN. SAMUEL V. WILSON The Class of 2007 Annual Scholarship was established in honor of Lt. General Samuel V. Wilson, President Emeritus of Hampden-Sydney College. The scholarship honors General Wilson’s dedication and commitment to Hampden-Sydney values and recognizes his many years of dutiful service.

THE SCARLETT VICTORIA McCLENDON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Scarlett Victoria McClendon Memorial Scholarship was established in 2002 by James A. Crowell IV ’96 and his wife Michaeleen in memory of his mother, Scarlett V. McClendon.

THE CL ASS OF 2008 SCHOLARSHIP IN HONOR OF MS. GERRY PETTUS The Class of 2008 Annual Scholarship was established in honor of Ms. Gerry Pettus, “Ms. P”, Office Manager, Campus Security and Telecommunications, Hampden-Sydney College.

THE MEMORIAL ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP The Memorial Annual Scholarship was established in 2001 and honors the memory of deceased alumni, family, faculty, staff, and friends of the College.

THE MINORITY LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP The Minority Leadership Scholarship was established in 2002 by a group of generous donors in the hope that it would help create a Hampden-Sydney THE ELLIS FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP College that more closely resembles the The Ellis Family Scholarship was world beyond its gates. established in 1999 by Trustee and alumnus John C. Ellis, Jr. ’70, in THE CLAUDE MORTON, JR. memory of his sister, Virginia Elizabeth SCHOLARSHIP Ellis, a former Norfolk Academy teacher. The Claude Morton, Jr. Scholarship was established in 2000 by the officers and board members of Konover Property

Trust in memory of Claude Morton, Jr., the father of Hampden-Sydney alumnus C. Cammack Morton ’73. THE CHARLES C. MOTTLEY MINORITY SCHOLARSHIP The Charles C. Mottley Minority Scholarship was established in 2000 by Chuck Mottley ’56 of Scottsdale, Arizona. THE FRANK L. AND BARBARA G. NANNEY ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP The Frank L. and Barbara G. Nanney Annual Scholarship was established in 2004 by Leigh Nanney Hersey and John Taylor Hersey II of Scottsdale, Arizona, in honor of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Nanney, Jr. ‘56. THE M. W. “DYKE” PEEBLES, JR. ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP The M. W. “Dyke” Peebles, Jr. Scholarship was established in 1998 by J. Fain Peebles ’78, his wife Diana, and sons Alex, Mackie, and James, in honor of Fain’s father, Dyke. THE WEST VIRGINIA SCHOLARSHIP The West Virginia Scholarship was established in 2003 by John B. and Katherine W. Long to encourage bright, well-rounded students from the state of West Virginia to attend HampdenSydney College.

Campaign Leadership CAMPAIGN CHAIRMEN Thomas N. Allen ’60, Richmond Henry C. Spalding, Jr. ’60, Richmond CAMPAIGN STEERING COMMITTEE William C. Boinest ’54, Richmond George B. Cartledge, Jr. ’63, Roanoke W. Birch Douglass III ’65, Richmond John C. Ellis, Jr. ’70, Virginia Beach Robert V. Hatcher, Jr. ’51, Manakin-Sabot Maurice A. Jones ’86, Norfolk John G. Macfarlane III ’76, Greenwich, CT Henry H. McVey III ’57, Ware Neck William L. Pannill ’77, Martinsville William F. Shumadine, Jr. ’66, Richmond Hugh R. Stallard ’59, Richmond Donnan Chancellor Wintermute, Alexandria Walter M. Bortz III, ex officio † - deceased

T - trustee

FT - former trustee

MAJOR GIFTS COMMITTEE Thomas N. Allen ’60, Richmond William C. Boinest ’54, Richmond Charles L. Cabell ’74, Richmond George B. Cartledge, Jr. ’63, Roanoke W. Birch Douglass III ’65, Richmond John W. Drescher ’70, Virginia Beach John C. Ellis, Jr. ’70, Virginia Beach M. Peebles Harrison ’89, Duck, NC Scott M. Harwood ’65, Farmville C. Randolph Hudgins, Jr. ’46, Norfolk Maurice A. Jones ’86, Norfolk James F. Lipscomb ’66, Richmond John G. Macfarlane III ’76, Greenwich, CT Henry H. McVey III ’57, Ware Neck William L. Pannill ’77, Martinsville Kenneth E. Powell ’75, Richmond James C. Roberts ’55, Richmond William F. Shumadine, Jr. ’66, Richmond

Julious P. Smith, Jr. ’65, Richmond Henry C. Spalding ’60, Richmond Hugh R. Stallard ’59, Richmond Joseph F. Viar, Jr. ’63, Alexandria Donald P. Whitley ’59, Richmond Donnan Chancellor Wintermute, Alexandria CORPORATIONS & FOUNDATIONS COMMITTEE George F. Albright, Jr. ’74, Washington, D.C. A. Dale Cannady ’70, Richmond Richard B. Donaldson ’73, Newport News Randolph C. Harrell ’84, Northern Virginia J. Brian Jackson ’87, Charlottesville Herbert V. Kelly, Jr. ’73, Newport News Erik A. Koroneos ’79, Lynchburg G. Michael Pace Jr. ’79, Roanoke Hugh R. Stallard ’59, Richmond, Co-Chair Robert W. Woltz, Jr. ’71, Richmond, Co-Chair

PLANNED GIVING COMMITTEE David D. Addison ’64, Richmond J. Robert Bray ’60, Portsmouth Charles L. Cabell ’74, Richmond R. Scott Carr ’95, Suffolk W. Birch Douglass III ’65, Chairman, Richmond James F. Douthat ’64, Roanoke Christopher H. Dowdy ’99, Farmville C. Hobson Goddin ’45, Richmond J. Sheppard Haw III ’78, Richmond C. Randolph Hudgins, Jr. ’46, Norfolk W. Glenn Hurt ’60, Richmond Charles V. McPhillips ’82, Norfolk Henry R. Pollard IV ’64, Richmond C. Edward Russell, Jr. ’64, Virginia Beach William T. Saunders, Jr. ’60, Newport News Gordon D. Schreck ’65, Mt. Pleasant, SC Donald P. Whitley ’59, Richmond Edward W. Wolcott Jr. ’76, Norfolk


final campaign report

ESTABLISHED DURING THE THROUGH THESE GATES CAMPAIGN THE BEYOND THE HILL STUDENT SERVICE PROGRAM ENDOWMENT The Beyond the Hill Student Service Program Endowment was established in 2008 by an anonymous donor from the Class of 1952. The endowment helps underwrite the work and service provided by Hampden-Sydney students during fall and spring semester trips to economically deprived areas of the world. THE BLAKELY UNRESTRICTED ENDOWMENT FUND The Blakely Unrestricted Endowment Fund was established in 2008 by Edward Ward Blakely, Jr. ‘93 and his wife Ansley, of Jacksonville, Florida. The fund is an Unrestricted Endowment fund.

THE JOHN EURE ENDOWMENT FUND FOR THE ­H AMPDENSYDNEY TIGER & UNION PHILANTHROPIC LITERARY SOCIETY These endowed funds were established in 2008 through a bequest of John W. Eure ’36. As a student, Mr. Eure worked on the College’s student newspaper, The Tiger, and served as its editor in his senior year. He was also a member of the Union Philanthropic Literary Society. The John Eure Endowment Fund for The Hampden-Sydney Tiger will provide a stream of income to be used for equipment, production costs, staff training and salaries. The John Eure Endowment Fund for the Union Philanthropic Literary Society will provide a stream of income for the maintenance and upkeep of The Union Philanthropic Literary Society area on the fourth floor of the new Library.

The chair is used to fund the pianist position for the Music Festival each year. THE MARTIN CAPSTONE PRIZE The Martin Capstone Prize was established in 2007 by members of the English Department in honor of Lawrence H. Martin, Jr., Elliott Professor of English at HampdenSydney College from 1969 to 2007, and Dean of the Faculty from 1998 to 2001. Additional gifts were made to the Martin Prize by friends of Dr. Martin. Dr. Martin is remembered for being crisp and straightforward in the style of his favorite author Ernest Hemingway, as well as for engaging his students in a lasting appreciation of literature, even by setting them to dig trenches to help understand the writers of the Great War. The prize is awarded to the senior with the best capstone paper.

THE IDA KEMP PASSANO BIBLE FUND ENDOWMENT The Ida Kemp Passano Bible Fund Endowment was established in 2001 by William M. Passano ’53 in honor of his mother. This fund provides gift Bibles to each graduating senior on the occasion of his commencement. THE POPE UNRESTRICTED ENDOWMENT FUND The Pope Unrestricted Endowment Fund was established in 2004 by J. Mathews Pope. The fund is an unrestricted Annual Fund endowment.

THE HINTON BAXTER OVERCASH AWARD The Hinton Baxter Overcash prize was begun in 1969 by Dr. W. Glenn Hurt ’60, Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology at VCU’s THE BORTZ TEACHING AWARD Medical College of Virginia. It honors The Bortz Teaching Award was estabthe memory of one of Hampdenlished in 2000 by Dr. and Mrs. Donald THE FRISCHKORN THE MEN’S CHORUS Sydney’s most respected and masterful W. Bortz in honor of the inauguration ­ENDOW­MENT FOR ENDOWMENT FUND professors: Dr. Hinton Baxter of their son, Walter M. Bortz III, as the STUDENT INTERNSHIPS The Men’s Chorus Endowment Fund Overcash. From 1922 to 1965, Dr. twenty-third president of HampdenThe Frischkorn Endowment for was established in 2006 with a gift from Overcash was Biology at HampdenSydney College. The award is presented Student Internships was made possible W. Conrad Stone, M.D. ’38 in memory Sydney College. His notoriously annually to the faculty member who has by a generous gift from Mr. & Mrs. of his brother, Kearfott Stone ’35, who exacting standards made pre-medical made a substantial contribution in the Hunter B. Frischkorn III of Richmond, had a bright medical career before students relieved once they passed previous year to the use of technology Virginia. This endowment, along with becoming ill following graduation. He from his classroom to medical school, in the classroom. additional funding provided by the died just months later, in October 1935. or so it is told. The Hinton Baxter Office of Career Development, was Kearfott was involved in various athletic Overcash Award was endowed by Dr. THE CLASS OF 1958 SUMMER established to assist students involved in and social activities of the College. Overcash’s daughter, Dorothy, in 2008. COLLEGE ENDOWMENT FUND an internship experience who might not He was an outstanding student, as The award is presented to the top junior The Class of 1958 Summer College otherwise be able to participate due to was evidenced by his initiation into premedical biology student at the Endowment Fund was established in financial constraints. Omicron Delta Kappa. Kearfott was a Spring Convocation. 2008 through gifts made by members of prominent member of the Glee Club the Class of 1958 in honor of their 50th THE HOWELL L. GRUVER and served as President in his senior THE ROBISON STUDENT class reunion and induction into the AWARD year, managing the affairs of the club ­INTERNSHIP ENDOWMENT Patrick Henry Society. The endowment The Howell L. Gruver Award was with great skill and constructive ability. The Robison Student Internship fund, made in honor of their alma established in 2001 by Leslie G. Rucker, In one of the last conversations he had Endowment was made possible by a mater, is to be used to support the Rebecca Marie Gruver, and Susan Gru- with Dr. Gammon, he talked about the gift from Charles D. Robison III ’70 College’s annual summer program and ver Macan in memory of their father, need to foster a strong policy of music at and his wife, Kathy, to provide students to encourage alumni to attend. Howell L. Gruver ’51, a stellar athlete at Hampden-Sydney. It was in this spirit with internships that add practical Hampden-Sydney College. The award that Dr. Stone established The Men’s experience to their classroom-acquired THE LEE MCCLAIN COHEN is presented annually to the current Chorus Endowment Fund to provide knowledge. The fund will provide ENDOWED LIBRARY FUND freshman, sophomore, junior and senior additional funding to the Men’s Chorus stipends to students who might othThe Lee McClain Cohen Endowed members of the football team with the for use by the Conductor as deemed erwise not be able to participate in an Library Fund was established in highest overall grade-point average. appropriate. internship program because of financial 2007 by Lee Cohen, Professor of constraints. Mathematics at Hampden-Sydney THE HAMPDEN-SYDNEY THE RANDOLPH MINTER GLEE College. The fund was created for the ­FACULTY RESEARCH FUND CLUB AWARD THE SAUNDERS CRITICAL purchase of library resources in the The Hampden-Sydney Faculty Research The Randolph Minter Glee Club Award ESSAY PRIZE history of mathematics. It was Professor Fund was established in 2004 with a was established in the winter of 2001 The Saunders Critical Essay Prize Cohen’s desire to enable the library’s grant from the Arthur Vining Davis in honor of Owen Randolph Minter is used to encourage and reward collection of resources in math history Foundations. ’53, by his classmates and friends. student writing about literature. It to continue to grow so that it becomes The award is presented annually to a was renamed in 2007 by members of a pocket of excellence in the College’s THE JAMES C. KIDD PIANO student who is a serious singer, and in the English Department in honor of collection. CHAIR the judgment of the Conductor of the Mary Montgomery Saunders, Ph.D., The James C. Kidd Piano Chair was Glee Club, has passionately developed Professor of English at Hampdenestablished in 2007 to honor Dr. James the skills for a presumed lifetime of Sydney College, who taught here from C. Kidd, Barger Professor of Music, love and appreciation of vocal music as 1976 to 2007. Additional gifts have for his twenty-six years of service as evidenced in the work of Ran Minter. been made by Dr. Saunders’ family and pianist and Executive Director of the Hampden-Sydney Music Festival.

friends. Dr. Saunders is remembered for her dry wit, her dignified yet engaging demeanor, and her inspiring enthusiasm about every subject she taught, especially Victorian authors. THE SCHUG BASEBALL FIELD ENDOWMENT The Schug Baseball Field Endowment was established in 2000 by John B. Schug ’52 and Peggy Cobb Schug in memory of Peggy’s grandfather, Ty Cobb. The fund provides for the general care and maintenance of Yank Bernier Field. THE SCHUG UNRESTRICTED ENDOWMENT FUND The Schug Unrestricted Endowment Fund was established in 2004 by John B. Schug ’52 and Peggy Cobb Schug. The fund is an unrestricted Annual Fund endowment. THE ROY B. SEARS STUDENT INTERNSHIP ENDOWMENT The Roy B. Sears Student Internship Endowment was established in 2008 by Burn Sears and R. Buford Sears in memory of their father, Roy B. Sears, Class of 1942. THE TOPHAM CHEMISTRY AWARD The Topham Chemistry Award was established in the spring of 2000 in memory of Richard W. Topham, Ph.D. ’65, a chemistry graduate and later, chairman of the Chemistry Department at the University of Richmond. Dr. Topham’s extensive commitment to undergraduate research began with his experiences at Hampden-Sydney, and was the basis of recognition given him in 1980 as a “distinguished alumnus.” The award is presented to a chemistry major in his junior year. THE WATTS CHI PHI INTERNSHIP ENDOWMENT The Watts Chi Phi Internship Endowment was established in 2008 by a gift from the estate of Charles Wilder Watts, Jr. ’31. The fund provides internship stipends for members of the Chi Phi Fraternity. THE WILSON CENTER FOR LEADERSHIP ENDOWMENT The Wilson Center for Leadership Endowment was established to honor Lt. Gen. Samuel Vaughan Wilson on the occasion of his retirement as the 22nd President of Hampden-Sydney College.



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THE ANDREW W. HAAS ’03 PHI GAMMA DELTA BOOK FUND The Andrew W. Haas ‘03 Phi Gamma Delta Book Fund is hereby established in memory of Andrew, a member of the Class of 2003. As a student, Andrew pursued his interest in the American Civil War and majored in history. Outside the classroom, Andrew was an active member of the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity and was an officer-elect of the Chapter.

The Haas Fund will honor both Andrew and the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity and will be an annual restricted fund to help first, active brothers of the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity with financial need to purchase textbooks, or, if none are in need, the fund would then be awarded to a student with financial need to buy textbooks.

THE MARK A. HAZELWOOD ’96 TEXTBOOK FUND The Mark A. Hazelwood ’96 Textbook Fund was established by the Black Alumni of Hampden-Sydney College in memory of Mark A. Hazelwood, Class of 1996, who was a standout athlete in two sports, a communicator across many cultures, and the model of a true friend. The fund helps minority or economically disadvantaged students purchase textbooks.

THE HEWETT BIOLOGY AWARD The Hewett Biology Award was established in 2002 by Dr. Anne Lund and Dr. Alex Werth in memory of James R. T. Hewett ’01. The award is given annually by the Biology Department to a graduating senior who worked in the department or was a role model for other biology students and showed exemplary dedication to the department and to the field of science.

THE LIBRARY LANDSCAPING FUND The Library Landscaping Fund was established by trustees and friends of the College in 2005 to provide landscaping for the New Library.


RECEIVED DURING THE THROUGH THESE GATES CAMPAIGN Anonymous (1) Estate of William L. Allen, Sr. Estate of Edna Bain & Edward Bain ’28 R. Hunter Barksdale Trust Estate of Mrs. Ruby Baskervill Estate of John D. Beall ’47 Estate of John Cameron Beckwith ’35 Estate of Frank McFaden Blanton ’43 Estate of Dr. John M. Borders Anne K. Bowman Trust Estate of Fred L. & Martha F. Brown Estate of Dr. Harry H. Bryan ’25 Robert C. Bunts ’29 Trust Royal E. Cabell, Jr. ’43 Trust Mollie S. Clark Trust Lula P. & S. Mason Cole Trust H. Hawes Coleman ’25 Trust † - deceased

T - trustee

FT - former trustee

Jean Dunnington Cullen Trust Estate of John E. DeHardit ’44 Estate of Dr. George D. Delo, Jr. ’59 Estate of Dr. Martin Donelson, Jr. ’38 Estate of Perry O. Dunaway Estate of John W. Eure, Jr. ’36 Estate of Julia W. Fleet Estate of Barbara Bottom Forst Estate of J. B. Fuqua Estate of Eleanor A. Gambill Estate of Dr. Arthur S. Gear ’55 Estate of Philip M. Grabill, Jr. ’71 Estate of William B. Graham ’43 Estate of John M. Hamlet, Jr. ’31 Estate of D. Rankin Hervey ’35 William Henry Hubbard ’39 Trust Estate of J. Bruce James, Jr. ’53

Estate of Robert D. Johnson ’36 Estate of Mrs. Charles G. Johnson Estate of Mr. & Mrs. James J. Keating, Jr. ’56 Estate of Ralph D. Keightley, Jr. ’45 Estate of Robert W. Lawson, Jr. ’30 Estate of Allen E. LeHew Estate of John B. Long, Sr. ’38 Estate of D. Carleton Mayes ’36 Thomas H. McGavack Trust Estate of Kathleen A. Miller Estate of Katharine G. Munt Estate of Alice Elizabeth Overcash Estate of Mark Whitehead Patterson ’80 Charles G. Patterson, Jr. ’37 Trust Pleasant L. Reed I Trust Estate of Edmund A. Rennolds, Jr. Estate of Emily M. Rogerson

Estate of Hoskins M. Sclater ’40 Estate of Roy B. Sears ’42 Estate of William J. Seegers ’66 Estate of Helen B. Simpson Estate of Nell R. Smith The Rev. Wilmina R. Smith Trust Estate of W. Conrad Stone ’38 Estate of H. Rogers Thomas ’32 Estate of Anna Bryant Thompson Estate of Frances W. Thompson Estate of Joseph Triplett Trotter ’35 Estate of Lilly G. Vermillera Estate of Edwin D. Warinner, Sr. ’49 Estate of Sue Jolly Watts Estate of John N. Wilson, Jr. ’42

final campaign report


MEMBERS OF THE 1776 SOCIETY HAVE PLANNED TO PROVIDE FOR THE COLLEGE IN FUTURE GIFTS, EXCEEDING $50 MILLION Anonymous (20) Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Adelman ’70 Dr. Mary Virginia Allen Mr. Thomas N. Allen ’60 Dr. William H. Armstrong ’36 † Dr. Robert LeRoy Atwell, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Austin ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Bailey, Jr. ’43 Mr. Benjamin G. Barbour ’99 Dr. John D. Beall ’47 † Mrs. John D. Beall Mr. Stewart Bell, Jr. ’31 † Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Benton ’90 Mr. & Mrs. M. Hunt Berryman ’65 Mr. C. Howard Bliss ’37 † The Rev. Allan Bond, Jr. ’50 Mr. Patrick H. Booth, Jr. ’42 Mr. Demas E. Boudreaux ’02 Mr. & Mrs. James N. Boyd ’58 Mr. Lewis E. H. Brandon ’45 Mrs. Lewis E. H. Brandon † Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Bray ’60 Dr. & Mrs. O. Christian Bredrup, Jr. ’56 Mr. B. Louis Briel, Jr. ’66 Miss Marguerite L. Britton Mr. Charles Beeler Brush Mr. & Mrs. George T. Bryson, Jr. ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Buck ’58 Dr. & Mrs. W. W. Samuel Butler Mr. Royal E. Cabell, Jr. ’43 † Mrs. Royal E. Cabell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Carrington ’38 Mr. & Mrs. M. Dean Cheatham III ’88 Mr. Harrison L. Clark ’85 Mrs. William H. Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Cobb ’69 Mr. J. Gordon Coleman, Jr. ’69 Dr. & Mrs. C. Barrie Cook ’45 Mrs. John W. Coherd III Mr. Stuart S. Cox ’87 Mr. Richard F. Cralle, Jr. ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Crist ’66 Mr. & Mrs. T. Frank Crowder ’45 Mr. Douglass C. Crummett ’43 † Mrs. Douglass C. Crummett Dr. & Mrs. John C. Crump III ’60 Mr. Thomas W. Culpepper ’47 † Mrs. Thomas W. Culpepper The Rev. Charles N. Davidson, Jr. ’66 Dr. J. William Dixon, Jr. ’42 † Dr. Martin Donelson, Jr. ’38 † Mrs. Martin Donelson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Birch Douglass III ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Dowdy ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas U. Dudley II ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Dunn ’93 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Eagan, Jr. ’79 Dr. & Mrs. William P. Edmondson, Jr. ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Edmunds, Jr. ’53 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ellis, Jr. ’70 Dr. & Mrs. William S. Erwin, Jr. ’53 Mr. John W. Eure, Jr. ’36 † Mr. Christopher K. Evans ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Everett ’63 Dr. William C. Finch ’29 † Mrs. William C. Finch

Mr. James D. Finley II ’34 Miss Julia B. Fleet Mr. William S. Formwalt ’36 † Mr. James R. Foster ’04 Dr. & Mrs. Russell E. Fox ’38 Mr. & Mrs. F. Meriwether Fowlkes, Jr. ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald N. Fulks ’72 Mr. George H. Fulton, Jr. ’42 Mr. & Mrs. Carter B. S. Furr, Sr.’54 Mr. Blair C. Gammon Ms. Anita Holmes Garland Mr. Fred B. Gentry, Jr. ’65 Dr. Richard McEwen German, Jr. ’40 † Mrs. Richard McEwen German, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Fred T. Given, Jr. ’49 Mr. C. Hobson Goddin ’45 Dr. John R. Good ’52 Mr. Stuart H. Goodwin ’75 Mr. & Mrs. William B. Graham ’43 † Mr. Randolph M. Gregg ’57 Mr. and Mrs. H. Dalton Grein ’05 Dr. & Mrs. Walter L. Grubb, Jr. ’57 Mr. Charles M. Gutheridge ’68 The Hon. John M. Hamlet, Jr. ’31 † Mr. J. Harrison Hancock ’38 † Mrs. J. Harrison Hancock Mr. & Mrs. Rives S. Hardy ’54 Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Harper III ’38 The Sallie Wright Harrison Trust Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Harwood, Sr. ’65 Mr. Robert V. Hatcher, Jr. ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Hatchett, Jr. ’84 Mr. Robert R. Hatten ’69 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Henley Mr. & Mrs. David W. Hobbs ’86 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hodges, Jr. ’58 Mrs. William C. Holbrook † Miss Emilie C. Holladay Mr. Bruce B. Hopkins ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Carter W. Hotchkiss ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hubbard ’62

Mr. William Henry Hubbard ’39 † Mr. & Mrs. C. Randolph Hudgins, Jr. ’46 Dr. W. Glenn Hurt ’60 Dr. & Mrs. Jethro H. Irby, Jr. ’38 Mrs. William A. Johns Mr. Charles G. Johnson † Mrs. Charles G. Johnson Mr. Robert E. Johnson ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. T. Jones ’94 Dr. & Mrs. William R. Jones, Jr. ’37 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy K. Jordan ’86 Mr. James J. Keating, Jr. ’56 † Mrs. James J. Keating, Jr. Mr. Ralph D. Keightley, Jr. ’45 Mr. Albert S. Kemper III ’51 Dr. Edwin Lawrence Kendig, Jr. ’32 † Mrs. Edwin Lawrence Kendig, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. King, Jr. ’52 Dr. & Mrs. Hubert E. Kiser, Jr. ’53 Dr. Allen E. LeHew † Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Loving ’37 Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Lucas ’59 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Macfarlane III ’76 Mr. Howlette B. Martin, Jr. ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Matney ’63 The Hon. D. Carleton Mayes ’36 † Dr. W. Austin McClellan ’46 Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin Harrison McIlwaine ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. McVey III ’57 Mr. & Mrs. R. Maxwell Meador ’58 Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Michaux ’34 Mr. & Mrs. David G. Monette Mr. Ben D. Morton, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Moseley, Jr. ’52 Mr. Charles C. Mottley ’56 Mrs. Charles C. Mottley † Dr. & Mrs. Perry D. Mowbray, Jr. ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. E. O’Brien II ’89 Dr. & Mrs. William L. Odom ’57 Miss Dorothy M. Overcash Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Parker ’81

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Parrott II ’64 Mr. William M. Passano, Jr. ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Patterson ’37 † Mr. Ryan M. Pemberton ’00 Dr. & Mrs. George P. Piros ’75 Mrs. C. Lewis Pitzer, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Reynolds ’89 Dr. Robert G. Rogers Dr. Samuel B. Ryburn ’50 Mr. & Mrs. William T. Saunders, Jr. ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon D. Schreck ’65 Dr. & Mrs. John B. Schug ’52 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Schultheis ’74 Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Schultz ’41 Mr. & Mrs. William P. M. Schwind ’93 Mr. & Mrs. William D. Selden V ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Sessoms ’56 Mr. & Mrs. C. Daniel Shelburne ’36 Mr. Francis A. Shelton ’41 Mrs. Francis A. Shelton † Mr. & Mrs. William F. Shumadine, Jr. ’66 Dr. Frank J. Simes † Mrs. Frank J. Simes The Rev. Glenn W. Small, Jr. ’63 Mrs. Glenn W. Small, Sr. † Mr. David H. Smith II ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Julious P. Smith, Jr. ’65 Lt. Col. & Mrs. Lawrence Rucker Snead III ’81 Mr. Owen A. Snyder † Mrs. Owen A. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Sommardahl ’96 Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Spalding, Jr. ’60 Mr. & Mrs. S. Bruce Spencer ’37 Mr. Hugh R. Stallard ’59 Mr. George E. Summers Col. & Mrs. Clayton B. Tasker ’41 Dr. & Mrs. R. Dean Tester ’54 Mr. John H. Thompson III ’43 Dr. Saranna R. Thornton Mr. & Mrs. H. Stetson Tinkham ’67 Dr. E. Randolph Trice ’44 Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Trice ’40 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Tuck ’66 Dr. C. Wayne Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Travis J. Tysinger ’66 The Rev. & Mrs. Robert C. Vaughan, Jr. ’40 Dr. Douglas Venable ’42 † Mrs. Douglas Venable Mr. & Mrs. R. King Waddill ’59 Dr. Robert C. Wade ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Wallace, Jr. ’60 Mr. & Mrs. J. Ernest Warinner III ’47 Mr. & Mrs. Harvey L. Warnick, Jr. ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Hunter R. Watson Dr. & Mrs. Francis R. Whitehouse ’34 Mr. W. Palmer Wilkins III ’96 Mr. & Mrs. E. Carlton Wilton Donnan C. Wintermute Mr. Edward W. Wolcott ’43 † Mrs. Edward W. Wolcott Mr. & Mrs. D. R. Wyatt ’80 Dr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Wysor ’41 Mr. Berkeley W. Young ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Hubert H. Young, Jr. Ms. Lynne Bruce Zehnder


U N V E I L I NG T H E P ORT R A I T OF C H A I R M A N E M E R I T U S W I L L I A M C . B OI N E S T ’5 4


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A L L E N ’6 0

THE FINAL CELEBRATION The final celebration of Through These Gates was held on February 7, 2009, with events highlighting the diverse and numerous goals reached during the course of this fundraising campaign. Guests began arriving early in the day to tour the new and renovated facilities made possible by alumni, parents, and friends. At midday, the Ceol na Gael Irish Pipe Band welcomed guests to the Kirk Athletic Center for a buffet luncheon in Snyder Hall. The band continued with Irish fight songs in Kirby Field House before the basketball game. Later in the evening, leadership donors attended a one-act play directed by Josh Jarrett ’09 in the renovated and expanded Johns Auditorium. Guests continued to a reception in the New Library and reviewed the recognition plaque that has been hung near the entrance of the building. V I S C OU N T A N D The evening V I S C OU N T E S S DE L I S L E continued in Pannill Commons of Settle Hall with

dinner, remarks, and a surprise unveiling of a portrait of William C. Boinest ’54, trustee chairman emeritus. Special guests of the evening included Viscount and Viscountess De Lisle, descendants of Algernon Sydney, and the Earl and Countess of Buckinghamshire, descendants of John Hampden. Lord De Lisle, the honorary chairman of the Campaign, said, “Hampden-Sydney justly has the reputation of being one of the foremost private colleges in America. The investment you have all made will give future generations who pass ‘Through These Gates’ even more opportunity to achieve new and greater goals.” Lord Buckinghamshire added: “HampdenSydney, with its strong traditions and the affections of all associated with the College, will—I know— continue to flourish.” He then presented to the College two antique portraits of John Hampden as E A R L & C OU N T E S S OF well as a lateBUC K I NG H A M S H I R E 18th-century engraved family tree of the Hampdens.

“Hampden-Sydney does things the right way. We’re not going to compromise what we know we do right.” WILLIAM C. BOINEST ’54 Chairman of the Board 1994-2003



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