Hampshire IT Schools Summer 2011
New website!
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2 Hampshire IT Schools Summer 2011
Contents 2 New website and email address 2 Training day winner 3 New account managers 3 New service catalogue 4 Other new websites 6 Capital Builds 7 SIMS i-iv Futureclass section 11 ICT Conference 2011 12 HPSN2 14 Training 16 Busting the myths
New website and new email address
Download previous issues from www.hants.gov.uk/ itschools-newsletter Or read them online at www.issuu.com/HampshireIT You can also view our training directory on this site.
The merging of EdICT and IT Services to form Hampshire IT has been a gradual process, and there have been some more changes since the last newsletter.
The email address you use to contact the IT Help Desk has changed. Previously it referred to EdICT. The correct email address is now hantsit@hants.gov.uk. You will still see the old address on some old documentation. We will change it as and when the documention is revised. And our website is moving too! We are moving the main part of our website from Hantsnet to Hantsweb. That means that most of our pages will be accessible publicly, with no need for anyone to sign in. Of course, some pages will remain on Hantsnet: the SIMS and antivirus pages you pay for, and certain pages about electronic security. The new site is www.hants.gov.uk/itschools For more details about the change, see www.hants.gov.uk/page-access And IT Schools is not the only new website in town. See page 4.
(11) Sugata Mitra photo from TED.com (13) School photo kindly supplied by Harrow Way
Contact For queries about this newsletter, or if you no longer wish to receive a paper copy, please contact the IT Help Desk at 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk Your feedback is always welcome. © Hampshire County Council
Training day winner At the Primary Headteachers’ Conference in March, we offered a prize of a day’s free training. The lucky winnner was Gay Shelley of Northern Infant School in Portchester. For details of upcoming courses, see page 14.
This publication is available in large print, in Braille, on audio tape or disk. Please contact the IT Help Desk on 01962 847007 if required. www.hants.gov.uk/itschools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
Summer 2011 Hampshire IT Schools 3
Account managers put you in the picture Our new account managers are coming to every secondary school that has either purchased an SLA with us or subscribed to HPSN2. The account managers give schools a senior contact within Hampshire IT. They’ll make it easier to access advice if you are experiencing concerns or just need help and guidance with any new IT requirements. Your account manager will visit at least twice a year. These meetings are a chance to review your use of our services and to update you on new developments. They are also an opportunity for us to listen to your views and future IT plans. Information we gather from these reviews will influence our future service plans to ensure they remain relevant to your needs.
The account manager service is not intended to replace existing services such as IT Support, Consultancy and Training, and schools should continue to submit these requests to the IT Help Desk. The simple aim is to provide you with a name and a face who can be your representative within Hampshire IT. We’ll schedule initial meetings for the summer term with subsequent meetings in the autumn and spring terms. The meetings should normally be held with the Headteacher or deputy, and will be scheduled for an hour, at a time to suit the school. We also intend to provide primary schools with an account manager, and are currently working out the details of how to resource it.
Download service catalogue for schools
Download a copy at www.hants.gov.uk/ servicesforschools
Services currently sold to schools by Hampshire County Council will be available to any school that becomes an academy. The conversion process itself is new to us all, but we want to be clear that Hampshire IT (indeed, all of Hampshire County Council) wants to continue to work with you. For schools that convert early we will ensure you have service continuity and a solution to meet your needs. We have a good record of working closely with schools that have already converted, and continue to offer them services such as HPSN2 and SIMS Support. Hampshire County Council has published a complete catalogue of services to schools. This provides a high-level overview of the services on offer, how they are charged and who to contact if you are interested. Any service changes that are made as a result of this process will be available to all schools. Put simply, we will continue to listen and improve our service to all schools. The earlier we talk and plan the easier any changes will be.
www.hants.gov.uk/itschools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
4 Hampshire IT Schools Summer 2011
On page 3 we mention our new home page at www.hants.gov.uk/itschools - here are some other refreshed websites from across Hampshire County Council
The new e-safety pages on the Children’s Services site: www.hants.gov.uk/esafety The Outdoor Education, PE & Sports Service website has been updated, and the database of commercial providers has been improved: www.hants.gov.uk/ outdoor-education-providers
The new Foster eComms portal is the first step in developing a learning portal based on Microsoft SharePoint technology. It lets the Family Placement service communicate easily with carers online.
The emergency school closures page has been refined after its heavy use in the winter. www.hants.gov.uk/ schoolclosures
www.hants.gov.uk/itschools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
Summer 2011 Hampshire IT Schools 5
The school communications page has changed: http://cscommunications.hants.gov.uk/schoolcommunications
In May the Children’s Services department launched the new school communications website. This is the primary method by which Hampshire County Council communicates to schools en masse. Not just the Children’s Services department, but HIAS, Hampshire IT and Property Services too. Instead of receiving an email digest with a series of links, you now receive a weekly email with one link to a web page containing the latest communications. The system will automatically apply a filter to display only communications that are relevant to your school, but you do have the option to view all communications. Academies can subscribe to the new system (there will be an annual charge). See www.hants.gov.uk/schoolcommunications What is my password? To access it you use the same user name and password that you use to access the Children’s Services intranet. It is not your OWL log in. Headteachers and admin officers should go to this page to request a password reminder: http://www.education.hants.gov.uk/forgottenpassword.php Governors should go to this page to retrieve their ID: http://www.hants.gov.uk/governor-login
www.hants.gov.uk/itschools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
6 Hampshire IT Schools Summer 2011
Capital Builds
Hampshire IT staff work closely with our colleagues in Strategic Planning and County Architects to ensure the schools of the future are ready to cope with the ever-changing face of technology. Sometimes, different teams within Hampshire County Council would have met to discuss a project then part company to complete their bits of the project separately. But no more! Particularly with the Futureclass Hosted School Service, we are all working hand-in-hand to make sure schools get the best solution we can offer. We make sure the plans are driven by how technology can support teaching and learning - not by how many machines can we fit in a room and who makes them. A huge procurement task takes place to guarantee the companies we use are financially buoyant, reliable, and offer best value for money for their products. Across the county We have recently finished work at two schools catering for two contrasting types of education: Forest Park in Totton and the Lennox Centre, Gosport. Both schools needed to service the needs of their children with hardware and software while working within the constraints of time and a tight budget. However, with the professionalism and dedication of all those involved both projects were completed on time and within budget. Similarly, staff and pupils at Endeavour Primary School, Andover, are looking forward to moving into their new building which is taking shape rapidly. Work has started on data feeds and electrical points - for these we needed to work with the electrical engineers and chief architect for the project. The school is part of a federation with Knights Enham Junior and Roman Way Primary; technology is a vital tool to help them communicate and collaborate with one another. Working to the wider picture Capital Build projects do not just focus on new builds but also on merging schools, population density and building developments. The Hampshire County Council strategic planning team has a programme of work for the next five years, and Hampshire IT is helping County Architects budget for this work. www.hants.gov.uk/property-schools
www.hants.gov.uk/itschools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
Summer 2011 Hampshire IT Schools 7
What’s new in SIMS? Spring 2011 upgrade
Capita recently released the Spring 2011 SIMS update version of 7.138, and we rolled this out to schools in May. The new version includes the Summer School Census and Post 16 returns and Assessment Marksheets for the 2011 Key Stage collections. The upgrade also contains additional new functionality.
SIMS Alternative Curriculum There is a growing requirement in schools to individualise a student’s timetable. The new Alternative Curriculum functionality will allow users to create Alternative Curriculum activities in Nova T6 and assign those activities to the chosen lessons on the student’s timetable. We are currently preparing comprehensive instructions for using the Alternative Curriculum, and these will be posted on the SIMS intranet pages. We strongly urge you to wait for the guidance before using the new features because the notes will help you appreciate the related impact on other areas of SIMS, including Lesson Attendance, Assessment, Profiles and Staff Cover. Discussion between school staff with different roles and planning prior to implementation is strongly recommended. We will advise schools when the guidance is available. These screenshots give a flavour of the new reports www.hants.gov.uk/itschools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
8 Hampshire IT Schools Summer 2011
What’s new in SIMS? SIMS Learning Gateway: New read/write access to Behaviour and Achievement Teaching staff can now record behaviour and achievements from within SIMS Learning Gateway. Capita has now provided new SIMS web parts and this release includes these enhancements: • Create and maintain behaviour incidents and achievement records from the Attendance Register, Behaviour Page, or Achievement Page • Update active Pupil Report Cards via the Student Read/Write Report Card web part • Teachers, parents and students can view active and historic Pupil Report Cards via the Student Report Card web part. The Maintain Achievements Detail and Maintain Behaviour Incidents Detail web parts are designed to replicate the Achievement and Behaviour Incident modules in SIMS. Achievement records and behaviour incidents can be created and updated directly from a class register or by clicking the Achievement Page and Behaviour Page links in the SIMS Learning Gateway panel. We’ve published the SIMS Learning Gateway Spring 2011 Release Notes which provide comprehensive information about all the new enhancements. These are available on the SIMS intranet pages and the SIMS Learning Gateway landing page: http://intranet.hants.gov.uk/sims-spring2011 http://education.hants.gov.uk/slg
The diagram in the centre of the Futureclass pullout shows how SIMS, our management information system, fits in with our new services - such as HPSN2 and the Hosted School Service - and our future services - such as the single sign-in portal and the application of business intelligence.
Management information system
The SIMS section continues after the Futureclass pullout www.hants.gov.uk/itschools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
Futureclass Hosted School Service Special pullout section The Futureclass programme covers many of our existing and new services - such as HPSN2 and the Hosted School Service - and crucially provides a framework for our future services - such as cloud storage, messaging, and the single sign-in portal. Those of you who were able to attend our recent events - the ICT Strategic Forum in May and the Headteachers’ Conference in March - will be familiar with some of the content in this pullout. We hope it will be useful for those who couldn’t attend. When you sign up to the Hosted School Service, Hampshire IT will host, look after and develop your school’s IT estate. You are in control, but you release the support and maintenance to us. This allows you to spread costs evenly. It also lets your school concentrate on what it does best: teaching. The Hosted School Service allows learning and teaching to be supported in and out of school. Learners, teachers and support staff can access all their digital resources from anywhere through any web-enabled device. Your essential software is managed for you, giving you access to the latest tried and tested software releases. Your valuable data is stored at our dedicated data centre, providing you with peace of mind that backups are always available, no matter what happens.
The diagram in the centre pages shows how HPSN2 and the Hosted School Service are linked to our other services, and ultimately to the learner, in or out of the classroom.
There are now six schools using the Hosted School Service. Turn to the back of this special four-page pullout to learn how Wicor Primary School in Portchester is enjoying the new service.
› »
Mapping Hampshire IT’s new services
Existing service
What we do and how it all fits together
Existing service under revision
Hosted School Service
Future service
Futureclass Us
With apologies to David McCandless Updated May 2011
HPSN2 Voice
Parent / carer Wireless networking
HPSN2 core network
Web caching
Firewall cluster
Cloud storage
Flexible Web Filtering
Hampshire County Council
In the classroom Application virtualisation
Device management Other schools
Curriculum software
Educator / school staff
Single sign-in Out of class
Licence management
Virtual learning environment
Business intelligence
Management information system
The main applications
The Westgate School in Winchester was the pilot for the Hosted School Service. In the Autumn 2010 newsletter we mentioned how work started within Westgate over the summer holiday so that the system was available to staff and students at the start of the new term. We then rolled out remote access, and finally completed work before half term. The next stage is the migration of ten more early adopters to the Hosted School Service, installing the new infrastructure and developing the accompanying processes. Wicor Primary School in Portchester was in the first phase of ten early adopters, and migrated to the Hosted School Service in February. The work at this school included › › › › ›
the installation of a local server, desktops and laptops the migration of over 80 existing PCs to Windows 7 the transfer of all school data to central servers the installation of new switches and a managed wireless solution training on Office 2010
Despite teething problems, they are positive about the service: for example, the staff are impressed that a class of 30 pupils can now log on to their laptops in one go rather than three at a time. The remaining nine early adopter schools will be moving to the Hosted School Service over the summer months and a further ten schools will be migrated in the autumn term. Find out more at www.hants.gov.uk/hss
Pupil reports in SIMS Learning Gateway Schools can now securely publish SIMS Profile and Assessment reports online to parents through SIMS Learning Gateway. Hampshire IT has successfully completed the work with some pilot schools to evaluate and test this new feature and we will be supplying the instructions for the remaining schools. In addition to substantial cost savings (some schools are reporting savings of around £3000 per annum on printing costs) the software can transform the process of producing pupil reports by connecting all stakeholders in the pupil reporting process in one central web-based portal. No more bottlenecks. No more being tied to the school systems after hours. And no more paper, postage and lost reports reports are distributed securely online to parents. If your school is not already using SIMS Learning Gateway and you wish to know more, please contact the IT Help Desk.
SIMS System Manager 7 We’ve all waited a very long time for delivery of a replacement for System Manager 6. Now, at long last, it looks like we may be a step closer to reaching that goal! With some trepidation, given the previous delays, we would like to announce that Capita has now reported that System Manager version 7 is planned for release with the Summer 2011 upgrade. At this stage, we understand that System Manager 7 will appear automatically appear in the SIMS Menu routes after the Summer 2011 upgrade and will run in parallel with version 6. Reports from local authority users who took part in the acceptance trials indicate the new software is a big improvement and it will be much easier to manage user permissions. As always, Hampshire IT will need time to evaluate the product before we can formally provide guidance notes for schools and effectively support the software, so we will notify schools of the timescales when we know more.
Summer 2011 Hampshire IT Schools 9
Important information for all users of Centrally Hosted SIMS Over the Summer 2011 School Census period, the SIMS Support team was inundated with calls from schools using Centrally Hosted SIMS. Schools were reporting problems uploading their Census return file via the COLLECT portal. The issues encountered were not due to any problem with COLLECT, but because users had not completed the necessary actions detailed in the usage notes for Centrally Hosted SIMS schools. They are available here: http://intranet.hants.gov.uk/sims-spring2011 The need for schools to complete certain tasks was highlighted in School Communication 6876. It was also mentioned in the documentation for completing the Summer 2011 School Census. Many schools believe that if they are centrally hosted they do not need to refer to the upgrade usage notes. This not the case. We urge all users of Centrally Hosted SIMS to refer to any future usage notes relating to an upgrade. This is essential because: • There are some actions that cannot be carried out in the central environment and need to be completed by each individual school. These actions include (for example) importing census definition files, importing Key Stage wizards and templates relevant to your school phase. • Users should read the usage notes to be aware of any new features, changes or enhancements to the SIMS software. Details of any patches applied as part of the upgrade, to fix issues in the software, will also be included. • The latest version of the SIMS Report Definitions will need to be imported by each individual school when each upgrade has been completed. This must be completed to avoid issues when running SIMS reports.
www.hants.gov.uk/itschools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
10 Hampshire IT Schools Summer 2011
What’s happening with SIMS Discover? SIMS Discover has received much publicity over the two years since Capita began marketing their plans at the BETT exhibition. Since then, schools and local authorities have eagerly awaited the arrival of this exciting product. It promises to transform the way schools analyse SIMS data and display the results in a variety of formats such as bar graphs, progression line graphs, pie charts and Venn diagrams. Part of SIMS Assessment, Discover forms part of a phased release for the eventual replacement of SIMS Performance Analysis. The good news is that there are no additional Capita licence costs and Performance Analysis will continue to be available until all the functionality in Discover has been fully developed. In April, Capita delivered the base release for locallyhosted SIMS installations and our staff attended the first local authority course that Capita offered in May. This gave us the chance to work alongside other local authorities to evaluate the product and consider the impact for a possible rollout project. As a base release, the current version does have some initial limitations that Capita plans to address with fixes over the summer, a polishing exercise in the autumn, and with further enhancements next spring. You should therefore be aware of the limitations that we have to consider within the project plans:
• this release is only for schools with locally-hosted SIMS installations • we are working with Capita while it develops and tests a version of SIMS Discover for Centrally Hosted SIMS • the recommended hardware specifications are higher than for SIMS but could be deployed for an individual, not necessarily all users • Capita is working to optimise the performance and system requirements • only data in the current academic year is accessible • traditional exams analysis is not available due to the hard coding that exists in Exams Organiser. Hampshire IT staff are now busy reviewing the software and project plans for SIMS Discover and will provide more information for schools outlining pilot, roll-out and training plans shortly.
SIMS technical news: Microsoft .NET 4 framework Capita is currently developing a number of SIMS products which will require the installation of Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on the SIMS server and any workstations which are used to access SIMS and SIMS products. Please note, this does not apply to schools using Centrally Hosted SIMS. For schools with SIMS hosted locally, this installation should be completed when it is convenient for the school to do so, but will need to be in place before the SIMS 2011 Summer release is installed. We have
provided guidance notes and schools should refer to the upgrade instructions. A number of prerequisites are defined in the installation instructions. Please take care to read these and adhere to them in order to maintain a system that is stable and supportable. Download the guidance notes from http://intranet.hants.gov.uk/microsoft-framework
www.hants.gov.uk/itschools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
Summer 2011 Hampshire IT Schools 11
ICT CONFERENCE 2011 HOSTED BY HIAS AND HAMPSHIRE IT The ICT Conference will be very different to previous years. There will be a greater focus on teaching and learning and how IT can support your school. There will be breakout sessions relevant to teaching and learning across all phases, and workshops on IT developments from Hampshire County Council. No external suppliers will be present.
Keynote speaker Professor Sugata Mitra
Hampshire IT is running four sessions at the conference: › Keeping the lights on - focus on procurement and security You’ve completed your ICT strategy, you’re engaging with parents and everyone can access everything from anywhere. It must be time to put your feet up and relax in a job well done. Have you thought about the relevance of procurement and security to your plans? What would happen if a key supplier failed or your data was breached? This session aims to provide practical advice and guidance on procurement and IT security and Hampshire IT’s approach to these oft-ignored topics.
› Developing teacher collaboration through the Hosted School Service This session will explore the Hosted School Service from a teacher’s perspective showing how the service can help you collaborate effectively and efficiently on any device, from anywhere.
› Engaging learners through the Hosted School Service This session will demonstrate the opportunities you can provide for learners once you have ICT services that are truly ubiquitous.
› Really? Hampshire IT is letting me access YouTube in school? Surely not! As part of Hampshire IT’s HPSN2 service, Flexible Web Filtering will be available to all schools on request. Schools will be able to choose how and when to make internet content available to users. This session will demonstrate the school web console that can be used to control web content.
WINCHESTER 24 JUNE www.hants.gov.uk/ict-conference-2011 www.hants.gov.uk/itschools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
12 Hampshire IT Schools Summer 2011
HPSN2 internet switchover Quite apart from the migration of individual schools to HPSN2, we are also working on the migration of Hampshire County Council as a whole onto the new internet feed. There are two dates in particular which affect schools, partners and corporate sites. In July we switch first outbound traffic, then inbound traffic, to the new Virgin Media Business (VMB) feed. Outbound traffic - 2 July From Saturday 2 July, Hampshire County Council, schools and partners will be using the new HPSN2 internet feed, provided by VMB. Any internet browsing that you do from then on will use the new feed. How does this affect schools? • Between 6pm and 10pm on 2 July there will be a period of downtime when we switch over to VMB. • If your school uses an external service (such as an e-learning portal) that uses IP addresses to confirm access, you will have to give the external provider the new IP addresses. (We will tell you more about this in a school communication nearer the time.) If your school does not have any services that rely on IP addresses to confirm your identity to a provider, you will not need to do anything. Inbound traffic - 16 July The switchover will be completed on Saturday 16 July. From that day people viewing a Hampshire County Council website will be accessing pages via the VMB network. How does this affect schools? • At some time between 6pm and 10pm on this day all websites hosted by Hampshire County Council will be unavailable (this may include your school’s own website). • If Hampshire IT hosts your website but you have the Domain Name Service record hosted by a third party you will need to update their records accordingly to maintain service. Unfortunately we do not have a record of the specific sites this will affect, so if you are unsure please contact the IT Help Desk. For more details see www.hants.gov.uk/isp-migration-schools From September: Flexible Web Filtering and firewall change requests Flexible Web Filtering will be in place in July for pilot and early adopter schools, and over the summer we’ll prepare documentation and training for schools when they return in September. And from September we will also be introducing a simpler system to give schools more control over their firewalls. See http://intranet.hants.gov.uk/firewall-changes-schools
Visit our main site at http://intranet.hants.gov.uk/hpsn2-schools www.hants.gov.uk/itschools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
Summer 2011 Hampshire IT Schools 13
Harrow’s way faster internet What made up your mind to choose HPSN2?
It offered us both a massive speed upgrade for our internet connection for no more than we pay already, with business-class SLAs and contention ratios, as well as a direct connection to Hampshire County Council’s network.
How disruptive was the dig?
The downtime was around 20 minutes - much less than we expected! The site survey revealed an existing duct, presumably from the early days of cable TV in Andover, less than two metres away from where we wanted it. The ‘dig’ consisted of a man lifting three paving slabs to slightly re-route the duct and only took a couple of hours, followed by another team pulling the actual fibre through a few days later. They were done in less than half a day.
How did you find the migration teams from Virgin and Hampshire County Council?
The migration team was big! Because we were the first secondary school to migrate we ended up with three Virgin Media engineers, two people from Hampshire IT and their work experience student and me - our little comms cupboard was very cosy! All the various services were tested after they’d made the switch, and everything was working fine.
Now you’re on 100Mbps have you noticed the difference?
Definitely. Bandwidth heavy websites like YouTube now buffer video instantly and being able to download 100Mb files in 14 seconds during the normal school day (I just tested this a moment ago) is pretty great. It gives us plenty of headroom for the future - as bandwidth requirements are only going up!
And is it starting to make any difference to teaching and learning?
We never have to worry about the internet connection being inadequate for whole-class, or even multiple-class, web use. Our head of ICT, Andrew Woods, tells me “It has completely opened up the world of Web 2.0 as a potential teaching resource. We now use sites such as Prezi and Popplet to create presentations that are entirely web-based ... it’s phenomenal.”
What could we have done better?
We did have some minor communication issues, with various people trying to get in touch with us during the Easter break, but the whole process has been well communicated and well run by Hampshire IT.
Harrow Way Community School in Andover was the first secondary school to move to HPSN2. Giles Davis, network manager at Harrow Way, here tells us of his experience of the migration, and the benefits the school is already seeing from the increased bandwidth. Read the full interview at http://intranet.hants.gov.uk/hpsn2-case-studies www.hants.gov.uk/itschools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
14 Hampshire IT Schools Summer 2011
Summertime, and the learning is easing ... Time is flying by and the summer holiday is approaching fast (perhaps not as fast as many would like!) With the end of one academic year comes preparation for the start of the next, and we have just the course for you. ‘Preparing SIMS for the academic year end’ will let you manage the year end process with confidence. It covers setting up registration groups, producing class lists, managing starters and leavers, creating Common Transfer Files and many common housekeeping tasks. The primary school course is running on 15 June and 6 July. For more details of this and all our other upcoming courses, see www.hants.gov.uk/it-training-schools.
S’wonderful, s’marvellous When you complete a course with us, we ask you to fill in a feedback form. It’s online, with no pressure to give a favourable response. Which makes it even nicer to announce that we made a clean sweep in April! ✔ Did the course met all the stated objectives? 100% responded YES ✔ Was each topic was covered adequately? 100% responded YES ✔ Was the trainer helpful and approachable? 100% responded YES ✔ Did the trainer present the course in a way you could understand? 100% responded YES And you gave our training team an average personal score of 7.6 out of 8. Thank you for this wonderful feedback - we’ll work hard to try to get 100% every month!
Crazy for your ideas Our training manager Mike Jurkiewicz (pictured left) is planning a range of new IT courses, and would like your help. “In addition to our traditional SIMS and MS Office courses,” says Mike, “I’d like to offer new courses that support the curriculum, priced more competitively than equivalent courses in the private sector. Perhaps you would like to learn about Photoshop, or how to get the best out of music software? Web development, blogging - these are exciting times for IT in the classroom, so let me know how I can help.” To give Mike your ideas about what courses you’d like to see, go to http://bit.ly/newitcourses www.hants.gov.uk/it-training-schools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
ED095 ED098 ED101 ED102 ED103 ED104 ED112 ED113 ED114 ED115 ED116 ED117 ED118 ED119 ED122 ED124 ED130 ED131 ED132 ED133 ED134 ED135 ED138 ED139 ED140 ED141 ED144 ED145 ED146 ED147
Getting started with SIMS (three days) School census workshop Essential SIMS good practice Implementing SIMS special needs Assessment Manager - getting started - primary Assessment Manager - getting started - secondary SIMS reporting workshop SIMS reports - advanced presentation skills Really basic reporting Introducing SIMS Discover SIMS Attendance Managing pupil information Behaviour management Lesson Monitor analysis and reporting Using Nova T6 (new users) Maintaining the timetable using Nova T6 Implementing SIMS Nova Cover 7 SIMS Cover 7 workshop Examinations - managing mocks with SIMS Examinations - importing and structuring basedata Examinations - managing candidate data and submissions Examinations - administering exam sittings Managing Wizkid in your school Supporting the use of Wizkid in your school Using Wizkid as a tool for learning Getting the most out of Hampshire’s internet services Producing presentations with PowerPoint Microsoft Publisher Excel - level 1 Excel - level 2
Summer 2011 Hampshire IT Schools 15
SEPT 15, 22, 29 27 21
12 7 13 18 22 3 9 11 16 8 19 7, 8, 14 1 28 17 24 8 20 13 26 10 30 5 14 20 7 15
Courses worth making a song and dance about To book, call the HTLC Course Booking Line on 01962 844288, email htlc.courses@hants.gov.uk, or use the online booking system at htlc.hants.gov.uk Remember, these dates are for our fixed training events at our Fareham centre, but we can also deliver tailored training sessions at your school at a time that’s mutually convenient. This service can be purchased by individual schools, groups of schools or even cluster groups. Just get in touch. Call the IT Help Desk on 01962 847007 for details, or see www.hants.gov.uk/it-training-schools www.hants.gov.uk/it-training-schools IT Help Desk 01962 847007 hantsit@hants.gov.uk
MYTH! Remember the added value you get with Hampshire IT. Our prices include the cost of procurement, security and resilience. Our SLA prices were frozen last year, frozen the year before, and reduced by £200,000 this year. MYTH! School leaders play an active role in developing our service. We host regular meetings with school staff.We’re not afraid to listen, learn and adapt to your feedback. See page 3 for details of our dedicated account managers.
MYTH! Schools can use any IT supplier they choose, subject to procurement guidelines. We form partnerships with external suppliers to bring you the best products. When you compare like with like we are confident you will find our services highly competitive.
MYTH! We merged the EdICT team with IT Services to form Hampshire IT - the best of both worlds. We have strong ties with Children’s Services. We are now the same department as Property Services. We work with all departments that trade with schools.
MYTH! We are neutral on your school’s status. Our services are costed upon what you select and how much they cost to deliver. See page 3 to learn how we are open for business to everyone.
Hampshire IT Schools