February/March 2011
Welcome to the Spring Newsletter. I hope everyone had a good Christmas & New Year and didn’t suffer too much in the cold weather. I certainly was stuck for two days as all trains to and from Sheffield to Manchester were cancelled due to the heavy snow and low temperatures (minus 18 on several occasions). I re-named our village Narnia…it looked stunning but of course no-one without a 4x4 was able to get anywhere. The image above is of Ladybower Reservoir; during the Second World War the reservoir was used by pilots of the 617 Squadron for practicing the low-level flights needed for Operation Chastise (commonly known as the "Dam Busters" raids), due to its similarity to the German dams. It was taken on the 21st February 2010 & some areas of the dam were still completely frozen over, a very rare occurrence. After such a hard winter hopefully we have seen the last of the snow & freezing temperatures and can look forward to light mornings & warmer weather & Spring…..bring it on! Within this edition there are details of several CPD events, two of which are free of charge (on page ???). However the main event this year is the 25th Biennial Scientific Congress in Birmingham. Full details and a booking form may be found from page ?. The venue is lovely, Austin Court where the main lectures will be delivered, and the stunning Botanical Gardens for the Awards Ceremony & Banquet. The organising team are meeting in June to finalise arrangements following which additional images and details will be uploaded to the IMPT website. On page ? there’s a report from Amy Myers, one of the undergraduates from MMU who travelled to Bangladesh last year & on page ?? details of the next trip this November. Supplied with this newsletter is a survey specificically on the design and retention mechanisms for implant-based auricular prosthesis. Steffan Daniel is in his 2nd year of a PhD based at the National Centre for Product Design & Development Research at UWIST. Steffan has supplied stamped addressed envelopes and would be very grateful to members if you can complete the survey. Enjoy the Newsletter and I hope to see you at one or all of the meetings this year. Liz Gill 2nd March 2011
Tel (Day) 01202 442148 Fax (Day) 01202 442230 E-Mail (Day)
21st January 2011 To all members of The IMPT Dear Colleague NOTICE OF THE 2011 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING As previously notified to you I confirm that the 2011 Annual General Meeting, (AGM) will take place on Friday 6th May 2011 at the education centre St. Richard’s Hospital, Spitalfields Lane, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 4SE. The meeting will take place in the afternoon of 6th of May following a scientific programme; details of which will be circulated to you including booking arrangements. The information will also be available in the Newsletter and on the website as is the following documentation. An Agenda for the 2011 AGM is below and the minutes of the 2010 AGM and Extraordinary General Meeting will be available for the meeting on 6th May. In connection with item 4. c. i. The Election of Officers to Council; the nomination procedure is currently in process and documents are available on the website. Currently: Elected executive Officers 15 Company Solicitor 1 Council total 16 Legal minimum 12 Legal maximum 20 Co-opted Officers Assessment Interview Board Coordinator 1 Voluntary orientation initiative 2 In connection with item 4.e. ii. Special Resolution – Protocol for the Payment of Membership Fees; further to the consultation period below are the formal proposal and a proxy voting form for your use. If you are not attending the AGM please complete and return the proxy voting form as indicated. If you wish to convey your apologies to the AGM please E-mail them to me at or post them to me at the address above; thank you. I look forward to seeing you at the Spring Seminar and AGM and encourage you to participate in the meeting. Yours faithfully Via The IMPT Newsletter and Website
Mark Townend
Minutes of the: 2010 Annual General Meeting. 2010 Extraordinary General Meeting.
Matters arising.
Reports: a. Chairman. b. Statutory Registration – Healthcare Scientists Modernising Scientific Careers, (MSC) - Progress report. c. Secretary. i. The election of Officers to Council. d. Treasurer: i. Accounts for year end 31/12/10. ii. The appointment of Auditor/s. iii. Indemnity Insurance – To note current position. e. Registrar. i. Assessment Interview Board, (AIB). ii. Special Resolution – Protocol for the Payment of Membership Fees. f. Professional Development Officer. g. Journal Editor. h. Newsletter Editor - Website Co-Coordinator. i.
2011 Congress Organisers.
Any other business at the discretion of the Chairman.
Date of next meeting.
The Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists Honorary Secretary Mark Townend FIMPT 9 Kingston Road Poole DORSET BH15 2LW Tel (Day) 01202 442148 Fax (Day) 01202 442230 E-Mail (Day)
29th January 2011 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT 1985 Notice is hereby given under the act mentioned above of an Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held at the at 14:00 on Friday 6th May 2011 at the education centre St. Richard’s Hospital, Spitalfields Lane, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 4SE. For the purpose of considering and if thought fit, passing the following resolution as a Special Resolution. SPECIAL RESOLUTION. That following the consultation period the Company adopts the following protocol as an active and working document: Protocol for the Payment of Membership Fees By Order of the Board of Directors. Mark Townend Honorary Secretary and a Director of the Company. Dated this 29th day of January 2011. NOTES 1.
Any member of the Company entitled to attend, speak and vote at the above mentioned meeting may appoint a proxy to attend, speak and on a poll, vote instead of that member. A proxy may demand, or join in demanding, a poll. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. A form to appoint a proxy is attached to this notice; members may complete it as indicated, on the form.
A print of the present Memorandum and Articles of Association and a copy of the proposed new Articles of Association may be inspected without charge at the registered office of the Company during normal business hours.
The Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists 29th January 2011
To be valid completed proxy forms must be received by the Honorary Secretary by 14:00 hours on Thursday 5th May 2011. I,
Membership Number, appoint: The Chairman of the meeting on 6th May 2011 at St. Richard’s Hospital, Spitalfields Lane, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 4SE and failing him,
of, as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Association to be held on 6th May 2011 and at any adjournment thereof. I hereby direct that my proxy shall vote for/against, (delete as appropriate) the Special Resolution attached hereto. This day of 2011.
Membership Fees-A Gentle Reminder! Colleagues, The time is approaching for the payment of our annual fees. The fees for the year 2011/12 are illustrated below: Full Member
£80 5
Associate Member Student Member Fellow
£64 £20 £80
You will notice that the fees have increased slightly from 2010/11. Those who currently pay via standing order will need to complete a new form and return the slip to the address at the top. The standing order form is also available for download at For those paying via bank transfer all the details you need are below: Bank Account Details Account Name: Sort Code: Account Number: Address:
IMPT Leading Account 40-17-16 51325558 HSBC, 94 East Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1HD, England.
International Bank A/C No:GB24MIDL40171651325558 Branch ID Code: MIDLGB2103S
For members who prefer to pay via pay-pal, a link will be available within the member’s section of shortly. Its member’s responsibility to ensure that the correct payment is received in the correct account by 1st April 2011. By doing this you will avoid the late payment fee of £20. Any member who has not paid their fees by …….. will be automatically removed from the register with immediate effect. (can we put this?).
Kind Regards, Adrian Kearns IMPT Honorary Registrar
THE INSTITUTE OF MAXILLOFACIAL PROSTHETISTS AND TECHNOLOGISTS Mr Adrian Kearns MIMPT DPS IMPT Honorary Registrar Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Egerton Road Guildford Surrey
GU2 7XX Please send this top section to your bank The Manager .............................................................................. ..... .............................................................................. ..... .............................................................................. ..... .............................................................................. .... Postcode............................................................... ..... .............................................................................. Reference:.............................................................. ..... (Surname and Membership Number) Postcode ................................................................... Please pay the sum of (tick as appropriate)
Account Name:....................................................... Account Number:................................................... Sort Code:..............................................................
£80 – Full/Fellow Member – Payable 27 March 2011 £64 – Associate Member – Payable 27 March 2011 £20 – Student Member – Payable 27 March 2011 Payable to The Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists in accordance with the details below: Bank:
Sort Code:
Account Number:
Account Name:
IMPT Leading Account
Signature............................................................................................. Date................................................................ ...........................................................Cut along line..............................................................................
........................................................................... ........ ........................................................................... ........ ........................................................................... ........ ........................................................................... ........ ........................................................................... ........ ............... ...................................................................
Members name and address. Complete and return to above address Membership Number............................... Membership type (please circle) Full Member Fellow
Education Issues & Dates for your diary……. Associate
Snoring & Sleep Apnea-A Role for the Laboratory 1 July-Oldham 5 th August-Kent st
The next Northern Regional Audit is to be held at the Countess of Chester Hospital on Friday 13 th May This event is free of charge and is awarding 3 verifiable CPD points for attendance The next Northern Regional Audit is to be held at Please telephone Ann Hospital Lloyd on on 02144 363060 the Countess of Chester Friday 13 th to May your place This event is reserve free of charge and is awarding 3 verifiable CPD points for attendance
BSc (Hon) Final Year Poster Presentation Manchester Metropolitan University On Wednesday 23 rd March 2011 at 2pm in room CO:14 within the John Dalton building This event is free of charge and is awarding 2 verifiable CPD points Light refreshments will be served - however places are limited so please contact Liz Gill on 0161 247 1167 or email to secure your place Aim-to provide an awareness of undergraduate research in dental technology Objective—to stimulate ideas for future dental technology research
Spring SeminarProvisional Programme
Registration with coffee and pastries
Welcome Sarah Parkinson IMPT Chairman
Are you being paid? – Looking into the way our services are funded. Sarah Parkinson Consultant Maxillofacial Prosthetist, Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Modernising Scientific Careers. A new Career structure for MfPs. Carol Winter (Manchester) and/or David Allan (East Grinstead.)
First Hand Experience of The MSc at Kings college. Barry Edwards (East Grinstead)
Coffee and Trade Exhibition
The New IMPT Website – its function and ability… TBC
Lunch and Trade Exhibition
IMPT Annual General Meeting Coffee and tea will be available at the close of the meeting………..
Car parking facilities will be available, however places are limited to 23 spaces which will be allocated on a first come/first served basis. Should anyone 9
require disabled facilities then contact Sarah as soon as possible and she will try to ensure you have a space.
IMPT SPRING SEMINAR 2011 APPLICATION I would like to attend the IMPT Spring Seminar and AGM at The Chichester Education Medical Centre (CMEC) St Richards Hospital, Chichester on Friday 6th May, 2011. Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS: SURNAME …………………………………………………………………………………………. Miss/Mrs/Ms/Mr/Dr/Prof (please circle) FORENAME ………………………………………………………………………… JOB TITLE ………………………………………………..………………………… IMPT membership number……………………… DEPARTMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………… HOSPITAL ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………..……………. POSTCODE ………………………….………….. DAY TIME TEL…………………………………MOBILE……………………………………… E-MAIL ……….…………………………………………………………………..… SPECIAL DIETARY REQUIREMENTS ………………………………………………………………………………………… I enclose a cheque for £30.00 members / £50 non members / £15 Students (please circle) The course fee includes registration/catering/seminar and attendance certificate. Please make cheques payable to IMPT Please return completed forms with cheque to: Sarah Parkinson BSc (Hons) MIMPT Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust, St Richards Hospital, Maxillofacial Prosthetics Laboratory, Spitalfield Lane, Chichester, West Sussex. PO19 6SE. For further information please contact: Tel: 01243 788 122 ext 3315 or E-mail: Please register early. We cannot accept liability for costs incurred in the event of the meeting being cancelled as a result of unforeseeable circumstances. Please submit application forms 2 weeks prior to the closing date to secure attendance. 10
Refunds cannot be given in the event of your cancellation within 2 weeks of the course date. On registration further information and directions will be mailed or e-mailed to you.
The IMPT 25 th International Congress Hosted by Mr Steve Worrillo & his team at Queen Elizabeth Hospitals NHS Trust Wednesday 7 th -Friday 9 th September 2011
Venue: The Austin Court Conference Centre in the heart of the city of Birmingham Travelling to the venue is simple-there are extensive links into the city via road, rail network or air (Birmingham International Airport) from London and other UK and International cities.
PLEASE USE THIS FORM TO BOOK THE CONGRESS PACKAGES * 1 form for each delegate in your party YOUR DETAILS please complete using black ink in BLOCK CAPITALS Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Dr First Name ___________________ Surname__________________ Institution (Unit/Hospital) ___________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ City___________________ County/Area__________________ Postcode _____________ Phone ________________ Fax___________________ Email ______________________ Country _________________________ Membership No. (if Applicable) ______________ Congress packages 1-3 include: Registration fee, half day of workshops (3Day), free lecture programme and a prize giving ceremony on the Friday Evening and two nights en-suite full board accommodation depending what package you select. st
An excess booking fee of £50 will be payable for Registration Forms received after 1 July 2011 MEMBERS RATES: Please tick package selected
Packages Package1. th Arrive Wednesday 7 lunchtime for pm workshops 3 Nights all in Package2. th (Arrive Thursday 8 am)
Package selected
£495 £450
2 Nights all in Package3. 3 Night Room Share Twin (per person) Package4. 3 days No Accommodation or evening meals
Package 5. a. Maxillofacial Prosthetist Post Graduate Trainee (MSc program) Day Rate, No Accommodation or evening meals
b. Dental Technology Undergraduate Trainee (BSc Program) Day Rate, No Accommodation or evening meals
Multiples of for each day attended Package 6. Member Day Rate,
£150 Multiples of for each day attended
NON MEMBERS RATES: Note to all non-members of the IMPT. Please add the selected ‘Non-Member Tariff’ for your package already selected. Prices Package Non Member Tariff selected For non members of the IMPT there will be a surcharge on each package. Non Member selected Package 1-4 above
+ £100 + £50
PAYMENT Cheques must be in £ sterling payable through a UK Clearing bank and made payable to: IMPT Number Two Account Alternatively, Pay pal payments can be made direct via. The IMPT website (4% handling charge will apply). If you wish to make a payment using electronic bank transferral direct to our account, the details are as follows: Account Name: Number 2 account
Sort Code: 40-17-16
Account No. 51325566
International Bank Account Number: GB02MIDL40171651325566 Bank Identifier Code: MIDLGB2103S Bank Address: HSBC Bank, 94 East Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1HD, England. IMPORTANT: Please include your name as a reference with all direct electronic payments. If electronic transfer is your choice of payment please provide a receipt from your bank attached to your Registration form to indicate payment has been sent to the IMPT.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Please indicate below any special dietary requirements or any physical disability to be considered. PLEASE SEND COMPLETED BOOKING FORM & ACCOMPANYING PAYMENT TO: Mr Richard EGGLETON MIMPT, Treasurer of the IMPT, Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists 108 Applegarth Avenue, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 8LR, ENGLAND, UK. E-MAIL: Mobile: +44(0)7887686463 Telephone: Work +44(0)1483 406640
Conference Hotel
Congress Hotel Details
The Copthorne Hotel has been selected. Located in the centre of Birmingham, overlooking Centenary Square, the hotel is superbly positioned close to a wide range of shops, leisure facilities, and the Central Business District of the UK’s second largest city. Ideally located just a short walk away from the Congress venue at Austin A Congress letter of support for Court. Birmingham New Street rail Members, signed by our President will station is close by with connections to be available shortly from the website and from Birmingham International download Airport. Call for papers and for poster presentations You are invited to submit abstracts for the free paper sessions and the scientific poster exhibition. Only abstracts submitted in the following format will be included for consideration by the organising committee. Abstracts must be submitted to the address below via email or posted hard copy. IMPT Presentation Abstract Form 2011 I would like to submit the following for presentation at the 25th IMPT Scientific Congress 2011 Presentation/Poster Title:
Type: Please indicate only one presentation per form and complete a new form if you have another abstract to submit. Lecture paper: ___Yes/No___ Time 10, 15 or 20 minutes: ____________ Scientific poster: __Yes/No__ Abstract: No more than 150 words (additional page as required)
Name of presenter: ___________________________________________ Qualifications: ______________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________
Tel: __________________________ Fax: ________________________ Email:_____________________________________________________ Signature_________________________ Date: _____________________ Please submit your presentation abstracts to: Via email to Note: emailed submissions will only be considered on this form and emailed as a WORD 97-2000 document (.doc or .rtf). Via post to: Mr Jason Watson Maxillofacial Department, Queens Medical Centre West Block B Floor, Derby Road, Nottingham, NG1 5DW, UK
The Awards ceremony on Friday 9 th September, is to be held at the stunning Botanical Gardens in Birmingham, which is included in packages 1-3 Day delegates who wish to attend this event must make this clear on the booking form and enclose the appropriate fee ???are we offering this as an option for day delegates
During the course of the evening the Congress Awards recipients will be revealed The Wim de Ruiter Delft Plate Awarded for the most outstanding technical display or workshop The Mount Vernon Award Awarded for the most outstanding lecture The Presidents Award Awarded for the most outstanding artistic contribution to maxillofacial prosthetics Technovent Award for the best first time lecturer The Chairman’s Award
The IMPT Fellows Award-Applications now invited! The IMPT Fellows Award is a Travel & Study Award open to All Fellows, Members and Associates of the IMPT The Award is a fixed award of £1000 and will allow the successful recipient to study or attend a Conference. To be awarded at the IMPT 25th Scientific Conference. Hosted by the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Birmingham, 7th – 9th September 2011. For Further details and application form please contact: Sarah Parkinson BSc (Hons) MIMPT Chairman of The IMPT Maxillofacial Prosthetics Laboratory Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust, St Richards Hospital Spitalfield Lane, Chichester, West Sussex. PO19 6SE Tel. 01243 788 122 x3315 Fax. 01243 831 544 E-Mail:
In 2010 our profession suffered the loss of two individuals who made a huge impact on their chosen field. Brian Francis Conroy passed away in January and there is a wonderful tribute to Brian on the IMPT website, see within ‘past news & events’ & Chris Maryan has kindly written this tribute to Les Ward. Obituary Leslie Buckley Ward 9th May 1932 – 11 November 2010
Many members of the Institute both current and past will have known Les well. Les was passionate about dental technology and after taking over in the late 1960s made Manchester one of the leading centres for dental technology study. 16 Les started as an apprentice in the early 1950s and is seen here during his apprenticeship at an open day at
Les passed his City & Guilds Advanced Orthodontics in 1959, his Advanced Maxilliofacial Work in 1971 and his Advanced General in 1972. He worked at the North Manchester General Hospital, (Crumpsall Hospital) as a Maxillofacial Technician in the 1960s and was appointed as a lecturer at Manchester Polytechnic in the late 1960s. Les remained enthusiastic for maxillofacial technology during his career. Below you can see Les promoting the discipline at a Polytechnic open day in the early 1970s. On the display behind him you may notice orthognathic surgery planning and some cast metal splints.
Gaythorne Annexe
The dental section moved to Gaythorn House in 1971 and it is there that many members will remember him form. He was synonymous with Gaythorn Annexe. Les lead the team that developed the full-time Polytechnic Certificate in 1974, was a key member of the Joint Colleges group that designed and introduced the TEC (later BTEC) National Diploma in 1975. Prior to Les’s arrival no one was published as having passed the City & Guilds Advanced Certificate in Maxillofacial Work in Manchester from 1971 onwards we have never had a year without a Maxillofacial course. Between 1971 and 1985 66 technicians passed the advanced. Most continued to work in “maxfac” throughout their career, and many were and are members. The course ceased in 1985 to be replaced by the HNC and later HND. Les and Tony Allison delivered the course until I arrived in 1988. During the 1980s Les organised (with his colleagues including Harry Massie, Alan Hughes, Jim McFarlane, Derek Stannanought, and a number of others) courses for students from Iraq and Kuwait. Les was a past Chairman and a very active member of the British Institute of Dental and Surgical Technologists. He was also a member of the editorial board of the Dental Technician for many years. Les later provided me with much sound advice as I prepared the first degree programme in 1993. Initially a section of the Department of Polymer Technology dental technology became a School within the Department of Polymer, Metals and Dental Technology during his leadership. Les retired as Gaythorn Annexe closed in 1993. He left dental technology significantly stronger After retirement Les had a variety of roles for National Trust at Dunham Massey and the North Cheshire Centre. He travelled widely and sadly passed after a long illness in November. Many will remember Les with affection as he provided a great opportunity for many of us. Chris Maryan-February 2011
The End of an era‌‌‌.. Last November saw the completion of the last course for the Diploma/Certificate in Professional Studies. The course was approved in June 2001 & started in February 2002 and since then there has been a new entry each year. The course, which required attendance a few times a year initially, included practical sessions at the university, which gave me the opportunity to promote the wonders of the Solbrig casting press. After a review meeting with a number of laboratory managers it was decided to concentrate on the theoretical aspects whilst at the university (other than the practical exam) with students having to complete a log of a range of treatments and devices undertaken at work (being based in a maxillofacial laboratory was a course requirement). The change gave significantly more time to develop areas that had not been covered previously, particularly the legal and ethical issues associated with each area of study. The units ran in alternate years so each year had a mixture of first year and second year students. This created a very effective learning environment with students sharing their resources, ideas and experiences. The themes of the years were trauma, craniofacial surgery planning and deep buried implants in one year, and head and neck cancer, facial and body prostheses and burns in the other. The practical examinations still created significant stress, particularly as they were held at the university so students were unfamiliar with the labs, materials, and equipment. Overall 67 students enrolled on the programme, 65 for the Diploma and 2 for the Certificate. 57 have completed the Diploma and 2 the certificate, of which @50 are active in the discipline. The recruitment varied between 5 and 13 each year as shown in figure 1. The students have come from across the UK and overseas from 42 individual units, a few units sent multiple students; the QE in Birmingham lead with 6, closely followed by the Southern General in Glasgow with 5, figure 2 gives a breakdown. This has been the first time that all MPT trainees have studied together. The benefits to sharing practice across the country have been significant, as well the networking it created.
Figure 1 Number of students recruited each year.
Figure 2 Country and region of completing students On a personal note the course has been a lot of work but very enjoyable, a number of MPTs have kindly given up their time over the years to give lectures and lead seminars. The feedback from these sessions has been excellent. The discussion during the courses and the sharing of practice has been very stimulating and the questioning of aspects of practice in one course has enabled this to be further developed on the next, i.e. the findings of one course informed and improved the next. I would like to thank all that contributed over the years particularly Fraser Walker and Mark Cutler who were the external examiners, gave lectures and lots of sound advice. Others who have contributed over the life of the course to lectures, ideas, examination discussions, included Jason Watson, Jane Mcphail, Liz Gill (before & whilst at MMU), Kevin Page, Matt Pilley, Frank Johnson, Peter Evans, Steve Worrollo, Alan Bocca, Dr Emma Worrell and from MMU Dr Steve Horne, Dr Rebecca Taylor, and Dr Keith Winwood. I have had considerable support, ideas and help from the many supervisors who without their commitment there would not have been a course. Overall it has been a collaborative approach and if I have overlooked anyone I apologise, recalling the contributions of so many people over the last 9 years is a problem (as is the increasing number of senior moments). Lastly I would like to thanks all the students who made the course a challenging and stimulating experience for me and encouraged me to find yet more interesting papers on Medline to share with them. Chris Maryan-March 2011
I’ll insert an image here of Chris, but how about someone writing something on his educational contribution to the profession? Id be happy to do it but it would be better coming from someone else, not based at mmu. Without Chris and the BSc our AFC results may not have been as favourable guys!
The Road To Bangladesh-2009/10-Dhaka Girls-Career update Following our arrival back to the UK last year, the four undergraduates from MMU were thrown back into university work immediately, working on their final year dissertations, finishing coursework and revising for examinations. They all passed with first class honours in June 2010 and managed to obtain good jobs almost immediately. Amy Myers is now working at Worcester Hospital and is studying for her Masters degree in Dental Technology at Cardiff along with Emma Wrigley, who is working as an Orthodontic Technician at Basingstoke Hospital. Naomi Pearson is working as a trainee maxillofacial prosthetist at Liverpool and is studying her Masters via a distance-learning course at Kings College Hospital, London. As I write this article Naomi is jetting off to Mumbai, India for an element of the course. Distance learning indeed! Katie Royle is working as a trainee ceramist in a laboratory just outside Manchester. Amy Myers (pictured below), writes a report of her personal experience of the trip. ‘I remember being so excited meeting the others at the airport- our first task started there and then as we had to rearrange all of the tools and equipment into our bags to make sure all the airline regulations were met. The flights were long but soon went by. We met Barbara and Fraser in Dubai and had an immediate culture shock as we were pushed and shoved into the departure lounge for Bangladesh (this seemed to be the queuing system in that country!). We were one of the only groups of White British people there. The people standing with us seemed unsure of the modern surroundings that we all know so well, as we later found out on the flight!
Once we had our feet on the ground, we collected our bags and equipment and met Professor Ferdousi. Prof’s drivers managed to get us to the flat we were staying in as safely as possibleeven on the free-for-all style roads. Unexpectedly, at this time of year the sun wasn’t quite hot enough to burn through the clouds and fog until mid-afternoon, so it was quite warm when we arrived but this was the most we saw of the sun the whole time we were in Dhaka. The week-long course we had planned started the following morning- I would say bright and early, however it was pretty foggy and with the traffic on the roads all day everyday- it was neither! The course, however, got off to a good start with plenty of students arriving and plenty of enthusiasm along with it. On the first day we began with an introduction to Implantology and we demonstrated the skills with the equipment we had been given to bring to Dhaka. The students got the chance to have a go themselves and get stuck in, so to speak. 21
This, along with lectures on partial dentures the same day and a master class in the construction of prosthetic noses the following day, was carried out in Dhaka Community Hospital- a short drive from where we were staying. After this, the rest of the course was carried out in Delta Medical Centre, which was a longer journey out of Dhaka. Here, we taught the next steps of making prosthetic noses, including the colour mixing of silicone, as well as basic orthodontics and how to cure acrylic for dentures. We also had the opportunity to experience surgery, when Prof carried out an operation to remove a tumour of the palate. We had a nice surprise when presented with full scrubs including hats and masks, to ensure the theatre was sterile. When the course was complete and the students received their certificates, we took a short trip to Chittagong and Cox’s Bazaar to present further lectures and get another taste for the culture. It can’t be left unsaid that there were more than a few tummy-upsets along the way, but it wouldn’t have been the same without that experience! It was great to return to normal University life with a sense of achievement, that we may just have made a difference with our efforts – however small!’ Amy Victoria Myers-February 2011
IMPT Autumn Seminar-Manchester 2010 Charity Raffle Update Many thanks to everyone who attended the seminar and supported the raffle for Mission Cure Bangladesh I’m pleased to report that over £900 was raised on the day, which will go towards the purchase of equipment and materials to be used on the next trip Many thanks also to Kevin Page –Frenchay Hospital-Bristol-who donated his prize from the last quiz (an i-pod touch and the luxury holiday in the Caribbean) for the raffle. (ha ha)! Special thanks also to Steve Worrillo who has donated a vacuum former machine for the production of burns splints for use on our next trip in November I will be travelling to Bangladesh again next year with more students. Any colleague who is interested in joining us then please contact me on Following applications by students & staff recommendations at
Dhaka 2011
MMU, five undergraduates have been selected to join the team this November These are: Camilla Stevens, Isaac Macdonald, Nishil Patel, Chloe Brown & Adrian Ombler
Image of group to be inserted 22