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We’d like to thank lots of people who helped us write our book. Without their time, expertise and generosity none of it would have been possible. First of all we’d like to thank the remarkable survivors who told us about their lives. We know that it was incredibly difficult for them to recount the events they experienced and we are so grateful to them for educating us and everyone who reads our book.
Bea Green MBE and her family Eric Murangwa Eugene MBE Kadefa Rizvanović
Debay Manees
Stephen Fry’s words in the Foreword are absolutely amazing. We are so grateful to Mr Fry for giving up his precious time to help us.
We also received help from some brilliant genocide commemoration and education charities who supported our project, gave us advice on our book and helped us connect with the survivors. Dr Rachel Century and her colleagues at the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust Sonja Miley and Maddy Crowther, Waging Peace Kate Williams, Remembering Srebrenica
Lastly we’d like to thank our teachers who worked to support us during the researching and writing of our book. In particular we’d like to thank Ms Matlis and Mr Nicholson for their tireless help.