Job Satisfaction or Highly Paid Work?

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‘Job Satisfaction or Highly Paid Work?’ By Hanane Zahrouni

“It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.” George Lorimer Do you follow your passion with no regard for your financial well-being? Alternatively, do you focus on work to provide the income you need while ignoring your passions? Numerous workers are relishing in doing what they enjoy and love, despite it being a tiring process. Whereas there are others whom are just finding it difficult in finding their right career path. Then there are those who are solely fortunate in doing what they are keen on and generating an impressive salary. Passion is imprinted in all of us and it is vital to do what you take pleasure in (with the hope of a decent income), which can support your lifestyle, will not only benefit you, but approve your health as well. I am not telling you to make balloon animals, as it is probably not likely you are going to make a reasonable and respectable income from that. Personally, money can easily be found, but satisfaction in your job is seldom seen. This is because every time we get something, we crave for more. Seldom that you feel satisfied with your job, taking into consideration the bulk of work but most importantly, the surrounding environment that you have. If you find a job not paying much but you feel so satisfied and happy for it then stick with it. You still get the psychic income - a feeling that money could not equal if ever you compare them. Other opinions have included that if you confuse your passion or interest as your job, it will no longer satisfy you in the way it did before. “Don’t settle for a job if you are miserable. If it is making you unhappy, it may be time for a change. There is a big difference between being picky and being paralysed.” While I am not denying money can put a smile on most people’s faces and ease you in everyday struggles, I am wondering if this may be a case of what came first.

When you think about success, what comes to mind first – being rich or being happy? Now here is the question that many people seem to struggle. Can you be both? The optimistic say yes; the cynics, no. There are already far too many people in this country dreading their next day at work, and counting the years until retirement – well, it has to make us just a bit cynical. Some stay years at a job they despise because employers put them in a rut they cannot get out of. Others leave, even with no other possibilities in sight. Is this because at the end of the day, money comes first? Usually, yes – because people have to make ends meet, and more so, because they become accustomed to a lifestyle. I have to wonder though, if it is worth it to let years go by in search of the almighty currency. Perhaps I am one of the optimistic ones, because I certainly believe you can both enjoy what you do, make the money you need (and want), and consider yourself successful all at the same time. By no means is it an easy task, but it starts by finding both what you love to do and what you are good in doing. You may have to make compromises along the way, but it should not mean sacrificing yourself for something you do not believe in. Instead of considering that money buys happiness, how about thinking of it as more money comes to people who like their jobs. If you like your job, you are more likely to put in that extra effort, which is recognized by your manager who, in turn, issues you the raise. If you are happy in your job, it may have something to do with the fact that your talent is recognized with positive attention from your managers and others in the company. In addition, that positive attention results in more money. On the other hand, if you are unhappy with what you do, you are less likely to respond readily to new initiatives, and your negative attitude might influence effective communication with your co-workers. It is common sense. Some may say tit-for-tat. However, do remember; the people, who always insist that the grass is greener, have clearly not been on the other side of the fence. “So maybe you’re wondering what this means for you, or maybe you’re thinking it’s easier written than put into action. Either way, it is up to you, and only you can make the decisions that will lead to your success. It starts by doing what you love, and an end by realizing money is not everything. So what is success to you?” HZ

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