san diego state university
plaza linda verde mixed use development phase 1 program | 2012-2013
Hanbury Evans Wright Vl at tas + Company October 10, 2013
a collaborative process and acknowledgements
The Plaza Linda Verde Mixed Use Development XYZ is the result of a collaborative effort led by a Steering Committee of University Executive Staff and a Planning Team lead by Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company. The process included participation by a broad cross-section of students, faculty and staff in a variety of on-campus workshops. The Planning Team is grateful to all who those who devoted their vision, time, ideas and energy to the process. SAN DIEGO S TATE UNIVERSIT Y, steering committee
Bob Schulz, Associate Vice President, Operations Linda Lewiston, Assistant Vice President, Student Affairs Lauren Cooper, Director, Facilities Planning, Design & Construction Eric Hansen, Director, Office of Housing Administration Christy Samarkos, Director, Residential Education Office Mike Woomer, Associate Director, Facilities Planning, Design and Construction Daryl Hess, Associate Director, Office of Housing Administration Kristi (Kat) Marian, Capital Project Planner, Facilities Planning, Design and Construction R. D. Williams, Director of Campus Relations and Commercial Development, Aztec Shops Ltd. DESIGN TE AM
Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company Mike Evans, FAIA Buddy Hall, ASLA Douglas P. Campbell, AIA Cory L. Dear, AIA
Consultants KPFF Consulting Engineers, Civil Engineer C.P. O’Halloran Associates, Inc., Cost Estimator SWA Group, Landscape Architect M-E Engineers, Inc., Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Engineer Robert Charles Lesser & Company, Retail Saiful/Bouquet, Inc., Structural Engineer Walker Parking, Parking /Transportation
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development i
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
TABLE OF contents
collaborative process and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv PROJECT PROGRAM Building 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Building 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Parking Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 code analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 design standards Project Visioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Architectural Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Parking Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Conceptual design development Civil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Structural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Plumbing and Fire Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 room data sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 cost estimates by phase » Phase 1: Residence Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Under separate cover » Phase 2: Greenspace/Plaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Under separate cover » Phase 3: Parking Sructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Under separate cover
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development iii
Introduc tion San Diego State University is experiencing record enrollment growth. With this growth comes an ever increasing demand for on-campus student housing especially for first year students. Plaza Linda Verde is a response to this need. It proposes a mixed-use project on 3.57 acres of University-owned land at or near the corners of College Avenue and Montezuma Road on the periphery of the campus of San Diego State University (SDSU). This student housing project includes: • A ground-floor mixed use, commercial component with upper-floor student housing; • A separate structured parking facility; • A one-acre campus green; and • Public promenades and pedestrian malls in place of existing streets/alleys linking the proposed buildings to the main SDSU campus.
Project Goals, Parameters and Programming Process The planning team and Steering Committee have identified the following goals for the study: • Create a vision for a vibrant campus edge including retail uses along College Avenue with students residences and civic spaces above • Increase SDSU’s on-campus housing capacity for first year students • Identify the specific needs to accomplish SDSU’s vision and develop a comprehensive project program of requirements • Analyze project site and utility conditions and other site constraints • Develop residential building options for the optimal number of beds possible on the site • Maximize the amount of functional space on the site and improve campus pedestrian accessibility • Develop indoor and outdoor spaces for relaxation and academic support functions • Develop a retail analysis and conceptual design balancing functionality, style and flexibility • Recommend an optimal conceptual plan with projected project costs, constraints and solutions • Compile and document the project vision that will enable the University to move forward with design and construction contracts The conceptual design for Plaza Linda Verde was developed through a series of workshops held on campus during the spring and summer of 2013. The Design Team and Steering Committee held a series of meetings with the representatives of the various campus user groups to compare existing residential programs with their aspirations for the new community. The information gathered was evaluated by the Planning Team and the Steering Committee to develop a program that met all project objectives and created a community that represented SDSU’s goals to increase their ability to provide first year housing and create a vibrant campus edge.
Project Overview The project site is located on the west side of College Avenue between Hardy Avenue and Montezuma Road and consists of: • Two residence hall buildings along College Avenue
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
executive summary
• A 392-car parking structure on Lindo Paseo Drive to serve retail customers only and no student parking • A campus green on the vacant parcel between Hardy Avenue and the transit station The residence halls will accommodate the following: • Student Rooms: 284 double occupancy rooms with bath to accommodate a minimum of 568 students and 32 single occupancy student rooms with bath for student staff • Staff Apartments: four, 2-bedroom units and two, 1-bedroom unit • Visiting Scholar Bedrooms wih bath: three Residence Hall Buildings (Building 1 and Building 2) • First floor (concrete podium – 21’ minimum clear space with mechanical mezzanine on the west side of the building. First floor program to accommodate Residence
hall entry, lobby/living room, front desk with storage, mail (one box per student room), two staff offices, laundry, bike storage, public restrooms and trash room (chutes from residential floors to compactors and roll out bins)
Retail space in remaining first floor area - Building 1: reserve southern end of building for a Market and the northern end of the building for a restaurant and other small tenant space - Building 2: reserve northern end for a large tenant and the southern end of the building for a restaurant
Mechanical space at ground and mezzanine level along west side of the building - Plumbing chases from residential towers above to align with back of house of the two end retail spaces facing the corner of College Avenue and Lindo Paseo Drive
Second floor to sixth floor (wood or metal stud framing – see Structural Narrative) - Student learning spaces, multipurpose room, faculty offices, restrooms with concrete podium roof deck at the corner of College Avenue and Lindo Paseo Drive - Residential wings with common floor lounge and two small study areas. One study area adjacent to lounge and one study area and community kitchen facing
Parking Structure • Basement chiller plant with service parking area • First floor (podium with 16’ clear space for future potential retail) • Speed ramp along north face of garage – area under the ramp for access to basement • Cooling towers on the top floor Campus Green • Wireless internet connectivity throughout • Site lighting for day and night use • Hardscape and landscape area connecting student residences and retail uses to the Aztec Union • Site furniture and amenities • Landscape planting, groundcovers and shade trees • Open lawn
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development v
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
project program
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 1
San Diego State University Program Concept- New Community
Building 1
Space #
Space / Description
100 101 102 103 104 105
RESIDENTIAL SPACES Staff / Living Spaces Resident Director - 2-Bedroom Apt Desk Manager - 1-Bedroom Apt Faculty Apartment- 2-Bedroom Apt Visiting Scholar Studio Apartment Storage
Student Residences
201 202 203
SSD 2 Double Rms; Bath 2:1, Type A Single room with private bath Type B Single room with private bath Type C Total Occupancy / Community Cluster % Capacity in Single Occupancy Rooms
New Community
Occupancy Quantity
3 2 3 1 0
1 1 1 3 1
Total ASF
1,103 545 1,102 270 266
57,839 3,826 1,103 545 1,102 810 266 46,130
2 1 1
154 12 4
273 251 269
42,042 3,012 1,076
Total Capacity
RA and AM RA and AM
301 302
5 9
585 182
2,925 1,638
1 / RA
303 304 305 306 307
Hall Support Spaces Housekeeping Closet Telecommunications Closet Electrical Closet Trash Chute / Recycle Mechanical
5 5 5 5 1
48 78 268 40 1,150
240 390 1,340 200 1,150
1 / Residential Floor
401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409
600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608
Building Support Spaces Trash Recycle (Building) Bike Storage Elevator Housekeeping Supply Storage Trash Room Mechanical Room Mechanical Mezzanine Storage
NEIGHBORHOOD RESOURCES 700 Learning Community / Programs 701 Learning Center (STAR) includes 2 tutoring rooms 702 Faculty Office 703 Multipurpose Room 2 hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company 704 Group Study 705 Seminar Classrooms 706 Catering Kitchen
1 / RA
1 / Residential Floor 1 / Residential Floor 1 / Residential Floor sixth floor
13,831 2,144
Front Desk Mail Boxes / Storage Ground Floor Restroom Second Floor Restroom Director's Office Desk Manager Office Resource Room Storage Lobby Circulation Building Community / Civic Laundry Room Community Living Room Community Kitchen Breakout Space Vending Center
0 0%
COMMON SPACES Public Spaces / Offices
500 501 502 503 504 505
Hall Community Hall Common Spaces Lounge Study Room
308 Students
10.8 21.7 6 30 4
100 30
1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
227 321 107 215 280 139 252 281 1,891
227 321 214 430 280 139 252 281 1,891
1 1 1 1 1
540 434 201 737 90
2,002 540 434 201 737 90
1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
368 645 80 155 255 2,013 6,089 122
9,685 368 645 160 155 255 2,013 6,089 122
1,283 280 1,173 154 454 280
4,051 4,051 1,283 280 1,173 154 454 280
1 1 1 1 1 1
Adjacent to desk, mail parcel storage At first floor, 1 box per student room? At first floor, staff, family, visitors At first floor At first floor At first floor At first floor
At first floor At first floor At first floor At first floor
Seating for 100 seminar style
408 409 500 501 502 503 504 505
Storage Lobby Circulation Building Community / Civic Laundry Room Community Living Room Community Kitchen Breakout Space Vending Center
600 Building Support Spaces 601 Trash Recycle (Building) 602 Bike Storage 603 Elevator 604 Housekeeping Supply Storage San State 605Diego Trash RoomUniversity 606 Mechanical Room Program ConceptNew Community 607 Mechanical Mezzanine Building 1 608 # Storage Space Space / Description 700 100 701 101 702 102 703 103 704 104 705 105 706 200707 708
NEIGHBORHOOD RESOURCES RESIDENTIAL SPACES Learning Community Staff / Living Spaces / Programs Learning Center includes Resident Director(STAR) - 2-Bedroom Apt2 tutoring rooms Faculty Office - 1-Bedroom Apt Desk Manager Multipurpose Room 2-Bedroom Apt Faculty ApartmentGroup VisitingStudy Scholar Studio Seminar Classrooms Apartment Storage Catering Kitchen Tech Conference Student Residences Hall Council
201 202 800203 801
SSD 2 Double Rms; Bath 2:1, Type A COMMUNITY RESOURCES Single room with private bath Type B Retail Single Space room with private bath Type C Shops Total Occupancy / Community Cluster
300 301 302
Hall Community Subtotal ASF Hall Common Spaces Program Efficiency Ratio @ Lounge GSF Study Room GSF/Bed
303 304 305 306 307
Hall Support Spaces Housekeeping Closet Telecommunications Closet Electrical Closet Trash Chute / Recycle Mechanical
10.8 21.7 6 30 4
1 1
281 1,891
281 1,891
1 1 1 1 1
540 434 201 737 90
2,002 540 434 201 737 90
1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Occupancy Quantity
3 2 100 3 1 30 0
2 1 1
9,685 368 368 645 645 80 160 155 155 255 255 2,013New Community 2,013 6,089 6,089 122 Total ASF 122 ASF
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1
1,283 1,103 280 545 1,173 1,102 154 270 454 266 280 280 147
4,051 57,839 4,051 3,826 1,283 1,103 280 545 1,173 1,102 154 810 454 266 280 280 46,130 147
154 12 4 1
273 251 269 19,094
42,042 19,094 3,012 19,094 1,076 19,094
At first floor
At first floor At first floor At first floor
project program
At first floor
tabular programs
Seating for 100 seminar style
Total Capacity
401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409
RA and AM RA and AM 9930308 asf dedicated to grocery 0
0% 7,883 94,815 80%
5 9
585 182
2,925 118,036 1,638
5 5 5 5 1
48 78 268 40 1,150
240 390 1,340 200 1,150
COMMON SPACES Public Spaces / Offices
Building Community / Civic Laundry Room Community Living Room Community Kitchen Breakout Space Vending Center
600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608
Building Support Spaces Trash Recycle (Building) Bike Storage Elevator Housekeeping Supply Storage Trash Room Mechanical Room Mechanical Mezzanine Storage
700 701 702 703 704 705 706
NEIGHBORHOOD RESOURCES Learning Community / Programs Learning Center (STAR) includes 2 tutoring rooms Faculty Office Multipurpose Room san diego Group Study Seminar Classrooms Catering Kitchen
1 / RA 1 / RA
1 / Residential Floor 1 / Residential Floor 1 / Residential Floor 1 / Residential Floor sixth floor
13,831 2,144
Front Desk Mail Boxes / Storage Ground Floor Restroom Second Floor Restroom Director's Office Desk Manager Office Resource Room Storage Lobby Circulation
500 501 502 503 504 505
% Capacity in Single Occupancy Rooms
308 Students
10.8 21.7 6 30 4
1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
227 321 107 215 280 139 252 281 1,891
227 321 214 430 280 139 252 281 1,891
1 1 1 1 1
540 434 201 737 90
2,002 540 434 201 737 90
1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
368 645 80 155 255 2,013 6,089 122
9,685 368 645 160 155 255 2,013 6,089 122
4,051 4,051 1 1,283 1,283 1 280 280 100 1 1,173 state university: plaza 1,173 linda 1 154 154 30 1 454 454 1 280 280
Adjacent to desk, mail parcel storage At first floor, 1 box per student room? At first floor, staff, family, visitors At first floor At first floor At first floor At first floor
At first floor At first floor At first floor At first floor
Seating for 100 seminar style verde mixed use development 3
San Diego State University Program Concept- New Community
Building 2
Space #
Space / Description
100 101 102 103 104 105
RESIDENTIAL SPACES Staff / Living Spaces Resident Director - 2-Bedroom Apt Desk Manager - 1-Bedroom Apt Faculty Apartment- 2-Bedroom Apt Visiting Scholar Studio Apartment Storage
200 201 202 203
Student Residences SSD 2 Double Rms; Bath 2:1, Type C Single room with private bath Type A Single room with private bath Type B Total Occupancy / Community Cluster % Capacity in Single Occupancy Rooms
New Community
Occupancy Quantity
Total ASF
3 2 3 1 0
1 1 1 0 1
1,212 544 1,212 255 220
50,464 3,188 1,212 544 1,212 0 220
2 1 1
130 12 4
273 266 269
39,758 35,490 3,192 1,076
Total Capacity
RA and AM RA and AM
301 302
5 9
605 188
3,025 1,692
1 / RA
304 305 306 307 308
Hall Support Spaces Housekeeping Closet Telecommunications Closet Electrical Closet Trash Chute / Recycle Mechanical Room
5 5 5 5 1
48 71 190 40 1,056
240 355 950 200 1,056
1 / Residential Floor
1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1
1,713 226 322 112 215 281 140 280 109
6,625 3,725 1,713 226 322 224 430 281 140 280 109
1 1 1 1
563 428 199 86
1,276 563 428 199 86
2 1 2 1
298 723 78 149
1,624 596 723 156 149
1,271 280 1,103 158 479 281 0 147 673
4,392 4,392 1,271 280 1,103 158 479 281 0 147 673
COMMON SPACES Public Spaces / Offices Lobby Circulation Front Desk Mail Boxes / Storage Ground Floor Restroom Second Floor Restroom Director's Office Desk Manager Office Resource Room Storage
500 501 502 503 504
Building Community / Civic Laundry Room Community Living Room Community Kitchen Vending Center
600 601 602 603 604
Building Support Spaces Trash Recycle (Building) Bike Storage Elevator Housekeeping Supply Storage
700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709
NEIGHBORHOOD RESOURCES Learning Community / Programs Learning Center (STAR) includes 2 tutoring rooms Faculty Office Multipurpose Room Group Study Seminar Classrooms Catering Kitchen Tech Conference Hall Council Breakout Space
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company COMMUNITY RESOURCES
Retail Space
Hall Community Hall Common Spaces Lounge Study Room
400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409
260 Students
0 0%
11.26 21.4 6 4
20 2-4 100 30
30 30
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
21,816 21,816
1 / RA
1 / Residential Floor 1 / Residential Floor 1 / Residential Floor Level 6
At first floor Adjacent to desk, mail parcel storage At first floor, 1 box per student room? At first floor, staff, family, visitors At first floor At first floor At first floor At first floor
At first floor At first floor At first floor At first floor
Seating for 100 seminar style
402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 500 501 502 503 504
Front Desk Mail Boxes / Storage Ground Floor Restroom Second Floor Restroom Director's Office Desk Manager Office Resource Room Storage
1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1
Building Community / Civic Laundry Room Community Living Room Community Kitchen Vending Center
11.26 21.4 6 4
600 Building Support Spaces San Diego State University 601 Trash Recycle Program ConceptNew (Building) Community 602 Bike Storage Building 2 603 Elevator Space # Space / Description 604 Housekeeping Supply Storage
2 1 2 Occupancy Quantity 1
301 302
RESIDENTIAL SPACES NEIGHBORHOOD RESOURCES Staff / Living Spaces Learning Community / Programs Resident Director - 2-Bedroom Apt Learning Center (STAR) includes 2 tutoring rooms Desk Manager - 1-Bedroom Apt Faculty Office Faculty Apartment- 2-Bedroom Apt Multipurpose Room Visiting Scholar Studio Group Study Apartment Storage Seminar Classrooms Catering Kitchen Student Residences Tech Conference SSD 2 Double Rms; Bath 2:1, Type C Hall Council Single room with private bath Type A Breakout Space Single room with private bath Type B Total Occupancy / Community Cluster COMMUNITY RESOURCES % Capacity in Single Occupancy Rooms Retail Space Hall Community Hall Common Spaces Lounge Study Room
304 305 306 307 308
Hall Support Spaces Housekeeping Closet Telecommunications Closet Electrical Closet Trash Chute / Recycle Mechanical Room
100 700 101 701 102 702 103 703 104 704 105 705 706 200 707 201 708 202 709 203 800 300
1 1 1 1
COMMON SPACES San Diego State University 400 Public Spaces / Offices Program Concept 401 Lobby Circulation 402 Front Desk Parking Structure 403 # Mail Boxes / Storage Space Space / Description 404 Ground Floor Restroom 405 Second Floor Restroom 406 Director's Office Retail Parking Desk Manager Office 800407 Parking Structure 408 Resource 801 Basement*Room 409 Storage Chiller and Electric Rooms
3 20 2 2-4 3 100 1 0 30 2 30 1 30 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 130 1 12 1 4
Ground Floor Building / Civic Floors 2 - Community 6 Laundry Floor 7**Room Community Living Room Roof Level Cooling Towers Community Kitchen Vending Center Parking Only
600 601 602 603 604
Mechanical Space Only Building Support Spaces GSF Trash Recycle (Building) Bike Storagelevel excludes Chiller and Electric Room *Basement Elevator **Roof level excludes Cooling Towers Housekeeping Supply Storage
700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709
NEIGHBORHOOD RESOURCES Learning Community / Programs Learning Center (STAR) includes 2 tutoring rooms Faculty Office Multipurpose Room Group Study Seminar Classrooms Catering Kitchen Tech Conference Hall Council Breakout Space
226 322 224 430 281 140 280 109
563 428 199 86
1,276 563 428 199 86
1,624 298New Community 596 723 723 78 156 ASF Total ASF 149 149
1,212 1,271 544 280 1,212 1,103 255 158 220 479 281 0 273 147 266 673 269
50,464 4,392 3,188 4,392 1,212 1,271 544 280 1,212 1,103 0 158 220 479 281 39,758 0 35,490 147 3,192 673 1,076 21,816 21,816 7,518
30 30
At first floor, 1 box per student room? At first floor, staff, family, visitors At first floor At first floor At first floor At first floor
project program At first floor At first floor
tabular programs
At first floor At first floor
Seating for 100 seminar style
Total Capacity
260 RA and AM RA and AM
3,025 1,692
1 / RA
5 5 5 5 1
48 71 190 40 1,056
240 355 950 200 1,056
1 / Residential Floor
1,713 226 322 ASF 112 215 281 140 280 17,380 109 4,450
6,625 3,725 1,713 226 322 Total ASF 224 430 281 140 168,280 280 17,380 109 4,450
21,925 21,925 563 10,975 428 3,925 199 86
21,925 1,276 109,625 563 10,975 428 3,925 199 86 159,905
298 723 78 149
8,375 1,624 168,280 596 723 156 149
1,271 280 1,103 158 479 281 0 147 673
4,392 4,392 1,271 280 1,103 158 479 281 0 147 673
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
260 Students
605 188
2 1 2 1
20 2-4 100
Adjacent to desk, mail parcel storage
5 9
1 1 1 Occupancy Quantity 2 2 1 1 11 0 11 0 0 1 0 5 11.260 11 21.40 11 6 1 4 1
802 500803 501 804 502 503 504
226 322 112 215 281 140 280 109
0 0%
1 / RA
1 / Residential Floor 1 / Residential Floor 1 / Residential Floor Level 6
At first floor
Adjacent to desk, mail parcel storage At first floor, 1 box per student room? Comments At first floor, staff, family, visitors At first floor At first floor At first floor At first floor
At first floor At first floor At first floor At first floor
Seating for 100 seminar style
san diego state university: plaza21,816 linda verde mixed use development 5 21,816
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
code analysis
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 7
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code analysis
reviews, codes and regulations
reviews, codes and regul ations
Overview The proposed design consists of two 6-story residence halls including first floor retail spaces and a 7 story parking structure with basement level mechanical systems space. The residence halls include an unoccupied mechanical mezzanine on the west side of the first floor area within same fire area as the retail space. The gross floor area of the buildings, not including outdoor plaza space, is 391,724 square feet. Outdoor plaza space (podium landscape) totals 20,327 square feet. The north residential building (Building 1) includes 19,094 square feet retail, 9,657 square feet elevated outdoor plaza and 98,942 square feet residential and related educational space. The south residential building (Building 2) includes 21,816 square feet retail, 10,670 square feet elevated outdoor plaza and 83,584 square feet residential and related educational space. The parking structure has 159,905 square feet parking and 8,375 square feet mechanical space. Bed counts for the proposed design have 308 and 260 revenue beds in Buildings 1 & 2 respectively. Additionally, 16 staff beds plus 3 apartments are provided in each building with 3 hotel-style rooms in Buildng 1 only. One of the apartments in each building has one bed and the other two have two beds. The total bed counts are 576 revenue beds, 32 staff beds, 10 apartment beds and 3 hotel-style beds. This review is not intended to constitute a full code analysis, but rather to confirm the feasibility of the proposed design using the expected economical construction types (Type III, one hour for the residential buildings and Type I, one hour for the parking structure) and also more robust and likely expensive types. The design was analyzed for conformance to the 2013 edition of the California Building Code (CBC), Title 24, Part 2, in the areas of construction type and allowable area, and exiting. It was also analyzed for conformance to the 2013 edition of the CBC for conformance to general handicapped accessibility requirements. Analysis for Structural, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection, and HVAC are covered in their respective narrative sections.
Occupancy Type Residence Hall Buildings All residential and ancillary areas in floors two through six in both buildings are classified nonseparated mixed use occupancy R-2, A-3 and E. The A-3 and E occupancies occur at the second floors and outdoor terraces. Retail and associated areas at the first floors of both buildings are classified as non-separated mixed use occupancy R-2 and M (mercantile). The primary entry areas are R-2 serving residential space on upper levels. The first and second floors are separated as distinct buildings for purposes of height and area calculations with the first floors classified as separate “podium� buildings. Stairs and elevators require fire protection accordingly. All floors are fully sprinklered. Parking Garage This is a separated mixed use building. All parking levels are classified S-2 (low hazard). The first floor Market is classified M occupancy with fire separation from parking at the stairs and second floor horizontal plane. All floors are fully sprinklered.
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 9
Construction Type and Allowable Areas Residence Hall Buildings A “quick overview” analysis was done for each of the construction types, accounting for the proposed six story configuration as well as the various allowable increases and substitutions allowed by code. The results of this overview are not intended to be conclusive, but rather to narrow the field of possibilities to a few viable options. The resulting most viable options for construction type to Types II-B and III-B for the residential occupancy, both requiring non-combustible construction. Type III-B permits the use of fireresistive treated wood for structural elements and Type II-B does not. These construction types are most cost effective for the 5 story residential areas above a 1 story “podium” (including mechanical mezzanine), which is considered as a separate fire area. Type II-B would utilize steel studs and fire resistive wood sheathing and Type III-B would be fire resistive wood studs and sheathing. The first level podium can be any non-combustible construction type. Due to the loads of six floors above, reinforced cast-in-place construction is assumed. The floor plate areas of both residential buildings fall well within the maximum allowed using the types of construction described above in conjunction with the permitted sprinkler increase. Parking Garage This building construction type is governed by the structural system required to support the loads of a 7 story parking structure. It will be Type 1-B throughout. The floor plate area of the parking garage falls well within the maximum allowed using the type of construction described above in conjunction with the permitted sprinkler increase. An in depth analysis of the structural considerations for all three buildings is provided in the structural narrative, including cost implications and pros/cons of each option.
Plumbing Fixture Counts Residence Hall Buildings Floors two through six with residential occupancies have plumbing fixtures distributed within each living unit. Where assembly and educational occupancies occur on the second floors, each area is calculated individually for occupant load and contribution to plumbing fixture requirements. These areas share the plumbing facilities. The first floors have facilities to serve the core area only. Mercantile occupancies will have facilities as required by ultimate individual space build-out. At this preliminary level of design, only the second floor areas A-3 and E were examined for fixture counts, since the remainder of the buildings are assumed to easily meet code requirements based on the ultimate design. The north building has 11,507 net square feet of A-3 occupancy and 4,201 net square feet of E occupancy. Accessory use areas are included in the calculations. Outdoor terraces are considered as A-3 areas. The south building has 10,393 net square feet of A-3 occupancy and 4122 net square feet of E occupancy. Accessory use areas are included in the calculations. Outdoor terraces are considered as A-3 areas. Based on Table 403.1 of the IBC Plumbing Code, the following fixtures are required to serve the 10
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code analysis
reviews, codes and regulations
A-3 and E occupancy areas of each building’s second floor:
Occupancy Male Female Male Female Drinking Service
WC WC Lav Lav Fountain Sink
N Building
N Building
0 *
4 7 3 3 2 1
S Building
S Building
0 *
4 7 3 3 2 1
* single service sink serves both occupancies Parking Garage Parking areas do not require plumbing fixtures.
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design standards
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 13
Project Visioning The visioning process for Plaza Linda Verde was conducted largely in a charrette style collaboration. The design team spent a full day working amongst students, staff and the client group, gathering direct understanding, ideas, and feedback. This day of drawing, touring, and conversation acted as a platform for a shared project vision. On the following day the design team typically presented concepts and listened as those with the most merit for the project and the University were selected interactively and in real time.
Project Planning • Phase 1 of Plaza Linda Verde is positioned at the crest of the hill coming up from highway eight and therefore, acts as one of the first visual impressions of SDSU. • Because of Plaza Linda Verde's siting on the edge of the main campus, it does act as a gateway experience for the University • San Diego State wishes to create the 'college town' atmosphere here that the campus has never had • Other successful San Diego mixed use neighborhoods such as Westwood, Little Italy, Highland Park, and South Beach were evaluated as key precedents for the project • The project should work to create a seamless landscape connection to the new student union and the campus beyond • Phase 1 of Plaza Linda Verde should feel integrated with the student housing across College Avenue, the commuter traffic coming from the two main Parking Structures, and the future Phase 2 of Plaza Linda Verde
Project Programming • The success of the retail portion of the project is a primary project objective. The retail street frontage is imagined as a college town atmosphere that is active day and night • The location of the proposed Market was tested in several locations, including the bottom floor of the Parking Structure. Ultimately, it was decided that its best location was at the corner of Lindo Paseo and College Avenue • The other retail bookends are planned for key tenants such as a feature restaurant with outdoor dining at the north end of Building 1 and a convenience store at the north end of Building 2 • The residential portion of the project was planned for first and second year students with a target of 600 total student residents • Security for these students as they move from an active retail environment to private residences is key • Move-in day, servicing of the retail elements, and building support spaces are all accessed via the alleys to the west of the project sites
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Landscape Plan : Existing and Proposed
phase 1
phase 2
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UNIVERSIT Y PROPERT Y SDSU owns all of the parcels on the west side and about half of the parcels on the east side of College Avenue between the Aztec Student Union and Montezuma Road, providing a unique opportunity to transform this corridor into a vibrant walkable mixed-use "Collegetown" neighborhood at SDSU's doorstep. Note that the shown parcel configurations and alleys on the west side of College require SDSU to implement conditions consistent with a Cityapproved vacation resolution.
topogr aphy The College Avenue corridor between the Aztec Student Union and Montezuma Road is located on SDSU's mesa and is relatively flat at elevations +455 through +457.8, with the high point occurring between Lindo Paseo and Montezuma. Towards the north, College curves northeast and slopes down over 100' to Highway 8. Towards the south, College curves southeast and also slopes down in rolling terrain. Note that the alley parallel and west of College Avenue is up to 4' lower than College Avenue in the vicinity of Montezuma.
curbs: existing and proposed As part of the transformation of College Avenue into a vibrant, walkable mixed-use neighborhood at SDSU's doorstep, College Avenue's streetscape is enhanced with wider sidewalks and street trees, on-street parking and bike lanes, while keeping lane functionality similar to existing. To make walking more comfortable and define onstreet parking, curb bulbs are provided at intersections to shorten crosswalks. With the reconfiguration of the parallel alleys west of College Avenue, Lindo Paseo westbound will transform into a more defined retail street with wide sidewalks and outdoor dining. The Lindo Paseo stub street east of College Avenue is proposed for conversion to pedestrian outdoor space in Phase 2, eliminating the need for College's southbound left turn lane which will convert to a tree planted median. Hardy is shown as a cul-de-sac consistent with the conditions of SDSU's City-approved vacation resolution.
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 17
Landscape Plan
phase 1 Landscape
pl aza linda verde outdoor pl aces and components The Plaza Linda Verde mixed-use project creates a vibrant "Collegetown" neighborhood at SDSU's doorstep and busiest gateway, the stretch of College Avenue between the Aztec Student Union and Montezuma Road. The project's first phase, on the west side of College Avenue, includes the following outdoor places and components: • Campus Green including Social Plaza, between the Aztec Student Union and Hardy Avenue
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• Retail Streetscapes along project's College Avenue, Lindo Paseo and Montezuma Road storefronts • Housing Terraces for Plaza Linda Verde's 600 to 900 student residents, on the Building 1 and Building 2 Block podium levels • Service Alleys, on the west sie of Building 1 and Building 2 Blocks
site analysis
Deliveries and trash for the ground level retail and student housing are accommodated on the private and public alleys along the west side of Phase 1 Building 1 and Building 2. In addition, access to the bike storage rooms in the Building 1 and Building 2 is from these alleys. The alleys are envisioned as being clean and simple, and are unlikely to attract much use other than service movements. The Service Alleys include:
Existing Condition
Mews (Private Alley, west side of Building 1) • Metal Fencing at ends of Mews, with pairs of 10' gates to accommodate 6-10a service access and semester start/end 10a-6p move-in/move-out • Concrete paving with 5' scoring • 10' wide planting strip along neighboring parcel with trees every 12' plus shrubs, with paving providing access to neighbor's existing rear yard gates; some portions of planters may be flowthrough planters to provide stormwater treatment for site drainage
The Plaza Linda Verde project site flanks both sides College Avenue between the Aztec Student Union and Montezuma Road, with Phase 1 located on the west side. College Avenue's three-block corridor between the Aztec Student Union and Montezuma Road can be described as underdeveloped and unattractive, with just a handful of businesses and residents in this 1000' stretch. From the north, College Avenue rises from Highway 8 up to SDSU's mesa, with the first signalized intersection and a change in cadence and character at Lindo Paseo. The SDSU Transit Center, with an underground trolley station and surface stops for seven bus routes, is located adjacent to the Aztec Student Union. The SDSU campus is located north and west of the Aztec Student Union, while much of SDSU's student housing and commuter parking is located east of the College Avenue corridor.
• Mews meet sidewalks at north and south ends at sidewalk level, with short curb cuts providing transitions to Hardy and Lindo Paseo; This accommodates walking flows to/from adjacent parking to College Avenue
Alley (Public Alley, west side of Building 2) • Asphalt paving, transitioning to adjacent existing asphalt paving or concrete sidewalk
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 19
Circulation Plan : Existing and Proposed
existing pedestrian circulation
proposed pedestrian circulation
walk abilit y: existing
walk abilit y: proposed
The College Avenue corridor between the Aztec Student Union and Montezuma Road includes two signalized intersections, College & Montezuma and College & Lindo Paseo, which provide crosswalks between the east and west sides of College. A pedestrian bridge northeast of Hardy brings Cuicacalli Walk's pedestrian flows from student housing and commuter parking to the Aztec Student Union and campus beyond. While the broader area is generally walkable, the area near the Aztec Student Union, in the vicinity of College Avenue and Hardy, lacks crosswalks or an engaging setting. Furthermore, the minimal walking network near the Aztec Student Union is impacted by the presence of waiting, idling buses at two bus stops that block walking flows from the Student Union to College Avenue.
To significantly enhance walkability in the College Avenue corridor near the Aztec Student Union, the Plaza Linda Verde concept design adds a signalized crosswalk at Hardy. This will allow residents and commuters east of College Avenue to connect with College Avenue and the Phase 1 Plaza Linda Verde neighborhood, and will allow shoppers to loop both sides of College during a visit. In addition to the new continuous active storefronts, the College Avenue streetscape is enhanced with canopy trees, shrub planting, and wider sidewalks with sidewalk dining at cafes and restaurants.
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existing bus routes
proposed bus routes
bus routes: existing
bus routes: proposed
The SDSU Transit Center is an active destination and transfer hub, with an underground trolley station with 8 trolleys an hour (Green line) and surface stops for seven bus routes (11, 14, 15, 115, 836, 936, 955) with 18 buses an hour during weekday peak periods. Six of the seven bus routes end at three stops along a counterclockwise bus loop in front of the Aztec Student Union, while the seventh bus route (route 14) which is infrequent has a stop on College Avenue. Currently, waiting idling buses at two bus stops block walking flows from the Aztec Student Union to College Avenue, and the concept design shifts these bus stops west within the bus loop.
To enhance neighborhood walkability as well as bus operations, the Plaza Linda Verde concept design adds a signalized crosswalk at Hardy, which allows route 115 buses to immediately turn northeast onto the 115 route rather than trundle through the neighborhood to achieve a left turn. The Plaza Linda Verde concept design also shifts the bus loop's three bus stops slightly west, out of the walking flows between the Aztec Student Union's terrace and galleria walking flows to/from College Avenue.
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CAMPUS GREEN / PLAZA LANDSCAPE campus green The Campus Green is envisioned as being an iconic landscape gateway to the SDSU campus as well as a vibrant outdoor people space for meeting, socializing and studying, along major walking flows between College Avenue and the Aztec Student Union's west terrace and galleria and campus beyond. The Campus Green includes: • Social Plaza, potentially named Plaza Linda Verde - Curved walk between Aztec Student Union galleria and new College Avenue/Hardy crosswalk (attractive alternative to existing Pedestrian Bridge) - Plaza with loose tables and chairs, under canopy trees and in sub-spaces defined by waist-high shrub planting, between Curved Walk and temporary lawn - Wood tables and chairs, 50 percent with square umbrellas in SDSU red - Small moveable event stage - Festival lights on west side of plaza, incluing above movable event stage, above walk that continues north across short pedestrian bridge at station and through Aztec Student Union porch/terrace - Monument lights along Curved Walk (5), stone clad with large backlit glass panels,with gas flame tops for additional impact during special occasions such as Aztec Nights - Button Lights along Curved Walk, approxiamtely every 10'
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- Pavement with concrete pavrs, 24" long by 3" wide, in three colors, defining the Plaza's subspaces • Gateway Planting - Gateway's sloping landform along College Avenue replanted between Bridge and Curved Walk, with 36" box Flowering Canopy Trees (Jacaranda mimosifolia) and evergreen groundcover; as much existing paving removed as possible to maximize transformation of SDSU gateway • Transit Center Adjustment - New College/Hardy signalized intersection allows route 115 buses to immediately turn left and proceed northeast - Bus stops shifted counterclockwise along bus loop, moving dwelling/idling buses out of major walking flows between Aztec Student Union, Campus Green and College Avenue - Pavement an dplanting adjusted to accommodate subtle adjustments in walking patterns from shifted bus stops to Trolley Station stairs and elevators • Temporary Lawn - Rectangular Lawn and backdrop planting west of Plaza, on this potential site for a future campus building
campus green and plaza landscape
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 23
First Floor Landscape
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24' - 0" 22' - 10" 174' - 0"
112' - 0"
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
Retail 7039 SF
24' - 0"
132' - 7"
Trash/Recycle 313 SF
16' - 0"
Electrical 446 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
24' - 0"
Mail 322 SF
Bike Storage 723 SF
Desk 226 SF
Lounge 2141 SF Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF S 109 SF
HK 149 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Tel 98 SF
24' - 0"
Trash / Recycle 283 SF
Retail 1912 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2441 SF
24' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
22' - 10"
Retail 3179 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 25
Second Floor Landscape
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24' - 0" 22' - 10" 174' - 0"
112' - 0"
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
Retail 7039 SF
24' - 0"
132' - 7"
Trash/Recycle 313 SF
16' - 0"
Electrical 446 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
24' - 0"
Mail 322 SF
Bike Storage 723 SF
Desk 226 SF
Lounge 2141 SF Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF S 109 SF
HK 149 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Tel 98 SF
24' - 0"
Trash / Recycle 283 SF
Retail 1912 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2441 SF
24' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
22' - 10"
Retail 3179 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 27
retail streetscapes To maximize walking comfort and transform College Avenue and the neighborhood into a vibrant shopping and dining area, the public streetscapes along all project frontages are upgraded with street trees and shrub planting, and wider sidewalks with outdoor dining at cafes and restaurants. The walkability of the College Avenue corridor and surrounding neighborhood is also significantly enhanced by a new signalized crosswalk at College and Hardy. The Retail Streetscapes include: • College Avenue Retail Streetscape - Traffic signal for new crosswalk at College and Hardy - Sidewalk 16' wide with concrete pavers, 24" long by 3" wide, in two colors, one color defines storefront outdoor dining zone, ideally alleviating need for fencing at dining - 12" wide concrete curbs, to accommodate existing parked cars anywhere along the frontage - Planters with waist-high shrubs and 36" box street trees (Cinnamomum camphora) approximately every 24', at storefront columns - Street furniture zone between street tree planters, available for additional tables and chairs for cafes and restaurants without alcohol licenses, as well as some general-use tables and chairs - Street lights with LED lamps between every second street tree, approximately every 48' - Bike parking posts, two flanking most street lights - New on-street parking lane and parking meters; possible weekday morning peak use by additional College Avenue southbound turn lane(s) - Median with shrubs and 36" box street trees (Cinnamomum camphora) approximately every 24' • Lindo Paseo Retail Streetscape - Sidewalk 25' wide with concrete pavers, 24" long by 3" wide, in two colors; one color defines storefront outdoor dining zone, ideally alleviating need for fencing at dining - 12" wide concrete curbs, to accommodate exiting parked cars anywhere along the frontage - Planters with waist-high shrubs and 18' clear trunk palms (Washingtonia robusta) approximately every 25', at storefront columns - Street furniture zone between street tree planters, available for additional tables and chairs for cafes and restaurants without alcohol licenses, as well as some general-use tables and chairs - Street lights with LED lamps between every second palm tree, approximately every 50' - Bike parking posts, two flanking most street lights • Montezuma Retail Streetscape - Sidewalk with concrete pavers, 24" long by 3" wide, in two colors - 12" wide concrete curbs - Planters with waist-high shrubs and 36" box street trees approximately every 25', at storefront columns - Street lights with LED lamps between every second street tree, approximately every 50' - Bike parking posts, two flanking most street lights
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housing terr aces Outdoor space for Plaza Linda Verde's 600 to 900 student residents is provided at podium level on each of Building 1 and Building 2, with an active, social Civic Terrace overlooking College Avenue and a quiet Study Terrace along the alley. The Housing Terraces include: • Civic Terrace, one each in Building 1 and Building 2 - Perimeter Trellis, with rectangular tube steel structure and wood slats - Concete planters with light sandblast finish for shrub planting, 20" tall and 18" wide (24" wide along Fire Pit) where it provides extra seating or 8" wide elsewhere; some planters may be flow-through planters to provide stormwater treatment for roof drainage - Concrete planters with light sandblast finish for tree and groundcover planting, 40" tall and 8" wide - Feature Fire Pit (1) with three rows of gas burners, clad with horizontal stone - Lounge furniture including seat cubes, and wood tables and chairs (48" diameter, with 5 chairs) - Gas heaters with timers (5) - Concrete pavers, 24" long by 3" wide, in two colors; use same material and color from interior central breakout space with sliding doors to outdoor 'carpet' around fire pit • Study Terrace, one each in Building 1 and Building 2 - Concrete planters with light sandblast finish for shrub planting, 20" tall and 18" (or 24") wide where seating or 8" wide elsewhere; some planters may be flow-through planters to provide stormwater treatment - Concrete planters with light sandblast finish for tree and groundcover planting, 40" tall and 8" wide - Wood tables and chairs (48" diameter, with 5 chairs), each with square unbrellas - Concrete pavers, 24" long by 3" wide, in two colors
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design standards Floor community spaces include one Lounge and Two Studies per floorplate or approximately 80 students at double occupancy. These spaces provide natural light at the end of long corridors and work as the gathering places for student residents. Community spaces are key opportunities to demonstrate sustainable measures relating to Indoor Environmental Quality and Materials and Resources
Architectural Concept • The design team has incorporated the campus aesthetic of the white stucco and punched openings as the 'body' of the building • At the base of the building, a ribbon of glass allows the flexibility to combine retail spaces while emphasizing retail presence and merchandise • A ribbon canopy creates a four foot overhang at the retail level and wraps up at moments of emphasis. In particular, this canopy wraps up at the retail corners and significantly at the residential entry and lounges above. • The top of the building is defined by the same material as the retail canopy with a matching four foot overhang. It is important that the eave height is 'broken' at the lounge towers to give hierarchy and variety to the street frontage. • A cantilevered portion of roof on the north and south ends of each building serve to create shaded roof terraces and guide one's view to neighboring views such as main campus and the mountain ranges to the north • The mass of the building along College Avenue is reduced through setbacks, most significantly, the second floor terraces • The stucco is held away from horizontal surfaces such as the retail canopy, second floor terraces, and the roof by way of a recessed, secondary material (fiber cement panel) so that water, grime, and material degradation do not occur at these intersections
Programming Concept • Early in the project visioning, it was stated that the double semi-suites proposed for Phase 1 would need to accommodate the likelihood of triple occupancies. As a result, the design team suggested the doubling of bathroom fixtures to maintain a 3:1 student to bathroom ratio. This strategy requires little to no impact on GSF and is deemed necessary for project success • Each residential wing is targeted for a 40:2 student to staff ratio. Staff positions include a Resident Assistant and Academic Mentor. They are positioned at opposite ends of the hall so as to have good proximity to all students. • The living room entry off of College Avenue incorporates a 'two-story' expression that gives it prominence and hierarchy • The lounges of the typical floor are positioned above College Avenue so that they play a significant role in the life of the street • Two elevators and a community stair form the vertical circulation for residents. Egress stairs are not meant for daily use. • Ventilation shafts adjacent to the residential egress stairs provide for the retail level’s food exhaust vertically up to the roof of the buildings
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First Floor Plans
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
Retail 3189 SF
Mechanical 953 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2436 SF
24' - 0"
24' - 0"
Retail 1636 SF
Electrical 1060 SF
Retail 1903 SF
Trash / Recycle 368 SF
Elec / Mech 227 SF
Tel 81 SF
12' - 0"
HK 155 SF Vending 90 SF
15' - 7"
289' - 2"
Trash / Recycle Stor 276 SF 98 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 139 SF Bike Storage 645 SF
Desk 227 SF
12' - 0"
Mail 321 SF
24' - 0"
24' - 0"
Mechanical Mezzanine 10'-0" Clear
24' - 0"
Lounge 2327 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 9930 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
Retail 3189 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2436 SF
24' - 0"
24' - 0"
Retail 1636 SF
Electrical 1060 SF
Retail 1903 SF
Tel 81 SF
Elec / Mech 227 SF
Vending 90 SF
15' - 7"
289' - 2"
HK 155 SF
12' - 0"
Trash / Recycle Stor 276 SF 98 SF Trash / Recycle 368 SF
22' - 10"
Mechanical 953 SF
24' - 0"
Lounge 2327 SF
Desk 227 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 139 SF Bike Storage 645 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 9930 SF
24' - 0"
174' - 0"
112' - 0"
22' - 10"
174' - 0" 112' - 0"
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
Retail 7039 SF
24' - 0"
Trash/Recycle 313 SF
132' - 7"
16' - 0"
Electrical 446 SF
Mail 322 SF
Bike Storage 723 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
24' - 0"
126' - 0"
24' - 0"
12' - 0"
Mail 321 SF
Desk 226 SF
Lounge 2141 SF Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF
HK 149 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Tel 98 SF
24' - 0"
S 109 SF
Trash / Recycle 283 SF
Retail 1912 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2441 SF
24' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
22' - 10"
Retail 3179 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
112' - 0"
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
22' - 10"
112' - 0"
174' - 0"
112' - 0"
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
112' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
25' - 0"
22' - 10"
Retail 7039 SF
Electrical 446 SF
24' - 0"
24' - 0" Electrical 446 SF
16' - 0"
Desk 226 SF
24' - 0"
132' - 7"
Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
24' - 0"
Trash/Recycle 313 SF
Mail 322 SF
Bike Storage 723 SF
16' - 0"
Retail 7039 SF
Lounge 2141 SF
HK 149 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
24' - 0"
S 109 SF
Tel 98 SF
Desk 226 SF
24' - 0" Lounge 2141 SF
Retail 1912 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
24' - 0"
Tel 98 SF
Retail 1912 SF
24' - 0" 24' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
Retail 1903 SF
12' - 0"
Tel 81 SF
Elec / Mech 227 SF
15' - 7"
289' - 2"
HK 155 SF Vending 90 SF
24' - 0"
12' - 0"
Mail 321 SF
Retail 9930 SF
22' - 10"
24' - 0"
Retail 3179 SF
24' - 0"
Lounge 2327 SF
Desk 227 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 139 SF Bike Storage 645 SF
24' - 0"
25' - 0"
22' - 10" 24' - 0"
Retail 1636 SF
Trash / Recycle Stor 276 SF 98 SF Trash / Recycle 368 SF
22' - 10" 174' - 0"
112' - 0"
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
Retail 7039 SF
Trash/Recycle 313 SF Electrical 446 SF
Mail 322 SF
Bike Storage 723 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
Desk 226 SF
Lounge 2141 SF Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF Trash / Recycle 283 SF
S 109 SF
HK 149 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Tel 98 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 1912 SF
24' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
24' - 0"
16' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
Retail 2436 SF
Electrical 1060 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
Retail 3189 SF
Mechanical 953 SF
24' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
128' - 0"
Retail 3179 SF
Retail 2441 SF
126' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
HK 149 SF
24' - 0"
S 109 SF
Retail Trash / 2441 SF Recycle 283 SF
24' - 0"
Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF
24' - 0"
Trash / Recycle 283 SF
Mail 322 SF
Bike Storage 723 SF
Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF
132' - 7"
132' - 7"
Trash/Recycle 313 SF
Retail 2441 SF
24' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
22' - 10"
Retail 3179 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 35
first floor residential entry Students and guests enter a bright, double-high living room mid-block along the tree-lined College Avenue streetscape. Warm finishes, comfortable furniture, welcoming staff, and convenient services reinforce the Aztec community. • Active gathering space along the exterior glass wall fuses the living room with the retail experience • Night time security achieved by student activity in the living room • Moveable security desk approached upon entry • Mail boxes and entertainment wall incorporated into living room • Welcome desk across from elevators facilitates package delivery and is backed by mail storage • Open stair volumetrically connects the first level to community spaces above • Vending area and restrooms as complement to residential entry sequence • Back of house spaces nested behind elevators • Retail and residential trash and recycle convenient to alley • Bike storage accessed at alley
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
Retail 3189 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2436 SF
24' - 0"
Electrical 1060 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 1636 SF
Retail 1903 SF
Trash / Recycle 368 SF
HK 155 SF
Elec / Mech 227 SF
Tel 81 SF
Vending 90 SF
15' - 7"
289' - 2"
Trash / Recycle Stor 276 SF 98 SF
12' - 0"
Mechanical 953 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 139 SF
12' - 0"
Mail 321 SF
24' - 0"
Bike Storage 645 SF
Desk 227 SF
24' - 0"
Lounge 2327 SF
' - 0"
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 37
Second Floor Plans
Residential Terrace 5294 SF
Community Kitchen 201 SF
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 39 SF
Laundry 540 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 45 SF Storage 281 SF Catering Kitchen 280 SF Dir Office 280 SF Tech Conference 280 SF Fac Office 280 SF S 106 SF
Multipurpose 1173 SF
Breakout 737 SF
Seminar Classroom 454 SF
Resource Room 252 SF Tutoring 140 SF
Residential Terrace 5294 SF
Community Kitchen 201 SF
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 39 SF
Laundry 540 SF
Tel 78 SF
Tutoring 138 SF
HK 45 SF Storage 281 SF Catering Kitchen 280 SF Dir Office 280 SF Tech Conference 280 SF Fac Office 280 SF
Multipurpose 1173 SF
S 106 SF
Breakout 737 SF
Seminar Classroom 454 SF
Civic Terrace 5190 SF
Resource Room 252 SF Tutoring 140 SF
Star Learning Center 1005 SF
Tutoring 138 SF
Star Learning Center 1008 SF
Resource Room 280 SF Seminar Classroom 479 SF S 81 SF Fac Office 280 SF
Breakout 673 SF
Civic Terrace 4334 SF
Multipurpose 1103 SF
Catering Kitchen 281 SF Dir Office 281 SF ? ?
HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Laundry 563 SF
Trash 40 SF Elec / Mech 168 SF
Community Kitchen 199 SF
Residential Terrace 4407 SF
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
Star Learning Center 1005 SF
Civic Terrace 5190 SF
Tutoring 140 SF
Star Learning Center 1005 SF
22' - 10"
24' - 0"
Tutoring 138 SF
174' - 0"
112' - 0"
Star Learning Center 1008 SF
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
Fac Office 280 SF
Civic Terrace 4334 SF
Multipurpose 1103 SF
24' - 0"
S 81 SF
Breakout 673 SF
Retail 7039 SF
Catering Kitchen 281 SF
Trash/Recycle 313 SF
132' - 7"
Dir Office 281 SF ? ?
24' - 0"
Seminar Classroom 479 SF
22' - 10"
Resource Room 280 SF
16' - 0"
Electrical 446 SF
HK 48 SF
Trash 40 SF
Mail 322 SF Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
Elec / Mech 168 SF Community Kitchen 199 SF
24' - 0"
Laundry 563 SF
Tel Bike71Storage SF 723 SF
Desk 226 SF
Lounge 2141 SF Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF S 109 SF
HK 149 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Tel 98 SF
24' - 0"
Trash / Recycle 283 SF
Retail 1912 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2441 SF
Residential Terrace 4407 SF
24' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
Residential Terrace 5294 SF
Community Kitchen 201 SF
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
Tel 78 SF
HK 45 SF Storage 281 SF Catering Kitchen 280 SF Dir Office 280 SF Tech Conference 280 SF Fac Office 280 SF
Retail 3179 SF
25' - 0"
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 39 SF
Laundry 540 SF
Multipurpose 1173 SF
S 106 SF
Breakout 737 SF
Seminar Classroom 454 SF
Civic Terrace 5190 SF
Resource Room 252 SF Tutoring 140 SF
Star Learning Center 1005 SF
Tutoring 138 SF
25' - 0"
Star Learning Center 1008 SF
Resource Room 280 SF Seminar Classroom 479 SF S 81 SF Fac Office 280 SF
Breakout 673 SF
Civic Terrace 4334 SF
Multipurpose 1103 SF
Catering Kitchen 281 SF Dir Office 281 SF ? ?
HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Laundry 563 SF
Trash 40 SF Elec / Mech 168 SF
Community Kitchen 199 SF
Residential Terrace 4407 SF
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 39
Living / Learning Spaces The Learning spaces for each residential block are clustered at the second floor level. The beautiful climate of San Diego allows these spaces to have virtually year round connection to the outdoor space of the Civic Terrace. The Living spaces of the central laundry room, resident kitchen and dining room form a cluster at the end of the wing relating intimately to the Residential Terrace. • Learning Spaces - The multipurpose room is positioned directly adjacent to the Civic Terrace so that it has maximum views and potential to open its doors to the exterior - Storage space immediately adjacent to the multipurpose room with access from both the corridor and interior is a key functional component for flexibility -
A catering space opposite the multipurpose room adds to ease of service and hosting
The faculty office, director's office and small conference room each work toward the learning outcomes of focus, collaboration, and communication
The seminar classroom is envisioned as an active learning environment with multiple seating arrangements
The STAR Learning Center is a key student space for collaborative and technology related tasks. It's position at the end of the wing gives it both the perspective of the civic terrace and the street frontage.
The breakout or 'third' space joins the Learning program together and extends that learning to the outdoors with large bifold doors
• Living Spaces - The central laundry room positioned opposite the typical floor lounge creates a natural relationship between these anchors of student life - The resident kitchen is a space that extends to the outdoors. Its porch makes dining an indoor / outdoor event.
What is a study on a typical floor becomes a family dining table where the lines of study, gathering, and conversation often blur
The public bathrooms on this floor serve both the Living / Learning spaces as well as the outdoor terraces.
Each terrace has access to two means of egress
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
Residential Terrace 5294 SF
Community Kitchen 201 SF
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 39 SF
Laundry 540 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 45 SF Storage 281 SF Catering Kitchen 280 SF Dir Office 280 SF Tech Conference 280 SF Fac Office 280 SF S 106 SF
Multipurpose 1173 SF
Breakout 737 SF
Seminar Classroom 454 SF
Civic Terrace 5190 SF
Resource Room 252 SF Tutoring 140 SF
Star Learning Center 1005 SF
Tutoring 138 SF
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 41
Typical Floor Plans (Floors 3 - 5)
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 40 SF
HK 48 SF
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 48 SF
HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Trash 40 SF Elec / Mech 190 SF
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
Tel 78 SF
24' - 0" 22' - 10" 174' - 0"
112' - 0"
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
Retail 7039 SF
24' - 0"
132' - 7"
Trash/Recycle 313 SF Electrical 446 SF
16' - 0"
HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Bike Storage 723 SF
Mail 322 SF Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
Elec / Mech 190 SF
24' - 0"
Trash 40 SF
Desk 226 SF
Lounge 2141 SF Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF S 109 SF
HK 149 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Tel 98 SF
24' - 0"
Trash / Recycle 283 SF
Retail 1912 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2441 SF
24' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
Elec / Mech 268 SF
22' - 10"
Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 48 SF
Retail 3179 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Trash 40 SF Elec / Mech 190 SF
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 43
Floor Communit y spaces Floor community spaces include one Lounge and Two Studies per floorplate or approximately 80 students at double occupancy. These spaces provide natural light at the end of the corridors and work as the gathering places for student residents. Community spaces are key opportunities to demonstrate sustainable measures relating to Indoor Environmental Quality and Materials and Resources • Floor Lounge - The floor lounge acts as the central community space for the two adjactent residential wings. It serves as the vertical commons that welcomes students home - Window openings are positioned for key views eastward to Cuicacalli Walk and southward toward Building 2, showcasing the connection between residential neighborhoods surrounding College Avenue -
Multiple seating areas in the lounge accomplish a diversity of uses including casual study / conversation, entertainment, and focused work
Natural light streams in through large window openings in this space while glare and solar heat gain are tempered by exterior louvers
The lounge is intentionally positioned just off of the circulation core with occupants being able to see who comes and goes as a passive security measure
At night, the lounge towers will glow with student activity and create a captivating dialogue with the College Avenue retail below
• Floor Studies - The two studies on each floor are positioned strategically close to the core yet, divided to serve the two residential wings in equal proximity - Each study is accessed from the common corridor
Each study has door lights and windows that connect it to the outdoor views and the adjacent lounge
The two studies are imagined to have slightly different characters; one quite public facing College Avenue, and the other, more private, facing the residential terrace
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 48 SF
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 45
Sixth Floor Plans
Elec / Mech 1150 SF
Trash 40 SF
HK 48 SF
Elec / Mech 1150 SF
Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 48 SF
HK 48 SF Tel 72 SF
Elec / Mech 1056 SF
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
Tel 78 SF
24' - 0" 22' - 10" 174' - 0"
112' - 0"
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
Retail 7039 SF
24' - 0"
132' - 7"
Trash/Recycle 313 SF
16' - 0"
Electrical 446 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF Tel 72 SF
24' - 0"
Mail 322 SF
Bike Storage 723 SF
HK 48 SF
Desk 226 SF
Lounge 2141 SF
Elec / Mech 1056 SF
Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF S 109 SF
HK 149 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Tel 98 SF
24' - 0"
Trash / Recycle 283 SF
Retail 1912 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2441 SF
24' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
Elec / Mech 1150 SF
22' - 10"
Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 48 SF
Retail 3179 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
HK 48 SF Tel 72 SF
Elec / Mech 1056 SF
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 47
Roof Floor Plans
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
24' - 0" 22' - 10" 174' - 0"
112' - 0"
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
Retail 7039 SF
24' - 0"
132' - 7"
Trash/Recycle 313 SF
16' - 0"
Electrical 446 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
24' - 0"
Mail 322 SF
Bike Storage 723 SF
Desk 226 SF
Lounge 2141 SF Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF S 109 SF
HK 149 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Tel 98 SF
24' - 0"
Trash / Recycle 283 SF
Retail 1912 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2441 SF
24' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
22' - 10"
Retail 3179 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 49
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 51
Material Palette and Elevations
The Plaza Linda Verde Mixed-Use Development integrates into the San Diego State surroundings by displaying a visual kinship with its neighboring buildings and environment. Close attention to spatial relationships, massing, articulation and palette has guided design logic. • Vibrant courtyards • Composition of horizontal masses with vertical towers • Smooth stucco walls with punched openings • Materials and color palette tuned to neighboring buildings • Projecting eaves • Delineation of base, middle and top • Delicate trellises • Emphasis at prominent entries • Integration with landscape
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
trellis and louvers
Metal Panel
Glass railing
perforated metal
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 53
East Elevations
STUCCO metal panel eave
metal panel surround
Metal Panel infill
metal panel canopy
Elevation A metal panel fiber cement panel
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 48 SF
glass railing
HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Trash 40 SF Elec / Mech 190 SF
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
fiber cement panel
24' - 0" 22' - 10" 174' - 0"
112' - 0"
Metal Panel infill
metal panel surround
metal panel canopy
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
Retail 7039 SF
24' - 0"
Trash/Recycle 313 SF
132' - 7"
16' - 0"
Electrical 446 SF
Mail 322 SF
Bike Storage 723 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
24' - 0"
metal panel eave
Desk 226 SF
Lounge 2141 SF Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF
fiber cement storefront panel
HK 149 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Elevation B
Tel 98 SF
stucco glass railing
24' - 0"
Trash / Recycle 283 SF
S 109 SF
metal panel
Retail 1912 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2441 SF
24' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
22' - 10"
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 48 SF
Retail 3179 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Trash 40 SF Elec / Mech 190 SF
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 55
West Elevations
STUCCO metal panel eave
fiber cement panel
Metal Panel infill
metal panel canopy
Elevation C fiber cement panel
glass railing
Elec / Mech 268 SF
Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 48 SF
HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Trash 40 SF Elec / Mech 190 SF
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
fiber cement panel
24' - 0" 22' - 10" 174' - 0"
112' - 0"
metal panel eave
Metal Panel infill
fiber cement panel
metal panel canopy
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
Retail 7039 SF
24' - 0"
132' - 7"
Trash/Recycle 313 SF
16' - 0"
Electrical 446 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
24' - 0"
Mail 322 SF
Bike Storage 723 SF
Desk 226 SF
Lounge 2141 SF Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF
S 109 SF
HK 149 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Elevation D
Tel 98 SF
24' - 0"
fiber cement panel
Trash / Recycle 283 SF
fiber cement Retail panel1912 SF
glass railing
24' - 0"
Retail 2441 SF
24' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
22' - 10"
HK 48 SF
Retail 3179 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Trash 40 SF Elec / Mech 190 SF
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 57
North Elevations
metal panel surround
metal panel fiber cement eave panel
Elevation E metal panel canopy
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 48 SF
HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Trash 40 SF Elec / Mech 190 SF
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
storefront stucco
glass railing
24' - 0" 22' - 10" 174' - 0"
112' - 0"
sunmetal panel screen surround
fiber cement panel
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
Retail 7039 SF
24' - 0"
Trash/Recycle 313 SF
132' - 7"
16' - 0"
Electrical 446 SF
Mail 322 SF
Bike Storage 723 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
24' - 0"
metal panel eave
Desk 226 SF
Lounge 2141 SF Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF S 109 SF
HK 149 SF
metal trellis glass railing panel
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Tel 98 SF
Elevation F 24' - 0"
Trash / Recycle 283 SF
store- stucco Retail front 1912 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2441 SF
24' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
22' - 10"
HK 48 SF
Retail 3179 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Trash 40 SF Elec / Mech 190 SF
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 59
South Elevations
metal panel eave
fiber cement panel
metal panel surround
Elevation G metal panel
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 48 SF
HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Trash 40 SF Elec / Mech 190 SF
hanbury evans wright vlat tas + company
glass railing
24' - 0" 22' - 10" 174' - 0"
112' - 0"
metal fiber cement panel eave panel
metal panel surround
112' - 0" 25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
24' - 0"
22' - 10"
25' - 0"
Retail 7039 SF
24' - 0"
132' - 7"
Trash/Recycle 313 SF
16' - 0"
Electrical 446 SF
Hall Council Office 147 SF 140 SF
24' - 0"
Mail 322 SF
Bike Storage 723 SF
Desk 226 SF
Lounge 2141 SF Vending 86 SF
Trash / Recycle 383 SF
glass trellis railing
S 109 SF
HK 149 SF
Elec / Mech 182 SF
Tel 98 SF
storefront Retail 1912 SF
Elevation H
metal panel canopy
24' - 0"
Trash / Recycle 283 SF
24' - 0"
Retail 2441 SF
24' - 0"
128' - 0"
Elec / Mech 1411 SF
Elec / Mech 268 SF Trash 40 SF
Tel 78 SF
HK 48 SF
22' - 10"
Retail 3179 SF
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0"
25' - 0" HK 48 SF Tel 71 SF Trash 40 SF Elec / Mech 190 SF
H 0'
san diego state university: plaza linda verde mixed use development 61