Hande Yılmaz - Walter Benjamin - Pasajlar – XIX. Yüzyılın Başkenti Paris

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ARCH 413 – Modern Mimarlık Kuramları


Walter Benjamin - Pasajlar – XIX. Yüzyılın Başkenti Paris Hande Yılmaz The period of the rising of the passages has two main causes. One of them is the huge increment of the textile trade and the other is the starting of the usage of iron construction. Minor ware stores that spread correspondingly with the spread of the passages are the initiators of the bigger shops and they laid the foundation stone for them. Engineering came into prominence and the conflicts between the constructor and the decorator and between the polytechnic school and the fine arts school began with the starting of the usage of iron construction. Therewithal, the usage of glass in architecture as a construction element enlarges while the usage of the iron in arhitecture increases. Glass is the first artificial construction element in the history of architecture. We see the usage of these two elements together in the passages. In the passages that have stores aligned at the both sides and that usually have glass covered roofs, the construction element is iron. Charles Frourier is a French sociologist. He is the creator of the communal utopia that is consisted of self-contained small units and that aims to provide peace and welfare and it’s called Phalanstere. Phenomenons that form this utopia are the arising of the machines and the phoney ethics that are promulgated to serve the trade. We can say that the equivalent of the Frourier’s utopia in architecture is the passages. If we embody the intangible concepts and the fictional reality that he portrayed, we would see that passages are the most convenient context. So, Phalanstere is actually a city that is formed by passages that are used as dwellings instead of commercial units. Frourier always have defended communal life that is consisted of free individuals against the enserfing of the capitalist system. In Falansteric architecture, buildings are designed to be functional fort he communal life. Just like the fact that the usage of the iron in architecture expands the architecture, the arising of panoramic painting also expended the painting art. Panoramic paintings are the pioneers of photography, cinema and sound on films. Panoramic paintings are like the representative and expression of a new emotion which completely change the relation between art and technique. Panoramic paintings are applied on a surface that has the shape of a semi-circle differently from the normal painting. Daguerre is a panoramic painter and he invented the initial form of a camera which after he called “Daguerrotip.” Afterwards, Nadar made a shooting in the sewage of Paris and look at this from a new perspective. It was the first time that the photographer had to interpret on hiw own. With this example, we can understand that photography is also a branch of art itself. Instead of just photographing a standing object, person or context; the photograoher is interpreting genuinely and recreating a scene from his point of view with different factors such as camera angles, quadrage, light and the like. World Fair’s are the deification places of the fetish called “commodity” and fashion is the thing designating the way of the deification. Working class is the actual target group of these fairs. Usage value of the commodities are ignored in these fairs and that forms a place of deceptive images which people visit senselessly. In this situation, alenation of the mankind became more visible and he releases hinself fort he steering of this world. Everything and every commodity start to lose it’s meaning and it’s purpose for the mankind that glides through these deceptive visions and for him, these commodities are nothing more than inanimate materials. These materials are presented to the mankind as like they are from another universe, which means they are unapproachable and this behaviour intensifies the alienation and dissociation of the matter and the natural human being. Also, mankind is expected to worship to these commodities with the help of the fashion as we mentioned before. Fashion is in a major conflict with the organic world, it always opposes the natural body and

the inorganic world. Also, Paris proves that it is the capital city of the luxury and fashion in the 1867 World Fair. When a person is regulating his/her own personal environment, he/she has the aim to create spaces which compose deceptive visions. Because his/her interior space is the representative of the universe of him/her at some point. The person that behaves in the rules of the reality and order in his/her daily basis has the tendency of wanting to see his/her own creation of deceptive visions when he/she comes home at the end of the day. Accordingly, a new architectural style named Jugendstil has born. According to this style, ornaments are like signatures for each person and the important thing is to enrich the soul and the individualism. Interior space is the only shelter for it’s artist to perform his/her art and be free and genuine as much as possible. Artist has the mission to enrich the materials and commodities. With living in that space, the artist leaves his/her own marks and procure his/her own individualism.

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