Minimum Standards for Safe Schools
The Minimum Standards for Safe Schools were developed by the Federal Government of Nigeria and outline the basic conditions that schools must meet to safeguard children’s well-being. The Minimum Standards’ six result areas are summarized below to guide schools in keeping children safe.
Strong school system
The school has a safe school committee or focal point who ensures that all staff are trained on safety, leads the development of an emergency response plan and monitors the school’s safety conditions and needs.
Natural hazards
The school carries out activities to mitigate the effects of natural hazards (e.g., tree planting, unblocking drains). The school recognizes early warning signs of threats and has identified persons (within and beyond the school) and institutions to contact in case of emergencies.
Everyday hazards
The school addresses children’s nutrition, health and water, sanitation and hygiene needs, e.g., school feeding, gendersegregated latrines, and staff and child education on how to prevent the spread of disease.
Violence against children
The school has a code of conduct which prohibits violence. The school conducts regular sessions with teachers, parents and the community to raise awareness about violence against children and to model non-violent alternatives.
The school contacts local authorities if the risk of occupation by state or non-state actors arises. The school hosts activities to prevent children from engaging in conflict. The school provides distance education options when in-person learning is not possible.
Safe school infrastructure
The school has a complete perimeter fence with a lockable gate, desks for children and well-ventilated classrooms. All staff and visitors must follow established exit and entry protocols. The school has a safety kit.