Building Writers D

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Structured Practice to Build Core Writing Skills

“ W hen I was a general, I led an army.”

Sacajawea helped

Gandhi was

Clark Expedition.


the Lewis and

an inspirational

BWD-22 ISBN 978-1-952970-92-4 90000> | 888.983.8409

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8001 MacArthur Blvd Cabin John, MD 20818 | 888.983.8409 Authors: Jan Z. Olsen, OTR and Allison Anderson, M.A. Ed. Curriculum Designers: Christina Bretz, OTR/L, Tania Ferrandino, OTR/L, and Carolyn Satoh, M.S. Ed. In-House Illustrators: Julie Koborg and Carol Johnston Graphic Designers: Carol Johnston and Julie Koborg Editor: Kathryn Fox Copyright © 2018 Learning Without Tears First Edition ISBN: 978-1-939814-65-4 345678910 Printed in the USA

The contents of this consumable workbook are protected by US copyright law. If a workbook has been purchased for a child, the author and Learning Without Tears give limited permission to copy pages for additional practice or homework for that child. No copied pages from this book can be given to another person without written permission from Learning Without Tears.

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et to Know BULDN WRTERS y Learning Without Tears

Workbook Design This workbook is designed with both teachers and young writers in mind. The activities in this book provide ageappropriate and engaging writing practice. Each activity can be easily incorporated into a writing block as independent writing or as whole group practice to meet your students’ varying needs. In this book, students are provided carefully scaffolded opportunities to grow as independent writers. Each page has easily accessible and child-friendly resources to ensure writers at all stages are supported as they learn the building blocks of successful writing. Activities in this book are intuitive and engaging, with exercises specifically designed to provide students with a framework to develop core writing skills.

This book’s developmentally designed content gradually prepares students for independent writing across the three main writing types: Narrative, Information, and Opinion/ Argument. In each section, students are introduced to the key elements of each writing type in a purposefully organized sequence. Specifically chosen templates (familiar from previous activities) are at the end of each section for further practice. These templates can be adapted in order to apply the learned writing skills in each section to curriculumspecific content, student-chosen topics, or other individualized subjects.

Additional Resources Teacher tips for using this workbook and additional resources are available online at For additional writing practice, use our Writing Journals.


Resou r e h c a Te

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TALE OF CONTENTS Narrative Writing Narrative Writing Introduction............. 4–5 Feelings............................................. 6–7 Acrostic Poems................................... 8–9 The Boy Who Cried Wolf...................... 10 The Fox & the Crow............................. 11 Riddles!......................................... 12–13 Wilbur & A New Adventure............. 14–15 An Exciting Adventure!.................... 16–17 A Family Trip.................................. 18–19 Figures of Speech........................... 20–21 Writing Templates........................... 22–27


Building Writers D

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TALE OF CONTENTS Information Writing Information Writing Introduction...... 28–29 Compound Sentences...................... 30–31 Open Wide - It's Inside!....................... 32 Inside & Outside.................................. 33 Wading Birds...................................... 34 Humpback Whale................................ 35 Cause & Effect................................ 36–37 Paragraphs & Poems....................... 38–39 Teddy Bear Toast Recipe....................... 40 My Favorite Recipe.............................. 41 Words From the Past....................... 42–43 Cold vs. Warm............................... 44–45 Flying Without Wings.......................... 46 Zebras................................................ 47 Writing Templates........................... 48–53

Opinion/Argument Writing Opinion/Argument Writing Introduction................................... 54–55 Writing Topics..................................... 56 Australian Animals............................... 57 Music Artists....................................... 58 Lead Singer......................................... 59 Female Explorers.................................. 60 New Territory...................................... 61 Inspiring Individuals: Marie Curie.......... 62 Inspiring Individuals ............................ 63 Best Athlete................................... 64–65 Famous Body Parts............................... 66 Name That Bone!................................ 67 Earth Day...................................... 68–69 Advertisement..................................... 70 Write An Advertisement ...................... 71 String Instruments........................... 72–73 Leaders.......................................... 74–75 Special Person................................ 76–77 Writing Templates........................... 78–86

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iv e t a r r Na

“ W hen I was a general, I led an army.”

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NARRATVE WRTN Narrative writing tells a story. The story can be real or imagined. A story has characters and a setting. It also has a plot, or a series of events that happens in the story.



Narrator and the Pilot

Narrator's house, airport, and airplane My First Flight

I remember the first time I flew on an airplane. Everyone in my family had to

get up very early. When we got to the airport, we had to wait in line for a while. Finally, we went to our gate, sat down, and waited to board the plane. We were pretty early, and I was surprised when the pilot and crew walked up to the gate.The pilot saw me watching and smiled at me. He walked over to me, reached in his bag, and handed me a pin with wings! I was speechless as the pilot waved and said, “Have a great trip!” I was so excited that I got to see the pilot and crew members. I will never forget my first flight!

Narrative Writing Checklist I wrote the beginning of my story.

I introduced my characters and setting.

I wrote the story in an organized way.

I wrote what happened in order.

I used words to show the order of events.

I wrote an ending. © 2018 Learning Without Tears Building Writers D: Narrative Writing Sample Version of: Building Writers

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FEELNS Draw yourself happy. Write about a time you were happy. Draw yourself sad. Write about a time you were sad.










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FEELNS Draw yourself scared. Write about a time you were scared. Draw yourself angry. Write about a time you were angry.


a little scared




a little angry



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ACROSTC POES In an acrostic poem, the first letter in each line spells a word or phrase vertically. Read the information below about the saxophone, and complete the acrostic poem.

- part of woodwind family - made of brass - u sed in many types of music: orchestra, classical, jazz, rock, and pop - h as a reed, main body, tone holes, thumb rest, and bell

S tand and play the saxophone A dolphe S ax invented it X avier is learning to play O ften used for jazz music P aul Barnes played well H O N E 8

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ACROSTC POES Use the information below about the accordion to complete the acrostic poem.


- c ommonly called squeezebox - p roduces sounds by squeezing together and pulling apart - h as keys similar to a piano - h as straps to hold close to chest and arms


bass system

- i s popular in Brazil and in Mexico

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THE O WHO CRED WOLF A fable is a short fictional story. Read Aesop’s fable below. Write the characters, setting, and the lesson you learned from the story. Draw a picture.


A shepherd boy took care of sheep. Just for fun he cried wolf. Middle: The villagers came running to help. There was no wolf. He tricked them. The boy played the same prank on villagers several times. End: One day a wolf came. The boy cried wolf. No one came. They thought he

C haracters:

was joking.

S etting: Lesson:


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THE FOX & THE CROW Read Aesop’s fable below. Write the characters, setting, and the lesson you learned from the story. Draw a picture.


The fox saw a crow high up in the tree with a piece of cheese. Middle: The fox flattered the crow by saying many nice things: “You have the most beautiful voice of all the birds in the forest. I would love to hear you sing.” End: The crow started to sing. The cheese fell out. The fox ate the cheese. The crow

C haracters:

was fooled.

S etting: Lesson:

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RDDLES! Unscramble the letters to solve the riddle. Write a sentence with the word you unscrambled.

W hat has a face, two hands, but no arms and legs? C OC L K

W hat has to be broken before you can use it? GEG

W hat gets wetter as it dries? LOT W E

W hat has a thumb and four fingers, but is not alive? EVGOL


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RDDLES! Unscramble the letters to solve the riddle. Write a sentence with the word you unscrambled.

W hat is full of holes, but still holds water? EOSG P N

W hat never asks questions but is often answered? BDOROLEL

W hat invention lets you look right through a wall? NOW I N D

T he more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they? P F T O O I T N RS

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White, E. B. 1980. Charlotte’s Web. New York: Harper & Row.

Read about the character Wilbur. Create a new character. Draw and describe your new character. Choose a setting in which Wilbur and the character you created will have an adventure.

C haracter: Wilbur - runt (smallest of the litter) - unsure of himself - friendly and kind - loves to eat C haracter: S etting: 14

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WLUR & A NEW ADVENTURE Write a new adventure for Wilbur and your new character.




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AN EXCTN ADVENTURE! Draw and write the names of two characters. Write phrases to describe your characters. Write the setting of their exciting adventure.

C haracter: C haracter: S etting: 16

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AN EXCTN ADVENTURE! Think of an exciting adventure for your characters. Write what happens at the beginning, middle, and end.




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A FAL TRP Think about a time you took a family trip. Complete the graphic organizer using short phrases or words. Plan your story before you write it on the next page.

Event: W ho: W hen: W here: Beginning:


End: 18

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A FAL TRP Write about a family trip using what you wrote in the graphic organizer on the previous page. Illustrate your story.

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FURES OF SPEECH Each of these phrases mentions a part of the body in a figurative (nonliteral, symbolic) way. Write a sentence using each figure of speech. Use the first sentence below as an example.

T hey needed to leave for camp, so Jim's mother asked shake a leg:

him to “shake a leg.”

hurry up

bite your tongue: be quiet or stop talking

in one ear and out the other:

not paying attention or listening


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FURES OF SPEECH Write a story using one of the figures of speech from the previous page using its symbolic meaning. Illustrate your story.

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Event: W ho: W hen: W here: Beginning:


End: 22

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Event: W ho: W hen: W here: Beginning:



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TTLE/TOPC: Draw two characters. Write their names and describe them. Write a setting for the story.

C haracter:

C haracter:

S etting:


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TTLE/TOPC: Think of an exciting adventure for your characters. Write what happens at the beginning, middle, and end.




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on i t a m I nfor

Sacajawea helped the Lewis and

Clark Expedition.

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NFORATON WRTN Information writing gives readers facts about a topic. Strong information writing is clearly organized. It starts with an introduction, gives details about the topic, and ends with a conclusion.

Topic: Types of Planes Introduction: Many people have flown on passenger planes, but may not realize that there are many different types of planes used for different reasons. Facts, Definitions, and Details: One important type of plane is called a cargo plane. Cargo planes are very large, and are used to ship things from one place to another. A package on your doorstep may have taken a ride on a cargo plane! Some smaller planes are used as flying ambulances. They transport sick people to faraway hospitals. Another kind of small plane is used to fight fires. These firefighting planes have special equipment that drops chemicals to prevent more fires. Conclusion: There are a lot of planes in the world that people may not know about. Different types of planes can have many different purposes.

Information Writing Checklist I introduced my topic. I presented information in an organized way.

I wrote important facts and details in order.

I used linking words to connect my ideas.

I wrote a conclusion. © 2018 Learning Without Tears Building Writers D: Information Writing Sample Version of: Building Writers

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COPOUND SENTENCES A compound sentence is two simple sentences joined together by a comma and a conjunction (connecting word). Write a compound sentence using the facts below about bones. Use the first sentence about ribs as an example.

Ribs T he ribs support the muscles of the chest. T he ribs protect the lungs.

T he ribs support the muscles of the chest, and the ribs protect the lungs. Sternum

T he sternum is a bone in the middle of the chest. T he sternum connects the ribs together.


T he femurs are the only bones in the thighs. T he femurs are the longest bones in the body.


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COPOUND SENTENCES Write a compound sentence for each of the bones using the facts below.

Skull T he skull protects the brain. T he skull consists of 22 bones.


T he clavicle is known as the collarbone. T he clavicle is the only long bone that lies horizontally.


T he quadricep muscles go across the patella. T he patella is between the femur and the tibia.

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OPEN WDE - T’S NSDE! Why don’t snakes bite or chew? How do they open their jaws so wide? Read the poem below and write how and what snakes eat.

Open Wide Snakes don’t bite, Snakes don’t chew, Swallowing is what they do. Eat a mouse, Eat a mole, Open wide and swallow whole.


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NSDE & OUTSDE An exoskeleton is an outer skeleton. It can be a hard outside skin or shell. Write about animals that have an exoskeleton.

ant - waterproof - m olts, or sheds exoskeleton as it grows

snail - spiral shell on back rows with the snail, - g never sheds

horseshoe crab - p rotects and supports organs - m olts, or sheds exoskeleton as it grows © 2018 Learning Without Tears Building Writers D: Information Writing Sample Version of: Building Writers

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WADN BRDS Birds with long legs that live and hunt near water are commonly called wading birds. Compare and contrast the bodies and characteristics of the wading birds below.



- flat, spoon-shaped bill

- legs keep body high and dry

- newly hatched young are blind

- runs in groups

ats tiny fish, small - e crustaceans, and insects

icks and eats insects, worms, - p and snails out of wet sand


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HUPACK WHALE Read for information. Answer questions with complete answers.

The humpback whale is a toothless whale. It swims with a wide open mouth

and gulps. It swallows everything, all the little fish and the water. A pleated pouch under the mouth holds the big gulp. Then, the whale spits out the water and swallows just the fish. This is how it eats.

How do humpbacks separate the fish from the water? They use baleen. Baleen

hang down from the front of the mouth. Baleen are strainers. Baleen keep the fish in when the whale spits the water out. Toothless whales eat fish this way. How do humpbacks catch fish?

W hat do humpbacks gulp?

W hy do humpbacks have baleen?

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CAUSE & EFFECT Cause and effect is a relationship between events. An effect always happens after the cause. Read the causes and the list of effects about George Washington. Write the correct effect below each cause.


- America became its own country - H e became the first president of the US - His face is on the dollar bill George Washington


He was admired and people elected him.



People wanted to honor and remember him.



He signed the Declaration of Independence.

Effect: 36

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CAUSE & EFFECT Read the information about Oscar Peterson. Write about how tuberculosis (TB) changed his life.

P laying Trumpet - practiced many hours - developed tuberculosis (T B) at seven - damaged his lungs - couldn’t blow trumpet P laying P iano - started practicing at nine - played classical music at first - b ecame a virtuoso (highly skilled master)

Oscar Peterson

- played swing, jazz, and other genres

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PARARAPHS & POES Paragraphs and poems both use words to express meaning. They have a subject and are usually short. Complete the chart using the information below.



- have topics

- have titles

- use sentences

- use lines

- use ending punctuation

- lines may end with commas

- sentences don’t rhyme

- lines often rhyme

- words express meaning

- words express meaning

- have a subject

- have a subject

Only paragraphs:

Only poems:

Both paragraphs and poems:


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PARARAPHS & POES Use the information from the poem to write a paragraph about a flounder.

The Flounder The flounder is a funny fish, Sort of flat, like a dish, One side up, the other side down, Eyes on top to look around.

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TEDD BEAR TOAST RECPE The directions for making Teddy Bear Toast are all mixed up! Write each direction under the right picture in the correct order.

Gather ingredients: - banana - raisins - slice of bread Directions:

- butter

- Add banana: ears and mouth. - Add raisins: eyes and nose. - Butter toast. - Cut banana slices. - Toast bread.

3. 40





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 FAVORTE RECPE Write the ingredients for your favorite recipe. Write the steps in the correct order for how you make it. Draw a picture.


Recipe: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. © 2018 Learning Without Tears Building Writers D: Information Writing Sample Version of: Building Writers

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WORDS FRO THE PAST Read the definitions below and figure out what the Greek or Latin part of the word means. Write a sentence using one of the words.


T he study of living things.

biography: T he story of someone's life.

Bio - probably means


A choice or action that is wrong.

misbehave: To behave badly or in the wrong way.

Mis - probably means


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WORDS FRO THE PAST Bio- and mis- are prefixes. Prefix means it comes before the rest of a word. Think of a word that starts with each Latin or Greek prefix below. Write a sentence using that word.

pre-: before


I studied for an hour to prepare for the test.

re-: again

trans-: across

ex-: out of

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COLD VS. WAR Read about cold and warm-blooded animals. Draw a picture of a cold-blooded and a warm-blooded animal.



- b ody temperature is the same as outside

- body temperature is constant

- suns for warmth - reptiles, fish, and insects

- body regulates warmth - birds and mammals

Cold-blooded animal 44

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Warm-blooded animal Sample Version of: Building Writers

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COLD VS. WAR Compare cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals using facts from the previous page.



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FL N WTHOUT WNS Write about animals that appear to fly without wings.

F lying Dragon Lizard - from Southeast Asia (P hilippines) - lives in tropical rainforests - glides from tree to tree using air pockets - eats insects

F lying Lemur - from Southeast Asia (P hilippines) - glides from tree to tree - sleeps during the day - eats fruits and leaves


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ZERAS In Africa, where wild zebras live, people don't ride them. The only time you see people riding a zebra is on a carousel. Write why you think people ride horses, but not zebras.

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O pi n

ent m u g r ion /A

Gandhi was

an inspirational leader.

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OPNON/ARUENT WRTN Opinion/argument writing tells readers what the writer thinks or feels about a topic. It starts with an introduction, gives reasons for the writer's opinion, and ends with a conclusion.

Topic: What is your favorite method of transportation? Introduction (Opinion/Argument): If I could travel any way I wanted, I would choose to ride on a train. Reasons: There are three main reasons why I like traveling on trains. The first reason is that it is really comfortable. For example, you can get up and walk around whenever you want. The second reason is that a lot of trains have dining cars. Dining cars are just like normal restaurants, but on a train! My last and most important reason is that my mom lets me have more fun on trains. When we're on a plane, I have to remember to keep my voice down. In the car, I have to listen to whatever my parents decide to play. On a train, I can read a book, eat a snack, or play games whenever I want! Conclusion: Unless I had to travel across the ocean, I would rather take a train than go any other way.

Opinion/Argument Writing Checklist I stated my opinion/argument in a clear introduction. I wrote reasons for my opinion/argument.

I supported my reasons with facts and details.

I used linking words to put my reasons in order.

I restated my opinion/argument in a conclusion. © 2018 Learning Without Tears Building Writers D: Opinion/Argument Writing Sample Version of: Building Writers

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WRTN TOPCS A good writer starts with ideas and interests. Write down some things you are interested in.



Our world

Famous faces 56

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AUSTRALAN ANALS What do you think about a platypus? Read the information below. Provide your opinion based on what you know about this animal.


- lays eggs - h unts underwater for shellfish and worms - h as webbed feet for swimming

Which animal do you want to see? Provide your opinion based on what you know about this animal.


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USC ARTSTS Write a brief summary about each of these famous artists.

Elvis Presley

- played rock and roll - r ecorded 40 top 10 songs is music is a - h combination of gospel and country - G raceland, his home, is now a museum

Diana Ross

- singer, songwriter, actress, and producer - l ead singer of T he Supremes music is a - her combination of soul, pop, disco, and jazz - sold millions of albums 58

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© 2018 Learning Without Tears

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LEAD SNER Imagine you are the lead singer in a music band. What is the name of your band? What kind of music would you play? Describe your band. Draw a picture of your band.

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FEALE EXPLORERS Write about the female explorers using the supporting facts.

Amelia Earhart - w as the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean isappeared somewhere - d over the Pacific Ocean - r eceived US Distinguished Flying Cross - was an author


- g uided Lewis & Clark expedition - a lways carried her baby with her and kept group safe - on US dollar coin xplored new territory - e the US bought from France 60

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NEW TERRTOR Draw and write about a territory or place you would like to explore and why.

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NSPRN NDVDUALS: ARE CURE Complete the crossword puzzle about Marie Curie.



2. Marie Curie was a famous ______.

1. Marie Curie was a famous physicist.

3. She studied ______.

3. She worked in ______ France.

4. First woman to share a ______ prize.

6. She discovered ______.

5. Marie ______ was born in Poland.




1. M A R I E 4.

I 3.




radioactivity physicist




Marie uranium Paris Nobel ANSWERS:


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NSPRN NDVDUALS Which of the individuals below inspires you the most? Write why. Support your response with facts.

Mahatma Gandhi

Stephen Hawking

- was a civil rights leader

- studies black holes and relativity

- l ed the fight for Indian independence from the British Empire

as degenerative disease, - h Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

ominated five times for the - n Nobel Peace Prize

- c ommunicates using a touch pad computer and voice synthesizer

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9/20/2019 11:38:18 AM

EST ATHLETE Who do you think is one of the best athletes in the world? Use the graphic organizer to organize your thoughts.


Reason one:

Reason two:

Reason three:

Conclusion: 64

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© 2018 Learning Without Tears

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EST ATHLETE Use your reasons on the previous page to write about the athlete. Draw a picture.

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FAOUS OD PARTS Using the information below, write a brief summary about how each body part got its name.

Achilles Tendon (tendon above heel) - n ame comes from Greek myth - A chilles was dipped in a magical river to make him immortal - his heel didn’t get wet chilles was killed by - A an arrow to his heel

Adam’s Apple (larynx or voice box) ame comes from - n story of Adam and Eve serpent persuaded - a them to eat an apple piece of the - a apple got stuck in Adam’s throat 66

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NAE THAT ONE! If you could name a bone in the body, what would you call it? Describe why you chose the bone and the name.

Dem Bones The head bone connected to the neck bone, The neck bone connected to the back bone, The back bone connected to the hip bone, The hip bone connected to the thigh bone, The thigh bone connected to the knee bone, The knee bone connected to the shin bone…

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EARTH DA Why is it important? Use the graphic organizer to organize your thoughts.


Reason one:

Reason two:

Reason three:

Conclusion: 68

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© 2018 Learning Without Tears

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EARTH DA Use your reasons on the previous page to write about why recycling is important. Draw a picture of how you recycle.

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9/20/2019 11:38:18 AM

ADVERTSEENT Creating an advertisement is fun! Take a look at the advertisement below. Write about why someone should learn cursive. Try to convince your readers. Write in cursive if you can!

Try Cursive Handwriting! - Learn in just 10 minutes a day! - Easy to read, easy to learn! - Faster to write than print!

You need to learn cursive!


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© 2018 Learning Without Tears

9/20/2019 11:38:19 AM

WRTE AN ADVERTSEENT Create an advertisement of your own. Think of catchy words and reasons why people will want your product. Draw a picture of the product.

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STRN NSTRUENTS Complete the chart using the information below.

Violin - called a fiddle - smallest of the violin family - held on left shoulder - light and easy to carry - first made in Italy - played with a bow Only violin:

Bass - m any names: dog house bass - biggest of violin family - held upright - heavy and hard to carry - first made in Italy - played with a bow Only bass:

Both violin and bass:


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© 2018 Learning Without Tears

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STRN NSTRUENTS Which string instrument do you like better: violin or bass? Use facts from the previous page to help explain why. Draw a picture.

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9/20/2019 11:38:19 AM

LEADERS Read the information about each leader. Write a paragraph for each of them and explain why they were important with supporting facts.

Helen Keller (1880-1968) - author and activist - a dvocate for people with disabilities - a warded Presidential Medal of Freedom

Winston Churchill (1874-1965) - P rime Minister of UK during World War II - i nspired other countries to fight against Hitler - w on Nobel Prize in1953 74

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© 2018 Learning Without Tears

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LEADERS Imagine you are a leader. What do you think would be the best part? What do you think would be hard? Draw a picture.

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SPECAL PERSON Think of a special person in your life. Why is that person special? Use the graphic organizer to organize your thoughts.


Reason one:

Reason two:

Reason three:

Conclusion: 76

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SPECAL PERSON Use your reasons on the previous page to write about the special person. Draw a picture.

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Reason one:

Reason two:

Reason three:



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TTLE/TOPC: Draw two characters. Write their names and describe them. Write a setting for the story.

C haracter:

C haracter:

S etting:

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TTLE/TOPC: Think of an exciting adventure for your characters. Write what happens at the beginning, middle, and end.





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9/20/2019 11:38:21 AM

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