Building Writers F Sample

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Structured Practice to Build Core Writing Skills

T he Vasa warship sank on its

maiden voyage.

T he Viking longship’s symmetrical design is amazing. My ancestors lived in a

floating village. BWF-22 ISBN 978-1-952970-94-8 90000> | 888.983.8409

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8001 MacArthur Blvd Cabin John, MD 20818 | 888.983.8409 Authors: Jan Z. Olsen, OTR and Allison Anderson, M.A. Ed. Curriculum Designers: Christina Bretz, OTR/L, Tania Ferrandino, OTR/L, and Carolyn Satoh, M.S. Ed. In-House Illustrator: Julie Koborg Graphic Designers: Carol Johnston and Julie Koborg Editor: Kathryn Fox Copyright © 2018 Learning Without Tears First Edition ISBN: 978-1-939814-67-8 345678910 Printed in the USA

The contents of this consumable workbook are protected by US copyright law. If a workbook has been purchased for a child, the author and Learning Without Tears give limited permission to copy pages for additional practice or homework for that child. No copied pages from this book can be given to another person without written permission from Learning Without Tears.

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et to Know BULDN WRTERS y Learning Without Tears

Workbook Design This workbook is designed with both teachers and young writers in mind. The activities in this book provide ageappropriate and engaging writing practice. Each activity can be easily incorporated into a writing block as independent writing or as whole group practice to meet your students’ varying needs. In this book, students are provided carefully scaffolded opportunities to grow as independent writers. Each page has easily accessible and child-friendly resources to ensure writers at all stages are supported as they learn the building blocks of successful writing. Activities in this book are intuitive and engaging, with exercises specifically designed to provide students with a framework to develop core writing skills.

This book’s developmentally designed content gradually prepares students for independent writing across the three main writing types: Narrative, Information, and Opinion/ Argument. In each section, students are introduced to the key elements of each writing type in a purposefully organized sequence. Specifically chosen templates (familiar from previous activities) are at the end of each section for further practice. These templates can be adapted in order to apply the learned writing skills in each section to curriculumspecific content, student-chosen topics, or other individualized subjects.

Additional Resources Teacher tips for using this workbook and additional resources are available online at For additional writing practice, use our Writing Journals.


Resou r e h c a Te

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Sample Version of: Building Writers

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TALE OF CONTENTS Narrative Writing Narrative Writing Introduction............. 4–5 Story Starters..................................... 6–9 Shape Poems.................................. 10–11 Feelings......................................... 12–13 Writing Dialogue............................ 14–15 Idioms........................................... 16–17 My Favorite Memory....................... 18–19 Showing Emotion............................ 20–21 Meet & Greet................................. 22–23 Famous First Sentences.................... 24–25 Effective Endings............................. 26–27 What A Success!................................. 28 The Mystery Crate............................... 29 Writing Templates........................... 30–35


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TALE OF CONTENTS Information Writing

Opinion/Argument Writing

Information Writing Introduction...... 36–37 A Tale of Two Ships.............................. 38 Floating Homes................................... 39 I’m the Expert................................. 40–41 Quiet Dedication................................. 42 Introducing......................................... 43 And Now, The Details.......................... 44 Shared Thoughts.................................. 45 Read for Facts................................ 46–47 What Is Bullying?............................ 48–49 Two Types of Music: Rock & Country...... 50 Introducing......................................... 51 And Now, The Details.......................... 52

Opinion/Argument Writing Introduction................................... 60–61 Protecting Our Planet...................... 62–63 The Most Interesting Job.................. 64–65 Friend, Not Foe................................... 66 Shark Encounter.................................. 67 Feelings in Music............................ 68–69 A New Invention............................ 70–71 Would You Rather?......................... 72–73 In My Opinion................................ 74–75 Whaling........................................ 76–77 A New Product............................... 78–79 Writing Templates........................... 80–86

Common Ideas.................................... 53 Writing Templates........................... 54–59

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iv e t a r r Na

My ancestors lived in a

floating village.

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NARRATVE WRTN Narrative writing tells a story that can be real or imagined. A story has characters, a setting, and a plot. Many stories also have dialogue, or conversations between characters. Strong narrative writing includes a lot of details that make the story come to life.



Sydney, Keisha, and Carlos

The bus and the planetarium

Field Trip to Outer Space

Ms. Jackson’s fifth grade class was going to the planetarium, and everyone was excited, except Sydney. “This is going to be the worst,” Sydney said dramatically, as the class got on the bus. “Why would anyone want to sit around in the dark and look at fake stars?” The other students rolled their eyes. “It's going to be more fun than sitting in class and doing math,” Carlos said. Sydney made a sour face. “Oh, come on, Syd,” her best friend, Keisha, said. “Just give it a chance. It can’t be that bad!” The two girls were first to reach the big, heavy doors to the planetarium. Suddenly,

music filled the air. As they peered into the dark theater, Sydney gasped. The planetarium wasn’t what she had expected. There were small lights that looked like stars, but there were also bright, colorful pictures of every planet. Sydney almost ducked as an asteroid flew past their heads with a whooshing sound.

“Wow! This music sounds like the soundtrack for a movie in space,” Keisha whispered. “This is awesome.” Sydney sighed. She hated being wrong, but the planetarium really was fun. As she looked around again, Sydney saw that the other kids were giggling and pointing at her. It was going to be a while before they forgot about her mistake.

Narrative Writing Checklist I used a strong start to my story. I wrote a “hook” to catch the reader. I introduced my characters and setting. I developed the story in an organized way. I described the events in a logical order. Details and descriptions made my characters come to life. I used words and phrases to connect events. I wrote a conclusion. T he end of my story provides a sense of closure. © 2018 Learning Without Tears

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STOR STARTERS Good writers hook their readers! The first few sentences engage readers and catch their attention. A good hook makes a reader want to keep reading!

Types of Story Starter Hooks: Question: “ W ho left the front door open?” was my first thought. Onomatopoeia: Briiing!! T he loud smoke alarm meant burnt dinner. Action: I kicked as hard as I’ve ever kicked before! Dialogue: “Are you sure this is what you want?” my Mom asked me. Description: T he sun’s orange reflection shimmered and sparkled. Exclamation: “ Look out!” Dad yelled as the ball whizzed past my head.

Choose one type of hook to begin a story. Place a check mark next to it. Write a story starter using that type of hook.


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STOR STARTERS Read each story starter below. Write what happens next.

BAM! The thunder boomed so loudly I shot straight up in bed. Bright, white lightning lit up the sky outside my window. The storm was very close.

I was in complete shock. I had never been late to practice before, and I knew at that moment I would never be late again.

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STOR STARTERS Write your own story starters to hook a reader. Write a beginning for two different stories. Illustrate each story starter.


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STOR STARTERS Choose your best story starter from the previous page. Write a title and the whole story here.


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SHAPE POES The lines in a shape poem make the shape of the poem’s subject. Read the example in the square. Finish the shape poems with your ideas.

Squares have F lag

Four sides


All equal In size Trolley tracks

Rectangle, I see you With


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SHAPE POES Here are more shapes: circle, hemisphere, steps, and slide. Finish the poems with your ideas.



Is half



Go Down

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FEELNS Choose a feeling, and write about a time you felt that way. Write about what happened with details and description.


- amused

- very happy

- extremely happy

- pleased

- satisfied

- delighted

- a little sad

- gloomy

- miserable

- down

- upset

- very sad

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FEELNS Choose a feeling and write about a time you felt that way. Write about what happened with details and description.

- uneasy

- scared

- panicked

- timid

- fearful

- terrified

- mad

- angry

- extremely angry

- irritated

- frustrated

- furious

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WRTN DALOUE Dialogue is conversation in a story, or when the characters speak to each other. Write a story to match the illustration, and include dialogue between the characters.


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WRTN DALOUE Switch books with a partner. Draw an illustration with at least two characters in your partner’s book. Switch books again. Write a story with dialogue between the characters drawn in your book.

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DOS An idiom is a phrase that has a different meaning than the literal (real) meaning of the words. Read the “crocodile tears” example below. Then, write a short story using the “straight from the horse’s mouth” idiom.

“ Crocodile tears”

“Crocodile tears” are fake tears, or when someone pretends to be sad, but

really is not. It comes from a popular ancient belief that crocodiles cried while eating their victims.

Juan was having fun playing outside with his friends. W hen his mom called him in for dinner, he cried crocodile tears to try to get more time to play. “Straight from the horse’s mouth”

“Straight from the horse’s mouth” is the truth from a good source.

It comes from a time when horses were sold regularly. Potential buyers would

check the horses teeth in order to tell the true age and health of the horse.


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DOS Write a short paragraph using the idiom.

“ Cost an arm and a leg” To “ cost an arm and a leg” means that something is really expensive or costly. The origin is unknown, but it may have come from World War I and II, when many soldiers lost limbs in combat. Losing a limb is an expensive price to pay!

Create your own idiom. Explain what your idiom means. Illustrate your idiom.

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 FAVORTE EOR Think about a favorite memory of yours. Complete the graphic organizer to plan your story about your favorite memory.

Title: Beginning (Hook):




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 FAVORTE EOR Using your graphic organizer from the previous page, write your story about your favorite memory. Draw a picture.

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SHOWN EOTON Good writers use details and description to show what characters are feeling. These details often include the five senses, like how a character looks or sounds. This example demonstrates how details and description show a character’s emotions.

Winston was embarrassed when he realized he had forgotten it was picture

day and did not comb his hair. He pulled his hood down over his eyes and hung his head. Winston mumbled under his breath, “I can’t believe I forgot about picture day.” He could feel his cheeks burning bright red.

Read the sentence. Then, write new sentences with details and description to show the character’s emotion.

Amy nervously waited for her teacher to pass out the test.


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SHOWN EOTON Read each sentence. Then, write new sentences with details and description to show the character’s emotions.

Juan was angry when he didn’t make the basketball team.

Nelly felt proud after she helped clean the car.

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EET & REET An exciting part of a story is meeting a new character. Complete the story by introducing Jason to a new character. Draw a picture. Be creative!

Jason leaned against a tree and opened his book. He thought he was alone in the forest.


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EET & REET Complete the story by introducing Zoe to a new character. Draw a picture. Be creative!

On her first day at a new school, Zoe walked nervously into the cafeteria.

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FAOUS FRST SENTENCES Read the first sentence from each book. Rewrite the famous first sentence, or make up a sentence that could come after it.

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1877 The first place that I can well remember was a large pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water in it.

T he Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain, 1881 In the ancient city of London, on a certain autumn day in the second quarter of the sixteenth century, a boy was born to a poor family of the name of Canty, who did not want him.


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FAOUS FRST SENTENCES Read the first sentence from each book. Rewrite the famous first sentence, or make up a sentence that could come after it.

T he Silver Skates by Mary Mapes Dodge, 1865 On a bright December morning long ago, two thinly clad children were kneeling upon the bank of a frozen canal in Holland.

T he Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, 1900 Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer’s wife.

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EFFECTVE ENDNS Write an ending to a story using one of the types of effective endings.

Types of Effective Endings: Lesson or Moral: The main character in the story changes and grows, or learns an important lesson at the end of the story. Reflection: The narrator of the story reflects on the events of the story and provides concluding thoughts. Question: The story ends with a question that will keep the reader thinking and reflecting on the story. Funny Thought: The story ends on a positive note with a funny thought, realization, or quote. Emotion: The story ends by invoking emotion in the reader, intentionally making the reader feel a certain way. Dialogue:


The story ends with a meaningful quote or conversation.

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EFFECTVE ENDNS Write a short story using your effective ending from the previous page.

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WHAT A SUCCESS! Think about a time you succeeded at something that was difficult to do. What were you doing, and how were you able to find success? Write a story with a hook to grab your reader’s attention, details and description, and a conclusion. Draw a picture.


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THE  STER CRATE Imagine that a crate appears on your front porch labeled with your name. Write a story about discovering what is inside, who it is from, and how it got there. Include a hook to grab your reader’s attention, details and description, and a conclusion. Draw a picture.

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Title: Beginning (Hook):




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Title: Beginning (Hook):



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on i t a m I nfor

T he Vasa warship sank on its

maiden voyage.

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NFORATON WRTN Information writing gives readers facts about a topic. Strong information writing is clearly organized. It starts with an introduction, gives details about the topic, and ends with a conclusion. Information writing often uses special vocabulary to explain a topic clearly.


Preventing Malaria


Malaria is a dangerous disease. In 2015, more than 400,000 people died from it. But scientists, doctors, and many other people are working hard to fight the disease.

W hat is Malaria?

Malaria is a disease that gives people high fevers and makes them feel like they have a very bad case of the flu. It occurs in tropical countries, or countries that are close to the equator. It is most common in areas that are very warm and have a lot of rain.

How Malaria Spreads:

Malaria has been around for a long time, but scientists didn’t know what caused it until 1880. That’s when a doctor found tiny parasites in the blood of malaria patients. In 1897, a doctor realized that when mosquitoes bite people who have malaria, the mosquito then carries the parasite which causes malaria. Then, when the mosquito

bites another person, that person becomes infected with malaria.

Preventing Malaria:

Once scientists realized that mosquitoes carry and spread malaria, they created plans to prevent the disease. Some countries were able to kill off most of the infected mosquitoes. In other countries, it was harder to get rid of the insects, so they gave people nets as protection to help prevent mosquito bites.


Scientists won’t be able to get rid of malaria right away. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the most important goal is to “reduce malaria transmission to a level where it is no longer a public health problem.” With more research and knowledge, scientists are confident that one day malaria will be gone for good.

Information Writing Checklist I introduced my topic. I presented information in an organized way. I wrote important facts, definitions, and details. I developed my topic in a logical order. I used linking words to connect my ideas. I wrote a conclusion. © 2018 Learning Without Tears

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A TALE OF TWO SHPS Write about each warship and its unique design using the information below.

Viking Longships, 800s to 1066 - very fast during its time - had oars and one sail - 32+ men row - no guns or cannons

Vasa Warship, 1628 - built by King of Sweden’s orders - had too many rows of heavy cannons - sunk on first day at sea - 3 0 crew members died on maiden voyage


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FLOATN HOES Write about each boat and its unique design using the information below.

Junks - Chinese sailing ships - f ishermen and their families lived on it - p eople spent many years, or life aboard - floating villages

Houseboats - float and seldom moving - no sails, shaped like a house - people live and work aboard - can be in rivers and lakes

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’ THE EXPERT What can you do well that others may like to learn about? Are you an expert on playing a game or sport, setting the table, baking, or drawing? Plan how you will teach others about your expertise on the graphic organizer filling in the graphic organizer with words or short phrases.

Introduction: Step one: Details: Step two: Details: Step three: Details: Conclusion:


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’ THE EXPERT Write to teach others about what you are an expert on. Use the graphic organizer from the previous page to organize your writing.

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QUET DEDCATON Write words or short phrases to compare and contrast Daniel Inouye and Irena Sendler.

Daniel Inouye

Irena Sendler

- born in Hawaii in 1924

- born in Poland in 1910

- joined US Army in 1942

- was a health care worker in WWII

- lost his arm fighting in WWII

- helped Jewish children stay safe

warded Bronze Star and - a Purple Heart

- awarded Poland's highest honor - lesser-known hero of WWII

- lesser-known hero of WWII - risked his life to help others Only Daniel Inouye:

- risked her life to help others

Only Irena Sendler:

Both Daniel Inouye and Irena Sendler:


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NTRODUCN An introduction introduces your topic. Write a short paragraph to introduce your readers to Daniel Inouye and Irena Sendler.

Daniel Inouye

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Irena Sendler

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AND NOW, THE DETALS Read your notes from the previous pages about each person. Write one paragraph about Daniel Inouye and one paragraph about Irena Sendler.

Paragraph one (Daniel Inouye):

Paragraph two (Irena Sendler):


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SHARED THOUHTS Write a paragraph about characteristics or other similarities between Daniel Inouye and Irena Sendler.

Shared T houghts

Remember T his! Think about what you want people to remember about Daniel Inouye and Irena Sendler. Write your conclusion. You may reword your thoughts from your introduction.

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READ FOR FACTS Read the paragraph about The Dead Sea. Write four interesting facts. The facts can be short phrases.

T he Dead Sea bordered by Jordan, Israel, and Palestine

The Dead Sea is the lowest place on Earth, and is nine times saltier than the ocean. Because the water is so salty, very little plant or animal life can survive there. This is why it is called “dead.” The salt builds up and creates unique formations such as columns, large crystals, and mushrooms sticking up out of the water. The Dead Sea is a popular spot for tourists, as many people believe the water has healing powers. The salty waters and mineral-rich mud make the beautiful beaches even more appealing to travelers.


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READ FOR FACTS Read the paragraph about The Mediterranean Sea. Write four interesting facts below. The facts can be short phrases.

T he Mediterranean Sea bordered by Europe, Asia, and Africa

The Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by a narrow

strait, and is almost entirely enclosed by land. Its name comes from the Latin word mediterraneus, which means “in the middle of land.” The Mediterranean Sea played a major role in ancient civilizations, as it was widely used for trade routes, wars, and a source of food. It also played a role in World War II as the location of many battles between the Allies and the Axis militaries.

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WHAT S BULL N? Read the paragraph about bullying. Write facts about bullying and cyberbullying.

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior. It includes making threats, spreading rumors, or hurting someone physically or verbally. Bullying can also take place through the use of technology, and is called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying includes bullying through text messages, emails, and social media. Both types of bullying hurt other people and are repeated over time. If you or someone you know is being bullied, tell an adult immediately.


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WHAT S BULL N? Use information from the previous page to create a brochure to inform others about the dangers of bullying. Write information in each section and draw pictures.

W hat is bullying?

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How can bullying be prevented?

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TWO T PES OF USC: ROCK & COUNTR Write words or short phrases to compare and contrast rock and country music.

- evolved from rhythm and blues

- rooted in American folk music

- b ands have lead singer and four or five instrumentalists

- bands are often family-based

- instruments: lead guitar, bass guitar, rhythm guitar, and drums

- i nstruments: lead guitar, banjo, fiddle, harmonica, string bass, and drums

- top-selling music genre

- lyrics tell emotional stories - top-selling music genre

Only rock:

Only country:

Both rock and country:


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NTRODUCN An introduction introduces a topic. Write a short paragraph to introduce your readers to rock and country music. Draw a picture related to your paragraph.

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AND NOW, THE DETALS Read your notes from the first page about each genre of music. Write one paragraph about rock music and one paragraph about country music.

Paragraph one (rock):

Paragraph two (country):


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COON DEAS Write a paragraph about the similarities between rock and country music.

Common Ideas

Remember T his! Think about what you want people to remember about the two genres of music. Write your conclusion. You may reword your thoughts from your introduction.

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Title: Introduction: Topic one: Detail: Topic two: Detail: Topic three: Detail: Conclusion:


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Title: Introduction: Topic one: Detail: Topic two: Detail: Topic three: Detail: Conclusion:

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COPARE & CONTRAST RAPHC ORANZER Use the graphic organizer to write about two subjects. How are they different? List the facts that apply to one or the other. How are they the same? Write facts that apply to both.





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NTRODUCN An introduction introduces your topic. Write a short paragraph to introduce your readers to your topic. Draw a picture about it.

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AND NOW, THE DETALS Write two paragraphs about your topic.

Paragraph one:

Paragraph two:


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COON DEAS Write two paragraphs about a new topic that is related to the topic you chose on the previous page.

Paragraph one:

Paragraph two:

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O pi n

ent m u g r ion /A

T he Viking longship’s symmetrical design is amazing.

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OPNON/ARUENT WRTN Opinion/argument writing tells readers what the writer thinks or feels about a topic. Strong opinion writing is logically organized. It starts with an introduction, lists reasons for the writer’s opinion, and ends with a conclusion. The writer’s reasons are supported with facts and details.


Scientists study many different things, like plants, animals, outer space, and even the weather. If you were a scientist, what would you choose to study?

Introduction (Opinion/Argument):

If I were a scientist, I would choose to study plants.


There are many reasons why I would enjoy studying plants. First of all, plants are a source of life for both people and animals. I think it is important to know as much about plants as possible since we rely on them for food. Second, many buildings and shelters around the world are built out of materials from plants. Without plants, we wouldn’t have wood for furniture and animals wouldn’t have materials to build their homes. Finally, if I studied plants, I would get to work outside. I would much rather be outside in nature than sitting in an office at a desk!


While scientists around the world study many different topics, plants are the most interesting to me. I think I could be helpful to both people and animals by learning more about plants. I hope one day I get to study plants like a real scientist!

Opinion/Argument Writing Checklist I stated my opinion/argument in a clear introduction. I wrote supporting reasons for my opinion/argument. I put my ideas and reasons in a logical order. I supported my reasons with facts and details. I used linking words to connect facts and reasons. I restated my opinion/argument in a conclusion. © 2018 Learning Without Tears

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PROTECTN OUR PLANET Write why it’s important to protect forests and coral reefs using the information below.

Value to Earth:

Protect By:

- provide food

- conserving water

- p rotect coasts from strong waves and currents

- r educing pollution and biking or walking


Value to Earth:

Protect By:

- filter water and air

- planting trees

- home to animals

- d isposing of trash properly

Coral Reefs


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PROTECTN OUR PLANET Write why it’s important to protect forests or coral reefs, including three supporting reasons. Explain how to protect them using information from previous page. Draw a picture illustrating your opinion.

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THE OST NTERESTN JOB What do you think would be the most interesting job to have? What makes that job so great? Write your opinion, reasons, and a conclusion in short words or phrases in the graphic organizer.


Reason one:

Reason two:

Reason three:

Conclusion: 64

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THE OST NTERESTN JOB Illustrate and write to persuade your reader why the job you chose is the most interesting job there is. Use the previous page to organize your thoughts and write about your opinion.

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FREND, NOT FOE Persuade readers that sharks are humans’ friends, not foes. Write three facts to support your opinion and a conclusion.

- t op of the ocean food chain, balance marine ecosystem - o ver 400 kinds, only 30 have attacked humans - eat sick or injured animals

- a bout 80 shark attacks worldwide each year, rarely fatal - m ore humans die from the flu than by shark attack

Sharks are humans’ friends, not foes.


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SHARK ENCOUNTER Write where you would like to see a shark: in an aquarium behind the safety glass or in the open sea in a shark cage. Explain why.

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FEELNS N USC Music can make us feel different emotions. Think of two songs. Write the titles. Draw pictures that relate to each song and then write about how the songs make you feel.


mad, angry



sad, somber

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happy, joyful

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calm, peaceful

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FEELNS N USC What is the best song you have ever heard? What makes it such a great song? Write to persuade a reader to listen to your favorite song.

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A NEW NVENTON You have just invented something that will help millions of people! Write about your new invention, how it will help people, and why a company should buy it from you. Plan how you will state your opinion, provide three reasons, and a conclusion.


Reason one:

Reason two:

Reason three:

Conclusion: 70

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A NEW NVENTON Use the graphic organizer from the previous page to write about your invention and persuade a company or someone to buy it. Illustrate your invention.

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WOULD OU RATHER? Write information about your life, a dog’s life, and what they have in common. Use words or short phrases.

Only my life:

Only a dog’s life:

Both my life and a dog’s life:


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WOULD OU RATHER? Would you rather live as a dog or keep living life as yourself? Draw a picture and write about your opinion. Remember to use hooks and comparing and contrasting words.

Comparing: - alike

- also

- both

- similar

- as well as

- in common


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- different

- however

- on the other hand

- while

- although

- even though

Building Writers F: Opinion/Argument Writing


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N  OPNON Should students be given more or less than 30 minutes of homework a night? In short words or phrases, plan how you will state your opinion, support it with three reasons, and provide a conclusion in the graphic organizer.


Reason one:

Reason two:

Reason three:

Conclusion: 74

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N  OPNON Use the graphic organizer from the previous page to write about your opinion. Should students be given more or less than 30 minutes of homework a night?

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WHALN Read the information about whaling. Write two or three key facts below.

For many years, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) has been researching and regulating the hunting of whales, which is also called “ whaling,” around the world. The IWC was created due to concern over dropping whale populations, and some species of whales becoming endangered. The IWC decided to ban whaling in 1946, but not all countries agreed with the ban. Japan, Russia, Norway, Iceland, and other countries still hunt whales commercially, or for money. Whales are hunted for their blubber, oil, and their meat, which is eaten in some parts of the world. Anti-whalers, or people who want whaling to be banned, argue that whales are highly intelligent and that they suffer cruel, long deaths at the hands of whalers. Pro-whalers, or people who want to be able to legally hunt whales, argue that whaling is important to protect the fish populations that are frequently hunted by whales.


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WHALN Using information from the previous page, write about your opinion on whaling. Should whale hunting be allowed, or not?

Opinion: Reason one:

Reason two:

Reason three:


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A NEW PRODUCT You have created the latest and greatest product! What is it? Why is it so great? Plan how you will write an advertisement. Brainstorm ideas and reasons why you think someone will buy your product.


Reason one:

Reason two:

Reason three:

Conclusion: 78

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A NEW PRODUCT Persuade others to buy your product by writing catchy phrases. Use the graphic organizer from the previous page to help create your selling points. Illustrate your product in the box below.

P roduct Name:

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Opinion / Argument:

Reason one:

Reason two:

Reason three:



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Opinion / Argument:

Reason one:

Reason two:

Reason three:


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