Getting Started | New User
All of us at Learning Without Tears want to help ensure your students can keep the learning going, even when schools are closed. We are committed to helping you and your children mitigate any learning loss as you responsibly respond to this unprecedented health issue. We are here to support you throughout, so please reach out with any questions or concerns. Once you’ve received the email from Learning Without Tears ( please follow the prompts to unlock your license(s) with the activation code. Once activated, you will be logged into your +LiveInsights dashboard. Follow these instructions when setting up a class or individual student. 1. Select “Classes & Students” from the left-hand navigation. 2. Click “Create New Class” (note: the user who sets up the class will default as the educator). 3. Choose the type of student secret code with either letter/number cards or text box input. 4. For each student, fill in the following information: • First Name • Last Name • Username – if nothing is input, username will default to first name, last initial • Secret Code – if nothing is input, secret code will default to 2–4 letter/number cards • Grade – grade student is in • Product – select the student’s current grade level 5. Please take note of the 6-digit PIN in the top right corner required for initial student login Get students started using Keyboarding Without Tears with these simple steps: 1. Log into 2. Input the 6-digit teacher PIN 3. Select the Students’ Name 4. Input the Secret Code Students will move through the grade-level activities at their own pace and are encouraged to use the Keyboarding Without Tears program at least 5–10 minutes per day.
©2020 Learning Without Tears | | 888-983-8409 |