Cora and the Cocont
Practice the Letter Cc
Say the letter name and the sond it stands for. Then, trace and write capital C and lowercase c.
C a\ a\ Ca c c •
Circle every capital C and lowercase c yo see. The first one is done for you.
Liam sees a cat.
Chloe sees the cat.
Liam calls Chloe.
Chloe pets the cat.
Chloe pets the cat.
The cat is cte!
Circle the pictres that start with the same beinnin sond as cocont.
10 A–Z for Mat Man
and Me: Practice for Emerging Readers - Letter Learning
© 2022 Learning Without Tears
Cora and the Cocont
Understandin the Story: Events
Think abot what happens in the story. Look at the pictres that show events at the beinnin and middle.
Draw what happens at the end of the story.
© 2022 Learning Without Tears
A–Z for Mat Man® and Me: Practice for Emerging Readers - Meaning Making